10 FPS is perfectly playable actually, it's in the sub 5 territory where it gets sketchy, particularly in PvP :D I used to raid around 10 and got set back to 5 on pull
Just want to again say, as I do everytime, that I absolutely love this series. Thank you for making them! It’s so fun to sometimes be reminded of things that I haven’t thought of in like 15+ years lol
I loved that hunter tame challenge in warlords. When I was doing the fight someone else tried to help me. The NPC just used kill shot on the guy, killing him instantly and resuming fight between us like nothing happened.
@@christopherfortney2544 "I didn't see it therefore it didn't happen" ~guy who absolutely definitely personally observed every second of every single player's gameplay at all times.
Man, the first time I wandered into the Dal sewers was by mistake. I got lost, couldn't get out, found the BM AH and was confused by how expensive the items were, then I got eaten by the shark. It did that glitch thing where it just popped up through the boards, one shot me, glitched back into the water, through the boards, back & forth a couple times before swimming off. When I finally released and ran back to my body someone had bought off the guards and I was flagged for pvp. It was a rough introduction, took me 2yrs to go back down there lol.
Kind of surprised Tel'Abim didn't make an appearance in BFA, as that would have been the perfect time to either have it off the coast of Zandalar, or be one of the islands you visit on expeditions.
there was an island south of tarren mill i think that had a wizard on it and you had to work at the quests and puzzles to make it to the top (i think, it was a long time ago), this single area used to crash my pc all the time. i even had to have GM's move my character as i couldnt log in without a bluescreen and crash. eventually it caused my graphics card to die and i avoid that place to this day.
I remember a similar thing to the thunder lizard tail, in MoP with an item called "Ruthers' harness" which summoned a yak. You could summon hundreds of yaks in the same manner, which also led to FPS drops and even dcs if you had a crap PC.
My favorite Easter egg is one of the ferry masters in Kul tiras is named Denzel Crocker like the teacher in fairly odd parents who is obsessed with fairies. Lol
I happen to be playing WoW as I watched this and I just checked: Tel'Abim isn't on the Kalimdor map at the moment. Not that that means anything, entire continents tend to be randomly "discovered" on Azeroth from time to time.
hey man its cool to see you still going strong. i used to watch the hell out of your videos back in the legion era. Idk why you popped up today, havent played WoW in a long time but good to see you still doing your thing buddy
The banana civilization is more powerful than any evil forces we have encountered in WoW and their target ? People who have used them as a scale to literally everything!!! Ps: you're excluded from their wrath Hiru
I really enjoyed the Warrior weapon quest, the Whirlwind Blade I think it was. I got the axe version on my orc warrior. The class quests were cool to. Some of my most favorite quests were for my druid to get the early forms.
Here is something you may be able to research but maybe not. During cata i just had a few lowbie alts on Horde side and one day I log into Org and some one had kited a NPC mob into town some how. This mob was one of the draginkin from Mount Hyjal in an area behind The Sanctuary of Malorne and was one where u need a dagger quest item to remove their armor or something before you can do damage to it. I dont remember the quest name. But any of us who would attack it would do no damage and the guards were spam spawning and charging right at it and doing no damage either. They guy who kited it to town called it his new pet and all these years later i still can not figure out how he got it to town as i thought all mobs reset after a certain distance and also i dont think in cata there was a land path to org from Hyjal. it was pretty crazy scene and i wish i had video or screen pics but alas not
Plot twist: Zovaal is actually a former ruler of Tel'Abim, and his entire plan was to return and regain his banana throne, then invade all worlds with his banana armies!
It's cool to see these videos and see if I knew about the content in them or not. Ever since I started playing in vanilla I always loved doing glitches and finding hidden things. I have screenshots of weird symbols outside the walls of deepholme I never found the meaning of. Maybe I'll see info on those in a vid one day.
Most toys are not on the GCD/do not share a CD AND there are LOADS that are A: useable in combat, B: useable while moving, C: useable while in a raid instance, D: useable while in an arena. If you use an addon that extends macros (I use macro toolkit to give me 1056 characters per macro) you can macro all of the toys that fit the above qualifications. Doing this I have been able to cause other players to DC using my toy macro in both raids and pvp instances, and this was during legion.
