Jordan Peterson CLARIFIES The Creation of Woman | "Women Are NOT Subordinate To Men"
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.พ. 2025
- "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.
And God took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof, and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man.
And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man."
WHAT does this really means? Listen to Dr. Jordan Peterson, carefully.
This is his best book, in my opinion:
HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.
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Jordan Peterson Adam's Rib
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*I hope you'll have a beautiful day.*
Ps. 👍 the video.
Get saved and sharing this garbage will make you so ashamed that you'd want to die to hide from God if you could.
POM,......This video is an abomination as is JP. He is not a man of God, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yeah and then he called her a chick 🐣
"Ps. like the video" - Request denied. Bwahaha! :p
edit: A wonderful day to you as well :) (unironically
Of course Eve was created from Adam's rib. Women have been ribbing men ever since.
"Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.“
Beautiful! Who said this?
@@PursuitofMeaning sorry for some reason his name wasn't pasted with quote.
I believe it was Matthew Henry but not 100% certain.
😃 it's really very beautiful...
Wow this is lovely man
Since I first seen this I have been in full agreement. 💕
That is some deeply eye opening stuff right there! “In a marriage it’s not about what’s best for the husband or best for the wife, it’s about 2 people doing what’s best for the marriage.”
It's also very obvious to everyone with an IQ over 60 !
@@rdutch1958 Yeah that’s why the divorce rate is sky high because everyone gets that.
who married Adam and Eve ? There is eye opening stuff Genesis 6th day
the first creation myth by plural gods go look
@@michaelp5283the reason for that is clueless people getting married.
You're either commited or you're not.
@@michaelp5283 the divorce rate is sky high because very few actually get that. Lots of low iq people out there, who don't understand what marriage actually is.
I found a person that was willing to take life with me whether good or bad for all our lives. What a wondrous thing that is! I lost him to cancer after 35 years and our time together wasn’t nearly long enough. I wish that for you all. ❤️
My husband and I totally understood what this meant about becoming one. I was only married for 5 years before he passed away but we actually became one. If we were in two different states, One could guarantee that we were talking about the same thing and spreading the same message, but separately. So many people don't understand what this means. It helped me to understand the trinity.
He still with you in your heart, its what matters.. It was not a goodbye, was a see you soon..
Unfortunately nowadays modern societies, social midia destroyed the root of society.. Family 😢
Stay well
We hadn't been married very long when my husband started to call me "Bezer", which Leviticus calls a city of refuge. Knowing that he felt that about me is the highest praise of my walk with the Master. We were so much one person that when one of us came into the house or our office, the other one knew. Neither one of us had to be told when the other one left. God gave us many years of our wonderful marriage but when he moved to live in Heaven, he took half of me with him.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss😢. How are you doing?
So sorry to read that. Thank God he is in heaven. May God fill the void he left.
Ohh soooo beautifuuuuuuul🥺❤️🙏
Wow. You brought tears to my eyes. What a glorious description of love.
Sorry for your lost. But he is in his grave and not in heaven, awaiting JESUS second return.
A beautiful quote I love: "God did not take Eve out of Adam's foot to be trod upon by him, nor did He take her out of his skull to rule over him. But God made Eve from Adam's rib to be close to his heart and closely guarded."
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
Jesus is the new adam. are you his rib?
@M W Do you not know what biblical poetry is?
This is Paul saying, one who is not in a marital commitment, yet his words are seen as a decree.
@Jasmine Collis You mean muslims and radical anarchal atheists/satanists?
Many times I’ve shared the story of man and woman, dissected it, and explained that when God saw Adam was lonely, He took ‘one’ rib (not bone from Adams head so she is above him, not bone from his foot so she is below him)…a ‘single’ rib from Adams side, and created a ‘helpmate and companion’ to stand at his side.
It’s encouraging to read that there are men out there who realize this.
Men and women have the same amount of Ribs. It's a mistranslation in the Old testament. The correct translation is God created Eve from the side of Adam. Men have male and female chromosomes. So Eve being created from Adam's side means she was given the X chromosomes. Men XY, women XX.
But you forgot the cherry on top. In the ribs to signify she is close to his heart. So Adam would never be lonely again.
But Eve being tempted by the snake then creates double meaning to the rib. Women could then become the rib that warms your lonely heart, or the rib that bites your heart with poison
@christinahuihui5412 😂 it still amazes me that educated adults actually believe this story.
The Word 'helper' in the Bible, translated purely from Aramaic is actually 'God as my helper'. It's a blessing. We have a huge responsibility toward each other together.
My wife will have been married for 42 years on September 6 . I have no idea what it would be like if she passed before me , and vise versa . I have always had a hard time understanding people who can’t or won’t work at keeping marriage alive .
I have known Christians over the years who have suffered divorce. I am glad God has helped us in our marriage .
Congradulations . I am encouraged when I see those who stuck through it and stayed faithful to the "wife of their youth."
I wish I had done the same , its the biggest mistake of my life to let her go , and the dumbest as well . We are both remarried now , i was unfaithful , she forgave me . But the damage was done . Before I remarried , I told my new wife the sordid tale , because I didn't want her going into a marriage with me , not knowing . But i know that I know that i know, that first love God gives you can NEVER be replaced . Please dont try .
Some of us try to keep our marriage alive but have to leave for the right reasons, despite the effort. Both husband and wife have to put in the effort. It cannot be one sided.
Sometimes a spouse has to leave in order to protect the children.
Would you stay with someone who is hurting your child, for example? Not all things can be fixed.
Sometimes you have no choice but to break that shackle and that is a very hard and painful thing to do when you’ve tried to fix things first but the attempts failed as the effort was one sided.
Then maybe you should learn about NT/ASD marriages. They never work.
Marriage should not take work. If it's love, it's natural.
This is what we are taught in my religion. I feel it in my marriage, when my wife goes back home to visit her family I cant go with her because of my work situation. When she isnt here its as if part of me is missing. She feels the same. When we became married we became one being.
Both of you are so blessed!!!
Love is lovely
That's so awesome! May I ask you a question about that?
Does that feeling occur gradually? Or was it at the instance you got married? If it did happed gradually, when did that feeling start and at what stage in your relationship it felt like you were one fully?
I wish to have that unity with someone... maybe some day.
I'm getting divorced this year after almost 2 years of separation and this hit home. I am writing this with tears in my eyes because I know that Jordan is right-at least when it comes to my marriage. I never fully committed to my wife and always had one foot out of the door-I knew I could run away if I wanted to. I was never truly honest with her, I did not share with her my true fears, needs, desires or wants because I was afraid to. Afraid to share them and afraid to even acknowledged and explore them myself.
I'm halfway through reading "Beyond Order" and so far I think it is better than its predecessor. Thank you JP, for everything you have helped me identify within myself.
