I'd really recommend a slow cooker. Throw lots of stuff in it in the morning and then come back to it after work and you have a meal within 20mins if there is anything else you need to add to it etc. Without being dramatic it's completely changed my life coming home to a cooked meal and not using the excuse of takeaways because I'm too tired etc. Really hope you achieve your 2016 goals :)
1) Read more books (20 as a starting number) 2) Start a blog 3) Do more dance 4) Keep more of an open mind regarding activism 5) Address my panic attacks Theatre Recommendation: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time is AMAZING WOULD COMPLETELY GO AGAIN
I need to read more too. All of my leisure time is spent on computer games or on the internet. I need to step away from them and read an actual book more often! Great idea with using dance to keep fit. It's easier when you're having fun. Good luck this year!
I love these, they're so well thought out and achievable, well done Witton! I'm definitely stealing your cultural experiences and cook once a week resolutions. xo
I don't really do resolutions but I do a word of the year, which is something I picked up from my very favorite poet Anis Mojgani. He and his friends pick a word to be their touchstone/theme/vibe of the year. I've been doing it the last couple years and I really like it. It makes you reflect on the year before and focus on what you need out of this next twelve months. I've had a pretty weird year full of transitions and the last couple months feeling dissatisfied with how I feel as a result of those transitions. So I've decided that 2016 will be the year of validation. I am allowed to feel how I feel, my feelings are valid and deserve to be respected and listened too. Wishing you a lovely 2016!
I was just in London and saw "Cymbeline" at Shakespeare's Globe in the indoor theater. The production was great, but the performance space is so beautiful and unique that it makes the experience wonderful all on its own!
I like to dynamically create and reduce goals so they all get done in a few days, and I can stop caring for the rest of the year. It works great. Actually, I've just found that long term goals are the best way to ensure I don't complete something. I stick with like week at a time style stuff, then it feels less insurmountable, and you get the happiness of checking them off sooner, but keep busy.
I read 37 books this year so far, which compared to some people is a pretty small amount, but I think it helps to remember that there are a great majority of people who read significantly less books than that this year, and some who read no books a tall.
My resolutions is to 1. Take care of myself. 2. Do things that make me feel better. I'm so pleased with these resolutions since they won't make me feel pressure or any other bad feelings.
Two comments on your resolutions: 1) On your "work at your desk" resolution - consider getting a balance ball as your office chair (or even a balance ball chair itself), it keeps your spine well-aligned, prevents bad posture, and keeps your core more active. 2) On your dance resolution - consider couple/social/ballroom dancing. I heard salsa on your list, which is a great start. Also, London has a fabulous salsa scene. I find that it is marvelous exercise and you meet very interesting people.
Get a slow cooker for your dinner resolution! Prep on a morning when you have time and let the dinner cook for 5 or 6 hours. Then you'll have meals for a few days out of it and you'll know what you're eating too! They aren't that expensive in Argos either.. Loved the video!😊
little things I want to do in 2016 •go on hikes because I somehow didn’t do that in 2015?? •write things I can be proud of •travel by myself •wear cool thrift store clothes all the time •spend as much time as possible with my sister
I love these resolutions hannah! and they've absolutely inspired me to create my own! Im starting my thesis this year so I think organization and having goals outside of the thesis is just as important as finishing college. ❤
My new years resolution: to make the most of the opportunities that I have and be more grateful for having them. Just because I feel that'll make me happier in myself. Also to see more plays too! I saw more musicals then I can count last year but very few plays... Hangmen in the West End is supposed to be really good, the £5 standing tickets at the Globe are also a great experience! I also recommend The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
I'm also trying to go outside more, but I want to do it alone, specifically. I just think I need to be more comfortable with being alone in public, because for some reason I always feel judge when I do it. Hell, I even think my mom would judge if I tell her I want to take a walk by myself. Anyways, great resolutions and I hope you achieve all of them :)
I went to a city academy chandelier workshop and it was SO tiring but SO much fun. I'll probably try to do another next year! Have fun with them the teacher was so so nice and it was such a relaxing and non judgy enviroment
I'm visiting London for the first time next month. Traveling more is definitely one of my new year's resolutions (maybe not all in one year but over the next few).
Good luck with your resolutions, they sound very sensible and achievable! My tip for cooking is to cook in bulk, we do that a lot in my family - then there's plenty of leftovers on days that you don't feel like cooking. I bet you'll do great :)
Play recommendations: - The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime - It's amazing, if you haven't seen it, go! - Hangmen - Possibly the best new play in London for a long time. It's amazing. - Anything at the Royal Court. The Royal Court is always staging new and innovative plays. Even stuff I have not enjoyed there has taught me a lot. - Camden People's Theatre also runs festivals. They have a feminist one which runs for a few weeks each year and I have seen some of the best theatre in London during that festival. Hope you enjoy! xxx
I set myself the 50 book challenge this year and smashed it, I read 65 books! I am very proud of myself, but I think I used it as a method of procrastination a lot. Not sure what my resolutions will be for this year but I know I need to be more organised with money.
This might be a bit late, but if you're looking for a play to see, PLEASE GO AND SEE 'THINGS I KNOW TO BE TRUE' AT THE LYRIC THEATRE, it's absolutely incredible and I can't recommend it enough x
Awesome list hun If you're back in New York in 2016 you should look into seeing a Broadway play (I hear that Misery is supposed to be good). Also, I recommend bananas for your daily fruit. They make a great pre-workout or pre-cardio snack (before your dance classes).
