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Does it deepen religious sense or does it deepen your relationship with God? Religion is not a relationship or an entity. God is. Religion is how God desires to be worshiped
@Snap Dragon Agreed! .....I've always thought JP was overated. During that particular interview, Dilahunty was concise and succinct, while JP waffled and used 20 words where 5 would have been sufficient. I honestly think JP's mind can't handle being JP's mind, and as a consequence is having a self-inflicted mental breakdown! Becoming religious is sometimes a symptom of mental health issues.
@@Yossarian. To give an emotional statement of "Becoming religious is sometimes a symptom of mental health issues." is an ugly thing to do. To denigrate someone because they found what they believe to be the truth, which is shared by billions of people. It's the ultimate form of derision and hatred. Don't sink so low as to call everyone mentally ill for not believing in what you believe. We don't call Atheists mentally ill. We call you rebellious and egocentric, unwilling to drop your bias.
Jordan Peterson I think you are brillant, but I believe in God, in a God that loves us and forgives us, a God that gives us what we need not what we want, love to your wife, Joan, x
@@davidbuxton9937 Actually David, plenty of Atheist Leftist teens and young adults are the ones supporting his work the most. In his own way, JP is an "author" of a cultural revolution. Maybe not as large as MLK, but this is way more than just "the evil right wingers" nonsense.
I started as a Christian, then became a Mormon, then a catholic, then a scientific realist, then a psychology analyser, then a philosophical thought follower, then a spiritualist, then a law of attraction believer, then a numerologist. After 34 years of running around like a headless chicken believing in almost anything, I have finally come back to believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.
Maybe God wanted you to....so that you could see that he is the truth, light and our creator.....to this day I dont think a device has been invested that knows exactly how many hairs are on your head or specks of sand in the world....yet he does because he always was and will be the greatest scientist...the alpha and omega
Sounds like a therapist I had. She flipped her belief every month so her form of therapy. Because the law of attraction is a big thing in therapy lately and the vibrations and then she was the 4th dimension. (She is nutter than me).
@kamberc230 let me tell you a secret guys who have read my post, the most truest form of love is in jesus. Nothing that i have come across in my 34 years of trial and error has filled with me with so much love and protection as christ. Trust me guys. Pray to god to send angels to stand my your bed tonight, and almost 10 seconds later without fail you will feel them its like a cool breeze. God bless you all.
i can't believe that the man i agree with on so many issues feels the need to abandon logic, reason, and objectivity for pathetic phrases like this one... i'm not sure which of the following i feel the most but it makes me sad, dissapointed, and at a loss for words for such an awkwardness with regard to his dramatic account of his views on religion/god.
He is a truth seeker and anyone who seeks truth will find it. He’s in a growth process. It takes time. Pray for him and bless him. He is helping a lot of people.
You're right. I'll take him in my prayers. In some way he has an enourmous influence on -maybe lost- honest, truth seeking people searching for peace. "Our heart is restless until it finds rest in You" St. Augustine.
@@youtubecomments5951 there is plenty of evidence of Jesus, and plenty of evidence of God. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean there’s no evidence.
My wife has prayed for Jordan Peterson and him to come to Christ for as long as we've been together. This is just another one of God's answered prayers.
For years, wrong actions have been encouraged through movies, movies and TV series, for example, drinking, gambling, drugs, adultery, murders, women dancing in revealing clothes, these are behaviors that disrupt morality and social peace and destroy the family. Instead, there should be more publications encouraging people to help each other, to help each other, to be good people with good morals.❤❤
@randallv9719 I’ll pray for you. God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we would want him to or the way we’d expect him to, or when we’d want him to. But by praying and asking, we acknowledge He is greater than us. He knows better than we do. If you’re going through an incredibly hard and messed up time right now like I am I pray the Lord will come to you in the way that He sees is best for you. I’ll take a minute to kneel and pray for you. I hope whatever is going wrong for you gets sorted out, and I’ll ask that the Lord remind me to pray for you again tomorrow if I don’t remember. May God Bless you. Sorry you’re having a rough a go.
@@zaydeshaddox7015 If you actually knew anything about it. He said if he were to be religious it would lean towards christianity, so is it selfish to pray for him to go the way he's already leaning?
@@zaydeshaddox7015 praying for someone to accept Christ is praying for them to be delivered from death, from being under the law, from the weight of their sin on their minds, body, hearts. Happiness is circumstantial and therefore fleeting, but joy is from God and cannot be moved by mere circumstance. Protection? what do you think happens when you have the almighty creator Spirit within your soul? also, OP says they pray for Peterson AND him come to Christ.....there's more than one thing there, sir/ma'am.
I love Jordan. When I was hurt and in a nursing home there were these church ladies who sent me cards. A nurse once said that I must be loved by so many cards. The truth was that I had no one to visit me . I had never been to the church before and I had never met these women. When I finally got out, I was determined to find them. I found them at a tiny small church that had a lot of love. After that I found Jesus.
When I was going through my darkest days, three angels came and nested in my chimney. One of them laid an egg. Three days later Jesus crackled his way out of that egg. If that's not proof of religion, I don't know what is. Hallelujah.
I became a Christian about 2 years ago and my life has changed dramatically. He restored my family and was delivered from depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. And I feel the holy spirit and his love and joy every time I worship him. Thank you Jesus 🙏
@@treehouse1349i have been healed from all anxiety and depression. She said she was healed so why would she not be? FAITH IN JESUS means to follow his commandments and take up your cross. Theres no time for anxiety or depression when you follow Jesus, and not the world.
Dr. Peterson shows in detailed account, the struggles we all endure in the fight between good and evil. It is a daily battle for us all who are faithful! Remember the deceiver doesn’t wish for those already in his camp.
Plus he knows there are alot of people in the world that are hurting. God Loves us all. He Loves You!! He sent His only begotten Son to pay for our sins. We could never meet up to the standards) to save ourselves. That is why Jesus paid the price for us..Thank You God!!❤
Speaking from his heart, like the other day when he went on twitter to call that magazine model unattractive, and then started crying and quit twitter because HE felt attacked because people said that was a messed up thing for him to say.
Amen. May you “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2 I pray that you may be “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God” Philippians 1:12 Love and blessings to you. Reading about your journey is so inspiring, thank you for sharing. When times get tough, (and they will), remember to hold onto His promises, and also remember you have brothers and sisters in Christ that love you and are praying for you :) May we continue to run the race faithfully so that we may obtain the crown of eternal life :)
Read Quran with the translation... Quran ,Surah Al baqarah And they say: 'Be Jews or Christians, you will be rightly guided” Say: “Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one, and he was not of the polytheist” (135). Say: “We believe in Allah and (in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ishaq and Ya'qub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit” (136). If then they believe in like of what you believe in, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great dissension; so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing (137). (We have received) the dyeing of Allah, and who is better than Allah in dyeing? and Him do we worship (138). Say: “Do you dispute with us about Allah? and He is our Lord and your Lord; and for us our deeds and for you are your deeds; and we are sincere to Him (139). Or, do you say that Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ya'qiib and the tribes were Jews or Christians?” Say: “Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do” (140). This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did (141).
Quran ,Surah Al baqarah And they say: 'Be Jews or Christians, you will be rightly guided” Say: “Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one, and he was not of the polytheist” (135). Say: “We believe in Allah and (in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ishaq and Ya'qub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit” (136). If then they believe in like of what you believe in, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great dissension; so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing (137). (We have received) the dyeing of Allah, and who is better than Allah in dyeing? and Him do we worship (138). Say: “Do you dispute with us about Allah? and He is our Lord and your Lord; and for us our deeds and for you are your deeds; and we are sincere to Him (139). Or, do you say that Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ya'qiib and the tribes were Jews or Christians?” Say: “Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do” (140). This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did (141).
I was born in a Muslim family and I followed all the laws of Islam, but I always had questions that were never answered. I loved God, but finally I completely left Islam at a young age. I still loved God, I was looking for positive energy in the universe and I was looking for happiness. I was at the height of darkness in my life. When I was 21 years old, that's when I heard about Christ and believed in him. Jesus Christ became the king of my life and gave me true happiness and peace and hope. With the grace of Christ Jesus, I have been serving many Muslims who have believed in Christ Jesus in the church for years, and I know God more and more every day. Glory to God in the highest heaven, and earth peace to those on whom his favor rests Luke 2:14
@HTG42789The Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Quran are completely different. When someone becomes a Christian or a Muslim, the reject the teachings of the other.
◄ Matthew 24:36 ► Audio Crossref Comment Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Jesus is the logos made flesh!!
All living beings are qualitatively but not quantativley similar to God. But mere eternal fragments temporarily embodied in flesh. in an almost unlimited varieties of bodies to fullfill the sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet fruits of our desires and Karma. The thing with the human form is you can escape from the endless cycle of birth and death , because you have the intelligence to inquire and ask questions.. who am l why am I here why am I suffering who is God and what is my relationship to him. and then the opportunity to surrender to God and to go back to where you came. With your original spiritual form and identity and with your eternal and unique relationship with God.
After 40 years of my struggle with God, and after having voraciously consumed every recording Jordan Peterson produced in the past 2 years i can say Jordan Peterson has brought me back to God, once and for all.
What did it for me is the blatant satan worship in every piece of entertainment that comes out of Hollywood. It seems like if that many people think satan is real, then God is real (and obviously we didn't evolve from apes to having these huge frontal lobes on accident... we are genetically altered by some type of intelligence). And then that footage came along from the travis scott astroworld concert where people were trampled and died of a demon walking on top of the roof of the stage and also a 10 foot tall shadowy black spirit jumping into the crowd. Also, Travis sang weirdly over a dead body. There is footage on youtube. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Yes indeed. God will pull you closer, if you have the right mindset... He is calling for people, but you have to give it a chance and be humble...@@alexandraasbury9974
I've seen a man's solemn tears when speaking of the love of christ and I have always perceived it to be the lord softening (replacing) a heart of stone. I have been that man also. Best thing in the world.
I agree Mr.Watson. I was a devout christian and passed away for several minutes in 2006. What i saw confused me and I lost my faith for over a decade. Mr.Peterson has helped me along my way to come back to God, or more largely in my eyes, alongside the love of Christ. Few things can bring me to tears. Not from a calloused heart, or pride, but a lucky disposition. When i think of the shame of over a decade of ignoring Christ, and the Knowledge and asurity that I am forgiven for my slights against him....It's just overwhelming. Solely, and preciously, we are the only people that can boast such a claim that we are forgiven. Not tolerated. Not looked over for transgressions. Truly forgiven. We alone can boast such an audacious claim and reward that we have only earned by simply existing. It's a wild concept to grasp, and it's something that only feelings can explain in my eyes. Logic fails us, because it isn't meant to be approached in such a way. Being a parent myself has taught me that. I don't need my daughter to understand or study why I will always love her, I just pray she never forgets that I do. And like Christ, I always will.
Mr luke there can be only one God & christ( peace be upon him ) isnt a demi God. If a God needs another god. Then how is he God. I think christ pbuh was a chosen messenger of God. Not God himself
@@unknownfromkashmir to the best of my knowledge sir, and I'm not priest.... You are correct until he came back to life. He was the merger of man and God through Mary. He was born. He died. It was not until he was resurrected that he truly became more than just a vessel of God, but God incarnate. I may be wrong though. I'm not positive about that but from what I know it is correct.
@@bassbeardiful sir , i respect ur claim but if someone resurrected him. I will clearly consider that someone as more Powerful.God giving powers to someone else after restoring there life seems with respect fishy. Besides , i think the new testament was documented in the absence of christ pbuh. Its basically , book of mark - bible as per mark , book of matthew - bible as per matthew. It doesn't all add up to me. Nevertheless , have a great day sir . Wish u health and happiness ahead.
@@unknownfromkashmir yeah, I could definitely be wrong. I'm not a religious scholar by any means. I respect all people and their views, always. I hope you have a great day too!
Simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Are u unable to see how u've been tricked to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?❤
JP encourages questioning as does Christianity and so you should question, even him, and welcome criticisms of his views and realise the truth yourself which happens to be mostly if not wholly aligned with someone critics call silly but anyone with any thinking capacity knows JP is anything but silly. Bless him and bless those who seek the truth.
I don't need any thing like the Easter Bunny or a Unicorn or any God's blessing me . What a bunch of lazy lamebrains. Read a real book and put down that fable called a bible
I have been a Christian my whole life but my life didn’t reflect it and I questioned if God was real all the time. One day I got sick and stayed that way for years. I seeked God…. I knew in my heart He was the only one who could heal me. I found Him and turns out He was there the whole time! He literally speaks to me through the Bible. Guides me, comforts me, gives me hope, helps me forgive others and myself, teaches me to help others, gives me peace when I’m afraid. I have so many questions in life and He has answered them all through the Bible. I’m healed now. But life isn’t that simple… even as a healed person, I need Him everyday. And He’s always there. Never abandons me. I pray people will get to know God, the One who is always there… because He is absolutely real and loving and full of grace. He fills all the void that is in the hearts of men.
No one is a Christian their whole life, even if you grew up around it and were not rebellious to what you were taught. Everyone is born fallen and in need of the Savior. No one is actually a Christian until they are born again, until they consciously realize they need Jesus to wash and change them and give them new life in the Spirit. Nobody inherits Christianity from their parents, but they can only shine a light and show the way. I am not trying to be critical towards you in any way, but truth is important. Being a Christian is about a life surrendered to Him as Lord, King, and Savior. He responds to real surrender by regenerating the believer in the Spirit. Everyone is fallen and dead and needs new life. I assume you made this decision at some point, and that is when you became a Christian.
@@garyguinette6971 sir, my testimony didn’t stop after the first sentence. Let’s focus on what Jesus does for us and not on “play on words”. My testimony is revolved around how He changed my life and not on what I did and didn’t do for Him “my whole life”. Thank you for your correction. Duly noted.
@@GamerTroyJ9 Absolutely NOT trying to "play on words." Jesus is the living Word. Words matter. Only trying to help with understanding Truth and communicating it rightly. I bless you and your walk with Him.
You need to live and let live. If he says he’s a Christian then that’s true for him. You need to focus on your own salvation with trembling and fear and basically mind your own business. Are you God that you can see into his heart and life. You need to humble yourself and pray for your arrogance to be removed
@@bgmtrust3255 I could say the same to you. My reply was gracious and sufficient. People who cannot receive a gentle correction in love have their own problem right there. We should all want truth at all costs if we truly love Jesus. He is the Spirit of Truth. We are all part of the Body, not ruggedly independent of one another. Jesus doesn't excuse offense at any time! Nothing I said was offensive, just Truth in Love.
