this flower genuinely drove me insane. the first time i truly did not enjoy a boss fight whatsoever. legitimately felt like it was designed to be as annoying as possible
@@merlinho0tno its not the third phase is the easiest phase avoid him untill he does the explosion then he goes to rest and you just deal massive damage with any fire source
@@jd2792 The entire boss all the together is annoying, I didn’t mention which phase is easier and what not. I was saying this boss isn’t made very well and Friede is.
THIS. FUCKINH. THIS istg i don’t really care if it had 3 phases in fact i find it pretty cool but the fact that the whole fight i chase the fucking thing is what drives me insane
very useful tip : at the end of every phase you can still hit him and even get a critical hit on the head which will impact the health bar of his next phase
Totally agree it took me a little bit but a 3rd health bar is so stupid, it’s a boring fight his attacks are stupid there wasn’t a single one where I was like oh yea that was cool, Esspecially after messemer which was such a cool fight
THIS BOSS IS A FUCKING ABOMINATION. I KID YOU NOT I WAS TWEAKING WHEN I FOUND OUT IT HAS A THIRD PHASE. IT TOOK ME 4 HOURS TO BEAT THIS GODDAMN BOSS BC IM SUCH A HEAVY BUILD. I USE TWO GUTS SWORDS AND MY MOST FIRE FIT SO THE ODDS WERE ALREADY SHITTY BUT WHEN I SAW HE HAD ANOTHER LIFE BAR I WAS PUNCHING WALLS. MY HANDS ARE BLOODY, MY NAILS COOKED I KID YOU NOT THIS MF WAS ON MY SHI. HIS MOVES ARE LITERALLY INGRAINED INTO MY GODDAMN BRAIN HOLY. THE DELAY ON THE FLOOR ATTACK WHERE THINGS COME OUT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO READ AND MY GOD. I have 4 holes in my wall and Im literally in tears man, I’m new game 33 and still got fucked, this is the one boss in the dlc that took me more than 15 tries and Im just devastated. LIKE IS THIS MF WILLIAM AFTON, I ALWAYS COME BACK AHH BOSS BRU. HE DIDNT FUCK ME NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT 3 GODDAMN TRIES. Words cannot explain the pain this boss gave me. The sheer PTSD that this boss gave me is inhumane. I will forever not be the same after this experience, I am not the same man I was 5 hours ago, Ive fought every single from from software boss with not TOO much trouble but this boss emptied my soul out. Dodge forearm, dodge forward, await till he does either arm 360 swing or holy light fuckery and then hit head for a lot of damage. LIKE I CAN FUCKING RECITE WHAT HAPPENS LIKE I CAN IMAGINE THE FIGHT HAPPENING. I was too stubborn and wanted to honour the game by playing with straight up skill and it went great till I reached this boss, I stripped fully naked bc I was so sweaty I swear my balls were trembling it had its own goddamn heartbeat. I’ve beaten every single dlc boss even the minor irrelevant ones and all thats left is the final boss radahn, HOWEVER I CANT EVEN FUCKING GET TO IT BC A LIGNTNING MF AND TWO MAGIC BS SPELLS ARE PREVENTING ME FROM WALKING UP THE STAIRS OH MY DAYS BRU
Lmao I usually dual wield a blood uchigatana with Rivers of blood. I respec'd to a mage build and still was having trouble. So I swapped back but I used a fire affinity Guts sword with lion claw. It was hard, but so much easier than my previous two builds
Just build a holy/golden order build. I used the multilayered ring of light and I finished the boss fight in 2 minutes I think. (80 fth Erdtree seal on main and dryleaf seal off hand to gain 15% stat increase for Miquella incantations)
Only if you have the most garbage build in existence. This boss just has his HP spilt in 3 parts This is why he dies way too fast because he has no HP. Blasphemous blade literally 2 shots his each phase. Go learn how to make builds instead of whining.
honestly you can’t, your best bet is to quickly pull out a shield and take the small amount of damage from blocking. You can try to run but if you’re fighting him up close there’s really no point
@@BlickCity that ground aoe is pretty stupid though, hopefully they decrease the radius of it or lower the damage because this fight felt extremely broken at times, especially for a pure strength user
Just run away when you see that move, if you space the boss you shouldn’t have problems reacting to it, you have no reason for staying too close considering that after every move the boss basically offers you its head anyway, always keep distance and don’t be greedy, the boss also takes a lot of damage so take your time
wtf are you guys talking about, the yellow ground attack only covers the immediate area around the boss, literally just run backwards to avoid it, it's foolproof, you don't even need to time anything, just hold back and B when you see it the more I read comments in these boss guide videos the more I think the majority of the playerbase is completely clueless and I have no idea how any of you got to mohg and past him to even get into this DLC, it's just full of comments saying stuff is "bs" and "impossible to dodge" when it's the easiest most obvious thing to dodge imaginable half the time
Same most of my hits got it halfway each time I did it skill to the flowers face this weapon was the reason why I beat it took me about three or four tries
I found if I unequipped everything aside from long range sorceries or incantations he kinda does stuff. Seems several other spirits are broken too. Rollo helps at first but just stands around after phase 1.
