I was raised in this cult. The "end times" have been just around the corner for all of my 40 years of life. The brainwashing, manipulation, fear tactics... I've paid way too much for therapy over the years, deconstructing the abuse I suffered at the hands of the church. It's dehumanizing, demoralizing, depravity, disguised as a loving father figure. I am grateful everyday for my intellect and courage, because I honestly have no idea where it came from. I'm also grateful for college where my curiosity and hunger for knowledge was rewarded for the first time. Basically I never left college lol.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you were able to get out of it. Your comment reminds me of something talked about on "Sister Wives" last week. Christine said that in the religion she was raised in (I can't remember what it's called, but it's not the mainstream LDS) the girls were told to marry and have as many kids as possible rather than go to college because the world was about to end. Luckily, Christine's father told her that was nonsense and encouraged her to go to college.
@@tedlover7012 it's happened to millions of Americans. I'm one of the few with the strength to escape, heal, and thrive. When you grow up in it Trump makes sense.
Same... I was fortunate and my mom nixed it after divorcing my dad when I was 10 or 11. My children have never seen the inside of one of those churches I was raised in. Congratulations on saving yourself.
Before the 2012 presidential election an acquaintance came to my door. She told me her pastor (evangelical) was trying to make it easier for folks to vote and she tried to give me a list of how and who to vote for. I lost my cool real fast and told her that I could vote without her pastors assistance. Churches like this need to be taxed! This isn’t Christianity, it’s obscene!
While my pastors wouldn’t literally preach their Republicanism from the pulpit (I was Libertarian Party so I was close to being a demonic in their eyes) every election cycle Focus on the Family Voter Guide was on a table in the foyer for people to pick up. No surprise… NEVER a Democrat endorsed no matter what good people of character they were over the Republican.
Trump just used the age old trick among the Republicans for CENTURIES. A heavy smear of “godliness” and anything BUT godly and the useful idiots eat it up.
The key here is that they are prepared to forgive him his transgressions, and also that they have a deep misunderstanding of Christ's message. And to the religiously self righteous hypocrisy has NEVER been a moral failing.
If Trump is God's plan to "save" the USA, then God needs a far better plan than this narcissistic bully. He undermines ALL of the Christian teachings which diminishes God's all-knowing creds.
I'm a Christian by Faith, a Baptist by Denomination and a Democrat by the GRACE of GOD ALMIGHTY! The church is supposed to be the House of God. Not Any Political Headquarters.
That is insane. Read the bible. There are social policies, Political policies. Relational policies etc. They are all in the word of God. God presents a Kingdom. He expects to see his government in all arenas of life. Go out into the WHOLE world and baptise men in my name. Danial. 3 Hebrew boys their experiences were all POLITICAL.
I’m a Catholic with very different beliefs than we are expected to believe. In 2020 I made the mistake of telling a church deacon that I’d rather vote for MickeyMouse than Trump. His answer was “Well just make sure MickeyMouse is ProLife” I was dumb founded in how much the Catholic Church has become what I believe is also cult like
But that is not how Jesus for his disciples went about changing how people did things. You would have to call them a Grassroots movement because they did not work through the authority of government especially in oligarch like Donald Trump wants to be. So yes everything that happens between groups of people could be called political but that doesn't change what we're actually talking about here or suddenly make it that government is the head of the church and all of us are in the same congregation especially if there is no more freedom of choice but enforced good behavior that's what God wanted why are we here being tested to see if we will follow his principles and be faithful even when we have freedom of choice and constant stress all he would need to do is a point Pontius Pilate or someone like that and give him the rules and have him enforce them on pain of death and we'd be a very well-behaved Society right ? It seems that's what you believe @@thelinkeducationalsupports2949
I, too, attended an evangelical church when I returned to the US from Germany. After having been gone over decades, I want to dedicate my life to God. What open my eyes during the 2008 election when all the evangelical had gotten together to cancel worship service to do a symcast about the election and who to vote for. I was shocked and surprised that these people canceled to worship God to manipulate the church on who to vote for so they could push an agenda. I eventually left the church. It's sad because I was a new believer and like most of us its a emotional and mental effect on you. God has opened my eyes over the years, so I have nothing to do with the evangelical church.
I used to go to church,( years ago) but opened my eyes to what was truly good on.And because of my experiences,l stopped going here@ there @ stated to read. I eventually became 'Spiritual',@ never looked back. I've had 4 visions since. And so l believe l made the right choice. You don't t have to be religious. You can be, Spiritual,@,still live your life as happy as ever. The choice is yours. 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏💙🎉😊🇨🇦
Give us a try at the Episcopal Church, or maybe the United Church of Christ, some Baptist churches not in the Southern Baptist Convention, or other fundamentalist groups. There are nice options out there.
God moves among an imperfect people. When we isolate ourselves from the body of Christ we become FODDER for SATAN. I am certain that not every single person in your church was corrupted. Find those who are as sincere as you. Get to praying with them to tear down the strongholds satan is establishing. There is power in prayer..
And that "cult" now shows a MASSIVE lead in polls over Creepy Joe in those KEY, swing, states. Get used to the fact that that "cult" is going to demolish the Communist takeover of the USA.
I moved into a new community where the minister told our congregation that God requires we vote Republican. My previous home church never had this ‘rule’. This was decades ago. I felt a really bad feeling in my stomach when that happened. After two years of listening to more politicking than reading of scripture, I left the church.
In the 70s I lived in Northern Itay. It was a time when the communist party was challenging the permanent fixture that was the Christian Democrats. The Catholic Church was "advising " their congregations to remember that red (communist) was the colour of the devil and blue was the celestial colour of the Madonna.
I agree with all you said! President Biden has been a consequential, successful President. Not only am I sick of hearing about Biden’s age and imaginary problems, but I am sick to death of the poll talk and the hand wringing. We have a little less than one year until the election and that talk feels self-destructive. I’m voting for President Biden!
@@majorchutzpah7265 You mean TFG, I assume. TFG is not sure who the current president of the United States is and he’s unclear about the leader of Hungary. If you support TFG your opinion is meaningless. Read a book.
When I was a kid, my mom sent us to summer Bible school. Since I was Catholic, members really worked hard to "save" me. I can say that I am truly grateful to them because of one lesson they gave me. It was the lesson of the "false prophet" in Revelations. I grew up fearing that person and looking for him everywhere. Now, as an adult, I've turned those fears into critical thinking - which helps me to assess political propaganda more easily than some. I wonder - why don't those people take their own lessons? Make no mistake - those who blindly follow a preacher or a church, without questioning, are in a cult. The difference is one is constitutionally protected, while the others are not.
The most important thing that the Catholic church teaches is that we have only *one* Savior and that is Jesus Christ. Anyone who believes that another person has come to save the world is a follower of an anti Christ. You don't necessarily just find it in Revelation. It's in 1John 2:18-22 and 2Thessalonians 2: 3-12. If you've never read the whole New Testament, it is easy for someone to draw you away into a Protestant religion by pretending they understand Rev. and can interpret it for you.
@@lhoward9593I think, maybe, the idea might be that it’s Christ in action: love, tolerance, building houses for the poor. She lived a life of service as has Jimmy.
As a conservative Christian, I would rather support a liberal leader who is honest and has good character than a leader who pretends to be a Christian but has poor character like DJT.
The most fascist, criminal, corrupt, cruel man to ever hold public office is God's instrument? Give your heads a shake Christians, whatever happened to the "thou shall not worship other idols" ?
Don't you mean: The most fascist, criminal, corrupt, cruel man to ever hold public office in the _US_ . There have been and are many other evil leaders.
I tend to point to 1 Samuel chapter 8. Israel wanted a king. Samuel and God had words about that, and the king they chose (Saul) still needed to be replaced by King David.
I am a Christian. I go to church. It is an uplifting experience. We pray, we sing, we receive communion, we listen to the word of God. The priest, pastor, minister explains what God is telling us. There is no fire and brimstone. Then there we are told if any of our parishioners or neighbours are going through a difficult time be it medical, a death , a birth. Whether it be good or bad we are asked how we can share the joy or sorrow with in need. This is the word of God. Love your neighbours as you love me. This is a church. When the service is over there is a sense of community and joy to be among the people present. Politics is only discussed when we are told to our civic duty but not who to vote for
Trump lost my Cuban grandma's vote (with some encouragement). She got tired of hearing him badmouth the USA constantly. Also kowtowing to N Korean and Russian dictators turned her off completely.
It's wild huh, when the trump-lovers actually(!) take the time to listen to him the reasons to quit him just keep piling on. But to the interview's point, they really do just live with an idealized version of him in their heads, forever. 💀
He plainly wants what MbS,Kim and Putin have. He despises the Constitution. He cannot tolerate criticism or disagreement. He sees our allies as weak and unnecessary. Sicko.
As a Cuban/ raised here for 63 years, it still see the same "Here comes this bearded Guerilla" Fidel, that magnetized the crowds. And they are still going with Trump in Miami,. Open your eyes, Cubans A guy like this is just "SHOW" he is living a reality show to destroy and leave a Story, it's all about his sick Malignant Narcissism. Go vote!
I am a non-believer. However, I am often moved by the wisdom and insight of religious writings, the Buddha, the Dalai Llama, and Jesus among others. The Jesus of the Bible (and the gnostic gospels) is an avatar of love, peace, community who had the courage to live those values. What occurs to me is that American Evangelicalism is instead driven by fear, rage, and pride. The hypocrisy is so evident to many of us on the outside looking in.
It’s evident for many of us on the inside too! It is a concerted effort by far right religious politicians who seek leadership that will accomplish their goals. Trump is clearly not religious, but they are selling him as such as he will support their agenda for their votes.
@@michaelsack9981 I hear you, Michael, and I'm sorry for it. Faith can be a beautiful way of life. Although I've never experienced it. I am surrounded by many, including family, who engage with their faith daily. Do you remember C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters? There's a phrase in letter 9 I think (close to number 9 anyway) where the senior devil is writing advice on tempting a soul to Hell to his nephew (junior devil). He writes something like "when a man's faith becomes a means and not an end, then he is ours!" So much suffering and harm. Not what the rabbi from Nazareth had in mind, I think.
"No on ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. People can easily be persuaded to accept the most inferior ideas or useless products." Attributed to H. L. Mencken.
Einstein of all people once said (many things, of course): There are two things that are absolute. One is a never ending universe. The second is human stupidity. I'm not sure about the first one. 😂 Yeah. That Trump. I don't really care if he's arrogant. Or grandiose. Or even delusional really. He is obviously a repeat offending criminal. Aside from all of the legal trouble that he's brought on himself, the ONE THING THAT I CANNOT CONDONE OR FORGIVE HIM FOR IS PUTTING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AT RISK. He had classified documents all over his home for months and was court ordered to surrender them and he didn't until the FBI has to get a warrant to get them back. This guy is so self-absorbed it's mind-boggling. Who, in their right mind, would vote for a guy like that? I researched a lot. After four republican debates, it seems obvious to me that Nikki Haley is BY FAR the most qualified presidential election. She has maturity, intelligence and solid experience.
My children had to throw some evangelicals out of our home not long after the death of my son. These people were not close friends, but, with other folk in the community, had done some work for us after the funeral. They were rude, disrespectful, judgmental and dishonest. They seemed to us to be egotistical, not spiritual at all. Not long after this, the husband, I think at his wife’s instigation, sent us an invoice for the small amount of help he gave with others who were friends. I refused to give them money. It went to court and I won. “By their fruits you will know them”. A Bible quote. I am not a church goer.
Mormons contact new widows and widowers to ask if they want to be married in Heaven to their spouse. A friend was hugely upset....she loved her husband and cared for him through alcoholism and such for years but let's face it....time for a change. What a manipulative thing to assault grieving people like that!!
That letter, along with their obsession with Trump, going so far as calling him ‘the chosen one’ and ‘God’’, is the best argument against religion, I’ve ever heard.
Have whatever religious views you want… until you step into the ring of government. I don’t want to hear who to vote for in church and I don’t want to hear about church from my government officials!
Let's clearly understand this, that God sends wicked rulers over sinful nations. So, it is not about God "endorsing" Trump. It's about God "judging" America with a tyrant!
In Trump's words, "Only I can fix it" or "I alone can fix it" 'World War III looms, only I can prevent it' Every one of those statements is utterly ridiculous.
