  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 พ.ค. 2024
  • Hi! In this video, Keith talks about the Tesla's plan to make a new inexpensive electric car. And the advent or robotaxis as a business. Enjoy!
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ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @wotireckon
    @wotireckon 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Always good to hear from someone else who understands the world changing disruptions that are headed our way. Keep 'em coming!

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thank you so much! Your positivity is really encouraging! You're a breath of fresh air! You've made my day! Thank you!💖

  • @landcruiser801
    @landcruiser801 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Have you read the Master Plans?
    I can get a taxi now if I want to, I don't want to and couldn't care less if their is a driver in it or not. I like driving and I want my own car.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Hey there! Thank you for commenting! I really appreciate it! I respect your opinion, and honestly, you're not wrong. But I seem to see things slightly differently from you.
      I agree no one wants to use a cliche human driven taxi. They're pretty grim, and expensive.
      And yes, for some people, owning a car is a point of pride, independence, and self-expression. But people said the same thing about horses-although, some people still ride and own horses. You may be in that equivalent category but for cars.
      But in general, most people are using cars because they need get somewhere. And servicing that need is what will drive the cultural change. Robotaxis will be cheaper and more convenient. No matter how much someone likes a car, I don't think they like paying a fortune for it.
      Also, there's another major factor that will end people driving cars to take up using robotaxis. There are 3700 car crashes DAILY where people are killed. Meanwhile, Tesla's FSD beta is reported to be 10x safer than the average human driver. So, when I see statistics like that, I think, yep, it's all gonna be robotaxis pretty soon. Not tomorrow, but a few years, I think. People who want to drive will have to take their car to a track or out in the country. Which is what people do with horses. So, there you have it! Those are my thoughts.
      Side note-I haven't read the Master Plans? Of course I've read Elon's Master Plans. What about them are you referring to specifically? Tesla adjusts their guidance, as all companies do. It's inappropriate to point at past guidance while ignoring current guidance. But I'm not sure what you meant, so I may have your sentiment wrong. Please let me know!
      Thank you so much for commenting! I really appreciate it! And I went to your channel, and I really like it. And feel free to ask any question, I'm totally open to being wrong, and if I am, I'll admit it. Thanks again!

