Attempted overtake

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2008
  • A lorry driver from Mayday Tool and Plant Hire attempts to overtake at an inappropriate and unsafe moment. Luckily he aborts when I signal a stop to him with my right arm extended, palm facing back.
    This causes him to repeatedly beep his horn, whilst pulling a sign at me. If he'd only waited a little, I would have happily pulled in somewhere to let him past once my own safety wasn't at stake.
    What I thought was amusing was when he realised I had a video camera, he held back under the bridge 100m before the traffic lights for ages.
    I'm really glad this driver had the sense to abort his overtake, because, generally speaking, being to the left of an HGV is what kills the most cyclists in London.
    S554 AHG
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ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the support, downfader2!

  • @dr1141tube
    @dr1141tube 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tip of the day when cut up by older coaches. Most have a handle poking out of the rear to cut the engine. Just give that a tug next time you catch up with the coach that has cut you up and off goes the engine.
    Even more fun is that the driver then has to get out and reset the switch. Did that a few months ago to a coach that severely cut me up in the City of London - so entertaining to hear all the horns starting up as this coach was marooned in the middle of the road - hee hee.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  15 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's a good question - in this situation I couldn't let him past because it was far too narrow and dangerous to me to do so. I'm all for letting faster vehicles through, but never if it compromises my safety.
    There are a couple of sections on my commute where it's difficult for vehicles to pass me safely, and if a vehicle is likely to have to wait more than a little bit, I usually pull in and wave them past. Coexistance and tolerance for each other is the name of the game, right?

  • @inlineschool
    @inlineschool 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have ridern with LSMike and most of the time that bike is doing between 20mph and 30mph..
    In London you are only moving between lights so you should give bikes space, it only means you will reach the next set of lights a little later!

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @utbigpapa It's not normally in my hand, it's on the handlebars. Whilst I'd normally agree with you, in this specific situation the camera significantly increased my safety. That's because the driver stopped his aggression towards me immediately he noticed the camera. Big win for safety. Nowadays I run two cameras, one facing rearwards and one to the front, so this is no longer an issue.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's exactly where I should be in this situation. This is not a suitable place to overtake, so I'm taking the decision away from the following driver by riding in the middle of the lane.
    I'll bet you didn't know this is correct cycling practice. There was no delay to the truck driver, as we were all held up by the red traffic lights, inc. the vehicle in front of us.
    It's obv. the truck driver knew he was in the wrong, else he wouldn't have held back when he saw the video camera.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I stop at the lights, and let him pass for my own safety. Here the camera paid for itself. IMO it prevented a bully from further intimidating driving, and stopped a relatively minor incident from any further escalation. Bear in mind that before he realised I was pointing a camera at him, the vehicle was being driven close behind me with aggressive engine revving. That's very far from irrational, angry, or stupid behavior on my part.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks, yes, cameras are great for moderating bad behaviour by drivers. They pretty much prevent any further escalation, which is the best possible result.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I totally agree, most HGV drivers are of superlative quality. I regularly experience super courtesy from them, and see them driving well and taking good account of mistakes by other road users, particularly dodgy cycling.
    I apologise for filming this incident and thus unfairly weighting opinion against HGV drivers when in fact they are far better than Mr Average Driver.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  15 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's the public highway, for everyone to use. You get on the motorway and stay there.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    There was no space to overtake me, so moving out is exactly the right place to be, as advised in cycle training and relevant govt. published cyclecraft. It was very clear that the driver was attempting to overtake, both from his engine note and his road positioning.
    There's no aggression from me at all. Perhaps you feel that filming someone's bad behaviour is somehow aggressive and unfair.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love how you ignore the bad driving and stupid overtake IMO, and just focus on my riding and try to blame me for that. My riding there was sensible, cautious, and my road position was correct according to a book called Cyclecraft by John Franklin, published by the govt. stationary office.
    A camera isn't a weapon and can't threaten anyone. The embarrassment comes from bad behaviour, not the camera itself. The lesson is don't behave badly, and other people won't get to see it.

  • @Pimpimma
    @Pimpimma 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Whats rule 163? Lycra is for girlie men? Thought so.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not a zealot, and I understand that everybody makes mistakes, including myself.
    If the above makes you angry, then I suggest you shouldn't be driving in that state of mind.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @zxmig I'm quite disappointed to see that pondscum like you actually managed to reproduce.
    There are thousands of us helmet camera cyclists out there now, you better drive well or you'll get the consequences. They've included disciplinary action and warning of dismissal for any repeat for company drivers who misbehaved badly, points and fine for red light jumping drivers, etc.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOL, don't be silly! There isn't enough room to overtake here, no matter what my road positioning is. Go read the highway code, particularly rule 163, because you clearly haven't passed your test.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oops, sorry, I unintentionally hit the remove button on your last post.
    To answer your point, no, I did complain to the company, and since this bad driving occurred in public, it's entirely appropriate to post it on youtube. Part of my reasoning is that the company didn't respond, and part is that it'll make other drivers out there aware that many cyclists have cameras nowadays, and thus more careful around cyclists. It's not so easy to hide from the consequences of poor driving any more.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just because many drivers speed, jump red lights, and overtake badly, does that mean I hate all drivers? No, because that would be stupid as your bigotry is. (An RAC study found that 1 in 10 car drivers, and 1 in 5 bus drivers jump lights in London).
    I now take the whole lane down this hill, because it helps to prevent idiotic overtakes like this one. There are still some idiot drivers who overtake when I'm doing 40mph here though.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your behaviour and driving is in question to me when you suggest that me simply riding along the road is sufficient cause for you to "get angry". That is not the approach of a normal and rational driver.
    Why would you say I'm "armed"? I'm not armed with anything and I present no threat to anybody, I'm just a squishy cyclist. As for the speed of my response, it's not as fast as yours was, due no doubt to me checking my email less often.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    No different from changing gear in a car or a bike with downtube shifters. I think the camera adds safety, because once it's noticed, they are unwilling to behave badly on camera, and any road rage is over.
    I see you've dropped the main thrust of your argument about me riding in the middle of the road, so I'm chuffed you accept that was incorrect. Seriously, get Cyclecraft by John Franklin, and you'll learn a lot. I certainly did, and I hope it helps you and others.

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is why you're not qualified to comment on overtakes or road positioning.
    LOL on the lycra comment. :)

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    You can't fairly apply any of that to me, and I think you're a cyclist-hater.
    I was simply riding along, when a lorry tries to overtake me through a section of road that's only just wide enough for his vehicle, whilst I'm correctly positioned well out from the kerb in the lane. I motion to stop, and then to protect myself I take the camera off the bars and film his face and numberplate.
    He notices this, and apparently it worries him because he now holds well back in fear under the bridge.

  • @antipike
    @antipike 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    More cyclist should have cams on , they will be safer if the other road users see the cam , but it is a good tool to use for evidence gathering ,take no notice of the ant-cyclists on here

  • @lsmike
    @lsmike  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @parnol Wrong - everybody pays for the roads, mostly via both council and income tax, to the extent that private motorists are subsidized by the non-motorists to some degree.
    Besides, Churchill abolished the road fund licence back in the 1930s precisely to stop horrible little oiks trying to claim that the public highways are for cars, and that no-one else should be allowed to use them. You're a fail.