It should. The best part of the Bible is the story of Christ. He stood up against empire and corrupt power, stood up for the poor and downtrodden, and was crucified for it. Today’s “Prosperity Gospel” Christians are not real Christians. They miss completely the lesson of the story of Christ.
Separation of church and state meant to keep any religion forced on people a a State Religion, as it was in England. But I also agree that we cannot force our religion on others
The church, as we know it, has run more people away from God than to him. There is much blood on the hand of the church. She failed the generation of people. Many hurt, abused, lost, addicted and impoverished. She has misrepresented God and yet he is still merciful. However, time is running out and the church is still unrepented state. 😢😢😢😢
@@Lioness1499 some churches are trying to, unfortunately they’re not the dominant ones right now. It’s such a mess that such a part if it has lost its grounding and is distorting its mission’ purpose;
It all started with a man named Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter, gained prominence for his claim of receiving a prophecy from God in 2011 about Donald Trump becoming president. His book, "The Trump Prophecies," detailed this vision and later inspired a movie adaptation. The word spread when Taylor's wife initiated a prayer chain to pray for the fulfillment of his prophecy. This grassroots movement heightened interest in Taylor's message. Notably, well-known pastors like Jim Bakker further endorsed Taylor's prophecies, discussing them on various media platforms, including television interviews.
I'm an ex-Christian atheist bc I identified the Jesus character as a peaceful, liberal guy that said not to judge others and being wealthy was worthless bc faith AND works (that were a result of faith) were what mattered. The hypocrisy of the conservative Christians around me forced me to start questioning things. So, that anyone believes someone as malignant and narcissist as tRump is a Christian is beyond me. If my original thoughts about Jesus had been 100% correct, tRump would be an antichrist.
He is a test for Christian if they can really distinguish between charismatic leader spewing hate who speaks of their fear. True Christian chooses love even if this person promises them an easier way out with hate.
@@MrsBridgette2012This is so typical of our modern day obsession with the cult of personality. A fireman prophet,too funny. These people hear voices all the time and claim it’s a direct line from God. It use to be said that you can talk to God but you’re crazy if you think God talks back to you. Apparently that’s not true for these cult followers. They even call these talks downloads from heaven. You can be sure Trump believes none of this but uses it to promote his (chosen status.)God help America.
I feel like a thoughtful Christian could view a man who uses the 7 deadly sins as a to-do list, holds himself up like a demigod, is a fat cow of a man, and literally paints himself gold, as a test from God. And then when they failed that test, a literal plague (covid) was unleashed upon the Earth.
Yesterday a commenter wrote that Trump was a true ecumenical leader of 3 Christian sects. Heavy sigh. If so, it's only because his only religious view involves accumulating money, and he has no clue about the internals of any Christian movement, and therefore doesn't have any skin in the religious game.
He would not! If you are a person of color or if you don't care for him, there's no freaking way he'd give you the time of day, let alone put the fire out!
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
People forget that the people who wrote our constitution were thinking elected Presidents would be men of good character, with attributes like Honesty, Compassion and a fine intellect and integrity. Willing to work for the American people. You cannot say any of that describes Donald Trump.
My dad was a Biblical theologian; he would be extremely shocked and dismayed at the state of the republican party, trump supporters and right-wing evangelists, who have nothing to do with true Christianity. Makes me very sad and angry as well. Vote blue!!
The thing is I can understand conservatives voting for Trump. I can understand someone voting for him because he might align on with various political leanings. After the primaries were over one of Ben Carson's wealthy supporters said of Trump that "this guy wouldn't know a Bible if it hit him in the head" but at Trump would prevent the "socialist taking all our money. But to not recognise this fat narcissist for what he is is beyond me.
We have a pastor named Greg Locke, who has built this massive tent revival church in Tennessee and who is known for things like saying that autistic children are oppressed by demons and for staging burnings of "Harry Potter" books and he's debating flat Earth theology at his church, in fact, this pastor, he was invited to the White House, and he posed for a photo there with Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham. So these people who once would have been treated as outcasts and pariahs, they are now very much in the evangelical mainstream.🤔
I struggled to see why so many, support Drumpf. I read a few books, but one stuck out. The Authoritarians by Bob Altemeyer. He explains the authoritarian personalities so well. And Evangelicals and Christian Fundamentalists are almost always right wing authoritarian personalities. It makes sense too, because these are people who don't want to think for themselves. They want a strongman, with simple answers to complex problems. You can't get much more simple than Drumpf.
No. That's what you're being trained to believe. Just an example. We know, for a fact, the FBI, CIA, a foreign agent, were used against him by the left. We know they were censoring social media. We know they are using corporations to push agendas. Using false MSM propaganda against him. These are undeniable. They are also criminalizing him. Whether you refuse to admit it or not. Still people are saying he is the fascist. Hello ?
One of the most frightening things about conservative evangelical support for Trump is that Trump does not even have to go through the motions of Christian worship on Sundays. Instead of church attendance, Trump can be on the golf course and not lose any evangelical support!
Even Bill Clinton went to church...a lot. Carter never missed and taught Sunday School. Reagan, the wonderful, did not. perhaps he was afraid of hearing the Sermon on the Mount.
I've been to every denomination , studied world religion, and read the Bible twice beginning to end .I have been kicked out of churches for teaching people to read the Bible for themselves and that GOD wanted a personal relationship. You are a blessing. You are speaking the truth and the truth will set you free.
Ok good! But everything works in order and his time not ours and we have to obey his word not our feelings or understanding we need to be be in a good community I'm not saying perfect but in obedience to God. But on this point me as a Christian I an not saying Trump is the chosen president. What I see is I have to pray for God's will if he wants D.Trump be president again to fulfill a God's plan but I don't know that just wait on the Lord. That's my position as a Christian protestant. ❤️✝️🙏
Me and my family used to go to a Baptist Christian Hispanic (Congregation made up of 80% Cubans and 20% Hispanics of other countries) and the Pastor there brought up politics into his sermons. As soon as he did that, we left and never went back..
Thank you for this insight! As a Christian, I have been so confused by this cultish movement. When I hear DJT speak, I feel nauseated, disgusted, appalled...there aren't enough adjectives. He is so obviously evil. I don't understand how any follower of Jesus Christ can condone his language or behavior. He is Hitler reincarnated, and I have been praying fervently for God to destroy his wealth and power...the only language this subhuman entity understands. May God forgive His sincere children who have been hijacked and brainwashed, many of whom are my loved ones. 😢
I feel the same way. I can't understand how ppl can't see the evil he spews. Are all the Christians really following Satan instead of Jesus? How CAN'T they see the truth? It's baffling.
@@StephenGrover-zc4hp i know right? How do we deal with religious fervour? We cannot. The religious must be left to their own devices...but equally they must leave us alone. And never govern us. I think that is explicit in the Constitution.
The Heretic is more despised than the Atheist. The Christian Nationalists would Crucify Christ all over again if he stood before them as they would not know him.
If you think Trump's bad personality gives you an excuse to vote democrat, you are the one brainwashed. A Christian would pray for God's will to be done. Not your will.
I remember speaking to a friend, a Evangelical from Wisconsin, he and his wife volunteer three days a week in soup kitchens feeding the poor, in 2017 after Trump was elected. and I said, "With all you know about this man how could you vote for him." and he said, "I knew it wasn't right but everyone else was." ... I sure hope stronger wills and minds prevail in 2024 or America is finished.
I don't understand why Joe Biden isn't a good vote for a "real Christian". He's compassionate and giving. And, he's qualified. His economic policies have pulled us out of what could have been a severe recession in record time. The rest of the world is still suffering under a way more brutal inflation than we experienced. And he did it without the huge cuts to social programs that Republicans say are always necessary. We're all humans being guided by other humans. No ONE is above any others.@@__-fl3yt
The Biden Administration has been so productive for the real people of America. After the Pandemic and totally chaotic Trump Regime. Biden brings calm and positive accomplishments. Biden supports a woman’s right to choose. Vote Blue!
I can't stand Trump but you should be ashamed of yourself for given a ringing endorsement of Biden given the genocide he is supporting in Gaza by way of funding and military equipment. The reality is the USA needs a viable third party. and no more idiots voting the same way they and their grandparents have. If the current system continues the country is going to tear itself apart. Neither party is worthy of support.
The problem I have with never-Trumper Republicans criticizing Democrats about immigration, the economy etc. is that when their guys - pre-Trump - were in power, many of them were happy with ballooning deficits,. inaction on immigration etc., and then suddenly when Democrats are in power those issues become problems. It isn't that Democrats don't appreciate advice, constructive criticism etc. but it can be a bit hard to take when some of the very folks offering the advice were part of the problem, or, at the very least, passive observers when the problems were being created. And now some of them try to behave like they have all the wisdom of Solomon and Democrats are idiots. I get that their hearts might be in the right place but the next time any of your guys get into power make sure you prevail on them to deal with the problems and don't wait until Democrats then have to do what they've had to do for the past several cycles, which is to clean up after Republicans after they crap all over the floor. Do that, and then the criticism might be easier to take.
@@Frenchblue8French blue.....please be right!!! But, at this point I question whether the Republican party has the balls to NOT make him their "official" candidate!
I saw on one podcast where laying on of hands on Trump from charismatic Christian leaders has been going on since 2016. Gatherings that included Trump where the leaders claimed to be prophets. With many of these people part of the insurrection. I pray God holds them all accountable. This discussion is long over due.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken.
More lunacy. Check the Supreme Court...notice anything unusual? THREE of those justices are the work of Trump...the man who 'bamboozled' us so ruthlessly! All I can say is, if THIS is being bamboozled, I hope to endure MORE....
I am 73, and the moment I was old enough to vote, I voted republican. I have never been more ashamed to be a republican than I am now. What is wrong with these people? I am a Christian with a deep-seated belief in God, and that Christ is my Savior. From the first time Trump ran for president, I have never understood why avowed Christians are rabid supporters of Trump? More people need to hear this podcast. I've felt that Trump is the Anti-Christ from the beginning. Am I wrong?
Although I am not a Christian I do seem to recall that it is believed that the Anti-Christ will be a false prophet and many Christians will believe in him and worship him. Sounds like Trump and the MAGA cult to me. You also may recall right after the 2020 election CPAC had a convention where they were pretty much worshipping a golden statue of Trump. It seems they actually decided to act out the Old Testament story about worshipping false prophets. Where's Moses when you need him?
@@momc9274 Biden is a life long Catholic who regularly attends mass. Trump thinks he's so perfect he doesn't need to go and spends his Sundays on a golf course. And thank God Biden is in office with the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza. If we ever needed someone with 50 years of political experience it's now and the next few years.
@ HVACSoldier satan is a master of deception and a liar and murderer he presents himself as an angel of light. he hates the human race and he hates his followers. he blinds people from truth. The good news is that JESUS CHRIST defeated him and his minions by his precious blood on calvary. Please 🙏 for healing in our divided nation during these trying times. May the true and living God bless you and yours.😊
"Bespoke Reality" - perfect term! Well done! Reminds me of Shankar Vedantam's term "Useful Dellusions" - people believing what they Want to believe because it fits their narrative - despite any/all evidence to the contrary put right in front of them.
Isn't it wonderful how "God's Plan" always coincides exactly with the wishes of the individual who thinks they are in touch with "God's Plan"? Almost miraculous.
Same ppl, who scream about freedom of religion at every tiny infraction against their "faith", real or perceived, usually the latter, yet they also scream from the rooftops, how their "God" gives them the right to force every1 else to live by their beliefs. Coz freedom of religion apparently only counts for those, who agree with their oppressive extremism.
The most disgusting thing is when people compare Trump with Jesus. I don't compare Jesus with anyone. Christ is a separate entity. Clean and without sin. Christian Nationalism Patriotics are out of their minds.
Disciples are the true followers of Jesus. Christians go to men in sheep clothing churches whom Jesus warned would come to his disciples in his name but inwardly are ravening wolves. Why? Because they follow FLESH/churchy men who call themselves christians while at the same time ignore the presence of Holy Ghost who is supposed to be our ONLY Teacher and Reminder of all the words spoken by Christ.
I was raised religious, now an atheist. One thing I remember about christian religiosity is talk about the "antichrist" and false prophets. But when an obvious such figure appears, the evangelicals fall head over heels for the scammer! Gullibility driven by paranoia and hatred.
