I’ve been doing this stretch routing every single morning for over a month now and let me tell you it has changed my life. I can’t go without it. I haven’t had any muscle spasms, numbness or back pain since incorporating this into my daily routine. Thank you Mady!
im doing this when im sad I've made a bad life choice lol..and one of it is because i stay awake overnight..so im doing this before i sleep in the morning..i still am trying to fix my schedule..i always thin nah let me fix it first then ill do this..now its the other way around..im gonna make time fo it everyday..second day alrd..yesterday did the 15m one
I LOVE this half-hour routine to start my day or do it as the last thing before going to bed... It combines ALL the right moves to "loosen up". The video is done very professionally and is extremely easy to follow. THANK YOU Mady, for touching the lives of so many by doing this and generously sharing it with everyone! I am sending your way all the positive vibes with deepest gratitude...
Oh my god, how good this video is. I am one of those guys who train like crazy, run, lift, and do martial arts but NEVER stretch. Always found it too boring or whatever. I was in so much pain recently that I convinced myself that I have to get something done about this so I looked for a full-body stretch and your video came up. I just finished it and I have to say it changed me immediately. I loved every bit of it. It was painful as hell, I have the flexibility of a pencil but it was so refreshing. I will certainly make myself 30mins now on to get these done. Thank you so much this video has been amazing.
Came here to say something almost exactly like this! After I got through it holy hell I felt a difference and the time felt Mote like 15 min. Finally got my main stretch routine after the long hard week of work and exercise. Thank you for this it's greatly appreciated
Does anybody out there remember what it felt like as a kid receiving a still wrapped-up present ? Well - that is what I felt like today..... Thankyou, Mady. For all of your videos.
Love the format of these videos - having the music in the background and the simple chimes to tell you when to change stretches, the five seconds to understand the next stretch, all makes it SO much more relaxing than trying to follow verbal instructions and feeling rushed while not really understanding what you're doing. Absolutely love it and feeling so loose and ready for my day now!
More music only videos for non-German speakers please! Especially strength building routine combos with stretching. Thank you so much, your work is amazing!
No idea how I found this video to be honest, but I have been practicing this every night for over a month, before bed. AMAZING! I love that it is based on yoga poses that I am very familiar with but especially because there is NO verbal instruction. Stretching & relaxation without being "talked at" is what I was seeking. Thank you Mady!
This has been my go to 30min stretch routine for a year and a half! And I’m no way bored with it. Can we pretty please have more ‘silent’ stretch videos from you. You are awesome and thank you!
This was exactly what I needed today. I'm carrying so much stress in my muscles that it felt like I was getting sick. After this I feel so much better, my system feels 'unclogged'. I knew all of these stretches already, but it makes all the difference to have a guided session with a beautiful presentation - and one that holds the stretches for long enough to actually be effective! Saved to my 'Daily' list ❤️
These videos have changed my life. I've been doing them everyday for the last 55 days. I can now grab my foot in the deep lunge stretch and couldn't before 🥲. I'm 42 & am over 200lbs. Stick with her y'all if you just found her page! You'll be so amazed at what your body is capable of! Thanks Mady girl! 😊
idk what motivated me but i started doing her stretches again..did the 15m yesterday and then 30m today...i hope i can keep it up and just put the time for it everyday
Amazing! I’m on day 18 today and I already feel sooo much better! It’s amazing to watch the own progress and see what our bodies are capable of achieving in such a short amount of time.
I seriously can't love this series enough!!!! I've tried a lot of stretching / yoga sessions but nothing can compare to your peaceful, thorough and well-structured routines. You literally save my body, muscles and joints!!!! Thank you so so much and esp for releasing this one. Literally the combination I'm looking for
I'm stretching with this video for a couple days now and there is not a single sound in my brain while doing this, I don't even hear the music, only me and my breath. Thank you, you're the best!
I started with Mady's 15 minute video first thing in the morning several months ago, and I've noticed getting out of bed is not so painful (I'm 66 years young). I've done this longer video a few times now and I like the longer poses which has further helped me to stay limber. Thank you!!!
Me Too So Relaxing For morning than anyone talking in it .Her videos are always Very nice professionally Done.I this Full body either Morning or Before bedtime It has made me more flexible aswel 🙂Shes the best😍
Oh my goodness, this was absolutely beautiful. Every single thing about it. Mady I only found your channel a couple months ago and found the 15 min stretch that I've now been doing almost daily. I could hardly do most of the stretches then, but now am doing them fully and I love the feeling, not to mention the music is wonderful and so relaxing. This one though, wow I feel so amazing and the music in this is just beyond lovely. You too are so lovely and graceful and I'm just so thankful to have found you. Thank you!
I just have to show my appreciation with a comment here, these videos have changed my life from continous massive pain into a almost pain free one.... i have 3 bulged discs in my lower back and 2 disc deformation in my upper back... i had to quit my job as a scaffolder, i had to quit all my training = i am an ex bodybuilder/powerlifter who still loves the lifting and a martial arts lover who competes in BJJ... and last year, after many painful years, my life and training came to an halt. I was in so much pain i was prescribe massive amounts of oxycodone just to be able to move. These stretch videos has helped me get rid of the painkillers, be able to lift weights again and to be able to train and compete in BJJ again. Thanks, from the bottom of my meathead soul, for giving me the tools to have a second chance!
Please please please make more of these music only stretch sessions 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I do this one a LOT and I’d love one that’s a bit longer…. 45 minutes… even an hour! I’m an English speaker so I don’t get to do your other videos but I really appreciate that I can follow along on these ones. 😊
Ich fühle mich so dankbar. Dankbar für diesen Kanal, für jedes Videos, das du hochlädst, für jede Note und für jedes Wort. Wegen dir habe ich Sport zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben schätzen und lieben gelernt und für diese Möglichkeit meinem Körper etwas Gutes zu tun bin ich so unglaublich dankbar. Danke, danke, danke, liebe Mady!
