@GG_MYDAWG spam your inventory button quickly when the campaign completed text appears. You will see it right after you open the reward crate. Should net you a lot of Merces
The arctic sniper was one of my first unlocks when I started hitman 2, because it was the first one I could find lol! Didnt see that Isle had one in it's unlocks so i worked through getting the arctic for sniper assassin challenges on every map until i found the isle of sigail one. I knew it was tricky to get but i had no idea it was the second rarest!
It's not the second rarest. The rarest unlock is BY FAR the Black Winter Suit. There is literally no way of getting that anymore. You had to play an elusive target in 2016, then transfer your progress to Hitman 2, then transfer that to Hitman 3. I was lucky enough to get it and I use it quite a lot just because I like being in that
I'm glad I did the challenge packs from H2 to get many of the unlocks that now are via Escalations or Contracts. Also, I just find Casual Undercover funny because it's kinda how my dad dressed when he dropped me at school when I was little. LOL
Since you asked, Hitman 3 is like the one game I've gone full completionist for, because I love it to death. Here's what I'm missing from this list: - Ancestral Hunter Suit - Druzhina 34 ICA Artic Sniper - The Master Freelancer Suit The most recent stuff I've got was the Freatures Contracts stuff. And let me say, between that, the Escalations, and the Elusive Arcade, I've never felt the Hitman grind more, and I've 100%'d all non-sniper locations. It was simply the most tedious work I've had to put in. I'm hoping that the Freelancer grind is less noticable since I actually enjoy that mode and I think it has a lot more variance and optional objective significance than playing SEVENTY featured contracts on the SMALLEST of the two pools of maps. (I really hate featured contracts lol) (Edit: Apparently I have Casual Undercover. Never knew.)
You need to reach Freelancer Mastery Level 65 and 100 for the Ancestral Hunting Suit and the Master Freelancer Suit (Currently at Level 89/100, 11 more to go in my case but I'll get there thanks to the bonus XP from the Prestige System) For the Druzhina 34 Arctic, good luck grinding out Siberia as it's not a fun time for me to do
I've got everything except those 3 things as well I wasn't able to enjoy Freelancer as much as a regular map since it kinda throws the whole trial and error playstyle out the window but I'll try get into it and the sniper maps should never have had more than 10 levels.
You know what the funny thing about el matador is? It is just a reskin of the striker pistol that you get from one of the escalations in Hokkaido Japan and that escalation is actually really easy too
I’m only just realising now truly how rare these all are. I started playing hitman 3 a few weeks after it came out on Xbox and I’ve gotten nearly everything since then (achievements, items, suits etc). One thing I know I’ll probably never get is that Siberia sniper and maybe the level 100 freelancer suit. Both would take so much time that I’m not willing to invest currently. But I’m still very happy and proud to have 80% of the 10 rarest things in the game!!
I just unlocked the stupid flamingo suit this morning. I can't believe how hard I had to work for a joke costume. I just wanted it so I could have all the suits in my inventory.
I recently got mine as well, still have to finish 50 Featured Contracts for a screwdriver Though the ducky variants of the F/A Stealth and Hackl Leviathan would pair well with the Lucky Ducky Suit 😊
I remember when H3 first came out, and the Arctic Druzhina had that bug about using Sniper Assassin ammo in the normal mode, wallbanging everybody. I desparately tried ot unlock it before it was patched, but it was fixed right when I got to 16 :c. I'll still always love it because of the memories of those videos, it was a glorious time. Also, I miss the old Matador unlock method from H2! It was so cute, I miss it
The black winter suit is way rarer in my opinion. It's the only suit I don't have aside from the master freelancer suit. You have to unlock it by beating an elusive target in Hitman 2016 which was before I started playing, unlock it in Hitman 2 as a bonus for the Hitman 2016 target, and then transfer it to Hitman 3. Other than number 1, I have every item on the list, and I will probably get the master freelancer suit sooner or later. That said, I'll never get the black winter suit unless some kind of crazy miracle happens and they re-release it.
I think you missed the " in Hitman 3" part, you can't unlock that suit in Hitman 3 as of yet. Some of these unlocks had different/easier methods to earn in Hitman 2, not just grinding escalations.
@@necromancer1983x I have it in Hitman 3. Been playing since before 2016 (I started with Absolution and got Hitman 2016 on day one). I didn't even know it was rare until last year 😂
8:37 if you want the original version of el matador (it also one shots) it’s called the striker and it’s for completing the cowboy escalation on Hokkaido
@@HerrJaeger64Guess you could jyst keep resetting the mission until he's on the desired location since you are allowed to reset before you kill him. That's what I'm gonna do.
