DisasterMaster Especially when Barry yelled "I'M THE FLASH" he's too adorable drunk. Drunk Barry, dunk Kara, and drunk Caitlin should get together and do karaoke
But he wasn't making money. He was kidnapped, chained up, and beaten so that he would cry more tears so that others could make money off of him. That's so much worse than having a wiener come out of your eye socket.
Bloody Heretic i dont see whats so dangerous about this eye tentacle since it doesnt seem any longer than a foot, not to mention that ITS AN EYE TENTACLE
To be honest, Norvock got his powers and… weird eye hentai tentacle thing from the Particle Accelerator explosion when he was working in the Zoo and got bitten in the eye by a snake.
I don't understand why they need to keep saying #feminism to have a good female orientated episode. Why not just have a female based episode without saying #feminism every 10 minutes.
EloImFizzy agreed. And I can’t believe two women wrote this episode. As a woman it was so embarrassing to watch. I just wanted an episode of the women kicking ass and having fun not this.
Buffy for example, good feminism, strong woman kicking ass without making a point of shoving the fact she's a strong woman down your throat every 10 seconds. But this? "#Feminism" Cecille's daughter only being a Doctor Who fan because a woman plays him next season, (way to spoil that btw, Flash Staff) Her being a stripper because Feminism "Not Guys, Girls" This episode was ridiculous...
I am a Katee Sackhoff fan. (NERD!) And i always welcome an underworld based story. Why the hell they ruins a Killer Frost centered episode by setting into a Hangover movie? Why?
EloImFizzy exactly it's like I'm a strong woman... Cuz feminism. I love and fully support equality but this was annoying. As a fantasy sci-fi book writer I write female characters to be very independent and powerful without needing men to do everything for them because that also is annoying. But I don't make them scream feminism every five minutes.
I'm pretty sure girls just doing things and yelling feminism isn't really feminism. If flash writers were really about feminism Iris' character would be written better and she'd have a life outside of team flash. Literally all of her friends are Barry's female friends and Joe's gf?
Yea and I was getting interested with her being a journalist. I thought she could still be helpful to the team as a journalist finding info on people while still having her own life
The problem with the episode isn't the fact that girls were featured, it's that they weren't confidant enough in the audience to get the idea (and there was still problem with the execution, but that's a separate thing altogether). Show, don't tell. If you have to remind the audience about the goal or theme with a cheesy hashtag, you've dropped the writing ball.
i agree it handled things poorly...like i have no problem with women do shit but you say this forced hashtag feminism all the time and you let the bad guy go and didn't get the hostage..like..if caitlin didn't frost ex machina there like they legit would die...
where did u get the "bitching about everything"...?it's not like we are saying this episode was complete shit...but no, this episode is just ok, not trash, but definitely not great. Most of season 1&2 is great. That's the standard.
Nao Sou there’s a difference between bad writing and having to have a plot...for example, the flash should be able to solve any problem in like 2 seconds. But that wouldn’t be an interesting tv show, or comic series.
rocketcon I guess. Maybe I just don’t focus on insignificant details like that when watching a show about people with superpowers and nothing makes sense. But yeah, true. They could’ve addressed it. Again, though, I don’t see why it’s a big deal. There’s plenty of other reasons to be mad at this weeks script, lmao
I think that Harry not being recognized as Harrison Wells is just another thing that had to be put to the side for the sake of the writing, similar to how people's clothes used to burn off when Barry ran with them, etc. He definitely isn't using HRs face changer because last episode Gypsy's dad said he looked like someone he sent Gypsy to kill (she originally showed up to kill HR). It's just something we have to try not to think about, like how Legends sometimes fudges their rules about how time travel works.
then the main women who said it ends up a stripper at a strip club. tries to say it isnt about dancing and making money but trys to say its about empowering herself for a research project.
I need this line from the flash/barry A villian walks into starlabs Villian- you people have literally no security maybe you should consider putting some security in this place Barry- you don't need to worry about that "I AM HERE THERE'S NO GREATER SECURITY THEN THAT"
Feminism has become a parody of its self. I’m all for man and woman being treated equally but feminists today at rallies, and on social media, just push that women are better than men and don’t need a man. Which destroys the whole idea of us working together. It’s really sad honestly that the Flash would take that route too.