I was occasionally one of those pricks back in the day in Ironforge. You could do the same thing withe the old pet items putting four or more then rapidly summoning and dismissing has the same effect.
I ended up getting that Sega CD/sewer shark combo as a kid (only to play sonic cd of course), it was such an odd game to comprehend as a kid...thanks for the memories lol
Thank you for doing all of these they are great. I especially love the not-so-subtle touches by Flying Buttress (whom I learned of from you channel btw.) I've read all the Warcraft books he's done segments on & his versions are way more fun!!
Another really cool and unmentioned hunter encounter were the spirit beasts in Mists of Pandaria. The porcupines in the Jade Forest, Krasarang Wilds, and Kunlai Summit were some of the most fun taming mobs ive ever had. Each color of porcupine spirit beast had their own mechanics and tactics used to efficiently tame them. You had to lower their health to 30% before they were tameable so there was a fight phase before you were able to tame them. Unfortunately you also couldnt have your pet help bcus it had to be abandonded in order to tame it sub 30%. They all hit really hard and were incredibly difficult to tame at the time. Now its really easy to do so because you can just lower their health in a matter of seconds, drop a trap, and start the tame.
There was also the same bug as the thunder lizard tail with the Yak Rider Mount toy from Mists of Pandaria that would summon a single yak. But if you bound it to up & down scroll wheel and spam you could summon hundreds of yaks to run everywhere. Definitely crashed many players during peak MoP with multiple people doing it hahahaha
For the class quests in classic. They was rushed on its release so didn't have time for developing long class quest. And by time they was done with bugs and content pushes. Burning crusade was in the horizon so took all their focus.
That’s why if they ever go to do a classic + they can easily just add all the scrap content they never finished due to other things would be great to see it all.
8:31 It funny because that could've been the single best way to make all classes available to all playable races while STILL having each race have their own unique spin on each class. Heck I'd even have gone so far as to make *"racial/cultural specs"* for each player characters' race to choose from, like a *"bladmaster"* spec option for orc warriors or *"mountain kings"* for dwarf warriors, maybe with probably both being an *"advanced spec"(?)* for them to unlock in some immersive epic quest chain. We know each race and culture has their own unique takes on melee heavy fighters, spell casters and other things that don't neatly fit into the frankly boring, bland, not immersive and generic class specs they have, basically *"classes"* as they are presented in game don't really exist, there's no universal warrior archetype nor any other class save for the hero or lore named classes like deathknights or demon hunters. Even the term *"mage"* is pretty vague as virtually every arcane magic based casters are unique in their traditions and methodologies, heck most who mainly use arcane magic don't use it exclusively and will often dabble in or mix in other forms of magic such as light, shadiw, fel, even nature or spirit magic,thus creating unique lores of magic. This cultural sorcery and mysticism is prevalent in lore such as Kul'tiras' *"tidesages"* who while mechanically are very similar to the generic in-game shamans are actually practically speaking their own unique practices of magic, mostly based on arcane but interwoven with their religious beliefs and reverence for the seas and its mysteries if one must you can think of them as highly religious mages, that mix in spirit magic and communion with *home brewed arcane traditions.* But anyway that's just something of a little rant I've had before about classes and how they are structured in World of Warcraft and how I wish things were more creative and immersive!
My guess is, if Tel'Abim Bananas are a thing in vendors all across the map, the guy stranded on the island is back and has made a business out of these bananas.
the Cannonball from the BFA intro starter quests could be kept if you didn't finish the quest and be used infinitely as well as macrod into your ability's. Was super funny looked like a big AoE cannon ball splash going off. Had so many people messaging me asking wth was going on
My dude, I don't watch all of your videos (I don't play wow anymore), but your content is top quality every time. Thank you! (I also love your Yu-Gi-Oh content ftr)
for the client crashing ability, that wasn't the first time players could do that. back in original TBC, there was actually a infamous 5 man arena team comprised of all druids whose main tactic was to have them all perform tranquility all at the same time, which would crash their opponents clients because most people had poop computers.
@@hirumaredx while this song is really good also, it’s not quite the one I’m looking for. It’s also on the history of talent tree video at 1:17. Whatever it is I love it.
