Hey everyone! I decided to make this episode in Russian as some of the participants didn't speak English well, and I speak Russian. Let me know how you felt watching a video in another language! It's not something I will do often, but it's always interesting to try it out 🤗 Also which stereotype was the most interesting to see confirmed or crushed? Let me know below!
The "Russians are serious" stereotype is one of the most annoying. It's simple cultural difference. In the USA people smile just to be polite. In Russia a smile is usually a direct sign of affection/friendliness. Friends smile a lot to each other, but if you smile to a complete stranger, that would make him uncomfortable.
I might be wrong, but I would say that Russians drinking vodka is a stereotype. They drink a lot of TEA. Like, all the time. If you go to smb's house, they offer you tea; YOU never turn away a cup of tea :) also, all my friends love tea NOT vodka...
I think it is especially different for younger generations. I personally drink tea maybe once or twice a month (but I am a big coffee lover). And no vodka at all 🤦🏻♀️
@@МаксНовиков-н1л WHAT? you mean you neither wrestle with bears nor do you keep them as pets??? My whole life has been a lie :( I don't know who to trust anymore
the same reaction lol vodka is for students, poor people, homeless etc. One girl said correctly that people prefer whiskey or brandy (if we are talking about strong alcohol). I guess beer is the most popular alcohol
at first it seemed to me that I liked strong alcohol. More precisely, I really loved him. But at some point, the smell of strong alcohol just became disgusting to me. I've hardly been drinking since then. Please, it's good that I came to this conclusion at the age of 18 and will not spoil my life with alcoholism
I remember putting on a “Moscow metro face” in Russia, because my Russian professor told us that Russians think people walking around with smiles on their faces are simple minded.
Same! I must have gotten pretty good at it as people would occasionally ask me a question in Russian and were surprised when I said that I didn't speak it. My language skills were so poor at that time.
@@OlsblogThe difference is that in Russia we go with such faces almost everywhere, regardless of the city. If you see a smiling Russian on the street, he is either drunk or has a really good day.
@Richard Myers Tourists. People who are having a good day. People who were taught to smile when talking to people as opposed to having a "resting bitch face." Americans. Need I say more? Yes, I am an American. Many of my classmates were immediately I.D.'d as Americans because they couldn't keep their awe, and the small smile we're taught to always have, off of their faces while we were in Russia.
@@worldoftancraft what the rubbish are you talking? For example German is used by approximately 100 millions people, while "dead" Russian is used by more than 200 millions people. Russian is the second language by popularity in the whole Internet. Live with it, dude.
Russians sound too direct and bossy in English, because they apply Russian phrasing to English. English speaker would say "Would you mind opening the window", a Russian would say "open the window (please)", so we could came off as rude when we just say things as we would say it in Russian. Also English doesn't have polite form of You (Вы in Russian or Vous in French ), so many Russians struggle with that a lot. They *want* to be polite, but they just don't know how, and it takes some time to learn.
"You" is the polite form in English. The informal form "thee" (toi in Fr or ты in Ru) is archaic and isn't used anymore. Because everybody was too polite to each other using you all the time, thee became obsolete.
Politeness in the Philippines is more on the amount of ‘po’ (word for respect, mostly used for elders) you could put in a sentence eg. ‘I’m going home na po’ ‘I’m getting there na po’ although I have to ask Tuba vs Vodka who will win?
YES. That's a huge pet peeve of mine. And also, videos about Russian culture/stereotypes with "Russian" people who either barely spoke the language or spoke it with a heavy American accent.
Maybe that’s why Dutch, Germans and Russians are some of my favorites so far. Very direct and upfront and no guesswork if they actually like you or not😂
@@AsepTravels I am Russian-German and this is not true. Germans arent direct. They sound direct because of the language, the language sounds direct. But the actual facts that is delivered by the language is very sneaky. Its like a wolf in a sheeps skin.
I am Russian but have been living in New Zealand for nearly one year and a half. Houses here (unlike Russian ones) don't have central heating and it's freezing especially in June, July, August. How tired I am of phrases like "But why do you suffer from cold here? You're Russian, you must've gotten used to it!" Damn, my nerve system ain't been frozen off, 8 degrees is still cold for me! Also, some people ask: "Is it cold there? In Russia?" I'm like: "When and where?" - "Well, in Russia. Throughout the year". What am I supposed to be answering? It can reach +50 degrees Celsius during the hottest summer days in arid regions near the border with Kazakhstan, for example. On the contrary, the temperature of -60 degrees once was detected in a remote settlement. So, is it cold in Russia? The second thing I totally loathe is all vodka-related questions. I've never drunk it and I don't want to. However, it doesn't fit in some people's heads how a Russian 20-years-old guy may be a teetotaler.
Tbh, 8°C isn't even that cold lol. I'm British and I could easily just be wearing a jumper in that kind of weather. Then again, I guess it varies from person to person.
@@Ricky911_ correct me if I'm wrong but I think you don't have central heating systems in houses in the UK, do you? Because I used to live in a warm tenement where you don't need to wear a sweater or jumper during winter. If you've been living for the whole your entire life in these conditions of 8 degrees at home, you have probably gotten used to it. Old habits die hard.
@@Someone-vg7ii yeah, we have central heating. I thought you meant 8°C outside btw. If it were 8°C inside my house, I'd definitely suffer from the cold.
@@Natashanjka I am beginner. I learn numbers, basics words like good morning, I have, it's, yes, no, or, and, etc... and I can read in Russian but a little slowly I learn it in Duolingo and TH-cam
This is the first time I see Russians speaking their native language, it's amazing , but everything is fine, soon they will be banned from using the Russian language in other countries and only then will democracy win.
Did anybody else notice how the woman being obviously overweight and having not very good hair at 1:05 tells that the Russian men are awful because of their look and should have better haircut and do more sport?
Russia arguably has the biggest culture in Europe. Those guys were good at bloody everything: art, theatre, cinema, chess, ballet, classical music and of course, LITERATURE. And everything has soul in it. Unfortunately for some westerners it might be hard to truly understand it.
@@valeriiademianenko5155 my pleasure. Even though I’m a fan of French and British literature too, to me Russian literature is the best. There won’t be another Dostoevsky. Ever. I fear he might have just a bit less impact in non-orthodox people perhaps, especially in his later (and greatest) works. Greetings and love from Romania.
@@BlueSwampyCraft Wow, I learn French and English at my university, too. I agree, Dostoevsky is a genius. Thanks so much for your kindness. Have a nice day✨
@@valeriiademianenko5155 hi! I'm actually an art school student hoping to study literature in University.. what are some books you would recommend to read?
@@spaceoddity6911 Hey, that's so cool! If you're asking about Russian literature then I'd recommend you three authors: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and Boris Pasternak. Choose any of their books, you won't regret reading them. And good luck with your studies💛
@@emethden Among other slavic languages Russian is the only normal 'cause of big number of Germanic loan words. Have you heard of Of Ukranian or Polish? Those are just disgusting.
@@avadaentertainment3429 Don't pay any attention to him. He's just a brainwashed fool from Ukraine. In fact, both Russian and Ukrainian are quite beautiful. Some songs in Ukrainian sound very nice.
Just to touch on the smiling thing. Firstly, I live in Germany and NOBODY smiles here so its not a Russia-exclusive phenomenon, but I read once that Russian's value smiling only when its sincere. They consider the Western/American smile fake and without substance, so when a Russian person smiles at you or laughs with you it should be regarded as an enormous compliment
About cold. In Siberia people said: " Siberian is not the one who easily tolerates the cold, but the one who dresses warmly". We don't like the cold in Russia either)
@Иван Дзиньковский very good to know, even me not being so fan of Coelho, there’s much better Brazilian authors. We Brazilians enjoy very much Russian literature, it’s a gift to the world indeed.
A year ago I knew very little about Russia or Russians, including stereotypes. The pandemic gave me lots of free time and I decided to learn a second language and I chose Russian because, why not? I have learned so much about Russia in a short time and additionally have fallen madly in love with and will marry my Russian fiance soon. All that to say I truly appreciate this video. It gives many people who may otherwise never have the opportunity to learn the truth and beauty of a people that the US government and Hollywood often present in very inaccurate light. ❤Much love❤
Actually, your comment shows that you still have a lot to learn. There are 145 million people in Russia. Do you really think they all share the same "truth and beauty"? I'm not trying to be rude, but your comment is based on nothing more than romanticizing another nation. Russia has some wonderful people....and some not so wonderful people - just like every country on earth. In fact, Russia (and the US) is one of the worst countries for human trafficking on earth.
@@CMV314 I wasn't insinuating that Russia is all Roses and unicorns, but if Hollywood has anything to do with it, people get the impression that it's all demands and gremlins. Honestly, use your head. To paint a completely accurate depiction of anyone or anything, it would take a novel and there would still be something missing. Focusing on people's/a nations negatives is a comman reaction. Which you've just proven.
As a Bulgarian, who has had the chance to meet many Russian tourists back at home, I'd like to say that Russians are pretty cool, friendly and funny people, especially, when you get to know them. I think my experience helped me to dispel many of the negative stereotypes about them. Also, I want to say I was very happy to hear their Russian voices as I was able to understand some parts of the video without the subtitles. Keep being amazing my Russian brothers and sisters...oh yeah, and keep on breaking down your barriers!
