i was mostly thinking about how incompetent that phara was, nearly killing herself (26 hp) to kill something that could die in two or so rockets (sombra) with a very useful ult. if you are saying she was tilted, clearly, she was not thinking because of it, guaranteeing that her team would lose, if you are saying such an action would make someone tilted for getting solo ulted, you need to watch this guy more.
Solorflare99 yeah I'm really good with sombra and genji but because people think they suck they start trolling, so I usually use them in 3v3 and I can't tell you how many times I have chose sombra first and the last pick chooses a hanzo widow or genji instead of a healer and when I said they should have been healer they just say that I should not have played sombra, she is INSANELY good if you use her hack correctly on certain heroes, she counters every tank hero like if she ults a orisa since she has a hitbox the size of sombras spread (road does too and it's really easy to kill him) you will hit all your shots and do a surprising amount of damage. As long as you have a good healer and the enemy doesn't expect sombra to be so powerful it's basically a free win for the round
lies, i switch as soon as im not getting anything done i usually relize within 30 seconds unlike most "(any character) mains" who usually wait until last 20 seconds of the match or so
I agree, when I hear a Sombra when running the dive comp, she becomes the High Value Target... Or we space out until we can focus fire her. Great video, homie.
mbyost Even the best setups can be ignored, my friend. Once had a solo-que team dive a roadhog when i'd shattered 4 of their defenders, loosing the fight because they got back up and popped ultimates
What i was trying to get at with my statement was that if you require your team to push and force it on them to attack, it's going to cause situations of ignorance. If you allow the the opposing team to make the push you can use emp to make their push a mistake. It's all about situation.
XxGreatswordxX 0 Sure, but as Mercy you should be able to fend her off with your pistol. I did this, I think, five times in a row with Mercy. Don't get too close as Sombra.
Freedo you have convinced me to work toward learning how to play Sombra. I've said i wanted to learn how to play her since she came out but I never really knew how. This guide is a prayer from above and now I have the passion burning deep within me to learn Sombra as a hero. Thank you Your Overwatch for what you do. You once again inspire me to try something new. Thanks a lot, you are truly amazing.
Why would people think Sombra is supposed to be in the same places as Soilder and McCree? She has stealth and hacks as her main weapons. Her strength lies in taking away her opponent's strength. Don't compare her smg to the weapons of all of the assault heroes, it's fine where it is to do the job she's supposed to do. Thank you, Freedo, for explaining how she's supposed to be run! :D
yeh, true freedo is saying this now, but your overwatch explicitly used to comment on how sombra was/is in the assault class, but does less damage than the other assault heroes. i get where you're coming from and you're right, sombras niche isn't damage, but freedo isn't the voice of sombra mains like you and i, and neither are those idiots on overwatch central
somehow she hasn't been changed that much, apart from cooldowns, and yet now she's viable??? i always saw her as viable because how codey plays her, just cuz this meta is dive doesn't mean she's more or less viable i think; her against deathball (with emp) or in dive (setting up healing around the map) are just as useful as shutting down dive teams. ITS JUST LIKE ANA, people never realise her potential until you tubers either make videos or when the pros use her; people need to try her out for themselves
sombra's cooldown changes were huge changes for her. remember the 12 second hack cooldown? having that cooldown be reduced by nearly half along with her translocator cooldown being reduced makes her much more active. ana had buffs too that made her viable, some even saw her as OP since she was a must pick for the season 2 and 3 metas. and characters don't necessarily need major changes to themselves to become viable. often times its the changes to other characters that makes them viable. when ana got nerfed, mercy saw more play. when ana and dva got nerfed, triple tank meta died off and then dive meta happened. tracer was a poor choice in triple tank but now excels in dive despite no buffs or nerfs and is now one of the most played characters in comp. sombra is does very well against dive since most of the dive meta characters are very ability reliant (winston, tracer, dva, genji, etc.) and hacking them when they attack the backline means they are dead and she can still do good damage to them since many of the viable heroes in dive are squishies.
Thanks for the Sombra guide,in the beginning you say that you'd have to make multiple guides for her and hopefully you already have because I love anything that helps me become the best Sombra player I possibly can. Keep up the good work ;)
Your guides are so good. I watch every single one and they help me to play better. Your D Va guide was awesome. I didn't ever play DVa but now I do because of your guide. Thank you!
The thing is, I'm a closet sombra main, but nobody lets me use her. Literally, I can call out low health enemies, and hacked targets. Reins and tracers are my favorite to hack muahahahaha
I've heard a lot of discussion about pro teams using Sombra as one of the two supports, but have not seen this analyzed in depth, or seen much game play of it really. I'd love to see a video talking about how to use Sombra effectively in one of your two support slots.
Hey, just wanted to say that towards the end of this video you made a point that I guess I had only partially considered during my efforts to "main" Sombra alongside McCree this season. Specifically I mean the aspect of playing her as a crossfire back-line character. All too often I am being punished and/or letting my team be punished for playing her as I did the Spy in Team-fortress 2. I am very aware of her support capabilities but that doesn't prevent me from attempting to religiously play her as an assassin at times. As someone who has been pouring time into her at Diamond this season, that piece of advice stands out the most to me and hopefully practising with it in mind may allow me to push myself into Master this season. Many thanks!