So I just found your channel and figured I'd toss a comment. This is genuinely interesting and well put together content. It pleases me to see you've got a quarter of a million subs.
skymirror toy from mop could cause games to crash in legion also if you used it on someone using the herbing or alchemy thing that turned them into an immobile tree, the game couldnt handle it so itd dc people in the area.
You missed a banana fact, its named Tel abim in reference to the song made popular by the movie Beetlejuice. "TALI ME BANANA, DAYLIGHT COME AND ME WANA GO HOME".
Can you do a video going over either specifically when DK's could cast plagues on anyone close enough even without LoS, being PvP flagged or even on your own faction. Or just in general a video of ways players were able to unintendedly kill each other
I think you’re talking about the plague from a raid/dungeon boss. People would get it and it wouldn’t go away if they hearthed, then spread it when they die. People took it to Org’s valley of strength and the rest is history. But I don’t think it had to do with DKs necessarily. If it did happen and I don’t know about it feel free to share!
@@generalgamer50 nope sometime in either cata or mop you were able to use a macro to /cast the debuff plague instead of actually casting the spell. It had a super long range and wasn't blocked by LoS you could also use it on anyone as I remember it being used, and using it, in Org to kill fellow horde players. Another thing iirc is it didn't cost you any runes and some people abused that in raids as well. I can't remember how long it lasted I don't think more then a few days for a hotfix.
The strongest, most broken item ever used to be Martin Thunder during TBC. It had an on-use effect: "Kill target player instantly. Cheater." Without cooldown.
Islands that large don't stay uninhabited in this climate zone. The writer of the diary was stranded on a small uninhabited island. Also, the fact that TAB is s super common food item implies trade, which implies settlement. Although the guy might have been crazy enough from the beginning to get "stranded" in a secluded bay right next to a busy port.
I used to do this to anyone who went above and beyond BMing me, with audio macros before they changed the API. I probably only did it 3 times, but I always had the biggest shit eating grin when someone thought they could camp my alt for an hour.
imagine if we had more race specific abilities and class weapons. what a shame they gave up on that to begin their money grabbing journey with TBC. also why start with Priest / Hunter? Rogue daggers or Shaman 2h weapons would have been cool options to work for.
@@brandoncastellano1858 well yeah every class had their own lower level quests for useful gear and every class had the sunken temple quest with it's own good rewards at 50 but Rhok'Delar and Anathema/Benediction are best in slot items until phase 6. the shaman helm isn't that great by comparison.
i did this with a quest there that gave a smoke bomb. my brother and i discovered this and ran around stormwind as night elf rogues spamming it everywhere. people went crazy. Also in battlegrounds. The next day it was patched. If only we kept it a better secret XD
Ah, the good old wow exploits. I remember enraging people on arena by simply holding the game window with right click and freezing my self in the elevator. Often they would wait a while, start whining and eventually concede the fight. It was too easy to enter arena at the same time with two teams and farm points, but every now and then, we would match other people and had to annoy them that way.
There are sooo many things we didn't see/get and could/can enjoy in all of the WoW titles - getting knowledge to all of that via several vids etc. through out the years, I'm SURE I'm not the only one who wishes that Blizz' would have had taken far more time in developing the different titles for more details and many stuff they'd just cut out because of their short timetables for the release of a next expansion by mostly only around a year after the previous one...😐😔 Maybe those releases doesn't bother the junk-hard-players of WoW but for the major part, the casual/normal player/gamer a 'one year timecap' could and can be FAR more chellangeing, aspecially by reaching the end content or get gear/stuff etc. someone personally wants to get. (even I'm no exeption from that, started WoW shortly over the mid of Vanilla via a crappy PC + web connection, I wasn't able to reach the raidcontend nor lvl 60 before TBC was launched, same for TBC -> max lvl yes etc. but no 'end raid content' in form of EotS, BT or SW because WotLK was out before and for it it kinda continued (again) because I couldn't get to ICC 'in time'... In Cata there on, I was able to go to ALL of its content for the first time/first expansion since I've started playing WoW since around 5 years.😶🌫😶 And yes, I didn't enjoy all of that time because I've seen kinda all of the mentioned 'problems', bugs and so on that occured in the game over that time and some were frustrating and nervewracking.^^ So I can understand players who jumped into the timeline of WoW by start gaming and getting more and more frustrated not even having 'done anything great' until the next one was knocking on the door again and so were forced to kinda 'start from zero' again all the way, by even knowing not to reach any 'greater' goals at all.😪 After Cata I left WoW - because of the stupid implementing of those 'Pandas' - cutting out MoP and WoD, coming back via start of Legion (I'd saw the whole gameplay, mechanics and so on changed in a way I'd really kinda liked^^) until the end of BfA due to more work in RL etc. (you know, the 'famous' reallife hit^^) and not having played since. But I've followed every new part that came and by announceing the up coming new part on the BlizzCon, which should close on to Sargeras swort and the end played in Legion, I'm a 'little bit' hyped to that and thinking about coming back to my beloved Azeroth again...🤗😏😎❤
man tried to sneak in the gunther arcanus
I noticed, too.