@@aliceestes7549 Давайте трезво разберёмся. Они воевали против наших союзников сербов, кстати, против своих же братьев-славян в Балканской войне 1912-1913 при турецкой поддержке? Воевали. Они воевали против нас в 1914-1918? Воевали. Они были враждебны нам в 1940-е ? Было. После этого мы открыли их с-х продукции свой рынок, хотя всё то же самое росло на Кубани, в Ставрополье, на Кавказе. Ладно, они не хотели жить в коммунистической Болгарии (в турецкой и нацистской, наверное, лучше жилось). Допустим. А причём здесь памятник Алёше? И вообще мёртвые? Причём? Факт, что памятник и захоронения оскверняют? Факт. Да, наверное, есть там русофилы, но они очень незаметны, если разобраться в сухом балканском остатке. В любом случае, болгарское общество по отношению к России ну очень неоднородно, ну уж не так едино, как Сербия. Те же хорваты относятся к нам дружелюбнее и без надрыва. А Ваша позиция - это просто рефлекс на страх потерь 1941-1945, и я её понимаю, так как сам русский, но только этот страх и эта политика оправданы, пока нет войны, пока и если Болгария не реализует по отношению к России враждебную политику. Но ведь осуществляет. И и это факт. И много болгар-русофобов взбрыкивают против нас без всяких оснований. Поэтому ваши опасения, что нас станут как-то не так воспримать, - фантомны и питают благоглупую надежду, отражение которой легко угадывается в самоироночной русской частушке: С неба звёздочка упала Прямо к милому в штаны . НИЧЕГО, ЧТО ВСЁ ПРОПАЛО, Лишь бы не было войны! Так вот, замечу Вам, как в том еврейском анекдоте: не волнуйтесь, Сара Марковна - уже! Уже давно всё пропало. И лучшее тому подтверждение то, что они всё чаще поминают нам БНР, СССР, то есть то, чего давно нет. И всё глуше вспоминают 1877-1878. За 30-35 лет они давно могли бы явить чудеса хозяйствования, а под крылом ЕС - и подавно! Просто для них русские виноваты онтологически. Англосаксы исповедуют эту веру в русле собственной политики, а какие-нибудь болгары или другие шавки - вынужденно, т.е. подчиняясь гегемону. Но меня как русского совершенно не интересует, чем болгары руководствуются в своей антирусскости. Это их психические проблемы. Важно лишь, насколько их замуты, какого бы они ни были генезиса, опасны для моей страны. Поэтому я не боюсь ни понравиться, ни не понравиться, в частности, тем же болгарам. Меня драма их мнимого разочарования в России не коноё@ит. И Вам предлагаю не заниматься плохим русским и безответным подвижничеством - самоумалением. И добро бы только безответным, а то ведь с плевками и дерьмом на нас и наших мёртвых в могилах! Вам перестройки и 1990-х не хватило? Исчо хоцца? Чтобы наши надежды на ответное благородство, на ответные уступки изнасиловали и убили? Надеюсь, я доступно изложил? Не совестите меня моралитэ тех, кто живёт животным интересом и готов нас сдать не за понюх табаку! Они - скот, илоты, которых через нищету ведут на убой, а на нас они все ещё злятся, потому что теперь мы отказываемся их бесплатно кормить. Завоёвывать им снова независимость, как в 1877, прощать им обе мировые войны, покупать у них их растительное дерьмо в ущерб своим сельхозпроизводителям, идти им на уступки с ЮЖНЫМ ПОТОКОМ итд. Руку сакса и германца не куснешь: как бы ни чмырил, а дотационную дозу пока кидает...а Ваня уже не кормит, эх, полаю на Ваню! А Джон отвернется, так и Ваньку подмигну (как с передумыванием по турецкому потоку), авось поймёт, что я это не со зла....не со зла... это просто хозяин велел!.." Ну а мне-то, русскому какая радость? :) Не, мать, болгары- дно.
@@ОлегВолохов-ж8у вам не кажется, что обобщать - дело глухое? Одно дело - что творит правящая партия, другое, что думают и делают люди. Личное этот парень, думаю, не виноват во всех треволнениях, он высказал положительное отношение к нам, а вы нелицеприятно высказались насчёт всех болгар сразу. Если вы думаете, что подобным агрессивным поведением вы заставите уважать себя и свою нацию, то вы ошибаетесь. Нужно иногда помнить, что люди не ответственны за то, как ведут себя власти. И, хотя, кто-то (иногда и большинство) встаёт на их сторону, не значит, что так думают и действуют все. Мусьё как раз в комментарии показал, что он то, как раз, к русским относится уважительно. Может, если человек из меньшинства, стоит ему показать, что он действительно прав насчёт нас? Спасибо большое за развернутый ответ, но боюсь, мы очень расходимся во взглядах, как стоит вести себя достойному представителю достойной нации Всего хорошего!
ALL central-northern Europeans - from Switzerland, Germany and northward, are direct (and dare I say we French too). This stereotype just shows how anglocentric people are nowadays.
The US is very anglicized and you never really know if the smiles you are receiving are real. I feel people need you to smile so much because they need a lot of reassurance here. It’s not even the smiling. In Latin America, people smile alot but the smiles are never forced. Why are people smiling if they don’t feel it?
I like how they say smiling when you want to is more sincere. I feel like thats a definite truth. In my country we smile at everyone and its exhausting sometimes. Sometimes youre just not in the mood but to not smile means something must be wrong.
People always talk about how beautiful the women are... but I find Russian men to be very handsome as well. Yes, of course, there will be “clunkers” as you will find anywhere. But mostly, very good looking people.
Yeah, if you’re more into the sensitive, masculine, quiet types that look more rugged rather than the cuter, more haughty types you’d find in Western Europe and up north, Russian men are very sexy.
Got to spend a month on Russia during the 2018 world cup! It's an amazing country and beautiful people! They were so helpful when I was at the airport or train stations and was lost. 2 couples on separate occasions stayed with with me for 2 hours until I was helped at the airport and situated, I will be back one day! большое спасибо Россия!
@@herrbonk3635 something else, duh. Like, the wrong part of town. Or someone's funeral. Or doing it while talking to a guy after grabbing his girl's ass.
I think that the thought that Russian men are not handsome is due to the fact that they do not pay much attention to their appearance. For example, our men (Turkish men) shape their hair and take care of their clothing. Of course, not all of them are like this, but compared to Russian men, ours are more well-groomed. I think Russian men are genetically better than Turkish men because they are taller than Turkish men and their bodies are more athletic. Russian men have beautiful hair colors, but they cut their hair short and they don't care that much about their clothes. These are my thoughts, of course, does not apply to every Russian man. And, of course, we must not forget that Russian women attach great importance to their appearance. Because they are very well-groomed, the neglect of their men stands out.
LOL taking too much care of your appearance is considered kinda "gay" among men in Russia, unless you're a tv host or something it's considered "a good manners" if you show a bit of dismissive attitude towards men's appearance including a "model" haircut, anyway paying too much attention is considered kinda feminine "cause women supposed to do that not real men"
@@joshualieberman1059 Yes, I already know that this is the case in Russia. But I think these sexist stereotypes need to change. I am not a Russian, I am a foreigner interested in Russian culture and I believe that the sexist stereotypes in both my country - Turkey - and Russia should be destroyed.
@@hilalcalk8285 I am a woman, may I have my say about men? I dont want a man too fussy about his appearance -its expensive and takes time which he should spend on me and children, if you add his friends, fishing and football - when he is going to take the rubbish out?
@@pilot60-287 Of course, men don't have to spend a lot of time on their appearance, but I can't deny that well-groomed men are always ahead. Even taking just five minutes makes a big difference. This is my opinion of course, everyone's opinion is subjective.
Well, I'm not sure about that, maybe I just don't understand male appearance. But I can say that among young people different hairstyles and hair dye are more popular than among older people. And yes, most likely it's just the time spent on appearance, almost anyone can become much more attractive with the help sports, nutrition, hairstyle, makeup, etc * Personally, I also wear a short haircut and utilitarian clothes, it's really more convenient, but everyone decides for himself
Probably because "о" is often pronounced as "а", so you could technically also translate it as an "А" if you want to preserve the correct pronunciation for non-russian speaking mfs.
@@dazedd-fi4yx , theoretically I guess. But actually, that would not happen in the standard transliterations used in the English-language press. O is always rendered as O, regardless of the actual pronunciation.
The comparison to ape is an old joke here. It goes "the real man should be hairy (body), stinky (sweat) and a little bit more handsome than an ape". The subtext of this comes naturally: "looks don't make the man"
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф then people think say "Russian women are beautifull but men...". Oh dude, many Russian women do make up and nail but men even don't wash their face
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф i think Russian Man handsome and women beautifull but many Russian Man alcholic and rude. In my country (Turkiye) many Russian tourist come to Antalya and in Antalya Russian Man drink everyday even morning omg
@@yasasnturkiye2999 sadly, Turkiye, as a tourist spot, is popular among that sort of people for the very same reason - relatively cheap accommodation and unlimited supply of cheep alcohol, which is a sort of tourist attraction strategy ("all-inclusive"). It's sad that you have to systematically witness only that side of Russian people. On the other hand, come visit Russia sometime, I hope you'll change your mind.
I REALLY enjoyed this episode. I know many Russians and I have personally found them to be highly educated, formal (which I prefer), warm, kindhearted and considerate. A long time ago I thought that anyone who walked around without that dopey grin on their face was mean but years later I know better. I'm American. I like my Russian friends to stay as they are. They are sincere and true friends.
I actually find Russian men very attractive. They have these sharp features and piercing eyes most is the times. Also, they’re not as pale as other white people, that’s kinds sexy I guess….
Right? I’ve never heard that stereotype, there are attractive ppl in every country. The Russian language sounds especially sexy from a deeper masculine voice
I can understand that the Russians bother a lot, the stereotypes of American films, about the Russian mafia, being Italian, I know something when it comes to stereotypes about the mafia for example, which is often linked to us Italians.
Well, I'm half Italian, but... Hahaha The difference is: we have an ex mob guy reacting to movies from mafia here on TH-cam, also people have contact with Italians. They kinda mock us. But the Russian thing is totally mean, political, and so... - I say I'm hald Italian, because I am Brazilian, but I have double citizenship.
@@rachelmclaughlin1491 not a link Just name: Michael Franzese. and also check "salvatore the bull gravano". Actually I am Russian and love these guys. Its interesting how exmobs tell us about their mafia life))) There are some interesting interviews on the channel "Valutainment" find it. Its amazing)
Some years ago, at a press conference, Putin was asked a question, something like "What do you think about the Russian mafia?" and he answered: "First of all, let's note that 'mafia' is an Italian word." :D
@@BiglerSakura The word is Italian, but the concept is international, let's not forget the Chinese or Japanese mafia. The point is when we can talk about the mafia and when about gangsterism phenomena.
