This and Pat feeling guilty about plugging Mighty No. 9 confirms that Pat is rationally ethical. Understands the power he wields as a celebrity, but understands that you might as well abuse the fuck out of time travel, because how the heck is anyone going to know?
Ryan Rod the main thing about that as long as the baby that is your girl friend is fine ,everything else is fine and if was girl friends grandma then it would be even better because it should have no effect dysfunctions for her baby if you do it with her
Wait, if you were to steal from yourself in the future, wouldn't that mean you would just be able to steal exponentially more money with each subsequent loop? Infinite money!
There are no time ethics, there's just ethics. Ethics aren't bound to one place or another in the timeline. If you do something unethical and then time jump, you yourself in your own personal time line has still done something unethical; time jumping doesn't role that back. Looking up stock market results in the future though is totally ethical though because doing well in the stocks benefits the economy as a whole.
Christian Stout well youre working under the assumption that the timeline jumper cares that he knows he did something unethical amd that no one else in the time line does ethics stop mattering once people dont notice, still think it maybe fucked up tho
Just as Murdering the fuck out of people in wars Is ethical as it benifits your country, Getting the best out people from an alternate timeline is fine as it benefits your own timeline.
Yeah “I’d work for my money”. Fuck that if time travel is real and you don’t use that tool. You’re a chump. “Nah I won’t use this hammer to get this nail in. Im gonna use my hands because I WANT TO EARN IT.” Fuck that bro.
Youra kid Youra squid Oh boo hoo, he had a job where he did no work for a week in a chill office, that was easy to travel too in a nice place... and got paid for it... The horror, how he is still alive to tell the tale no one knows
I question how Pat would actually rob people in the future. I'd just take a sports almanac, lottery numbers, and invest in certain businesses. I wouldn't know what I'd be up against when trying to rob future people. Who's to say you won't just get immediately vaporized?
the thing about ethics is that the responsibility only falls on you if you get caught. even if you do something wrong, if nobody knows and nobody can stop you, then the only thing that matters is your own subjective moral code, since the only being that can stop you is you. so it doesn't matter if your actions are right or wrong, because in the case of the guy with superpowers vs the muggles, might makes right.
This got silly quick...if someone went back in time and killed Hitler, then that timeline would be the timeline where Hitler was murdered by a time traveler, it wouldn't magically fix the timeline we're on because it already happened, it was the motivation to time travel in the first place, and even if it wasn't, like someone accidentally'd back in time and Wicked Witch'd Hitler mid-speech with their telephone booth, Hitler already happened to us, that's the timeline we happen to be on, we're currently observing that, building conversations and narratives around it, etc.. Also, if they traveled to the future, would it be the future without them in between the moment they left and the moment they arrived, a future where they never left, or a future where they're a day older than their time because they lived a day twice? In the case of the third and possibly the second Liam's argument doesn't make sense because wouldn't Pat already be listed as the lottery winners for all those numbers? He's not stealing from anyone else, he's just closing a loop on what's already happened by being what's to come; in the case of the first it's not entirely certain those results would still hold up because Pat would be returning to a timeline with him in it by virtue of returning to it...probably? Either way, Liam annoys me.
As soon as you gain time travel, you are allowed to say screw the rules I'm god now. Whatever time loops or paradoxes you make are up to you as you exert your will. Basically I see time travel as a life hack, if you managed to get it then you can do whatever you want until it blows up in your face.
On some level I thought Liam had a point. But then I realized that all of the wealth that he is accumulated by working is only there because he lives in a first world country that prompts its wealth up on the suffering of less fortunate countries. So what he wants is the illusion that he is self-made by his own work and nothing else, not actually the reality. So if he knows that he cheated and he has to acknowledge it, that ruins it for him kim. But as long as he can maintain a mental disconnect between himself and reality, he can be happy with the situation. And that's not a slight against him as a individual person. I like him! But that's a really common problem. I'm not saying there are no ethics. I'm not saying there's no right and wrong. But when he says that he only wants to profit off of his own work and cheating is wrong, it's like. Yeah but what about where your money actually comes from though. So really if you think about it, time crime is more ethical than working a regular job right now.
thanks for uploading this clip, I've been having the same argument with my sister in law ever since hearing this ep but couldn't remember what episode it was.
