Hi Thomas, I have just discovered your channel and watched every video you have made. I really needed this video, I have a baby on the way and have lots of books out of my comfort zone that I have been intimidated to read. I am off to pick up The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl (short story collections freak me out). Please keep making videos they are wonderful 😊
Dahl has a fascinating history. he was sent to America to drum up support for ww2 in it's early days due to his fame as a fighter pilot. when he got here he was flabbergasted by how much Americans drink. he didn't think he could get through to people in a constant happy hour with their heads in the bottle.
Congratulations on the baby on the way! A good friend of ours just had a baby and it's truly a beautiful life moment! Keep at it! Love that you are reading out of your comfort zone :)
I remember first reading crime and punishment, it was the first book that I’ve ever read thats truly challenging. It didn’t necessarily change my view on life but the sense of achievement and accomplishment I felt was astounding
First: I LOVE the background music!!! Perfection!! Second: I love the flannel shirt! Third: I read all kinds of genres: Fantasy Historical Romances Murder mysteries/thrillers Autobiographies/memoirs Horror Contemporary fiction(best example: Oprah’s book club selections, the classics) Gothic literature Some of my favorite authors include: Murder Mystery & Thrillers authors: John Grisham Mary Higgins Clark Lisa Jackson Michael Connelly Riley Sager Fantasy Authors: Robin Hobb Erin Hunter Leigh Bardugo David Gemmell Sarah J. Maas Brandon Sanderson Horror authors: Stephen King Dean Koontz John Saul Anne Rice Gothic Literature: Anne Rice Daphne Du Marier Bram Stoker
Been thinking about dipping my toe into King. Always avoided horror because I really don’t enjoy scary movies, but now that it’s spooky season I think this video will be the push for me to find something I’d enjoy. Gonna watch your Pet Cemetery review now! Thanks Thomas for another amazing video!
I'm loving your lotr references 😂 i agree with you on saying one should get out of their comfort zones at times. However, I would not say life gets dull when sticking too long with a book/ series. I am inhaling all Tolkien books for years now, wrote my bachelor degree on him and am currently finishing my masters degree writing on middle earth and I can say there is still so much more to explore. I could stick with that forever. Haha. Anyway. Thanks for your great videos and new input all the time! I appreciate that. Keep it up :)
I mean LotR is a world that truly is alive and filled with rich lore and history that yes you truly can stay their forever haha Thanks for hanging out!
There are very few books(novels, nonfiction, ect..)that I have read more than once. Poetry on the other hand is comfort reading for me. There are so many poems that simply never get old!
I have not read poetry much at all but I can understand why it would never get old. Poetry doesn't tell. It rarely even shows. It suggests. It allows us to develop our own conclusions and ask questions. Hence why I love Patrick Rothfuss and Name of the Wind. It's very poetic in ways. Not telling but showing and more often than not, suggesting. So much is between the lines and beneath the surface.
There are books I do come back to every few years, but I like to read new stories. Storytelling is a powerful thing. I do tend to stick to my favorite genres but now and then I’ll grab a book outside of my comfort zone. It’s always worth it.
I’ll always have fantasy be my genre of choice but to know that there are so many stories outside those worlds just gets me excited! So many possibilities
I'm at a point in my life where there are so many books that I want to read that I'm realizing that I'll never be able to read them all. This has led me to putting a stop to re-reads. Time is so precious that every book that I re-read has started to feel like one less new-to-me book that I'll be able to read before I die, if that makes any sense. The exception I carve out for myself is reading to my kids, where I prefer to have read the book ahead of time so I can decide if the book is appropriate or not.
Loving the channel mate. Much love from Newcastle, England. I also got married around 6 months ago and have just started getting back into books. Going through The Shining on Audible. Keep up the content.
