WM 28: Undertaker vs Triple H WM 29: Triple H vs Brock Lesnar WM 30: Undertaker v Brock Lesnar WM 31: Reigns v Brock Lesnar Wm32: Reigns v Triple H WM 33: Reigns vs Undertaker WM 34: Reigns vs Brock Lesnar It has always been a loop....
Vishnu Mohan I feel u how sad if u look at all the main events it's been the same people it's rare for someone to get the main spot once unless there jobbing out
Seems a little fishy nonetheless. And i love all these wrestlers, Lesnar being my least favorite of the bunch. Wwe really should change things up and i think they will in the years to come.
You're being far too kind to Wrestlemania 27's main event. Miz was not just overshadowed - he didn't belong in the main event. He's come a LONG way over the course of his career, but he had not yet reached the level he's at now, and had no business being WWE Champion, let alone retaining the title in the main event of Wrestlemania. That match should be in the bottom 5 on this list.
I prefer the WM XX main event over the WM XXX... Daniel was ok but the match itself didn’t seemed to be as great as the other... it was even a little copy between them as the spot of breaking the table and the crossface finale... both are great but the celebration between Guerrero and Benoit and the emotional it feel when he got the title makes me prefer it and put it on top
Benoit was a top-notch wrestler. I remember this one guy who puts him as over rated as hell because his personality was bland as hell and that Daniel had more talent in one finger than Chris had in his whole body.... that is when I can't take him as a "wrestling" fan if he would label Benoit as over rated because he isn't the most entertaining guy. Yeah, Benoit wasn't the most entertaining personality but he was one of those guys that was so damn good in the ring, honestly, who cares? I call him out for being a bit to salty, he replied "I am salty because I don't like boring wrestlers". "you don't like boring wrestlers, you just don't like boring characters and in wrestling, their is a huge difference, if you want to uncredit his career cause he isn't being like The Rock or Stone Cold when he is out there, then you care more for characters than wrestling, that is obvious".
Daniel Bryan is completely different from Benoit you realize. Hes just heavily influenced by him. Just as Benoit was heavily influenced by Dynamite kid. You could call Benoit a dynamite kid wannabe. But Why? They're all good. No reason to "pick one" they all put on great matches. DB has way more charisma and I enjoy his matches more. I thought he was copying Benoit too, then I realized he just rules. That's all that matters. Thanks :-)
One thing about Benoit. I used to love him. He went and did something bad. Okay. That tarnished his legacy a bit. I only recently have been able to enjoy his matches again. So yea, there's that. But the main thing ? His mic skills were on par with Kalisto. That is what made him harder to get behind for me. At least DB is great on the Mic and in the ring. One of my all time favorite matches was Benoit vs Austin from SD early 01, Austin heel. First time we saw 10 Germans in a row. That was awesome.
Jake Pitsenbarger Yes they are both awesome but for me Benoit Will always be the best. I love his "badass" persona in which He didn't have to speak but only to beat the crap out of anyone. He Will always be my favorite wrestler of all time. That's obviously my opinion and i respect yours
I remember being in the crowd for that sequel at 26. The absolute spectacle that was that match was incredible. One of the most emotional things I’ve experienced to this day.
bryan diaz that moment you realized that the miz mainevented mania instead of CMPunk and it just goes to show you the agenda wwe was trying to pull at the time
Makeing miz as champion was just another excuse wwe wanted to avoid giving punk the belt i mean why the miz? Of all people on that roster be honest who here wasnt takeing The Miz's World Title Reign seriously? Surely it gotten heat from the crowd of course but for the miz.....REALLY?!
The WWF Attitude era officially went on over a year after Wrestlemania 17. It ended with “Get the F out!” in May 2002 when they dropped the “Attitude” and replaced it with “Entertainment” on the logo.
The 34 main event would probably be on 28 spot... people wasn’t on the match... it didn’t has anything great and it copied the Orton beat and blood from summerslam 2016... people even cared more about beach balls than the match
Wrestlemania XX had the perfect storyline, match and ending. Chris Benoit as the legit underdog who earned his title shot by winning the Royal Rumble as the #1 entrant, Shawn Michaels and Triple H settling their long rivalry. And Benoit celebrating his win with his best friend. It's perfect! Definitely top 3 and it can't get better than that.
Phenomenal Styles no there were 6 dude, 3 in a row and then one through a table and then back in the ring for a 5th and then he busted him open and Roman hit two spears and then went for the wind up spear and got caught for the 6th F5 1.2.3 Brock wins
C'mon. It was Lesnar vs Reigns. How high could it have ranked? Mr part time only has three moves. German suplex, ground and pound, F5. You'd think a MMA fighter would be a better wrestler.
You're lying to yourself if you put Hogan/Warrior above Angle/Lesnar. All historical stuff aside as a pure match Lesnar/Angle is far superior and little known fact, it's the only WrestleMania main event with the two competitors using their real names and not stage names, thus bringing a more sense of realism to the two most accomplished amateur wrestlers in WWE history.