"Russian women are beautiful, but russian men aren't". Emmm...it contradicts to genetic I believe. The fathers of this beautiful women should be good looking too)
It's more about culture of "manly men don't need to use skin care and spend money on good haircut" that is present(but will die hopefully) in Russia, not about genetics.
The prettiest men I’ve seen were in Russia actually. Just fantastic jaws and lips lol. But they’re just careless with their visuals so it doesn’t always show if you don’t pay attention.
Now this is gonna sound bad, but this stereotype is perpetuated by gold-diggers, who want to marry a rich foreigner and leave Russia. They always slander Russian men and foreign women, saying things like "foreign men are all beautiful, foreign women are all ugly". However only a few of them have the cunning to actually catch a big fish. Most just spread their legs before anyone who is from a richer country (or says he is), no matter if the guy is actually loaded even by Russian standards.
I simply love how Russian sounds, I used to have a close Russian friend, I used to tell him to send me secret voice recordings of him talking to his mum or friend. 😂☺️
You should see the movie "A fish called Wanda", one of the female characters there has similar (but slightly more extreme) response to the Russian language
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф we were close friends, I would certainly never talk like this to someone I barely know. I understand, why it would seem creepy to a third person.
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф Not really. If you're close to the person and enjoy the sound of their native language, why not? I've asked friends to teach me phrases or let me listen to them speak their respective languages. Another option would be watching videos or listening to music and audiobooks. Recordings, on the other hand, might provide common topics to talk about. Also, people might be happy if you show genuine interest in their culture.
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д To me at least, Russian sounds quite complex and sophisticated, it puts certain sounds together in unexpected ways that I think sound pleasant. Even though I can't understand, it sounds very intelligent and meaningful. It's a bit hard to describe, but I think it sounds sort of like music.
My university professor is Russian ans she's one of the kindest and most intelligent people I'v ever met. It's always easy to talk to her, she treats me like a daughter and gives me plenty of advice. Russians are really the kindest people ever, so pure and warm hearted!
I like this. Propaganda really directs the way we view people. It dehumanizes them. I've rarely seen anything about russians being human. It's a nice change of tone, interesting.
Don’t miss Suzdal. This is almost the only place where you can see an authantic Russian medieval architectural ensemble. And don’t waste too much time on Moscow. One day is enough.
@@ErmakBrovar one day in Moscow Kremlin, one day in Pushkin museum' impressionists, one day in Museums of Kremlin -tsars diamonds and new diamonds, one day - palaces of Moscow, one night-Moscow clubs,one day - Moscow churches, half of a day -Moscow underground, one evening - ballet thearter-one of them, one evening -Moscow circus-you will enjoy it even if you dont like circus in your country
русские люди очень милые, добрые и особенно умные because they have many things to share (мне нравится русская музыка) They inspired me to learn Russian 🤍 💙 ❤️
Жаль что хороших музыкантов в последнее время практически не осталось. Остаётся слушать либо новых музыкантов которые создают спорные песни и композиции или же возвращаться к прослушиванию старых певцов таких как:Эдвард Хиль, КиШ, Цой и т.д.
"They are serious and don't have a sense of humor" --- this may be (MAY be!) true about the Japanese, or, say Northern/Western Europeans but definitely totally wrong about the Russians. The people in this video were actually answering a completely different question - they were saying that the American-style fake smile is not a Russian habit, and didn't discuss a sense of humor which is a completely different topic.
Lol the part about haw USA movies make the same sterotypical caracters regarding Russian people is very true.😁😂😀 I am not Russian but evan I agree with the general conclusion.😂
@@luccalourencini1751 Yes because others don't stereotype Americans right? Also, last I checked you northerners regardless of your country do a damn good job of stereotyping all us Latin Americans.
@@doomslayer1984 buddy, I'm Latin American, wtf are you talking about? 😂😂😂😂 And others do stereotype Americans, the HUUUUGE difference is that those stereotypes aren't followed by discrimination, unlike what happens in the US.
@@luccalourencini1751 Yes because we Latin Americans don't still refer to the Chinese population here as Chino's right? I can't speak for all of Latin America but here in Brazil discrimination of others based on stereotypes is alive and well. And seeing how we are the largest nation in Latin America one needs to assume that the rest is not much better. but if you wish to prove me wrong I'm open to hearing your side.
To give an a general idea about our culture I would like to point out just one thing from this video The girl says that she is Southerner thus very vocal, smiley and so on in contrary to stereotype of us being grim. The guy says that "smiling provokes a hit in the kidneys". The funny part is that the guy is from Krasnodar so you can check it out on a map-- this city is a capital of the most southern governmental region. It's like 40°C in there during summer. Conclusion: any stereotype is very limited mind construction. We can't think the other way sadly, but we can reform our stereotypes to greater levels
Understand you perfectly, when it comes to american movies. Anyway what an amazing people and wonderful culture. Much love to mother Russia and its literature.
"Laughing for no reason is a sign of stupidity" - a rough translation of a very common saying for the post-Soviet people :) Yes, we do keep a serious face when interacting with people we don't have a close personal relationship with, doing a job, shopping, etc. A smile on the street means "I know you, I recognise you" - so people may get confused about why is a stranger smiling at them? Did I forget who you are, do I know you? My mind's been goingto a recall/recognition overdrive for the first 2-3 years in Australia, all the time. If a post-Soviet person smiles at you - congratulations, you are close enough to be considered having a close social relationship :)
I was born and raised in the US, but I feel close to Russian culture. Both of my parents are immigrants from South Korea, so that's probably why. I recently started learning the Russian language for fun because my friend (who is also a child of Korean immigrants) told me to listen to music by Кино because Viktor Tsoi's father was Korean. I also learned how to read Russian because it helped me learn Mongolian, so I could communicate with an old man at my job who is an immigrant. Because of Кино, I watched the movies Лето, Игла, and Асса. I've been digging more into Russian music and I really enjoy the old music from Аквариум, Гражданская Оборона and Чайф. I also love Молчат Дома from Belarus, and a few bands from Sierpien Records like Группа Хмурый, Праздник and Ploho. IC3PEAK, Shortparis and Pussy Riot are cool too. Learning how to sing and play songs on guitar is helping me learn faster because it's a fun challenge. I practice singing when I'm at my warehouse job too, which helps me memorize lyrics. Now I want to try to read Dostoevsky again. I tried many years ago, but it was overwhelming. Because of this video, I want to find more Russian authors.
Good on you братишка. Кино is an incredible band. There is not a single person in the world who has listened to it and didn't like it. I also like Звери from late 90's early 00's. It is a different genre of rock, more like pop but you will love it.
I have heard that, in general, Russian people actually mean what they say instead of giving some vague answer/committing to something then flaking out later like people often do here in the U.S., and I honestly think that is a great thing if true. I am very direct, honest, and if I commit to something then I do it, so it would be very refreshing to be around more people who didn't value being "nice" and "friendly" over honesty and following through.
I often deal with "Western" people, for an American to give a word and not fulfill a promise is the norm, for a Russian man (if he is a man in the full sense of the word and not biological) it is a shame not to fulfill a promise, even if it is not his fault and he can't, it's still a spiritual burden. It's easy for a Westerner to say "I swear to do this" and then not keep the promise.
I agree. I’m American. I’m actually a very direct person myself. And having a Russian girlfriend, I’ve learned a lot from her, and she’s learned a lot from my friends and family. We’re not that different. She’s loved dearly by us.
It 's better for the persons to use their own language, we can see that this persons can speak freely and share their emotions. Russian are nice and very friendly I like how they are true with their emotions Hope to visit this lovely country soon!
Yes. Stereotypes about "I am russian and I can't suffer from cold weather makes me furious"...Because of cold weather now I live in Asian country ..I like a really hot weather
@@IoT_ Mikhail Bulgakov was born in Kiev. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. He is not a Russian writer. Many Russians call him “a Russian writer” but do not know even this information.
@@NatalySwiss ok. If you want to be more precise. He was born in RUSSIAN empire, therefore he's a Russian writer. Moreover, the book that he wrote was in Russian language. I don't know why you replied to my comment although I'm not Russian and I even didn't notice that he was Russian. What's a point?
@@NatalySwiss For our foreign friends. Ukraine has become a nation in 1991, by the will of the elite. To justify and protect their "achievements" of robbing tens of millions of people, they required a national myth, based on denying every relation to Russia, thus upbringing xenophobia towards Russians and others. Unfortunately for the our ukro-nаzi friends, historically they were always a part of some other nation, and independence movement wasn't big nor successfull. Now since you've been "gifted" independence (it's a gift for nаzis, tragedy for everyone else) you blame all your problems on Russia. TLDR: Bulgakov or anyone else you call Ukrainian were only ethnically Ukrainian, but they were a part of Russian/Soviet nation, whether you like it or not.
privyet , I have some Russian friends both guys and girls ranging from age group 18-42 years and they are all awesome person I know, very knowledgeful and smart, needless to say all girls are like fashion models. also they know how to have fun and they do smile. I am from India. poka
Much prefer these videos with people speaking their own language. Always throws me off when you essentially listening to an American or Canadian accent etc. Enjoyed that one.
Loved this episode in their native language! This series is always amazing, but I agree that somethings are easier to express in your own language. Please keep it up! 🙂
It’s really good to see the participants talk in their native language, they seem a lot more comfortable and open. Nadia and Vera were the highlight of the video with their great sense of humor and imitations of Russian stereotypes😂🤣 I’m not sure why Russians and Germans have a reputation for being cold and unfriendly. I travel a lot around the world and the Germans and Russian friends I made are some of the nicest people I’ve met🤷🏽♂️😂❤️
@Бот Бегемот what is your point mate? Are you trying to pick a senseless fight? Firstly, what you say is absolute bollocks, we don’t have any interest in Belarus and we respect their affinity to Russian culture, I said culture, Russian geopolitical influence btw is not at stake, no need to get edgy. No-one wants Belarus in Nato nor the EU. Secondly, you’re the perfect example of going against so many common Belarussians and their opinions. If you want to fight go to other channels and respect this producer, this is not the place for your bollocking.
@Бот Бегемот our government is not that great and I do not support it along with half of Poles if not more according to the latest polls. Your views nonetheless are biased and in line with your state controlled tv, which has an interest to potrey us Poles this way. Come and visit and then talk.