@@jordywardy2 nah, I didn't like that one at all, I don't care too much abou the phases, the boss for me it's not as good as the others, Friede from DS3 has 3 phases and it's one of my favorites of all time, this Tree it's just not for me, I didn't had much fun with it.
@@poseidon3342 I get ya, I’ve always enjoyed multiple phase fights, this one also, I’ve enjoyed every boss so far in the dlc, it’s defiantly a challenge this dlc, one of the best dlcs ive played in a long
This is a fantastic guide. I was always too close to it. But once again it's the good old keeping your distance and waiting for the right windows to attack. Thanks a lot for this guide!
Genuinely considering summoning for this boss. I can’t man. “Run away from the thorns” I’m a light load yet never seem to get away in time, except once where I got really lucky.
This guide helped me so much. I must have died like 30 times on him and only gotten to phase 3 once. After seeing this guide (the riposte advice was key, and running away from ground thorns) I finally got to phase 3 again and beat him, and I had totally forgotten to summon my ghost ! I used the nagakiba with fire ash of war and flame buffs, helped big time ! Thanks so much ! This boss was absolutely diabolical !
Heres my big tip for not just the boss but the dlc in general. Use the dragoncrest greatshield tailsman for a 20% decrease in damage received. Also i realized certains weapons are just plain better to run than what im used to. Be diverse. Switch up your weapon it might help you out
Yep. I never really modified my build in the base game because i was too stubborn. Whole different game when actually preparing for a boss. It's part of the fun for me now.
Hey man thanks for this guide. Once I started stepping back and focussing on his head and running away from the thorns instead of trying to dodge them, I aced this on my next attempt.
"Haha this boss is so easy" "Oh I should have guessed there is a second phase" "OK the second phase is actually pretty hard ngl" "OK the second phase is actually REALLY hard fuck" "THERE IS A THIRD PHASE????"
Dosent he have like no HP and dies in 2-3 hits on each phase. I hit it with blasphemous blade and it took away 50% of its health. This boss fight was a literal cakewalk for me
To anyone who needs help use mimic and the blasphemous blade you'll get him in 5 ish trys you can 3 shot his phase 3. 7 shot his second, and 4 shot his first. I think, didn't really count.
This helped me a lot, I got it from a recommendation in the comments…. I used the Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear +9. I also wore all Armor of Solitude armor, plus the Divine Beast helm you get from the DLC boss. Then I spammed the L2 attack with the Mohg spear. Took some tries but Mimic and I were able to burn him down much faster. Obviously upgrading the weapon is ideal. I also used a Greater Rune, and both the Physical/Non Physical resistance Talisman. I’m also +10 in Scadutree Blessing. Maybe this will help someone out. This boss was a total headache.
Great Guide, I applaude your clean style. I have a very difficult time with most bosses to stay in melee range (or get there after their respective disengages/charges/malenia-bs). Ususally Mimic Tear just trivializes such fights as it can stay up close and don't give a *beep*. But This flower really is getting to me. Whenever I get in range, I either have no more stamina from all the running and jumping or get hit by something on the way there and spend more time healing than attacking. Maybe I'm just ridiculously bad or spoiled by mimic tear, but I really enjoy your beating of the cursed flower :)
One of the most frustrating boss in the game. This giant dead sunflower was even more persistent than Malenia, the vitality was astonishing, so I absolutely hated it. However, now that I've defeated him and watched other player's walkthrough video, I also think his boss fight design is rather hilarious lol. For better or worse, he's definitely one of the most impressive DLC bosses.
To anyone still trying to beat this guy. 1. Small tip, but I found that jumping over its ranged thorn attacks was much easier than rolling through them. 2. Big tip. Fire. It’s a tree so duh, but I went my first three attempts before the big brain realization that Fire hurt Wood. I used a lot of Rellanas fire Ash of War, and it worked very well, but any fire would do.
one thing I learned from this game is that whenever you encounter a plant based creature just use the cranial vessel candlestand and it'll work like a charm, just maxed it out because of them
I feel like I'm one of the only people who liked this boss, targeting the head and treating it like it's midir made it honestly one of the easiest remembrance fights I've done so far. Aside from the AoE attack nothing here felt unfair to me either
the new fire serpent spell completely trivializes the fight. It auto locks to his head and deletes his health bar, so all you need to focus on is dodging.
For everyone struggling, the best tip really is to just not lock on at all (except phase 3 lasers). It makes everything easier to see, cleared immediately the moment I stopped locking on.