Women don't need a man. Nothing in feminism argues women are better, but they don't neccesarily NEED men. Especially when men have been the source of most violence and oppression for centuries globally.
Harry just walking in the jail and getting Barry, Joe, Cisco, & Ralph had me confused at first like why aren’t they arresting him but then I️ realized Harry doesn’t wear glasses, nor is he crippled so maybe when he walks around as himself maybe people just think hey he looks like Harrison Wells but he isn’t.
You have two groups; Men and Women. The Men: Chilling, getting drunk and loving life celebrating Barry. The Women: Constantly reiterating that Women don't need Men. Even if the guys met a villain, it would be about fighting the villain solely, not "Hey guys did I mention Men are great and we don't need women?" every 5 minutes. It just hurts the flow and the writing so badly 🙄. Why tho 😅
Barry has officially told more people he’s the Flash than Oliver has the Green Arrow, granted none of them probably believed him or were just as drunk as him but still
This episode was honestly so fun, I was worried that focus on Caitlin would start to diminish in this season, so this episode was music to my ears...or...a sight for sore eyes I guess? I don't really know. But honestly, Caitlin is just such an underrated character, always overshadowed by everyone else. Aside from myself, I've never heard anyone else say she was their favourite character. I suppose it doesn't help that I don't know many people who watch this show, but still. It was also fantastic to see her relationship with Iris develop a little more, and the fact that we got to have Felicity in this episode too was just the icing on the cake! Two of my favourite Arrowverse characters in the same place c:
Caitlin is my favorite character for a very long time! ^^ but it doesn't change that the ep was not very good. And that 'friendship' with Iris is bullshit and a complete troll from the writers. In a more general way, the Iris show that is the Flash for some time now and completely since the start of season 4 is more than annoying.
my theory on killer frost is that when Caitlyn found out that she has powers, she immediately dismissed it in her brain which pushed her towards a split personality but the show has done nothing to set it up..
Sometimes I don't finish the discussions they have about the episodes but have they been noticing every time they show Star Labs that they have been working on the roof?
Also, if that beverage Cisco made had so much alcohol that Barry's metabolism didn't burn through it instantly and it got him that drunk, how did he manage to get it down without vomiting, or it burning a hole in his throat or something.
I wonder what kind of payoff comes from "this house is bitchin" or they will just let it be a tease till the end I also do wonder, if Barry really did get nuts, or did he just think he did while being drunk. With the girls, they did try to call Barry and the team at least 17 times according to Barry, but they also went to protect Kate.
Game of Thrones has spoiled me in the sense of any character can be killed at any time. It doesn't matter if it's a main character or a side character we just met. When a regular non meta main character in a show like The Flash goes into a situation against a meta you know that there's a 99% chance they will be fine.
"I'm going to be a powerful woman by striping and giving people lap dances" if that's what you think that's what being a powerful woman means Keep at it that's hot #feminism
lmao I thought you'd figured out last time that Plastic Man and Elongated man are two separate characters. Plastic Man was created by Quality Comics, but was later acquired by DC. They actually have different powers - in addition to being separate people: Patrick "Eel" O'Brian and Ralph Dibney. Plastic Man can morph into any shape. Elongated Man typically just elongates his body parts rather than morphing into any shape.
Aside from every third line out of Iris' mouth being a reminder that this is "the girl episode," this was good. I also don't see why Eric had such a problem with powerless people going into dangerous situations. It happens a lot in the Arrowverse. Besides, Iris has been leading the team for months and had a gun. Felicity has had combat training and also a gun. Cecile was pregnant and wisely stayed on support.
between arrow and flash they always perfectly guess everything, even the smallest and most random shit. impossible. literally nobody else does that. they have like a 98% correct rate.
Did u notice that every time somebody says this house....(refering to joe's house) somebody responds bitching, the first time joe said it. Instead of just being that joe was the one meant to say it in the second episode.
I'm not going to lie crew of Blindwave I legit thought that this episode was a parody of feminism. The "strong independent woman" is trying to show how strong and independent she is so she gets a job at a strip club? Where men will only view her as an object for their pleasure? What the heck? And then the only thing that keeps Iris and Felicity from dying is a giant magnet? Wouldn't Katee Sackoff's villain have thought about that? That's like one of her only weaknesses. I swear the writing just keeps worse and worse.
