Looking around at ASB to try to find a thin, somewhat opaque one so I can get the bleed thru effect that you mention. Are the bags you cut up solid silver color or a smoky gray/silver that you can kind of see thru? Do you remember the brand you used?
Like the fly. Looks great!!!
Cool chironomid. I didn't know that UTC made holo tinsel and will keep an eye out for it. Thanks for sharing your pattern. Cheers
Piscator Flies glad you liked it thanks!
@ 5:40 Apparently I forgot how to count lol 🤣
Do you fish tea coloured lakes with this pattern or does it matter. We have very few clear lakes in Ontario.
Looking around at ASB to try to find a thin, somewhat opaque one so I can get the bleed thru effect that you mention. Are the bags you cut up solid silver color or a smoky gray/silver that you can kind of see thru? Do you remember the brand you used?
FYI: the phrase is tying it off!! not locking it down!!