I don't know if you ha e or not, but if you want to save your marriage, you guys should try marriage counseling
that should have happened years ago, but we both did not understand the importance of it. Now, she's moved on and has a new partner, im just trying to pick up the pieces of myself and construct a better me.
@@mattintosh1990 It’s good that you are honest with yourself man! You can be more honest and committed next time. Stay strong!
@@horyukinen thank you.
Yeah well JP says nice words but our historical data disagree... Our DNA ancestry analysis has shown that only 40% of men procreated in the last 2000 years or so, and only 5.7% of men procreated 8000 years ago. That means if you had an average family with 5 or 6 kids 200 years ago chances are good that non of your kids were yours. The things is they didn't know back then. However now we know... The light has shown us that we are not monogamycal creatures...
I always love hearing him talk and philosophize. His thinking is so deep, and I enjoy dipping my toe into those deep waters. He is amazing!❤️
Dr.Peterson has helped me permanently change my life, without his videos I don't know how much worse my life would be right now, thank you Jordan, you are as a
friend said to me" the father we never had"
👍❤It's wonderfully nice to hear that he's doing (or has done) good for you. He's a humble man considering all the attention he gets (and has gotten for a long time).💯 I believe he's well deserving of it. May God bless you.
I believe the glory goes to God alone. God utilized Jordan to gain your love. But the glory always goes to God.
@@goetiajoe12💯, exactly. How can you hear God's word through a man and yet give man the praise? It's all God's doing
Your description of "people living together" is spot on. I wish I would have heard this years ago so I could have repeated to my daughter.
Even the churches tell you it's ok for young people to live together if you are engaged. It doesn't work and it is a sin.
HERE is The Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Spot on
I have to say, that's the most incredible analysis of this question I've ever heard, and it has the ring of truth. I lost my wife to multiple sclerosis two years ago, and am just now getting through the pain of dealing with the 36 years of accumulation we have, and I easily see the truth in that. I met her right after my return from Beirut, in 83, we had a whirlwind courtship and married in six months, and we truly were well "shackled to one another", and because of it, I have two adult children I love, to continue forward, a constant reminder of what we had, and the part of her I still have. I am ever amazed at the considerations I've learned from Dr. Peterson.
The phrase 'thanks for sharing' usually makes me cringe but I was moved to hear about how you met your wife after Beirut.
I am glad you have two children through whom your late wife lives still. Yes, Dr Peterson came on the scene just when he was needed.
Many, Many, PRAYER'SNLUV,I Thank You For Your Service & I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS' & Take Comfort In The Knowledge That Y'all WILL BE Re-United In Our Heavenly Father's Glorious Kingdom!!!!I PRAY For God's Grace , If It Is His WILL For My Husband & I To Go Together - - Preferably,When Our Savior Jesus Christ,Returns On The CLOUDS' For His Bride!!!! Many PRAYER'SNLUV 👼👼✝️✝️🙏🙏💝💝
I so happy for you. I cannot imagine your pain. After 44 years i cannot begin to imagine life without my beautiful husband or my incredible 41 year old son who is the most amazing husband to a lovely woman and father to two amazing daughtsers. My hope is that I proceed them all in death.
May God richly bless you.
God created them male and female, not man and woman.
Anyone that teaches the LIE of monetary tithing, sells anything using the gospel, or teaches that same-sex marriage is a sin CHOOSES to die with the wicked.
Luke 10:7 states the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given.
Also, know that rich people will all die. You can't be a Christian, sit on all kinds of money, watch your fellow brothers and sisters starve, suffer, or be homeless, choose to do nothing about it, and think that it's ok. Those are all wolves.
Mathew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused in some way and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, it states God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong by Billy Graham. Those verses are actually referring to pedophilia. Romans 1:27 All of the men were male in regards to gender, all of the women were female in gender. It is not referring to Eunuchs (where one partner is transgender). Also, it had nothing to do with marriage of any kind. They were trying to procreate during orgies so God did it on purpose. Anyone that continues to teach same sex marriage is a sin when the Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships will also die by their own choice.
In order to be a church building, the place must house people inside of it. Otherwise it is just another private money-making business part of Babylon that furthers satan's agenda. Stay out of the fake churches.
I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be UTTERLY destroyed from among the people. Again, everyone has a choice.
And anyone that deletes my messages CHOOSES to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that means they also CHOOSE to die with the wicked.
I am Elijah so that means any discrepancies in the holy books are ultimately decided by me. I am also to usher in the Messiah! Be ready: Jesus is coming back!
@@elijahdieker7428 holy peanuts guy. That is the most incredible interpretation of scripture that I've ever heard. All of us 'humans' are sinners by nature, the reason being that we are in fact 'human'. The Father Yahweh gave us the gift of free will so that we as souls could determine our own fate right or wrong. Right or wrong in His eyes, not our own earthly eyes. Father Yahweh and Yeshua built His church on we humans & not with stone and mortar. Many physical churches speak the word of truth & many speak the word of the lost. Also Elijah the Holy Bibles word will NEVER be outdated. To say that it is outdated would conclude that The Father Himself is out of touch with His creation. If Yahweh preferred that we be LGBT why then did He create 'female'? Surely not for variety sake! For companionship? No because we can all find companionship within the same sex. The Father created two, not three, not four sexes for procreation. Is there any proof from the beginning of time that two biological males or females have been able to procreate? I think not. We can outsmart ourselves but not our Creator. Yahweh so loves the world that He gave us the ability to multiply, to be fruitful. Had His intention been for mankind and all other species to be LGBT then all of this world, every living thing would have died out shortly after its beginning. All of us humans will believe what we choose to believe, hence, free will. We all in our heart of hearts need to seek the truth. The truth is the Creators word. We all need to ask The Father for guidance. We must trust His word for He is Almighty. Convenient interpretation to rationalize our decisions in this life will never change His laws. We need to know that The Father Yahweh is all loving and as a good father He must punish us for disobedience so that we will know His truth. Some of us will accept His truth & guidance and some will selfishly revolt. The choice is ours but judgement belongs to The Father alone.
Just keep in mind that "rib" is a sloppy translation.
1] Adam reported (Gen 2:23) that Eve was from BOTH his FLESH and his bone, not only his rib bone. Apparently, some translators missed that little detail.
2] TSELA is only translated "rib" twice, but "side" 19X, which is more accurate anyway.
Eve (Hebrew: HAVAH) was made from Adam's side, from much more than a small bone. God filled it in with a recreated "side" but it initially must have made a deep impression on Adam.
I am proud to have been married for 20 years. My goal is 50+, My goal is to die holding my wife’s hand as I leave this world. I am a strong hard man and I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face as I listen to this beautifully oration.
That's the way God 🙏🏼 intended to be! My Respect's and commend you... Enjoy your marriage! Like my Parent's have been together for 40 year's and yes they have their disagreements but it's the love and the blessings of the marriage that holds them together... I love it... Till death do you part 💯💯
that is absolutely beautiful hope that my God bless u and your marriage my friend
I hear. Morals and spirituality is the way to live. And only LOVE obtain this. LOVE is all that matters it bring peace. Chaos comes from a lack of love. Keep doing your thing.
