I suffer from intense migraines and if I don't get medication early enough I can only lay in bed until the pain passes. The pain always gets worse from moving (even just changing the sides in bed), bright lights, noises and smells. I take meds everyday to prevent migraines but if I've had a really stressfull day I'll get one anyway. Or if I've slept too little or too poorly or if I haven't eaten enough or or or... I think the worst thing in migraine is that people don't realize how painful it is and how much it controls your life. I have been belittled in many occasions and I think the worst time was when a teacher told me that I was just ''skipping''. I couldn't even respond to her accusations cause I felt so shocked and powerless (hence I had had a very bad migraine the day before). It really destroys me when someone don't take this illness seriously. I have to live with this pain propably for the rest of my life so a little compassion wouldn't hurt. I wish everyone a lovely and pain free day!!
A father of a friend of mine also has a a lot of migraines, but he recently became resistant to the medicines. I don't know if he got new ones but that was horrible for him
I hate migraines I get them way too frequently. I can barely excersize for a long time cause of them 1 like = 1 ice pack 4 me Edit: Thanks guys so much for the Ice packs! Luckily for me I seem to be growing out of the migraines but when they do happen they are still pretty bad. Ps. Advil works great for me!
5 years ago I was diagnosed with a Chronic Intractable Migraine, yes I've had a migraine every day for 5 years. It took forever to diagnose because of where its located most days I don't have pain. What I do have every day is auras/vision loss along with one or more other symptoms like nausea, tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia, loss of ability to taste (nothing like being awake for 3 days, blind in one eye, while the worlds moving as if your standing in a canoe).Sadly the neurologist says there not much that can be done other then use medications to dull the symptoms and wait for it to go away on its own.
I have had chronic migraines and various headaches for more than 30 years...my Dr has told me about a new medication that is supposed to stop the cascade of symptoms like aura, nausea, etc. It is called aimovig...it might be able to help you with the symptoms you are having. I haven't tried it yet (new as in just approved by the FDA). Good luck, it sucks being in the middle of a migraine for what feels like eternity...you are not alone.
deadterran I've had this same migraine for the past 4 years. Nobody has diagnosed me with anything yet though. My neurologist eventually just put me on more medications. I recently got moved to a migraine clinic. They're trying to find a medication that helps treat the migraines without needing to be on a high dosage. Though, the meds are starting to lessen their effectiveness. My next appointment is in october.
I got a migrane 2 times, the first time was hell that i couldnt last for 5 minutes and i immediately slept, and i also couldnt stand it just unbearable pain
Lucie finch I get migraines ever month pretty much on the dot and nothing works to dull the pain except for a hot shower. It sounds bad but trust me that is the only thing that I do that lessens the pain!
(btw, I'm not joking) My longest headache started when I was twelve and has stuck with me ever since. At this moment, I'm 27 and it hasen't gone away at all. One exception to this streak was last year when I accidentally chopped the tip of my thumb off in a shooting accident. For the last 15 years I've been a recurring patient going in and out from hospitals to treat my headache. Of the three options you gave here; Tension headache, migrane and Cluster headaches I'd describe it as a hybrid of a migraine with a multi cluster headache. What's frustrating about this headache is that its multi staged. To explain it simply would be that my day to day headache I have makes me just about function in my everyday (like cooking, shopping, short bus travels and so on) with the aid of sunglases and earplugs. I had my doctor speculate that my entire condition was psychosomatic because after multiple MRIs they found no physical reason for me to be in the pain I'm in. TBH I kinda wish it was because its come with some side-effects over the years. Example being loss of feeling on about... 40?% of my body. I have major memory issues nowadays where I can't remember a conversation after aprox 10-15 minutes. At the moment my diagnosis is "other headache syndrome" and I'm going through psychological meetings with a pain therapist and a psychotherapist as well as my normal visits to my neurologist. When I was 14 (or 15???? don't completely remember anymore) I was put into an experimental trial to see how cognitive behavioural therapy would affect those with my sort of problem. The trial was apperently very succesful. Too bad I was the margin of error in that study. What if your headache never went away? My personal answer would be very dependant on the person in question. Myself I've been very depressed over the last few years where thoughts of commiting suicide has never really left my mind. But how I see it, I would just remove myself from any chance of possibly getting better. Even though over the years I've gotten gradually worse. Your body can only take dealing with pain for a certain amount of time before it starts shutting down parts that it deems not really needed anymore. But I'd assume that psychological and physiological problems like mine would be common among those who would be set in my situation and have a permanent headache that so far to this date, refuses to stop. And lets be honest here. I could probably go into alot more detail in how I've been fucked by this over the years but who would want to read that?
Hey man, I am in a very similar boat. I have chronic migraine with cluster head ache symptoms too. Can you still go to the cinema or music gigs? Man, I miss those so much. I just wanted to share a few things that have helped me or the years, and I was hoping you might share some of yours. First, years of pain killers have given me organ problems, so i started smoking weed instead. I don't live in a country where it is medically legal, but I found a good source, who delivers. it is more effective and less damaging (it does have side effects too). Second, alcohol is a huge trigger, avoid it like the plague. Three, consume insane amounts of water. I have no idea why it helps but my average pain scale marker dropped an average of 1 of 10 after I started. Make sure to stimulate your mind for pleasure. I have found board games, puzzles and riddles really helpful. You know that feeling where the pain blurs your cognitive ability? It just takes the edge of that. Teach yourself to think despite the pain. I have found anomia particular problem, so i started playing "articulate" and other word based games too. 4, exercise. I know how insanely difficult that sounds, but do what ever little you can. I am lucky that I love exercise, so all I have to do is motivate myself to start. It makes a massive difference if i can do 20mins or more a day.
Cbd medication has helped my pain become more manageable. In Canada there is a prescription drug called Nabilone that is CBD based and it has helped reduce my pain from a constant 8 to a 5.
Hi! It sucks to hear of other that are in our boat, I stopped drinking a few years ago aswell. Not because it was a trigger in my case but mostly because I didnt really want to anymore. Think something like, why drink a depressant when you're depressed. I used to play trumpet up untill a year and a half ago. it got too much and i had to give up playing in the big band i was in. i can still (sorta) go to the movies but then i need to pop between 1~2 grams of Naproxen and use my earplugs. If you can I'd recommend investing in molded earplugs with noise cancellation. I have to add that Meds dont remove the pain but it just helps me feel that i have something pumping through my body. Just focusing on that makes the pain more bearable. I try to hydrate as much as I possibly can (I have a half liter glas of water next to me at all time). Your point of Exercise is something I'd tell anyone to really do. Its gotten harder the last few months because my leggs and arms are starting to... give out? I had to buy a cane this summer to push myself to be able to keep my walks longer then 30 minutes. Takes me a few days to recover but its always good to continue streching those limits when ever you can. I'd also like to add to your list of helping tips by saying 5) Find time to empty your head of pressure/stress and just find yourself in the moment. I know it sounds like some hippie BS but since you smoke weed I'm guessing you've already experianced this while half zoning out. It works kinda like a temp reset button on your grip over the pain. 6) See the pain like its a REALLY annoying pebble in your shoe instead of a chain holding you down. It dosn't really stop you from doing what you want to do, if you want to do something like, i don't know... Sailing? Traveling? Hand out with your friends one night or something. It dosnt really stop you. but you need to be prepaired that you will not be able to do it to the same exctent for now. Alot of things i managed to do over the years was mostly me pushng my own limits of what I can and can't do 7) This one took me longer to admit to myself then is actually helpful, but talk to people about what going through your head. The biggest hurdle you'd go through is the feeling of hopelessness you start cumulating after weeks/months/years of non-stop pain. I started by opening up to just a few friends of my own doubts and how my mind plays alot of tricks on me on a daily basis. But after I started talking now to a psychologist I'm again starting to get a grip over myself and my ability of dealing with myself. Sure! describing pain thats ups your pain threshold to the point where I didn't even feel pain in my hand when i shot off the tip of my thumb and get a nasty infection is hard for most to understand. Explaining it in increments and building up to what it is you're actually feeling helps on your end aswell. Having someone to actually understand you even if they can't help makes it somehow easier to deal with might have rambled on a bit there but I hope you get what I'm saying Cheers for the comment though!
Actually it is nice to hear from/about someone else going through it too. I thought the high pain tolerance thing was just me. My baseline headaches are a 7-ish on the standard pain scale. A while back I got an ax buried in my thigh and thought that was around a 5. My wife has to sometimes remind me to not pull things out of boiling water or the fryer with my bare hands. I guess there can be a silver lining to anything though. Legalizing CBD oil is currently being debated where I live. You guys think it might be beneficial? I'm afraid smoking pot is not an option. Violates the tenants of my religion. Speaking of which... To add to the list of tips would be 8*(Your mileage may vary greatly) Religion. The sense of duty and purpose instilled by my faith has made continuing despite the suckage much easier. I know this will not work for everyone, but it has helped me get through some of the low points. I normally don't try to tell people that the should or should not believe in something, but as a list of helpful things is starting, I figured I would be remiss to not include something that has helped me. 9. Caffeine. Sweet blessed, caffeine. God's second greatest gift to mankind (right after bacon!) :D I've found that caffeine consumption in liquid form can help control my baseline headache. Caffeine in pill form just causes spikes and valleys with my pain level. But a steady slow intake of caffeinated beverage can keep the dosage level, and stabilize the soothing effect.
Not sure if you have ever heard of this before but I have your same problem and was diagnosed with new daily persistent headaches. Also chronic migraines. There was a new medicine approved in May called Amovig. Talk to your doctor about it. Has helped so much. I have had a headache for 14 years in a row.
@ERYAN TYLER BATHOLOMEW JINGULAM Moe Don't wish it upon yourself, bud. A migraine can cause you to stay in your room without light. You cannot play with your friends or anything. But hey. It gives you an excuse to not stay at school for a bit. B)
I had a migraine that went on for more than 20 months. Every day... every night... no "breaks" in between episodes. What happened as a result was I dropped out of college, moved back in with my parents.. dealt with people who claimed I was just being lazy, and doctors who bounced me from neurologist to psychologist back and forth each claiming it fell in the other's domain and should be treated by them. Anyone who's experienced chronic and unrelenting pain can attest to what it does to your personality. I was quick to anger, avoided social interactions, and any form of physical activity as an increase in heart rate had a direct correlation to the intensity of the pulsating pain. Basically, I embodied that scene in "Office Space" when the protagonist told his psychologist that every day of his life was just a little bit worse than the day before... and there for every day of his life was *literally* the worst day of his life. Keep in mind, all of these internal struggles were coupled by people who just "didn't believe me" when I would express any kind of dissatisfaction with my condition. Thankfully these have subsided, and while I still experience migraines (i have since puberty) they do end. Medically no one was able to give me a reason what caused it in the first place, let alone why it ended... but I'm beyond thankful that this is no longer my life, and have gained a profound level of empathy for anyone who claims to live with any sort of chronic pain... weather it's something that can be measured in a lab value or a symptom that can only be expressed by the person who is experiencing it.
