I agree, I was in a position where a Ragnar pushed broadside in front of me, close range and sat still, so I fired only front guns, AP and well, I won that fight, Ragnar is not unkillable, people just don't understand how it works, it is made to go against HE firing dd's, if they fire AP, you need to angle, but hey, if a broadside Rangar gives it like that, I'll take it.🤣
A little explanation about the firechance. Once i understood how it works, i got a lot less frustrated. Just because Daring says it has 8% firechance, does not mean it actually has 8% firechance in every situation. The obvious part first: Every shell that hits a target area that is on fire already or hits while DCP is active has effectivly 0% fire chance. The calculation part (see wows wiki for calculation) Every ship has a built in fire resistent coefficient. For TX BBs that is 0.5005. Also there are other factors such as: Fireprevention skill., Damacon1, Pyrotechnitian,, signals. Lets look at that engagement with GK and assume he is using standard BB build (Fire prevention skill and Damacon 1): You look at Firechance = 0,5005 (resistance) X 0,9 (captain skill) X 0,95 (Damacon1) X (8% + 0,5% + 0,5%). Last bracket is your basefirechance + signals. That equals 3,8% effective firechance. Still unlucky, but With the 100 hits your avarage fires would be 3-4 and not 9. On the other hand against alaska you had 16 HE hits before he used DCP and got a fire. Understanding that situation, its actually pretty common to get about 1/4 of the fires that your base fire chance suggests you should get on T10. Because the actual firechance is always less than half of your Base chance plus you have some shells that will connect when there is 0% firechance because of existing fires and DCP. Obviously that was still an unlucky game in terms of fires, but its not as unlucky as one might think, assuming daring actually had 8% fire chance. On that note i´d also encourage everyone trying to understand flooding chance and why "liquidator" that pushes your flooding chance to like 400+% on some ships, is an actual super banger captain skill for 1 point.
I’m pretty sure fire chance is one of primary parameters to rig. I have 59% WR and almost never meet fire rate corresponds to target value. Worst I’ve seen was when I got 2 fires on 350 hits playing Khabarovsk, which makes less than 1% chance
Yep, the line scales well with DD proficiency too. Good for beginners, but good DD captains will be able to use and abuse the strengths of it. Micro smokes, decent health pool + heal, nearly 4 minute hydro, potent AP plus napalm dripping HE shells. And the torps are decent enough for dropping on lonely BB's, it's nimble enough, etc etc. Really shines in ranked.
the other bonus to Daring is that it has possibly the strongest Depth Charges of all DDs for dealing with Submarines, and that personal hydro helps in finding them.
Really enjoy your commentaries of your thought processes - don't think enough content producers do that kind of thing... I try to take it in, knowing it will help my gameplay, but often, in the heat of battle, I forget the good advice :P
Jervis has been collecting dust in my port for months but you've convinced me to resume leveling the line again. Don't know why I ever stopped, because already Lightning is one of my favourite ships.
Jervis is also awesome in T7 ranked, though it suffers in randoms due to being uptiered so much. Honestly the whole line is just a blast, have fun going up it! It’s the only line where there isn’t really a bad ship at all.
This DD is hands down my most favourite dd if not ship in the entire game... You've got a heal and a hydro to sustain survivability, a decent detection range, quite usable torps even without being the best in class and boy the guns... This AP melts people. But Im not done yet, I believe this kind of smoke is the best as you can either get undetected quickly or smoke up and do a quick burst onto the enemy. Compared to the 2 min USN smoke I feel that this smoke suits me better, not that big of a sacrifice if you're getting pushed out of your smoke by hydro or radar and my subconscious almost always forces me to get the max out of my smokes so with those short smokes I dont limit my spotting capabilities as hard as I'd for example do with USN DDs... really awesome to see this Swiss pocket knife of a ship in a One Take
100% in agreement- honestly the value in US smoke is only really in smoking up something else which is hit and miss (mostly miss) in randoms if you aren’t in a div. Sitting in a 2 min smoke farming as a DD feels like a waste of spotting and is just begging to be torped, especially without a hydro. Daring smoke is awesome because it’s cheap to throw one to run away, but it’s long enough to farm and get some fires lit without risking torps as you need to be gone anyway before they arrive. Just a brilliant all-rounder, and by far my favourite ship!
