These are super useful advices ! Lots of them worked for me too. I have a related but not so close to the topic question for you Jana. You have a super distinctive style. When I hear the term dark fantasy illustration, your artworks comes to my mind right away. I am very curious if you are strongly focused on this kind of art only or you do paint and explore various kind of style and themes, but just show in SM accounts the dark fantasy one?
Hey hey thank you for your comment and question! I have some very old pieces that are different, but nowadays I'm very settled on the dark fantasy genre--it's just what comes natural to me. I still explore different media and styles, though. E. g. my mermaid drawings are very different to my ghosts.
These are super useful advices ! Lots of them worked for me too. I have a related but not so close to the topic question for you Jana.
You have a super distinctive style. When I hear the term dark fantasy illustration, your artworks comes to my mind right away. I am very curious if you are strongly focused on this kind of art only or you do paint and explore various kind of style and themes, but just show in SM accounts the dark fantasy one?
Hey hey thank you for your comment and question! I have some very old pieces that are different, but nowadays I'm very settled on the dark fantasy genre--it's just what comes natural to me. I still explore different media and styles, though. E. g. my mermaid drawings are very different to my ghosts.
These are wonderful pieces of advice Jana, thank you so much for taking the time to give back what you've learnt to the illustration community! :)
Thank you for asking the best questions! Glad to be of help 🙂