The design of this fight was amazing. 1st Phase was pretty normal, the Avatar tries to protect himself from You the intruder. 2nd Phase, The Avatar is fighting even stronger, he is trying to defeat you at all cost. 3rd Phase, you see that the Avatar lost his Power losthis strength, he puts everything he has in one powerful attack, but after that you see that his strength left his body his head falls to the ground an he needs few seconds to get his head back up. He doesn't want to die he tries to fight till the end. All that is perfectly paired with such perfect an full emotional music, you can hear his fight for life in the music in every phase. I felt bad after i defeated him and i too a break in this arena for few minutes.
This boss made me work hard to understand its moves. I've been so used to throwing random bullshit at bosses that I forgot how to learn and dodge attacks. This was a good test
That was really an amazing fight. I enjoyed it a lot. I just came here to say that after beating it. It feels like a monster hunter fight, every attacks can be evaded through and the timings are easy to learn and repeat. The extra week spot on the head was fun to hit and the only disappointing part of it was that the 3rd phase didn't last long enough due to the slow recover after the explosion. I had time for 2 lion claw and I had time to use a buff before so..... insta bye bye. I'm now going to try Gaius............. yay
This boss reminds me of a mix between chasing Paarl around and Elden Beast. Cool design, most moves are easy enough to learn, its just trying to get a good window for a strike to the head was more frustrating than fun.
For anyone who doesn't know use the Blasphemous blade on this boss. With the L2 attack it literally two shots every phase of this boss if you use all the buffs like fire scorpion charm and flame, grant me strength
I think this boss is pretty fun! It's attacks are pretty well telegraphed if you keep enough distance to observe its tells and only punishing the head once it stops attacking. The only attack that threw me off was that instant nuke attack on its 3rd phase, which I just blocked.
This boss is absolute cancer, I learned pretty much every move and still die because of awful camera, shit hitboxes, frame lags and my fucking character missing because the junp attack goes wherever the fuck it wants instead if where im targeting (plus sometimes the target just gets lost for no reason).
Unironically my favourite boss of the DLC,I like him cause he doesn’t cancel his attacks into something else,there aren’t any mind games with him,plus he actually leaves a decent window of opportunity for a punish no matter which build you use,plus the camera works perfectly and he has good hitboxes on his attacks,just an all-around great boss
I simply used a great shield to block its ranged attacks, then used a +9 fire spark perfume with rolling sparks. Pretty simple as a str build. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this sooner.
Was so excited to finally fight a cool boss that wasn’t some knight with 12 hit combos or a mass of unreadable limbs and cloth. Then this flower respawned for the 3rd time and spammed 2 explosions, and then a surprise 3rd explosion just because that’s so much more fun.
Genuinely the worst fucking boss. The branch attacks are aids to dodge and it's not even something you can consistently dodge. I called it quits tonight but I'll burn this stupid flower to a crisp tomorrow
It’s a tough boss, but doable, its attacks are fair but hard to master, just learn the delays too. Goodluck, I have successfully managed to get down till his second phase, just need to keep up and defeat the boss.
Yo not even going to lie this helped a lot. I wore all Armor of Solitude armor, plus the Divine Beast helm from the DLC boss. Then spammed the L2 attack with the Mohg spear. Took a while but Mimic and I were able to burn him down much faster. Obviously upgrading the weapon is ideal. I also used a greater rune, and both Physical/Non Physical resistance Talisman. I’m also +10 in Scadutree Blessing.
@@antchrstgjitkyfeqI think we’re intended to grab as many Scadurtree fragments as possible before fighting these bosses. Otherwise abuse tf out of your mimic.
I finally beat this boss after a few hours. My strategy to finally beat it was to aim for the head with the cyclops shield. I am a strength based paladin, and this was the best strategy for me, but timing the shots can be tricky. It takes only a few shots each health bar. I did use my mimic tear to try and distract the boss, but it wasn’t sure how to use the cyclops shield at all, so it kinda became a nuisance. The hardest thing about this boss for is its mobility. The boss loves to spam range attacks or punish you for being right in front of it trying to hit its face. The cyclops shield works for medium range, as opposed to being too far or too close. This was easily the hardest boss for me this dlc thus far.
My suggestion to anyone who wanna be done with this boss, use fire serpent, fire cracked tear, faith crystal tear, fire scorpion charm, and/or faithfuls/flocks canvas talisman. You’ll melt this boss when locked on to the head. The tracking of fire serpent makes it so easy to hit the head.
I recommend using as much fire as you can, Messmers Orb is crap because he can interrupt you so stick to the other ones. I used Blasphemous blade art to his face and did massive damage, plus when he finishes every phase attack his head to get a critical that does damage to the next healthbar, plus when he dissapears and just before he gets back, when the ground starts bubbling you should use Burn O flame to wind it up, as soon as he arrives the flames will do significant damage to him. After that just attack it's head or just spam Fire serpents
I was getting to third phase and just choking didnt know about the stagger blow thing at end lol got it first try pretty easily when found that out lol
TH-cam Build:
I thought I was tweaking when it revived for a 3rd health bar
It revives a 3rd time?💀(first comment I saw when opening the video)
Shit blew up in my face I was so pissed
@@Nuggyv420zbro this shit had me ready to throw something i was so angry
Bro fr n was so tanky in p3
Lmaooo I started looking around and hitting trees like it was a spiritcaller snail
I beat the first phase on try 5 beat the second on try 25 and saw the 3rd and shut my console off
3rd is actually easier than first two
@@augustwillhite1384 agreed if you time the big move he makes the punish is the best
you got me dying 😭😭
Word for word bar for bar
Lmao same!!!