@@HerrJaeger64 When I was grinding out ET Arcade a little bit ago I always went with the one closest to the default start location on a house's second floor and just blew him up with the gas canister he smokes next to. Pretty easy to tell on Instinct when he's there because of the amount of extra guards.
Not 17 different maps but 17 different missions. Bonus missions and special assignments are very easy to saso. It lets me skip annoying maps like Colorado.
I didn’t even realise how many escalations and contracts I had done until I realised I have the blue flamingo,Cashmerian AND summer suave damn I’ve played this game a lot more then I thought.
Yeah, I just got to level 100 in Freelancer a few days ago. I'm glad I did it, but I don't really care for the suit at all. So, to celebrate, I went ahead and finally completed a campaign on Hardcore. I'm not sure either suit is worth the suffering, but I do like the Bruiser suit better.
How difficult is it really to get the black bruiser suit? I haven't completed a single campaign on feelancer yet, and i think the black bruiser is one of the best looking in the entire game so far
In hitman 2 it only required you to complete the escalation 'Dubious Cohabitation in mumbai to get the cashmerian suit. Same goes for the el matador and the imperial classic suit with gloves The blue flamingo required you to complete a challenge pack which was quite easy
I'm pretty sure that the escalation's name is Divine Transcendence in order to unlock the Imperial Classic with Gloves in H2 Took me a while to grind 28 Escalations to get the aforementioned suit BFS, don't get me started for how long it took to finish 45 Featured Contracts (Currently grinding Track 2 Tier 4 - Tier 7 so I can use that cool looking pistol, sniper rifle and the screwdriver)
I just unlocked Master Freelancer Suit. And I can tell for all to know - if you are going to play Freelancer 5 days a week, with weekend breaks, it will take you at least two and a half months to unlock it.
@Kallum And the Absolution suit is a reskin of the Signature suit with a tie pin. Imo it doesn't really matter if a specific suit is a reskin if they are distinct enough. But the Ashen suit just painted the tie and shoes black and added Full-Leather gloves.
I mainly missing 3 of those, Casual Tourist, Ancestral Hunter, and Master Freelancer. Main reason because I unlocked some of those items in Hitman 2 when it was easier objectives, like El Matador, Blue Flamingo, Imperial Classic, and Summer Suave. Also would like to add I’m surprised the Black Winter Suit or the performance coins were not on here
I own pretty much all of them from save transfers. That being said, there's actually a couple suits that I think might be rarer, as they are only available from progress carryover. The Midnight Black Suit (H2 preorder) and the Black Winter Suit (forget how it was unlocked, but it's a darker version of the Winter Suit with an elusive target lapel pin).
@@SirCavas according to the wiki it's only available as carryover from H2 (from either preorder or the Executive or Collector's pack). It's definitely not just for owning WoA though, I've definitely seen people saying they don't have it. Edit: I just checked, I guess they did add it to the full WoA release. But I definitely know that people didn't have it with just H3 as I've seen people mention not having it online.
Kinda weird that these are the rarest items in the game and I have all except for the freelancer suit because they weren’t really rare back in H2. The undying suit also isn’t a reskin of the Dubai suit, Undying came out a couple years before so it’s the other way around, you used to have to kill 100 targets in the ghost mode coop, which took me about 2 weeks of consecutive grinding.
7:58 lmfao great jokes snuck in there as always. I totally agree with you about the Casual undercover suit. It looks terrible and just low effort when it could have been something unique to all the other ET unlock suits.
should've waited a couple of days as they're bringing a suit for freelancer hardcore completition which will def be rare because of how not worth the effort it is
The items I'm more bugged about are the black winter suit and the ICA outstanding performance coins, mainly because as someone who recently got the trilogy I don't think it's possible to obtain them now. The black winter suit requires completing an elusive target in hitman 2016, carrying that over to hitman 2 via legacy packs (that are no longer available) and then using your single carryover to port it into hitman 3, which would overwrite your previous data. The coins were apparently also rewards for elusive targets, and as someone starting in 2023 I don't think they're available anymore either
I started playing hitman around October of year 3 and when Elusive target galore started I have pretty much able to get all the suits immediately the only one being the suit you get for doing a elusive target for Colorado. I'm right now 100% the game and since I started playing around October I got the limited purple streak suit. But not the greek fire suit for some reason but I'm confident the drop will return at some point.
I remember obtaining the revolutionary (casual tourist suit with gloves), but i didn't know at the time it was that rare. The suit still is kinda underwhelming.
