I've found with rally that if you're enjoying yourself you're not going fast enough. When you're going proper fast you get into the zone and are in constant fear.
I don't know about that. I am enjoying myself getting some good driving in and then comes that one random turn or obstacle that absolutely wrecks me typically immediately before the finish line haha
"If youre not scared, your not going fast enough." (but the thing is you do need to know your limit and the limit of the car, you go beyond the limit and will likely crash)
To Jimmer and anyone playing this game. @9:35 the time needed for repairs is calculated based on the worst case scenario of the standard fixes. Every standard fix has a min-max timeframe to complete as you can see @9:25 for the steering. The game always uses the maximum to fill up the clock, so that in the worst case scenario, you won't lose leaderboard time because of repairs. Therefore, if your repair time is green, what ends up happening is that the clock shows 29:45 but the repairs will actually take less time. The more light damaged parts you have the less time the repairs will actually take. Therefore you should always overshoot the repair time, especially when you have many light damaged parts, for at least 2 minutes into the red, otherwise you will never utilize all your repair time. Most of the times, the actual repair time is 2 to 5 minutes faster than the clock shows.
I won the Croatia Rally in a Talbot today because "don't push too hard" was my target for the Rally because my Sponsor target was to finish 1 Event of that Championship. I made almost no mistakes and won by over 10 seconds on 90 difficulty.
@@marvinlinnarz5856I think real life rally driver actually slow down themselves so they could survive through the stage. Pretty common on race track too. They rather drive about 85% or little more of their qualifying pace.
I absolutely loved this video. Honestly it's a great showcase of why rally is so awesome - the amazing driving combined with the incredible jeapordy, nursing a wounded car to the end and salvaging as much pace as possible.
Today would have been Craig Breens birthday. That famous 6R4 video that Jimmy loves, there's actually a mod of that very stage in asetto Corsa called molls gap from digital Motorsports. All we need is a Metro 6R4 mod in AC and we could have a fun tribute video.
I think this format is a good balance between video and streams. Rally streams are great because uncut rally stages are always a treat because it's constantly changing so it never gets boring. But I think this maintains the essence of a stream while making it a more manageable length. The rally stuff is always entertaining, and it seems like even when it goes wrong you're having fun.
Awesome video Jimmy! Always love your rally content like this or RBR Favorit rally streams. There is special energy to it, like some kind of a journey through the whole rally, watching you take different strategies due to damages and seeing progress in table. I have joined this ea wrc club thanks to this video. Shame I am too late for Monte, but watching the real thing live made for it :D
This was absolutely fantastic, would love to see more! Enjoyed that it wasn't a perfect run and how you pushed through to recover to a pretty respectable ranking IMO
one thing with the time limit on repairs. on your 1st service you had 5:45-10:33 for repairs on the radiator. this means it could only take 5:45 to repair but the service time that adds up is the 10:33 so you could have probably went over by 1:30 on time and still been ok with service time now if you do this with other part repairs you can manage to fix more problems. in this situation i have found that if you use around 25% of the repair time difference you can get by safely with no repair penalties. service in video was @9:28
@@Taze00 yeah its all in how much of a gamble you are willing to take. but can definitely help getting car to a better spot than just staying in that green zone of repairs.
Just 20 minutes ago I played WRC4 on my PS2 for the first time in over a decade, and then this pops up in my video feed. After trying my hand at a simrally game I've got a new appreciation for racers. That shit was incredibly hard.
love the video and the format Jimmy, I'd love to see more you do these kind of challenges it's always fun to watch. dirt rally 2 have those daily/weekly events it'll suit this video format
Always appreciate more rally content! Doesn't need any wacky controls or challenges to make jimmer piss his pants every time and always motivates me to give it a spin myself afterwards :) I also really enjoy the format with the little bits of narration between the stages and a full rally is always cool to watch.
2:00 Co-driver: "Hairpin left into 2 right don't cut 60 into..." Jimmy's brain: "I wonder what Annie and I are doing for lunch. I should play Baldur's Gate later"
Gotta say I really appreciate how the game doesn't just cut away and pull your input the instant you cross the finish like, and you've still got to maintain control of your car. Does damage that happens after crossing the finish still carry over to the next stage so you actually have to have restraint all the way to a stop? I love that stuff. Immersion!