Absolutely agree with this.. picking books outside of your comfort zone just because you want to and u are curious about that genre or author or that particular book , without any kind of pressure feels incredible and does gives you a sense of accomplishment in some way. As english is not my first language, during high school years i used to only read simple romance novels in english, then slowly steped into other genres..Now when i look back i dont remember details of all the books i read, but i clearly remember the feeling and joy i got when i first read fantasy, high epic fantasy,classics ,lit fiction,horror. Its like i opened a new door i never knew existed.❤The uncertainty that you might find something u will love for the rest of ur life is exciting
This is a great encouragement! I have Crime and Punishment on my TBR are for this October. I'm reading The Way of Kings by Sanderson now😂 I needed this video
Oh! I also wanted to add; I appreciate the rec of your fav chill vibes ambience channel. I have chill ambience channels up on my TV like screensavers all the time haha. My fav I'd recommend is Healing Nature & Meditation! It's no music, literally just recording of forest & nature ambience of all kinds. It sets such a cozy mood in my home and would also be lovely to read to.
YES! As a gamer and film watcher, I get sad seeing the current state of these industries. So I tend to go back to the old classic films and classic games. (Thankfully I have plenty of films and games I haven't experienced yet so even tough they are classics, they are still VERY new to me).
Fantastic video as always! I finished Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, and it was not what I went into my reading journey expecting to read! I'll keep exploring genres as I find my favorite books!
9:43 I almost have to with the way my brain operates. I use it as a metronome to stay on pace and topic. I use the chill lofi study playlist on Spotify
Didnt read a lot in the past years. I only read a couple of books when i was younger (Dune, Lotr and Hobbit and the first two H.Potter books. I recently came back to reading trough Stephen King (The Stand, Holly and some Audiobooks) It helped to train and focus since my adhd diagnosis 1 year ago. So yes step out from time to time and stray…but its okay to be in your comfort zone to recharge. Keep it up
What a great point! Dang should’ve added that in the video. Going back to your comfort zone to recharge! We all need that. As an extrovert, after a day of none stop socializing…lemme tell ya, I’m exhausted afterwards. Gotta just shut my brain off and recharge.
ADHD and reading is such a challenge! A big reason why I take meditation is so that it is easy to read. There is a type of font, for lack of a better term perhaps, that is designed for ADDer’s where certain letters are capitalized. Instant speed reading! I wish books were published with this option!
I always wanted to try to read horror books but was afraid that it will not live up to my expectations. But since Halloween is just around the corner, I think it’s right time to try this genre and pick up a book by Stephen King, for example. I'll come back to the comments when I read it to share my experience. 🙌🏼
That's awesome! Which book did you pick up? I'm currently reading Salem's Lot by King and let me tell ya, I think it is the PERFECT book for halloween. Creepy town. Vampires. That's all I'll say. Excited to hear your experience!
I recently read “House of Leaves” and listened to a Spotify playlist called “atmospheric gothic horror reading music” along with it and omg it heightened the whole experience to a new level. So scary. LOL. I’m now trying to find matching background music for more books. So great.
I do that too sometimes! Me being a filmmaker and using music in my projects to evoke emotions, I can't help but listen to themed music for specific scenes and moments in books. Calm moments. Tense moments. Battle moments. Creepy moments etc.
i call it 'the wheelhouse' which is a railroad reference of a comfort zone. i have ventured far from my sci-fi wheelhouse, especially lately, by frequenting the corner book boxes and snagging anything remotely interesting. i read The Glass Bead Game simply because it's a far future history which smacked of sci-fi, though it is anything BUT what i expected. i recently read Bleak House and enjoyed it immensely, it was a bestseller in it's day. i read Rutherford's' China and got into the historical fiction genre.. my brother and i are both retired and read like there is no tomorrow. (get it?) he devours what i call spy books because he likes the political intrigue, but has also become very familiar with recent history due to this focus. he loves watching sci-fi but won't read it, although he did bring Station Eleven into the house the other day. i could go on and on about this... some recs for you: The Gap Series by Donaldson. Mordant's Need series by Donaldson. The Southern Reach series by Vandermeer. Anathem by Stephenson. i think the appeal of Stephen King lies in his melding of genres. if you like to hear new music which is curated by different hosts every 3 hours, try streaming Radio Boise. it's by far the most progressive radio station i've heard. it's so simple, they just let them play what they love and not what some accountant thinks is best. cheers until next one.