I hope they keep going with this game for years because I want to get all those elusive targets rewards, unlike Hitman 1 and 2 which I miss all and so does hitman 3 but I got some of them
*nerd mode on* akchually, the true rarest items are Outstanding Performance coin (was awarded for elusive targets back in 2016), aluminum travel briefcase (for purchasing some early game edition) and the original Explosive Pen (for eliminating the Undying)
At least the Exploding pen is being added back soon for a challenge unlock. I hope they do the same for the Aluminum Briefcase at some point, they have been putting up new challenges for getting old unlocks over the last few months
Maybe the black bruiser suit you get for completing a hardcore campaign. It’s not a grind but might be one of the toughest challenges due to all the bs that can happen in showdowns, especially alerted ones (as all are in hc) and the fact levels are in Master difficulty. One slip up (or an NPC getting xray vision and your campaign is likely over), oh yeah and prestige objectives are mandatory. It took me 3 tries but after playing regular freelancer where I was like at level 90 smt maybe even the full 100 and I still had to cheese it by always picking the bs prestige objectives of kill a target with x weapon.
I don’t have any of these but looking at this list makes me want to actually try to get some these suits and other stuff that I actually have wanted for a while
I got one item missing (Suit from 15 elusive targets, got 14/15) and in Freelancer I'm lvl 100 but still gotta do the Top Dog challenge (I've done 90 campaigns) and 4 more prestige trophies (9 more wall "donations")... Hitman is a very nice game.
There’s also a couple coins you got from completing elusive targets in the original game. There was a coin for completing one and a coin for completing every elusive target and I think it also had to be silent assassin. And you can’t get it now.
In Hitman 3 I own: Casual Tourist with Gloves 47's Signature Suit with Gloves Summar Sauve Suit El Matador Imperial Classic with Gloves Took me a whole day to do all of the Hitman 1 escalations and deluxe escalations And will Soon get the Ancestorial Suit at level 65 in freelancer Obviously I have so much more but I included only the stuff that was considered 'rare'
If you wanna unlock some of the Suits faster, u only need to buy Hitman2 +1 and do only one Eskalation (Flamingo Suit, Cashmerian, Summer Suave, el Matador, etc). After that you update your progress to Hitman3. Done!
Completionist sicko here! Now that we're going to get the explosive pen from The Undying ET, I think the only unlock I don't have is the Black Winter Suit from H1.
Love the channel Hitman Fam, but I do disagree in some of the rankings, but to each Hitman Addict his own. Thx for the content -Rick in Indianapolis Hitman🤪🤔😉😆
The fact that some of these suits, which were so easily obtainable before, are now locked behind escalations and featured contracts is the dumbest thing
Getting the arctic sniper is a lot easier in H2 than in H3 because for some reason even if you fulfill all requirements for SA you would still not get SA for some reason. Good thing that I did that in H2, took me 3 days to finish and I even used it a lot in the main missions going for 100%.
So out of these I have: The Blue Flamingo Suit (I got the H1 and H2 Featured Contract Challenges first), the Cashmerian, Summer Suave, El Matador and Imperial Classic (Got every non-DLC Escalation challenge done) and the Druzhina Artic Sniper (I grinded to Level 20 all 3 Sniper maps, not just Siberia). I'm missing the rest because they're either from the H3 Featured Contracts which I'm still in the middle of doing, currently at 40 out of 70, the ones from Elusive Targets which I've only started doing with the Year 3 ones without missing any, so by the end of this month I should have 47's Suit with gloves as long as I don't screw up, as well as the Casual Tourist since it is coming up (and the Italian Suit since there's also a Sapienza target) or they're Freelancer unlocks which... I haven't even touched at all yet. I am a completionist so I'll get around to it someday, and I know it'll take FOREVER but I'll get there, I'm not in a hurry. Also thanks for not putting any unlocks on the list that are just unobtainable or locked to the Deluxe Pack or 7DS because it's pretty obvious not too many players actually stop to buy those but once you do they're not hard unlocks anyway. I might buy them someday for the completion idk.
I got Imperial Casual Suit ,El Matador,The Summer Suave Suit,The Cashmerian Suit,The blue Flamingo Suit,47's Suit with Gloves and Casual Tourist Suit However now Im grinding to complete 70 contracts on. HITMAN 3 maps (I got 18)
Id argue the winter suit is far more rare than the level 100 freelancer suit, seeing as anyone with the will power to grind out freelancer can get it but nobody can get the winter suit anymore and you never will be able too again.