Aren't there people who's entire job is trying to tell people who to bet on in sports competitions and the like? Are they allowing others to cheat because they give an unfair advantage to those who pay for their service? Because if we're so upset about ethics then just take the future winning data and become one of those guys. It kind of evens out to me because it's up to the guys who is listening to you to decide whether or not to follow the betting advice of someone who "seems" to get by on random chance.
Go to future. Rob many of your descendants to the point of insane wealth. Live well and rich in present but then pay it forward by securing a great inheritance for your descendants.
Solution to the oil problem. Travel to a point in the future where oil is no longer used, use the resources there to find all oil wells that were never discovered, go back and "discover" them. Nobody is cheated, but I win hard.
My take-away has always been: there’s plenty of ways to actually kill Thanos, but Strange saw a bunch of shit going wrong in other timelines. Like maybe it’s a bad idea to have the infinity stones around Tony or something, or certain heroes were lost in the process, or we really needed to know about time travel. So he chose the “best” timeline/outcome.
It's not. That's the point. Liam doesn't seem the type to play the lottery to begin with but he's also arguing that cheating on top of that is flat-out wrong. They get into it later in the video too, but if you got lucky by something generally out of your control he's fine with it, but exploiting a loophole in a contest of chance by removing the element of chance is cheating.
1 - JRPG's give players "Unethical-Advantages" by letting you stop time to think; 2 - FF XII was the first "Optional-Ethics" RPG; 3 - The best way of losing weight is by flying -- and hence -- skipping meals - - it's also the best way to being actually slightly younger.
1. Go to the future, steal money from your future self, return to your time, deposit that money in your bank account, go back to the future, steal that exact amount from your future self again, return to your time, deposit that money in your bank account again, repeat X amount of times, you and your future self are now rich. 2. Go to future, steal money from criminals in the future, return to your time with the money, PROFIT!
Ivan Avendano ok but would you believe the 100 bucks bill would actually had a 100 done in word art if you were in the past? also the serial number of the bills wouldn't match
artistafrustrado Yeah, you have a good reason there, but you could also still steal gold or other valuable things from the future and bring them to the past for profit
artistafrustrado The plan that Pat and Woolie are pushing is also very good: Go to the future, go to the Internet and search future porn first then the lottery winning numbers from the year you came from, make sure you pick the winning numbers for a date when no one won so Liam won't get upset that you robbed someone out of their fortune, and finally get rich
Here's my issue with this. So, Pat and Woolie are working on the theory of everything they time travel to happens in an alternative timeline, so, if that is true, how is anything in this alternative reality true for this timeline?
But then your just making it worse. You steal from every bad person in your family, and leave the good ones money. But then where did the money come from?
go to the future. buy a cheap computer go back to the present sell the uber advance pc to microsoft. you get rich, kill off apple and get better games quicker all in one time jump
This is pretty much just What would Woolie and Matt do if they were under the effects of [*Bites Za Dusto*]. They'd go 'FUCK IT' to the people that die, and just abuse the loop to just get dat paipah, dat cash MON-AI, all for themselves.
6:10 So you got' screw up every infinite reality just to make *_yours_* to be all peachy? Just because it's a reality separate from yours does not mean that you have free reign over causing crap there. So if my alternate reality self came and inflicted money loss on someone, is that as unethical as me going to their "irrelevant" world and doing the same thing? And no, at 7:48 You're the child of your girlfriend, who traveled back in time after getting a sex change, and had a daughter with your girlfriend's father. Meaning Pat doesn't actually exist, technically.
So if you have time travelling powers. Essentially you have no social contract binding you, so why the hell would you bother with ethics when it does not affect your original timeline? You're basically free to do what you want.
So how about you just become friends with the people that were supposed to win the lottery but ended up wasting it all then get that lottery ticket yourself instead but still give them some of the money?
Okay, I agree that stuff like taking someone's oil from the future or something isn't cool, but what about, like, medical technology? You could undeniably make ludicrous money with that, yes, and you would essentially be "stealing" the patent from someone in the future, but you would also be saving lives. Would it be okay then?
Just steal a load of medical supplies that aren't going to be missed and will just get restocked at the end of the week, like that one episode of Firefly. Victimless crime.
travelling to the future and doing moral crimes because you know youll erase that timeline is unethical. using stuff from the future to cheat people out of their original future is fine. whats not fine is doing bad things in the present or letting bad things happen to people. if you do something with the foreknowledge it will make someones life worse that's bad (with the lone exception that the goodness of their life was gained through immoral means)
I actually agree with him. Just because it branched off into another timeline doesn't mean you can just screw over that timeline. It may not have happened to anyone in your reality, but it still happened and people were hurt by it, so it seems that there are indeed a set of time ethics that have been violated here.