I stayed at an Airbnb that had a very kind, friendly Russian host. We would go out on his porch and smoke and drink. The way he looked at me the entire time, I wasn't sure if he was going to murder me or was just completely bored with what I said. I think he smiled maybe twice the entire time I was there. It was a great experience.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +6
Привет, Я хотел бы сказать Вам большое спасибо за то, что Вы так тепло, открыто и честно ответили на все эти глупые вопросы. Продолжайте в том же духе и покажите истинную русскую душу. Спасибо
On my first few weeks in Russia I would always smile at them and very few of them would smile back at me. They mostly looked at me all confused lol. I told my husband about it and he said it's weird in Russia to always smile to strangers, so now I already learned how to have a poker face and it's fun! Didn't know I have this talent
Yes, I agree. Here in the US I noticed the same thing about the movies. Russians always are portrayed as criminals. I think it’s propaganda. For some reason it’s always the narrative. Personally I think it’s garbage like that that divides people. It’s stupid stereotypes. My friend has a Russian wife and she’s absolutely wonderful. We love her as much as she loves all of us. She’s like family.
OMG. i used to think that russian women are more attractive than russian men ,which happens to be the case but there are lots of attractive russian men and there's nothing wrong with a man that takes proper care of himself. Trust me women like that. I'm a bisexual woman and I have seen lots of attractive Russians. Both genders. Cheers ✌
I like the social values in russia! You can be still romantic and classy as a man, women embrace their beauty, you can be direct and honest to other people and its the norm, you don't need to fake smile constantly to strangers. I like it! Here in switzerland we get always described as cold and unfriendly because we also don't smile all the time to random people and because we like to keep our feelings to ourselves. People from fake friendly societies need to learn to respect that.
Really cool video, as a russian living abroad want to say you, guys, please don't beleive your medias and stereotypes, find a couple of contacts with us, if you are interested)) and we probably can melt your heart! With love.
There's also a russian proverb: "The bigger cabinet, the louder it falls". Smaller guys uses it when they want to show their braveness. PS: oh, give my regards to Huck Finn, by the way
5 months into russian learning and still fascinated by this amazing culture in every possible way . The interviews with them , the interactions , their music , their movies all show a deep culture which values soul , relationships much more than many materialistic cultures . Of course american movies show the stereotypes including the james bond girl . But learn russian and interact with them and travel to russian speaking countries , I bet you wont be disappointed . Special note to russian women . Yes they are beautiful but one thing which is less known is they are more highly educated and well read thanks to their education system perhaps . Я люблю русских
Highly educated? Soviet education with a twist. Most don't know English, think the world should pay them homage and have a basic lack of civility. That's not well educated.
@@stuartbritton4811 hehe . i wrote this before the special operation . My opinion is modified. Still in many ways russians ( not all ) are better than many americans . Their culture has many rich elements as well as many issues due to the propaganda . Regarding " ppl " vs people . Get a life or work as a vocabulary teacher . Most people type in short forms when using the net and there are narcissists ( like you :) ) whose sole purpose in life is to look for errors .
1. I could say in Russia there is a lot of beautiful guys😏😊 2. We don't drink vodka, I usually prefer tea and juice. We usually drink a lot of different tea. 3.We like memes. But we don't joking around on the streets, because it could be dangerous. 4.We hate cold and when it's winter we are waiting for summer! 5.Every relationships is unique. 6.This one it's true. 7. Everyone is different.I like people because of their personality.
I loved this video. thank you. thank you so much to clear all my doubts. but the most important is the kind of person who you are and being important in life and don't judge a book by the cover.
Aleksei seems like a chill and cool guy, but at the same time the most 'Russian-like' Russian you could have found. If you told me he was ex KGB, I'd believe it! lol
Hey everyone! I decided to make this episode in Russian as some of the participants didn't speak English well, and I speak Russian. Let me know how you felt watching a video in another language! It's not something I will do often, but it's always interesting to try it out 🤗 Also which stereotype was the most interesting to see confirmed or crushed? Let me know below!
I love Russian language, so...
All I know is Hello, how are you, You are beautiful, I'm fine, thank you, and bye bye in Russian : )
@@anandadaquino3604 Portuguese is a beautiful language as well ☺️ Португальский тоже красивый язык
All of the stereotypes are interesting and this video
The stereotype that I found interesting was the fact that most Russians aren't spies and they are not criminals
The "Russians are serious" stereotype is one of the most annoying. It's simple cultural difference. In the USA people smile just to be polite. In Russia a smile is usually a direct sign of affection/friendliness. Friends smile a lot to each other, but if you smile to a complete stranger, that would make him uncomfortable.
@@AtlantisRouTou That has never been my experience with anyone in America...
This is also true in France apparently. They think it is insincere to smile at strangers.
@@AtlantisRouTou I have not once smiled at a stranger to avoid getting shot what. That is…not how that works at all
@@AtlantisRouTou I have never experienced that at all.
I agree- I wouldn’t view Russians as serious, but as honest.
I might be wrong, but I would say that Russians drinking vodka is a stereotype. They drink a lot of TEA. Like, all the time. If you go to smb's house, they offer you tea; YOU never turn away a cup of tea :) also, all my friends love tea NOT vodka...
My third cup of tea in row whispers: "It's truuue". :)))
so true!!!
I think it is especially different for younger generations. I personally drink tea maybe once or twice a month (but I am a big coffee lover). And no vodka at all 🤦🏻♀️
About 3-4 cups of tea everyday. Russians are tea drinkers but coffee also find it's way here. Slowly but steadily
Totally TRUE. Russians are the greatest tea drinkers.
I asked my Russian friend if they wrestle with a Bear everyday... He said "No! Why should i wrestle with my pet?😭 "
Russian sense of humor 🤣
@@МаксНовиков-н1л WHAT? you mean you neither wrestle with bears nor do you keep them as pets???
My whole life has been a lie :(
I don't know who to trust anymore
Come to Russia and see with own own eyes:-)
@@knownanonymous1691 well, when the borders will be open. Come to Russia, come to Saint Petersburg!))
@@knownanonymous1691 and where are you from?)
- Russians drink a lot of vodka.
- Here is 6 russians. Only one of them drinks vodka sometimes.
- True.
the same reaction lol vodka is for students, poor people, homeless etc. One girl said correctly that people prefer whiskey or brandy (if we are talking about strong alcohol). I guess beer is the most popular alcohol
at first it seemed to me that I liked strong alcohol. More precisely, I really loved him. But at some point, the smell of strong alcohol just became disgusting to me. I've hardly been drinking since then. Please, it's good that I came to this conclusion at the age of 18 and will not spoil my life with alcoholism
@@alexkavanin1168 true! Beer is definitely the most popular one
One of six is 16.7%. It is not so little. Especially if compared with other nations.
Просто на 20 русских найдется 1, который пьёт за остальных 19 человек.
I remember putting on a “Moscow metro face” in Russia, because my Russian professor told us that Russians think people walking around with smiles on their faces are simple minded.
Big city problem... look to Berlin, NY etc... all are hurry and busy.
Same! I must have gotten pretty good at it as people would occasionally ask me a question in Russian and were surprised when I said that I didn't speak it. My language skills were so poor at that time.
Simple-minded, yes, but people most likely will think that's you're high on drugs or simply drunk
@@OlsblogThe difference is that in Russia we go with such faces almost everywhere, regardless of the city. If you see a smiling Russian on the street, he is either drunk or has a really good day.
@Richard Myers Tourists. People who are having a good day. People who were taught to smile when talking to people as opposed to having a "resting bitch face." Americans.
Need I say more?
Yes, I am an American. Many of my classmates were immediately I.D.'d as Americans because they couldn't keep their awe, and the small smile we're taught to always have, off of their faces while we were in Russia.
it's definitely better for the participants to talk in their mother tongue, i like it more.
Да! Exactly, the two ladies are their natural self and very very funny!!
@@worldoftancraft what the rubbish are you talking? For example German is used by approximately 100 millions people, while "dead" Russian is used by more than 200 millions people. Russian is the second language by popularity in the whole Internet. Live with it, dude.
@@worldoftancraft your english is broken and your spellings are wrong. Please go back to school.
My best friend is Russian, and she is one of the kindest, intelligent, warm hearted, hilarious people ever.
Mine too :)
Wanna make friends with a grumpy Russian, by chance?
You're in luck, take care of her
@@ursa_margo hello hello fellow russian :))
@@wishfulvi did you just smile while saying hello to someone you don't know? are you sure you're russian?
Russians sound too direct and bossy in English, because they apply Russian phrasing to English. English speaker would say "Would you mind opening the window", a Russian would say "open the window (please)", so we could came off as rude when we just say things as we would say it in Russian. Also English doesn't have polite form of You (Вы in Russian or Vous in French ), so many Russians struggle with that a lot. They *want* to be polite, but they just don't know how, and it takes some time to learn.
@@abdohm5219 huh?
"You" is the polite form in English. The informal form "thee" (toi in Fr or ты in Ru) is archaic and isn't used anymore. Because everybody was too polite to each other using you all the time, thee became obsolete.
@@jenslaughingfox9869 yep, that's what I try to explain, when this issue appear :)
Of course Russians would be bossy, through out the centuries they've been the most relevant country along with China.
Politeness in the Philippines is more on the amount of ‘po’ (word for respect, mostly used for elders) you could put in a sentence eg. ‘I’m going home na po’ ‘I’m getting there na po’ although I have to ask Tuba vs Vodka who will win?
I like that they are actually Russians speaking about their stereotypes and not American kids with Russian grandparents…
im an american kid with russian parents and yes i love that they are representing it with them but we are russians as well
@@wishfulvi only if you speak Russian on a native level
@@hokoriyostar8070 i do. my grandma educates us on russian and i've always spoke russian with my parents.
@@wishfulvi oh, that's cool!
YES. That's a huge pet peeve of mine. And also, videos about Russian culture/stereotypes with "Russian" people who either barely spoke the language or spoke it with a heavy American accent.