Kind Counselor...How much MORE ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST ? Faith comes like this..🤔🧐🤨 ROMAN's 📖 chapter 10 vs 17.... So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Study the gospel 📖 ? Only if you ask God in ALL HUMILITY in SINCERE PRAYER 🙏 thru Jesus Christ.....If your REAL then give me SPIRITUAL WISDOM to (believe YOU) AND YOUR WORD 📖....You will NOT UNDERSTAND the gospel thru human intelligence the CARNAL MIND..😔 Read ROMAN's 📖 chapter 7 verses 21 thru ROMANS 📖 chapter 8 verses 1 thru 39....special attention to verses 35 thru 39..😄. JOHN 📖 CHAPTER 14 VERSE 6.... Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life ; no man cometh unto the Father ; but by me. 🌿📜🕯️🌎🕯️📖🌿 MARK 📖 CHAPTER 1 VERSE 15... And saying, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand ; repent ye and believe the gospel. Also read... To understand real repentance.... Mark 📖 chapter 2 verse 17.... 2 Corinthians 📖 chapter 7 vs 10 thru 16... Luke 📖 24 vs 45 thru 47 Luke 📖 13 vs 3 thru 5 2 Chronicles 📜 7 vs 14.... Acts 📖 11 vs 18.. 2 Peter 📖 chapter 3 vs 9... Acts 📖 chapter 3 verse 19... 💫✨📜🌎📖✨💫 JOHN 📖 CHAPTER 3 VERSE 16.... For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ✨💫🕯️🌾🌎🌾🕯️✨💫 Consider... 2 Timothy 📖 chapter 2 verse 15... 🙏💫✨📖✨💫🙏 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Read Quran with the translation... Quran 17(al isra) verse 23-27 17:23 For your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And honour your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your care, never say to them ˹even˺ ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. Rather, address them respectfully. 17:24 And be humble with them out of mercy, and pray, “My Lord! Be merciful to them as they raised me when I was young.” 17:25 Your Lord knows best what is within yourselves. If you are righteous, He is certainly All-Forgiving to those who ˹constantly˺ turn to Him. 17:26 Give to close relatives their due, as well as the poor and ˹needy˺ travellers. And do not spend wastefully. 17:27 Surely the wasteful are ˹like˺ brothers to the devils. And the Devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.
@@youthofthenation7103 In Islam, how do you know if you are righteous? How do you know that what you have done is good enough to get you to Paradise? The Bible tells us ALL of man's works are as filthy rags. Isaiah 54:6 "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Romans 3:10-12 As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; 11 There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. 12 They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Jesus even said that we are so sinful that we will not seek Him unless God the Father intervenes to draw us to Him! John 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. So, I respectfully pray that the Father will draw you near! In Jesus' name! Amen.
@B V Exactly! Christians want to read more into what he says that what he is actually saying. Most atheists live this way, the being moral, be good, show respect and die in peace without fear.
Thank you ... I've finally come to and accepted my imperfection...and mine heart speaks to the fact that this is so ... The reason God made me imperfect is because HE knew better, I would not seek if I knew ... God bless you, God bless everybody.
Jordan brought me back from a 20 year period of denial about Jesus and my faith which led me down a dark path of selfishness and addiction. I was conviced that science had all the answers. Jordan helped me realise I had it all wrong and I love him for bringing me back to Jesus!
Respectfully, Jordan didn't bring you back, he showed you a way back. You brought yourself back. Never overlook or underestimate the "you" in your life's equation. You're stronger than you've realized and have as much value as everyone who's ever lived. Stay strong, Kurt.
I understand what you mean, I have not heard one person, and trust me I read way to much and study way to much out of my own volition too, and have never heard anyone be so honest and so insightfully profound ad he is, definitely our CS Lewis
I think it is apparent now that Jordan Peterson will be remembered for a long time. He'll be talked about for generations to come. He is a great man and I'm thankful to live in his generation. I hope he's able to change the hearts of many towards the true meaning of life, Jesus Christ!
@@silentcontender I agree with your 'sentiment' but remember it's God only who cahnges hearts, see Ezekiel and or proverbs - just the obvious scriptures that come to mind. but while I'm on, r u in the UK ? I'm looking for mature believer(s) to thrash out ideas/problems with, if u like a born again JP, obviously must also b demonstrably Spirit filled, any help greatly appreciated. Andrew
When it comes to God ,Jordan Peterson hasn't got a clue....he needs to phone a friend....people who know God....not intellect thinkers ..... Believers in God are doers they're don't spend their time thinking and thinking and thinking ,because belief is meaningless without the proper action.... The believers act and they know....They know what God has revealed to mankind ,why he created man....what's man's purpose and what man needs to do to fullfill the purpose for which he was created for....that's why we are busy doing....I heads aren't in the clouds
Those of who are believers know that the Holy Spirit has been working on him, touching and softening his heart, and eventually bringing him to Christ. What a beautiful public transformation of a man. It makes no difference whether he is on the right or left. He has been touched by the Holy Spirit and is one of us. I pray that God will use him mightily for the good of the human kind.
@@limitbreaker402 Where did I claim I created the universe, Limit Breaker? Or that everything I say must be true? I didn't say either of those things, so I'm afraid any arrogance here is all yours.
Jordan is too emotional... he incorrectly mixes up emotions with truths (as many religious people do). Just because you *feel* a certain way about something... does not make it true or false. There is absolutely zero evidence for any religion. There are lots of evidence against it. And when you don't know the answer. Then you stop. You don't start pretending you know (aka faith) because that's not intellectually honest whatsoever.
As one who considers himself a Christian, I have to reevaluate my discipleship and commitment after Dr. Peterson’s description of what it really takes to make that claim. Listening to this has humbled me and I hope I can be better as a result.
“Who dares say they believe in God” in conjunction with the axiom of “actions speak louder than words” is all it should take to have theists take a deep hard look at their lives
Please Jordan.. never stop being you. I have no parents, I never have.. but I look up to you as a role model. You help this world more than you know! Especially young men like me... keep being you!!! Jay
Interesting. I'm drawn to "I have no parents, I never have" since I've nearly felt like that in my youth. My dad, though distant and absent as he was, did manage to instill a moral baseline within when around. I learned over the years (now close to Jordan's age, birthdate even closer), role models come and go - some disappoint, some fade away - and still it's good to have them along your path... but truly, once in God's favor (yes, my personal life bears proof that that's "a thing") He deserves more credit than any one role model because He either sets you on a path to cross theirs or puts them (their words or deeds) on your path. Side note: Jordan's journey differs from mine in that I learned in my 20s just how important faith is, therefore my "belief" is strong and will never be a discomfort. John 20:29: "...because thou [you] hast [have] seen me, thou hast believed: [but] blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." ~Jesus
The point of church is to glorify God, don't listen to jordan peterson he is paid by evil elites to confuse young men. search on youtube 'the madness of jordan peterson' vox day breaks down and proves he's controlled opposition. Just have an open mind bro.
When you think you can pray to God, you think you have a stronger bonding with God than those non-believers do. However, the first question one should ask themselves before they pray for others as a believer is whether one really believes, consciously and more importantly unconsciously. Only your action can tell if you fully believe, until then you are no different to non - believers.
yeah but that's with any religion, just seek the Greek gods and eventually you will believe that they're real if you try hard enough, or santa clause or Allah or even Thor, you can knock on any of these doors and all of them will be "opened" because either the mind is easily fooled or you want something out of it in return, in christians case that would be heaven.
@@ilikecheeseburger42 and that is what satan wants you to believe. I was the same way. New age way of thinking. He gives you one truth with a lot of lies; Keeping you going in circles. It’s hard when everything you learn was a lie. Keep seeking and the Heavenly Father will reveal it to you. Blessings to you.
I don't think an imaginary person can want things, and you think everything I learned was a lie??? That's simply false, the big bang is a fact, evolution is a fact, the universe and earth weren't made at the same time, those are all not lies, those are facts, and facts don't care about feelings
The most beautiful thing about him is even after years of accumulated knowledge experience and wisdom, JP is still seeking and he is humble enough to accept that. His emotional intelligence is so high that he cant hold his tears while talking about these topics where he has gone deep into all his life.
Jp knows just the right words and phrases to say to people(and this includes such manipulative emotional responses as crying) to cunningly market himself as some kind of "expert on Life",the constant false humility has gained him lots of followers.If you want to put Mediocrity on a pedestal go ahead its your privilage...
I once heard someone say that even the devil believes in God, that belief is not enough. This message made me realize it's not as important to say that I believe but act as though I do! Thank you Dr.Peterson! You truly are a great teacher!
There's something very honest and authentic about Jordan Peterson's Testimony, as the Hound of Heaven is CLEARLY drawing him to Himself ❤️‼️ I often must pray, and exclaim with the Demon possessed boy's father, in Mark 9:23-24, "I DO believe; help me Overcome my unbelief!" I'm praying this will continue to become more and more real for both Jordan Peterson, myself and all others who are finally, late in life, Entering through the Gate Himself -- the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life ❤️ (John 14:6). VERY few have been given the visions or encounters with Jesus, the Christ; (Yeshua HaMeshiach); JesuCristo, ईसा मसीह eesa maseeh; our Great Risen God and Saviour - that Paul, James, Jude and a few other unique adopted children of God have experienced. Most of us who've been given even the tiniest inklings - the smallest of kernels of Faith in Christ, like Jordan P. (apparently) and I have, fall into the other camp of believers that has been most common, ever since He left this Earth, upon His Death. Actually, upon His being Murdered when He briefly walked our Fallen Earth as a human being- Most of us have NOT had the privilege of physically seeing Him. But, as He Himself said to Thomas (another Rare one, who did get to see Him, " in the flesh", both before and after His Death and Resurrection), "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have NOT seen, and yet have believed." (John 20:28-29) This is why I'm marveling at the Supernatural "inexpressible and GLORIOUS Joy" that the Apostle Peter, suggests we are filled with in our belief, (so UNLIKE his own), without having EVER actually seen Jesus before. As well as the hopeful LOVE that Peter describes, Love that comes with our Faith in the Holy One, who we most likely never will see, in our time remaining on this Earth- until we go to meet Our Maker: "Though you have not seen Him, you LOVE Him; and even though you do NOT see Him Now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and GLORIOUS Joy, for you are receiving the Goal of your Faith, the Salvation of your Souls❣️" 1 Peter 1:8-9 🙏🙌☝️Prayers for Jordan Peterson and all of us who have been given by our Great Triune God, just the bare-bones beginning of an even-tinier-than-a-mustard-seed, parcel of faith ❤. I Pray that Jordan P., and we too, will truly be "In Christ", and marked, sealed, anointed and filled with the promised Holy Spirit, as per the Apostle Paul's excellent Spirit-led re-stating of the Gospel, that I've included below. I'm Also sharing his succinct and encouraging explanation of exactly How we are able to be as those who "Stand Firm (in Christ), until the End, and are Saved" (Mark 13:13; Matthew 10:22, 24:13). From Ephesians 1:13-14 and 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 = "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your Salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance, until the redemption of those who are God's possession-To The Praise of His Glory. Now it is God who makes both us and you Stand Firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come."
If you do not pray for Jesus to save you then you are not saved. He says that if you deny Him He will deny you. Faith that God will forgive you is the only thing that will get you into heaven. Also if you follow Jesus you will follow His teachings; you will act like Him, however if you only act like Jesus teaches without faith that he is God then you will not get to Heaven.
“for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 KJV “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
@@terrygregg1228 Jesus is one of the prophet of god , believe it or not ,God existed and still he is the one and the only the eternal and the absolute,he begetteth not , nor is he begotten ,and there is none like unto him
For several months I have frequently prayed for Dr Jordan Peterson and recently those prayers have been more regular. Watching this video and listening to his heartfelt words is both an answer to prayer and an encouragement to continue to pray for Jordan as well as Tammy and their children. I have come to respect and love this man greatly over the past year and I believe that he is on the verge of becoming a modern day C. S. Lewis, with a testimony that could impact millions. If you are a follower of Jesus and by His grace accepted His love and forgiveness, I would ask that you too be in prayer for this wonderfully brilliant man. May the Holy Spirit touch him in a special and intimate way. #PrayWithoutCeasing
Thank you for your heart for your brother and your example to us all to continue to fight the good fight for souls and not against them. God bless you Norm.
Hi! You are not alone in this. I pray regularly for him. His struggle in accept that he is already a man of God is from his fear of failing in being excellent human being and holly as we christians should be. We all fail and we are allowed to do it, because Jesus gives us a new day every day. But Jordan's high sense of moral drives him to believe that he is not worth or that he is not that perfect to call himself as believer. He is not that clean to say that he believes, it is what he thinks, I believe. I pray that Jordan just relax and open the door to Jesus without thinking too much. Just feel!
Jordan's raw display of emotion when he describes his point of view always touches me. I relate & agree with all of his conflictions and confusions as a theist-leaning agnostic myself. I cannot respect him enough.
Yes, the tears, say a lot the Holy Spirit is speaking to him, he is truly using Jordan. The Spirit of the comes He will guide you into all truth may God bless you and keep you and your family.
@@REDMAN298we will never know, Jordan himself knows whether or not it is the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure how someone restores their faith, but I’m sure that Christ our Lord and Savior does. In my experience, God talks to and shows himself to me, it is up to me to acknowledge what He says and what He shows me. When I stopped trying to live by myself, His grace became undoubtedly real. What makes you feel hypocritical regarding restoring your faith is Christ Jesus? We are all sinners, we are all fatally corrupted by sin and through Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
I’ve prayed for this man many times and to see his growth towards Christ is profound. His speech at the end is truly moving and makes me look at all the things I need to dig into in my life and let God heal. Thank you God for all the work you are doing lately and please help me to be more like you and less like me.
@Jacob Truelove I have and am to Jacob. Jordan's humility is very sincere I believe and exactly where God wants us to be. It is only the blood of Jesus who gives us the odasity to say we believe!!! We are lost without His sacrifice for us. We will never be worthy enough. He alone makes us His.
Me too. Prayed for him and Elon Musk. Two different people, but both valuable to God to send Christ to the Cross. And so are every person’s value locked up in the pure, holy blood of Christ. Let’s never, ever stop praying for the souls of men.🙏🙏
That struck a chord with me to b/c Jese said to love our enemies as ourselves. Made me stop and think for a split second "I need to love myself" or "Maybe I need to love myself". I guess maybe we don't think about loving ourselves much sometimes.
