I know the Vxx is a volume mode, so it has 32-step/6-bit volume control. When the channel reaches the highest volume, I see a deformation on the wave due to the overflow. And =xx also featured in Persune's new Dn-FamiTracker?. I was interested. Is =xx is the length counter index or whatever?. Btw the volume mode I rarely use it on my VRC6 covers. And how long I was banned at CC or FT?.
How do you feel about all these furnance noobies using a million sound chips to produce gargabe? I'm sure you've already seen this with 0cc and other multichip famitrcker programs.
All newcomers have to produce at least a few trash songs when they're starting out - that's how we learn how to be not-trash in the long run. Eventually, they'll either realize the diminishing returns of extra expansion chips or just figure out how to get better at multichip writing, so I don't see much value in cutting saplings down before they've flowered.
I now see why the fam has been busy. Big props for not letting the channel die ~~again~~
Cool video! Helpful and simple
Great video, I learned some new stuff and especially the sawtooth volume bit surprised me!
Sorry I caused you to reupload :P
Thanks for the tutorial! I'm a big fan of your videos. Should we be using Dn-Famitracjer now?
It can't hurt! I'm sticking with j0CC for the rest of this series, but everything I say in my videos should still be applicable to Dn.
I know the Vxx is a volume mode, so it has 32-step/6-bit volume control. When the channel reaches the highest volume, I see a deformation on the wave due to the overflow. And =xx also featured in Persune's new Dn-FamiTracker?. I was interested. Is =xx is the length counter index or whatever?. Btw the volume mode I rarely use it on my VRC6 covers. And how long I was banned at CC or FT?.
I cannot BELIEVE i didn’t know about the 64-bit sawtooth volume. I’ve been using 1 0 pulse waves forever
see the light
I dont know what to say here except Cool vid
Cool vid
deja vu
ive just been in this vid before
How do you feel about all these furnance noobies using a million sound chips to produce gargabe? I'm sure you've already seen this with 0cc and other multichip famitrcker programs.
All newcomers have to produce at least a few trash songs when they're starting out - that's how we learn how to be not-trash in the long run. Eventually, they'll either realize the diminishing returns of extra expansion chips or just figure out how to get better at multichip writing, so I don't see much value in cutting saplings down before they've flowered.