I play the Daring with RPF, which is superstrong in ranked. Overall this is such a good DD. I prefer the Daring over any fully gunfocused DD, simply because your torps can hurt a lot and you can simply rush a t10 BB. This thing is an absolute beast.
Im with ya there. Its only .3k, but I make the most of it! Jutland was my fav DD in game for years, now the vampire is my fav ship in game!😊 if you like the jutland(or daring) you will LOVE the vampire! o7
@@capthappy8884 I need to have a proper look at the vampire. Is it's concealment better? What's it's pros/cons compared to the Daring? If it's no trouble
@@tarkadal5563 np at all! I have a fun montage and a more descriptive vid here on yt(tho I havnt made a vid in months). But quickly, she has 5.8k conceal so slightly better than daring. Only 5 torps instead of 10, but they single launch and 12km range instead of 10. If you watch the vids, you'll see how functional that extra 2k can be! Guns are exactly the same. So farming or APing a DD are equally effective. 2 biggest differences/advantages are the crawling smoke and 5k hydro combo! Have to consider CV spotting, and where the radar cruisers are, but if adept at that(or get lucky with MM) you OWN caps/early pushing DDs!!! Simply push in early, BUT slow to 1/2 or 1/4 speed before you think you'll make contact with enemy DD. The second youre spotted, pop smoke and hydro and drop to 1/4 speed. If the enemy DD is nose in, they are screwed! Only threats other than cvs n radar cruisers, are well played smalands, REALLY well played 6k hydro DDs(rare), and a rushing kleb can get to 2k away quick enough, and has the dpm and dmg saturation to win a 1v1. Just my opinion, but its my fav ship in game. Has the most utility/game impact as a single ship. And is def the best at hunting DDs!😊 o7
yeah, regarding the Daring, the HE is disgusting when it comes to farming out BB. Also a quick note, the AP, the AP on the Daring is improved in terms of angles (DM angles) and has a short fuze (0.010 seconds), meaning that AP farming is a thing and also crushing DD with 25 mm plating is a thing, especially Elbing that you can crush with that DPM and the healing. A good example, I was in clan wars and there was this poor sod running his GK, I just farmed him out with the HE and once I have a fire in his superstructure, because it's CW, everyone runs FP on their BB) so I swapped to the AP and simply crushed him down before he could ram my Kremlin, because the AP armed extremely well on that giant tumor on top of this battleship. There's also a feature that is funny but hard to pull off, the conga line. It's extremely busted, extremely hard to pull off by stacking all the torpedoes on a single point. I remember, during convoy, there was a Napoli sitting nose-in on an island and I was looking at him, he was below my 10 km of range and couldn't spot me. So I dropped all of my torps on the poor guy and he just blew up. I tried later to pull the same on a Petropavlosk, but being much narrower (25 meters vs 28), couldn't hit him. I would conclude with a small question. Some people say that, when mounting Cunningham on Daring, Superintendant isn't necessary. I personally think it's shooting oneself in the foot with it, but thoughts ?
I gave up Superintendent for Fearless Brawler to give the advantage when knife fighting. It give you a higher chance of winning that first engagement but over the course of the game you need those 2 kills otherwise you'll ultimately lose out.
ah, one correction: most dds have the 0.01s fuze time (kleber, elbing, ragnar, marceau 0.03/0.025 and druid 0.005 :0). however, daring has such low caliber guns that the fuze activates on dd hulls (19mm) which makes it usable in knife fights. same with haru guns btw. cheers!
