Story 4. A cousin of mine wouldn't correct her children at all and wore it like a badge, her husband got tired of her entitlement and filed for divorce, he was the only disciplinarian. She was pushing for full custody with him just getting every other weekend with no holidays, it seemed like she was going to get her way until she bragged to the judge she doesn't believe in correcting the children because it stifles their creativity but their father "talks to them like they are dumb and tells them stupid stuff like we need to make better choices". The judge said by her own words she thinks children should run wild but the father corrects them in an appropriate manner, he awarded full custody to the father and she's doing parenting classes. You can lose custody for not correcting children.
Fantastic Judge. I wouldn’t give her any unsupervised visitation at all. No, she didn’t molest them, but by letting them do anything that comes into their minds, that’s truly dangerous to themselves and others.
"Who in their right mind...." That's just it, Karen is not in her right mind. Glad they are paying, but the value of the table is greatly reduced. I'd permanently ban Karen and her kid. Never allowed back! As a kid, I knew better, my sister and I were raised better.
@@lancerevell5979it's not about value, it's broken, it can _never_ be fixed, just like you can't glue a broken eggshell, you can't glue broken marble, it'll remain broken for the rest of eternity even if you fix the legs. And every time they see that crack they'll remember it. It'll remain stained, forever.
What I want to know is what mom said after Karen said "no I didn't tell them not why would I?" From the way it's written you'd think those were the last words spoken the everyone else returned as her sentence finished, even if that's actually how things happened, anyone with a backbone would've replied to the "why would I?"
@@lXlDarKSuoLlXl Well, you can glue marble (think about the marble and granite kitchen counter tops that are all the rage these days, If a counter top is other that just a straight run, there will be a seam or seams that will be glued.) But, in the case of the antique marble topped table,. maybe it can be mended/repaired, but it will never be the same as before it was destroyed.
Seriously. No wonder why the kids were thrown on OP instead of a sitter. Every sitter in the area has probably blacklisted them. Like smearing PAINT on the curtains and walls??? Absolutely feral behavior!
If my kid breaks someone else’s stuff thats my responsibility no matter who was watching them. The entitlement is above the moon. If I wouldn’t had knocked up my wife to have kids they wouldn’t exist. So its my responsibility.
Story 5: Let me get this right: Sister dumps her kids on your parents, then parents casually go out, leaving the kids on their own, expecting you to magically know that you are the default babysitter? Whomever was responsible for those children (Sister if she casually dropped them off without telling your parents that they are the designated babysitters) or your parents (supposed to be babysitting but decided to pull a fast one and not tell you) are the very ones who need to pay for the damages. This in no way should fall on your shoulders and come out of your pocket. Suggestion for next time: when sister brings the kids over, find a fast exit to library or friend's house, and let them know later that you went out.
Last story. We’ve all been through these before to know what would’ve happened had op done anything to discipline those brats. The sister would’ve karened up and yelled no one but her can discipline her kids. And given how op’s parents ditched the kids, they would’ve taken the visiting daughter’s side. From how op acted, she’s probably had these brats dumped on her before and resents it. Plus, she was studying. She wasn’t just binge watching shows or gaming. Schoolwork is her job, whereas the rest of them were going out to have a good time. And what grandparents don’t want to spend time with their visiting grandchildren? Really? OP behaving the way she did and her parents saying she should pay for the kids’ damages instead of the kids’ parents show they have been showing favoritism to op’s sister and op has had enough.
I was a single mom, dirt poor, and at one point, had 4 kids in diapers all at once. When my oldest was around 4 or 5, he opened his car door and hit another parked car. I begged the lady to not claim it through insurance cause I was already young and a newer driver, and lived in a "bad" area. so high insurance rates that I couldn't afford to have go up even more. I apologised my butt off, my son apologised, and she agreed. She even shopped around and found the best price to get it fixed, and I only had to pay about $180.00, which she graciously allowed me to pay in instalments, cause that was a LOT of money for me at the time, and I don't know how I would have managed if she hadn't been so nice about it. Yes, being a mom is hard, and kids sometimes do things that get us in hot water and/or cost money that we don't have. It's part of being a parent. No one forced me to have kids and/or keep them. That was MY choice, and my choice is not the responsibility of random other people. My youngest is 30 now, I have 4 grandkids too, and I would STILL have their ass in a sling if any of my kids (or grandlings) pulled some crap like that.
As a parent myself, you absolutely find someone to watch your kids or grandkids. And you make sure that they know and accept to watch the kids. Before going out because technically, OP could have left the house and completely left the kids alone, being they weren't asked to watch them. Good on OP for not leaving them but giving their mom and dad and possibly the kids mom a wake up call.
Story 4 - I agree, my heart goes out to OP’s mom for the destruction of the antique table. But honestly after Karen’s little monster destroyed something the last time they visited and Karen didn’t even apologize, there’s no way in Hell they should’ve been invited back.
I didn't even get to the end of that story before my reaction was "what did you think was going to happen?" I'm just surprised that the table was the only victim, with all the antiques that OP talked about his mom collecting. And there is no way that table is going to be "restored". The marble top is cracked in half and OP was describing splinters littering the floor.
I would not have hosted them in my home in the first place. I would have been inclined to take them out to dinner and let the parents supervise their hellions, or not, and let THEM deal with the restaurant staff and management if anything happened.
@@tinydancer7426I wouldn't even want to be seen in public with them. The only place you might be able to take them would be Chucky Cheese. At least there they can run around and not be 'bored". Anywhere else I'm not going to be embarrased and possibly asked to leave a restaurant because she refuses to teach her children manners.
@@robingibson6561 Easy protection there would be to meet them there and the tell the wait staff "separate checks', that way if there is any mention of "ya'll are gonna have to leave because of the children", I'd tell'em "they ain't my kids, they can leave, but I am gonna stay and finish my meal. Ya'll got another table we can sit at?" And then hint there'll be a nice tip to let us stay .... us being not them ant the kids, just US TWO.
That dad has some major insecurities about _himself_ if he's that desperate for his son to win. The irony is that he's actually setting him up for failure, not only because his stunts got his son disqualified, but he can't test his skill in a fair match to see where he needs to improve. Major respect to the son for having far greater sportsmanship than his scummy dad.
Last story, NTA because the kids were just dumped on her because she's the youngest. "Oh you'd understand if you had kids" which is likely one of the arguments used by her sister who also doesn't know how to teach her kids basic respect. The parents also suck because they assumed they could just dump their responsibilities on OP because the sister asked the parents, not OP, to watch her crotchfruit
I would have up-ticked your reply...except for that rude terminology you used for kids. That is just as disrespectful to women and kids as the "c" word is.
This is aita, not am i technically/legally wrong. You don't get to stand back and literally laugh while your own family cause hundreds of dollars worth of damage to the property of the people who house you, and claim innocence. Oop is a grown adult. She didn't need to be told to maintain order. Her parents likely believed their mature daughter, that they're doing a huge favor in continuing to support, would do them the minor favor of watching her own niece/nephews for a short time. Besides which, they're just as much her family as theirs. And as a responsible adult, shouldn't need to be explicitly instructed not to let them break the tv. Her parents were minorly negligent but oop was knowingly and maliciously negligent. The sister should share costs on the grounds that they are hers, but she actually played no part in this circumstance. Oop made a conscious decision to disrespect her parents and their belongings. She is ta.
@@blender4464no. The parents agreed to watch the kids. They never asked OP to do it. Just assuming is a weak excuse. Ultimately it’s the parents fault for not upholding their agreement to watch the kids. On top of that, kids that cause that level of damage would be known to be destructive before so leaving them without clear supervision is stupid.
"Not sure a judge will take "I have a kid" as a valid legal defense" i'd argue that any judge that does take that as a valid legal defense is guilty of perjury, or other crimes that involve making incorrect judgements for the interest of something other than the law.
Sadly there was a judge that ruled in favor of a spoiled rich kid whose drunk driving caused multiple deaths and injuries because his lawyer claimed the kid shouldn't be held responsible for his actions because he was suffering from a mental disorder of not ever being held responsible for his actions. I think the kids last name was Couch or something like that. Look it up, its a crazy story and even more nutzo than my brief about it.
@@meh2510That sounds like the "affluenza" case. Sadly, it worked and the kid went on to break the conditions of his probation before finally getting a judicial spanking of sorts.
@@tmntfangirl4700 I really hope the kid is alright after this. I have seen bad things happening to kids who defy their parents' sabotage, like child abuse and refusal to fund for the thing the kid was actually good at. In such situations, I have managed to call out such parents and shamed them constantly through my mom and other family members by constantly reminding them about such events. Guess which parents are now abandoned by their kids...
I get the strong feeling this isn't even the first time the kid had to apologize and pay penance for his father's jackassery, too. The kid didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt.
That last story, I'm voting OP is NTA. Sister is apparently not teaching her kids manners, but the parents were the ones to agree to watch these kids and left lol. OP made sure the kids weren't hurting themselves which was very good of them, but otherwise did not agree to give 2 poops about these kids. The parents failed here.
Story 3, that kid has integrity that makes him a good person. It sucks that his dad acted that way. Who knows the kid could have made a comeback. Either way my hat is off to the kid for doing the right thing
This is a MUCH more basic lesson than "respect others", it's simply "respect". If you have no respect for yourself or your belongings or your heritage, you will have a very hard time respecting anyone or anything else. Some people think only money deserves respect, others think only history deserve respect, but at the end of the day I BELIEVE that if it is not yours, do NOT damage it! Elder, adult, child, infant... if it isn't yours, do NO HARM!
Yeah, grandparents offer to babysit THEN just walk out leaving the kids behind? They don't even bother to ASK if OP can watch the kids? That's outrageous and dangerous.
And OPdid check on them at one point but that was before the major damage was done. The parents were the ones who should pay since they left OP without even asking her to watch the kids they were tasked with watching. If they had plans to go out even before the sister showed up with the kids, they should have told her "Not tonight, honey. Everyone has other plans. You should have called earlier"
The last story: NTA. No one asked op to babysit and just assumed that she wouldn’t have a problem watching her nieces or nephews. That was their mistake not hers. Especially since there was no mention of payment for babysitting. So now the all the adults responsible for the kids can pay to have everything replaced. The parents of the children need to include discipline as part of their child rearing responsibilities.
Agreed. I do think OP should have at least tried to be more attentive regardless. But looking after kids isn't something just anyone and everyone can do, and as someone who doesn't like kids they were not the right person for the job. They're not ready to babysit well behaved kids, let alone destructive ones like that. 8 and 6 is not too young to have been taught boundaries and basic right from wrong, so the sister and her husband are way too lax. But then when you look at how OP's parents just dumped their agreed-upon responsibility onto their kid, just so they could have THEIR preferred evening, it's the Circle of Bad Parenting.
I think the OP is at least partially the TA. He could have at least made an effort to watch them. Most people would. And when he heard the noise and crashes, who doesn't go look. When he saw the damage, he LAUGHED?? Definitely AN AH, if not the only one.