Certainly made it hard for me to sleep, or think, or in general be able to interact with people at all with my constant headache. I'm glad yours faded too
That's horrible. My migraines had increased since my mental health started getting worse, and the migraines interferes with school, but most people don't understand that, whenever I need to leave the classroom to take a medicine or wait for the headache to calm down, people think I'm just excagerating, 'cause I need to leave a lot of times, but they don't get that migraines are literally hell
Has anyone ever noticed how they never answer the initial question. Think about it; at what point in the video do they actually answer the question in the video.
I can answer the question! I have a migraine that hasn't gone away over the past five years because of an injury during football in high school, and at first it really sucks, but then the person kinda gets used to it. I also don't think I have anxiety, but maybe Norwegians know something I don't.
I can answer the question as well. It leads to disability, comorbid issues developing (like never being able to keep meals down from the nausea so having to switch to a mostly liquid diet), severe depression, and a steep decline in any sort of quality of life. As well as losing all family and friends from not being able to go do things with them or keep commitments because you're too busy vomiting and they get tired of a sick person who never gets better.
Wow u have the likes 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Can relate. When my migraines hit, I HAVE to keep my eyes closed, but the weight of my eyelids hurts. I've had to have my boyfriend's friend drive him to come and pick me up from a store before because I couldn't drive back.
If a migraine lasted for a long time I would probably go insane. Usually my migraines last for 12 hours to 2 days, but they are severely painful and I always cry in pain. They aren’t fun, and I honestly hope I never have one that lasts more than a week.
I've had a migraine before, and it was at school. I thought I was dying because my eyes started doing weird things and then a huge headache came on.I ended up going home early,and I threw up :/ but luckily it only lasted 5-6 hours
Vivian Cat I remember when i was in kindergrden I had a really bad headache but I didn't say anything. Then I threw up later that day. I don't know if it was a migrane though.
I have chronicle tension headache for almost four years with the prospect of them staying for the rest of my life, yay... So I can tell you how it is: The first half year or so you go mad not understanding why you are in constant pain. After that comes a tipping point you either stay mad and go down a spiral futher or you catch yourself and try to move on. I barely cought myself but now I'm at a poin where for the most part I can work. But I need up to three days a week to lay down and collect myself or I just do not function as intended. You "get used" to the pain, but you always have to spend a part of your mental power to ignore the pain, which slows you down and makes you more tired.
I am in a similar place. I have had chronic migraine for 6 years. I haven't been able to keep a job for more than 6months before I get let go for taking too many sick days. The "slow down" you mentioned really resonates with me. I find the frustration with my diminished intelligence one of the hardest parts.
I also have a chronic headache that’s lasted for 7 years, though mine seems to be a mixture of migraine, tension and cluster headaches that don’t seem to follow any rhythm. The fluctuation make it harder to “get used to” the pain.
I’m 16 and have chronic migraines I still have to go to school and deal with the pain sometimes have to leave class to get sick also the school thinks I’m faking and my doctor said there’s really nothing he can do a he beats they’re really not that bad and if I focus I should be able to function like normal
Karen Eikman Get your parents to take you to a different doctor. My doctors thought it was hormones. I nearly died because they were wrong. I'm not saying you're going to die, I'm just trying to illustrate that medicine is a practice, not an exact science. And no one should have to deal with a jerk who minimizes their experience.
Karen Eikman I have had chronic migraines for 6-10 years, and the 10 years before that I got migraines pretty often. After 20 years, I am only now coming to the end of the options for what can be done. You need to change doctors.
As someone who had abdominal migraines (When you throw up every time you get a migraine) as a kid.. i know they are NOT fun. I still get migraines but not as often. The worst migraine I had, I was doing a group project with friends for school, when my head started to hurt. It was the end of the day, when i usually get headaches so I didn't think much of it. Later it progressively got worse, I started to get really hot, and my friend gave me a cold water bottle. Later, my friends were talking about random stuff and mentioned a door bell. I had completely forgotten what a door bell is and was so confused. My friends were laughing since I didn't know what it was and ended up showing me a picture of one on their phone. When the school day ended I was extremely dizzy and kept running into things, and saw multi-colored dots everywhere. When I got home I laid down in a pitch black room since all the lights in the house (even though the lights were all dimmed) were too bright and hurt my eyes. I fell asleep after taking some Advil and listening to the heartbeat in my head. When I woke up, my mom told me she had googled the symptoms of a migraine, And I had ALL of them all at once. I haven't had one THAT bad since then, well, at least not to the point where i have loss of memory. lol.
Well I could relate to coming second in fortnite if my parents let my play fortnite but my parents won't let me because my parents wont allow me to download anything on any of my devices with guns. My parents think I shouldn't play it because they think it is super violent, and it is.
I used to get silent migraines a lot, I don't know much about them, only there wasn't much pain, just numbness on my right side, fatigue, everything was too bright and the only thing that helped was cold drinks and just to sleep it off. I'd love a more in depth video explaining them tho! keep up the good work!
Well, since he doesn't have a brain, his body has no where to send pain signals, and he has a lack of a head, meaning no pain sensors there (plus no brain, technically) I do not think he can have a headache.
My brother had something called an intractable status migraine, starting when he was a freshmen in high school. Basically it was that he had one singular migraine constantly for years on end. They would spike up or lower in pain (sometimes he'd be in the hospital, sometimes he just had to keep trying). It's been a little over 10 years since it started and it's now to the point that he no longer notices it.
I have a headache all the time and migraines frequently. I can tell you exactly what it’s like to live with a headache. It increases pain tolerance, forces you to seek stimulants, and makes it hard to drive at night
That happened to me in 6th grade. Every single day, my head would ache and I even got an MRI for it and they couldn't find any anomalies. Turns out I had very low vitamin D and needed more sleep.
Wtf is that for question lol.. what is the point of living serieus?? Enjoying life buying a big house and a nice car marry a beautifull wife go on vacation with her 3/4 times a year, raise youre kids. I noticed that our generation is really depressing dont know why. I always read comments like this
Nature favors mutations that cause a species to reproduce more through natural selection. Since you can't reproduce if your dead, the mutations that gave us self preservation were favored by natural selection. In other words, nature has chosen living so we can have sex.
@Joseph B. Just because something is finite, does not mean that it can't be given meaning to by us. I can see the beauty of swirling nebulae and vast galaxies filled with twinkling stars that fuel my love for astronomy. I can see the beauty and wonder of nature that fuels my love for biology and the outdoors. I can ponder upon the many mysteries of the universe that fuel my love for science in general, but mostly physics. I can see my amazing family, who fill my heart with great joy. I have great friends, family, pets, and interests that all give my life meaning. Of course, I do not believe in some greater meaning to life that everybody has woo. I think we assign our own meaning to life, and nature makes us reproduce the most efficient way that it can make us. You are making the same faulty argument that theists make for an afterlife; "If life isn't infinite, then it is meaningless!". If anything, life's finite nature makes it even more meaningful. "My life is short, so I should enjoy it". Just because your spaghetti dinner didn't last forever, doesn't make it a meaningless meal. It was delicious and satisfied your hunger, that was its meaning. Life can have any meaning you want it to have. Mine is to follow my interests and have fun with my friends and family.
I've had a headache everyday since the summer of 1981. I cannot remember the names of all the medications I've taken over the years; all I know is that nothing helps. Well...sometimes a muscle relaxant might take the edge off a bit but that's about it. With all the diagnostic tests I've been through (MRIs, CT scans, EEGs, nerve blocks, etc.) as well as acupuncture and physical therapy, etc., I feel like a human guinea pig. The pain is really hard to describe and some days are nearly unbearable. After dealing with this for so long, my tolerance level for pain is pretty high. Anyway, I'm going to see yet another neurologist next month. (I've lost count of all the specialists I've seen over the decades.) Fingers crossed.
@@drilomac3691 I had an MRI the other day. Everything was fine. I'm thankful for that. Medicine sometimes takes the edge off. Everyone is different. I hope you find relief soon.
perri 6 it turns out i was producing too much spinal fluid which caused elevated pressure in my head, pseudo tumor cerebri. i’m on medication twice a day now and i feel normal again
I had a legitimate light migraine for about two years. We found out the reason was that I was internally bleeding on a small part of my head, however the crazy thing was that because my nose was constantly bleeding, the blood which was seeping out in my head was then released from my body so there were no blood clots in my brain, that’s how I survived it but I still have anemia to this day.
thank me later: if u have a regular tension headache eat a bunch of almonds (20 or so) and it helps so much. the vitamin E in them helps blood flow and helps the headache. i eat almonds every day just to avoid having a headache and i rarely get them anymore
Since I was 15 I've had migraines literally every single day, some days they don't start until a few hours after I've woken up, and some days it's right away. I've been diagnosed with GAD since I was 16 and surprisingly I've never actually heard any of my doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists mention the correlation of the two. I guess TH-cam can be more helpful than a neurologist sometimes
I have a headache all of the time, and it varies in severity but for the last 3 years it's been there. It's very severe like a migraine sometimes but migraines are characterised by having a sudden start and since mine is constant, it doesn't count as that. I get cluster headaches too, or something very similar (a severe flashing pop pain in the back of my head). The doctors haven't been able to fix it and while I've been diagnosed with POTS and CFS they haven't found a cause yet.
My worst headache was when I was twelve I was outside on a really sunny day without my glasses. Going without my glasses will normally give me a tension headache at worst, but because of light sensitive eyes it gave me a cluster headache too. This eventually led to a migraine that lasted from 12:00 to 16:00 when I had to go to bed because I couldn’t handle it anymore.
I have had chronic migraine for about 6-10 years now. On the pain scale, I sit between a 5 (on exceptionally good days) and 10 (on rare occasions). That is pain like most have never experienced. I have PTSD symptoms, and suffer from GAD. I have a severe reaction to light, as well as specific noises (usually anything extreme: very loud, very high, very low Etc). Imagine having brain freeze for every moment of every day. That is about a 6-7 on the pain scale, and where I am most days. Some days it's so bad that I can't get up to use the bathroom. I have thought about ending my life, just to get the pain to stop. If you are curious about what this is actually like, I am open to questions.
as someone who suffers from literal 24/7 headaches, this video made me feel much better about my condition. no matter how many times i''ve seen doctors over the past 6 years, i've never gotten an answer, to the point where i worry my doctors think I'm faking. i'd never known about cluster headaches, and i think that might be the label ive been looking for. thank you
I used to get really bad migraines almost every other day, but when I'm most stressed I get them anywhere from 1-3 times a day often for weeks. I have medicine that I take twice a day to prevent them and also pills to take when I get a migraine up to two times a day. They have helped me get more control over them and I'm down to 1-3 migraines a week (still a lot, but better), but they don't help much when I'm stressed. I used to struggle with anxiety so I really think that has something to do with it, but I had a lot more tension headaches when I was struggling with it and now it's more migraines. So if you want to know how it feels to have an never ending headache just be me in a stressful periode of my life.