You could equate Trump ss the Beast and Pence the false prophet who compromised his faith at every step by supporting and staying silent in the face of Trump's criminality, lies and corruption as well as blatant stupidity. I fear that in the event of his re-election that the next false prophet will be even more corrupt and the evangelicals more deluded. Scripture does say that the saints may be deceived. Evangelicalism is actually based on Egoism - my God, my personal (purse an' all) Saviour, my church, Jesus is my Lord, (not the Saviour of the whole world as the gospel declares). I am saved and everyone who disagrees with my theology is lost." In for a big surprise one day folks! " I know you not!"
I can't belive it took this guy so long to figure it out. I've known who Trump is since the late 1960's. I know people from NYC and a woman who worked for him 10 years. None of them has anything good to say about him.
I knew nothing about him, immediately disliked him, but gave him the benefit of a doubt in 2015. When he said NATO is obsolete,my mind was made up. All I could think was"is he in cahoots with Russia?"
Trump had been a notorious figure reported in Australian media for many decades. His corporate and personal antics and criminality have long featured in our news programs and papers, always dismissively and disparagingly in “only in America” segments. That is what was so shocking that Americans were/still are so patently ignorant and stupid to support him in such massive numbers. How could yanks not know he is a massive crook?
Doing a "nationwide tour" and then Trump is re-elected, that will get you thrown in Guantanamo and signed up for DAILY WATERBOARDING! Nobody wants daily waterboarding.
David Cay Johnston, investigative journalist, has written 3 books about Rump. The first one was published in 2016 before DJT was elected called "The Making of Donald Trump". The other 2 were written when Trump was in office as President: "It's Worse than you Think' and "The Big Cheat". Johnston has known Donald since 1988. He's been doing presentations and interviews since 2016. He's still doing them. He's not afraid. If you're afraid of Guantanamo, "they" have already won. :(
And Albert Einstein, with those words, betrayed J. Robert Oppenheimer. Albert Einstein did not have the intellectual fortitude as Oppenheimer did, to challenge the expansive development of nuclear physics for atomic weapon arsenals in the United States. Einstein was the antithesis of his own words.
@freddyjimenez909 I love how these themes are being incorporated into several films, over the last twenty years. In "Batman Begins", for example, Rachel talks to Bruce about a brutal gangster's control over Gotham: "As long as he keeps the bad people rich, and the good people scared, no one will touch him." (1/4/2024)
Nah, it can't be Trump. The anti-christ will fool everyone, even the elect. And will be charismatic. That means that everyone will love him. No one loves Trump. We just have a lot more faith in him then Biden. For obvious reasons.
Anti Christ is going to be smart though so it's not him. AntiChrist also doesn't come from the U.S. per the Bible. However, your comment was funny. 😂😂😂😊
Many of us have been saying for thirty to forty years that when you think politics consists of one issue, abortion, eventually, the entire machine will break down.
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater
We could certainly use old Barry today. He could be cussed stubborn at times, but he had more moral fiber in his little finger than the whole dam present day GOP.
Iowans love to be lead around by the nose, that is why they allow their rights be taken away. Vander Plaats and Reynolds the governor are on a hate campaign in Iowa, not endorsing the EX-president does not mean the are for the good of the state.
Grateful for this heads up regarding second trump terror senario. Important discussion, thank you! I don't believe the polls. Biden has done so much good for the country.
Whether you believe the polls or don't, Dems have to get out and vote and persuade others to vote Dem also. The danger is real, high living costs could explain the poll numbers, beware the danger of Trump winning.
You can see, Sharon, by the REAL voting in all the latest elections, that polls are self-interest b.s. - everyone plays with them, they are all, at a minimum, distorted, or even worse. MSM's should ignore them. And complaining about Biden's age too .... if at least, in the same breath, they said both him and tRump were old, at least it would be fair. I really think we are realizing that the Repubs have a major controlling interest in the news propaganda machines.
Was the country and the world better off with Trump leadership or dementia Joe's? If you knew GOD every leader good or bad is given power through HIS will be done.
Here’s the thing: nothing these folks do or say comports with the teachings of Jesus or any other religious prophet. You can twist anything to fit what you WANT to believe but there are things Jesus, for instance, taught that condemn every one of these apostates. I see zero love in these folks. Love binds humanity together. These folks want to hate and destroy. Everything about them is anti-spiritual.
These people want POWER over the rest of us, to prove their superiority over us. That they hand over their freedom, and their children's and grandchildren's freedom for a momentary feeling, seems to matter not a wit to them.
Not only hate and destroy but they truly want people to suffer. That part really disturbs me, and I can only imagine the horrors facing us if they get the power they are seeking. Already Americans are suffering because of them.
Fairy princess... I agree with you pretty much about Jesus but they are being reasonably true to the old testament God, the narcissistic idiot and moral monster that it portrays.
My mom raised me in the Methodist Church. ⛪️ 17 years of Sunday school and church and summer camp and choir practice and youth group was a very good foundation 😅😊❤
I had panick attacks for three days after that and drank a pint of vodka way too quickly trying to calm my nerves. Maybe its a veterans thing...idk. But I stopped drinking after that because I knew things were likely going to get worse and if I handled it by leaning on alcohol and not God, then I'd be an alcoholic in no time. I haven't drank since.
One of the things wrong with “those people” is that their pastors either led them astray, or didn’t step in, way back in Trump’s first campaign, to talk about what biblical leadership looks like and what a healthy relationship between faith and politics is.
Just consider how many of those "pastors" have outright supported Trump, badgered their flok to support Trump or claimed, they would be ungodly. How many of them have raged from the pulpit with political speeches, calling Dems the Devils spawn, pedophiles etc and worshipping their Orange Jesus. Not only does it make a mockery of their so-called religion, it makes the tax-exempt laws a total joke, since none of them have lost their tax-exempt status despite openly and repeatedly violating the condition of no politics in their churches/organisations.
Those pastors and churches were the first line of his propaganda, with false promises and sometimes generous donations. Where else can you catch so many flies with one swat?
My father is a Southern Baptist pastor and he still believes Trump is “god’s chosen”. It’s scary how brainwashed these people are. I have spent almost a decade mourning the loss of my parents over this.
Same here, with siblings. Pride is usually seen as the greatest of the seven deadly sins, and Trump is awash in it. Envy is second, and he's got plenty of that. I've given up on church, even though the one I went to wasn't a Trump horbed at all. It's to the point where I don't want to be around people at all. The fact that Trump was POTUS reflects the fact that many of us wanted that. The pride, wrath, envy, vulgarity, cruelty - everything about him.
@@thatguy8869 They were once interviewing a cardinal from the Vatican and they asked: "What do you think about the Gay Pride parade?" His answer was politic: "The Catholic Church doesn't condone any kind of pride."
Tell your father to go read his Bible over again from start to finish. If he still thinks that tRump is anything other than PURE EVIL, Tell him he needs to get a new job.
Two years ago I drove across country to visit friends and family for a month from California to Georgia and back covering 19 states. During my trip I stayed in hotels and was shocked to see how many had no MSNBC available, and CNN was hard to find. Yet Fox was everywhere and often Channel 4 or something easy to find. And OAN and Newsmax were often there easy to find as well. I began to realize that many people have no idea about what other news channels share. They have no clue about what Trump is really like. So I was not surprised when it was discussed in this video. 29:01
Fox news is in the first tier of cable packages in most areas. Most economical. Many older people like those on Social Security use first tier only, or basic cable. Few understand Fox infotainment exists solely to get a Republican President into office. Any who may want unbiased news, no really, consider looking into the Gaurdian, the Intercept, and World news, Democracy Now. No corporate sponsors.
Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad regarding choice of news - I took it that most were choosing to block out MSNBC, CNN etc - not that it wasn't easily accessible. That's bad.
I noticed this when I drove across the country about 20 years ago.Now I ask when I'm making a reservation.If they don't have CNN I don't stay there and I let management know why I'm not staying there.
That was so weird when Charlie said all the good stuff going on because of Biden and then said people don’t want to hear that?!?? Whyyyyyyy Not??? So frustrating
@@Jilla0559 I think Charlie is correct. The MAGA crowd refuses to hear this and the conservative media bad mouths Biden non-stop. That combination works to misinform every time with these people.
Coz all media, including most of the time Charlie, are busy talking about, how old Biden is. And when they finally talk about anything, hes accomplished, its always with an added "but hes OLD". Ofc, ppl are worrying about his age, its natural considering his age, but its being blown totally out of proportion, coz the media doesnt have anything else to attack him on, so theyre going on the Fox/Newsmax etc bandwagon and constantly fearmongering about his age. And when ppl are constantly told, that his age is a huge problem, that they should absolutely worry about as an existential threat, they freaking worry! And also shows up in the polls, coz again and again, theyre asked about Bidens age (almost never about Trumps) and almost always with very leading questions. But also almost always with no follow-ups about whether or not they would vote for him anyway, if its him against Trump.
What bothers me: here in Florida 2022 only HALF of registered Dems bothered voting, handing the House over to MAGA/GOP and reelecting Rubio and fascist Desantis. Our weak, inept Dem campaign leaders have to be fired, now!
Seems like a contradiction in terms - keeping apathy alive - but I get your meaning. Probably along the lines of 'you don't stand a chance so why bother'? @persuasivebarrier2419
Not to mention the 11th hr pull back by the guv re felons voting. Thanks to Mike Bloombergs donations, some more could vote but it left enough who just couldn't afford to pay ALL their debts, which gave the Chosen One's increased percentage in FL
I remember distinctly being at my favorite coffee shop on the day trump had won the election. While the coffee shop was silent due to the shock, I was thinking how on earth will our brilliant minds articulate just what is happening. What I didn't know is how long it would take for the words to emerge in a concise form. Now, there are numerous people and groups that are reveling the minutia, and this observation by David French and Charlie Sykes is a magnificent contribution. For the history books.
The Johnson Amendment needs to be enforced. It hasn't since 2000 even though it's still against the law for a church to remain tax exempt if they tell people how to vote. Reagan started breaking that separation with the Heritage foundation by passing out voters guides at churches.
I'm pretty sure the Johnson Amendment refers specifically to advocacy for specific candidates by a tax-exempt religious organization. He's free to personally endorse a candidate as long as it's in his personal capacity--not every action taken in his life is done as a representative of his employer. He can't preach DeSantis from the pulpit on Sunday morning because then he would be acting in his capacity as an agent of his organization. Of course, the IRS doesn't have a lot of interest in enforcing the Johnson Amendment, so he may be doing that as well and it's unlikely he'll face consequences for it.
@@bobbun9630 This all needs to change… another loophole constantly exploited while ordinary nonprofits must strictly toe the line. The graft of people going back long before the current situation has been allowed to become massive corporate profit for themselves.
@@AMunoz-rh9cz Yes, it does need to change, though I doubt that enforcing measures like the Johnson Amendment are the best way to implement a change. I would instead suggest that all churches (and all other religious institutions) be taxed as corporations. If they have expenditures that can legitimately be considered charitable, then they can accurately account for them and deduct them in the same way as any other organization. Proselytism, indoctrination, and political advocacy are not charitable endeavors. I'm all for people being able to believe what they want and I'm all for people being able to "exercise" their religion so long as such exercise does not infringe on legitimate government interests like ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to thrive in our society. I'm not for treating religion as some sort of ironclad political armor in defense of discrimination or authoritarianism.
As a lifelong agnostic I've found the evangelical endorsement of an actual anti-christ to be the source of a great deal of dark humour. I've always thought that DJT is an example of the seven deadly sins in a suit and the religious zealots failing to see this obvious fault to be par for the course.
I grew up in the Assembly of God Church until my 20s and my parents are still in the denomination. The current charismatic/evangelical church and by extension the Republican party are entirely based on fear. It has been in the works for decades if not centuries. The church is deeply afraid of the decline in their numbers and have been discouraging critical thinking more and more and more. They have become increasingly insular and anti-education in a futile attempt to keep their children from having any exposure to thoughts and ideas that didn't originate directly from the church. I heard as a kid in the 80s and 90s about how much more likely a person was to leave the church if they were college educated, and now they don't even want kids to have real high school education. Pentecostal-adjacent denominations are relying on false prophets as stated in the video instead of reading the Bible for themselves and thinking critically, which is ironically how they characterize those evil idol-worshipping Catholics who they say rely on priests. Everything is based on the fear that their children could be exposed to "outside" ideas and leave the church, so they have to control everything around them instead of relying on the faith that they claim to have. False prophets and politicians know this and use it to their advantage in order to gain and keep power. When you follow the rabbit trail to the end, it is ultimately based on the fear of Hell. A religion based on the fear of Hell rather than the love of Christ extended to community is a perfect recipe for the current state of the evangelical church and American politics.
