@lew1310 Yeah used a tripod and just had it tethered to a macbook to take the photos at intervals of 5 seconds, the camera was set to apature priority.
hi i love to do my own time laps my camera is canon 550d i also have remote to set the intervals. Can You please give details how did You do Tour movie? seconds of interval? and then assemble the movie? Windows movie maker? thanks for sharing!
@skupinbart I had the camera thethred to a macbook and it snapped every five seconds. Then i loaded the images into Quicktime pro with the frame rate set to 12fps . Hope that helps, if not just give me a shout and I'll give you all the info you need. :)
That was lovely to watch ;)
seen some stuff I know :)
Awww good old edinburgh
Good Video!But I Wonder how old the House/buildings and streets are there.Greeshes from Germany 🙋( sorry when I don't speak the best english ^^)
@lew1310 Yeah used a tripod and just had it tethered to a macbook to take the photos at intervals of 5 seconds, the camera was set to apature priority.
hi i love to do my own time laps my camera is canon 550d i also have remote to set the intervals. Can You please give details how did You do Tour movie? seconds of interval? and then assemble the movie? Windows movie maker? thanks for sharing!
Did you use a tripod in the car and did you have a special remote?
@skupinbart I had the camera thethred to a macbook and it snapped every five seconds. Then i loaded the images into Quicktime pro with the frame rate set to 12fps . Hope that helps, if not just give me a shout and I'll give you all the info you need.
@pixiesandscars Just for the video, wanted some nice sites instead of just the M8 and roads.
Did you use a tripod and a timelapse remote and also did you shoot this in manual mode?
@13scars Aww thanks buddy :)
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