"Russians are very direct" --> Dutch people liked that :)
Maybe that’s why Dutch, Germans and Russians are some of my favorites so far. Very direct and upfront and no guesswork if they actually like you or not😂
Yes we are
@@AsepTravels other countries consider it rude (sometimes) makes you wonder about the ethics of countries that don't put honesty at a premium
@@AsepTravels I am Russian-German and this is not true. Germans arent direct. They sound direct because of the language, the language sounds direct. But the actual facts that is delivered by the language is very sneaky. Its like a wolf in a sheeps skin.
@@Stinktierchen I think the biggest difference is that Germans care more about what other people think of them, Russians don’t...
I am Russian but have been living in New Zealand for nearly one year and a half. Houses here (unlike Russian ones) don't have central heating and it's freezing especially in June, July, August. How tired I am of phrases like "But why do you suffer from cold here? You're Russian, you must've gotten used to it!" Damn, my nerve system ain't been frozen off, 8 degrees is still cold for me! Also, some people ask: "Is it cold there? In Russia?" I'm like: "When and where?" - "Well, in Russia. Throughout the year". What am I supposed to be answering? It can reach +50 degrees Celsius during the hottest summer days in arid regions near the border with Kazakhstan, for example. On the contrary, the temperature of -60 degrees once was detected in a remote settlement. So, is it cold in Russia? The second thing I totally loathe is all vodka-related questions. I've never drunk it and I don't want to. However, it doesn't fit in some people's heads how a Russian 20-years-old guy may be a teetotaler.
They are new zealanders. It's pretty much synonymous with igrnoramuses.
Tbh, 8°C isn't even that cold lol. I'm British and I could easily just be wearing a jumper in that kind of weather. Then again, I guess it varies from person to person.
@@Ricky911_ correct me if I'm wrong but I think you don't have central heating systems in houses in the UK, do you? Because I used to live in a warm tenement where you don't need to wear a sweater or jumper during winter. If you've been living for the whole your entire life in these conditions of 8 degrees at home, you have probably gotten used to it. Old habits die hard.
@@Someone-vg7ii yeah, we have central heating. I thought you meant 8°C outside btw. If it were 8°C inside my house, I'd definitely suffer from the cold.
@@Ricky911_ I am Russian and I wouldn't suffer from the cold at 8C. I would have died at +8C inside.
It's better with their own languages, really enjoyed it!
How do you like the Russian language by ear? Very interesting.
@Internet Hiburan didn’t you try to learn it?
@@Natashanjka me, I am trying to learn it :)
@@malidevGames good. What’s your level? What have you learned in Russian already?
@@Natashanjka I am beginner. I learn numbers, basics words like good morning, I have, it's, yes, no, or, and, etc... and I can read in Russian but a little slowly
I learn it in Duolingo and TH-cam
These videos are more awesome with the people speaking their own language.
Oh yes. More recommending for people from all around the world who speak a different language. I loved it! 👍😀
This is the first time I see Russians speaking their native language, it's amazing , but everything is fine, soon they will be banned from using the Russian language in other countries and only then will democracy win.
Did anybody else notice how the woman being obviously overweight and having not very good hair at 1:05 tells that the Russian men are awful because of their look and should have better haircut and do more sport?
@@MrVlad1984 She looks good wdym?
@@blight6972 you have a bad taste dude or have never seen good looking women
Russia arguably has the biggest culture in Europe. Those guys were good at bloody everything: art, theatre, cinema, chess, ballet, classical music and of course, LITERATURE. And everything has soul in it. Unfortunately for some westerners it might be hard to truly understand it.
What a kind comment! Thanks so much. As a person whose major is literature (and foreign languages), I'm very happy to hear about that :)
@@valeriiademianenko5155 my pleasure. Even though I’m a fan of French and British literature too, to me Russian literature is the best. There won’t be another Dostoevsky. Ever. I fear he might have just a bit less impact in non-orthodox people perhaps, especially in his later (and greatest) works. Greetings and love from Romania.
@@BlueSwampyCraft Wow, I learn French and English at my university, too. I agree, Dostoevsky is a genius. Thanks so much for your kindness. Have a nice day✨
@@valeriiademianenko5155 hi! I'm actually an art school student hoping to study literature in University.. what are some books you would recommend to read?
@@spaceoddity6911 Hey, that's so cool! If you're asking about Russian literature then I'd recommend you three authors: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and Boris Pasternak. Choose any of their books, you won't regret reading them. And good luck with your studies💛
I don't speak a word of Russian but I must say, the Russian language is very beautiful! I enjoyed watching this video!
this is a swine-dog language.
@@emethden Among other slavic languages Russian is the only normal 'cause of big number of Germanic loan words. Have you heard of Of Ukranian or Polish? Those are just disgusting.
@@avadaentertainment3429 dont make me laugh.
@@emethden why do you laugh on truth?
@@avadaentertainment3429 Don't pay any attention to him. He's just a brainwashed fool from Ukraine. In fact, both Russian and Ukrainian are quite beautiful. Some songs in Ukrainian sound very nice.
Just to touch on the smiling thing. Firstly, I live in Germany and NOBODY smiles here so its not a Russia-exclusive phenomenon, but I read once that Russian's value smiling only when its sincere. They consider the Western/American smile fake and without substance, so when a Russian person smiles at you or laughs with you it should be regarded as an enormous compliment
It is a fake smile we have in America except in Midwest region
I'm sure that there are a lot of stressed out cashiers all over the world that don't sit grinning all day like they have taken speed.😂
About cold. In Siberia people said: " Siberian is not the one who easily tolerates the cold, but the one who dresses warmly". We don't like the cold in Russia either)
Ну, вообще-то жители холодных регионов реально переносят холод сильно лучше жителей тёплых
Russian literature is in fact amazing. We have a good translation in Brazil thank god
@Иван Дзиньковский very good to know, even me not being so fan of Coelho, there’s much better Brazilian authors. We Brazilians enjoy very much Russian literature, it’s a gift to the world indeed.
@Иван Дзиньковский dostoyovski was a racist white man. nothing interesting about him.
@@bakugokatsuki908 wut?
@@Valentina-eh5zf What other Brazilian authors would you recommend?
A year ago I knew very little about Russia or Russians, including stereotypes. The pandemic gave me lots of free time and I decided to learn a second language and I chose Russian because, why not?
I have learned so much about Russia in a short time and additionally have fallen madly in love with and will marry my Russian fiance soon.
All that to say I truly appreciate this video. It gives many people who may otherwise never have the opportunity to learn the truth and beauty of a people that the US government and Hollywood often present in very inaccurate light.
❤Much love❤
Very beautiful
Actually, your comment shows that you still have a lot to learn. There are 145 million people in Russia. Do you really think they all share the same "truth and beauty"? I'm not trying to be rude, but your comment is based on nothing more than romanticizing another nation. Russia has some wonderful people....and some not so wonderful people - just like every country on earth. In fact, Russia (and the US) is one of the worst countries for human trafficking on earth.
@@CMV314 I wasn't insinuating that Russia is all Roses and unicorns, but if Hollywood has anything to do with it, people get the impression that it's all demands and gremlins. Honestly, use your head. To paint a completely accurate depiction of anyone or anything, it would take a novel and there would still be something missing. Focusing on people's/a nations negatives is a comman reaction. Which you've just proven.
As a Russian guy, I can say that I have never drunk alcohol, I can smile without any reason and it's very cold at winter
@Laxman Tiwari we just rarely share our emotions with strangers. and most Russians have a strong will, brought up from childhood
As a Bulgarian, who has had the chance to meet many Russian tourists back at home, I'd like to say that Russians are pretty cool, friendly and funny people, especially, when you get to know them. I think my experience helped me to dispel many of the negative stereotypes about them.
Also, I want to say I was very happy to hear their Russian voices as I was able to understand some parts of the video without the subtitles. Keep being amazing my Russian brothers and sisters...oh yeah, and keep on breaking down your barriers!
Благодаря ти, братко мой Българин!
@@relytnedred47 С хера они нам братья? Воевали против нас в обеих войнах и сейчас памятники осквернили. На хер они пошли
@@ОлегВолохов-ж8у из-за таких, как вы, стереотипы о грубых русских не перестанут существовать
@@aliceestes7549 Давайте трезво разберёмся. Они воевали против наших союзников сербов, кстати, против своих же братьев-славян в Балканской войне 1912-1913 при турецкой поддержке? Воевали. Они воевали против нас в 1914-1918? Воевали. Они были враждебны нам в 1940-е ? Было. После этого мы открыли их с-х продукции свой рынок, хотя всё то же самое росло на Кубани, в Ставрополье, на Кавказе. Ладно, они не хотели жить в коммунистической Болгарии (в турецкой и нацистской, наверное, лучше жилось). Допустим. А причём здесь памятник Алёше? И вообще мёртвые? Причём? Факт, что памятник и захоронения оскверняют? Факт. Да, наверное, есть там русофилы, но они очень незаметны, если разобраться в сухом балканском остатке. В любом случае, болгарское общество по отношению к России ну очень неоднородно, ну уж не так едино, как Сербия. Те же хорваты относятся к нам дружелюбнее и без надрыва. А Ваша позиция - это просто рефлекс на страх потерь 1941-1945, и я её понимаю, так как сам русский, но только этот страх и эта политика оправданы, пока нет войны, пока и если Болгария не реализует по отношению к России враждебную политику. Но ведь осуществляет. И и это факт. И много болгар-русофобов взбрыкивают против нас без всяких оснований. Поэтому ваши опасения, что нас станут как-то не так воспримать, - фантомны и питают благоглупую надежду, отражение которой легко угадывается в самоироночной русской частушке:
С неба звёздочка упала
Прямо к милому в штаны .
Лишь бы не было войны!