Finally sombra gets some recognition!! I've been playing her against tanks and dive with a lot of success while everyone thought she was just "not viable".
Talk about Sombra more! By far my favorite hero in the game to play. But people hate when I pick her. She can be very effective and a lot of people don't know how to deal with her. Call outs are a huge part of her being successful. Calling out low health enemies and their location, along with which enemies you hack so the rest of the team can focus fire.
I was playing Sombra in quickplay, defense on the Hollywood map. Everyone seems to forget Sombra's passive ability is able to see critically injured enemies through walls. The map only has one mega health pack near the point the other team needs to capture. Naturally hacked it and had some very interesting things happen. First, I found a critical health genji meditating near it, waiting for the hack to ware off. Killed him. Next found a Junkrat waiting for it to end. Killed him. The next one earned me play of the game (made sweeter by the hack highlight intro). Killed a half health hanzo AND found the same junkrat waiting along with a soldier:76 and killed them. Didnt die that whole round.
Another key thing about sombra is that you have a ton of information about what's going on in the battle. Call out people with half hp, say when someone is hacked so they can get focused down. Let your team know where the enemy is and when your going to emp.
I feel like YourOverwatch have really been lagging behind on Sombra, she's always been this amazing, but I'm glad you're finally fully on board. Sombra really is the cleaning lady, as she can answer so many aspects in the game, from a master Widowmaker standing in the back where no one ells can reach her, to a Bastion deathball on the payload. But she needs her team to play close to her, so she can make the team engagements stronger. In many ways, Hack and EMP is similar to Lucio's speed boost. Hack Ana in the back while your team pushes through the choke, and you get an incredible edge in the fight, as Ana then has no AoE healing or Sleep Dart. So many player underestimate what a well timed Hack can do in an engagement.
I love the fact that Sombra is getting more play. She's actually a really fun character since you always seem to be doing something and the play style changes constantly throughout the fight. I can't really think of any other character who does that quite like her as everyone seems to have pretty straightforward play styles. Plus she herself is an interesting character from a story/lore/personality perspective, which is always a plus. I just wish she could deal more damage. I mean, yeah, she has a play style that suits the amount of damage she deals, but you have to have dang near perfect aim to win a 1v1 with her. Either an increase to bullet damage or clip size would help a ton and maybe decrease her spread at mid-range. With a 15 second timer on her translocator, she can't engage for long periods of time, especially with her being so squishy and no way to self heal like Tracer. Compared to the other Attack heroes, her health, damage, and/or rage are lacking. Tracer can self heal, Reaper can deal and heal, Pharah and deal and has long range, Mei has range and heal (plus her freeze for added bonus), Soldier has range and heal, and Genji has his deflect for tight situations. Sombra is the only one who has to set up prior to the fight and her escape route is on a timer, which may even be found by someone. And while that's a core feature of her set, I feel at least increasing her effective range or damage would help her immensely.
Sombra is a lot of fun to play. Fast pace, love to go invicible to flank enemies. If flanking the enemies doesn't go successfully, at least I got them away from the objective for a bit. I don't mind being a decoy.
As a person who loves playing tracer Sombra is definitely a character that forces you to have to play differently to play around her. she can shut you down with that hack and you need to be very aware of the patterns that the person playing her is going about with. That is another thing about Sombra players do not just set up a pattern. Yes you might be set up in one area with a pretty well set up all there with your hacked health packs and all, but once I learn of your presence there I'm going to be playing around it and you rewards from that set up will decline much quicker than you think.
I haven't tried playing Sombra in the current season, because in previous ones I'm heckled into switching if I pick her (As she was long regarded as bottom-tier). She is one of my favorite characters, though, and she's a reliable counter to so much, including Tanks, Bastion, Genji, and more.
Can't wait to see all the sombras in comp now, this season is really bad with throwers, leavers just rude people in general and now people thinking they can play a hero by watching a video
There's a trick to getting your team to accept Sombra as the 2nd support. All you gotta do is start the round by playing Zenyatta. Once you get immediately picked off (because you absolutely will, don't kid yourself), then swap to Sombra right as you respawn. If your team flames at you right away, you were gonna lose that match no matter who you played anyhow. Also, if you got voice comms, just constantly spam "LEARN WHERE THE DAMN HEALTHPACKS ARE YOU ENTITLED BABIES!" and "IF YOU REFUSE TO POCKET ME AS YOUR HEALER, I'M GONNA PLAY ONE THAT CAN ACTUALLY RUN AWAY!" in response.
tbh iv got over 11houers as her and this is helpful. I mainly just zip behind a Rinehart and shut his shield down more then focus on other hacks, thanks for the tips.
I've actually been playing sombra as a second support on attack maps. I've had much success climbing to my highest SR ever doing it. She is especially strong on attack maps like echenwhald, kings row, hanumaura, and volskia industries. True I get a lot of gripe at first but after I take down a symetra teleporter and emp the whole team I quite the non believers quickly. I suggest trying sombra as a semi support of offense like symetra is a semi support of defense. It works.