@@kimmccarthy7747Why should he have watched them. I'm sure everyone would have been aware he dislikes kids, and no-one asked if he would babysit. Bad parenting and grandparenting does not mean op should have watched them. And no, "normal" people do NOT just take over looking after your brats if you just leave them somewhere.
Story 4 I am reminded fondly of a dresser I used as a child that I still use today, 50 years later. It even still has the remnants of a Six Million Dollar Man sticker on it. Every time I open a drawer and let go, the "tink tink tink" of the swinging handle bit still takes me back. Besides a dresser, the back of it also served as a "wall" for the foot of the bed I used when I first started living independently in my own apartment. Helped make a great bed nook.
Story 2: You flood it, you pay for it. This dude flooded a whole section of a building while drunk and thought that he could just get away with it because he made a truck-ton of money. Hope he paid for all of it, or maybe he was stubborn enough to sue and end up losing everything because he had no legs to stand on
Dude is lucky he didn't drown in the tub when he passed out. He needs to pay idiot tax to fix everything he damaged. As soon as I was a teen my parents started paying me allowance and at that point punishment for breaking stuff went from being grounded with no tv/games to paying to replace the broken thing with the same thing or at least the value of it. Sometimes the things you break is a one of a kind ceramic your sister made. Even if you break something accidentally you need to pay to replace it. When I accidentally broke my sister's hand made ceramic Me and her agreed I'd pay for us to take a ceramic class that was taking place at a local craft store it was a one hour class that taught us the basics of making a figurine out of clay and ended with us making out own creation. It was a very eye opening experience and taught me how much thought and effort went into making ceramics. We ended up revisiting that class (paying out own way on repeat visits) a few times that summer. Those memories were so worth both the accidental breaking and paying for and participating in that class. We ended up making each other ceramic that we each have to this day. I made her a howling wolf mug for her coffee and she made me a dragon incense burner for my incense
In the last story, NTA it reminded me of my sister, who has a common habit of doing that, leaving her kids not telling anyone that they are defult babysister and disappearing for hours sometimes days, then getting pissed if I or whoever else didn't watch them. What OP did was petty, but still, I kinda understand where they're coming from. It's stressful watching kids who aren't yours, without a moments notice. These kids dont seem to be the type to listen to OP either. So they were already put in a lose-lose scenerio, watch the kids miss out on studying still be lecutred for not watching the kids "properly" or ignore them because there was no consent from OP that they would watch them which is 100% required otherwise it falls under child abandonment. OP made a point to check if they had gotten injured, so their well-being did supercede being petty. What OP parents did is considered illegal "child abandonment," and because I got fed up with my sister, bs just called it in as child abandonment because that's exactly what it is. Its a manipulative tactic to try to force someone into doing the task of watching the kids because they already know they won't do it. That's why OPs parents said nothing. They knew OP wouldn't watch them given the choice. Frankly, where the damage is concerned, I think the kids need to pay it personally ik theyre probably young or whatever, but having their mom or aunt/uncle bail them out is definitely not the right play here. Mom and dad needs to pay for it because they are their kids, the kids need to learn the consequences of their actions, and OP parents need to learn the concept of consent because OP could've easily called and said the kids were abandoned which would've been a different can a worms.
If the kid had broken something like that in my house that family would NEVER be invited back to my house AND they would have replaced that table PERIOD!
I’ve raised/am raising 5 kids. Not once have I ever expected to be excused for bad behaviour because I have kids. I have once had an accident because one of the kids shouted as we approached a roundabout and I looked away long enough to bump the car infront going about 3mph. I got out along with a couple in their 60s, said sorry and then embarrassingly burst into tears. The woman hugged me while the man reassured my kids that mummy was just upset. They were the loveliest people I could have ever have bumped into and wouldn’t even take payment for the scratch to their bumper. Even then it’s not an excuse as I allowed myself to be distracted, but in my defence I only passed my test the month before and in the 16 years since I’ve never had another accident.
Story 5: Absolutely MTA! If she was supposed to watch the kids, she should have been asked and compensated to watch the damn kids. She's an adult human being and NOT a free babysitting servobot.
@@hrobinson9701Oh I didn't hear that you left, or the kidnado that went through the house because I was listening to study music on my noise canceling headphones and was hyper focused on MY SCHOOLWORK. Guess you shouldn't have left them alone without clearly informing me and getting a clear affirmation from me that I would watch them. There's a saying about people and making assumptions. If you assume something you make an ass out of you and me. ESH(Shouldn't HAVE to reign in the kidnado, but probably would have been prudent).
@@kuroiflyerneko YES!! I was thinking the same. But in OP's defense, many of us only come up with perfect excuses like that hours after getting in trouble.
This exactly. When you read so many entitled parent stories it's so easy to become jaded. Kids of EPs that actually call out their parents or in laws that actually call out their kids/siblings for being bad spouses just give me a nice big helping of faith in humanity to read/hear about.
The kid is probably tired of his dad's BS, he seems like he wants to hone his skills. Like if he won then yah but if he lost then that's okay because he probably would work on his game
The son in story 3 is going to go FAR in life. That kind or respect and understanding of life at that age is Invaluable to have and I hope he continues on his path. The dad will likely be cut off as soon as the son is old enough and if he isn't it will be because his son pities him but I feel that will be a No Contact relationship. I also really hope OP runs into the son again. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a healthy competition between them.
Story 1: I had the opposite situation happen once. I pulled into work and parked. Next to me, there was a guy putting a tarp over his windshield (ice was in the forecast), and was using his doors to keep it in place. His passenger side door was cracked open, and a huge gust of when came by, blowing it open, and it hit my door pretty hard, leaving a decent sized dent. He apologized like crazy while I was telling him it was the wind, not really him, so don't worry about it. Later that day, he somehow found out who I was and where my desk was, came by, gave me a check for $100 to fix it, and told me to let him know if that wasn't enough. Again, I told him not to worry about it, but he insisted. Think it was around $80 to get my car fixed, which I told him (I still had his check and didn't cash it yet), and he told me to keep it and take the extra $20 "for the trouble". Super nice guy.
Who the hell just sits back and allows their 'hellians' to destroy their friends' home/possessions or anyone's house for that matter. At least the husband/father doesn't coddle his childrens when they damage someone else property and assumes responsibility. But I have to blame OP's Mom too. She knew these kids have no home training and that Karen can't be bothered to teach her kids how to act in someone's home. LC/NC was the best decision. Karen has no respect for OP's Mom so its best to put distance between them.
Story 3: I have to admire the son; willing to give up for having such an entitled parent that the parent thinks cheating isn't a big deal. I mean seriously, to be so underhanded as to sabotage another person's racket; all so your child can win the tournament; now that's entitlement!
Last story- the parents are the jerks. They left without a word to OP. What if OP had left to hang out with friends and didnt mention it, thinking her parents would be at home watching the kids anyway? No one would have been there and it would be the parents' fault, so why does that change because OP is there?
Last story: I don't think OP's the a-hole at all. I think this is all the consequences of the parent's actions. Mom thought that she could just saddle OP with taking care of the Nibblings when Mom wanted to go do something else. OP was told she wasn't responsible for watching the kids. Why should OP watch out for her parent's stuff and be responsible for the damages caused when Mom shirked her responsibilities? She went out and made sure they weren't injuring themselves, which was all she was really required to do, imo. Mom is responsible for this situation, so she can deal with the fallout. Should Sis be a better parent? Absolutely. Is she an a-hole for not disciplining her kids? Totally. Is it her fault Mom and Dad bailed when they were supposed to be watching the kids? Nope. It sure isn't. I'll bet Mom and Sis never bother OP about watching the kids anymore, and I hope for their home's sakes that they never try to pull this crap on OP again.
The one about the kid breaking the antique table: My parents also had a lot of antiques, and we knew dang well to treat them with respect (I didn't even want to look at the red antique lamp, god forbid my stare may push it over). My cousin was about 8, and I and my brother were teens, and my cousin had come over with his grandmother (my mom's sister) while dad and my uncles played dominoes. He was running through the house, and dad hollered, "Chris, don't run through the house." None of this, "You see Chris, we have a lot of antiques in the house.. " yada yada garbage. If my dad spoke, it didn't need explanation. The fact had he said it, was explanation enough. So, Chris started running through the house again, and dad hollered at him to "COME IN HERE". Chris looked at my brother and me with his eyes big as saucers and said, "What do I do?" We both said, "GO!" at the same time. When Chris came back, dad had put the fear of God in him, and Chris calmed down the rest of the evening. My aunt and uncles said nothing. Maybe because they didn't want to get on dad's bad side either, but I would like to think it was out of respect.
Some people accept that it takes a village to raise a child. Aunt and uncle were probably thinking "YAY" because Chris had likely already been warned and they appreciated back up from another adult.
@@hrobinson9701 Nope. That wasn't the case. But it does take a family to raise a child. These parents that think their child can do no wrong are creating a terrible situation for the kid. Chris had a hard life when he grew up. He was really a good kid, but some situations just don't turn out good. "The Village" killed him.
My sister was in her car waiting at a junction(supermarket )for a car to pass, it turned into the road beside her, Actually that’s not true, it turned into her front door and the old guy was still pressing the accelerator pedal. My nephew roughly 15 got out and shouted at the man before he would stop pressing the accelerator. Then he backed up and parked elsewhere. My sister went over to him and said look what you did to my car, he replied that it wasn’t him. My sister said it definitely wasn’t like that before he ran into her. She said was your car like that, he replied probably. My sister had to insist on the police because he didn’t want to exchange insurance. Luckily 2 men(different drivers) came over and said they would be witnesses for her. In the end his daughter made him deal with the car.
Story 3: that disqualified kid is gonna be OK. He clearly has better influences in his life than his dad. Last story: NTA. OP in the story had the kids just dumped on her with no warning. She did check at least once to make sure they weren't endangering themselves; that's the extent of her responsibility as the adult present.
Last story, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA. Also, save up money and move the hell out, and REFUSE to babysit those kids. Inform the adults that if they try to force those kids onto you, then you will simply have to call CPS to come pick them up.
Story 1: lets see if the mother can say that when she slams her door on a police car in the future. I can’t stand people who use ‘I’m a parent, you can’t blame me and it is not my responsibility’ yes it is, you damage my car, I won’t give two shits if you’re a parent. Story 2: The entitled father was behaving like an entitled brat. You break it You buy it. Story 3: I lost in a karate tournament when I was a teenager and I lost to a girl in the tournament, and I accepted the loss and I congratulated my opponent. The following year I came in third in the tournament because the loss taught me to better myself in the future. The girl I won against came in fourth and she congratulated me for the win. Accepting a loss helps because it this can give you the confidence to do better in the future. Story 4: How would Karen like it if someone came into her house and breaks her stuff and then brush it off with her by saying “broken furniture is better than broken bones” Karen wouldn’t like it at all, I guarantee she would complain and scream about lawyers and suing you in the end. A Karen’s logic is “I can break other people’s stuff but no one can break my stuff!” Hypocrisy is a Karen’s logic. Story 5: Sorry Fluff, but I disagree. The responsibility for looking after the kids was op’s parents and op’s sister. OP is not their personal babysitter. Plus the sister should have paid for a babysitter to begin with. Her kids her responsibility.