Anyone else notice that the question was "What would you do if you had access to Future Internet?" and somehow Pat got to "I'll rob them with a gun"
Future internet has tactile interfacing
Liam: “yea see how that works”
I fuckin' love Pat
"Liam, you're taller than me, therefore I am allowed to rob future people at gunpoint."
I like how Liam jumped to "I have to prevent video game tragedies" and not prevent real world tragedies
Preventing YIIK is ethically more important than preventing 9/11.
Cannon event bro.
Is time traveller Woolie, that doesn't care about time travel ethics, the true origin of Madden Town?!
Time traveller Woolie grandfathered himself.
And then you look down and your hand starts disappearing
no no no all the male family memebers of madden town can time travel that's why the rabbit hole is sooooo deep
Every single male member of Woolie's family is a time-travel duplicate of Woolie himself and he fathered every female member.
Anytime Woolie and Pat are united on a front, it's the best.
This cannot be overstated, it's so true
well, i got some good/bad news from the future
@@Apokrypton’s a treasure and a curse
I love how Pat eventually gets from "let's get future knowledge to win at gambling" to "I'm gonna destroy the timeline!"
Go hard or don't time travel
"I'm sure your 20th century guns are going to be very scary to the future people"
Matt, have you never seen Demolition Man?
you know he has
He's seen Face Off.
@@blaacksugar7714 Stop talking about Face Off!
Pat's willingness to fuckin' rob people from the future is the best.
Fuck those future people, gotta get that cash.
+TheRoboticRonin Gotta get the dough.
Unknowingly Woolie is the founder of Madden town. Going to the past to prevent a time travelling Pat from robbing Woolie's ancestors.
"I'd rather die rich than live poor"
I love the tone of voice he uses when he says that xD
This and Pat feeling guilty about plugging Mighty No. 9 confirms that Pat is rationally ethical. Understands the power he wields as a celebrity, but understands that you might as well abuse the fuck out of time travel, because how the heck is anyone going to know?
But... the future refused to change.
this is so awesome. I realized I'm more of a Pat than a Liam.
your gone be your girl friends dad
does that cause exponential gene decay?
Ryan Rod it maaaaaay cause you and your girl friend to have dysfunctional child but your girl friend will be all right
but if my girlfriend is my child it'll get worse and worse
Ryan Rod the main thing about that as long as the baby that is your girl friend is fine ,everything else is fine and if was girl friends grandma then it would be even better because it should have no effect dysfunctions for her baby if you do it with her
I'd rather work for my money too but I mastered time travel so I deserve my sports almanac
8:55 That entire problem would be solved if when you see the guy who struck oil, he turns around and *it's you*
Pat frantically trying to come up with ethical ways to rob people from the future is the best.
fuckin love this argument
Man listening to Pat and Woolie in this bit really reminds me of the Reverse Flash
Wait, if you were to steal from yourself in the future, wouldn't that mean you would just be able to steal exponentially more money with each subsequent loop? Infinite money!
exactly. bring more money to the past.
And everytime you stole money from you're future self, you're future bank account would still grow because it's you???
If you go back and find the oil first, Speedwagon doesn't get rich, boom pillar men rule the earth
Yoshikage Pat just wants a quiet life, I mean he even uses time travel.
There are no time ethics, there's just ethics. Ethics aren't bound to one place or another in the timeline. If you do something unethical and then time jump, you yourself in your own personal time line has still done something unethical; time jumping doesn't role that back.
Looking up stock market results in the future though is totally ethical though because doing well in the stocks benefits the economy as a whole.
Christian Stout well youre working under the assumption that the timeline jumper cares that he knows he did something unethical amd that no one else in the time line does ethics stop mattering once people dont notice, still think it maybe fucked up tho
Just as Murdering the fuck out of people in wars Is ethical as it benifits your country, Getting the best out people from an alternate timeline is fine as it benefits your own timeline.