I love Sombra more and more. We're struggling a lot against good Genjis and Tracers but as soon as we got a decent Sombra they lose quite a lot of their strenght ;)
The key part to why sombra is so good against dive is because these characters are extremely reliant on their ability. Tracer, genji, Winston and dva are all sitting ducks without their abilities (some peelers as well: rein, hog, reaper, mei, zarya for Ex.) Basically every hero that has a sustain or getaway ability is a prime target, that is why I harass healers and kill them if I can but they aren't the best targets for a hack. Here are some other tips: As a sombra player don't forget to communicate... Which HP packs are hacked, ult status and certainly make callouts on enemies on low HP because you are the only player who can see them (this is a key part sombra players often forget) Your Translocator is also not just a getaway, you can use it offensively as well, I often throw it up towards a pharah who is low to finish her off, really catches them of guard. You can use it to get around the enemy as well ( flanks on volskaya on both points) and make them turn around, I often ask my team to poke at the choke, grab the hacked hp packs and wait until I initiate and force them to turn around. One last thing, exploit enemy animations. A dva using defense matrix or genji using deflect are easy pickings
So happy to see some more Sombra guides from you guys! I picked up something new in the first half of the video by threatening Pharahs, hope this might help me into the diamond league or higher, but still when teammates thinks I'm trolling just by picking her I already feel left out of the team fight communication... Any tips? Like what is important to tell your team about? What is important for myself when throwing translocator? What should I be thinking when EMP'ing and focusing down the enemy healers? (Mostly)
The way that I use Sombra is focus my hacks on D. Va and other tanks, Genji and Tracer. I use my teleport to attack (meaning not throwing it down at a health pack and just TPing back when im in a pickle. Instead, since it takes 4 seconds to cool it down, throw in when your team is attacking and throw it out of the attack zone immediately when you get it again. You have to pay attention to where it is in the cooldown) and getting behind enemies when defending with TP and cloak combo. By the time your cloak is up your TP will be up again most likely if you cloak just before you TP. Shes a very good character and so fun to use. I'm also in gold so take my opinion how you want
I've been playing a lot of Sombra and she is now one of my favorite heroes to play. Some games I do extremely well and I am able to carry but others I am pretty much useless because my team gets rolled before I can do anything. It is hard to consistently get value out of her and I still can't get my winrate with her above 50% (mine is still above her average winrate). I tried playing her in comp and either my team is not playing in a comp that allows me to be effective or they all gang up on me because I am "throwing" and we lose because they don't even try. I would love to make her my main, she is so fun to play sometimes but something needs to change that will make her more consistent. My observation has been that she is played best in a 3-2-1 or 4-1-1 comp, as a second healer/support and with one or two tanks, but people in comp assume that she is dps because she is in the attack category so they will do the standard 2-2-2 and we end up with no damage. Freedo please make a video explaining what comp Sombra does best in so that more people would know this.
Would be interested to see what you guys think about Mei in the Dive meta, I know it sounds like it shouldn't work at all, but I've been having a lot of success with her at Masters on the right maps.
Ive been maining Sombra this season and because of it I climbed out of Platinum and into Diamon. I can tell you that Sombra is by far one of the most versatile heroes to play and master. Once you figure out how to play her, theres almost no hero that can counter you. If i were you, I would try and learn how to use Sombra now before people get their hands on her. She has a steep learning and you need to have a different mentality when playing her. Only counter I know of so far that can kill a Sombra is a better Sombra, or if you happen to mess up on your translocater plays to where a Reaper or Symmetra finds out where it is, in short another counter of a Sombra is if you accidentally fuck up. Get to learn Sombra now before she becomes an issue because as a Sombra main, I have an advantage over most players in the lobby of my games because people dont knkw how to deal with her yet.
I love playing as Sombra now, I'm starting to get really good with her. Only problem is I'm always paired up with two scrubs who instalock genji and tracer, which prompts me to not pick a third flanker and instead go for tank or healer.
Finally people realise how useful Sombra is. She hacks the medikita the divers are supposed to use, silences an enemy diver and can turn a teamfight around with her ult. But that's not only that, she can harrass the enemy team and distract them like a diver with her relocator and invisibility, if you're close enough you can also kill important targets such as snipers and healers, while backing and healing all the way with the relocator. And also, her gun's damage is actually pretty good, but the spread is huge so people don't realise, but if you shoot at a tank or are close enough for the spread not being a problem you can deal quite a lot of damage as a tank shredder if they run a tank heavy comp, when before only Reaper could do that, which now Soldier can do too, but less effectively. I main her and I think she can be quite strong if people learn how to play her and with her. A lot of time i just went in, ulted in a fight and the team just won't follow up and it ends being useless.
I don't get why people don't like playing with a Sombra. I love it. Even though i play Mercy/Roadhog mostly (self heal) its still nice having the ability to get a health pack, that is almost always there, because it comes back so fast.
Could you make a"tip to 1v1 each hero in a basic "you are behind them and they have all abilities" video? stuff like who to hack first (is rats mine threatening enough)and what ranges to be at, etc
Also: Wait for zarya's bubble to wear off before trying to emp her. You can do 200 damage if you get the emp without the bubble, but if you do it during you will just take her bubble away with no damage.