What makes it worse is that Killer Frost threatened to freeze Iris' hand off, yet Magneto bitch literally GRABBED Frost by her collar and started punching her. Where is the logic in that? Freeze the bitch!
As I understood it, she was holding back the whole time. It was implied when she was talking with Iris, and also when she said, she didn´t kill anyone when she was working for Amunet. I would like to see her "freeze the bitch" as you put it,, but it made sense for me why she didn´t.
Perhaps, but I'm not too convinced. Either way, it was still disappointing to see Frost get beaten up, especially when I really don't think Amunet is as powerful as she is made out to be.
I totally get Cisco this episode, I can identify me in him in that hole scene at the club. I mean, I try to enjoy my drink and have some fun with my friends, I slowly get to a good point with the alcohol. But than it happens, at least one of your friends goes over his limit and acts the way Barry did this ep. (or gets highly aggressive). And than it is like your brain is telling you: "you didn't DRINK alcohol tonight"and you are basically on alert. I have 3 ways how I handle those situations, the first one is basically what Cisco did, watch over and hope the evening is going to end. The second way is to drag him to a taxi (pay it) and go back to the party and the third and last choice I have is trying to drink, drink and drink even more and try to escape this play (BTW. It basically never works....)
14:46 I think this is how ralph acted before he met his wife and if they do his wife on the show he will probably turn into the goodie two shoes hero he is from the comics
I really hope there is a better fix coming for the full length... its always blocked and the copy stuff doesnt always work. :/ still glad u do them anyway as its awesome.
Loved your discussion. You handled it with respect and caution. Really appreciated Aaron's point on "showing, not saying" women are equal, but it is good to use the word feminism and reclaim it to it's proper meaning of equality. Having said that, I agree with Eric, the carachters' decisions weren't well written...
I love how they said "we did it!' and congratulated themselves, even after letting the villain get away. I mean, she just waltzed out of there, didn't need to even try to escape, the #feminism group did NOTING to detain her, and one of them was a cop. Feminism marches on...
AND Ralph Dibny is dead. Acording do EvilWells Season 1 Episode 7 Power Outage he counted some people which died in the night of the explosion. And Dibny was among them...so he could be really a Plastoid...
This episode was seriously awful. Even without Felicity. I don't like her a lot, but I don't think she did anything bad in this episode. My problem was: - Why was Killer Frost afraid of a lady whose power is to control 1 or 3 types of unusual metal? I mean, she has to carry a bucket around to use her powers. A bucket. She barely even put up a fight when compared to when she fought Barry and Cisco. - Imagine waking up in a world where everyone has superpowers and your super power is to have a footlong tentacle monster come out of your eye. How retarded would that be? The dude almost got taken out by Felicity. That is how useless he is. All he is good for is for looking scary and gross. - Where the hell was Wally in all this? He said he would be avaiable if they needed him, and how was he not invitied to the bachelor party? Dude is literally a speedster. He could be in another state and still be there in an hour or less. - "Lets have our personal spy satellite instantly track X thing, no matter what it is. Temperature, specific metals, whatever." That is not even remotely close to how it works. I get being unrealistic because it is a tv show, but this was so far from common sense that it made me sad. - But here is the most important thing: Why did they let Amunet and Weeper run away? They literally said "Yeah, just get outta here!" Why? I get not killing her. But punch her in the face and throw her in the meta-prison. Why the hell would they let the murderous psycopath who know their secret identities and has a blood vendetta against them leave?! Or the malnourished, half-naked tortured guy who cries a bio-weapon? I was really enjoying this season, but this episode was one of the worst ones in the show so far, be it the writing or the action sequences. I don't think there was a single positive aspect to this episode. I won't even mention the forced feminism thing because that is such a low hanging fruit.
It was pathetic and a disgusting attempt at appealing to their female audience, by repeating the morbid “#feminism” chant, which is not empowering at all, but rather a shallow attempt. The Flash’s writers are so terrible. This show will end by this season.
21:20 c'mon Aaron, don't talk about other shows unless u warn us with a spoiler alert first. Reckless move. Still great reaction and keep up the good work
look at it this way. remove the gender from the equation. is it practical for a DA, a journalist and a computer genius to go in the field and fight a meta human? NO. is it okay for a bunch of cops? YES! its there job! i would have been completely fine with Patty doing it!