Pat's totally right about the lottery thing and liam is totally wrong
Yeah “I’d work for my money”. Fuck that if time travel is real and you don’t use that tool. You’re a chump. “Nah I won’t use this hammer to get this nail in. Im gonna use my hands because I WANT TO EARN IT.” Fuck that bro.
5:47 Woolie, the fact that this event was supposed to happen in that timeline doesn't make the act any less unethical
the only time power I love and would want to have is "Zawurdo!!!"
"I dont care" If I could without hurting anyone makes a fortune this is my attitude.
"I would rather work for my money" says the guy who plays video games for a living. Goddamn it, Liam.
he also states in a later podcast when they are talking about 'worst jobs' that he has never really had a bad one.
+ZeroBones wut? He was SUPER under-qualified
Youra kid Youra squid Oh boo hoo, he had a job where he did no work for a week in a chill office, that was easy to travel too in a nice place... and got paid for it...
The horror, how he is still alive to tell the tale no one knows
At least his worst quality is having contradictory opinions.
That's literally what I was thinking at the exact moment he said that.
I question how Pat would actually rob people in the future. I'd just take a sports almanac, lottery numbers, and invest in certain businesses. I wouldn't know what I'd be up against when trying to rob future people. Who's to say you won't just get immediately vaporized?
I’d be more frightened by Robot-Cops/Security Drones instantly apprehending me before I can return to the past.
You get one-shot by a Ray Gun mark 2 or some shit.
Liam is Lawful Good to a fault.
No, he's Contrarian Neutral.
Yeah, but since everyone on the Zaibatsu is along the lines of Chaotic Good/Neutral, Liam tends to be on Lawful Good.
Lawful Stupid.
Fixed it for ya
Liam the snitch not letting others profit from time crimes
is it any wonder why after the crew broke up, Woolie and Pat became a duo while Matt & Liam are the ones who team up from time to time? XD
Suicide method: take a shot every time they say the word "timeline"…
Isn't my being able to time travel MY inherent advantage though?
pat is right. If he comes back and fires liam he would keep the money, because he robbed the timeline where liam had a job.
Pat audibly Kukuku's as he thinks of the quiet life.
Take your future money and then put it in your past bank account so you get a ton of interest BOOM, IM THE SMARTEST
the thing about ethics is that the responsibility only falls on you if you get caught. even if you do something wrong, if nobody knows and nobody can stop you, then the only thing that matters is your own subjective moral code, since the only being that can stop you is you.
so it doesn't matter if your actions are right or wrong, because in the case of the guy with superpowers vs the muggles, might makes right.
Pat being Paige's dad makes an uncanny amount of sense....
This got silly quick...if someone went back in time and killed Hitler, then that timeline would be the timeline where Hitler was murdered by a time traveler, it wouldn't magically fix the timeline we're on because it already happened, it was the motivation to time travel in the first place, and even if it wasn't, like someone accidentally'd back in time and Wicked Witch'd Hitler mid-speech with their telephone booth, Hitler already happened to us, that's the timeline we happen to be on, we're currently observing that, building conversations and narratives around it, etc..
Also, if they traveled to the future, would it be the future without them in between the moment they left and the moment they arrived, a future where they never left, or a future where they're a day older than their time because they lived a day twice? In the case of the third and possibly the second Liam's argument doesn't make sense because wouldn't Pat already be listed as the lottery winners for all those numbers? He's not stealing from anyone else, he's just closing a loop on what's already happened by being what's to come; in the case of the first it's not entirely certain those results would still hold up because Pat would be returning to a timeline with him in it by virtue of returning to it...probably?
Either way, Liam annoys me.
As soon as you gain time travel, you are allowed to say screw the rules I'm god now.
Whatever time loops or paradoxes you make are up to you as you exert your will.
Basically I see time travel as a life hack, if you managed to get it then you can do whatever you want until it blows up in your face.
On some level I thought Liam had a point. But then I realized that all of the wealth that he is accumulated by working is only there because he lives in a first world country that prompts its wealth up on the suffering of less fortunate countries. So what he wants is the illusion that he is self-made by his own work and nothing else, not actually the reality. So if he knows that he cheated and he has to acknowledge it, that ruins it for him kim. But as long as he can maintain a mental disconnect between himself and reality, he can be happy with the situation.
And that's not a slight against him as a individual person. I like him! But that's a really common problem. I'm not saying there are no ethics. I'm not saying there's no right and wrong. But when he says that he only wants to profit off of his own work and cheating is wrong, it's like. Yeah but what about where your money actually comes from though.
