I hope you guys enjoyed my version of this incredible song! What would you like me to work on next? Let me know in the comments! You can also head over to Spotify to listen to more Shreds and my original music!
My father always said, "No talking when Led Zeppelin is playing". I wished he was still alive so I could show him this "shred version" of "Stairway To Heaven" because I know he would've loved it. Keep on rocking out, Sophie! 🎸🤘
@@SophieLloydHe truly was and I appreciate you for replying. Continue to rock out and blessing us with all these amazing "shred versions" that you give us.
I am 78 years old and playing for 70 years and one of the so called best session and studio musicians. I could not have done it better. You are super talented and I admire the hours you must have put into your works.
Just stumbled upon you. I'm a 70yo Zepplin freak.have been all my life. Anytime a young person can get into music of my time it really makes me smile. Your music is incredible. Jimmy would be honored. Thank you for bringing tears to an old man's eyes..❤
I'm 73 and Ive been listening to music most of my life ,this is the best version of this song I have heard ,go to the top of the class Sophie Lloyd ,love it ,love you
Unreal. I love that you have the good sense not to try to change Jimmy Page's actual solo from the original recording! You embellish where appropriate and play verbatim where appropriate and as a musician I really appreciate that. Well done!
I liked and noticed that too. That Page solo is iconic and has been replicated by many guitarists over the years but if it's altered and changed too much, it loses connection with the song. She played it note for note, got the bends just right and timing. Love it!
This morning I came into my workplace, and I had no desire to work at all. I listened to the solo, and I forgot everything around me. Thank you for your performance! Bravo!
Dear Sophie, I have been a Zeppelin fan for 45 years, and your version of Starway is amazing and beautiful. It has the hard rock spirit very high and improves some parts of the song ! I love it. Your playing is so complete but also your feeling touches my soul. I also play and sing it at the same time. But you have taken it to a higher dimension and that's great. That is what a gifted musician does. And you're a gifted musician. Keep on rocking!!
Miss Lloyd I have recently heard your name and music circles as being guitar God. As a visual artist, I just want to say thank you for putting positive vibes into the world. I have a habit of looking at other artists, whatever their platform/genre/media is, and when I look in your eyes as you’re playing this song, you have that look of Zen that one I get from creating. And I am a social worker at a State psychiatric hospital instead of working, and I will definitely recommend your work to my patients. Keep on making the world a better place however, you can.
I love how this artist can remain true to the original versions yet at the same time put her own artistic spin on the song. That’s talent my friends. Cold chills! 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸
What are you doing out of your cage? I thought all you did was scribble end-of-the-world scenarios and lose people money on your useless Ground Zero website.
And she plays parts with her eyes closed when many would need to look at the frets to keep track. Sophie is floating on a higher level where spirit takes over, what an immensely talented angel.
Just lost someone close in my family 2 hours ago. Came to TH-cam to take my mind away. This appeared in my feed on the top. How fitting a tribute to our Michelle 😢. Thanks Sophie your guitar skills are also heavenly
Have to say, after years of not really being able to play the solo to Stairway, I have finally learned it after being not only inspired by your jolly good renditions, but learned a lot from the clarity of your playing and lovely camera work. I have nailed it now.
I am 75 yrs old and I have seen Led Zeppelin Live playing their first album and then their second album including "Heart Breaker". The first album was so well produced the songs blend together between songs in precise and smooth transition....WOW. Put your earphones on and crank it to ten. This sexy young woman also does "All Along the Watchtower" (-Jimi Hendrix) WOW. Rock on Sophie, you are destined to be a star. (Please stay away from EVIL that permeates through the music industry.) God Bless your Talent.