@@Thomas.R.Howellit is indeed…but in a good way. Its sci-fi and horror but also a philosophical drama with mystery elements and I took some society critique out of it. When I am in the mood again I will continue the series for sure.
Good morning Thomas! You know, I've never really understood people who repeatedly watch the same films/series or read the same books over and over... I've just always been a one-time n done kind of media consumer (other than music)... however; I definitely understand staying within a tight genre or even only reading what you find highly interesting. I think the thing that really helped me realize just how confined my reading palette was, was joining a little book club. And this isn't a book club founded on genre but a wholly unrelated hobby (like a group of people who collect houseplants lol) so when voting happens the books I pick never win and we end up reading books/genres I literally would have never considered reading on my own. Often these books are indeed misses for me, but sometimes I do read something interesting and memorable that I otherwise never would have. Ty for the discussion! I look forward to that DnD video (:
I know it is very interesting when people fall back on the same tv shows or movies over and over again. (THE OFFICE??) I used to rewatch that show over and OVER! But I have since taken 6 years off. Feels nice. I do rewatch certain films here and there but only after a long enough break. And more often than not I pick up on new details or nuances that I didn't before. Book clubs I avoid unless its with 2 close family members and we all agree on a book that we all genuinely want to read. Super pumped for the dnd video! Thanks for hanging out
@@Thomas.R.Howell oh man I wish anyone in my family read & we could have book discussions together that'd be awesome 😂. I guess I only really re-watch movies seasonally but tbh I don't watch really any TV other than TH-cam. This year; I accidentally read more books than watched movies/series! Probably the first time in my life that has happened.
@@Innokha same! I only watch certain shows/movies/ play certain games when a specific season pops up. Other than that, I spend most of my time reading and creating. Even my time on TH-cam has been minimal besides chatting in the comments. I don't spend a lot of time watching TH-cam videos since becoming a "TH-camr" myself.
@@Thomas.R.Howell Oh yeah I could get that, gotta make time for that new hobby (being a TH-camr) somewhere and cutting off non-creative stuff is definitely wise. I'm really fortunate in that my job allows me to wear earbuds & indulge in audio media for my entire shift, so like 80% of my TH-cam consumption ends up being audio. I also listen to an absolute ton of audiobooks. My youtube & audiobook consumption would be soooo much less if it weren't for that, because when I have true free time I prefer to do more creative hobbies. Putting down gaming to do creative work can be harder sometimes tho haha
I want to expand my reading horizons a bit, although I do think it's important to have books that are more familiar and comforting to read like you mentioned with watching the Lord of the Rings. I love fantasy mostly but I want to get back into Stephen King and to read around a little in Sci-fi and horror. I completely agree with your message here. P.S. do you have a recommendation for a editing software that you use for your videos? I want to make more videos for my channel but I suck at editing haha
Name of the Wind would be my comfort read but I'm leg deep into Wheel of Time that I cannot abandon ship yet. Once I finish my journey and once the time is right I will return to my favorite book. I too will be diving more into sci-fi. Blake Crouch is on my radar. Absolutely I do. However, It is never really about the software. Especially if you don't plan on doing anything CRAZY fancy. It's about how you use that software. I use Final Cut Pro X. But that's because I make films for a living. Been using Pro X for a little over 10 years. You could try iMovie? I don't know how that works but I know it'll be a lot easier and should get the job done. But it really depends on your vision for the future of your projects.
@@Christian-ut2sp I type it out but it’s not showing up. I said that a lot of Christians go back into sin because it’s familiar instead of realizing and living like they are new creations and alive in Christ.
Another thing I didn’t touch on…self help books. I’ve Read a handful. Being a self employed filmmaker/creative, I utilize quite a bit from some of those books. I gain a lot of Inspiration from those. I’ve yet to read atomic habits.