A play to go see: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I'm not sure if it's still on in London (my boyfriend saw it in London January 2015) but if it is definitely give it a shot. I saw it in NYC this past November and LOVED it.
Tip for your one meal a week resolution: Cook a big meal so you can box it and have left overs for 1-2 days after aswell! That way you can either eat it at home with little effort, or just eat it on the go as you already mentioned you do :)
I've only got the one new years resolution: to quit smoking... There's a lot of other stuff I want to do, but that will require a lot of willpower these coming weeks, and it needs to be priority number one.But so far so good, haven't had a cigarette since new year's eve!
I just finished a class on the History of Sexuality in Europe at my University (I am also a History major) and it was great. My professor, whom I really like and I have taken several classes with, wrote a book that goes along with the topics covered in the course. It is called Desire: A History of European Sexuality. Very academic but with great and interesting content. If you're looking for more books on the History of Sexuality this might be one to check out.
Very good goals you've set yourself! Most people aim too high and therefore set themselves up for failure, but your "baby steps" approach is much more successful in most cases. p.s. i know you didn't achieve your book goal this year, but as you said, the point with that one isn't really to reach your goal x
Play recommend: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time. It's good, so good, so so so good. Honestly, it's the best play that I have ever seen and I absolutely love it and the book.
Instead of cooking one meal a week, have one night cooking a week. Me and my mum do this and it makes life 10x easier. We cook a variety of meals and freeze them, when we have a really busy day we can just get one out and we're still getting a decent meal, for example last night we had a chinese style chicken curry I made a couple of weeks ago. Its also nice cause you can plan ahead and you have your fave dinner ready without the stress of cooking after a tiring day :) Dont usually make resolutions but this year I'm determined to finish writing my first book x
I am getting myself to the gym about 5 days a week, but it's not a full workout. I had a heart attack, and my goals are strictly for cardio improvement. Your dancing resolution made me smile, though. I would like to see that... and be that. :)
Some cool London theatres I like are The Almeida (you have to be quick to book tickets when they come out but their day seat policy is awesome), The Chocolate Mernier, The studios at The Royal Court, The Kings Head (back of a pub) and The Soho Theatre :)
Several of those resolutions should be mine for the new year too! Great ideas! :) If I lived in London, I'd definitely go see Derren Brown perform live. I'd also go to some of the science museums and gardens the city has. Blog suggestions: Since you'll be reading 50 books, why not write some book reviews? I'd love to hear some of the interesting bits you learn during your sex history studies, or discuss other books in general. You could also write your impressions of the places you visit (other countries, museums, plays, etc). You could write about your cooking adventures (misadventures?) too. Well, there are a few ideas. :)
Thanks a lot for the books you showed us- I study history as well and I have always been very interested in sexuality (and love and all of that), so these are going straight to my wishlist ^^ Also, thanks to you I'm kind of reading up on this subject much more now, which is both good for uni and for myself. So yay! My New Year Resolutions: 1) Keep finding myself and keep standing up for myself (aka loving myself more). 2) Keep getting healthier (which means working out more, eat healthier; working on my issues). :) 3) Read more.
My resolution is to decide what I want to study at university! I would love to study "gender and women's studies" but in Italy this course doesn't exist and even if I moved to England or the US I don't think I would find a job easily. P.s. Hannah you're such an inspiration, I really like your way of thinking :)
Of the major London theatres, I would suggest taking a look at the Royal Court Theatre. They have a long history of championing new writers from diverse backgrounds and they put on a lot of stuff that even by contemporary standards is "risque" on stage. Plus the bookshop is amazing and I think all the playscripts are sold for £3, plus they used to do a mystery grab bag of five plays for £5 or £10, I forget but it was totally worth it!
Although I know nothing about it I think learning more about sexual history would be really interesting! If you felt like sharing some of the things you discover or maybe reviewing some of the books you read I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one to find it interesting!
I'd recommend you go see a Tennessee Williams play as they all have strong themes of sexuality in them and they're from the 40s/50s southern USA which I know you're interested in what with your history degree. My personal favorite is A Streetcar Named Desire- definitely read and research a bit into it before/after watching the play if you want to get more info on the history and social context of it etc. as it's so interesting.
Idk if you'll see this, but I have a recommendation for cultural stuff in London you might not have seen - The Greenwich Fan Museum. It's a tiny little museum, not 5 minute's walk from the train station, in a beautiful Georgian Townhouse. It's full of gorgeous things, admission barely costs anything, and it has a beautiful, and I mean straight-out-of-a-vogue-photoshoot-gorgeous tea room downstairs. It's got painted walls, cute tea sets, it looks out on a garden, it's got fancy windows - definitely worth a visit!
Mine are to: 1) try and do well on my GCSE exams 2) try and find a healthy way to maintain a low weight/ try and recover from my eating disorder without gaining too much weight
Travelex sponsors a a couple of shows a year at the National Theatre, which means you can get £15 tickets that are booked in advance, so no queuing up at weird hours faff. The seats are totally fine (no obstructed views or anything) and £15 is about as low as you get with theatre tickets. And, obviously, the National is completely world class.
Try putting some sugar-free flavouring of some kind in your water that tastes good, it may make you more likely to drink it. I've discovered putting a liquorice teabag in hot water in a bottle overnight, then removing it in the morning, makes me drink far more water as I love the taste of the liquorice. :) Good luck with your resolutions :) x
Whilst I really admire your goal of drinking a glass of water a day and attempting to get more hydrated, it's nowhere near enough. I'd strongly suggest a water bottle that you can carry around with you and just take small sips of it throughout the day. It'll make you feel a lot better, a glass of water in an entire day really isn't substantial enough.