@@girlygirlwoman Wow!!!! Reading This As I Just Started The Video!!!!I Can't Believe I've Never Consciously Grab My Attention!!!! Many PRAYER'SNLUV 👼👼✝️✝️🙏🙏💝💝
Jerimiah 17:9 God tells jerimiah that the heart is desperately wicked and MOST deceitful. The word most puts our hearts in a place where we can be more evil than Satan. I remember when I began to no longer just listen to what pastors and preachers messages and started my heart journey with God for myself. And though I have much healing left, my focus is to simply please The Father the best way I can because I love him and his people so much, even when it’s hard to love and show love to others, I try and remind myself of the love the Father has graced me with through out my little 30 year life. Can’t live others if you don’t love yourself. No matter if your Christian or atheist that principle alone stands true
@@pimslickins8321 Absolutely right you are! The level of his deception, daring to even misappropriate and misuse the Word of God for his evil schemes! Woe to those who follow this treacherous liar. No, he is not even a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is the very son of the Devil! As for his crocodile tears - just as it is written, "....worldly sorrow brings Death." (eg. 2 Cor 7:10). The reason, for example, why Judas Iscariot's sorrow only hastened his death, his eternal damnation. Indeed, the man can only act or pretend to the existence of God (a naive attempt at seeking Christian audience no doubt). For, unbeknownst to his foolish and arrogant self, True Faith is a Gift of God. If one hasn't received it from God Himself, one has it not at all! After the youthful delusions of his invincibility is past and he finds his feet rushing to his grave no matter what, the straws he hopes to latch on to is but more than conspicuous as they betray him one by one. Yes, now more than ever before: a) The stone edifices erected by man he presumptuously calls The Church, b) Those he considers lesser-beings than his own presumptuous self and calls The Community/The Religious, c) The conflicting moral compass he calls The Ethics and its vacillating yardstick, The Morality, d) His patronizing condescension he oh-so-presumptuously calls Love, e) Futile and perishing deeds of fallen mankind he calls Services to Fellowmen, f) Dead and Deceptive works of 'art' he calls The Miracles, g) The ONLY ONE to have come NOT BORN of the cursed seed of the fallen man and who therefore went on to prove how neither Sin nor Death have any power over Him he calls The Only Christian & at best Half-Myth, h) Though reluctantly it may appear on the outside this false prophet's vying of the mohammedan title 'The Prophet' thanks to the like-mannered and relentless gobbing of all the demons he houses within himself with the only talent, the talent of gab, he can lay claim to, and i) Last but not the least, confessing himself as the greatest Enemy of Mankind, yes, this in spite of himself, by admitting he is the fallen son of his fallen father, who lest one forgets is the fallen man, the very ENEMY OF GOD, whose pursuit since of old has been to choose Death instead of Life despite God's faithful forewarning - both upon himself and upon all the rest of mankind he claims to sire or serve - by his worthless & futile words and deeds as always. P.s. Is it any wonder therefore he turns around at the very Godly he seeks audience of, the very son of perdition that he is, to do just what his father has taught him to - i.e. to accuse or blame God and His faithful people - in a vain attempt at covering up for their misdeeds and crimes towards humanity and not to forget all the rest of God's creations? WOE TO HIM!
Yes, the paradigm of his heart is changing... He is emptying his vessel of his preconceived knowledge and letting truth and wisdom flood in from a higher power, which is Christ. Truly remarkable and I pray he becomes totally transformed!!🙏
"I'm not a materialist anymore, I don't think the world is made out of what matter. I think the world is made out of WHAT matters". Mind Blown... so profound!
I love listening to this man speak. He is truly one of the great minds of our time. But watching him come to God - that is next level, even for him. I wonder if he can even conceive how he is changing lives.
@@AtamMardes I said it once I'm going to say again I said it to so many people. Jordan Peterson is not milking fools he is not trying to gain attention he is not teaching religious b******* or any of the scornful and prideful things that you're saying. One day if you ever come to Jesus I will rejoice and see you in heaven but if you do not then all I can say to use this: I'm sorry for your arrogance I'm sorry for your hatred I'm sorry for your confusion and I am sorry that you have this supposed dedication to denying the faith and as far as I'm concerned these hateful comments have no meaning or effect on Christian Community because you have your own problems to deal with and I'm sure that you are struggling with sin and that's like I understand but you don't have to come out and hurt people who are coming together in a healthy way to rejoice in the coming of one to our faith... Just chill out
People confuse crying and being emotional with truth. It has NOTHING to do with any truth. Religious people always *feel* a certain way and somehow thinks that has meaning beyond just the emotional feeling itself. It doesn't. They *FEEL* good singing in church or whatever. And they mistake this for truth. "How can it be wrong when I feel so good?" completely wrong way to think about it. You cant find truth in emotion. You find it in science. It tells you how it is, regardless on how you FEEL about it...
I get it, I get why it hit your heart. When I first watched a video of Dr. Peterson five years ago it was a very emotional experience for me too, it isn't his very high intelligence it's completely about his absolute honesty!
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’❤️🙏
These lovely words are used in a Gospel song. There are many versions of this song, and can be heard on Premier Christian Radio, and other Christian stations. God bless you.
After knowing Jesus, and been a street preacher for years, i was going back to my old life, i was drinking a lot, i felted worthless, i almost die, two Christians came to my house offering prayers, that changed my thinking, i know there is love, and peoples who care out there. God bless Mr. Jordan, my God never forsake us.
He is what evil fears most. A truly and genuinely honest man who is seeking that which is good. A man who tries to understand evil so that he can avoid it as best as he can. A man who is speaking truth as best as he understands it. This is why people listen to him. We listen because in our heart of hearts, this is what we want, too.
@@mercyjohnson6436 *The appearing of Christ and thousands of His saints is at hand. It is going to shake the foundations of the world to their core. But the one who appears first will create destruction and bring chaos into the world such as has never been known.*
It’s taken me a life time to understand that God loves a grateful heart. The more I look around at God’s handiwork in the beauty of nature and to be aware each new day of the blessings he bestows in so many ways, the more I am amazed and the more grateful I feel. He is indeed a loving Father.
@@George.Andrews. what happened to him is awful and not to be wished on anyone. He suffered A LOT. But he used it as an opportunity to grow, that’s what’s beautiful and that rebirth is where we see God working with him
@@catfurbiehat there is nothing looking after us or any of the millions of other species that are still here or the millions that are now extinct. Innocent children suffer. Animals suffer. The insect world is horrendous and your silly man made god has done nothing ever . End of story.
I also believe that Our Lord led me to this video as well. After suffering great loss I still love God, but I have stopped believing He will help us or that He 18:06 even can. I have stopped believing in prayer yet I still pray.
I've been a pastor for 40 years and starting listening to Peterson a few years ago. Something beautiful is happening to his heart. We are made righteous by Christ atoning work on our behalf and not through our own efforts. Jesus said, My yoke is easy my burden is light.
It’s all boiled down to being born again of an incorruptible seed. Being born of the Spirit. 2 Cor 5:17 life is full of choices. Nietzsche was wrong! Paul the apostle said for me to live is Christ. We choose if we are going to live this life of faith and obey the gospel, or try and incorporate God into “our” life which is an absolute disaster and ends in us living a selfish existence. Leads to destruction.
His perspective has helped me understand where my testimony of Christ came from. It's those inexplicable moments where the scriptural narrative intersects with objective reality. I'm grateful for the ways Peterson has articulated this sentiment and I'm so happy to see him be taught by the Spirit in such a profound way. I think God has given Peterson a very specific mission, and it may not involve liturgical practice. Instead I think he's meant to be a moral voice for the secularly-inclined. I feel he is a vehicle of truth for our brothers and sisters who would never otherwise contemplate the ultimate good.
I shall be very courageous and simply Trust the Lord not in a passive way oh no but Bravely with Hope and absolute Faith. That we will love one another and seek the best for each other. Oh Lord give us Wisdom to know and to do what is possible. Even Now.
This man must be protected at all costs. I don't know whether I'd say he's a prophet or not, but he speaks to a DEEP part of the human existence that we can all understand, if we want to. I love listening to him.
You are correct Myles, He does appear to be a witness to the earth at this time to the Love of God and the depth of belief narrated out in thoughts of deep articulation ✝️
Dr. Peterson's biblical series is one of the greatest contributions to modern society. It’s such a blessing that my wife and I aren’t just married, but we’re also each other’s best strategic partner in the gospel and in business. I’m great at what she lacks, she’s great at what I lack and we have an Adviser to work with. Praise God!! And thank you for the awesome content!!
In Business, whichever firm you select, make sure you get your insurance and guide from a reputable financial adviser, such as *JENNY PAMOGAS CANAYA,* who has dedicated her career to financial planning. Because they will assist you in escalating, navigating better, and completing the task in a safer manner..|
I have to agree wholeheartedly. I believe that his biblical series will be studied and taught for generations to come. It's almost timeless as it stands.
Simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Are u unable to see how u've been tricked to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?❤
Peterson’s videos led me back to Christ, they sparked my interest to listen to sermons again. First sermon i listened to in years, I got half way through and was born again. I’ll never forget that day. Forever grateful.
Jordan Peterson has been a force in my life for a number of years now. The ferocious bravery of this man equals the crucifixion in so far as is humanly possible. I have followed his struggle - not always agreeing with his ideas and statements but his integrity has been transformative for me. He is truly a man above men. I have to also acknowledge his lovely wife living with this level of intellect and admire the profound influence she has had on his evolution into sainthood.
@@Lunuwara honestly i’ve been trying to find it again. It was by tim keller. He tells the story of a woman who started attending the church he pastored and wanted to meet with him. She told Tim that she was attending church because one day at work, she made a fairly substantial mistake and thought she’d get fired for it, but instead, her boss took the blame. When she pressed him for the reason why, he told her he was a Christian, and He serves a God who took the blame for him - And boom it was like the holy spirit just filled me and i dropped too my knees and was hysterical crying, snot coming out of my nose overwhelmed- i just kept repeating “don’t leave me” “i’m sorry.” I had faith and then fell away for years and was afraid of God, feeling condemnation. I chose the world over a christian lifestyle. I had 2 children out of wedlock, i was consistently sinning,with no remorse, avoiding any such thought of God or Jesus. So when God hit me like this, I was so overwhelmed with His love, I knew there was no other way but to follow him.
He knows everything because He created everything. He truly knows what we truly desire in our hearts. He knows when we fall and He is there to pick us up again. Unlike the Devil, God and Jesus will be there for every one of us.
I hear ya. And if I may add one thought-I feel that a crown is not earned but accepted. An honor bestowed as we become willing to step into ourselves, really, into our true identity as children of God, as “joint-heirs” as Christ taught. And that’s a uniquely personal journey for each of us, day by day.
None of us is capable of "earning the crown". All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We can only be reunited with Him through His grace: His gift of salvation, Jesus Christ.
@@johndoe-ln4oi Only according to your false apostle Paul's perversion of the Hebrew Bible of course. According to the Hebrew Bible itself Job, Daniel and Noah were perfectly righteous, righteousness was and is indeed attainable, and even according to non-Pauline NT righteousness is attainable and was attained be John the baptist's parents. But Christians don't care. They pick and choose, lie and contradict themselves, they spinkle their abominable end-product with some additional filthy blasphemy and idolatry.
@Youknow Itstrue. Jesus said “beware of the yeast of the Pharisees,” and here you are. Thank you for such a perfect example of what yeast of the Pharisees looks like today. Beautiful display of it my friend! Your Pharisee fathers would be proud.
Amen. I always watching Peterson's video. He always said, Christ is the center and the top of all thing. For example, the hierarchy of values, he place Christ at the top.
@@borneandayak6725 his search for the truth will lead him to christ I fully belive it he's so close to were logic and reasoning and touch faith once he gets there i am really excited to hear him he can put to words what he feels better then most people out there the only other person who had a high intilect and could put to words was Chuck missler he was great at tieing science to were faith starts
@Hurst Family - He is a misogynist because he limits women to traditional gender roles. He insists that women are not truly adult unless they bear children. He disgusts me. ~ Anastacia in Cleveland
@@AnastaciaInCleveland Blah blah blah. Show me a video where he says women aren't adults if they don't have children. You heard it from a typical feminist smear merchant.
I have never witnessed someone’s more detailed and extroverted spiritual transformation before. It is majestic how intellectualism is used in Professor Jordan’s path to meet Jesus. I pray for you my brother. You are wonderfully made and chosen to serve the Kingdom of God.
Of all the profound lectures I have heard from Mr. Peterson, this is has got to be the most. He has helped me understand myself more than most and I am eternally grateful. I will continue to pray for him that he will find a personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
Peterson is still seeking goodness but is conflicted between what religion tries to be and what it really is. To me, the two most perverted examples of what religion can do is pedophelia by preists and Trumpism with the lies, self egradizement and obvious corruption. Flags that proclaim, "God, Guns and Trump" are right up there in the vileness of what religion can do.
Much love goes out to Jordan. He's on a journey like all of us. May he find the joy fully in the precious blood shed for him...and may he discover fully fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Jordan B Peterson is on the payroll of Orban the Neonazi Terrorist leader organizer of the Magyar Gárda neonazi paramilitary group 2007-2010 and since the dictator of Hungary As the guest of Führer Orban in the Führer Castle of Buda, Knight Impotent B. Peterson: "my message to the Hungarians: Do not rebel against your leader! What your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of the Hungarian culture.
We are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either. While the Western Europeans are mixing with non-Europeans, we do not want our color, traditions and culture to be mixed with of those others. We want to be how we became 1100 years ago here in the Carpathian Basin. We will be able to maintain Hungary's biological future without migrants
"It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance." Some Churches act as if God's goal is to punish sinners, but His goal is to SAVE sinners! If we all could love like that.....
@HolyResolution the caption was not a question to Dr. Peterson. Those were clips of him speaking on his thoughts of God and religion. He actually said he's NOT a religious leader. I heard the voice of a brilliant man seeking and thinking through his relationship to God. Not the voice of a false prophet, or someone who wishes to be regarded as a prophet or any kind of religious leader. Christianity is about relationship, not religion. I'm going to pray that Jesus will call Dr. Peterson to Himself in a mighty way and the next time we hear Dr. Peterson speak on the subject, he will say that he's made a decision to follow Jesus.
@@backwatersage I agree that when we grow in Christ others will see a difference in our lives. Actually, that's the first step in making disciples, living lives that attract others to us so they know we are genuine when we share Jesus. I haven't given up on church. I go every Sunday. My church family mean more to me than some of my relatives. I also understand exactly what Ghandi meant when he said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
@firstchan.1 second ago I feel sad for you because "Relationship" with The Creator (YHWH, whose instruction manual is The Bible) is sadly what you have no knowledge or understanding about, let alone knowing His Son, Yeshua, gave His life to save YOU. Note: Relationship. Not Religion. If you're not posting comments for any other reason than playing games, it's time you stopped trolling and go "get a life" as the saying goes. As it is written...Seek and you shall find.🙏
@@Luke12vs48 What is really sad is when delusional religious people like you think that truth, science and reason is "trolling". Don't you think I have heard & read EVERYTHING religious people have said? You keep repeating the same stuff over and over. How about providing some actual evidence for once? You know, the stuff that actually matters? "Seek and you shall find" can be applied to any religion, god or fantasy. If anyone is trolling, its you.
@@Spriktor No. But the comment was about how you WILL end up with faith at the deepest point in your life. Meaning, when you are rock bottom. My point is that would be to surrender to madness, because faith means to "pretend to know the unknowable" and that is just wrong.
1.7m views in a channel with 70k subscribers within 10days, from an account started 6months ago, and with those advertising dollars do you think he's found god or a better market audience? An atheist doctor doesn't find faith over TH-cam he's setting up for retirement.
I have walked my own personal spiritual path, as we all do, And came out with the same understandings and it's changed my life. I completely agree with your comment 🙏
I’ve never managed to walk away from Him. I tried but he was always there, picking me up when I crashed. I suffered and struggled for years because I just didn’t understand what it meant to just Trust Him. Now my Peace and Contentment is almost absolute. I actually used to be afraid of just putting my life into His hands. Now I’m grateful. Thank you for reading that ❤
So ,so moving, sitting here with goose bumps, Jesus Christ loves you so much Dr. Peterson and thank you for humbling yourself to the world. God Bless you and your family
"you tell people that you love how to avoid the road to hell, and you don't do it because you're shaking your finger at them, or because you're a moral authority. You do it because you don't want them to burn." Amen Jordan...Thank you!!
well its still like saying i believe if you go that way you will die but you got no clue if that true or not. No matter the intent its still pointing a finger at them. You should not try to put your beliefs onto others because thats not decent behavior also as a sidenote a god that would do that is a cruel god one not worth worshiping. The big problem with religion is that they think we matter when we really dont. We are just here in space and time. Its just your turn right now. Everyone kills even if they dont know about it. Lots of animals die so you can live or plants die if your a vegan. We all impact the planet.
