I think the price point is why retro formats have gotten more popular in recent years. Even the most expensive Edison deck is a fraction of the price of a modern meta deck, and is in no danger of being banned.
4:28 No but this is too right. It's actually absurd because modern yugioh is almost always about sequencing. There is no reason to hold resources, no reason to play around certain power cards (simply because your decks end board is theory-crafted to beat those cards). When you open your hand in modern yugioh as a combo player there is literally 1 optimal way to play it out and that is it, every other line is a missplay. It's crazy, and I think this has helped Edison gain a lot of popularity
Yeah this is a big part of things. The only parts that are up for debate are mid ground plays around various hand traps which is literally just variance gambling
@@E3YuGiOh Trueeee, And yet combo decks are built around the idea of combo's that beat handtraps built into them. For example most 2 card lines will always beat 1 handtrap. And Talents/Calledby/The concept of extenders are there just to hedge further. Its so funny because you need Gamma + nib just to have a chance and that isn't even strategy or deckbuilding, (while yes, you can play 12-18 handtraps in the mainthats) drawing nib + gamma is just variance sacking the only combination of 2 handtraps that stop combo.
One thing I'm surprised you didn't talk about was the time rules currently too. Spright and tear both take a long time to combo playing at a good pace. It makes time just a constant factor even in game 1
As someone who primarily plays Pokemon and only plays old format Yugioh, I agree with most of your points but 6 is becoming less true. Pokemon has all but scrapped Expanded with no regionals or even side event support at premier events last season or in the upcoming season. Another big selling point that goes along with your number 1 is that Pokemon does an amazing job with creating aesthetic high rarity full art cards that are still way cheaper than Yugioh cards
I haven't been keeping up too much with expanded so I hadn't realized that, but I suppose it makes sense. The format is a liiiiittle degen nowadays. The high rarity aesthetic cards in pokemon are like the regular low rarity prices in yugioh which is absurd
Those High Rarity is the true deal to begin with. Because let's just face it. Yugioh barely have anything of alternate art. It is rare occassion that a Card could get even an alt art and most of the times it is just rarity difference between each Card.
I think whats really interesting is that back in the day Trap cards were a real mechanic of Yugioh and while pokemon everything was on the field face up, there was this mystery behind trap cards. But on a serious note, in modern all trap cards are the same. In every combo deck that plays a trap card you know exactly what it is, either the searchable archetype Revolt/Tidying or Imperm/Droplet and it may aswell be freaking face up. (Again you're just being taxed to memorise which traps each deck plays) Additionally, any actual trap card just reads 'win the game' and you lose to it no matter if its anti-spell, gozen, rivalry or tcboo, the diversity here doesn't exist because if you're taking the turn to set a trap card, if its not absurdly good you're literally at a disadvantage, there is no setting torrential turn 2. Further more, your out for each of these "real traps" is always going to be the exact same card. Cosmic/Lightning Storm/ Evenly giving you a literal "draw the out" situation, it's gotten to a point where it's not even worth main decking an out to these cards as you're literally just banking on your opponent putting themselves at a disadvantage setting trap cards, while you're just losing 5% consistency.
This video really hits it on the head for why I switched over from YGO to Pokémon. To me, YGO will forever have a spot in my heart. Despite the fast-pace nature, artwork, and complexity of the game, I've come to realize how much a mess the game is. Poorly designed text. Almost boss card basically either enables swarming or omni-negates. Respect to YGO players for being able to memorize all the rulings and effects. But playing Pokémon just felt right for me. I love the resource system (similar to Magic's manas) which prevents players from just overwhelming their opponents and just straight up preventing them from playing. Also the cost. The fact that Pokémon is so affordable, budget friendly, and has value long after a card's relevance in the meta makes it so appealing for almost everyone (collectors, casual players, etc.)
Playing pokemon it feels incredibly refreshing that there isn't always a one sided game where any player can comeback depending on how well they play and isn't chalked with a bunch of interruption or playing on the opponents turn
Modern yugioh has been watching my opponent playing solitaire and end on some omni negates. Ive been playing retro formats with friends because of this. March 2011 being my favorite to play. But never learned how to play Pokemon TCG and it looks more fun than modern Yugioh.
To comment on Yugiohs affordability: Pokemon TCG Company will just print half of a top winning deck list in a product for 20 bucks, so you buy 2 of it and just get the full decklist copy of a worlds topping deck for 40 bucks, minus like, the rarity that the competitors specifically used
YGO isn't expensive per se, it's the TCG that prints chase cards high rarity and jumbles them with penis dog shit cards that are printed high rarity for imbecilic reasons. IE: DAD was a rare in the OCG which not only got bumped to secret when imported, but Phantom has 8 other secret rares which includes garbage like Dark Red Enchanter and Belial - Marquis of Darkness which should be rares at best.
Such an informative video, my only experience with the Pokèmon TCG has been playing with my friends' theme decks. As simple and luck based as they are, they're still fun to whip out sometimes and have a good time. I didn't know the competitive game was so affordable and that's such a big plus for me.
The world championship decks are actually the perfect product to recommend because they're the best decks from the era, have infinite replayability, and are basically theme decks that just happen to be hyper consistent and competitive
@@E3YuGiOh didn't know about those and the seem such a cool idea. V Battle and Theme Decks are sometimes underwhelming with lots of coin tossing and bad pokèmon, but those world championship ones look like a super sick product
@@sadmemelord1633 You should look into Battle League decks as well. They're $30, every card is tourney legal unlike World Championship decks and they're typically based on tier 1 or 2 meta decks. Sometimes you need a few extra cards to add onto them, but the Calyrex BL decks are ready out of box. Pokemon has their only yearly Duel Devastator type box with tons of reprints of meta cards, sometimes as alt art promos! You can make a meta deck very easily even with only buying sealed product.
I think a lot of the points you raised about Pokemon applies to Digimon as well, it's been one of my favorite new games. Price was one of the reasons I started playing older yu-gi-oh formats (Magic has always been my main game, but god is it the most unaffordable).
wish Digimon had a good digital way to play, though. Bandai's been aggressively taking down fan-made sims, but they have no official client themselves.
@@E3YuGiOh Digimon has been super fun and I’d definitely recommend checking it out. Very friendly to newer players. I was able to top 4 the first locals I went to
I think both games have had their hayday tbh. I personally think if you have a a buddy and you want to play casual (and presumably you are a kid of the 90s) I think the best way to experience the Pokemon TCG is through emulating the GameBoy game and playing against each other with the old decks. Back in those days you got the entire card collection up front in the video games, rather than a single starter decks and microtransactions all after that. That aside, Modern Yugioh will never have another skill intensive format. What really needs to happen, is for yugioh to reboot, but they already kind of did this with speed duels, and the power creep was just as quick the second time around. To summarise Yugioh has no future. Other TCG's have the diverse player bases.
Have you tried any of the up and coming tcgs like Digimon and fab? These games seem to have promising futures if they could get a digital platform for content creators
@@E3YuGiOh my barrier to entry is the lack of a scene of any tcg in my local area. My tabletop experience comes exclusively with a close group of 5/6 friends who meet up on a weekly basis at my buddies house. Our default game is MTG commander format which is very casual. My friends are also very set in their ways so it takes me a long time to introduce new games to them. In short, I would if I could, but I cant so I shant.
literally all of these complaints about Yugioh are fixed by just playing historical formats, which is probably why they're getting more and more popular (except maybe 7 lol)
We'd need Harry styles to start playing edison or something for 7. Also playing historical formats doesn't fix the issue that Konami prize support and tournaments are archaic compared to what pokemon does
@@E3YuGiOh oh for sure on the prize support stuff, I just think that the move towards including older formats as official has been a promising step, maybe dumb to expect more in the future but one can hope lol
TCG drones hate this kind of content the things they draw to defend the TCG is CRAZY!, You pay 2k for a yugioh deck that depreciates due to reprints and ban lists... to win a card that cost maybe 1k USD IF YOU GET IT SOLD. Pokemon you spent 162$ to win up to 5 figures.