My head hurts too bad to do this comment justice. I'm 35 and as far as I can remember I have never been without a bad headache. Every moment of my life. As if the pain isn't enough, the brain fog that goes with it and keeps me from being able to think clearly and speak logically and concisely is uber frustrating. And then there's the depression and anxiety. I deal with body ache akin to fibro as well. I can't fathom not being in pain. I never tell strangers this or join forums; I'm not interested in pity. But if anyone else can relate, please know that your endurance is admirable and you are a very strong person! Please don't give up. I know how difficult the monotony of pain and depression is. I still hold out hope that I'll find the cause and the solution, even if just to a small degree.
I suffer from Migraines and I'm extremely sensitive to light...when ever I go outside with friends I would start getting a migraine from the heat of the sun... F#cking hurts.
My worst migraine happened when I was just a child. I believe they were stress related (social anxiety probably), as I usually get them during the first day of school. I would become very sensitive to light (to the point that I hated yellow), and I would even vomit. While I do get migraines as an adult, they are not as bad as before. I realized that they are now more related to any tension or aches I get on my shoulders or neck; the side where my shoulder/ neck is aching would mean that I would get a migraine at that side as well. So a shoulder massage and a paracetamol would usually make it go away.
Back when I was medicated for my ADD, one of the side effects of coming down from my ADD medication was a bad headache, to the point where it was routine for me to ask to go to the nurse for a painkiller during the last period of the day. In many cases, the headache would still last until I went to bed that night. One of many reasons I'm currently not medicated anymore. I've also found that I get pretty bad headaches if I don't keep hydrated enough throughout the day.
If its when you stand up, it’s probably bc your blood pressure is low and cant deal with the sudden change in pressure in various places. That’s what happens to me frequently--the edges of my vision get dark (sometimes as good as blinding me) and my head feels odd.
i occasionally get these severe head pains that feel like my brain is quite literally bleeding. i went to a doctor and asked what was happening and he said it was a migraine. i have never heard about migraines causing pains at the back/base of your head where it feels like there is internal bleeding. honestly, they’re terrifying. i dont get them much anymore, but sometimes if i turn my head or move my head suddenly, the pain comes back immediately but only lasts for a few seconds. i honestly have no idea whats going on.
Is it weird that I never had a whole head headache? Mine is only at a small part of the head (normally the right side above my brow) and it feels like someone is pushing from inside my brain. Normally I can function okay and it lasts a couple hours, but sometimes it hurts so much I start crying and you can't think of anything except the pain
@Latti Hmmm... sounds kinda like a cluster... might wanna get it checked tho, cause it could be something else.. if ur able to function properly then I doubt that, but u never know
I have had hemiplegic migraines that are scary as hell! I lost feeling in my left arm and leg and hit the deck a number of times. That along with a stutter, mental confusion and intense head pain some of the worst migraines I’ve ever had.
I once had what I think was a cluster headache for about 3 days, and it was this pulsing pain behind my right eye and on the side of my head. I was literally so close to gouging my eyeball out to try and relieve the pain. And I was punching the side of my head to try and distract myself from the pain. I couldn't concentrate on anything. But normally if I do get a headache it's like that and only lasts about a day. Also I never had a headache before my 11th birthday and I thought people were just making it up.
yep went to 3 diffrent doctors before i found out i was having cluster headaches. I havent had one in a couple of years but shit it felt like someone was stabing me from behind my eyes.
A note for people who have gone to the doctor for chronic migraines in the past: I had daily migraines for a couple years(to the point that I would pass out if it was too loud or too bright), but it turned out I had a barely noticable problem with my vision(my eyes over-focus whenever I look at anything), after bouncing between radiologists, getting MRIs, getting shrinked, and even getting my jaw alignment looked at, I finally went to the optometrist(I never had a doctor or anyone suggest this to me and my fist migraine started with me waking up screaming in pain at 2 in the morning) and they found that my eyes over worked themselves. They gave me a prescription and I got glasses and, as long as I wear them for 95% of my waking time, my headaches stay, well headaches and not migraines(still get occasional migraines and a few headaches a week, but nothing in comparison to what it was). Really, I'm just trying to say, get your eyes checked THOROUGHLY.
I once was crying and felt a stabbing pain in my head, which made me cry even more which made the pain worsen and the cycle went on for a few minutes until i tried to stop crying and thats when it went away, i think it happened like 2 times that week...
That sounds awful. My only advice is hide in a dark room, put your fave show on, but only listen (mine is star trek, but something you'vee watched a few times and therefore dont have to watch, maybe friends, or futurama or the like) and try to fade out a bit.
Aestheticalyy - Thanks. Weirdly, like a day after posting that comment, I got a call telling me that, on my last blood test, I tested positive for something called hyperparathyroidism. Long story short, I might have cancer, but there's also a chance they can finally treat me and get rid of my migraine once and for all. It's pretty crazy to think about actually getting better after being in pain for so long.
Gosh....I usually have a headache during Monday. I have no idea why!!! It's so annoying especially when I tried to learn at school. It's only on Monday for some reason and I sleep around 8 to 9 PM. I have no idea why this keep happening, never experience it during holiday. Maybe I'm too stress
@@juicemight1259 I usually take a walk everyday and I'm addicted to listening to music. I don't take a nap after school ends because if I do, it would be very hard for me to sleep during my bedtime. Although the headache I have on Monday don't happen right away, it's usually start occurring in the early afternoon like 12PM
@@KendraleeMendoza Well...other than Friday and weekend. Monday is my favourite day because of my timetable that collab all of my favourite subject. That's why I find it annoying because I want to study and I just can't
My mom used to have a job at a law firm that stressed her out a lot. When couldn't sleep, she has migrates all the time and was unpleasant, then she moved to a different firm.
Dear Blocko! I have a question to you. What would happen if everyone I mean everyone on Earth was rich? Life would be easier for us but is it really real? What would happen with our economy system? What would happen to the prices in stores like bananas? Will it get higher and how much higher? From: Crazytrain2015
Do you mean what would happen if everyone on Earth was able to live comfortably? If everyone was rich then no one would be rich since being rich would be considered average. In order for someone to be rich, you would need someone that is more poor than them in order to be considered richer. As for the price of items, they would rise to a level that is proportional to how much money the average person has. If milk is $3 right now and everyone on Earth became a millionaire, the price of milk would rise to be a couple thousand dollars.
you've asked what would happen if socialism was implemented properly and, if everyone was rich, then no one would be rich because, assuming you are defining rich as having a lot of money, inflation would take the value of money way down.
SM Vermeulen I agree with the part about inflation taking the value of money down but you're wrong about socialism part. Socialism isn't about making everyone rich, it's about resources like water and land being owned by a general community rather than a private individual or company. Inflation doesn't really have anything to do with Socialism, it just has to do with terrible money handling.
That is a very complicated question to answer; there are a lot of factors, like how much the supply of bananas is limited by the amount of money the banana producer has, how much it is limited by how many people are willing to work at making bananas, how much it is limited by the resources available on Earth and so on; additionally, if the "everyone is rich" is a one-time event and not a continuously sustained condition, there will be a lot of people that won't stay rich very long, it's very common for lottery winners to end up in debt because they're not used to having so much money and end up spending more than they really can, so some of those factors might actually change over time. If your definition of "rich", is a magical "you always have enough money for anything", then I guess there would be a dip in living conditions after the initial improvements as society is not yet prepared for not having people desperate enough to do dirty jobs to have minimum amount of money to stay alive, and similarly, it is not yet prepared to provide enough products and resources for every single individual; but if that dip doesn't go deep enough for civilization to crumble, I expect that in a decade or so people would've gotten used to the new conditions enough for there to be big enough percentage of people working on making things better for everyone simply because they enjoy making things better, and after a while the world would be getting closer and closer to being a paradise. But again, that is assuming that there is such a thing as enough money for anything; which is a bit unrealistic even if you ignore the workforce issue, as we only get so much sunlight every day, we only got so much surface area on the planet and so on; at some point, the laws of physics start playing a major role in the dynamics of the economy; we might end up having to switch from Dollars to Watts or something of the sort, and without some sort of astronomical paradigm shift in our understanding of the laws of physics, we won't have much choice on what is the total amount of "credits" humanity has to divide evenly with every individual, there will be some limit on how "rich" we can make everyone. Overall, to answer this, you would need books, plural, not something that can be answered in an afternoon with a TH-cam comment.
I had a weird sort of headache that lasted about 3 years. The pain wasn’t horrendous most of the time, but sometimes it was so bad I couldn’t function. Eventually after realizing other people don’t experience this I told my doctor and now I have to get an mri so great
I get migraines twice a month. I think it's hormonal, but I haven't really narrowed it down yet. The symptoms leading up to the migraine are disorientation, clumsiness, a general feeling of doom. During the migraine, it's severe pain, nausea, sensitivity to any sensorial stimulation (light, sound, touch), and extreme fatigue. After the migraine I have pretty sever aphasia (can't think of words) and generally muddy focus that lasts for 24-48 hours.
Wow this is crazy, I was watching other videos when someone mentioned that Life Noggin put out a video about if someone had a permanent headache, and I had to see if you got it right. Kinda disappointing you didn't explicitly say what would happen, you implied they would have anxiety? But as someone who has a permanent migraine (and no GAD), I can share what my life with it has been. It started on August 14th 2013 from a football accident because my helmet wasn't inflated properly and I didn't know how they were supposed to feel like, so I kept playing with it, for the whole season. Last month marked the 5th anniversary of my migraine, and it definitely gets manageable, I missed 25% of high school because of it, but haven't missed any college. I know exactly how my head will react to things and can act accordingly and it is so second nature at this point that it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything different. Strobe lights are a big fight for me, but they rarely come up. The only think I would say separates a permanent headache from a regular one is something my doctor said to me once, "Chronic pain has a way of making itself heard." I chose to stop wasting away in my room like I did in high school and ignore the pain, and I've gotten very good at it, but pain that doesn't get managed will manifest itself in other ways. Like the first year after high school my doctor told me my liver started failing, a few months later I started getting this weird thing where my body would start shutting down if the pain got too intense (about 4 times a year, no need for a hospital with this, just my muscles lock up and acting like im drunk/dry heaving before reaching that point), a recently permanently swollen gland on my neck, and a few minor things.