It depends on the Church, and the personal relationship each person has with God. Discernment is a crucial and critical part of being a Christian and knowing who and what God is. People should NOT worship a pastor and accept everything a pastor says. That demonstrates their limited understanding of the teachings of God.
You hit the nail on the head with your analyses. Unfortunately, however, the very people who should be reading and watching video of these truths will never, ever do so - they're too scared that they may be wrong. I once spoke with an anthropologist who said, quite sincerely, I might add, "What are all these Christians gonna do when they find out they were wrong?"
Thank you so much David French for that important education & mind-opening perspective on this Israel-Hamas conflict. Your extended battle experience is vital in shedding light on the hellish reality of war. Until one actually lives through the inferno & nightmare of it, no arbitrary monocratic conspiracy theories about warfare, its bloodshed & death will never ever hold water. And thank you Charlie for having David as a guest. Much appreciated.
I so feel your discomfort Charlie. It is very frightening, as well as very frustrating that we don't have the right checks and balances to prevent this from happening.
They are probably like fruit of the spirits, " what is that", " where can I get those fruits" lol. He definitely does not give off having any fruits of the spirit though.
I live in Red state Utah . My mom and dad were born and raised here . And I was taught to at least try to think for myself , by reading , listening . Finding more to read and listen to . And not just from one source . And I am afraid now , those who think god is in control , don't think for themselves . They don't look at scriptures , as history . And so they do not think interms of how you need to ask what about those scriptures is similar to WHAT IS GOING ON NOW ? AND WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THOSE SCRIPTURES , ABOUT WHAT WE CAN DO , TO PREVENT WHAT THOSE SCRIPTURES PREDICT CAN HAPPEN , IF WE DO NOT LEARN HOW TO PREVENT THOSE PREDICTIONS FROM HAPPENINGING ?
Has there ever been a time when most Americans weren't generally pissed off about things generally, regardless of the President? We Dems are notoriously disputatious, critical of everything. And yet somehow when crunch-time comes, often enough we manage to get together and elect a Democrat.
This is absolutely the BEST analysis of both topics I have heard. And these two have already pointed out where the biggest challenges are. There are morally deaf (by choice) populations existing in the US, and elsewhere around the world, who have either lost the ability to reason or simply "don't care". People are the problem. People must learn to be the solution, or they will "throw the baby out with the bath water" and leave disaster in their wake. My sincere thanks for this very astute analysis. Heaven help mankind!
Biblically, one of the chief ways through which God brings judgment is by morally blinding wayward followers. It's clear that there is much to criticize in today's Evangelical church. It is also clear that, as a group, Evangelicals have become dull of hearing (in the moral sense). It remains to be seen whether they will repent and be restored or whether they will stubbornly continue on their present trajectory, in which case judgment will become progressively more harsh.
This was so informative! As a Christian, the Trump movement has really been disturbing for me. Thankfully, in my Lutheran Church people are not really vocal about their politics. I hope it stays that way. In the meantime, we have a lot to be worried about should Trump be reelected
Now you have hit the essence of things. We have both had Christian upbringings, and we both went through the doubts and questions that happen when circumstances of our lives change and make us think outside the box. Now the lack of vocal in your congregation is not really all that healthy. It means either fear or confusion, or unwillingness to be honest about their views, for whatever reason. I have experienced this too. It is important to be open to people, not drenched in a flood of doubt ,dread and darkness.
I was raised in this cult. The "end times" have been just around the corner for all of my 40 years of life. The brainwashing, manipulation, fear tactics... I've paid way too much for therapy over the years, deconstructing the abuse I suffered at the hands of the church. It's dehumanizing, demoralizing, depravity, disguised as a loving father figure.
I am grateful everyday for my intellect and courage, because I honestly have no idea where it came from. I'm also grateful for college where my curiosity and hunger for knowledge was rewarded for the first time. Basically I never left college lol.
Don't forget the antisemitism! That's a huge (yet mostly unspoken) part of those end times weirdos
I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you were able to get out of it. Your comment reminds me of something talked about on "Sister Wives" last week. Christine said that in the religion she was raised in (I can't remember what it's called, but it's not the mainstream LDS) the girls were told to marry and have as many kids as possible rather than go to college because the world was about to end. Luckily, Christine's father told her that was nonsense and encouraged her to go to college.
@@tedlover7012 it's happened to millions of Americans. I'm one of the few with the strength to escape, heal, and thrive. When you grow up in it Trump makes sense.
@@Reldasthanks for your reportage. I think I, a born-to-progressives city girl have no idea.
And bravo to your laudable accomplishments!!
Same... I was fortunate and my mom nixed it after divorcing my dad when I was 10 or 11. My children have never seen the inside of one of those churches I was raised in. Congratulations on saving yourself.
Before the 2012 presidential election an acquaintance came to my door. She told me her pastor (evangelical) was trying to make it easier for folks to vote and she tried to give me a list of how and who to vote for. I lost my cool real fast and told her that I could vote without her pastors assistance. Churches like this need to be taxed! This isn’t Christianity, it’s obscene!
The Republicans have hobbled the IRS so they can't enforce tax laws against churches promoting politicians.
Agreed 👍🏾 💯
Helping people with how to vote is cool, telling them who to vote for is not in the slightest.
While my pastors wouldn’t literally preach their Republicanism from the pulpit (I was Libertarian Party so I was close to being a demonic in their eyes) every election cycle Focus on the Family Voter Guide was on a table in the foyer for people to pick up. No surprise… NEVER a Democrat endorsed no matter what good people of character they were over the Republican.
@@TheGretsch6120so, if you simply MUST go to church, find a different one.
preachers and ministers need to be held accountable for the lies and propaganda they spread .
So do politicians and public officials!
Accountability to God of course. ❤E
Oh God’s doing that now and trust God He will not let him get away with this at all. He’s definitely not going to be going to Heaven.
They need to be taxed as well. #TaxTheChurches
And do they ever. All without consequences! Sad!
It’s scary how people are following Trump and think they are making a Christian choice.
Anointed, my arse
It’s frightening how manipulative Trump is! That’s his malignant strength, finding the weakest and the weakness of an entire Nation
Trump just used the age old trick among the Republicans for CENTURIES. A heavy smear of “godliness” and anything BUT godly and the useful idiots eat it up.
They are in a brainwashed cult and religious leaders are taking advantage of their followers for profit.
@@camilleespinas2898 it's insane SMH
Multiple wives, multiple business failures, bigotry, lying about the insurrection, these are not the attributes of a godly man.
_Sweats profusely in Henry VIII, founder of the Anglican Church_
The key here is that they are prepared to forgive him his transgressions, and also that they have a deep misunderstanding of Christ's message.
And to the religiously self righteous hypocrisy has NEVER been a moral failing.
If Trump is God's plan to "save" the USA, then God needs a far better plan than this narcissistic bully. He undermines ALL of the Christian teachings which diminishes God's all-knowing creds.
@@justbecauseOK🎯 Neither has "lying for Jesus".
This is where we are.
The nuns that taught me the love of Jesus, are long dead now.
I will never vote Republican again, but I appreciate your honesty and fighting for democracy.
Are you being paid by Soros? You will be judged by God and you will pay dearly.
There’s a probability of no more elections.
I'm a Christian by Faith, a Baptist by Denomination and a Democrat by the GRACE of GOD ALMIGHTY! The church is supposed to be the House of God. Not Any Political Headquarters.
Not in my house... Of God
(sorry, it's a reference and I couldn't control myself)
That is insane. Read the bible. There are social policies, Political policies. Relational policies etc. They are all in the word of God. God presents a Kingdom. He expects to see his government in all arenas of life. Go out into the WHOLE world and baptise men in my name. Danial. 3 Hebrew boys their experiences were all POLITICAL.
You really have it correct 💯!
I’m a Catholic with very different beliefs than we are expected to believe.
In 2020 I made the mistake of telling a church deacon that I’d rather vote for MickeyMouse than Trump. His answer was
“Well just make sure MickeyMouse is ProLife”
I was dumb founded in how much the Catholic Church has become what I believe is also cult like
But that is not how Jesus for his disciples went about changing how people did things. You would have to call them a Grassroots movement because they did not work through the authority of government especially in oligarch like Donald Trump wants to be. So yes everything that happens between groups of people could be called political but that doesn't change what we're actually talking about here or suddenly make it that government is the head of the church and all of us are in the same congregation especially if there is no more freedom of choice but enforced good behavior that's what God wanted why are we here being tested to see if we will follow his principles and be faithful even when we have freedom of choice and constant stress all he would need to do is a point Pontius Pilate or someone like that and give him the rules and have him enforce them on pain of death and we'd be a very well-behaved Society right ? It seems that's what you believe @@thelinkeducationalsupports2949
I, too, attended an evangelical church when I returned to the US from Germany. After having been gone over decades, I want to dedicate my life to God. What open my eyes during the 2008 election when all the evangelical had gotten together to cancel worship service to do a symcast about the election and who to vote for. I was shocked and surprised that these people canceled to worship God to manipulate the church on who to vote for so they could push an agenda. I eventually left the church. It's sad because I was a new believer and like most of us its a emotional and mental effect on you. God has opened my eyes over the years, so I have nothing to do with the evangelical church.
I used to go to church,( years ago) but opened my eyes to what was truly good on.And because of my experiences,l stopped going here@ there @ stated to read. I eventually became 'Spiritual',@ never looked back.
I've had 4 visions since. And so l believe l made the right choice. You don't t have to be religious. You can be, Spiritual,@,still live your life as happy as ever.
The choice is yours. 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏💙🎉😊🇨🇦
Give us a try at the Episcopal Church, or maybe the United Church of Christ, some Baptist churches not in the Southern Baptist Convention, or other fundamentalist groups. There are nice options out there.
Jesus did not die for a religion but to give YOU ever lasting life and a personal walk with GOD.
God moves among an imperfect people. When we isolate ourselves from the body of Christ we become FODDER for SATAN. I am certain that not every single person in your church was corrupted. Find those who are as sincere as you. Get to praying with them to tear down the strongholds satan is establishing. There is power in prayer..
Bless God that you followed your heart, mind, and discernment, even as a new believer.
It's not "cult like" - it *is* a cult. Period.
And that "cult" now shows a MASSIVE lead in polls over Creepy Joe in those KEY, swing, states. Get used to the fact that that "cult" is going to demolish the Communist takeover of the USA.
You don't know anything about it.
@@johninflorida8634, Look who's talking.
No, it's the Apocalypse, and trump is the beast
@@johninflorida8634 The person who made that comment obviously DOES know much about it! Because it IS a CULT!
I moved into a new community where the minister told our congregation that God requires we vote Republican. My previous home church never had this ‘rule’. This was decades ago. I felt a really bad feeling in my stomach when that happened. After two years of listening to more politicking than reading of scripture, I left the church.
In the 70s I lived in Northern Itay. It was a time when the communist party was challenging the permanent fixture that was the Christian Democrats. The Catholic Church was "advising " their congregations to remember that red (communist) was the colour of the devil and blue was the celestial colour of the Madonna.
Good for you.
The deal was that "religions" wouldn't be taxed in exchange for their staying out of politics. Instead they took up LY(NG.
I would report them to the irs...
I agree with all you said! President Biden has been a consequential, successful President. Not only am I sick of hearing about Biden’s age and imaginary problems, but I am sick to death of the poll talk and the hand wringing. We have a little less than one year until the election and that talk feels self-destructive. I’m voting for President Biden!
Successful at ruining our nation. Yes!
He can't even find his way off stage😂
@@majorchutzpah7265 You mean TFG, I assume. TFG is not sure who the current president of the United States is and he’s unclear about the leader of Hungary. If you support TFG your opinion is meaningless. Read a book.
The latest TYT podcast started out with yet more hand wringing about yet another poll. Stopped listening at that point.