I speak both as a current and old school yugioh player. I know really few about Pokemon as a modern Tcg game, I've been into it during a couple of past formats. Have a seat. 1- That's pretty unquestionable: Pokemon, Digimon, are way cheaper than playing current ygo Tcg. I don't fully buy the "losing value argument" tho. Price drops are a controversial topic, because budget players are craving for a price drops on powerful cards they need, but people who invested a lot to acquire a card at Day 1 don't want to see their investment ruined. In a way you can also see the last banlists as more focused on protecting ppl's investments by banning older and cheaper cards that works in a degenerate way with new cards. Also reprints of good cards don't get a real price drop in a 1-2 years. I mean, that's very controversial and I can't say Konami is good or bad at managing cards' rarities. But I'm pretty sure that if you decide to make a big investment in yugioh, the value won't drop to zero for at least a couple of years. I mean, even if hypothetically (I don't believe it tho), the blues that you bought at day 1 would get limited, would get reprints and so on, for at least 2-3 formats you'd be able to play one of the best deck's around and the card would maintain at least 50% of his original value. Then it's up to the single individual to decide if it is worth for them or not. 2- Yeah, there are unreasonably complex cards (Endymion). But most of the times cards have 1-2 effects that you need to keep track of. The rest are basically restrictions. And you may have picked the wrong example with Prosperity. It's not at all an easy card to manage during deck building nor in game. Of course there are decks which don't care about what they banish in their ED (like Floows) but if you decide to play Pros in most of the others decks where almost any slots matters in any matchup, it becomes hard to decide what to banish and if it's better to excavate for 3 or 6. You might end up in a situation where you lose a crucial combo piece or a board breaker if you just ban 6 without any second thought. 3- Totally agree. MD is probably the most appealing platform that could've been designed to allure general public which played the game or watched the anime for a short period of their life. Providing them a slideshow of what Tcg is nowadays. Really not appealing from any competitive prospective. 4-Well this has very few to do with the Tcg itself. Pokemon is a generally better designed franchise where every branch of it functions extremely well (except VGC, omfg). 5- money prize it's definitely something I envy, it's not available in every country tho, due to gambling legislations. 6- I agree, time wizard is a joke. Whoever arrives to the end: much love for you.
I think all of your points are pretty spot on and really highlight why yugioh has such a high barrier to entry for newer players, but I still prefer retro yugioh. The lack of interaction on opponents turn in Pokémon is the biggest turn off for me. Also imo yugioh archetypes have more diversity and creativity in their effects, game plans, strategies, etc whereas Pokémon is generally about stacking energies and doing big damage. I also prefer yugioh art and card lore as well since it’s so diverse (whereas Pokémon, while having different artists and styles, is limited to the actual Pokémon and trainers from the games). Also wish Pokémon had something like a DB to better support the really old formats. I think there are some sites but UI is generally pretty bad. That said, I do really like the amount of coin flipping in pokemon. It can swing game outcomes whereas Yugioh’s hyper consistency (particularly in modern) and lack of effect-outcome rng makes it so that a top tier deck is gonna stomp a non-top tier deck way more often. Also I like how in Pokémon, players can’t rely as heavily on card economy/advantage. In goat or Edison, a +1 almost always puts you in a much better spot. Whereas there are Pokémon cards that can empty opponents hands or draw 7s or whatever but it still won’t guarantee you the win because falling behind on the board is so significant and hard OPT mechanics in pokemon (energies, supporters, etc) prevent someone from flooding the board outta nowhere. Overall both games are solid and I think it’s worth dabbling in both
Word. It sounds like you've already checked out Retro pokemon, but 2010 dppt block sounds like a format you'd really enjoy because it has power spray which is basically effect veiler. That format reminds me a little bit more of early yugioh. In general nowadays, most interaction in modern yugioh is on board negates or floodgates which is why it's in a place where comparing it to pokemon doesn't make the least amount of sense. Retro yugioh definitely has more interactive plays similar to mtg.
@@E3YuGiOh sweet I’ll definitely have to check it out. Most of my retro Pokémon experience is from formats prior to dppt but I’ve heard good things about that era. Also I’ve never tried magic. I’ve heard it nears yugioh level learning curve so I’ve always been afraid to pick it up but maybe I’ll give it a shot one of these days lol
Some of these points are why I play Pokemon TCG today (I only play Yu-Gi-Oh in video games nowadays). I've been trying to introduce Yu-Gi-Oh to my siblings, but at this point, I think it's impossible due to, as you say, feature creep. I feel like point 8 is a little bit more nuanced. You'll always have a chance to turn things around in Pokemon, but Pokemon also has the bigger number issue among boss monsters (mitigated somewhat by the fact that rotations exist).
yeah bigger number can be an issue if there aren't little monster counters. 1 prizers do have inherent resource value in that they buy you a lot of time, despite being much easier to kill though.
My reason for leaving the pokemon tcg was because I thought yugioh not having rotations was going to be more friendly for my wallet... it was not. I also hate the prize card mechanic but after seeing that one card you played that lets you get a card from the prize pool it sounds more appealing. Maybe ill give it another shot the single strike tyranitar deck seems cool.
You could buy a full tier one deck for the next 12 years in pokemon for the price of a tier one deck for 1 ban list in yugioh now. Pokemon has kept everything shockingly affordable despite rotations. They've done a great job recently with hisuian heavy ball type cards to help mitigate bad prizes. I've lost in tournaments in much older blocks of pokemon due to bad pricing, but that doesn't happen anymore now thanks to those cards. Single strike ttar is based. Gl with it!
You nailed it on the complexity part dude. The game got more complicated to pick up and play because of the long effects, combos, arcane rulings, etc., but once you passed that barrier, the game just feels linear and repetitive. IMO the power creep is so insane that it lead to the game being dumbed down. Every time i try to pick it up i get bored immediately because every match feels the exact same shit; it's just a deck building game. Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is the prime example that adding complexity to a game doesn't necessarily lead it to becoming more fun or skillfull.
Thats what I'm saying. Games from goat format or critter format feel infinitely more complex than current "did I make my combo board or did they have nib veiler"
@@E3YuGiOh It mainly comes down to the fact that decks pre archetypes were made of a lot of singular use, generic cards, which felt more like having a bunch of chess pieces that you had to think how to use. That's why Goat can still be fun to play despite every deck having the same 30 staples. You're not always vomiting your hand and building the same board every single game, and the average match lasting a lot more turns leads to more unique and complex situations.
Interaction on the other players turn is the biggest draw to yugioh, but pokemon has had formats with effect veiler type cards and could easily just print that type of card again.
I've been talking to my friend group about playing more pokemon right now, I think a lot of people are waiting for the banlist to make decisions on the format but it is not enjoyable currently
My only "issue" about this video is the Prosperity point. You said that Hyper ball is way more complex because what you will add depends of your hand, and that's also the case for Prosperity. It's not "just add the best card" it depends of your hand obviously, also of the match up, what you want to play around etc. I'm not saying that Prosperity is more "complex" than HB, I mean, through my sight of YGO player the discard 2 add a layer of a complexity, but I don't how important card advantages/ressources management is in PTCG compared to YGO so I can't judge, but the Prosperity part was a bit off for me.
I use to play pokemon from 2010-2019, I stopped playing cause the format was really bad. Playing was really boring to me. With rotation looming it looks interesting again. All your points though do stand true haha the interactions in yugioh was something cool to me. The fact that you need to play around different things is the best part of the game. Where pokemon you just need to know what your deck does and sequence it very well. Yes there are floodgates mons or mons you need to prepare for but it's not something you can play around. Expanded not being a thing is probably for the better too. Super toxic format lol
@@E3YuGiOh I haven't gotten the chance. I been meaning to just buy some code cards and lab with the community around me but I have put 0 effort into that. Off your recommendation though I'll get on it soon.