@@Lightflames85 Or another example, could talk about putting your hand on a stove with a broken indicator. You don't know whether it's hot or not, whether it will hurt you or not, maybe you don't have experience with stoves. Would someone with knowledge that it could burn you have a responsibility to share that knowledge? Or is it "decent behavior" to let you figure it out and potentially burn yourself? perhaps what you're trying to say is it can be delivered in love as an equal or it can be delivered in hate as someone who has 'apparent' superiority. On the other end someone could be delivering it in love but the person receiving it may interpret or believe it came in hate which essentially has the same effect. Perception and intent don't always line up which is why it's important to have a trusting relationship with the person you're having that conversation with. Randos on the street should always be treated with skepticism.
This man has brought another athiest to tears. Bless you Jordan. I find myself similar, i question everything in my mind but see no light. I understand differences of life, personal views, i can always see everything from both sides and find myself stood in the middle wanting the mountains to consume me and bring me into its peace. Be a stone amongst the vastness.
Im not religious and never have been and in the case of God and Christianity i have always felt that the reason people choose to follow it and believe it is because without something like it, many people would just feel lost in this world(hence the searching for answers part) and many people couldnt live with themselves without having something like repenting to help their mental health and feelings of guilt. I feel that the religion was invented to help with the specific reasons i just stated.
@randallv9719 God loves you and I invite you to proclaim that love. Personally, yes, I do know where I go when I die. It's wonderful gift granted to those with faith that Jesus is the son of our creator, the one true God. I am very sad that you haven't yet reached out for that gift and received the gift of eternal life as your reward for faith. Put another person on the list, I don't know you but I love you enough to pray for you tonight. ❤️
He is simply an intelligent man who is so clearly tortured by something. Maybe his own intellect. And still he goes forward. Stands against injustice and fraud. Truly a great man to follow and view as a mentor.
They say ignorance is bliss right? So the opposite is anything but, it is seeing through the veil, seeing the world for what it is and all the evil within from the top to the bottom. An ignorant man can ignore this and get on with life but a man with wisdom sees all the lost souls and the ignorant and it brings him pain. We should all strive for wisdom and knowledge but it weighs heavy. The Bible tells us, Ecclesiastes 1:18 18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Imagine a man who tries to enlighten the lost and put them on the right path only to be mocked and ridiculed, how he must feel. To see people love their sin and the world more then they love God and to know if they don't chose God in this life they are lost, forever. The government is lost, the wealthy are lost, the entertainers are lost and we have kids that look up to these who follow satan and deceive.
At one point I thought that we lost him, only to see him re-emerge into this dark time with more intense truth. He has been my favorite preacher, even before he arrived at his truths. Been a fantastic ride
Yes !! He is a briallant man. I wasn't per say "praying" for him, because I don't do that but I sent my thoughts and wish of him finding peace out into the universe so many times since I learned he was heading to a dark place.
Me too. I regret the things I said about him. Crying out and posting, “Where are you now when we need you the most?” Well I think God took him on a path that he needed to make. I wish I had had more faith and been more patient.
@@BK-hq7tn what did he post I’m trying to find it? Do you know what happened to him I read other comments saying his wife got sick? I really like him I have for a while but along the way stopped keeping track of his journey
Jodan is just a great example on what happens when you really want to know the truth. You open your heart and the rest becomes a amazing testimony. I am privileged to be living in these times and to see how God is bringing people like JP to him. He is not a prophet, he is a teacher a messenger a Paul in these bad times.
@Comtesse Commange JP's truth is supported by his conviction based on personal exploration and searching. His journey has brought him the discovery that we are more than just flesh, blood and brain cells. We have spirit and we have soul. Some of us shut that off, preferring our science to lord over that part of us that speaks of faith. It seems to me that JB has a faith that appreciates science but recognises the existence of the 'more than.' I always hear non-Christians say Christians are so blinkered. I muse at this because the most shut off people are those who cannot and/or refuse to see, feel or experience the 'more than.' JB has dared to explore and his journey is visibly bringing him to places in his inner man that moves him to feel, question more, cry and grow. His is a journey of discovery. He's not delusional, he's finding his way, (science in hand) beyond mere science. Is God real? Yes. Can He be felt? Yes. Is it wrong to speak of experiencing Him? No. It is wrong only to those who shut themselves off to deep, meaningful, spiritual truth and exploration. To my mind it is unscientific to brush something off simply because it cannot be seen or touched or has not been 'scientifically' proven. Does that honestly mean it is not real? Does anyone have the right to dismiss another person's encounter and experience? Science itself says 'no.' So I'm not sure why his experience is 'questionable.' Moreover, it is not for the Christian to prove their relationship with God. It is the responsibility of the unbeliever to prove there is no relationship with God and that God does not exist.
@Comtesse Commange the events surrounding jesus are historical (in light of historical tests) its not easy but i read and studied it thoroughly before i put my trust in Christ. Don't just dismiss it without looking into it. There is literally way more than enough evidence for Jesus as the truth, seek him and you will find him.
Me too, you can see his suffering for humanity. I also know he sees the destruction that Godlessness has had on society. He hadn't seen the cause clearly until he realized that there is a God and He loves us so much that He came to earth in the form of man just to salvage His creation. Jordan Peterson is at his core an humble man. His intelligence is amazing. Education is a double edged sword, especially now, the tricks of Satan go back to the beginning of the universe and has infiltrated every aspect of human thought. I praise God that I was raised in church, my parents were saved and and it was the biggest help in my life to be a believer at a young age. Jesus is Lord of my life.
I have been listening to Jordan for some time. His journey to Christ has been breathtaking and inspiring. I just love his authenticity and vulnerability. What a testimony
Except he never addresses the elephant in the room. All of the power to change our world exists in the hands of a few people and they are the the worse of us. All of the information we receive through their networks is there to deceive and divide us, to disenfranchise us from our own humanity. We can hold hands and sing kumbaya until the cows come home but unless we understand we are being manipulated and we live in a criminal world we will all end up enslaved sooner rather than later. I don't disagree that we must positively affect the reality around us but until we dismantle the corporatocracy and networks of the global elite it will be the equivalent of spitting into a Volcano to put out the fire.
I believe Christ exist, but what scares me most is I'll have to answer for what I have done. I'll have to answer for what I have done knowing Christ exist versus doing what I want and not knowing or believing Christ exist. I've gone to church for sometime, but I have let addiction destroy my life. I fear there is no coming back because if I can't forgive myself how can I expect Christ to forgive me?
@Patrick Sanders my man….think of the thief on the cross. He was a criminal his whole life and got saved literally seconds before death and Jesus told him that on that very day he would be with Him in paradise. Christ ALWAYS forgives.
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Does it deepen religious sense or does it deepen your relationship with God? Religion is not a relationship or an entity. God is. Religion is how God desires to be worshiped
@Snap Dragon Agreed! .....I've always thought JP was overated.
During that particular interview, Dilahunty was concise and succinct, while JP waffled and used 20 words where 5 would have been sufficient.
I honestly think JP's mind can't handle being JP's mind, and as a consequence is having a self-inflicted mental breakdown! Becoming religious is sometimes a symptom of mental health issues.
@@Yossarian. To give an emotional statement of "Becoming religious is sometimes a symptom of mental health issues." is an ugly thing to do. To denigrate someone because they found what they believe to be the truth, which is shared by billions of people. It's the ultimate form of derision and hatred.
Don't sink so low as to call everyone mentally ill for not believing in what you believe.
We don't call Atheists mentally ill. We call you rebellious and egocentric, unwilling to drop your bias.
Jordan Peterson I think you are brillant, but I believe in God, in a God that loves us and forgives us, a God that gives us what we need not what we want, love to your wife, Joan, x
@@davidbuxton9937 Actually David, plenty of Atheist Leftist teens and young adults are the ones supporting his work the most.
In his own way, JP is an "author" of a cultural revolution. Maybe not as large as MLK, but this is way more than just "the evil right wingers" nonsense.
I started as a Christian, then became a Mormon, then a catholic, then a scientific realist, then a psychology analyser, then a philosophical thought follower, then a spiritualist, then a law of attraction believer, then a numerologist. After 34 years of running around like a headless chicken believing in almost anything, I have finally come back to believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.
Maybe God wanted you to....so that you could see that he is the truth, light and our creator.....to this day I dont think a device has been invested that knows exactly how many hairs are on your head or specks of sand in the world....yet he does because he always was and will be the greatest scientist...the alpha and omega
Sounds like a therapist I had. She flipped her belief every month so her form of therapy. Because the law of attraction is a big thing in therapy lately and the vibrations and then she was the 4th dimension. (She is nutter than me).
Welcome back ♥️✝️🙏🛐🤗
Glory Be To The Lord, In Jesus
@kamberc230 let me tell you a secret guys who have read my post, the most truest form of love is in jesus. Nothing that i have come across in my 34 years of trial and error has filled with me with so much love and protection as christ. Trust me guys. Pray to god to send angels to stand my your bed tonight, and almost 10 seconds later without fail you will feel them its like a cool breeze. God bless you all.
He’s not a false prophet nor a ferocious wolf. He’s a decent human being struggling with questions like many of us. It’s a good thing
Well said.
Nah he's a vague pedantic babbling mess and a liar.
@Magnus Carlsen God is Horus period. But you probably don't believe in history just like science because it flies in the face of logic.
@@skitzoradio369 And who are you that you should judge this man?
@@pimslickins8321 if they believe in god, who are you to say anything? Atleast they believe in something higher then themselves.
"I don't think the world is made out of matter. I think it's made out of *what* matters" - what a quote!
so, feels like the word "matter" for unexplained things is the the same word for the thought action of what is really preknown importance,,,,
That Did it !
Yep, nothing like denying the scientific principles that explain reality as a nod to the skyfairy delusion
i can't believe that the man i agree with on so many issues feels the need to abandon logic, reason, and objectivity for pathetic phrases like this one... i'm not sure which of the following i feel the most but it makes me sad, dissapointed, and at a loss for words for such an awkwardness with regard to his dramatic account of his views on religion/god.
@@openyoureyes909jones6you didnt get what that cuote means right?
He is a truth seeker and anyone who seeks truth will find it. He’s in a growth process. It takes time. Pray for him and bless him. He is helping a lot of people.
You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, - Jeremiah 29:13
You're right. I'll take him in my prayers. In some way he has an enourmous influence on -maybe lost- honest, truth seeking people searching for peace.
"Our heart is restless until it finds rest in You" St. Augustine.
But you haven’t found the truth. It’s easy. Just don’t believe in anything without reason or evidence. Like your god.
@@youtubecomments5951 there is plenty of evidence of Jesus, and plenty of evidence of God. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean there’s no evidence.
@ except there is absolutely no evidence and you won’t be able to provide any. But Jesus existing I accept. Just not the bs about him.
My wife has prayed for Jordan Peterson and him to come to Christ for as long as we've been together. This is just another one of God's answered prayers.
For years, wrong actions have been encouraged through movies, movies and TV series, for example, drinking, gambling, drugs, adultery, murders, women dancing in revealing clothes, these are behaviors that disrupt morality and social peace and destroy the family. Instead, there should be more publications encouraging people to help each other, to help each other, to be good people with good morals.❤❤
@randallv9719 I’ll pray for you.
God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we would want him to or the way we’d expect him to, or when we’d want him to.
But by praying and asking, we acknowledge He is greater than us. He knows better than we do.
If you’re going through an incredibly hard and messed up time right now like I am I pray the Lord will come to you in the way that He sees is best for you.
I’ll take a minute to kneel and pray for you. I hope whatever is going wrong for you gets sorted out, and I’ll ask that the Lord remind me to pray for you again tomorrow if I don’t remember.
May God Bless you. Sorry you’re having a rough a go.
@@spindoggytheexplorer2915such a nice cop out, all powerful but only helps certain Christians when he wants to 🤣
@@zaydeshaddox7015 If you actually knew anything about it. He said if he were to be religious it would lean towards christianity, so is it selfish to pray for him to go the way he's already leaning?
@@zaydeshaddox7015 praying for someone to accept Christ is praying for them to be delivered from death, from being under the law, from the weight of their sin on their minds, body, hearts. Happiness is circumstantial and therefore fleeting, but joy is from God and cannot be moved by mere circumstance. Protection? what do you think happens when you have the almighty creator Spirit within your soul? also, OP says they pray for Peterson AND him come to Christ.....there's more than one thing there, sir/ma'am.
I love Jordan. When I was hurt and in a nursing home there were these church ladies who sent me cards. A nurse once said that I must be loved by so many cards. The truth was that I had no one to visit me . I had never been to the church before and I had never met these women. When I finally got out, I was determined to find them. I found them at a tiny small church that had a lot of love. After that I found Jesus.
When I was going through my darkest days, three angels came and nested in my chimney. One of them laid an egg. Three days later Jesus crackled his way out of that egg. If that's not proof of religion, I don't know what is. Hallelujah.
@@greg4016brother why are you informing us of The Second Coming in a youtube comment lol
@@Jefrejtor that we all might be prepared. I mean properly prepared, having time to change into tuxedos and taffeta party dresses.
This is such a beautiful story thank you for blessing me with it
Are you the kind d of person who mocks people because they don't think like you? That's sad.
I became a Christian about 2 years ago and my life has changed dramatically. He restored my family and was delivered from depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. And I feel the holy spirit and his love and joy every time I worship him. Thank you Jesus 🙏
@@treehouse1349i have been healed from all anxiety and depression. She said she was healed so why would she not be? FAITH IN JESUS means to follow his commandments and take up your cross. Theres no time for anxiety or depression when you follow Jesus, and not the world.
To bad Jordan's daughter is as lost as her father... maybe Jesus can lead them both home.
It's a different kind of high to worship him
that's amazing very happy to hear that for you (:
Dr. Peterson shows in detailed account, the struggles we all endure in the fight between good
and evil. It is a daily battle for us all who are faithful! Remember the deceiver doesn’t wish for those already in his camp.
If you ever wonder why he's always crying; He is speaking from the heart.
Plus he knows there are alot of people in the world that are hurting. God Loves us all. He Loves You!! He sent His only begotten Son to pay for our sins. We could never meet up to the standards) to save ourselves. That is why Jesus paid the price for us..Thank You God!!❤
Speaking from his heart, like the other day when he went on twitter to call that magazine model unattractive, and then started crying and quit twitter because HE felt attacked because people said that was a messed up thing for him to say.
His armor is off in that moment.
Honestly its cause he has brain damage from the drugs. The dude is a straight clown.
@@MinnesotaFats poor mr. p. is nothing but armor. it is called ego.
