Is he though? I think of sci-fi as a genre that takes something that is potentially a scientific possibility and then explores the consequences of what would happen if it became a reality. For instance, what if man could reanimate life, or create true AI, or develop faster-than-light travel, and what would be the potential consequences for having done so. Sanderson writes about magic as if it's the science of his worlds, he gives a plausible framework for why magical devices and abilities work the way they do rather than just saying magic doohicky or power works because of magic, but those are two different things. Sanderson is plot and character driven, he starts off with a story he wants to tell and then builds the world and it's people around that, and it rarely has to do with the possibility and perils that come from scientific advancement, although there is some of that admittedly as we see with the advancement of fabrial mechanics on Roshar, it's not the main focus. Even his books about humans in a far flung future fighting alien invasions comes off more as Star Wars than Star Trek.
Ultimately SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/etc are all the same thing. All fictions is fantasy if you want to be super technical. I feel like you even kind of supported dmy argument when you compared Sanderson's work to Star Wars. I fully agree, the Cosmere is much more like a Star Wars than a Star Trek. But ask just about any random person on the street what genre they think Star Wars is and they'll tell you SciFi. Ultimately I think the whole genre gatekeeping thing is silly and pointless. A story is a story is a story. It all comes from a person who wanted to make something up. I love that we live in a world full of Sanderson's, Ruocchio's, and Tchaikovsky's who laugh in the face of genre conventions and just tell the cool stories they want to tell.
One of my favourite things about the cosmere is how magic is treated, both in world and out, as just another component of physics. In Lost metal, marasi is astonished by soul stamping and the aether but when moonlight shoots back that steel allomancers can basically fly, marasi doesn't see the comparison because allomancy is just a thing that exists like other forces on the planet. And that's not even getting into how we're seeing sci-fi ideas like quantum entanglement with things like spanreeds and quantum mechanics where observing the spren locks/alters how they operate like particles, nuclear power with the splitting of ettmetal, and computers with awakening. genuinely cannot wait to see where this goes in the space age
I don't know how I've gone so long without ever discovering that of course there's Cosmere analysis stuff on youtube, instant sub I especially like the way you include audio from interviews and signings, so even after someone has read all the Cosmere books, your videos still contain new and interesting info ... but I am surprised he answers questions so freely, I would expect those secrets are important to keep the mystery and make it enjoyable to discover the Cosmere. And surprised there's an RPG, that seems like it would just give away all the secrets at once. Seems like there's a whole Cosmere Cosmere that I was unaware of, beyond just the books
@@jasonioan "I have discovered a place that I must be, though to be honest I'm not exactly sure why I need to be there. This doesn't always work as well as I'd like it to."
@@jasonioan lol, that is funny! I haven't read a huge amount of Sanderson (only Mistborn era 1 and TWoK/WoR so far) so it's cool to hear about all the devices and magic from books I haven't read yet (I'm not massively concerned about spoilers personally, but I get that I'm an exception in that lol 🤷)
Great video! At 16:40 it talks about frame of references in regards to spanreeds with the example used being on a ship. I think I remember though in Dawnshard it specifically says that it is notoriously difficult to use a spanreed on water because the ship is always moving. I think the frame of reference has to be much bigger than a ship (although not sure how much bigger)
I believe Raboniel says somewhere in RoW that aluminum could maybe be used to fix the reference frame issue after she learns about the aluminum-fabrial interaction, so that may be where that got confused.
Not a specific fabrial idea, but I’m stoked to see the Ghostbloods invent hybrid machines that draw from different magic systems. I don’t remember seeing anything like that yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.
You' ve just gained a new subscriber, i ve just started Stormlight reading this year, there are so so many confusing concepts but you' ve nail it. Thanks a lot for it.
Love the video, love that you did the whole thing on a beach. I'd really like to see more content on the physics of the cosmere (realmatics?), sort of a scientific lens like what Khriss provides in the ars arcanums or Sigzil and Navani's perspectives in Stormlight. Keep it up man! Edit: and of course Marasi's perspective!