Beat em in the 5th try, no summons no mimic tear, pure strength build with greatsword, no bleed, no helps
I’m on my like 90th attempt
@@RottenSteve git gud
this flower genuinely drove me insane. the first time i truly did not enjoy a boss fight whatsoever. legitimately felt like it was designed to be as annoying as possible
@@basiltbl nah, only this piece of crap
i loved that boss very unique and fun
3rd healthbar is just annoying. I don't mind bosses having phases but multiple healthbars is just pure ass.
@@witalikys4039finger monster boss is annoying
@@witalikys4039 nah a lot of bosses are tho, like commander gaius is just straight up bad
As soon as I saw the third phase ptsd from Sister Friede kicked in
Yeah but that was awesome and well made. This fucking flower is just annoying.
@@merlinho0tno its not the third phase is the easiest phase avoid him untill he does the explosion then he goes to rest and you just deal massive damage with any fire source
@@jd2792 The entire boss all the together is annoying, I didn’t mention which phase is easier and what not. I was saying this boss isn’t made very well and Friede is.
Omg for real😖
Sister treed
I love the guaranteed poke dmg he does with the thorns! Great design!
I just wish theyd stop making bosses that run away so much
fr. they stay the perfect distance away and then punish tf out of me when i miss my swing by and inch
istg i don’t really care if it had 3 phases in fact i find it pretty cool but the fact that the whole fight i chase the fucking thing is what drives me insane
Amen. Making distance is one thing, but when they jump zip codes every 4 seconds, it gets old pretty quick
they either run away constantly or attack constantly theres no inbetween
Yeah, try using a martial arts weapon
I have been fighting this boss for nine fucking hours.
Same bro I don’t think I’ll be able to beat him
@@ruDayungOg use mimic and the blasphemous blade
@@adamsam9332 thought the blade was nerfed ?
@@ruDayungOg its the perfect blade for this boss upgrade it 10+ and use it with the mimic tear you will get this boss first try
Thar blade is OP AF@@ruDayungOg
very useful tip : at the end of every phase you can still hit him and even get a critical hit on the head which will impact the health bar of his next phase
This was the most useful tip of all. Thank you!!! 🙏🏻
Mine must be bugged it did that the first attempt and now he has full hp every time no matter what
This helped !! Thank you
lovable sort ahead
Genuinely the worst boss i’ve ever fought: it’s not fun, 3 phases for no reason, and abysmal attack patterns
Elfriede...then this...
I thought the same. But looking back on it, I think it was definitely a hard, but it was a good boss. I felt so good after I beat him
Sounds like youve died too many times lol just learn when to dodge and hit the head took me a few tries but i liked the fight
This is my favorite boss
Totally agree it took me a little bit but a 3rd health bar is so stupid, it’s a boring fight his attacks are stupid there wasn’t a single one where I was like oh yea that was cool, Esspecially after messemer which was such a cool fight
i got stuck on the second phase what do you mean theres more...
the third is the hardest lol
If you can use frenzied burst do it . Aim for head with it that spell can hit for a lot on it
@@veldoratempest614 thanks worked like a charm!!!
@@veldoratempest614you’re a lifesaver
@@veldoratempest614 Worked great thanks!