I remember one comp game I played against a phara and sombra who were obviously playing on smurf accounts and I was playing mercy on anubis. Every time the sombra would emp the phara would ult hoping my rez was hacked but I hid and hit EVERY REZ making the enemy team rage quit. It was beautiful.
wanna know a good sombra strategy that i picked up from codeyniku? well u hack a Health pack put the translocator on the Health pack become invisible run Into the fight get some picks and if u get low hp just teleport back to the Health pack and if u or ur team killed everyone u dont have to teleport back to the translocator. hope you liked this strategy.
This is exactly why i'm glad she didn't get a buff- she would eventually be learned and would fit nicely into countering heroes that rely on abilities.
sombra has some amazing combos, once a zarya ulted the whole enemy team but they had a Zen and Lucio that both had ult and were about to use them but my brother ulted them with sombre so they couldn't ult and I got behind them with pharah and got a 5 man out kill (they had a genji that dashed out before he was hit by emp)
I think a good buff for Sombra would be to, instead of increasing her damage, reduce her spread size a bit, but at the same time reduce her ammo to like 40 or something. That way her buff would be balanced.
As a D.Va main, I can confirm that Sombra hacking her does indeed make her a sitting duck. I hate getting hacked by her because there goes my boosters and my defense matrix. I can't burst DM to shut down damage or fly out of there and feel so powerless, especially if the Sombra focuses me and shoots me from behind; I get popped out of my mech REAL quick.
I do that a lot when I play Pharah because in higher level play, it is very common to have an enemy team with someone that can shut down an ult-ing Pharah almost instantly. At that point, Pharah's ult is almost useless because either your too far away for it to be effective or you never get any real use out of it. Hence the solo ult.
So I've noticed in this video, most people play Sombra so passively. They put down her trans-locator and then when they are about to die, they teleport out of the fight, either not confirming the kill or leaving a teammate behind to die. But in this video, you use her tans-locator in battle to move around. When should you play passively or aggressively? Is playing the passive way wrong?
As someone who has Tracer a lot, Sombra is the biggest pain. The minute you hack Tracer's mobility, she becomes useless.
Carley Carroll true.when I hack a Tracer in Sombra, she's an easy pic after that. No Recall + No Blink = RIP Tracer
Carley Carroll same for genji 🙄🙄
Gearhart XDD
"Cheers love, I died again."
well genji still has his wall climbing...and fucking bunny hopping x.x lol
5:10 for someone to solo ult u that hard must be really tilted.
Yeah. That's an upside to Sombra, all the irritation the opponents feel. This was a comp game too.
Delta Sombra is one of the most annoying characters to deal with tbh
Shib00yah As a Lúcio main I can confirm people get more salty when I outplay them as Lúcio than Sombra.
i was mostly thinking about how incompetent that phara was, nearly killing herself (26 hp) to kill something that could die in two or so rockets (sombra) with a very useful ult. if you are saying she was tilted, clearly, she was not thinking because of it, guaranteeing that her team would lose, if you are saying such an action would make someone tilted for getting solo ulted, you need to watch this guy more.
David Lewis he's saying the pharah is tilted lol
That solo ult pharah the tilt is strong in her
"Yeeees, let the SALT consume you"
Cliff you sure she didn't misclick
You know you are doing something right when pharah solo ults you
The hardest part of playing Sombra is the fact that most of your teammates don't even know how to play alongside a somber.
Solorflare99 that's why on lower level it is never recommended to play sombra, unless you are able to play with a friend and work it out somehow
Then you get teammates who do, and you feel _so happy_.
then you're picking the wrong character
Solorflare99 yeah I'm really good with sombra and genji but because people think they suck they start trolling, so I usually use them in 3v3 and I can't tell you how many times I have chose sombra first and the last pick chooses a hanzo widow or genji instead of a healer and when I said they should have been healer they just say that I should not have played sombra, she is INSANELY good if you use her hack correctly on certain heroes, she counters every tank hero like if she ults a orisa since she has a hitbox the size of sombras spread (road does too and it's really easy to kill him) you will hit all your shots and do a surprising amount of damage. As long as you have a good healer and the enemy doesn't expect sombra to be so powerful it's basically a free win for the round
PaulOwnzU a
lol that salty pharah solo ult
restlessjungle He almost killed himself doing it too. lmao.
People tend to do that against youtubers to make them salty but in reality Freedo is happy and buzzin that they just wasted a game winning ult
Phara mains are always super salty, as soon as anyone plays an anti phara hero they refuse to switch and focus that person the entire game
for real
lies, i switch as soon as im not getting anything done i usually relize within 30 seconds unlike most "(any character) mains" who usually wait until last 20 seconds of the match or so
I agree, when I hear a Sombra when running the dive comp, she becomes the High Value Target... Or we space out until we can focus fire her. Great video, homie.
EMP ACTIVATED! *Team does not follow up
your using it wrong then.
mbyost Even the best setups can be ignored, my friend. Once had a solo-que team dive a roadhog when i'd shattered 4 of their defenders, loosing the fight because they got back up and popped ultimates
Everyone on your team dies first and you assume that everyone will follow up even though you're the only one alive*
What i was trying to get at with my statement was that if you require your team to push and force it on them to attack, it's going to cause situations of ignorance. If you allow the the opposing team to make the push you can use emp to make their push a mistake. It's all about situation.
mbyost agreed
Sombra counters Pharmercy. Mercy flies too low, gets hacked, gets PUNISHED.