Play recommendations: Richard II and the Henry plays at the Barbican (they are literally amazing!). Also Husbands and Sons at the National Theatre which surprised me by how good it was. Those are both brilliant theatres to go to, but also the Donmar, the Globe (only £5!) and the young Vic. Go be cultural :)
i highly recommend woman in black as a play to go see! it's brilliantly crafted and if the actors are the same as when i saw it, the acting is simply incredible!
That's a lot of resolutions! Wishing you the very best of luck with them all. I'm going to aim for about 5 I think, and I'm going to spend the next couple of days thinking about them. I've chosen a word for 2016, nurture, so I;m hoping this will help me fulfill my dreams, hopes and project ambitions. \happy New Year lovely :) xx
Two recommendations for you: 1.) The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality, by Rachel Hills -- a fascinating look at how much (and what sorts of) sex we THINK people are having (or that we SHOULD be having) and actual sexual practices. 2.) The Boundaries of Desire: A Century of Good Sex, Bad Laws, and Changing Identities, by Eric Berkowitz -- an in-depth look at laws regarding sex and marriage over the last hundred years. As far as we've come, we still have so far to go.
Nice. You're giving my ideas (I also need to eat more fruit!!!). I graduated uni this past semester so 2016 is a goal heavy year for me. Im both scared and excited. 1) Land a job in fashion. 2) Move out. 3) Pay back $10k of student debt. 4) Find a cause to volunteer for. Wish me luck! 😨
1. Get a new job 2. Network More 3. Read more 4. Find Love (every year I put it down just in case) 5. Make a Music Video for Harriet every month 6. Make an episode of Three and a Half Drunks or For The First Time each month 7. 52 videos this year 8. Keep diary entries every week at least 9. Swim more 10. Be and do what I want to do/be Good luck with yours Hannah!
For theatre, check out Liaisons Dangereuses at the Donmar in Covent Garden, or any NT production, Royal Court plays, Young Vic/Old Vic. Basically non-west end productions!
You inspired me to try the 50 book challenge because I loved hearing about all the things you'd read and learned over the year! It's January 5th and I'm already 1 book down! (Windhaven by George R.R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle btw 8/10 would recommend) Stay fantastic!
You have a great collection of resolutions! Good luck with them! They might inspire some more of my own. My only few right now are: eat less sugar, run a race (10K, or even as long as a half-marathon), make higher-quality TH-cam videos, get all As in school again, and I'll also have a book goal. Probably 40 again, though this year I only made 26. I want to read more nonfiction, too! I don't know if this sounds weird but I love your voice! I'm American, but I love British accents. I just subscribed, by the way. :P
As a suggestion for blog posts/vidoes, talking about your back pain. I've suffered from chronic back pain the last few years and as its uncommon for young people it makes me feel really alone and it would be nice to hear someone elses experience even if you don't have advice :) xx
all of your resolutions are basically the same as the ones I have set myself (apart from the last one of the video!) and this video has inspired me to actually stick to mine FOR ONCE!!! XD
Have you seen Book of Mormon I love that production so much! If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend that. I know it's a musical and expensive but you must see it! Loving the videos x
Theatre/museum suggestions: I don't know if War Horse is still running or if you've seen it already, but it is BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING and you should go. One of my favorite museums in London is the Wallace Collection - I went twice when I lived there and it is so cool! It's just a big old house that used to belong to a rich guy who collected cool things, and it has a ton of 18th century artifacts - including Marie Antoinette's writing desk!! - and a complete armory on the lower floor. It's so fun! Other favorites were the V&A and the Museum of London. :D
My main resolution is so try and find new ways to deal with my general anxiety disorder. I'm not really sure how that'll pan out but I'm hoping to get some therapy into place soon. I'm also hoping to make exercise a more regular thing, as my anxiety makes going outside a serious challenge, so the gym is out of the question. I recently got a treadmill, weights and a yoga ball, so hopefully they will help me to work towards being fitter and healthier! :)
I have a goal to read more books this year too! Great to know its a common goal. I also like that you mentioned your blog. I want to write on my more. Wish I would of included that in my video
I love these so much, I'm going to steal a couple if you don't mind, particularly the one about doing work at a desk! I definitely do the same, I have a perfectly good desk yet work on my bed and it's uncomfortable but a part of me argues that it is comfortable xD Loved this video
Hello Hannah! I read a lot of blogs related to cycling. I adore cycling and with there being so much of an issue here, there's so much to talk about. Do you cycle? Maybe a topic for your blog. Also recommend the play called "The Play That Goes Wrong" in the Duchess Theatre. I went to see it a few months ago. Wonderful! Here's to 2016!
I'm also going to attempt the 50 book challenge! This was super inspiring, I've been sort of flipping between some resolutions and this has definitely given me some ideas! :)
Hey Hannah, if you want to drink more water then maybe try the app "Plant Nanny". You will take care of a little plant. It will grow if you drink, it will dry and die if you don't. It really helped me and some friends who tried it. Since I've had my little plant I drank 1 1/2 litres every day. It really helps.