THIS BOSS IS A FUCKING ABOMINATION. I KID YOU NOT I WAS TWEAKING WHEN I FOUND OUT IT HAS A THIRD PHASE. IT TOOK ME 4 HOURS TO BEAT THIS GODDAMN BOSS BC IM SUCH A HEAVY BUILD. I USE TWO GUTS SWORDS AND MY MOST FIRE FIT SO THE ODDS WERE ALREADY SHITTY BUT WHEN I SAW HE HAD ANOTHER LIFE BAR I WAS PUNCHING WALLS. MY HANDS ARE BLOODY, MY NAILS COOKED I KID YOU NOT THIS MF WAS ON MY SHI. HIS MOVES ARE LITERALLY INGRAINED INTO MY GODDAMN BRAIN HOLY. THE DELAY ON THE FLOOR ATTACK WHERE THINGS COME OUT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO READ AND MY GOD. I have 4 holes in my wall and Im literally in tears man, I’m new game 33 and still got fucked, this is the one boss in the dlc that took me more than 15 tries and Im just devastated. LIKE IS THIS MF WILLIAM AFTON, I ALWAYS COME BACK AHH BOSS BRU. HE DIDNT FUCK ME NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT 3 GODDAMN TRIES. Words cannot explain the pain this boss gave me. The sheer PTSD that this boss gave me is inhumane. I will forever not be the same after this experience, I am not the same man I was 5 hours ago, Ive fought every single from from software boss with not TOO much trouble but this boss emptied my soul out. Dodge forearm, dodge forward, await till he does either arm 360 swing or holy light fuckery and then hit head for a lot of damage. LIKE I CAN FUCKING RECITE WHAT HAPPENS LIKE I CAN IMAGINE THE FIGHT HAPPENING. I was too stubborn and wanted to honour the game by playing with straight up skill and it went great till I reached this boss, I stripped fully naked bc I was so sweaty I swear my balls were trembling it had its own goddamn heartbeat. I’ve beaten every single dlc boss even the minor irrelevant ones and all thats left is the final boss radahn, HOWEVER I CANT EVEN FUCKING GET TO IT BC A LIGNTNING MF AND TWO MAGIC BS SPELLS ARE PREVENTING ME FROM WALKING UP THE STAIRS OH MY DAYS BRU
Lmao I usually dual wield a blood uchigatana with Rivers of blood. I respec'd to a mage build and still was having trouble. So I swapped back but I used a fire affinity Guts sword with lion claw. It was hard, but so much easier than my previous two builds
@@comradegab3344W man any person who beats this boss has my respect and deserves a loving gf
Sheeesh bro.
William Atfon ahh boss lol
Just build a holy/golden order build. I used the multilayered ring of light and I finished the boss fight in 2 minutes I think. (80 fth Erdtree seal on main and dryleaf seal off hand to gain 15% stat increase for Miquella incantations)
3 health bars is fucking diabolical.
Only if you have the most garbage build in existence.
This boss just has his HP spilt in 3 parts This is why he dies way too fast because he has no HP.
Blasphemous blade literally 2 shots his each phase.
Go learn how to make builds instead of whining.
@@ShasKS_1234or maybe people don’t wanna use a cheese build
Bro you use blasphemous blade that means you instantly are eliminated from talking @@ShasKS_1234
Who designed this fucking boss. I keep dying to the ground spikes because the ENTIRE ground is yellow, how tf do I dodge that shit
honestly you can’t, your best bet is to quickly pull out a shield and take the small amount of damage from blocking. You can try to run but if you’re fighting him up close there’s really no point
@@BlickCity I killed this fucker with dual grafted greatswords, and the claw talisman, FUCK this boss fight.
@@BlickCity that ground aoe is pretty stupid though, hopefully they decrease the radius of it or lower the damage because this fight felt extremely broken at times, especially for a pure strength user
Just run away when you see that move, if you space the boss you shouldn’t have problems reacting to it, you have no reason for staying too close considering that after every move the boss basically offers you its head anyway, always keep distance and don’t be greedy, the boss also takes a lot of damage so take your time
wtf are you guys talking about, the yellow ground attack only covers the immediate area around the boss, literally just run backwards to avoid it, it's foolproof, you don't even need to time anything, just hold back and B when you see it
the more I read comments in these boss guide videos the more I think the majority of the playerbase is completely clueless and I have no idea how any of you got to mohg and past him to even get into this DLC, it's just full of comments saying stuff is "bs" and "impossible to dodge" when it's the easiest most obvious thing to dodge imaginable half the time
Using the dragon katana made the fight slightly more bearable due to its range and height on skill
I did the same. This weapon is a godsend. When I used flame grant me strength it also helped so much. And I did this in 4 attempts as a level 130
It’s also a godsend in the batel fight
Same most of my hits got it halfway each time I did it skill to the flowers face this weapon was the reason why I beat it took me about three or four tries
This boss drives me to the brink
This boss is honestly fuckin stupid.
@@ApexGaming100 this boss is actually very fun and good
@@tristangrolleau8098 nah, it's pretty dogshit actually
On the brink, time for dung
@@L.K.48Praise the message!😂
BIG TIP: Black Flame is crazy effective if used on the head dunno if that has lore implications or what but it trivialized the fight for me
I also noticed this does crazy damage
You always do big damage to it when you hit the head i was using ancient lightning spear and i was doing 1.320k per hit
That's cause it's weak to fire. Using any form of fire trivializes the fight.
I switched to it, and yup, medium range, black flame is the way to go.
Its a plant, most plant enemies are weak to fire in the game
Sadly the mimic does little to nothing in the fight
I found if I unequipped everything aside from long range sorceries or incantations he kinda does stuff.
Seems several other spirits are broken too. Rollo helps at first but just stands around after phase 1.
Lmao mine just drew aggro and got like 2 decent hits in
Use Ryland’s sword cuz it’s special heals ur mimic and it’s weak to fire so win win.
@@jayweaver7093 yeah did that a few hours ago and beat it first try
my mimic was the absolute GOAT in this fight, he hit the head like 5 times to get his health bar to 0 to proc phase 3 while i was away healing :D
That second phase has killed my desire to play for at least a few days 😂
Blasphemous blade and press l2 and you can beat him with your eyes closed.
