So for the beam attenuation I keep it maxed out at all times. The knob is connected to your power supply and keeping it all the way right works the best for your files.
I am running an EX 150W and am not getting your cutting results. Running at 28Ma, Auto Focus has me at about 6mm, and I am cutting at 7-9mm/sec at 55-65W. Your single pass cuts are impressive, but I cannot figure out what the deal is. Any thoughts, Branden?
How do you actually know how many watts you are using?
How do you change from 65w to 100w to 150w?
Thank you for the video. I noticed you have the honeycomb baed removed. Is this something you recommend when cutting through material?
Curious what your dial is set to for Beam Attenuation?
So for the beam attenuation I keep it maxed out at all times. The knob is connected to your power supply and keeping it all the way right works the best for your files.
What's the best way to contact you?
I am running an EX 150W and am not getting your cutting results. Running at 28Ma, Auto Focus has me at about 6mm, and I am cutting at 7-9mm/sec at 55-65W. Your single pass cuts are impressive, but I cannot figure out what the deal is. Any thoughts, Branden?