Something about blue stained Maple. Thanks for doing this one. I just lost the girl of my dreams and The Love of My Life 2 weeks ago and Ive been torn up. Thanks for the couple minutes of cheer. You always do great versions of everything
I really thought you set yourself up for failure when you casually whipped out such pyrotechnics long before the fanfare. My thinking was, “there’s no more room to go higher or faster, so the ‘payoff’ will suffer.” I couldn’t have been more wrong. Expertly well done. Energy foreplay aside, your ear as an artist is on display here. When you chose to echo Page, when you chose to switch to Plant’s role, and when you chose to do your own thing, as well as how you went about it… truly masterful. No one would doubt you’re a skilled player, but if any ever doubted your artistry, this alone would prove them laughably wrong.
Superb version - just enough individuality without moving too far away from Jimmy's original - AND a talented female guitarist without ridiculously long left-hand fingernails. Beautiful woman playing with heart and soul and clearly loving what she does.
Hi Sophie, this is not a shred version, this is, from my point of view a Piece of Art! Well, done. What I love is your touch and subtle phrases while respecting the original song. Simply great! What else to say!
Again, your shine is not apparent unless you go thru whole video! OMG you play this song just as I always wanted once the lead guitar part shined,! Thank you
Fantastic arrangement!!! (As well as the performance!) The harmony at ~ 2:20 setting up the next shred bit was genius. And as others have also said, I like how you preserve the original solo while letting the creativity fly with the rest of the arrangement. The vibratos and bends and slides to put flair and feel on the guitar voicings of the vocal melodies was a perfect amount of stylizing without overdoing it. 😊👏 I definitely prefer this kind of shred arrangement over the blatant showoffery that a lot of other YT guitarists make. Thanks for the awesome music
Как говорил писатель в человеке должно быть все прекрасно, у вас прекрасная техника, прекрасная внешность, прекрасная гитара которая так хорошо смотрится на фоне прекрасных ног, Софи всех благ, вы чудо ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Лестница в небеса (перевод Максим Четверня) Одна леди твердит - злато всё, что блестит, В небеса лестницу покупая. Точно знает она, что, добравшись туда, Одним словом возьмёт всё, за чем пришла. Ооо, ооо, в небеса лестницу покупая... Виден знак тупика, но ей ясность нужна, Ведь слова могут быть двух значений. На древе у ручья песню птица поёт. Не туда наши мысли порой несёт... Ты знаешь. Провожаю закат грустным взглядом на запад, И душа плача рвётся на волю. В своих мыслях узрел клубы дыма в листве И глаза безразлично смотрящих. Это ты. Прошептал кто-то мне: стоит только напеть, И оркестр поднимет нас к цели. Солнце вновь озарит тех, кто долго стоит, И леса зазвучат эхом смеха. Помнишь смех? О да, да, да! И это заставляет меня задуматься... В твоей ограде странный шум - ты не пугайся. Весны приборка это к майским дням. Есть два пути: которым ты пошёл, и что оставил, но... Еще не поздно выбрать другой. Твой ум гудит, и это не пройдёт, пока ты не поймёшь - Тебя зовёт к себе оркестр тот. Дорогая леди, слышен ли вам ветра шёпот и, Что ваша лестница парит на нём? И вот нас сносит под уклон, Сверх наших душ мы тень ведём. И эта леди там бредёт, И светит ярко, и несёт Мысль, что всё к золоту сведёт. Но если днями напролёт Мотив тот слушать, то дойдёт, Что мир во всём, и всё вернёт. Вот, что значит: Понявший рок, и роль поймёт. В небеса лестницу покупая...
Just to memorize that whole sequence is an amazing feat! To technically play that well borders on miraculous! Melodic and emotional interpretation of the whole song is incredible! And yes, Sophie's angel-like beauty is beyond delightful! Keep up the great work Sophie! I'm loving every bit of it.
Literally one of my favorite songs and guitar solos in the world. The work at the solo and everything afterwards was absolutely mindblowing. Skipped it back like 6 times 😁❤
Sophie is A league of her own. For almost a quarter of century, this one of a kind piece continues to shake the world of rock music; yet, I have never heard a version of it so powerful and as rich as that of Sophie's. Truly enjoyed it. ❤
Até fiquei todo arrepiado com a introdução da música.essa guitarra não toca,essa guitarra canta 😊. vê se que tem muito trabalho, esforço e dedicação para aquilo que fazes.continuação de um excelente trabalho, obrigado por tocares assim.