The wors boss of the DLC so far, loved Messmer, loved Rellana, the Lion was pretty cool, and even some side bosses, but this thing its not it for me.
It’s a fun fight, three phases is rough though
@@jordywardy2 nah, I didn't like that one at all, I don't care too much abou the phases, the boss for me it's not as good as the others, Friede from DS3 has 3 phases and it's one of my favorites of all time, this Tree it's just not for me, I didn't had much fun with it.
@@jordywardy2 what exactly is fun about this bullshit?
This one and commander gaius are bullshit, not fun at all.
@@poseidon3342 I get ya, I’ve always enjoyed multiple phase fights, this one also, I’ve enjoyed every boss so far in the dlc, it’s defiantly a challenge this dlc, one of the best dlcs ive played in a long
I like watching these boss guides right after beating them
i killed it and wss like heck ya im done then nope lol
This is a fantastic guide. I was always too close to it. But once again it's the good old keeping your distance and waiting for the right windows to attack. Thanks a lot for this guide!
This boss would be SOOOOOO much better if we could use Torrent...
Genuinely considering summoning for this boss. I can’t man. “Run away from the thorns” I’m a light load yet never seem to get away in time, except once where I got really lucky.
I dont think he mentioned it but If anyone is still having issues use fire and like he said target the head.
This guide helped me so much. I must have died like 30 times on him and only gotten to phase 3 once. After seeing this guide (the riposte advice was key, and running away from ground thorns) I finally got to phase 3 again and beat him, and I had totally forgotten to summon my ghost ! I used the nagakiba with fire ash of war and flame buffs, helped big time ! Thanks so much ! This boss was absolutely diabolical !
Heres my big tip for not just the boss but the dlc in general. Use the dragoncrest greatshield tailsman for a 20% decrease in damage received. Also i realized certains weapons are just plain better to run than what im used to. Be diverse. Switch up your weapon it might help you out
Yep. I never really modified my build in the base game because i was too stubborn. Whole different game when actually preparing for a boss. It's part of the fun for me now.
Hey man thanks for this guide. Once I started stepping back and focussing on his head and running away from the thorns instead of trying to dodge them, I aced this on my next attempt.
"Haha this boss is so easy"
"Oh I should have guessed there is a second phase"
"OK the second phase is actually pretty hard ngl"
"OK the second phase is actually REALLY hard fuck"
Dosent he have like no HP and dies in 2-3 hits on each phase.
I hit it with blasphemous blade and it took away 50% of its health.
This boss fight was a literal cakewalk for me
@@ShasKS_1234thats because you used blaspehmous blade with tons of fire damage
This is the only boss I have had trouble with. And still do.
To anyone who needs help use mimic and the blasphemous blade you'll get him in 5 ish trys you can 3 shot his phase 3. 7 shot his second, and 4 shot his first. I think, didn't really count.
Thank you brother
Thank you so much! Melted the boss down thanks to you!!!
Thank you :0
Include flame grant me strength +golden vow if you can also.
Bro I love you. No diddy
Thank you! Your videos are really helping me with bosses :)
This helped me a lot, I got it from a recommendation in the comments…. I used the Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear +9. I also wore all Armor of Solitude armor, plus the Divine Beast helm you get from the DLC boss. Then I spammed the L2 attack with the Mohg spear. Took some tries but Mimic and I were able to burn him down much faster. Obviously upgrading the weapon is ideal. I also used a Greater Rune, and both the Physical/Non Physical resistance Talisman. I’m also +10 in Scadutree Blessing. Maybe this will help someone out. This boss was a total headache.
You just saved my sanity and so many hours. Thank you
Dude thank you literally first tried it with moghwyns spear. Thank you so much
No problem. Glad it helped
I tried Mesmers spear and works very well I this thing too! Since it does great fire damage!
Great Guide, I applaude your clean style. I have a very difficult time with most bosses to stay in melee range (or get there after their respective disengages/charges/malenia-bs). Ususally Mimic Tear just trivializes such fights as it can stay up close and don't give a *beep*. But This flower really is getting to me. Whenever I get in range, I either have no more stamina from all the running and jumping or get hit by something on the way there and spend more time healing than attacking.
Maybe I'm just ridiculously bad or spoiled by mimic tear, but I really enjoy your beating of the cursed flower :)
One of the most frustrating boss in the game.
This giant dead sunflower was even more persistent than Malenia, the vitality was astonishing, so I absolutely hated it.
However, now that I've defeated him and watched other player's walkthrough video, I also think his boss fight design is rather hilarious lol.
For better or worse, he's definitely one of the most impressive DLC bosses.
To anyone still trying to beat this guy.
1. Small tip, but I found that jumping over its ranged thorn attacks was much easier than rolling through them.
2. Big tip. Fire. It’s a tree so duh, but I went my first three attempts before the big brain realization that Fire hurt Wood. I used a lot of Rellanas fire Ash of War, and it worked very well, but any fire would do.