I cant believe The producers, writers or whoever! ...thought it was cool to make a comparison between a DC character and a Marvel character . comparing killer frost to the incredible hulk was a no-go
"Girls Night Out" yet everything that the guys did were the most enjoyable.
DisasterMaster Especially when Barry yelled "I'M THE FLASH"
he's too adorable drunk. Drunk Barry, dunk Kara, and drunk Caitlin should get together and do karaoke
Avatar Korea we need drunk Oliver
that would be interesting
Don’t forget High Nate Heywood.
fun fact: in India this episode was titled "Guys Night Out"
That would suck, all these people with super-speed, ice-powers, inter-dimensional portals, and all you end up with is a weird eye-tentacle.
Crying drugs
Can at least meake you copious amounts of money
But he wasn't making money. He was kidnapped, chained up, and beaten so that he would cry more tears so that others could make money off of him. That's so much worse than having a wiener come out of your eye socket.
Bloody Heretic i dont see whats so dangerous about this eye tentacle since it doesnt seem any longer than a foot, not to mention that ITS AN EYE TENTACLE
Bloody Heretic what time did they talk about that?
To be honest, Norvock got his powers and… weird eye hentai tentacle thing from the Particle Accelerator explosion when he was working in the Zoo and got bitten in the eye by a snake.
- Everybody stop, I'm a cop! *Random guy used tackle, it's super effective*
- I'm the Flaaash!!
Best moment xD
Barry revealed his identity in his confusion!
drunk barry was the best part of this episode
Thomas Jose Agreed! Him and Dibney's perverted humor
I thought Barry couldn’t get drunk
Jay J. You obviously didn’t watch the episode.....
The titanic scene was hilarious 😆
SuperNerdGavin obviously lol. Could’ve just explained why instead of being a dick
drunk Barry is the best😂😂😂
I don't understand why they need to keep saying #feminism to have a good female orientated episode. Why not just have a female based episode without saying #feminism every 10 minutes.
EloImFizzy agreed. And I can’t believe two women wrote this episode. As a woman it was so embarrassing to watch. I just wanted an episode of the women kicking ass and having fun not this.
Because Modern feminism poisons everything it touches.
Buffy for example, good feminism, strong woman kicking ass without making a point of shoving the fact she's a strong woman down your throat every 10 seconds.
But this?
Cecille's daughter only being a Doctor Who fan because a woman plays him next season, (way to spoil that btw, Flash Staff)
Her being a stripper because Feminism
"Not Guys, Girls"
This episode was ridiculous...
I am a Katee Sackhoff fan. (NERD!) And i always welcome an underworld based story. Why the hell they ruins a Killer Frost centered episode by setting into a Hangover movie? Why?
EloImFizzy exactly it's like I'm a strong woman... Cuz feminism. I love and fully support equality but this was annoying. As a fantasy sci-fi book writer I write female characters to be very independent and powerful without needing men to do everything for them because that also is annoying. But I don't make them scream feminism every five minutes.
That smoke bomb effect on Aaron actually looked very good lol.
Yeah had to watch it twice lol
IKR, lol
@@dre2strongjr1 me too!
I had to make sure that he didn’t actually have a sick ass irl smoke bomb prop.
I'm pretty sure girls just doing things and yelling feminism isn't really feminism. If flash writers were really about feminism Iris' character would be written better and she'd have a life outside of team flash. Literally all of her friends are Barry's female friends and Joe's gf?
quinton very true. Remember how independent she was back in season 1?
Yea and I was getting interested with her being a journalist. I thought she could still be helpful to the team as a journalist finding info on people while still having her own life
None of them have friends Caitlin doesnt Cisco doesnt Barry doesnt
Ayeveraa they work at star labs so their friends are also from star labs. Iris’ life didn’t revolve around star labs until like 6 months ago.
Nacho's 'N Cheese sh
Omg I loved Drunk Barry in this episode! My favorite line:
Joe: “Everybody stop! I’m a cop!”
Barry: “I’m da FLAAAAAAAASH!”
The problem with the episode isn't the fact that girls were featured, it's that they weren't confidant enough in the audience to get the idea (and there was still problem with the execution, but that's a separate thing altogether). Show, don't tell. If you have to remind the audience about the goal or theme with a cheesy hashtag, you've dropped the writing ball.