Yeah he managed :)
Real world CC, just slow someones game to 10 fps or just crash their game entirely, amazing.
I'm playing with 20 fps most of the time on my potato pc, 10 fps is merely a setback
I used to play at 5 fps lmao
10 FPS is perfectly playable actually, it's in the sub 5 territory where it gets sketchy, particularly in PvP :D I used to raid around 10 and got set back to 5 on pull
@@jeroenverschaeve3090 yeah wotlk was tough for me. Raiding amounted to a slideshow unless I stared at the floor
Thinking to myself: wow so you could mock your shaman spell to make people think you used it
How it went: allow me to alt F4
Just want to again say, as I do everytime, that I absolutely love this series. Thank you for making them! It’s so fun to sometimes be reminded of things that I haven’t thought of in like 15+ years lol
Nice to see Gunther Arcanus again.
I loved that hunter tame challenge in warlords. When I was doing the fight someone else tried to help me. The NPC just used kill shot on the guy, killing him instantly and resuming fight between us like nothing happened.
Too bad his sacrifice meant nothing if the NPC reset herself
Thats pretty funny. Npc is like "not in my house!" *kill shot
Totally missed out on that. Guess Ill know what I am doing when I log on next time with my hunter. :D
Holy shit, hearing about the cata item made my experiences in PvP in that time make SO MUCH SENSE
LOL youre full of it i never saw it once. I literally no lifed in cata and never saw someone use it.
@@christopherfortney2544 "I didn't see it therefore it didn't happen"
~guy who absolutely definitely personally observed every second of every single player's gameplay at all times.
dat bait in 2:57. Was like "Oh shit, here we go again" already haha. Luv you hiru, ty for the sweet content
Man, the first time I wandered into the Dal sewers was by mistake. I got lost, couldn't get out, found the BM AH and was confused by how expensive the items were, then I got eaten by the shark. It did that glitch thing where it just popped up through the boards, one shot me, glitched back into the water, through the boards, back & forth a couple times before swimming off. When I finally released and ran back to my body someone had bought off the guards and I was flagged for pvp. It was a rough introduction, took me 2yrs to go back down there lol.
My mom always told me, 'The unknown side of wow videos are like box of chocolate: you never know what you will get.'
like you wouldnt know what you get in a box of chocolate
Kind of surprised Tel'Abim didn't make an appearance in BFA, as that would have been the perfect time to either have it off the coast of Zandalar, or be one of the islands you visit on expeditions.
The expeditions in BFA would've been a prime time to have one of the random islands be Tel'Abim.
there was an island south of tarren mill i think that had a wizard on it and you had to work at the quests and puzzles to make it to the top (i think, it was a long time ago), this single area used to crash my pc all the time. i even had to have GM's move my character as i couldnt log in without a bluescreen and crash. eventually it caused my graphics card to die and i avoid that place to this day.
I remember a similar thing to the thunder lizard tail, in MoP with an item called "Ruthers' harness" which summoned a yak. You could summon hundreds of yaks in the same manner, which also led to FPS drops and even dcs if you had a crap PC.
That's kinda similar to Lunk sticking around when you set up the seesaw toy. Some guy spawned like 20 Lunks in Orgrimmar a few years ago
My favorite Easter egg is one of the ferry masters in Kul tiras is named Denzel Crocker like the teacher in fairly odd parents who is obsessed with fairies. Lol
I happen to be playing WoW as I watched this and I just checked: Tel'Abim isn't on the Kalimdor map at the moment.
