Here with you buddy 13yrs old i found God about a month ago. Its really sad no one i know tries to learn about Jesus all i here about is people trying to unalive there self. (Note I've known god my entire live just started ti take a serious a month ago).
Im 16, praise God i was saved at a young age!! 🙏🏾 The lesson that resonates with me the most was finding your voice. I would always be comparing myself to other believers around me and thought, am I doing good enough? But then I realized God has a different mission and calling for everyone, so I shouldn't think I'm failing or not good enough because God is our strength, and he is here to lead us down the right path!! Amen 🙌🏾
i came across this video after a heartfelt prayer and found this comment when i was scrolling. my name is faith, and this verse and assuring words spoke directly to my heart. I thank God for you. I think this was a sign. Bless you.
I'm 15 and I am struggling with finding my passion. I don't know what God has called me to do and I don't know what I want to do in life. It's been a real struggle lately but this video literally popped on my recommendation at the RIGHT TIME!! God bless you!
I'm 18, thank you for your words of wisdom Mr. Yi. The closer I've started to follow God the more at peace I feel, and the more I wish to spread that peace to others. informational videos such as this help me to further understand and learn tough lessons early so I can live the rest of my life with christ, and as God intends, not as I intend. I liked your construction joke too lol
Im 13 Even though i grew up in a church i wasn't that close to God since this year started i started reading the bible, praying every single day now my life is falling into place Praise the Lord 🙏
Hey I am 19 year old from South Africa. Thank you , speaking your voice, God has healed me from my sins and has blessed me with more then I expected and to see the Holy Spirit shine through you is a blessing ❤, and I loved the joke at the end 😂
Thank you. Im a teen and struggle a lot with talking ill about people, it seems like everyone else is doing it so I should do it to right? But I try to remember that the things of this earth don’t matter because I will see Jesus and be in paradise one day. I go to a Catholic school and even the students there do not act as a Catholic would, I tell myself it doesn’t matter how many friends I have or what shoes I should buy to get compliments. What matters is if i’m doing what God has convincted me to do, to spread and live out His word. We are all children of the Lord and his Holy Kingdom. God Bless you all and have a great life.
God calls us to live apart, and so it’s natural to feel different from others and that’s not what our flesh likes to feel. It does feel bad in the moment but God can seriously work miracles that I can PROMISE you for certain. Pray about it and He and take it away. That doesn’t mean it will get easier. Also about the catholic school and the people there not acting catholic, I was literally in the same position. What did help me back then when I acted like everyone else there was seeing how others lived. When someone was sharing the gospel through their actions like being kind and forgiving others, it was really admirable. I know at this age it can feel really daunting spreading the light to those around but your actions speak so much. Even the small things you do daily, it can change others lives when you live by example. God bless you ❤❤
I’m 12 turning 13 mr Yi and thank you, I’m currently in a phase of my life where I have to make decisions about friendships and doing the right just thing and this video really helped me
Amazing video, I'm 11 years old with rude, swearing and very weird non-believing friends and parents, but my relationship with God still grows and he helps me forgive my friends and not do what they do (Btw that joke at the end was top-tier)
Im 12, turning 13 next year and also in 7th Grade. Im very grateful for all these advices and hope that I myslef and everyone else who is watching and who watched this video are grateful for it too God Bless Everyone Who Watched This In Jesus Name Amen 🙏🏻 ❤️
I need to meet this guy. I am 15 and I have to work on my reading a lot😭 thank you so much for the advice! You are changing the lives of many and God is so proud of your work❤
I am 18 year's old and preaching the gospel is what I am born for. One thing I thank Jehovah for is that I he has given me his yoke in my youth Ecclesiastes 12:1. Thank you for the guidance❤
I'm 19 and these days I've been dealing with self doubt and the people I live with right now aren't people I want to be with because they find sin to be comfortable and they honestly get on my nerves.
I'm only 11 and grown into this teen phase already and this video helped me a lot in my journey of growing up and almost being a young adolescent, thanks, Timothy, may God bless you❤❤❤
I had some hot tempered friends before. I was friends with this one guy in school and he was easily angered. He was upset with me a few times but he was normally mad at someone else. I struggle with anger issues too so I understood him. He was sometimes a jerk but he was nice to me. He cared for me and was loyal to me, respected me and had a soft spot for me. He had many problems but I knew he wasn’t a bad person. I’m 19 and I think this advice could benefit adults too.