I agree lol That is one genre I will stay away from. There is better written romance found in non-romance books. More realistic and genuine. Written naturally and not forced. Bad romance is always bad when it's forced and just thrown in for the sake of it.
Hi Thomas, I have just discovered your channel and watched every video you have made. I really needed this video, I have a baby on the way and have lots of books out of my comfort zone that I have been intimidated to read. I am off to pick up The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl (short story collections freak me out). Please keep making videos they are wonderful 😊
That’s so cool!
Dahl has a fascinating history. he was sent to America to drum up support for ww2 in it's early days due to his fame as a fighter pilot. when he got here he was flabbergasted by how much Americans drink. he didn't think he could get through to people in a constant happy hour with their heads in the bottle.
@@stephenmorton8017 he was a really interesting man
Congratulations on the baby on the way! A good friend of ours just had a baby and it's truly a beautiful life moment!
Keep at it! Love that you are reading out of your comfort zone :)
ironically enough, you need to step out of your comfort zone to find things that comfort you
Love this
well said!
I really love the simple and cozy vibes of your videos!
Thank you! 😭
I remember first reading crime and punishment, it was the first book that I’ve ever read thats truly challenging. It didn’t necessarily change my view on life but the sense of achievement and accomplishment I felt was astounding
try Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol for some light russian lit.
Oh, man! Crime and Punishment. All I can think to say is how much I am looking forward to the second reading!
I’m currently reading it. It’s definitely different
Nothing outside of my family has enriched my life more than expanding my reading to new genre’s, authors, themes, and styles.
I'm so happy I took the leap this year. So many stories and styles to experience!
First: I LOVE the background music!!! Perfection!!
Second: I love the flannel shirt!
Third: I read all kinds of genres:
Historical Romances
Murder mysteries/thrillers
Contemporary fiction(best example: Oprah’s book club selections, the classics)
Gothic literature
Some of my favorite authors include:
Murder Mystery & Thrillers authors:
John Grisham
Mary Higgins Clark
Lisa Jackson
Michael Connelly
Riley Sager
Fantasy Authors:
Robin Hobb
Erin Hunter
Leigh Bardugo
David Gemmell
Sarah J. Maas
Brandon Sanderson
Horror authors:
Stephen King
Dean Koontz
John Saul
Anne Rice
Gothic Literature:
Anne Rice
Daphne Du Marier
Bram Stoker
Been thinking about dipping my toe into King. Always avoided horror because I really don’t enjoy scary movies, but now that it’s spooky season I think this video will be the push for me to find something I’d enjoy. Gonna watch your Pet Cemetery review now! Thanks Thomas for another amazing video!
I love to hear it! Thank you so much!
I'm loving your lotr references 😂 i agree with you on saying one should get out of their comfort zones at times. However, I would not say life gets dull when sticking too long with a book/ series.
I am inhaling all Tolkien books for years now, wrote my bachelor degree on him and am currently finishing my masters degree writing on middle earth and I can say there is still so much more to explore. I could stick with that forever. Haha.
Anyway. Thanks for your great videos and new input all the time! I appreciate that. Keep it up :)
I mean LotR is a world that truly is alive and filled with rich lore and history that yes you truly can stay their forever haha Thanks for hanging out!
There are very few books(novels, nonfiction, ect..)that I have read more than once. Poetry on the other hand is comfort reading for me. There are so many poems that simply never get old!
I have not read poetry much at all but I can understand why it would never get old.
Poetry doesn't tell. It rarely even shows. It suggests. It allows us to develop our own conclusions and ask questions. Hence why I love Patrick Rothfuss and Name of the Wind. It's very poetic in ways. Not telling but showing and more often than not, suggesting. So much is between the lines and beneath the surface.
@@Thomas.R.Howell Some of the most poetic prose that I have come across is from Henry Miller. Luscious reading. A true master!
There are books I do come back to every few years, but I like to read new stories. Storytelling is a powerful thing. I do tend to stick to my favorite genres but now and then I’ll grab a book outside of my comfort zone. It’s always worth it.