Every year my NYR is to read the amount of books (or more) that my age is. It's been 3 years, I haven't achieved it yet and I'm only getting older. I have 18 books to read this year, and with how quickly I can read books I could finish it in 2 months yet here we are. I have a list of about 12 I want to read so that's a starting place. Other than that, keep doing what I have been doing this year but just a bit better. Be a bit nicer, get a better job, do more things all round
I have lots of resolutions but my main 5 are: drink at least 500ml of water a day, be outside for at least an hour a day, do at least 20 minutes of exercise a day, cook more & try to read 1 book a week (rather than watching 5 seasons of a Netflix show)
My main goal for 2016 is to try and get back in contact with some of my old friends. Since leaving uni, I haven't really spoken to many of them that often, and I miss hanging out.
My new years resolution is completely vague and difficult to quantify but 'say yes more' I realised in 2015 that the majority of things I was upset about over the past year or so have been a result of me not saying yes, so I'm pushing myself out there more. Not saying yes to EVERYTHING though, I've seen Yes Man, that's not what I'm going for.
Hannah-- Why did you say that it was obvious that most of the people at your Christmas party were Jewish was obvious?!? I've been watching you for awhile now and did not know that you are Jewish. thank you for the suggestions, I'll be copying most of these! LOVE your videos and how genuine and real you are with your viewers!!! xoxo
Hangar has said before that she's culturally Jewish (as in her family is, she's mentioned a Jewish grandma before), but isn't actually religious herselfm She was being sarcastic, because Christmas is not an obvious celebration for Jewish people. Hope that helps!
I'm doing a dissertation on homosexuality and The Great Gatsby, so have done a bit of reading into homosexual culture of the 1920s. I'd recommend Becoming Visible by Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman, it's a study of 20th century American gay/lesbian history and it's really interesting, although perhaps a bit too modern, depending on what kind of history you're interested in. If you're looking further back, I've heard good things about Setting Plato Straight and Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition, but haven't read those myself.
Nick C i studied the great gatsby last year and there are some very subtle hints at nick being gay/bi. There is the moment with the photographer guy where there is a lot of ellipses and some information is missed out (nick in general is a very unreliable as a narrator and often tries to make himself sound better) and he often speaks a little 'too' highly of gatsby.. just a few things i can remember but itd be interesting to hear back from the OP id love to learn more about it.
In terms of London plays, see "curious incident of the dog in the nighttime". It is amazing! You can also get tickets for £15 and these are very decent seats. Enjoy! :)
Here are my new year resolutions for 2016 1. Eat healthy. 2. Stop procrastinating. 3. Make friends, especially foreigners, like on Taptrip. 4. Be abstenant. No more perversity and lust. 5. Be more honest. 6. Be cured of depression. 7. Avoid racist thoughts. If only racism has never existed. 8. Be generous and nice to people. 9. Live happily and peacefully with people of all races, countries, and creeds. 10. Be artistic. The list goes on.
Meal wise when I'm at uni I usually just make a big pot of Takka Dal, refridgerate the leftovers in tupperware boxes and just eat that whenever, just so I don't have buy food constantly that isn't good for me.
Those are actually really good and achievable resolutions, I might steal some of those ideas. Also on that hair colour thing, YES! Just yes, I agree so much. I think I probably have the same hair colour as you, dark blonde, sometimes it looks brownish, sometimes more blonde, and I absolutely hate if people say I'm brunette. No, I'm a blonde, always have been, always will be (in my heart at least)
I chose Ariel silk over gym gyms feels like adult hamster activities and it's just no I don't hamster well! I would recommend you go to see the dog in the nighttime play if you haven't already but you have to look around because it's not always on.
what is the dance school that you're planning to go to? cos I have exactly the same problem - I did SO much dance and now I really miss it but like you I can't commit to a course, and what you described sounds perfect! anyway good luck with all your resolutions!
Hannah, could you review the books about sexual history after you read them? I'm really interested in the subject and I would like to know which ones are worth reading. This was a really cool video btw, I hope you achieve all your resolutions (or at least most of them) :)
I'd really recommend a slow cooker. Throw lots of stuff in it in the morning and then come back to it after work and you have a meal within 20mins if there is anything else you need to add to it etc. Without being dramatic it's completely changed my life coming home to a cooked meal and not using the excuse of takeaways because I'm too tired etc. Really hope you achieve your 2016 goals :)
1) Read more books (20 as a starting number)
2) Start a blog
3) Do more dance
4) Keep more of an open mind regarding activism
5) Address my panic attacks
Theatre Recommendation: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time is AMAZING WOULD COMPLETELY GO AGAIN
+sarah gesa thank you! i'll bear that in mind, but to be honest anything seems better than where i'm at right now :)
I read the book (mysterious dog in the night time) is was fab!
+hanthedudette I also have goal of reading more books for the new year. I made a video on my goals :)
I need to read more too. All of my leisure time is spent on computer games or on the internet. I need to step away from them and read an actual book more often! Great idea with using dance to keep fit. It's easier when you're having fun. Good luck this year!
I love these, they're so well thought out and achievable, well done Witton! I'm definitely stealing your cultural experiences and cook once a week resolutions. xo
I don't really do resolutions but I do a word of the year, which is something I picked up from my very favorite poet Anis Mojgani. He and his friends pick a word to be their touchstone/theme/vibe of the year. I've been doing it the last couple years and I really like it. It makes you reflect on the year before and focus on what you need out of this next twelve months. I've had a pretty weird year full of transitions and the last couple months feeling dissatisfied with how I feel as a result of those transitions. So I've decided that 2016 will be the year of validation. I am allowed to feel how I feel, my feelings are valid and deserve to be respected and listened too. Wishing you a lovely 2016!
