Assassin's Creed Odyssey (The Movie)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 เม.ย. 2019
  • The story of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, edited into a movie! Make sure you keep watching when the credits roll, there's an extended epilogue that is worth watching :D
    If you're unfamiliar with my work, I like to take the stories of my favorite games and edit them into full length movies. I also try to do that in a way where the movie can be understood and enjoyed by anybody, whether they have played the game or not. This isn't a "Let's Play" or walkthrough, and this isn't a cutscene compilation. I try my best to present the entire story as best as possible, including any cutscenes and just enough gameplay necessary to do just that, while doing my best to retain decent pacing and avoid leaving plot holes.
    While these movies are not intended to fully replicate every aspect of the game experience, they do a good job at delivering the story in a condensed form you don't often get to experience while playing the game. This game in particular is at least 50 hours to complete all story material, so by the time you finish, the beginning of the story is a distant memory. So movies like these allow you to experience the story and keep the whole thing fresh in your mind the entire time. So even if you've played the game before, this movie can still allow you to experience the story in a new way.
    In the case of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, making this movie was a bit of a different task than usual. In this game, the player has the ability to influence the story somewhat through their choices. Because of this, for direction on how to take the story for the movie, I decided to follow the official novelization by Gordon Doherty as a guide. Now, there are things in the book that aren't possible, and things that progress differently in the game than the book, meaning I did need to add some extra scenes compared to the book, but for the most part I feel I did a good job sticking as closely to the book as possible. This also included editing together scenes from three different endings to get the one that most closely matched the book ending.
    Part of the process of making my movies is also removing as many "gameplay indicators" as possible from the screen. Thankfully Assassin's Creed contains a No HUD mode, so there isn't as much I needed to do there, but I also want to thank Ubisoft for finally reducing the frequency of auto save indicators. Personally, I think they should be unnecessary in modern machines anyway, but the fact that there was less of them this time around helped significantly speed up post production this time around.
    One thing some people may notice is the frame rate is somewhat choppy in this video. This is due to one or more of a few things. I know the game isn't a solid 30fps, so that's part of it, but I think it's also a combination of other factors. For one, in this movie I was using the 4K capture device, which sends uncompressed 4K30 video to the computer, and that really pushes the limits of the USB port. As I have just built a new PC, it's possible the new USB ports on this PC simply can't keep up. It's also possible the recording device itself is having troubles. However, it's also possible the real time video encoder I use, NVENC, is having issues with my GPU. Between projects I was also using that encoder for other work that should have required very little processing power, and it did have skips, so it may be my GPU that is going bad and caused the skips. It's hard to tell which of these factors caused it. However, as I posted in my other most recent video, I just bought a new device for recording, which records directly to SSD, no USB required, and produces very reliable results. I actually used this device to record about the last 20 minutes of the movie leading up to the credits.
    As always, if you like my movie make sure to support the developer by buying the game. If you want to support my channel, make sure to subscribe for more videos like this. TH-cam Premium also helps a lot more than people realize. I also have a Patreon if you'd be interested in supporting further:
    / morphinapg
    Every Patron will gain access to posts detailing every aspect of production, including release date and movie length estimates long before they become public. $5 supporters are also able to download full high quality versions of my movies, including many with 4K and surround sound.
    As always, let me know what you think! Thank you for watching my movies!
    #AssassinsCreedOdyssey #VideoGameMovie #ACOdyssey
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ความคิดเห็น • 427

  • @thomasbailey3385
    @thomasbailey3385 3 ปีที่แล้ว +238

    Considering the thousands of potential dialogue options, the hundreds of story threads feeding into and out of one another across multiple quests, and the sheer volume of content in the three main narrative arcs of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (Family Arc, Cult of Kosmos Arc, and Atlantis Arc) -- the main storyline of which can take at least 120 hours of gameplay to get through, even before side quests and DLC's -- in order to compress a project of that immensity down into a 5 hour 50 minute video, while still retaining sufficient amounts of both cutscenes and gameplay so as to keep the plot understandable, while also making the whole experience excitingly compelling, is truly an amazing feat. This must have been a task of titanic proportions: the numerous playthroughs so as to get the feel of narrative-driven combat in order to make it more cinematic; the selection and compiling of literally hundreds of thousands of scenes from across the entirety of the game's campaign; and the creative direction necessary to rearrange them into a succinct order that works to make the whole experience more like that of a Hollywood-style action-adventure-mystery-romance film rather than a game.
    I was obsessed with Odyssey from the moment of my first playthrough, and have continued to be ever since. This film that you have been able to produce has really allowed me to get the experience of the complete, main campaign again, without having to replay hours and hours of content -- nor having to pour through dozens of TH-cam videos -- just to experience my favourite scenes once more.
    Thank you so much for your dedication and passion towards this project, which offers everyone -- whether they are gamers, film students or just people in search of a few hours to kill -- the chance to experience AC: Odyssey presented in the quality that it deserves.

    • @lennymosca9099
      @lennymosca9099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Like Thomas Bailey said I agree you put such an effort into making the and considering how long this game is in summary side branches that can deviate the way you can Denson into a full-length movie you truly are a genius Andy and I thank you for this

    • @goofyahhmf5016
      @goofyahhmf5016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @419chris419
      @419chris419 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This game's dialogue and cutscenes is garbage tier compared to metal gear games. And this is supposed to be a contemporary triple A game, don't make me laugh.

    • @thomasbailey3385
      @thomasbailey3385 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@419chris419 It's fair enough if you believe that. To me, honestly, it's one of the best games in recent years

    • @thomasbailey3385
      @thomasbailey3385 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@goofyahhmf5016 What can I say? I'm passionate about it 😂

  • @NadaMaher
    @NadaMaher 4 ปีที่แล้ว +305

    I remember playing for 5 hours and then I see the intro title I was like wtf I thought I was deep in game and I was just beginning lmao

    • @misssincere5762
      @misssincere5762 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ikr lol

    • @polyanesilvaferreira9960
      @polyanesilvaferreira9960 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @PhenomResurrections08
      @PhenomResurrections08 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      LOL you think that's bad? I played AC Valhalla having not seen a title for 3 days. My bad for not leaving Norway sooner.