I became born again 4 years ago, but my joy was short lived. For 3.5 years now I’ve had to deal with my conscience attacking me for nearly everything in my life, and it’s gotten so bad now that I struggle to sleep and I can’t think about God for very long or I’ll find a trigger to obsess on. I think I might have OCD, or at least I’m very perfectionistic. I just wish I could tell the difference between my perfectionist conscience and God. I feel like if I’m not leaving a seed for God in a lot of comment sections, I’m failing Him. It is so exhausting. I am so discouraged, but I’m going to keep trusting in God because I know He’s my only hope of escaping this neverending cycle. I just want to be close to Him again. I don’t want to sin, but my conscience is convinced that there’s always something I have to change or do better in or eliminate. I want peace. I want God. I know how free He can make you feel. Why can’t I have Him anymore? Why is nothing I do ever good enough? Please pray for me…
I'm a homeschooled 16yr and man is it hard. Trying to find my voice is definitely the hardest. As homeschooled, I feel like I'm not needed anywhere and I've asked God to guide me, but I still feel confused. I'm currently not part of a church, and I really wish I had a Youth Counselor like you!
I'm 14 and also homeschooled. I am right there beside you and I know how you feel. I have always wanted to go to public school and this video helped me realize that I am right where God put me. Thank you for sharing this vid, Mr. Yi
i think forgiveness is what i really needed to here one day at church i told my one friend a secret that nobody else should know and he swore not to tell anybody and like 10 mins later every kid my age knew about it i still struggle to forgive him for it but after this i think i can. thank you so much for this video.
Instead of Proverbs I've been reading the letters of Paul, and so far I've gotten through Romans, 1 Corinthians, Colossians and Ephesians (my favorite letter)
Hi Mr Timothy! I'm 14, and thank u so much for this video. I took down a lot of notes and learned a lot from here. The last one hit me a lot because this is what my dad always tells me "If we can't appreciate the little/smaller, then we can't appreciate the more or bigger." I most importantly want to thank God for leading me to this video. 🙏 It spoke out to me a lot. More videos like this would be a huge help as this helped, and I enjoyed this. I spent some time with God, and I'm fasting today. I think I've fasted for 12 hours or more and it's my first time fasting. I will be breaking it now🙏❤️ God bless you
I am 16 , even though I was born in a Christian family i was not close with God but my life changed soon after Jesus came into my life. He had changed me from head to toe ❤and now he is the love of my life 😊 everytime I go somewhere i could feel the power of the holy spirit encouraging me to spread the gospal to the people 😊 I am thankful to Jesus for transforming my life❤
I just started being in this journey..tbh me stopping to listen to Kpop is a challenge but im willing to do all the to have a relationship with God ♥️ step at a time ❤
At first I didn’t appreciate your channel being recommended and would remove them but holy moly, I need someone like you now more than ever after being through so much recently but mostly the Lord
1. Choose your friends wisely.(poverbs 22:24-25) 2. Read as much as you can(recommendation=read bible) 3. Do the right thing always(poverbs 10:9) 4. Find your voice (1Peter 4:10) 5. Don't be afraid to fail (2Timothy 1:7) 6. Be faithful in the small things (Matthew 25:21) 7. Learn how to forgive(Matthew 6:14) I hope this will help! At first I thought of just skipping this video as I didn't want to watch 9mins video and I expected someone to write points on this video/ summarizing it but i didn't find any. So I just thought I'll write it down for people like me who is lazy to watch.😆
Hi, Mr. Yi. This is the very first video of yours that I am watching, and I couldn't help but saying how much it blessed me. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you!
Am 19 and am so proudly said I AM A CHRISTIAN because jesus teach me so much lessons he teach me to love our enemy and love your neighbor like you I pray to God to make good friends and away negative peoples And also thanking to jesus having a good family that you give to me Thank you father in the name of jesus amen🤍
I have my exams going on rn and your words really helped me ... I've noted a few points in my diary so that i won't forget.. I've been having trouble forgiving, failing my economics paper🥲 basically everything you have mentioned. I'm trying a lot ot be like Christ and it is very hard with all the negativity around me but ik God is there with me and he'll always be watching over me when ever i call for him As said in Psalm 121. Just before i opened TH-cam i prayed to God to lead me to a good Christian video since I needed it a lot and he led me to your video .God can work in many ways, keep on making contents like this ☺️ May God bless you and Thank you 💞
I'm 13 years old and recently got saved, and still going strong! Until now, I still regret not choosing my friends wisely but I pray to God everyday to help me find a solution❤
Sir, thanks for this quick reminder :), I'm 14 this year and I'm trying to grow in spiritual maturity and love for my Heavenly Father. Actually people like you encourage me to continually read God's Word day by day. Thanksss!