Sophie what a beautiful expansion of a beautiful masterpiece, it almost made me cry, you really know the feeling of beauty and pain of stairway. From an older guitar player to a new master - you are excellent loved it . Michael 😊
Great work, every time I hear it wakes up the same feeling of greatness. No doubt about it, a true iconic song, one of those song who has written it's page in music history.
Absolutely amazing. Calling this a shred is a bit of a stretch. The whole tune, with all your additional musical phrasing.. just rocking great 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
what an amazing shred version of a classic song and done so very well. I was second thinking it but you did an honorable version of it. Awesome girl!!!
I enjoyed that very much !!!!!!! I am 62 years old and you made me feel 18 again, and you made that song even more beautiful by showing yourself performing it😘👍🏼👍🏼
Having grown up on the central coast of California (Monterey), their was long days of surfing, sailing, street racing and rock concerts to attend under the influence of tremendous Big Sur weed.....your music brings back so many memories. Go for the Golden Ring woman.
Absolutely wonderful playing, Sophie. Up there with your ‘Comfortably Numb’, for me. Your skill and the passion with which you play, just shines through. Congratulations. 🎶🎸❤️🎸🎶
Too incredible for words !1 this is the most awesome rendition of this song EVER - your shredding is very tasteful and very pleasant, unlike most other shredding out there- thank you !
Never got to see Zeppelin live unfortunately too youn only 60 but what a brilliant take on a gutar ballard that I know well, this is definately the future, no one else has done this so well, keep it up!
Wahou, j'en ai la chaire de poule...c'est une très belle interprétation d'une magnifique chanson de ma génération...magnifique, merci Sophie pour ce très très beau voyage 🥀🥀🥀
I hope you guys enjoyed my version of this incredible song! What would you like me to work on next? Let me know in the comments! You can also head over to Spotify to listen to more Shreds and my original music!
Much as I love "Into the void", I'm not sure it could be shredded. Fantastic work on Stairway to Heaven, though.
Something from Opeth…you decide! Thank you for sharing your talent/music!!
Well done Sophie 🙂
My father always said, "No talking when Led Zeppelin is playing".
I wished he was still alive so I could show him this "shred version" of "Stairway To Heaven" because I know he would've loved it.
Keep on rocking out, Sophie! 🎸🤘
Great quote from your father, may he rest in peace
Your dad was right!
@@SophieLloydHe truly was and I appreciate you for replying. Continue to rock out and blessing us with all these amazing "shred versions" that you give us.
May your father rest in peace just like mine, they were absolutely right
😄 and … Your Pops was Right ! 😊 May he rest in peace ✌🏻 and rock out to Zeppelin in Heaven!
I am 78 years old and playing for 70 years and one of the so called best session and studio musicians. I could not have done it better. You are super talented and I admire the hours you must have put into your works.
Hi Sophie fantastic playing I'm a 74 year old Clapton fan can you play some for me regards john
Just stumbled upon you. I'm a 70yo Zepplin freak.have been all my life. Anytime a young person can get into music of my time it really makes me smile. Your music is incredible. Jimmy would be honored. Thank you for bringing tears to an old man's eyes..❤
I'm 73 and Ive been listening to music most of my life ,this is the best version of this song I have heard ,go to the top of the class Sophie Lloyd ,love it ,love you
SIMP sure its good but the best you have heard since the 70s when it dropped? bruh
kennedy centre honors, j'ai 69 ans
Stairway to Heaven deserves its iconic status. It’s an absolute timeless masterpiece. You did it justice. Well done!