    • @NadaMaher
      @NadaMaher 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@PhenomResurrections08 lmfao I can be like that

    • @JayRacer
      @JayRacer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      It takes so long for the game to open up but once it does it really gets interesting. Most underrated game of the last few years.

  • @norsepool5273
    @norsepool5273 4 ปีที่แล้ว +283

    Thats why i like THIS channel. He plays it a few times so he can make it more cinematic like a movie when he plays it for us.

    • @jimmycarrolljr3767
      @jimmycarrolljr3767 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nyyyyynybyynyybynyynynnyyyyybyynyynybynynyynynynbynynyyyybynyyyybyynyn6nyynybyyyyyyyybyynybynyynnynyyynyyyynyyynyynynyyynynyynyyyynnyynynynynyybynnynyyynynynybynynynynynyyyyyynyyyynbyynyyynyynyynynyyyynyybynynnyynynyynyynynynyynyynyyyynybynbynyyynybybyny nyybyynyyy nyynynynynnyynyynynyyynynybyyyyyyyyynbynynyyybyyynnynnynynynnynbyynnynbynnnnyyyynnnybybybynyyynynynyyyybynynynyyyyyyyynynynnyny ynyynyyyyybyynnynyyyy nnnyyybynyybybynyyynynynynynynynyyynynnyybynynyyyynyy nnynynyyyynybynynyybyynyyyy nyynyynnyn nnynynyyyynnyyynyyynnyyyynyyyynynynybynynnyynnynynnn by nynybynynnyybyy yyyyybynynynyynyyynyynybybyynnynnyynyyn byynyynbyynyy nyyyybnynynyynnyby ynynynnnnynnyy ny .nyynnyyybyyybnynyyynnnnynynbyyynynyyyynnynyny huntnyyynyyynyynynyynnnynyyy nnyyynynynyy ynynyyynyybyyynyyynyynnyynnnhnyyynynybybyyynyyny. Nyynynynynynyynyny. B tn ynyyybyynyny ybyynyybyynnyyyny but. Y bunnynyynynybyyyynyynyynyynnyyynynyynynyyynynyybynhynnyynynynyynnyynyynynnnynnnyyynnyynynyynnynnyynynynyynynny. Ynnynynnnyyybbnnyybynynyb my nyy ynyynyynynyynnynyyyyyynnyyny nyyynbny by nyyyynnnynyynynynynnyyny my nbyny yyynynyyy nnynyyyy. Y nyny yb. Tn yny yyyynynnynynnyn baby yynynyynynynynnnyny nnynny nyynyynnnnnnn ynynyy nynynny nyynynynynny my nnyy ynynny nynnynyy nbjyy ybybynyn nynynnynyy. By nyyh y. N ynyy. B yynnny. Ny by by y nynnyn nyynyny hy. Ny. Tnt. Y. Ynnynyy b. B. Nbbyby. Y ny yny yyny by by hnnyny. Nyny. Baby bunny. Ny y. Ny nyy bnybynyy. Ynby ynynyny nynybnyny ynyny ynny by but y ynynny. Y bynynny my nynyhyny ynynby. Ynnyby. Y nbbh. Nyn yny. Nynynyn yby bbyynyb y hy.bny y yny y. N ynyny but by. Nynnyy my y by. Y. Y. B buy nyny by. Ny nyn n y yn. Ynyny. Yby nny ny bun. Ynynynny by nyy my by b. Nyny y my y. Ny. H. J ynnynnyy. Nyu. Y. N. Ybn my y. Ny unyby nyn ynhb buy nynyny nyny. Y ynynnynybynn. Ny y. Y. Ynnynnnybyby bnyby nyny. Y .y. Jny ynynynyny y. Byynynyyb. Nyny.hyny nybh y ny nynnnynyby h yny y. Unynbybyby. Y y nynynny. .hnynynyby. y. J h y ynnyny.y y ynynny by y. Y. Nnyn nnbyny yny ynny y j. Y. Ny ynyyb. Jh. Y ynynnyny.ynnyn y. Nybh y. Un y buy bbub y. Ny ynnyby. Y. Y. B yjn. Un. J nyhyny my y my y yny yny. Ynny unynyny ynynbynh my. Ynybyy tn h y y by. Yny. Tnt n by. Ny. Yby y. Ybyby b. B. Ybny you. By. Y y.ynby. H by. Y nnyby y ny nyybyn yny y by yn y nyny by. Y yny. Ny. Y. By. Unt yny .hy. Ny unyybu. Y ynynnynyy. y but ybynyby. Tn y y n my tn y. H y n y. Un n. Y bynyy nyby yn. Ynynybyn ynyny. N but you y by. Ny. Jbh hnny. Yybu n y unyn by. Y yby. Nyn h ny. Nyyny y. ybyjbaby .yny y b jyh ynbynbyb by yny. Y h y. Ny by j y n yny tiny. Ynyybuny n. Nynb umm by nyny yb y ny y h b. Y yny. Ky y jby byy n byn. Y yjby. J nnyy nnybh nnybhynb yhynhnynny ybuj. Y. Ynyu my. H. Hyynynny ybny. Unt y ny but jnny by nyny. Nny y nyny. H nynnby my ynnnyybny nnyyb. Y. Y nny nnynny y. Yby my y. Ny tn any. Un. J bunny by n ynny uhh by. Jby j. Y y yby y. Huh bye. Y nybybbbyny y. Yynyybhny. Ynyny ny. Ynnnynnny ynyby nyu. Y. Ny yb. Hyu. B. Unt. Y. Ybuy bub bbybnynybyny yny yny nby bby by ynyn yby by. By by by by b nynybybn hbybnynny bun j ynnnyby. Tnt ny nyby. Tub by. Y y y. Ynyny my y bunny ny. Y byby. Yny ynyn jyyb. Ynnu by. B jyn ynynyby. Bjybyn by j by my y y my nnub u y hby nny. Hub y hbnynyny y by j ynynyny. Tn y nyby jyy. Jbbyj n. Ny y y bybhby bybyny. Y nybyy baby nnyby by by by yj yn ty yny n y yj. Y uny ynjbyy byhby nybbybybynny ybyyny. Nyynbbyubyy y hbny by by by. Tj y. Tj yhyn jynby yynby yyj h your y yy my. J ynynubybynynnny. Y y nub yy nyy by n yny y n ynyby my yhynybh y j. N. yh bbyb y y yj bh uny jyjy n. Ty h y y y yjbynynynny. U y ynynyh you. Yu by jby y ynybnyb y my ybybu bh ny y ynyny ybyby j. N yjn ynny my ynynb unyh y y. Y y y.byynhhny y byyjy uny jbubu. Ntb. U yby. Nnynyybuby jnyby b nyb j yny my hnynybyny h y. Ny u ybybyby unynybyubnyyb my h y jy b y tn. Ybnuyyjbyby my y but y ynyn u ynnynny ynynynybyby my yby. Jynu y you y jy y y y n u bjy y. Y. y by. Ynby ynyb y y yjnuy. Uby. By. Yu. Unyn. J y by bbybyb y y y. Ny ybu bb hy yhnnyhnbn. ; B. B. Best ñ. nn