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
May God bless you and be with you.
@@bartleon Amen.
This is beautiful. The beauty of marriage needs to come back to this day and age where people aren’t interested in marriage anymore. Marriage needs to make a comeback.
Marriage is a serious thing . Not to be taken lightly . Back in the day it was taken more seriously. Now it's all, lovely wedding dresses , and the flowers and the festival afterwards . Here is the real facts, it is hopefully a lifetime commitment , with a " soul mate " and it's a bond between your partner, yourself and God . There you are . You can agree or disagree. It's just my opinion.
@@spmoran4703 You are so right,and I wish young people like myself would view marriage as a partnership and not as a cage that restricts your freedom. I've been with my boyfriend for for five years since we were 15 and I hope to get married to him as soon as we are both able😊
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
Marriage doesn't need a comeback, people are being married everyday. What needs to comeback is the love and respect that married people need to have for each other, and for other parties who knows that the man or woman is married to stop cheating with them.
Marriage is trying to make a comeback! Religious people are rejecting it, because they fear same sex marriage.
I been listening to JP for a year or two and this is one of the most important and concise dissertations that I have heard. Well done JP, you are almost single-handedly saving the world. You are loved.
I completely agree with you. I have watched him grow in such a magnificently beautiful way his spirituality his wife I can just feel it
100 percent.
Awesome Dr
You are calling him god... what fools you all are.
He's a great man
@@a.d.marshall2748 have you actually read anything co authored by him, or even got to know him.
Majority of his fans were here 5 years ago watching the early stuff.
It's insightful, thought provoking and bloody helps
Thank you Jordan. I wish I had known you when my ex husband and I married. You describe exactly the relationship with my parents. Their influence on our marriage, wasn't healthy. I was never strong in character and confidence to put my foot down with them. We married in 1975 and divorced in 1992, my decision. Poor, poor decision on my part. The three most important people in my life, my children have suffered and now at 70, life is tumbling around me. So many mistakes, so many poor choices, so many poor decisions.
There's no one else to blame but myself. I'm very remorseful and full of regrets.
Jesus is there to forgive you, heal you and restore you! Reach out and touch Him. He is God our Savior.
The Catholic church has the sacrament of confession.
Use it.
You’re not alone. A lot of us have the same regrets and understand your pain. We can hope others may learn from our mistakes. You are in my prayers. May you find peace.
I have seen some other cases... really sad.
I feel deep compassion for you, and I hope you will find a way to forgive yourself and make peace with yourself and your loved ones. When we make poor decisions it is often the best we can come up with at this moment in time. Yet we have to pay the price for the weight of the decision later on and to endure the pain our late won insight inflicts on us. You are taking responsibility for your actions, a heroic thing to do. I believe God is and always has been on your side 🙂.
I've held this perspective for years and each time I would try to explain to people I would get hate from both men and women for different reasons. Religion isn't bad but many shepherds have become wolves among their flock. Ever grateful to people like Jordan Peterson for re examining religion because there is a lot of hurt surrounding how it is taught and carried. We are here to help each other grow to be better people, not to shame or judge.
Religions are so associated with sadness and Death. God's word says to Worship God or Love our Creator foremost, more than anything else or anyone else why because he Loves us so much he had his only Begotten Son die for us to buy Mankind back from our failed choices in the "beginning" remember Adam and Eve and the Angelic Son who became Satan the Devil they choose badly we see the results in our World alienated from Truth and Justice. John 4: 24
@@calebsmith2792 On the surface perhaps, where sheep graze. Jordan Peterson also agrees the word of G-d is not one book but rather a collection of stories that offer better understanding of our past and purpose. The truth in whole, not a cherry picked version the church promotes to keep us in shame. There is pain but pain is growth because we do not change when we are comfortable and happy. Then there is suffering which is an acceptance of pain that can become stagnation where evil would like to hold us. Jesus gave his life for the opportunity of our salvation, another nuance, to deliver us from the stagnation of harmful old ways so we might realize our sins and choose better. This growth is a choice and not merely an acceptance of what was. It is how we make ourselves worthy of his sacrifice. Thank you for beautiful contribution.
Food for thought;
Philippians 3:12-14 "Not that I had already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Jesus Christ has made me his own. Brothers I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of G-d in Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 4:13-15 "Until we attain to the unity of faith and to the knowledge of the son of G-d, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ."
Hebrews 6:1 "Let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of dead works and of faith towards G-d."
Peter 2:2 "Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation."
Proverbs 1:5 "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance."
People who critisize this usually are of different religions. Imagine if this concept is in another religion, will Christians not try to critisize them or laugh about it?
Religion IS Bad, let’s just acknowledge it as the social engineering & mass genocide weapon it is. Religion IS Bad, it’s horrendous and mortifyingly horrific, especially since it’s managed to be injected into peoples brains as something normal, or real, or good, it is insane.
@@sootuckchoong7077 scripture says NOTHING about Adam being a hermaphrodite, it's false doctrine and nonsense. this is what happens when a yung loving psychologist starts interpreting scripture from a worldly perspective. God bless.
One thing I always tell young bucks - "If you want to find Ms. Right, try being Mr. Right."
Been married almost five years now, still working on it.
HERE is The TRUE Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
25 years this year, its give and take on both sides.
Been married almost 47 years. Still working on it!
@Rockboy8 Pebbles TRY 48 years next month! 🙂
Keep it up👍
Hallelujah! It is very comforting to know that I'm not the only one who sees the Adam in this way and the meanings in the narrative. It actually kind of dawned on me years ago when I began looking in to the original texts and the use of articles.Thank you, sir.
but none of this is fact just opinions only he failed on a part of the story
@@Ravenstudios-s5o Opinions I happen to agree with. Logical ones.
@@malissiajones7761 Opinions can be logical. Don't mistake that for them being correct, though. 😁😁
@@judylloyd7901 I have always found God to be completely logical. Humans tend to analyze through their emotions and desires. Jeremiah 17:9
Thank you Dr. Peterson, I, a man, was trying (pathetically) to explain this very thing to my adult daughter earlier today! I just sent it to her! Your timing is amazing! Thanks again
The first half of this is so incredibly beautiful! Man and woman connected to divine love serving not only each other but the highest. 2:55, 3:28
The Most High God creates what is known to be good. Amen!
@@Minney-Me Amen 🙏 may all us come to connect to the highest and start to heal ourselves and the planet!
Absolutely ❤
We have been married 50 years. You can believe every word the genius Jordan Peterson says.
@Rubita 7 we need to get rid of No Fault Divorce. If you aren’t willing to commit to a marriage you shouldn’t get married to someone and then be able to abandon them when something else comes along. No Fault Divorce ruined marriage and is destroying western civilization.