Amazing how all these off-the-cuff answers are treated so highly. It's not like these just started happening last year, it's been going on for a long time, so they must be proving to be pretty reliable. I think if I tried writing a series as complex as these and fans started asking me questions about the deep mechanics, I would have to draft a bunch of other fans to double-check what I'm saying before anyone could really trust my answer! I wonder if it's helping Brandon out, too, by keeping things he wrote several years ago to stay front of mind.
I get that. If they didn’t reliably provide insight or information for things that eventually become canon, I’m sure we would’ve stopped caring a while ago about WoBs. What’s funny is that he does have a team of fans called arcanists, as well as a couple internal continuity people. So far there have been remarkably few times he’s had to back peddle, but something isn’t fully canon until it’s on the page.
@@ZlothZloth the arcanists are a recent development, though. First he kept it all in his head, then he got his friend Karen to compile it when it outgrew him, and now Karen, Brandon, and the Arcanists work out the deep physics haha
That's just what I was thinking, how can Sanderson answer those interview questions so freely and quickly? If I were him, I'd definitely have to stop and think for a while to at least make sure I'm not giving away any important secrets with each answer. I've always felt like the Cosmere books are a huge set of mystery novels, and it's your job as the reader to piece together the mystery and figure out the underlying rules But I don't know if they're necessarily hard to answer; I think he basically operates on a system where there are some really basic underlying rules that he knows and you don't, and everything follows those, so it'd be easy to answer questions. I'd expect the hard part is answering them without accidentally giving away the rules
Watching this I kept learning new things and audibly saying "wow that is fascinating!" Then I had to remind myself that this is all a creation from Sando's mind and that made it all the more impressive! Love your work, as always, Jasonioan
I actually agree with your interpretation of Tin, because Tin savantism enables frankly impossible feats of perception like seeing through solid objects. Also, I think that Zinc and Brass serve as power modulators but don't particularly do anything themselves.
I've got some great news for you. The next video script is already done and the shoot date is scheduled! You should only have to wait a few weeks this time! (mostly because this was supposed to be September's video. whoops!)
Something I want to know with soul casting is. If a twin born with two metals that don't match, filled their metal minds could they soul cast that matel to match their allomancer metal. -Does the metals attribute change? -does the metals change but not the attribute? -does the metal refuse to change, like a certain stick we all know.
@@RemTheFisrt I agree but if you " convinced" it then what would it do? If it was all your investiture and soul casting it might be easier,(The investiture in the metal might like you change it because it came from you)
I believe that the Listeners have the most basic type of "fabrial" with there farming method of utilising Life spren getting them to take in stormlight and making the plants grow faster by expressing there attribute using the correct Rhythm it makes me wonder if it could be applied in other aspects by using the correct Rhythms.
Good video, i've enjoyed the videos of yours that ive seen, although ive not seen all as i'm still alittle behind on my cosmire reading and trying to avoid spoilers :)
See now I'm wondering if given enough stormlight, Soulcasters can almost be made to work for an assembly line mass producing something? Perhaps using aluminum as a mold to force whatver is soulcast in the required shape?
What I think Navani meant by Tin/Pewter/Zinc/Brass: Tin and Pewter control what the expression of the power is. So, from your example, pewter turns a flamespren in a ruby into a heatrial, tin turns it into a coldrial. Just the polarity. It's not like "more" pewter makes it a stronger heat source, it's just telling the fabrial the direction. Then zinc and brass control the level of expression. So zinc and pewter makes a fabrial very hot, while zinc and tin makes it very cold. Just my interpretation.
Something that has been tickling my brain for a while: Why do fabrial metals (and aether spore metals) mirror Allomancy rather than Feruchemy or Hemalurgy? Or perhaps, if Allomancy follows the “default” behavior of metals, why do Feruchemy and Hemalurgy treat metals differently?
If all of these metals have spiritual integrity I assume gold would continue to have some form of identity properties. I wonder how it would interact with the trapped spren, it's an internal pulling metal like tin so would it weaken the identity of the spren somehow?
Great video! I'm just wondering where you found the World Guide preview that was mentioned in the recommended reading section at the start? I looked around for it but couldn't find anything, unless it's buried in one of the Stormlight RPG youtube videos.