Так вот, замечу Вам, как в том еврейском анекдоте: не волнуйтесь, Сара Марковна - уже! Уже давно всё пропало. И лучшее тому подтверждение то, что они всё чаще поминают нам БНР, СССР, то есть то, чего давно нет. И всё глуше вспоминают 1877-1878. За 30-35 лет они давно могли бы явить чудеса хозяйствования, а под крылом ЕС - и подавно! Просто для них русские виноваты онтологически. Англосаксы исповедуют эту веру в русле собственной политики, а какие-нибудь болгары или другие шавки - вынужденно, т.е. подчиняясь гегемону. Но меня как русского совершенно не интересует, чем болгары руководствуются в своей антирусскости. Это их психические проблемы. Важно лишь, насколько их замуты, какого бы они ни были генезиса, опасны для моей страны. Поэтому я не боюсь ни понравиться, ни не понравиться, в частности, тем же болгарам. Меня драма их мнимого разочарования в России не коноё@ит. И Вам предлагаю не заниматься плохим русским и безответным подвижничеством - самоумалением. И добро бы только безответным, а то ведь с плевками и дерьмом на нас и наших мёртвых в могилах! Вам перестройки и 1990-х не хватило? Исчо хоцца? Чтобы наши надежды на ответное благородство, на ответные уступки изнасиловали и убили? Надеюсь, я доступно изложил? Не совестите меня моралитэ тех, кто живёт животным интересом и готов нас сдать не за понюх табаку! Они - скот, илоты, которых через нищету ведут на убой, а на нас они все ещё злятся, потому что теперь мы отказываемся их бесплатно кормить. Завоёвывать им снова независимость, как в 1877, прощать им обе мировые войны, покупать у них их растительное дерьмо в ущерб своим сельхозпроизводителям, идти им на уступки с ЮЖНЫМ ПОТОКОМ итд. Руку сакса и германца не куснешь: как бы ни чмырил, а дотационную дозу пока кидает...а Ваня уже не кормит, эх, полаю на Ваню! А Джон отвернется, так и Ваньку подмигну (как с передумыванием по турецкому потоку), авось поймёт, что я это не со зла....не со зла... это просто хозяин велел!.." Ну а мне-то, русскому какая радость? :) Не, мать, болгары- дно.
@@ОлегВолохов-ж8у вам не кажется, что обобщать - дело глухое? Одно дело - что творит правящая партия, другое, что думают и делают люди. Личное этот парень, думаю, не виноват во всех треволнениях, он высказал положительное отношение к нам, а вы нелицеприятно высказались насчёт всех болгар сразу. Если вы думаете, что подобным агрессивным поведением вы заставите уважать себя и свою нацию, то вы ошибаетесь. Нужно иногда помнить, что люди не ответственны за то, как ведут себя власти. И, хотя, кто-то (иногда и большинство) встаёт на их сторону, не значит, что так думают и действуют все. Мусьё как раз в комментарии показал, что он то, как раз, к русским относится уважительно. Может, если человек из меньшинства, стоит ему показать, что он действительно прав насчёт нас? Спасибо большое за развернутый ответ, но боюсь, мы очень расходимся во взглядах, как стоит вести себя достойному представителю достойной нации
Всего хорошего!
ALL central-northern Europeans - from Switzerland, Germany and northward, are direct (and dare I say we French too). This stereotype just shows how anglocentric people are nowadays.
these stereotypes were around long before English language dominated the world.
As a Russian living in the UK it's hellish, people seem almost dishonest from my perspective (or evasive, I suppose)
@@AeneasGemini Расскажи об этом побольше, пожалуйста!🙏🏻
Они и в близких/дружеских отношениях такие?
The US is very anglicized and you never really know if the smiles you are receiving are real. I feel people need you to smile so much because they need a lot of reassurance here. It’s not even the smiling. In Latin America, people smile alot but the smiles are never forced. Why are people smiling if they don’t feel it?
I like how they say smiling when you want to is more sincere. I feel like thats a definite truth. In my country we smile at everyone and its exhausting sometimes. Sometimes youre just not in the mood but to not smile means something must be wrong.
Никто не говорит по английский
Привет из Сербии братья и сестры)
Привет-привет, братец)
Приветствую, брат!))
Привет, брат
Привет из Челябинска)
Поздравльам те, брате моj Србине!
People always talk about how beautiful the women are... but I find Russian men to be very handsome as well. Yes, of course, there will be “clunkers” as you will find anywhere. But mostly, very good looking people.
I agree
@@kestrelthesoldier god looking people? like greek gods? lol
"God looking"
I mean, who knows? You may technically be right 😂
@@Ricky911_ oh it’s was a typo.. ha ha! I fixed.
Yeah, if you’re more into the sensitive, masculine, quiet types that look more rugged rather than the cuter, more haughty types you’d find in Western Europe and up north, Russian men are very sexy.
Got to spend a month on Russia during the 2018 world cup! It's an amazing country and beautiful people! They were so helpful when I was at the airport or train stations and was lost. 2 couples on separate occasions stayed with with me for 2 hours until I was helped at the airport and situated, I will be back one day! большое спасибо Россия!
"Smiling provokes a hit in the kidneys."
Didn't like that one, sounds like nazi germany.
@@herrbonk3635 cant please everyone i guess.
@@herrbonk3635 that was an example of dark Russian humor. If you get hit for smiling in Russia, the smiling itself was not the problem.
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф So what was the problem?
@@herrbonk3635 something else, duh. Like, the wrong part of town. Or someone's funeral. Or doing it while talking to a guy after grabbing his girl's ass.
I think that the thought that Russian men are not handsome is due to the fact that they do not pay much attention to their appearance. For example, our men (Turkish men) shape their hair and take care of their clothing. Of course, not all of them are like this, but compared to Russian men, ours are more well-groomed. I think Russian men are genetically better than Turkish men because they are taller than Turkish men and their bodies are more athletic. Russian men have beautiful hair colors, but they cut their hair short and they don't care that much about their clothes. These are my thoughts, of course, does not apply to every Russian man. And, of course, we must not forget that Russian women attach great importance to their appearance. Because they are very well-groomed, the neglect of their men stands out.
LOL taking too much care of your appearance is considered kinda "gay" among men in Russia, unless you're a tv host or something it's considered "a good manners" if you show a bit of dismissive attitude towards men's appearance including a "model" haircut, anyway paying too much attention is considered kinda feminine "cause women supposed to do that not real men"
@@joshualieberman1059 Yes, I already know that this is the case in Russia. But I think these sexist stereotypes need to change. I am not a Russian, I am a foreigner interested in Russian culture and I believe that the sexist stereotypes in both my country - Turkey - and Russia should be destroyed.
@@hilalcalk8285 I am a woman, may I have my say about men? I dont want a man too fussy about his appearance -its expensive and takes time which he should spend on me and children, if you add his friends, fishing and football - when he is going to take the rubbish out?
@@pilot60-287 Of course, men don't have to spend a lot of time on their appearance, but I can't deny that well-groomed men are always ahead. Even taking just five minutes makes a big difference. This is my opinion of course, everyone's opinion is subjective.
Well, I'm not sure about that, maybe I just don't understand male appearance. But I can say that among young people different hairstyles and hair dye are more popular than among older people. And yes, most likely it's just the time spent on appearance, almost anyone can become much more attractive with the help sports, nutrition, hairstyle, makeup, etc
* Personally, I also wear a short haircut and utilitarian clothes, it's really more convenient, but everyone decides for himself
People who work in Hollywood movies should be watching this.
Whose idea was it to translate "олигарх" as "Aligarh"? The proper literal translation would be "oligarch".
@Дмитрий Ротар stop spamming you stupid bot
They just don't know Russian.
Probably because "о" is often pronounced as "а", so you could technically also translate it as an "А" if you want to preserve the correct pronunciation for non-russian speaking mfs.
@@dazedd-fi4yx , theoretically I guess. But actually, that would not happen in the standard transliterations used in the English-language press. O is always rendered as O, regardless of the actual pronunciation.
Denis - handsome. Aleksei - drop dead gorgeous. First "men are only slightly better looking than apes" is utterly disproven!
The comparison to ape is an old joke here. It goes "the real man should be hairy (body), stinky (sweat) and a little bit more handsome than an ape". The subtext of this comes naturally: "looks don't make the man"
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф then people think say "Russian women are beautifull but men...". Oh dude, many Russian women do make up and nail but men even don't wash their face
@@yasasnturkiye2999 they are handsome as is
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф i think Russian Man handsome and women beautifull but many Russian Man alcholic and rude. In my country (Turkiye) many Russian tourist come to Antalya and in Antalya Russian Man drink everyday even morning omg
@@yasasnturkiye2999 sadly, Turkiye, as a tourist spot, is popular among that sort of people for the very same reason - relatively cheap accommodation and unlimited supply of cheep alcohol, which is a sort of tourist attraction strategy ("all-inclusive").
It's sad that you have to systematically witness only that side of Russian people. On the other hand, come visit Russia sometime, I hope you'll change your mind.
I REALLY enjoyed this episode. I know many Russians and I have personally found them to be highly educated, formal (which I prefer), warm, kindhearted and considerate. A long time ago I thought that anyone who walked around without that dopey grin on their face was mean but years later I know better. I'm American. I like my Russian friends to stay as they are. They are sincere and true friends.
I actually find Russian men very attractive. They have these sharp features and piercing eyes most is the times. Also, they’re not as pale as other white people, that’s kinds sexy I guess….
Thank you from all Russian men :)
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д at least foreign women appreciate us ^^
You wrote about me ...
I'm Russian,I'm so pale,than even in "white" Poland people joking that i need to catch tan:(
Right? I’ve never heard that stereotype, there are attractive ppl in every country. The Russian language sounds especially sexy from a deeper masculine voice
I can understand that the Russians bother a lot, the stereotypes of American films, about the Russian mafia, being Italian, I know something when it comes to stereotypes about the mafia for example, which is often linked to us Italians.
Well, I'm half Italian, but... Hahaha
The difference is: we have an ex mob guy reacting to movies from mafia here on TH-cam, also people have contact with Italians. They kinda mock us.
But the Russian thing is totally mean, political, and so...
- I say I'm hald Italian, because I am Brazilian, but I have double citizenship.
@@anandadaquino3604 can you give a link, I'd love to watch it
@@rachelmclaughlin1491 not a link Just name: Michael Franzese. and also check "salvatore the bull gravano". Actually I am Russian and love these guys. Its interesting how exmobs tell us about their mafia life))) There are some interesting interviews on the channel "Valutainment" find it. Its amazing)
Some years ago, at a press conference, Putin was asked a question, something like "What do you think about the Russian mafia?" and he answered: "First of all, let's note that 'mafia' is an Italian word." :D
@@BiglerSakura The word is Italian, but the concept is international, let's not forget the Chinese or Japanese mafia.