I had the same thought, but was sorely disappointed. Nothing talked about the repercussions of living with eternal chronic pain. Mine has been going since November of 2006 when I slipped on some slushy mud and hit my head. I had doctors tell me it was depression, that it was anxiety, even some say it was my weight. But none have found a permanent cure. I did get a break from it when my gal bladder ruptured and I was hopped up on surgical grade anesthesia, so that was nice for a few hours. Eventually you kind of get used to it, and start going about your life. People start to forget that you have constant pain, and are taken aback when you have to tell them you just don't have the energy to do certain things because you don't look like there's anything wrong with you. Moving around, going to work, doing housework all burn an ungodly amount of energy, (but sadly not so many extra calories as my waistline can attest) and I find myself often just not able to do much of anything once the weekend hits.
Preach. Most doctors don't know how to handle something modern medicine doesn't understand, so they grasp at straws like depression or, in my case, hormones. I've had a few rare doctors who are willing to say, "We don't know why this is happening," and just treat the pain with every tool in their kit. Once you get past the initial terror and know that it isn't, in fact, (another) tumor, that's all you can do. Unfortunately, it has taken a long time for doctors to realize that they can't just throw medications at the problem and walk away; it has to be a multi-faceted approach and it requires the doctor actually engage with the patient to discover what will work for them.
I feel you... Recently I just figured out what was causing my chronic tension headache for 4 years. Turned out to be Lyme disease causing serious inflammation in the lining of my brain. Was about to go into my junior year of highschool and had to drop everything. Spent years bouncing around from doctor to doctor, a few times Lyme was "ruled out" and no drugs seemed to be effective. Finally, at Envita Medical Center in Scottsdale Arizona a doctor was able to treat me with agressive iv antibiotics as the main treatment. The thing that actually ended up breaking the headache was a treatment about halfway through where I got an iv of some medication... Can't remember what it was called, but I was in the same state of people who get their wisdom teeth out. Honestly, during that time it was all I could do not to lose it from the intense treatment, so I remember very little. I went through a lot trying to find my cure, but in the end it worked out. I dunno if you have the same cause as me, but I hope you can find a way out. God bless
Did it feel like you were getting stabbed with an icepick jamming into your eye socket and penetrating your brain to the other side? Mine are usually like that.
My dad clinically has this because he has chronic fatigue. He's pretty much gotten used to it but it sometimes spikes or he gets another headache on top of that... That's when he needs alone time
I've had a headache constantly for almost two years. It's incredibly mild most of the time, and doesn't really bother me. When it flares, I feel mild discomfort since I'm so used to it. I spend a lot of time on my computer, which no doubt worsens it. It's not too bad, but it can be distracting or annoying at work or school, or when I attempt to sleep. When my headache flares it ranges through several "stages" A. Mild. This is not too bad. It feels like a mild throb, but more consistent. Like if you were underwater too long. B. Light Headache. This is basically a throbbing feeling and the most discomfort without pain. This is when I get most flares. C. Moderate. This is slight pain and throbbing. My neck gets stiff. D. Stabbing. This is a sharp and blunt pain. It occurs for only seconds or minutes at a time. Typically 20 times an hour with a light headache. E. Severe. I literally feel like somebody is shoving a knife through one or both of my ears. There is intense throbbing and sharp pain, and this lasts an hour or two. F. Migraine. This is like a migraine. G. Insane. This is pretty much a migraine, but ten times more painful and sometimes lasts weeks on end.
When I was young, I had a cluster headache that lasted for years... it was so painful to the point I sometimes hit my head on a hard surface to battle the pain.
I had a week of debilitating migraines that culminated in a trans-ischemic stroke. Worse pain I’ve ever been in, and I’m still dealing with the effects 7 years later.
I usually have migraines at least once a month. They are relatively short (a few hours) but are extremely painful - to the point where I have to stop everything I'm doing and lie down in a dark room until it's over. However, when I don't get migraines I get headaches very frequently but I just take paracetamol or put up with them. I find it really weird though because i don't have depression and never really get anxious...
@bennyota Yeah I went to the doctors a while back and it's either citric acid or caffeine. I feel bad for your brother though... I don't think I could live without gluten products!
I was diagnosed with daily chronic migraines and headaches in my mid teens but they started when I was 14, I'm 25 now and they have only gotten worse over the years. I usually have tension headaches/migraines where it's horrible pain in my temples, behind my eyes and I get really bad light sensitivity. I think the worst one I had was a year or 2 ago when (no joke) I lived in a blanket nest on my bathroom floor where I was in complete darkness and was throwing up from the pain for 2.5 weeks straight. It was absolute hell and after seeing 7 different neurologists over the years they still have no idea why or how to make it better as no medication has ever helped
About one or two times a year, I get this horrible, HORRIBLE time when my head hurts if I walk around. It generally starts in the morning or at noon, and lasts around two days, ending at noon, or the next morning. It's hurts allot, I don't know what it is, but this episode got me thinking it could be a migraine.
Have you tried putting it in rice?
That's actually a good idea! The rice will attract asian doctors then see you in pain and treat you because you gave them rice.
@@nihilisticpancakeface6553 That seems kinda racist But I'm laughing really hard so I'm not gonna attack you
Yeah,I dunked my head in a bucket of rice. I ate it. My head felt better. I had a hunger headache. Thank you.
mfw my ass hair itches OMG your soo funny 😂😂
mfw my ass hair itches I’m Asian
I suffer from intense migraines and if I don't get medication early enough I can only lay in bed until the pain passes. The pain always gets worse from moving (even just changing the sides in bed), bright lights, noises and smells. I take meds everyday to prevent migraines but if I've had a really stressfull day I'll get one anyway. Or if I've slept too little or too poorly or if I haven't eaten enough or or or...
I think the worst thing in migraine is that people don't realize how painful it is and how much it controls your life. I have been belittled in many occasions and I think the worst time was when a teacher told me that I was just ''skipping''. I couldn't even respond to her accusations cause I felt so shocked and powerless (hence I had had a very bad migraine the day before). It really destroys me when someone don't take this illness seriously. I have to live with this pain propably for the rest of my life so a little compassion wouldn't hurt.
I wish everyone a lovely and pain free day!!
A father of a friend of mine also has a a lot of migraines, but he recently became resistant to the medicines. I don't know if he got new ones but that was horrible for him
Same here! 💜
Jesus I gave up reading all this good luck to you!
So much emotions...
I hate migraines I get them way too frequently. I can barely excersize for a long time cause of them 1 like = 1 ice pack 4 me
Edit: Thanks guys so much for the Ice packs! Luckily for me I seem to be growing out of the migraines but when they do happen they are still pretty bad. Ps. Advil works great for me!
Frozen Banana Gaming you need more likes, bruh.
U have 32 ice packs now
67 ICE PACKS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I have not gotten a. Migraine yet, I mean I’m on,y 10
As a dude who gets so many headaches/migraines.
I officially say this would suck
EDIT 1: hold up, I don’t think I have anxiety...
Reaction GD Yeah I have migraines too. They suck.
I get migraines and he forgot to say the other symptom aura
I have anxiety
I have migraines kinda often to, there real painful. But I have anxiety so it makes sense.
I get a lot of headaches too.
And I do *NOT* have anxiety.
5 years ago I was diagnosed with a Chronic Intractable Migraine, yes I've had a migraine every day for 5 years.
It took forever to diagnose because of where its located most days I don't have pain. What I do have every day is auras/vision loss along with one or more other symptoms like nausea, tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia, loss of ability to taste (nothing like being awake for 3 days, blind in one eye, while the worlds moving as if your standing in a canoe).Sadly the neurologist says there not much that can be done other then use medications to dull the symptoms and wait for it to go away on its own.
I have had chronic migraines and various headaches for more than 30 years...my Dr has told me about a new medication that is supposed to stop the cascade of symptoms like aura, nausea, etc. It is called aimovig...it might be able to help you with the symptoms you are having. I haven't tried it yet (new as in just approved by the FDA).
Good luck, it sucks being in the middle of a migraine for what feels like eternity...you are not alone.
Wow. I have , or still experience, some of the symptoms and I couldn't imagine have them for that long. I hope you get better.
You poor man...
deadterran I've had this same migraine for the past 4 years. Nobody has diagnosed me with anything yet though. My neurologist eventually just put me on more medications. I recently got moved to a migraine clinic. They're trying to find a medication that helps treat the migraines without needing to be on a high dosage. Though, the meds are starting to lessen their effectiveness. My next appointment is in october.
So basically if this happened, we would turn into Psyduck?
You deserve a gold star
@Erin Yuson psychic *
Physuck? Phyduuuuuuuuk
@@zanxaa no need for a damn party pooper
now we just need to need to evolve to golduck
Migraines are much more worse than headaches
I've only had one migraine in my life. Absolutely unbearable pain. I was rolling on the floor crying the whole time.
I get like 5 migraines a. Month and a headache like 3times a week
Lucie finch i had like 2 or 3 in my whole life....... it fucking hurts
I got a migrane 2 times, the first time was hell that i couldnt last for 5 minutes and i immediately slept, and i also couldnt stand it just unbearable pain
Lucie finch I get migraines ever month pretty much on the dot and nothing works to dull the pain except for a hot shower. It sounds bad but trust me that is the only thing that I do that lessens the pain!
(btw, I'm not joking) My longest headache started when I was twelve and has stuck with me ever since. At this moment, I'm 27 and it hasen't gone away at all. One exception to this streak was last year when I accidentally chopped the tip of my thumb off in a shooting accident.
For the last 15 years I've been a recurring patient going in and out from hospitals to treat my headache. Of the three options you gave here; Tension headache, migrane and Cluster headaches I'd describe it as a hybrid of a migraine with a multi cluster headache. What's frustrating about this headache is that its multi staged. To explain it simply would be that my day to day headache I have makes me just about function in my everyday (like cooking, shopping, short bus travels and so on) with the aid of sunglases and earplugs.
I had my doctor speculate that my entire condition was psychosomatic because after multiple MRIs they found no physical reason for me to be in the pain I'm in. TBH I kinda wish it was because its come with some side-effects over the years. Example being loss of feeling on about... 40?% of my body. I have major memory issues nowadays where I can't remember a conversation after aprox 10-15 minutes. At the moment my diagnosis is "other headache syndrome" and I'm going through psychological meetings with a pain therapist and a psychotherapist as well as my normal visits to my neurologist.
When I was 14 (or 15???? don't completely remember anymore) I was put into an experimental trial to see how cognitive behavioural therapy would affect those with my sort of problem. The trial was apperently very succesful. Too bad I was the margin of error in that study.
What if your headache never went away? My personal answer would be very dependant on the person in question. Myself I've been very depressed over the last few years where thoughts of commiting suicide has never really left my mind. But how I see it, I would just remove myself from any chance of possibly getting better. Even though over the years I've gotten gradually worse. Your body can only take dealing with pain for a certain amount of time before it starts shutting down parts that it deems not really needed anymore. But I'd assume that psychological and physiological problems like mine would be common among those who would be set in my situation and have a permanent headache that so far to this date, refuses to stop.