Unreal. I love that you have the good sense not to try to change Jimmy Page's actual solo from the original recording! You embellish where appropriate and play verbatim where appropriate and as a musician I really appreciate that. Well done!
Lovely version of stairway that makes this old classic sound fresh. Well done.
I liked and noticed that too. That Page solo is iconic and has been replicated by many guitarists over the years but if it's altered and changed too much, it loses connection with the song. She played it note for note, got the bends just right and timing. Love it!
There aren’t enough adjectives to describe her playing. I get goosebumps every time I listen to her!
This morning I came into my workplace, and I had no desire to work at all. I listened to the solo, and I forgot everything around me. Thank you for your performance! Bravo!
I grew up in the 70s and this was my favorite song then and still is today. A timeless song that never gets old
This song, even though a classic masterpiece, is so overwhelming to listen to now. Especially when someone covers it.
The amount of emotion that she projects spills through the screen; not many people performing can just about bring a tear to my eye.
I get what you're sayin. Absolutely mesmerizing 🔥
Which eye??? Lol
Thank you for the moments of happiness!
Awesome tribute to one of the greatest rock songs ever written, Sophie 🤘🏻🖤
Thank you!
❤I just found you 😁 beyI love Zeppelin, I now will follow you are so amazingly beautiful and the way you play 😂🎉 Omg love you ❤️
I very appreciated you left the original solo, very respectful and excellent job, as always...
Dear Sophie, I have been a Zeppelin fan for 45 years, and your version of Starway is amazing and beautiful. It has the hard rock spirit very high and improves some parts of the song ! I love it. Your playing is so complete but also your feeling touches my soul. I also play and sing it at the same time. But you have taken it to a higher dimension and that's great. That is what a gifted musician does. And you're a gifted musician. Keep on rocking!!
You are a pure smiling zone for this old music lover. Thanks for sharing your talent with us we are truly blessed.
Moving in and out of the vocal line with the guitar - masterfully done!
Enjoyed this immensely.
My brother just told me about you. OMG!!!! I love Led Zeppelin. You are truly amazing. You encompass such talent and beauty. Thank you!!!
Miss Lloyd I have recently heard your name and music circles as being guitar God. As a visual artist, I just want to say thank you for putting positive vibes into the world. I have a habit of looking at other artists, whatever their platform/genre/media is, and when I look in your eyes as you’re playing this song, you have that look of Zen that one I get from creating. And I am a social worker at a State psychiatric hospital instead of working, and I will definitely recommend your work to my patients. Keep on making the world a better place however, you can.
Daaamn! She’s beautiful AND talented! You go Sophie!
Even Jimi Hendrix would be blown away by this incredible performance!
I love how this artist can remain true to the original versions yet at the same time put her own artistic spin on the song. That’s talent my friends. Cold chills! 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸
Really not even close. I use to play zep tribute
Great And Beautifull
What are you doing out of your cage? I thought all you did was scribble end-of-the-world scenarios and lose people money on your useless Ground Zero website.
@@plane_guy6051 what is the first rule! No affiliation with Zero Hedge
And she plays parts with her eyes closed when many would need to look at the frets to keep track. Sophie is floating on a higher level where spirit takes over, what an immensely talented angel.
Finally a full length song and video...I hate Shorts!😎 Well played, no guitar shop would stop Sophie from playing whatever she wanted!
You hate shorts? Hers look mighty fine to me 😉
Just a myth man guitar shops let you play whatever you want dont bye into the hype
@@antology7 Got me there🤣
I wouldn’t stop her doing nothing, she is fine AF and can play like hell.🔥🔥🔥
Beautiful and talented. Great version of one of the greatest songs of all time.
Just lost someone close in my family 2 hours ago. Came to TH-cam to take my mind away. This appeared in my feed on the top. How fitting a tribute to our Michelle 😢. Thanks Sophie your guitar skills are also heavenly
Amazing! Extraordinarily Beautiful Solo! BRAVO, Dear and Respected Sophie!🌺💎💖
This 71-year-old just fell in love with you and your guitar Great job Wayne from Canada 🇨🇦❤️
Your passion has helped me remember how much I enjoyed playing the drums to this song.
