I've made a 5 element 1.6GHz Yagi with the signal element that's 90mm long. Using 2mm bare wire as elements. I have to cut it to 2x45mm pieces to split the signal? What about the 2-3 mm minimum distance I can manage keeping them apart? Does the gap between the ground and signal poles matter? Do I have to adjust the length of the wires after assembly?
Great design there. Did you base the element length of a fraction of the wavelength. Also would adding more direction elements increase the forward gain.
Greg The more directors the more gain. The idea of the design is flexibility for experimentation including the boom could be replace with a longer boom and more directors added. The design also produces a very robust antenna that will last for years of service as a permanent antenna. See link for details of the 255MHz Yagi antenna and a 435MHz Yagi. vk6ysf.com/yagi_250mhz_5el_20220925.htm vk6ysf.com/yagi_435mhz_6el_20230201.htm
@@petermiles6557 Thankyou Peter for reply & links. So in theory if I wanted to cover u.k. Uhf airband, (200 - 400 mhz) I would use centre frequency and design around that.
Yes; design for the centre frequency, however the more directors/gain the narrower the bandwidth and greater the directivity of the antenna. Yagi antenna dimension calculator www.changpuak.ch/electronics/yagi_uda_antenna.php
Интересный диалог в эфире, про покраску труб в чёрный и жёлтый цвет, а также про стояк и стрелки потока газа))) Русские радио пираты прям заговор готовят)))
wow, awesome. That's what i want to build. im looking for plans or measurements availability?. love the clips very strong..
Thanks and if you like that antenna check out the 435MHz Yagi vk6ysf.com/yagi_435mhz_6el_20230201.htm
I've made a 5 element 1.6GHz Yagi with the signal element that's 90mm long. Using 2mm bare wire as elements.
I have to cut it to 2x45mm pieces to split the signal? What about the 2-3 mm minimum distance I can manage keeping them apart?
Does the gap between the ground and signal poles matter? Do I have to adjust the length of the wires after assembly?
Great design there. Did you base the element length of a fraction of the wavelength. Also would adding more direction elements increase the forward gain.
The more directors the more gain. The idea of the design is flexibility for experimentation including the boom could be replace with a longer boom and more directors added. The design also produces a very robust antenna that will last for years of service as a permanent antenna.
See link for details of the 255MHz Yagi antenna and a 435MHz Yagi.
@@petermiles6557 Thankyou Peter for reply & links. So in theory if I wanted to cover u.k. Uhf airband, (200 - 400 mhz) I would use centre frequency and design around that.
Yes; design for the centre frequency, however the more directors/gain the narrower the bandwidth and greater the directivity of the antenna.
Yagi antenna dimension calculator
Thankyou Peter. I have some 8mm aluminium tube. Do you think this would be ok for reflector/directors ? Or are we better with solid bar.
@@gregorydobson4307 Tube
Интересный диалог в эфире, про покраску труб в чёрный и жёлтый цвет, а также про стояк и стрелки потока газа)))
Русские радио пираты прям заговор готовят)))
Very interesting thank you
Спасибо. Many thanks! Очень интересный опыт.