What I find particularly interesting is the potential to combine fabrials, particularly radiant ones, to get effects that even Radiants (well, a single Radiant bonded to a single spren) might not be able to get. Like a gravitation fabrial plus an abrasion fabrial equals a plane with no wind resistance. Then add a mistspren fabrial (which I'm assuming would basically be a DVD player) and you've got free in-flight entertainment 😆. As a side note, the fact that a division fabrial is floating around somewhere is absolutely TERRIFYING
Nalthis is ready to upend the theocracy and institute some sort of socialism imo, they're based around wanting to get their wishes granted, so why not compel that the returned fill their role?
Spanreeds transfer motion. You can make a phone using spanreeds because they can act like transducers by transforming acoustic energy into kinetic motion of the Reed. Just place the paired Reed to your ear.
Maybe awakened gemstones could be used to not just store but become spren and then be put into Raysium-Tanavastium alloys that basically burn away the spren's honour to its type allowing for anyone holding the metal to bond a spren without ideals. Or at least bend spren to a certain outcome, whatever that may be. Or be used as hacking or programming implements for logicspren computers.
Imagine using an abrasion fabrial to make a bullet frictionless right before firing it. It would shoot forwards with no drag from the air and then possibly pass right through a target.
I love fabrials. I'm a little nervous about enjoying them since the end of Rhythm of War makes it sound like they might throw out the entire branch of artefabrialism.
@@jasonioan Well, to be clear, I think they're just gonna revive the ancient fabrials, maybe with some of the strides they've made in modern times, so there will still be incredible fabrials, but they'll operate on different principles where the spren is turned into metal instead of trapped in a gem. I mean, ideally that's the only change and then the rest of it works on the same principles.
With all entanglement, frames of reference and all that scientific approach ( and Sanderson being a pupil of Robert Jordan) I bet Dragonsteel is sci-fi. And also the idea of importance of colours is about light wavelength (he’s specifically said “human perception of colour”)
My guess with Temporal Metal (Gold, Electrum, Cadmium and Bendalloy) Cages is some of the following For Cadimum and Bendalloy the end result is fairly simple, they speed up (Bendalloy) or slow down (Cadmium) the duration of the Effect produced by the Spren For Gold and Electrum I'm a bit lost.
thinking about this relativity thing, that kinda means *someone* decides the frame of reference for fabrials, that might be the spren but for allomancy, why wouldn't the deciding factor be the person? seems like an allomancer with enough training should be able to move the bubble if not at will, then at least with themselves the alternative would be "it's magic", which would be kinda boring and suck
To your points at the very end: Ruby Heat-rial with a Pewter lattice should throw flames Ruby Heat-rial with a Tin lattice should extinguish flames Emerald Heat-rial with a Pewter lattice should expel frost Emerald Heat-rial with a Tin lattice should microwave
I wonder if the importance of color of the gemstone is tied at all to the chromancy of Warbreaker, or perhaps since Spren are of the Cognitive Realm they simply appreciate the themes?
I got into a ridiculous disagreement with someone once, who claimed that it was proven that the spren of the Oathgates were definitely not inkspren, since they look nothing alike. I showed them pictures side by side looking identical, and their response was, well of course they have to be drawn identical, they're described the exact same way. That just further proves that they are entirely unrelated. Sorry for the rant, there are just some people you simply can't talk to.
I could see that as well. I do wonder if you can convince a spren be one of it's surges or the other. Like, if inkspren could be convinced to become a Soulcaster because that's one of the surges they grant radiants.
@@linku1115Doesn’t Gravitationspren already exists? I swear they were mentioned in Navani’s Journal or something? I could see them acting as a gravitational property in those fabrials.
@@LoveliestHeartyes but the fabrials that imitate surges are made out of radiant spren so a fabrial that creates gravitational lashings would be created from honor spren and adhesion(honors truest surge) would be made out of a bondsmith spren
So... how big of a brass cage and gem do I need, to make a light spren express so hard, their wavelength changes to Gamma Rays... Light spren Gamma Bombs as it were. Or microwaves if you wanna go the more wholesome direction, I suppose... Just don't worry about the fact that Light spren are at least as intelligent as people and enjoy your microwaved Chouta wrap!