Awsome video Jimmer! Droven till the end like a true rally driver. Never give up! I also participated in the rally and crashed at the end of Stage 8 Ancelle ( 21:24 ) - I tell you these street signs are magnets. I hope you can participate in the other events and make videos about it.
I liked the format! It was a little like one of the "live action" episodes with the voice-over but it worked because we got to see you really pushing. Sweaty Jimmer is always a winner.
🎶🎶🎶 He's YEETING next to a mountain... He tumbled down, with the back of his wheel... Said Jimmer's YEETING next to a mountain... He tumbles down, with the back of his wheel... *Epic guitar solo* 🎶🎶🎶
Really enjoyable video. I hope you enter all the official EA WRC events because it's great watching someone with mountains more talent than me (but not an eSports pro) compete, make mistakes, but still get it to the end in a commendable position. 👍
20:07 - This is one of the best parts about rally games, when you overshoot a corner and have to try and make it back to the road without causing damage or too much time loss. It annoys me soo much that they insist on keeping the "reset to track" BS in the games. I understand they can't let us roam too far off the road, but in DR2 you can get reset the second you're off the road. I wish they could find a middle ground.
I was watching some of the monte carlo shakedowns 2 weeks ago, this made me want EA wrc more than I already do, cool to see them doing events along with events. They may have always done that but I've only play DR1 & 2... saving for a wheel lol
I didn't think i would enjoy it and would only watch a few minutes... but i was fully invested and watched and enjoyed every moment. Some great driving... some sketchy driving too. Makes me feel better about my efforts on a good old fashioned controller :)
Awesome video, as always. I would definitely watch an unedited version of this! Every stage, every shakedown, every repair stop, car tuning. Makes you want to jump in and do a bit of WRC. Savage craic, lad 🙂👊
Of course the slippery surfaces feel like they make sense. That 20 year old handling 'model' they're still using rotates every car from centre! the problem is everything else! for some reason they can't model a car that actually turns from the front tyres, it infuriates me!
I used a DD wheel for the first time recently, with 8nm (I think the guy said), in ACC. It was such a workout! It reminded me of your video where you drove an EA WRC stage in Japan. I think you were going for a record, and you were absolutely drenched after lol. I get it now. My hands were cramped up just from trying to hang on to the wheel and after my little 12 minute session, my back was pretty sweaty. This particular setup that I tried was a motion rig and it was such a trip! Makes my G29 feel like a Fisher Price toy lol. Also, in your defense, that last corner of the second last stage is NOT a L3! I'd be slapping the shit out of my co-driver if they thought that that is a L3 lol.
Format is great. I would love this kind of vid to go live before the event times out though; I went on this club on video release day and Monte was already closed 😢. Rally gives your community the unique opportunity to compete against you directly, so hope you can make the most of that 🙂.
First of all, really enjoyed this video and comparing my stage times!☺ Did this rally last week and I finished 424. so about a minute behind Jimmer and also one puncture and subpar engine power at one point. It was my first proper look at the Monte stages in this game and I have to say they are really awesome, especially with the new WRC cars! The hybrid is so dangerous when it kicks in at the wrong moment tho. But IMO DR2 did intermediate (patchy) Monte conditions better and there was a lot more of it proportionally. In EA WRC there isn't much so it's a rally of contrasts between really slippy ice and really grippy tarmac. In terms of tyres, it's only worth using softs on Ancelles which is a short stage and almost all of it tarmac so tyre choice isn't a question for me, I always go winter.
So I tested Ancelles and the soft vs winter time gain with the soft was a single second even with very little ice on the stage. You can feel the grip difference in a big way but the time lost on ice doesn't make it worthwhile.
Hi I drove the rally aswell (173) I also think that the winter tyre is the one to go for, espaccially under braking. I just wonder if the soft tyres hold longer? My winter tyres were shredded when I arrived at the service. And the hybrid boost felt like a stuck open throttle! I send you a friend request via Racenet ;-)
@@min_maximilian It would help if the game gave more info on tyre use and wear. Also with carrying spares, you'd expect swapping them between stages would be an option and you should be able to try mixed sets like in real WRC, diagonal etc.