And lets be honest here. I could probably go into alot more detail in how I've been fucked by this over the years but who would want to read that?
Hey man, I am in a very similar boat. I have chronic migraine with cluster head ache symptoms too. Can you still go to the cinema or music gigs? Man, I miss those so much. I just wanted to share a few things that have helped me or the years, and I was hoping you might share some of yours. First, years of pain killers have given me organ problems, so i started smoking weed instead. I don't live in a country where it is medically legal, but I found a good source, who delivers. it is more effective and less damaging (it does have side effects too). Second, alcohol is a huge trigger, avoid it like the plague. Three, consume insane amounts of water. I have no idea why it helps but my average pain scale marker dropped an average of 1 of 10 after I started. Make sure to stimulate your mind for pleasure. I have found board games, puzzles and riddles really helpful. You know that feeling where the pain blurs your cognitive ability? It just takes the edge of that. Teach yourself to think despite the pain. I have found anomia particular problem, so i started playing "articulate" and other word based games too. 4, exercise. I know how insanely difficult that sounds, but do what ever little you can. I am lucky that I love exercise, so all I have to do is motivate myself to start. It makes a massive difference if i can do 20mins or more a day.
Cbd medication has helped my pain become more manageable. In Canada there is a prescription drug called Nabilone that is CBD based and it has helped reduce my pain from a constant 8 to a 5.
It sucks to hear of other that are in our boat, I stopped drinking a few years ago aswell. Not because it was a trigger in my case but mostly because I didnt really want to anymore. Think something like, why drink a depressant when you're depressed. I used to play trumpet up untill a year and a half ago. it got too much and i had to give up playing in the big band i was in. i can still (sorta) go to the movies but then i need to pop between 1~2 grams of Naproxen and use my earplugs. If you can I'd recommend investing in molded earplugs with noise cancellation. I have to add that Meds dont remove the pain but it just helps me feel that i have something pumping through my body. Just focusing on that makes the pain more bearable.
I try to hydrate as much as I possibly can (I have a half liter glas of water next to me at all time).
Your point of Exercise is something I'd tell anyone to really do. Its gotten harder the last few months because my leggs and arms are starting to... give out? I had to buy a cane this summer to push myself to be able to keep my walks longer then 30 minutes. Takes me a few days to recover but its always good to continue streching those limits when ever you can.
I'd also like to add to your list of helping tips by saying
5) Find time to empty your head of pressure/stress and just find yourself in the moment. I know it sounds like some hippie BS but since you smoke weed I'm guessing you've already experianced this while half zoning out. It works kinda like a temp reset button on your grip over the pain.
6) See the pain like its a REALLY annoying pebble in your shoe instead of a chain holding you down. It dosn't really stop you from doing what you want to do, if you want to do something like, i don't know... Sailing? Traveling? Hand out with your friends one night or something. It dosnt really stop you. but you need to be prepaired that you will not be able to do it to the same exctent for now. Alot of things i managed to do over the years was mostly me pushng my own limits of what I can and can't do
7) This one took me longer to admit to myself then is actually helpful, but talk to people about what going through your head. The biggest hurdle you'd go through is the feeling of hopelessness you start cumulating after weeks/months/years of non-stop pain. I started by opening up to just a few friends of my own doubts and how my mind plays alot of tricks on me on a daily basis. But after I started talking now to a psychologist I'm again starting to get a grip over myself and my ability of dealing with myself. Sure! describing pain thats ups your pain threshold to the point where I didn't even feel pain in my hand when i shot off the tip of my thumb and get a nasty infection is hard for most to understand. Explaining it in increments and building up to what it is you're actually feeling helps on your end aswell. Having someone to actually understand you even if they can't help makes it somehow easier to deal with
might have rambled on a bit there but I hope you get what I'm saying
Cheers for the comment though!
Actually it is nice to hear from/about someone else going through it too. I thought the high pain tolerance thing was just me. My baseline headaches are a 7-ish on the standard pain scale. A while back I got an ax buried in my thigh and thought that was around a 5. My wife has to sometimes remind me to not pull things out of boiling water or the fryer with my bare hands. I guess there can be a silver lining to anything though.
Legalizing CBD oil is currently being debated where I live. You guys think it might be beneficial? I'm afraid smoking pot is not an option. Violates the tenants of my religion. Speaking of which...
To add to the list of tips would be 8*(Your mileage may vary greatly) Religion. The sense of duty and purpose instilled by my faith has made continuing despite the suckage much easier. I know this will not work for everyone, but it has helped me get through some of the low points. I normally don't try to tell people that the should or should not believe in something, but as a list of helpful things is starting, I figured I would be remiss to not include something that has helped me.
9. Caffeine. Sweet blessed, caffeine. God's second greatest gift to mankind (right after bacon!) :D I've found that caffeine consumption in liquid form can help control my baseline headache. Caffeine in pill form just causes spikes and valleys with my pain level. But a steady slow intake of caffeinated beverage can keep the dosage level, and stabilize the soothing effect.
Not sure if you have ever heard of this before but I have your same problem and was diagnosed with new daily persistent headaches. Also chronic migraines.
There was a new medicine approved in May called Amovig. Talk to your doctor about it. Has helped so much. I have had a headache for 14 years in a row.
2:15 Blocko: a migrane is-
a demon entering your skull
Yes Just yes.
Couldn’t agree more ;-;
Get a priest lol
@@soniczforever5470 more like exorist 😈
@ERYAN TYLER BATHOLOMEW JINGULAM Moe Don't wish it upon yourself, bud. A migraine can cause you to stay in your room without light. You cannot play with your friends or anything. But hey. It gives you an excuse to not stay at school for a bit. B)
I had a migraine that went on for more than 20 months. Every day... every night... no "breaks" in between episodes.
What happened as a result was I dropped out of college, moved back in with my parents.. dealt with people who claimed I was just being lazy, and doctors who bounced me from neurologist to psychologist back and forth each claiming it fell in the other's domain and should be treated by them.
Anyone who's experienced chronic and unrelenting pain can attest to what it does to your personality. I was quick to anger, avoided social interactions, and any form of physical activity as an increase in heart rate had a direct correlation to the intensity of the pulsating pain. Basically, I embodied that scene in "Office Space" when the protagonist told his psychologist that every day of his life was just a little bit worse than the day before... and there for every day of his life was *literally* the worst day of his life.
Keep in mind, all of these internal struggles were coupled by people who just "didn't believe me" when I would express any kind of dissatisfaction with my condition.
Thankfully these have subsided, and while I still experience migraines (i have since puberty) they do end. Medically no one was able to give me a reason what caused it in the first place, let alone why it ended... but I'm beyond thankful that this is no longer my life, and have gained a profound level of empathy for anyone who claims to live with any sort of chronic pain... weather it's something that can be measured in a lab value or a symptom that can only be expressed by the person who is experiencing it.
Certainly made it hard for me to sleep, or think, or in general be able to interact with people at all with my constant headache. I'm glad yours faded too
he needs more like
1 like to his comment = idk something
That's horrible. My migraines had increased since my mental health started getting worse, and the migraines interferes with school, but most people don't understand that, whenever I need to leave the classroom to take a medicine or wait for the headache to calm down, people think I'm just excagerating, 'cause I need to leave a lot of times, but they don't get that migraines are literally hell
If I was in that situation I’d give in and smoke weed
Video starts at 1:17 (if you want to skip the sponsor)
No, the video starts at 0:00
But... no writing passwords....
I can do so much with that extra 1 min and 17 seconds!
Fire Blazer not necessary
That sponsor part of the video was pretty damn lengthy, I have to say
“Headaches can be a true pain in the noggin”
*BuT Is IT A PAiN In ThE LiFE NOGgIn?*
Mr. Android Animations yEs It iS
Mr. Android Animations, yes.
@@HUM4N4TUR3 oh wow
Video actually starts at 1:16
Thanks for being a life saver!☺
Video actually neve starter, because nobody answered to the title question
Has anyone ever noticed how they never answer the initial question. Think about it; at what point in the video do they actually answer the question in the video.
Ipic it’s like a girl telling a story 😂😂
Ipic yea
I can answer the question! I have a migraine that hasn't gone away over the past five years because of an injury during football in high school, and at first it really sucks, but then the person kinda gets used to it. I also don't think I have anxiety, but maybe Norwegians know something I don't.
I can answer the question as well. It leads to disability, comorbid issues developing (like never being able to keep meals down from the nausea so having to switch to a mostly liquid diet), severe depression, and a steep decline in any sort of quality of life. As well as losing all family and friends from not being able to go do things with them or keep commitments because you're too busy vomiting and they get tired of a sick person who never gets better.
I've had various different types of headaches every day for the past week
Teh Gaming Tree My headaches are usually because of anxiety, exhaustion, being tense etc.
Go take a 24 hour power nap
@@snokalo208 hope you get better
@Euziri the Gacha life queen Cole same! Had this since the start of 2021
Answer: That would suck
oh come on let the likes stay at 69
ive had a constant headache for 11 years now. it sucks yea. makes it pretty difficult to be a programmer.
Wow u have the likes 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I can confirm that it does suck I have constant headaches and migraines
I'm in a land dispute with the farmer next to me.
It's a minor headache for me, but he has it worse. He has... my grain.
Ok, that was really funny.
That was.. lovely. Keep it up
Mind if i steal your joke?
Gum Skyloard
Please do ^_^ A joke is only funny when it's shared.
Get out
I have migraines usually 3-5 Times a week. It actually feels like your eyes were blocked by a wall and something pushes your eyes from The behind
Can relate. When my migraines hit, I HAVE to keep my eyes closed, but the weight of my eyelids hurts. I've had to have my boyfriend's friend drive him to come and pick me up from a store before because I couldn't drive back.
a never ending headache? when did life noggin start talking about schools?
school itself is life's biggest headache.
I get a headache every time I go back from school
So true!!!! Lol
Wait till you got to go to work for the next 40 years
Ikr 😩
If a migraine lasted for a long time I would probably go insane. Usually my migraines last for 12 hours to 2 days, but they are severely painful and I always cry in pain. They aren’t fun, and I honestly hope I never have one that lasts more than a week.
A m y s t e r r same. When i get migraines i have to lie completely still in the dark, it’s the worst
try having fever and a cold too, its painful to just coff then come the migraine
Trust me it's worse with toothaches.
A m y s t e r r I know what you mean. My last migraine lasted 9 days. It really and truly sucked.
@@Ari_elf95 its not that hard to lie in the dark for me. Its much harder to lie in the light
I've had migraines that have lasted for 3 weeks straight; I feel like a circle of hell would most likely have unending migraines.