I feel like they’ve got to have some, right? I haven’t heard of them so casting it so they might be mining it? Regardless, I don’t know if they have enough of those metals to experiment with fabrials at least we haven’t been told they have experimented with them in book yet.
Just think about. Gravity spren are animalistic. You do a tube with aluminun coating and boom. Unidirecional acceleration. If you use metals that increase the rate investiture is used explosive acceleration. Any rock turns in gun. Rosharian version of Scandrial firearm.
This man is going to blow up the second Sanderson books get adaptations. All those people streaming the shows will flood here 🤣
Hopefully it's only a matter of time 🤞
He forgot the RPG folks already creeping in
Should we be saying : I was here before it was cool ? Because I'm here and it's just a little bit cool already.
One day, maybe Hollywood will realize we don’t want half-hearted remakes and want faithful adaptations. 😢
With how adaptations are going in the last decade I'm hoping Sanderson's books don't get dragged through that butchering.
I really love how Sanderson is basically writing scifi dressed up as fantasy.
Is he though? I think of sci-fi as a genre that takes something that is potentially a scientific possibility and then explores the consequences of what would happen if it became a reality. For instance, what if man could reanimate life, or create true AI, or develop faster-than-light travel, and what would be the potential consequences for having done so. Sanderson writes about magic as if it's the science of his worlds, he gives a plausible framework for why magical devices and abilities work the way they do rather than just saying magic doohicky or power works because of magic, but those are two different things. Sanderson is plot and character driven, he starts off with a story he wants to tell and then builds the world and it's people around that, and it rarely has to do with the possibility and perils that come from scientific advancement, although there is some of that admittedly as we see with the advancement of fabrial mechanics on Roshar, it's not the main focus. Even his books about humans in a far flung future fighting alien invasions comes off more as Star Wars than Star Trek.
Ultimately SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/etc are all the same thing. All fictions is fantasy if you want to be super technical.
I feel like you even kind of supported dmy argument when you compared Sanderson's work to Star Wars. I fully agree, the Cosmere is much more like a Star Wars than a Star Trek. But ask just about any random person on the street what genre they think Star Wars is and they'll tell you SciFi.
Ultimately I think the whole genre gatekeeping thing is silly and pointless. A story is a story is a story. It all comes from a person who wanted to make something up.
I love that we live in a world full of Sanderson's, Ruocchio's, and Tchaikovsky's who laugh in the face of genre conventions and just tell the cool stories they want to tell.
One of my favourite things about the cosmere is how magic is treated, both in world and out, as just another component of physics. In Lost metal, marasi is astonished by soul stamping and the aether but when moonlight shoots back that steel allomancers can basically fly, marasi doesn't see the comparison because allomancy is just a thing that exists like other forces on the planet. And that's not even getting into how we're seeing sci-fi ideas like quantum entanglement with things like spanreeds and quantum mechanics where observing the spren locks/alters how they operate like particles, nuclear power with the splitting of ettmetal, and computers with awakening. genuinely cannot wait to see where this goes in the space age
Also, tangentially related, emotional allomancy being blocked by literal tin foil (well, aluminium foil) hats will never stop being funny
@@DSBreadcake Can it ever stop being funny.
@@MorgottofLeyendell Absolutely not, under no circumstances can it stop being funny
I don't know how I've gone so long without ever discovering that of course there's Cosmere analysis stuff on youtube, instant sub
I especially like the way you include audio from interviews and signings, so even after someone has read all the Cosmere books, your videos still contain new and interesting info
... but I am surprised he answers questions so freely, I would expect those secrets are important to keep the mystery and make it enjoyable to discover the Cosmere. And surprised there's an RPG, that seems like it would just give away all the secrets at once. Seems like there's a whole Cosmere Cosmere that I was unaware of, beyond just the books
yo, wake up everyone! new Jasonioan video dropped
You must have had your TH-cam video alerter fabrial on to be here this early!