    • @landcruiser801
      @landcruiser801 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@1337Keith Hi Keith. Amended comment as was a bit snarky! My apologies.
      You looked at my channel, thank you. It's terrible, but it was something to do at the time and thank you for your nice comment.
      For some people I would say a car is an expressions of pride and self-expressions... look at my status etc but for the greater many it is a practical workhorse. I personally now drive a van and a lorry for my landscaping business and have no 'personal' vehicle. As an aside, people moaning about the rear view mirror in the CT... why, I cant see out the back of either of my vehicles, no camera, just use side mirrors and get in and out of tight spaces no problem. So a personal vehicle is a practical solution to moving more than just your person about. I suspect that people in Cities have different use cases... and that is where taxis are prevalent already. It is easy to conflate that personal circumstances to the wider world. People who live in London and rarely venture outside of London have entirely different perspectives on vehicle use as opposed to someone living in mid-Wales and same for any city dweller.
      People in Cities have completely different use cases to people in towns like where I am. But I will not take a taxi camping, I will not take a taxi and put my kayaks on the roof, I will not take a taxi to a garden centre and fill it wuth plants, or the DIY store and fill it with as much timber, bags of cement as I can get in, while dropping of 4 kids at football.
      Horses are not cars - autonomous cars, EV cars are still cars.
      Tesla FSD beta has numerous interventions which prevent many crashes so it is no way safer than a human at the moment. Yes, one day it will be but not yet. And at some point, legislators will have to say... these dont crash, human drivers crash... so there will be a day when all human drivers are banned. I have no doubt... when that will be is anyone's guess but still some years way 5 may 10 before the question even gets asked.
      People do like paying a fortune for cars which is why people with lots of money dont drive Kia's they get the Merc or a Porsche. You cant drive a Porsche anywhere near its capability of the road so a small hatchback is more fun but people like to flaunt wealth even if that wealth is limited. That's people for you.
      Masterplan 1 talked about a people carrier type vehicle, like a mini bus and there are images of what they had in mind I think on the boring compnay website etc. The model 3 does not hit the mark for the cheap affordable vehicle.. it is too expensive. Agreed it is not the law that they have to follow the plans to the letter regardless.
      For petrol cars and noise etc, then as ICE cars are banned, then track days with ICE should still be permitted, maybe with biofuels, as long as you get the noise.
      Keep up the good work with your channel.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@landcruiser801 Hi again! Thank you so much for replying! And no need to apologize! I love having a friendly discussion and hearing different points of view! And thank you so much for complimenting my channel!💖
      As for your reply, honestly-I agree with all of it!
      (-...for the greater many [a car] is a practical workhorse.)
      Absolutely! I think, once robotaxis begin to take hold, cities will use them and the farther you get from the city the fewer robotaxis there will be. Rural areas way out in the country might have human driven cars and vehicles for decades.
      (-"People in Cities have completely different use cases to people in towns...")
      Yes! This is one of the big things. Any specialist use of a vehicle is not going to be addressed by autonomy for a long time. Essentially anything that requires hauling things for a job of work or an excursion. Robotaxis initially will only be to service the need of people getting to work, shopping, or friendly gatherings.
      (-"Horses are not cars - autonomous cars, EV cars are still cars.")
      You're right. In my previous comment, I meant, horses used to be primary transportation but also horse riding was a hobby. But now, cars are primary transportation, and also a hobby, meanwhile horses remain a hobby. I can see robotaxis becoming mainstream to the extent where riding horses and driving cars are both hobbies, but neither are done as main transportation.
      (-"Tesla FSD beta has numerous is no way safer than a human...but still some years way 5 may 10.")
      Absolutely, FSD is not ready yet. And it should not be given wide release until it truly works. My prediction is there are Telsa robotaxis 2 years from today. But it could be longer. So, still a while away.
      (-"People do like paying a fortune for cars...people like to flaunt wealth...That's people for you.")
      Only too true. It's sad to think that some people have so much money they throw it away on things they don't care about just to show off. I've always seen it as a failure of government that super rich people are able to waste money. Money need go to the people who can do the most with it. People who work hard. But yes, I agree with you 100%.
      (-"Masterplan 1 talked about a people carrier type vehicle, like a mini bus...")
      Yep, they have plans for a CyberVan and CyberBus apparently. But, alas, nothing yet. Unfortunately, Tesla has faced many challenges since Covid19, and they're still trying to fight out from under it. But vans are part of their plan, and they already designed them. But tragically, it's not going to happen for a while.
      (-"The model 3 does not hit the mark for the cheap affordable vehicle.. it is too expensive.")
      Yes, it is too expensive. It's a mid-level car instead of an affordable entry-level car. But good news! Tesla plans to reveal its new more affordable car on August 8th! This year! So, that might be the big thing worth waiting for.
      (-"...track days with ICE should still be permitted, maybe with biofuels, as long as you get the noise.")
      Absolutely! As someone who loves cars, I seriously hope safe synthetic biofuels are able to be created so that all classic cars can be driven and enjoyed!
      Thank you so much for replying! You're an absolute star! And I really appreciate your thoughts! Thank you!💖