Not that that means anything, entire continents tend to be randomly "discovered" on Azeroth from time to time.
Not just “discovered” but discovered with entire countries and competitive navies, making no reason they were hidden lmao
hey man its cool to see you still going strong. i used to watch the hell out of your videos back in the legion era. Idk why you popped up today, havent played WoW in a long time but good to see you still doing your thing buddy
Everyone seems to get into the list, but for some of us....
"Ah, classic hiru, he did it again".
It’s been far too long since Gunther Arcanus made an appearance in one of your videos. Welcome back old friend!
I remember that Green Wolf.
Still have him in my stables
New allied race 2030: Tel'Abim Bananer (with a banana peel-style stun racial)
yes, here i am again... wanting my thrown weapon history video...
great videos also, love you...r content!
The banana civilization is more powerful than any evil forces we have encountered in WoW and their target ? People who have used them as a scale to literally everything!!!
Ps: you're excluded from their wrath Hiru
Now we know who the jailer was working for all along.
finally, my disdain for bananas has a reason
Love this series! Can't believe I didn't notice the banana island!
It has been ZERO days since Gunther Arcanus has been included in a video
I really enjoyed the Warrior weapon quest, the Whirlwind Blade I think it was. I got the axe version on my orc warrior. The class quests were cool to. Some of my most favorite quests were for my druid to get the early forms.
Here is something you may be able to research but maybe not.
During cata i just had a few lowbie alts on Horde side and one day I log into Org and some one had kited a NPC mob into town some how. This mob was one of the draginkin from Mount Hyjal in an area behind The Sanctuary of Malorne and was one where u need a dagger quest item to remove their armor or something before you can do damage to it. I dont remember the quest name.
But any of us who would attack it would do no damage and the guards were spam spawning and charging right at it and doing no damage either. They guy who kited it to town called it his new pet and all these years later i still can not figure out how he got it to town as i thought all mobs reset after a certain distance and also i dont think in cata there was a land path to org from Hyjal. it was pretty crazy scene and i wish i had video or screen pics but alas not
Hilarious. Sounds like a fever dream.
I remember doing the gear quests for warlocks in vanilla. The robe and then the staff which, at the time, was the only equippable scythe in the game.
Plot twist: Zovaal is actually a former ruler of Tel'Abim, and his entire plan was to return and regain his banana throne, then invade all worlds with his banana armies!
Torghast, Tower of the damneds real name is Bananaghast Tower of the Bananaed
It's cool to see these videos and see if I knew about the content in them or not.
Ever since I started playing in vanilla I always loved doing glitches and finding hidden things. I have screenshots of weird symbols outside the walls of deepholme I never found the meaning of.
Maybe I'll see info on those in a vid one day.
Most toys are not on the GCD/do not share a CD AND there are LOADS that are A: useable in combat, B: useable while moving, C: useable while in a raid instance, D: useable while in an arena. If you use an addon that extends macros (I use macro toolkit to give me 1056 characters per macro) you can macro all of the toys that fit the above qualifications. Doing this I have been able to cause other players to DC using my toy macro in both raids and pvp instances, and this was during legion.
I was occasionally one of those pricks back in the day in Ironforge. You could do the same thing withe the old pet items putting four or more then rapidly summoning and dismissing has the same effect.
I ended up getting that Sega CD/sewer shark combo as a kid (only to play sonic cd of course), it was such an odd game to comprehend as a kid...thanks for the memories lol
That lizard exploit was both genius and EVIL
i love it XD
I miss playing this game. Such fun memories, such great people!
Thank you for doing all of these they are great. I especially love the not-so-subtle touches by Flying Buttress (whom I learned of from you channel btw.) I've read all the Warcraft books he's done segments on & his versions are way more fun!!
Yeah Flying Buttress is a great editor, his videos are great too on his channel!
I remember the vanish bug well. Had to play around it, once you got used to it, it wasn't too terrible. Still annoying though.
Is this a re-upload? For some reason I have a very vivid memory of hirumaredx talking about the Drowned Thunder Lizard quest before.