I’ll always have fantasy be my genre of choice but to know that there are so many stories outside those worlds just gets me excited! So many possibilities
I'm at a point in my life where there are so many books that I want to read that I'm realizing that I'll never be able to read them all. This has led me to putting a stop to re-reads. Time is so precious that every book that I re-read has started to feel like one less new-to-me book that I'll be able to read before I die, if that makes any sense. The exception I carve out for myself is reading to my kids, where I prefer to have read the book ahead of time so I can decide if the book is appropriate or not.
Loving the channel mate. Much love from Newcastle, England. I also got married around 6 months ago and have just started getting back into books. Going through The Shining on Audible. Keep up the content.
Thanks mate! Cheers!
Congrats on 6 months of marriage!
Absolutely agree with this.. picking books outside of your comfort zone just because you want to and u are curious about that genre or author or that particular book , without any kind of pressure feels incredible and does gives you a sense of accomplishment in some way. As english is not my first language, during high school years i used to only read simple romance novels in english, then slowly steped into other genres..Now when i look back i dont remember details of all the books i read, but i clearly remember the feeling and joy i got when i first read fantasy, high epic fantasy,classics ,lit fiction,horror. Its like i opened a new door i never knew existed.❤The uncertainty that you might find something u will love for the rest of ur life is exciting
This is a great encouragement! I have Crime and Punishment on my TBR are for this October. I'm reading The Way of Kings by Sanderson now😂
I needed this video
Glad this helped! Love it! Way of Kings is only my list as well.
This is a channel I can get behind! Thank you for your outlook into booktube. It's refreshing
I'm so glad! Thank you for hanging out!
Oh! I also wanted to add; I appreciate the rec of your fav chill vibes ambience channel. I have chill ambience channels up on my TV like screensavers all the time haha. My fav I'd recommend is Healing Nature & Meditation! It's no music, literally just recording of forest & nature ambience of all kinds. It sets such a cozy mood in my home and would also be lovely to read to.
Love it! I also have a lot of the Skyrim ambience videos on in the background especially if I'm reading a fantasy book
I think sometimes we keep going back to the familiar because we are unsatisfied with the new.
YES! As a gamer and film watcher, I get sad seeing the current state of these industries. So I tend to go back to the old classic films and classic games. (Thankfully I have plenty of films and games I haven't experienced yet so even tough they are classics, they are still VERY new to me).
Fantastic video as always! I finished Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, and it was not what I went into my reading journey expecting to read! I'll keep exploring genres as I find my favorite books!
Love it!
9:43 I almost have to with the way my brain operates. I use it as a metronome to stay on pace and topic. I use the chill lofi study playlist on Spotify
Love me some lo fi playlists!
Goof morning my friend .😊😊😊😊 I love yhis video . Yes Its good the get out of your comfort zone... Ive done it so many times and makes me feel better.
It really is magical when you step out into a new book. Been feeling a lot of excitement diving into Stephen King. His writing style is refreshing.
@@Thomas.R.Howell Yes ☺️☺️☺️🙏🙏
Didnt read a lot in the past years. I only read a couple of books when i was younger (Dune, Lotr and Hobbit and the first two H.Potter books. I recently came back to reading trough Stephen King (The Stand, Holly and some Audiobooks) It helped to train and focus since my adhd diagnosis 1 year ago. So yes step out from time to time and stray…but its okay to be in your comfort zone to recharge. Keep it up
What a great point! Dang should’ve added that in the video. Going back to your comfort zone to recharge! We all need that.
As an extrovert, after a day of none stop socializing…lemme tell ya, I’m exhausted afterwards. Gotta just shut my brain off and recharge.
ADHD and reading is such a challenge! A big reason why I take meditation is so that it is easy to read.
There is a type of font, for lack of a better term perhaps, that is designed for ADDer’s where certain letters are capitalized. Instant speed reading! I wish books were published with this option!
