I ordered a 5 speed transmission from them for my 07 Saturn Ion. 0-mile, new in the crate for $500 + shipping. Great deal. If they had more "new old stock" I'd buy from them in a heartbeat.
Definitely I was thinking about picking up a new transmission and motor from them to build if they have them back in stock if not, I’ll probably source on eBay
Good work! You guys made a ton of progress. If your fuesbox or wiring is a PITA you can always go with a PDM (power distribution module). They're not cheap but, man do they simplify wiring.
Broke your starter post? Stop using power tools on e v e r y t h i n g. 😋 Finesse over force... That said, I'm jealous...60 years old and I "never got around to" fulfilling that dream of building a Lotus 7 or Ariel Atom style lightweight.
I ordered a 5 speed transmission from them for my 07 Saturn Ion. 0-mile, new in the crate for $500 + shipping. Great deal. If they had more "new old stock" I'd buy from them in a heartbeat.
Definitely I was thinking about picking up a new transmission and motor from them to build if they have them back in stock if not, I’ll probably source on eBay
Good work! You guys made a ton of progress. If your fuesbox or wiring is a PITA you can always go with a PDM (power distribution module). They're not cheap but, man do they simplify wiring.
Thanks man I think it’s figured out now but if I have more issues I’ll check it out!
Hey cool! Im building one as well on my channel!
Awesome I’ll definitely check it out!
Broke your starter post? Stop using power tools on e v e r y t h i n g. 😋 Finesse over force... That said, I'm jealous...60 years old and I "never got around to" fulfilling that dream of building a Lotus 7 or Ariel Atom style lightweight.
No, you’re seriously totally right. Should not have been using an impact lol just got a little carried away. 😂