Es war Anfangs etwas ungewohnt Mady‘s angenehme Stimme nicht zu hören, aber nach 2-3 Übungen ich es sehr sehr angenehm und kam in einen fantastischen Flow! Dankeschön!!!
Brilliant long weight lifting prep. Many thanks. Esp. appreciate the smooth transitions, ability to adapt to the poses, and the thoughtful progression of the sequence. It would be nice to have a version of these workouts without the music so we could watch it with the chimes, but play our own audio music at home.
Klasse. Kein langer unnötiger Vorspann und purer Inhalt. Meine Beweglichkeit hat sich in den letzten Wochen stark verbessert. Jetzt kann ich endlich wieder ohne knieprobleme mehrere km am Tag laufen ohne ständig gegen meinen Körper arbeiten zu müssen. Danke dir.
I love your music only videos, they inspired me to start paying attention to my body. I'd love to see yoga and another series of workout music-only videos! Thank you, Mady! Love from Brazil!
Mady, I am loving this 30 minute routine. I feel relaxed from inside out! I have been following you for a few months. In fact, I with my sweet granddaughters have practiced with you more than once! You are a treasure! Thank you! Ich danke Ihnen
I usually hate doing any physical exercices at home, but your videos are so great! Might I add that your music only/non verbal format is soooo neurodivergent friendly!!! I usually hate at home videos because the pace is off and the verbal instructions become too much while trying to heal my body correctly. Your content brings me peace! Thank you ❤️
Hey Mady, es gibt nichts Besseres, als diese Stretch Routine morgens draußen in der Natur zu praktizieren und sich von der Sonne kitzeln zu lassen. Ein perfektes Sommer feeling :-)
This is the best stretching routine I’ve ever encountered. The music, the lack of talking…. THE LACK OF ADS!! I’ve been coming back to it consistently for nearly two years now. I know the songs off by heart and I know each move that follows, and it is so wonderful to have something that you and your body knows so well and can just relax into. Morning, evening. In a world of stress and hustle bustle, having this as my constant is just….. no words❤
I want to tell you that I have been doing this routine for almost two months now, and it has helped me sooo much. I am a gardener and painter, and for years i have abused my body doing manual labor without stretching at all. I am 54 and didnt want to have to quit doing the things I love, so I found this video, and I can't tell you how much better I am feeling. I do it every morning after walking my dogs, and it is perfect. Thank you Mady so much for all the help your video has done for me. I have also passed it on to many freinds whom are having the same issues. thank you for helping me feel better Amy Sterling Heights, Michigan
good morning Mady, I was wondering if you could help me pick another video to use maybe every other day with this video. I enjoy this one, and I love the beeps and since I dont speak german, I can still follow this one. do you have any other videos that are like this one ? thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day
I've been doing Yoga for over a year now and I ALWAYS come back to this video. Hands down the best follow along I've seen on TH-cam. I absolutely love your playlist, and your smile! :)
I’m in anorexia recovery and this is the only routine I’m allowed to do as it is slow paced and focused on stress relief and feeling good in your body. Thank you.
I did this stretch on my apartment balcony at like 12:30 in the morning (because I knew I would get self-conscious if I did it at a time when people might walk by) and it was such a satisfying tension release routine, made even better by being outside on a cool late night once the summer heat has broken. Really rejuvenating 💗 Thanks so much for this!
This is by far the most relaxing, satisfying and beautiful stretching ever. Can I ask for some more like this one?And the music is just perfect. Thank you so much!
I love these videos. No talking and get right into the yoga routine. There are not enough videos out there like this. Please make more!! 🙏 Thank you for your content! ❤️
Nach einem wirklich anstrengendem Tag in der Schule (ich bin Lehrerin), mit vielen Menschen und viel Gerede war diese Stretcheinheit mit entspannter Musik für mich perfekt! Ich fühl mich jetzt geerdet, ruhig und einfach gut. Da ich seit einiger Zeit wirklich regelmäßig, fast jeden Tag, eine kleine Einheit mit dir, Mady, mache, höre ich deine Stimme auch so :-) , die mich lobt, daran erinnnert zu atmen, loszulassen, … Vielen vielen Dank von ganzem Herzen!
This my second month continuously do this yoga routine with your videos. It just changes my entire body: no stress, no back pain, no numbness. Your video is just so right for starting a day as it is gentle and no speaking. My days start peacefully and help me to deal with things much more easier. Thank you so much Mady! 🥰
Loooved this! I love the beeps, you know you can fully focus on the stretch without having to look at the screen. And I love the previsualizations during rest time, so you can prepare for the next stretch and don’t lose a second of it.
I appreciate the no-words stretch routines! I kind of prefer just background music. I play these videos frequently so I tire of the simple lyrics & vocalist. But, as they say, beggars can’t be choosers.
This is the best stretch routine I've found! I appreciated that you didn't talk, only thing I would change is having it all instrumental music like the end :) seriously sooo good I feel amazing and relaxed
I've started weight lifting with Peloton, and your stretch sequences are SO much more thorough than theirs. And I prefer the calmer format with the quiet beeps for the pose changes. Great for pre or post workouts, I can't recommend your work more. Many thanks for You Tube video sequences.
Your stretch videos are incredible, I’ve been doing them almost daily for a year now and it’s been life changing. Appreciate you, keep making them! Also, love your music selection.
Thank you! I’ve been looking for a stretching video without commentary or moving into next movement without showing it first, as I’m Deaf and I rely on visual cues. Best video!!! 🙌🏽
I rotate through your Stretch Session playlist daily! The stretches have helped relieve so much tension and pain over the past few months. Thank you for your well-made videos!