This was really interesting! I definitely agree with some of your points, especially a lot of the non-gameplay stuff (cost, baseline complexity of Yugioh, no good online client for TCG format, bad prize support and communication from Konami). And, y'know, as a trans woman who plays Yugioh I'd def like if more girls played the game. But I do at least partially disagree with 2 and 7. Modern Yugioh is extremely complex at baseline due to paragraphs of card text, but I think once you've more or less wrapped your head around that, there is a lot of skill expression. Playing through interaction, making the read what hand traps your opponent has, figuring out how to combo in unusual situations, deciding when to fire negates and other interactions based on your opponent's hand, all this stuff is quite skill intensive. Sure, Pokemon's combat system is much more in-depth, but Yugioh's interactions between players though negates, interruptions, backrow, etc I would argue are just as in depth in a different way. The big thing imo is that Pokemon is pretty unique among card games (I don't know of many others that are super similar, while e.g. there are a bunch of games similar to MTG), but not nearly as much as Yugioh. If you wanna do crazy combos, constant, wild board swings, and just feel like you're doing busted shit all the time, there really is no game like Yugioh. If someone just wants to play any card game and doesn't care about specifics, yeah I'd probably point them to Pokemon, but Yugioh fills an appealing niche that no other game comes close to filling (and realistically, no game ever will bc nobody else is gonna make the batshit insane design decisions Yugioh has). So uh... that was more words than I intended oops. But tl;dr, Pokemon def wins on basically all fronts outside of gameplay, but Yugioh is just such an incredible game in a way no other game is, so even despite all the out-of-game issues, there really is no competition for the sort of play Yugioh offers
Recently I have gotten back into Pokemon TCG. I gotta say, I love Trainer Toolkits and League Battle Decks. Buy a couple of each and you're set with all the good Trainers/Supporters you need to play competitive. Also, watching Poketubers build consistent budget decks is something I find to be super helpful.
Some of these points are a bit more nuanced than you made them out to be, but I get it. In a nutshell you can compare the games like this: You can buy a competitive Pokemon deck for the price of a single Yugioh card.
Great video. I picked up YGO during the pandemic after playing zexal era-ish as a teenager and it changed my life. Having something nostalgic and fun with a big online community was great. But I got tired of TCG quickly, I didn't have the money or time to compete and it just felt like work. So I started to play alt formats but the lack of konami support means that people aren't really playing in person, especially past goat and Edison. I WANT to play YGO, I really do, but without supported alt formats I'm not sure how long that will last for. What are some good resources to get into Pokémon that you'd recommend? I want to see if it's for me.
There are definitely decks to make people rage, particularly in expanded. I'd say look into vileplume exeggutor decks or orbeetle stage 2 lockout deckw
One thing to add is Pokemon emphasize on how the Alternate Arts and good looking Art Cards which makes it even better compared to Yugioh which most of the times only have few art variety in each set.
While it is pay to play, Idk about extremely. You need about 30 codes to build a deck on ptcgo and you can either buy them for about $0.50 each online (total of about $15) or grind for packs by playing prebuilt decks.
I was trying to find a new tcg after i was get bored of Magic. After test driving both Pokemon and Yugioh, Pokemon was the clear winner. The Pokemon Company has so much respect for its player base and seems focused on growing the game rather than trying to cash in (for the most part). Konami just seems to award toxicity as well as release absurdly broken cards and ban them a week later. A lot of the time secret rares in Yugioh (which are only one per box) go from $100 price tags to pennies following a ban list or rotation. I love how Pokemon makes the game accessible for competitive players but still offers things like alt arts, gold cards, etc. Something that will likely appreciate in value if you want to go that route too. Only complaint about Pokemon is that the online client could be better, but I mean its good enough.
If you want to make pokemon tcg content, for the sake of the algorithm you may want a separate channel for it, unless you put a consistent/decent emphasis on comparing it to yugioh, mtg etc
You make a good point. I might need to make a separate channel for it in the near future, but for now I'm gonna try the ideas where i interweave the games together and see how it goes.
@@E3YuGiOh It could be a unique selling point for your channel. Especially if you cover more topics like this, such as: what aspects from one game could improve the other etc
Digimon (2020) and Flesh & Blood are my go to card games of this year. Older format YGO had more flavor and depth with deck creation with not having to stick to archetypes to actually make a coherent 40 card deck. I stopped modern YGO when the elemental dragons were top tier back in 2013 and haven't looked back. Konami have not changed it's business model for the past 10 years and the game has only got worse for power creep. Pokémon has done the same with big basics getting bigger and bigger with more HP and more powerful attacks but at least the core mechanic of the game have remained the same. The flow of the game is still similar to when it was first created or closer to it's original concept than what YGO is today. MTG will remain the number 1 TCG because of investors and collectors along with multiple formats to play however those who wish to play alternatives to MTG, I'd recommend Pokémon, Flesh & Blood and Digimon (2020).
as someone who also plays lots of pokemon i agree with most of the stuff you said, but i strongly disagree with point 8 that pokemons combat system is better. Yes, 1 prizers, 2 prizers, 3 prizers, using boss for game, managing your bench so your opponent doesnt get a cheap prize and so on are a thing, and many small pokemon can defeat a big pokemon and so on. But the combat itself sucks: Me saying i attack in pokemon is equal to passing your turn, like you have a 5 minute main phase, and the "combat" is done in 5 seconds, either i get the ko or not and then my opponents looks for his dice to place the damage counters. There are no battle traps, no multiple attacks(usually), like it has happened to me that i missed that my opponent attacked me because it was so quick. I dont think that therefore pokemon sucks, you have to come up with a new gameplan each turn, what you want to do, how you get to these cards and how you therefore have to sequence your cards and so on. But yugiohs combat system is way more exciting.
2 and 8 are definitely the big reasons YGO is incapable of being a better game. Magic, Pokemon, Flesh and Blood, and so many other games at their simplest are actually really fun and play really heavily into a mastery of their basic rules. YGO at it's simplest lacks rules that create dynamism. There is no real damage racing, double blocks to trade up against a larger threat, or sacrifice plays for tempo (again, talking YGO w/ french vanilla monsters and S/Ts that lean primarily into core systems instead of producing exceptions). The Devs didn't have much choice but introducing artificial complexity to both balance simple effs that scale out of control in YGO and create some actual push pull between players. Could fix the other 6 points tomorrow and YGO would still have a legitimacy problem in the larger TCG sphere.
I agree with most of this, but as someone who recently quit Pokemon, I think we're glossing over some of Pokemon's biggest problems. The game is too homogenized right now, every top deck is a Vstar or Vmax that deals a little over 200 with a bit of energy acceleration, there are only 4 viable engines and 3 of them do the same thing, the best generic trainers (research, marnie, boss, raihan, quick ball, ultra ball) tend to outshine the best deck-specific trainers. The only exceptions are Mew, which has good deck-specific trainers but a fairly generic gameplan, and Urshi which hasn't been grabbing the results lately. Also Pokemon's other formats are even less popular than Yugioh's retro formats, and Expanded has been cut from official play for the forseeable future (probably forever, the format is toxic) so it really is just Standard.
Pokemon is basically 2 people playing solitaire at each other, other than the HP of the opponents monster you can play your deck as if they opponent isn't even there. Also Pokemon locals in my experience tend to have a lot more children than yuigoh which is good for keeping the game around for longer, it does mean having to be around children and thats a negative in my eyes.
You sound like don't really have a lot of experience playing pokemon since it is very far from 2 players playing solitaire at each other. Competitive events are separated by age group so if you don't enjoy being around children then it isn't really a problem.
I feel like point 7 ist really weird… I would love if Yu Gi Oh would be more inclusive (Not sure what needs to be done though for it) but how is a + for Pokemon. At the end of the day i play yugioh because its fun and not because its against male or females that should not matter at all and mentioning it gives me some weird vibes. I mean its not even Konamis fault i took my Gf one time to locals and people looke at her like she was some kind of alien or godess. The Yugioh Community has alot of lone creeps…
The fact is its not weird/uncomfortable for a girl to play pokemon and it is often an uncomfortable experience for girls to attend yugioh events. Tbh I think excluding or having a community that excludes 50+% of the population only hinders development the same way not having women in scientific fields or whatever else would too. Less minds is never a good thing is my main point here
I used to play a lot more in the past. I try to show up to a few events every the format gets good. The last time I played was gardy gx, and then before that plasma bw.