    • @jimmycarrolljr3767
      @jimmycarrolljr3767 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nyyyyynybyynyybynyynynnyyyyybyynyynybynynyynynynbynynyyyybynyyyybyynyn6nyynybyyyyyyyybyynybynyynnynyyynyyyynyyynyynynyyynynyynyyyynnyynynynynyybynnynyyynynynybynynynynynyyyyyynyyyynbyynyyynyynyynynyyyynyybynynnyynynyynyynynynyynyynyyyynybynbynyyynybybyny nyybyynyyy nyynynynynnyynyynynyyynynybyyyyyyyyynbynynyyybyyynnynnynynynnynbyynnynbynnnnyyyynnnybybybynyyynynynyyyybynynynyyyyyyyynynynnyny ynyynyyyyybyynnynyyyy nnnyyybynyybybynyyynynynynynynynyyynynnyybynynyyyynyy nnynynyyyynybynynyybyynyyyy nyynyynnyn nnynynyyyynnyyynyyynnyyyynyyyynynynybynynnyynnynynnn by nynybynynnyybyy yyyyybynynynyynyyynyynybybyynnynnyynyyn byynyynbyynyy nyyyybnynynyynnyby ynynynnnnynnyy ny .nyynnyyybyyybnynyyynnnnynynbyyynynyyyynnynyny huntnyyynyyynyynynyynnnynyyy nnyyynynynyy ynynyyynyybyyynyyynyynnyynnnhnyyynynybybyyynyyny. Nyynynynynynyynyny. B tn ynyyybyynyny ybyynyybyynnyyyny but. Y bunnynyynynybyyyynyynyynyynnyyynynyynynyyynynyybynhynnyynynynyynnyynyynynnnynnnyyynnyynynyynnynnyynynynyynynny. Ynnynynnnyyybbnnyybynynyb my nyy ynyynyynynyynnynyyyyyynnyyny nyyynbny by nyyyynnnynyynynynynnyyny my nbyny yyynynyyy nnynyyyy. Y nyny yb. Tn yny yyyynynnynynnyn baby yynynyynynynynnnyny nnynny nyynyynnnnnnn ynynyy nynynny nyynynynynny my nnyy ynynny nynnynyy nbjyy ybybynyn nynynnynyy. By nyyh y. N ynyy. B yynnny. Ny by by y nynnyn nyynyny hy. Ny. Tnt. Y. Ynnynyy b. B. Nbbyby. Y ny yny yyny by by hnnyny. Nyny. Baby bunny. Ny y. Ny nyy bnybynyy. Ynby ynynyny nynybnyny ynyny ynny by but y ynynny. Y bynynny my nynyhyny ynynby. Ynnyby. Y nbbh. Nyn yny. Nynynyn yby bbyynyb y hy.bny y yny y. N ynyny but by. Nynnyy my y by. Y. Y. B buy nyny by. Ny nyn n y yn. Ynyny. Yby nny ny bun. Ynynynny by nyy my by b. Nyny y my y. Ny. H. J ynnynnyy. Nyu. Y. N. Ybn my y. Ny unyby nyn ynhb buy nynyny nyny. Y ynynnynybynn. Ny y. Y. Ynnynnnybyby bnyby nyny. Y .y. Jny ynynynyny y. Byynynyyb. Nyny.hyny nybh y ny nynnnynyby h yny y. Unynbybyby. Y y nynynny. .hnynynyby. y. J h y ynnyny.y y ynynny by y. Y. Nnyn nnbyny yny ynny y j. Y. Ny ynyyb. Jh. Y ynynnyny.ynnyn y. Nybh y. Un y buy bbub y. Ny ynnyby. Y. Y. B yjn. Un. J nyhyny my y my y yny yny. Ynny unynyny ynynbynh my. Ynybyy tn h y y by. Yny. Tnt n by. Ny. Yby y. Ybyby b. B. Ybny you. By. Y y.ynby. H by. Y nnyby y ny nyybyn yny y by yn y nyny by. Y yny. Ny. Y. By. Unt yny .hy. Ny unyybu. Y ynynnynyy. y but ybynyby. Tn y y n my tn y. H y n y. Un n. Y bynyy nyby yn. Ynynybyn ynyny. N but you y by. Ny. Jbh hnny. Yybu n y unyn by. Y yby. Nyn h ny. Nyyny y. ybyjbaby .yny y b jyh ynbynbyb by yny. Y h y. Ny by j y n yny tiny. Ynyybuny n. Nynb umm by nyny yb y ny y h b. Y yny. Ky y jby byy n byn. Y yjby. J nnyy nnybh nnybhynb yhynhnynny ybuj. Y. Ynyu my. H. Hyynynny ybny. Unt y ny but jnny by nyny. Nny y nyny. H nynnby my ynnnyybny nnyyb. Y. Y nny nnynny y. Yby my y. Ny tn any. Un. J bunny by n ynny uhh by. Jby j. Y y yby y. Huh bye. Y nybybbbyny y. Yynyybhny. Ynyny ny. Ynnnynnny ynyby nyu. Y. Ny yb. Hyu. B. Unt. Y. Ybuy bub bbybnynybyny yny yny nby bby by ynyn yby by. By by by by b nynybybn hbybnynny bun j ynnnyby. Tnt ny nyby. Tub by. Y y y. Ynyny my y bunny ny. Y byby. Yny ynyn jyyb. Ynnu by. B jyn ynynyby. Bjybyn by j by my y y my nnub u y hby nny. Hub y hbnynyny y by j ynynyny. Tn y nyby jyy. Jbbyj n. Ny y y bybhby bybyny. Y nybyy baby nnyby by by by yj yn ty yny n y yj. Y uny ynjbyy byhby nybbybybynny ybyyny. Nyynbbyubyy y hbny by by by. Tj y. Tj yhyn jynby yynby yyj h your y yy my. J ynynubybynynnny. Y y nub yy nyy by n yny y n ynyby my yhynybh y j. N. yh bbyb y y yj bh uny jyjy n. Ty h y y y yjbynynynny. U y ynynyh you. Yu by jby y ynybnyb y my ybybu bh ny y ynyny ybyby j. N yjn ynny my ynynb unyh y y. Y y y.byynhhny y byyjy uny jbubu. Ntb. U yby. Nnynyybuby jnyby b nyb j yny my hnynybyny h y. Ny u ybybyby unynybyubnyyb my h y jy b y tn. Ybnuyyjbyby my y but y ynyn u ynnynny ynynynybyby my yby. Jynu y you y jy y y y n u bjy y. Y. y by. Ynby ynyb y y yjnuy. Uby. By. Yu. Unyn. J y by bbybyb y y y. Ny ybu bb hy yhnnyhnbn. ; B. B. Best ñ. nn

