This is Going to Hurt. Everything You Know is False. | Annaka Harris on Impact Theory
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What if everything you think you know about yourself is wrong? Most people have the intuition that they have a self separate from their body and brain, and that they can control their experience with conscious will. But what if that isn’t true? Best-selling author Annaka Harris is devoted to challenging our deepest intuitions about the nature of consciousness and the self. On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, she discusses experiments on the cutting edge of physics and neuroscience, and explains why those experiments matter. The result is a fascinating conversation that will leave you questioning some of your most cherished, comforting intuitions.
Consciousness is exactly as mysterious as it seems to be [2:29]
Annaka defines what consciousness is [4:54]
Tom and Annaka discuss the story of Phineas Gage [6:31]
Annaka talks about the difference between consciousness and high level thought [9:14]
There is a basic level of consciousness that doesn’t involve awareness of consciousness [11:35]
Challenging intuitions is a basic element of the scientific method [14:58]
Is there outer evidence of conscious experience? Is consciousness doing anything? [18:46]
Upending comfortable intuitions is eventually a freeing experience [20:57]
Annaka explains how the brain binds disparate signals to make them seem congruent [22:23]
Annaka and Tom discuss how much unconscious brain functioning we take for granted [27:09]
Annaka describes the false sense of self and conscious will [29:53]
We make decisions before we are aware of them [33:41]
Annaka discusses the question of whether or to what extent plants are conscious [35:30]
Trees take care of their own kin, and defend their kin [40:48]
What if consciousness is a field like gravity? [43:39]
Annaka describes the double slit light experiment [46:13]
• The Double-Slit Experi...
• Double Slit Experiment...
Measuring an event can change the past [51:41]
Annaka discusses problems with the views that consciousness emerges from life [54:25]
Annaka shares the impact she wants to have on the world [1:03:06]
“There’s something jarring about learning that the things that feel most true to you about reality are possibly not structured that way.” [21:29]
“We feel that consciousness is behind our willed actions, when in fact, there is a lot of neuroscience to suggest that it’s actually the reverse. It’s at the end. That all this processing happens, a decision gets made, and we’re kind of the last to know.” [31:54]
“We have no evidence that consciousness is due to complexity.” [1:00:24]
“Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind”, [2:19]
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Love reading the comments. Surely looks like a large segment of humanity is interested in exploring consciousness itself. I am one of these types and glad to know I am in good company.
How difficult it is to rediscover the Creator when one starts off by denying his existence.
@@pstroke2178 They are so smart, they are dumb...Their intellect and arrogance blinds them to answer that past has given them already
The fact that i can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, Share abit of knowledge and it becomes another's, Smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.
Lot of talk with little being said
@@3rdeyemindz it's not little being said, it's little being understood.
what about anxiety issues
Grace Morgan Speaks 🥰☘️❤️🌿☘️👍💪🏻☘️❤️🌿💕
@@3rdeyemindz lots of I THINK ,I THINK and I THINK in this conversation. Very Blah indeed !
I am not the voice in my head. I am the stillness that defines the voice.
you are energy, you express and define yourself in this reality through the things you enjoy doing and the thought patterns which occupy your mind, thoughts are energy in its rawest form, because everything physical derives from thought or consciousness, "all is mind, the universe is mental" - the kyballion
@@marcr3170 Can you explain the difference between a thought and a feeling? Not trying to be difficult. I would like to better understand. I have always thought that our brain was something of a tool in which we are able to navigate the physical , our binary reality. That there was more to me than that.
@@johnunderwood9575 I recommend you direct further questions to me.. as i am a real teacher and everyone else here doesn't really know anything. LOL 0 uh seriously. The Kybalion was written by beings on the metaphysical/moral/intellectual NATURAL LOVE path which stalls or terminates in 6th sphere.
NATURAL LOVE beings have not received divine_love which transforms your soul over time to a new divine_type (& adds new chakras to your spirit_body) and makes that soul legitimately IMMORTAL with the capacity for infinite growth including progression from 6th to 36th sphere soul_realms. To put this into perspective, Buddha and Lao-Tzu are still in 6th sphere. And virtually everyone on this thread will discarnate to middle-ish planes of 1st sphere. - You are a FEELING half-soul. Your sexual preference (hetero or homo) is determined by the gender of the other half of you.
The mind is really a product of your spirit_vessel. Both your spirit and material Earth vessels are mere EFFECTS. All cause and real healing occurs by addressing emotions and feelings resident in your half-soul... which is YOU... a free-will consciousness.
Sometimes the stillness is not you either
Yet these words were uttered by the voice you claim you-re not.
I used to believe what these people believe. Now I know there is far more to our existence and our consciousness than neurons and chemicals.
You mean you think there is.......
@geoffreyporter530 Actually, there are TWO of them...👀👀
If you have faith, we are here for a purpose. Find what you need to fulfill your purpose.
Neuroscience does not seem to have an explanation, except to say, 1) it is mysterious, and 2) our instincts are wrong.
We do have agency. Our executive function allows us to make choices. And our choices affect our ability to choose again; the more we choose the wider are the possibilities for our next choice. Our life experiences bear this out.
Anyone who has ever attended a death can attest: in one moment you are looking at a person, the next a body. Scientific arrogance does not change the overwhelming evidence of intelligent design.
Science cannot explain this death separation, except to say it is mysterious…and therefore no one can know. This arrogant supposition does not mean there is no known truth, only that it does not yet reside in science.
Illusion of conscious will,,is she talking about voting
I'm 62 yo. "What is consciousness?" Has been my biggest interest as long as I can remember. Feels so good to listen to others talk about it. I'm learning now that I am not alone in this. Thank you for this wonderful conversation! 🙏
Wow, it was hard enough growing up with this kind of interest in the 90's I can't imagine doing it in the 7....oh was probably more accepted back then, or I guess it depends where you lived and what your friends were into?
@@UntangledKnots If you were it hippie, it was part of the scene.
Start meditating then you will understand more. You will understand that we are NOT our bodies.
Or do Ayahuasca to spead up the process. 😂😂😂
here's a question for you to contemplate. who is the you that asks your conscious self what is consciousness?
can the tongue taste itself?
what is the sound of one hand clapping?
Contemplate these questions long enough you will arrive at an answer, but the moment you try to articulate the answer, you'll forget.
it happened to me and i wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, I wanted to share it with everyone, but the idea only lasted a few seconds.
I've seen through observations that people think they are using the reasoning for their activities when it's mostly subconcious reactions and then they rationalize it afterward. We lie and delude ourselves continually to feel good about ourselves.
“We behave based on what we believe. So we might be behaving our lives away based on false or inaccurate or disempowering beliefs.” - John Assaraf on another great episode of Impact Theory
People do this all the time with religion. I like to call it the bane of civilized society because it is such an obviously self-falsifying concept and yet so many people have such flawed thought processes that they can't see the lunacy that religion is.
It's an old concept "You become what you think about the most"
Fill your mind with useless crap and see the results in your life.
Correct but wen u see it's all thought bullshit programming by the elite, advertising, consumerism. The inside out revolution michael neil taught me so much
@@darrenwalshe8513 -- I've never heard of Michael Neill, but I will definitely check out his books. Thanks for the reference.
@@dienekes4364 please do xx
Questioning the foundations of reality can be frightening unless you have the optimistic belief that the outcome will be positive.
Coming from a religious mind after 36 years it's freeing to know that none of it is true. The frightening part is that your well-being is in your own hands. Seeing the many people suffering terminal illnesses and knowing no one can help you, but you is frightening. Knowledge is our lifeline.