So really if you think about it, time crime is more ethical than working a regular job right now.
thanks for uploading this clip, I've been having the same argument with my sister in law ever since hearing this ep but couldn't remember what episode it was.
This is the BEST fucking discussion in their podcast. XD
This kind of reasoning is why Woolie and Pat are friends
Cheating against rich people who cheat people 24/7 and will continue to get money isnt unethical
This might have been the birth of Castle Super Beast
Aren't there people who's entire job is trying to tell people who to bet on in sports competitions and the like? Are they allowing others to cheat because they give an unfair advantage to those who pay for their service? Because if we're so upset about ethics then just take the future winning data and become one of those guys. It kind of evens out to me because it's up to the guys who is listening to you to decide whether or not to follow the betting advice of someone who "seems" to get by on random chance.
Also holy fuck is Liam holier than thou in this clip. Normally I can handle him, but Jesus.
@@carvotheboss Not the impression I got. I do agree with him though.
Pat and Woolie become the villain of the week in a Star Trek episode.
As a 90's kid, I would LOVE to go back in the 80's and experience the bizarre world of good rock, classy outfits, and limited technology.
Go to future. Rob many of your descendants to the point of insane wealth. Live well and rich in present but then pay it forward by securing a great inheritance for your descendants.
Present me agrees with Pat and Woolie, future me will thank us.
Till he gets robbed by past pat XD
Damn this clip is still hilarious even now
7:02 Ah, so that is why Liam is gone now. O:
Every instance where you fail to kill Hitler is like Johnny Joestar firing his nails at D4C: Love Train.
this is a good one
Solution to the oil problem. Travel to a point in the future where oil is no longer used, use the resources there to find all oil wells that were never discovered, go back and "discover" them. Nobody is cheated, but I win hard.
So if I went to the future and saw the lottery winnings, then used them in the past to win, then did I see the numbers I used to win.
my answer would just be "fuck you, Liam. iam getting the lottery numbers."
Let’s be real, don cheadle’s plan of killing baby thanos was actually the best plan.
So there were actually two reality’s where they won
My take-away has always been: there’s plenty of ways to actually kill Thanos, but Strange saw a bunch of shit going wrong in other timelines. Like maybe it’s a bad idea to have the infinity stones around Tony or something, or certain heroes were lost in the process, or we really needed to know about time travel. So he chose the “best” timeline/outcome.
This seems to be. A draw, Liam and Matt: no
Pat and woolie; YES
Watching this again makes me rwalize why Liam left
Since when is playing the lottery working for your money?
It's not. That's the point. Liam doesn't seem the type to play the lottery to begin with but he's also arguing that cheating on top of that is flat-out wrong. They get into it later in the video too, but if you got lucky by something generally out of your control he's fine with it, but exploiting a loophole in a contest of chance by removing the element of chance is cheating.
Are people entitled to luck?
Liam, if woolie buys a neo geo or pat becomes taller, instantly transfer all your money to a new account and see if the world refuses to change.
Poor, innocent Liam thinking that you can earn a decent living fairly in this day and age
1 - JRPG's give players "Unethical-Advantages" by letting you stop time to think;
2 - FF XII was the first "Optional-Ethics" RPG;
3 - The best way of losing weight is by flying -- and hence -- skipping meals - - it's also the best way to being actually slightly younger.
isn't that the job of time squad?
"There are no time laws..." For now.
now I knwo where Tenet and Nolan get ther ideas from
Tbf if something innovative happens in space porn you could take that just like the almanac info
1. Go to the future, steal money from your future self, return to your time, deposit that money in your bank account, go back to the future, steal that exact amount from your future self again, return to your time, deposit that money in your bank account again, repeat X amount of times, you and your future self are now rich.