Sean Lafferty they tore the house down granted brock nearly almost killed himself during thst match to see a man his size pull a shooting star press i was marking out
hogan vs warrior also blew the house down and it was way more marketable and had way better feud/build up than angle vs lesnar which wasn't even supposed to be main event if austin was fit
WM 20 triple threat match was way better than WM 30 triple threat and the moment of eddie and benoit embracing their championship victory is way more satisfying than daniel bryan no-selling his arm injuries which was the whole plan of night and doing yes chants
prj 789 Yeah WM 30 is overrated and so is Daniel Bryan. Don’t get me wrong, I do like him, but don’t think he deserves that much praise. I don’t love him like majority of people who get rock hard over him lol
+Sammy2tones you know it was a great wrestling moment although at the same time did anyone really think he wasn't winning either match? Personally I think Lesnar breaking Taker's record was a better moment because well the fans were in awe and well yeah it put Lesnar back on the map
In my opinion :- 1)Rock vs Stone Cold 17 2)Taker vs HBK 26 3)Edge vs Taker 24 4)Brock vs Angle 19 5)HBK vs Austin 14 6)Rock vs Cena 28 7)Daniel Bryan vs Randy vs Batista 30 8)Benoit vs Triple H vs Michaels 20 9)Shawn Michaels vs John Cena 23 10)Hogan vs Andre the Giant 3 11)Warrior vs Hogan 6 12)Hogan vs Savage 5 13)HBK vs Bret Hart 12 14)Triple H vs Rock vs Mic vs Show 16 15)Cena vs Triple H 22 16)Reigns vs Lesnar vs Rollins 31 17)Triple H vs Batista 21 18)Reigns vs Lesnar 34 19)Rock vs Austin 15 20)Hart Vs Yokozuna 10 21)Triple H vs Randy Orton 25 22)Savage vs Ted Disbease 4 23)Reigns Taker 33 24)Hogan vs Slaughter 7 25)Triple H vs Chris Jericho 18 26)Hogan And Mr.T vs Roddy Piper and Paul1 27)Big Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor 11 28)John Cena vs The Rock 29 29)John Cena vs The MIZ 27 30)Triple H vs Reigns 32 31)Taker vs Sid 13 32)Hogan Vs Bundy 2 33)Hogan vs Sycho Sid 8 34)Hogan vs Yokozuna 9
with mania 34 done i'd say that was the worst main event. 90% of the match was spear, superman punch, suplex, f5, repeatedly. Got boring. I think mania 25 taker vs shawn was better then their match at mania 26
I think 26 was superior to 25 by a bit but i can see why ppl like 25 more. But for me the tension and emotion at 26 was just so good that it makes me like it more than 25. Besides 25 had that little botch with the camera guy, not that it ruined the match but that has to be taken into consideration. But overall they re both two of the best matches in wrestling history
I don’t know why Reigns vs. Taker closed out the show at WrestleMania 33. I think Goldberg/Lesnar should of been the main event that year but that’s just my opinion.
1. Stone cold vs The Rock WrestleMania 17 2. Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker WrestleMania 26 3. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit WrestleMania 20 4. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 12 5. Stone Cold vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 14 6. Edge vs Undertaker WrestleMania 24 7. John Cena vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 23 8. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar WrestleMania 19 9. Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista WrestleMania 30 10. John Cena vs Triple H WrestleMania 22
I d switch stone cold vs rock and shawn michaels vs undertaker placements, and maybe instead of cena vs shawn i would put either ultimate warrior vs Hogan or Hogan vs Andre the Giant. And i would rank angle vs lesnar a bit higher but i agree with the rest of the list.
While I agree with Hogan Yokozuna being placed where it was, you can’t use that as the main event and disregard Hart vs Yokozuna and not do the same for Seth Rollins cashing in MITB after Lesnar vs Reigns
Richard Savner, yeah he's such a bias idiot! The triple threat match, was only about 45 seconds long, which included a spear and curb stomps on both Lesnar and Reigns.
If you judge a match ENTIRELY by crowd interaction then yes. WM34 is clearly the genuine worst. If you judge a match even remotely on the build, storytelling and performances then WM34 probably belongs in the middle of the pack. Think of it...Replace Roman and Brock with two wrestlers you actually like...tell the exact same story over the course of the year with a brutal hard fought match and tell me this is the worst WM main event in History.
Vishnu Mohan I wasn't really feeling that match. Not saying ut wasn't good, but I do feel that Shawn vs Taker, like a lot of others, was the better match. They could have literally had the Triple H vs Orton match have gone on before it and people wouldn't have felt any different toward it.