I was just in London and saw "Cymbeline" at Shakespeare's Globe in the indoor theater. The production was great, but the performance space is so beautiful and unique that it makes the experience wonderful all on its own!
I like to dynamically create and reduce goals so they all get done in a few days, and I can stop caring for the rest of the year. It works great. Actually, I've just found that long term goals are the best way to ensure I don't complete something. I stick with like week at a time style stuff, then it feels less insurmountable, and you get the happiness of checking them off sooner, but keep busy.
I read 37 books this year so far, which compared to some people is a pretty small amount, but I think it helps to remember that there are a great majority of people who read significantly less books than that this year, and some who read no books a tall.
My resolutions is to 1. Take care of myself. 2. Do things that make me feel better. I'm so pleased with these resolutions since they won't make me feel pressure or any other bad feelings.
Two comments on your resolutions:
1) On your "work at your desk" resolution - consider getting a balance ball as your office chair (or even a balance ball chair itself), it keeps your spine well-aligned, prevents bad posture, and keeps your core more active.
2) On your dance resolution - consider couple/social/ballroom dancing. I heard salsa on your list, which is a great start. Also, London has a fabulous salsa scene. I find that it is marvelous exercise and you meet very interesting people.
Get a slow cooker for your dinner resolution! Prep on a morning when you have time and let the dinner cook for 5 or 6 hours. Then you'll have meals for a few days out of it and you'll know what you're eating too! They aren't that expensive in Argos either.. Loved the video!😊
little things I want to do in 2016
•go on hikes because I somehow didn’t do that in 2015?? •write things I can be proud of •travel by myself •wear cool thrift store clothes all the time •spend as much time as possible with my sister
I love these resolutions hannah! and they've absolutely inspired me to create my own! Im starting my thesis this year so I think organization and having goals outside of the thesis is just as important as finishing college. ❤
My new years resolution: to make the most of the opportunities that I have and be more grateful for having them. Just because I feel that'll make me happier in myself.
Also to see more plays too! I saw more musicals then I can count last year but very few plays... Hangmen in the West End is supposed to be really good, the £5 standing tickets at the Globe are also a great experience! I also recommend The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
I'm also trying to go outside more, but I want to do it alone, specifically. I just think I need to be more comfortable with being alone in public, because for some reason I always feel judge when I do it. Hell, I even think my mom would judge if I tell her I want to take a walk by myself. Anyways, great resolutions and I hope you achieve all of them :)
I went to a city academy chandelier workshop and it was SO tiring but SO much fun. I'll probably try to do another next year! Have fun with them the teacher was so so nice and it was such a relaxing and non judgy enviroment
I'm visiting London for the first time next month. Traveling more is definitely one of my new year's resolutions (maybe not all in one year but over the next few).
Good luck with your resolutions, they sound very sensible and achievable! My tip for cooking is to cook in bulk, we do that a lot in my family - then there's plenty of leftovers on days that you don't feel like cooking. I bet you'll do great :)
Play recommendations:
- The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime - It's amazing, if you haven't seen it, go!
- Hangmen - Possibly the best new play in London for a long time. It's amazing.
- Anything at the Royal Court. The Royal Court is always staging new and innovative plays. Even stuff I have not enjoyed there has taught me a lot.
- Camden People's Theatre also runs festivals. They have a feminist one which runs for a few weeks each year and I have seen some of the best theatre in London during that festival.
Hope you enjoy! xxx
I read the book of the first recommendation! It was so good...
I set myself the 50 book challenge this year and smashed it, I read 65 books! I am very proud of myself, but I think I used it as a method of procrastination a lot. Not sure what my resolutions will be for this year but I know I need to be more organised with money.
Loved the video...as usual.😄 Good luck with your resolutions!
This might be a bit late, but if you're looking for a play to see, PLEASE GO AND SEE 'THINGS I KNOW TO BE TRUE' AT THE LYRIC THEATRE, it's absolutely incredible and I can't recommend it enough x
Awesome list hun
If you're back in New York in 2016 you should look into seeing a Broadway play (I hear that Misery is supposed to be good).
Also, I recommend bananas for your daily fruit. They make a great pre-workout or pre-cardio snack (before your dance classes).
A play to go see: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
I'm not sure if it's still on in London (my boyfriend saw it in London January 2015) but if it is definitely give it a shot. I saw it in NYC this past November and LOVED it.
Tip for your one meal a week resolution: Cook a big meal so you can box it and have left overs for 1-2 days after aswell! That way you can either eat it at home with little effort, or just eat it on the go as you already mentioned you do :)
I've only got the one new years resolution: to quit smoking... There's a lot of other stuff I want to do, but that will require a lot of willpower these coming weeks, and it needs to be priority number one.But so far so good, haven't had a cigarette since new year's eve!
I just finished a class on the History of Sexuality in Europe at my University (I am also a History major) and it was great. My professor, whom I really like and I have taken several classes with, wrote a book that goes along with the topics covered in the course. It is called Desire: A History of European Sexuality. Very academic but with great and interesting content. If you're looking for more books on the History of Sexuality this might be one to check out.
Very good goals you've set yourself! Most people aim too high and therefore set themselves up for failure, but your "baby steps" approach is much more successful in most cases.
p.s. i know you didn't achieve your book goal this year, but as you said, the point with that one isn't really to reach your goal x
The dance classes sound like so much fun!