Very good points brought up here. The point about feature creep is definitely something I can agree with, and I truly think YGO will have to have a hard reboot sooner rather later because of it. The point about combat in YGO being uninteresting is intriguing. I dunno if you've checked out Cross Duel, but the monster combat in that game is more akin to Pokemon (monsters lose ATK/DEF equal to the difference when they win in battle, and status effects are also a thing), and I actually wouldn't mind if a theoretical YGO reboot had combat similar to that of Cross Duel.
Sure, Yugioh is probably going to die with our generation but whatever, it's still going to be fun while it lasts and we can't reliably predict the future either. As far as I'm concerned, I'm here for Edison (or other pre-Pendulum Yugioh formats), your jokes, fresh ideas, nice play, and for your amazing in-depth commentary. If you eventually happened to do more Pokemon videos, I hope they do well and your channel keeps growing (you're a cool dude and you deserve it), but as of yet, they are not for me and I won't be interested to watch them. Yugioh only. I will try and give the next few Pokemon TCG vids a chance and try to figure out what is going on if you decide to make them and look into the rules a little bit, but my expectations are low because I know that I'm old and resisting change. 😓
@@derickheat2434 yooo tempting offer. I'm working on something where all tcgs will become a bigger part of this channel, but I can't unveil too much information yet 👀 I might need to make a separate channel for it who knows we'll see
The one drawback to me is card art. Ideally id love new card game with yugioh level art. Pokemons art is just very pokemon. Its all just pokemon. Not that its bad, but I dont get exited when I look at pokemon card art. If I am going to pick up a new card game, it wont be magic or pokemon.
sorry to tell you about 5 but ygoprodeck normally gets all the official listings if the players would like them uploaded. few people dont like exposing techs i guess so they dont let their lists get leaked. And oof on 8, mans forgets all about quick effects and dmg step rulings, but i guess fair critique overall. Only bad thing about pokemon financially is sealed product is a waste of time if you intend to play competitive. Yugioh players can atleast buy a box of POTE (the recent set) pull a spright blue and trade it for an entire deck of cards to someone meta chasing etc and still keep other cards they pulled. Real moral of the story here is konami could learn a little from pokemon when it comes to respecting their customers if they wanna protect their future wallets lololol
Obviously if it's left up to the players lists will never get published. That's so dumb tbh. Also I completely disagree. Buying sealed pokemon product always has value due to codes, but sealed yugioh you can just miss on the chase secret and completely lose all ur investment money.
A lot of world champions in ygo are cheaters too. That’s probably why they never get any renown lol. Hoban I think is the exception bc he wrote a book that applies to all card games.
I'd like to point out that master duel is actually more f2p friendly than ptcgo. In master duel you can get like 15k gems at the start, while it's equivalent to like 150 usd if you try to p2w That booster pack moot is not true as well since master duel allow you to craft ANY card you want with three of the same rarity card. At first you will have a loadshit of packs to open and you can dismantle them, then craft the cards u want. You can even make any deck u want with a free account after like a day! I doubt you can build the meta deck that early on with pctgo.
same. id actually play the game if it was priced anywhere near pokemon, but even keeping up with one meta shift is like another 200usd i need to spend on some random hand trap to interact with that
@@E3YuGiOh Check out Tricky Gym. They are the main creator pushing the space with their content atm. They even created a new format Gym Leader Challenge which is getting super popular.
You just come of a miss informed in this video on a few points. Yu-Gi-Oh! Is more expensive yes and gives less prices fair points so far saying pot of prosperity is less skill full compared to ultra-ball is wrong technically and honestly can’t see how you don’t see this. The more decisions you have the more skill it takes to play a card correctly. And you have 2 choices with ultra-ball 1 the card to get rid of and 2 the Pokémon to add. With pot of prosperity, you must pick 3 or 6 based on you hand the same way you would with ultra-ball also you have to be aware if you can win or not if you will play a card which will half the damage you will also do the choice of which cards to banish and which card to add also matters. Lots of problems with Yu-Gi-Oh! but the one thing you can’t say about it is that it doesn’t take skill understanding and knowledge will help you win. And Pokémon has coin flips on lots of it’s cards which can make bad players win more something I’m not really a fan of in games.
The best game for cards playing even the anime is Yugioh there is no chance for Pokemon so pokemon stall the upper hand for the card stuff However yugioh the real card game here and it is special i like pokemon but in video games
Comparison is the death of joy. I really don't like these types of videos where we compare tcgs or formats to each other. I think it just polarizes people's opinions and I don't think it achieves much. The only thing that is for certain is that ultimate rare is the best rarity in all of tcg, pineapples do not work with pizza and tom brady is the goat.
U right. The clickbait is the comparison. It's mostly just talking about how competitive modern yugioh could take away some simple fixes from pokemon and be in a better spot but they just refuse to for no real reason.
Pokemon doesn’t have any Gladiator Beasts. Yugioh has many Gladiator Beasts. I think that’s an easy 9th point for Pokemon.
Thats a 9th through 20th point for pokemon
I think the price point is why retro formats have gotten more popular in recent years. Even the most expensive Edison deck is a fraction of the price of a modern meta deck, and is in no danger of being banned.
Exactly. It's the whole reason I started playing edison again in 2020 instead of modern yugioh
i'd say feature creap's been happening for almost 20 years.
4:28 No but this is too right. It's actually absurd because modern yugioh is almost always about sequencing. There is no reason to hold resources, no reason to play around certain power cards (simply because your decks end board is theory-crafted to beat those cards). When you open your hand in modern yugioh as a combo player there is literally 1 optimal way to play it out and that is it, every other line is a missplay. It's crazy, and I think this has helped Edison gain a lot of popularity
Yeah this is a big part of things. The only parts that are up for debate are mid ground plays around various hand traps which is literally just variance gambling
@@E3YuGiOh Trueeee, And yet combo decks are built around the idea of combo's that beat handtraps built into them. For example most 2 card lines will always beat 1 handtrap. And Talents/Calledby/The concept of extenders are there just to hedge further. Its so funny because you need Gamma + nib just to have a chance and that isn't even strategy or deckbuilding, (while yes, you can play 12-18 handtraps in the mainthats) drawing nib + gamma is just variance sacking the only combination of 2 handtraps that stop combo.
What is Edison ?
One thing I'm surprised you didn't talk about was the time rules currently too. Spright and tear both take a long time to combo playing at a good pace. It makes time just a constant factor even in game 1
Time rules just as bad in pokemon imo
As someone who primarily plays Pokemon and only plays old format Yugioh, I agree with most of your points but 6 is becoming less true. Pokemon has all but scrapped Expanded with no regionals or even side event support at premier events last season or in the upcoming season. Another big selling point that goes along with your number 1 is that Pokemon does an amazing job with creating aesthetic high rarity full art cards that are still way cheaper than Yugioh cards
I haven't been keeping up too much with expanded so I hadn't realized that, but I suppose it makes sense. The format is a liiiiittle degen nowadays.
The high rarity aesthetic cards in pokemon are like the regular low rarity prices in yugioh which is absurd
Those High Rarity is the true deal to begin with. Because let's just face it. Yugioh barely have anything of alternate art. It is rare occassion that a Card could get even an alt art and most of the times it is just rarity difference between each Card.
I think whats really interesting is that back in the day Trap cards were a real mechanic of Yugioh and while pokemon everything was on the field face up, there was this mystery behind trap cards. But on a serious note, in modern all trap cards are the same. In every combo deck that plays a trap card you know exactly what it is, either the searchable archetype Revolt/Tidying or Imperm/Droplet and it may aswell be freaking face up. (Again you're just being taxed to memorise which traps each deck plays) Additionally, any actual trap card just reads 'win the game' and you lose to it no matter if its anti-spell, gozen, rivalry or tcboo, the diversity here doesn't exist because if you're taking the turn to set a trap card, if its not absurdly good you're literally at a disadvantage, there is no setting torrential turn 2. Further more, your out for each of these "real traps" is always going to be the exact same card. Cosmic/Lightning Storm/ Evenly giving you a literal "draw the out" situation, it's gotten to a point where it's not even worth main decking an out to these cards as you're literally just banking on your opponent putting themselves at a disadvantage setting trap cards, while you're just losing 5% consistency.