Someone already said this in the comments but they recommended Frenzied Burst and this boss honestly becomes easier
I just tried it. Ran up to get a hit and it was almost 2k damage
one thing I learned from this game is that whenever you encounter a plant based creature just use the cranial vessel candlestand and it'll work like a charm, just maxed it out because of them
This video is pure gold, I will try to memlrize tour moves lets see how it goes xD
This came out right when I needed it
I feel like I'm one of the only people who liked this boss, targeting the head and treating it like it's midir made it honestly one of the easiest remembrance fights I've done so far. Aside from the AoE attack nothing here felt unfair to me either
the new fire serpent spell completely trivializes the fight. It auto locks to his head and deletes his health bar, so all you need to focus on is dodging.
Thanks for the guide. Might be worth noting that it has a huge weakness to fire (and black fire), and a resistance against magic.
Frame rate on this boss attacks on ps5 is criminal
Your videos are awesome. Thank you!
Honestly props to the developers I thought I just steamrolled this thing then it just gets back up and kills me😂
"Let's make a 3 phase boss that doesnt let you hit it and spams a massive aoe in it's 3rd phase!"
3 phase? It's a one phase boss with hp split in 3. He is squishy and dies way too fast
For everyone struggling, the best tip really is to just not lock on at all (except phase 3 lasers).
It makes everything easier to see, cleared immediately the moment I stopped locking on.
Just beat Bayle the Dread and came back to this boss. And I'm getting my ass whooped.
Beats badass dragon, loses to sunflower. Story of my life!
The design of this fight was amazing.
1st Phase was pretty normal, the Avatar tries to protect himself from You the intruder.
2nd Phase, The Avatar is fighting even stronger, he is trying to defeat you at all cost.
3rd Phase, you see that the Avatar lost his Power losthis strength, he puts everything he has in one powerful attack, but after that you see that his strength left his body his head falls to the ground an he needs few seconds to get his head back up. He doesn't want to die he tries to fight till the end.
All that is perfectly paired with such perfect an full emotional music, you can hear his fight for life in the music in every phase.
I felt bad after i defeated him and i too a break in this arena for few minutes.
FINALLY, someone appreciates this boss
This boss made me work hard to understand its moves. I've been so used to throwing random bullshit at bosses that I forgot how to learn and dodge attacks. This was a good test
That was really an amazing fight. I enjoyed it a lot. I just came here to say that after beating it.
It feels like a monster hunter fight, every attacks can be evaded through and the timings are easy to learn and repeat.
The extra week spot on the head was fun to hit and the only disappointing part of it was that the 3rd phase didn't last long enough due to the slow recover after the explosion. I had time for 2 lion claw and I had time to use a buff before so..... insta bye bye.
I'm now going to try Gaius............. yay
This boss reminds me of a mix between chasing Paarl around and Elden Beast. Cool design, most moves are easy enough to learn, its just trying to get a good window for a strike to the head was more frustrating than fun.
as usual for me its a battle with camera than with the boss for me
For anyone who doesn't know use the Blasphemous blade on this boss. With the L2 attack it literally two shots every phase of this boss if you use all the buffs like fire scorpion charm and flame, grant me strength
People complaining about multiple phases but you take 1/3 of its healthbar with one hit, it really ain’t bad.
yeah the 3 phases aren't the issues its the moveset
@@GooseGumlizzard moveset is probably the most forgiving out of all the DLC bosses too.
I think this boss is pretty fun! It's attacks are pretty well telegraphed if you keep enough distance to observe its tells and only punishing the head once it stops attacking. The only attack that threw me off was that instant nuke attack on its 3rd phase, which I just blocked.
This boss is absolute cancer, I learned pretty much every move and still die because of awful camera, shit hitboxes, frame lags and my fucking character missing because the junp attack goes wherever the fuck it wants instead if where im targeting (plus sometimes the target just gets lost for no reason).
Same, I’m just gonna skip this boss
@@polaralpha5561 ended up doing it switching to spears, with those the damage became much more reliable
@@v0ldy54 blasphemous blade would 2 hit him each phase 💀
@@polaralpha5561 ye I have a friend playing with that build right now, it's busted af
How he is hard?
I used blasphemous blade and the fight was over in 30 Seconds lol
I used Firespark Perfume bottle(Max Level with Perfumers talisman) and it shreded the boss. So if you’re looking for a good weapon to use, use that.
I have been stuck on this boss for 4 consecutive hours. Don’t judge me.