  • @NicdaGameDOC_07
    @NicdaGameDOC_07 3 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    This is some impressive editing. It really feels like a movie. Respect.

  • @PhenomResurrections08
    @PhenomResurrections08 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I will never not geek out for that first opening scene of Ikaros flying to Kassandra on Kephallonia. No matter how many times I watch it.

  • @connorgarst5277
    @connorgarst5277 4 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    I just want to say that this is an amazingly well put together edit... you have a cinematographer's eye.

  • @Stray0
    @Stray0 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Lyla: _hears the name 'Kassandra' 1000 times_
    Also Lyla: _still says Kassendra_

  • @nicole.5346
    @nicole.5346 4 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Whenever Alexios has his angry episodes, he reminds me of Kylo Ren😂

  • @MrMobi21
    @MrMobi21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Great to know that somewhere in the 45+ hours of grinding and mediocre gameplay, there is a decent story. Thank you so much for making this bro

  • @kickflipkidthemalakass635
    @kickflipkidthemalakass635 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I watched this one year ago. your movie got VERY interested in odyssey and I got back into the franchise. thank you so much for making this!

  • @katestark4039
    @katestark4039 5 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    This video game very,very brilliant!! and the epilogue gives me goosebumps ... I am looking forward for your next video game movie... Nicely done Sir Andy

  • @MrLimo217
    @MrLimo217 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Wow this an awesome movie, the transitions and lack of button prompts makes it really immersive. Ive completed the campaign as Kassandra and have always preferred it over Alexis. Well done 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @InfinityBladeStudios
    @InfinityBladeStudios 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you so much for this movie! It was amazing. It was a perfectly put-together masterpiece. This movie actually inspired me to make a cinematic play through of some of my own favorite video games (Infinity Blade). Your work here is amazing!

  • @RaduP3
    @RaduP3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    played this game 2 days and got real bored of the gameplay, leveling, grinding weapons to not fall behind, etc, but loved the story, so I continued watching it here. Amazing work, thank you for a wonderful job.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I agree the grinding really does take away from the experience. I wish Ubisoft would focus more on a tighter narrative that doesn't need all that extra stuff. Doing too much can cause a dip in quality that is pretty obvious when you look at things like animation/mocap, story pacing, side mission quality, stuff like that. I'd personally rather have a shorter game where each hour was higher quality than just more content at whatever cost.

  • @PanicFOx
    @PanicFOx ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The amount of effort you've put in making this is incredible

  • @laviniasnow4494
    @laviniasnow4494 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Based on this video, the game seems enjoyable with its visuals. However I've read a lot of comments from people displeased with it. This makes me think the game/story is SOOO amazing because of your masterful editing. So, thank you for the work and dedication put in the telling and bringing to light of this superb story. 🙏🏻😌

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      You have to think that for a lot of people, it might take them over 100 hours to see all of this story, due to the way the game is presented (although it can technically be completed in about half that). In compact form, I think it's a pretty solid story, but when it's stretched out over a long period of time, with gameplay that can start to feel pretty repetitive fairly quickly, I think you can understand where some of the complaints come from. Valhalla has a similar issue. Although I think this game is more enjoyable than Valhalla, due to tighter controls and just a world that looks and feels nicer to explore.