  • @kaasmeester5903
    @kaasmeester5903 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The future is not robotaxis, but roborentals. Or rather: taxis and rentals will become the same thing. With one important thing that sets it apart from current taxi services: you pick the vehicle according to your needs for the day (just like with rentals).
    You might still want to own a car for the daily commute. But a second car for the occasional shopping? Would you select the car that you own based on all your needs? Daily driver, must be suitable for holiday road trips as well as tow the boat on weekends and so on. No. You’d have one daily driver to get your carcass from A to B in whatever style you deem appropriate. Everything else, the truck for weekends, the holiday vehicle, the fun convertible, those you would rent when you want one.
    Car rentals already exist. The one thing that makes it shitty is that it’s not on demand. But imagine a rental car that you select and call up from an app, and have it rock up at your place 30 minutes later. And when you’re done with it, tell it to bugger off and it will return to the depot. No hassle.
    Self driving cars will not do away with car ownership. But it will greatly cut into the number of second cars, and greatly affect the way we choose the car that we do own.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Brilliant comment! Thank you so much! (And you write eloquently, which I especially appreciate.) But yes! You're absolutely right! The public will call for what they need and receive that vehicle type promptly. And thanks again for commenting! You're a breath of fresh air!

  • @kuakilyissombroguwi
    @kuakilyissombroguwi 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I’m not bullish on robotaxis at all. First FSD has to be iron-clad, because I do not want to die in some freak accident that could’ve been avoided had it been me behind the wheel.
    Be an early adopter if you want. I’ll be over here waiting until all the bugs are fixed first.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  14 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Hi again! Thank you for leaving two commenting! That's really wonderful of you. Thank you!
      You're right to be skeptical! And NHTSA has reported that Tesla FSD beta is 10x safer than the average human driver. And I'm not sure if you know this, 3700 people are killed in human driven car crashes every day. FSD can lower than number significantly. Full self-driving cars are not ready yet, but when they are, I think they will be adopted quickly.
      Thank you so much again for commenting! I really appreciate it! Thank you!

  • @DavidJohnson-tv2nn
    @DavidJohnson-tv2nn 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Are out of your mind? Do you really think people are going want to give up their cars, own NOTHING and then PAY the BILLIONAIRE for every ride?

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Hi there! Thank you so much for commenting! I really appreciate it! I respect your point of view, but I must admit, I see things slightly differently from you.
      (-"Are out of your mind?")
      I know you were being facetious, but I don't think I am out of my mind. However, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it, apologize, and make up for it. I have reasoned to my conclusions as I will now display, in a friendly way.
      (-"Do you really think people are going want to give up their cars, own NOTHING...")
      Yes. Because what people want is to commute cheaply and safely. Tesla's FSD beta is 10x safer than the average human driver. And using a robotaxi service will be FAR less expensive than owning and operating a car. Only people who are passionate about cars will continue to desire to drive them for pleasure. Similar to people who enjoy owing and riding horses-they do it in the country or on a track. Not on busy commuter roads.
      (-"PAY the BILLIONAIRE for every ride?")
      The money you spent to buy your car went to a billionaire: the owner of the car company. In essence, there's a billionaire on the receiving end of every purchase. The real question is, was there value for money in your purchase. Robotaxis will be MUCH better value for money than owning a car.
      Ultimately, robotaxis aren't going to happen tomorrow, but I think it'll be a few years. So, there you have it!
      Thank you so much for commenting! It's really cool of you, and I appreciate it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks again!

    • @DavidJohnson-tv2nn
      @DavidJohnson-tv2nn 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@1337Keith Thank you for taking the time to respond. My assumption is that you are not a bad person and have been misled. I've seen comments from Musk fans that go something like this.... "Why should Tesla sell a car to a customer and only make money once, when they build robo-taxis and make money over and over and over. This line of thinking is clearly NOT in the consumer's best interest. This anti-consumer "You will own nothing and be happy" concept has been pushed be big corporations for some time now....
      * Ownership of CD's and DVED's replaced be streaming subscriptions.
      * Renting instead of owning homes.
      * Even subscriptions to use hardware you already bought and paid for!
      The concept is to endlessly suck money out of the consumer. Not every 4 or 5 years when a new product is purchased, but every month or even everyday!
      I can't see how people are misled by this, but they are.
      Also, Anti-independent repair is part of the same "You will own nothing" strategy.
      "Tesla's FSD beta is 10x safer than the average human driver"......
      Where does that come from? Musk/Tesla? Have you seen any independent verification of that? Anyway, just want to offer my opinion and give you something to think about. Thanks.