I just got a new gaming PC and I can finally play hitman 3😁 I used to only be able to play hitman 2016 because hitman 3 would crash before starting. But now I have a Nvidia graphics card instead of an Intel graphics card. I’m very happy I can now play hitman and I’m going to buy it soon. I’ve loved Hitman ever since 2015 when I played absolution and blood money. Now I can play high end graphics now😁
i have a few of these but only because they use to be easier to unlock for example , im fairly sure the el matador use to be unlocked from just a single escalation in santa fortuna
As a loyal player who has bought every latest Hitman on release, I own pretty much all of these(except for freelancer, still grinding it)
lol use the money glitch when winning the campaign
@@rodrigocisneros7019 money Glitch ?
@@rodrigocisneros7019 pretty sure you need xp to level up not money
@GG_MYDAWG spam your inventory button quickly when the campaign completed text appears. You will see it right after you open the reward crate.
Should net you a lot of Merces
@Speedrunmcporridge money helps though. Let's you bring rarer items more regularly as you will always be able to buy them back.
Don't know about anyone else, but i'm just a simple collector in this game. No matter what, EVERYTHING will be collected.
The arctic sniper was one of my first unlocks when I started hitman 2, because it was the first one I could find lol! Didnt see that Isle had one in it's unlocks so i worked through getting the arctic for sniper assassin challenges on every map until i found the isle of sigail one. I knew it was tricky to get but i had no idea it was the second rarest!
It's not the second rarest. The rarest unlock is BY FAR the Black Winter Suit. There is literally no way of getting that anymore. You had to play an elusive target in 2016, then transfer your progress to Hitman 2, then transfer that to Hitman 3. I was lucky enough to get it and I use it quite a lot just because I like being in that
I'm glad I did the challenge packs from H2 to get many of the unlocks that now are via Escalations or Contracts. Also, I just find Casual Undercover funny because it's kinda how my dad dressed when he dropped me at school when I was little. LOL
@@aalumadolumaa Nah. Just 30+ computer science teacher. Glad he dropped the look years later. Haha
ooooh that's why I have so many of these, because I definitely didn't do all those escalations but i didn't remember when I unlocked them lol
Same here, I’m glad I unlocked what I could before 3 came out, now I’m only missing one Hitman 2 unlock which is Casual Tourist
01:00 Casual Tourist will be available in 2 weeks. The Revolutionary returns from 19th to 29th May.
Holy crap
Yeah but see I'll be playing tears of the kingdom
@@KaitouKaiju I'm sure you can take some time to leave Hyrule for Santa Fortuna for a few hours
Ooooo a wild game Dev appeared! 👀 Greetings sir
After a quick explosive duck throw, I am now the proud owner of one of Hitman 3’s rarest suits.
Since you asked, Hitman 3 is like the one game I've gone full completionist for, because I love it to death. Here's what I'm missing from this list:
- Ancestral Hunter Suit
- Druzhina 34 ICA Artic Sniper
- The Master Freelancer Suit
The most recent stuff I've got was the Freatures Contracts stuff. And let me say, between that, the Escalations, and the Elusive Arcade, I've never felt the Hitman grind more, and I've 100%'d all non-sniper locations. It was simply the most tedious work I've had to put in. I'm hoping that the Freelancer grind is less noticable since I actually enjoy that mode and I think it has a lot more variance and optional objective significance than playing SEVENTY featured contracts on the SMALLEST of the two pools of maps. (I really hate featured contracts lol)
(Edit: Apparently I have Casual Undercover. Never knew.)
You need to reach Freelancer Mastery Level 65 and 100 for the Ancestral Hunting Suit and the Master Freelancer Suit
(Currently at Level 89/100, 11 more to go in my case but I'll get there thanks to the bonus XP from the Prestige System)
For the Druzhina 34 Arctic, good luck grinding out Siberia as it's not a fun time for me to do
90% of featured contracts are just not good in the first place either, which makes the grind SO much worse.
You have the black winter suit?
I've got everything except those 3 things as well
I wasn't able to enjoy Freelancer as much as a regular map since it kinda throws the whole trial and error playstyle out the window but I'll try get into it and the sniper maps should never have had more than 10 levels.
I'm guessing you don't have the Black Winter Suit though. I do 😂
For me as a player, the suits aren’t about the look- it’s about the amount of grinding and work to get it.
Well I agree, but it wouldn't hurt if the look does the amount of grind justice.
Seriously some things are not worth the effort.