The Attitude Era was defined by the Austin/McMahon feud, so it makes sense that the era would end with the feud ending, Austin shaking Vince's hand. Yes, it worked as the biggest heel turn in Wrestlemania history, but was symbolic in that it was essentially two guys congratulating each other on what they had accomplished, bringing about wrestling's Second Renaissance with a feud unlike any seen before.
mania xxiv and xxx are my fav main events, honestly. the way the crowd was behind edge, hoping the streak would end there and that he would retain (this was the first mania i watched. also, i personally think the streak should've died to a legend rather than bork laser) the feeling watching mania xxx was...indescribably the greatest thing i have ever seen. from triple h's interference to daniel hugging connor the crusher at the end...pure gold
I agree with number one hands down. Those two are beyond incredible performers. Its unfortunate Father Time takes its toll because those two at Mania is something special.
Personally I always thought the main event for the first wrestlemania should have been Hogan & Snuka vs. Piper & Orndorff with Mr.T & Orton in the corners. Piper & Snuka were just coming off a big feud as well as Hogan & Orndoff so they could have used this to close out those two huge feuds. Still have T involved with helping to train Hogan & Snuka by giving them the "street smarts" as they said he did to Hogan. It would have come off much better.
A lot of people don’t completely agree but the WrestleMania XX main event is the best of all time. The build up was actually pretty good, the way that the video package was made before the match made it a real big match feel, HHH, HBK, and Benoit worked so well together, and the ending is the best Mania moment of all time. It’s sad that it’ll never be recognized by WWE. Such a great match.
I'd love to see this list done again with "headline" matches because I kept comparing matches like Flair/Savage and Undertaker/Batista to certain true "main events".
Actually, I thought the list was pretty spot on. And tbh, I appreciate the fact that you were able to be objective in the case of the WrestleMania XX main event. I don't object to its place at #4, but personally, it's my favorite.
Hogan v Andre at WM 3 is top 10 simply because everyone knows how Andre conducted his matches and how he was so willing to put wrestlers over. glad you made Undertaker vs Michaels #1
Before I watch, I am very partial to WrestleMania 20 Main Event of Benoit vs Michaels vs. Triple H. Although what Benoit did was reprehensible and Unforgivable 3 years later, his match against the best friends was incredible and told an amazing story of his climb to the World Heavyweight Championship.
Iron Man match was an absolute gem and its place on your list is atrocious. My Top 5: 1) Austin vs Rock wm17 2) Bret vs Shawn wm12 3) Shawn vs Undertaker wm26 4) Shawn vs Austin wm14 5) Hogan vs Warrior wm 6 This just goes to show my age if anything, and what era of wrestling I grew up in.
Roman vs Lesnar fits around 27th/28th. Most people were upset about Roman Reigns and Lesnar than the actual match quality. The match quality wasn’t great, but there were much worse matches. There were definitely lower quality matches, and crowd/immediate reactions don’t matter in the long run.
Gene Spight That shitshow will continue as long as Lesnar is signed with WWE, since WWE won't turn Reigns heel & there is no other wrestler (except maybe Jinder) who fans would despise more than Reigns.
I think Daniel Bryan vs Randy vs Batista should be second to last cause we already had Benoit vs Shawn vs hhh. The last one should be the women’s main event , that shit was so botched
10. The Rock vs John Cena WM 28 9. John Cena vs Shawn Michaels 8. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart 7. Brock vs Roman (and Seth Rollins) WM 31 6. Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle 5. Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs Randy Orton 4. The Undertaker vs Edge 3. Stone Cold vs The Rock WM X7 2. The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels 1. Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels
That one kid: I hate u what u said the worst one was my favorite match ever I hated the favorite match I hate was I'm telling my mom and TH-cam and telling my friends to don't watch u Me: nice video
And WTF are you doing putting WM31 in the top 10? That match was complete shit before Seth Rollins cashed in MITB to join the match. Lesnar hasn't wrestled a good match since 2013, and the only reason this match wasn't like 0.5 stars is because Rollins finally made things interesting.
My favorite main event was Batista vs Triple H at Mania 21. The build up was brilliant, the right guy won, and Triple H put Batista over 2 more times after that. Just my personal opinion.
Not gonna lie guys...after watching the livestreams for wm32, and this week's raw and smackdown. I'm really starting to like these guys in a more personality level. They are very self aware about the Adam comments, which yeah it sucks about that but at least they are trying. Also his old videos are still there. Keep up the good work guys !
Austin vs Rock WM 17 is greatest main event of all time....the build, the promos, tbe action and reaction (im still pissed to this day Austin turned but if he didn't we wouldn't have WHAT? down the line)....that match was a Ali vs Frazier feeling
Interesting list. Now can you rank all the Adams of what culture past and present???
Danny Knightmare There will be 1000 Adams
Yes, we need a Adam Ranking List. Whoever does the list needs to hide their identity, though, because people will lose their shit.
that video would heve to be longer than 10 hours...not happening
The Fantastic Paul
They could have Simon do it. Hes not an Adam
Please do this
Ranking *EVERY* _”Adam from WhatCulture”_ from WORST to BEST.....