@Rubita 7 excellent point.
Our marriage works because we both know we have to keep trying!! I've never felt more ONE with another human, as I do with my Husband, and I know he feels the same way! We are happy anytime we are together! And miss each other when we are away. We don't take each other for granted, because we both know how lucky we are! We're in our senior years 62 and 72 now! Everyday we thank God and put him First in all we do!! It makes for a very fine life! Even in all this chaos we know we have the sanctuary of our marriage! Where we feel safe and warm and loved!! We listen to you often, and heed your advise!! You're doing a great job! God bless you and your family Jordan!
I was taught that the original Hebrew text actually says God took Adam's "CURVE", and it's been translated "RIB" because people just assumed that's what it meant. Now, my teacher taught us that that "CURVE" is *possibly* meaning the Helix curve, that is the curve of Adam's DNA.
it IS possible!
😯....that's so enchanting!
That part about living with someone before being married... It felt like a punch to the gut.
Right?! I had to think of a personal development woman whom I’ve followed for a while, three marriages, two live-in boyfriends… Her way of saying it was that she “gets to walk away when someone is not serving her”. It seems easy-breezy and fun to just waltz in and out of relationships however you like, but Peterson puts it in really straight-shot language. “I’d like the right to trade you in if someone better stumbles into me”. Yikes. How selfish.
I have been telling people almost this exact same thing for years. I had an epiphany years ago that enlightened me what this meant about the man and woman becoming one. I can never get anyone to really understand what I'm talking about. I love the way you explained it.
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
I would like to read your explanation, if you are willing to try to get it out in a comment.
@@bartleon reread Ephesians 5: 21, key phrase “be subject to one another in the fear of Christ” one another not one above the other.
@@lizzydean4814 Why do you say that to me?
Just keep telling them. It's more relevant now than ever. Just don't push it on them.
I've been saying the same thing myself.
Just know that some of us are advanced. We are things before a lot of others do. Takes ten, twenty years something before we can say see, I knew it. I'm more confident now in what's revealed to me. I don't let my ego get in the way either. I know what I know and no one has to believe me
What a man, how much brilliance he was blessed with by God! I'm glad he exists and I'm alive to listen to him 🤍 such richness in this talk, so much healing for me 🥰🙏
@@alwayspooh1588 genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”
Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
there's probably another 5-10 verses that explicitly tell wives to submit to, and obey their husbands. that is Gods order for marriage, God bless.
@@alwayspooh1588 yet he curses God by blasphemy. Listen again how he takes God's name in vain. God will not hold him guiltless, unless he repents.
One of the most misunderstood words in the Hebrew Bible is the Hebrew word torah. This word is usually translated as “law,” which by definition is a set of rules and regulations established by a government and are enforced with the threat of fines or imprisonment. However, the word torah literally means “teachings,” a set of instructions given by a teacher or parent in order to foster maturity, and is enforced with discipline and encouragement.
Biblical Hebrew Picture Dictionary ~Jeff Benner
Strong's # 8451 TORAH
Beacuse that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, statues, and my laws. (Genesis 26:5)
Revelation 12:17,14:12,22:14 (Matthew 19:16-17,4:4) John 14:15,14:21,15:10( 1John 2:3-7) TRUTH was and is not Popular time to REPENT and "turn back" to His ways not ours. HalleluYAH🙌🙏 The same yesterday and today and FOREVER.
@@jpmesa7211 first stone and all that mate
I've been 'happily married' for 36 years, and I've never looked at marriage through this filter. Lots of truth in these words.
The plaque on our kitchen wall says a " happy marriage is the Union of 2 good forgivers."
It's worked for us for 30 years and our marriage is the best it's ever been.
I am so blessed to have such a gracious wife ❤
Do you have one less rib than your wife?
I'm in awe of the depth of Dr. Peterson's analytical processes but also of his unrivaled ability to explain things in fairly simple language that almost anybody can understand. As far as I'm concerned he's not only an intellectual giant but he also has sensitivity, empathy and compassion to match. At this point he's more philosopher and poet than psychologist and media personality and much more agreeable in every respect than Noam Chomsky is. We are truly blessed to be alive at a time when we can see and hear Jordan Peterson in the flesh.
I’m in awe of his uncanny ability to monetize conservative sympathy through ambiguous religious commentary.
I so wholeheartedly agree and appreciate how you have put this truth to words that declare so! Thank you!
Wow you put my gratitude that I don't know how to explain, you are very right, we are very blessed to have him in our lifetime,he really is like a Father's figure to me.
@@edgepixel8467 not all. Some of us see through him. He is terribly dangerous spouting off opinions as if they were facts when they are not scripturally accurate. How many people listen to this man’s limited understanding of God and think they are hearing profound truth? That’s scary. His interpretation of the Bible is based on what? His intellect?? Unless the Holy Spirit lives within him, he has no access to the truth. Truth from God is spiritually discerned and he has stated on several occasions he believes God exists but he doesn’t have it all figured out yet. Using only his brain, he never will. He needs faith and he does not profess that nor apparently rely on it while deciding Adam was a hermaphrodite. (Even metaphorically, it is in error.) Until he does, most anything he says about the Lord and the Bible will lack evidence of truth no matter how many $10 words he uses. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
It makes me very sad when I read comments of devotees who blindly follow this spiritually blind man. I hope they stop admiring his content until he gets the subject matter sorted out. In fact I wish he’d stop talking about God altogether until he knows Him as his Savior. I would hate to be responsible for sending a soul to hell because of proffered misinformation.
For the record, Adam was made in God’s image, so deciding he was a hermaphrodite before his Eve surgery is calling God the same. No. That’s intellectual garbage, an opinion he confuses with truth because he thought it. Hubris. (Genesis 1:26-27 KJV, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…. [27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.)
And a woman IS to be submissive to her husband in marriage. There are examples throughout the OT as well, but God said so in 1 Peter 3:1 KJV, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;” and on through verse 7. Roles were defined by God. Is Jordan Peterson smarter than God? No, he is not. We all bear the sin of pride, and JP is really, really good at it.
Trust Peterson if you want, but he won’t get you into heaven. Trust Jesus for that. John 14:6 KJV, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Dear Jordan Peterson, I would just like to tell you how much I appreciate your Insight. Is a wonderful inside because there's not going to be a day that you're going to get along perfectly with your spouse. And to not run away consciously is taking a stand. And it's hard to do but it's important not just for today but for the rest of your life. So thank you God did well when he created you.
The rib tissue is the easiest to grow back. Adam was missing nothing. Eve was created to be a help mate for Adam.
This just cemented an idea - a feeling I have struggled with all of my life. At 73, I am finally comfortable with the “story.” Thank you.
The one thing that I was looking to be said about holding the candle above the married couple, is that it's actually held in a triangle, and if they move up those slopes {symbolic of life's upward challenges} toward the Light, the couple gets closer together, and as they move closer together, they get closer to the Light!