Thank you for spreading the word like this. I feel like as teens and often in high school we get overwhelmed by everything we tend to forget to make room for God so thank you for reminding me some of the most important things I need to keep in my heart, praise God for your gift in preaching!!! ❤️🙌
it's hard being in high school with all the peer pressure and work so i feel for you guys. i hope this content can help you a bit in your season as a teenager!
I am very grateful that i found this video thank you so much for this video in this generation it is very difficult to find Christianity stuff and we as teenager need a guide who can guide us through bible majority of people surrounded by me are hindu i hope you will provide such videos more thank you so much 🙏🏻
It is the return! 😄 I’m slowly getting back into making videos but youtube has changed so much so it’ll take some time to get used to everything! But thanks for commenting. Appreciate it!
Hey man, i really love ur videos. At home, i grew upw without a dad, im 15 now, never had one, it was always just me, my brothers and my mom. I got bullied for it in school, then when i had it hard, i found u, i learned about Christ and am now baptized, i just want to say how much i thank u and im so gratefull. U just feel like a dad that i never had. God bless you, Timothy
Im 14, i have been engaging with lots of youth activities with my friends to bring myself closer to God. and i tell you, it's an amazing experience. I have encountered the Holy Spirit for the first time, looks unreal but by faith you will know. Thank you sir for bringing this out to more teens out there. These are very much important lessons and It's difficult. but i always hold on to Phillipians 4:13 :D
Thanks man, amazing video I just turned 16 a month ago and I’ve been believing in Christ for about a year and a few months now and my family is atheist and they don’t know I believe yet so yea, I want to tell them but.. I now I should but aghhh, I need Gods help and I pray for their salvation and everyone’s, may the ultimate peace, comfort, and love of Jesus be with you all❤
God will reveal the perfect time for your light to shine on your family, just as Jesus said in Matthew 5: 14-16 "You are the light of the world" your light will shine upon your family, and it shall be open to them in God's time 😊 Stay faithful and strong, you are not alone. Amen 😊
I'm in my last year of high school and what you said about being faithful with small things really changed my perspective of how I do things in my daily life and being faithful with the small things. I thank God for leading me to click on this video and learn about these lessons. God Bless!
Thankyou for the video. I struggle a lot with making friends because i try to be friends with everyone, making sure people want to talk to me. But i feel like i do that beacuse i wanted to show everyone I am a highly socialble person ,that i can talk to whoever i wanted with ease. That "You cant be friends with eveyone " really hits me hard. Will work on that. Again ,thanks for the reminder . ❤❤
there's a difference between being friendly with people which we should do and being in friendship with people. i think it's amazing you talk to so many people and believe that it's a good thing! it's who you allow to speak into your life that we should be mindful of!
Thank you Mr yi, i do struggle with fear these days especially because I am about to write my exams😢. But you have said and the verses, so helpful😊 God bless and amen
Im 18 and I'm going through health anxiety it's like a living hell, I miss old me please remember me in ur prayers. This video helps a lot thankyou so much u're changing many lives and God is proud of u keep going❤
I'm 16 and this video really brought my attention to some things that I use to think of as harmless such as having bad friends and taking shortcuts causes they can be much more harmful than I realise. Thank you for these advice, they may seem small but can actually make a big difference!
Thank you for this video! Id argue Ephesians is just as important as the other books you mentioned. Im still trying to work on forgiving others because it gets hard sometimes but I know itll get easier!
