Increasing the value of a wild card spent on a foundations card may not be a good idea. Just because a card is going to be legal in standard for longer, doesn't mean it will be playable for that length of time. Particularly with the increase of sets coming into standard, any wild card spent may, in fact, be worth less now than before the New Era. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.
@@TheMagiStronghold Absolutely. I just wonder if the playability of any card in foundations is going to be any longer than any other. Even though they have slowed down literal rotation, I fear we may be in an increased pace of virtual rotation because power creep will make cards obsolete even faster.
Increasing the value of a wild card spent on a foundations card may not be a good idea. Just because a card is going to be legal in standard for longer, doesn't mean it will be playable for that length of time. Particularly with the increase of sets coming into standard, any wild card spent may, in fact, be worth less now than before the New Era. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.
True, but you can make that argument for any card. Here we just have more time on our side.
@@TheMagiStronghold Absolutely. I just wonder if the playability of any card in foundations is going to be any longer than any other. Even though they have slowed down literal rotation, I fear we may be in an increased pace of virtual rotation because power creep will make cards obsolete even faster.