Literally this. The magic of the detective work to get thru spot removal is pretty much gone in modern yugioh.
This video really hits it on the head for why I switched over from YGO to Pokémon.
To me, YGO will forever have a spot in my heart. Despite the fast-pace nature, artwork, and complexity of the game, I've come to realize how much a mess the game is.
Poorly designed text. Almost boss card basically either enables swarming or omni-negates.
Respect to YGO players for being able to memorize all the rulings and effects.
But playing Pokémon just felt right for me. I love the resource system (similar to Magic's manas) which prevents players from just overwhelming their opponents and just straight up preventing them from playing.
Also the cost. The fact that Pokémon is so affordable, budget friendly, and has value long after a card's relevance in the meta makes it so appealing for almost everyone (collectors, casual players, etc.)
facts. I felt all of this
I've just started Pokemon TCG and the thing I enjoy the most over Yugioh is that when its my turn...IT'S MY TURN!!!!! I love it lol
Lol yea. Everybody gets to play the game (especially in current standard) which is nice.
I'm trying to co,e back and play ygo duel masters and when it's my turn my opponents is doing all sort of combos.
Playing pokemon it feels incredibly refreshing that there isn't always a one sided game where any player can comeback depending on how well they play and isn't chalked with a bunch of interruption or playing on the opponents turn
Yeah both players almost always get a chance to execute their strategy since the game basically mandates at least 6 turns must be played
Where can I find the video of you playing pokemon TCG ? Can't find it on your channel, im dying to see it !
imagine buying a 1000$ deck, driving countless hours, pay for a hotel just to face a 200 pound v i r g i n that stalls with mystic mine
Modern yugioh has been watching my opponent playing solitaire and end on some omni negates. Ive been playing retro formats with friends because of this. March 2011 being my favorite to play. But never learned how to play Pokemon TCG and it looks more fun than modern Yugioh.
It's great fun. Retro formats of yugioh are always gonna be good, but modern yugioh is losing me.
@@E3YuGiOh konami probably noticed and created time wizard.
To comment on Yugiohs affordability: Pokemon TCG Company will just print half of a top winning deck list in a product for 20 bucks, so you buy 2 of it and just get the full decklist copy of a worlds topping deck for 40 bucks, minus like, the rarity that the competitors specifically used
Yeah this is what yugioh needs more of no cap
YGO isn't expensive per se, it's the TCG that prints chase cards high rarity and jumbles them with penis dog shit cards that are printed high rarity for imbecilic reasons.
IE: DAD was a rare in the OCG which not only got bumped to secret when imported, but Phantom has 8 other secret rares which includes garbage like Dark Red Enchanter and Belial - Marquis of Darkness which should be rares at best.
Yes TCG vs OCG is a totally different conversation, but OCG yugioh is quite affordable
Such an informative video, my only experience with the Pokèmon TCG has been playing with my friends' theme decks. As simple and luck based as they are, they're still fun to whip out sometimes and have a good time. I didn't know the competitive game was so affordable and that's such a big plus for me.
The world championship decks are actually the perfect product to recommend because they're the best decks from the era, have infinite replayability, and are basically theme decks that just happen to be hyper consistent and competitive
@@E3YuGiOh didn't know about those and the seem such a cool idea. V Battle and Theme Decks are sometimes underwhelming with lots of coin tossing and bad pokèmon, but those world championship ones look like a super sick product
@@sadmemelord1633 You should look into Battle League decks as well. They're $30, every card is tourney legal unlike World Championship decks and they're typically based on tier 1 or 2 meta decks. Sometimes you need a few extra cards to add onto them, but the Calyrex BL decks are ready out of box. Pokemon has their only yearly Duel Devastator type box with tons of reprints of meta cards, sometimes as alt art promos! You can make a meta deck very easily even with only buying sealed product.
I think a lot of the points you raised about Pokemon applies to Digimon as well, it's been one of my favorite new games. Price was one of the reasons I started playing older yu-gi-oh formats (Magic has always been my main game, but god is it the most unaffordable).
Digimon looks so sick I've been checking it out more lately. Gonna try and build a deck to get some games in
wish Digimon had a good digital way to play, though. Bandai's been aggressively taking down fan-made sims, but they have no official client themselves.
@@LazurBeemz damn really? Thats a HUGE thorn
@@LazurBeemz Did not know they were being that harsh on fan content like that. That really sucks.
@@E3YuGiOh Digimon has been super fun and I’d definitely recommend checking it out. Very friendly to newer players. I was able to top 4 the first locals I went to
The best thing about modern Yugioh, in my opinion, is that I don't play it
I think both games have had their hayday tbh.
I personally think if you have a a buddy and you want to play casual (and presumably you are a kid of the 90s) I think the best way to experience the Pokemon TCG is through emulating the GameBoy game and playing against each other with the old decks. Back in those days you got the entire card collection up front in the video games, rather than a single starter decks and microtransactions all after that.
That aside, Modern Yugioh will never have another skill intensive format. What really needs to happen, is for yugioh to reboot, but they already kind of did this with speed duels, and the power creep was just as quick the second time around.
To summarise Yugioh has no future. Other TCG's have the diverse player bases.
Have you tried any of the up and coming tcgs like Digimon and fab? These games seem to have promising futures if they could get a digital platform for content creators
@@E3YuGiOh my barrier to entry is the lack of a scene of any tcg in my local area. My tabletop experience comes exclusively with a close group of 5/6 friends who meet up on a weekly basis at my buddies house. Our default game is MTG commander format which is very casual. My friends are also very set in their ways so it takes me a long time to introduce new games to them.
In short, I would if I could, but I cant so I shant.
literally all of these complaints about Yugioh are fixed by just playing historical formats, which is probably why they're getting more and more popular (except maybe 7 lol)
We'd need Harry styles to start playing edison or something for 7.
Also playing historical formats doesn't fix the issue that Konami prize support and tournaments are archaic compared to what pokemon does
@@E3YuGiOh oh for sure on the prize support stuff, I just think that the move towards including older formats as official has been a promising step, maybe dumb to expect more in the future but one can hope lol
I would like to see more pokemon tcg gameplay on this channel before deciding if I should pick it up :)
I'll do another vid soon. Maybe next week
TCG drones hate this kind of content the things they draw to defend the TCG is CRAZY!, You pay 2k for a yugioh deck that depreciates due to reprints and ban lists... to win a card that cost maybe 1k USD IF YOU GET IT SOLD. Pokemon you spent 162$ to win up to 5 figures.
Exactly! Make it make sense!!!
I speak both as a current and old school yugioh player.
I know really few about Pokemon as a modern Tcg game, I've been into it during a couple of past formats.
Have a seat.
1- That's pretty unquestionable: Pokemon, Digimon, are way cheaper than playing current ygo Tcg. I don't fully buy the "losing value argument" tho.
Price drops are a controversial topic, because budget players are craving for a price drops on powerful cards they need, but people who invested a lot to acquire a card at Day 1 don't want to see their investment ruined. In a way you can also see the last banlists as more focused on protecting ppl's investments by banning older and cheaper cards that works in a degenerate way with new cards.
Also reprints of good cards don't get a real price drop in a 1-2 years.
I mean, that's very controversial and I can't say Konami is good or bad at managing cards' rarities.
But I'm pretty sure that if you decide to make a big investment in yugioh, the value won't drop to zero for at least a couple of years.
I mean, even if hypothetically (I don't believe it tho), the blues that you bought at day 1 would get limited, would get reprints and so on, for at least 2-3 formats you'd be able to play one of the best deck's around and the card would maintain at least 50% of his original value. Then it's up to the single individual to decide if it is worth for them or not.
2- Yeah, there are unreasonably complex cards (Endymion). But most of the times cards have 1-2 effects that you need to keep track of. The rest are basically restrictions.
And you may have picked the wrong example with Prosperity. It's not at all an easy card to manage during deck building nor in game. Of course there are decks which don't care about what they banish in their ED (like Floows) but if you decide to play Pros in most of the others decks where almost any slots matters in any matchup, it becomes hard to decide what to banish and if it's better to excavate for 3 or 6. You might end up in a situation where you lose a crucial combo piece or a board breaker if you just ban 6 without any second thought.