Im 17 and I struggle with cursing and trying to fit in. I compare myself sometimes to other girls around me but this video helped. We as Christians are meant to not fit in with the world because we have Christ living in us. Thanks pastor :)
Lesson number #4 resonates with me. You talked about finding ones voice and to stop duplicating the way others do their things to make it our own. Thank you for the insightful message, that was all I need to hear and more. ❤❤❤❤
This is the first video of yours I have watched and I'm already feeling like I have the chance to be a better Christian, tysm! especially the part where you explain how we should forgive others, I have been struggling to forgive certain individuals because I'm still holding on to things they did in the past, but I feel like I'm starting to understand why I need to let things go!^^
Which lesson resonated with you and why?
ppl u surround urself with
@@SAINTJ17that’s a good one. I heard someone say that we are the average of the 5 ppl we spend time with
@@TimothyYi thats kinda true, i tend to get into the Presence of Christ all the time.
#7 ❤
@@LoganMartinez-i9n forgiveness is something we all need to learn and do!
I’m 13 and there’s barely anyone my age who follows Christ that I know of. This has helped me in several ways. Thank you Tim. Praise the Lord 🙏❤✝️
Same here, 13 and not many around me my age follow Christ. But I know that He is with me and that’s what matters❤️
God will bring some your way!
Here with you buddy 13yrs old i found God about a month ago. Its really sad no one i know tries to learn about Jesus all i here about is people trying to unalive there self. (Note I've known god my entire live just started ti take a serious a month ago).
Same here we need a group!
Im 16, praise God i was saved at a young age!! 🙏🏾 The lesson that resonates with me the most was finding your voice. I would always be comparing myself to other believers around me and thought, am I doing good enough? But then I realized God has a different mission and calling for everyone, so I shouldn't think I'm failing or not good enough because God is our strength, and he is here to lead us down the right path!! Amen 🙌🏾
amen to that! God has something unique planned for you! don't look at others but what God has given you
It's funny how so many 14 yr olds like myself are here just find it very interesting
everyone is here to learn and grow!
Amin!!!!!. 😌🤌💕.
Yeah man I’m also 14
2 timothy 1:7 Don't be afraid to fail. its a natural thing to become much better. be confident in the Lord, Faith
i came across this video after a heartfelt prayer and found this comment when i was scrolling. my name is faith, and this verse and assuring words spoke directly to my heart. I thank God for you. I think this was a sign. Bless you.
I'm 15 and I am struggling with finding my passion. I don't know what God has called me to do and I don't know what I want to do in life. It's been a real struggle lately but this video literally popped on my recommendation at the RIGHT TIME!! God bless you!
it's a sign from God! 😀
I'm 13 and going through the exact same thing
@michelle-xi1kq it'll take time, you're only 13!
@@Wordingsfries Thankyou, there's already so much pressure from my family and my peers
SAME... Literally dont know what my talent, Dont know what i wanna be
Im 14 years old and the first lesson is especially important to me, so many fakes in my life, good thing i have real friends
I'm 18, thank you for your words of wisdom Mr. Yi. The closer I've started to follow God the more at peace I feel, and the more I wish to spread that peace to others. informational videos such as this help me to further understand and learn tough lessons early so I can live the rest of my life with christ, and as God intends, not as I intend. I liked your construction joke too lol
Glad to hear it helped you! Keep living for Christ!
Your the exact age as me LoL
Im 13 Even though i grew up in a church i wasn't that close to God since this year started i started reading the bible, praying every single day now my life is falling into place
Praise the Lord 🙏
I will like to be your friend
I will like to be ur friend...and get influence in Jesus name
@@fungaingoshi5006 hi
6:48 thank you so much for this, me failing does not mean I'm a failure
Amen to that!
Hey I am 19 year old from South Africa. Thank you , speaking your voice, God has healed me from my sins and has blessed me with more then I expected and to see the Holy Spirit shine through you is a blessing ❤, and I loved the joke at the end 😂
thank you brother I'm 16 from Israel it's helped me thank you for advice 🙏
you're welcome! live passionately for Christ in your teenage years!
I'm 14 and got saved last year, Proverbs be calling me out and I'm here for it. Thank you so much for these advices, God bless you❤
i love proverbs!
Thank you. Im a teen and struggle a lot with talking ill about people, it seems like everyone else is doing it so I should do it to right? But I try to remember that the things of this earth don’t matter because I will see Jesus and be in paradise one day. I go to a Catholic school and even the students there do not act as a Catholic would, I tell myself it doesn’t matter how many friends I have or what shoes I should buy to get compliments. What matters is if i’m doing what God has convincted me to do, to spread and live out His word. We are all children of the Lord and his Holy Kingdom. God Bless you all and have a great life.
amen to that! be who God created you to be and continue to be faithful to Him!