Beliefs are traps. Instead investigate your fears as they occur with complete unfiltered attention (not analization) and ask yourself "does fear exist at all?". The problem is you have to see it for yourself.
@@ode_to_apathy I'm right there with you. I started to doubt and ask where all the blessings were for us who were obeying to the best of our abilities. After a lifetime of doing what is right because "God is watching" I quit. I love doing what is right, but I've shot my own foot many times for apparently no reason. I feel free in a way, yet lost as to the rhyme or reason for our existence. I was telling my wife that I went to a haunted hospital once and took pictures. There were what looked like a dozen faces starting and smiling. I showed it to a handful of people as proof. It was unbelievable. One day those photos just disappeared. I wonder what that was. I hope we don't just hang out as spirits where/when we die.
@@ode_to_apathy Well my approach to Christianity was to study the books myself and use as many tools to get the actual meaning. The old testament states that when one dies he simply ceases to exist in any realm. Death is just the absence of life. I got that from Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Job, Genesis, to name a few. Hell was translated from the word grave or a pit. It was very easy to understand and follow once I did word studies and used a transliteration. This contradicts the esoteric teachings of the new testament, which hints at a metaphysical afterlife. This makes no sense with the teachings of the resurrection. I can go on and on. Even without the tools it was easy to pick apart, such as thought crimes being taught to be careful of where the old testament implies that only actions and words can make one guilty. On a personal note I've seen metaphysical things/beings a few times. I didn't do drugs and I was with my ex in one case and with my brother in another incident and they both saw what I saw. After they admitted that they saw something I would play it smart and ask what they saw before I would say anything else. They would describe exactly what I saw. I don't believe in the spirit realm, but these things are very difficult to explain. I saw these things with garments, so how could a transparent or spirit being wear anything? Maybe they were multi-dimensional beings. I don't know. The Christian boat for me has sailed.
Good or bad
Just ways to frame
What is inevitable
And for That reason
Best be accepted and adapted to, optimistically.
“When the people fear their government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty” - Thomas Jefferson
Thought provoking! Replace the word government with the word leaders. Either way you land you end in chaos.
He also said that the flames of liberty must be fanned with the blood of patriots. Stating that bloodshed is means to maintain freedom sounds like propaganda. How many lives have been lost through the belief in this statement? Indoctrination of belief systems is just a method of control. When you truly examine Jefferson you'll find he was not what is taught in school. This not to say that your choice of historical quotes was not valuable. It is a so well know quote that Anonymous and the movie V for Vendetta have used a variation those words. Unfortunately the government doesn't fear it's people nor does it's masters. I'm sure you are well aware of that governments have only served up their people instead of serving them.
@It Doesn't Matter You are absolutely correct it doesn't matter what history tells us. It is just perception of what history tells us. History tells us that faces on money and carvings in stone do in no means change the current predicament sociaty faces. Einstein a freemason said reality is just a well maintained illusion. Does his statement make him a better person. One might say he was of great value to sociaty. Without his equations would the development of atomic bombs have been possible? Everything is just a matter of perception.
So lets stand up and scare these goverments
This quote didn't end well...
After watching these videos for over a month and buying into all the books and promotions I realized I'm just a tool to make these master manipulaters richer. Thanks for making me feel a part of something bigger!
See hermetics🙏
The more she shares on these subjects, the more attractive she gets.... I dunno, I've only been able to talk to one woman like this- not nearly on this level, mind you. But, yeah. Just expressing that, I love humans with beautiful minds, friends and romantic alike. I'm glad to know there's a community who is passionate about human development. Gives me hope for the world! Bless you all!
Try kundalini yoga😊 you'll see miracles ✨️
@@ChapsShrugged Yeah, you just wanted to get into her consciousness!
I’m 43. I remember in 7th grade, a friend’s science project revolved around talking positively to one set of plants, talking negatively to another and having a third set of plants she considered her control group. The control group grew at one rate. The group that received positive feedback grew distinctly taller and faster in comparison to the control while the group that was spoken to negatively did not grow nearly as quickly or as well as even the control group. There’s either a consciousness or “intelligence” to plants. Whatever word you want to associate is fine, but it’s definitely an experience nevertheless.
Although I believe that the plants responded to her emotions, I have heard that they could be responding to the carbon dioxide from our breath when we get up close to them and speak to them. How ever, that doesn’t explain the ones spoken to negatively.
The negaitivr talking could have been shorter.
@@ordinator. interesting. I never considered that to be a possibility. However, the control group received no conversation and grew at a faster rate than the group that was spoken to negatively.
No study confirm what you said
@@GuillaumeDenryargument from anecdote 😂
I keep coming back to your interviews because I deeply appreciate your tact, intelligence, understanding, and capabilities as an "interviewer", as it's done so naturally it's like you've been good friends with everyone you have on.
Your intelligence specifically is refreshing, as you really do your homework and always seem to be able to grasp and deeply understand so many ideas and information that would often seem difficult to many or most. Yet you're able to explain or get them to explain things so easily.
There's something really special about you, Tom! So grateful for your channel.
Tesla referenced human energy 🌬👻jesus christ referenced living waters 💎👨🎓👩🎓science described water memory 🌊👩🎨👨🎨existence reflecting psychologically, psalms16:24 k,j proverbs 27:19👻💎👨🎓👩🎓💖🗽🤍🧮⚖☄🌪🌬
Wish he would address convid, cerveza bug with one or more of the 35,000 doctors and scientists who have signed a statement backing Nobel prize winner and thw CREATOR of the PCR test stating it can NOT DETECT ANY VIRUS and you CAN NOT CATCH A VIRUS, PERIOD. And the ma$k does not protect you from getting something the CDCs own document says, they have not isolated the sars COVID 2 virus. Also the CDC's documents state that 94% of announced cerveza bug deaths were actually from other things like pneumonia, heart attacks, respiratory disease and from pre existing conditions and the remaining 6% of the deaths were from the seasonal flu with pre existing conditions. Their immune system was so weakened that it couldn't fight back and the flu was the last straw much like when your back goes out while trying to pick up a newspaper. It wasn't the weight of the paper that caused it. It was EVERYTHING up yo that point. Will YOU have the courage to address this HF ead on without dancing around it . . or won't your handlers/friends allow it?
just discovered this channel! the world needs more mind-opening content like this. thank you for what you do Tom!
Tesla referenced human energy 🌬👻jesus christ referenced living waters 💎💖👨🎓👩🎓science described water memory 🌊👩🎨👨🎨existence reflecting psychologically, psalms16:24 k,j proverbs 27:19💎💖👻👨🎓👩🎓🗽🤍🧮⚖🌪☄🌬
This is nothing but new aged nonsense. You are not gods, there is only one God. We are not all interconnected, those who are not born again are not part of the Kingdom of God. We are NOT all children of God, only those who have repented and accepted Him as Lord and Savior.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to eternal salvation. He is the ONLY name by which man is saved. All who perish without repentance will be condemned, as confirmed in scripture.
There is no other truth. Only Jesus Christ is the truth.
Can i just say Sam Harris is so lucky to have found a wife who's into this stuff? I wanna chat for hours and hours about consciousness with people too but I just don't know anyone who wants to even spend more than 10 minutes on the topic LOLOOL.
They are a super attractive neuroscientist/philosopher power couple. So jealous.
I know the feeling ;-)
I think he found a rare gem. Just get on the NYT best seller’s list and a couple Ted talks and maybe you’ll have a power friend set you up with another likeminded power person lol. Let’s be honest, we couldn’t hang with her.
feel you !