@gailchiarovano487 Exactly! 👏
When I was a kid, my mom sent us to summer Bible school. Since I was Catholic, members really worked hard to "save" me. I can say that I am truly grateful to them because of one lesson they gave me. It was the lesson of the "false prophet" in Revelations. I grew up fearing that person and looking for him everywhere. Now, as an adult, I've turned those fears into critical thinking - which helps me to assess political propaganda more easily than some. I wonder - why don't those people take their own lessons?
Make no mistake - those who blindly follow a preacher or a church, without questioning, are in a cult. The difference is one is constitutionally protected, while the others are not.
The false prophet and the beast are countries. The false prophet is the USA sadly.
The most important thing that the Catholic church teaches is that we have only *one* Savior and that is Jesus Christ. Anyone who believes that another person has come to save the world is a follower of an anti Christ. You don't necessarily just find it in Revelation. It's in 1John 2:18-22 and 2Thessalonians 2: 3-12. If you've never read the whole New Testament, it is easy for someone to draw you away into a Protestant religion by pretending they understand Rev. and can interpret it for you.
Everyone should have watched Rosalyn Carters funeral today. Christianity is a verb. Rosalyn was a true Christian.
I didn't watch it but I Will on when it's short to the important parts. Otherwise I don't give a damn.
Christianity is a noun!
Oh I wish I saw it. I'll find it in TH-cam
She and Jimmy : saints
@@lhoward9593I think, maybe, the idea might be that it’s Christ in action: love, tolerance, building houses for the poor. She lived a life of service as has Jimmy.
As a conservative Christian, I would rather support a liberal leader who is honest and has good character than a leader who pretends to be a Christian but has poor character like DJT.
Im a liberal and id vote for a republican like larry hogan for president over our current choices. Hes honest and sensible.
@iTek14, Then why not support Joseph R. Biden, the Catholic?
As a Republican, I can't vote for him until the general election.
@@alextrainor2552 , That must be because Hogan was the former governor of largely blue Maryland.
@@iTek14 , Great! Then, if God's willing, you'll go ahead and vote Democratic for the presidency in November, 2024!
The most fascist, criminal, corrupt, cruel man to ever hold public office is God's instrument?
Give your heads a shake Christians, whatever happened to the "thou shall not worship other idols" ?
I love that. Been saying that too. 👍👍
Don't you mean: The most fascist, criminal, corrupt, cruel man to ever hold public office in the _US_ . There have been and are many other evil leaders.
They had a big boy type replica of him that folks kinda held as a golden calf. Remember that?😒🥸
I tend to point to 1 Samuel chapter 8. Israel wanted a king. Samuel and God had words about that, and the king they chose (Saul) still needed to be replaced by King David.
@@fairyprincess911they did that with Dubya before they did it with Trump. The cult behavior started a long time ago.
I am a Christian. I go to church. It is an uplifting experience. We pray, we sing, we receive communion, we listen to the word of God. The priest, pastor, minister explains what God is telling us. There is no fire and brimstone. Then there we are told if any of our parishioners or neighbours are going through a difficult time be it medical, a death , a birth. Whether it be good or bad we are asked how we can share the joy or sorrow with in need. This is the word of God. Love your neighbours as you love me. This is a church. When the service is over there is a sense of community and joy to be among the people present. Politics is only discussed when we are told to our civic duty but not who to vote for
Wish all churches were like that.
My church is like that too. Peeps needa find da right church. Thars one on every corner. 😊
Trump lost my Cuban grandma's vote (with some encouragement).
She got tired of hearing him badmouth the USA constantly. Also kowtowing to N Korean and Russian dictators turned her off completely.
Me Too, Non-Dictator, I never heard Any old Vets praise Dictators, many lost life and limb because of Dictators like trump's Heros.
Congrats on grandma’s conversion. I’m still regularly getting attacked by Cubans as a ‘commie’ because I won’t support Trump.
It's wild huh, when the trump-lovers actually(!) take the time to listen to him the reasons to quit him just keep piling on. But to the interview's point, they really do just live with an idealized version of him in their heads, forever. 💀
He plainly wants what MbS,Kim and Putin have. He despises the Constitution. He cannot tolerate criticism or disagreement. He sees our allies as weak and unnecessary. Sicko.
As a Cuban/ raised here for 63 years, it still see the same "Here comes this bearded Guerilla" Fidel, that magnetized the crowds. And they are still going with Trump in Miami,.
Open your eyes, Cubans A guy like this is just "SHOW" he is living a reality show to destroy and leave a Story, it's all about his sick Malignant Narcissism. Go vote!
I am a non-believer. However, I am often moved by the wisdom and insight of religious writings, the Buddha, the Dalai Llama, and Jesus among others. The Jesus of the Bible (and the gnostic gospels) is an avatar of love, peace, community who had the courage to live those values. What occurs to me is that American Evangelicalism is instead driven by fear, rage, and pride. The hypocrisy is so evident to many of us on the outside looking in.
Bottom line, most it is driven by ignorance, manipulation, and the unbelievable (they go hand in hand) lack of critical thinking!!
It’s evident for many of us on the inside too! It is a concerted effort by far right religious politicians who seek leadership that will accomplish their goals. Trump is clearly not religious, but they are selling him as such as he will support their agenda for their votes.
@@michaelsack9981 I hear you, Michael, and I'm sorry for it. Faith can be a beautiful way of life. Although I've never experienced it. I am surrounded by many, including family, who engage with their faith daily. Do you remember C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters? There's a phrase in letter 9 I think (close to number 9 anyway) where the senior devil is writing advice on tempting a soul to Hell to his nephew (junior devil). He writes something like "when a man's faith becomes a means and not an end, then he is ours!" So much suffering and harm. Not what the rabbi from Nazareth had in mind, I think.
If there is a heaven, you’ll get there. Them, questionable. 😅
...and financial greed. We might as well call them American Evangelicals Inc.
Never bet against the ignorance and arrogance of the general American public. That is a very dangerous combination.
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". George Carlin.
Oh, how we could use your observations right about now.
"No on ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. People can easily be persuaded to accept the most inferior ideas or useless products."
Attributed to H. L. Mencken.
Einstein of all people once said (many things, of course): There are two things that are absolute. One is a never ending universe. The second is human stupidity. I'm not sure about the first one. 😂
Yeah. That Trump. I don't really care if he's arrogant. Or grandiose. Or even delusional really. He is obviously a repeat offending criminal. Aside from all of the legal trouble that he's brought on himself, the ONE THING THAT I CANNOT CONDONE OR FORGIVE HIM FOR IS PUTTING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AT RISK. He had classified documents all over his home for months and was court ordered to surrender them and he didn't until the FBI has to get a warrant to get them back. This guy is so self-absorbed it's mind-boggling. Who, in their right mind, would vote for a guy like that? I researched a lot. After four republican debates, it seems obvious to me that Nikki Haley is BY FAR the most qualified presidential election. She has maturity, intelligence and solid experience.
agreed, when i was a kid I believed in bigfoot lol lots of people cant learn to trust science and dismiss folklore, which is your point and its right
“My people perish for lack of knowledge.”
Jesus, the Holy Bible
Never trust a preacher that tells you how to vote or a politician that tells you how to pray.... NEVER
My children had to throw some evangelicals out of our home not long after the death of my son. These people were not close friends, but, with other folk in the community, had done some work for us after the funeral. They were rude, disrespectful, judgmental and dishonest. They seemed to us to be egotistical, not spiritual at all. Not long after this, the husband, I think at his wife’s instigation, sent us an invoice for the small amount of help he gave with others who were friends. I refused to give them money. It went to court and I won. “By their fruits you will know them”. A Bible quote. I am not a church goer.
They are fake Christians. Wolves in sheep clothing.
Mormons contact new widows and widowers to ask if they want to be married in Heaven to their spouse. A friend was hugely upset....she loved her husband and cared for him through alcoholism and such for years but let's face it....time for a change. What a manipulative thing to assault grieving people like that!!
Good for you! I also hope that despite your trauma, you have learned something valuable and are better equipped to deal with people like that now.
But yet, you do as Jesus did. Give God another chance!
@@rcjdeanna5282leave the second ‘m’ out of Mormons…
That letter, along with their obsession with Trump, going so far as calling him ‘the chosen one’ and ‘God’’, is the best argument against religion, I’ve ever heard.
Amen, lol!
Have whatever religious views you want… until you step into the ring of government. I don’t want to hear who to vote for in church and I don’t want to hear about church from my government officials!
Makes a pretty good a priori argument against Trump as well.
@@tomlund4951 I couldn’t agree more.
Politics and religion do not mix
No pastor should endorse any politician. I am a Christian and guess what my pastor directs us to make our own decision. Pastors should preach Jesus .
Any pastor who endorses a politician from the pulpit should lose the church's tax deductible status!
I always heard you need to avoid politicians who tell you how to pray and preachers that tell you how to vote.
No religion in my politics says a Catholic
If you study Rev 13 you'll see where the undercurrent is taking.
And I doubt Jesus would endorse or vote for the donald.
Let's clearly understand this, that God sends wicked rulers over sinful nations. So, it is not about God "endorsing" Trump. It's about God "judging" America with a tyrant!
Blanket judgement IS tyranny. That's the Hallmark of a Devil, a false God
In Trump's words, "Only I can fix it" or "I alone can fix it" 'World War III looms, only I can prevent it' Every one of those statements is utterly ridiculous.
Ridiculous UNLESS...he is the final antiChrist/man of sin who DECEIVES with a false peace.
It's also ridiculous to tell everyone that he's got nothing to do with Project 2025....
Vote-loser of the Century Donald.....
He is an antichrist but not the one who will reside in the third temple that has yet to be built@@time_2_get_ready
All we have to do is surrender to putin.
Amen: it disturbs me as a priest to see how the church has become such a part of the problem.
It should. The best part of the Bible is the story of Christ. He stood up against empire and corrupt power, stood up for the poor and downtrodden, and was crucified for it. Today’s “Prosperity Gospel” Christians are not real Christians. They miss completely the lesson of the story of Christ.
So much for separation of church and state.....
Separation of church and state meant to keep any religion forced on people a a State Religion, as it was in England. But I also agree that we cannot force our religion on others
The church, as we know it, has run more people away from God than to him. There is much blood on the hand of the church. She failed the generation of people. Many hurt, abused, lost, addicted and impoverished. She has misrepresented God and yet he is still merciful. However, time is running out and the church is still unrepented state. 😢😢😢😢
@@Lioness1499 some churches are trying to, unfortunately they’re not the dominant ones right now. It’s such a mess that such a part if it has lost its grounding and is distorting its mission’ purpose;
It REALLY does amaze me how some of these people consider this God-less person to be their savior.
It all started with a man named Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter, gained prominence for his claim of receiving a prophecy from God in 2011 about Donald Trump becoming president. His book, "The Trump Prophecies," detailed this vision and later inspired a movie adaptation. The word spread when Taylor's wife initiated a prayer chain to pray for the fulfillment of his prophecy. This grassroots movement heightened interest in Taylor's message. Notably, well-known pastors like Jim Bakker further endorsed Taylor's prophecies, discussing them on various media platforms, including television interviews.
I'm an ex-Christian atheist bc I identified the Jesus character as a peaceful, liberal guy that said not to judge others and being wealthy was worthless bc faith AND works (that were a result of faith) were what mattered. The hypocrisy of the conservative Christians around me forced me to start questioning things. So, that anyone believes someone as malignant and narcissist as tRump is a Christian is beyond me. If my original thoughts about Jesus had been 100% correct, tRump would be an antichrist.
He is a test for Christian if they can really distinguish between charismatic leader spewing hate who speaks of their fear. True Christian chooses love even if this person promises them an easier way out with hate.
@@MrsBridgette2012This is so typical of our modern day obsession with the cult of personality. A fireman prophet,too funny. These people hear voices all the time and claim it’s a direct line from God. It use to be said that you can talk to God but you’re crazy if you think God talks back to you. Apparently that’s not true for these cult followers. They even call these talks downloads from heaven. You can be sure Trump believes none of this but uses it to promote his (chosen status.)God help America.
God will anoint Trump when Jesus retires
First time listener. YOU guy's are awesome! I plan to pass this on to MANY, who so desperately NEED TO HEAR!❤️🤩
I feel like a thoughtful Christian could view a man who uses the 7 deadly sins as a to-do list, holds himself up like a demigod, is a fat cow of a man, and literally paints himself gold, as a test from God. And then when they failed that test, a literal plague (covid) was unleashed upon the Earth.