God calls us to live apart, and so it’s natural to feel different from others and that’s not what our flesh likes to feel. It does feel bad in the moment but God can seriously work miracles that I can PROMISE you for certain. Pray about it and He and take it away. That doesn’t mean it will get easier.
Also about the catholic school and the people there not acting catholic, I was literally in the same position. What did help me back then when I acted like everyone else there was seeing how others lived. When someone was sharing the gospel through their actions like being kind and forgiving others, it was really admirable.
I know at this age it can feel really daunting spreading the light to those around but your actions speak so much. Even the small things you do daily, it can change others lives when you live by example.
God bless you ❤❤
I’m 12 and I don’t know no one that follows Christ my age so this is helpful to hear.Thank you
I’m 12 turning 13 mr Yi and thank you, I’m currently in a phase of my life where I have to make decisions about friendships and doing the right just thing and this video really helped me
glad it helped!
Amazing video, I'm 11 years old with rude, swearing and very weird non-believing friends and parents, but my relationship with God still grows and he helps me forgive my friends and not do what they do (Btw that joke at the end was top-tier)
awesome to hear man! continue to live for Christ!
Im 12, turning 13 next year and also in 7th Grade. Im very grateful for all these advices and hope that I myslef and everyone else who is watching and who watched this video are grateful for it too God Bless Everyone Who Watched This In Jesus Name Amen 🙏🏻 ❤️
Thanks for the encouragement!
I need to meet this guy. I am 15 and I have to work on my reading a lot😭 thank you so much for the advice! You are changing the lives of many and God is so proud of your work❤
thanks for the encouragement!
Hi I’m also 15..wanna be friends ❤
I am 18 year's old and preaching the gospel is what I am born for. One thing I thank Jehovah for is that I he has given me his yoke in my youth Ecclesiastes 12:1. Thank you for the guidance❤
Pastor i am 19 years old. I am from india. Thankyou so much for this wonderful advise. God bless you ❤️🩹
I'm 19 and these days I've been dealing with self doubt and the people I live with right now aren't people I want to be with because they find sin to be comfortable and they honestly get on my nerves.
I'm only 11 and grown into this teen phase already and this video helped me a lot in my journey of growing up and almost being a young adolescent, thanks, Timothy, may God bless you❤❤❤
Thank you brother I'm 16 rn from India helped alot ❤
so awesome we can connect even though we are in different countries! many blessings to you!
This is my last year of school but till now I haven't got any friend who truly wants to follow Jesus....
Trust in God brother❤
take heart! stay faithful and God will bring others to you!
@@TimothyYi Amen 🙌
@@Albertozaurussss sure 😊
me too
Thank you so much. Im 14 and sometimes I have trouble staying consistent and it's been affect my relationship with God 😭 i needed this ❤
glad it helps! God bless you man!
@@TimothyYi Thank you
I'm 17 and this was very helpful ❤
awesome to hear!
So true. As someone who serve the next generation these are so important for them to know
I had some hot tempered friends before. I was friends with this one guy in school and he was easily angered. He was upset with me a few times but he was normally mad at someone else. I struggle with anger issues too so I understood him. He was sometimes a jerk but he was nice to me. He cared for me and was loyal to me, respected me and had a soft spot for me. He had many problems but I knew he wasn’t a bad person. I’m 19 and I think this advice could benefit adults too.
I'm 19 now so I really needed this ✝️🙌 thankyou Mr Yi🌼
blessings to you!
May God bless you in all that you do 🙏✝️
I became born again 4 years ago, but my joy was short lived. For 3.5 years now I’ve had to deal with my conscience attacking me for nearly everything in my life, and it’s gotten so bad now that I struggle to sleep and I can’t think about God for very long or I’ll find a trigger to obsess on. I think I might have OCD, or at least I’m very perfectionistic. I just wish I could tell the difference between my perfectionist conscience and God. I feel like if I’m not leaving a seed for God in a lot of comment sections, I’m failing Him. It is so exhausting. I am so discouraged, but I’m going to keep trusting in God because I know He’s my only hope of escaping this neverending cycle. I just want to be close to Him again. I don’t want to sin, but my conscience is convinced that there’s always something I have to change or do better in or eliminate. I want peace. I want God. I know how free He can make you feel. Why can’t I have Him anymore? Why is nothing I do ever good enough? Please pray for me…
I'm a homeschooled 16yr and man is it hard. Trying to find my voice is definitely the hardest. As homeschooled, I feel like I'm not needed anywhere and I've asked God to guide me, but I still feel confused. I'm currently not part of a church, and I really wish I had a Youth Counselor like you!