I started my Journey from agnostic to believing in God recently.
Never felt more calm and grateful. Love to you all.
Praise God, I pray He blesses you. 🙏💕
Amen. May you “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2
I pray that you may be “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God” Philippians 1:12
Love and blessings to you. Reading about your journey is so inspiring, thank you for sharing.
When times get tough, (and they will), remember to hold onto His promises, and also remember you have brothers and sisters in Christ that love you and are praying for you :)
May we continue to run the race faithfully so that we may obtain the crown of eternal life :)
Read Quran with the translation...
Quran ,Surah Al baqarah
And they say: 'Be Jews or Christians, you will be rightly guided” Say: “Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one, and he was not of the polytheist” (135).
Say: “We believe in Allah and (in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ishaq and Ya'qub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit” (136).
If then they believe in like of what you believe in, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great dissension; so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing (137).
(We have received) the dyeing of Allah, and who is better than Allah in dyeing? and Him do we worship (138).
Say: “Do you dispute with us about Allah? and He is our Lord and your Lord; and for us our deeds and for you are your deeds; and we are sincere to Him (139).
Or, do you say that Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ya'qiib and the tribes were Jews or Christians?” Say: “Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do” (140).
This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did (141).
Quran ,Surah Al baqarah
And they say: 'Be Jews or Christians, you will be rightly guided” Say: “Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one, and he was not of the polytheist” (135).
Say: “We believe in Allah and (in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ishaq and Ya'qub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit” (136).
If then they believe in like of what you believe in, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great dissension; so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing (137).
(We have received) the dyeing of Allah, and who is better than Allah in dyeing? and Him do we worship (138).
Say: “Do you dispute with us about Allah? and He is our Lord and your Lord; and for us our deeds and for you are your deeds; and we are sincere to Him (139).
Or, do you say that Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ya'qiib and the tribes were Jews or Christians?” Say: “Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do” (140).
This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did (141).
I was born in a Muslim family and I followed all the laws of Islam, but I always had questions that were never answered. I loved God, but finally I completely left Islam at a young age. I still loved God, I was looking for positive energy in the universe and I was looking for happiness. I was at the height of darkness in my life. When I was 21 years old, that's when I heard about Christ and believed in him. Jesus Christ became the king of my life and gave me true happiness and peace and hope. With the grace of Christ Jesus, I have been serving many Muslims who have believed in Christ Jesus in the church for years, and I know God more and more every day.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and earth
peace to those on whom his favor rests
Luke 2:14
Praise God! I also left islam at the age of 27
Glory to God! Keep strong, my sibling in Christ 🙏🏻❤
@HTG42789The Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Quran are completely different. When someone becomes a Christian or a Muslim, the reject the teachings of the other.
◄ Matthew 24:36 ►
Audio Crossref Comment Greek
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
If the son is equal to the father why does he don’t know about the last day?
Amen...God bless this man...God bless us all....I AM.
"The only one who can truly satisfy the heart is the One who made it." ♥️
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Jesus is the logos made flesh!!
Lisa Naomi...
Isaiah 📜 chapter 44 verse 24....😀
Revelation 📖19 verses 11 thru 16...
Isaiah 📜 chapter 44 vs 24
Matthew 📖 chapter 28 vs 18....
Revelation 📖 chapter 21 vs 4 & 5....😀
All living beings are qualitatively but not quantativley similar to God.
But mere eternal fragments temporarily embodied in flesh.
in an almost unlimited varieties of bodies to fullfill the sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet fruits of our desires and Karma.
The thing with the human form is you can escape from the endless cycle of birth and death , because you have the intelligence to inquire and ask questions..
who am l
why am I here
why am I suffering
who is God and
what is my relationship to him.
and then the opportunity to surrender to God and to go back to where you came.
With your original spiritual form and identity and with your eternal and unique relationship with God.
Deep, It hit me with a pause and I gace deep thought to it.
After 40 years of my struggle with God, and after having voraciously consumed every recording Jordan Peterson produced in the past 2 years i can say Jordan Peterson has brought me back to God, once and for all.
Hallelujah. God bless you! Jesus Christ is king, Lord, savior, Alpha and Omega!❤
I think God brought you back, using Jordan to help you return .God does great things like that. ❤
What did it for me is the blatant satan worship in every piece of entertainment that comes out of Hollywood. It seems like if that many people think satan is real, then God is real (and obviously we didn't evolve from apes to having these huge frontal lobes on accident... we are genetically altered by some type of intelligence).
And then that footage came along from the travis scott astroworld concert where people were trampled and died of a demon walking on top of the roof of the stage and also a 10 foot tall shadowy black spirit jumping into the crowd. Also, Travis sang weirdly over a dead body. There is footage on youtube. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Yes indeed. God will pull you closer, if you have the right mindset... He is calling for people, but you have to give it a chance and be humble...@@alexandraasbury9974
Only the work of the Lord did that. He works through people.
I've seen a man's solemn tears when speaking of the love of christ and I have always perceived it to be the lord softening (replacing) a heart of stone. I have been that man also. Best thing in the world.
I agree Mr.Watson. I was a devout christian and passed away for several minutes in 2006. What i saw confused me and I lost my faith for over a decade. Mr.Peterson has helped me along my way to come back to God, or more largely in my eyes, alongside the love of Christ. Few things can bring me to tears. Not from a calloused heart, or pride, but a lucky disposition. When i think of the shame of over a decade of ignoring Christ, and the Knowledge and asurity that I am forgiven for my slights against him....It's just overwhelming. Solely, and preciously, we are the only people that can boast such a claim that we are forgiven. Not tolerated. Not looked over for transgressions. Truly forgiven.
We alone can boast such an audacious claim and reward that we have only earned by simply existing. It's a wild concept to grasp, and it's something that only feelings can explain in my eyes. Logic fails us, because it isn't meant to be approached in such a way. Being a parent myself has taught me that. I don't need my daughter to understand or study why I will always love her, I just pray she never forgets that I do. And like Christ, I always will.
Mr luke there can be only one God & christ( peace be upon him ) isnt a demi God. If a God needs another god. Then how is he God. I think christ pbuh was a chosen messenger of God. Not God himself
@@unknownfromkashmir to the best of my knowledge sir, and I'm not priest.... You are correct until he came back to life.
He was the merger of man and God through Mary. He was born. He died.
It was not until he was resurrected that he truly became more than just a vessel of God, but God incarnate.
I may be wrong though. I'm not positive about that but from what I know it is correct.
@@bassbeardiful sir , i respect ur claim but if someone resurrected him. I will clearly consider that someone as more Powerful.God giving powers to someone else after restoring there life seems with respect fishy. Besides , i think the new testament was documented in the absence of christ pbuh. Its basically , book of mark - bible as per mark , book of matthew - bible as per matthew. It doesn't all add up to me.
Nevertheless , have a great day sir . Wish u health and happiness ahead.
@@unknownfromkashmir yeah, I could definitely be wrong. I'm not a religious scholar by any means. I respect all people and their views, always. I hope you have a great day too!
Beautiful to see a man's heart be restored by our king of kings ❤JESUS ❤
God touched a brilliant Atheist and is using him to win souls. How perfect! Thanks be to God!❤
He did this before with CS Lewis. I love to see God change the hearts of great minds.
🙏🏽 Amen!
Yes! I think He has His sights on Ben Shapiro😇
Simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Are u unable to see how u've been tricked to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?❤
After wondering for 67 years I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and I was baptized in His name. Thank you Dr. Peterson for all your wisdom.
Amen man
This is truly amazing.
Amen, brother or sister! God bless you!
JP encourages questioning as does Christianity and so you should question, even him, and welcome criticisms of his views and realise the truth yourself which happens to be mostly if not wholly aligned with someone critics call silly but anyone with any thinking capacity knows JP is anything but silly. Bless him and bless those who seek the truth.
Gulibility and desperation have no age limit. I hope you can recover brother.
God bless him, and may God bless and guide all of us, throughout our lives
I don't need any thing like the Easter Bunny or a Unicorn or any God's blessing me . What a bunch of lazy lamebrains. Read a real book and put down that fable called a bible
@Guitarzen and who are you to say that
hi brother, new thought that you would be here
What a surprise tbh, didn't expect you here.
Didn't expected you here God of War boiii Zanar
4, 5 days ago and at the age of 38 I became a true believer of the lord jesus Christ. Thank god.
I have been a Christian my whole life but my life didn’t reflect it and I questioned if God was real all the time. One day I got sick and stayed that way for years. I seeked God…. I knew in my heart He was the only one who could heal me. I found Him and turns out He was there the whole time! He literally speaks to me through the Bible. Guides me, comforts me, gives me hope, helps me forgive others and myself, teaches me to help others, gives me peace when I’m afraid. I have so many questions in life and He has answered them all through the Bible. I’m healed now. But life isn’t that simple… even as a healed person, I need Him everyday. And He’s always there. Never abandons me. I pray people will get to know God, the One who is always there… because He is absolutely real and loving and full of grace. He fills all the void that is in the hearts of men.
No one is a Christian their whole life, even if you grew up around it and were not rebellious to what you were taught.
Everyone is born fallen and in need of the Savior. No one is actually a Christian until they are born again, until they consciously realize they need Jesus to wash and change them and give them new life in the Spirit.
Nobody inherits Christianity from their parents, but they can only shine a light and show the way.
I am not trying to be critical towards you in any way, but truth is important. Being a Christian is about a life surrendered to Him as Lord, King, and Savior. He responds to real surrender by regenerating the believer in the Spirit. Everyone is fallen and dead and needs new life. I assume you made this decision at some point, and that is when you became a Christian.
@@garyguinette6971 sir, my testimony didn’t stop after the first sentence. Let’s focus on what Jesus does for us and not on “play on words”. My testimony is revolved around how He changed my life and not on what I did and didn’t do for Him “my whole life”. Thank you for your correction. Duly noted.
@@GamerTroyJ9 Absolutely NOT trying to "play on words." Jesus is the living Word. Words matter. Only trying to help with understanding Truth and communicating it rightly. I bless you and your walk with Him.
You need to live and let live. If he says he’s a Christian then that’s true for him. You need to focus on your own salvation with trembling and fear and basically mind your own business. Are you God that you can see into his heart and life. You need to humble yourself and pray for your arrogance to be removed
@@bgmtrust3255 I could say the same to you. My reply was gracious and sufficient. People who cannot receive a gentle correction in love have their own problem right there. We should all want truth at all costs if we truly love Jesus. He is the Spirit of Truth. We are all part of the Body, not ruggedly independent of one another. Jesus doesn't excuse offense at any time! Nothing I said was offensive, just Truth in Love.
This man has fundamentally changed my life. He is brilliant and humble and listening to him is making me a better person.
Wish this guy was MY therapist. My mind appears to work like his does.
Time will tell .God cannot be mocked.He is the God that holds men accountable .
Kind Counselor...How much MORE ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST ?
Faith comes like this..🤔🧐🤨
ROMAN's 📖 chapter 10 vs 17....
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Study the gospel 📖 ?
Only if you ask God in ALL HUMILITY in SINCERE PRAYER 🙏 thru Jesus Christ.....If your REAL then give me SPIRITUAL WISDOM to (believe YOU) AND YOUR WORD 📖....You will NOT UNDERSTAND the gospel thru human intelligence the CARNAL MIND..😔
Read ROMAN's 📖 chapter 7 verses 21 thru ROMANS 📖 chapter 8 verses 1 thru 39....special attention to verses 35 thru 39..😄.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life ; no man cometh unto the Father ; but by me.
And saying, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand ; repent ye and believe the gospel.
Also read...
To understand real repentance....
Mark 📖 chapter 2 verse 17....
2 Corinthians 📖 chapter 7 vs 10 thru 16...
Luke 📖 24 vs 45 thru 47
Luke 📖 13 vs 3 thru 5
2 Chronicles 📜 7 vs 14....
Acts 📖 11 vs 18..
2 Peter 📖 chapter 3 vs 9...
Acts 📖 chapter 3 verse 19...
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2 Timothy 📖 chapter 2 verse 15...
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Read Quran with the translation...
Quran 17(al isra) verse 23-27
For your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And honour your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your care, never say to them ˹even˺ ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. Rather, address them respectfully.
And be humble with them out of mercy, and pray, “My Lord! Be merciful to them as they raised me when I was young.”
Your Lord knows best what is within yourselves. If you are righteous, He is certainly All-Forgiving to those who ˹constantly˺ turn to Him.
Give to close relatives their due, as well as the poor and ˹needy˺ travellers. And do not spend wastefully.
Surely the wasteful are ˹like˺ brothers to the devils. And the Devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.
In Islam, how do you know if you are righteous? How do you know that what you have done is good enough to get you to Paradise?
The Bible tells us ALL of man's works are as filthy rags.
Isaiah 54:6
"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away."
Romans 3:10-12
As it is written:
“There is none righteous, no, not one;
There is none who understands;
There is none who seeks after God.
They have all turned aside;
They have together become unprofitable;
There is none who does good, no, not one.”
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Jesus even said that we are so sinful that we will not seek Him unless God the Father intervenes to draw us to Him!
John 6:44
No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
So, I respectfully pray that the Father will draw you near! In Jesus' name! Amen.
He’s not a false prophet, he is a human on this journey just like we all are.
Oh true!!!
Actually, he's not a prophet to begin with, he never said he was. Just sayin
@B V that's correct
@B V Exactly! Christians want to read more into what he says that what he is actually saying. Most atheists live this way, the being moral, be good, show respect and die in peace without fear.
Beautifully said
The end monologue is magical, I’m no longer atheist and spend hours searching my soul in the hopes god may reveal himself to me.
I pray that God does my friend.
@@SongsOfGentilesthank you
Thank you ... I've finally come to and accepted my imperfection...and mine heart speaks to the fact that this is so ... The reason God made me imperfect is because HE knew better, I would not seek if I knew ... God bless you, God bless everybody.
Sad, atheism is the answer.
Jordan brought me back from a 20 year period of denial about Jesus and my faith which led me down a dark path of selfishness and addiction. I was conviced that science had all the answers. Jordan helped me realise I had it all wrong and I love him for bringing me back to Jesus!
@@Harry-bn5mp glad it made you happy bro
Respectfully, Jordan didn't bring you back, he showed you a way back. You brought yourself back. Never overlook or underestimate the "you" in your life's equation. You're stronger than you've realized and have as much value as everyone who's ever lived. Stay strong, Kurt.
@@BaconIsNotBiceps Yes, that's probably a more accurate statement.
U stopped coping great no one cares tho
This man is a precious gift to humanity. I pray that he stays with us for a very long time.
I was thinking the same thing. As with Esther, he was made for a time such as this.
Amén 🙏
This is how exactly cults are cultivated. It is hurtful but it is true.
no, he isnt.
@@wurstfinger3289 lol what made you decide to post this? Is this a cult? No. Have a great day!
Speaking as a Christian, I've never heard it put so beautifully and honestly. Mr Peterson is a gift to our generation, the next CS Lewis!