This is probably the best comment I’ve ever seen. Wow.
Do you mind if we copy it and paste elsewhere?
To-do list!😂
An Awesome Description 💯
You got that right, Trump is a plague rather than a savior.
And these are the same people,Michael Cohen said “Donald wouldn’t pee on them if they were on fire”.
Yesterday a commenter wrote that Trump was a true ecumenical leader of 3 Christian sects. Heavy sigh. If so, it's only because his only religious view involves accumulating money, and he has no clue about the internals of any Christian movement, and therefore doesn't have any skin in the religious game.
He's not that into golden showers.
He would not! If you are a person of color or if you don't care for him, there's no freaking way he'd give you the time of day, let alone put the fire out!
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”
― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Ouch! But very true!
Joseph Heller was an outright prophet over what this GOP turned into.
This the reason everyone needs to read a variety of books.
The many congregations, or pockets within, lost connection to the root of the Gospel and earnest faith in Christ Jesus.
It was inconvenient.
People forget that the people who wrote our constitution were thinking elected Presidents would be men of good character, with attributes like Honesty, Compassion and a fine intellect and integrity. Willing to work for the American people. You cannot say any of that describes Donald Trump.
My dad was a Biblical theologian; he would be extremely shocked and dismayed at the state of the republican party, trump supporters and right-wing evangelists, who have nothing to do with true Christianity. Makes me very sad and angry as well. Vote blue!!
The thing is I can understand conservatives voting for Trump. I can understand someone voting for him because he might align on with various political leanings. After the primaries were over one of Ben Carson's wealthy supporters said of Trump that "this guy wouldn't know a Bible if it hit him in the head" but at Trump would prevent the "socialist taking all our money. But to not recognise this fat narcissist for what he is is beyond me.
We have a pastor named Greg Locke, who has built this massive tent revival church in Tennessee and who is known for things like saying that autistic children are oppressed by demons and for staging burnings of "Harry Potter" books and he's debating flat Earth theology at his church, in fact, this pastor, he was invited to the White House, and he posed for a photo there with Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham. So these people who once would have been treated as outcasts and pariahs, they are now very much in the evangelical mainstream.🤔
@@victorianmelody46 That's very unfortunate; he sounds like a real weirdo.
@@victorianmelody46What? No snake handlers?
I'm sure Trump didn't want those near the White House, they might want to handle him!
@@victorianmelody46 Christian hate always sells in a big way. Find a group to hate and you can control people.
I do not want to live in a Trump dictatorship.
... Well then, make sure that you get out and vote Democrat, because Trump WILL be the GOP Candidate if the polls are even remotely accurate ! ...
@@Zheshi14 ... That's your right as an American and NOT a very bright one, at that ...
@@bobbart4198 At least Trump can control his own bowel movements and string sentences together, makes me question whether you have the same ability...
More than a few of my family members do and it terrifies me.
Good for you!
Make sure you practice your goosestep.
I struggled to see why so many, support Drumpf. I read a few books, but one stuck out. The Authoritarians by Bob Altemeyer. He explains the authoritarian personalities so well. And Evangelicals and Christian Fundamentalists are almost always right wing authoritarian personalities. It makes sense too, because these are people who don't want to think for themselves. They want a strongman, with simple answers to complex problems. You can't get much more simple than Drumpf.
Thanks for that book tip. It's on my library list.
yeah, its all projection. American has serious problem by its average and below inhabitants being told its "greatest country in the world"
Exactly. This basic understanding is verboten in America.
If you believe there is a man in the sky watching everything you do, judges you, condemns you, and tortures you, maybe it's what you deserve.
Anyone who thinks God sent DJT, doesn't think very highly of God.
It is definitely not LIKE a cult! It definitely IS a cult!
No, it's the Apocalypse.
No. That's what you're being trained to believe. Just an example. We know, for a fact, the FBI, CIA, a foreign agent, were used against him by the left. We know they were censoring social media. We know they are using corporations to push agendas. Using false MSM propaganda against him. These are undeniable. They are also criminalizing him. Whether you refuse to admit it or not. Still people are saying he is the fascist. Hello ?
Without question.
No. That's your brainwash leaking out.
Weird how these so called Christians in the Republican Party are in a constant infuriated state against other human beings.
One of the most frightening things about conservative evangelical support for Trump is that Trump does not even have to go through the motions of Christian worship on Sundays. Instead of church attendance, Trump can be on the golf course and not lose any evangelical support!
Even Bill Clinton went to church...a lot. Carter never missed and taught Sunday School. Reagan, the wonderful, did not. perhaps he was afraid of hearing the Sermon on the Mount.
@@rcjdeanna5282 I would've rather had Jimmy Carter as President than Drumpf. I remember when Bill Clinton was President.
@@rcjdeanna5282Reagan would have burst into flames if he step in a church.
I stopped attending church in the 90’s. With churches covering abuse and preaching prosperity, I just couldn’t.
Kind of like Pastor Hagee, who can say Hitler was sent by God and get invited to speak at a pro-Israel rally.
I've been to every denomination , studied world religion, and read the Bible twice beginning to end .I have been kicked out of churches for teaching people to read the Bible for themselves and that GOD wanted a personal relationship. You are a blessing. You are speaking the truth and the truth will set you free.
Sure you have😂
So, you do know what God wants?
@RolandaDAck You sound like ME!
Ok good! But everything works in order and his time not ours and we have to obey his word not our feelings or understanding we need to be be in a good community I'm not saying perfect but in obedience to God. But on this point me as a Christian I an not saying Trump is the chosen president. What I see is I have to pray for God's will if he wants D.Trump be president again to fulfill a God's plan but I don't know that just wait on the Lord. That's my position as a Christian protestant. ❤️✝️🙏
Quiet rich, adults are talking.
Me and my family used to go to a Baptist Christian Hispanic (Congregation made up of 80% Cubans and 20% Hispanics of other countries) and the Pastor there brought up politics into his sermons. As soon as he did that, we left and never went back..
Thank you for this insight! As a Christian, I have been so confused by this cultish movement. When I hear DJT speak, I feel nauseated, disgusted, appalled...there aren't enough adjectives. He is so obviously evil. I don't understand how any follower of Jesus Christ can condone his language or behavior. He is Hitler reincarnated, and I have been praying fervently for God to destroy his wealth and power...the only language this subhuman entity understands. May God forgive His sincere children who have been hijacked and brainwashed, many of whom are my loved ones. 😢
I feel the same way. I can't understand how ppl can't see the evil he spews. Are all the Christians really following Satan instead of Jesus? How CAN'T they see the truth? It's baffling.
You sure don't sound like a loving Christian to me.😢😮
@@StephenGrover-zc4hp i know right? How do we deal with religious fervour?
We cannot. The religious must be left to their own devices...but equally they must leave us alone. And never govern us. I think that is explicit in the Constitution.
The Heretic is more despised than the Atheist. The Christian Nationalists would Crucify Christ all over again if he stood before them as they would not know him.
If you think Trump's bad personality gives you an excuse to vote democrat, you are the one brainwashed. A Christian would pray for God's will to be done. Not your will.
I remember speaking to a friend, a Evangelical from Wisconsin, he and his wife volunteer three days a week in soup kitchens feeding the poor, in 2017 after Trump was elected. and I said, "With all you know about this man how could you vote for him." and he said, "I knew it wasn't right but everyone else was." ... I sure hope stronger wills and minds prevail in 2024 or America is finished.
Actually we did by firing him in 2020..trump cant stand being rejected so he had to lie and claim he actually won
That’s what happened in Germany.
But the problems there isn't another good option for a real Christian to vote for? Do you have any suggestions?
I don't understand why Joe Biden isn't a good vote for a "real Christian". He's compassionate and giving. And, he's qualified. His economic policies have pulled us out of what could have been a severe recession in record time. The rest of the world is still suffering under a way more brutal inflation than we experienced. And he did it without the huge cuts to social programs that Republicans say are always necessary. We're all humans being guided by other humans. No ONE is above any others.@@__-fl3yt
The Biden Administration has been so productive for the real people of America. After the Pandemic and totally chaotic Trump Regime. Biden brings calm and positive accomplishments. Biden supports a woman’s right to choose. Vote Blue!
I can't stand Trump but you should be ashamed of yourself for given a ringing endorsement of Biden given the genocide he is supporting in Gaza by way of funding and military equipment. The reality is the USA needs a viable third party. and no more idiots voting the same way they and their grandparents have. If the current system continues the country is going to tear itself apart. Neither party is worthy of support.
The problem I have with never-Trumper Republicans criticizing Democrats about immigration, the economy etc. is that when their guys - pre-Trump - were in power, many of them were happy with ballooning deficits,. inaction on immigration etc., and then suddenly when Democrats are in power those issues become problems. It isn't that Democrats don't appreciate advice, constructive criticism etc. but it can be a bit hard to take when some of the very folks offering the advice were part of the problem, or, at the very least, passive observers when the problems were being created. And now some of them try to behave like they have all the wisdom of Solomon and Democrats are idiots. I get that their hearts might be in the right place but the next time any of your guys get into power make sure you prevail on them to deal with the problems and don't wait until Democrats then have to do what they've had to do for the past several cycles, which is to clean up after Republicans after they crap all over the floor. Do that, and then the criticism might be easier to take.
I feel exactly the same way and I don't know how anybody could not
Of course Trump is never going to even end up running, much less being elected but it certainly gives y'all a lot to talk about
@@Frenchblue8French blue.....please be right!!! But, at this point I question whether the Republican party has the balls to NOT make him their "official" candidate!
I saw on one podcast where laying on of hands on Trump from charismatic Christian leaders has been going on since 2016. Gatherings that included Trump where the leaders claimed to be prophets. With many of these people part of the insurrection. I pray God holds them all accountable. This discussion is long over due.
Trump's dreaded day of criminal reckoning in DC J6 trial just 97 days away! Go Jack, go!
Too bad it won't be televised...
Just another quarter of a year to go! maybe
@@frankmarsh1159The Georgia one will be.
I really believe he is not fit emotionally or mentally to sit through a criminal trial. Something will happen.
@@fairyprincess911 Depends !
The best answer I read to whether God sent Donald Trump was "Could be. North America doesn't have locusts."
Maryland gets locusts every 17 or 21 yrs cyclically.
@@darkz1940 Oh well. There must be some biblical plague we haven't experienced.
blah ha ha ha ha.
Were it only seven years. We'd be effing done with the infestation.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken.
More lunacy. Check the Supreme Court...notice anything unusual? THREE of those justices are the work of Trump...the man who 'bamboozled' us so ruthlessly! All I can say is, if THIS is being bamboozled, I hope to endure MORE....
Sad but true.
Most people don't really want the truth. They just want constant reassurance that what they believe IS the truth.
Bamboozled is a fun word.😂
Best word ever, bamboozled!
You got taken. Oops! Now, let’s make this right.
We ought to offer face-saving scripts to sheep more than ready to defect.
I am 73, and the moment I was old enough to vote, I voted republican. I have never been more ashamed to be a republican than I am now. What is wrong with these people? I am a Christian with a deep-seated belief in God, and that Christ is my Savior. From the first time Trump ran for president, I have never understood why avowed Christians are rabid supporters of Trump? More people need to hear this podcast. I've felt that Trump is the Anti-Christ from the beginning. Am I wrong?
If these are the last days, I'd say he fits it more than anyone in our lifetime
Although I am not a Christian I do seem to recall that it is believed that the Anti-Christ will be a false prophet and many Christians will believe in him and worship him. Sounds like Trump and the MAGA cult to me. You also may recall right after the 2020 election CPAC had a convention where they were pretty much worshipping a golden statue of Trump. It seems they actually decided to act out the Old Testament story about worshipping false prophets. Where's Moses when you need him?
You're not wrong!n̈
If God sent trump. What the hell has the Devil got in store for us
@@momc9274 Go Dark Brandon !
If God sent Trump then that doesn't speak very well of God and God can go to hell.
@@momc9274 Biden is a life long Catholic who regularly attends mass. Trump thinks he's so perfect he doesn't need to go and spends his Sundays on a golf course. And thank God Biden is in office with the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza. If we ever needed someone with 50 years of political experience it's now and the next few years.
You ought not to say such stuff.. God didn’t send trump, he’s being used.