    • @laviniasnow4494
      @laviniasnow4494 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AndyGilleand Wow, I didn't know that about the gameplay. Thank you for the clarifications. 🙂

  • @Axonteer
    @Axonteer 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Ooomg!!!! I was just looking for a aco2 movie and sadend that you havent uploaded yours yet. Perfect timing!!! Im shure it will be perfect as always, somehow with your movies i never had the feeling that something got left out! - now i need to wait till 13.4 TT xD

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    At the end of the main quest "The Serpent's Lair" when Kassandra talk to Herodotus, he tells her to meet to him at the Lion of Leonidas at Thermopylai, Malis. Then the main quest "Memories Awoken" appears.
    Now the most interesting point is that if go to Thermopylai via the path just ahead you, i.e. climbing the waterfall and then going through the Cave of Kratos, then special dialogue series will trigger. The dialogue delivery here by Kassandra is very emotional and this serves as a very emotional and powerful moment.
    The fact that I'm mentioning it here is because, of all the playthroughs I've watched, I haven't seen any TH-camr taking this path. All climb the entire mountain and then descent it, not knowing that there is a path through inside of the mountain via the "Cave of Kratos". That dialogue only appears if you go through that cave in the quest "Memories Awoken", i.e. to meet Herodotus at the Lion of Leonidas where we have Leonidas flashback scene.
    I know you become perfect at a game and then make a movie. And you always show slightest of the important details in the movie. So I really wish that you would've gone through that path and you include that series of dialogues into the movie. That is really very powerful moment and is important to Kassandra's character arc!
    The path I mentioned above is the path that the Persian army took to surround Leonidas and his army.
    Remember at the very beginning of the game, when a soldier tells King Leonidas - "We are betrayed my king. Xerxes knows of the path behind the mountain. They are coming."
    THIS is THAT path. So if you go through that path(Cave of Kratos) during Memories Awoken, then Kassandra says - "This is the path the Persians took............. Now I'm taking the path, it feels like I'm betraying Sparta too.................." and the dialogue goes on. It gave me goosebumps. I wish it is there in the movie!
    #HypeAtItsPeak #CantWaitNow #AssassinsCreedOdyssey #AndyGilleand #AssassinsCreedOdysseyMovie #JustAFewHoursLeftForPremiere😍😍

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Oh man, I wish I would have known about that. Sorry, it's not included. It just transitions from one scene to the next.

    • @bhavya.prashant
      @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@AndyGilleand Ohh! Never mind. I thought you'd have noticed that. There are many _hidden_ dialogues in this game which only trigger if you follow a specific path. Among all those I found this one most touching.
      Now I'm feeling sorry that I haven't told you that before.
      But nevermind, that was just a 2-3 minutes dialogue sequence. We've got a 6 hour movie ahead.
      So super excited!!! 😍😍

    • @bhavya.prashant
      @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I live in India. So it's morning here. And believe me, I wasn't able to sleep all night due to excitement!!! 😍

  • @miltenyij606
    @miltenyij606 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This is amazing done. Great work

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    An AMAZING experience. Thank you so so so so soooooooooooo much!!!

  • @gunsmithcat7542
    @gunsmithcat7542 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    The way some scenes (like 15:53 ) are cut makes it seem oddly comedic at times LOL

  • @cherrymint5443
    @cherrymint5443 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this ! I recently started playing Odyssey again and since it's been some time, I was not really immersed in the story anymore and forgot the chronological order of a lot of the events and this edit helped so much :)

  • @safaa6501
    @safaa6501 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Finally assassins creed oddesy movie 🎥 🍿

  • @soap.333
    @soap.333 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Amazing editing work. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. This, Origins, and Valhalla! Thank you. You are a digital hero!

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My Valhalla movie is not out yet. My next movie will be Fate of Atlantis, and then Valhalla after that.

    @JSPUFC 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Ah man. I watched Origins when I was travelling. Downloaded this one also. Love the little detail you left for us, with the eagle flying over which city you arrived in. Showing us the setting for the event about to take place

  • @shellyflorea2272
    @shellyflorea2272 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It's midnight but I could not sleep till finished and let me just say Andy you are a master of the trade I know a lot of time and effort go into the making of video game movies so keep up the awesome work 👍👍

  • @IsisPhoenixOsirianusHatterdom
    @IsisPhoenixOsirianusHatterdom 4 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    Another gem you shared and an epic one at that, very well done!! Seeing Kassandra's story touched me, this was amazing to watch!!

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    *Odyssey (Official English Version)*
    Look to the stars
    Beyond the mountains and the wild sea
    Follow your dreams
    The bravest hearts
    The gods will favor those who dare to see
    For destiny
    Beautiful Island
    Bathed in the rising sun
    Faith's hand will guide you
    Travel in path alone
    Back to the warmth of home
    Through storms we'll rise
    And battles fought under a raging sky
    Through watchful eyes
    Fearless we breathe
    With silent whispers through the ancient trees
    Where legends grow
    We live in whole
    Beautiful Island
    Bathed in the rising sun
    Faith's hand will guide you
    Travel in path alone
    Back to the warmth of home

  • @xyrothael7976
    @xyrothael7976 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im watching this and i keep getting surprises from this. I've watched stuff like this but none has ever surprised me as much as this video. good job, mate! love it

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    You shouldn't have put the countdown right now!
    Now each day will feel like an year to me!!!

  • @casuallychallenged
    @casuallychallenged 5 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    It makes me very very happy that you chose Kassandra as the main protagonist. Having played through with both, it just "feels" better if she is the main and Alexios is who he is. That and I cannot take his accent seriously through the game as the main character, where I find he sounds great as the rage monster we later meet.
    I also like your choice to cut all the "flashback" scenes into a longer form opening. With the way the game gives them to you, I think the only reason they were split up is because otherwise you would not have actually been "playing" the game for a long time. But they work better all together at the beginning in a movie format.
    and cutting together the travel with Ikaros flights is a great cinematic flare too.
    Another great video. Looking forward to the next one.

