Investigative Journalist Justin Ling speaks out about the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2023
  • This piece largely concerns an Evangelical sect known as the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church it is a particularly insular organization, it's not very big, maybe 50 000 members worldwide and it it rests on the theology that the rest of the world is wicked, only members of this church are good and pure and therefore they shouldn't associate with anybody outside the church, even other Evangelical denominations much less other religions or non-believers and that begets I think what has been alleged is cult-like behavior. They become increasingly insular, anybody who tries to leave gets excommunicated, denounced and what we've seen in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere is this practice of hiring private investigators to go after people who have left the church and those who have spoken out about it, and seemingly that's what happened here in Canada, allegedly that's what happened here. This Wallace fellow was was hired by this semi-prominent lawyer I think working independently, a guy by the name of Gerald Chipeur (supposedly Pierre Poilievre's dad) and Chipeur hires him to go track down this one particular whistleblower who had left the church and and kind of rung the bell about some of these shady practices. Well over the course of of doing that contract Wallace has a falling out with Chipeur and with the church and some others and he actually goes to the guy he was supposed to be surveilling and said "Hey listen, the church that has it out to get you, they want me to track you down, they want me to take your cell phone, they might even want me to kidnap you. I think you should be aware and maybe you want to skip town." So this is all well supported by these documents and this is all some pretty crazy stuff. I mean you know this is kind of Scientology-like behavior, this is the sort of thing we should be aware of and alert to and worried about. This sort of behavior we should not be tolerating from from a religious sect in this country and it's worth a fair bit of scrutiny.

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