Homelink Garage Remote won't program - Solution found! Ford Escape 2022 & ~2001 Chamberlain Opener

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2025
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    After a frustrating hour trying to program the Homelink Garage Door Remote buttons in our new Ford Escape 2020 to the Chamberlain Garage Door openers, we finally were successful.
    The trick was a COMBO of the car manual help guides and youtube videos
    Step 1: Use the "Program with Remote" method
    Hold the working remote near the homelink buttons
    Press the button you wish to clone on the working remote simultaneously with the Homelink button until the Homelink button starts flashing
    Step 2: Now Combine Step 1 with the "Learning button on the Garage Door opener"
    Now walk over to the garage door opener and press the learn button
    Now "press and release" the Homelink button you just cloned
    The Garage Door opener lights should flash, and you may have just successfully programmed your remote
    All the manuals and videos I had seen and tried had the two different methods and slightly different press and hold sequences and reset Homelink attempts. The issue was the instructions were telling us to reset before Step 1, and it that didn't work reset before step 2. This "Combo" of the two methods worked for me and I hope it works for you as well.
    For more background on this silliness, here's our current craziness related to all the methods
    Volvo XC40 - Use the "Program with Remote" method -- works the like manual says it will
    Honda Pilot - Use the "Learning button and Homelink button" - works like the manuals says it will (note the "Program with Remote" does NOT work on the Honda)
    Ford Escape - Use the COMBO of the two methods
    "Program with Remote" does not work on it's own
    "Learning Button with Homelink button" does not work on it's own
    "Program with Remote", then "Learning Button with press/release Homelink buttons" works like a charm

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