Play recommend: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time. It's good, so good, so so so good. Honestly, it's the best play that I have ever seen and I absolutely love it and the book.
Instead of cooking one meal a week, have one night cooking a week. Me and my mum do this and it makes life 10x easier. We cook a variety of meals and freeze them, when we have a really busy day we can just get one out and we're still getting a decent meal, for example last night we had a chinese style chicken curry I made a couple of weeks ago. Its also nice cause you can plan ahead and you have your fave dinner ready without the stress of cooking after a tiring day :)
Dont usually make resolutions but this year I'm determined to finish writing my first book x
the curious incident of the dog in the night time is absolutely amazing i saw it a year ago and I want to go again, would definitely reccomend
I am getting myself to the gym about 5 days a week, but it's not a full workout. I had a heart attack, and my goals are strictly for cardio improvement. Your dancing resolution made me smile, though. I would like to see that... and be that. :)
Some cool London theatres I like are The Almeida (you have to be quick to book tickets when they come out but their day seat policy is awesome), The Chocolate Mernier, The studios at The Royal Court, The Kings Head (back of a pub) and The Soho Theatre :)
Regarding dance, join a swing dance scene! All the people are wonderful and it makes you so happy!!! I know the London scene is super cool xx
+Hannah Witton AAAAND you can travel to different countries with swing dance with workshops in almost every country! Two resolutions in 1! Win win xxx
Several of those resolutions should be mine for the new year too! Great ideas! :) If I lived in London, I'd definitely go see Derren Brown perform live. I'd also go to some of the science museums and gardens the city has.
Blog suggestions: Since you'll be reading 50 books, why not write some book reviews? I'd love to hear some of the interesting bits you learn during your sex history studies, or discuss other books in general. You could also write your impressions of the places you visit (other countries, museums, plays, etc). You could write about your cooking adventures (misadventures?) too. Well, there are a few ideas. :)
Thanks a lot for the books you showed us- I study history as well and I have always been very interested in sexuality (and love and all of that), so these are going straight to my wishlist ^^
Also, thanks to you I'm kind of reading up on this subject much more now, which is both good for uni and for myself. So yay!
My New Year Resolutions:
1) Keep finding myself and keep standing up for myself (aka loving myself more).
2) Keep getting healthier (which means working out more, eat healthier; working on my issues). :)
3) Read more.
My resolution is to decide what I want to study at university! I would love to study "gender and women's studies" but in Italy this course doesn't exist and even if I moved to England or the US I don't think I would find a job easily. P.s. Hannah you're such an inspiration, I really like your way of thinking :)
Of the major London theatres, I would suggest taking a look at the Royal Court Theatre. They have a long history of championing new writers from diverse backgrounds and they put on a lot of stuff that even by contemporary standards is "risque" on stage. Plus the bookshop is amazing and I think all the playscripts are sold for £3, plus they used to do a mystery grab bag of five plays for £5 or £10, I forget but it was totally worth it!
Oh and I loved your resolutions. Might steal some for myself!
Although I know nothing about it I think learning more about sexual history would be really interesting! If you felt like sharing some of the things you discover or maybe reviewing some of the books you read I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one to find it interesting!
Man I love videos like these ♡
Keep going Hannah you're awesome.
I'd recommend you go see a Tennessee Williams play as they all have strong themes of sexuality in them and they're from the 40s/50s southern USA which I know you're interested in what with your history degree. My personal favorite is A Streetcar Named Desire- definitely read and research a bit into it before/after watching the play if you want to get more info on the history and social context of it etc. as it's so interesting.
Idk if you'll see this, but I have a recommendation for cultural stuff in London you might not have seen - The Greenwich Fan Museum.
It's a tiny little museum, not 5 minute's walk from the train station, in a beautiful Georgian Townhouse. It's full of gorgeous things, admission barely costs anything, and it has a beautiful, and I mean straight-out-of-a-vogue-photoshoot-gorgeous tea room downstairs. It's got painted walls, cute tea sets, it looks out on a garden, it's got fancy windows - definitely worth a visit!
Mine are to:
1) try and do well on my GCSE exams
2) try and find a healthy way to maintain a low weight/ try and recover from my eating disorder without gaining too much weight
Travelex sponsors a a couple of shows a year at the National Theatre, which means you can get £15 tickets that are booked in advance, so no queuing up at weird hours faff. The seats are totally fine (no obstructed views or anything) and £15 is about as low as you get with theatre tickets. And, obviously, the National is completely world class.
Try putting some sugar-free flavouring of some kind in your water that tastes good, it may make you more likely to drink it. I've discovered putting a liquorice teabag in hot water in a bottle overnight, then removing it in the morning, makes me drink far more water as I love the taste of the liquorice. :) Good luck with your resolutions :) x
Dance is my way of exercising too. You'll never ever find me running or playing sports, but dancing I love so much.
The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime is fabulous!
check out the Royal Court if you want to see good theatre they often have new and exciting plays which are usually quite cheap. They're great!
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is an amazing play!
Whilst I really admire your goal of drinking a glass of water a day and attempting to get more hydrated, it's nowhere near enough. I'd strongly suggest a water bottle that you can carry around with you and just take small sips of it throughout the day. It'll make you feel a lot better, a glass of water in an entire day really isn't substantial enough.
Play recommendations: Richard II and the Henry plays at the Barbican (they are literally amazing!). Also Husbands and Sons at the National Theatre which surprised me by how good it was.
Those are both brilliant theatres to go to, but also the Donmar, the Globe (only £5!) and the young Vic.