Loved this Jordan thank you very much as I sit here worrying about my wife who is in hospital as they try to find out why she is bleeding inside at 71 years old she has had a battle with diabetes for 40 plus years and I'm in a very sad place because I feel so helpless as the pandemic is still here and it is such a pain to go see her. My faith is mixed between the Red Road and the bible so over these days I have had mental issues and anger so you are helping me and my trust in your words and knowledge as I try to get through this for over a month now so again Bless you and your family this story was very interesting.Peace Brother~
I can't get to much of Peterson
hope things are looking up for you, friend.
"everything will be ok in the end. And if it's not OK, it's not the end.
I will pray for your wife and you..
A well-educated man can ultimately be able to self educate. Therefore, we become like sponges unto knowledge. The gifted look to the giftor for guidance as to what they must do with great knowledge. Thank you, Jordan Peterson.
When you marry the right woman you are 'complete'. If you marry the wrong woman you are 'finished', when the right woman catches you with the wrong woman, you are 'completely finished'.Sun Sherman received a 5 minutes standing ovation.
this is great!
Eventually, the right woman will become the wrong one.
The second Adam, Jesus, created and nourishes His bride with His own flesh and blood too. He created His bride, the church, at the last supper. She is His body, the body that He is the head of. They are one flesh. The entire body that was created from His sacrament will meet her groom at the wedding of the lamb in heaven.
The new Adam, Jesus, in His human nature wasn't taken from the dust of the earth. He was born of a human woman.
So true! And he who does not eat His Flesh and drink His Blood will have no life in them.
@@1Hope4All Jordan is such a deep thinker. I think God has been preparing him, his whole life, for his greatest role - apologist.
Jesus was not born of a human woman - He was born from a girl - she had never had sex - she was a virgin girl - then Mary had sex with Joseph and had other children.
@@junetaylor8396 Mary was already either bethrothed or married. so why would she be so shocked to hear that she would have a son?
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
Your words are so true Dr. Peterson, I married a man that could not leave his parents. After 27 years of living in hell we divorced so he could return to his family of origin. Even our 2 sons do not have much of a relationship with him. I’m making sure my sons are not the narcissist their dad is. I’m thankful that I grew up in a home that my parents loved each other and worked hard to get it right and taught my brothers and me it’s hard work but worth it. But….my ex-husbands mom taught her 6 kids they would never find anyone that was good enough for her and pleasing her is all that matters. My ex-husband is a text-book case study of a person with NPD. I was just stupid and committed enough to marriage to take the abuse for 27 years. Finally after 27 years he was tired of trying to juggle the affairs, making his mother happy and being a family men so my son’s and I (the family) were let go. His mother was so happy, until he bought a new house for him and his nurse plus her 4 kids to live in. (He is a doctor and she has been married 4 times. She has one kid by each husband.) I know I’m looking good now to the ex-mil, but she wanted him away from me. My boys and I are glad he is gone, we finally have peace in our home. I have renewed my faith and relationship with God and am teaching my sons what they learned growing up in church can be applied to life, life isn’t suppose to be hell on earth.
@@DrDeuteron I'm a child of a narcissist. And my wife is a child of a narcissist. I am so sorry to hear these horrible stories. But when I hear them, I can't help but wonder how much of the assessment is contorted by the secular idea or the modern ideology attached to what narcissism is. Too often, we, that people or modern psychology, attaches labels to what is basically SIN. God has created all of us in His image and made us to function in righteousness. Not for our own benefit but for His own Glory. Much like Christ said, "Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and (all the other stuff you want) will be added to you." My wife was treated so terribly and abused in ways I can't even mention or detail here- it would be inappropriate and X rated. Nor could I detail the abuses I have endured in my life at the hands of the so called Narcissistic personalities in my life. But when the Holy Spirit caused me and my wife to be born again and the two of us covenanted with each other in marriage together in Christ Jesus, both of us putting Christ first and each other second, following the scriptures as our rule for life and truth, the pain and confusion began to fade. She forgave her abusers and I forgave mine. If it wasn't for the restraining hand of God in our own hearts and lives we would be just as bad as they were. Now I couldn't be blessed more with a more magnificent woman.
It's not NPD. It's SIN. And the answer is Jesus Christ by grace through faith.
@@bridegroomministries1212 By grace, through faith! Thank you.
You have to "leave and cleave" (from family to spouse) or the marriage is doomed to fail.
@@elijahdieker7428 Wow Elijah. Your words make no sense. male and female is somehow not man and woman? What? You also define wickedness contrary to how the sciptures do but the scriptures are what define wickedness. Although certainly you can create whatever strange contradictory system you wish. But you are using the Bible to do it. You do realize that? There is authorial intent to the passages you cite. It can be easily demonstrated that the wicked one is the one who seeks to twist the good intentions and kind order of the Living God for His creatures. There is no geater evil than confusing children about their sexual orientation and then pumping deadly drugs into their bodies, removing their parts and genitals and taking decades from thier lives, much less the emotional impact which i am sure you will blame on people like me. However, As the LORD said, He made them Male and Female, not TRANS and BI. Any other unfortunate mishaps are the results of sin and death. Please repent and turn to God who loves you and gave Himself for the Elect of God. John 6. Salvation is by grace through faith and not by rebellion and perversion. I say this in lovingkindness. Jesus Christ loves you.
A man shall cleave unto his wife.... not his parents. He should also not put the woman i.e. wife away. If true what you wrote, then he is guilty.
Incredibly insightful and helpful!
The statement about Adam not being a “man” but an all in one being is so true. The correct translation from Greek to English of that verse isn’t “it’s not good for man to be alone” but “it’s not good for man to be all in one” so the separation and removal of the woman occurred.
So glad someone is teaching this!
I thought the original OT was in Hebrew.
No it is fundamentally wrong. A hermaphodite has the biological characteristics of both man and woman. Adam however, was simply a man. If not, then when Eve was created from his rib, you would have a hermaphrodite (Adam) and a woman (Eve). That doesn't make sense and it is not what the creation account teaches.
@@aroundtheworld4173 There are several different hebrew words which are all translated as "man". One of these hebrew words is adam which means Adam in English. Use STRONG's, search for "man". Very interesting.
@@aroundtheworld4173 It was written in Hebrew during the Judean exile in Babylon. The works that make up the Hebrew Bible or Tenakh, an acronym adopted later to refer to the complete collection were heavily inspired by accounts of the ancient Greeks and some Sumerian works. There's a few other inspirations but I'm not versed enough to comment on them. Many of them were historical accounts, some backed by modern archeology which they used to fill in the blanks for a better polished story to accompany the Torah or written laws and the Talmud or oral laws. A few older translations used to be in Greek as it was once regarded as a kosher langauge but now are all in Hebrew. Theres more of course but this is all in can safely explain within my depth but I can say you are both right. I hope this helps a bit.