I understand what you mean, I have not heard one person, and trust me I read way to much and study way to much out of my own volition too, and have never heard anyone be so honest and so insightfully profound ad he is, definitely our CS Lewis
I think it is apparent now that Jordan Peterson will be remembered for a long time. He'll be talked about for generations to come. He is a great man and I'm thankful to live in his generation. I hope he's able to change the hearts of many towards the true meaning of life, Jesus Christ!
@@silentcontender I agree with your 'sentiment' but remember it's God only who cahnges hearts, see Ezekiel and or proverbs - just the obvious scriptures that come to mind.
but while I'm on, r u in the UK ? I'm looking for mature believer(s) to thrash out ideas/problems with, if u like a born again JP, obviously must also b demonstrably Spirit filled, any help greatly appreciated.
When it comes to God ,Jordan Peterson hasn't got a clue....he needs to phone a friend....people who know God....not intellect thinkers .....
Believers in God are doers they're don't spend their time thinking and thinking and thinking ,because belief is meaningless without the proper action....
The believers act and they know....They know what God has revealed to mankind ,why he created man....what's man's purpose and what man needs to do to fullfill the purpose for which he was created for....that's why we are busy doing....I heads aren't in the clouds
Wow I never thought of it that way. YES. He could very well be the next C.S. Lewis. 💗🙏
Just beautiful, he honestly can change our world, he has changed mine
Beautiful words from a beautiful man! God Bless you Jordan! 🙏
Those of who are believers know that the Holy Spirit has been working on him, touching and softening his heart, and eventually bringing him to Christ. What a beautiful public transformation of a man. It makes no difference whether he is on the right or left. He has been touched by the Holy Spirit and is one of us. I pray that God will use him mightily for the good of the human kind.
Grown human beings believing in talking snakes and men walking on water. Long live atheism
@@upturnedblousecollar5811 You created the universe, so everything you say must be true. The arrogance is unbelievable.
@@limitbreaker402 Where did I claim I created the universe, Limit Breaker? Or that everything I say must be true? I didn't say either of those things, so I'm afraid any arrogance here is all yours.
@@upturnedblousecollar5811 and you can't understand...
@@limitbreaker402 Enjoy TH-cam.
You’re not alone JP. We’re in trouble, and there’s nowhere else to go. God help us, please.
Lord, keep opening the truth to this man. His voice is so very needed in today's world
You know he is 🙏
Amen. He is not much different than Rush Limbaugh. Two very wise men looking for the truth.
Absolutely! 🙏🙏🙏
Jordan is too emotional... he incorrectly mixes up emotions with truths (as many religious people do). Just because you *feel* a certain way about something... does not make it true or false. There is absolutely zero evidence for any religion. There are lots of evidence against it. And when you don't know the answer. Then you stop. You don't start pretending you know (aka faith) because that's not intellectually honest whatsoever.
@@frstchan That is what you are doing. Being intellectually dishonest. Zero evidence?? There is plenty. What evidence do you have against it??
Thank Jesus our king 👑 and his work done in Peterson. May you come to know Jesus more and more
As one who considers himself a Christian, I have to reevaluate my discipleship and commitment after Dr. Peterson’s description of what it really takes to make that claim. Listening to this has humbled me and I hope I can be better as a result.
Find a good Church brother. Embolden and strengthen your community with love. Amen
“Who dares say they believe in God” in conjunction with the axiom of “actions speak louder than words” is all it should take to have theists take a deep hard look at their lives
@@roddydykes7053 but the deep hard look at themselves isnt holding despair for them, it is the answer they need. it is the first path to prosperity.
you and I both. I've been in this journey since the beginning of the pandemic. I fail. A lot. But I'll make it.
Please Jordan.. never stop being you. I have no parents, I never have.. but I look up to you as a role model. You help this world more than you know! Especially young men like me... keep being you!!!
Interesting. I'm drawn to "I have no parents, I never have" since I've nearly felt like that in my youth. My dad, though distant and absent as he was, did manage to instill a moral baseline within when around. I learned over the years (now close to Jordan's age, birthdate even closer), role models come and go - some disappoint, some fade away - and still it's good to have them along your path... but truly, once in God's favor (yes, my personal life bears proof that that's "a thing") He deserves more credit than any one role model because He either sets you on a path to cross theirs or puts them (their words or deeds) on your path. Side note: Jordan's journey differs from mine in that I learned in my 20s just how important faith is, therefore my "belief" is strong and will never be a discomfort. John 20:29: "...because thou [you] hast [have] seen me, thou hast believed: [but] blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." ~Jesus
Jesus is the role model. Humans can fail.
@@orbtalquant_og6207 I will always follow him!!! No matter what!!!
Young man, you are loved!
I lift you up to the LORD! 🕊🙏🏼❤️
Some day your children will look up to you like you do Dr. Peterson.
"There's too much authority and not enough love"....Amen to that.
We need to love more and judge less. I am a Muslim and I love Jesus.
and there is no real love without Jesus ❤️
Is that why he overdosed on meth? he's a controlled opposition, search 'jordanetics', he's a pure liar
Great rationalization for not joining a church community.
The point of church is to glorify God, don't listen to jordan peterson he is paid by evil elites to confuse young men. search on youtube 'the madness of jordan peterson' vox day breaks down and proves he's controlled opposition. Just have an open mind bro.
I struggle a lot with doubt. But I felt this message to my core, weeping. I am asking for God to reveal to me the truth and that I may believe in Him.
As a Christian, I love what he says. I pray that God continue to open his eyes to see Christ. God is using him as a voice to the world.
When you think you can pray to God, you think you have a stronger bonding with God than those non-believers do. However, the first question one should ask themselves before they pray for others as a believer is whether one really believes, consciously and more importantly unconsciously. Only your action can tell if you fully believe, until then you are no different to non - believers.
What a beautiful pray amen
@@JasonTsecool bud. Any other nonsense you want to say?
@@phylocybe_ they're saying actions speak louder than words. How is that nonsense?
@@chuckalakatoob 🤷♂️ I think I was drinking when I made that comment
"He who seeks finds and to him who knocks, the door shall be opened. "
yeah but that's with any religion, just seek the Greek gods and eventually you will believe that they're real if you try hard enough, or santa clause or Allah or even Thor, you can knock on any of these doors and all of them will be "opened" because either the mind is easily fooled or you want something out of it in return, in christians case that would be heaven.
@@ilikecheeseburger42 and that is what satan wants you to believe. I was the same way. New age way of thinking. He gives you one truth with a lot of lies; Keeping you going in circles. It’s hard when everything you learn was a lie. Keep seeking and the Heavenly Father will reveal it to you. Blessings to you.
I don't think an imaginary person can want things, and you think everything I learned was a lie??? That's simply false, the big bang is a fact, evolution is a fact, the universe and earth weren't made at the same time, those are all not lies, those are facts, and facts don't care about feelings
To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.
Bhagavad-Gita 10.10
The most beautiful thing about him is even after years of accumulated knowledge experience and wisdom, JP is still seeking and he is humble enough to accept that. His emotional intelligence is so high that he cant hold his tears while talking about these topics where he has gone deep into all his life.
Are you gay?
I’m not sure I think he’s just withdrawing from his benzo addiction
Jp knows just the right words and phrases to say to people(and this includes such manipulative emotional responses as crying) to cunningly market himself as some kind of "expert on Life",the constant false humility has gained him lots of followers.If you want to put Mediocrity on a pedestal go ahead its your privilage...
@@Kvasiir he came off all those almost cold turkey in Russia. He's always been sensitive and tearful.
I was 20 years old when I learned real men cry...
I'll see my dead son on the other side of glory tho...God's will be done.
His innocent mind and great heart makes this wonderful man the best Christian I have ever encountered. ❤❤❤
I once heard someone say that even the devil believes in God, that belief is not enough. This message made me realize it's not as important to say that I believe but act as though I do! Thank you Dr.Peterson! You truly are a great teacher!
There's something very honest and authentic about Jordan Peterson's Testimony, as the Hound of Heaven is CLEARLY drawing him to Himself ❤️‼️
I often must pray, and exclaim with the Demon possessed boy's father, in Mark 9:23-24, "I DO believe; help me Overcome my unbelief!"
I'm praying this will continue to become more and more real for both Jordan Peterson, myself and all others who are finally, late in life, Entering through the Gate Himself -- the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life ❤️ (John 14:6).
VERY few have been given the visions or encounters with Jesus, the Christ;
(Yeshua HaMeshiach); JesuCristo,
ईसा मसीह
eesa maseeh; our Great Risen God and Saviour - that Paul, James, Jude and a few other unique adopted children of God have experienced.
Most of us who've been given even the tiniest inklings - the smallest of kernels of Faith in Christ, like Jordan P. (apparently) and I have, fall into the other camp of believers that has been most common, ever since He left this Earth, upon His Death. Actually, upon His being Murdered when He briefly walked our Fallen Earth as a human being- Most of us have NOT had the privilege of physically seeing Him.
But, as He Himself said to Thomas (another Rare one, who did get to see Him, " in the flesh", both before and after His Death and Resurrection),
"Because you have seen Me, you have believed;
blessed are those who have NOT seen, and yet have believed." (John 20:28-29)
This is why I'm marveling at the Supernatural "inexpressible and GLORIOUS Joy" that the Apostle Peter, suggests we are filled with in our belief, (so UNLIKE his own), without having EVER actually seen Jesus before. As well as the hopeful LOVE that Peter describes, Love that comes with our Faith in the Holy One, who we most likely never will see, in our time remaining on this Earth- until we go to meet Our Maker:
"Though you have not seen Him, you LOVE Him;
and even though you do NOT see Him Now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and GLORIOUS Joy, for you are receiving the Goal of your Faith, the Salvation of your Souls❣️"
1 Peter 1:8-9
🙏🙌☝️Prayers for Jordan Peterson and all of us who have been given by our Great Triune God, just the bare-bones beginning of an even-tinier-than-a-mustard-seed, parcel of faith ❤.
I Pray that Jordan P., and we too, will truly be "In Christ", and marked, sealed, anointed and filled with the promised Holy Spirit, as per the Apostle Paul's excellent Spirit-led re-stating of the Gospel, that I've included below. I'm Also sharing his succinct and encouraging explanation of exactly How we are able to be as those who "Stand Firm (in Christ), until the End, and are Saved" (Mark 13:13; Matthew 10:22, 24:13).
From Ephesians 1:13-14 and
2 Corinthians 1:21-22 =
"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your Salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance, until the redemption of those who are God's possession-To The Praise of His Glory.
Now it is God who makes both us and you Stand Firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come."
If you do not pray for Jesus to save you then you are not saved. He says that if you deny Him He will deny you. Faith that God will forgive you is the only thing that will get you into heaven. Also if you follow Jesus you will follow His teachings; you will act like Him, however if you only act like Jesus teaches without faith that he is God then you will not get to Heaven.
“for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
Romans 3:23
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 KJV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
“that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9
@@terrygregg1228 I don't pray Jesus and he can not save no one cuz he was cursafied he was killed how he is going to help me
@@terrygregg1228 Jesus is one of the prophet of god , believe it or not ,God existed and still he is the one and the only the eternal and the absolute,he begetteth not , nor is he begotten ,and there is none like unto him
Jordan petersons prayer has me crying tears of joy and pain at the same time . hes truly a blessing to this generation
I cried along with him.
For several months I have frequently prayed for Dr Jordan Peterson and recently those prayers have been more regular. Watching this video and listening to his heartfelt words is both an answer to prayer and an encouragement to continue to pray for Jordan as well as Tammy and their children. I have come to respect and love this man greatly over the past year and I believe that he is on the verge of becoming a modern day C. S. Lewis, with a testimony that could impact millions. If you are a follower of Jesus and by His grace accepted His love and forgiveness, I would ask that you too be in prayer for this wonderfully brilliant man. May the Holy Spirit touch him in a special and intimate way. #PrayWithoutCeasing
This video changes my opinion of this man in a GOOD WAY! He has a great deal of influence on a lot of people. 🙏God bless him and his awesome talent.
Thank you for your heart for your brother and your example to us all to continue to fight the good fight for souls and not against them. God bless you Norm.
Jesus is not God. Jesus is the messiah
Hi! You are not alone in this. I pray regularly for him. His struggle in accept that he is already a man of God is from his fear of failing in being excellent human being and holly as we christians should be. We all fail and we are allowed to do it, because Jesus gives us a new day every day. But Jordan's high sense of moral drives him to believe that he is not worth or that he is not that perfect to call himself as believer. He is not that clean to say that he believes, it is what he thinks, I believe. I pray that Jordan just relax and open the door to Jesus without thinking too much. Just feel!
@@MartineH1 Jesus is a man. A human. Jesus did not know when the end of the days was and Jesus literally bowed down and prayed to God.
Jordan's raw display of emotion when he describes his point of view always touches me. I relate & agree with all of his conflictions and confusions as a theist-leaning agnostic myself. I cannot respect him enough.
Those tears, that emotion, through which he’s speaking is strictly the Holy Spirit. Great testimony, sir. Inspiring words. 🙏🏼❣️
Pray that he accepts Jesus
Yes, the tears, say a lot the Holy Spirit is speaking to him, he is truly using Jordan. The Spirit of the comes He will guide you into all truth may God bless you and keep you and your family.
@Ellis1Sandy Bunkum. He's an emotional manipulator, always has been.
Is that truly the Holy Spirit? I`m trying to restore my faith and feel like a hypocrite.
@@REDMAN298we will never know, Jordan himself knows whether or not it is the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure how someone restores their faith, but I’m sure that Christ our Lord and Savior does. In my experience, God talks to and shows himself to me, it is up to me to acknowledge what He says and what He shows me. When I stopped trying to live by myself, His grace became undoubtedly real. What makes you feel hypocritical regarding restoring your faith is Christ Jesus? We are all sinners, we are all fatally corrupted by sin and through Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
I’ve prayed for this man many times and to see his growth towards Christ is profound. His speech at the end is truly moving and makes me look at all the things I need to dig into in my life and let God heal. Thank you God for all the work you are doing lately and please help me to be more like you and less like me.
I have prayed as well. So awesome to see how he is growing!
Amen…Thank You Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
@Jacob Truelove I have and am to Jacob. Jordan's humility is very sincere I believe and exactly where God wants us to be. It is only the blood of Jesus who gives us the odasity to say we believe!!! We are lost without His sacrifice for us. We will never be worthy enough. He alone makes us His.
Me too. Prayed for him and Elon Musk. Two different people, but both valuable to God to send Christ to the Cross. And so are every person’s value locked up in the pure, holy blood of Christ. Let’s never, ever stop praying for the souls of men.🙏🙏
about The last 5 mins of this video....I like the best. I feel it was perfectly said. My opinion.
"The enemy is yourself" spoke to me so clearly I burst into tears. God bless Jordan, and God bless us all. Amen.
That struck a chord with me to b/c Jese said to love our enemies as ourselves.
Made me stop and think for a split second "I need to love myself" or "Maybe I need to love myself".
I guess maybe we don't think about loving ourselves much sometimes.
@@girlygirlwoman Wow!!!! Reading This As I Just Started The Video!!!!I Can't Believe I've Never Consciously Grab My Attention!!!! Many PRAYER'SNLUV 👼👼✝️✝️🙏🙏💝💝
And the kingdom of God is within each person as Christ told us to seek it. All roads leads back to self.