XxGreatswordxX 0 Sure, but as Mercy you should be able to fend her off with your pistol. I did this, I think, five times in a row with Mercy. Don't get too close as Sombra.
Freedo you have convinced me to work toward learning how to play Sombra. I've said i wanted to learn how to play her since she came out but I never really knew how. This guide is a prayer from above and now I have the passion burning deep within me to learn Sombra as a hero. Thank you Your Overwatch for what you do. You once again inspire me to try something new. Thanks a lot, you are truly amazing.
5:02 the hate is real
zpon01 the solo ult
zpon01 salt salt salt
Why would people think Sombra is supposed to be in the same places as Soilder and McCree? She has stealth and hacks as her main weapons. Her strength lies in taking away her opponent's strength. Don't compare her smg to the weapons of all of the assault heroes, it's fine where it is to do the job she's supposed to do. Thank you, Freedo, for explaining how she's supposed to be run! :D
yeh, true freedo is saying this now, but your overwatch explicitly used to comment on how sombra was/is in the assault class, but does less damage than the other assault heroes. i get where you're coming from and you're right, sombras niche isn't damage, but freedo isn't the voice of sombra mains like you and i, and neither are those idiots on overwatch central
I know Right? Its like assuming Symmetra is a healer because she's labelled as a Support.
somehow she hasn't been changed that much, apart from cooldowns, and yet now she's viable??? i always saw her as viable because how codey plays her, just cuz this meta is dive doesn't mean she's more or less viable i think; her against deathball (with emp) or in dive (setting up healing around the map) are just as useful as shutting down dive teams. ITS JUST LIKE ANA, people never realise her potential until you tubers either make videos or when the pros use her; people need to try her out for themselves
+Suran Michonne no one experiments anymore
sombra's cooldown changes were huge changes for her. remember the 12 second hack cooldown? having that cooldown be reduced by nearly half along with her translocator cooldown being reduced makes her much more active. ana had buffs too that made her viable, some even saw her as OP since she was a must pick for the season 2 and 3 metas. and characters don't necessarily need major changes to themselves to become viable. often times its the changes to other characters that makes them viable. when ana got nerfed, mercy saw more play. when ana and dva got nerfed, triple tank meta died off and then dive meta happened. tracer was a poor choice in triple tank but now excels in dive despite no buffs or nerfs and is now one of the most played characters in comp. sombra is does very well against dive since most of the dive meta characters are very ability reliant (winston, tracer, dva, genji, etc.) and hacking them when they attack the backline means they are dead and she can still do good damage to them since many of the viable heroes in dive are squishies.
That solo ult at 5:00 tho 😂
Thanks for the Sombra guide,in the beginning you say that you'd have to make multiple guides for her and hopefully you already have because I love anything that helps me become the best Sombra player I possibly can. Keep up the good work ;)
so we just gunna ignore that rude solo ult lol
Miles Morton what do you mean "ignore" most of the comments are about that
Literally every single comment is about that ult.. apparently YOU are the one ignoring everyone lol
This current meta is the most fun for me and this sombra counter actually makes it so much more interesting
S5 is sick! -F
too bad its impossible to play sombra without getting roasted by your team
You can play Sombra and be as good as you want. if your team doesn't know how to play WITH Sombra, then in the end it wont matter.
This is probably one of the most interesting videos this channel has put out
Your guides are so good. I watch every single one and they help me to play better. Your D Va guide was awesome. I didn't ever play DVa but now I do because of your guide. Thank you!
Someone has finally realised Sombras potential!
James Watson You think people playing her didn't already know this and more?
Chris Bernard people were ignorant towards her and didn't play her or blamed them for losses
5:01 - That Pharah had enough of you hahahaha.
Rocking that Mar skin
LMAO I love the solo ult from the Pharah at 4:58 - you were obviously frustrating the crap out of her!
My main! Yes!
The thing is, I'm a closet sombra main, but nobody lets me use her. Literally, I can call out low health enemies, and hacked targets. Reins and tracers are my favorite to hack muahahahaha
Never Not Northstar same (other than Lucio)
Had to buy a Sombra shirt 'cause she's totally my main.
I've heard a lot of discussion about pro teams using Sombra as one of the two supports, but have not seen this analyzed in depth, or seen much game play of it really. I'd love to see a video talking about how to use Sombra effectively in one of your two support slots.
I've been using sombra as part of a dive comp and it's been working seeing as I went from platinum to master in a week
hacking roadhogs are awesome too, no heals. oh and reinheardt charges.
Plus Roadhog has no armor, making him so easy to kill.
Clluthu A hacked Roadhog is pretty much just an ult battery
Hey, just wanted to say that towards the end of this video you made a point that I guess I had only partially considered during my efforts to "main" Sombra alongside McCree this season. Specifically I mean the aspect of playing her as a crossfire back-line character. All too often I am being punished and/or letting my team be punished for playing her as I did the Spy in Team-fortress 2. I am very aware of her support capabilities but that doesn't prevent me from attempting to religiously play her as an assassin at times. As someone who has been pouring time into her at Diamond this season, that piece of advice stands out the most to me and hopefully practising with it in mind may allow me to push myself into Master this season. Many thanks!
