Australia: CASSOWARY Face to Face: Tropical Beach: Deadly Sea: Northern Queensland.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 พ.ค. 2023
  • Climbing high into the jungle clad mountains we are in search of the most dangerous and endangered bird on the Planet, namely the Cassowary.
    After a long climb through the jungle on a narrow trail cut into the mountain side, walking around a blind bend, suddenly we came, believe it or not, face to face with that modern Dinosaur with it's killer claws, the most deadly bird on the planet, a male Cassowary bird
    By reflex action we threw ourselves against the low cliff face adjacent to the track.
    The Cassowary passed close by, it's feathers lightly brushing against my chest.
    Three chicks about the size of turkeys followed on behind.
    Adult male Cassowaries are even more dangerous with chicks in tow.
    We were in great danger of being attacked, the Cassowary looked angry but ignored us and continued down the trail.
    We will never be so lucky again.
    Leaving the jungle behind we spend time on an adjacent, untouched, tropical, palm fringed beach.
    It's a walk and explore beach, swimming could be deadly!
    The sea looks inviting, but it's habitat to many deadly sea creatures such as:
    Irkabdji and Australian box jelly fish.
    The former has venom 100 times more potent than a cobra snake, it's the size of a thumb nail and is possibly the most venomous creature on the planet.
    The latter is the largest jelly fish on the planet with stinging tentacles 3 meters long.
    It's one of the worlds most venomous creatures and can cause cardiac arrest within two minutes of being stung.
    Sharks and saltwater crocodiles may also be present.
    This is one remarkable adventure we will never forget.

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