@@jasonioan "I have discovered a place that I must be, though to be honest I'm not exactly sure why I need to be there. This doesn't always work as well as I'd like it to."
@@that1oneguy770 well played hahaha
Man I love these videos, great production and interesting topics along with WoBs included
Thank you!
"What else could you detect with alerter fabrials...?"
Rosharan TSA: Go on...
What's funny is that Nalthis actually has Cognitive Realm customs so they very well could have devices like this.
@@jasonioan lol, that is funny! I haven't read a huge amount of Sanderson (only Mistborn era 1 and TWoK/WoR so far) so it's cool to hear about all the devices and magic from books I haven't read yet (I'm not massively concerned about spoilers personally, but I get that I'm an exception in that lol 🤷)
Thanks for the video! It was super informative!
Brother, this is the highest production value of any of the Cosmere channels I've seen on these here interwebz
Great video! At 16:40 it talks about frame of references in regards to spanreeds with the example used being on a ship. I think I remember though in Dawnshard it specifically says that it is notoriously difficult to use a spanreed on water because the ship is always moving. I think the frame of reference has to be much bigger than a ship (although not sure how much bigger)
That's true! I may have been confusing an air ship with a sea ship (the Malwish would be ashamed)
I believe Raboniel says somewhere in RoW that aluminum could maybe be used to fix the reference frame issue after she learns about the aluminum-fabrial interaction, so that may be where that got confused.
Not a specific fabrial idea, but I’m stoked to see the Ghostbloods invent hybrid machines that draw from different magic systems. I don’t remember seeing anything like that yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.
With how much they seem to care about having a technological edge on the rest of the Cosmere, I'm sure they're experimenting.
You' ve just gained a new subscriber, i ve just started Stormlight reading this year, there are so so many confusing concepts but you' ve nail it. Thanks a lot for it.
You always give the best cosmere lore in the most interesting way.
Thank you!
I lack the words to describe how much i like this video, thanks
Love the video, love that you did the whole thing on a beach. I'd really like to see more content on the physics of the cosmere (realmatics?), sort of a scientific lens like what Khriss provides in the ars arcanums or Sigzil and Navani's perspectives in Stormlight. Keep it up man!
Edit: and of course Marasi's perspective!
I am loving this. It’s Veritasium for fantasy science
The Navani portion of RoW was my favourite part of any of the books. Good video!
The amount of work that went into the editing of this video is INSANE, shout out to you, man
I really appreciate the kind words!
Absolutely cracking video - keep up the great work Jasonioan!!
Amazing! Love the locations you chose to film at, and very good scripts.
The quality of your videos is INSANE!
Thank you!
loving these vids!! been needing some cosmere content while i wait for WaT!
The quality of this video is incredible, keep up the good work man!
I'll do my best! Thank you!
Its amazing the presentation of the videos, post production must be tremendous, great respect for your work, pliz keep the videos going, we love it.
Thank you! Will do! The next video won't take quite as long as this one did.
Amazing how all these off-the-cuff answers are treated so highly. It's not like these just started happening last year, it's been going on for a long time, so they must be proving to be pretty reliable. I think if I tried writing a series as complex as these and fans started asking me questions about the deep mechanics, I would have to draft a bunch of other fans to double-check what I'm saying before anyone could really trust my answer!
I wonder if it's helping Brandon out, too, by keeping things he wrote several years ago to stay front of mind.
I get that. If they didn’t reliably provide insight or information for things that eventually become canon, I’m sure we would’ve stopped caring a while ago about WoBs.
What’s funny is that he does have a team of fans called arcanists, as well as a couple internal continuity people. So far there have been remarkably few times he’s had to back peddle, but something isn’t fully canon until it’s on the page.