This makes me want to start trying to play with her in quick play because I never know what to do when I'm sombra but now I understand it more
it doesn't matter if your a good sombra. you'll eat shit from the rest of the team because they don't know how to play With a Sombra on their team.
There was a sombra 1 trick in top 10 eu last season. Just throwing it out there
Finally sombra gets some recognition!! I've been playing her against tanks and dive with a lot of success while everyone thought she was just "not viable".
pro tip; you can chuck in any audio you want at the beginning of a video, if you have a big disclaimer feel free to edit that in in post
Talk about Sombra more! By far my favorite hero in the game to play. But people hate when I pick her. She can be very effective and a lot of people don't know how to deal with her. Call outs are a huge part of her being successful. Calling out low health enemies and their location, along with which enemies you hack so the rest of the team can focus fire.
great guide and an interesting topic sombra is another character like junkrat who gets more and more complex the better you get with her.
Wow great vid freedo. I knew Sombra had great potential. I might pick her up dometime
I was playing Sombra in quickplay, defense on the Hollywood map. Everyone seems to forget Sombra's passive ability is able to see critically injured enemies through walls. The map only has one mega health pack near the point the other team needs to capture. Naturally hacked it and had some very interesting things happen.
First, I found a critical health genji meditating near it, waiting for the hack to ware off. Killed him.
Next found a Junkrat waiting for it to end. Killed him.
The next one earned me play of the game (made sweeter by the hack highlight intro). Killed a half health hanzo AND found the same junkrat waiting along with a soldier:76 and killed them.
Didnt die that whole round.
Another key thing about sombra is that you have a ton of information about what's going on in the battle. Call out people with half hp, say when someone is hacked so they can get focused down. Let your team know where the enemy is and when your going to emp.
Great video. I keep trying to get better at Sombra, will try out these tips. Thanks
I feel like YourOverwatch have really been lagging behind on Sombra, she's always been this amazing, but I'm glad you're finally fully on board.
Sombra really is the cleaning lady, as she can answer so many aspects in the game, from a master Widowmaker standing in the back where no one ells can reach her, to a Bastion deathball on the payload. But she needs her team to play close to her, so she can make the team engagements stronger. In many ways, Hack and EMP is similar to Lucio's speed boost. Hack Ana in the back while your team pushes through the choke, and you get an incredible edge in the fight, as Ana then has no AoE healing or Sleep Dart. So many player underestimate what a well timed Hack can do in an engagement.
Nooo, don't tell them! I want to abuse the lack of knowledge the community more TuT
just a fyi for sombra :
her hack stacks, meaning if you hack someone and then emp them, both hacks apply
It doesn't stack it just resets the timer
You are the only guy that explain guides aweosme
She's been my key player this season, 87% win rate, so happy I'm not the only one who knows how useful she is in a season of dive comps
I applaud this because i want to see Sombra used properly when im in comp. Currently shes seen as a throw pick like Torb on attack
Sombras weapon has a surprisingly good amount of range on it. Its really good at taking out low health target.
I love the fact that Sombra is getting more play. She's actually a really fun character since you always seem to be doing something and the play style changes constantly throughout the fight. I can't really think of any other character who does that quite like her as everyone seems to have pretty straightforward play styles. Plus she herself is an interesting character from a story/lore/personality perspective, which is always a plus. I just wish she could deal more damage. I mean, yeah, she has a play style that suits the amount of damage she deals, but you have to have dang near perfect aim to win a 1v1 with her. Either an increase to bullet damage or clip size would help a ton and maybe decrease her spread at mid-range. With a 15 second timer on her translocator, she can't engage for long periods of time, especially with her being so squishy and no way to self heal like Tracer.
Compared to the other Attack heroes, her health, damage, and/or rage are lacking. Tracer can self heal, Reaper can deal and heal, Pharah and deal and has long range, Mei has range and heal (plus her freeze for added bonus), Soldier has range and heal, and Genji has his deflect for tight situations. Sombra is the only one who has to set up prior to the fight and her escape route is on a timer, which may even be found by someone. And while that's a core feature of her set, I feel at least increasing her effective range or damage would help her immensely.
Sombra is a lot of fun to play. Fast pace, love to go invicible to flank enemies.
If flanking the enemies doesn't go successfully, at least I got them away from the objective for a bit. I don't mind being a decoy.
As a person who loves playing tracer Sombra is definitely a character that forces you to have to play differently to play around her. she can shut you down with that hack and you need to be very aware of the patterns that the person playing her is going about with. That is another thing about Sombra players do not just set up a pattern. Yes you might be set up in one area with a pretty well set up all there with your hacked health packs and all, but once I learn of your presence there I'm going to be playing around it and you rewards from that set up will decline much quicker than you think.
I haven't tried playing Sombra in the current season, because in previous ones I'm heckled into switching if I pick her (As she was long regarded as bottom-tier). She is one of my favorite characters, though, and she's a reliable counter to so much, including Tanks, Bastion, Genji, and more.
I always knew this i just never liked the play style, however I told one of my friends this and now he's been a somber main for about a month
It's nice to see my main finally getting some respect!