Another really cool and unmentioned hunter encounter were the spirit beasts in Mists of Pandaria. The porcupines in the Jade Forest, Krasarang Wilds, and Kunlai Summit were some of the most fun taming mobs ive ever had.
Each color of porcupine spirit beast had their own mechanics and tactics used to efficiently tame them. You had to lower their health to 30% before they were tameable so there was a fight phase before you were able to tame them. Unfortunately you also couldnt have your pet help bcus it had to be abandonded in order to tame it sub 30%. They all hit really hard and were incredibly difficult to tame at the time. Now its really easy to do so because you can just lower their health in a matter of seconds, drop a trap, and start the tame.
Ayy got to see Gunther Arcanus again
2:56 hmm who is this Gunther Arcanus? A video about him perhaps? I swear I have never sene him on ANY of your videos.
It surprises me to no end how so many of his videos feature Gunther Arcanus :D Even if it is as an easter egg
The tel'abim Saitama would be a fun encounter
Tel'abim is just a reference to the song Tally Me Banana but they went all in on the joke.
There was also the same bug as the thunder lizard tail with the Yak Rider Mount toy from Mists of Pandaria that would summon a single yak. But if you bound it to up & down scroll wheel and spam you could summon hundreds of yaks to run everywhere. Definitely crashed many players during peak MoP with multiple people doing it hahahaha
i find it hilarious finding a food crate with tel abim bananas when it came up in the video
These are my favourite kind of videos, keep it up!
2:51 Weakness disgusts me. You can do a lot even with 0.5 fps.
Thank you for putting The "Click Bait" portion at the Front of the Video!
Come Mr Tel'Abim, Tel'Abim banana.
Daylight come and I want to go home.
For the class quests in classic. They was rushed on its release so didn't have time for developing long class quest. And by time they was done with bugs and content pushes. Burning crusade was in the horizon so took all their focus.
I love this series. Great work :).
That’s why if they ever go to do a classic + they can easily just add all the scrap content they never finished due to other things would be great to see it all.
224 days without Gunther Arcanus, but it was close
8:31 It funny because that could've been the single best way to make all classes available to all playable races while STILL having each race have their own unique spin on each class. Heck I'd even have gone so far as to make *"racial/cultural specs"* for each player characters' race to choose from, like a *"bladmaster"* spec option for orc warriors or *"mountain kings"* for dwarf warriors, maybe with probably both being an *"advanced spec"(?)* for them to unlock in some immersive epic quest chain. We know each race and culture has their own unique takes on melee heavy fighters, spell casters and other things that don't neatly fit into the frankly boring, bland, not immersive and generic class specs they have, basically *"classes"* as they are presented in game don't really exist, there's no universal warrior archetype nor any other class save for the hero or lore named classes like deathknights or demon hunters. Even the term *"mage"* is pretty vague as virtually every arcane magic based casters are unique in their traditions and methodologies, heck most who mainly use arcane magic don't use it exclusively and will often dabble in or mix in other forms of magic such as light, shadiw, fel, even nature or spirit magic,thus creating unique lores of magic. This cultural sorcery and mysticism is prevalent in lore such as Kul'tiras' *"tidesages"* who while mechanically are very similar to the generic in-game shamans are actually practically speaking their own unique practices of magic, mostly based on arcane but interwoven with their religious beliefs and reverence for the seas and its mysteries if one must you can think of them as highly religious mages, that mix in spirit magic and communion with *home brewed arcane traditions.*
But anyway that's just something of a little rant I've had before about classes and how they are structured in World of Warcraft and how I wish things were more creative and immersive!
My guess is, if Tel'Abim Bananas are a thing in vendors all across the map, the guy stranded on the island is back and has made a business out of these bananas.
the Cannonball from the BFA intro starter quests could be kept if you didn't finish the quest and be used infinitely as well as macrod into your ability's. Was super funny looked like a big AoE cannon ball splash going off. Had so many people messaging me asking wth was going on
Favorite TH-cam series out there 🥳
Man that drowned tail was OP....wished the jailer used it to crash the system of death
Tel abim banana is such a classic. Me and my friends always joke about it and buy bananas to eachother when we decide to play.