  • @ClaireStClair-dq1po
    @ClaireStClair-dq1po 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love how you used Ikaros in this, fantastic editing.

  • @KenniTheKid
    @KenniTheKid 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks for putting this together. I really like how you keep the important bits in.
    I love the story in this game and Kassandra was such a cool protagonist. Unfortunately while this game was so much fun for the first 30 or so hours, after that it became a boring repetitive grind. I hate how big the map is and how much time is spend just moving from one samey looking island to the next doing the exact same types of missions over and over and over and over again. I ended up finish the main story without exploring a bunch of islands and i don't care to ever go back and finish them.
    I really hope they make the next game map smaller, more dense and lively with more diverse missions so its entertaining from start to finish. Bigger isnt always better.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I agree with many of those points

  • @mohdnorsyafiq464
    @mohdnorsyafiq464 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good work as always Andy!

  • @maxinelowe6285
    @maxinelowe6285 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Another of your movies I've watched brilliant! Thanks so much shall look for next one now x

  • @shad3115
    @shad3115 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I haven’t watched the video yet but thank you for this! I want to watch the actual story with ALL details. Not some 10 minute summary that skips interesting stuff.

  • @jesserantakangas5594
    @jesserantakangas5594 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    holy hell this is amazing ! thank you for your work ! Also, best game ever, nothing comes near (and, yes, ive playd valhalla alot)

  • @naomiuchiha0906
    @naomiuchiha0906 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yo I love how you did this in Boeotia where Stentor mentions the champions and Kass kills them right after xD Over all amazing work, it was perfect to revisit this story I love so much

  • @goofyahhmf5016
    @goofyahhmf5016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    assasins creed odyssey and Ryse son of rome were so epic

  • @jenmygem
    @jenmygem 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am so glad to have found you. I don't have hours to spend on video games anymore and it sucks. I was trying to play some of the recent Assassin Creeds but the gameplay feels so grindy, and I hate how the main storylines are all locked by filler quests. I find your channel, games edited to movies, RPG games have the canon choices when it needs to, gameplay is hud-free, and it is played to perfection. What a godsend.

  • @shellyflorea2272
    @shellyflorea2272 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Just started watching but another job well done Andy I plan on watching all of them 😊💚

  • @paulmurphy5963
    @paulmurphy5963 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What a wonderful story about history and legend. And let's have more of it It's so gripping. 👍

  • @notfalling334
    @notfalling334 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Such good editing

  • @BadMike47
    @BadMike47 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Respect bro love this

  • @enesevki
    @enesevki ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fantastic job mate!!

  • @wchambers11
    @wchambers11 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Your movies always amazed me!😉

  • @Shuru10
    @Shuru10 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm glad this is here cause I was on group calls with my friends during some cutscenes and I found out the hard way I CANNOT multitask

  • @dyn9726
    @dyn9726 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    bro your custom opening at 42:00 is goated, feels like AC2 series all over again

  • @user-iv1uo9qp5q
    @user-iv1uo9qp5q 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    from all the game movie channel i watched this one takes the cake on the editing

  • @dyn9726
    @dyn9726 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    shame i forgot this type of content exist, love seeing this channel again

  • @elzadaipan9359
    @elzadaipan9359 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I ❤ the way your story goes and I can't wait to watch the continuation 🤗🤗🤗

  • @darjanrajdevaraj662
    @darjanrajdevaraj662 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank for giving this wonderful work movie
    Every year it’s new 💋🥰👌

  • @loveblossom155
    @loveblossom155 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    in the beginning, i love that you upgraded her armour after she got paid by elpeanor - like that's what she used his money for.

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    *King Leonidas of Sparta*
    *480 BCE - Battle of Thermopylai*
    Dienekes - We are ready, my king.
    Leonidas - Tell me, Dienekes, have you ever gone fishing with your son?
    Dienekes - No, never. A soldier's life is all I've had the honor to know.
    Leonidas - I would have like to have gone fishing with my son. But now... Let us meet our fate, shall we?
    Leonidas - Spartans! Every breath that you have taken, has led you to this moment. Every drop of blood, sweat and tear, all of it, has led to where you stand right now.
    Leonidas - The Persians come to make slaves of us all. I have a better idea. I say we drench the Gods with their blood. What say you Spartans?
    Spartans - Hoo!
    Leonidas - For our sons!
    Spartans - Hoo!
    Leonidas - For our daughters!
    Spartans - Hoo!
    Leonidas - For Sparta!
    Spartans - Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
    #AssassinsCreedOdyssey #BattleOfThermopylai #AssassinsCreedMovie #AndyGilleand #AssassinsCreedMoviePremiere #AnyTimeNow #ExcitementOffTheCharts

  • @jax.attila
    @jax.attila 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I can't wait !!!!!!

  • @mcswizz9609
    @mcswizz9609 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Just so perfect :)

  • @morinthshepard6567
    @morinthshepard6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This reminds me of the old Harry Hausen Movies Jason and the Argonauts Clash of the Titans Spartacus ..... the colour and the setting so romantic.... TY Andy

  • @BushidoIslander8689
    @BushidoIslander8689 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Because of this movie. My interests of Ancient Greek is re kindled. Gratias :)

  • @brandonmclain2933
    @brandonmclain2933 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Watching this with Kassandra as the character makes a world of difference, Alexios’ voice actor was ATROCIOUS.

  • @philherb0656
    @philherb0656 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Better and better. I suggest doing the Watchdogs series. It would be interesting to watch you play through it. If I could make a suggestion in terms of how you tackle the game, try to do so in a totally technical manner. At least killing as possible, just hacking, stealth and parkour. Great work!