Der Full Body Stretch, da hab ich gesmiled wie nen kleiner Junge der in den Schulferien geweckt wird. 34 jähriger junger Mann entdeckt Yoga für sich. Vielen Dank für deine tollen Videos ❤
I did your other music only 10 minute and 15 minute routines every night for 7 nights straight and love them! I was going to do them daily for 30 days to make this a habit, but then I found this video which essentially combines the poses in the other two. Thank you so much! The format of these videos are so unique and easy to follow. Please make more! Or please make some of your popular talking videos in English so many more can benefit from your awesome instructions. Your videos make me wish I took German in school! Thanks again.
I’ve recently discovered the importance of stretching and your videos have been a great help to achieve that. I feel so good after your videos, it’s so relaxing that it doesn’t feel like 30 minutes have passed. Thank you !
the comments alwahs motivated me...i thought i should stretch before i exercise or dance...it makes me feel lazy as it feels like sm on my plate..now i li(e to focus on stretching..my body feels sm better
This routine has been helping me sooo much everyday. I can’t go on with my day without doing this stretch. Thanks Mady, for the amazing content you’ve been putting out and for making me realise that ‘my body is my gym’. More power!
I always felt so bad having back, shoulder and even a bit of knee aches at only 21 years old. This video really helps me stretch every single part of my body and relax more deeply than I ever have. I did the 15 min stretch before (but only every now and then) and I always wished it was a bit longer, so I’m happy you uploaded a whole 30 min stretch video! I’ve been doing these stretches every single day for almost a whole week now, I’m already feeling a lot more fit and I’ve become way more flexible! Thanks so much!!
I never leave comments on videos, but this one featuring only music is incredible! I follow this routine every time after I work out or whenever I want to do some yoga to wind down the day. It is very comprehensive, and the music is fantastic-so relaxing. I usually get tired of watching the same video, but that hasn’t happened with this one! Thank you so much.
Hi Mady, I love these 30 and 15 min routines with music and tones to signify change of exercise. Have you got anymore or are you making new ones? I would love a 60 min routine like this as well. 😊❤ Shelley
Oh yes. I have an entire playlist with music-only Stretching Sessions. Feel free to check it out: th-cam.com/play/PL-G7EJFoxFceiY2Ij3oxIizEqji5mnWZ7.html&si=YnXDPAdnw0OSr9EZ ❤
Hi, Mady! I only just discovered you, and I adore everything about this format, your beautiful videography, and the stretches you lead. I'd like to request more like this, too, please! I haven't found anything else nearly as great as these no-talking, music-only videos (and I love the beep as well as a few seconds to see what's coming up, as well as the name of the pose listed at the top) and would be so appreciative of more! Thank you for these! Happy new year to you!
This is easily the best yoga/stretch video on this platform. The music is wonderful, the audio queues to switch positions and showing the next stretch, the aesthetic in general, and the actual stretches all come together in such a perfect manner. We'll done and thank you for your work.
Danke dir, Mady. Ich komme immer wieder auf deine Videos zurück. Sie sind einfach super strukturiert, ruhig & effektiv! Durch die kurzen Pausen kommt man auch noch effizient durch mit vielen Übungen. Danke dir!
This is my new favourite start to the day. Just the right combination of moves to open up the whole body, it’s so easy to follow along with and some nice music too. The ‘time travelling’ song sure does stick with you long after the video has finished 😉💛
Thank you for this! Lately, I've been feeling so overwhelmed and this helped release my stress and just let go for a while. When I did this routine for the first time, I actually cried during some moves as the emotions took over me. I do this routine every day as those thirty minutes represent a time just for me and myself. I've been so distracted lately but this helped me so much. There aren't enough words to thank you properly. Those moves are so calming and exercising with you is just amazing. Your bodymovements are elegant and I just love it❤ Again, thank you for this video. I'll be coming back on the hard days but also at the easy days just to relax❤
I've tried following many yoga instructors, but I keep coming back to your videos. They are simple, yet so effective. I'm not burned out, yet I feel fitter. And I always feel mentally boosted after following your routines. You are awesome, thank you!
Can you make more of these, pretty please? 🥺 No instructions nor words, just music. I think you're a first and makes the whole duration very relaxing! ♥
This is sooo good! I really love your voice and your calmness but this video style is also amazing! It took me in such a meditative state, I love it! I feel refreshed and relaxed now.
So, sooo happy to practice this new stretch, thank you ! I really not felt like it lasted 30 minutes ! :D Well if you could, I would love a routine of stretch for legs and hips. For me, it is hard to open the hips on sides and make more flexible the back of legs ;/ Thank's for all :)
I've been following your stretching videos, and I'm amazed at how much they've helped me. You have been a game-changer. Grateful for the positive impact on my life!
Thank you for this! After quite a stressful few weeks this stretching & relaxation routine is one of the few things that brings me back into feeling somewhat normal!
I just finished your 15 minute full body stretch and got the notification for this video. I can't wait to try this tomorrow morning ! Much love from Fiji and vinaka vaka levu (thank you so much in my language) 💚💚💚
Same here, I'm doing the 15 minutes full body stretching as a part of my pectoral injury recovery. Great to see a longer version today. Much love, from India 🙏🏼
Hi, this was my first time doing such a full body stretch consciously. Thank you so much for this video, it was so great and I feel so easy and relaxed, incredible ❤️ From now on I will do this more often, it helps so well :)
I absolutely love your stretches. At the beginning of the year I wasn't able to touch my toes or do anything but after trying your videos I could touch my toes (and reach even further) and even split. I always feel so refreshed after I'm done. Thank you so much❤️😊
First time doing one of your stretches but I was searching for a full body stretch in 30 minutes and I wanted to try someone else - very much enjoyed ALL of the stretches I felt I needed after an intense workout earlier today so thank you and I look forward to doing more. Also love the silence and just the music .