@@ZlothZloth the arcanists are a recent development, though. First he kept it all in his head, then he got his friend Karen to compile it when it outgrew him, and now Karen, Brandon, and the Arcanists work out the deep physics haha
That's just what I was thinking, how can Sanderson answer those interview questions so freely and quickly? If I were him, I'd definitely have to stop and think for a while to at least make sure I'm not giving away any important secrets with each answer. I've always felt like the Cosmere books are a huge set of mystery novels, and it's your job as the reader to piece together the mystery and figure out the underlying rules
But I don't know if they're necessarily hard to answer; I think he basically operates on a system where there are some really basic underlying rules that he knows and you don't, and everything follows those, so it'd be easy to answer questions. I'd expect the hard part is answering them without accidentally giving away the rules
Really appreciate you. Beautiful work.
Thank you! 😁
Fantastic video as always. Great insight into the cosmere.
Watching this I kept learning new things and audibly saying "wow that is fascinating!" Then I had to remind myself that this is all a creation from Sando's mind and that made it all the more impressive!
Love your work, as always, Jasonioan
That's so nice of you! Glad you enjoyed it!
I actually agree with your interpretation of Tin, because Tin savantism enables frankly impossible feats of perception like seeing through solid objects. Also, I think that Zinc and Brass serve as power modulators but don't particularly do anything themselves.
Such a great video. Feel very lucky to have found this channel!
I'm lucky and glad you found me! I hope you enjoy your time here
Love the way you framed up the camera for this one, beautiful vista as usual!
Thank you! I loved your last video too! Hoid was very stylish.
The only thing Im sad about is that after I watch this I then have to wait a full month for the next video
I've got some great news for you. The next video script is already done and the shoot date is scheduled! You should only have to wait a few weeks this time! (mostly because this was supposed to be September's video. whoops!)
I am so excited that I found you before you blow up. Your videos are so high quality
Something I want to know with soul casting is. If a twin born with two metals that don't match, filled their metal minds could they soul cast that matel to match their allomancer metal.
-Does the metals attribute change?
-does the metals change but not the attribute?
-does the metal refuse to change, like a certain stick we all know.
Investiture resists investiture. i would assume that a filled metalmind would resist soulcasting.
@@RemTheFisrt I agree but if you " convinced" it then what would it do? If it was all your investiture and soul casting it might be easier,(The investiture in the metal might like you change it because it came from you)
@@silverdragon3332 i would assume it would force the stored investiture out? that's my best guess at least. ill see if theres a WoB for this.
@@RemTheFisrt I have learned there is he was not clear
@@silverdragon3332 i sent it in the comments. maybe it deleted them because there was a link? idk.
This is a very cool video. Imagine someone who wants to be a radiant or a mistborn but they use technology to do it.
Cyberpunk mistborn with unkeyed metalminds and access to fabrial surges would go crazy.
Also, thanks!
I believe that the Listeners have the most basic type of "fabrial" with there farming method of utilising Life spren getting them to take in stormlight and making the plants grow faster by expressing there attribute using the correct Rhythm it makes me wonder if it could be applied in other aspects by using the correct Rhythms.
Another great video! Love these
Thank you! I'm so glad you like them!!!
Good video, i've enjoyed the videos of yours that ive seen, although ive not seen all as i'm still alittle behind on my cosmire reading and trying to avoid spoilers :)
We love magic machines
Holy jumping jellyfish! A Jasonioan upload? Time to bail out on attending my sons baseball game so I can watch this seven times in a row instead 🍿
Kinda based tbh. Your son will have other baseball games
@@Theangryhermit kinda based, tbh. You could have other sons.
Really enjoyed this 😊
Glad you enjoyed it!
I think Yumi and the Nightmare Painter help give another indication as to how far we you can push the limits of alerter fabrials.
Great video as always!
Thank you!!!
Loving your videos. You got a new sub with me! Keep up the awesome work
Thank you!
See now I'm wondering if given enough stormlight, Soulcasters can almost be made to work for an assembly line mass producing something? Perhaps using aluminum as a mold to force whatver is soulcast in the required shape?
What I think Navani meant by Tin/Pewter/Zinc/Brass: Tin and Pewter control what the expression of the power is. So, from your example, pewter turns a flamespren in a ruby into a heatrial, tin turns it into a coldrial. Just the polarity. It's not like "more" pewter makes it a stronger heat source, it's just telling the fabrial the direction. Then zinc and brass control the level of expression. So zinc and pewter makes a fabrial very hot, while zinc and tin makes it very cold.