Jerimiah 17:9 God tells jerimiah that the heart is desperately wicked and MOST deceitful. The word most puts our hearts in a place where we can be more evil than Satan. I remember when I began to no longer just listen to what pastors and preachers messages and started my heart journey with God for myself. And though I have much healing left, my focus is to simply please The Father the best way I can because I love him and his people so much, even when it’s hard to love and show love to others, I try and remind myself of the love the Father has graced me with through out my little 30 year life. Can’t live others if you don’t love yourself. No matter if your Christian or atheist that principle alone stands true
For the last several years, we’ve been witnessing a man’s heart change in real time. It’s truly moving!
! 💜✝️🕊!
You've been watching a con man perfect his techniques is more apt.
@@pimslickins8321 Absolutely right you are! The level of his deception, daring to even misappropriate and misuse the Word of God for his evil schemes! Woe to those who follow this treacherous liar. No, he is not even a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is the very son of the Devil! As for his crocodile tears - just as it is written, "....worldly sorrow brings Death." (eg. 2 Cor 7:10). The reason, for example, why Judas Iscariot's sorrow only hastened his death, his eternal damnation.
Indeed, the man can only act or pretend to the existence of God (a naive attempt at seeking Christian audience no doubt). For, unbeknownst to his foolish and arrogant self, True Faith is a Gift of God. If one hasn't received it from God Himself, one has it not at all!
After the youthful delusions of his invincibility is past and he finds his feet rushing to his grave no matter what, the straws he hopes to latch on to is but more than conspicuous as they betray him one by one. Yes, now more than ever before:
a) The stone edifices erected by man he presumptuously calls The Church,
b) Those he considers lesser-beings than his own presumptuous self and calls The Community/The Religious,
c) The conflicting moral compass he calls The Ethics and its vacillating yardstick, The Morality,
d) His patronizing condescension he oh-so-presumptuously calls Love,
e) Futile and perishing deeds of fallen mankind he calls Services to Fellowmen,
f) Dead and Deceptive works of 'art' he calls The Miracles,
g) The ONLY ONE to have come NOT BORN of the cursed seed of the fallen man and who therefore went on to prove how neither Sin nor Death have any power over Him he calls The Only Christian & at best Half-Myth,
h) Though reluctantly it may appear on the outside this false prophet's vying of the mohammedan title 'The Prophet' thanks to the like-mannered and relentless gobbing of all the demons he houses within himself with the only talent, the talent of gab, he can lay claim to, and
i) Last but not the least, confessing himself as the greatest Enemy of Mankind, yes, this in spite of himself, by admitting he is the fallen son of his fallen father, who lest one forgets is the fallen man, the very ENEMY OF GOD, whose pursuit since of old has been to choose Death instead of Life despite God's faithful forewarning - both upon himself and upon all the rest of mankind he claims to sire or serve - by his worthless & futile words and deeds as always.
P.s. Is it any wonder therefore he turns around at the very Godly he seeks audience of, the very son of perdition that he is, to do just what his father has taught him to - i.e. to accuse or blame God and His faithful people - in a vain attempt at covering up for their misdeeds and crimes towards humanity and not to forget all the rest of God's creations? WOE TO HIM!
Yes, the paradigm of his heart is changing... He is emptying his vessel of his preconceived knowledge and letting truth and wisdom flood in from a higher power, which is Christ. Truly remarkable and I pray he becomes totally transformed!!🙏
"I'm not a materialist anymore, I don't think the world is made out of what matter. I think the world is made out of WHAT matters". Mind Blown... so profound!
Yes, I really took notice of that as well!
How old are you?!
@@jameschoice3983 btw im 24
I like that line.
Right 😂
I love listening to this man speak. He is truly one of the great minds of our time. But watching him come to God - that is next level, even for him. I wonder if he can even conceive how he is changing lives.
to agree wholeheartedly. I believe that his biblical series will be studied and taught for generations to come. It's almost timeless as it stands.
Dr. Jordan Peterson is one of the best scoundrels out there milking the fools by preaching religious bs.
@@AtamMardes I said it once I'm going to say again I said it to so many people. Jordan Peterson is not milking fools he is not trying to gain attention he is not teaching religious b******* or any of the scornful and prideful things that you're saying. One day if you ever come to Jesus I will rejoice and see you in heaven but if you do not then all I can say to use this: I'm sorry for your arrogance I'm sorry for your hatred I'm sorry for your confusion and I am sorry that you have this supposed dedication to denying the faith and as far as I'm concerned these hateful comments have no meaning or effect on Christian Community because you have your own problems to deal with and I'm sure that you are struggling with sin and that's like I understand but you don't have to come out and hurt people who are coming together in a healthy way to rejoice in the coming of one to our faith... Just chill out
The church needs you!
Every time he cries I cry. He is so brilliant wow. I never want society to lose such a wise soul.
Why ? To get so emotional and cry off a video ? Talking about a concept of love... but is not really happening to him...is all intellectual
@@Beatriz-lj2td you are blind. Open your eyes and see.
@@Beatriz-lj2td the Holy Spirit is obviously working in the life of Jordan Peterson. I'm not sure how that's not blatantly obvious.
People tend to bem so naïf...
People confuse crying and being emotional with truth. It has NOTHING to do with any truth. Religious people always *feel* a certain way and somehow thinks that has meaning beyond just the emotional feeling itself. It doesn't. They *FEEL* good singing in church or whatever. And they mistake this for truth. "How can it be wrong when I feel so good?" completely wrong way to think about it. You cant find truth in emotion. You find it in science. It tells you how it is, regardless on how you FEEL about it...
"The world is not made out of matter. Its made out of WHAT matters" 😪 this hit my heart.
What matters to individual people means nothing when talking about what's true and what isn't.
First thing that came on my mind...
God Almighty created matter and God Almighty uses matter to convey His Grace. Be it through water (Baptism)
Bread - (Holy Communion)
I get it, I get why it hit your heart. When I first watched a video of Dr. Peterson five years ago it was a very emotional experience for me too, it isn't his very high intelligence it's completely about his absolute honesty!
@@logan_e It's both.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’❤️🙏
In Jesus's name, amen 🙏. 😁
Beautiful ❤
Lord hear our prayers!!
These lovely words are used in a Gospel song. There are many versions of this song, and can be heard on Premier Christian Radio, and other Christian stations. God bless you.
Yes it is beautiful Gospel song.God Bless us all❤🙏
JP is a gift to our world. Such an empathetic soul...
After knowing Jesus, and been a street preacher for years, i was going back to my old life, i was drinking a lot, i felted worthless, i almost die, two Christians came to my house offering prayers, that changed my thinking, i know there is love, and peoples who care out there. God bless Mr. Jordan, my God never forsake us.
I am "praying you back" to Christ and to your calling of preaching in the streets. St John the Baptist will be your Patron Saint
He is what evil fears most. A truly and genuinely honest man who is seeking that which is good. A man who tries to understand evil so that he can avoid it as best as he can. A man who is speaking truth as best as he understands it. This is why people listen to him. We listen because in our heart of hearts, this is what we want, too.
Well said!
*I think that's right*
Praise God when the Son reappears all the wafting mists of Godless fools will disappear with them for ever, never ever to rise again!
We’ll spoken and intelligent men such as him will bring all glory to God soon, even him.
@@mercyjohnson6436 *The appearing of Christ and thousands of His saints is at hand. It is going to shake the foundations of the world to their core. But the one who appears first will create destruction and bring chaos into the world such as has never been known.*
May God increasingly shine His light on him.
Let that FEAR drive him to GOD, to Jesus..
It’s taken me a life time to understand that God loves a grateful heart. The more I look around at God’s handiwork in the beauty of nature and to be aware each new day of the blessings he bestows in so many ways, the more I am amazed and the more grateful I feel. He is indeed a loving Father.
I’m a believer and have been following Mr. Peterson for a long time. It’s so beautiful to watch what God is doing in his life. Absolutely beautiful!
He's lost the plot
Completely agree, he turned to Christ and he is now thriving better than before, bless him
I don't agree. I think he is lost and broken . The fact that you think its wonderful what has happened to him is sad sad sad.
@@George.Andrews. what happened to him is awful and not to be wished on anyone. He suffered A LOT. But he used it as an opportunity to grow, that’s what’s beautiful and that rebirth is where we see God working with him
@@catfurbiehat there is nothing looking after us or any of the millions of other species that are still here or the millions that are now extinct. Innocent children suffer. Animals suffer. The insect world is horrendous and your silly man made god has done nothing ever . End of story.
The lord led me to this video, God knew I needed to hear this message. God is great 🙏
I also believe that Our Lord led me to this video as well. After suffering great loss I still love God, but I have stopped believing He will help us or that He 18:06 even can. I have stopped believing in prayer yet I still pray.
I needed to read this.
Dr. Peterson deserves an academy award.
I think it was the algorithms
God can be sneaky, put this video here knowing that you & I need this video today.
I've been a pastor for 40 years and starting listening to Peterson a few years ago. Something beautiful is happening to his heart. We are made righteous by Christ atoning work on our behalf and not through our own efforts. Jesus said, My yoke is easy my burden is light.
Absolutely! We should pray for him
Jesus chose the yoke for a reason. Though thankfully light, the yoke still represents a certain burden we all must accept as Christians...
Hope Peterson read and understand your simple message.
It’s all boiled down to being born again of an incorruptible seed. Being born of the Spirit. 2 Cor 5:17 life is full of choices.
Nietzsche was wrong! Paul the apostle said for me to live is Christ. We choose if we are going to live this life of faith and obey the gospel, or try and incorporate God into “our” life which is an absolute disaster and ends in us living a selfish existence. Leads to destruction.
His perspective has helped me understand where my testimony of Christ came from. It's those inexplicable moments where the scriptural narrative intersects with objective reality. I'm grateful for the ways Peterson has articulated this sentiment and I'm so happy to see him be taught by the Spirit in such a profound way. I think God has given Peterson a very specific mission, and it may not involve liturgical practice. Instead I think he's meant to be a moral voice for the secularly-inclined. I feel he is a vehicle of truth for our brothers and sisters who would never otherwise contemplate the ultimate good.
I shall be very courageous and simply Trust the Lord not in a passive way oh no but Bravely with Hope and absolute Faith. That we will love one another and seek the best for each other. Oh Lord give us Wisdom to know and to do what is possible. Even Now.
This man must be protected at all costs. I don't know whether I'd say he's a prophet or not, but he speaks to a DEEP part of the human existence that we can all understand, if we want to. I love listening to him.
You are correct Myles, He does appear to be a witness to the earth at this time to the Love of God and the depth of belief narrated out in thoughts of deep articulation ✝️
There are no prophets today.
@@Johnrider1234 Where does it say that in the Bible?
High IQ and high EQ. Its damn near non-existent but this man has it.
That part with "if we want to", it's sooooo important!
Dr. Peterson's biblical series is one of the greatest contributions to modern society. It’s such a blessing that my wife and I aren’t just married, but we’re also each other’s best strategic partner in the gospel and in business. I’m great at what she lacks, she’s great at what I lack and we have an Adviser to work with. Praise God!! And thank you for the awesome content!!
In Business, whichever firm you select, make sure you get your insurance and guide from a reputable financial adviser, such as *JENNY PAMOGAS CANAYA,* who has dedicated her career to financial planning. Because they will assist you in escalating, navigating better, and completing the task in a safer manner..|
I have to agree wholeheartedly. I believe that his biblical series will be studied and taught for generations to come. It's almost timeless as it stands.
If youre stupid😂😂😂😂
Dr. Jordan Peterson is one of the best scoundrels out there milking the fools by preaching religious bs.
Simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Are u unable to see how u've been tricked to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?❤
Peterson’s videos led me back to Christ, they sparked my interest to listen to sermons again. First sermon i listened to in years, I got half way through and was born again. I’ll never forget that day. Forever grateful.
wow. thats fantastic
Jordan Peterson has been a force in my life for a number of years now. The ferocious bravery of this man equals the crucifixion in so far as is humanly possible. I have followed his struggle - not always agreeing with his ideas and statements but his integrity has been transformative for me.
He is truly a man above men. I have to also acknowledge his lovely wife living with this level of intellect and admire the profound influence she has had on his evolution into sainthood.
That's amazing! What was the sermon?
@@Lunuwara honestly i’ve been trying to find it again. It was by tim keller.
He tells the story of a woman who started attending the church he pastored and wanted to meet with him. She told Tim that she was attending church because one day at work, she made a fairly substantial mistake and thought she’d get fired for it, but instead, her boss took the blame. When she pressed him for the reason why, he told her he was a Christian, and He serves a God who took the blame for him -
And boom it was like the holy spirit just filled me and i dropped too my knees and was hysterical crying, snot coming out of my nose overwhelmed- i just kept repeating “don’t leave me” “i’m sorry.”
I had faith and then fell away for years and was afraid of God, feeling condemnation. I chose the world over a christian lifestyle. I had 2 children out of wedlock, i was consistently sinning,with no remorse, avoiding any such thought of God or Jesus. So when God hit me like this, I was so overwhelmed with His love, I knew there was no other way but to follow him.
JP is the first person that has opened me up to God. His logical brain+ compassion has grasped me.
"God only knows what you'd be if you truly believed". Hit me deep in my soul
Same brother
Down on my knees and cry
He knows everything because He created everything. He truly knows what we truly desire in our hearts. He knows when we fall and He is there to pick us up again. Unlike the Devil, God and Jesus will be there for every one of us.
@@Koebault 🤝
Same here
I can't say whether Jordan earned his crown or not, but this I can say: He's a lot closer to it than I am. I was in tears by the end of this video.
I hear ya. And if I may add one thought-I feel that a crown is not earned but accepted. An honor bestowed as we become willing to step into ourselves, really, into our true identity as children of God, as “joint-heirs” as Christ taught. And that’s a uniquely personal journey for each of us, day by day.
None of us is capable of "earning the crown". All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We can only be reunited with Him through His grace: His gift of salvation, Jesus Christ.
Had he not gone to high education, would he be the aware biblical person we see in him?
@@johndoe-ln4oi Only according to your false apostle Paul's perversion of the Hebrew Bible of course. According to the Hebrew Bible itself Job, Daniel and Noah were perfectly righteous, righteousness was and is indeed attainable, and even according to non-Pauline NT righteousness is attainable and was attained be John the baptist's parents. But Christians don't care. They pick and choose, lie and contradict themselves, they spinkle their abominable end-product with some additional filthy blasphemy and idolatry.
@Youknow Itstrue. Jesus said “beware of the yeast of the Pharisees,” and here you are. Thank you for such a perfect example of what yeast of the Pharisees looks like today. Beautiful display of it my friend! Your Pharisee fathers would be proud.
Now this is just the BEGINNING of Mr. Petersen mission. Everything indeed leads to Christ, everything 🙏🏽
Citation needed.
He's so close to understanding that without christ we are not worthy
Amen. I always watching Peterson's video. He always said, Christ is the center and the top of all thing. For example, the hierarchy of values, he place Christ at the top.