@@cemborembo yes but none have the improved pen angles that Daring has, which, couple with the short fuze, allow you to take knife fights with AP on pretty much any DD, if they can't damacon you fires
Daring AP is great. On Chonky DDs it tears them up. These days the teams are SO bad.. last 22 days 281 battles I am like 46% WR yet a 1500+ PR… feels so bad.
I think Im around 80% on 150 games ^^ ... my daring is also solid though. although I do think those fire chances a bugged sometimes. had a daring game once with 600 HE shell hits without 1 single fire.
Finally got this today after much procrastination. It is downright filthy of a ship. I really don't see why gearing can't get a heal when ships like daring exist
Honestly I spew dragonbreath each time I get a chance to farm BBs. Times I got double/triple fires after BBs use damcon, pure bliss. Your unluckiness hurt hard.
Maybe a vid about the current iteration of subs? I don't recall one since they added oil slicks and visible pings. I find them to be nowhere near as annoying now, since they can't setup an ambush from 2km while pinging and torping, they have to spend the entire game sneaking basically to set it up, and well... that's not a good play. Destroyers are actually a good deterrent too now, since there are more (
I can attest that Daring usually has a much better fire chance. I average anywhere from 8-12 fires easily with mine and my aim is trash. That being said, you should really trust British AP more in the Daring, the burst is off worth the trade off of potential fires.
So 9% fire chance, going against Tier 10 should have had something like a 4% fire chance so that would have been ~ 12 fires. I think pyro makes sense with your last 2 points as it will increase your fire chance by about 10%.
can we get a druid one take? i got the ship and im still figuring out the kinks and the playstyle to use since its similar minus no HE and No torps and only bow guns.
My two cents: as you showed, Daring is an excellent cap contester and, in order to maximize his potential, Cunningham is extremely recommended (mandatory for a main dd player). The bonuses this captain gives are too good and too easy to get to give them up for a normal captain. He can increase the speed, the number of consumables by 1 (wich means till to 4 repair party) and reduce the reload time of every armament by 10%. That's the main combo who makes Daring so tough to deal with for almost every other dd, no matter the kind (gunboat or hybrid). Even a Ragnar, the perfect hunter-killer, should pay attention to the combo Cunningham-Daring when the bonuses are active. Last but not least, never underestimate the AP potential of the Daring and the skill Radio Location, these two perks can really change the outcome of a fight.
I always take rpf on all of my DDs. It is good against subs and sneaky DDs. RPF is good defensively, and offensively (I killed countless ships by using RPF - predictive torping).
stupid me decided to grind the british dd line as my first dd line and my god i suffered with the acasta. currently at the icarus, on a temporary hiatus from british dd
Question for you PQ: In a DD, AP shells shot from a distance will most always hit the ships "deck"! So """at range""" what difference does it make whether he is broadside or bow tanking? Personally, I use HE 99% of the time!
A good Daring is a menace. Closest comparison the Vamp 2(3x the grind, should've been a coal ship)I have also, even though its a great ship and it just doesn't outplay a Daring.
I get these kind of games every time with Daring like your 1st match, doing my damnest to win, but still losing every freaking time. got 36 % win percentage on daring in 41 matches.. my PR is 1556. which isn't great but ain't bad either..
Usually smoke firing, but the idea is you want to force the bb to use dcp and then immediately target it to get perma fires or floods for max damage in that engagement
@@danielyork3406 usually after getting 2 consecutive fires the bb or cruiser will dcp, that's when you go for the perma fires. Watch the ship closely and see if its burning or not also if you are the one that lights first fires watch your damage count and if it stops ticking you know it used dcp
its about 1% Firechance (2 in 200 = 1 in 100. Math. Not statisticly) :D As far as i can tell it's not possible to reach the firechance it says in the Port. Any Shell that hits a Part already on fire lowers that percentage. Than, it's WG. And i believe its not all RNG what they want you to make think of RNG. MM for example. On this one it was them who said: we don't wanna change MM so people have these exciting matches (and the enemies grind/pay even harder). What i can tell from my own view is that most of the Replays you'll see are a one or two Tier difference Match. I don't have Daring yet, still at Jutland. I just love my Shima too much. I love to play with that Concealement xD But imho Daring is the best DD in doing DD things. That KungFu Barbie Guy dances with that thing... always impressed
id really appreciate a video with a explanation on how to exploit teammates. like the playerbase skill level is so heavily decreasing, im unable to adapt to random matches. they are just so poorly played, no idea what to do. gold rank 1, hurricane league cb player btw - even though that means not alot, but id say im a okayish player.