@@Rencer_Spice true
why would you grind so much to wear a suit you dont like
You know what the funny thing about el matador is? It is just a reskin of the striker pistol that you get from one of the escalations in Hokkaido Japan and that escalation is actually really easy too
Yeah, as creative the devs are with making ways to play and assassinate targets. They really lack creativity when it comes to gear and suita 😂
I’m only just realising now truly how rare these all are. I started playing hitman 3 a few weeks after it came out on Xbox and I’ve gotten nearly everything since then (achievements, items, suits etc). One thing I know I’ll probably never get is that Siberia sniper and maybe the level 100 freelancer suit. Both would take so much time that I’m not willing to invest currently. But I’m still very happy and proud to have 80% of the 10 rarest things in the game!!
Yeah I’m the same hopefully it stays on game pass
I just unlocked the stupid flamingo suit this morning. I can't believe how hard I had to work for a joke costume. I just wanted it so I could have all the suits in my inventory.
I recently got mine as well, still have to finish 50 Featured Contracts for a screwdriver
Though the ducky variants of the F/A Stealth and Hackl Leviathan would pair well with the Lucky Ducky Suit 😊
I remember when H3 first came out, and the Arctic Druzhina had that bug about using Sniper Assassin ammo in the normal mode, wallbanging everybody. I desparately tried ot unlock it before it was patched, but it was fixed right when I got to 16 :c. I'll still always love it because of the memories of those videos, it was a glorious time. Also, I miss the old Matador unlock method from H2! It was so cute, I miss it
The black winter suit is way rarer in my opinion. It's the only suit I don't have aside from the master freelancer suit. You have to unlock it by beating an elusive target in Hitman 2016 which was before I started playing, unlock it in Hitman 2 as a bonus for the Hitman 2016 target, and then transfer it to Hitman 3. Other than number 1, I have every item on the list, and I will probably get the master freelancer suit sooner or later. That said, I'll never get the black winter suit unless some kind of crazy miracle happens and they re-release it.
It's hardly any different from the winter suit anyway. Not missing out on much imo.
I think you missed the " in Hitman 3" part, you can't unlock that suit in Hitman 3 as of yet. Some of these unlocks had different/easier methods to earn in Hitman 2, not just grinding escalations.
ICA performance coin is even rarer you had to beat a elusive target with SA during hitman 2016s first year
@@oisinkelly4604 tru
@@necromancer1983x I have it in Hitman 3. Been playing since before 2016 (I started with Absolution and got Hitman 2016 on day one). I didn't even know it was rare until last year 😂
Lmao right after this video is made, the revolutionary is coming back. LEts goooo
I’m at lv 90 on Freelancer atm. It is becoming absolutely insane now to get to further levels. Takes so many campaigns to lv up.
Same here, I'm at Level 90 myself
10 more to go and the Master Freelancer Suit will be mine
I’m on like 6 maybe I just suck at the game but I always end up getting gunned down on the last mission of a campaign
@@youtubeuser9090you don't suck! I'm only level 51 haha. It just takes practice but it's honestly very difficult at times. And frustrating 😂
8:37 if you want the original version of el matador (it also one shots) it’s called the striker and it’s for completing the cowboy escalation on Hokkaido
The Undying Look is literally the Ashen Suit with Gloves we never got
More like Ashen Suit is the Undying Look but better
@@MrTeton The tie does have a more appealing darker blue which fits better with the grey suit, I'll give you that
Watching this made me realize how much i actually grind this game , i have everything you mentioned😂
damn, you got really personal with the casual undercover suit xD
4:45 very happy that i got the flamingo outfit in hitman 2 where it was absolutely trivial to unlock and carried progress over to 3
I recently got the el matador and imperial classic suit with gloves and might I say, they look amazing when you use both of them
Cool vid. The Santa Fortuna suit will be available again on May 19th so don't miss it, gamers.
Just a few weeks away then! Hate his random spawns though
@@HerrJaeger64Guess you could jyst keep resetting the mission until he's on the desired location since you are allowed to reset before you kill him. That's what I'm gonna do.
@Manu Carrotman yeah that's a good point. I wonder which of his 3 spawns is the most ideal though
@@HerrJaeger64 When I was grinding out ET Arcade a little bit ago I always went with the one closest to the default start location on a house's second floor and just blew him up with the gas canister he smokes next to. Pretty easy to tell on Instinct when he's there because of the amount of extra guards.
Him: in freelancer you can fly through the levels
Me:*struggling to get 1 level up in 2 days even though I complete a lot of targets*
The all black classic suit is also extremely difficult to get.
17 sa so is insane
Not if you have The H2 And H2016 Maps
@@GG_MYDAWG yeah but before WoA you needed to own those maps which already made is rare besides 17 sa so on different maps isn't so easy
Not 17 different maps but 17 different missions. Bonus missions and special assignments are very easy to saso. It lets me skip annoying maps like Colorado.