I've had a migraine before, and it was at school. I thought I was dying because my eyes started doing weird things and then a huge headache came on.I ended up going home early,and I threw up :/ but luckily it only lasted 5-6 hours
Vivian Cat I remember when i was in kindergrden I had a really bad headache but I didn't say anything. Then I threw up later that day. I don't know if it was a migrane though.
This has happened to me, too! All the symptoms match up to the ones you described. I was groaning almost the entire time.
Guys. Migraines feel like your eyes were blocked by a wall and something pushes your eyes from The behind. I get them usually 3-6 Times a week
I have chronicle tension headache for almost four years with the prospect of them staying for the rest of my life, yay...
So I can tell you how it is: The first half year or so you go mad not understanding why you are in constant pain. After that comes a tipping point you either stay mad and go down a spiral futher or you catch yourself and try to move on. I barely cought myself but now I'm at a poin where for the most part I can work. But I need up to three days a week to lay down and collect myself or I just do not function as intended.
You "get used" to the pain, but you always have to spend a part of your mental power to ignore the pain, which slows you down and makes you more tired.
I am in a similar place. I have had chronic migraine for 6 years. I haven't been able to keep a job for more than 6months before I get let go for taking too many sick days. The "slow down" you mentioned really resonates with me. I find the frustration with my diminished intelligence one of the hardest parts.
I also have a chronic headache that’s lasted for 7 years, though mine seems to be a mixture of migraine, tension and cluster headaches that don’t seem to follow any rhythm. The fluctuation make it harder to “get used to” the pain.
I’m 16 and have chronic migraines I still have to go to school and deal with the pain sometimes have to leave class to get sick also the school thinks I’m faking and my doctor said there’s really nothing he can do a he beats they’re really not that bad and if I focus I should be able to function like normal
Karen Eikman Get your parents to take you to a different doctor. My doctors thought it was hormones. I nearly died because they were wrong. I'm not saying you're going to die, I'm just trying to illustrate that medicine is a practice, not an exact science. And no one should have to deal with a jerk who minimizes their experience.
Karen Eikman I have had chronic migraines for 6-10 years, and the 10 years before that I got migraines pretty often. After 20 years, I am only now coming to the end of the options for what can be done. You need to change doctors.
As someone who had abdominal migraines (When you throw up every time you get a migraine) as a kid.. i know they are NOT fun. I still get migraines but not as often. The worst migraine I had, I was doing a group project with friends for school, when my head started to hurt. It was the end of the day, when i usually get headaches so I didn't think much of it. Later it progressively got worse, I started to get really hot, and my friend gave me a cold water bottle. Later, my friends were talking about random stuff and mentioned a door bell. I had completely forgotten what a door bell is and was so confused. My friends were laughing since I didn't know what it was and ended up showing me a picture of one on their phone. When the school day ended I was extremely dizzy and kept running into things, and saw multi-colored dots everywhere. When I got home I laid down in a pitch black room since all the lights in the house (even though the lights were all dimmed) were too bright and hurt my eyes. I fell asleep after taking some Advil and listening to the heartbeat in my head. When I woke up, my mom told me she had googled the symptoms of a migraine, And I had ALL of them all at once. I haven't had one THAT bad since then, well, at least not to the point where i have loss of memory. lol.
If you cut your head into two would that be called a splitting headache?
BRAZY 17 at least it will relieve the pressure 😂😂
That would be death😂
That's what my migraine feels like actually
Types of headaches:
Coming 2ⁿᵈ in Fortnite
BeforeYouReadMyUsernameI'll StealYourBagel i came in second the first time i played 😔😩✊
Don't forget about intracranial hypotension.
BeforeYouReadMyUsernameI'll StealYourBagel. I agree with these results, IT TRIGGERS ME SO MUCH xd
You forgot about looking at a fortnite addict
Well I could relate to coming second in fortnite if my parents let my play fortnite but my parents won't let me because my parents wont allow me to download anything on any of my devices with guns. My parents think I shouldn't play it because they think it is super violent, and it is.
I used to get silent migraines a lot, I don't know much about them, only there wasn't much pain, just numbness on my right side, fatigue, everything was too bright and the only thing that helped was cold drinks and just to sleep it off. I'd love a more in depth video explaining them tho! keep up the good work!
Last Pass is years late to the
"Save Password Never"
Could the headless horseman have a HEADache?
Hmm probably not,but we will probably never now....hmmm
I swear you are all stupid. Yes
He can have a headLESSache
Well, since he doesn't have a brain, his body has no where to send pain signals, and he has a lack of a head, meaning no pain sensors there (plus no brain, technically) I do not think he can have a headache.
Maybe phantom pain where the head is supposed to be?
My brother had something called an intractable status migraine, starting when he was a freshmen in high school. Basically it was that he had one singular migraine constantly for years on end. They would spike up or lower in pain (sometimes he'd be in the hospital, sometimes he just had to keep trying). It's been a little over 10 years since it started and it's now to the point that he no longer notices it.
It would be such a headache if that happened
Needs a lot of likes
Sir you just won the comment of the year
man, now everyone in the comments is trying to make puns it's a total headache pun intended
wow did ya know i had a headache yesterday???
omg me to!!! what the heck!!!!!
Same i get them everyday
@@thxrnwxlf5204 lol me too
ye I did, not saying why because I'm good at keeping secrets (I'm a stalker (jk))
you guys have to either see a doctor or drink more water or actually drink water because that's what causes most of my headaches
I have a headache all the time and migraines frequently. I can tell you exactly what it’s like to live with a headache. It increases pain tolerance, forces you to seek stimulants, and makes it hard to drive at night
Who else is having a headache while watching this video?
Souler I am.
Souler. Well, kinda
Me kinda.
Souler me
#Dearblocko if someone die in a livingroom is it still called livingroom?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
If you never woke up are you still alive🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Migraines are the worst!
5th grade was when I had it *EVERYDAY* .
Migraines can’t happen it never happens to me
Rhett B meh too
I don’t even know what a migraine is like, I’ve never had one lol.
That happened to me in 6th grade. Every single day, my head would ache and I even got an MRI for it and they couldn't find any anomalies. Turns out I had very low vitamin D and needed more sleep.
Rhett B, A cup of tae, and YoshiMusic999 are all some of the luckiest people in existence
Life Noggin I have a question...what is the point of living?? Like if he should do it!
The point of living is "Metta Peach Head"
Wtf is that for question lol.. what is the point of living serieus?? Enjoying life buying a big house and a nice car marry a beautifull wife go on vacation with her 3/4 times a year, raise youre kids. I noticed that our generation is really depressing dont know why. I always read comments like this
Sorry .-. Meh brother told meh to say this question T-T
Nature favors mutations that cause a species to reproduce more through natural selection. Since you can't reproduce if your dead, the mutations that gave us self preservation were favored by natural selection. In other words, nature has chosen living so we can have sex.
@Joseph B. Just because something is finite, does not mean that it can't be given meaning to by us. I can see the beauty of swirling nebulae and vast galaxies filled with twinkling stars that fuel my love for astronomy. I can see the beauty and wonder of nature that fuels my love for biology and the outdoors. I can ponder upon the many mysteries of the universe that fuel my love for science in general, but mostly physics. I can see my amazing family, who fill my heart with great joy. I have great friends, family, pets, and interests that all give my life meaning. Of course, I do not believe in some greater meaning to life that everybody has woo. I think we assign our own meaning to life, and nature makes us reproduce the most efficient way that it can make us. You are making the same faulty argument that theists make for an afterlife; "If life isn't infinite, then it is meaningless!". If anything, life's finite nature makes it even more meaningful. "My life is short, so I should enjoy it". Just because your spaghetti dinner didn't last forever, doesn't make it a meaningless meal. It was delicious and satisfied your hunger, that was its meaning. Life can have any meaning you want it to have. Mine is to follow my interests and have fun with my friends and family.
I've had a headache everyday since the summer of 1981. I cannot remember the names of all the medications I've taken over the years; all I know is that nothing helps. Well...sometimes a muscle relaxant might take the edge off a bit but that's about it.
With all the diagnostic tests I've been through (MRIs, CT scans, EEGs, nerve blocks, etc.) as well as acupuncture and physical therapy, etc., I feel like a human guinea pig.
The pain is really hard to describe and some days are nearly unbearable. After dealing with this for so long, my tolerance level for pain is pretty high.
Anyway, I'm going to see yet another neurologist next month. (I've lost count of all the specialists I've seen over the decades.)
Fingers crossed.
perri 6 how did it go
@@veryrareonly4769 The neurologist that I currently see has suggested that I see a _therapist_ .
perri 6 I’ve had what I think is headaches for almost 2 months now , 24/7 have you found a solution or anything that gives you relief
@@drilomac3691 I had an MRI the other day. Everything was fine. I'm thankful for that.
Medicine sometimes takes the edge off. Everyone is different. I hope you find relief soon.
perri 6 it turns out i was producing too much spinal fluid which caused elevated pressure in my head, pseudo tumor cerebri. i’m on medication twice a day now and i feel normal again
I had a legitimate light migraine for about two years. We found out the reason was that I was internally bleeding on a small part of my head, however the crazy thing was that because my nose was constantly bleeding, the blood which was seeping out in my head was then released from my body so there were no blood clots in my brain, that’s how I survived it but I still have anemia to this day.
thank me later: if u have a regular tension headache eat a bunch of almonds (20 or so) and it helps so much. the vitamin E in them helps blood flow and helps the headache. i eat almonds every day just to avoid having a headache and i rarely get them anymore
Thank u for saftey
But I’m allergic
Lizo Sampson The cyanide in 700 almonds wouldn't kill you. The severe constipation would.
im allergic big rip
Can you Make a Video About What happens to your body when when you get bit by a venomous animal
Since I was 15 I've had migraines literally every single day, some days they don't start until a few hours after I've woken up, and some days it's right away. I've been diagnosed with GAD since I was 16 and surprisingly I've never actually heard any of my doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists mention the correlation of the two. I guess TH-cam can be more helpful than a neurologist sometimes
Who else is having a headache rightnow.... :(
(Not because of life noggin...For sure......I
Me 2
Binge 37 life noggin episodes and you'll be fine
What does headache feels like?
I've had a headache for the past 6 and 1/2 yrs, no breaks.
Nope.. worse a stomach ache
I have a headache all of the time, and it varies in severity but for the last 3 years it's been there. It's very severe like a migraine sometimes but migraines are characterised by having a sudden start and since mine is constant, it doesn't count as that. I get cluster headaches too, or something very similar (a severe flashing pop pain in the back of my head). The doctors haven't been able to fix it and while I've been diagnosed with POTS and CFS they haven't found a cause yet.
I feel sorry
My worst headache was when I was twelve I was outside on a really sunny day without my glasses. Going without my glasses will normally give me a tension headache at worst, but because of light sensitive eyes it gave me a cluster headache too. This eventually led to a migraine that lasted from 12:00 to 16:00 when I had to go to bed because I couldn’t handle it anymore.