#33 -Adam Wilbourn-
Adam Clery?
Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
WM 28: Undertaker vs Triple H
WM 29: Triple H vs Brock Lesnar
WM 30: Undertaker v Brock Lesnar
WM 31: Reigns v Brock Lesnar
Wm32: Reigns v Triple H
WM 33: Reigns vs Undertaker
WM 34: Reigns vs Brock Lesnar
It has always been a loop....
Vishnu Mohan I feel u how sad if u look at all the main events it's been the same people it's rare for someone to get the main spot once unless there jobbing out
Y7hungg 7 the matches at wm 28, 29 and 30 were not main events but still very repetitive nonetheless
Seems a little fishy nonetheless. And i love all these wrestlers, Lesnar being my least favorite of the bunch. Wwe really should change things up and i think they will in the years to come.
They gave 4 straight WM Main Event to Roman Reigns and they never gave ONE to the Best In The World. In one word: Disgusting.
You're being far too kind to Wrestlemania 27's main event. Miz was not just overshadowed - he didn't belong in the main event. He's come a LONG way over the course of his career, but he had not yet reached the level he's at now, and had no business being WWE Champion, let alone retaining the title in the main event of Wrestlemania. That match should be in the bottom 5 on this list.
Most of the Main Events are far worse than lesser matches on the card, so this is a hard list.
I prefer the WM XX main event over the WM XXX... Daniel was ok but the match itself didn’t seemed to be as great as the other... it was even a little copy between them as the spot of breaking the table and the crossface finale... both are great but the celebration between Guerrero and Benoit and the emotional it feel when he got the title makes me prefer it and put it on top
Marlon Dutan
little copy?Lol that was a FULL copy
Agreed. As amazing as Bryan is, he's no Chris Benoit.
Benoit was a top-notch wrestler. I remember this one guy who puts him as over rated as hell because his personality was bland as hell and that Daniel had more talent in one finger than Chris had in his whole body.... that is when I can't take him as a "wrestling" fan if he would label Benoit as over rated because he isn't the most entertaining guy. Yeah, Benoit wasn't the most entertaining personality but he was one of those guys that was so damn good in the ring, honestly, who cares? I call him out for being a bit to salty, he replied "I am salty because I don't like boring wrestlers". "you don't like boring wrestlers, you just don't like boring characters and in wrestling, their is a huge difference, if you want to uncredit his career cause he isn't being like The Rock or Stone Cold when he is out there, then you care more for characters than wrestling, that is obvious".
Plus Chris had that intensity and realism to his wrestling that Bryan never had.
Wrestlemania 20 Main event was way better than wrestlemania 30 Main event
michele magoni no. Db > benoit
Jake Pitsenbarger nope, Daniel Bryan is a Benoit wannabe
Daniel Bryan is completely different from Benoit you realize. Hes just heavily influenced by him. Just as Benoit was heavily influenced by Dynamite kid. You could call Benoit a dynamite kid wannabe. But Why? They're all good. No reason to "pick one" they all put on great matches. DB has way more charisma and I enjoy his matches more. I thought he was copying Benoit too, then I realized he just rules. That's all that matters. Thanks :-)
One thing about Benoit. I used to love him. He went and did something bad. Okay. That tarnished his legacy a bit. I only recently have been able to enjoy his matches again. So yea, there's that. But the main thing ? His mic skills were on par with Kalisto. That is what made him harder to get behind for me. At least DB is great on the Mic and in the ring. One of my all time favorite matches was Benoit vs Austin from SD early 01, Austin heel. First time we saw 10 Germans in a row. That was awesome.
Jake Pitsenbarger Yes they are both awesome but for me Benoit Will always be the best. I love his "badass" persona in which He didn't have to speak but only to beat the crap out of anyone. He Will always be my favorite wrestler of all time. That's obviously my opinion and i respect yours
We can say that The Rock, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Stone Cold are the greatest of all time
David Orihuela torres agreed
you're absolutely right
The Mount Rushmore of WrestleMania.
Justin Orel I'll say. Macho, Perfect, both Hart's, Million Dollar Man, etc.
Hell Yeah!
The best is clearly Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor!
LWG Riptide dam right
Obviously it's Irony but it was good for a guy that never wrestled before
KobeLegend agreed, surprised it wasn’t a flop
Floyd Roberts Are you? Do you not understand sarcasm?
LWG Riptide Facts.
I remember being in the crowd for that sequel at 26. The absolute spectacle that was that match was incredible. One of the most emotional things I’ve experienced to this day.
Michaels' worst main event is at number 13 and he's done 5 main events.
Truly Mr. WrestleMania. GOAT.