God sent Trump because on that day he was out of locusts.
Thanks for joining the resistance gentlemen!
SOME Republicans think Trump is the “Son of Man.” How or why they think that, is beyond me.
@ HVACSoldier satan is a master of deception and a liar and murderer he presents himself as an angel of light. he hates the human race and he hates his followers. he blinds people from truth. The good news is that JESUS CHRIST defeated him and his minions by his precious blood on calvary. Please 🙏 for healing in our divided nation during these trying times. May the true and living God bless you and yours.😊
The great falling away has begun!!!
@@GodsfriendinChrist Agree!!!!!!!😣🙏
More like Son of Sam!
@@RickMcCormack-k2m To be fair, David Berkowitz thought a dog was telling him kill people. I don’t know HOW people think he’s the messiah.
"Bespoke Reality" - perfect term! Well done! Reminds me of Shankar Vedantam's term "Useful Dellusions" - people believing what they Want to believe because it fits their narrative - despite any/all evidence to the contrary put right in front of them.
I like the Feldman answer : “ what isn’t wrong with these people? “
Isn't it wonderful how "God's Plan" always coincides exactly with the wishes of the individual who thinks they are in touch with "God's Plan"? Almost miraculous.
The "god" between their ears? 🎯
Same ppl, who scream about freedom of religion at every tiny infraction against their "faith", real or perceived, usually the latter, yet they also scream from the rooftops, how their "God" gives them the right to force every1 else to live by their beliefs. Coz freedom of religion apparently only counts for those, who agree with their oppressive extremism.
Their god always hates the same people they hate. It’s a remarkable coincidence.
@@bcfortenberry Ha! Yes, remarkable. The keyword is "hate".
You got that right.
I hear ya! What the hell IS wrong with these people that think Trump is good for our country AT ALL, let alone a messiah!!!
The blasphemy continues
Their sick!!!!
I know. What a waste. He could have helped this world but only finds joy in destroying it.
@@roseford3483EXACTLY. It's genetic. Read about his father and grandfather. Evil.
The most disgusting thing is when people compare Trump with Jesus. I don't compare Jesus with anyone. Christ is a separate entity. Clean and without sin. Christian Nationalism Patriotics are out of their minds.
Disciples are the true followers of Jesus. Christians go to men in sheep clothing churches whom Jesus warned would come to his disciples in his name but inwardly are ravening wolves. Why? Because they follow FLESH/churchy men who call themselves christians while at the same time ignore the presence of Holy Ghost who is supposed to be our ONLY Teacher and Reminder of all the words spoken by Christ.
@@vasetitoleafoa5583 yes
Trump is a failed messiah like Jim Jones! The only difference is Trump will charged for the Koolaid!
diet coke
He’s relieved himself in punch bowls since childhood, which explains a lot
And use a cheap knock-off.
Not so ~
Donald Johann Drumpf 666
I was raised religious, now an atheist. One thing I remember about christian religiosity is talk about the "antichrist" and false prophets. But when an obvious such figure appears, the evangelicals fall head over heels for the scammer! Gullibility driven by paranoia and hatred.
Same! The more sane I become the more insane everyone makes me feel.
You had it right at the word "talk".....all this entitled mouthing off is so repulsive.
Try being Christlike and leave out the Christian evangelical religious part which I think is hypocritical
I will never understand it.
You could equate Trump ss the Beast and Pence the false prophet who compromised his faith at every step by supporting and staying silent in the face of Trump's criminality, lies and corruption as well as blatant stupidity. I fear that in the event of his re-election that the next false prophet will be even more corrupt and the evangelicals more deluded. Scripture does say that the saints may be deceived. Evangelicalism is actually based on Egoism - my God, my personal (purse an' all) Saviour, my church, Jesus is my Lord, (not the Saviour of the whole world as the gospel declares). I am saved and everyone who disagrees with my theology is lost." In for a big surprise one day folks! " I know you not!"
I can't belive it took this guy so long to figure it out. I've known who Trump is since the late 1960's. I know people from NYC and a woman who worked for him 10 years. None of them has anything good to say about him.
I knew nothing about him, immediately disliked him, but gave him the benefit of a doubt in 2015. When he said NATO is obsolete,my mind was made up. All I could think was"is he in cahoots with Russia?"
Almost none of his 40 cabinet members are endorsing him, they saw his incompetence first hand.
Trump had been a notorious figure reported in Australian media for many decades. His corporate and personal antics and criminality have long featured in our news programs and papers, always dismissively and disparagingly in “only in America” segments.
That is what was so shocking that Americans were/still are so patently ignorant and stupid to support him in such massive numbers.
How could yanks not know he is a massive crook?
New Yorker (NYC) here, why do you think we didn’t vote for him ? We know he was a racist and con artist.
T**** had to run away from NYC, so many people here have always had his number.
That was the best critical analysis of the Hamas - Israeli conflict I’ve heard to date. Bravo gentlemen. 👍
people like john kelly, mark esper, bill barr, etc need to go on a nationwide tour decrying trump to anyone who'll listen
Doing a "nationwide tour" and then Trump is re-elected, that will get you thrown in Guantanamo and signed up for DAILY WATERBOARDING! Nobody wants daily waterboarding.
David Cay Johnston, investigative journalist, has written 3 books about Rump. The first one was published in 2016 before DJT was elected called "The Making of Donald Trump". The other 2 were written when Trump was in office as President: "It's Worse than you Think' and "The Big Cheat".
Johnston has known Donald since 1988.
He's been doing presentations and interviews since 2016. He's still doing them.
He's not afraid.
If you're afraid of Guantanamo, "they" have already won. :(
They don't have the courage to do that.
I agree that we need to bring the truth to the people please do that as soon as possible!
Biden is doing great things please to an American trip and tell the people
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
Albert Einstein.
And Albert Einstein, with those words, betrayed J. Robert Oppenheimer. Albert Einstein did not have the intellectual fortitude as Oppenheimer did, to challenge the expansive development of nuclear physics for atomic weapon arsenals in the United States. Einstein was the antithesis of his own words.
@freddyjimenez909 I love how these themes are being incorporated into several films, over the last twenty years. In "Batman Begins", for example, Rachel talks to Bruce about a brutal gangster's control over Gotham: "As long as he keeps the bad people rich, and the good people scared, no one will touch him." (1/4/2024)
Very vital statement
@daniellThats for sure!emusella1594
Whatever human first coined the term "anti-Christ" would point to Trump and say, "THAT'S the guy -- THAT'S who I was talking about!"
Nah, it can't be Trump. The anti-christ will fool everyone, even the elect. And will be charismatic. That means that everyone will love him. No one loves Trump. We just have a lot more faith in him then Biden. For obvious reasons.
Anti Christ is going to be smart though so it's not him. AntiChrist also doesn't come from the U.S. per the Bible. However, your comment was funny. 😂😂😂😊
I call him ' Antigog' . I refuse to associate any pt of his name with either "Christ,or "God"!
Many of us have been saying for thirty to forty years that when you think politics consists of one issue, abortion, eventually, the entire machine will break down.
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater
We could certainly use old Barry today. He could be cussed stubborn at times, but he had more moral fiber in his little finger than the whole dam present day GOP.
Yes, agreed! They are what l call either evil, or brainwashed or both.
The very best of luck with that!😢
The problem for Republicans in Iowa is that DeSantis is also all smoke and mirrors. The blind leading the blind is a sure fire path to defeat.
Iowans love to be lead around by the nose, that is why they allow their rights be taken away. Vander Plaats and Reynolds the governor are on a hate campaign in Iowa, not endorsing the EX-president does not mean the are for the good of the state.
You are underestimating a very dangerous enemy.
RFK Jr is the best Presidential candidate I've seen in decades.
@@dawnalawrence6584Ironically...I think that you are right.
Here's advice... When you see trump or desantis or Haley. Point and laugh when you see em. They'll get mad. Yay.
Grateful for this heads up regarding second trump terror senario. Important discussion, thank you!
I don't believe the polls. Biden has done so much good for the country.
Yes, we Dems and independents like griping and groaning, but when the time comes I don't believe we'll sit at home and let Trump destroy the country.
I don't either.
We must encourage everyone we know to VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Whether you believe the polls or don't, Dems have to get out and vote and persuade others to vote Dem also. The danger is real, high living costs could explain the poll numbers, beware the danger of Trump winning.
You can see, Sharon, by the REAL voting in all the latest elections, that polls are self-interest b.s. - everyone plays with them, they are all, at a minimum, distorted, or even worse. MSM's should ignore them. And complaining about Biden's age too .... if at least, in the same breath, they said both him and tRump were old, at least it would be fair. I really think we are realizing that the Repubs have a major controlling interest in the news propaganda machines.
Americans if we repent fast and pray genuinely according to 2Chronicles 7:13-17 God will heal our Land!
Jesus told us there would be false prophets in the last days.
These weak Christians are just that, WEAK.
If you're going to believe in one prophet, why not believe in all of them?
@@parsonj39 believe in One or none
Wow… great conversation.
It’s encouraging to see someone from the evangelical community have enough fortitude to speak against the obvious.
Was the country and the world better off with Trump leadership or dementia Joe's? If you knew GOD every leader good or bad is given power through HIS will be done.
@@robynliteracy7057 you’re absolutely right. It’s a cult like following.
@@robynliteracy7057 Pastors are selling themselves to MAGA.
Here’s the thing: nothing these folks do or say comports with the teachings of Jesus or any other religious prophet. You can twist anything to fit what you WANT to believe but there are things Jesus, for instance, taught that condemn every one of these apostates. I see zero love in these folks. Love binds humanity together. These folks want to hate and destroy. Everything about them is anti-spiritual.
These people want POWER over the rest of us, to prove their superiority over us. That they hand over their freedom, and their children's and grandchildren's freedom for a momentary feeling, seems to matter not a wit to them.
Not only hate and destroy but they truly want people to suffer. That part really disturbs me, and I can only imagine the horrors facing us if they get the power they are seeking. Already Americans are suffering because of them.
Fairy Princess,I love your comment. So much wisdom. I especially love,"Love binds humanity together".
Fairy princess... I agree with you pretty much about Jesus but they are being reasonably true to the old testament God, the narcissistic idiot and moral monster that it portrays.
My mom raised me in the Methodist Church. ⛪️ 17 years of Sunday school and church and summer camp and choir practice and youth group was a very good foundation 😅😊❤
Love your work, Charlie... so refreshing to hear your and David's sanity pushing back against the Trump insanity!
Trump ushers in an era of global gangsterism
Jan six was one of the saddest day i could ever remeber. Nine 11, was a sad too, but jan six i could not stop the tears.
God save us!
I had panick attacks for three days after that and drank a pint of vodka way too quickly trying to calm my nerves. Maybe its a veterans thing...idk. But I stopped drinking after that because I knew things were likely going to get worse and if I handled it by leaning on alcohol and not God, then I'd be an alcoholic in no time. I haven't drank since.
January 6 was about Americans doing wrong to Americans. Sad!
He won' t be conceding in this 'election' ' either. He is much too ' Narcissistic '!
@@Kra-ri6fdGood for you. This was the right choice!💙
One of the things wrong with “those people” is that their pastors either led them astray, or didn’t step in, way back in Trump’s first campaign, to talk about what biblical leadership looks like and what a healthy relationship between faith and politics is.
Just consider how many of those "pastors" have outright supported Trump, badgered their flok to support Trump or claimed, they would be ungodly. How many of them have raged from the pulpit with political speeches, calling Dems the Devils spawn, pedophiles etc and worshipping their Orange Jesus.
Not only does it make a mockery of their so-called religion, it makes the tax-exempt laws a total joke, since none of them have lost their tax-exempt status despite openly and repeatedly violating the condition of no politics in their churches/organisations.
Those pastors and churches were the first line of his propaganda, with false promises and sometimes generous donations. Where else can you catch so many flies with one swat?
How can we get Republicans behind Biden?
You would think they’d want to help clean up this mess
My father is a Southern Baptist pastor and he still believes Trump is “god’s chosen”. It’s scary how brainwashed these people are. I have spent almost a decade mourning the loss of my parents over this.
Same here, with siblings. Pride is usually seen as the greatest of the seven deadly sins, and Trump is awash in it. Envy is second, and he's got plenty of that. I've given up on church, even though the one I went to wasn't a Trump horbed at all. It's to the point where I don't want to be around people at all. The fact that Trump was POTUS reflects the fact that many of us wanted that. The pride, wrath, envy, vulgarity, cruelty - everything about him.