This episode has bad reviews and I know why but this was too damn funny and it’s one of my favourites in the whole show 😂
I'm really curious to see how this episode can generate an hour long video.
Yeah lol, this wasn't an in depth ep or anything... (inb4 hour long discussion about shrinking food)
i agree it handled things poorly...like i have no problem with women do shit but you say this forced hashtag feminism all the time and you let the bad guy go and didn't get the hostage..like..if caitlin didn't frost ex machina there like they legit would die...
Y'all Really Like Bitching About Everything. This Episode Was Great.
where did u get the "bitching about everything"...?it's not like we are saying this episode was complete shit...but no, this episode is just ok, not trash, but definitely not great. Most of season 1&2 is great. That's the standard.
Dice -- They're Not Many Of Us Out There 😂🤘
Did I miss the reason why Felicity could not just track the GPS in their cell phones and go and get them to help?
Bad writing.
Nao Sou there’s a difference between bad writing and having to have a plot...for example, the flash should be able to solve any problem in like 2 seconds. But that wouldn’t be an interesting tv show, or comic series.
blarf mcscarf but which part? If it’s her not tracking them down to the edge of the city just for help, that’s the plot part.
rocketcon I guess. Maybe I just don’t focus on insignificant details like that when watching a show about people with superpowers and nothing makes sense.
But yeah, true. They could’ve addressed it. Again, though, I don’t see why it’s a big deal. There’s plenty of other reasons to be mad at this weeks script, lmao
@@ryanklip24then they should write a better show 😂
*looks at thumbnail*
This is gonna be a good video LMAO
"I'm the Flaaash!"
I laughed harder than a probably should have. Drunk Barry is best Barry.
"Whats your super power?"
-- My eye is a snake.
That was so funny Eric!!! Love your guys discussion.
Bro drunk barry yellin “im the flash”😭😭😭
I hope we get more Killer Frost/Caitlin
I think that Harry not being recognized as Harrison Wells is just another thing that had to be put to the side for the sake of the writing, similar to how people's clothes used to burn off when Barry ran with them, etc. He definitely isn't using HRs face changer because last episode Gypsy's dad said he looked like someone he sent Gypsy to kill (she originally showed up to kill HR). It's just something we have to try not to think about, like how Legends sometimes fudges their rules about how time travel works.
Aaron's ninja vanish scared the literal fuck out of me 😂😅😂
When you cant make your female characters do anything cool, you just start saying feminism for no reason.
then the main women who said it ends up a stripper at a strip club. tries to say it isnt about dancing and making money but trys to say its about empowering herself for a research project.
I'm the flash!!!
Harry was on fire this episode. "I enjoyed it"
I need this line from the flash/barry
A villian walks into starlabs
Villian- you people have literally no security maybe you should consider putting some security in this place
Barry- you don't need to worry about that "I AM HERE THERE'S NO GREATER SECURITY THEN THAT"
I seriously think at the end they're foreshadowing that Cecile isn't going to be around/deceased.
It's somehow going to setup some Daniel West shiz.
Barry making the noise like he ran is hilarious. 😂😂😂😂
When you are so early TH-cam hasn't finished processing yet and you only have 360p
I like watching all your reactions of the flash and legends every once in a while
Bring us more drunk Barry pls! It's way too good.
Feminism has become a parody of its self. I’m all for man and woman being treated equally but feminists today at rallies, and on social media, just push that women are better than men and don’t need a man. Which destroys the whole idea of us working together. It’s really sad honestly that the Flash would take that route too.
Sean Morton i bet that in 3217 there will be "maleism" and females would be the dominant gender.
Women don't need a man. Nothing in feminism argues women are better, but they don't neccesarily NEED men. Especially when men have been the source of most violence and oppression for centuries globally.
Drunk Barry killed me ahaha !
Harry just walking in the jail and getting Barry, Joe, Cisco, & Ralph had me confused at first like why aren’t they arresting him but then I️ realized Harry doesn’t wear glasses, nor is he crippled so maybe when he walks around as himself maybe people just think hey he looks like Harrison Wells but he isn’t.
16:10 so hilarious!! Well done, Eric. 😂👍
8:03 is my favorite scene in all of the flash
thanks, I really needed a video of you two right now to make happy
You have two groups; Men and Women.