You not alone bro I just turned 17 homeschool hit hard mentally just stay busy
there's a place for everyone. i believe it'll come for you one day! don't give up!
@@ezee9189 great words!
I'm 14 and also homeschooled. I am right there beside you and I know how you feel. I have always wanted to go to public school and this video helped me realize that I am right where God put me. Thank you for sharing this vid, Mr. Yi
@@vanna-g7n amennn! cheering you on as well!
i think forgiveness is what i really needed to here one day at church i told my one friend a secret that nobody else should know and he swore not to tell anybody and like 10 mins later every kid my age knew about it i still struggle to forgive him for it but after this i think i can. thank you so much for this video.
Oh man that's tough to go through! Sorry to hear that
Instead of Proverbs I've been reading the letters of Paul, and so far I've gotten through Romans, 1 Corinthians, Colossians and Ephesians (my favorite letter)
galatians is my favorite pauline letter! so gospel centered and gospel saturated!
@@TimothyYi ooo i’ll read that one next then thankyou ✊🙏
wow, i wish i heard this when i was a teenager! 🔥👏🏼
same! 😂
I'm 14 thank you for this encouragement
my pleasure! keep pursuing Christ!
@@IsabellaGough-wp9ii SAME! I love seeing others my age seeking God and listening to the Word of God.🤍🙏
Same,I thought only older teens were watching this😅
@@RemoikantseMosito-oo2sr sameee hah
Hi Mr Timothy! I'm 14, and thank u so much for this video. I took down a lot of notes and learned a lot from here. The last one hit me a lot because this is what my dad always tells me "If we can't appreciate the little/smaller, then we can't appreciate the more or bigger." I most importantly want to thank God for leading me to this video. 🙏
It spoke out to me a lot. More videos like this would be a huge help as this helped, and I enjoyed this. I spent some time with God, and I'm fasting today. I think I've fasted for 12 hours or more and it's my first time fasting. I will be breaking it now🙏❤️
God bless you
great job on fasting! that's not easy to do so enjoy your meal! 😀
@@TimothyYi Thank u so much.🙏🤍
@@TimothyYi what do i do if im trying to fast but my stomach starts hurting unbareably if i don't?
I am 16 , even though I was born in a Christian family i was not close with God but my life changed soon after Jesus came into my life. He had changed me from head to toe ❤and now he is the love of my life 😊 everytime I go somewhere i could feel the power of the holy spirit encouraging me to spread the gospal to the people
😊 I am thankful to Jesus for transforming my life❤
Oh Lord God is talking to me! Btw I am 13! New Teen Sub!
I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me through lesson 6 and 7 that you just mentioned, thank you for sharing! God Bless You.
those are great!
Forgiveness and ppl cirles you hang out with 🔥
I just started being in this journey..tbh me stopping to listen to Kpop is a challenge but im willing to do all the to have a relationship with God ♥️ step at a time ❤
a small step is better than no step at all!
Sameeee I’m so happy I found someone I. The same boat. It’s way too addictive but I’m not as obsessed
At first I didn’t appreciate your channel being recommended and would remove them but holy moly, I need someone like you now more than ever after being through so much recently but mostly the Lord
all praise to God!
1. Choose your friends wisely.(poverbs 22:24-25)
2. Read as much as you can(recommendation=read bible)
3. Do the right thing always(poverbs 10:9)
4. Find your voice (1Peter 4:10)
5. Don't be afraid to fail (2Timothy 1:7)
6. Be faithful in the small things (Matthew 25:21)
7. Learn how to forgive(Matthew 6:14)
I hope this will help! At first I thought of just skipping this video as I didn't want to watch 9mins video and I expected someone to write points on this video/ summarizing it but i didn't find any. So I just thought I'll write it down for people like me who is lazy to watch.😆
The best video for young Christian people . Thankyou and God bless you.
