good evening, sorry in advance I singgih Maulana from Indonesia who is a student from a university in Indonesia. I want to ask about the C 400 MATIC spin casting machine for the recommended optimal process parameters (speed, time and pressure)? because I didn't specify it in the manual. and where can i get those parameters, are they in the machine? if so where is it located. I've searched the nicem web but nothing. thank you
do you spin cast the polyurethane???
Yes, we cast polyurethane too! If you need more info please email us to
good evening, sorry in advance I singgih Maulana from Indonesia who is a student from a university in Indonesia. I want to ask about the C 400 MATIC spin casting machine for the recommended optimal process parameters (speed, time and pressure)? because I didn't specify it in the manual. and where can i get those parameters, are they in the machine? if so where is it located. I've searched the nicem web but nothing.
thank you
Velocità 400/450 giri 2.5 3.0 bar di pressione tempo centrifuga dello stampo in colata dai 15 a 20 secondi