Welcome to the Club! Buddy! ;-) It is really tough to find such people in the daily private life..and btw. some women with scientific backgrounds happen to be extremely sexy ;-)
I have had 2 near death experiences, a motorbike crash and a stroke. Both times I was floating and flying but I couldn't move. And when I started breathing again it was very painful and my body felt like a Ricketty Old Steam Engine Pumping Blood and coming back to life !!!! And I didn't black out at all and was aware of what was going on around me !!!! The strange thing was it was a very pleasant experience both times !!!!
I'm a New Scientist reading geek, and lifelong atheist... but... there are things I have experienced that cases me to cling to science as if it's a life preserver. There is just too much of it for me now at 50 to keep ignoring. Noting as concrete as your, but here is a short story for you.
Back as a 20yo I took up ninjitsu. Just a martial art in the local community centre. About a year in the sensei decided to do a 'quiet night' where we would do sensory training rather than physical. I wasn't all that interested and just assumed by 'sensory' he meant being more reactive to sound or light or something physical. But later he mentioned "Kuji Kiri". So after some meditation we knelled with him behind. We were meant to reach out with out senses (hearing I thought) to hear him about to attack me from behind.. with a sword. I was to roll out of the way of danger and he would stop mocing when he saw me move. A few more senior students took thsi test and failed. I moved in to position not know what I was doing, so I assumed I would fail too. But, I tried as hard as I could to hear a sound like a rustle of his clothes... it was dead silent... so I tried SO HARD to hear him coming, muscle primed to jump... and then I heard the sound (I have goosebumps writing
emembering this). I heard a sound so overpowering it made me jump. The sound was like a cross between screeching tyres before a car crash and a Trumpet. The sound scared the crap out of me. I blasted out of the kneel and rolled clear. The whole class was looking at me astonished as the teacher had only moved an inch when I moved. I had assume I failed as I turned around the the katana was still over his head.
The teacher was impressed and I think kind of sad. This was exactly what SHOULD be happening to pass the 5th dan test which I was nowhere near and I think for him it wasn't working out well. That sound! It was as abrupt and someone clapping cymbals together next to your ears... but there was no sound anyone could hear. But... where did that come from?
I've carried that for my whole life. I cannot rationally come up with an explanation to this even 30 years later.
@@nathanielacton3768 What I'm wondering is, what would make you're sensei sad or feel that it wasn't working out well? Is it not his goal to teach this stuff? So you'd think he'd be proud and happy. O_o
@@51MontyPythonYeah he was, but I know that he had been trying to achieve this for a few years and did not grasp most of the time. Then, somehow I just tried it once and somehow it just worked effortlessly.
The key to understanding that is that he was traveling to Japan to meet with Hatsumi and submit himself for the 5th Dan test, and this test was the main barrier for most people passing.
Here is how Wikipedia describes it: "In order to attain fifth dan (godan), fourth dan practitioners must submit to a sakki (or godan) test before the sōke to establish that they are able to sense the presence of danger and evade it, which is considered a fundamental survival skill.[7][37] After passing this test, a practitioner is considered to be under the protection of the Bujin, or Guiding Spirits, and is entitled to apply for a teaching license (shidōshi menkyo). "
In the schools I trained int there was from long memory 9 green belts, 9 brown the 10-15 blacks. So, like 30 ranks. I was 3 off the bottom and already passing the hardest test to get in to the top 5... without anywhere near the actual skill, and I wasn't a particularly fast learner either.
Try a third…
@@ypey1 Idiot !!!
explaining something no one will ever understand, what a fantastic job.
If it is "something no one will ever understand", it can't be explained. As long as we don't understand it, nobody can possibly know if it can be understood.
Whoever is reading this, one day you will be living your dreams! Congratulations to you 🙏💫🌟
Shaun Jeter b-but i have ligma
Thank you 🙏
anonymous anonymous you’re welcome! ❤️
You too!
Richard Mercado 🙏❤️
In a book called SuperNature by Lyall Watson he speaks of a study done using oysters which are taken inland from the ocean, put in a tidal simulating tank, and kept in a lab with no windows. Those oysters adjusted the time they opened according to the new position of the moon as it was in the new location, without ever being able to see it. Consciousness. ❤
Love this example.
If the moons gravity can pull up the ocean the oysters maybe able to sense the gravitational pull… I don’t know if this supports or is a counterpoint to your explanation 🤷🏼♂️
@@wesleyturner1979you are right. Its the gravitational pull. Same concept. Got me goin. Made my head spin. lol
❤❤❤❤❤ yes, intuition. The connection to oneness😊
Intuition is a layer tied to understanding and learning. I've spent my entire life disconnected from that layer. Once I figured out how to connect to that layer, I experienced intuition for the first time, I realized that layer has always been there. When we grow and mature during childhood, we grow into that pre-existing layer. It was a scary experience because that layer just picked up like it was never missing, and seemed like there was a voice in my head, only you cannot hear it and it just fills my head with so much information that's not possible when I'm disconnected from the layer.
I kinda agree.
The ego knows how to hide, while fooling you into thinking it's not there anymore.
...and other people's egos know that they can convince you to be stupid enough to agree with the notion.
Mick0722MX when the new age movement is just another religion created by the d3vil
Who told you it's not there.
@@ohsoleohmio sigh...why is everything about religion and the devil...that shit getting old.
All the while it( ego) never even really existed. Just concepts and thoughts and beliefs , false self .
I am an addictions counselor and really intrigued by this discussion. I'm definitely going to have to get this book!!! Also, I have believed for many years that the universe is alive. When I hear people say that life is a rare phenomenon that just happened to find its way to this planet via happenstance of chemical processes, I disagree wholeheartedly. I believe that the universe is consistently seeking ways to express its consciousness in any possible way, the more complex, the more interesting for the organism. All of us are part of "her."
We are all One but at the same time each of us is so unique.
Gaia is arguably the truer God in a sense....🤔
Yes, we are all part of "her". Yet industrialization created an idea we just use her to make things for profit. We use "natural" rescources to manufacture . What are natural rescources part of her , not a rescource for mass production . The reason humans are not part of nature , for the time being .....
I really cant get enough of your shows! Gosh, in a perfect world, you would bless us with daily impactful interviews. I find myself replaying some of my favorite episodes every day. My morning begins with Impact Theory (my AM motivation). Thank you Tom & team!
Tia N. Jones here too
@OverzealousPoodleWhopper WORD! "The more you come to someone else seeking advice, the more you sell yourself out to never solve your own problems and become your own person." Beautifully stated truth.
Consciousness is everywhere and it is God who lives in us and everywhere. The universe is consciousness and so it is within us and everywhere. A good conversation, thank you, guys.
So, you're a liar.
We aren’t simply the sum total of our life experiences, but rather our perceptions of those experiences.
ehich are always being affected by our past
which lol
Well, and what we DO with them, right?
@@sgarrett9446 Agreed.
Am I the only one anticipating profound, practical insights into achieving or comprehending consciousness/mindfulness, only to end up feeling disappointed and without answers?
Me 2
I had a brain tumor removed and my son told me it changed my sense of humor. Sometimes I think I will never fully recover.