Have to say, after years of not really being able to play the solo to Stairway, I have finally learned it after being not only inspired by your jolly good renditions, but learned a lot from the clarity of your playing and lovely camera work. I have nailed it now.
Great shred Sophie!! A fantastic mix and great playing as always!
Thanks so much!
I am 75 yrs old and I have seen Led Zeppelin Live playing their first album and then their second album including "Heart Breaker". The first album was so well produced the songs blend together between songs in precise and smooth transition....WOW. Put your earphones on and crank it to ten. This sexy young woman also does "All Along the Watchtower" (-Jimi Hendrix) WOW.
Rock on Sophie, you are destined to be a star. (Please stay away from EVIL that permeates through the music industry.) God Bless your Talent.
Something about blue stained Maple. Thanks for doing this one. I just lost the girl of my dreams and The Love of My Life 2 weeks ago and Ive been torn up. Thanks for the couple minutes of cheer. You always do great versions of everything
incredibly sorry for your loss 😞
I really thought you set yourself up for failure when you casually whipped out such pyrotechnics long before the fanfare. My thinking was, “there’s no more room to go higher or faster, so the ‘payoff’ will suffer.” I couldn’t have been more wrong. Expertly well done. Energy foreplay aside, your ear as an artist is on display here. When you chose to echo Page, when you chose to switch to Plant’s role, and when you chose to do your own thing, as well as how you went about it… truly masterful. No one would doubt you’re a skilled player, but if any ever doubted your artistry, this alone would prove them laughably wrong.
Sophie Lloyd--Beauthiful tribute to Led Zep. U make me so proud. Awesome!
OMG! Sophie that was amazing!! What an awesome new spin on an old timeless classic. 👌 🤘😎🤘!!
Thanks Vinny!
Sophia all I can say is did shred that song baby. you are so good and so beautiful. Mr. Page should be proud! keep playing sweet lady!
The QUEEN of musicians
I want to hear you sing
Superb version - just enough individuality without moving too far away from Jimmy's original - AND a talented female guitarist without ridiculously long left-hand fingernails. Beautiful woman playing with heart and soul and clearly loving what she does.
Just found this channel, and having watched this video, I understand why Sophie is heading for a million subscribers. It is well deserved!
That's just brilliant guitar playing and she makes it look so easy ❤
Wow! Masterfully and artfully done. That was one of the best musical experience of my life. Your love of music is written in your every cell.
Ты прекрасна а игра на гитаре - восхитительна! 🥰привет из России! 🇷🇺
Hi Sophie, this is not a shred version, this is, from my point of view a Piece of Art! Well, done. What I love is your touch and subtle phrases while respecting the original song. Simply great! What else to say!
Well spoken
@@SophieLloyd Best Shampoo advert ever. Your mane is lustrous! 🤘🔥💜
😅😅😅😅😅I I
@@SophieLloyd2:32 😅😅😅😅😅😅❤
Again, your shine is not apparent unless you go thru whole video! OMG you play this song just as I always wanted once the lead guitar part shined,! Thank you
Fantastic arrangement!!! (As well as the performance!) The harmony at ~ 2:20 setting up the next shred bit was genius. And as others have also said, I like how you preserve the original solo while letting the creativity fly with the rest of the arrangement. The vibratos and bends and slides to put flair and feel on the guitar voicings of the vocal melodies was a perfect amount of stylizing without overdoing it. 😊👏 I definitely prefer this kind of shred arrangement over the blatant showoffery that a lot of other YT guitarists make. Thanks for the awesome music
Как говорил писатель в человеке должно быть все прекрасно, у вас прекрасная техника, прекрасная внешность, прекрасная гитара которая так хорошо смотрится на фоне прекрасных ног, Софи всех благ, вы чудо ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Лестница в небеса (перевод Максим Четверня)
Одна леди твердит - злато всё, что блестит,
В небеса лестницу покупая.