Wm main events The Miz: 1 Lawrence Taylor: 1 Mr.T: 1 Cm punk: 0 I’m gonna go cry now
bryan diaz stfu smark
koustav chatterjee I mean ya I’m ok With Miz because I like him but Mr.t
bryan diaz that moment you realized that the miz mainevented mania instead of CMPunk and it just goes to show you the agenda wwe was trying to pull at the time
sparkshadowtiger I know it’s bs how Miz main evented but punk didn’t the next year
Makeing miz as champion was just another excuse wwe wanted to avoid giving punk the belt i mean why the miz? Of all people on that roster be honest who here wasnt takeing The Miz's World Title Reign seriously? Surely it gotten heat from the crowd of course but for the miz.....REALLY?!
Happy Rusev Day Guys
Raktim Dasgupta happy day too
Raktim Dasgupta Happy Rusev Day
Happy Rusev Day to you too and all your love ones
Fuck you and Rusev.
The WWF Attitude era officially went on over a year after Wrestlemania 17. It ended with “Get the F out!” in May 2002 when they dropped the “Attitude” and replaced it with “Entertainment” on the logo.
Brock vs. Roman V2 would slot nicely somewhere in the 30's
There isn´t way that the main event of WM 32 is better than WM 25.
Wtf?? where is Mainevent of 34?
Rohan BaLor They made the video before wm34
LucaLive 34 they uploaded it today! i thought they created it may be after mania...its been 10days though!!
Rohan BaLor They prerecorded it and only just uploaded it today.
The 34 main event would probably be on 28 spot... people wasn’t on the match... it didn’t has anything great and it copied the Orton beat and blood from summerslam 2016... people even cared more about beach balls than the match
It doesn't deserve to even be in this list cuz it didn't deserve to be a main event
Wrestlemania XX had the perfect storyline, match and ending. Chris Benoit as the legit underdog who earned his title shot by winning the Royal Rumble as the #1 entrant, Shawn Michaels and Triple H settling their long rivalry. And Benoit celebrating his win with his best friend. It's perfect! Definitely top 3 and it can't get better than that.
oh.. if only you guys filmed this after Wrestlemania 34.. 6 F5's??!!!!
Phenomenal Styles no there were 6 dude, 3 in a row and then one through a table and then back in the ring for a 5th and then he busted him open and Roman hit two spears and then went for the wind up spear and got caught for the 6th F5 1.2.3 Brock wins
BimBimPow that main event was shit.
Better than the clusterfuck that was AJ vs Nakamura
BimBimPow they did
C'mon. It was Lesnar vs Reigns. How high could it have ranked? Mr part time only has three moves. German suplex, ground and pound, F5. You'd think a MMA fighter would be a better wrestler.
Fascinating, Undertaker manage to be in the 32nd ranked match and the 1st ranked match
You're lying to yourself if you put Hogan/Warrior above Angle/Lesnar. All historical stuff aside as a pure match Lesnar/Angle is far superior and little known fact, it's the only WrestleMania main event with the two competitors using their real names and not stage names, thus bringing a more sense of realism to the two most accomplished amateur wrestlers in WWE history.
Sean Lafferty if only Brock had hit that SSP
Brock vs Angle was one of the best ever
Sean Lafferty they tore the house down granted brock nearly almost killed himself during thst match to see a man his size pull a shooting star press i was marking out
hogan vs warrior also blew the house down and it was way more marketable and had way better feud/build up than angle vs lesnar which wasn't even supposed to be main event if austin was fit
John Cena and Batista was so close to having both use their real names lol
WM 20 triple threat match was way better than WM 30 triple threat and the moment of eddie and benoit embracing their championship victory is way more satisfying than daniel bryan no-selling his arm injuries which was the whole plan of night and doing yes chants
prj 789 Yeah WM 30 is overrated and so is Daniel Bryan. Don’t get me wrong, I do like him, but don’t think he deserves that much praise. I don’t love him like majority of people who get rock hard over him lol
prj 789
+Sammy2tones you know it was a great wrestling moment although at the same time did anyone really think he wasn't winning either match? Personally I think Lesnar breaking Taker's record was a better moment because well the fans were in awe and well yeah it put Lesnar back on the map
You know you are down to the good stuff when Shawn Michaels name starts popping up in the list!
In my opinion :-
1)Rock vs Stone Cold 17
2)Taker vs HBK 26
3)Edge vs Taker 24
4)Brock vs Angle 19
5)HBK vs Austin 14
6)Rock vs Cena 28
7)Daniel Bryan vs Randy vs Batista 30
8)Benoit vs Triple H vs Michaels 20
9)Shawn Michaels vs John Cena 23
10)Hogan vs Andre the Giant 3
11)Warrior vs Hogan 6
12)Hogan vs Savage 5
13)HBK vs Bret Hart 12
14)Triple H vs Rock vs Mic vs Show 16
15)Cena vs Triple H 22
16)Reigns vs Lesnar vs Rollins 31
17)Triple H vs Batista 21
18)Reigns vs Lesnar 34
19)Rock vs Austin 15
20)Hart Vs Yokozuna 10
21)Triple H vs Randy Orton 25
22)Savage vs Ted Disbease 4
23)Reigns Taker 33
24)Hogan vs Slaughter 7
25)Triple H vs Chris Jericho 18
26)Hogan And Mr.T vs Roddy Piper and Paul1
27)Big Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor 11
28)John Cena vs The Rock 29
29)John Cena vs The MIZ 27
30)Triple H vs Reigns 32
31)Taker vs Sid 13
32)Hogan Vs Bundy 2
33)Hogan vs Sycho Sid 8
34)Hogan vs Yokozuna 9
Wrestling Roots y did u put reigns v lesnar tht high? It was boring as fuck
James Bond Yeah idk what the fuck this guy is thinking, but it was a shit match. Should be placed in the high 20’s if not 30
Lesnar and Reigns should be 1! All the bitches Will dont agree!