Story5:NTA I've been stuck living with my grandmother and brothers kids and forced to take care of them while everyone else was at work and this was for no compensation and no one ever asked me to watch them. They just left them there with me while I was asleep without saying anything. Later I got my own job and couldn't watch them anymore. I gave them many warnings I couldn't watch them. The day for me to start work comes, I left at 7:30am for my first day. They had words for me before I left... Not my problem. So they decided to make it my problem! My grandmother quit her job to take care of the kids and expected ME to pay the household expenses now! I was trying to save to get my own place! My brother and his wife didn't contribute to household expenses at all. When I wouldn't give them my money they broke into my bedroom and stole it! Others kids are not your responsibility unless you AGREE to take responsibility for them. If you don't agree to take responsibility the parents are also responsible for any damage the kids cause.
Last story: NTA. OP did enough to make sure the children were well and uninjured. Considering there was no request for babysitting, there was no obligation for babysitting. If anything, the people who up and left the kids effectively unsupervised should be reported to CPS. Personally, I ALWAYS make sure the person/people watching my kids (back when they were young enough to need it) did so in full knowledge 1) they were charged with that responsibility, 2) how to contact me in case of emergency, and 3) when I could be expected to return.
Last story: How is that person supposed to be responsible for what those kids did, when they didn’t know that they were supposed to be watching those kids, when nobody asked them to? NTA and grandma and grandpa should be ashamed of themselves trying to shift blame like that.
Story 4: I'm glad that the husband offered to pay for the carpenter to fix the table, but yeah I would've just never invited the family ever again until the kids finally stop being disrespectful to everything in other people's houses. I don't care if I get called a heartless monster, I ain't gonna risk stuff breaking.
I'm amazed they keep being invited over. OP's mom must REALLY be desperate for EM's company to continue to put up with her kids nonsense. I'll be even more amazed if a carpenter can repair that table, given the description OP provided of the damages.
Story 1 - I hate it when people like her use their own children as an excuse for their actions. Oh man can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Karen would’ve gone nuclear on OP and made it out to be that OP rammed into her on purpose and put her child in danger. At least OP was quick enough to get the license plate number before Karen drove to far away.
It's surprising we haven't had a story like this (maybe it's coming any day): Karen comes in to a bank with entitled child. Child creates havoc, wrecking everything in sight while Karen robs the tellers. Guard tells Karen to stop and Karen refuses saying, "I'm a mother! You are not a mother! You don't know what it takes to raise a child! Just mind your own business! I need the money because I'm a mother!" Yeah. Any. Day. Now.
That broken antique story sounds familiar. The Army had me living in PA in the late 70's when similar happend to my neighbor. They had an old wash stand and a kid ran thru the house and into a bedroom. When told to stay out by the owner, he threw a tantrum and shoved the stand over. Entitled Dad said, "well it's a good thing it's old and worthless. You can repair it at the wood shop." Instead, the owner had the table appraised and the ED had to fork out $2300. (My new car cost $3500 for comparison.) Repaired isn't the same as original.
Story 3: ironically enough a friend and I were just discussing the other day that the whole point (besides the fun of it) of children being in sports, team or individual, is to teach them to lose gracefully. That's all I could think from the beginning of this story. It really sucks that the kid had the right mentality, and it was the one who was supposed to be the grown up that couldn't handle a loss that wasn't even his to begin with. Hoping the best for that kid🫶
Last story: NTA. OP wasn't told to watch them and the parents left without ensuring someone will watch the spawn of hell. I agree that the kids' parents are responsible for compensating for the damage their kids caused.
The Hotel Damages would be one HELL of a lot more than a mere 10 Grand... If Numpty was on the 8th floor and the KITCHEN ceiling collapsed, that means all the floors between the kitchen (on the 1st floor) and the 8th floor were also 7 floors of drywall, paint, carpeting, flooring and electrical wiring would need to be replaced... That would cost at least 100 Grand...maybe even 250 Grand...
Yeah, I was wondering which butt cheek OP pulled that $10K number out of. $10K MIGHT cover the damages to ONE of those rooms but only one of the least damaged.
I love the "if you don't know what racquetball is, it's like squash". lol if you don't know racquetball, it's highly unlikely that you'll know what squash is. lol it's like tennis with bouncing balls you hit against a wall instead of over a net so glad the kid is a decent human! poor kiddo
"It's like squash." Um, I don't know what squash is, either, so that description does not help me. It almost "sounds" like it may be like handball, where 2 are in a room, and take turns whacking a ball against a wall, trying to get the opponent to miss?
What’s funny is I’ve had someone explain it to me this way when they asked if I wanted to play racketball. It didn’t help but I still went and had fun with them 😹
Story 1. My ex had this happen to him. He refused to let it go since his car was new. She agreed to pay for the damages and we kept it off insurance. We opted for PDR, which was significantly cheaper than a deductible.
First story, when that Karen was like look I have dents all over my car I would have been like yeah because you're a reckless idiot that just throws their doors open into other people's cars!! I bet you probably do the same thing you are truing to do now,and just walk away! I'm calling the police and I'm not engaging in this with you any further. I've already got your license plate and registration so go ahead Drive Away. say "NOPE", DO WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU DO AFTER YOU DAMAGE SOMEONES PROPERTY, I DON'T RIGHTLY CARE. HOWEVER if you DO choose to DRIVE AWAY , KNOW THIS, the police WILL look at it as a HIT-AND-RUN so that'll be added to your insurance, AND THEY MAY EVEN ISSUE YOU A FINE ON TOP OF THIS. I WILL ALSO BE TELLING THEM THAT FROM YOUR OWN MOUTH YOU HAVE ADMITTED TO DOING THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S CARS IN THE PAST, Im going inside to get the parking lot cameras viewpoint on this as well. I TRULY HOPE YOU DO ACTUALLY HAVE INSURANCE, BECAUSE IF NOT...THIS IS GONNA HURT YOUR POCKETS... trust me on that. Then just walk away, it doesn't matter if she leaves or goes, JUAT MAKE SURE YOU GET LISCENCE AND REGISTRATION!!!
Story 2:This is where I really wish our world had some sanity and employees could give rude idiots the tongue lashing they deserve. "If you're half as rich as you claim, then paying for your idiocy shouldn't be this big of a deal." Story 3: That is a great kid. Not just for being a good sport in the moment, but knowing he'd have to deal with his father's temper tantrum for who knows how long afterwards. Story 4: "Dinner went on ..." Excuse me? There should not have been any dinner for that brat or his mother. Story 5: I agree with Fluff on this one. Kinda. I don't blame OP for being pissed, but the kids _were_ lef tin her care, and she wasn't watching them. I'm not sure what I think should have been done though; calling the cops for child abandonment seems extreme. OP is definitely not as at fault as the others though.
Last story OP isn't the Ahole because their mom couldn't be bothered to watch the kids she said she'd watch. The sister shouldn't even have to pay since the only one at fault for what kids do is whoever is in charge of them at the time 🥃
Eh, the Sister Reeeaaaally should be teaching her kids not to be destructive little Goblins... I know me and my brother were taught better than that, and as the live-in nanny of my baby sisters (18 & 20 years younger than me) I taught them not to be that way.
Story 1: keep birdseed in your glove box, when she goes in to shop, pour some on the hood, roof and, trunk. Sit back and bird watch. Story 4: some friendships aren't meant to last forever.
I can sympathize with the last story. My sister had kids when she was young, I'm younger than her by a bit. It happened so frequently that I'd be forced to "babysit". Kids just dropped off and I was told: "have fun". I hate kids especially the young ones. My sisters kids destroyed a few things and her cats did too. Did she pay up? Nope, wasn't her fault.
Story 2 "I make more money in a minute than you will see in your entire damn life." "Well, in that case, you won't even notice the costs of the damages. They would be insignificant to someone with that kind of money" Story 5 If they didn't specifically ask OP to watch the kids, they shouldn't be responsible. The sister raised them and didn't teach them to be considerate of others.
Story 4: My grandmother was an antique dealer, and over the years had accumulated many collectibles. Of course, her grandkids were pretty rambunctious. We treated her house like we were kids. BUT, in all those years, we never broke any of her stuff. Even today, I'm surprised at that.
Story #4 - if we had gone into someone's home and touched anything, even toys, we would've been disciplined. We were close with our cousins growing up and we couldn't even touch their toys without asking first. If we had done what Karen's kid had, not only would we not be able to sit for a month, we'd have to give my parents any money we earned/received until the amount was paid in full and they wouldn't care if it was birthday money or money we earned.
What really surprises me about the racketball dad waa how he didn't even attempt to bribe the OP of that story. I condemn his actions, full-stop, but I'm more surprised that a half-hearted bribe wasn't in his repertoire before sabotage. Also, the sore loser in my blames his loss on being rattled by the experience.
For #5 OP is definitely not the asshole there. Their parents agreed to watch the kids in the first place, then dumped them on OP without asking just because they decided in the end, they didn't want to watch them and wanted to go out instead.
Last story: OP is NOT even a little bit responsible for the “sister’s kids.” You don’t agree to babysit, then take off without ASKING someone else to babysit. I think OP taught the parents a great lesson. NEVER assume anything.
Story 2: I had a similar situation to OP, Just with less entitlement. I was working front desk at a crappy hotel/motel at 19. It was during covid and the main income keeping the hotel afloat was truckers who used our place to rest up before getting back on the road. I usually stuck them up on the top floor away from the noise so they could sleep better (3rd floor). The front desk person is the only one at the hotel except for housekeeping on any given day so I was all alone. I check someone in on the first floor after the usual round of truckers. The couple I put on the first floor come back a couple minutes later saying the bathroom ceiling is leaking. I move them room and go to investigate. I enter the empty second floor room above the leaking room- that bathroom ceiling was leaking too. After a quick look at the log, there was a trucker sleeping in the room above. I knock on the door and the guy lets me in. Apparently, they fell asleep with the sink running with a towel clogging the drain. God know what made him think it was a good idea. Wrap up: the trucking company that gives them these room free of charge was liable for the guys actions and he was banned from staying at our hotel and I spent an hour mopping up the mess and closing down those three room. The owners didn't come in after my numerous calls to them about the water damage. We didn't have managers or security like OP. Just us barely trained front desk staff and the owners. That hotel was insane and I don't know how I worked there for almost a year.