Go be cultural :)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime is such a good play. Would definitely recommend seeing it.
i highly recommend woman in black as a play to go see! it's brilliantly crafted and if the actors are the same as when i saw it, the acting is simply incredible!
That's a lot of resolutions! Wishing you the very best of luck with them all. I'm going to aim for about 5 I think, and I'm going to spend the next couple of days thinking about them. I've chosen a word for 2016, nurture, so I;m hoping this will help me fulfill my dreams, hopes and project ambitions. \happy New Year lovely :) xx
Two recommendations for you:
1.) The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality, by Rachel Hills -- a fascinating look at how much (and what sorts of) sex we THINK people are having (or that we SHOULD be having) and actual sexual practices.
2.) The Boundaries of Desire: A Century of Good Sex, Bad Laws, and Changing Identities, by Eric Berkowitz -- an in-depth look at laws regarding sex and marriage over the last hundred years. As far as we've come, we still have so far to go.
Loving your vids lately! Wish I'd said hi to you at the 100k event 😂
Nice. You're giving my ideas (I also need to eat more fruit!!!). I graduated uni this past semester so 2016 is a goal heavy year for me. Im both scared and excited.
1) Land a job in fashion.
2) Move out.
3) Pay back $10k of student debt.
4) Find a cause to volunteer for.
Wish me luck! 😨
1. Get a new job
2. Network More
3. Read more
4. Find Love (every year I put it down just in case)
5. Make a Music Video for Harriet every month
6. Make an episode of Three and a Half Drunks or For The First Time each month
7. 52 videos this year
8. Keep diary entries every week at least
9. Swim more
10. Be and do what I want to do/be
Good luck with yours Hannah!
For theatre, check out Liaisons Dangereuses at the Donmar in Covent Garden, or any NT production, Royal Court plays, Young Vic/Old Vic. Basically non-west end productions!
You inspired me to try the 50 book challenge because I loved hearing about all the things you'd read and learned over the year! It's January 5th and I'm already 1 book down! (Windhaven by George R.R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle btw 8/10 would recommend)
Stay fantastic!
You have a great collection of resolutions! Good luck with them! They might inspire some more of my own. My only few right now are: eat less sugar, run a race (10K, or even as long as a half-marathon), make higher-quality TH-cam videos, get all As in school again, and I'll also have a book goal. Probably 40 again, though this year I only made 26. I want to read more nonfiction, too!
I don't know if this sounds weird but I love your voice! I'm American, but I love British accents.
I just subscribed, by the way. :P
As a suggestion for blog posts/vidoes, talking about your back pain. I've suffered from chronic back pain the last few years and as its uncommon for young people it makes me feel really alone and it would be nice to hear someone elses experience even if you don't have advice :) xx
all of your resolutions are basically the same as the ones I have set myself (apart from the last one of the video!) and this video has inspired me to actually stick to mine FOR ONCE!!! XD
Oooh yes! these are really lovely resolutions. Best of luck!
Have you seen Book of Mormon I love that production so much! If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend that. I know it's a musical and expensive but you must see it! Loving the videos x
Theatre/museum suggestions: I don't know if War Horse is still running or if you've seen it already, but it is BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING and you should go.
One of my favorite museums in London is the Wallace Collection - I went twice when I lived there and it is so cool! It's just a big old house that used to belong to a rich guy who collected cool things, and it has a ton of 18th century artifacts - including Marie Antoinette's writing desk!! - and a complete armory on the lower floor. It's so fun! Other favorites were the V&A and the Museum of London. :D
It's so great! It's near-ish to Oxford Street, if I'm remembering correctly. :)
My main resolution is so try and find new ways to deal with my general anxiety disorder. I'm not really sure how that'll pan out but I'm hoping to get some therapy into place soon. I'm also hoping to make exercise a more regular thing, as my anxiety makes going outside a serious challenge, so the gym is out of the question. I recently got a treadmill, weights and a yoga ball, so hopefully they will help me to work towards being fitter and healthier! :)
This is mine too! Good luck💗 I hope you're successful☺️ xx
+Katie Ahronson thank you! I hope so too :) xx
I have a goal to read more books this year too! Great to know its a common goal.
I also like that you mentioned your blog. I want to write on my more. Wish I would of included that in my video
I love these so much, I'm going to steal a couple if you don't mind, particularly the one about doing work at a desk! I definitely do the same, I have a perfectly good desk yet work on my bed and it's uncomfortable but a part of me argues that it is comfortable xD Loved this video
Hello Hannah! I read a lot of blogs related to cycling. I adore cycling and with there being so much of an issue here, there's so much to talk about. Do you cycle? Maybe a topic for your blog.
Also recommend the play called "The Play That Goes Wrong" in the Duchess Theatre. I went to see it a few months ago. Wonderful!
Here's to 2016!
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time is a really good play! And the national theatre also do lots of good productions :)
I'm also going to attempt the 50 book challenge! This was super inspiring, I've been sort of flipping between some resolutions and this has definitely given me some ideas! :)
good luck with your resolutions hannah! 😊
The Photographer's Gallery near Oxford Street is incredible, if you haven't been I'd definitely recommend it!!
Hey Hannah,
if you want to drink more water then maybe try the app "Plant Nanny". You will take care of a little plant. It will grow if you drink, it will dry and die if you don't. It really helped me and some friends who tried it. Since I've had my little plant I drank 1 1/2 litres every day. It really helps.