The Men: Chilling, getting drunk and loving life celebrating Barry.
The Women: Constantly reiterating that Women don't need Men.
Even if the guys met a villain, it would be about fighting the villain solely, not "Hey guys did I mention Men are great and we don't need women?" every 5 minutes. It just hurts the flow and the writing so badly 🙄.
Why tho 😅
Nacho's 'N Cheese You're not the flash Barry, we are 👀
Barry has officially told more people he’s the Flash than Oliver has the Green Arrow, granted none of them probably believed him or were just as drunk as him but still
This episode was honestly so fun, I was worried that focus on Caitlin would start to diminish in this season, so this episode was music to my ears...or...a sight for sore eyes I guess? I don't really know. But honestly, Caitlin is just such an underrated character, always overshadowed by everyone else. Aside from myself, I've never heard anyone else say she was their favourite character. I suppose it doesn't help that I don't know many people who watch this show, but still. It was also fantastic to see her relationship with Iris develop a little more, and the fact that we got to have Felicity in this episode too was just the icing on the cake! Two of my favourite Arrowverse characters in the same place c:
Although I DO agree that 'feminism' stuff was annoying. Do the writers realize that what happened in this episode wasn't even really feminism?
Caitlin is my favorite character for a very long time! ^^ but it doesn't change that the ep was not very good. And that 'friendship' with Iris is bullshit and a complete troll from the writers. In a more general way, the Iris show that is the Flash for some time now and completely since the start of season 4 is more than annoying.
my theory on killer frost is that when Caitlyn found out that she has powers, she immediately dismissed it in her brain which pushed her towards a split personality but the show has done nothing to set it up..
The writing around KF is weak and stupid
I like the fact that they said #Feminism like 20 times, But then proceed to not only let the villain get away but let the hostage get away too.
Sometimes I don't finish the discussions they have about the episodes but have they been noticing every time they show Star Labs that they have been working on the roof?
Holy shit an hour?
Also, if that beverage Cisco made had so much alcohol that Barry's metabolism didn't burn through it instantly and it got him that drunk, how did he manage to get it down without vomiting, or it burning a hole in his throat or something.
i might understand the argument why they didn't turn Amunet over to the police, but aren't we forgetting that they have prison for metas at Star Labs?
no Katelin, you aren't killer frost. we are
30:45 myth busters showed that two people more heavy then jack and rose can get on it and float.
Drunk Barry was hilarious!! I literally chocked
Wait I thought something was wrong with my phone,this is really an hour long
Drunk Barry and Harry save this episode
I wonder what kind of payoff comes from "this house is bitchin" or they will just let it be a tease till the end
I also do wonder, if Barry really did get nuts, or did he just think he did while being drunk.
With the girls, they did try to call Barry and the team at least 17 times according to Barry, but they also went to protect Kate.
TJ G cisco said that in season one when they to reverse flash house
TJ G joe said “this house is bitchin” to the plumber in episode 2? Of this season
Yes, and it been funny, I just wondering if it going to be joke like that, or might lead to something, lol
TJ G uh...Barry didn’t get nuts. That was the point. He thought he ran so he made a “whoosh” effect.
so hard to say, he is that fast, but either way just a fun moment in a fun video.
Did anyone else note that Amunet was Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from 'Battlestar Galactica')?
Aaron came with the facts!
Every time barry says something funny, we take a shot.
Some people don't know this but Amunet is supposed to be the loosest version of the flash villain blacksmith
All the #Feminism made me want to #BlowMyBrainsOut
Too bad you can’t. Amanda Waller is dead… and also Snart’s father, Lewis.
Game of Thrones has spoiled me in the sense of any character can be killed at any time. It doesn't matter if it's a main character or a side character we just met. When a regular non meta main character in a show like The Flash goes into a situation against a meta you know that there's a 99% chance they will be fine.
Chuck to be fair, that’s almost any show besides GoT.
"I'm going to be a powerful woman by striping and giving people lap dances" if that's what you think that's what being a powerful woman means
Keep at it that's hot #feminism
When Arin threw the pen down and the editor added the smoke I got caught so off guard
I thought you'd figured out last time that Plastic Man and Elongated man are two separate characters.
Plastic Man was created by Quality Comics, but was later acquired by DC.