That's a pretty expensive babysitting bill! Maybe next time, you shouldn't just saddle someone with a couple unruly kids without even bothering to ask first, just because you feel like going out to dinner. If they didn't want to watch the kids, they should have told other daughter, not just left them with someone non consensually. OP is the only one who DOESN'T suck, IMO. She made sure the kids didn't get hurt and she didn't call child services for abandonment. That is far more than she signed up for. It would be one thing if there were some kind of family emergency, but no. They just wanted a night out. Natural consequences.
Story 2, OP said insurance filed, but then of course they don't know the outcome. My understanding from lawyers etc I've known, in situations like that, insurance pays, then THEY go after the other party to recoup
Story 5: NTA, as OP said: they were not asked to watch the kids, the parents just left them there, therefore they cannot blame OP for the damage that the kids caused, if they want to blame anyone they should blame themselves for leaving a pair of hyperactive kids practically alone in their house, though I will admit that OP should've stepped in when they were getting too rough, but I wouldn't say they were an AH
Story 3 - I feel bad for the kid of that Entitled Jerk Dad for having a man like that as his father but I also applaud the kid for being a good sportsman and doing the right thing by giving OP his racket to make up for what his jerk father did.
Story 3 is a prime example of why kids stop playing youth sports: PARENTS, constantly trying to live vicariously through their kids' abilities. If the adults, aside from the officials, were kept away from all youth sporting events, and had to watch from a distance, kids would enjoy the games much more.
I wouldn’t immediately called the cops. The first time she said no and walked away. Call the police say someone damaged my car and they’re trying to run away. Get her license plate number take pictures of the damage and then if she runs the show it to the cops. I’m at the store has cameras outside.
Story 1: Karen Logic be like; use the same excuse for everything Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"
The sad fact of most such stories is that using the same excuse has worked until that point in time; they wouldn't still be using it if it didn't. Sometimes we're lucky enough to see the Karens learn a hard lesson; other times their reality checks bounce.
That 100 year old table may have been worth a fortune before the kids destroyed it. Were I the mother, I ask an appraiser to let me know what range of prices vintage tables like it have gone for. She should then try to replace the table if it's worth more than the cost of the carpenter, billing the entitled Karen parent for all the costs associated with the replacement.
Last Story - Absolutely not the AH. It is not OP's problem in any way shape or form. The people who were SUPPOSED to be watching those kids took off for their own stupid BS. The mother is definitely an AH for thinking that OP should pay for anything. Get the money from the mother and father of the disrespectful little brats that destroyed your property. Because that is the Only place that it should come from.
Story 5: The parents are the AHs! They agreed to watch the kids. You can’t then go to a dinner party and leave the kids and just expect that OP will watch them without asking because you created a situation where OP would be the only adult home. It seems like the parents were trying to get one over on OP. They knew OP stayed home to study and thought that by not asking and just leaving, OP would be forced to not study and watch the kids because they knew had they asked OP would have said no. Well… OP taught them a valuable lesson there. (OP is an AH lite for this, but given what the parents were trying to do OP was trying not to be taken advantage of so slightly forgivable.) If the parents knew they had a dinner party and weren’t intending to take the kids, they shouldn’t have agreed to watch them. Sister may or may not be an AH. Depending on how old the kids are, kids wreak havoc on things just by being curious. OP might be the AH for leaving kids potentially too young almost unsupervised though. OP did say that they checked to make sure they weren’t injuring themselves but that likely wasn’t enough for kids that young. But major AHs are the parents in my book. Don’t agree to watch kids you’re going to leave and not watch at all and try to trick someone else into watching without even asking.
I was parked outside my local doctors waiting for my elderly father, when a woman, parked about 20 feet away from me started reversing. I whispered, mind the paintwork as she got a bit closer to me, i had only had the car four days, but she revved up and having come across the carpark, hit my drivers door. I jumped out screaming "Look what you've done!", she replied that her boyfriend was a panel beater, she gave me his phone number and adress, he mended the dent and touched up the paintwork and polished so it looked brand new. No need to claim through insurance, all done on the fly.
Story 1: Immediately take pictures of the damage, take a picture of her license plate, both cars side by side, etc. Then call the police since she wasn't being even slightly remorseful.
I took a lot of pictures when some woman came roaring through the parking lot as I was backing, very slowly, out of a parking space. (I had a panel truck next to me so I was only inching out in case someone did come through.) She wasn't even looking to her right (the side I was on) and yes, our cars did meet. There was a tiny bit of paint from my bumper on that piece of trim on the door that is to protect it from just this sort of thing. And she tried to blame me for a dent elsewhere that was higher than the top of my car! I took lots of pictures, she called the cops and her husband (because there was no way a dent on her passenger side could possibly have been there when she got into the car that morning), and was generally a nasty piece of work. I stopped by my insurance agent's office as soon as we were done and gave them the photos, saying that yes, I probably did hit her car since it was my bumper and her door, but this was how the parking lot was set up, and she was claiming this other, much worse, dent which there was no way my car could have caused. I never heard anything more, and my insurance rates didn't go up, so I suspect her insurance company was told to go pound sand since she was trying to basically pull an insurance fraud to get the major damage fixed.
The moment Karen refused to give me her Insurance Information, I'd pull out my phone and call the Police right in front of her...I'd also stand directly behind her car so she couldn't drive away until the Police arrived... Let her tell the Cops that she has kids and these things happen...they'll tell her that's irrelevant and she is LEGALLY REQUIRED to provide her ID and Insurance Information and here's your Ticket for failing to do that when asked...
Story 1: the 1st time she blew me off I would have called the cops while she was shopping... her leaving was just a hit and run to add to the charges. I have seen enough of these to know you can't reason with people like this and to just nope out and let law enforcement deal with it.
Last story: OP is NTA, because her irresponsible sister dump the kid to her and her mother is crazy, she have the audacity to ask OP to shoulder the damage, I mean, the hell with her mother mind???
Last story, nope, mom and dad and sister are the AHs. Adult kids should be treated AS ADULTS. You ask someone to watch the kids. You don't assume they will. OP had studying to do, the babysitting job wasn't hers, it was mom and dad who agreed to babysit. However, I would have been downstairs. The rules would be "You are to be quiet. Shut up and don't talk--at all. You are to sit here with your hands in your laps and watch TV. I have something important to do and I can't have you yelling and running around while I do it. If you are very quiet while I do my homework, there's a treat and I'll do something fun with you. But if you have to have me stop you for ANYTHING, you'll be sitting here when your parents get home." Yeah, I can be TAH in that situation. It would guarantee sister wouldn't drop the kids on us and Mom and Dad wouldn't leave again. I'm a grandmother of 9, I had 3 kids. I wouldn't let my kids do that, I wouldn't drop my kids on my parents like that without knowing what they were doing, and I certainly won't be the sitter when I have something to do. My grandkids had crayons, toys, and such here. We had videos and snacks. And the kids minded me, laid down for the night at bedtime, and we all got along. One lives with me now, he's 29, has his own space, is polite, and helps around the house (he's going through a divorce). The other kids are olde, the baby is 4, but everyone else is in high school or college. And the great grands will have the same rules. :)
Story 1 "I have a kid". She'd accidentally, suddenly, have a flat tyre when she returned. That way, the convo could continue to OP's satisfaction. Also pics of damage, license plate etc. already taken. With time stamps.
Story 5: NTA. There's no room for such a claim to even be made because the OP never agreed to take any responsibility for those kids. Had they said they'd watch the kids, then i'd agree, but that's not the case, and there's nothing anyone can say to make the OP responsible.
I have multiple nieces and nephews. Two of which are 8 and 6. I live with one of my sisters and if im not asked to watch them its not my responsibility if they make a mess.but also even if i did agree to watch them, i wouldn't have to worry about them making that kinda of a mess. Were they raised in a zoo?!?! At their ages again two of them are the ages of ops niblings, i barley have to do any looking after them. Op didn't let anything happen. She wasnt even supposed to be in charge. She is most definitely NOT the ah.
The tennis player might have an entitled father, but the kid has class.
Plus he probably figured that he doesn’t want to play if that’s how his dad acts (if he even wanted to play in the first place )
Racketball, an entirely different game.
Story 4. A cousin of mine wouldn't correct her children at all and wore it like a badge, her husband got tired of her entitlement and filed for divorce, he was the only disciplinarian. She was pushing for full custody with him just getting every other weekend with no holidays, it seemed like she was going to get her way until she bragged to the judge she doesn't believe in correcting the children because it stifles their creativity but their father "talks to them like they are dumb and tells them stupid stuff like we need to make better choices". The judge said by her own words she thinks children should run wild but the father corrects them in an appropriate manner, he awarded full custody to the father and she's doing parenting classes. You can lose custody for not correcting children.
Good judge.
Fantastic Judge. I wouldn’t give her any unsupervised visitation at all. No, she didn’t molest them, but by letting them do anything that comes into their minds, that’s truly dangerous to themselves and others.
@@RLucas3000I agree plus that judge probably didn’t want to see their kids in court saying the same bull crap
Excellent judge!! The world needs more like him!!
@@RLucas3000 Also absolutely no spousal support either, and no other assets that are joint as well. Leave her with what she came in only.
The broken table story, I would have told the Karen and her demon spawn to get the hell out of the house and never return.
....Small Claims Court added to the banishment.
"Who in their right mind...." That's just it, Karen is not in her right mind. Glad they are paying, but the value of the table is greatly reduced. I'd permanently ban Karen and her kid. Never allowed back! As a kid, I knew better, my sister and I were raised better.
@@lancerevell5979it's not about value, it's broken, it can _never_ be fixed, just like you can't glue a broken eggshell, you can't glue broken marble, it'll remain broken for the rest of eternity even if you fix the legs.
And every time they see that crack they'll remember it. It'll remain stained, forever.
What I want to know is what mom said after Karen said "no I didn't tell them not why would I?" From the way it's written you'd think those were the last words spoken the everyone else returned as her sentence finished, even if that's actually how things happened, anyone with a backbone would've replied to the "why would I?"
@@lXlDarKSuoLlXl Well, you can glue marble (think about the marble and granite kitchen counter tops that are all the rage these days, If a counter top is other that just a straight run, there will be a seam or seams that will be glued.) But, in the case of the antique marble topped table,. maybe it can be mended/repaired, but it will never be the same as before it was destroyed.
Story 5: if nothing else the OP's sister's is a *_terrible_* parent if her kids are that destructive.
Seriously. No wonder why the kids were thrown on OP instead of a sitter. Every sitter in the area has probably blacklisted them. Like smearing PAINT on the curtains and walls??? Absolutely feral behavior!
Exactly, OP isn’t the AH.
Even as young kids, my sister and I were raised better, to never run riot in the house, anybody's house. That was just bad parenting! 😡
@@lancerevell5979😊😮😮9⁹9F 9F c😅😅😊f😊
If my kid breaks someone else’s stuff thats my responsibility no matter who was watching them. The entitlement is above the moon.
If I wouldn’t had knocked up my wife to have kids they wouldn’t exist. So its my responsibility.