3- Totally agree. MD is probably the most appealing platform that could've been designed to allure general public which played the game or watched the anime for a short period of their life. Providing them a slideshow of what Tcg is nowadays.
Really not appealing from any competitive prospective.
4-Well this has very few to do with the Tcg itself. Pokemon is a generally better designed franchise where every branch of it functions extremely well (except VGC, omfg).
5- money prize it's definitely something I envy, it's not available in every country tho, due to gambling legislations.
6- I agree, time wizard is a joke.
Whoever arrives to the end: much love for you.
Much love for you too! Thanks for the comment g
I think all of your points are pretty spot on and really highlight why yugioh has such a high barrier to entry for newer players, but I still prefer retro yugioh. The lack of interaction on opponents turn in Pokémon is the biggest turn off for me. Also imo yugioh archetypes have more diversity and creativity in their effects, game plans, strategies, etc whereas Pokémon is generally about stacking energies and doing big damage. I also prefer yugioh art and card lore as well since it’s so diverse (whereas Pokémon, while having different artists and styles, is limited to the actual Pokémon and trainers from the games). Also wish Pokémon had something like a DB to better support the really old formats. I think there are some sites but UI is generally pretty bad.
That said, I do really like the amount of coin flipping in pokemon. It can swing game outcomes whereas Yugioh’s hyper consistency (particularly in modern) and lack of effect-outcome rng makes it so that a top tier deck is gonna stomp a non-top tier deck way more often. Also I like how in Pokémon, players can’t rely as heavily on card economy/advantage. In goat or Edison, a +1 almost always puts you in a much better spot. Whereas there are Pokémon cards that can empty opponents hands or draw 7s or whatever but it still won’t guarantee you the win because falling behind on the board is so significant and hard OPT mechanics in pokemon (energies, supporters, etc) prevent someone from flooding the board outta nowhere. Overall both games are solid and I think it’s worth dabbling in both
Word. It sounds like you've already checked out Retro pokemon, but 2010 dppt block sounds like a format you'd really enjoy because it has power spray which is basically effect veiler. That format reminds me a little bit more of early yugioh.
In general nowadays, most interaction in modern yugioh is on board negates or floodgates which is why it's in a place where comparing it to pokemon doesn't make the least amount of sense. Retro yugioh definitely has more interactive plays similar to mtg.
@@E3YuGiOh sweet I’ll definitely have to check it out. Most of my retro Pokémon experience is from formats prior to dppt but I’ve heard good things about that era. Also I’ve never tried magic. I’ve heard it nears yugioh level learning curve so I’ve always been afraid to pick it up but maybe I’ll give it a shot one of these days lol
@@leecollins9185 magic sucks competitively but it's very fun casually or in limited formats like draft. I'd recommend edh or draft
Some of these points are why I play Pokemon TCG today (I only play Yu-Gi-Oh in video games nowadays). I've been trying to introduce Yu-Gi-Oh to my siblings, but at this point, I think it's impossible due to, as you say, feature creep.
I feel like point 8 is a little bit more nuanced. You'll always have a chance to turn things around in Pokemon, but Pokemon also has the bigger number issue among boss monsters (mitigated somewhat by the fact that rotations exist).
yeah bigger number can be an issue if there aren't little monster counters. 1 prizers do have inherent resource value in that they buy you a lot of time, despite being much easier to kill though.
Personally I would like some more pokemon/magic content on the channel because I've been rather interested in those other games as of late
Definitely gonna try to interweave more without pissing off my core audience too much 💀
My reason for leaving the pokemon tcg was because I thought yugioh not having rotations was going to be more friendly for my wallet... it was not. I also hate the prize card mechanic but after seeing that one card you played that lets you get a card from the prize pool it sounds more appealing. Maybe ill give it another shot the single strike tyranitar deck seems cool.
You could buy a full tier one deck for the next 12 years in pokemon for the price of a tier one deck for 1 ban list in yugioh now. Pokemon has kept everything shockingly affordable despite rotations.
They've done a great job recently with hisuian heavy ball type cards to help mitigate bad prizes. I've lost in tournaments in much older blocks of pokemon due to bad pricing, but that doesn't happen anymore now thanks to those cards.
Single strike ttar is based. Gl with it!
Thanks man!
You nailed it on the complexity part dude. The game got more complicated to pick up and play because of the long effects, combos, arcane rulings, etc., but once you passed that barrier, the game just feels linear and repetitive. IMO the power creep is so insane that it lead to the game being dumbed down. Every time i try to pick it up i get bored immediately because every match feels the exact same shit; it's just a deck building game.
Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is the prime example that adding complexity to a game doesn't necessarily lead it to becoming more fun or skillfull.
Thats what I'm saying. Games from goat format or critter format feel infinitely more complex than current "did I make my combo board or did they have nib veiler"
@@E3YuGiOh It mainly comes down to the fact that decks pre archetypes were made of a lot of singular use, generic cards, which felt more like having a bunch of chess pieces that you had to think how to use. That's why Goat can still be fun to play despite every deck having the same 30 staples. You're not always vomiting your hand and building the same board every single game, and the average match lasting a lot more turns leads to more unique and complex situations.
Pokemon : Cant play during other players turn. Pokemon cards are worth less because they are worth less.
Interaction on the other players turn is the biggest draw to yugioh, but pokemon has had formats with effect veiler type cards and could easily just print that type of card again.
I've been talking to my friend group about playing more pokemon right now, I think a lot of people are waiting for the banlist to make decisions on the format but it is not enjoyable currently
I unfortunately dont think the ban list will solve much of what's wrong with modern yugioh. It's like a bandaid on a leaking aircraft carrier
My only "issue" about this video is the Prosperity point. You said that Hyper ball is way more complex because what you will add depends of your hand, and that's also the case for Prosperity. It's not "just add the best card" it depends of your hand obviously, also of the match up, what you want to play around etc. I'm not saying that Prosperity is more "complex" than HB, I mean, through my sight of YGO player the discard 2 add a layer of a complexity, but I don't how important card advantages/ressources management is in PTCG compared to YGO so I can't judge, but the Prosperity part was a bit off for me.
My point is, when you can search your deck for the card you want the decision tree is more complex than looking at the top 6.
Number 8 for yugioh could not be further from the truth, but the rest was on point.
I use to play pokemon from 2010-2019, I stopped playing cause the format was really bad. Playing was really boring to me. With rotation looming it looks interesting again. All your points though do stand true haha the interactions in yugioh was something cool to me. The fact that you need to play around different things is the best part of the game. Where pokemon you just need to know what your deck does and sequence it very well. Yes there are floodgates mons or mons you need to prepare for but it's not something you can play around. Expanded not being a thing is probably for the better too. Super toxic format lol
The format right now is incredible if you haven't gotten a chance to try it.
@@E3YuGiOh I haven't gotten the chance. I been meaning to just buy some code cards and lab with the community around me but I have put 0 effort into that. Off your recommendation though I'll get on it soon.
This was really interesting! I definitely agree with some of your points, especially a lot of the non-gameplay stuff (cost, baseline complexity of Yugioh, no good online client for TCG format, bad prize support and communication from Konami). And, y'know, as a trans woman who plays Yugioh I'd def like if more girls played the game. But I do at least partially disagree with 2 and 7. Modern Yugioh is extremely complex at baseline due to paragraphs of card text, but I think once you've more or less wrapped your head around that, there is a lot of skill expression.
Playing through interaction, making the read what hand traps your opponent has, figuring out how to combo in unusual situations, deciding when to fire negates and other interactions based on your opponent's hand, all this stuff is quite skill intensive. Sure, Pokemon's combat system is much more in-depth, but Yugioh's interactions between players though negates, interruptions, backrow, etc I would argue are just as in depth in a different way.
The big thing imo is that Pokemon is pretty unique among card games (I don't know of many others that are super similar, while e.g. there are a bunch of games similar to MTG), but not nearly as much as Yugioh. If you wanna do crazy combos, constant, wild board swings, and just feel like you're doing busted shit all the time, there really is no game like Yugioh. If someone just wants to play any card game and doesn't care about specifics, yeah I'd probably point them to Pokemon, but Yugioh fills an appealing niche that no other game comes close to filling (and realistically, no game ever will bc nobody else is gonna make the batshit insane design decisions Yugioh has).