@@SoofiGaming that would be great. But I expect it to be out of scope for a simcade game to do mixed sets. I think it is a bit odd that after a stage when the timetable is shown, the tire wear is shown with a colour gradient that has more than 3 levels. But your engineers at a service park only know three levels of tyre wear: fresh, used, worn.
I can't tell you how many times I've made the same mistake at that last corner. Actually i probably can, i think it's twice. 100% I'd watch a live stream of you doing this Jimmer. Not sure if this was streamed and i missed it but if you're doing it again I'll be watching.
I love the front end of those Hyundai i20s.. it's like a wee wedge and aggressive looking. I've got a new i10 and the i20 would probably be my next choice lol
I was waiting to see how you handled that first little fast weaving section, because i kept messing it up, then you spun out! That made me feel better 😂
I've found with rally that if you're enjoying yourself you're not going fast enough. When you're going proper fast you get into the zone and are in constant fear.
That checks out.
I don't know about that. I am enjoying myself getting some good driving in and then comes that one random turn or obstacle that absolutely wrecks me typically immediately before the finish line haha
Very true, if you aren’t pushing yourself you aren’t learning
When you feel like you're barely hanging on and at any moment about to send the car off a cliff or into a tree
"If youre not scared, your not going fast enough."
(but the thing is you do need to know your limit and the limit of the car, you go beyond the limit and will likely crash)
I don't know if it was intentional or not but posting this video on Craig Breens birthday while driving his car is a lovely way to remember him
To Jimmer and anyone playing this game. @9:35 the time needed for repairs is calculated based on the worst case scenario of the standard fixes. Every standard fix has a min-max timeframe to complete as you can see @9:25 for the steering. The game always uses the maximum to fill up the clock, so that in the worst case scenario, you won't lose leaderboard time because of repairs. Therefore, if your repair time is green, what ends up happening is that the clock shows 29:45 but the repairs will actually take less time. The more light damaged parts you have the less time the repairs will actually take. Therefore you should always overshoot the repair time, especially when you have many light damaged parts, for at least 2 minutes into the red, otherwise you will never utilize all your repair time. Most of the times, the actual repair time is 2 to 5 minutes faster than the clock shows.
23:15 OMG, this bride is the death itself and you dodge it like a boss, 100% car control there !😮😅
the clenching
That was 100% pure skill
Literally like legendary Ari Vatanen's "DEAR GOD" moment at Opel Manta 400 back in 1983.
surely it wasn't just luck
Must avoid all marriages.
"Don't push too hard". Yeah, that was my goal. Until a few minutes later I sent it off a cliff on the first stage. xD
I won the Croatia Rally in a Talbot today because "don't push too hard" was my target for the Rally because my Sponsor target was to finish 1 Event of that Championship. I made almost no mistakes and won by over 10 seconds on 90 difficulty.
@@marvinlinnarz5856I think real life rally driver actually slow down themselves so they could survive through the stage. Pretty common on race track too. They rather drive about 85% or little more of their qualifying pace.
@@BboyVReck unless they're Colin McRae. :)
@@MravacKid does he crash a lot tho? XD. I should read more about him.
@@BboyVReck Let's just say his style tended to have him finish on the podium or in the trees. :)
23:16 The look on Jimmy's face when that happened is priceless :D
I could not resist saying Wooah!
I absolutely loved this video. Honestly it's a great showcase of why rally is so awesome - the amazing driving combined with the incredible jeapordy, nursing a wounded car to the end and salvaging as much pace as possible.
I've always liked rally more than other kinds of races. It's such a unique motorsport and seems like it would be incredibly challenging to drive.
Today would have been Craig Breens birthday. That famous 6R4 video that Jimmy loves, there's actually a mod of that very stage in asetto Corsa called molls gap from digital Motorsports. All we need is a Metro 6R4 mod in AC and we could have a fun tribute video.
Keep doing the rally content it’s very interesting and easy to follow
Play this game more Jimmer!
We should start a petition XD
Gotta say, your Rally content is my favorite, and would love to see more of it!!
More of this, Dirt, heck even Richard Burns!!