Точно знает она, что, добравшись туда,
Одним словом возьмёт всё, за чем пришла.
Ооо, ооо, в небеса лестницу покупая...
Виден знак тупика, но ей ясность нужна,
Ведь слова могут быть двух значений.
На древе у ручья песню птица поёт.
Не туда наши мысли порой несёт...
Ты знаешь.
Провожаю закат грустным взглядом на запад,
И душа плача рвётся на волю.
В своих мыслях узрел клубы дыма в листве
И глаза безразлично смотрящих.
Это ты.
Прошептал кто-то мне: стоит только напеть,
И оркестр поднимет нас к цели.
Солнце вновь озарит тех, кто долго стоит,
И леса зазвучат эхом смеха.
Помнишь смех?
О да, да, да!
И это заставляет меня задуматься...
В твоей ограде странный шум - ты не пугайся.
Весны приборка это к майским дням.
Есть два пути: которым ты пошёл, и что
оставил, но...
Еще не поздно выбрать другой.
Твой ум гудит, и это не пройдёт, пока ты не поймёшь -
Тебя зовёт к себе оркестр тот.
Дорогая леди, слышен ли вам ветра шёпот
Что ваша лестница парит на нём?
И вот нас сносит под уклон,
Сверх наших душ мы тень ведём.
И эта леди там бредёт,
И светит ярко, и несёт
Мысль, что всё к золоту сведёт.
Но если днями напролёт
Мотив тот слушать, то дойдёт,
Что мир во всём, и всё вернёт. Вот, что значит:
Понявший рок, и роль поймёт.
В небеса лестницу покупая...
That was the most beautiful rendition of Stairway to Heaven I've ever see... I mean heard. Fantastic!
Absolutely amazing version, LOVE IT🤘❤️❤️
sophie looks like an angel and plays so well. how romantic.
Just to memorize that whole sequence is an amazing feat! To technically play that well borders on miraculous! Melodic and emotional interpretation of the whole song is incredible! And yes, Sophie's angel-like beauty is beyond delightful! Keep up the great work Sophie! I'm loving every bit of it.
It's an unbeatable piece! Thank you for your performance. Thank you for existing.
Literally one of my favorite songs and guitar solos in the world. The work at the solo and everything afterwards was absolutely mindblowing. Skipped it back like 6 times 😁❤
Sophie is A league of her own. For almost a quarter of century, this one of a kind piece continues to shake the world of rock music; yet, I have never heard a version of it so powerful and as rich as that of Sophie's. Truly enjoyed it. ❤
Make that Half a Century!😊
Simply amazing - flawlessly executed and the tone was spot on. Also, love the fact that you kept the "solo" as close to the original as possible.
Lindo muito bom parabéns você é ótima muito bom
Até fiquei todo arrepiado com a introdução da música.essa guitarra não toca,essa guitarra canta 😊. vê se que tem muito trabalho, esforço e dedicação para aquilo que fazes.continuação de um excelente trabalho, obrigado por tocares assim.
Sophie what a beautiful expansion of a beautiful masterpiece, it almost made me cry, you really know the feeling of beauty and pain of stairway. From an older guitar player to a new master - you are excellent loved it . Michael 😊
Sophie is a Rock 'n Roll Angel.
My favorite rock and roll song of all time with one of the greatest lead guitar solos. That was awesome Sophie.
Such a lovely mix and an incredible composition. The timing was rich with triplets and the triplets were to die for! Your timing is incredible!
Wow. Absolutely amazing performance.
03:05 in the night.😁😇😋 headphones🥰🥰🥰 coffee😛😛😛 can stop listening to sophie's skills..