Story 5: Let me get this right: Sister dumps her kids on your parents, then parents casually go out, leaving the kids on their own, expecting you to magically know that you are the default babysitter? Whomever was responsible for those children (Sister if she casually dropped them off without telling your parents that they are the designated babysitters) or your parents (supposed to be babysitting but decided to pull a fast one and not tell you) are the very ones who need to pay for the damages. This in no way should fall on your shoulders and come out of your pocket. Suggestion for next time: when sister brings the kids over, find a fast exit to library or friend's house, and let them know later that you went out.
Last story. We’ve all been through these before to know what would’ve happened had op done anything to discipline those brats. The sister would’ve karened up and yelled no one but her can discipline her kids. And given how op’s parents ditched the kids, they would’ve taken the visiting daughter’s side. From how op acted, she’s probably had these brats dumped on her before and resents it. Plus, she was studying. She wasn’t just binge watching shows or gaming. Schoolwork is her job, whereas the rest of them were going out to have a good time. And what grandparents don’t want to spend time with their visiting grandchildren? Really? OP behaving the way she did and her parents saying she should pay for the kids’ damages instead of the kids’ parents show they have been showing favoritism to op’s sister and op has had enough.
I hate mothers that use "I have children" as an excuse to be rude
The kids are nothing more than props, Reverse Uno cards for their irresponsible Karen parents.
I would just throw back, "My mother never acted that way when I was little. What's your excuse?"
"I'm busy making my own bad life decisions. Yours are not my respomsibility.:
Could make the argument. It's actually the reverse as you're supposed to be teaching your kid how to be a good person.
I was a single mom, dirt poor, and at one point, had 4 kids in diapers all at once. When my oldest was around 4 or 5, he opened his car door and hit another parked car. I begged the lady to not claim it through insurance cause I was already young and a newer driver, and lived in a "bad" area. so high insurance rates that I couldn't afford to have go up even more. I apologised my butt off, my son apologised, and she agreed. She even shopped around and found the best price to get it fixed, and I only had to pay about $180.00, which she graciously allowed me to pay in instalments, cause that was a LOT of money for me at the time, and I don't know how I would have managed if she hadn't been so nice about it. Yes, being a mom is hard, and kids sometimes do things that get us in hot water and/or cost money that we don't have. It's part of being a parent. No one forced me to have kids and/or keep them. That was MY choice, and my choice is not the responsibility of random other people. My youngest is 30 now, I have 4 grandkids too, and I would STILL have their ass in a sling if any of my kids (or grandlings) pulled some crap like that.
As a parent myself, you absolutely find someone to watch your kids or grandkids. And you make sure that they know and accept to watch the kids. Before going out because technically, OP could have left the house and completely left the kids alone, being they weren't asked to watch them. Good on OP for not leaving them but giving their mom and dad and possibly the kids mom a wake up call.
Story 4 - I agree, my heart goes out to OP’s mom for the destruction of the antique table. But honestly after Karen’s little monster destroyed something the last time they visited and Karen didn’t even apologize, there’s no way in Hell they should’ve been invited back.
I didn't even get to the end of that story before my reaction was "what did you think was going to happen?"
I'm just surprised that the table was the only victim, with all the antiques that OP talked about his mom collecting. And there is no way that table is going to be "restored". The marble top is cracked in half and OP was describing splinters littering the floor.
I would not have hosted them in my home in the first place. I would have been inclined to take them out to dinner and let the parents supervise their hellions, or not, and let THEM deal with the restaurant staff and management if anything happened.
@@tinydancer7426I wouldn't even want to be seen in public with them. The only place you might be able to take them would be Chucky Cheese. At least there they can run around and not be 'bored". Anywhere else I'm not going to be embarrased and possibly asked to leave a restaurant because she refuses to teach her children manners.
@@robingibson6561 Easy protection there would be to meet them there and the tell the wait staff "separate checks', that way if there is any mention of "ya'll are gonna have to leave because of the children", I'd tell'em "they ain't my kids, they can leave, but I am gonna stay and finish my meal. Ya'll got another table we can sit at?" And then hint there'll be a nice tip to let us stay .... us being not them ant the kids, just US TWO.
Op mom didn't care until something of hers broke.
That dad has some major insecurities about _himself_ if he's that desperate for his son to win. The irony is that he's actually setting him up for failure, not only because his stunts got his son disqualified, but he can't test his skill in a fair match to see where he needs to improve. Major respect to the son for having far greater sportsmanship than his scummy dad.
Last story, NTA because the kids were just dumped on her because she's the youngest. "Oh you'd understand if you had kids" which is likely one of the arguments used by her sister who also doesn't know how to teach her kids basic respect. The parents also suck because they assumed they could just dump their responsibilities on OP because the sister asked the parents, not OP, to watch her crotchfruit
Exactly! If she was asked to watch them and it happened that’s different but she wasn’t. NTA
I would have up-ticked your reply...except for that rude terminology you used for kids. That is just as disrespectful to women and kids as the "c" word is.
This is aita, not am i technically/legally wrong. You don't get to stand back and literally laugh while your own family cause hundreds of dollars worth of damage to the property of the people who house you, and claim innocence. Oop is a grown adult. She didn't need to be told to maintain order. Her parents likely believed their mature daughter, that they're doing a huge favor in continuing to support, would do them the minor favor of watching her own niece/nephews for a short time. Besides which, they're just as much her family as theirs. And as a responsible adult, shouldn't need to be explicitly instructed not to let them break the tv. Her parents were minorly negligent but oop was knowingly and maliciously negligent. The sister should share costs on the grounds that they are hers, but she actually played no part in this circumstance. Oop made a conscious decision to disrespect her parents and their belongings. She is ta.
Sorry, but every is the a*hole. OP!, sister and the parents.
@@blender4464no. The parents agreed to watch the kids. They never asked OP to do it. Just assuming is a weak excuse. Ultimately it’s the parents fault for not upholding their agreement to watch the kids. On top of that, kids that cause that level of damage would be known to be destructive before so leaving them without clear supervision is stupid.
Story 1: I didn't know having a kid was a license to damage others' property. Not sure a judge will take "I have a kid" as a valid legal defense.
Won’t stop her from using that excuse
"Not sure a judge will take "I have a kid" as a valid legal defense"
i'd argue that any judge that does take that as a valid legal defense is guilty of perjury, or other crimes that involve making incorrect judgements for the interest of something other than the law.
Sadly there was a judge that ruled in favor of a spoiled rich kid whose drunk driving caused multiple deaths and injuries because his lawyer claimed the kid shouldn't be held responsible for his actions because he was suffering from a mental disorder of not ever being held responsible for his actions.
I think the kids last name was Couch or something like that. Look it up, its a crazy story and even more nutzo than my brief about it.
@meh2510 that indeed sounds coo coo
@@meh2510That sounds like the "affluenza" case. Sadly, it worked and the kid went on to break the conditions of his probation before finally getting a judicial spanking of sorts.
Story 3: The son is a real one. His dad though, he’s been a loser so long he’s trying to live vicariously through his kid. Disgusting. 🙄
Agreed I hate parents like that.
@@tmntfangirl4700 I really hope the kid is alright after this. I have seen bad things happening to kids who defy their parents' sabotage, like child abuse and refusal to fund for the thing the kid was actually good at. In such situations, I have managed to call out such parents and shamed them constantly through my mom and other family members by constantly reminding them about such events. Guess which parents are now abandoned by their kids...
I think that kid is hugely mature and already knows his dad is a sore loser.
@@giancarloc1985the kid's great, he deserves success in whatever life throws at him, his dad....not so much
I get the strong feeling this isn't even the first time the kid had to apologize and pay penance for his father's jackassery, too. The kid didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt.
That last story, I'm voting OP is NTA. Sister is apparently not teaching her kids manners, but the parents were the ones to agree to watch these kids and left lol. OP made sure the kids weren't hurting themselves which was very good of them, but otherwise did not agree to give 2 poops about these kids. The parents failed here.
Story 3, that kid has integrity that makes him a good person. It sucks that his dad acted that way. Who knows the kid could have made a comeback. Either way my hat is off to the kid for doing the right thing
This is a MUCH more basic lesson than "respect others", it's simply "respect". If you have no respect for yourself or your belongings or your heritage, you will have a very hard time respecting anyone or anything else. Some people think only money deserves respect, others think only history deserve respect, but at the end of the day I BELIEVE that if it is not yours, do NOT damage it! Elder, adult, child, infant... if it isn't yours, do NO HARM!
Right on!
Story 5, the parents & sister suck, OP was a bit petty but I don't blame her!😅😅
Yeah, grandparents offer to babysit THEN just walk out leaving the kids behind? They don't even bother to ASK if OP can watch the kids? That's outrageous and dangerous.
@@fdm2155 Very dangerous & outrageous!
And OPdid check on them at one point but that was before the major damage was done. The parents were the ones who should pay since they left OP without even asking her to watch the kids they were tasked with watching. If they had plans to go out even before the sister showed up with the kids, they should have told her "Not tonight, honey. Everyone has other plans. You should have called earlier"
@@nancyomalley6286 Sister was stupid too!
@@fdm2155 Not to mention ILLEGAL in many countries.
The last story: NTA. No one asked op to babysit and just assumed that she wouldn’t have a problem watching her nieces or nephews.
That was their mistake not hers.
Especially since there was no mention of payment for babysitting.
So now the all the adults responsible for the kids can pay to have everything replaced.
The parents of the children need to include discipline as part of their child rearing responsibilities.
Right? The damage they did went beyond children behavior
Agreed. I do think OP should have at least tried to be more attentive regardless. But looking after kids isn't something just anyone and everyone can do, and as someone who doesn't like kids they were not the right person for the job. They're not ready to babysit well behaved kids, let alone destructive ones like that. 8 and 6 is not too young to have been taught boundaries and basic right from wrong, so the sister and her husband are way too lax. But then when you look at how OP's parents just dumped their agreed-upon responsibility onto their kid, just so they could have THEIR preferred evening, it's the Circle of Bad Parenting.
I think the OP is at least partially the TA. He could have at least made an effort to watch them. Most people would. And when he heard the noise and crashes, who doesn't go look. When he saw the damage, he LAUGHED?? Definitely AN AH, if not the only one.
@@kimmccarthy7747 Agreed! I think this is an everyone sucks here situation
@@kimmccarthy7747Why should he have watched them. I'm sure everyone would have been aware he dislikes kids, and no-one asked if he would babysit. Bad parenting and grandparenting does not mean op should have watched them. And no, "normal" people do NOT just take over looking after your brats if you just leave them somewhere.
I work at a gym that sponsors youth sports. That dad would be booted out, trespassed out of the facility, and his family membership revoked.
Story 4 I am reminded fondly of a dresser I used as a child that I still use today, 50 years later. It even still has the remnants of a Six Million Dollar Man sticker on it. Every time I open a drawer and let go, the "tink tink tink" of the swinging handle bit still takes me back. Besides a dresser, the back of it also served as a "wall" for the foot of the bed I used when I first started living independently in my own apartment. Helped make a great bed nook.