Mady - I love your music/movement videos so much ! Thank you for posting. I have been using your 7 day fitness challenge videos a lot - if you feel inspired to produce more of these it would be amazing. However I still love using the content you have and your stretch videos are the best I have ever used - your music choices are sublime and the whole experience leaves me feeling uplifted and connected to my inner self. I am so excited to do this video ❤️🙏
Wow! Thank you so much for your lovely feedback and your generous words!!! There will be more music-only Stretching Sessions in the future for sure :-) I already have so many ideas 😍 See you on the mat, Brooke ❤️
I’ve been using this for 8 months straight. Being in the army is rough on my back and knees so this video was extremely helpful in alleviating the tightness and pain. Also helped really well with my athletic performance
This was pure bliss. We sometimes rush through our stretches just to get them over and done with but this was so relaxing and enjoyable, taking the time to really feel each muscle. Thank you Mady💕
Maddy I've been waiting for this!!!!!!! I absolutely love your 15 minutes stretch bit a longer stretch is something I was hoping you'd do! Thank youuuuuuu ❤❤
Just wanted to say thanks for this video. I'm an industrial maint tech... engineers just don't design things with us in mind. Used to hurt to crawl my way through the equipment. Doing this for the past 6 months along with lifting has helped immensely. Great music and no long-winded speeches. Again, thank you!
when i was doing this for the first time, i failed to do some of the pose😅 because my body was too stiff like a wood. I even strained my shoulder and it was so painful. I took a rest for 2 days before started to do this again. Now i've been doing this for a month on and off and getting better and better. I'm now more flexible, balanced and energetic. Thank you so much Mady, i really love your channel❤
I just wanna say thank you: Me and my friend did yoga with you every morning while lockdown! It was a routine that helped us focus on school work and to not loose it. Now we still do yoga together and it helped us to handle a lot of stress😊 thank you for helping us🥰🥰 you made it so much more easy🥰♥️♥️
Mady you have changed my life! I am a 53 year old woman and had been in a lot of pain for years. When I started I could barely do any of your stretches. But now I am right alongside you. My body feels better and even if I only have 5 minutes I do your videos EVERYDAY. (I love how you offer different times so I can always fit you in my schedule!) And I also have to say that I love how you smile throughout. It is so encouraging and puts me in the mindset that this will be fun.Thank you so so much!!!
Sehr schönes Video liebe Mady. Und super gelungen die Musikauswahl 😊 Die Übergänge und die Stimmung. So entspannend und uplifting ☀️ Da ich über deine IG Story weis was das für dich für eine Arbeit war find ichs nochmal genialer 😎 Kannst du in der Beschreibung mal die Titel auflisten? Gibt in jedem deiner Videos eins was mir besonders gefällt und wüsste dann gern wie es heißt.
Been doing this exercise everyday and today is my 5th day. Im feeling much more loose, mobile, and lighter. I love the feeling I get after the meditation at the end, I stand up and I feel like I'm a brand new person in a brand new body. Going to do this for 30 days straight. Will update at the end of the 30th day :)
I'm still singing "You're my caffeine in the morning
, got me feeling like I'm on top of the world" in my head. Is it normal?
literally me
yes, I want to do this all day
Yes, that‘s normal! 😀
haha. oh yes. Her music choices are just wow
I’ve been doing this stretch routing every single morning for over a month now and let me tell you it has changed my life. I can’t go without it. I haven’t had any muscle spasms, numbness or back pain since incorporating this into my daily routine. Thank you Mady!
Day 1 for me
Are you for real...???
yes me too, I have been doing it since childbirth. It make my body feel fresh every single morning
im doing this when im sad I've made a bad life choice lol..and one of it is because i stay awake overnight..so im doing this before i sleep in the morning..i still am trying to fix my schedule..i always thin nah let me fix it first then ill do this..now its the other way around..im gonna make time fo it everyday..second day alrd..yesterday did the 15m one
I LOVE this half-hour routine to start my day or do it as the last thing before going to bed... It combines ALL the right moves to "loosen up". The video is done very professionally and is extremely easy to follow. THANK YOU Mady, for touching the lives of so many by doing this and generously sharing it with everyone! I am sending your way all the positive vibes with deepest gratitude...
I love this video Thank you Mady love you❤
this x10000!! Thank you!!
Oh my god, how good this video is. I am one of those guys who train like crazy, run, lift, and do martial arts but NEVER stretch. Always found it too boring or whatever. I was in so much pain recently that I convinced myself that I have to get something done about this so I looked for a full-body stretch and your video came up. I just finished it and I have to say it changed me immediately. I loved every bit of it. It was painful as hell, I have the flexibility of a pencil but it was so refreshing. I will certainly make myself 30mins now on to get these done. Thank you so much this video has been amazing.
Nice of you to do something important for yourself, and now I am trying to add some muscle and loose some fat :D, stay healthy
Came here to say something almost exactly like this! After I got through it holy hell I felt a difference and the time felt Mote like 15 min. Finally got my main stretch routine after the long hard week of work and exercise. Thank you for this it's greatly appreciated
Same here mate same same been saving me!
Get a life🙄
Does anybody out there remember what it felt like as a kid receiving a still wrapped-up present ? Well - that is what I felt like today..... Thankyou, Mady. For all of your videos.
What a beautiful metaphor, Katie! Thank you so much for your heartwarming support! ❤️❤️❤️
I know exactly what you‘re talking about ❤❤
Wow! Thirty minutes just flew by! I usually don't comment on videos but after only 30 minutes, I feel like i'm in a new body. Thank you.
Love the format of these videos - having the music in the background and the simple chimes to tell you when to change stretches, the five seconds to understand the next stretch, all makes it SO much more relaxing than trying to follow verbal instructions and feeling rushed while not really understanding what you're doing. Absolutely love it and feeling so loose and ready for my day now!
totally agree, simple but effective.
