POTS can have a number of underlying causes and vagus nerve dysfunction can play a role for some patients. Here’s just one of the studies that’s found vagus nerve stimulation can have positive outcomes for POTS patients: medicine.ouhsc.edu/news/article/ear-clip-stimulation-of-vagus-nerve-shows-promise-as-pots-treatment-according-to-ou-college-of-medicine-study#:~:text=Stavrakis%20and%20his%20research%20team,minute%20than%20without%20the%20stimulation.
There are multiple sources for her claim from even a quick google search, but in particular, the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine published a study that shows stimulation of the vagus nerve from a clip on the ear significantly reduces the symptoms of POTS. This is likely because the vagus nerve plays a large role in regulating heart rate and blood pressure.
Ok I'm here for this! Let's do this!
POTS has nothing to do with your Vagus nerve, please share the research you're referring to.
POTS can have a number of underlying causes and vagus nerve dysfunction can play a role for some patients. Here’s just one of the studies that’s found vagus nerve stimulation can have positive outcomes for POTS patients: medicine.ouhsc.edu/news/article/ear-clip-stimulation-of-vagus-nerve-shows-promise-as-pots-treatment-according-to-ou-college-of-medicine-study#:~:text=Stavrakis%20and%20his%20research%20team,minute%20than%20without%20the%20stimulation.
There are multiple sources for her claim from even a quick google search, but in particular, the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine published a study that shows stimulation of the vagus nerve from a clip on the ear significantly reduces the symptoms of POTS. This is likely because the vagus nerve plays a large role in regulating heart rate and blood pressure.