  • @lumineniananubis4161
    @lumineniananubis4161 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You can tell this person read the book. Because thats exactly how the first stealth mission went. Well, she sneaks through the water, drowns someone in the water, climbs the cliff. And when she entered the house, there was a booby trap, then she escaped by wearing a guards clothing. Where then she meets Elpenor. But other than that. Fucking spot on from how the book tells it.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yep I was trying to follow the book as close as I could for the movie. Had to get creative in some spots but it worked out for the most part.

    • @jenmygem
      @jenmygem 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AndyGilleand oh my god you're amazing

  • @gtaquizmaster
    @gtaquizmaster 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Andy You are a legend !

  • @bhavya.prashant
    @bhavya.prashant 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Just 1 Day To Go!!! 😍😍
    I'll edit this till the movie releases!!!
    EDIT : For the first time, I found out that the video uploader's LIKE on a comment disappears if we edit it!

  • @Kin95tyl3
    @Kin95tyl3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just finished watching this movie. Editing Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
    Trying to follow the chronological order. Next movie: Valhalla

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you're new to the series, note that while the historical stories jump around, the modern day portion of the story is something that continues throughout the series, in release order. Although after AC3 it becomes less important, there's still some stuff happening in that portion of the story. So watching in chronological order of the historical portion is really watching out of order in terms of the overall story of the series.
      It might be a cool experiment for existing fans of the series, but it's not something I would recommend to newcomers exactly, for that reason.

    • @laviniasnow4494
      @laviniasnow4494 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndyGilleand So there are two types of timeline, right? The one given by the memories and the one given by present day events?

  • @leonardmosca6852
    @leonardmosca6852 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Absolutely beautifully done thank😎😎😎😎

  • @nightcafeable
    @nightcafeable 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amazing movie, as always! I love your work. It's good that you chose Kassandra as the protagonist, although I would've gone for the mercenary armour, as it's the one that appears in all commercial material.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I went with anything that would give me the biggest Assassin benefit. This allowed me to perform assassinations without worrying, since I was playing without a HUD, meaning I would otherwise have no idea whether an assassination would kill someone or not.

    • @prayaschakrabarty6200
      @prayaschakrabarty6200 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AndyGilleand That statement in itself an irony. An assassination was always supposed to kill, till the modern AC games.

  • @johnad101
    @johnad101 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is dope as fuck man. The way you blend cutscenes and gameplay is excellent

  • @rezzylee2385
    @rezzylee2385 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yup, your what I've been looking for. Lol good game movies! No sucky playing gameplay, smooth editing with videos and audio with the bird and yup...def subscribed and will check you out.

  • @aadygoel4837
    @aadygoel4837 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nice video bro , but if you could give an option of captions , it would be amazing .
    + you earned another sub bro and my respect

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wish I could add subs so easily. Subtitling a movie like this would take me about 13 days of work at regular work hours for me, time that I would otherwise be spending on new movies. I have been adding subs to my newer movies starting last year because I noticed there was usually enough time between when I finished the movie and when it premiered that I could fit the work in there, but for older movies, I can't just go back and transcribe every movie or it would be forever before I made another movie. So what I try to do is if I ever have extra free time between projects, I go and transcribe some subtitles for one of my movies, but I'm not working full hours doing that, so it's a slow process and I can't guarantee when or if I will ever get to certain movies, especially the longer ones, as shorter movies are easier to subtitle. In the past I used to use the "community contributions" tool to allow the community to go in and type subs for me, and it was super helpful for those older projects, but unfortunately youtube got rid of that feature so my only other choice would be to pay hundreds of dollars for someone to type the subs for me, and I can't afford that on the money I make.

    • @aadygoel4837
      @aadygoel4837 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndyGilleand it's perfectly fine , no worries, love your content

  • @squeakythundermoon8084
    @squeakythundermoon8084 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    1:35:40 Is that SHAY'S GRAND DAUGHTER A FEW GENeRATIONS LATER!? Also lol hahaha the Cormac's still ended up with the Assassins.

    • @rinofang
      @rinofang 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Weird considering that last time we knew about the Cormacs (Shay's grandson) they were still full templars and Assassin's Hunters

  • @filipbrcko
    @filipbrcko 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Ok because of this i like odyssey now

  • @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155
    @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Every Assassin has its Ups and Downs hope there will be many more Assassin Creeds to come hope Next AC Vikings be good

  • @hxpocritical7108
    @hxpocritical7108 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Did anybody notice that Deimos’s gauntlets looked kind of like ezio’s brotherhood gauntlets?

  • @gennyfuhlum1507
    @gennyfuhlum1507 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good work done

  • @khalilumrani9742
    @khalilumrani9742 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love all the video

  • @rinofang
    @rinofang 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is an amazing. Thank you for for giving people like me the chance to experience the games of this great series that i can't play (My last console was Xbox 360).
    Tho i wasn't much of a fan of the story of this game, it was still a great watch.

  • @mikedaniel1771
    @mikedaniel1771 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Just finished the main story a year later. One of the best games ever made! Excellent job editing the cutscenes together.

  • @iranicus3393
    @iranicus3393 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great game if they got the buggy never loading cutscenes sorted out I wouldn't have stopped playing, when you have sunk hours into the game and need to start again in hopes to get past the custscene it takes away a lot of the fun.

  • @ez9394
    @ez9394 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    WOWWW LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  • @Jobe-13
    @Jobe-13 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great movie!

    @SH3RIFFO 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can’t wait for you to cover the Fate of Atlantis DLC. I’m well aware of the rarity for DLCs to be covered, but this one is canon and progresses for both Past and Modern Day segments. I’d love to see your edit on that.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's good to hear. I haven't played them yet, they're next on my list.