They actually have different powers - in addition to being separate people: Patrick "Eel" O'Brian and Ralph Dibney.
Plastic Man can morph into any shape.
Elongated Man typically just elongates his body parts rather than morphing into any shape.
Aside from every third line out of Iris' mouth being a reminder that this is "the girl episode," this was good. I also don't see why Eric had such a problem with powerless people going into dangerous situations. It happens a lot in the Arrowverse. Besides, Iris has been leading the team for months and had a gun. Felicity has had combat training and also a gun. Cecile was pregnant and wisely stayed on support.
between arrow and flash they always perfectly guess everything, even the smallest and most random shit. impossible. literally nobody else does that. they have like a 98% correct rate.
I half to question Joanie's fandom of Doctor Who considering the female Doctor has yet to appear in her first episode
Did u notice that every time somebody says this house....(refering to joe's house) somebody responds bitching, the first time joe said it. Instead of just being that joe was the one meant to say it in the second episode.
As like they havent still find out from what part in the timeline is that phrase from
Flash didnt even put his suit on in this episode. Wow
I'm not going to lie crew of Blindwave I legit thought that this episode was a parody of feminism. The "strong independent woman" is trying to show how strong and independent she is so she gets a job at a strip club? Where men will only view her as an object for their pleasure? What the heck? And then the only thing that keeps Iris and Felicity from dying is a giant magnet? Wouldn't Katee Sackoff's villain have thought about that? That's like one of her only weaknesses. I swear the writing just keeps worse and worse.
Reaaaally bullshitty how Wanabe goth Magneto > Killer Frost
Znade I wanna know too, she's an F level Magneto, Killer Frost should've wrecked her shit.
What makes it worse is that Killer Frost threatened to freeze Iris' hand off, yet Magneto bitch literally GRABBED Frost by her collar and started punching her. Where is the logic in that? Freeze the bitch!
As I understood it, she was holding back the whole time. It was implied when she was talking with Iris, and also when she said, she didn´t kill anyone when she was working for Amunet. I would like to see her "freeze the bitch" as you put it,, but it made sense for me why she didn´t.
Znade LMAO I agree
Perhaps, but I'm not too convinced. Either way, it was still disappointing to see Frost get beaten up, especially when I really don't think Amunet is as powerful as she is made out to be.
"Yeah girls we did it"
Let's villain walk away
Nacho's 'N Cheese lol
I totally get Cisco this episode, I can identify me in him in that hole scene at the club.
I mean, I try to enjoy my drink and have some fun with my friends, I slowly get to a good point with the alcohol. But than it happens, at least one of your friends goes over his limit and acts the way Barry did this ep. (or gets highly aggressive). And than it is like your brain is telling you: "you didn't DRINK alcohol tonight"and you are basically on alert. I have 3 ways how I handle those situations, the first one is basically what Cisco did, watch over and hope the evening is going to end. The second way is to drag him to a taxi (pay it) and go back to the party and the third and last choice I have is trying to drink, drink and drink even more and try to escape this play (BTW. It basically never works....)
Iris: strong female character
Cecile: strong female character
Felicity: no comment
All three: "#feminism"
Me:"I just lost all of respect for y'all"
11:05 LMAO!!! that was great!
14:46 I think this is how ralph acted before he met his wife and if they do his wife on the show he will probably turn into the goodie two shoes hero he is from the comics
Tarzan? Isn't that song from jungle book.
It'd be cool if Drunk Barry actually got peanuts and is like 100000x faster than normal Barry
Drunk barry is a mood
*I’m the flash!*
“Drunk barry allen”
I really hope there is a better fix coming for the full length... its always blocked and the copy stuff doesnt always work. :/ still glad u do them anyway as its awesome.
Elongated Man is the best part of this season so far.
Man, Steve's life really went down hill after he left Blue's Clues.
I thought one of the first episodes of season 1 established that it would take hundreds of drinks before Barry got drunk.
Evan Andrews Cisco made him a bachelor elixir that allowed him to get drunk
13:39 lmao I thought he said “This nigga guy walking on the streets crying”
Loved your discussion. You handled it with respect and caution. Really appreciated Aaron's point on "showing, not saying" women are equal, but it is good to use the word feminism and reclaim it to it's proper meaning of equality. Having said that, I agree with Eric, the carachters' decisions weren't well written...