Beautifully done, Sophie!🌹🎸👍
Mis bendiciones para tus manos Sophie eres realmente una diosa ejecutando la guitarra y más con grandes éxitos de grandes bandas del buen Rock 🌹✌
Absolutely epic Sophie you never disappoint. Jimmy Page would be proud of your version.
Great work, every time I hear it wakes up the same feeling of greatness. No doubt about it, a true iconic song, one of those song who has written it's page in music history.
It just doesn't get any BETTER! Thank you Sophie
Absolutely amazing. Calling this a shred is a bit of a stretch. The whole tune, with all your additional musical phrasing.. just rocking great 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
Sophie, Your love of this song shows, no halfway to it, all in & off the hinges blasting. Thank you!
Magnifique reprise 😍 la meilleure version de led Zeppelin qui existe 👍👏👏👏
what an amazing shred version of a classic song and done so very well. I was second thinking it but you did an honorable version of it. Awesome girl!!!
Enjoy your version? Are you kidding? THAT'S THE REAL STAIRWAY TO HAVEN! Congratulations! God bless you! 👐
Incredible job Sophie...Keep up the great work..
I enjoyed that very much !!!!!!!
I am 62 years old and you made me feel 18 again, and you made that song even more beautiful by showing yourself performing it😘👍🏼👍🏼
18 again... In more ways than one...
Listening to your version I can hear every single word of lyrics🎤 as well as the piece of music art in solo guitar 🎸 Greetings from Poland 🖐🌻
Except the iconic final Acapella line. Lol
Having grown up on the central coast of California (Monterey), their was long days of surfing, sailing, street racing and rock concerts to attend under the influence of tremendous Big Sur weed.....your music brings back so many memories. Go for the Golden Ring woman.
Absolutely wonderful playing, Sophie. Up there with your ‘Comfortably Numb’, for me.
Your skill and the passion with which you play, just shines through. Congratulations.
Another classic, Sophie. Loved the one string arpeggio (or two, hard for me to tell). You’re simply outstanding.
Certainly an incredible progress of a kind!!! Im sure Led Zeppelin would be proud and amazed at the same time 👏👏👏
Too incredible for words !1 this is the most awesome rendition of this song EVER - your shredding is very tasteful and very pleasant, unlike most other shredding out there- thank you !
Wow Sophie, a beautiful rendition of a beautiful Led Zep song.
I swear when you played, i saw this light so bright it near blinded me and suddenly you had angel wings. No joke. facts. 🙃
One of the most beautiful song ever and your fantastic guitar playing ! ❤
Oi , adoro ver e ouvir você conversando ,com estas paradinhas que você tem na voz 😊
You young lady have done an AWESOME version on an all time classic ... 🙌🙌
Everything I said in Rob's comment and also amazing job Chris on the drums and mix! So cool.
Vous êtes une excellente artiste très bonne guitariste félicitations je suis français ❤❤❤
Simply beautiful. Could listen to you and watch you play for hours.❤
Awesome version. Grew up listening to Led Zeppelin. Yes, in their hay days ❤
Never got to see Zeppelin live unfortunately too youn only 60 but what a brilliant take on a gutar ballard that I know well, this is definately the future, no one else has done this so well, keep it up!
You truly made this your own Sophie! Absolutely fantastic!!
Amazing job! I could hear the words while you were playing! My all time fav song, you rocked it! ❤
Wahou, j'en ai la chaire de poule...c'est une très belle interprétation d'une magnifique chanson de ma génération...magnifique, merci Sophie pour ce très très beau voyage 🥀🥀🥀
What a beatiful version of a true classic rock song. Your shredding is incredible!
Absolutely stunning! And the guitar playing is awesome too!!!! 💪🏾🤙🏾
Sehr schöner Song und sehr gut gespielt von dir. Danke für diese Interpretation. ❤❤❤❤
Absolutely beautiful Sophie, a song from a different generation brought back with your amazingly, talented guitar skills!!! 🎸🤘❤️🖤✌️
Wonderful work I cant get enough. Respect the solo, your playing skills are amazing