Story 2: You flood it, you pay for it. This dude flooded a whole section of a building while drunk and thought that he could just get away with it because he made a truck-ton of money.
Hope he paid for all of it, or maybe he was stubborn enough to sue and end up losing everything because he had no legs to stand on
Black Mold is expensive to fix after flooding so the building manager need to fix it now before the building is condemned.
If he brags about having all this money laying around, then he's in no position to gripe.
In my estimation, having a truck-ton of money should just mean you're not judgement-proof.
All i herd form this man "im a brain dead person who drinks and destory hotel passed out and wont pay for it
Dude is lucky he didn't drown in the tub when he passed out. He needs to pay idiot tax to fix everything he damaged. As soon as I was a teen my parents started paying me allowance and at that point punishment for breaking stuff went from being grounded with no tv/games to paying to replace the broken thing with the same thing or at least the value of it. Sometimes the things you break is a one of a kind ceramic your sister made. Even if you break something accidentally you need to pay to replace it. When I accidentally broke my sister's hand made ceramic Me and her agreed I'd pay for us to take a ceramic class that was taking place at a local craft store it was a one hour class that taught us the basics of making a figurine out of clay and ended with us making out own creation. It was a very eye opening experience and taught me how much thought and effort went into making ceramics. We ended up revisiting that class (paying out own way on repeat visits) a few times that summer. Those memories were so worth both the accidental breaking and paying for and participating in that class. We ended up making each other ceramic that we each have to this day. I made her a howling wolf mug for her coffee and she made me a dragon incense burner for my incense
In the last story, NTA it reminded me of my sister, who has a common habit of doing that, leaving her kids not telling anyone that they are defult babysister and disappearing for hours sometimes days, then getting pissed if I or whoever else didn't watch them. What OP did was petty, but still, I kinda understand where they're coming from. It's stressful watching kids who aren't yours, without a moments notice. These kids dont seem to be the type to listen to OP either. So they were already put in a lose-lose scenerio, watch the kids miss out on studying still be lecutred for not watching the kids "properly" or ignore them because there was no consent from OP that they would watch them which is 100% required otherwise it falls under child abandonment. OP made a point to check if they had gotten injured, so their well-being did supercede being petty. What OP parents did is considered illegal "child abandonment," and because I got fed up with my sister, bs just called it in as child abandonment because that's exactly what it is. Its a manipulative tactic to try to force someone into doing the task of watching the kids because they already know they won't do it. That's why OPs parents said nothing. They knew OP wouldn't watch them given the choice. Frankly, where the damage is concerned, I think the kids need to pay it personally ik theyre probably young or whatever, but having their mom or aunt/uncle bail them out is definitely not the right play here. Mom and dad needs to pay for it because they are their kids, the kids need to learn the consequences of their actions, and OP parents need to learn the concept of consent because OP could've easily called and said the kids were abandoned which would've been a different can a worms.
If the kid had broken something like that in my house that family would NEVER be invited back to my house AND they would have replaced that table PERIOD!
Racquetball Story: OP's opponent wasn't a kid, that was a *man* and an excellent example of Sportsman like conduct.
I’ve raised/am raising 5 kids. Not once have I ever expected to be excused for bad behaviour because I have kids. I have once had an accident because one of the kids shouted as we approached a roundabout and I looked away long enough to bump the car infront going about 3mph. I got out along with a couple in their 60s, said sorry and then embarrassingly burst into tears. The woman hugged me while the man reassured my kids that mummy was just upset. They were the loveliest people I could have ever have bumped into and wouldn’t even take payment for the scratch to their bumper. Even then it’s not an excuse as I allowed myself to be distracted, but in my defence I only passed my test the month before and in the 16 years since I’ve never had another accident.
Story 5: Absolutely MTA! If she was supposed to watch the kids, she should have been asked and compensated to watch the damn kids. She's an adult human being and NOT a free babysitting servobot.
Especially since she gave up a night out with friends so she could study.
@@hrobinson9701Oh I didn't hear that you left, or the kidnado that went through the house because I was listening to study music on my noise canceling headphones and was hyper focused on MY SCHOOLWORK. Guess you shouldn't have left them alone without clearly informing me and getting a clear affirmation from me that I would watch them. There's a saying about people and making assumptions. If you assume something you make an ass out of you and me. ESH(Shouldn't HAVE to reign in the kidnado, but probably would have been prudent).
@@kuroiflyerneko YES!! I was thinking the same. But in OP's defense, many of us only come up with perfect excuses like that hours after getting in trouble.
Story 3 - I honestly was expecting the kid of the ED to be a spoiled brat but in the end he proved that he’s the complete opposite of his father.
This exactly. When you read so many entitled parent stories it's so easy to become jaded. Kids of EPs that actually call out their parents or in laws that actually call out their kids/siblings for being bad spouses just give me a nice big helping of faith in humanity to read/hear about.
He apparently had better role models or teachers most likely mom and the trainer!
The kid is probably tired of his dad's BS, he seems like he wants to hone his skills. Like if he won then yah but if he lost then that's okay because he probably would work on his game
@@hardcorenativextreme Agreed
The son in story 3 is going to go FAR in life. That kind or respect and understanding of life at that age is Invaluable to have and I hope he continues on his path. The dad will likely be cut off as soon as the son is old enough and if he isn't it will be because his son pities him but I feel that will be a No Contact relationship. I also really hope OP runs into the son again. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a healthy competition between them.
Story 1: I had the opposite situation happen once. I pulled into work and parked. Next to me, there was a guy putting a tarp over his windshield (ice was in the forecast), and was using his doors to keep it in place. His passenger side door was cracked open, and a huge gust of when came by, blowing it open, and it hit my door pretty hard, leaving a decent sized dent. He apologized like crazy while I was telling him it was the wind, not really him, so don't worry about it. Later that day, he somehow found out who I was and where my desk was, came by, gave me a check for $100 to fix it, and told me to let him know if that wasn't enough. Again, I told him not to worry about it, but he insisted. Think it was around $80 to get my car fixed, which I told him (I still had his check and didn't cash it yet), and he told me to keep it and take the extra $20 "for the trouble". Super nice guy.
Very good of him. I look on this as basic decency, but that seems to be in short supply nowadays.
Who the hell just sits back and allows their 'hellians' to destroy their friends' home/possessions or anyone's house for that matter. At least the husband/father doesn't coddle his childrens when they damage someone else property and assumes responsibility. But I have to blame OP's Mom too. She knew these kids have no home training and that Karen can't be bothered to teach her kids how to act in someone's home. LC/NC was the best decision. Karen has no respect for OP's Mom so its best to put distance between them.
Story 3: I have to admire the son; willing to give up for having such an entitled parent that the parent thinks cheating isn't a big deal. I mean seriously, to be so underhanded as to sabotage another person's racket; all so your child can win the tournament; now that's entitlement!
Story 4 - "I'm the only one who can speak that way to my kids!" And yet she almost certainly doesn't.
Last story- the parents are the jerks. They left without a word to OP. What if OP had left to hang out with friends and didnt mention it, thinking her parents would be at home watching the kids anyway? No one would have been there and it would be the parents' fault, so why does that change because OP is there?
Last story: I don't think OP's the a-hole at all. I think this is all the consequences of the parent's actions. Mom thought that she could just saddle OP with taking care of the Nibblings when Mom wanted to go do something else. OP was told she wasn't responsible for watching the kids. Why should OP watch out for her parent's stuff and be responsible for the damages caused when Mom shirked her responsibilities? She went out and made sure they weren't injuring themselves, which was all she was really required to do, imo. Mom is responsible for this situation, so she can deal with the fallout. Should Sis be a better parent? Absolutely. Is she an a-hole for not disciplining her kids? Totally. Is it her fault Mom and Dad bailed when they were supposed to be watching the kids? Nope. It sure isn't. I'll bet Mom and Sis never bother OP about watching the kids anymore, and I hope for their home's sakes that they never try to pull this crap on OP again.
I want to see someone actually find a 100 year old piece of cut marble to replace it with. Using a newly cut piece wouldn't be the same.
The marble was only cracked, that can be re-used. It's the wood that was totally destroyed.
@@Ishlacorrin When I hear the marble cracked, I immediately think it's in at least two pieces
The one about the kid breaking the antique table: My parents also had a lot of antiques, and we knew dang well to treat them with respect (I didn't even want to look at the red antique lamp, god forbid my stare may push it over). My cousin was about 8, and I and my brother were teens, and my cousin had come over with his grandmother (my mom's sister) while dad and my uncles played dominoes. He was running through the house, and dad hollered, "Chris, don't run through the house." None of this, "You see Chris, we have a lot of antiques in the house.. " yada yada garbage. If my dad spoke, it didn't need explanation. The fact had he said it, was explanation enough. So, Chris started running through the house again, and dad hollered at him to "COME IN HERE". Chris looked at my brother and me with his eyes big as saucers and said, "What do I do?" We both said, "GO!" at the same time. When Chris came back, dad had put the fear of God in him, and Chris calmed down the rest of the evening. My aunt and uncles said nothing. Maybe because they didn't want to get on dad's bad side either, but I would like to think it was out of respect.
Some people accept that it takes a village to raise a child.
Aunt and uncle were probably thinking "YAY" because Chris had likely already been warned and they appreciated back up from another adult.
@@hrobinson9701 Nope. That wasn't the case. But it does take a family to raise a child. These parents that think their child can do no wrong are creating a terrible situation for the kid. Chris had a hard life when he grew up. He was really a good kid, but some situations just don't turn out good. "The Village" killed him.
Story 1: That Karen is just asking someone to key her car out of spite.
My sister was in her car waiting at a junction(supermarket )for a car to pass, it turned into the road beside her, Actually that’s not true, it turned into her front door and the old guy was still pressing the accelerator pedal. My nephew roughly 15 got out and shouted at the man before he would stop pressing the accelerator. Then he backed up and parked elsewhere. My sister went over to him and said look what you did to my car, he replied that it wasn’t him. My sister said it definitely wasn’t like that before he ran into her. She said was your car like that, he replied probably. My sister had to insist on the police because he didn’t want to exchange insurance. Luckily 2 men(different drivers) came over and said they would be witnesses for her. In the end his daughter made him deal with the car.
No good can ever come to sinking to Karen's level.
She probably wouldn'y even notice a keying, probably just blend in!! LOL!
His response was probably because she was a woman and high-powered men love to denigrate women. I hope they socked it to him greatly!
Love how she thinks being a mom gives you a free pass to do things like that
Final Story - I’m gonna say NTA because OP was NOT asked to watch the kids. The Parents are TA and so is the sister
Story 3: that disqualified kid is gonna be OK. He clearly has better influences in his life than his dad.
Last story: NTA. OP in the story had the kids just dumped on her with no warning. She did check at least once to make sure they weren't endangering themselves; that's the extent of her responsibility as the adult present.
