Do I need to use a Wheelchair?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ต.ค. 2022
  • Do I need to use a wheelchair? How do you know you need a wheelchair? How to know you need a wheelchair? If you are asking yourself this question, then this is the video for you. For some of us who have a spinal cord injury, it can be obvious. But for others in can be a hard and difficult decision to make.

ความคิดเห็น • 325

  • @pixeltheragdoll
    @pixeltheragdoll ปีที่แล้ว +158

    After being trapped in the house except for medical appointments because I can't self-propel, this week I received and started using my new power chair. For the first time in years, my husband and I went shopping and then lunch at a cafe! I didn't have to feel guilty about him pushing my chair and getting a migraine from it. I was able to stop and look at things in the shop. My husband was able to go look at other parts of the shop when I was looking at something he wasn't interested in. And at the outdoor cafe, I was able to sit in the sun AND I got to stroke a lovely dog named Molly! For the first time in years, I'm FREE!!

  • @redsorgum
    @redsorgum ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Always remember, you are the only person who can live in your body, no one else can. Don’t concern yourself with what other people think, you don’t always have to give an explanation for why you need to use mobility aids to get around. 😘✌️

  • @juliehauser7652
    @juliehauser7652 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    I struggled with the decision to stop walking and use a wheelchair. It wasn't until my therapist said "Why can't you do both?" That is when the light went on in my brain. I have PPMS. I felt choosing to use a chair was allowing PPMS to win and take over my life. On the contrary, using my wheelchair gave me back the quality in my life! I can stand, transfer, even walk with a walker for a few feet, but in my chair I live a full life with far more fun and less anxiety! My chair is a part of who I am. Great video Gem! Thank you for the reminder.

  • @tonyab.2822
    @tonyab.2822 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    My son is a part time wheelchair user and has been his entire life. He is 23. Some family members had a hard time understanding why. My simple answer is he can enjoy life BECAUSE of his wheelchair.

  • @StephaninasAmputeeAdventures
    @StephaninasAmputeeAdventures ปีที่แล้ว +57

    IMPORTANT HEALTH CONSIDERATION: I've been a full-time wheelchair user for most of the past two years. I'm not paralyzed; I'm an amputee with complications preventing me from using a prosthesis. This makes a BIG difference. I was resistant to a wheelchair at first, until I sat in one and felt instantly liberated. Why didn't I get one sooner? I agree with your points, Gem, BUT there's a consideration I don't think you've thought of that's important for non-paralyzed wheelchair users. The fascia (it's the connective tissue that holds muscles, organs, etc. in place) gets bound up when the muscles aren't used, resulting in increasing pain the longer I'm in the chair. My physical therapist said this is very common in wheelchair users, including people with spinal cord injuries but if a paralyzed person doesn't have sensation or the ability to use his/her legs, then it's not a big problem like it is for someone like me. I can feel the pain, and the longer I sit in a wheelchair, the more my muscles atrophy, which impacts my hopes for walking in future, as well as things like my metabolism. Changes in posture can result in chiropractic needs. Basically there's a domino effect. I definitely don't think people should put off getting a wheelchair if they need one, but it would be wise to discuss your full medical situation with a doctor and physical therapist to make a plan about how much of the time you're going to use it; are you going to try to prevent muscle loss; if so, how? What about prevention of chronic pain? Basically, a wheelchair can be delightfully liberating and you'll have the best experience possible if you work with your medical team to plan ahead for potential problems. Even given my setbacks, every day I'm incredibly grateful for my wheelchair.

  • @crazyeightsable
    @crazyeightsable ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I use a wheelchair due to lupus arthritis.I can walk,but not very far.I love my wheelchair...otherwise I'd be sitting at home most of the time.

  • @rey-yac
    @rey-yac ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user. I typically use a cane or rollator but if I'm going to do something that requires a lot of walking like a museum or a fair or convention. This way I can enjoy the event without becoming in pain or fatiguing faster.

  • @falsesyllogism2116
    @falsesyllogism2116 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I've had to use a chair since my early teens, but I've noticed a lot of people coming to the point of needing a wheelchair refrain because they feel like imposters for using one. They can "just about manage" (albeit in pain or distress) and so feel they're not immobile enough to "deserve" a chair. If you are at this point, GET THE DAMN CHAIR! 😄 It's a tool to make life better, not a badge you earn for being disabled enough. It will improve your life so much!