#dearblocko Is M.A.T.H mental abuse to humans?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
That's deep
edgy teenager
@LogicLike Logic you are wrong he right
@@OfficialMaoZedong does not matter
I have had chronic migraine for about 6-10 years now. On the pain scale, I sit between a 5 (on exceptionally good days) and 10 (on rare occasions). That is pain like most have never experienced. I have PTSD symptoms, and suffer from GAD. I have a severe reaction to light, as well as specific noises (usually anything extreme: very loud, very high, very low Etc). Imagine having brain freeze for every moment of every day. That is about a 6-7 on the pain scale, and where I am most days. Some days it's so bad that I can't get up to use the bathroom. I have thought about ending my life, just to get the pain to stop. If you are curious about what this is actually like, I am open to questions.
as someone who suffers from literal 24/7 headaches, this video made me feel much better about my condition. no matter how many times i''ve seen doctors over the past 6 years, i've never gotten an answer, to the point where i worry my doctors think I'm faking. i'd never known about cluster headaches, and i think that might be the label ive been looking for. thank you
Is it any better?
"To sleeping in a weird position" the picture left me dying 😂😂😂
I used to get really bad migraines almost every other day, but when I'm most stressed I get them anywhere from 1-3 times a day often for weeks. I have medicine that I take twice a day to prevent them and also pills to take when I get a migraine up to two times a day. They have helped me get more control over them and I'm down to 1-3 migraines a week (still a lot, but better), but they don't help much when I'm stressed. I used to struggle with anxiety so I really think that has something to do with it, but I had a lot more tension headaches when I was struggling with it and now it's more migraines. So if you want to know how it feels to have an never ending headache just be me in a stressful periode of my life.
My head hurts too bad to do this comment justice. I'm 35 and as far as I can remember I have never been without a bad headache. Every moment of my life. As if the pain isn't enough, the brain fog that goes with it and keeps me from being able to think clearly and speak logically and concisely is uber frustrating. And then there's the depression and anxiety. I deal with body ache akin to fibro as well. I can't fathom not being in pain. I never tell strangers this or join forums; I'm not interested in pity. But if anyone else can relate, please know that your endurance is admirable and you are a very strong person! Please don't give up. I know how difficult the monotony of pain and depression is. I still hold out hope that I'll find the cause and the solution, even if just to a small degree.
This will be lost in the sea of comments...
Max Yoo not today
Max Yoo wrong
Ill help you,UP
I been countless times.
I see you third
I suffer from Migraines and I'm extremely sensitive to light...when ever I go outside with friends I would start getting a migraine from the heat of the sun... F#cking hurts.
My worst migraine happened when I was just a child. I believe they were stress related (social anxiety probably), as I usually get them during the first day of school. I would become very sensitive to light (to the point that I hated yellow), and I would even vomit.
While I do get migraines as an adult, they are not as bad as before. I realized that they are now more related to any tension or aches I get on my shoulders or neck; the side where my shoulder/ neck is aching would mean that I would get a migraine at that side as well. So a shoulder massage and a paracetamol would usually make it go away.
There’s a little of video on your ad...
decoder55killer 😂😂😂 that ad was like 2 hours long 😂😂😂
0:16: Headaches can be a true pain in the noggin. (AAYYYYYYYYEEEE GOTTEM)
Back when I was medicated for my ADD, one of the side effects of coming down from my ADD medication was a bad headache, to the point where it was routine for me to ask to go to the nurse for a painkiller during the last period of the day. In many cases, the headache would still last until I went to bed that night. One of many reasons I'm currently not medicated anymore.
I've also found that I get pretty bad headaches if I don't keep hydrated enough throughout the day.
What causes us to be light headed? Cause i get light headed for a few seconds and feel like im just about to drop.
sudden drop in blood pressure/sugar
If its when you stand up, it’s probably bc your blood pressure is low and cant deal with the sudden change in pressure in various places. That’s what happens to me frequently--the edges of my vision get dark (sometimes as good as blinding me) and my head feels odd.
What's your age? Above 40-50?
@@rohanshinde4327 if you look at his profile picture you can guarantee he is under 18.
when you get up and all of a sudden you go blind and can’t stand up straight so you have to fall back onto the couch again and wait for it to pass.
3 Months, and those where the three most terrible of my life. It was clearly stress because of a study switch I made...
i occasionally get these severe head pains that feel like my brain is quite literally bleeding. i went to a doctor and asked what was happening and he said it was a migraine. i have never heard about migraines causing pains at the back/base of your head where it feels like there is internal bleeding. honestly, they’re terrifying. i dont get them much anymore, but sometimes if i turn my head or move my head suddenly, the pain comes back immediately but only lasts for a few seconds. i honestly have no idea whats going on.
Is it weird that I never had a whole head headache? Mine is only at a small part of the head (normally the right side above my brow) and it feels like someone is pushing from inside my brain. Normally I can function okay and it lasts a couple hours, but sometimes it hurts so much I start crying and you can't think of anything except the pain
Hmmm... sounds kinda like a cluster... might wanna get it checked tho, cause it could be something else.. if ur able to function properly then I doubt that, but u never know
who else is watching this with a headache/migraine?
I am
9 months in the future
Laxer Boii99 m.th-cam.com/video/4YdyIHWXFEg/w-d-xo.html
Me :(
me, and it's darn painful!
I have had hemiplegic migraines that are scary as hell! I lost feeling in my left arm and leg and hit the deck a number of times. That along with a stutter, mental confusion and intense head pain some of the worst migraines I’ve ever had.
would you like to get rid of it? take a look at migraine patients feedback at my channel
I once had what I think was a cluster headache for about 3 days, and it was this pulsing pain behind my right eye and on the side of my head. I was literally so close to gouging my eyeball out to try and relieve the pain. And I was punching the side of my head to try and distract myself from the pain. I couldn't concentrate on anything. But normally if I do get a headache it's like that and only lasts about a day. Also I never had a headache before my 11th birthday and I thought people were just making it up.
i hate headaches. :(
Same and I just got a headaches in my eyes
And then the next stage is I'm gonna puke
@@higanhanaschannel4889 you probably have migraine.
Headaches are nothing compared to THE DEMONIC TOOTHACHES!!!!!!!!!!!
haha toothaches are the worst too. i have braces and when they get tightened or anything they hurt anywhere from a few days to a week
I don't know but I have had some pretty painful ones!
The longest migraine I have had was about 3 days.
I have them quite often actually.
I have cluster headache and migranes that last up to 7 days at a time
Yeah same here
Chrls that must be a hell to live, sorry for you :/
yep went to 3 diffrent doctors before i found out i was having cluster headaches. I havent had one in a couple of years but shit it felt like someone was stabing me from behind my eyes.
I'm going to watch 36 more episodes of Life Noggin haha
A note for people who have gone to the doctor for chronic migraines in the past: I had daily migraines for a couple years(to the point that I would pass out if it was too loud or too bright), but it turned out I had a barely noticable problem with my vision(my eyes over-focus whenever I look at anything), after bouncing between radiologists, getting MRIs, getting shrinked, and even getting my jaw alignment looked at, I finally went to the optometrist(I never had a doctor or anyone suggest this to me and my fist migraine started with me waking up screaming in pain at 2 in the morning) and they found that my eyes over worked themselves. They gave me a prescription and I got glasses and, as long as I wear them for 95% of my waking time, my headaches stay, well headaches and not migraines(still get occasional migraines and a few headaches a week, but nothing in comparison to what it was). Really, I'm just trying to say, get your eyes checked THOROUGHLY.
I once was crying and felt a stabbing pain in my head, which made me cry even more which made the pain worsen and the cycle went on for a few minutes until i tried to stop crying and thats when it went away, i think it happened like 2 times that week...
That sounds awful. My only advice is hide in a dark room, put your fave show on, but only listen (mine is star trek, but something you'vee watched a few times and therefore dont have to watch, maybe friends, or futurama or the like) and try to fade out a bit.
I've had exactly what you described, non-stop, for 12 years now.
I'm very unhappy.
Decoy Candy thanks for the tips
Calvin Lee that’s sad, i hope it gets better. Its something i never wanna experience again.
Aestheticalyy - Thanks. Weirdly, like a day after posting that comment, I got a call telling me that, on my last blood test, I tested positive for something called hyperparathyroidism. Long story short, I might have cancer, but there's also a chance they can finally treat me and get rid of my migraine once and for all. It's pretty crazy to think about actually getting better after being in pain for so long.
Gosh....I usually have a headache during Monday. I have no idea why!!! It's so annoying especially when I tried to learn at school. It's only on Monday for some reason and I sleep around 8 to 9 PM. I have no idea why this keep happening, never experience it during holiday. Maybe I'm too stress
Thanos yes, it’s probably that your stressed for the week ahead and like, who likes mondays in the first place😅
You're probably stressed out. Going for a walk, taking a nap or listening to music should help.
@@juicemight1259 I usually take a walk everyday and I'm addicted to listening to music. I don't take a nap after school ends because if I do, it would be very hard for me to sleep during my bedtime. Although the headache I have on Monday don't happen right away, it's usually start occurring in the early afternoon like 12PM
@@KendraleeMendoza Well...other than Friday and weekend. Monday is my favourite day because of my timetable that collab all of my favourite subject. That's why I find it annoying because I want to study and I just can't
I believe you be experiencing headaches as you're virgin ass be play FORTNITE
My mom used to have a job at a law firm that stressed her out a lot. When couldn't sleep, she has migrates all the time and was unpleasant, then she moved to a different firm.
Dear Blocko!
I have a question to you. What would happen if everyone I mean everyone on Earth was rich? Life would be easier for us but is it really real? What would happen with our economy system? What would happen to the prices in stores like bananas? Will it get higher and how much higher?
From: Crazytrain2015
Do you mean what would happen if everyone on Earth was able to live comfortably?
If everyone was rich then no one would be rich since being rich would be considered average. In order for someone to be rich, you would need someone that is more poor than them in order to be considered richer. As for the price of items, they would rise to a level that is proportional to how much money the average person has. If milk is $3 right now and everyone on Earth became a millionaire, the price of milk would rise to be a couple thousand dollars.
you've asked what would happen if socialism was implemented properly and, if everyone was rich, then no one would be rich because, assuming you are defining rich as having a lot of money, inflation would take the value of money way down.
SM Vermeulen I agree with the part about inflation taking the value of money down but you're wrong about socialism part.
Socialism isn't about making everyone rich, it's about resources like water and land being owned by a general community rather than a private individual or company. Inflation doesn't really have anything to do with Socialism, it just has to do with terrible money handling.