Last story, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA. Also, save up money and move the hell out, and REFUSE to babysit those kids. Inform the adults that if they try to force those kids onto you, then you will simply have to call CPS to come pick them up.
Story 1: lets see if the mother can say that when she slams her door on a police car in the future. I can’t stand people who use ‘I’m a parent, you can’t blame me and it is not my responsibility’ yes it is, you damage my car, I won’t give two shits if you’re a parent.
Story 2: The entitled father was behaving like an entitled brat. You break it You buy it.
Story 3: I lost in a karate tournament when I was a teenager and I lost to a girl in the tournament, and I accepted the loss and I congratulated my opponent. The following year I came in third in the tournament because the loss taught me to better myself in the future. The girl I won against came in fourth and she congratulated me for the win. Accepting a loss helps because it this can give you the confidence to do better in the future.
Story 4: How would Karen like it if someone came into her house and breaks her stuff and then brush it off with her by saying “broken furniture is better than broken bones” Karen wouldn’t like it at all, I guarantee she would complain and scream about lawyers and suing you in the end. A Karen’s logic is
“I can break other people’s stuff but no one can break my stuff!” Hypocrisy is a Karen’s logic.
Story 5: Sorry Fluff, but I disagree. The responsibility for looking after the kids was op’s parents and op’s sister. OP is not their personal babysitter. Plus the sister should have paid for a babysitter to begin with. Her kids her responsibility.
Story5:NTA I've been stuck living with my grandmother and brothers kids and forced to take care of them while everyone else was at work and this was for no compensation and no one ever asked me to watch them. They just left them there with me while I was asleep without saying anything.
Later I got my own job and couldn't watch them anymore. I gave them many warnings I couldn't watch them. The day for me to start work comes, I left at 7:30am for my first day. They had words for me before I left... Not my problem.
So they decided to make it my problem! My grandmother quit her job to take care of the kids and expected ME to pay the household expenses now! I was trying to save to get my own place! My brother and his wife didn't contribute to household expenses at all. When I wouldn't give them my money they broke into my bedroom and stole it!
Others kids are not your responsibility unless you AGREE to take responsibility for them. If you don't agree to take responsibility the parents are also responsible for any damage the kids cause.
Last story, NTA. Not her kids, not her responsibility. The brats' parents are TA for not teaching their kids how to behave.
Last story: NTA. OP did enough to make sure the children were well and uninjured. Considering there was no request for babysitting, there was no obligation for babysitting.
If anything, the people who up and left the kids effectively unsupervised should be reported to CPS.
Personally, I ALWAYS make sure the person/people watching my kids (back when they were young enough to need it) did so in full knowledge 1) they were charged with that responsibility, 2) how to contact me in case of emergency, and 3) when I could be expected to return.
Last story: How is that person supposed to be responsible for what those kids did, when they didn’t know that they were supposed to be watching those kids, when nobody asked them to?
NTA and grandma and grandpa should be ashamed of themselves trying to shift blame like that.
Story 4: I'm glad that the husband offered to pay for the carpenter to fix the table, but yeah I would've just never invited the family ever again until the kids finally stop being disrespectful to everything in other people's houses.
I don't care if I get called a heartless monster, I ain't gonna risk stuff breaking.
I'm amazed they keep being invited over. OP's mom must REALLY be desperate for EM's company to continue to put up with her kids nonsense.
I'll be even more amazed if a carpenter can repair that table, given the description OP provided of the damages.
Story 1 - I hate it when people like her use their own children as an excuse for their actions. Oh man can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Karen would’ve gone nuclear on OP and made it out to be that OP rammed into her on purpose and put her child in danger.
At least OP was quick enough to get the license plate number before Karen drove to far away.
Would have loved to see the outcome after that.
@@JadenYukifan28me too
@@tmntfangirl4700Entitled idiots don't know when to stop being so entitled.
It's surprising we haven't had a story like this (maybe it's coming any day): Karen comes in to a bank with entitled child. Child creates havoc, wrecking everything in sight while Karen robs the tellers. Guard tells Karen to stop and Karen refuses saying, "I'm a mother! You are not a mother! You don't know what it takes to raise a child! Just mind your own business! I need the money because I'm a mother!" Yeah. Any. Day. Now.
If there is a story like that, I can't wait!
That broken antique story sounds familiar. The Army had me living in PA in the late 70's when similar happend to my neighbor. They had an old wash stand and a kid ran thru the house and into a bedroom. When told to stay out by the owner, he threw a tantrum and shoved the stand over. Entitled Dad said, "well it's a good thing it's old and worthless. You can repair it at the wood shop." Instead, the owner had the table appraised and the ED had to fork out $2300. (My new car cost $3500 for comparison.) Repaired isn't the same as original.
Story 3: ironically enough a friend and I were just discussing the other day that the whole point (besides the fun of it) of children being in sports, team or individual, is to teach them to lose gracefully. That's all I could think from the beginning of this story. It really sucks that the kid had the right mentality, and it was the one who was supposed to be the grown up that couldn't handle a loss that wasn't even his to begin with. Hoping the best for that kid🫶
Last story: NTA. OP wasn't told to watch them and the parents left without ensuring someone will watch the spawn of hell. I agree that the kids' parents are responsible for compensating for the damage their kids caused.
😊 Story 3 the equanimity of the son of entitled dad is praiseworthy. That kid deserve a high five and a hug.
Story 1: "I got knocked up, so the world owes me everything forever!" is certainly one way to admit you weren't ready to have a child.
The Hotel Damages would be one HELL of a lot more than a mere 10 Grand...
If Numpty was on the 8th floor and the KITCHEN ceiling collapsed, that means all the floors between the kitchen (on the 1st floor) and the 8th floor were also 7 floors of drywall, paint, carpeting, flooring and electrical wiring would need to be replaced...
That would cost at least 100 Grand...maybe even 250 Grand...
Yeah, I was wondering which butt cheek OP pulled that $10K number out of.
$10K MIGHT cover the damages to ONE of those rooms but only one of the least damaged.
Story 3: I had a neighbor come to my house. Her son ran inside and walked across my couch like it was the floor. I couldn't stand them after that.
9:21 oh its like squash.... that clears it up 😂
Last story, OP is not the AH. They were not asked, they were not paid, and they were studying. Not their circus, not their monkeys.
I love the "if you don't know what racquetball is, it's like squash". lol if you don't know racquetball, it's highly unlikely that you'll know what squash is. lol
it's like tennis with bouncing balls you hit against a wall instead of over a net
so glad the kid is a decent human! poor kiddo
"It's like squash." Um, I don't know what squash is, either, so that description does not help me. It almost "sounds" like it may be like handball, where 2 are in a room, and take turns whacking a ball against a wall, trying to get the opponent to miss?
What’s funny is I’ve had someone explain it to me this way when they asked if I wanted to play racketball. It didn’t help but I still went and had fun with them 😹
Story 1. My ex had this happen to him. He refused to let it go since his car was new. She agreed to pay for the damages and we kept it off insurance. We opted for PDR, which was significantly cheaper than a deductible.
Last story. Everyone sucks but OP. Sister for dumping the kids on her parents, parents for leaving without telling anyone.
Honestly, I'd say repairs can make an object more lovely. In Japan, there is a whole art based on this. Not that breaking an antique is a favor.
I know what you're talking about, but there's a specific art to doing that. I don't think a normal contractor would do that.
@@ashblossomandjoyoussprung.9917 True, but all hope is not lost.
First story, when that Karen was like look I have dents all over my car I would have been like yeah because you're a reckless idiot that just throws their doors open into other people's cars!!
I bet you probably do the same thing you are truing to do now,and just walk away! I'm calling the police and I'm not engaging in this with you any further. I've already got your license plate and registration so go ahead Drive Away. say "NOPE", DO WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU DO AFTER YOU DAMAGE SOMEONES PROPERTY, I DON'T RIGHTLY CARE. HOWEVER if you DO choose to DRIVE AWAY , KNOW THIS, the police WILL look at it as a HIT-AND-RUN so that'll be added to your insurance, AND THEY MAY EVEN ISSUE YOU A FINE ON TOP OF THIS. I WILL ALSO BE TELLING THEM THAT FROM YOUR OWN MOUTH YOU HAVE ADMITTED TO DOING THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S CARS IN THE PAST,
Im going inside to get the parking lot cameras viewpoint on this as well. I TRULY HOPE YOU DO ACTUALLY HAVE INSURANCE, BECAUSE IF NOT...THIS IS GONNA HURT YOUR POCKETS... trust me on that.
Then just walk away, it doesn't matter if she leaves or goes, JUAT MAKE SURE YOU GET LISCENCE AND REGISTRATION!!!
Story 2:This is where I really wish our world had some sanity and employees could give rude idiots the tongue lashing they deserve. "If you're half as rich as you claim, then paying for your idiocy shouldn't be this big of a deal."
Story 3: That is a great kid. Not just for being a good sport in the moment, but knowing he'd have to deal with his father's temper tantrum for who knows how long afterwards.
Story 4: "Dinner went on ..." Excuse me? There should not have been any dinner for that brat or his mother.
Story 5: I agree with Fluff on this one. Kinda. I don't blame OP for being pissed, but the kids _were_ lef tin her care, and she wasn't watching them. I'm not sure what I think should have been done though; calling the cops for child abandonment seems extreme. OP is definitely not as at fault as the others though.
Last story OP isn't the Ahole because their mom couldn't be bothered to watch the kids she said she'd watch. The sister shouldn't even have to pay since the only one at fault for what kids do is whoever is in charge of them at the time 🥃
Agree OP is NTA but I think the sister is still responsible. Mom too
Eh, the Sister Reeeaaaally should be teaching her kids not to be destructive little Goblins... I know me and my brother were taught better than that, and as the live-in nanny of my baby sisters (18 & 20 years younger than me) I taught them not to be that way.
Story 1: keep birdseed in your glove box, when she goes in to shop, pour some on the hood, roof and, trunk. Sit back and bird watch.
Story 4: some friendships aren't meant to last forever. you just have birdseed in your car just.....hanging out?? Lord now it's playing in my head like Pocket Sand. 🤣
Honestly, I ride public transit, I just have an unconventional sense of justice.
I'm picturing Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds".
@@kitarrah1422 that's what I'm thinking too. The results should look like a Jackson Pollock.
Last story, and antique story. I side with the LAW. Should a minor cause damage it is by law the parents responsibility to make restitution.
I can sympathize with the last story. My sister had kids when she was young, I'm younger than her by a bit. It happened so frequently that I'd be forced to "babysit". Kids just dropped off and I was told: "have fun". I hate kids especially the young ones. My sisters kids destroyed a few things and her cats did too. Did she pay up? Nope, wasn't her fault.
Story 2 "I make more money in a minute than you will see in your entire damn life." "Well, in that case, you won't even notice the costs of the damages. They would be insignificant to someone with that kind of money"
Story 5 If they didn't specifically ask OP to watch the kids, they shouldn't be responsible. The sister raised them and didn't teach them to be considerate of others.