Just my interpretation.
Something that has been tickling my brain for a while:
Why do fabrial metals (and aether spore metals) mirror Allomancy rather than Feruchemy or Hemalurgy?
Or perhaps, if Allomancy follows the “default” behavior of metals, why do Feruchemy and Hemalurgy treat metals differently?
Excellent work! I would just recommend watching your levels on music moving forward.
Thank you! I thought they were too low previously so I raised them a bit on this one. I ah… overcompensated 😅
If all of these metals have spiritual integrity I assume gold would continue to have some form of identity properties.
I wonder how it would interact with the trapped spren, it's an internal pulling metal like tin so would it weaken the identity of the spren somehow?
Oh man. Maybe that's how you can blank the connection of some forms of investiture. I'll need to think about this more, but that's fascinating.
Is that Yulay? I vacationed there when I was a kid, gorgeous landscape where the desert meets the Purelake
It is a great place to visit! A bit too humid for my taste though.
Great video! I'm just wondering where you found the World Guide preview that was mentioned in the recommended reading section at the start? I looked around for it but couldn't find anything, unless it's buried in one of the Stormlight RPG youtube videos.
What I find particularly interesting is the potential to combine fabrials, particularly radiant ones, to get effects that even Radiants (well, a single Radiant bonded to a single spren) might not be able to get. Like a gravitation fabrial plus an abrasion fabrial equals a plane with no wind resistance. Then add a mistspren fabrial (which I'm assuming would basically be a DVD player) and you've got free in-flight entertainment 😆. As a side note, the fact that a division fabrial is floating around somewhere is absolutely TERRIFYING
Which cosmere world is primed for a communist revolution? The answer may surprise you.
Nalthis is ready to upend the theocracy and institute some sort of socialism imo, they're based around wanting to get their wishes granted, so why not compel that the returned fill their role?
Get this dude more followers!… he is awesome!
11:08 you still got it wrong lol. You repeated Emerald and you forgot Garnet
WHAT?!? Noooooooo!
Also, whoops 😅
Spanreeds transfer motion. You can make a phone using spanreeds because they can act like transducers by transforming acoustic energy into kinetic motion of the Reed. Just place the paired Reed to your ear.
Poor nicrosil, always getting forgotten.
Even Brandon forgot to explain its role in unsealed metalminds.
True. I was also so proud for remembering all the Rosharan polestones, and I forgot Garnet!
Maybe awakened gemstones could be used to not just store but become spren and then be put into Raysium-Tanavastium alloys that basically burn away the spren's honour to its type allowing for anyone holding the metal to bond a spren without ideals. Or at least bend spren to a certain outcome, whatever that may be. Or be used as hacking or programming implements for logicspren computers.
On "bending" a spren's will or honour. Maybe this allows for quantum tunneling.
Imagine using an abrasion fabrial to make a bullet frictionless right before firing it. It would shoot forwards with no drag from the air and then possibly pass right through a target.
That would be intense. What a cool idea!
Bro. Epic video!! Please turn the background music down a Lil in the next one was hard to hear you
Dang. I thought I had the audio mixing down on this one. Thanks for letting me know.
@@jasonioan you probably are but always good to use speakers to mix the audio headphones are deceptive!
I love fabrials. I'm a little nervous about enjoying them since the end of Rhythm of War makes it sound like they might throw out the entire branch of artefabrialism.
I hope not. I think the science has so much potential!
@@jasonioan Well, to be clear, I think they're just gonna revive the ancient fabrials, maybe with some of the strides they've made in modern times, so there will still be incredible fabrials, but they'll operate on different principles where the spren is turned into metal instead of trapped in a gem. I mean, ideally that's the only change and then the rest of it works on the same principles.
With all entanglement, frames of reference and all that scientific approach ( and Sanderson being a pupil of Robert Jordan) I bet Dragonsteel is sci-fi. And also the idea of importance of colours is about light wavelength (he’s specifically said “human perception of colour”)
My guess with Temporal Metal (Gold, Electrum, Cadmium and Bendalloy) Cages is some of the following
For Cadimum and Bendalloy the end result is fairly simple, they speed up (Bendalloy) or slow down (Cadmium) the duration of the Effect produced by the Spren
For Gold and Electrum I'm a bit lost.