I always wanted to try to read horror books but was afraid that it will not live up to my expectations. But since Halloween is just around the corner, I think it’s right time to try this genre and pick up a book by Stephen King, for example. I'll come back to the comments when I read it to share my experience. 🙌🏼
That's awesome! Which book did you pick up? I'm currently reading Salem's Lot by King and let me tell ya, I think it is the PERFECT book for halloween. Creepy town. Vampires. That's all I'll say.
Excited to hear your experience!
I recently read “House of Leaves” and listened to a Spotify playlist called “atmospheric gothic horror reading music” along with it and omg it heightened the whole experience to a new level. So scary. LOL. I’m now trying to find matching background music for more books. So great.
I do that too sometimes! Me being a filmmaker and using music in my projects to evoke emotions, I can't help but listen to themed music for specific scenes and moments in books. Calm moments. Tense moments. Battle moments. Creepy moments etc.
Need a section at the end of every single one of your nervous coffee sips
haha I need to make a compilation of all my coffee sips
I want to star reading the parker series by Richard stark but I'll do it after finishing stormlight
i call it 'the wheelhouse' which is a railroad reference of a comfort zone. i have ventured far from my sci-fi wheelhouse, especially lately, by frequenting the corner book boxes and snagging anything remotely interesting. i read The Glass Bead Game simply because it's a far future history which smacked of sci-fi, though it is anything BUT what i expected. i recently read Bleak House and enjoyed it immensely, it was a bestseller in it's day. i read Rutherford's' China and got into the historical fiction genre..
my brother and i are both retired and read like there is no tomorrow. (get it?) he devours what i call spy books because he likes the political intrigue, but has also become very familiar with recent history due to this focus. he loves watching sci-fi but won't read it, although he did bring Station Eleven into the house the other day. i could go on and on about this...
some recs for you: The Gap Series by Donaldson. Mordant's Need series by Donaldson. The Southern Reach series by Vandermeer.
Anathem by Stephenson. i think the appeal of Stephen King lies in his melding of genres.
if you like to hear new music which is curated by different hosts every 3 hours, try streaming Radio Boise. it's by far the most progressive radio station i've heard. it's so simple, they just let them play what they love and not what some accountant thinks is best.
cheers until next one.
I recommend „new weird“ fiction like Annihilation from JeffvanderMeer if you want to reach out and dive into new genres. (Listened to the audiobook)
Funny you mention that, I was actually looking into that book. I hear it’s weirdddd
@@Thomas.R.Howellit is indeed…but in a good way. Its sci-fi and horror but also a philosophical drama with mystery elements and I took some society critique out of it. When I am in the mood again I will continue the series for sure.
Thomas Ligotti if you want horror weird fiction
0:53 my uncle does that, dude would take the biggest of sips of black coffee
We all have that one relative haha Love it.
Good morning Thomas! You know, I've never really understood people who repeatedly watch the same films/series or read the same books over and over... I've just always been a one-time n done kind of media consumer (other than music)... however; I definitely understand staying within a tight genre or even only reading what you find highly interesting. I think the thing that really helped me realize just how confined my reading palette was, was joining a little book club. And this isn't a book club founded on genre but a wholly unrelated hobby (like a group of people who collect houseplants lol) so when voting happens the books I pick never win and we end up reading books/genres I literally would have never considered reading on my own. Often these books are indeed misses for me, but sometimes I do read something interesting and memorable that I otherwise never would have.
Ty for the discussion! I look forward to that DnD video (:
I know it is very interesting when people fall back on the same tv shows or movies over and over again. (THE OFFICE??) I used to rewatch that show over and OVER! But I have since taken 6 years off. Feels nice.
I do rewatch certain films here and there but only after a long enough break. And more often than not I pick up on new details or nuances that I didn't before.
Book clubs I avoid unless its with 2 close family members and we all agree on a book that we all genuinely want to read.
Super pumped for the dnd video! Thanks for hanging out
@@Thomas.R.Howell oh man I wish anyone in my family read & we could have book discussions together that'd be awesome 😂. I guess I only really re-watch movies seasonally but tbh I don't watch really any TV other than TH-cam. This year; I accidentally read more books than watched movies/series! Probably the first time in my life that has happened.