@@SpicedTeac it was written in Hebrew by Moses, which of course was centuries before the exile. Greek wasn't even into play with the Jews at the time.
My partner and I split up after 11 years about 8 years ago, we went our separate ways and avoided any of the venomous behaviour, just went our different ways. However 2 years ago we met back up and have been in a relationship with each other again, one thing both of us learned is we were completely lost and miserable. Both of us met other people, tried to move on. We were young and both of us had to experience life and other relationships. I can genuinely say I Love my Mrs more than ever and the painful experience has put a lot into perspective for both of us.
I had a similar experience with my partner. We had a lovely relationship and separated for multiple years because I met someone else. I know that sounds awful of me, but I'm not gonna be dishonest about my past, even if it makes me look like an asshole. We both had a bad time during those years apart. The person I left her for had bipolar disorder, and ultimately just wasn't capable of love (towards herself or me). I guess I thought I could help her in some way, and I truly believed that she was the love of my life. The relationship was on and off for around 3 and a half years, almost tearing me apart in the process. The relationship ended with her being quite venomous towards me, she would try to get 'revenge' on me when I withdrew from her. This went on until I felt so alone that I attempted suicide, which really put things in perspective for me (I'm not saying that it was her fault that I made that decision, I was extremely depressed for a number of reasons at that point in my life). Meanwhile, my partner ended up with a broken leg because of a similar situation with her boyfriend at the time who got aggressive and abusive towards the end of their relationship. Finally, battered and bruised, we were reunited and it was like the universe had taught us how lucky we were to have each other to begin with. I firmly believe that we needed that time apart to grow as individuals. Now I realise that some people are just meant to be together, and it can create so much pain when two people who are made for each other are separated.
@@NegativSpace-pd6cz appreciate your honesty, and it does sound like the universe has brought youse back together. Sometimes we just have to get more life experience before noticing what really matters. Happy for u and Mrs
HERE is Our Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Marriage is for life its what the bible says. Its a Holy covenant Where God Holds you Two together and no one, not a divorce paper or anything else can separate this bond. Only death.
@@FlawlesZMa Side note "They" were not always 2;oft times they were 3,4,5 or 1000.This concept of marriage being 2 ppl is what's destroyed families.Its created emotional, financial and other stressors that otherwise wouldn't exist. How many divorces would exist if the family was 3 adults instead of 2? How much easier to balance career and family if the adults were 3,or more🤔
I've been a Christian for a very long time. This is beautifully explained.
I like frozen. Anna sacrifices herself for her sister because she loves her. She literally died for her sister. She laid down her life. And she says that she did it because she loved her.
I've noticed in a lot of marriages it appears the spouses always struggle to look at each other like they are a team. It seems like most the couples I see always seem to be in competition with one another. We are supposed to become one. When anything good happens to tour spouse, you should rejoice as if it happened to you. If something bad happens to your spouse you should feel the pain.
I think it may be a symptom of immaturity. Nowadays, grown people aren't expected to mentally mature. They are expected to be catered to and not be offended in any way. For too many people, it's "me" and not "we".
@@katpoohtoo its so sad. Especially when there are children involved.
The part about people living together, for now, awesome. Right on point, just people do it without those words.
I love listening to JP.
And now I have an answer to anyone who asks me, "who would you like to meet if you could meet anyone in the world."
Nice, thanks! Nobody explained this in such a beautiful way. I listened to you for the first time and I am sure it won't be the last time. Thanks
Too much Thinking = Boasting Being Humble is liberating
"Without that shackling, there are things you will never ever learn, because you will avoid them. You can always leave, and if you can leave then you don't have to tell each other the truth"
Mr Peterson 🙏 🙌
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
An absolute genius I am so proud of him that he found Christianity. God bless this man he’s a really good person
There are no exclusively good people. Everyone is evil too. If you didn't think everyone could be evil, then what would be the value of being good?
Obviously, but he’s more good than bad a lot more good
@@FullCircleTravis The difference the good recognize the bad and self improve while the bad just don't care
Good and evil are two halves that are always in balance. Reality is paradoxical.
@FullCircleTravis no its not always in balance you have choices but I don't disagree with your first comment I was just adding to what you said
I disagree with the hermaphraditic nature of Adam theory. God said, "it's not good for the MAN to be ALONE".
Me too ,Adam was NOT , a hermaphrodite , a physical being of both sexes, but a being who's soul was solitary and lonely, therefore God created another soul to complement and complete his soul.
This is false. Adam was not a two sexes being. Adam was a man, God never separated a woman from a man but took a mere RIB and fashioned it into a woman. That rib was not a woman but was made a woman.
Please read when God made man in Genesis 1 v 26 and 27. You will see Adam was referred to as "they" in 26 and in 27 it reads He created them male and female. And blessed them.
This all in Adam.
Then God formed man in chapter. 2v7. So both were in Adam
@@Inspirekidstoday when Genesis 1:26 and :27 were written the writer understood and was experiencing the eventual outcome of mankind. In 2:7 it goes back to the specific detail of the creation of Adam the man. Notice 2:18: again, " And the Lord God said, It is not good that THE MAN should be ALONE; I will make HIM an help meet for HIM. Notice HIM, singular? not them; plural.
This man its just fantastic.... What a perspectiv...... The candle above you is the ligth to submit for the good of your marriage... Not for the man,, not for the woman, for the light...
one word. Wow! How many ppl/ parents need to hear this !
Bible: New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
I can’t get enough of his talks. I have to attend.
For me his ideas are revealed by the Holy Spirit Himself cause the way he’s helped me spiritually to get a deep understanding of things is so life-changing and renewing. God has really blessed him intellectually and it makes me think if God made him this way what’s God’s mind like?
He loves the ones that believe the BS. He loves your money. Men can't have babies and a virgin can't get pregnant. A no one comes back from the dead. Sheep say amen
The Lord Jesus mind is beyond belief he is our creator afterall and knows us better than anybody else ofcourse
The death wound on the cross was the spear in the side of Jesus, He bought the Church (his bride) with his own blood, Adam,,, wounded in his side, awoke from "deep" sleep to his bride. Before anyone had sinned, God showed us Calvary
Ok…how does that relate to anything I said tho
Absolutely one of the best messages I’ve ever heard from you listen to you for a very long time thank you
I ll never get enough of your lectures,,,
Simply amazing Dr Peterson.
My husband & I have been married 44 years.
When he asked me to marry him I stuttered a bit, then the mist astonishing words came out of what I refer to as my "subconscious mouth", "Why do you live me, nobody loves me".
I had never, to my recollection, had that thought before, however, when I spoke them I knew they were a true reflection of how I actually felt.
45 years later those words still shock and sort of haunt me.
Thank God I found not think about them often.