    • @AllenChildress
      @AllenChildress 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Millennials and GenZ have already given up their cars. They spend a few hundred a month on Uber, and avoid the $1000 in expenses and headaches of car buying, insurance, taxes, inspection, maintenance, getting fuel, and garage.
      He's just describing a competitor to Uber that will be 1/5th the cost because you remove the cost of the human driver.

    • @DavidJohnson-tv2nn
      @DavidJohnson-tv2nn 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@AllenChildress And in my opinion, they are fools for giving up the personal freedom that owning a car brings. They have been duped by big corporations that "owning nothing" is a great thing!

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@AllenChildress Thank you so much! YOU GET IT! You're a star! You're a breath of fresh air! (And thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it!💖)

  • @JohnJay-yd9hr
    @JohnJay-yd9hr 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @JohnJay-yd9hr
      @JohnJay-yd9hr 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      FSD is great. Its getting very very good.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Hi there! Thank you so much for commenting! And twice too! I really appreciate it!
      I love your passion and energy, but I must admit I agree with you second comment!
      Thank you again for commenting! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! Thank you!

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@JohnJay-yd9hr It sure is! And thank you for commenting!☺

  • @richardrochollphotography418
    @richardrochollphotography418 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hi Keith, you are trying really hard. but to be convincing and successful, you need to go more into detail and present some (not necessarily factual) data and make a proper case. you can make up everything out of thin air, like you do-it's fine. But sound more like you know what you are talking about, and pretend you have deep inside knowledge!

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Hey there! Thank you so much for commenting! I really appreciate it, and I love that you gave feedback!
      But I'm ever so slightly confused, by your advice (I'm not criticizing you).
      (-" need to go more into detail and present some (not necessarily factual) data...")
      While I absolutely am trying to do better videos, and you're 100% right to give that as feedback, I really don't know what you mean by "not necessarily factual data." It's immoral to present anything as fact that isn't. In the video, every fact I say is true, and every prediction is my honest prediction based on all current trends. But I could be taking you meaning wrong, so please let me know what you meant.
      (-"you can make up everything out of thin air, like you do-it's fine. But sound more like you know what you are talking about, and pretend you have deep inside knowledge!")
      I must admit, I can't relate to your sentiment at all. And I really don't know what you're referring to specifically when you say, "I make things up out of thin air." I didn't. And anyone who does that should NEVER consider it "fine." We're worlds apart if that's what you believe. In fact, we're so far apart I feel I must be reading your comment wrong. Were you kidding? Please let me know.
      Thank you so much for commenting, I really appreciate, and I do appreciate you offering feedback. Feel free to ask any questions, I'm happy to answer. And thank you again!

  • @rlshultz5841
    @rlshultz5841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Yea but … it’s the timeline. It’s “the future “ but it’s not in the next 10 years. The ramp is longer.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Hi there! Thank you so much for commenting! I really appreciate it! I respect your opinion, but I must admit, I see things slightly differently.
      I think Tesla will have a robotaxi business in operation within 2 years from today. I've followed Tesla, FSD, and AI closely for years, and its rate of improvement is increasing exponentially. It just doesn't seem ten or twenty years away. After all, every decade is famous for a new technology. If the 2020s aren't going to be known for AI, robots, and robotaxis, then what technology is it going to be? It has to be something. I think it's most likely going to be AI, robots, and robotaxis.
      Thank you so much for commenting! It really does mean the world to me! And if you have any questions, please let me know! Thank you!

    • @sg618342
      @sg618342 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      I think you will be shocked how quickly it will ramp up. FSD using AI is advancing extremely quickly. Tesla will target the cities where Wamo and other Autonomus taxi's already have approvals. Tesla will undercut their costs and operate much more efficiently.

    • @1337Keith
      @1337Keith  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@sg618342 Absolutely! I agree with you 100%! Thank you so much for commenting! you're a breath of fresh air! Fantastic!💖