Check out the Cum Town podcast it's good for some chuckles
Talking never does it one has to do the work oneself. Many TH-cam influencers are basically no more than motivational speakers, people get a hit, a glow but it has no shelf life soon on to the next new kid on the block...this treadmill of seeking. It's okay to look and listen to so-called wise individuals, but analytical thought can only take one to the very periphery and is like having a meal described to you when hungry, it just doesn't cut it, one just stays hungry. For those who are earnest, there comes a time to put one's toys aside and stop running from facing this inner boredom caused by the flight to be distracted and entertained, and spend serious time in silence, witnessing one inner movie. Everything is linked to this mischievous imposter the "I" thought. No one can do it for you, as it has to be experiential...." awareness observing awareness"...cut everything to the more seeking, dreaming........this never-ending mortal dream. What a long strange trip it has been..still is....keep truckin.....
Tom, thanks for taking me down the rabbit hole even deeper, to question every single thing I thought I knew. WOW.
Useless ideas can attract more possibility of success. Creative ideas will dominate the world because creative idea seems useless at first sight.
Reminds me of a text from MV Summer's book I read recently:
"Now you have become a product of your society, a product of the expectations of society and a product of your own personal thinking. But you have lost contact with the deeper thread and meaning of your life. And even if you are successful and achieve your goals, it will be empty, and the joy will be short lived, and they will come at a great price of time, energy and effort. And the rewards will be momentary and fleeting. This realization, which is so denied and avoided, is the beginning of a greater promise for you." (Building the Bridge to a New Life)
I hope these texts can help other people too, who also are searching for their meaning and purpose in life. You can read it online for free.
Thank you Jari!
This connection to purpose is so important.
Thank you, Jari.
I genuinely resonate with this. Over and over again I received what I thought I wanted, only to find it hollow and without substance. Learning that I have a purpose in this life has truly set me free from so much that has held me back for decades. Thank you for sharing this here.
"Everything you know is wrong/false" what an original and inspirational title. Thank you.
Now THIS is a conversation. Definitely one of my absolute favorites Tom, you punch in extremely well in this conversation and did an amazing job at explaining what you did just as well as her
I've been a big fan of Sam Harris' work on theist issues, consciousness, etc....
But Annaka might be edging him out a least lately.
I find her insight and style super refreshing and very interesting. She's not just "Sam's Wife" ....she's legit in her own right.
oh grow up.
I remember being called crazy when I was around 13 years old for expressing the idea that consciousness might be fundamental to the universe. Now it's almost a trendy idea, but it's nice to see someone like Annaka who is actively trying to approach the idea scientifically. Science and faith don't have to contradict. Faith just picks up where the science is lagging and later when it catches up we can get a more concrete picture.
Science and spirituality are one
Thers stuff tht i think about about wen i was in 2 grade its now coming tru
The Universe is whatever you want it to be !!!! Faith will be true if you really believe, the same as if you are Miserable, your life will be Hell.
@@DJK-cq2uy This concept is from Donald Hoffman, Edward Witter, Michio Kaku and other very clever scientists !!!!
who ever said science and faith are contradictory? you have to have some faith in the scientific method to follow it. belief in "science" is a faith in its own way.
Found this such a fascinating conversation. Thanks Tom for having Annaka on the show.
The illusion of free will is so powerful that I do not believe it is possible to truly accept that it is an illusion. We cannot perceive our behavior in a way that is not based on the belief that we are choosing how we behave.
Aye. True, but free will vs no free will is based on nothing isn’t it?
Compared to what?
It’s a baseless conversation.
Both are concepts.
Btw, I had no choice but to type this out.
We can seem to choose what we choose but we cannot choose what we will choose. 😋
"will" and "free" is already a contradiction: As soon as you will/want something you are not free anymore..!
@@ultrafeel-tv haha! Good one. I’d never heard that perspective before.
@@ultrafeel-tv and ultimately, there is no one here to will or be free. There is just this-whatever this is.
Free will is only free when it’s aligned with divine will 🙏🏼
Please have her back for a longer talk. So good!
Wow!! I thought I was crazy to write about this!! Now I feel so much less alone in my theory!! Can't wait to sit beside you Tom!!
"...I like to be clear that we really don't know...." The ancient Vedic scriptures say that if you discuss reality at the speed of mind for eternity you will still never arrive at the truth. Yep. We really don't know. At least we know that ! :)
So true.... My biggest sadness is how hard some of us try to let others know who or what we are, or how hard we love others..... Yet it is missplaced by th ones we trying to share ourselves wth....... No matter th disappointment it shld never become a shame...... Love th nothingness of the our shared reality..... We are th end product of each other.......
Poetic. Powerful.
I honestly have no idea what you were trying to say there.
im finding it difficult to think of a more fascinating conversation ive ever listened to. thank you for sharing this
If Everything You Know is False, then everything you have ever learnt is false, and everything you will ever learn is false, therefore everything she is saying is false? Saying "Everything You Know is False" assumes you know everyone everyone knows, thats an insane statement.
04:08 🤔 Annaka Harris challenges fundamental notions of consciousness, sparking curiosity and discomfort for some.
06:57 🧠 Consciousness should be distinguished from high-level cognition; even basic experiences exist without complex thought.
08:22 🧠 Phineas Gage's case demonstrates how consciousness and personality can be affected by brain damage.
10:11 🌌 Annaka Harris delves into the mysteries of consciousness, combining fascination with a quest for understanding.
11:20 🤯 Challenging intuitions about consciousness is crucial for scientific progress; it's akin to past paradigm shifts in understanding.
15:12 🤯 Annaka emphasizes the importance of questioning our intuitions about consciousness for scientific advancement.
19:10 🤯 Annaka introduces two key questions: Is there empirical evidence of consciousness through behavior? Does consciousness drive behavior?
21:57 🤯 Annaka explores how upending intuitions about reality can lead to a profound and liberating experience, akin to a spiritual revelation.
23:03 🧠 Consciousness Exploration
- The need to explore consciousness transcends whether our current understanding is correct; it's imperative to think outside our intuitive boundaries.
23:16 🌌 Profound Impact of Delayed Measurement
- The delayed measurement experience in physics, exemplified by the double-slit experiment, evokes a deeply spiritual revelation, challenging fundamental perceptions of reality.
23:31 ❓ Profound Unfamiliarity
- A fundamental lack of understanding can lead to a sense of unfamiliarity with the world, prompting a reevaluation of everything we perceive.
23:44 🎥 Educational Resources on Double Slit Experiment
- Online animations provide accessible explanations of the double-slit experiment, aiding in comprehending this complex concept.
23:58 🤯 Mind's Double-Slit Analogues
- Analogous to the double-slit phenomenon, aspects of the mind involve binding and conscious ownership of experiences, challenging our preconceived notions.
24:12 🧩 Understanding Binding
- Binding, a neuroscientific phenomenon, synchronizes sensory signals arriving at different times, creating a seamless present-moment experience.
24:26 ⏳ Disorders and Failure of Binding
- Agnosia, a condition affecting binding, highlights instances where the brain fails to integrate sensory information, leading to challenges in perception.
24:40 🖐️ Finger Agnosia and Signal Confusion
- Conditions like finger agnosia showcase the brain's struggle to differentiate sensory inputs, blurring distinctions between touch, sight, and sound.
24:54 🎾 Tennis as a Binding Example
- In activities like tennis, sensory signals (sight, sound, touch) arrive at different times, but binding creates the illusion of simultaneous experiences.
25:09 ⚡ Conscious Will in Action
- Conscious will emerges from complex processing, allowing us to navigate the world, influencing our actions and decisions.
25:21 👁️ Sight vs. Sound in Processing Speed
- Different sensory signals (sight, sound, touch) vary in processing speed, challenging our perception of events as simultaneous.
25:34 🌐 Binding: A Complex Neural Process
- Binding weaves together sensory signals, enabling a cohesive present-moment experience, despite temporal disparities in signal arrival.