The point is when we can talk about the mafia and when about gangsterism phenomena.
"Russian women are beautiful, but russian men aren't". Emmm...it contradicts to genetic I believe. The fathers of this beautiful women should be good looking too)
It's more about culture of "manly men don't need to use skin care and spend money on good haircut" that is present(but will die hopefully) in Russia, not about genetics.
The prettiest men I’ve seen were in Russia actually. Just fantastic jaws and lips lol. But they’re just careless with their visuals so it doesn’t always show if you don’t pay attention.
Now this is gonna sound bad, but this stereotype is perpetuated by gold-diggers, who want to marry a rich foreigner and leave Russia. They always slander Russian men and foreign women, saying things like "foreign men are all beautiful, foreign women are all ugly". However only a few of them have the cunning to actually catch a big fish. Most just spread their legs before anyone who is from a richer country (or says he is), no matter if the guy is actually loaded even by Russian standards.
It was a joke)))
@@Tavromachos God forbid!
I simply love how Russian sounds, I used to have a close Russian friend, I used to tell him to send me secret voice recordings of him talking to his mum or friend. 😂☺️
You should see the movie "A fish called Wanda", one of the female characters there has similar (but slightly more extreme) response to the Russian language
haha that's so sweet my American friends get scared of me when I talk in Russian
Is it just me or that recordings part is kinda creepy? Lol
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф we were close friends, I would certainly never talk like this to someone I barely know. I understand, why it would seem creepy to a third person.
@@ЯБезымянный-о5ф Not really. If you're close to the person and enjoy the sound of their native language, why not? I've asked friends to teach me phrases or let me listen to them speak their respective languages. Another option would be watching videos or listening to music and audiobooks. Recordings, on the other hand, might provide common topics to talk about. Also, people might be happy if you show genuine interest in their culture.
I liked hearing this video in the Russian language! It's beautiful, and moreover, it seems more truthful in a way.
I've always been interested. How does Russian sound for a foreigner?
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д To me at least, Russian sounds quite complex and sophisticated, it puts certain sounds together in unexpected ways that I think sound pleasant. Even though I can't understand, it sounds very intelligent and meaningful. It's a bit hard to describe, but I think it sounds sort of like music.
@@anabekbond9684 Thank you for the detailed answer.
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д You're welcome!
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д Как нерусский говорю это самый красивый язык
My university professor is Russian ans she's one of the kindest and most intelligent people I'v ever met. It's always easy to talk to her, she treats me like a daughter and gives me plenty of advice. Russians are really the kindest people ever, so pure and warm hearted!
I like this. Propaganda really directs the way we view people. It dehumanizes them. I've rarely seen anything about russians being human. It's a nice change of tone, interesting.
To go and visit Russia it's in my wish list.
It's an amazing country.
Greeting from France.
Thanks! Come in Summer in St.P! It’s amazing!
P.S.: j’aime la France! Et Paris c’est magnifique!
@@НикитаСтаростин-м6н yes St P and Moscow , I hope soon.
Thanks a lot .
Don’t miss Suzdal. This is almost the only place where you can see an authantic Russian medieval architectural ensemble. And don’t waste too much time on Moscow. One day is enough.
Oh ok good to know , thanks a lot for the tip 👍🏻
@@ErmakBrovar one day in Moscow Kremlin, one day in Pushkin museum' impressionists, one day in Museums of Kremlin -tsars diamonds and new diamonds, one day - palaces of Moscow, one night-Moscow clubs,one day - Moscow churches, half of a day -Moscow underground, one evening - ballet thearter-one of them, one evening -Moscow circus-you will enjoy it even if you dont like circus in your country
💜Loved the native Russian speaking!💜 And Marina speaking Russian too was a cherry on top 🍒
Aww thank you! You watched to the end 😉
@@DatingBeyondBorders ... and I heard you speaking in the background. (I studied some Russian in college, so it was nice to hear it again.)
Thanks!!! We finnaly found one person who likes the sound of Russian 😁
I agree with you 100%! I love Russians as much as you do. 😄
"Григорий, иди сюда" ахахахахахха в точку)))
русские люди очень милые, добрые и особенно умные because they have many things to share (мне нравится русская музыка)
They inspired me to learn Russian
Это был самый лучший transition between two languages, который я когда-либо seen! Love from Russia!
@@Someone-vg7ii большое спасибо, С уважением 🙋🏼♂️
Причина из-за того я изучаю русский: деньги.
Русские говорящие "люди"? Хорошая шутка.
Тоже мне очень нравится русская музика!
Жаль что хороших музыкантов в последнее время практически не осталось. Остаётся слушать либо новых музыкантов которые создают спорные песни и композиции или же возвращаться к прослушиванию старых певцов таких как:Эдвард Хиль, КиШ, Цой и т.д.
"you don't assume people are like the government" it sounds very up to date in 2022.
"They are serious and don't have a sense of humor" --- this may be (MAY be!) true about the Japanese, or, say Northern/Western Europeans but definitely totally wrong about the Russians.
The people in this video were actually answering a completely different question - they were saying that the American-style fake smile is not a Russian habit, and didn't discuss a sense of humor which is a completely different topic.
Japan has a different sense of humor, my dude. You can't expect a xenophobic culture to understand American Sarcasm.
@@danielantony1882 yes the humor sense on the Japanese is quite different. They laugh when discussing serious issues at work.
@@BiglerSakura I think you're a bit delusional. That's not true.
@@danielantony1882 what exactly isn't true?
@@danielantony1882 The Japanese do have sarcasm, they're not that xenophobic, and you're the delusional one.
Lol the part about haw USA movies make the same sterotypical caracters regarding Russian people is very true.😁😂😀 I am not Russian but evan I agree with the general conclusion.😂
Americans thrive on stereotyping other cultures. It's ridiculous.
what about the films showing cosmonauts?
@@luccalourencini1751 Yes because others don't stereotype Americans right? Also, last I checked you northerners regardless of your country do a damn good job of stereotyping all us Latin Americans.
@@doomslayer1984 buddy, I'm Latin American, wtf are you talking about? 😂😂😂😂
And others do stereotype Americans, the HUUUUGE difference is that those stereotypes aren't followed by discrimination, unlike what happens in the US.
@@luccalourencini1751 Yes because we Latin Americans don't still refer to the Chinese population here as Chino's right? I can't speak for all of Latin America but here in Brazil discrimination of others based on stereotypes is alive and well. And seeing how we are the largest nation in Latin America one needs to assume that the rest is not much better. but if you wish to prove me wrong I'm open to hearing your side.
Russian sounds amazing!!! It's really good when they speak in their native tongue :)great episode 🥰
Do you like the sound of the Russian language?
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д yes it sounds cool
@@ezra5514 Thank you
To give an a general idea about our culture I would like to point out just one thing from this video
The girl says that she is Southerner thus very vocal, smiley and so on in contrary to stereotype of us being grim. The guy says that "smiling provokes a hit in the kidneys". The funny part is that the guy is from Krasnodar so you can check it out on a map-- this city is a capital of the most southern governmental region. It's like 40°C in there during summer.
Conclusion: any stereotype is very limited mind construction. We can't think the other way sadly, but we can reform our stereotypes to greater levels
This was one of the most interesting Truth and Myth episode in the series.
Understand you perfectly, when it comes to american movies.
Anyway what an amazing people and wonderful culture.
Much love to mother Russia and its literature.
Not only are Vera and Nadia very beautiful, but they complement each other well when explaining things.
"Laughing for no reason is a sign of stupidity" - a rough translation of a very common saying for the post-Soviet people :) Yes, we do keep a serious face when interacting with people we don't have a close personal relationship with, doing a job, shopping, etc. A smile on the street means "I know you, I recognise you" - so people may get confused about why is a stranger smiling at them? Did I forget who you are, do I know you? My mind's been goingto a recall/recognition overdrive for the first 2-3 years in Australia, all the time.
If a post-Soviet person smiles at you - congratulations, you are close enough to be considered having a close social relationship :)
I was born and raised in the US, but I feel close to Russian culture. Both of my parents are immigrants from South Korea, so that's probably why. I recently started learning the Russian language for fun because my friend (who is also a child of Korean immigrants) told me to listen to music by Кино because Viktor Tsoi's father was Korean. I also learned how to read Russian because it helped me learn Mongolian, so I could communicate with an old man at my job who is an immigrant.
Because of Кино, I watched the movies Лето, Игла, and Асса. I've been digging more into Russian music and I really enjoy the old music from Аквариум, Гражданская Оборона and Чайф. I also love Молчат Дома from Belarus, and a few bands from Sierpien Records like Группа Хмурый, Праздник and Ploho. IC3PEAK, Shortparis and Pussy Riot are cool too. Learning how to sing and play songs on guitar is helping me learn faster because it's a fun challenge. I practice singing when I'm at my warehouse job too, which helps me memorize lyrics.
Now I want to try to read Dostoevsky again. I tried many years ago, but it was overwhelming. Because of this video, I want to find more Russian authors.
Good on you братишка. Кино is an incredible band. There is not a single person in the world who has listened to it and didn't like it. I also like Звери from late 90's early 00's. It is a different genre of rock, more like pop but you will love it.
Ahah, US Korean who listen g.o. it's really unexpected
Ну это круто)) 😊
Друг, почитай "Мастер и Маргарита" Булгакова, "Мертвые души" Гоголя, они читаются легче
People express best in their native language. Subtitles take care of the rest! Marina, you're serving the world in more than one ways!
I have heard that, in general, Russian people actually mean what they say instead of giving some vague answer/committing to something then flaking out later like people often do here in the U.S., and I honestly think that is a great thing if true. I am very direct, honest, and if I commit to something then I do it, so it would be very refreshing to be around more people who didn't value being "nice" and "friendly" over honesty and following through.