I love it when the kids are more reasonable than their parents. It just goes to show that with age, doesn't always come wisdom.
Story 4: My grandmother was an antique dealer, and over the years had accumulated many collectibles. Of course, her grandkids were pretty rambunctious. We treated her house like we were kids. BUT, in all those years, we never broke any of her stuff. Even today, I'm surprised at that.
Story #4 - if we had gone into someone's home and touched anything, even toys, we would've been disciplined. We were close with our cousins growing up and we couldn't even touch their toys without asking first. If we had done what Karen's kid had, not only would we not be able to sit for a month, we'd have to give my parents any money we earned/received until the amount was paid in full and they wouldn't care if it was birthday money or money we earned.
What really surprises me about the racketball dad waa how he didn't even attempt to bribe the OP of that story. I condemn his actions, full-stop, but I'm more surprised that a half-hearted bribe wasn't in his repertoire before sabotage.
Also, the sore loser in my blames his loss on being rattled by the experience.
Story 1: she also committed a hit and run in that situation
For #5 OP is definitely not the asshole there. Their parents agreed to watch the kids in the first place, then dumped them on OP without asking just because they decided in the end, they didn't want to watch them and wanted to go out instead.
Last story:
OP is NOT even a little bit responsible for the “sister’s kids.” You don’t agree to babysit, then take off without ASKING someone else to babysit. I think OP taught the parents a great lesson. NEVER assume anything.
Story 2: I had a similar situation to OP, Just with less entitlement. I was working front desk at a crappy hotel/motel at 19. It was during covid and the main income keeping the hotel afloat was truckers who used our place to rest up before getting back on the road. I usually stuck them up on the top floor away from the noise so they could sleep better (3rd floor). The front desk person is the only one at the hotel except for housekeeping on any given day so I was all alone.
I check someone in on the first floor after the usual round of truckers. The couple I put on the first floor come back a couple minutes later saying the bathroom ceiling is leaking. I move them room and go to investigate. I enter the empty second floor room above the leaking room- that bathroom ceiling was leaking too. After a quick look at the log, there was a trucker sleeping in the room above. I knock on the door and the guy lets me in. Apparently, they fell asleep with the sink running with a towel clogging the drain. God know what made him think it was a good idea.
Wrap up: the trucking company that gives them these room free of charge was liable for the guys actions and he was banned from staying at our hotel and I spent an hour mopping up the mess and closing down those three room. The owners didn't come in after my numerous calls to them about the water damage. We didn't have managers or security like OP. Just us barely trained front desk staff and the owners. That hotel was insane and I don't know how I worked there for almost a year.
That's a pretty expensive babysitting bill! Maybe next time, you shouldn't just saddle someone with a couple unruly kids without even bothering to ask first, just because you feel like going out to dinner. If they didn't want to watch the kids, they should have told other daughter, not just left them with someone non consensually. OP is the only one who DOESN'T suck, IMO. She made sure the kids didn't get hurt and she didn't call child services for abandonment. That is far more than she signed up for. It would be one thing if there were some kind of family emergency, but no. They just wanted a night out. Natural consequences.
Story 2, OP said insurance filed, but then of course they don't know the outcome. My understanding from lawyers etc I've known, in situations like that, insurance pays, then THEY go after the other party to recoup
Story 4: to be fair, yes, broken items are less bad then broken people.
However, both were preventable!.
Story 5: NTA, as OP said: they were not asked to watch the kids, the parents just left them there, therefore they cannot blame OP for the damage that the kids caused, if they want to blame anyone they should blame themselves for leaving a pair of hyperactive kids practically alone in their house, though I will admit that OP should've stepped in when they were getting too rough, but I wouldn't say they were an AH
Story 3 - I feel bad for the kid of that Entitled Jerk Dad for having a man like that as his father but I also applaud the kid for being a good sportsman and doing the right thing by giving OP his racket to make up for what his jerk father did.
Story 3 is a prime example of why kids stop playing youth sports: PARENTS, constantly trying to live vicariously through their kids' abilities. If the adults, aside from the officials, were kept away from all youth sporting events, and had to watch from a distance, kids would enjoy the games much more.
I wouldn’t immediately called the cops. The first time she said no and walked away. Call the police say someone damaged my car and they’re trying to run away. Get her license plate number take pictures of the damage and then if she runs the show it to the cops. I’m at the store has cameras outside.
Story 1: Karen Logic be like; use the same excuse for everything
Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"
The sad fact of most such stories is that using the same excuse has worked until that point in time; they wouldn't still be using it if it didn't.
Sometimes we're lucky enough to see the Karens learn a hard lesson; other times their reality checks bounce.
Einstein 1. Karen "logic" 0.
That 100 year old table may have been worth a fortune before the kids destroyed it. Were I the mother, I ask an appraiser to let me know what range of prices vintage tables like it have gone for. She should then try to replace the table if it's worth more than the cost of the carpenter, billing the entitled Karen parent for all the costs associated with the replacement.
Story 2: I’m sure the hotel filed an insurance claim. Then their insurance collected from Karen via subrogation.
So glad that kid wasn't entitled like his dad!
Last Story - Absolutely not the AH. It is not OP's problem in any way shape or form. The people who were SUPPOSED to be watching those kids took off for their own stupid BS. The mother is definitely an AH for thinking that OP should pay for anything. Get the money from the mother and father of the disrespectful little brats that destroyed your property. Because that is the Only place that it should come from.
Story 4: If the kid had been hurt you know the entitled mom would have sued OP's mom.
Story 5: The parents are the AHs! They agreed to watch the kids. You can’t then go to a dinner party and leave the kids and just expect that OP will watch them without asking because you created a situation where OP would be the only adult home. It seems like the parents were trying to get one over on OP. They knew OP stayed home to study and thought that by not asking and just leaving, OP would be forced to not study and watch the kids because they knew had they asked OP would have said no. Well… OP taught them a valuable lesson there. (OP is an AH lite for this, but given what the parents were trying to do OP was trying not to be taken advantage of so slightly forgivable.) If the parents knew they had a dinner party and weren’t intending to take the kids, they shouldn’t have agreed to watch them. Sister may or may not be an AH. Depending on how old the kids are, kids wreak havoc on things just by being curious. OP might be the AH for leaving kids potentially too young almost unsupervised though. OP did say that they checked to make sure they weren’t injuring themselves but that likely wasn’t enough for kids that young. But major AHs are the parents in my book. Don’t agree to watch kids you’re going to leave and not watch at all and try to trick someone else into watching without even asking.
I was parked outside my local doctors waiting for my elderly father, when a woman, parked about 20 feet away from me started reversing. I whispered, mind the paintwork as she got a bit closer to me, i had only had the car four days, but she revved up and having come across the carpark, hit my drivers door. I jumped out screaming "Look what you've done!", she replied that her boyfriend was a panel beater, she gave me his phone number and adress, he mended the dent and touched up the paintwork and polished so it looked brand new. No need to claim through insurance, all done on the fly.
Story 1: Immediately take pictures of the damage, take a picture of her license plate, both cars side by side, etc. Then call the police since she wasn't being even slightly remorseful.
I took a lot of pictures when some woman came roaring through the parking lot as I was backing, very slowly, out of a parking space. (I had a panel truck next to me so I was only inching out in case someone did come through.) She wasn't even looking to her right (the side I was on) and yes, our cars did meet. There was a tiny bit of paint from my bumper on that piece of trim on the door that is to protect it from just this sort of thing. And she tried to blame me for a dent elsewhere that was higher than the top of my car! I took lots of pictures, she called the cops and her husband (because there was no way a dent on her passenger side could possibly have been there when she got into the car that morning), and was generally a nasty piece of work. I stopped by my insurance agent's office as soon as we were done and gave them the photos, saying that yes, I probably did hit her car since it was my bumper and her door, but this was how the parking lot was set up, and she was claiming this other, much worse, dent which there was no way my car could have caused.
I never heard anything more, and my insurance rates didn't go up, so I suspect her insurance company was told to go pound sand since she was trying to basically pull an insurance fraud to get the major damage fixed.
The moment Karen refused to give me her Insurance Information, I'd pull out my phone and call the Police right in front of her...I'd also stand directly behind her car so she couldn't drive away until the Police arrived...
Let her tell the Cops that she has kids and these things happen...they'll tell her that's irrelevant and she is LEGALLY REQUIRED to provide her ID and Insurance Information and here's your Ticket for failing to do that when asked...
Story 1: the 1st time she blew me off I would have called the cops while she was shopping... her leaving was just a hit and run to add to the charges. I have seen enough of these to know you can't reason with people like this and to just nope out and let law enforcement deal with it.
Last story:
OP is NTA, because her irresponsible sister dump the kid to her and her mother is crazy, she have the audacity to ask OP to shoulder the damage, I mean, the hell with her mother mind???
Last story, nope, mom and dad and sister are the AHs. Adult kids should be treated AS ADULTS. You ask someone to watch the kids. You don't assume they will. OP had studying to do, the babysitting job wasn't hers, it was mom and dad who agreed to babysit. However, I would have been downstairs. The rules would be "You are to be quiet. Shut up and don't talk--at all. You are to sit here with your hands in your laps and watch TV. I have something important to do and I can't have you yelling and running around while I do it. If you are very quiet while I do my homework, there's a treat and I'll do something fun with you. But if you have to have me stop you for ANYTHING, you'll be sitting here when your parents get home." Yeah, I can be TAH in that situation. It would guarantee sister wouldn't drop the kids on us and Mom and Dad wouldn't leave again. I'm a grandmother of 9, I had 3 kids. I wouldn't let my kids do that, I wouldn't drop my kids on my parents like that without knowing what they were doing, and I certainly won't be the sitter when I have something to do. My grandkids had crayons, toys, and such here. We had videos and snacks. And the kids minded me, laid down for the night at bedtime, and we all got along. One lives with me now, he's 29, has his own space, is polite, and helps around the house (he's going through a divorce). The other kids are olde, the baby is 4, but everyone else is in high school or college. And the great grands will have the same rules. :)
Story 1 "I have a kid". She'd accidentally, suddenly, have a flat tyre when she returned. That way, the convo could continue to OP's satisfaction. Also pics of damage, license plate etc. already taken. With time stamps.
Story 5:
NTA. There's no room for such a claim to even be made because the OP never agreed to take any responsibility for those kids. Had they said they'd watch the kids, then i'd agree, but that's not the case, and there's nothing anyone can say to make the OP responsible.
I have multiple nieces and nephews. Two of which are 8 and 6. I live with one of my sisters and if im not asked to watch them its not my responsibility if they make a mess.but also even if i did agree to watch them, i wouldn't have to worry about them making that kinda of a mess. Were they raised in a zoo?!?! At their ages again two of them are the ages of ops niblings, i barley have to do any looking after them. Op didn't let anything happen. She wasnt even supposed to be in charge. She is most definitely NOT the ah.