Can't wait to see all the sombras in comp now, this season is really bad with throwers, leavers just rude people in general and now people thinking they can play a hero by watching a video
Or you could be like me where nobody lets me play sombra as the 2nd support.....Eventually it'll have to reach my rank... :(
There's a trick to getting your team to accept Sombra as the 2nd support. All you gotta do is start the round by playing Zenyatta. Once you get immediately picked off (because you absolutely will, don't kid yourself), then swap to Sombra right as you respawn. If your team flames at you right away, you were gonna lose that match no matter who you played anyhow.
Can't wait to watch people walk right past hacked health packs while at critical health AS USUAL.
I watched mutliple
DrReuniclus3 its about time to pick her up. took long enough
Wp very nice sombra gameplay!
5:02 Wow! Solo ult. That Pharah loves you!
I was literally just about to ask you guys for a sombra guide, just in time lmao xD
5:01 lol the grudge is real god damn
Hey I watch all your vids and subbed love your content
What a good day to be a sombra main!
This video was great and extremely informative. This also makes me want to play sombra
tbh iv got over 11houers as her and this is helpful. I mainly just zip behind a Rinehart and shut his shield down more then focus on other hacks, thanks for the tips.
Aye i've been saying this for a while now, Sombra wrecks genji, tracer, pharah and d.va.... cool to see she's finally getting a little recognition
I love playing sombra, she's definitely one of the most powerful heros lowkey
bless this vid, as sombra's one of my mains
I've actually been playing sombra as a second support on attack maps. I've had much success climbing to my highest SR ever doing it. She is especially strong on attack maps like echenwhald, kings row, hanumaura, and volskia industries.
True I get a lot of gripe at first but after I take down a symetra teleporter and emp the whole team I quite the non believers quickly. I suggest trying sombra as a semi support of offense like symetra is a semi support of defense. It works.
I love Sombra more and more. We're struggling a lot against good Genjis and Tracers but as soon as we got a decent Sombra they lose quite a lot of their strenght ;)
Great vid, just need people to learn how to play with a Sombra now!
finally Sombra gets some attention, in my opinion the most underrated hero in the game.
The key part to why sombra is so good against dive is because these characters are extremely reliant on their ability. Tracer, genji, Winston and dva are all sitting ducks without their abilities (some peelers as well: rein, hog, reaper, mei, zarya for Ex.)
Basically every hero that has a sustain or getaway ability is a prime target, that is why I harass healers and kill them if I can but they aren't the best targets for a hack.
Here are some other tips:
As a sombra player don't forget to communicate... Which HP packs are hacked, ult status and certainly make callouts on enemies on low HP because you are the only player who can see them (this is a key part sombra players often forget)
Your Translocator is also not just a getaway, you can use it offensively as well, I often throw it up towards a pharah who is low to finish her off, really catches them of guard. You can use it to get around the enemy as well ( flanks on volskaya on both points) and make them turn around, I often ask my team to poke at the choke, grab the hacked hp packs and wait until I initiate and force them to turn around.
One last thing, exploit enemy animations. A dva using defense matrix or genji using deflect are easy pickings
So happy to see some more Sombra guides from you guys! I picked up something new in the first half of the video by threatening Pharahs, hope this might help me into the diamond league or higher, but still when teammates thinks I'm trolling just by picking her I already feel left out of the team fight communication... Any tips? Like what is important to tell your team about? What is important for myself when throwing translocator? What should I be thinking when EMP'ing and focusing down the enemy healers? (Mostly)
her playstyle is described perfectly with her passive *Opportunist*
The way that I use Sombra is focus my hacks on D. Va and other tanks, Genji and Tracer. I use my teleport to attack (meaning not throwing it down at a health pack and just TPing back when im in a pickle. Instead, since it takes 4 seconds to cool it down, throw in when your team is attacking and throw it out of the attack zone immediately when you get it again. You have to pay attention to where it is in the cooldown) and getting behind enemies when defending with TP and cloak combo. By the time your cloak is up your TP will be up again most likely if you cloak just before you TP. Shes a very good character and so fun to use.
I'm also in gold so take my opinion how you want
I've been playing a lot of Sombra and she is now one of my favorite heroes to play. Some games I do extremely well and I am able to carry but others I am pretty much useless because my team gets rolled before I can do anything. It is hard to consistently get value out of her and I still can't get my winrate with her above 50% (mine is still above her average winrate). I tried playing her in comp and either my team is not playing in a comp that allows me to be effective or they all gang up on me because I am "throwing" and we lose because they don't even try. I would love to make her my main, she is so fun to play sometimes but something needs to change that will make her more consistent.
My observation has been that she is played best in a 3-2-1 or 4-1-1 comp, as a second healer/support and with one or two tanks, but people in comp assume that she is dps because she is in the attack category so they will do the standard 2-2-2 and we end up with no damage. Freedo please make a video explaining what comp Sombra does best in so that more people would know this.
Would be interested to see what you guys think about Mei in the Dive meta, I know it sounds like it shouldn't work at all, but I've been having a lot of success with her at Masters on the right maps.
He even has the bloody golden gun for Sombra.