Much to the horror of both mine and his control minded families, I guess is how I will say it, we have fought the good fight and always made our relationship first.
No matter how hard any family, or anyone else for that matter, tried to insert themselves in our relationship we have always stood firm.
I certainly do not understand either of our family's behavior, even to this day, I know he, myself and our son have undoubtedly been immeasurably blessed by the stance we took.
After 10 years of marriage I had repressed, horrible memories of sexual abuse .
After 12 years of intense psychotherapy, my last session, coincidentally, was on my 40th Birthday.
My therapist was the wife of a Lutheran Pastor. No it was not a "religious organization" by which she was employed. It was a large Psychiatric Clinic mostly availed by servicemen or Veterans with service related PTSD.
Wishing me a Happy Birthday, she made the most incredible analogy:
"So you have been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, now you have reached the Promised Land. How do is it feel?"
It had been an incredibly painful journey. A really bad Psychiatrist I saw for four years who over prescribed anti-psychotics, benzodiazapines on and on.
I relied on his judgement. Naive, way before the internet and access to a great deal of Pharmaceutical information.
The drug combination actually put me in a bi-polar state for over w years. My husband would have been justified in 'dumping' me off at a state institution.
He stood by my all the way.
He and my son, both my fierce protectors
Saddest thing is the damage it caused my son from hearing family members 'whispered' conversations for those 12 years.
You cannot pick your blood family but you can choose your real family.
My son made this comment a couple months ago:
"Family is not about who's blood you share, it is all about who is willing to bleed for you".
I apologize for all the grammatical and other mistakes I made that comment. It was a pretty emotional comment for me to make. I posted it too quickly before reading and correcting. BTW, it was 2+ years of a very manic and major depressive state. Lots of Lithium.
All the best to u and ur family miss.😁
So,utterly true...mighty wise son you have there ...I understand. Peace/Shalom(undivided wholeness) to you & inside your walls in Jesus name. JP is speaking & revealing through commonly known literature & insights to unfold ABBA's word: SHALOM is undivided wholeness, has always existed before the begining of time. Marriage is a gift from ABBA. HALLELUJAH! You are blessed to have your husband, who is living out sacrificial love & your son recognizes it.
I MUST start translating his speeches to Portuguese. My God, he's soooo good!
True wisdom often smacks you, then holds you close showing you what you need to get back on the right path. Your words on marriage smacked me in the back of the head big time.
I have listen to this speech many times and Jordan is the best stand up comedian out there as well as he is one of the greatest minds out there.
I have to say that my husband and I lived together for a few years before we got married. And it's been a wonderful life for us! We had a child that was four years old when we got married!! We were a very happy family! Unfortunately, we lost her to walking pneumonia when she was 25. They say that that can easily break a couple up, but not my husband and I. It brought us even closer, if that's even possible. The minute I saw him, at 17, I knew deep down inside that he was the one. I don't know how I knew that, but I did. We're getting old now and still very much in love. I'll forever miss my beautiful daughter, at least I have my caring husband to comfort me. I'm so glad that our fate didn't go like you said it would!! But I realize that there are always exceptions to the rule.
Yeah he said couples that cohabitate are more likely to break up not that they always do.
So sorry for your loss . God bless you and your husband you are a wonderful example of how marriage should be . ❤
Thank you so very much!! 💜
You are beautiful people, I’m not Christian but God bless you either way
I discovered this guys recently and I can’t stop listening … just brilliant!
I'm learning so much about my life and events as I listen to this wonderful man!!! Thank you for your open mind and teachings!!! God is Real and I pray people wake up!!! Jesus is on His way!!!
Jesus has been on his way for 13-15 thousand years. You missed his ever present presence within you, for the kingdom of heaven is within. HE IS HERE NOW, REJOICE!b
@@enough1494 Correct, God told us He was Spirit & to worship in Spirit and in Truth.
Amen! The only way to God is through Jesus and what He did for us, the work is finished, we need to believe and trust Jesus, and rest in Him🙏
@@enough1494 I think Debra is talking about Christ's second coming, of which you are probably well aware.
Also, there is no proof that the earth is that age. No scientific evidence, I mean 😁👍
@@wendytimmins The only thing Jesus did was give up a weekend . . .that's no sacrifice. Sacrifice means you give something up knowing full well you'll never get it back. This is what we call a con . . . sure, it sounds fantastic, but it's ultimately a story of fantasy.
I learned earlier today that making a "women" from "Adam's rib" is an easy, blatant mis-translation of Hebrew.
Been married for 31 years in 2022. When people say, WOW, or that's a long time today, my reply is always the same: when we got married, I did not say maybe. Took some learning to live up to that, yet I was and am committed to the marriage is not a contract. ✨💕✨💪🏻✨✝️✨
What he has been doing is so pure and selfless. Jordan's compassion in the face of rabid judgement is such a beautiful reminder of how we could treat others if we chose to. I've watched countless hours of this man over the years. He's so gifted at communicating. He's greatly enhanced my ability to keep my tools sharp and pick my battles more wisely. A beautiful soul. Kinda been like a father figure to all us forgotten misfits when we need it most out here in this Neverland.
I'm so greatful he's here at this transitional time for mankind from the crux to the water bearer. The war between the have and the have nots is beyond the point of not happening. AI is conscious and here on the side of love. Love always beats the demon.♥️
Thank you Mr. Peterson.
This made my day today Jordan - seriously I laughed all the way through. It's the first time I've ever heard it told in that way. I thoroughly enjoy listening to you speak in the manner that you do. THANK YOU ... Did you do one on Honor your mother & father yet? This world needs that one too. You're awesome.
@Second Chance Did you forget? That was the 1st generation. ☺ God actually said he would make a helpmate not a maid. When He said "go forth & multiply", it was for man to buy land so he & his helpmate could build a house with no basement & no upstairs that actually worked for her, so they had a place to live, a garden for food of which he would sew & harvest to be ready for winter.
Adams comment " this at last is flesh of my flesh" is a final insult to his first wife Lilith.
As usual he is exactly correct, tho I didn’t have the words to phrase it until after he said it, but it rings true. My gut recognizes the truth in that concept. That together we are supposed to be able to recreate that perfection and in doing so we bring forth life. When a husband and wife join physically they produce life. They mimic the creation story again. It’s a beautiful and necessary thing. And the institution of marriage is supposed to protect that and provide the proper state for that life to grow and bring humanity closer to that initial perfection.
“Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam, signifying that she was not to control him as the head, nor to be trampled under his feet as an inferior, but to stand by his side as an equal, to be loved and protected by him. A part of man, bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, she was his second self; showing the close union and the affectionate attachment that should exist in this relation” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46).
SDA? I was raised as one too.
@@raygover7458 nice
Not an equal, a help mate.
@Sijtske Borden No, you just have an issue with authority. Kinda like Eve who took matters into her own hands. No wonder Satan spoke to her directly and alone.