@@borneandayak6725 his search for the truth will lead him to christ I fully belive it he's so close to were logic and reasoning and touch faith once he gets there i am really excited to hear him he can put to words what he feels better then most people out there the only other person who had a high intilect and could put to words was Chuck missler he was great at tieing science to were faith starts
@@borneandayak6725 I've only ever heard him talk about Jesus as an archetype. But Christians hear what they want. Masters of self-deception.
Thank you. This is such a challenge to all Christians. Are we radically living out our faith and demonstrating the love of Christ in every moment?
I ADORE his reverence for his wife. I can tell he truly loves her.
You hear the poetry by the end of the video? So good
Especialy since he is constantly accused of being a masogiunist
Most men truly love their wives. Too bad this kind of love isn't reciprocated.
@Hurst Family - He is a misogynist because he limits women to traditional gender roles. He insists that women are not truly adult unless they bear children. He disgusts me. ~ Anastacia in Cleveland
@@AnastaciaInCleveland Blah blah blah. Show me a video where he says women aren't adults if they don't have children. You heard it from a typical feminist smear merchant.
I have never witnessed someone’s more detailed and extroverted spiritual transformation before. It is majestic how intellectualism is used in Professor Jordan’s path to meet Jesus. I pray for you my brother. You are wonderfully made and chosen to serve the Kingdom of God.
Of all the profound lectures I have heard from Mr. Peterson, this is has got to be the most. He has helped me understand myself more than most and I am eternally grateful. I will continue to pray for him that he will find a personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
You found word salads profound? No wonder you are a Christian
@@jeremyg7261 how does that prove anything ?
Not all conversions need be public. What of the still small voice?
Peterson is still seeking goodness but is conflicted between what religion tries to be and what it really is. To me, the two most perverted examples of what religion can do is pedophelia by preists and Trumpism with the lies, self egradizement and obvious corruption. Flags that proclaim, "God, Guns and Trump" are right up there in the vileness of what religion can do.
Much love goes out to Jordan. He's on a journey like all of us. May he find the joy fully in the precious blood shed for him...and may he discover fully fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Nicely put!
Jordan B Peterson is on the payroll of Orban the Neonazi Terrorist leader organizer of the Magyar Gárda neonazi paramilitary group 2007-2010 and since the dictator of Hungary
As the guest of Führer Orban in the Führer Castle of Buda, Knight Impotent B. Peterson:
"my message to the Hungarians: Do not rebel against your leader! What your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of the Hungarian culture.
Yes & AMEN
We are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either. While the Western Europeans are mixing with non-Europeans, we do not want our color, traditions and culture to be mixed with of those others. We want to be how we became 1100 years ago here in the Carpathian Basin. We will be able to maintain Hungary's biological future without migrants
"Still too much of the moral authority in the church and not enough of the love that helps people avoid the fire." TRUTH!!!
"It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance." Some Churches act as if God's goal is to punish sinners, but His goal is to SAVE sinners! If we all could love like that.....
That was THE moment in this video for me. Very powerful message.
God is love, it was his love that drew me to him.
@HolyResolution the caption was not a question to Dr. Peterson. Those were clips of him speaking on his thoughts of God and religion. He actually said he's NOT a religious leader. I heard the voice of a brilliant man seeking and thinking through his relationship to God. Not the voice of a false prophet, or someone who wishes to be regarded as a prophet or any kind of religious leader. Christianity is about relationship, not religion. I'm going to pray that Jesus will call Dr. Peterson to Himself in a mighty way and the next time we hear Dr. Peterson speak on the subject, he will say that he's made a decision to follow Jesus.
@@backwatersage I agree that when we grow in Christ others will see a difference in our lives. Actually, that's the first step in making disciples, living lives that attract others to us so they know we are genuine when we share Jesus. I haven't given up on church. I go every Sunday. My church family mean more to me than some of my relatives. I also understand exactly what Ghandi meant when he said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
My grandfather's words ringing in my ears... "At the deepest point in your life you will turn only one way..."
So, when in desperation we should turn to madness? How about... we start thinking instead?
@firstchan.1 second ago
I feel sad for you because "Relationship" with The Creator (YHWH, whose instruction manual is The Bible) is sadly what you have no knowledge or understanding about, let alone knowing His Son, Yeshua, gave His life to save YOU. Note: Relationship. Not Religion. If you're not posting comments for any other reason than playing games, it's time you stopped trolling and go "get a life" as the saying goes. As it is written...Seek and you shall find.🙏
@@Luke12vs48 What is really sad is when delusional religious people like you think that truth, science and reason is "trolling".
Don't you think I have heard & read EVERYTHING religious people have said? You keep repeating the same stuff over and over. How about providing some actual evidence for once? You know, the stuff that actually matters?
"Seek and you shall find" can be applied to any religion, god or fantasy.
If anyone is trolling, its you.
@@frstchan is madness starting to truly love and care about others and devalueing materialistic possessions and desires?
@@Spriktor No. But the comment was about how you WILL end up with faith at the deepest point in your life. Meaning, when you are rock bottom. My point is that would be to surrender to madness, because faith means to "pretend to know the unknowable" and that is just wrong.
Another beautiful speech from JBP. thank you.
Pray for Dr. Peterson. He's thirsts for the truth, and The Lord said, "He who seeks me shall find me, if you seek me with all of your heart."
May the Grace of God be on this man for all of his days.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
This is the most authentic expression of a spiritual journey that I've heard.
1.7m views in a channel with 70k subscribers within 10days, from an account started 6months ago, and with those advertising dollars do you think he's found god or a better market audience? An atheist doctor doesn't find faith over TH-cam he's setting up for retirement.
@@death_witch well, I see you're using your true given christian name so that's good......
amen amen, irl Pilgrim's Progress. God bless
@@death_witch What a horrible perspective. You're probably a joy to be around.
I have walked my own personal spiritual path, as we all do, And came out with the same understandings and it's changed my life. I completely agree with your comment 🙏
What a beautiful journey. Lord, touch my loved ones THIS deeply ❤️
I’ve never managed to walk away from Him. I tried but he was always there, picking me up when I crashed. I suffered and struggled for years because I just didn’t understand what it meant to just Trust Him.
Now my Peace and Contentment is almost absolute.
I actually used to be afraid of just putting my life into His hands. Now I’m grateful.
Thank you for reading that ❤
So ,so moving, sitting here with goose bumps, Jesus Christ loves you so much Dr. Peterson and thank you for humbling yourself to the world. God Bless you and your family
"you tell people that you love how to avoid the road to hell, and you don't do it because you're shaking your finger at them, or because you're a moral authority. You do it because you don't want them to burn." Amen Jordan...Thank you!!
That part touched me.
well its still like saying i believe if you go that way you will die but you got no clue if that true or not. No matter the intent its still pointing a finger at them. You should not try to put your beliefs onto others because thats not decent behavior also as a sidenote a god that would do that is a cruel god one not worth worshiping. The big problem with religion is that they think we matter when we really dont. We are just here in space and time. Its just your turn right now. Everyone kills even if they dont know about it. Lots of animals die so you can live or plants die if your a vegan. We all impact the planet.
@@Lightflames85 you just put you own beliefs onto others
@@Lightflames85 Or another example, could talk about putting your hand on a stove with a broken indicator. You don't know whether it's hot or not, whether it will hurt you or not, maybe you don't have experience with stoves. Would someone with knowledge that it could burn you have a responsibility to share that knowledge? Or is it "decent behavior" to let you figure it out and potentially burn yourself?
perhaps what you're trying to say is it can be delivered in love as an equal or it can be delivered in hate as someone who has 'apparent' superiority. On the other end someone could be delivering it in love but the person receiving it may interpret or believe it came in hate which essentially has the same effect. Perception and intent don't always line up which is why it's important to have a trusting relationship with the person you're having that conversation with. Randos on the street should always be treated with skepticism.
This man has brought another athiest to tears. Bless you Jordan. I find myself similar, i question everything in my mind but see no light. I understand differences of life, personal views, i can always see everything from both sides and find myself stood in the middle wanting the mountains to consume me and bring me into its peace. Be a stone amongst the vastness.
Im not religious and never have been and in the case of God and Christianity i have always felt that the reason people choose to follow it and believe it is because without something like it, many people would just feel lost in this world(hence the searching for answers part) and many people couldnt live with themselves without having something like repenting to help their mental health and feelings of guilt. I feel that the religion was invented to help with the specific reasons i just stated.
Glory to God for this conversion. I am in tears listening Jordan’s prayer.
Me too. Bawling
How can we not share these tears when we think of our loved ones who will burn... Every one is a loved one to someone ❤
@randallv9719 God loves you and I invite you to proclaim that love. Personally, yes, I do know where I go when I die. It's wonderful gift granted to those with faith that Jesus is the son of our creator, the one true God. I am very sad that you haven't yet reached out for that gift and received the gift of eternal life as your reward for faith. Put another person on the list, I don't know you but I love you enough to pray for you tonight. ❤️
He is simply an intelligent man who is so clearly tortured by something. Maybe his own intellect. And still he goes forward. Stands against injustice and fraud. Truly a great man to follow and view as a mentor.
Being so intelligent in a world filled with ignorance is a torture, but instead of disdaining the rest of us, he wants to help us
@@youtubecansukkadik I know I need the help.
@@jimmyv1753 Me too, we all do. No one has all of the answers, some just have better answers, that's why I watch JP
They say ignorance is bliss right?
So the opposite is anything but, it is seeing through the veil, seeing the world for what it is and all the evil within from the top to the bottom. An ignorant man can ignore this and get on with life but a man with wisdom sees all the lost souls and the ignorant and it brings him pain.
We should all strive for wisdom and knowledge but it weighs heavy.
The Bible tells us,
Ecclesiastes 1:18
18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Imagine a man who tries to enlighten the lost and put them on the right path only to be mocked and ridiculed, how he must feel. To see people love their sin and the world more then they love God and to know if they don't chose God in this life they are lost, forever.
The government is lost, the wealthy are lost, the entertainers are lost and we have kids that look up to these who follow satan and deceive.
Abiogenesis is a failure
Great to see Jordans a Christian now and God bless his wife. God bless
I really like him. He is a voice of reason, in unreasonable times.
The enemy is not our neighbors who behave so badly. But in truth the enemy is sin itself.
The voice of reason are the Scientists, Doctors, Philosophers and Intellectuals that invented the very thing that you used to type this message.
At one point I thought that we lost him, only to see him re-emerge into this dark time with more intense truth. He has been my favorite preacher, even before he arrived at his truths. Been a fantastic ride
The art of rebirth. God bless you. Mega Peace and fun in the Sun for you and your family. Amen.
Yes !! He is a briallant man. I wasn't per say "praying" for him, because I don't do that but I sent my thoughts and wish of him finding peace out into the universe so many times since I learned he was heading to a dark place.
Me too. I regret the things I said about him. Crying out and posting, “Where are you now when we need you the most?” Well I think God took him on a path that he needed to make. I wish I had had more faith and been more patient.
@@BK-hq7tn what did he post I’m trying to find it? Do you know what happened to him I read other comments saying his wife got sick? I really like him I have for a while but along the way stopped keeping track of his journey
Too bad he was tweaking balls when he said it on JRE. LOL
Jodan is just a great example on what happens when you really want to know the truth. You open your heart and the rest becomes a amazing testimony. I am privileged to be living in these times and to see how God is bringing people like JP to him. He is not a prophet, he is a teacher a messenger a Paul in these bad times.
@Comtesse Commange JP's truth is supported by his conviction based on personal exploration and searching. His journey has brought him the discovery that we are more than just flesh, blood and brain cells. We have spirit and we have soul. Some of us shut that off, preferring our science to lord over that part of us that speaks of faith. It seems to me that JB has a faith that appreciates science but recognises the existence of the 'more than.' I always hear non-Christians say Christians are so blinkered. I muse at this because the most shut off people are those who cannot and/or refuse to see, feel or experience the 'more than.' JB has dared to explore and his journey is visibly bringing him to places in his inner man that moves him to feel, question more, cry and grow. His is a journey of discovery. He's not delusional, he's finding his way, (science in hand) beyond mere science.
Is God real? Yes. Can He be felt? Yes. Is it wrong to speak of experiencing Him? No. It is wrong only to those who shut themselves off to deep, meaningful, spiritual truth and exploration.
To my mind it is unscientific to brush something off simply because it cannot be seen or touched or has not been 'scientifically' proven. Does that honestly mean it is not real? Does anyone have the right to dismiss another person's encounter and experience? Science itself says 'no.' So I'm not sure why his experience is 'questionable.'
Moreover, it is not for the Christian to prove their relationship with God. It is the responsibility of the unbeliever to prove there is no relationship with God and that God does not exist.
@Comtesse Commange the events surrounding jesus are historical (in light of historical tests) its not easy but i read and studied it thoroughly before i put my trust in Christ. Don't just dismiss it without looking into it. There is literally way more than enough evidence for Jesus as the truth, seek him and you will find him.
Amen! Amen! Amen!!!!💕 God bless you!
There is no higher form of love than giving you're life God is love
This man is such an empathetic soul and wonderful humanitarian. His speeches really bring on the waterworks. 😭 I just love him. ❤❤
Me too, you can see his suffering for humanity. I also know he sees the destruction that Godlessness has had on society. He hadn't seen the cause clearly until he realized that there is a God and He loves us so much that He came to earth in the form of man just to salvage His creation.
Jordan Peterson is at his core an humble man. His intelligence is amazing.
Education is a double edged sword, especially now, the tricks of Satan go back to the beginning of the universe and has infiltrated every aspect of human thought. I praise God that I was raised in church, my parents were saved and and it was the biggest help in my life to be a believer at a young age. Jesus is Lord of my life.
I have been listening to Jordan for some time. His journey to Christ has been breathtaking and inspiring. I just love his authenticity and vulnerability. What a testimony
The sheer honesty and truth Jordan is letting out brings me to tears. I can only imagine what it then must feel like being in the presence of Christ.
I'm literally crying, shitting and cumming writing this comment. Truly inspirational.
@@dekumutant HAHAHAHA.. right on...
Except he never addresses the elephant in the room.
All of the power to change our world exists in the hands of a few people and they are the the worse of us.
All of the information we receive through their networks is there to deceive and divide us, to disenfranchise us from our own humanity.
We can hold hands and sing kumbaya until the cows come home but unless we understand we are being manipulated and we live in a criminal world we will all end up enslaved sooner rather than later.
I don't disagree that we must positively affect the reality around us but until we dismantle the corporatocracy and networks of the global elite it will be the equivalent of spitting into a Volcano to put out the fire.
I believe Christ exist, but what scares me most is I'll have to answer for what I have done. I'll have to answer for what I have done knowing Christ exist versus doing what I want and not knowing or believing Christ exist. I've gone to church for sometime, but I have let addiction destroy my life. I fear there is no coming back because if I can't forgive myself how can I expect Christ to forgive me?
@Patrick Sanders my man….think of the thief on the cross. He was a criminal his whole life and got saved literally seconds before death and Jesus told him that on that very day he would be with Him in paradise.
Christ ALWAYS forgives.
This man is truly incredible. A man after Gods own heart.