That is a very complicated question to answer; there are a lot of factors, like how much the supply of bananas is limited by the amount of money the banana producer has, how much it is limited by how many people are willing to work at making bananas, how much it is limited by the resources available on Earth and so on; additionally, if the "everyone is rich" is a one-time event and not a continuously sustained condition, there will be a lot of people that won't stay rich very long, it's very common for lottery winners to end up in debt because they're not used to having so much money and end up spending more than they really can, so some of those factors might actually change over time.
If your definition of "rich", is a magical "you always have enough money for anything", then I guess there would be a dip in living conditions after the initial improvements as society is not yet prepared for not having people desperate enough to do dirty jobs to have minimum amount of money to stay alive, and similarly, it is not yet prepared to provide enough products and resources for every single individual; but if that dip doesn't go deep enough for civilization to crumble, I expect that in a decade or so people would've gotten used to the new conditions enough for there to be big enough percentage of people working on making things better for everyone simply because they enjoy making things better, and after a while the world would be getting closer and closer to being a paradise. But again, that is assuming that there is such a thing as enough money for anything; which is a bit unrealistic even if you ignore the workforce issue, as we only get so much sunlight every day, we only got so much surface area on the planet and so on; at some point, the laws of physics start playing a major role in the dynamics of the economy; we might end up having to switch from Dollars to Watts or something of the sort, and without some sort of astronomical paradigm shift in our understanding of the laws of physics, we won't have much choice on what is the total amount of "credits" humanity has to divide evenly with every individual, there will be some limit on how "rich" we can make everyone.
Overall, to answer this, you would need books, plural, not something that can be answered in an afternoon with a TH-cam comment.
*_Hey There, Welcome To Life Noggin._*
*Oh wow*
I had a weird sort of headache that lasted about 3 years. The pain wasn’t horrendous most of the time, but sometimes it was so bad I couldn’t function. Eventually after realizing other people don’t experience this I told my doctor and now I have to get an mri so great
I have a light headache every second of the day I've had it sinse last year.. is that bad?
I've had that for a few years now. Turns out I have mental problems. Go to your doctor.
0:03 earrape rip in peace headphone users.
Also, never ending headaches would be pure torture.
You- you just said “rest in peace in peace”
I'm lucky I never had a migraine
Right pure torture
I get migraines twice a month. I think it's hormonal, but I haven't really narrowed it down yet. The symptoms leading up to the migraine are disorientation, clumsiness, a general feeling of doom. During the migraine, it's severe pain, nausea, sensitivity to any sensorial stimulation (light, sound, touch), and extreme fatigue. After the migraine I have pretty sever aphasia (can't think of words) and generally muddy focus that lasts for 24-48 hours.
Wow this is crazy, I was watching other videos when someone mentioned that Life Noggin put out a video about if someone had a permanent headache, and I had to see if you got it right. Kinda disappointing you didn't explicitly say what would happen, you implied they would have anxiety? But as someone who has a permanent migraine (and no GAD), I can share what my life with it has been. It started on August 14th 2013 from a football accident because my helmet wasn't inflated properly and I didn't know how they were supposed to feel like, so I kept playing with it, for the whole season. Last month marked the 5th anniversary of my migraine, and it definitely gets manageable, I missed 25% of high school because of it, but haven't missed any college. I know exactly how my head will react to things and can act accordingly and it is so second nature at this point that it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything different. Strobe lights are a big fight for me, but they rarely come up.
The only think I would say separates a permanent headache from a regular one is something my doctor said to me once, "Chronic pain has a way of making itself heard." I chose to stop wasting away in my room like I did in high school and ignore the pain, and I've gotten very good at it, but pain that doesn't get managed will manifest itself in other ways. Like the first year after high school my doctor told me my liver started failing, a few months later I started getting this weird thing where my body would start shutting down if the pain got too intense (about 4 times a year, no need for a hospital with this, just my muscles lock up and acting like im drunk/dry heaving before reaching that point), a recently permanently swollen gland on my neck, and a few minor things.
I had the same thought, but was sorely disappointed. Nothing talked about the repercussions of living with eternal chronic pain.
Mine has been going since November of 2006 when I slipped on some slushy mud and hit my head. I had doctors tell me it was depression, that it was anxiety, even some say it was my weight. But none have found a permanent cure. I did get a break from it when my gal bladder ruptured and I was hopped up on surgical grade anesthesia, so that was nice for a few hours.
Eventually you kind of get used to it, and start going about your life. People start to forget that you have constant pain, and are taken aback when you have to tell them you just don't have the energy to do certain things because you don't look like there's anything wrong with you. Moving around, going to work, doing housework all burn an ungodly amount of energy, (but sadly not so many extra calories as my waistline can attest) and I find myself often just not able to do much of anything once the weekend hits.
Preach. Most doctors don't know how to handle something modern medicine doesn't understand, so they grasp at straws like depression or, in my case, hormones. I've had a few rare doctors who are willing to say, "We don't know why this is happening," and just treat the pain with every tool in their kit. Once you get past the initial terror and know that it isn't, in fact, (another) tumor, that's all you can do. Unfortunately, it has taken a long time for doctors to realize that they can't just throw medications at the problem and walk away; it has to be a multi-faceted approach and it requires the doctor actually engage with the patient to discover what will work for them.
I feel you... Recently I just figured out what was causing my chronic tension headache for 4 years. Turned out to be Lyme disease causing serious inflammation in the lining of my brain. Was about to go into my junior year of highschool and had to drop everything. Spent years bouncing around from doctor to doctor, a few times Lyme was "ruled out" and no drugs seemed to be effective. Finally, at Envita Medical Center in Scottsdale Arizona a doctor was able to treat me with agressive iv antibiotics as the main treatment. The thing that actually ended up breaking the headache was a treatment about halfway through where I got an iv of some medication... Can't remember what it was called, but I was in the same state of people who get their wisdom teeth out. Honestly, during that time it was all I could do not to lose it from the intense treatment, so I remember very little. I went through a lot trying to find my cure, but in the end it worked out. I dunno if you have the same cause as me, but I hope you can find a way out. God bless
Im diagnosed with severe migraines and usually get them like 5 times a month. And it is wayyyyyy worse than headaches.
Did it feel like you were getting stabbed with an icepick jamming into your eye socket and penetrating your brain to the other side? Mine are usually like that.
@@TeaBurn sometimes i feel like my eyes are throbbing and somebody just smashing my head with a bat the whole time
I feel bad😥
I'm also diagnose with severe migraines, I get them more than 14 times a month, and it's so so painful, i feel u
@@TeaBurn mine is
Feeling like someone is gouching my eyeball
And after that vomited twice in school at the comfort room
My dad clinically has this because he has chronic fatigue. He's pretty much gotten used to it but it sometimes spikes or he gets another headache on top of that... That's when he needs alone time
That would just be horrible..I really dont like headaches..
DIY and Games! Me too
I've had a headache constantly for almost two years. It's incredibly mild most of the time, and doesn't really bother me. When it flares, I feel mild discomfort since I'm so used to it. I spend a lot of time on my computer, which no doubt worsens it. It's not too bad, but it can be distracting or annoying at work or school, or when I attempt to sleep.
When my headache flares it ranges through several "stages"
A. Mild. This is not too bad. It feels like a mild throb, but more consistent. Like if you were underwater too long.
B. Light Headache. This is basically a throbbing feeling and the most discomfort without pain. This is when I get most flares.
C. Moderate. This is slight pain and throbbing. My neck gets stiff.
D. Stabbing. This is a sharp and blunt pain. It occurs for only seconds or minutes at a time. Typically 20 times an hour with a light headache.
E. Severe. I literally feel like somebody is shoving a knife through one or both of my ears. There is intense throbbing and sharp pain, and this lasts an hour or two.
F. Migraine. This is like a migraine.
G. Insane. This is pretty much a migraine, but ten times more painful and sometimes lasts weeks on end.
Life Noggin, I’ve been in a less concerning situation with migraine headaches and once I had nausea, paralysis, and vomit. It was terrible.
I would probably start a new life.
I would probably kill me self.
Don't kill "you" self
Do u make animations Artisteroon?
Blocko I Love you and triangleBob ❤️💕❤️
I hope you mean like a friend
Kathie Stevenson-Dickson yes
Arent u the one that wanted to hug elon musk?
JMi ????? Confused 🤷♂️
The part were it said "I KNOW EVERTTHING" made me laugh so hard i felt like i had a sour throught
So,Blocko!Its 2019,have you finished that dog talking machine?
I just got a headache...
Yeah it's like someone talking about itching...I always itch...damn, now I'm itching....!
Aspect Science thank you now I’m itching
When I was young, I had a cluster headache that lasted for years... it was so painful to the point I sometimes hit my head on a hard surface to battle the pain.
i have headache right now!
You shouldn't really be on technology if you have a headache. It makes it worse.
Same :/
I dont have a shit grammar right now
You can answer this question if you have siblings
cant relate I am the only child
@@cuishanwu5 Funnily enough I also am an only child
@@LeoAnnastasia YES
I had a week of debilitating migraines that culminated in a trans-ischemic stroke. Worse pain I’ve ever been in, and I’m still dealing with the effects 7 years later.
When i play soccer and basketball for to long my head feels like there is alot of wind inside which makes me weak and dizzy... Y THO
I usually have migraines at least once a month. They are relatively short (a few hours) but are extremely painful - to the point where I have to stop everything I'm doing and lie down in a dark room until it's over. However, when I don't get migraines I get headaches very frequently but I just take paracetamol or put up with them.
I find it really weird though because i don't have depression and never really get anxious...
same but i also have to find somewhere cool or at the very least get and ice pack
@@TheHaviocdarkmoon maybe I'll try that next time! 🤔
@@Snowmeus I'm just unlucky 😔
@bennyota Yeah I went to the doctors a while back and it's either citric acid or caffeine. I feel bad for your brother though... I don't think I could live without gluten products!
@bennyota Man that sucks. I do try to but it's actually pretty hard.. especially when you go out to eat 😕
I was diagnosed with daily chronic migraines and headaches in my mid teens but they started when I was 14, I'm 25 now and they have only gotten worse over the years. I usually have tension headaches/migraines where it's horrible pain in my temples, behind my eyes and I get really bad light sensitivity. I think the worst one I had was a year or 2 ago when (no joke) I lived in a blanket nest on my bathroom floor where I was in complete darkness and was throwing up from the pain for 2.5 weeks straight. It was absolute hell and after seeing 7 different neurologists over the years they still have no idea why or how to make it better as no medication has ever helped
I think so
I got a migraine from watching this video I’m not lying
About one or two times a year, I get this horrible, HORRIBLE time when my head hurts if I walk around. It generally starts in the morning or at noon, and lasts around two days, ending at noon, or the next morning. It's hurts allot, I don't know what it is, but this episode got me thinking it could be a migraine.
If it never lasts id be happy because i would never go to school
Never lasts? So it always ends?
+The Ender Golem Top 10 questions scientists still cant answer.