2. Go to future, steal money from criminals in the future, return to your time with the money, PROFIT!
Stealing fire and cave man sticks from my cave ancestors
ok but here's the thing... wouldn't future bucks be considered counterfeit so you end up with pointless paper
I don't think dollar bills will drastically change design in the next 50 years
Ivan Avendano ok but would you believe the 100 bucks bill would actually had a 100 done in word art if you were in the past?
also the serial number of the bills wouldn't match
artistafrustrado Yeah, you have a good reason there, but you could also still steal gold or other valuable things from the future and bring them to the past for profit
Ivan Avendano yeah that's a better idea
artistafrustrado The plan that Pat and Woolie are pushing is also very good: Go to the future, go to the Internet and search future porn first then the lottery winning numbers from the year you came from, make sure you pick the winning numbers for a date when no one won so Liam won't get upset that you robbed someone out of their fortune, and finally get rich
Here's my issue with this. So, Pat and Woolie are working on the theory of everything they time travel to happens in an alternative timeline, so, if that is true, how is anything in this alternative reality true for this timeline?
Steal from yourself
Steal from your descendents and leave them the money.
the ultimate troll
But then your just making it worse.
You steal from every bad person in your family, and leave the good ones money.
But then where did the money come from?
When you get drunk, you steal happiness from your future self.
Ryan Rod That's damn straight.
go to the future. buy a cheap computer go back to the present sell the uber advance pc to microsoft. you get rich, kill off apple and get better games quicker all in one time jump
Bring back old future money and inflate national currencies even more. Brilliant.
This is pretty much just What would Woolie and Matt do if they were under the effects of [*Bites Za Dusto*]. They'd go 'FUCK IT' to the people that die, and just abuse the loop to just get dat paipah, dat cash MON-AI, all for themselves.
Here is the point they're missing: Time Travel in and of itself is unethical.
Liam, I see your argument and I raise you one "I don't give a fuck". Now what?
So you got' screw up every infinite reality just to make *_yours_* to be all peachy?
Just because it's a reality separate from yours does not mean that you have free reign over causing crap there.
So if my alternate reality self came and inflicted money loss on someone, is that as unethical as me going to their "irrelevant" world and doing the same thing?
And no, at 7:48
You're the child of your girlfriend, who traveled back in time after getting a sex change, and had a daughter with your girlfriend's father.
Meaning Pat doesn't actually exist, technically.
The ethics of time travel really all depends on which universe has the saint corpse parts and which Funny Valentine has D4C.
And you go back in time to stop yourself from using the toilet.
Or you go back to stop yourself from not using the toilet.
The Best Friends are (not) Ethical.
Phearo G
Is Pat the toilet?
So if you have time travelling powers. Essentially you have no social contract binding you, so why the hell would you bother with ethics when it does not affect your original timeline? You're basically free to do what you want.
"if you fire me the money would disappear." lmao no if anything the brand expanded unfortunately after he left
They should do a let's play on shadow of memory/destiny for the ps2.
This is fuckery, to the nth degree
Is this the only time Woolie has sided with Pat in an ethical argument?
So how about you just become friends with the people that were supposed to win the lottery but ended up wasting it all then get that lottery ticket yourself instead but still give them some of the money?
Okay, I agree that stuff like taking someone's oil from the future or something isn't cool, but what about, like, medical technology? You could undeniably make ludicrous money with that, yes, and you would essentially be "stealing" the patent from someone in the future, but you would also be saving lives. Would it be okay then?
Just steal a load of medical supplies that aren't going to be missed and will just get restocked at the end of the week, like that one episode of Firefly. Victimless crime.
But then you run into present time ethics of, “Should I profit off the cure for cancer?”
And thus the Best Friends split was foretold: Pat and Woolie have fun with the question and make jokes. Matt and Liam try to virtue signal.
Funny enough, I heard more virtue signalling this year alone from Woolie and Pat because of CSB.
travelling to the future and doing moral crimes because you know youll erase that timeline is unethical. using stuff from the future to cheat people out of their original future is fine. whats not fine is doing bad things in the present or letting bad things happen to people. if you do something with the foreknowledge it will make someones life worse that's bad (with the lone exception that the goodness of their life was gained through immoral means)
Liam is the DEFINITION of buzzkill
this is basically the part that justifies the title
FUCK IT. im gonna be the ONE asshole to dislike this video even though I like it.
Christ, Liam is irritating
Well he is right
i swear he is one of those goodie goodie two shoes.
Well, he's still a contrarian ass, so he's only accurate by accident.
I actually agree with him. Just because it branched off into another timeline doesn't mean you can just screw over that timeline. It may not have happened to anyone in your reality, but it still happened and people were hurt by it, so it seems that there are indeed a set of time ethics that have been violated here.
CryoWalrus Yeah but who cares you've left that time line it will never affect you again
I like Liam.
thank god liam left