  • @RuchamaGrace
    @RuchamaGrace ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am 39 and I have EDS. I use a wheelchair for the past 5,5 years for outside and some days in my home too. But looking back? I could have used the chair already 20 years earlier. Walking was always painful for my legs and my back. A wheelchair gives freedom. I am really happy with my wheelchair with shockabsobend wheels and batec bike and smartdrive. Look at it as a bike. It will take you to wherever you need or want to go.

  • @sheilarough236
    @sheilarough236 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    My mom fell & dislocated her shoulder. Followed that 2 1/2 months later, she had a mild stroke. She’s also nearly blind. After rehabilitation from the stroke , she was back to using her roller walker, then she began falling, several times a week, sometimes more than once a day. A year ago, I insisted she use a wheelchair. In the past year, since she started using the wheelchair full time, she’s only fallen 3 times. Each time because she’s forgotten to lock the wheels. So much less risk that she’ll be injured from a fall now. She wasn’t tripping over anything when she was falling all the time, her legs would give out, and her balance is very poor, especially since the stroke

  • @ZebraWheelie
    @ZebraWheelie ปีที่แล้ว +118

    I'm a wheelchair user due to severe Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

  • @chronicallycal
    @chronicallycal ปีที่แล้ว +41

    I’ve had my wheelchair for about a year. Recently I’ve been worried I’m using it more than I need to (ty internalized ableism). Then two days ago I had to stand for 10 minutes for a medical test and I still feel terrible.

  • @lisahetherington7736
    @lisahetherington7736 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I sat around depressed and worried to get up and walk with my walker because I was scared of falling. And the winter with snow and ice was totally out of the question. My OT told me just recently that she wishes I'd switched to a wheelchair 6 to 9 months earlier than I did. It's been 2 years now and I'm still getting used to the Independence that the wheelchair gives me. But I love it!

  • @StephanieCerviDesign
    @StephanieCerviDesign ปีที่แล้ว +23

    My wheels enabled me to spend a week enjoying myself at Disney World with one of my best friends. I thought I'd never get to do that again. We averaged 12 miles a day, that trip. I would have been in indescribable pain if I'd had to walk, even with a cane. Instead, I was smiling and enjoying myself the entire time.

  • @rach_laze
    @rach_laze ปีที่แล้ว +6

    could I survive and manage without a wheelchair? yes

  • @ilovebrean
    @ilovebrean ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I’ve been using a chair on and off since 2017 and still family dont understand I love being able to do more than 1 thing a day and not worrying about feeling ill and not being able to get home or having to walk to the next bus stop or something I just wish I was better at self propelling as I’m not very good at it but I love my tri ride and being able to go on long walks again but there is times I do still walk but I have to pace myself and rest before and after

  • @RhamanaChan
    @RhamanaChan ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I have MS and it was when I started to furniture walk that I felt I needed to use a wheelchair. It gave me so much freedom it was crazy. Now I'm in one fulltime as my legs have stopped working at all, and I can't even stand. Glad I got in to it sooner rather than later, really built m,y arms up a bit haha.

  • @gweneththompson2209
    @gweneththompson2209 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I have a neurological condition that is caused by a brain/body miscommunication and is often triggered by pain and exhaustion. Some people with it become partially paralyzed for months, some just have trouble walking, or walking distances. Often we are told "don't get a wheelchair, you will become dependent on it". Or "if you use a wheelchair you're lose more of your independence." Yeah, that's such BS. Thank you for this video. If you need it to function and enjoy life, use it when you need it. Without mine I would be house bound. With it, I can go shopping, to community events, to fairs, etc.

  • @abilitycrafting864
    @abilitycrafting864 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Well said. I was that person without a wheelchair and finally getting one was like a new life. I even recently learned to take my phone to call stores I want to visit and tell them to open the door for me. Why can't I live in a place where the world was made for people with disabilities? You'd think the USA would be full of them, but it isn't.

  • @KathrinHausermann
    @KathrinHausermann ปีที่แล้ว +16

    it was a very easy decision for me. And it was the best. My wheelchair is also serving me as a painkiller. It helped me to be faster, have no falls anymore and far less balance issues. and it helped me to finally know to which group i belonged.