EXACTLY! I think exactly the same.. mujsic... chimes... better than Voice! absolutely totally Agree! :-)
The format is fantastic, I don't personally like the song here, too many lyrics and a bit depressing
Agree!!!!! Love everything about this video :) the music is so chill
I agree and that's what makes her videos THE BEST, there is nothing like it on YT. Thanks girl!!!!
More music only videos for non-German speakers please! Especially strength building routine combos with stretching. Thank you so much, your work is amazing!
No idea how I found this video to be honest, but I have been practicing this every night for over a month, before bed. AMAZING! I love that it is based on yoga poses that I am very familiar with but especially because there is NO verbal instruction. Stretching & relaxation without being "talked at" is what I was seeking. Thank you Mady!
This has been my go to 30min stretch routine for a year and a half! And I’m no way bored with it. Can we pretty please have more ‘silent’ stretch videos from you. You are awesome and thank you!
This was exactly what I needed today. I'm carrying so much stress in my muscles that it felt like I was getting sick. After this I feel so much better, my system feels 'unclogged'. I knew all of these stretches already, but it makes all the difference to have a guided session with a beautiful presentation - and one that holds the stretches for long enough to actually be effective! Saved to my 'Daily' list ❤️
These videos have changed my life. I've been doing them everyday for the last 55 days. I can now grab my foot in the deep lunge stretch and couldn't before 🥲. I'm 42 & am over 200lbs. Stick with her y'all if you just found her page! You'll be so amazed at what your body is capable of! Thanks Mady girl! 😊
idk what motivated me but i started doing her stretches again..did the 15m yesterday and then 30m today...i hope i can keep it up and just put the time for it everyday
Amazing! I’m on day 18 today and I already feel sooo much better! It’s amazing to watch the own progress and see what our bodies are capable of achieving in such a short amount of time.
I seriously can't love this series enough!!!! I've tried a lot of stretching / yoga sessions but nothing can compare to your peaceful, thorough and well-structured routines. You literally save my body, muscles and joints!!!! Thank you so so much and esp for releasing this one. Literally the combination I'm looking for
I'm stretching with this video for a couple days now and there is not a single sound in my brain while doing this, I don't even hear the music, only me and my breath. Thank you, you're the best!
I started with Mady's 15 minute video first thing in the morning several months ago, and I've noticed getting out of bed is not so painful (I'm 66 years young). I've done this longer video a few times now and I like the longer poses which has further helped me to stay limber. Thank you!!!
Love this whole idea of music only with prompting bells. Thank you!
Me Too So Relaxing For morning than anyone talking in it .Her videos are always Very nice professionally Done.I this Full body either Morning or Before bedtime It has made me more flexible aswel 🙂Shes the best😍
Oh my goodness, this was absolutely beautiful. Every single thing about it. Mady I only found your channel a couple months ago and found the 15 min stretch that I've now been doing almost daily. I could hardly do most of the stretches then, but now am doing them fully and I love the feeling, not to mention the music is wonderful and so relaxing. This one though, wow I feel so amazing and the music in this is just beyond lovely. You too are so lovely and graceful and I'm just so thankful to have found you. Thank you!
Agree with every word👍
100% agreed! ❤
Your so nice l like you
Thank you Mady! I do your 15 minute daily stretch routine every morning and I’m excited to start following this one too! You’re the best :)
I just have to show my appreciation with a comment here, these videos have changed my life from continous massive pain into a almost pain free one.... i have 3 bulged discs in my lower back and 2 disc deformation in my upper back... i had to quit my job as a scaffolder, i had to quit all my training = i am an ex bodybuilder/powerlifter who still loves the lifting and a martial arts lover who competes in BJJ... and last year, after many painful years, my life and training came to an halt. I was in so much pain i was prescribe massive amounts of oxycodone just to be able to move. These stretch videos has helped me get rid of the painkillers, be able to lift weights again and to be able to train and compete in BJJ again. Thanks, from the bottom of my meathead soul, for giving me the tools to have a second chance!
Please please please make more of these music only stretch sessions 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I do this one a LOT and I’d love one that’s a bit longer…. 45 minutes… even an hour!
I’m an English speaker so I don’t get to do your other videos but I really appreciate that I can follow along on these ones. 😊
Ich fühle mich so dankbar. Dankbar für diesen Kanal, für jedes Videos, das du hochlädst, für jede Note und für jedes Wort. Wegen dir habe ich Sport zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben schätzen und lieben gelernt und für diese Möglichkeit meinem Körper etwas Gutes zu tun bin ich so unglaublich dankbar. Danke, danke, danke, liebe Mady!
Es war Anfangs etwas ungewohnt Mady‘s angenehme Stimme nicht zu hören, aber nach 2-3 Übungen ich es sehr sehr angenehm und kam in einen fantastischen Flow! Dankeschön!!!
Love this stretch routine. Thanks for creating it. Feels so good to stretch.
Brilliant long weight lifting prep. Many thanks. Esp. appreciate the smooth transitions, ability to adapt to the poses, and the thoughtful progression of the sequence. It would be nice to have a version of these workouts without the music so we could watch it with the chimes, but play our own audio music at home.
agreed, would love to have no music, chimes only
Klasse. Kein langer unnötiger Vorspann und purer Inhalt. Meine Beweglichkeit hat sich in den letzten Wochen stark verbessert. Jetzt kann ich endlich wieder ohne knieprobleme mehrere km am Tag laufen ohne ständig gegen meinen Körper arbeiten zu müssen. Danke dir.
I love your music only videos, they inspired me to start paying attention to my body. I'd love to see yoga and another series of workout music-only videos! Thank you, Mady! Love from Brazil!