@@balisarius4581 wait,
They didn’t for me
@@GG_MYDAWG You have to do a main mission to refresh the classic challenge progress
As someone who grinded the hell out of 26 escalations for El Matador... it was worth it, but god damn was it painful.
Druzhina is really hard to get...damn i remember those days...god vid fam!
I’m happy to own the Santa fortune drip never knew it was rare
I didn’t even realise how many escalations and contracts I had done until I realised I have the blue flamingo,Cashmerian AND summer suave damn I’ve played this game a lot more then I thought.
Great vid as always my man.
Yeah, I just got to level 100 in Freelancer a few days ago. I'm glad I did it, but I don't really care for the suit at all. So, to celebrate, I went ahead and finally completed a campaign on Hardcore. I'm not sure either suit is worth the suffering, but I do like the Bruiser suit better.
How difficult is it really to get the black bruiser suit? I haven't completed a single campaign on feelancer yet, and i think the black bruiser is one of the best looking in the entire game so far
Number 15 is available right now so go get it.
Oh god . I was playing freelancer today and I saw the professional screwdriver in Mumbai and I thought it was useless and I didn't pick it up 😂
fire list bro keep posting these type of vids 👊
I'm a noob to Hitman, Freelancer taught me that real quick. LOL
Good vid as always!
In hitman 2 it only required you to complete the escalation 'Dubious Cohabitation in mumbai to get the cashmerian suit.
Same goes for the el matador and the imperial classic suit with gloves
The blue flamingo required you to complete a challenge pack which was quite easy
I'm pretty sure that the escalation's name is Divine Transcendence in order to unlock the Imperial Classic with Gloves in H2
Took me a while to grind 28 Escalations to get the aforementioned suit
BFS, don't get me started for how long it took to finish 45 Featured Contracts
(Currently grinding Track 2 Tier 4 - Tier 7 so I can use that cool looking pistol, sniper rifle and the screwdriver)
I just unlocked Master Freelancer Suit. And I can tell for all to know - if you are going to play Freelancer 5 days a week, with weekend breaks, it will take you at least two and a half months to unlock it.
Who else had casual tourist w gloves, summer suave, and imperial classic w gloves without knowing they're rare?
I used to obsessively grind Hitman 2, so I never realized a lot of the rewards were actually rarely acquired lmao
didnt knew it had so many unlocks and grindy stuff, pretty cool
I got them all and also completed all the challenges in the game
To be fair, the Ashen Suit is a reskin of the Undying Look, not the other way around. Was one of the better looking suits back in H2.
@Kallum And the Absolution suit is a reskin of the Signature suit with a tie pin. Imo it doesn't really matter if a specific suit is a reskin if they are distinct enough. But the Ashen suit just painted the tie and shoes black and added Full-Leather gloves.
I mainly missing 3 of those, Casual Tourist, Ancestral Hunter, and Master Freelancer. Main reason because I unlocked some of those items in Hitman 2 when it was easier objectives, like El Matador, Blue Flamingo, Imperial
Classic, and Summer Suave. Also would like to add I’m surprised the Black Winter Suit or the performance coins were not on here
I own pretty much all of them from save transfers. That being said, there's actually a couple suits that I think might be rarer, as they are only available from progress carryover. The Midnight Black Suit (H2 preorder) and the Black Winter Suit (forget how it was unlocked, but it's a darker version of the Winter Suit with an elusive target lapel pin).
Midnight Black Suit literally just requires you to own WoA
@@SirCavas according to the wiki it's only available as carryover from H2 (from either preorder or the Executive or Collector's pack). It's definitely not just for owning WoA though, I've definitely seen people saying they don't have it.
Edit: I just checked, I guess they did add it to the full WoA release. But I definitely know that people didn't have it with just H3 as I've seen people mention not having it online.
Man... Freelancer is a grind. I finally leveled prestige 10 times. Now only Top Dog and Employee of the Year to go to finish all the challenges.
Kinda weird that these are the rarest items in the game and I have all except for the freelancer suit because they weren’t really rare back in H2. The undying suit also isn’t a reskin of the Dubai suit, Undying came out a couple years before so it’s the other way around, you used to have to kill 100 targets in the ghost mode coop, which took me about 2 weeks of consecutive grinding.
7:58 lmfao great jokes snuck in there as always. I totally agree with you about the Casual undercover suit. It looks terrible and just low effort when it could have been something unique to all the other ET unlock suits.
should've waited a couple of days as they're bringing a suit for freelancer hardcore completition which will def be rare because of how not worth the effort it is
If I could like this comment twice I would
The items I'm more bugged about are the black winter suit and the ICA outstanding performance coins, mainly because as someone who recently got the trilogy I don't think it's possible to obtain them now.