25:50 🤖 Brain's Response to Information
- The brain is not a closed system; external ideas and stimuli alter its structure and processing, influencing conscious experiences.
26:02 🧠 Disorders Impacting Binding
- Disorders like agnosia disrupt the brain's binding process, leading to challenges in recognizing objects and spatial relationships.
26:15 🤨 Recognizing Faces: Prosopagnosia
- Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, exemplifies a condition where individuals struggle to recognize familiar faces, highlighting complexities in neural processing.
26:28 🤔 Reflecting on the Nature of Consciousness
- Deepening understanding of brain processes invites reflection on the nature of consciousness, potentially reshaping our perspectives on self and reality.
46:18 🌌 Annaka Harris first encountered the delayed measurement experiment while discussing the double slit experiment. She was astounded by the implications of quantum mechanics.
47:14 📊 The delayed measurement experiment involves measuring the path of a photon around a black hole, potentially altering its past. This challenges our understanding of time and reality.
48:38 🌊 The double slit experiment demonstrates that light can behave as both a wave and a particle. When observed, it behaves like particles, but without measurement, it shows wave-like interference patterns.
51:13 🧠 Emergence of consciousness is challenging to explain due to its internal, subjective nature. Even in locked-in syndrome, where communication is impossible, conscious experience persists.
53:22 🔄 John Wheeler's thought experiment with the delayed measurement suggests that measuring a photon's path around a black hole could retroactively change its history, posing profound questions about causality.
54:31 🌿 Pansychism proposes that consciousness is a fundamental property of matter, with different levels of consciousness combining to create complex organisms. This challenges the idea that consciousness is exclusive to humans.
55:12 🐜 Monica and Tom discuss the challenge of identifying when consciousness emerges in living beings. Monica suggests that a nervous system may play a crucial role in processing consciousness.
57:44 🎥 Monica highlights the limitations of relying on external observation and behavior to determine consciousness. Locked-in syndrome exemplifies how conscious experience can exist independently of outward signs.
59:18 🌐 Emergence, as a concept, relies on external observation and is often attributed to complexity. However, this approach may not be sufficient to explain the nature of consciousness in the universe.
01:03:22 💡 Annaka Harris aims to inspire more awe and curiosity about consciousness, challenging common intuitions. She emphasizes the need to question assumptions and explore the mysteries of existence.
When my son was a young teenager. he was riding his bicycle and was struck unconscious by a car. He later told me he saw himself standing by the side of the road looking at himself under the bicycle and the car. He said to me, `I thought I was dead`. This only proves to me that the soul or spirit is the conscious part of us.
Exactly, I was so disappointed that this didn’t come up at all during the conversation, the fact that we aren’t able to ‘see’ and process information with just our eyes and brain!
@@Airbnb_Portishead exactly, this is were the answer reveals itself, were the creator shoes his hand for just a brief second, a telepathic experience, a NDE, found the answer because you were brave enough to ask the relevant question.
But the soul or spirit has no so called sin or condemnation as to religion dogma because we are under the control of our human nature to go against it well you create hell to your human existence.
Consciousness exists, souls and spirits don't.
It absolutely amazes me how science is now acknowledging what the ancients knew thousands of years ago…and that her unanswered questions have answers,but diving that deep…I don’t think she’s ready to even accept because it means acknowledging and accepting that there’s only one true creative source for all of creation
Quit lying to yourself and if you think it's going to yield soul, spirits, and other lies. Once you're gone, you gone. No blackness, no thinking, and you gone forever after death. I only personally like religion because it keeps people calm, keeps me calm, and helps quell crazy people from accosting everybody else. Some kind of order is far better than none, chaos, and destruction at the end of slippery slope. Humans are inherently "evil".
sorry no.
Spot on 👌🏼
"Life on other planets.." ahh, how about life after death? umm..
@@Nexterre no, there's none. There is then you go first.
"The brain is not a closed system" I love that ❤
Pan Opticonsciousness, it is, but it will be stolen and rebranded. The math is "mine," but all will feast on it. Solipsism is not solipsistic if it is a collective conscious phenomenon. Entropy is the fact that the brain has CONSCIOUS processing inputs and outputs (NOT a closed system), to the extent that the substance or property leaves a trace. and this is the thing science needs to miss to keep talking, but not to me. They are denying everything; now that there is a gun to their heads psychically, let us see how fast they can grow up.
@@dsm5d723 You will be assimilated,
I am amazed by my cat who somehow reads my thoughts without me saying a word, every single night at different times when I decide to go to bed and think this to myself without saying it verbally, my cat like on autopilot jumps up whether she is asleep or just laying down relaxing and starts to eat some biscuits, it really amazes me how she is able to know what I am thinking when it comes to going to bed.
The movie 'Go" has an excellent scene with a cat that reads a young man's thoughts.
@@andrewmclaughlin2701 Spirits around me including my guides read my thoughts in real-time. This is a normal ability of all 50 billion discarnates of Earth in last 160000 years. Spirits (ie dead people) may be directing your cat. That said, all animals with a CNS (central nervous system) have a spirit body. Animals obviously have consciousness but operate via instinct not free-will. They do not have a soul like humans.
@@andrewmclaughlin2701 Just today I was looking at my cats biscuit dispenser, and thought to myself I should clean up the few biscuits that have fallen between it and her water dispenser, within a few seconds she jumps down from her bed and cleans up the biscuits herself WOW WOW WOW I am in AWE to say the least. She really can read my mind.
I've seen this with my cat too but I think they are just very observant of behaviour patterns and routines and also facial expresssions
Jiddu Krishnamurti inquires deeply into this subject of " consciousness ", out of which " insight" arises.
Listening Attentively to his dialogues is enlightening.
Self Knowledge seems to be the key.
Its an inside job.
Find out by looking inwardly, using critical Thinking.. aka asking the correct questions, never seeking answers.
Namaste 🙏
I'm grateful for this expansion on listening to Annaka. Yes, awe and curiosity is the JOY of life.
I approached this with an open mind. At least I believe I did. But I just felt like this conversation was just a bunch of navel-gazing. It was word salad. Intuition... blah-blah-blah consciousness blah blah profoundly fundamental blah blah spiritual blah blah intuition. The word intuition was the most mind-numbing thing I heard in this particular conversation. Everything was an intuition. And no, there was nothing exciting about any of this. Absolutely zero science, just word salad. I'm usually a fan of Tom Bilyeu, but I feel he was just playing along with her and playing a word game, stringing a bunch of words together.
She's married to Sam Harris. They're both kooks.
Maybe because you numbed your intuition??? It is our compass the ever all seeing 3rd eye. The voice of your higher self...what is wrong with that???
Usually authors pay podcast hosts to be there and promote their book... Connect the dots
Never forget that a RICH life can only be defined by YOU. It's easy to get tricked into believing that something someone else has is the right thing for you. Especially in this day and age when you get bombarded with information from social media, TV and the internet.
Very good, and very true. What you said made me think a lot about what I am going through and experiencing in life right now. I finished a final exam last night, and want to travel now. That makes me feel rich, to see and meet the world.
She cant even explain conscientious ffs...yet writes books on it ☹
@@LiftOffLife so? Knobody can at this moment in time. If you insist that people stop writing books on problems that have not yet been solved - in other words being resentful that you have to think as opposed to being given what you should think right off the shelf, prettily packaged and easily digestible - then Lord knows why you are even here to begin with since you seem to view thinking as a boring and pointless activity.
Your just backing her because...Wahman!
@Sagar Giri, add "am" to "I". It makes you really "you".