Im thirteen i liked the video keep doing what you do i took some notes Great vid God bless you
appreciate rachael! God bless you!
Hi, Mr. Yi. This is the very first video of yours that I am watching, and I couldn't help but saying how much it blessed me. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you!
you're welcome! so glad to hear it's helping you and others. what a blessing!
Faithful with small things ❤
Not letting fear control us ❤️
I need to remember that too!
Am 19 and am so proudly said I AM A CHRISTIAN because jesus teach me so much lessons he teach me to love our enemy and love your neighbor like you
I pray to God to make good friends and away negative peoples
And also thanking to jesus having a good family that you give to me
Thank you father in the name of jesus amen🤍
I have my exams going on rn and your words really helped me ...
I've noted a few points in my diary so that i won't forget..
I've been having trouble forgiving, failing my economics paper🥲 basically everything you have mentioned. I'm trying a lot ot be like Christ and it is very hard with all the negativity around me but ik God is there with me and he'll always be watching over me when ever i call for him
As said in Psalm 121.
Just before i opened TH-cam i prayed to God to lead me to a good Christian video since I needed it a lot and he led me to your video .God can work in many ways, keep on making contents like this ☺️
May God bless you and Thank you 💞
Blessings to you!
I'm 13 and I'm trying my best to be a child of God I listen to the gospel and I pray night and morning but I don't feel like I'm trying my best
I’m only 11, and every time I talk about god people don’t want to say it but they don’t want to listen
Thank You Master JESUS 🤍🙌🏿
PRAISE THE LORD, I love to see my brothers and sisters in christ following Jesus Christ at such a young age. I love you all God Bless.
I'm 13 years old and recently got saved, and still going strong! Until now, I still regret not choosing my friends wisely but I pray to God everyday to help me find a solution❤
God will provide
Im 19 very greatful for this journey and still finding my purpose..I trust God always.
Amen to that!
Sir, thanks for this quick reminder :), I'm 14 this year and I'm trying to grow in spiritual maturity and love for my Heavenly Father. Actually people like you encourage me to continually read God's Word day by day. Thanksss!
Thanks for the kind words! God bless you!
i am student i really like. it is priceless advce .thank you
I'm 14 and I really love the book of Proverbs
Thank you for spreading the word like this. I feel like as teens and often in high school we get overwhelmed by everything we tend to forget to make room for God so thank you for reminding me some of the most important things I need to keep in my heart, praise God for your gift in preaching!!! ❤️🙌
it's hard being in high school with all the peer pressure and work so i feel for you guys. i hope this content can help you a bit in your season as a teenager!
I am very grateful that i found this video thank you so much for this video in this generation it is very difficult to find Christianity stuff and we as teenager need a guide who can guide us through bible majority of people surrounded by me are hindu i hope you will provide such videos more thank you so much 🙏🏻
Yes! Are you back for good? We really missed you!
It is the return! 😄 I’m slowly getting back into making videos but youtube has changed so much so it’ll take some time to get used to everything! But thanks for commenting. Appreciate it!
@@TimothyYi sweet!
Hey man, i really love ur videos. At home, i grew upw without a dad, im 15 now, never had one, it was always just me, my brothers and my mom. I got bullied for it in school, then when i had it hard, i found u, i learned about Christ and am now baptized, i just want to say how much i thank u and im so gratefull. U just feel like a dad that i never had. God bless you, Timothy
thanks for sharing this! God is with you even during the hard moments!
Praise the Lord Hallelujah
We give thanks to God Amen
I was struggle rly. But the video showing up randomly felt like a sign ❤
Im 14, i have been engaging with lots of youth activities with my friends to bring myself closer to God. and i tell you, it's an amazing experience. I have encountered the Holy Spirit for the first time, looks unreal but by faith you will know. Thank you sir for bringing this out to more teens out there. These are very much important lessons and It's difficult. but i always hold on to Phillipians 4:13 :D
Thanks man, amazing video I just turned 16 a month ago and I’ve been believing in Christ for about a year and a few months now and my family is atheist and they don’t know I believe yet so yea, I want to tell them but.. I now I should but aghhh, I need Gods help and I pray for their salvation and everyone’s, may the ultimate peace, comfort, and love of Jesus be with you all❤
God will reveal the perfect time for your light to shine on your family, just as Jesus said in Matthew 5: 14-16 "You are the light of the world" your light will shine upon your family, and it shall be open to them in God's time 😊 Stay faithful and strong, you are not alone. Amen 😊
Praise God! Keep praying for the right time to share with your family!