I think this format is a good balance between video and streams. Rally streams are great because uncut rally stages are always a treat because it's constantly changing so it never gets boring. But I think this maintains the essence of a stream while making it a more manageable length. The rally stuff is always entertaining, and it seems like even when it goes wrong you're having fun.
Petition for Jimmer to take part in every rally this year!
I loved the video! More of those please! Really enjoyed the run, you could make a video like this for every one of the wrc rallies.
This is the pure essence of rallying. Just few pratice and go into the stages. I hope to see more of this
Rest in peace Craig, he would have turned 34 today😢❤
OH NO what happened to him??
@@ark14700really late, but he hit a pole which went through the front left part of the cockpit, which killed him
You uploaded this on Craig's birthday! Much love from Ireland
Jimmy Broadbent
His name was Jimmy Broadbent
@@neonblack211 he did the salsa
@@nosebleedpuddlebut that was many years ago, now he runs a TH-cam show
Jimmy broadband
Awesome video Jimmy! Always love your rally content like this or RBR Favorit rally streams. There is special energy to it, like some kind of a journey through the whole rally, watching you take different strategies due to damages and seeing progress in table. I have joined this ea wrc club thanks to this video. Shame I am too late for Monte, but watching the real thing live made for it :D
This was superb!
Would love to see more full scale rallys.
That's a good format! Also well edited and presented. Would love to see more of that.
Love the style of the video, the sort of story telling aspect, highs and lows. The 25min felt like 5min. Really enjoyed it
This is an amazing video Jimmy! Love the full rally with commentary, more like this please (no pressure, just giving my note since you asked for it)
This was absolutely fantastic, would love to see more! Enjoyed that it wasn't a perfect run and how you pushed through to recover to a pretty respectable ranking IMO
Respect for the callout to Craig ❤. Good man, he will be missed.
More of this please! Great format and always love a bit of rally content.
I don't know how you squeezed down the side of that bridge without hitting it, but I was wincing in anticipation of the big CRONCH! Great video Jimmy.
one thing with the time limit on repairs. on your 1st service you had 5:45-10:33 for repairs on the radiator. this means it could only take 5:45 to repair but the service time that adds up is the 10:33 so you could have probably went over by 1:30 on time and still been ok with service time now if you do this with other part repairs you can manage to fix more problems. in this situation i have found that if you use around 25% of the repair time difference you can get by safely with no repair penalties. service in video was @9:28
@@Taze00 yeah its all in how much of a gamble you are willing to take. but can definitely help getting car to a better spot than just staying in that green zone of repairs.
Just 20 minutes ago I played WRC4 on my PS2 for the first time in over a decade, and then this pops up in my video feed.
After trying my hand at a simrally game I've got a new appreciation for racers. That shit was incredibly hard.
love the video and the format Jimmy, I'd love to see more you do these kind of challenges it's always fun to watch. dirt rally 2 have those daily/weekly events it'll suit this video format
Always appreciate more rally content! Doesn't need any wacky controls or challenges to make jimmer piss his pants every time and always motivates me to give it a spin myself afterwards :)
I also really enjoy the format with the little bits of narration between the stages and a full rally is always cool to watch.
Wrc is such a good game imo. The fact they have real moments and stuff like this is really cool and fun!
Tbh, it's underwhelming and had an overall score of 6/10, but I'm hoping the next wrc game will be a step up ❤
Co-driver: "Hairpin left into 2 right don't cut 60 into..."
Jimmy's brain: "I wonder what Annie and I are doing for lunch. I should play Baldur's Gate later"
Gotta say I really appreciate how the game doesn't just cut away and pull your input the instant you cross the finish like, and you've still got to maintain control of your car. Does damage that happens after crossing the finish still carry over to the next stage so you actually have to have restraint all the way to a stop? I love that stuff. Immersion!
Awsome video Jimmer!
Droven till the end like a true rally driver. Never give up!
I also participated in the rally and crashed at the end of Stage 8 Ancelle ( 21:24 ) - I tell you these street signs are magnets.
I hope you can participate in the other events and make videos about it.
The street signs seem to be made by the gods themselves. So many times I've hit a road sign, and it stopped my car dead in its tracks, lol
@@TheBlackSpastic 🛑 the ultimate stop sign
@@TheBlackSpastic I mean, it said STOP didn't it?