Hi Tom, I wish you had Eckhart Tolle on your podcast and further dive into consciousness. He says "if you're looking for consciousness, you will not find it, because the thing you're looking for is the thing that is looking" 😊🙏
The Realist! And you are that! Pleezebelievit!
lol. He is very right
No. Consciousness is the thing you are looking at shaking hands with looking at it.
I guess consciousness could be also regarded as some sort of capacity or motivation to strive for understanding the mysterious backgrounds of reality..even if you realize that you cannot handle the "basic points" or final truth, it is still a driving force within us that tells us that there is much more in our lives which is worth looking for..
@@MrEmotional33 No, that would be motivation or willpower. Consciousness is basically just the flavour- or spice layer beneath awareness. You are noticing yourself being aware of something.
I simply wish to thank you both for my own "awe" this day...thank you!!!
Tom this was a great interview! Very informative. I particularly liked your clarifications. This made things much simpler. From one teacher to another, you are a great educator.
why thankyou for all the praises. hmmmm i am special arnt i?
@@AngiePussmasterhi User, I'm certain that you are worthy of accolade in your own right. God bless!
As a Meditator with 40 years of daily practize and exploration of consciousness, I must say that Annaka Harris book ‘Consciouss’ surpasses everything from the West I have read so far! Wow! Finally some western words of sense!
3 Facts - We are born, We eat the knowledge and information given to us, We spew out and want to convince others what we have been “fed”...
She's not challenging everything.
"We all have a tendency to think that the world must conform to our prejudices. The opposite view involves some effort of thought, and most people would die sooner than think-in fact, they do so."
-Sir Bertrand Russell
"Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitudes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine."
- Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda: Sigmund Freud's nephew, named one of The Top 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century by Time Magazine.
Do you spew?
Some of the information that we receive is accurate and worthy of transmitting to others.
Mr and Mrs Harris. What a power house. I can only imagine their conversations....
the old indian saying - everything exists in the web of life - consciousness
That was before everything became artifice or illusion.
"Challenging intuitions is a very important part of the scientific process." Fantastic quote.
bullshit. nothing special here dude.
Consciousness is NOW. The never ending state beyond the realms of the human mind.
her opening statement on consciousness is a reality I have come across to understand in the past yr and now am seeing my life through this lens, and now here she is saying it and I have never heard anyone say this before in my life and, and it only struck me as an obvious truth and fundamental understanding about 6 months ago when it struck me over the head. Nuts!
Reading older books has helped me gain insights on this. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. That literally runs through all things. We are creators
no, look around you we are destroyers
@@kristinrutherford8779 i dont believe so. I believe we are who we choose to be.
@@kristinrutherford8779 Shiva is you.
Tesla referenced human energy 🌬👻jesus christ referenced living waters 💎👨🎓👩🎓science described water memory 🌊👩🎨👨🎨existence reflecting psychologically, psalms16:24 k,j proverbs 27:19👻💎👨🎓👩🎓💖🗽🤍🧮⚖☄🌪🌬
@@miguelchippsinteligente6072 Really Interesting. I believe science compliments a lot of religious texts
Thank you Tom for providing a wonderful forum in which so many diverse, enlightened people can come and share with all of us what they have learned. You are a beacon in the night, lighting the way for others. Much appreciated:)
Everything is God stuff--including us. Great probing video.
So many ooohhs and aaahhs! I especially related to the discovery that decision-making in your brain actually comes before your conscious of the idea. Because for me, especially when stress is high. I get these ideas and then I have to stop myself after the idea itself has surfaced and I say oh no I can’t do that for moral reasons. My conscious doesn’t make the decision it observes it after the fact
You'll really start a mindblow when you realize the decision to not do it came just as mysteriously as the initial decision to do something. O.O
Awe, curiosity, love, compassion, joy.....❤🌹✨️🙏thank you
If all of humanity cannot contribute to what we call consciousness, then that level of consciousness will fall far short of what it could be.
i like to think that the plan is find and define a feeling for every possible action and experience that can be had, that until every possible type of experience has been felt how can one truly decide what is right or wrong and why
Some contributions may subtract, still fall short of Nirvana.
Once I was having a very deep conversation with a friend who, at one point needed a book to refer to, to finish a point he was making. As he left I spoke to his Mentally Handicaped Daughter that had been listening to us talking. I noticed that she was following the conversation. Now, mind you this young woman (23yr old) had suffered from cerebral palsy her whole life. She had the "Brain Function" of a 5yr old.
After he left I looked her straight in the eye and said, "You understand exactly what we are talking about, don't you.?" She said, "Yyyyeeesss..."
At that moment I knew that there was a 23yr old woman trapped inside that hindered body. Fully intact. She just could not communicate it.
Her "Consciousness" was fully aware.
So freaky
Vulcaneer900, your ignorance is showing. VERY FEW persons with so-called "cerebral palsy" have any cognitive or mental or psychological impairment. They typically have great difficulty speaking, which is caused by their inability to control the muscles for speech, and thus people ASSUME they are "mental" or whatever.... Most persons with so-called cerebral palsy are mentally normal. Or they WOULD BE, if they weren't so oppressed, abused, misunderstood, etc.,etc.,etc.,
And, you really don't know exactly what so-called "cerebral palsy" **IS**, do you?
90%+ of the time it's a PHYSICAL BIRTH INJURY, and NOT any kind of "mental" problem....
@@silentumexcubitor6747 Well, thank you for that Special Insight, Dr. excubitor.
How old is the Genius trapped inside of you.?
@@Vulcaneer900 Thank-you for asking. Ancient. (There's nothing "trapped" inside me....) I've had 3 close friends with cerebral palsy. That "young woman" you're talking about is PROBABLY NOT actually "Mentally Handicapped" as you put it. "She had the Brain Function of a 5yr old"....???? I seriously doubt that. Cerebral palsy rarely, if ever, involves
any legitimate "mental handicap", unless they have the great misfortune to be taken to a psychiatrist, who usually puts them on neuro-toxic psych drugs. So feel free to be as butthurt as you want, - I'm trying to insult you, because you deserve it. Your comment itself was incredibly RUDE, CONDESCENDING, and IGNORANT. You don't know squat about cerebral palsy. The most typical cause is the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the neck during the birth process, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the CNS. In the healing process, the body sacrifices conscious neuro-muscular control for the sake of the "mind-brain", which is usually pretty "normal", whatever that is. Despite your expressed lack of education and your glaring ignorance, I also deemed you worthy of a little EDUCATION. I'm no genius, but I AM very well self-educated. Plus the 3 close friends I've had, who had cerebral palsy, and told me ALL about it..... You're welcome..... Live long and prosper, eh?....
@@silentumexcubitor6747 OOOh, a Trekie Too. Big surprise.?
All jabs aside, I was talking about "Consciousness" As it is separate from the brain. But you missed that point. The whole video is about "Consciousness".
Nuff Said.! Go Away Now.!
It's like the saying "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." I believe our higher self directs our experience.
Every summer I make a flower pot by my porch step, using the same flowers (full shade), and every year I am having same remarkable result of them to grow and bloom. The beginning of this year I got a pretty serious health scare, but still planted my flower pot and was taking care of it as usually, being sick and even depressed, all summer was about medical treatments and doctors appointment. My flowers also froze in one stage, did not die, but did not grow and did not give me a single bloom. And only by end of August I saw one single flower bloomed, then another, so by now I am having 6-7 of single bloomed flowers in the pot, and I totally amazes me, really. Like they knew I was feeling better, and doing well, and started blooming finally, in three months after I planted them.