Mady, I am loving this 30 minute routine. I feel relaxed from inside out! I have been following you for a few months. In fact, I with my sweet granddaughters have practiced with you more than once! You are a treasure! Thank you! Ich danke Ihnen
Vary nice
I usually hate doing any physical exercices at home, but your videos are so great! Might I add that your music only/non verbal format is soooo neurodivergent friendly!!! I usually hate at home videos because the pace is off and the verbal instructions become too much while trying to heal my body correctly. Your content brings me peace! Thank you ❤️
Request: 7 different stretch videos of 15 minutes each, one for each day of the week, targeting different muscles :-)
that's such a cool idea
Would love to see that too!!!
I agree! Would love those videos!
I agree!! These music only yoga tutorials are fantastic!!
Yes please!!
Hey Mady, es gibt nichts Besseres, als diese Stretch Routine morgens draußen in der Natur zu praktizieren und sich von der Sonne kitzeln zu lassen. Ein perfektes Sommer feeling :-)
This is the best stretching routine I’ve ever encountered. The music, the lack of talking…. THE LACK OF ADS!! I’ve been coming back to it consistently for nearly two years now. I know the songs off by heart and I know each move that follows, and it is so wonderful to have something that you and your body knows so well and can just relax into. Morning, evening. In a world of stress and hustle bustle, having this as my constant is just….. no words❤
I want to tell you that I have been doing this routine for almost two months now, and it has helped me sooo much. I am a gardener and painter, and for years i have abused my body doing manual labor without stretching at all. I am 54 and didnt want to have to quit doing the things I love, so I found this video, and I can't tell you how much better I am feeling. I do it every morning after walking my dogs, and it is perfect. Thank you Mady so much for all the help your video has done for me. I have also passed it on to many freinds whom are having the same issues.
thank you for helping me feel better
Sterling Heights, Michigan
good morning Mady, I was wondering if you could help me pick another video to use maybe every other day with this video. I enjoy this one, and I love the beeps and since I dont speak german, I can still follow this one. do you have any other videos that are like this one ? thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day
I've been doing Yoga for over a year now and I ALWAYS come back to this video. Hands down the best follow along I've seen on TH-cam. I absolutely love your playlist, and your smile! :)
I’m in anorexia recovery and this is the only routine I’m allowed to do as it is slow paced and focused on stress relief and feeling good in your body. Thank you.
Stay strong in your recovery, you're doing amazing❤
@@marissashea5103 thank you 🥺
I’ve been there. You’ve got this. Learning to love your body and being gentle with it is key. Good luck in all you do. ♥️💫
@@EvieSaintAnn thank you 🥺❤️
Same. :) Keep going!
Best yoga videos!!! No talking, preview and timing available and the music selection is great. It's all what you need for a prefect start of the day🥰.
I did this stretch on my apartment balcony at like 12:30 in the morning (because I knew I would get self-conscious if I did it at a time when people might walk by) and it was such a satisfying tension release routine, made even better by being outside on a cool late night once the summer heat has broken. Really rejuvenating 💗 Thanks so much for this!
This is by far the most relaxing, satisfying and beautiful stretching ever. Can I ask for some more like this one?And the music is just perfect. Thank you so much!
I love these videos. No talking and get right into the yoga routine. There are not enough videos out there like this. Please make more!! 🙏 Thank you for your content! ❤️
Best stretching video online! From music, exercises to atmosphere itself! Works not not only for body, but also for minds 🧘♂️ Thanks 🙏
I love these video's so much, so relaxing with music!
Also love your yin yoga sessies.I hope you will make more of these also!🙏💝
Thank you, Nathalie!
For sure there will be new yin sessions in the future ;)
Yes, so relaxing with music 🎵🎶.
Thank you Mady.
My first video, coming to your channel 🙂 and fall in love 💕 with it.
Mady, i really need names of the song,im absolutly in love with your videos and music. This is what im looked for all the time!!!!❤❤❤
Nach einem wirklich anstrengendem Tag in der Schule (ich bin Lehrerin), mit vielen Menschen und viel Gerede war diese Stretcheinheit mit entspannter Musik für mich perfekt!
Ich fühl mich jetzt geerdet, ruhig und einfach gut.
Da ich seit einiger Zeit wirklich regelmäßig, fast jeden Tag, eine kleine Einheit mit dir, Mady, mache, höre ich deine Stimme auch so :-) , die mich lobt, daran erinnnert zu atmen, loszulassen, …
Vielen vielen Dank von ganzem Herzen!
This my second month continuously do this yoga routine with your videos. It just changes my entire body: no stress, no back pain, no numbness. Your video is just so right for starting a day as it is gentle and no speaking. My days start peacefully and help me to deal with things much more easier. Thank you so much Mady! 🥰
Loooved this! I love the beeps, you know you can fully focus on the stretch without having to look at the screen. And I love the previsualizations during rest time, so you can prepare for the next stretch and don’t lose a second of it.
The shortest 30 mins workout I ever felt :)
I appreciate the no-words stretch routines! I kind of prefer just background music. I play these videos frequently so I tire of the simple lyrics & vocalist. But, as they say, beggars can’t be choosers.
This is the best stretch routine I've found! I appreciated that you didn't talk, only thing I would change is having it all instrumental music like the end :) seriously sooo good I feel amazing and relaxed
I agree! The words are distracting and less calming for me
Same.. the last instrumentals on all her stretch routines are so calming. It would be great to have them throughout
Yes, only instrumental would be great 🥰
I've started weight lifting with Peloton, and your stretch sequences are SO much more thorough than theirs. And I prefer the calmer format with the quiet beeps for the pose changes. Great for pre or post workouts, I can't recommend your work more. Many thanks for You Tube video sequences.