Ive been maining Sombra this season and because of it I climbed out of Platinum and into Diamon. I can tell you that Sombra is by far one of the most versatile heroes to play and master. Once you figure out how to play her, theres almost no hero that can counter you. If i were you, I would try and learn how to use Sombra now before people get their hands on her. She has a steep learning and you need to have a different mentality when playing her. Only counter I know of so far that can kill a Sombra is a better Sombra, or if you happen to mess up on your translocater plays to where a Reaper or Symmetra finds out where it is, in short another counter of a Sombra is if you accidentally fuck up. Get to learn Sombra now before she becomes an issue because as a Sombra main, I have an advantage over most players in the lobby of my games because people dont knkw how to deal with her yet.
That Symmetra carry at the end
2:21 Oh hey that's me!
Your videos make me think and I like that !! Thanks homie !!!
THANK YOU! Maybe people won't throw/cry when I pick Sombra now.
That sick moment at 4:24 dohhhh
I love playing as Sombra now, I'm starting to get really good with her. Only problem is I'm always paired up with two scrubs who instalock genji and tracer, which prompts me to not pick a third flanker and instead go for tank or healer.
Finally people realise how useful Sombra is. She hacks the medikita the divers are supposed to use, silences an enemy diver and can turn a teamfight around with her ult. But that's not only that, she can harrass the enemy team and distract them like a diver with her relocator and invisibility, if you're close enough you can also kill important targets such as snipers and healers, while backing and healing all the way with the relocator. And also, her gun's damage is actually pretty good, but the spread is huge so people don't realise, but if you shoot at a tank or are close enough for the spread not being a problem you can deal quite a lot of damage as a tank shredder if they run a tank heavy comp, when before only Reaper could do that, which now Soldier can do too, but less effectively. I main her and I think she can be quite strong if people learn how to play her and with her. A lot of time i just went in, ulted in a fight and the team just won't follow up and it ends being useless.
I don't get why people don't like playing with a Sombra. I love it. Even though i play Mercy/Roadhog mostly (self heal) its still nice having the ability to get a health pack, that is almost always there, because it comes back so fast.
LOL that Salt ult, 4:55
Sombra has been countering all of the metas.
sombra main here, she got my first golden gun * - * love playing her because you can counter nearly every other hero
Could you make a"tip to 1v1 each hero in a basic "you are behind them and they have all abilities" video? stuff like who to hack first (is rats mine threatening enough)and what ranges to be at, etc
Also: Wait for zarya's bubble to wear off before trying to emp her. You can do 200 damage if you get the emp without the bubble, but if you do it during you will just take her bubble away with no damage.
I remember one comp game I played against a phara and sombra who were obviously playing on smurf accounts and I was playing mercy on anubis. Every time the sombra would emp the phara would ult hoping my rez was hacked but I hid and hit EVERY REZ making the enemy team rage quit. It was beautiful.
wanna know a good sombra strategy that i picked up from codeyniku?
well u hack a Health pack put the translocator on the Health pack become invisible run Into the fight get some picks and if u get low hp just teleport back to the Health pack and if u or ur team killed everyone u dont have to teleport back to the translocator.
hope you liked this strategy.
lole gaming u had to learn that on utube? lol
Thanks for the vid! The moar Sombra the better!
I love your videos u help me get out of ELO hell this season
This is exactly why i'm glad she didn't get a buff- she would eventually be learned and would fit nicely into countering heroes that rely on abilities.
sombra has some amazing combos, once a zarya ulted the whole enemy team but they had a Zen and Lucio that both had ult and were about to use them but my brother ulted them with sombre so they couldn't ult and I got behind them with pharah and got a 5 man out kill (they had a genji that dashed out before he was hit by emp)
I think a good buff for Sombra would be to, instead of increasing her damage, reduce her spread size a bit, but at the same time reduce her ammo to like 40 or something. That way her buff would be balanced.
As a D.Va main, I can confirm that Sombra hacking her does indeed make her a sitting duck. I hate getting hacked by her because there goes my boosters and my defense matrix. I can't burst DM to shut down damage or fly out of there and feel so powerless, especially if the Sombra focuses me and shoots me from behind; I get popped out of my mech REAL quick.
I use torb against dive , and it works because mostly i can kill alone the dive tanks like winston or dva.
5:00 stupid Pharah wastes ult on Sombra.
I do that a lot when I play Pharah because in higher level play, it is very common to have an enemy team with someone that can shut down an ult-ing Pharah almost instantly. At that point, Pharah's ult is almost useless because either your too far away for it to be effective or you never get any real use out of it. Hence the solo ult.
metal bones1 that's nothing. as a support main, I've been solo gravitoned, genji bladed,self destructed, etc. every game
Trust me. its a good thing XD
in what composition do you play her? Are her healpack hacks enough to substitute a healer? Does she enough damage to substitute a dps?
So I've noticed in this video, most people play Sombra so passively. They put down her trans-locator and then when they are about to die, they teleport out of the fight, either not confirming the kill or leaving a teammate behind to die. But in this video, you use her tans-locator in battle to move around. When should you play passively or aggressively? Is playing the passive way wrong?
recently I have been seeing diva like every game and sombra counters her very well an also I've seen a lot of hanzos