OMG! Most challenging conversation to follow yet. This one is another level. thank you, Tom!
So very nice to see that 'pre Covid' hug! I miss those.
You fear what you are TOLD to fear. Very obedient aren't most people. it apparantly doesn't matter the truth is being suppressed and the truth is IN the CDC's own documents, just NOT on the news. They see us as stupid and too lazy to READ or research or simply watching and listening to other doctors speaking out. Cognitive dissonance is too strong and runs deep. The ego will do anything and EVERYTHING not to admit it's been deceived.
so hug someone .. its all lies .... listen to this woman. Everything is an illusion..... like the vaccine being a cure. It actually is creating the variants .... live your life!!
@@tooshay7396 amen, the liars are people like you dismissing the seriousness of this pandemic
@@kazzj62 lol variants showed up 9 months before the first vaccine became available. nobody said it was a cure, take your jab and be quiet
you can see the focus and intelligence in her eyes without big ego
And those eyebrows are killer.
I just came across this interview and found it very interesting.
It covers a lot of very complicated theories.
I’m probably a simple minded and selfish person, but after listening to interview I was trying to figure out how to apply some of these theories to improve my daily life.
I know that understanding is the first step.
Thanks Tom!
On one of my ceremonies with Ayahuasca I was given an experience of being a snail. It was really weird experience but at that moment as a snail ... I felt moving, I felt the ground, my snail body and being just in simple presence.
Its a bit hard to explain haha
"It's a bit hard to explain haha." I think we are born reveling in the present and just being, but are forced to conform as an obedient part of a society. Maybe. "Being just in simple presence." I think you just did explain. 💯
@MMARE369 You should look up Dr. Eban Alexander and listen to his discussion of his conscious experiences while in a coma. You will LOVE his discussion.
this chic in this talk cant even experince being unmarried. Married Dumbasses wearing Wedding rings..
I became a Wolf!
No Joke!
In a Ceremony in Brazil.
In Sao Paulo State Countryside.
Cannot Explain too!
I don't think society has much to do with it.
Early humans would not have survived by just "being".
Hunting, for example, requires looking to the future and planning a course of action, as well as using experience from the past to hunt more effectively.
Perhaps a mushroom can just "be", but a human cannot.
using consciousness to figure out consciousness is like an eyeball trying to figure out what sight is without a brain...
good one
I am so impressed with the young people this days. I tray to remember what I was doing at her age... I was talking to flowers, dance on the rain, fly with the wind, playing with the animals, laughing with the stars, dip my legs in the beautiful clean waters , work in the wine yard, eat the wild strawberries in the mountains, bake my bread on fire... In Winter we listen and tell the stories, waiting so Spring when we make flower wreaths,send them on the river, sing songs and eat honey, run with the firefly through wheat fields in Summer, rolling in the leaves in Autumn and making vine and there was enough for everyone. Mother Nature and Father Sky are my COMPASS. Compassion of giving and taking... That's all that is...
Follow your COMPASS...
But just a minute...
Is the name of this girl... Annaka or Anunaka?
Teacher leave the Kids alone...
@Rob Bigs LOL
The questioning is the most important. She’s asking the right ones it definitely seems that will set us up for the ones to follow, that’s excellent !
Annaka and Sam keep tiptoeing around observations about consciousness that were made 2500 years ago - in Greece, India, in the Far East, and no doubt in many other places. The texts that exist from those times are distorted by translational, cultural, and simply age related factors. The core message is the same - if you know what to look for. Consciousness is the basis of what we are, and also the source of peace and joy. It's a gift, a wonderful gift. We don't need to achieve - it's just here for everyone, if we let our minds be open.
The obstacle to this insight isn't "intuitions" - it is ego. Science doesn't help a lot - academic/intellectual careers tend to promote extremely strong egos.
Exactly right. Science is so far behind.
We all need to meditate to achieve awareness and to understand who we are. I have noticed that people more openly talk about NDEs, OBEs and etc…which is a great thing for all of us.
When you back off from the lens of your ego, you see the ego and it is really uncomfortable at first. But it is a gift.
The thought process is not required for cognition and much of our daily functions. Simply being present and aware without thinking is actually a far more productive state, while using analytical thought and reflection/projection are tools on our belt for specific tasks.
I am a transistorized, transgenderized, transmogrified, trans-human
A corporatized, commercialized, industrial strength consumer
A goal setting, gym sweating, debt fretting freak
A social climbing net worker that's always on heat
I got my education majoring in indoctrination
Where they taught me to comply, to never question why
And so I'm chasing an illusion of success that's a delusion
That's sending me insane, exploding my brain
And as we teeter on the brink, soon to be extinct
I always wear a smile, coz I'm living in denial.
How is your brain?
Tom, thank you for bringing the outliers, the challengers, the doers, the thinkers and the lovers! Awesome stuff.
Update guys! Completed reading another book. Book count: 232 :D
What is you top 3 so far?
bnsgokugreat 👍
In how long? Recommended?
@@vesnapazin8293 1) Unthetered soul 2) Mindset 3) Lies my doctor told me!
@@mixingrecords Started on August 2018 :)
Massive oversight in my opinion is that consciousness is not necessarily the same as "awareness". Where it gets incredibly complex is to understand that our nervous system is likely an interface that connects our body with "consciousness" -> the field that connects everything. And as she said consciousness is on a continuum and we can experience different levels. There is also a subconscious level in the human Psyche. The subconscious is often seen as just the automatic processing that happens without our awareness. But I believe it is actually a higher state of consciousness. We access it to some extent in dreams, but the information needs to be "translated" in its essence to something we can process with our understanding in this place of reality. It comes at us with emotions and images and storylines. Humans have known for a long time that stories are powerful, because they can transmit ideas in a way that enters our subconscious. That is often where real change and agency occurs. So the conclusions she draws are much too simplistic and ignore a lot of other factors. Time is also an illusion in itself that likely does not play the same role in the larger consciousness, so the experiments about the brain signaling you will move your hand before you decide to do are incredibly flawed when interpreting them from a limited standpoint. When I was much younger I also believed in a more deterministic world. Quantum mechanics challenged that. Then I experienced some extreme states of consciousness (Psychosis due to extreme stress), where at one point I even became aware of my awareness of consciousness, which is hard to even describe. But when you go there you can observe/experience a lot about our universe. I encourage everyone interested in consciousness to explore the subconscious. And start thinking about what the heck dreams are and experiment with lucid dreaming and alternate states of consciousness. If you have a lot of trauma or lack a sense of trust/grounding/security in the world be cautious and get guidance. Going into other states of consciousness without also being grounded in this reality (Psychosis) is a horrifying experience. All the best!
Very true, conflating awareness & consciousness is an example of taking for granted sensory input as reflective of reality, instead of constructive, similar to projecting concepts of self into dreams.
@@Gnaritas42 What would be "evidence" for you? There is plenty of observations in science that point to this as a way reality works. Look into quantum mechanics for example, even just the double slit experiment calls for a model where consciousness is a sort of "outside" property to matter. Now you can dismiss this, but there are studies on OBE's and past life experiences that are also science, as science is about observing our world and trying to explain what is happening. Look into all the accounts of people with NDEs too, even neurologists, people who had no brain activity. Then look into the morphic resonance field. Or even how many ancient cultures or even beliefs in countries today (like Japan) believe there is a universal consciousness that connects everything. There are many angles from which to look at this. Some I am sure you would dismiss out right. But I think in search for truth we need to try and take into account as many data points as we can.
I’ve listened to and admired Sam since reading The End of Faith, now he has my envy too. What a wonderful mind - I can only imagine the conversations that pepper their relationship.