Das fühlt sich sogar nach dem Training im Fitnessstudio richtig gut an. Danke! 😊
Your stretch videos are incredible, I’ve been doing them almost daily for a year now and it’s been life changing. Appreciate you, keep making them! Also, love your music selection.
Thank you so much for making videos in this style of "silent" stretching--it's one of the surest ways to get me in a smiley and relaxed mood! ❤️
Thank you! I’ve been looking for a stretching video without commentary or moving into next movement without showing it first, as I’m Deaf and I rely on visual cues.
Best video!!! 🙌🏽
I rotate through your Stretch Session playlist daily! The stretches have helped relieve so much tension and pain over the past few months. Thank you for your well-made videos!
Ein perfekter Start in den Sonntag! Danke Mady. 🤗😙
Happy Sunday, du Herz! ☀️💛
This has become my daily routine. I never knew it will heal me so much. Thank you Mady.
Der Full Body Stretch, da hab ich gesmiled wie nen kleiner Junge der in den Schulferien geweckt wird. 34 jähriger junger Mann entdeckt Yoga für sich. Vielen Dank für deine tollen Videos ❤
I did your other music only 10 minute and 15 minute routines every night for 7 nights straight and love them! I was going to do them daily for 30 days to make this a habit, but then I found this video which essentially combines the poses in the other two. Thank you so much! The format of these videos are so unique and easy to follow. Please make more! Or please make some of your popular talking videos in English so many more can benefit from your awesome instructions. Your videos make me wish I took German in school! Thanks again.
*_Thank_* *_you_* *_for_* *_sharing_* *_this_* *_amazing_* *_video_* *_with_* *_us_* *_!_* 🦋🍃 🌍 💚
Greetings from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 I have been following your workouts and practicing them daily. My body is in its best shape. Thank you so much!
I’ve recently discovered the importance of stretching and your videos have been a great help to achieve that. I feel so good after your videos, it’s so relaxing that it doesn’t feel like 30 minutes have passed. Thank you !
the comments alwahs motivated me...i thought i should stretch before i exercise or dance...it makes me feel lazy as it feels like sm on my plate..now i li(e to focus on stretching..my body feels sm better
This routine has been helping me sooo much everyday.
I can’t go on with my day without doing this stretch. Thanks Mady, for the amazing content you’ve been putting out and for making me realise that ‘my body is my gym’.
More power!
I always felt so bad having back, shoulder and even a bit of knee aches at only 21 years old. This video really helps me stretch every single part of my body and relax more deeply than I ever have. I did the 15 min stretch before (but only every now and then) and I always wished it was a bit longer, so I’m happy you uploaded a whole 30 min stretch video!
I’ve been doing these stretches every single day for almost a whole week now, I’m already feeling a lot more fit and I’ve become way more flexible!
Thanks so much!!
I never leave comments on videos, but this one featuring only music is incredible! I follow this routine every time after I work out or whenever I want to do some yoga to wind down the day. It is very comprehensive, and the music is fantastic-so relaxing. I usually get tired of watching the same video, but that hasn’t happened with this one! Thank you so much.
Hi Mady, I love these 30 and 15 min routines with music and tones to signify change of exercise. Have you got anymore or are you making new ones? I would love a 60 min routine like this as well. 😊❤ Shelley
Ive been wondering the same, these are great
Oh yes. I have an entire playlist with music-only Stretching Sessions. Feel free to check it out: th-cam.com/play/PL-G7EJFoxFceiY2Ij3oxIizEqji5mnWZ7.html&si=YnXDPAdnw0OSr9EZ ❤
I also would like a 60 min version ❤😊
Hi, Mady! I only just discovered you, and I adore everything about this format, your beautiful videography, and the stretches you lead. I'd like to request more like this, too, please! I haven't found anything else nearly as great as these no-talking, music-only videos (and I love the beep as well as a few seconds to see what's coming up, as well as the name of the pose listed at the top) and would be so appreciative of more! Thank you for these! Happy new year to you!
This is easily the best yoga/stretch video on this platform. The music is wonderful, the audio queues to switch positions and showing the next stretch, the aesthetic in general, and the actual stretches all come together in such a perfect manner. We'll done and thank you for your work.
Danke dir, Mady. Ich komme immer wieder auf deine Videos zurück. Sie sind einfach super strukturiert, ruhig & effektiv! Durch die kurzen Pausen kommt man auch noch effizient durch mit vielen Übungen. Danke dir!
Piano + stretch....heaven it's fantastic
Please upload more videos like this 🙏
This is my new favourite start to the day. Just the right combination of moves to open up the whole body, it’s so easy to follow along with and some nice music too. The ‘time travelling’ song sure does stick with you long after the video has finished 😉💛
Thank you for this! Lately, I've been feeling so overwhelmed and this helped release my stress and just let go for a while. When I did this routine for the first time, I actually cried during some moves as the emotions took over me. I do this routine every day as those thirty minutes represent a time just for me and myself. I've been so distracted lately but this helped me so much. There aren't enough words to thank you properly.
Those moves are so calming and exercising with you is just amazing. Your bodymovements are elegant and I just love it❤
Again, thank you for this video. I'll be coming back on the hard days but also at the easy days just to relax❤
I've tried following many yoga instructors, but I keep coming back to your videos. They are simple, yet so effective. I'm not burned out, yet I feel fitter. And I always feel mentally boosted after following your routines. You are awesome, thank you!
Can you make more of these, pretty please? 🥺 No instructions nor words, just music. I think you're a first and makes the whole duration very relaxing! ♥
This is sooo good! I really love your voice and your calmness but this video style is also amazing! It took me in such a meditative state, I love it! I feel refreshed and relaxed now.
So, sooo happy to practice this new stretch, thank you ! I really not felt like it lasted 30 minutes ! :D
Well if you could, I would love a routine of stretch for legs and hips. For me, it is hard to open the hips on sides and make more flexible the back of legs ;/
Thank's for all :)
I've been following your stretching videos, and I'm amazed at how much they've helped me. You have been a game-changer. Grateful for the positive impact on my life!