Wrestling Roots warrior vs hogan could Be Higher then Hogan VS Andre
Sammy2tones , See the first line dumbass .
Vince is going to delete that video beacuse Chris Benoit doesn't exist...
with mania 34 done i'd say that was the worst main event. 90% of the match was spear, superman punch, suplex, f5, repeatedly. Got boring.
I think mania 25 taker vs shawn was better then their match at mania 26
yeah but at WM25 it wasn't the main event... It was Orton vs HHH!
I know that. I said that i thought their mania 25 match was the better of the 2
cengiz temi imo 26>25
fair enough. That's your opinion
I think 26 was superior to 25 by a bit but i can see why ppl like 25 more. But for me the tension and emotion at 26 was just so good that it makes me like it more than 25. Besides 25 had that little botch with the camera guy, not that it ruined the match but that has to be taken into consideration. But overall they re both two of the best matches in wrestling history
Number 1: The Rock vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin WM17: the match was epic!
Plus Limp Bizkit - My Way with THAT Video Package!
I don’t know why Reigns vs. Taker closed out the show at WrestleMania 33. I think Goldberg/Lesnar should of been the main event that year but that’s just my opinion.
DJDoubleCee two words, Roman Reigns
83jdc1 Yeah, that’s when I really realized that WWE is trying to make him out to be the next Hulk Hogan.
DJDoubleCee which is impossible.
83jdc1 Someone should tell that to WWE.
If this would have been The Undertakers final match, it would be okay. But it wasn't.
You guys had tons of time to do this after WM 34....
Undertaker beating Cena was a proper sendoff to Undertakers legacy. 23-2 is still epic and I doubt anyone would beat that for a long time.
Reigns is gonna have the record for most terrible wm main events .
Hogan will never relinquish that Title.
Now that you say that.....I kinda wish Hogan had come out at 34 for another Wrestlemania 9 closer. That would've been fantastic.
Idk hogan got all the last 3 😂😂
I don't know all about history although what I've seen ( I started watching in 98) although I think he already holds that record
the only bad Hogan main event was against Sid
1. Stone cold vs The Rock WrestleMania 17
2. Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker WrestleMania 26
3. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit WrestleMania 20
4. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 12
5. Stone Cold vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 14
6. Edge vs Undertaker WrestleMania 24
7. John Cena vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 23
8. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar WrestleMania 19
9. Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista WrestleMania 30
10. John Cena vs Triple H WrestleMania 22
Skillzie 01 Great list! I’d have Warrior-Hogan at 3 or 4 & I wouldn’t have HBK-Cena in the top 10, but besides that, your list looks pretty fantastic
You have HBK the most
I d switch stone cold vs rock and shawn michaels vs undertaker placements, and maybe instead of cena vs shawn i would put either ultimate warrior vs Hogan or Hogan vs Andre the Giant. And i would rank angle vs lesnar a bit higher but i agree with the rest of the list.
Kaque Burlington hpgan coulnt weestle 4 shit
Hbk vs taker wrestlemania 25 was better than the year after
I was like 6 when I saw The Benoit, HBK, Triple H match & man it will never be topped for me especially when Eddie came out to congratulate Benoit
Did no one else notice he said Rock-Austin drained the crowd before Triple H -Jericho? It was Rock and HOGAN.
Dale Harris he got corrected in the video
I thought he meant their respective matches with the NWO that year tbh
Next video, rank EVERY Whatculture Adam from worst to best
I think Cena vs Rock WM 28 should be higher in the list. That match and the build up was really good.
While I agree with Hogan Yokozuna being placed where it was, you can’t use that as the main event and disregard Hart vs Yokozuna and not do the same for Seth Rollins cashing in MITB after Lesnar vs Reigns
Richard Savner, yeah he's such a bias idiot! The triple threat match, was only about 45 seconds long, which included a spear and curb stomps on both Lesnar and Reigns.
@@bsslayer4771 yeah but Rollins added himself INTO the match. Hogan vs Yokozuna was a DIFFERENT match so yes he's right to do that.