The black winter suit requires completing an elusive target in hitman 2016, carrying that over to hitman 2 via legacy packs (that are no longer available) and then using your single carryover to port it into hitman 3, which would overwrite your previous data. The coins were apparently also rewards for elusive targets, and as someone starting in 2023 I don't think they're available anymore either
I Want the Black winter suit
IO may re-release them at some point but imo it's very unlikely. The description of both the suit and the coin specifically mentions Hitman 2016.
Yeah, it took me four months to get the Master Freelancer Suit, luckily I love the mode so it didn't hurt that much, haha ^^
I started playing hitman around October of year 3 and when Elusive target galore started I have pretty much able to get all the suits immediately the only one being the suit you get for doing a elusive target for Colorado. I'm right now 100% the game and since I started playing around October I got the limited purple streak suit. But not the greek fire suit for some reason but I'm confident the drop will return at some point.
proud to say that i do have the el matador and the cashmerian suit and the summer suave back from hitman 2 cause they were way easter then
I remember obtaining the revolutionary (casual tourist suit with gloves), but i didn't know at the time it was that rare. The suit still is kinda underwhelming.
I feel stupid for missing the revolutionary, I had the chance to do it like 1 week ago ago but did not
love ur vids
Me to
I really enjoyed this video. You should make more like this one !
I’m so happy I unlocked the flamingo suit and the one with the fedora in hitman 2 before it was actually hard
I hope they keep going with this game for years because I want to get all those elusive targets rewards, unlike Hitman 1 and 2 which I miss all and so does hitman 3 but I got some of them
*nerd mode on* akchually, the true rarest items are Outstanding Performance coin (was awarded for elusive targets back in 2016), aluminum travel briefcase (for purchasing some early game edition) and the original Explosive Pen (for eliminating the Undying)
At least the Exploding pen is being added back soon for a challenge unlock. I hope they do the same for the Aluminum Briefcase at some point, they have been putting up new challenges for getting old unlocks over the last few months
Maybe the black bruiser suit you get for completing a hardcore campaign. It’s not a grind but might be one of the toughest challenges due to all the bs that can happen in showdowns, especially alerted ones (as all are in hc) and the fact levels are in Master difficulty. One slip up (or an NPC getting xray vision and your campaign is likely over), oh yeah and prestige objectives are mandatory. It took me 3 tries but after playing regular freelancer where I was like at level 90 smt maybe even the full 100 and I still had to cheese it by always picking the bs prestige objectives of kill a target with x weapon.
I don’t have any of these but looking at this list makes me want to actually try to get some these suits and other stuff that I actually have wanted for a while
i just got the imperial classic suit yesterday, i had to redo a bunch of escalations i got half-way through in hitman 2
The revolutionary is coming back this month
9:54 "it will take you over a week of grinding"
you can do it in a single day, it just takes a lot of patience
as someone who unlocked the blue flamingo from the spring event from hitman 2, it is in my top 3 suits
i have the signiture suit with gloves not my favorite suit but i use it a bit for when i wanna feel fancy
The elusive target in Bangkok
He's coming in June
He's gonna taste his last meal...
I got one item missing (Suit from 15 elusive targets, got 14/15) and in Freelancer I'm lvl 100 but still gotta do the Top Dog challenge (I've done 90 campaigns) and 4 more prestige trophies (9 more wall "donations")... Hitman is a very nice game.
There’s also a couple coins you got from completing elusive targets in the original game. There was a coin for completing one and a coin for completing every elusive target and I think it also had to be silent assassin. And you can’t get it now.
I got the ruby raptor a while ago and I love it.
I want that Imperial Classic so much.
In Hitman 3 I own:
Casual Tourist with Gloves
47's Signature Suit with Gloves
Summar Sauve Suit
El Matador
Imperial Classic with Gloves
Took me a whole day to do all of the Hitman 1 escalations and deluxe escalations
And will Soon get the Ancestorial Suit at level 65 in freelancer
Obviously I have so much more but I included only the stuff that was considered 'rare'
“The overall look of the suit isn’t as polish as it should to be”
I have the colombia suit with gloves, I never play elusive targets and when I tried it for the first time it just happened to be the one in colombia.
Freelancer leveling takes so long😭
If you wanna unlock some of the Suits faster, u only need to buy Hitman2 +1 and do only one Eskalation (Flamingo Suit, Cashmerian, Summer Suave, el Matador, etc). After that you update your progress to Hitman3. Done!