Das Getute und vor allem die Musik in diesem Video, empfinde ich persönlich leider als sehr störend und ablenkend. Gerne wieder mehr wie früher! :)
Thank you for this! After quite a stressful few weeks this stretching & relaxation routine is one of the few things that brings me back into feeling somewhat normal!
I just finished your 15 minute full body stretch and got the notification for this video. I can't wait to try this tomorrow morning ! Much love from Fiji and vinaka vaka levu (thank you so much in my language) 💚💚💚
You are watching from Fiji, thats amazing! I´m so happy to have you here ❤️
Same here, I'm doing the 15 minutes full body stretching as a part of my pectoral injury recovery. Great to see a longer version today. Much love, from India 🙏🏼
@@bhavna76rasaily ❤🙏❤🤩
I do it regularly and while doing it if I forget to smile, Mady reminds me to smile again 🥰
this was my first time doing such a full body stretch consciously.
Thank you so much for this video, it was so great and I feel so easy and relaxed, incredible ❤️
From now on I will do this more often, it helps so well :)
ur mom
Mady, thanks a lot! It’s sooo great. Just did it, feeling amazing 🧡
I absolutely love your stretches. At the beginning of the year I wasn't able to touch my toes or do anything but after trying your videos I could touch my toes (and reach even further) and even split. I always feel so refreshed after I'm done. Thank you so much❤️😊
damn i hope i could split too..im not giving up...is it only this video or you use other vids?
First time doing one of your stretches but I was searching for a full body stretch in 30 minutes and I wanted to try someone else - very much enjoyed ALL of the stretches I felt I needed after an intense workout earlier today so thank you and I look forward to doing more. Also love the silence and just the music .
Dm me😅😅
Wow! Just perfect. I was recovering from a migraine headache today and this routine was just perfect. So gentle and relaxing.
Mady - I love your music/movement videos so much ! Thank you for posting. I have been using your 7 day fitness challenge videos a lot - if you feel inspired to produce more of these it would be amazing. However I still love using the content you have and your stretch videos are the best I have ever used - your music choices are sublime and the whole experience leaves me feeling uplifted and connected to my inner self. I am so excited to do this video ❤️🙏
Wow! Thank you so much for your lovely feedback and your generous words!!!
There will be more music-only Stretching Sessions in the future for sure :-) I already have so many ideas 😍
See you on the mat, Brooke ❤️
@@madymorrison thank you 😊
Aaaahhhhh That was just what I needed. THANK YOU!!! :) have a super fantastic day, people.
Thank you, James! That makes me happy to hear :-)
Have an amazing week!
I’ve been using this for 8 months straight. Being in the army is rough on my back and knees so this video was extremely helpful in alleviating the tightness and pain. Also helped really well with my athletic performance
This was pure bliss. We sometimes rush through our stretches just to get them over and done with but this was so relaxing and enjoyable, taking the time to really feel each muscle. Thank you Mady💕
I have been doing your 15 minute stretch for many months now, this is a great addition for my morning routine, thank you.
Maddy I've been waiting for this!!!!!!! I absolutely love your 15 minutes stretch bit a longer stretch is something I was hoping you'd do! Thank youuuuuuu ❤❤
And here it is :-)))) Hope you liked this one as well ❤️
Just wanted to say thanks for this video. I'm an industrial maint tech... engineers just don't design things with us in mind. Used to hurt to crawl my way through the equipment. Doing this for the past 6 months along with lifting has helped immensely. Great music and no long-winded speeches. Again, thank you!
Your silence makes it perfect! Thank you!
when i was doing this for the first time, i failed to do some of the pose😅 because my body was too stiff like a wood. I even strained my shoulder and it was so painful. I took a rest for 2 days before started to do this again. Now i've been doing this for a month on and off and getting better and better. I'm now more flexible, balanced and energetic. Thank you so much Mady, i really love your channel❤
I just wanna say thank you: Me and my friend did yoga with you every morning while lockdown! It was a routine that helped us focus on school work and to not loose it. Now we still do yoga together and it helped us to handle a lot of stress😊 thank you for helping us🥰🥰 you made it so much more easy🥰♥️♥️
I wish I had thought of that 😞
Mady you have changed my life! I am a 53 year old woman and had been in a lot of pain for years. When I started I could barely do any of your stretches. But now I am right alongside you. My body feels better and even if I only have 5 minutes I do your videos EVERYDAY. (I love how you offer different times so I can always fit you in my schedule!) And I also have to say that I love how you smile throughout. It is so encouraging and puts me in the mindset that this will be fun.Thank you so so much!!!
Always come back to this when i don't feel like moving, super relaxing.
Oh..i felt like 10 min workout...really love the calmness and relax my whole body thank u so much....❤️
I have to say I have been coming back to this one at the end of the day often!
I’ve been following this routine for about 2 years now. It’s honestly my favourite. God bless ❤
Sehr schönes Video liebe Mady.
Und super gelungen die Musikauswahl 😊
Die Übergänge und die Stimmung. So entspannend und uplifting ☀️
Da ich über deine IG Story weis was das für dich für eine Arbeit war find ichs nochmal genialer 😎
Kannst du in der Beschreibung mal die Titel auflisten?
Gibt in jedem deiner Videos eins was mir besonders gefällt und wüsste dann gern wie es heißt.
Was heißt :IG Story .
Instagram Story :)
Been doing this exercise everyday and today is my 5th day. Im feeling much more loose, mobile, and lighter. I love the feeling I get after the meditation at the end, I stand up and I feel like I'm a brand new person in a brand new body. Going to do this for 30 days straight. Will update at the end of the 30th day :)
how'd it go?
give me an update!