1:18 This scene here is a rare fracture in Sensui’s normally cool demeanor, and it has a lot to do with Sensui almost immediately HATING Yusuke due to the sharp contrast to the two’s personalities and ideologies.
Definitely, Sensui probably thought Yusuke was just a pigheaded and violent fighter who only thinks with his fists and has no idea of suffering. This moment is even better as the fight goes on since Sensui sees he was only half right. Yusuke is all those things, but also much more. As Sensui sees this, some of his personalities begin to crack and when Yusuke is revealed to be a demon, Sensui’s entire motivation is flipped on its head.
Son of God. Live according to ESV Bible. Obey the cal to repentance, or perish in eternal hell. Have a realationship with God. Last Days are happening now. Seek to make it to Heaven over this sinful world. Know the right, and wrong way to do something.
Yusuke is the MC of the century ong
"Guys, you go take care of the girls."
"Meanwhile, you'll be...?"
"Permanently retiring HIS ass!"
Best villain in anime history. Yusukes stronger and faster than me but he doesn't know how to fight properly. That sold me
1:18 This scene here is a rare fracture in Sensui’s normally cool demeanor, and it has a lot to do with Sensui almost immediately HATING Yusuke due to the sharp contrast to the two’s personalities and ideologies.
Definitely, Sensui probably thought Yusuke was just a pigheaded and violent fighter who only thinks with his fists and has no idea of suffering. This moment is even better as the fight goes on since Sensui sees he was only half right. Yusuke is all those things, but also much more. As Sensui sees this, some of his personalities begin to crack and when Yusuke is revealed to be a demon, Sensui’s entire motivation is flipped on its head.
I forgot how much this show was “Flashing Lights: The anime”
1:01 my friends photo in 0.5 cam 😆
You've come to me like countless before you with selfish and spiteful souls. And just like them you've been judged.
Yusuke- try that again sensei-ahh ok only because you asked 😂👣🦵🦶🥾
Long as legs
And neck.
Shinobu is a man of God!
Man that kick sounded off
Son of God. Live according to ESV Bible. Obey the cal to repentance, or perish in eternal hell. Have a realationship with God. Last Days are happening now. Seek to make it to Heaven over this sinful world. Know the right, and wrong way to do something.