    • @SH3RIFFO
      @SH3RIFFO 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Andy Gilleand - Looking forward to it, as always.

  • @StuGaming
    @StuGaming 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve watched all your assassins creed movies now, amazing! This is my first comment but literally you do an amazing job with all your films. Question - how do you record it without the choices and the map and text popping up? It really makes it so movie like. You can’t even hear the sounds of your choices! I never even played this game and had absolutely no idea you could make choices or play as another character until I tried to watch the ending with a full screen cuz the Atlantis part is a little small. But I can’t find anyone who has done it as well as you do I’ve just watched it smaller lol

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The atlantis thing I had to do that way to include the credits. Best way I could think to do it. For the HUD stuff, the games typically have options to remove that. For dialogue choices, I have to edit around that, and you're right, I specifically focused on making the audio transitions minimize the "ting" sound of selecting the dialogue choices too. Some still got through though.

    • @StuGaming
      @StuGaming 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Andy Gilleand it’s amazing man!

    • @StuGaming
      @StuGaming 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Andy Gilleand anyway you could release that part as a separate video? Yours is by far the best but I would love to see it bigger

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@StuGaming Maybe that could be an idea before I make the Atlantis DLC movie. I don't have the original source recordings anymore, but I could just crop it out of this video I suppose.

    • @StuGaming
      @StuGaming 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just finished if, absolutely amazing work

  • @ma70er
    @ma70er 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The BEST Lady Hellbender origin movie!

  • @austinjones2048
    @austinjones2048 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really hope you do a legacy of the first blade movie after your next movie.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm planning to play all the DLC once all of it is released. Wanted a little break from Odyssey considering it was pretty much all ODyssey for me from October to a couple weeks ago

  • @romanscherbakov9561
    @romanscherbakov9561 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    2 Andy: great work, as always. 2 Ubisoft: wtf is wrong with conversations and animations? So fake I don’t believe a word.

  • @celticjarl1649
    @celticjarl1649 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Anyone else think alexios makes the better hero and villain?

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think Alexios has a very cartoony voice. It's a less believable performance, more exaggerated, which I think fits the villain a lot more than the hero.
      Kassandra has more dynamics in her performance, so she can work well as the villain, but I think she feels a heck of a lot more natural in the hero role than Alexios does.

    • @celticjarl1649
      @celticjarl1649 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndyGilleand that’s fair

  • @philherb0656
    @philherb0656 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    > ears citizenship back
    > kills two spartan soldiers and executes spartan prisoner.

  • @quanthai201
    @quanthai201 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1 note: when you use the eagle before the scene you enter some location maybe also show the view of the character when you arrive that place and let he/she observe it. AC há many beautiful placr to observe and st our character make comment about it.

  • @nxshuu
    @nxshuu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Brooo imagine if Ubisoft made this but in all cinematic form and no game footage and all animation and put it in theaters

    • @tbcgbvcb
      @tbcgbvcb 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      This particular one would be horrible. But I've seen some other previous games that were terrific. They really sucked here

  • @Simplystimulating
    @Simplystimulating 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Me coming back to beat this game absolutely lost storyline wise but I want to beat this while playing Valhalla

    @SH3RIFFO 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If you decide to cover the Fate of Atlantis DLC in the near future, be sure to cover the mission Heir of Memories first, as it picks up exactly where you left off as Layla. It's a canon continuation to the Modern Day plot.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Very interesting. I can't guarantee I'll be doing the DLC or not until I play it, as it's usually pretty rare for me to do DLC, but your mention of it being important to the modern day definitely sounds like that increases my chances of doing it. Like I said in another comment, I won't be playing any of the DLC until after it's all released, but now I'm looking forward to it more than I was before!

    • @SH3RIFFO
      @SH3RIFFO 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Andy Gilleand - Mind you, The Heir of Memories mission was the most AC thing about all of Odyssey. Takes you back to the Desmond styled gameplay. You’ll see what I mean when you cross that bridge yourself. As for the first DLC being ‘Legacy of the Hidden Blade’ I can’t recommend doing that one as it angered many diverse fans, also messes with lore big time. I’ll leave that to you though.

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@SH3RIFFO I've heard as much, but have no idea what that even means haha (don't spoil me, I'll find out when I play).

    • @SH3RIFFO
      @SH3RIFFO 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Andy Gilleand - No worries, I have no intention of spoiling anything for you.

  • @nenefondo
    @nenefondo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So sad phiby died,l miss her so much.

  • @noir_rrr8561
    @noir_rrr8561 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yessss omg 😍😍😍

  • @SagarSagar-ro3fj
    @SagarSagar-ro3fj 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    what softwares are used to develop this animation? Can one man do a 10 min film short film?

  • @nathaliesacre2783
    @nathaliesacre2783 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Will you do the fate of Atlantis dlc ? It’s crucial to understand Valhalla story in my opinion

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes that's my next movie

  • @ashersdad1755
    @ashersdad1755 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for this....I've spent the past few months trying to finish this game going into Valhalla I'd like to know what's going on but I can't seem to stay with it longer then a few hours before I find myself bored and sick of the litteraly mountain of pointless repetitive sidequests....I've only made it as far as the forge for the first time

    • @AndyGilleand
      @AndyGilleand  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can skip most of the side quests if you want. Just do enough to level up to meet the main mission level requirements. Definitely skip the message board missions as those are endless.

    • @ashersdad1755
      @ashersdad1755 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndyGilleand lol for sure....that's pretty much were I'm at....I will finish it before the 10th my last play time was spent just picking fights with the merc.'s to power level enough to not need to do anything but the main quest line for as long as possible

  • @normanvanwyk1127
    @normanvanwyk1127 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @tengxiong7935
    @tengxiong7935 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i like it

  • @maximummax9851
    @maximummax9851 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can’t wait to I see where she meets up with Daris