She wasnt on the bus but she was on the pole!
I thought Grodd would sing Be Like You from The Jungle Book.
You guys are forgetting that joe, iris’ father, is a cop. I’m sure she knows how to handle a gun lol
I love how they said "we did it!' and congratulated themselves, even after letting the villain get away. I mean, she just waltzed out of there, didn't need to even try to escape, the #feminism group did NOTING to detain her, and one of them was a cop. Feminism marches on...
AND Ralph Dibny is dead. Acording do EvilWells Season 1 Episode 7 Power Outage he counted some people which died in the night of the explosion. And Dibny was among them...so he could be really a Plastoid...
Susi Sonne remember this is a different timeline
I watched this episode with my mom when it first came out it was interesting
This episode was seriously awful. Even without Felicity. I don't like her a lot, but I don't think she did anything bad in this episode.
My problem was:
- Why was Killer Frost afraid of a lady whose power is to control 1 or 3 types of unusual metal? I mean, she has to carry a bucket around to use her powers. A bucket. She barely even put up a fight when compared to when she fought Barry and Cisco.
- Imagine waking up in a world where everyone has superpowers and your super power is to have a footlong tentacle monster come out of your eye. How retarded would that be? The dude almost got taken out by Felicity. That is how useless he is. All he is good for is for looking scary and gross.
- Where the hell was Wally in all this? He said he would be avaiable if they needed him, and how was he not invitied to the bachelor party? Dude is literally a speedster. He could be in another state and still be there in an hour or less.
- "Lets have our personal spy satellite instantly track X thing, no matter what it is. Temperature, specific metals, whatever." That is not even remotely close to how it works. I get being unrealistic because it is a tv show, but this was so far from common sense that it made me sad.
- But here is the most important thing: Why did they let Amunet and Weeper run away? They literally said "Yeah, just get outta here!"
Why? I get not killing her. But punch her in the face and throw her in the meta-prison. Why the hell would they let the murderous psycopath who know their secret identities and has a blood vendetta against them leave?!
Or the malnourished, half-naked tortured guy who cries a bio-weapon?
I was really enjoying this season, but this episode was one of the worst ones in the show so far, be it the writing or the action sequences. I don't think there was a single positive aspect to this episode.
I won't even mention the forced feminism thing because that is such a low hanging fruit.
Nacho's 'N Cheese that was good
William Devoe was a joke about William Defoe, the celebrity
Everyone is hating this episode, i thought it was hilarious 😂
Excited to see the Iris/Caitlin friendship!
Stydia4 I’m shocked on these negative reactions. This episode was hilarious
It was pathetic and a disgusting attempt at appealing to their female audience, by repeating the morbid “#feminism” chant, which is not empowering at all, but rather a shallow attempt. The Flash’s writers are so terrible. This show will end by this season.
I did really enjoy the episode but I as well as others were really annoyed by the constant forced girl power stuff.
Stydia4 the comedy for the guys were great but the writing for everything else was pretty bad. They let a murderer just walk away to save the plot.
it means that you have a horrible sense of humor
21:20 c'mon Aaron, don't talk about other shows unless u warn us with a spoiler alert first. Reckless move. Still great reaction and keep up the good work
I like how DC show referenced Marvel character.
Ormi Ader Yeah. When Felicity said The Incredible Hulk.
I love drunk Barry, I wanted to see more.
Holy shit a whole hour? Wish you could do that with korra or death note
Kim Hanna so odd lmao, an hour discussion with grown men on a teenager show
Blind wave should make there own intro who agrees?
York Campbell definitely. If anyone deserves a cool intro. It's these guys.
The only best thing about this episode was drunk Barry lmao 😂
look at it this way. remove the gender from the equation. is it practical for a DA, a journalist and a computer genius to go in the field and fight a meta human? NO. is it okay for a bunch of cops? YES! its there job! i would have been completely fine with Patty doing it!
Holy crap! the amount of porgs on the top shelf!
“I’m the flaaaaaashshhhhhh
idk why blind wave didn't show us d part where Felicity mentioned "THE INCREDIBLE HULK"
I cant believe The producers, writers or whoever! ...thought it was cool to make a comparison between a DC character and a Marvel character . comparing killer frost to the incredible hulk was a no-go