I unlocked most of the items in hitman 1 and 2 and I only realised how rare some items in my inventory are pretty recently.
I hope that IO does some kind of week where you can get every elusive target and the Hitman 1/2 Challenges.
Honorable mention, The Requiem Suit. 😊
The Casual Undercover Suit makes 47 look like he has a beer belly.
Completionist sicko here! Now that we're going to get the explosive pen from The Undying ET, I think the only unlock I don't have is the Black Winter Suit from H1.
What about the outstanding service coin?
@@HerrJaeger64 I'll believe it exists when I can see it. Hopefully after May 10
@@sbca1995 what's so special about may 10?
Love the channel Hitman Fam, but I do disagree in some of the rankings, but to each Hitman Addict his own. Thx for the content -Rick in Indianapolis Hitman🤪🤔😉😆
The fact that some of these suits, which were so easily obtainable before, are now locked behind escalations and featured contracts is the dumbest thing
There are worse ones: winter suit with the pin and the coin from hitman 2016 where u had to kill one elusive target getting saso
Just got recommended the video and saw that the Revolusionary will come back
I'm already grinding on my 3rd Freelancer account (to Mastery 100). I live for FL'r!
The striker from the Dexter disorder on honkido is a very good alternative to the el matador, and had the same perks.
As a Hitman fan I'm sad I couldn't play Hitman in 2016 cuz now I really want The Black Winter Suit
Getting the arctic sniper is a lot easier in H2 than in H3 because for some reason even if you fulfill all requirements for SA you would still not get SA for some reason. Good thing that I did that in H2, took me 3 days to finish and I even used it a lot in the main missions going for 100%.
So out of these I have: The Blue Flamingo Suit (I got the H1 and H2 Featured Contract Challenges first), the Cashmerian, Summer Suave, El Matador and Imperial Classic (Got every non-DLC Escalation challenge done) and the Druzhina Artic Sniper (I grinded to Level 20 all 3 Sniper maps, not just Siberia).
I'm missing the rest because they're either from the H3 Featured Contracts which I'm still in the middle of doing, currently at 40 out of 70, the ones from Elusive Targets which I've only started doing with the Year 3 ones without missing any, so by the end of this month I should have 47's Suit with gloves as long as I don't screw up, as well as the Casual Tourist since it is coming up (and the Italian Suit since there's also a Sapienza target) or they're Freelancer unlocks which... I haven't even touched at all yet. I am a completionist so I'll get around to it someday, and I know it'll take FOREVER but I'll get there, I'm not in a hurry.
Also thanks for not putting any unlocks on the list that are just unobtainable or locked to the Deluxe Pack or 7DS because it's pretty obvious not too many players actually stop to buy those but once you do they're not hard unlocks anyway. I might buy them someday for the completion idk.
the revolutionary is showing up in 5 days!!!
I got Imperial Casual Suit ,El Matador,The Summer Suave Suit,The Cashmerian Suit,The blue Flamingo Suit,47's Suit with Gloves and Casual Tourist Suit However now Im grinding to complete 70 contracts on. HITMAN 3 maps (I got 18)
Revolutionary elusive target will be available this month, so we can get this rare outfit
Id argue the winter suit is far more rare than the level 100 freelancer suit, seeing as anyone with the will power to grind out freelancer can get it but nobody can get the winter suit anymore and you never will be able too again.
Find it funny that some of these are much easier to unlock in the previous Hitman games in the trilogy.
damn, didnt know the Revolutionary was a rare elusive target, good thing it showed up again in 2024
I think you can now complete any elusive target you want at any time in an arcade mode.
But you don't unlock suits by doing so
@@wildgold Wait, then how did I get the Ruby Rude Track Suit if I completed it in Arcade?
@@ZombossLordOfDoom Cause that suit is an Arcade unlock not an Elusive Target unlock
@@wildgold So Arcade is *not* elusive targets, it's an entirely different thing. Got it.
btw, el matador can pretty much shoot anyone and anything you can "sense"
I just got a new gaming PC and I can finally play hitman 3😁
I used to only be able to play hitman 2016 because hitman 3 would crash before starting. But now I have a Nvidia graphics card instead of an Intel graphics card. I’m very happy I can now play hitman and I’m going to buy it soon. I’ve loved Hitman ever since 2015 when I played absolution and blood money. Now I can play high end graphics now😁
I accidentally got the casual tourist with gloves during a 3 month stage where I played hitman all day
i have a few of these but only because they use to be easier to unlock
for example , im fairly sure the el matador use to be unlocked from just a single escalation in santa fortuna