@@Moontee16 Thank you so much Jesus loves you❤️
@@TimothyYi Thank you❤️❤️❤️
Ameen yes you are right man of God.God bless you more
Amen brother!! Thank you, and praise our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ!! ❤❤❤
I am saved at my 17's Praise Jesus Christ ✝️😁
I'm 17 and this is the most difficult age of my life so far because of emotional troubles and no one understands
I'm in my last year of high school and what you said about being faithful with small things really changed my perspective of how I do things in my daily life and being faithful with the small things. I thank God for leading me to click on this video and learn about these lessons. God Bless!
that's one of my favorite lessons too!
most beautiful name in this whole universe is Jesus Christ❤
im 16 and from germany, i love your content and this video was what i needed rn thank you
Thank you sir!! I really wanna be what God's wants me to be!!!❤
you got this!
Amen to Jesus ❤❤
Thank you Pastor Yi!
2tim1:7 greatly resonated in my spirit!
God has not given me the spirit of fear!
Amen! Let's live courageously!
I landed on this video and I really wanna say thanks for the pieces of advice I just turned 18 and these were some inspring words. God bless you
Happy 18th birthday!!
Reading actually made me more smart❤
Thankyou for the video. I struggle a lot with making friends because i try to be friends with everyone, making sure people want to talk to me. But i feel like i do that beacuse i wanted to show everyone I am a highly socialble person ,that i can talk to whoever i wanted with ease.
That "You cant be friends with eveyone " really hits me hard. Will work on that.
Again ,thanks for the reminder . ❤❤
there's a difference between being friendly with people which we should do and being in friendship with people. i think it's amazing you talk to so many people and believe that it's a good thing! it's who you allow to speak into your life that we should be mindful of!
Amen !,God bless you too !
I love this can you make another video? please
Thanks❤GOD bless you to
Thank you Mr yi, i do struggle with fear these days especially because I am about to write my exams😢. But you have said and the verses, so helpful😊 God bless and amen
God bless!
Thank you God, and you sir 😊
Thanks for the kind words!
Thank you very much Timothy
Im 18 and I'm going through health anxiety it's like a living hell, I miss old me please remember me in ur prayers. This video helps a lot thankyou so much u're changing many lives and God is proud of u keep going❤
I hope God provides strength to you!
Yes thanks IT was really important and helpful❤ May God bless you guys ❤ and you Timothy❤
Thank you for this word. I will be for sure looking back at this because it really did touch me and how I should go about my life ❤
so great to hear that! blessings to you!
I'm 16 and this video really brought my attention to some things that I use to think of as harmless such as having bad friends and taking shortcuts causes they can be much more harmful than I realise. Thank you for these advice, they may seem small but can actually make a big difference!
you're welcome!
Thank you for this video! Id argue Ephesians is just as important as the other books you mentioned. Im still trying to work on forgiving others because it gets hard sometimes but I know itll get easier!
ephesians is a good one! i personally like galatians!
Thank you so much for this video. 💜 I'm grateful to come across this video.
I want more content like this- love your channel!!! A definitely godsent message
thanks brotha! appreciate your words!
I’m sharing this video with my best friend!!!💗💗💗
Thank, you so much❤Amen ❤
Im 17 and I struggle with cursing and trying to fit in. I compare myself sometimes to other girls around me but this video helped. We as Christians are meant to not fit in with the world because we have Christ living in us. Thanks pastor :)
This is well written!!
Lesson number #4 resonates with me. You talked about finding ones voice and to stop duplicating the way others do their things to make it our own.
Thank you for the insightful message, that was all I need to hear and more. ❤❤❤❤
Be who God created you to be!
This are the answers i prayed for ❤ Thank you very much man of God
Glad I could help!
This is the first video of yours I have watched and I'm already feeling like I have the chance to be a better Christian, tysm! especially the part where you explain how we should forgive others, I have been struggling to forgive certain individuals because I'm still holding on to things they did in the past, but I feel like I'm starting to understand why I need to let things go!^^
It's hard but worth it