The other thing I've been thinking about is using a Metalmind as the Cage and how that could cause weird Compounding Interactions
thinking about this relativity thing, that kinda means *someone* decides the frame of reference
for fabrials, that might be the spren
but for allomancy, why wouldn't the deciding factor be the person?
seems like an allomancer with enough training should be able to move the bubble if not at will, then at least with themselves
the alternative would be "it's magic", which would be kinda boring and suck
To your points at the very end:
Ruby Heat-rial with a Pewter lattice should throw flames
Ruby Heat-rial with a Tin lattice should extinguish flames
Emerald Heat-rial with a Pewter lattice should expel frost
Emerald Heat-rial with a Tin lattice should microwave
I wonder if the importance of color of the gemstone is tied at all to the chromancy of Warbreaker, or perhaps since Spren are of the Cognitive Realm they simply appreciate the themes?
I noticed that you listed Emerald twice when listing Polestones. Perhaps you meant Garnet?
I did. I was so proud too and I still missed it. 😔
Be careful with those approaching shades.. We need your continued research in Silverlight!
My man travelled to the Purelake to film this video. So my question is, did you meet Ishikk and his wife?
Unfortunately I wasn't able to meet Ishikk. The purelake is ludicrously large and I wasn't on the same side of the lake as his village.
I got into a ridiculous disagreement with someone once, who claimed that it was proven that the spren of the Oathgates were definitely not inkspren, since they look nothing alike. I showed them pictures side by side looking identical, and their response was, well of course they have to be drawn identical, they're described the exact same way. That just further proves that they are entirely unrelated.
Sorry for the rant, there are just some people you simply can't talk to.
I think Honorspren would make a gravitation fabrial seeing as bondsmithing uses adhesion.
I could see that as well. I do wonder if you can convince a spren be one of it's surges or the other. Like, if inkspren could be convinced to become a Soulcaster because that's one of the surges they grant radiants.
@@jasonioan that does make sense
@@linku1115Doesn’t Gravitationspren already exists? I swear they were mentioned in Navani’s Journal or something? I could see them acting as a gravitational property in those fabrials.
The stormfather technically is also an honorspren.
Difference is he's made of a larger amount of investiture
@@LoveliestHeartyes but the fabrials that imitate surges are made out of radiant spren so a fabrial that creates gravitational lashings would be created from honor spren and adhesion(honors truest surge) would be made out of a bondsmith spren
So... how big of a brass cage and gem do I need, to make a light spren express so hard, their wavelength changes to Gamma Rays... Light spren Gamma Bombs as it were.
Or microwaves if you wanna go the more wholesome direction, I suppose... Just don't worry about the fact that Light spren are at least as intelligent as people and enjoy your microwaved Chouta wrap!
Man, fabrials are so cool. I wish we could send messages across vast distances instantly in real life… this world sucks
*looks longingly at a spanreed*
I wish you were real.
Where are you?
Why did Dalinar think Navani looked beautiful?
He thought she looked....Fabrilous😂😂😂
Because she captured his heart in her gemstone (gemheart) 🤣🤣
I didn’t realise Roshan did not have gold or copper.
I feel like they’ve got to have some, right? I haven’t heard of them so casting it so they might be mining it? Regardless, I don’t know if they have enough of those metals to experiment with fabrials at least we haven’t been told they have experimented with them in book yet.
11:01 you said emerald twice and missed i think garnet
I did 😔
9:30 mosteiro dos jeronimos spotted
Not a heat gun. A Gravity gun in a metal casing like a gun.
We’re so close to thinking with portals. Also, this is a really cool idea
Just think about. Gravity spren are animalistic. You do a tube with aluminun coating and boom. Unidirecional acceleration. If you use metals that increase the rate investiture is used explosive acceleration.
Any rock turns in gun.
Rosharian version of Scandrial firearm.