Reading sex at dawn when I was about 15 changed my life! So cool to see it in there because I have never seen anyone else mention it. Enjoy!
Every year my NYR is to read the amount of books (or more) that my age is. It's been 3 years, I haven't achieved it yet and I'm only getting older. I have 18 books to read this year, and with how quickly I can read books I could finish it in 2 months yet here we are. I have a list of about 12 I want to read so that's a starting place.
Other than that, keep doing what I have been doing this year but just a bit better. Be a bit nicer, get a better job, do more things all round
Love the vid! Btw me and my boyfriend work at the uni you used to go to haha :) x
You should definitely start doing cooking videos again. They were amazing.
I would definitely recommend going to see Bull in the Young Vic Theatre, its very emotive and intense!
It's only on until the 16th January though!
I have lots of resolutions but my main 5 are: drink at least 500ml of water a day, be outside for at least an hour a day, do at least 20 minutes of exercise a day, cook more & try to read 1 book a week (rather than watching 5 seasons of a Netflix show)
My main goal for 2016 is to try and get back in contact with some of my old friends. Since leaving uni, I haven't really spoken to many of them that often, and I miss hanging out.
I like your "New Year Resolutions 2016" these are great goals/resolutions. (y) Good luck! :)
My new years resolution is completely vague and difficult to quantify but 'say yes more'
I realised in 2015 that the majority of things I was upset about over the past year or so have been a result of me not saying yes, so I'm pushing myself out there more. Not saying yes to EVERYTHING though, I've seen Yes Man, that's not what I'm going for.
Best of luck with all the resolutions!
Good luck and happy new year!
***** I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I started watching your videos you really have come a long way with your work!
Hannah-- Why did you say that it was obvious that most of the people at your Christmas party were Jewish was obvious?!? I've been watching you for awhile now and did not know that you are Jewish.
thank you for the suggestions, I'll be copying most of these!
LOVE your videos and how genuine and real you are with your viewers!!! xoxo
Hangar has said before that she's culturally Jewish (as in her family is, she's mentioned a Jewish grandma before), but isn't actually religious herselfm She was being sarcastic, because Christmas is not an obvious celebration for Jewish people. Hope that helps!
+Tales Of Meg *Hannah
New Years resolution for this year. Coming out to my family and the rest of my friends, who don't know yet! :)
I'm doing a dissertation on homosexuality and The Great Gatsby, so have done a bit of reading into homosexual culture of the 1920s. I'd recommend Becoming Visible by Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman, it's a study of 20th century American gay/lesbian history and it's really interesting, although perhaps a bit too modern, depending on what kind of history you're interested in.
If you're looking further back, I've heard good things about Setting Plato Straight and Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition, but haven't read those myself.
+Tristan O.S. Is that the same dissertation? I studied that book this year and can't remember any mentions to homosexuality in it.
Nick C i studied the great gatsby last year and there are some very subtle hints at nick being gay/bi. There is the moment with the photographer guy where there is a lot of ellipses and some information is missed out (nick in general is a very unreliable as a narrator and often tries to make himself sound better) and he often speaks a little 'too' highly of gatsby.. just a few things i can remember but itd be interesting to hear back from the OP id love to learn more about it.
+Olivia Miller-Davis Huh. I never interpreted their relationship in that way, but you could totally make that argument. Thanks for the input
In terms of London plays, see "curious incident of the dog in the nighttime". It is amazing! You can also get tickets for £15 and these are very decent seats. Enjoy! :)
I have always wondered if you where a dark blonde or a light brunette. I love your hair so much.
Here are my new year resolutions for 2016
1. Eat healthy.
2. Stop procrastinating.
3. Make friends, especially foreigners, like on Taptrip.
4. Be abstenant. No more perversity and lust.
5. Be more honest.
6. Be cured of depression.
7. Avoid racist thoughts. If only racism has never existed.
8. Be generous and nice to people.
9. Live happily and peacefully with people of all races, countries, and creeds.
10. Be artistic.
The list goes on.
Meal wise when I'm at uni I usually just make a big pot of Takka Dal, refridgerate the leftovers in tupperware boxes and just eat that whenever, just so I don't have buy food constantly that isn't good for me.
Those are actually really good and achievable resolutions, I might steal some of those ideas. Also on that hair colour thing, YES! Just yes, I agree so much. I think I probably have the same hair colour as you, dark blonde, sometimes it looks brownish, sometimes more blonde, and I absolutely hate if people say I'm brunette. No, I'm a blonde, always have been, always will be (in my heart at least)
I chose Ariel silk over gym gyms feels like adult hamster activities and it's just no I don't hamster well! I would recommend you go to see the dog in the nighttime play if you haven't already but you have to look around because it's not always on.
what is the dance school that you're planning to go to? cos I have exactly the same problem - I did SO much dance and now I really miss it but like you I can't commit to a course, and what you described sounds perfect!
anyway good luck with all your resolutions!
+Hannah Witton city academy is really good! I took contemporary classes with them and it was so fun! I had an amazing teacher!
+Hannah Witton city academy is really good! I took contemporary classes with them and it was so fun! I had an amazing teacher!
oooh thank you! Yes there are lots but sometimes it's overwhelming how many there are haha. I will check them out :D
Good luck with your resolutions!
i love your videos! i think you are amazing human being with an amazing personality
Hannah, could you review the books about sexual history after you read them? I'm really interested in the subject and I would like to know which ones are worth reading.
This was a really cool video btw, I hope you achieve all your resolutions (or at least most of them) :)