@@thatguy8869 They were once interviewing a cardinal from the Vatican and they asked: "What do you think about the Gay Pride parade?" His answer was politic: "The Catholic Church doesn't condone any kind of pride."
@vitravaah2527 You are correct. I am a Christian and have Christian friends who are good and wonderful people; however they fall for trumps lies.
Yet everything Trump stands for is condemned in the Bible
Tell your father to go read his Bible over again from start to finish. If he still thinks that tRump is anything other than PURE EVIL, Tell him he needs to get a new job.
Two years ago I drove across country to visit friends and family for a month from California to Georgia and back covering 19 states. During my trip I stayed in hotels and was shocked to see how many had no MSNBC available, and CNN was hard to find. Yet Fox was everywhere and often Channel 4 or something easy to find. And OAN and Newsmax were often there easy to find as well. I began to realize that many people have no idea about what other news channels share. They have no clue about what Trump is really like. So I was not surprised when it was discussed in this video. 29:01
This observation is fundamental to understanding US politics.
Fox news is in the first tier of cable packages in most areas. Most economical. Many older people like those on Social Security use first tier only, or basic cable. Few understand Fox infotainment exists solely to get a Republican President into office. Any who may want unbiased news, no really, consider looking into the Gaurdian, the Intercept, and World news, Democracy Now. No corporate sponsors.
Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad regarding choice of news - I took it that most were choosing to block out MSNBC, CNN etc - not that it wasn't easily accessible. That's bad.
Everyone should be as concerned about Fox as they are about Trump!!!!!
I noticed this when I drove across the country about 20 years ago.Now I ask when I'm making a reservation.If they don't have CNN I don't stay there and I let management know why I'm not staying there.
That was so weird when Charlie said all the good stuff going on because of Biden and then said people don’t want to hear that?!?? Whyyyyyyy Not??? So frustrating
Perhaps he meant ARE NOT hearing Biden’s good stuff ?
@@Jilla0559 I think Charlie is correct. The MAGA crowd refuses to hear this and the conservative media bad mouths Biden non-stop. That combination works to misinform every time with these people.
Coz all media, including most of the time Charlie, are busy talking about, how old Biden is. And when they finally talk about anything, hes accomplished, its always with an added "but hes OLD".
Ofc, ppl are worrying about his age, its natural considering his age, but its being blown totally out of proportion, coz the media doesnt have anything else to attack him on, so theyre going on the Fox/Newsmax etc bandwagon and constantly fearmongering about his age. And when ppl are constantly told, that his age is a huge problem, that they should absolutely worry about as an existential threat, they freaking worry! And also shows up in the polls, coz again and again, theyre asked about Bidens age (almost never about Trumps) and almost always with very leading questions. But also almost always with no follow-ups about whether or not they would vote for him anyway, if its him against Trump.
I love this show and agree with everything you all are saying.
Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil. - Stuart Aken
What bothers me: here in Florida 2022 only HALF of registered Dems bothered voting, handing the House over to MAGA/GOP and reelecting Rubio and fascist Desantis. Our weak, inept Dem campaign leaders have to be fired, now!
Seems like a contradiction in terms - keeping apathy alive - but I get your meaning. Probably along the lines of 'you don't stand a chance so why bother'? @persuasivebarrier2419
Wait till they hit them with Social Security and Medicare cuts! That's when they are going to start crying!
My condolences.
National Dem party ignores FL figuring a lost cause. Hard to get Dem governor elected with no national $$$
Not to mention the 11th hr pull back by the guv re felons voting. Thanks to Mike Bloombergs donations, some more could vote but it left enough who just couldn't afford to pay ALL their debts, which gave the Chosen One's increased percentage in FL
I remember distinctly being at my favorite coffee shop on the day trump had won the election. While the coffee shop was silent due to the shock, I was thinking how on earth will our brilliant minds articulate just what is happening. What I didn't know is how long it would take for the words to emerge in a concise form. Now, there are numerous people and groups that are reveling the minutia, and this observation by David French and Charlie Sykes is a magnificent contribution. For the history books.
I hear you, when it's happening every fiber in you knows this is not right but articulating it can take some thinking over
The Johnson Amendment needs to be enforced. It hasn't since 2000 even though it's still against the law for a church to remain tax exempt if they tell people how to vote. Reagan started breaking that separation with the Heritage foundation by passing out voters guides at churches.
Are we not talking about the fact that he can’t endorse anyone…did he give up his tax free status. All of these evangelicals need to be investigated.
I'm pretty sure the Johnson Amendment refers specifically to advocacy for specific candidates by a tax-exempt religious organization. He's free to personally endorse a candidate as long as it's in his personal capacity--not every action taken in his life is done as a representative of his employer. He can't preach DeSantis from the pulpit on Sunday morning because then he would be acting in his capacity as an agent of his organization. Of course, the IRS doesn't have a lot of interest in enforcing the Johnson Amendment, so he may be doing that as well and it's unlikely he'll face consequences for it.
This all needs to change… another loophole constantly exploited while ordinary nonprofits must strictly toe the line. The graft of people going back long before the current situation has been allowed to become massive corporate profit for themselves.
@@AMunoz-rh9cz Yes, it does need to change, though I doubt that enforcing measures like the Johnson Amendment are the best way to implement a change. I would instead suggest that all churches (and all other religious institutions) be taxed as corporations. If they have expenditures that can legitimately be considered charitable, then they can accurately account for them and deduct them in the same way as any other organization. Proselytism, indoctrination, and political advocacy are not charitable endeavors.
I'm all for people being able to believe what they want and I'm all for people being able to "exercise" their religion so long as such exercise does not infringe on legitimate government interests like ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to thrive in our society. I'm not for treating religion as some sort of ironclad political armor in defense of discrimination or authoritarianism.
As a lifelong agnostic I've found the evangelical endorsement of an actual anti-christ to be the source of a great deal of dark humour. I've always thought that DJT is an example of the seven deadly sins in a suit and the religious zealots failing to see this obvious fault to be par for the course.
Well said Capt !!
Were I still a believer, I’d see him as The/An Antichrist, presenting himself as The Saviour.
The current Republican Party: hypocrisy on steroids.
Amen brother.
Evanglicals ,,,,,,TRUMP has used them for POWER They using TRUMP for the same and to get laws passed in therir favorite!! THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!
I grew up in the Assembly of God Church until my 20s and my parents are still in the denomination. The current charismatic/evangelical church and by extension the Republican party are entirely based on fear. It has been in the works for decades if not centuries. The church is deeply afraid of the decline in their numbers and have been discouraging critical thinking more and more and more. They have become increasingly insular and anti-education in a futile attempt to keep their children from having any exposure to thoughts and ideas that didn't originate directly from the church. I heard as a kid in the 80s and 90s about how much more likely a person was to leave the church if they were college educated, and now they don't even want kids to have real high school education. Pentecostal-adjacent denominations are relying on false prophets as stated in the video instead of reading the Bible for themselves and thinking critically, which is ironically how they characterize those evil idol-worshipping Catholics who they say rely on priests. Everything is based on the fear that their children could be exposed to "outside" ideas and leave the church, so they have to control everything around them instead of relying on the faith that they claim to have. False prophets and politicians know this and use it to their advantage in order to gain and keep power. When you follow the rabbit trail to the end, it is ultimately based on the fear of Hell. A religion based on the fear of Hell rather than the love of Christ extended to community is a perfect recipe for the current state of the evangelical church and American politics.
It depends on the Church, and the personal relationship each person has with God. Discernment is a crucial and critical part of being a Christian and knowing who and what God is. People should NOT worship a pastor and accept everything a pastor says. That demonstrates their limited understanding of the teachings of God.
True Christians understand the lessons of the strong of Christ. These right wing “Prosperity Gospel” types are not real Christians
Very strange excuse for a. Church. 😅
Mom advised me to avoid the Pentecostals. 😅
You hit the nail on the head with your analyses. Unfortunately, however, the very people who should be reading and watching video of these truths will never, ever do so - they're too scared that they may be wrong. I once spoke with an anthropologist who said, quite sincerely, I might add, "What are all these Christians gonna do when they find out they were wrong?"
Thank you so much David French for that important education & mind-opening perspective on this Israel-Hamas conflict. Your extended battle experience is vital in shedding light on the hellish reality of war. Until one actually lives through the inferno & nightmare of it, no arbitrary monocratic conspiracy theories about warfare, its bloodshed & death will never ever hold water. And thank you Charlie for having David as a guest. Much appreciated.
Who would have thought that carving a territory for millions of Jews out of the middle of 100 million Muslims would be a problem?
I have been wondering that same thing for eight years!
God help us all!
I'm not sure we deserve His help, but I see your point.
Thank you for this powerful, engrossing conversation gentlemen.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I so feel your discomfort Charlie. It is very frightening, as well as very frustrating that we don't have the right checks and balances to prevent this from happening.
When someone tells me about the God choosing Trump I usually ask them to tell me the fruits of the spirit that Trump embodies.
They are probably like fruit of the spirits, " what is that", " where can I get those fruits" lol. He definitely does not give off having any fruits of the spirit though.
Exactly 😢
Religiosity has always been, and will forever be, be a cloak for racism, ignorance and hypocrisy...
The inability for people to believe this is happening is what I don't get. People are primed by religion to follow cult leaders.
That's a fact.
You left out a perfect way to separate fleece your flock... Best ROI on earth. Speak and you shall find... cash, and more cash... leading to power.
Powers, spiritual wickedness in high places! True believers stand on the word of God! Truth in Jesus is the answer! Keep your eyes on Jesus only!❤😊
Well said
I live in Red state Utah . My mom and dad were born and raised here . And I was taught to at least try to think for myself , by reading , listening . Finding more to read and listen to . And not just from one source . And I am afraid now , those who think god is in control , don't think for themselves . They don't look at scriptures , as history . And so they do not think interms of how you need to ask what about those scriptures is similar to WHAT IS GOING ON NOW ? AND WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THOSE SCRIPTURES , ABOUT WHAT WE CAN DO , TO PREVENT WHAT THOSE SCRIPTURES PREDICT CAN HAPPEN , IF WE DO NOT LEARN HOW TO PREVENT THOSE PREDICTIONS FROM HAPPENINGING ?
Has there ever been a time when most Americans weren't generally pissed off about things generally, regardless of the President? We Dems are notoriously disputatious, critical of everything. And yet somehow when crunch-time comes, often enough we manage to get together and elect a Democrat.
This is absolutely the BEST analysis of both topics I have heard. And these two have already pointed out where the biggest challenges are. There are morally deaf (by choice) populations existing in the US, and elsewhere around the world, who have either lost the ability to reason or simply "don't care". People are the problem. People must learn to be the solution, or they will "throw the baby out with the bath water" and leave disaster in their wake. My sincere thanks for this very astute analysis. Heaven help mankind!
Biblically, one of the chief ways through which God brings judgment is by morally blinding wayward followers. It's clear that there is much to criticize in today's Evangelical church. It is also clear that, as a group, Evangelicals have become dull of hearing (in the moral sense). It remains to be seen whether they will repent and be restored or whether they will stubbornly continue on their present trajectory, in which case judgment will become progressively more harsh.
"People will basically vote for those whose character and agenda reflects that of their own" janet bosley @@hagiasmos314
@@hagiasmos314the Bible often says that God hardens people's hearts. So maybe God should stop acting like a demon
This was so informative! As a Christian, the Trump movement has really been disturbing for me. Thankfully, in my Lutheran Church people are not really vocal about their politics. I hope it stays that way. In the meantime, we have a lot to be worried about should Trump be reelected
Now you have hit the essence of things. We have both had Christian upbringings, and we both went through the doubts and questions that happen when circumstances of our lives change and make us think outside the box. Now the lack of vocal in your congregation is not really all that healthy. It means either fear or confusion, or unwillingness to be honest about their views, for whatever reason. I have experienced this too. It is important to be open to people, not drenched in a flood of doubt ,dread and darkness.
The same in my church. You won’t hear one word about politics or who you should vote for. Church and state should be separate!
It seems to me that the problem with the "Israeli conflict" is that Netanyahu is taking advantage of the asymmetry in order to expand his domain.