@@Innokha same! I only watch certain shows/movies/ play certain games when a specific season pops up. Other than that, I spend most of my time reading and creating.
Even my time on TH-cam has been minimal besides chatting in the comments. I don't spend a lot of time watching TH-cam videos since becoming a "TH-camr" myself.
@@Thomas.R.Howell Oh yeah I could get that, gotta make time for that new hobby (being a TH-camr) somewhere and cutting off non-creative stuff is definitely wise. I'm really fortunate in that my job allows me to wear earbuds & indulge in audio media for my entire shift, so like 80% of my TH-cam consumption ends up being audio. I also listen to an absolute ton of audiobooks. My youtube & audiobook consumption would be soooo much less if it weren't for that, because when I have true free time I prefer to do more creative hobbies. Putting down gaming to do creative work can be harder sometimes tho haha
@@Innokha What games do you play? What are some of your favorites?
Thomas, I love your book content...but can we just dedicate one episode to COFFEE. Like whats your fav? How do you make it? When?
YES! Absolutely! My wife and I have been quite busy but we will get our schedules lined up to make a coffee episode! She is the true coffee master
@@Thomas.R.Howell amazing, can’t wait!
Hi Thomas, can you please do a video on listening to audiobooks. I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
Yes! I actually have been planning on that for a while. I'll do it soon.
Yeah I started off reading fantasy and then branched off to horror and sci-fi.
SAME! I even have Blake Crouch on my list with his Wayward Pines trilogy.
@Thomas.R.Howell Oh man. I just finished the first book Pines. It was great.
@@NiceTryGuvnah let's goooo
@@Thomas.R.Howellordered the book a couple of hours ago 😂
I want to expand my reading horizons a bit, although I do think it's important to have books that are more familiar and comforting to read like you mentioned with watching the Lord of the Rings. I love fantasy mostly but I want to get back into Stephen King and to read around a little in Sci-fi and horror. I completely agree with your message here.
P.S. do you have a recommendation for a editing software that you use for your videos? I want to make more videos for my channel but I suck at editing haha
Name of the Wind would be my comfort read but I'm leg deep into Wheel of Time that I cannot abandon ship yet. Once I finish my journey and once the time is right I will return to my favorite book.
I too will be diving more into sci-fi. Blake Crouch is on my radar.
Absolutely I do. However, It is never really about the software. Especially if you don't plan on doing anything CRAZY fancy. It's about how you use that software. I use Final Cut Pro X. But that's because I make films for a living. Been using Pro X for a little over 10 years.
You could try iMovie? I don't know how that works but I know it'll be a lot easier and should get the job done. But it really depends on your vision for the future of your projects.
I’m a Christian and when you mentioned going back to the familiar and straying away from the new was like…woah!
Hey, I’m a Christian too. I was just wondering why you found that impactful?
Add me to the list of Christians who are curious about why that was especially impactful.
@@Christian-ut2sp Because a lot of the time, Christians go back into sins to feel “safe” instead of knowing they are alive in Christ and what’s new.
Love it, I'm a believer too! What made that stand out to you? I'm Curious!
@@Christian-ut2sp I type it out but it’s not showing up. I said that a lot of Christians go back into sin because it’s familiar instead of realizing and living like they are new creations and alive in Christ.
Not gonna lie, the first "self help" book (atomic habits)I read, even it felt weird carrying it with me.
Another thing I didn’t touch on…self help books. I’ve Read a handful. Being a self employed filmmaker/creative, I utilize quite a bit from some of those books. I gain a lot of Inspiration from those. I’ve yet to read atomic habits.
Name of intro song please?
Turntable Tale by Dusty Decks!
I'm a horror reader but always read other genres as well to explore except for romance. I think that genre is a bit too unrealistic and young for me.
I agree lol That is one genre I will stay away from. There is better written romance found in non-romance books. More realistic and genuine. Written naturally and not forced. Bad romance is always bad when it's forced and just thrown in for the sake of it.