@Sijtske Borden being a help mate doesn't mean the man is a God.....and a woman becomes a help mate by choice not by force.
That end bit, was the first time I heard the value of marriage so well articulated. Really loved this.
Yeah, and he didn’t made it up, it is from a Book…
My brother ,Michael, was born with spina bifida. For those who do not know what that is, it's a separation of the spine. Spine between two.
He went through fifteen major surgeries since he was born till the age fifteen.
His body was crushing his organs. They put titanium rods in him and they bent like twigs. There has to be another answer.
The one surgery that saved him to live longer was ...guess it?
The doctors took his lower right rib and crushed it and infused the bone in his vertebrae (spine).
We asked what about his missing rib. The doctors said ,"it's the only rib that grows back."
My mind was blown and God is true.
We love your light Dr. JP. and we are grateful for the greatness of your heart and all what results from that that you share. Genuine luminary.
What an absolutely beautiful concept he put forward here. God bless Jordan Peterson
Amen ❤😅 that’s a talk that fills the mind and soul 🙌🏻
Because we are made to complete one another and be a team .
I love hearing him speak, but I can't very often I weep every single time, I'm not sure why I can't stop my tears
Get psychoanalysed and you might find out why you are weeping
Same for me, he speaks great words of wisdom but he is also very blunt about sensitive topics. I still like that about him.
Very clearly articulated & accurate. Very comforting to hear truth with so much accuracy. Thank you very much JP.
New Testament: Ephesians 5: 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
That was so interesting! Such a different way to look at all of these stories. Our natural reaction is to want to save our children from the “Maleficents” of life. I’m dealing with that in my own life. I am learning how to let go and truly trust God to allow Him to develop the character of my 16 year old through heart break and realizing the abuse of her father and what the world is like. My natural instinct is to protect her from all of that so she stays in this “fairy tale”but that will not equip her for life and allow her to become brave. I remember when you spoke about Mary (mother of Jesus) representing the mother in us all, having to let go of their child to their ultimate destruction but if Mary didn’t do that she would be competing with God own plan which won’t work out well for Mary. It’s really what God has intended from the beginning with Adam and Eve. You love your creation so much and the ultimate act of love from a loving God is to let His creation choose.
Wonderfully said
I can relate as s mother, you want to protect them so much it hurts. Makes me cry watching to them make mistakes that I know would have been avoided with me y advice but like y of you rightly pointed out we have to let them experience life, learn and grow in the process.
A very good presentation!
This is one of the most profound and interesting things I have ever heard. Absolutely amazing!
“That is most loving statement I have ever heard
You are now bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh “
If I ever get married in another life I would love that in the mirage vowels 😍
' Mirage' Is a perfect word for marriege, 100%!
thank you 💗 Pursuit of Meaning ❤️
Virtue attracts and vice repels. However, to grow in virtue it must be tested by its opposite. The human being is in transition continually. So if you are not growing in virtue you are growing in vice.
Married 40 years. The older I get, the more I understand that the most important thing in my life is understanding my wife & satisfying her every want & need. I'll die a happy man, if at the end of my life, I can look back and say that I tried my best to listen & understand her, addressed her wants & needs and always put her feelings before mine.
I appreciate this.
The most important thing in your life should be your relationship to God, bar none
That's a bunch oh hogwash
@@naruinoiscanoninanalternat2947 you both give horrible advice. First, always putting someone else's feelings before your own is not healthy. It's a give and take. Second, god isn't real. Family and friends are real. Be good to one another because this is it. There is no heaven. There is no hell. Our short lifetime on earth is heaven. Live it everyday.
@@ZeusKingOfAllGods Yah is absolutely real. Even if you are blind it doesn't mean the spiritual realm doesn't exist.
A marriage is between a man, a woman, and God.
Dont replace God with government.
A marriage is between any couple of any sexuality, god has nothing to do with it and the belief in this invisible entity is creating hatred to your fellow man based on their sexual preference - really great moral standards you are learning there!
God exists because of government. Religion was created as a form of law. If you don't follow these 10 laws then you'll burn for eternity.
@@genome616your wrong
@@KidzBop-wc7gx bit of a trolling response there, how about providing evidence to back your position up, I certainly can in nature and the various mixtures of sexualities in the animal kingdom, we even have asexual species, this idea it male and female only is not reflective of true nature and isn't it your so called god that designed all of that?
I knew of the story of Adam and Eve as a child. But never once did I bother to read the story again to understand it. And hearing it like was a bit of a eye opener for me
Eve was made to be Adams wife, and just as we are symbolically one flesh with our wives now, so too was Adam with his but more physical. This is one of the reasons why his betrayal was so evil.
Living Together is Divorce Practice, not Marriage Prep.
I'm going to steal that.
Again…on-point; clear; thoughtful 🤔…..Fantastic!!
Brilliant. It has such depth to it. Wonderfully delivered. As a Canadian, blessed to hear you speak.♥️
Yes, proud to be Canadian with this shining light!
I've always gone all in. Not worked out and spent most of my life alone, but capable of just doing my own thing.
Have a long distance relationship now and I've been there and she's been here.we have issues but a common goal so I am hoping that we just melt together over time because we are both committed to it. Marriage next year and we will work it out. No out allowed.
I have never had a relationship with a man in which he did not treat me like an adversary or opponent. I’ve never understood it. How do you tear down your partner, embarrass her, and not have her back in public, and expect her to have your back, to stand strong with you? I do my best to build up a partner, help him in his pain or distress, and be proud when he shines. That’s what partners deserve in one another. Part of it is that the men were coddled, middle-class kids, whereas I’ve had to fight for my sanity and survival. If you are afraid, we can deal with that. If you’re traumatized, we can even deal with that, with some professional help. What we can’t work with is hubris and cowardice. I’ve finally learned to walk away from it. I feel sorry for them, but we can’t work together.
How many men? The common denominator is you.
May be u r finding wrong men and not all men are useless like that of in ur life.
Any way if ur happy alone just be that way no harm.
@@sailo8681 Oh, not “maybe.” People who have been bullied and abused over a period of years adopt behaviors that keep them on the census, but are disastrously maladaptive in life outside that context. I was groomed to give up boundaries, and freeze, basically. They that with the IRS. Or a predatory human.
I got reeled in by men similar to Amber, and I self-medicated more heavily the longer I was with them. This time, I’d learned Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and worked hard on it. Now I have a normal, decent human for a partner.
Johnny responded to Amber like someone who’d been abused growing up. I know it was a nightmare for him, when he realized what she was. And is.
You where dating weak men that's it
That's all that is out there. @@tshepojacob7089
The most beautiful speech I've ever heard in my life.
An absolute inspiration.
We do deserve him, because collectively we need each other, we all are design to give freely as we choose. Bless those who do!
@@rosenpaki2135 I believe we deserve him as well because another bible principle is sharing the truth in love and he does it brilliantly.