So uh... that was more words than I intended oops. But tl;dr, Pokemon def wins on basically all fronts outside of gameplay, but Yugioh is just such an incredible game in a way no other game is, so even despite all the out-of-game issues, there really is no competition for the sort of play Yugioh offers
Gameplay in uugioh is great for sure
Damn you got me. I'm legit interested in Pokemon now.
Theres a video here somewhere 👀
@@E3YuGiOh 🤔
Recently I have gotten back into Pokemon TCG. I gotta say, I love Trainer Toolkits and League Battle Decks. Buy a couple of each and you're set with all the good Trainers/Supporters you need to play competitive. Also, watching Poketubers build consistent budget decks is something I find to be super helpful.
I agree. I love how affordable the pokemon tcg is for players
i'm considering picking up a pokemon deck now tbh
If you have the budget for it, it's pretty low risk high reward investment
Some of these points are a bit more nuanced than you made them out to be, but I get it. In a nutshell you can compare the games like this: You can buy a competitive Pokemon deck for the price of a single Yugioh card.
For sure
Great video. I picked up YGO during the pandemic after playing zexal era-ish as a teenager and it changed my life. Having something nostalgic and fun with a big online community was great. But I got tired of TCG quickly, I didn't have the money or time to compete and it just felt like work. So I started to play alt formats but the lack of konami support means that people aren't really playing in person, especially past goat and Edison. I WANT to play YGO, I really do, but without supported alt formats I'm not sure how long that will last for.
What are some good resources to get into Pokémon that you'd recommend? I want to see if it's for me.
I check limitless tournament reports a loooot it's a pretty great site. Very well organized and easy to use
I’m surprised that you didn’t talk about floodgates and mystic mine. I want to know if Pokémon has floodgates that don’t let you play the game.
All major tcgs have floodgates so there's not much to really mention there.
Yeah it's called Path to the peak
I bough myself an Irl pokemon deck after your last video, I was on the fence about it and I took it a sign 😅
Mew deck is fun you should try it 👍
Mew deck is great I played it in a regional recently big fan
I don't play pokemon but, if there's any good stun, stall, and control decks to make my opponent rage then, I'll consider playing haha
There are definitely decks to make people rage, particularly in expanded. I'd say look into vileplume exeggutor decks or orbeetle stage 2 lockout deckw
One thing to add is Pokemon emphasize on how the Alternate Arts and good looking Art Cards which makes it even better compared to Yugioh which most of the times only have few art variety in each set.
If I open a starlight pot of Prosperity (or any starlight) I'm hyped its always fun pulling a chase card!
aight cool how do i get into this ? the online platform is extremly pay to play
While it is pay to play, Idk about extremely. You need about 30 codes to build a deck on ptcgo and you can either buy them for about $0.50 each online (total of about $15) or grind for packs by playing prebuilt decks.
I was trying to find a new tcg after i was get bored of Magic. After test driving both Pokemon and Yugioh, Pokemon was the clear winner. The Pokemon Company has so much respect for its player base and seems focused on growing the game rather than trying to cash in (for the most part). Konami just seems to award toxicity as well as release absurdly broken cards and ban them a week later. A lot of the time secret rares in Yugioh (which are only one per box) go from $100 price tags to pennies following a ban list or rotation. I love how Pokemon makes the game accessible for competitive players but still offers things like alt arts, gold cards, etc. Something that will likely appreciate in value if you want to go that route too. Only complaint about Pokemon is that the online client could be better, but I mean its good enough.
Yeah I completely agree 1000%
If you want to make pokemon tcg content, for the sake of the algorithm you may want a separate channel for it, unless you put a consistent/decent emphasis on comparing it to yugioh, mtg etc
You make a good point. I might need to make a separate channel for it in the near future, but for now I'm gonna try the ideas where i interweave the games together and see how it goes.
@@E3YuGiOh It could be a unique selling point for your channel. Especially if you cover more topics like this, such as: what aspects from one game could improve the other etc
@@SlashWest exactly. Not many people are talking about all tcgs
Digimon (2020) and Flesh & Blood are my go to card games of this year. Older format YGO had more flavor and depth with deck creation with not having to stick to archetypes to actually make a coherent 40 card deck. I stopped modern YGO when the elemental dragons were top tier back in 2013 and haven't looked back. Konami have not changed it's business model for the past 10 years and the game has only got worse for power creep. Pokémon has done the same with big basics getting bigger and bigger with more HP and more powerful attacks but at least the core mechanic of the game have remained the same. The flow of the game is still similar to when it was first created or closer to it's original concept than what YGO is today.
MTG will remain the number 1 TCG because of investors and collectors along with multiple formats to play however those who wish to play alternatives to MTG, I'd recommend Pokémon, Flesh & Blood and Digimon (2020).
Good comment. Definitely been looking into flesh and blood and Digimon 2020 lately. Digimon 2020 is siiiiick
as someone who also plays lots of pokemon i agree with most of the stuff you said, but i strongly disagree with point 8 that pokemons combat system is better.
Yes, 1 prizers, 2 prizers, 3 prizers, using boss for game, managing your bench so your opponent doesnt get a cheap prize and so on are a thing, and many small pokemon can defeat a big pokemon and so on.
But the combat itself sucks: Me saying i attack in pokemon is equal to passing your turn, like you have a 5 minute main phase, and the "combat" is done in 5 seconds, either i get the ko or not and then my opponents looks for his dice to place the damage counters. There are no battle traps, no multiple attacks(usually), like it has happened to me that i missed that my opponent attacked me because it was so quick.
I dont think that therefore pokemon sucks, you have to come up with a new gameplan each turn, what you want to do, how you get to these cards and how you therefore have to sequence your cards and so on.
But yugiohs combat system is way more exciting.
2 and 8 are definitely the big reasons YGO is incapable of being a better game. Magic, Pokemon, Flesh and Blood, and so many other games at their simplest are actually really fun and play really heavily into a mastery of their basic rules. YGO at it's simplest lacks rules that create dynamism. There is no real damage racing, double blocks to trade up against a larger threat, or sacrifice plays for tempo (again, talking YGO w/ french vanilla monsters and S/Ts that lean primarily into core systems instead of producing exceptions). The Devs didn't have much choice but introducing artificial complexity to both balance simple effs that scale out of control in YGO and create some actual push pull between players.
Could fix the other 6 points tomorrow and YGO would still have a legitimacy problem in the larger TCG sphere.
I agree. Those 2 are way bigger than most people realize for sure.
I agree with most of this, but as someone who recently quit Pokemon, I think we're glossing over some of Pokemon's biggest problems. The game is too homogenized right now, every top deck is a Vstar or Vmax that deals a little over 200 with a bit of energy acceleration, there are only 4 viable engines and 3 of them do the same thing, the best generic trainers (research, marnie, boss, raihan, quick ball, ultra ball) tend to outshine the best deck-specific trainers. The only exceptions are Mew, which has good deck-specific trainers but a fairly generic gameplan, and Urshi which hasn't been grabbing the results lately.
Also Pokemon's other formats are even less popular than Yugioh's retro formats, and Expanded has been cut from official play for the forseeable future (probably forever, the format is toxic) so it really is just Standard.
Pokemon is basically 2 people playing solitaire at each other, other than the HP of the opponents monster you can play your deck as if they opponent isn't even there. Also Pokemon locals in my experience tend to have a lot more children than yuigoh which is good for keeping the game around for longer, it does mean having to be around children and thats a negative in my eyes.
You sound like don't really have a lot of experience playing pokemon since it is very far from 2 players playing solitaire at each other. Competitive events are separated by age group so if you don't enjoy being around children then it isn't really a problem.
Pot was 140. It’s 70 cause the re print is secret.
It'll definitely go down more, tho. Mega tin secrets are easy to pull.
I will consider to start pokemon or start with different yugioh formats.