She is an amazing communicator. The fact that she makes Sam Harris laugh out loud just makes her more amazing.
Right from the first second I sensed chemistry between them and that would be expressed in laughter and other expressions of those emotions.
Yeap, he likes her.
this women has such a subtle but natural beauty im mesmerized
When it comes from the inside it magnifies the outside.
Me too! Absolutely mesmerized
It's her confidence and humility
Yes the botox fillers have that effect !
Seems to me "this woman" is a man. She's has really big hands, wide wrist and really manly features. She has more manly features than the man interviewing her. I've never seen her before yet she gives off man vibes. Js.
"You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing." --Philippos
Chillout Meditation Music 🥰💪🏻❤️☘️🌿❤️💪🏻 Wish You Much Love and Success With Your Channel The Best of Life Has Yet To Arrive For you : )
Yet, opposite wisdom suggests that not fearing failure allows to try more things. One-liner black and white "wise" quotes are pointless because without context and complexity, they don't work in the real world.
Taking responsibility for all we experience (without blaming the victim) makes for a very dynamic shift in consciousness.
Wooo !!! Very leading edge, forward thinking individual. I believe there is a universal cosmic consciousness we are unable to see or understand. It's a complete level beyond our own. Some are tapping in through L.O.A.
She’s beautiful and love the way she’s inspired to tell us what she knows! Ty
I had a NDE or near death experience as a child. I was aware of another dimension around me where energy beings spoke to me. I heard them and felt them. I knew there was no such thing as death then. You should be having people with near death experiences on your show. Like Eben Alexander. He had a NDE and remembers it very well.
I used to communicate with somebodies in my dreams as a child. Who, I have no idea. I visualized them in my dreams as My Little Ponies (adorable in retrospect!). I still remember the last dream I spoke to them. They told me it would be the last time we spoke and I cried and threw a tantrum which didn't bother them or annoy them at all, but they never did come to speak with me again. I hope one day I'll be able to know what that was all about.
Pants gettin warm?
@@amouramarie me too...Santa Claus told me so
I've had 2 near death experiences. A motorbike crash when I was 18 yrs and a stroke when I was 40 !!! It felt like I was Flying on both Occasions, and I didn't want to come back !!!
None of this weirds me out at all. The observer changing reality has been understood for a very long time. What boggles my mind is the arrogance of people believing that only complex life forms are conscious and would mock or criticize anyone for asking any question we don’t have a clear understanding of. The prejudice the science community often has of so called woo woo subject matter holds us back on every level. What quantum mechanics shows us is that reality is far more woo woo than it is material. Thank you for bringing that to light.
There's a moment in life where you think you are smart and you know what you are talking about...then you watch an episode like this and you're like...shit idk nothin!
Thomas Jones, M.S. lol. Yep. The more I learn the more questions I have.
I often think of this as well, but I go a bit further down this tangential path and think that but when intelligence is based in the ability to demonstrate behaviors and characteristics that are in line with the social constructs and grand narratives of a society that has meticulously crafted out of falsehoods in order to control the masses... Yeah. That's what I'm thinking about when my insomniac brain won't shut down during the witching hour. 😶🙃
Just started...shes on your show, let her talk! I know you're excited but damn!
It's more of a discussion format... not necessarily a traditional interview per se, but Tom is also applying his input & questions as it relates to the topic. Has been the format for many shows. Sometimes Tom just listens more but when it's a topic he is personally interested in then he likes to discuss more than just interview.. which is perfectly fine.
She didn't say much. He could've explained things a lot better than she did and she's the 'expert'..
@@roblu9933 exactly. Thanks, I tried to put it more diplomatically but essentially, this!!
@@roblu9933 she certainly tried to say more than he let her say. Especially in the 1st half. But how good was she at subtlety changing that dynamic by the 2nd half when she took that stage and said a lot with fabulous explanation.
When it comes to contemplating consciousness I want to postulate a question.
If an ant was wondering what gravity was or why it is alive, how would you know?
If you can’t answer that question, how do you know that that has never happened?
I think that one of the assumptions we have to challenge first is our own superiority complex. I think we confuse our ability to communicate and share ideas and what we can do with our opposable thumbs with the quality of consciousness and higher level thought. It maybe that most other animals are also capable of similar depth of thought, just because we have no evidence of what they are thinking about doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
I had exactly the same thought. She says that a worm's sensory experience is minimal. How does she know that? Because it can't be measured through "scientific" methods? So much of the debate on consciousness - as this conversation demonstrates - is guess work and conjecture, and driven not by a deep longing to humbly understand, but driven by human and "scientific" arrogance.
Sarah Schwarz - yes exactly!
I would like to know more. If the "arrogant" scientific method isn't the way to understand consciousness, then what is the path to true understanding in your opinion?
@@rehannoon8709 I don't have the answers, but the approach is totally convoluted We can't seek to understand consciousness without acnowledging the soul. I don't believe that the soul or consciousness are tangible in any way because they belong to another realm. These "scientists" are making a claim that they can understand this realm completely independently of divine knowledge. This for me is impossible, no matter how advanced the science or the tech. BTW this is meant generally and not specifically to this lady. I really couldn't listen until the end.
@@sarahschwarz9972 I understand what you mean. That scientists think they have all the avilable resources to make assumptions and conclusions, when there could be a whole realm of visions, objects, feelings, really any sensory or thought experience that we as humans do not have access to, not as long as we are detached from our "higher selves" that could perhaps have the capabilities to reach what you call divine knowledge. However, believing that this divine kniwledge exists and that their is another realm besides the physical is also an assumption itself, so I believe that scientists deserve the credit for the discoveries they are making on this realm, because they have no way to access knowledge in any other way. As long as they realize at the end of the day that the knowledge they have accumulated only represents the portion of reality that can be percieved by us, and might not be the true reality of the universe, the scientific method is leading us somehwere in my opinion although I am not entirely sure where.
Man I’d love an hour just to talk with her about plants, consciousness, objectively observable universe, etc all that!
Talk to me! What is the objectively observable Universe to you.?
@@edwardcopeland5069 everyone. And Everything.
Our own consciousness constantly creates the surrounding reality around us. I don’t know if we can learn to control this process consciously and manage reality the way we want. Yes, quantum physics provides clues to this possibility. 😊
I suspect that to experience consciousness on the level that would allow manipulation of phenomena (reality) one would have to transcend the phenomenological realm by recognizing it as illusory. There would then be no point in manipulating it since it did not exist in the first place.
Annaka Harris is truly incredible. What an amazing discussion ... good Job Tom for setting this up!
how is she truly incredible? She is dopey enough to wear a wedding ring. How pathetic is that. Married immaturity. Dumb asses. She cant even figure out how immature marriage is and Annaka is truly incredible you think?
Something about her constant smiling is annoying me
It's her eyebrows, I'm sure, looks like she's always hedging but it's just the brows
This lady is brilliant loved this interview. The beauty of science is it has no opinion just a blueprint for interpretation. The hidden life of trees” plants are incredibly intelligent & forests symbiotic root network is something we could learn from in terms of resource sharing. Thank you both hoping for a part 2 In The Near future
Everything is consciousness. Omniscience is the ultimate experience of everything without boundaries. Boundaries are self-imposed; all suffering has a reason and function which might be unknown to those conscious experiences for intentional reasons. This has become my perspective after years of delving into psychical exploration and trying to understand why I sometimes see "around" time. I feel I have more faith that there is a greater purpose than most religious types simply because I explore both spirituality and science in combination. The more you know... the more you are.