Summon mimic tear
Maybe fire because avatar in normal game is weak to it
Do you know how I can get to this boss then we can kill it together because this is my second last remembrance boss
Frostbite works wonders. Still took me a million tries with MGS but it did way more damage than my other weapons
how did you get there
This fucking boss man...only this one boss makes me rage quit
Unironically my favourite boss of the DLC,I like him cause he doesn’t cancel his attacks into something else,there aren’t any mind games with him,plus he actually leaves a decent window of opportunity for a punish no matter which build you use,plus the camera works perfectly and he has good hitboxes on his attacks,just an all-around great boss
I simply used a great shield to block its ranged attacks, then used a +9 fire spark perfume with rolling sparks. Pretty simple as a str build. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this sooner.
This boss took me 3 tries as a faith pryomancer. RIP all the people in the comments.
Was so excited to finally fight a cool boss that wasn’t some knight with 12 hit combos or a mass of unreadable limbs and cloth. Then this flower respawned for the 3rd time and spammed 2 explosions, and then a surprise 3rd explosion just because that’s so much more fun.
Genuinely the worst fucking boss. The branch attacks are aids to dodge and it's not even something you can consistently dodge.
I called it quits tonight but I'll burn this stupid flower to a crisp tomorrow
Good luck soldier
It’s a tough boss, but doable, its attacks are fair but hard to master, just learn the delays too. Goodluck, I have successfully managed to get down till his second phase, just need to keep up and defeat the boss.
Yo not even going to lie this helped a lot. I wore all Armor of Solitude armor, plus the Divine Beast helm from the DLC boss. Then spammed the L2 attack with the Mohg spear. Took a while but Mimic and I were able to burn him down much faster. Obviously upgrading the weapon is ideal. I also used a greater rune, and both Physical/Non Physical resistance Talisman. I’m also +10 in Scadutree Blessing.
THANK YOUUUU! got it within 10 tries with this.
Thanks man that was so gratefull
worst boss in the entire dlc
get the impression that the dlc was made for mages, idk how to play as a melee, 4cking torture
@@antchrstgjitkyfeqI think we’re intended to grab as many Scadurtree fragments as possible before fighting these bosses. Otherwise abuse tf out of your mimic.
Commander giaus is way worse. By far
Lies. This is the best
@@antchrstgjitkyfeqliterally just jump attack it and it’s easy
Thank you for your help!!!
This actually might be the worst boss in the game along side the hippo
This boss is quite literally nothing but spam
Great giude, thank you very much. After watching, I killed the boss in the third try :)
I finally beat this boss after a few hours. My strategy to finally beat it was to aim for the head with the cyclops shield. I am a strength based paladin, and this was the best strategy for me, but timing the shots can be tricky. It takes only a few shots each health bar. I did use my mimic tear to try and distract the boss, but it wasn’t sure how to use the cyclops shield at all, so it kinda became a nuisance. The hardest thing about this boss for is its mobility. The boss loves to spam range attacks or punish you for being right in front of it trying to hit its face. The cyclops shield works for medium range, as opposed to being too far or too close. This was easily the hardest boss for me this dlc thus far.
imagine my surprise when the 3rd phase started, biggest rug pull I've ever experienced.
Thank you very much, that helped me a lot.
This boss was literally godskin factory but on steroids
Forgot about this boss,beat him first try thanks the erdtree blessings (20) and the guide
helped a ton ty!!
Magma Wyrm's blade ability helped me with this thing
The third health bar made me tweak the fuck out, had me in my living room laughing like Arthur fleck
Idk people hate this boss (and the DLC in general) so much! I love this boss A lot! Great concept, great design and great fight! :D
I mean the design is really cool but everything else is dogshit.
My favorite thing about the dlc is byfar the one hit aoe blast. Gotta love it
i love how his thorns are near impossible to avoid 😂
Fire damage makes this a piece of cake. Got him with a fire axe with Flame grant me strength on my third attempt.
Dude almost got me with the 3rd phase. Reminded me of the Guardian Ape from Sekiro. I see what they did
Such a fun fight man, this dlc had made me love games again
This boss is reaaaaaallly got me stuck man. I haven’t beat it in a week on and off playing
My suggestion to anyone who wanna be done with this boss, use fire serpent, fire cracked tear, faith crystal tear, fire scorpion charm, and/or faithfuls/flocks canvas talisman. You’ll melt this boss when locked on to the head. The tracking of fire serpent makes it so easy to hit the head.
I recommend using as much fire as you can, Messmers Orb is crap because he can interrupt you so stick to the other ones. I used Blasphemous blade art to his face and did massive damage, plus when he finishes every phase attack his head to get a critical that does damage to the next healthbar, plus when he dissapears and just before he gets back, when the ground starts bubbling you should use Burn O flame to wind it up, as soon as he arrives the flames will do significant damage to him. After that just attack it's head or just spam Fire serpents
1 week and counting!!!! the feels to punch my screen UUUHHHGGG~~~~~
Ive gotten the 3rd health bar to a sliver 5 times now i think im gonna go insane
had a great shield on, made the fight a breeze.
I was getting to third phase and just choking didnt know about the stagger blow thing at end lol got it first try pretty easily when found that out lol
Thank you so much your the best 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Blasphemous blade does a NUMBER on this guy btw