Top 10 anime betrayal
I feel like point 7 ist really weird…
I would love if Yu Gi Oh would be more inclusive (Not sure what needs to be done though for it) but how is a + for Pokemon. At the end of the day i play yugioh because its fun and not because its against male or females that should not matter at all and mentioning it gives me some weird vibes. I mean its not even Konamis fault i took my Gf one time to locals and people looke at her like she was some kind of alien or godess. The Yugioh Community has alot of lone creeps…
The fact is its not weird/uncomfortable for a girl to play pokemon and it is often an uncomfortable experience for girls to attend yugioh events. Tbh I think excluding or having a community that excludes 50+% of the population only hinders development the same way not having women in scientific fields or whatever else would too. Less minds is never a good thing is my main point here
I really didn't think you'd like the TCG interesting
Do you play often? I'm in the discord maybe we can play some
I used to play a lot more in the past. I try to show up to a few events every the format gets good. The last time I played was gardy gx, and then before that plasma bw.
I like Pokemon myself, Less Toxic (mostly) But that's just me
The community has been very wholesome to be around now that they've cracked down way harder on cheating
@@E3YuGiOh I mostly play PTCGO, so I can't Cheat :3
@@thejankenthusiast1285 based
Very good points brought up here. The point about feature creep is definitely something I can agree with, and I truly think YGO will have to have a hard reboot sooner rather later because of it.
The point about combat in YGO being uninteresting is intriguing. I dunno if you've checked out Cross Duel, but the monster combat in that game is more akin to Pokemon (monsters lose ATK/DEF equal to the difference when they win in battle, and status effects are also a thing), and I actually wouldn't mind if a theoretical YGO reboot had combat similar to that of Cross Duel.
That sounds tight af! I'm gonna have to look more into that
Sure, Yugioh is probably going to die with our generation but whatever, it's still going to be fun while it lasts and we can't reliably predict the future either.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm here for Edison (or other pre-Pendulum Yugioh formats), your jokes, fresh ideas, nice play, and for your amazing in-depth commentary.
If you eventually happened to do more Pokemon videos, I hope they do well and your channel keeps growing (you're a cool dude and you deserve it), but as of yet, they are not for me and I won't be interested to watch them. Yugioh only.
I will try and give the next few Pokemon TCG vids a chance and try to figure out what is going on if you decide to make them and look into the rules a little bit, but my expectations are low because I know that I'm old and resisting change. 😓
I appreciate this. If I post more pokemon here it will be sparingly.
I’m going to throw in that opening Yugioh packs isn’t even exciting.
It deadass feels like a chore
@@E3YuGiOh E3 Pokémon channel, let’s make it happen and I’ll slide you some code cards so you can have a pack opening video, that would be lit 🔥
@@derickheat2434 yooo tempting offer. I'm working on something where all tcgs will become a bigger part of this channel, but I can't unveil too much information yet 👀 I might need to make a separate channel for it who knows we'll see
Old = Good
New = Bad
The one drawback to me is card art. Ideally id love new card game with yugioh level art. Pokemons art is just very pokemon. Its all just pokemon. Not that its bad, but I dont get exited when I look at pokemon card art. If I am going to pick up a new card game, it wont be magic or pokemon.
Have you checked out Digimon? The cards look pretty dope and it seems fresh
sorry to tell you about 5 but ygoprodeck normally gets all the official listings if the players would like them uploaded. few people dont like exposing techs i guess so they dont let their lists get leaked. And oof on 8, mans forgets all about quick effects and dmg step rulings, but i guess fair critique overall. Only bad thing about pokemon financially is sealed product is a waste of time if you intend to play competitive. Yugioh players can atleast buy a box of POTE (the recent set) pull a spright blue and trade it for an entire deck of cards to someone meta chasing etc and still keep other cards they pulled. Real moral of the story here is konami could learn a little from pokemon when it comes to respecting their customers if they wanna protect their future wallets lololol
Obviously if it's left up to the players lists will never get published. That's so dumb tbh.
Also I completely disagree. Buying sealed pokemon product always has value due to codes, but sealed yugioh you can just miss on the chase secret and completely lose all ur investment money.
A lot of world champions in ygo are cheaters too. That’s probably why they never get any renown lol. Hoban I think is the exception bc he wrote a book that applies to all card games.
Interesting. Didn't know that cuz I wouldn't have remembered any world champions past the year they won lmfao
I'd like to point out that master duel is actually more f2p friendly than ptcgo.
In master duel you can get like 15k gems at the start, while it's equivalent to like 150 usd if you try to p2w
That booster pack moot is not true as well since master duel allow you to craft ANY card you want with three of the same rarity card.
At first you will have a loadshit of packs to open and you can dismantle them, then craft the cards u want.
You can even make any deck u want with a free account after like a day! I doubt you can build the meta deck that early on with pctgo.
YuGiOh is so insanely overpriced and I don't get it. Even slabs are ridiculous. Hoping the downward market trend continues,
same. id actually play the game if it was priced anywhere near pokemon, but even keeping up with one meta shift is like another 200usd i need to spend on some random hand trap to interact with that
Yugioh has better TH-cam and Twitch content. But I enjoy playing pokemon a lot more.
Dude I noticed the pokemon content SUCKS. I might need to enter the sphere a bit just cuz it's so empty rn
@@E3YuGiOh Check out Tricky Gym. They are the main creator pushing the space with their content atm. They even created a new format Gym Leader Challenge which is getting super popular.
@@umiforce8152 I'll look into them!
You just come of a miss informed in this video on a few points. Yu-Gi-Oh! Is more expensive yes and gives less prices fair points so far saying pot of prosperity is less skill full compared to ultra-ball is wrong technically and honestly can’t see how you don’t see this. The more decisions you have the more skill it takes to play a card correctly. And you have 2 choices with ultra-ball 1 the card to get rid of and 2 the Pokémon to add. With pot of prosperity, you must pick 3 or 6 based on you hand the same way you would with ultra-ball also you have to be aware if you can win or not if you will play a card which will half the damage you will also do the choice of which cards to banish and which card to add also matters. Lots of problems with Yu-Gi-Oh! but the one thing you can’t say about it is that it doesn’t take skill understanding and knowledge will help you win. And Pokémon has coin flips on lots of it’s cards which can make bad players win more something I’m not really a fan of in games.
Pot of desires is a different card than the one you're talking about.
@@E3YuGiOh I ment pot of prosperity I'll fix this but I think it's clear when I describe the effect of the card banish 3 or 6 etc.
Why can I only like this video once
Create an alt 😈
This is BIG facts, bro. Lol
I'm saaaayin bro
pokemon tcg doesn't have dragon link though 🤔
This is true and sad.
pokemon have better products , the rarity system is better and people are less toxic, Yu gi oh is toxic as hell
@@E3YuGiOh scalpers are the only cancer in pokemon
Do kids even play Yugi-Oh! anymore? I can barely keep up with the meta. How the hell is little Timmy going to know what is going on?
They actually dont. The average player age is a little over 29
The best game for cards playing even the anime is Yugioh there is no chance for Pokemon so pokemon stall the upper hand for the card stuff However yugioh the real card game here and it is special i like pokemon but in video games
i’ve only read the title . you cannot be serious
watch the video
Comparison is the death of joy. I really don't like these types of videos where we compare tcgs or formats to each other. I think it just polarizes people's opinions and I don't think it achieves much. The only thing that is for certain is that ultimate rare is the best rarity in all of tcg, pineapples do not work with pizza and tom brady is the goat.
U right. The clickbait is the comparison. It's mostly just talking about how competitive modern yugioh could take away some simple fixes from pokemon and be in a better spot but they just refuse to for no real reason.
pokemon is for the weak, art enjoyer
yugioh is for big brain, mature guys
Yugioh is for trust fund kids lol
Yugioh > Pokémon
Bite me 🙃
Good one haha!!!!
E3 used Bite.
Ricky Evans flinched!
Didn’t even watch the vid, but I don’t agree. Pokémon is a very boring TCG
Didn't read your comment, but I don't agree.
@@E3YuGiOh you’re capping because clearly you did 😉
I liked the video yet I dont like you swearing every minute