Worst - reigns vs lesnar wm34 - tragic
BeerMonkey Plays lol no
I was glad the match was over. I had better things to do, but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. Boy how I regret that decision.
It's a bad match, but there are way worse. At least Wrestling happened at 34.
The Fantastic Paul you mean the kick out 5 F5's happened.
If you judge a match ENTIRELY by crowd interaction then yes. WM34 is clearly the genuine worst.
If you judge a match even remotely on the build, storytelling and performances then WM34 probably belongs in the middle of the pack.
Think of it...Replace Roman and Brock with two wrestlers you actually like...tell the exact same story over the course of the year with a brutal hard fought match and tell me this is the worst WM main event in History.
Rank all the Adams from whatculture best to worst
Shawn Michaels is all over the top. 😂❤️❤️❤️
I do wish that Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 was the main event of that Mania. HHH vs Randy Orton did not top that match at all.
Jordan Porter.... Orton deserved that main even spot. That dude carried the entire WWE in 2009.
Vishnu Mohan I wasn't really feeling that match. Not saying ut wasn't good, but I do feel that Shawn vs Taker, like a lot of others, was the better match. They could have literally had the Triple H vs Orton match have gone on before it and people wouldn't have felt any different toward it.
Jordan Porter yea but wwe couldn't perdict that the Shawn undertaker math would be one of the greatest matches of all time
Ron27 OKC#Thunderup yeah, true.
Triple H vs Randy Orton deserves a higher position. It was good in terms of wrestling but lacked a performance compared to the brilliant feud.
Triple H vs Seth Rollins would have been a better main event than Undertaker vs Roman
The Attitude Era was defined by the Austin/McMahon feud, so it makes sense that the era would end with the feud ending, Austin shaking Vince's hand. Yes, it worked as the biggest heel turn in Wrestlemania history, but was symbolic in that it was essentially two guys congratulating each other on what they had accomplished, bringing about wrestling's Second Renaissance with a feud unlike any seen before.
Thank you for removing the video earlier and not having that Ronda rousy and triple H clickbait thumbnail 🙏🙏🙏
WM 20 main event > WM 30 main event.
mania xxiv and xxx are my fav main events, honestly. the way the crowd was behind edge, hoping the streak would end there and that he would retain (this was the first mania i watched. also, i personally think the streak should've died to a legend rather than bork laser) the feeling watching mania xxx was...indescribably the greatest thing i have ever seen. from triple h's interference to daniel hugging connor the crusher at the end...pure gold
I agree with number one hands down. Those two are beyond incredible performers. Its unfortunate Father Time takes its toll because those two at Mania is something special.
Personally I always thought the main event for the first wrestlemania should have been Hogan & Snuka vs. Piper & Orndorff with Mr.T & Orton in the corners. Piper & Snuka were just coming off a big feud as well as Hogan & Orndoff so they could have used this to close out those two huge feuds. Still have T involved with helping to train Hogan & Snuka by giving them the "street smarts" as they said he did to Hogan. It would have come off much better.
The Rock vs Stone Cold was a great rivalry but I think technically Austin is a better wrestler
A lot of people don’t completely agree but the WrestleMania XX main event is the best of all time. The build up was actually pretty good, the way that the video package was made before the match made it a real big match feel, HHH, HBK, and Benoit worked so well together, and the ending is the best Mania moment of all time. It’s sad that it’ll never be recognized by WWE. Such a great match.
12:44 I definitely wasn't hoping that he wouldn't die
Please do more ranked from best to worst its really fun to see what you guys think
I'd love to see this list done again with "headline" matches because I kept comparing matches like Flair/Savage and Undertaker/Batista to certain true "main events".
Love this list. Only complaint i have is having the WM 2000 main event higher than Once In A Lifetime
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens versus The Usos is now probably top 3.
Actually, I thought the list was pretty spot on. And tbh, I appreciate the fact that you were able to be objective in the case of the WrestleMania XX main event. I don't object to its place at #4, but personally, it's my favorite.
They were so gentle with their strikes and slaps, Adam.
The Perfect main event would be The Undertaker vs CM Punk vs John Cena vs Dean Ambrose.
Undertaker's old, CM Punk wouldn't be interested, Cena is washed up and Dean Ambrose is so forgettable that I forget who he is while watching him
@@jadedemotions9891 Fantasy Booking 101- It's not the real life, this is just fantasy.
WrestleMania 20's main event > WrestleMania 30's main event
Any WM main event with Roman Reigns is tops for the worst Main Events...
The best part of the undertaker vs edge was Charles Robinson mimicking ultimate warrior running to the ring lol
It's gotten to the point where Whatcultures videos about wrestling are more entertaining than WWE programming itself.
Thanks whatculture. This Adam rocks!
There's a few changes I'd make, such as swapping the Iron Man match with Hogan/Warrior, but for the most part, it wasn't bad.