I love this video. its the perfect blend of motorsport and your thoughts and feelings on what's going on
I'm for more of these types of vids! Brilliant content as always, Jimmer!
23:15 - you win the internet
I liked the format! It was a little like one of the "live action" episodes with the voice-over but it worked because we got to see you really pushing. Sweaty Jimmer is always a winner.
21:20 - note to self, finish stage BFOR Museum trip 😹
Love how the pace notes are in sync with the music at 12:57
This is one of my favorite videos you’ve ever done! Love the rally narrative
@23:18,.... brilliant!!! Very entertaining upload indeed!
I loved this video and I love this game! Please do more WRC for us!
He's YEETING next to a mountain...
He tumbled down, with the back of his wheel...
Said Jimmer's YEETING next to a mountain...
He tumbles down, with the back of his wheel...
*Epic guitar solo*
That was nerve racking! I like it when you concentrate on the driving.
8:03 "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you"
Really enjoyable video. I hope you enter all the official EA WRC events because it's great watching someone with mountains more talent than me (but not an eSports pro) compete, make mistakes, but still get it to the end in a commendable position. 👍
Thanks for bringing Craig's car to where it very possibly would have been this January.
20:07 - This is one of the best parts about rally games, when you overshoot a corner and have to try and make it back to the road without causing damage or too much time loss. It annoys me soo much that they insist on keeping the "reset to track" BS in the games. I understand they can't let us roam too far off the road, but in DR2 you can get reset the second you're off the road. I wish they could find a middle ground.
6:00 "Lost in that dinosaur go go juice" had me in stitches Jimmers
I was watching some of the monte carlo shakedowns 2 weeks ago, this made me want EA wrc more than I already do, cool to see them doing events along with events. They may have always done that but I've only play DR1 & 2... saving for a wheel lol
I didn't think i would enjoy it and would only watch a few minutes... but i was fully invested and watched and enjoyed every moment. Some great driving... some sketchy driving too. Makes me feel better about my efforts on a good old fashioned controller :)
For Craig!
hahaha, that "hello there" killed me. You did really well Jimmer. love to see more of these in different cars
Do more of these WRC rally videos, they're so fun!
This video was great! Really liked the experimentation with the format.
The minidoc vibe was great!
Loved the video, super fun to watch it section by section! Would have loved some replay footage of the scarier bits!
Awesome video, as always. I would definitely watch an unedited version of this! Every stage, every shakedown, every repair stop, car tuning. Makes you want to jump in and do a bit of WRC. Savage craic, lad 🙂👊
Wouldl ove to see more of this Jimmy, it's fun to see you a little out of your comfort zone but still trying for the max
Of course the slippery surfaces feel like they make sense. That 20 year old handling 'model' they're still using rotates every car from centre! the problem is everything else! for some reason they can't model a car that actually turns from the front tyres, it infuriates me!
Amazing video!! Edge of my seat kinda racing. Super strong finish for just jumping in on a Tuesday.
Please do more of this type of video, this was so much fun to watch
My jaw was on the floor when you dodged that bridge 💀
1 million subscribers you will get there!
Loved this video. What a reaction after you missed the bridge on that last stage. More please
I used a DD wheel for the first time recently, with 8nm (I think the guy said), in ACC. It was such a workout! It reminded me of your video where you drove an EA WRC stage in Japan. I think you were going for a record, and you were absolutely drenched after lol. I get it now. My hands were cramped up just from trying to hang on to the wheel and after my little 12 minute session, my back was pretty sweaty. This particular setup that I tried was a motion rig and it was such a trip! Makes my G29 feel like a Fisher Price toy lol. Also, in your defense, that last corner of the second last stage is NOT a L3! I'd be slapping the shit out of my co-driver if they thought that that is a L3 lol.
Absolutely loved this video, would love to see more of these!
I imagine this rally club is synced to the IRL calender, it would be super cool to see you do some more/all of the rallys!
Jimmy small tip, with the ice tires you have more grip on the snow, try to drive offline for better traction
The people request more rallying! 😂
Loving the format, Jimmy. Much better editing etc. More pleaseeeeeee
17:21 It's always the worst when an incident you could have grazed off of given a few more millimeters hooks you around to a dead stop
You are in fact THE badass of people presently racing rally from their bedrooms.
