pfffff it's nothing, gen 3 v8 supercars are going to do 300 kph on Conrod strait, when the BA Falcon v8 supercar was first tested on mt panorama it did 310 kph on Conrod strait this skyline did 274 kph lol
@@351clevelandmodifiedmotor4 and yet the skyline was banned for being too fast, 3 times they tryed slowing it down and in the end it still won so they just banned the engine as it just slapped everyone else.
Damn that was exciting to watch, the speed you carried into the first right hander after the long back straight was scary
It's called The Chase
Faulty TPS cut power momentarily before the Chase, car is easy flat into there
that car is a monster, and some nice driving from you as well.
pfffff it's nothing, gen 3 v8 supercars are going to do 300 kph on Conrod strait, when the BA Falcon v8 supercar was first tested on mt panorama it did 310 kph on Conrod strait this skyline did 274 kph lol
@@351clevelandmodifiedmotor4 and yet the skyline was banned for being too fast, 3 times they tryed slowing it down and in the end it still won so they just banned the engine as it just slapped everyone else.
sweet as mate. Love it
dangus-khan that thing sounds amazing !
Is that a new steering wheel?! I love it
So fucking good 💙
either he was not pushing or ACC is not real