Hogan v Andre at WM 3 is top 10 simply because everyone knows how Andre conducted his matches and how he was so willing to put wrestlers over. glad you made Undertaker vs Michaels #1
I'm pretty proud I was able to go to Wresalmania 26, I remember everyone was crying in that stadium 🤣🤣
Before I watch, I am very partial to WrestleMania 20 Main Event of Benoit vs Michaels vs. Triple H. Although what Benoit did was reprehensible and Unforgivable 3 years later, his match against the best friends was incredible and told an amazing story of his climb to the World Heavyweight Championship.
Oh my god , I can't get over all these Adams that work for What Culture. Fuckin hell.
How about the top Wrestle Mania matches that "stole the show" and buried the Main Event?
E.g. Steamboat vs. Savage at WM3
Hbk vs Undertaker Wrestlemania 25
1. WrestleMania XX
33. WrestleMania III
Iron Man match was an absolute gem and its place on your list is atrocious.
My Top 5:
1) Austin vs Rock wm17
2) Bret vs Shawn wm12
3) Shawn vs Undertaker wm26
4) Shawn vs Austin wm14
5) Hogan vs Warrior wm 6
This just goes to show my age if anything, and what era of wrestling I grew up in.
How about a top 10 list of matches that SHOULD have been the Main event for Wrestlemania !!!!
The triple at 30 has more true fan investment , but 20 is by far the better match
Very good ranking, I feel Hulk Vs Macho should be above Hulk vs Warrior but over all good list
I was in the audience for Michaels vs. Austin at 14. It was a hell of a thing.
DashCat9 no you weren’t
lol, okay buddy.
23 seems to be the turning point of this list. From there on pretty much every match gets praise.
I personally thought Miz's concussion helped his WM main event. I think it's a better talkin' point than part one of ONCE IN A LIFETIME.
Roman vs Lesnar fits around 27th/28th. Most people were upset about Roman Reigns and Lesnar than the actual match quality. The match quality wasn’t great, but there were much worse matches. There were definitely lower quality matches, and crowd/immediate reactions don’t matter in the long run.
This WrestleMania main event was the worst I've ever seen . Please no more Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar please please please
Gene Spight
That shitshow will continue as long as Lesnar is signed with WWE, since WWE won't turn Reigns heel & there is no other wrestler (except maybe Jinder) who fans would despise more than Reigns.
Funny how the thumbnail is Lesnar Vs Reigns at this years Wrestlemania but he didn’t include that match.
Whatculture loot crate
Adam wilborn= common
Adam cleary= Rare
Adam pachetti= Legendary
Adam blumpia= Epic
Remember that in WrestleMania 8 and 9 had a double main event.
I think Daniel Bryan vs Randy vs Batista should be second to last cause we already had Benoit vs Shawn vs hhh. The last one should be the women’s main event , that shit was so botched
Another awesome list!
How Hogan and Warrior put on a good match, I'll never know.
10. The Rock vs John Cena WM 28 9. John Cena vs Shawn Michaels 8. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart 7. Brock vs Roman (and Seth Rollins) WM 31 6. Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle 5. Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs Randy Orton 4. The Undertaker vs Edge 3. Stone Cold vs The Rock WM X7 2. The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels 1. Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels
That one kid: I hate u what u said the worst one was my favorite match ever I hated the favorite match I hate was I'm telling my mom and TH-cam and telling my friends to don't watch u
Me: nice video
i dont know what is whatculture obsession with this name adam how many adams are there in whatcultue!!
And WTF are you doing putting WM31 in the top 10? That match was complete shit before Seth Rollins cashed in MITB to join the match. Lesnar hasn't wrestled a good match since 2013, and the only reason this match wasn't like 0.5 stars is because Rollins finally made things interesting.
they were afraid to be called anti-Reign lol
@Dwyght Langley still think that?
Including build and emotion of the match, Taker vs HBK 2 is the GREATEST wrestling match in the history of WWE period.
My favorite main event was Batista vs Triple H at Mania 21. The build up was brilliant, the right guy won, and Triple H put Batista over 2 more times after that. Just my personal opinion.
Mania 27, don't know how you think Miz's concussion was a big problem when it happened at the end.
Before watching I fully expected #2 to be #1
I find it hilarious that Sid Justice Main Evented twice!
Great list, but I think Rock v Cena 1 deserves a little more credit.
Great freaking job! 👏
Not gonna lie guys...after watching the livestreams for wm32, and this week's raw and smackdown. I'm really starting to like these guys in a more personality level. They are very self aware about the Adam comments, which yeah it sucks about that but at least they are trying. Also his old videos are still there.
Keep up the good work guys !
Austin vs Rock WM 17 is greatest main event of all time....the build, the promos, tbe action and reaction (im still pissed to this day Austin turned but if he didn't we wouldn't have WHAT? down the line)....that match was a Ali vs Frazier feeling
Michele’s vs taker at 25 was better than their clash at 26
It isn’t irrelevant cause I just think it’s a better match main event or not