Tel'Abim island and that person's diary is definitely an Easter egg to Tom Hanks movie Cast Away 😂
My dude, I don't watch all of your videos (I don't play wow anymore), but your content is top quality every time. Thank you! (I also love your Yu-Gi-Oh content ftr)
Love these videos. But you got to tell me what music you're using in the background because it's so good.
for the client crashing ability, that wasn't the first time players could do that. back in original TBC, there was actually a infamous 5 man arena team comprised of all druids whose main tactic was to have them all perform tranquility all at the same time, which would crash their opponents clients because most people had poop computers.
What song is used right at 8:45? @hirumaredx remember hearing this on your talent tree video and been looking for it since.
"A Heart Made of Yarn - Franz Gordon"
@@hirumaredx while this song is really good also, it’s not quite the one I’m looking for. It’s also on the history of talent tree video at 1:17. Whatever it is I love it.
So I just found your channel and figured I'd toss a comment. This is genuinely interesting and well put together content. It pleases me to see you've got a quarter of a million subs.
fantastic video as per usual hiru, gj
I miss the furbolg wand quest item from Ashenvale. That thing was legendary. Back when fun was allowed before toys.
Im going to check. Pretty sure it still works. Brb. EDIT: Yeah, it still works. What happened, did you delete it?
Oh the poor hunters who had to not only interrupt and dispell but also *move* at the same time?! When will blizzard ever show mercy.
I no longer play wow, but i love your videos. They remind me all the time in wow, with bonus of things that are interesting, fun or both.
These are fun vids. thanks man.
Hey mister tele-man, tel’abim banana. Daylight come and me wanna go home.
skymirror toy from mop could cause games to crash in legion also if you used it on someone using the herbing or alchemy thing that turned them into an immobile tree, the game couldnt handle it so itd dc people in the area.
You missed a banana fact, its named Tel abim in reference to the song made popular by the movie Beetlejuice. "TALI ME BANANA, DAYLIGHT COME AND ME WANA GO HOME".
Pretty sure I did a warrior class quest which gave a 2H sword that had the same appearance as the Endbringer, obtainable in TBC.
Can you do a video going over either specifically when DK's could cast plagues on anyone close enough even without LoS, being PvP flagged or even on your own faction. Or just in general a video of ways players were able to unintendedly kill each other
I think you’re talking about the plague from a raid/dungeon boss. People would get it and it wouldn’t go away if they hearthed, then spread it when they die. People took it to Org’s valley of strength and the rest is history. But I don’t think it had to do with DKs necessarily. If it did happen and I don’t know about it feel free to share!
@@generalgamer50 nope sometime in either cata or mop you were able to use a macro to /cast the debuff plague instead of actually casting the spell. It had a super long range and wasn't blocked by LoS you could also use it on anyone as I remember it being used, and using it, in Org to kill fellow horde players. Another thing iirc is it didn't cost you any runes and some people abused that in raids as well. I can't remember how long it lasted I don't think more then a few days for a hotfix.
Or how some warlocks could kill people after a duel.
when the *spirit beast* bird he shows off is really just olm the wise, and not the challenge tame he was talking about.
I really wonder what race-specific class spells might have been for other classes. Any ideas?
The strongest, most broken item ever used to be Martin Thunder during TBC. It had an on-use effect: "Kill target player instantly. Cheater." Without cooldown.
Islands that large don't stay uninhabited in this climate zone. The writer of the diary was stranded on a small uninhabited island. Also, the fact that TAB is s super common food item implies trade, which implies settlement.
Although the guy might have been crazy enough from the beginning to get "stranded" in a secluded bay right next to a busy port.
I used to do this to anyone who went above and beyond BMing me, with audio macros before they changed the API. I probably only did it 3 times, but I always had the biggest shit eating grin when someone thought they could camp my alt for an hour.
History of Rogue finishing moves please.
Dam I miss wow when it came out so much to explore and it literally took hours just to go from different zones good ole times :)
This is the point where i lost touch with other gamers of my generation…i couldn’t dream up an exploit like that, let alone take advantage of it
That was very confusing, but strangely interesting selection of.....I'm not sure what. lol.
Great video! Can someone let me know what is the music at 4:45? Love the tune and have no clue how to find it
imagine if we had more race specific abilities and class weapons. what a shame they gave up on that to begin their money grabbing journey with TBC. also why start with Priest / Hunter? Rogue daggers or Shaman 2h weapons would have been cool options to work for.