I often deal with "Western" people, for an American to give a word and not fulfill a promise is the norm, for a Russian man (if he is a man in the full sense of the word and not biological) it is a shame not to fulfill a promise, even if it is not his fault and he can't, it's still a spiritual burden. It's easy for a Westerner to say "I swear to do this" and then not keep the promise.
I agree. I’m American. I’m actually a very direct person myself. And having a Russian girlfriend, I’ve learned a lot from her, and she’s learned a lot from my friends and family. We’re not that different. She’s loved dearly by us.
It 's better for the persons to use their own language, we can see that this persons can speak freely and share their emotions.
Russian are nice and very friendly I like how they are true with their emotions
Hope to visit this lovely country soon!
Приезжайте. Будем рады. Arrive. We will be glad to.
@@ВладСмелый-щ8д Спасибо большое! 😊
As a russian, I'm happy to watch this video...)) Idk why 🐻💖☺🇷🇺
The russians ( men and woman) are the most beautiful people in the world, greetims from brazil. 🇧🇷❤🇷🇺
@@mateusdesousav.8277 oooh thanks :)
muito obrigada 😄🇧🇷👍🏻
Yes. Stereotypes about "I am russian and I can't suffer from cold weather makes me furious"...Because of cold weather now I live in Asian country ..I like a really hot weather
@@gardeningtipswithvicky we hate cold-thats why its always hot in our dwellings - we suffer in winter in European hotels
Ya skuchayu po rodine (ruskaya kleviatura u mena ne rabotaet)
I love hearing people talk in their native language! It’s your heart language after all!
100 %
Russian language is so beautiful, also I totally have to agree on russian women being absolutely gorgeous. Kinda unsettling how beautiful they are.
Thank you :)
Anyone else think Russian is one of the most beautiful languages?🇷🇺
I love this series.
"Читайте русский книги!!"
Me reading Bulgakov: 👀 ok
My favorite novell is "Мастер и Маргарита" , I recommend to read it if you haven't done it yet ☺️
@@IoT_ Love that book. Read it probably 10 times.
Mikhail Bulgakov was born in Kiev. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. He is not a Russian writer. Many Russians call him “a Russian writer” but do not know even this information.
@@NatalySwiss ok. If you want to be more precise. He was born in RUSSIAN empire, therefore he's a Russian writer. Moreover, the book that he wrote was in Russian language. I don't know why you replied to my comment although I'm not Russian and I even didn't notice that he was Russian. What's a point?
@@NatalySwiss For our foreign friends. Ukraine has become a nation in 1991, by the will of the elite. To justify and protect their "achievements" of robbing tens of millions of people, they required a national myth, based on denying every relation to Russia, thus upbringing xenophobia towards Russians and others.
Unfortunately for the our ukro-nаzi friends, historically they were always a part of some other nation, and independence movement wasn't big nor successfull. Now since you've been "gifted" independence (it's a gift for nаzis, tragedy for everyone else) you blame all your problems on Russia.
TLDR: Bulgakov or anyone else you call Ukrainian were only ethnically Ukrainian, but they were a part of Russian/Soviet nation, whether you like it or not.
privyet , I have some Russian friends both guys and girls ranging from age group 18-42 years and they are all awesome person I know, very knowledgeful and smart, needless to say all girls are like fashion models. also they know how to have fun and they do smile. I am from India. poka
Much prefer these videos with people speaking their own language. Always throws me off when you essentially listening to an American or Canadian accent etc. Enjoyed that one.
Aleksej is my new idol!
And it's nice to hear по-русски again 😍
''Smiling provokes a hit to the kidneys.''
Well that just explains it all, doesn't it?
Loved this episode in their native language! This series is always amazing, but I agree that somethings are easier to express in your own language. Please keep it up! 🙂
It’s really good to see the participants talk in their native language, they seem a lot more comfortable and open.
Nadia and Vera were the highlight of the video with their great sense of humor and imitations of Russian stereotypes😂🤣
I’m not sure why Russians and Germans have a reputation for being cold and unfriendly. I travel a lot around the world and the Germans and Russian friends I made are some of the nicest people I’ve met🤷🏽♂️😂❤️
3:14 cracked up with Nadia's impression of a Moscow supermarket cashier 🤣🤣
I really loved to hear them in their own language, please continue in this way.
Lol, Aleksei seems like the coolest dude ever. And Nastya looks gorgeous.
Finally! Я ждал этого видео много месяцев!
I lost it at "Gregori, come here". I just watched The Superdeep!
Yeah, people are not like the governement, like that 👍🏻 cheers from Poland
Thank you from Russia!)
@Бот Бегемот what is your point mate? Are you trying to pick a senseless fight?
Firstly, what you say is absolute bollocks, we don’t have any interest in Belarus and we respect their affinity to Russian culture, I said culture, Russian geopolitical influence btw is not at stake, no need to get edgy. No-one wants Belarus in Nato nor the EU.
Secondly, you’re the perfect example of going against so many common Belarussians and their opinions.
If you want to fight go to other channels and respect this producer, this is not the place for your bollocking.
@Willis Sqou i don’t understand your question
A concept applicable to the US as well
@Бот Бегемот our government is not that great and I do not support it along with half of Poles if not more according to the latest polls. Your views nonetheless are biased and in line with your state controlled tv, which has an interest to potrey us Poles this way. Come and visit and then talk.
3:15 Can't stop laughing with this 😂 ..peep!
I stayed at an Airbnb that had a very kind, friendly Russian host. We would go out on his porch and smoke and drink. The way he looked at me the entire time, I wasn't sure if he was going to murder me or was just completely bored with what I said. I think he smiled maybe twice the entire time I was there. It was a great experience.
Я хотел бы сказать Вам большое спасибо за то, что Вы так тепло, открыто и честно ответили на все эти глупые вопросы.
Продолжайте в том же духе и покажите истинную русскую душу.
Na zdarovye! - is the main myth about Russian toasts. We don`t say that.
We say "Za vashe/tvayo zdarovye!" - To your (plural)/ your (singular) health!
On my first few weeks in Russia I would always smile at them and very few of them would smile back at me. They mostly looked at me all confused lol. I told my husband about it and he said it's weird in Russia to always smile to strangers, so now I already learned how to have a poker face and it's fun! Didn't know I have this talent
Yes, I agree. Here in the US I noticed the same thing about the movies. Russians always are portrayed as criminals. I think it’s propaganda. For some reason it’s always the narrative. Personally I think it’s garbage like that that divides people. It’s stupid stereotypes. My friend has a Russian wife and she’s absolutely wonderful. We love her as much as she loves all of us. She’s like family.
it's true, in the movies they portray Russians as some kind of villains and it's a shame
OMG. i used to think that russian women are more attractive than russian men ,which happens to be the case but there are lots of attractive russian men and there's nothing wrong with a man that takes proper care of himself. Trust me women like that. I'm a bisexual woman and I have seen lots of attractive Russians. Both genders. Cheers ✌
I like the social values in russia! You can be still romantic and classy as a man, women embrace their beauty, you can be direct and honest to other people and its the norm, you don't need to fake smile constantly to strangers. I like it! Here in switzerland we get always described as cold and unfriendly because we also don't smile all the time to random people and because we like to keep our feelings to ourselves. People from fake friendly societies need to learn to respect that.
I met 4 russians in Brazil, nice people to be around, trully friendly and laid back.
I just want to say that the woman with the navy dress is STUNNING
Really cool video, as a russian living abroad want to say you, guys, please don't beleive your medias and stereotypes, find a couple of contacts with us, if you are interested)) and we probably can melt your heart! With love.
That was super good!
OMG! The 1st one is really not true. Some Russian men are really gorgeous.
If I get in trouble with some shady characters, I save myself by telling them that I will call my friends from the Russian mafia 😅😅
I loved the fact that this vid was in Russian and that the people had different personalities!!
All Luv from Tunisia ❤️
"Cabinet shaped men" I'm dyingggg lollol
There's also a russian proverb: "The bigger cabinet, the louder it falls". Smaller guys uses it when they want to show their braveness.
PS: oh, give my regards to Huck Finn, by the way
Loved this sooo much
Even before starting the video ,I know what the stereotypes are, and I am not even Russian
5 months into russian learning and still fascinated by this amazing culture in every possible way . The interviews with them , the interactions , their music , their movies all show a deep culture which values soul , relationships much more than many materialistic cultures . Of course american movies show the stereotypes including the james bond girl . But learn russian and interact with them and travel to russian speaking countries , I bet you wont be disappointed . Special note to russian women . Yes they are beautiful but one thing which is less known is they are more highly educated and well read thanks to their education system perhaps . Я люблю русских
We love ppl like you👍
@@Olsblog thank you
Highly educated? Soviet education with a twist. Most don't know English, think the world should pay them homage and have a basic lack of civility. That's not well educated.
@@Olsblog who is we? Not everyone agrees with you. Can't you spell 'people'?
@@stuartbritton4811 hehe . i wrote this before the special operation . My opinion is modified. Still in many ways russians ( not all ) are better than many americans . Their culture has many rich elements as well as many issues due to the propaganda . Regarding " ppl " vs people . Get a life or work as a vocabulary teacher . Most people type in short forms when using the net and there are narcissists ( like you :) ) whose sole purpose in life is to look for errors .
Russian Wife: "Russian husband should be slightly better looking than the monkey"
Russian Husband: "Yes, the monkey he lives with"
1. I could say in Russia there is a lot of beautiful guys😏😊
2. We don't drink vodka, I usually prefer tea and juice. We usually drink a lot of different tea.
3.We like memes. But we don't joking around on the streets, because it could be dangerous.
4.We hate cold and when it's winter we are waiting for summer!
5.Every relationships is unique.
6.This one it's true.
7. Everyone is different.I like people because of their personality.
Я ненавижу лето, Выползает 1000 тварей вооружённых жалом и ядом, Ах да у нас в городе медведи ходят по центру города( только летом).
I loved this video. thank you. thank you so much to clear all my doubts. but the most important is the kind of person who you are and being important in life and don't judge a book by the cover.
Aleksei seems like a chill and cool guy, but at the same time the most 'Russian-like' Russian you could have found. If you told me he was ex KGB, I'd believe it! lol
Absolutely amazing, as always!!!