Oh thank you at last Jimmy does more rally!!! 🎉🎉🎉
At least you kept going when I did it I just kept smashing into shit.. gotta learn to stop over driving... great content . Keep it up
I think this is ideal
Joining a multiplayer championship is one of the most fun things imo, documenting that experience is peak
Loved the format. Would love to see you compete in the rest of the season.
Pra d'alart was my favourite stage to do on dirt rally 2, glad to see it faithfully improved upon in this
Also I really wanna see you contest the whole series
Will there be another vid like this? Does this series parallel the irl wrc calendar?
Format is great. I would love this kind of vid to go live before the event times out though; I went on this club on video release day and Monte was already closed 😢. Rally gives your community the unique opportunity to compete against you directly, so hope you can make the most of that 🙂.
This was a fun one! Shame about that last corner on the penultimate stage, tho. 311 is a great number, anyways!
Great format! Looking forward for an another one.
First of all, really enjoyed this video and comparing my stage times!☺
Did this rally last week and I finished 424. so about a minute behind Jimmer and also one puncture and subpar engine power at one point. It was my first proper look at the Monte stages in this game and I have to say they are really awesome, especially with the new WRC cars! The hybrid is so dangerous when it kicks in at the wrong moment tho. But IMO DR2 did intermediate (patchy) Monte conditions better and there was a lot more of it proportionally. In EA WRC there isn't much so it's a rally of contrasts between really slippy ice and really grippy tarmac. In terms of tyres, it's only worth using softs on Ancelles which is a short stage and almost all of it tarmac so tyre choice isn't a question for me, I always go winter.
So I tested Ancelles and the soft vs winter time gain with the soft was a single second even with very little ice on the stage. You can feel the grip difference in a big way but the time lost on ice doesn't make it worthwhile.
Hi I drove the rally aswell (173)
I also think that the winter tyre is the one to go for, espaccially under braking. I just wonder if the soft tyres hold longer? My winter tyres were shredded when I arrived at the service.
And the hybrid boost felt like a stuck open throttle!
I send you a friend request via Racenet ;-)
@@min_maximilian It would help if the game gave more info on tyre use and wear. Also with carrying spares, you'd expect swapping them between stages would be an option and you should be able to try mixed sets like in real WRC, diagonal etc.
@@SoofiGaming that would be great. But I expect it to be out of scope for a simcade game to do mixed sets.
I think it is a bit odd that after a stage when the timetable is shown, the tire wear is shown with a colour gradient that has more than 3 levels.
But your engineers at a service park only know three levels of tyre wear: fresh, used, worn.
I usually blip the throttle to make the hybrid boost go away, I don't want that extra power on the ice. 😂
I can't tell you how many times I've made the same mistake at that last corner. Actually i probably can, i think it's twice.
100% I'd watch a live stream of you doing this Jimmer. Not sure if this was streamed and i missed it but if you're doing it again I'll be watching.
You are a Gigachad Jimmy, keep making videos like these💪🏻
These really make me want to get into rally sim. LOVED THE VID JIMMY!!!
I really liked this vid and love the new format more of this pls i really enjoyed it.
I def enjoyed this!!
This Video was very enjoyable. Thanks for the Content and keep up the good work :)
do more of this style of video, document the whole rally like this this
@20:45 Jimmer was like "Wait, the Daytona 24 is also early in the year."
Yeah the snow just looks like static or gpu artifacts when driving... i see how it changes direction when you turn, but idk, still doesnt look real...
Love this! Do all the season around the world
Far too aggressive in every single race. Rally gamer moment
I love the front end of those Hyundai i20s.. it's like a wee wedge and aggressive looking. I've got a new i10 and the i20 would probably be my next choice lol
Please do this again! I'd love to see more WRC content!! ❤
Also please listen to the pacenotes more. 💀
I was waiting to see how you handled that first little fast weaving section, because i kept messing it up, then you spun out! That made me feel better 😂
This game is the Devil. I hate rolling down mountains. But not as much as love how excited I get when I nail it