I mean shamans got a helmet and warriors got an axe. :)
@@brandoncastellano1858 well yeah every class had their own lower level quests for useful gear and every class had the sunken temple quest with it's own good rewards at 50 but Rhok'Delar and Anathema/Benediction are best in slot items until phase 6. the shaman helm isn't that great by comparison.
Rhok definitely was t bis until P6. It got outclassed by the time BWL hit.
its interesting how creative people get when it comes to exploits
i did this with a quest there that gave a smoke bomb. my brother and i discovered this and ran around stormwind as night elf rogues spamming it everywhere. people went crazy. Also in battlegrounds. The next day it was patched. If only we kept it a better secret XD
We could have gotten Glory of the Banana King, but instead we got Shadowlands.
Have you ever talked about the grey 2h sword dropped from one of those HUGE dudes under WOTLK naxxramas?
The one that had no level requirement yeah? I remember getting slaughtered by it in lowbie BGs
Ah, the good old wow exploits. I remember enraging people on arena by simply holding the game window with right click and freezing my self in the elevator. Often they would wait a while, start whining and eventually concede the fight.
It was too easy to enter arena at the same time with two teams and farm points, but every now and then, we would match other people and had to annoy them that way.
They need to make that as the next expansion announcement as a joke. Get halfway through the fake trailer before they cut to the real thing.
0:10 my video crashed.
No joke. I took a screen shot of that shit.
Wait, Tel'Abim expansion? Am I missing something here?
This video should been named as "A rather untrivial way to get permaban".
Real life "sewer sharks" are people who hunt for valuable items in the sewers, such as jewelry.
Man I really miss wow, even though I know nowadays I would never have enough time to play :(
As soon as you said Tel Avim I turned into a damn Minion 😂 BANANAAAAA
Wasn't on my radar at all... good video
Hey does anyone know the name of the piece for the first item playing in the background (0:00 - 2:45)? Much appreciated
There are sooo many things we didn't see/get and could/can enjoy in all of the WoW titles - getting knowledge to all of that via several vids etc. through out the years, I'm SURE I'm not
the only one who wishes that Blizz' would have had taken far more time in developing the different titles for more details and many stuff they'd just cut out because of their short timetables
for the release of a next expansion by mostly only around a year after the previous one...😐😔 Maybe those releases doesn't bother the junk-hard-players of WoW but for the major part, the casual/normal player/gamer a 'one year timecap' could and can be FAR more chellangeing, aspecially by reaching the end content or get gear/stuff etc. someone personally wants to get.
(even I'm no exeption from that, started WoW shortly over the mid of Vanilla via a crappy PC + web connection, I wasn't able to reach the raidcontend nor lvl 60 before TBC was launched, same for
TBC -> max lvl yes etc. but no 'end raid content' in form of EotS, BT or SW because WotLK was out before and for it it kinda continued (again) because I couldn't get to ICC 'in time'...
In Cata there on, I was able to go to ALL of its content for the first time/first expansion since I've started playing WoW since around 5 years.😶🌫😶 And yes, I didn't enjoy all of that time because
I've seen kinda all of the mentioned 'problems', bugs and so on that occured in the game over that time and some were frustrating and nervewracking.^^ So I can understand players who jumped
into the timeline of WoW by start gaming and getting more and more frustrated not even having 'done anything great' until the next one was knocking on the door again and so were forced to
kinda 'start from zero' again all the way, by even knowing not to reach any 'greater' goals at all.😪 After Cata I left WoW - because of the stupid implementing of those 'Pandas' - cutting out
MoP and WoD, coming back via start of Legion (I'd saw the whole gameplay, mechanics and so on changed in a way I'd really kinda liked^^) until the end of BfA due to more work in RL etc.
(you know, the 'famous' reallife hit^^) and not having played since. But I've followed every new part that came and by announceing the up coming new part on the BlizzCon, which should close
on to Sargeras swort and the end played in Legion, I'm a 'little bit' hyped to that and thinking about coming back to my beloved Azeroth again...🤗😏😎❤
This is the type of shit people use knowing it´s scuffed and then complain that Blizzard has no right to ban them