Demolition expert is Great for UK DDs. not only does it start fires better (enhancing UK DDs strengths), but the depth charges are also "brutal" with demolition expert. Yes UK DDs light fires quite well. RNG sucks sometimes too lol. 300+ hits and 2 fires? that's less than 1% and it's supposed to be 9% WTF RNG? That shouldn't ever happen!
Immelmann was useless. He had connection issues and he said that his planes kept spinning around. When this happens it means he had high ping strikes. So you didn’t have a cv basically 80% of the battle. And he is on the bottom. I know personally a guy that had internet problems but he kept playing regardless. Which was bad, constant lags, disconnects. Awful. Fix the internet after such battle and before playing another one.
They need to put the dispersion back into the camo... That way the camo will be relevant again, and dispersion will be where it needs to be. I have the research done for the Daring, but have yet paid for it.... Been that way for about 8 months, now. Mainly due to me not playing T10. I keep thinking about all the ship XP I'm missing out on, so tend to stay away from T10, because of that single reason; as well as all elite ships I have.... and any premiums I've unlocked (I don't buy anything with real money with this game, just play to unlock shit). About the only times I play T10 consistently is for Ranked (which doesn't happen, often)... And goto premium is the Musashi for Silver, since I missed out on the Missouri.
The number of videos featuring Shimas dying in spectacularly stupid ways is both hilarious and depressing. I suppose that goes for DDs generally, but Shimas seem particularly bad.
Every youtube video about the Daring begins with: "The Daring is one of my favorite tier 10 destroyers." That says a lot about this ship.
You really need to use the AP more in DD fights, you basically always beat a harugumo when you use your AP correctly. Those near 4k salvos hurt a LOT
I agree, I was in a position where a Ragnar pushed broadside in front of me, close range and sat still, so I fired only front guns, AP and well, I won that fight, Ragnar is not unkillable, people just don't understand how it works, it is made to go against HE firing dd's, if they fire AP, you need to angle, but hey, if a broadside Rangar gives it like that, I'll take it.🤣
Also fearless brawler and adrenaline rush...
Z52's AP to a broadside Gearing is a Chef's kiss.
Nah, AP isn't consistent.
@@AH-pq7yw Daring AP is very consistent, just dont shoot angled targets with it.. But that takes braincells.
A little explanation about the firechance. Once i understood how it works, i got a lot less frustrated. Just because Daring says it has 8% firechance, does not mean it actually has 8% firechance in every situation.
The obvious part first: Every shell that hits a target area that is on fire already or hits while DCP is active has effectivly 0% fire chance.
The calculation part (see wows wiki for calculation)
Every ship has a built in fire resistent coefficient. For TX BBs that is 0.5005.
Also there are other factors such as: Fireprevention skill., Damacon1, Pyrotechnitian,, signals.
Lets look at that engagement with GK and assume he is using standard BB build (Fire prevention skill and Damacon 1):
You look at Firechance = 0,5005 (resistance) X 0,9 (captain skill) X 0,95 (Damacon1) X (8% + 0,5% + 0,5%).
Last bracket is your basefirechance + signals.
That equals 3,8% effective firechance.
Still unlucky, but With the 100 hits your avarage fires would be 3-4 and not 9.
On the other hand against alaska you had 16 HE hits before he used DCP and got a fire.
Understanding that situation, its actually pretty common to get about 1/4 of the fires that your base fire chance suggests you should get on T10. Because the actual firechance is always less than half of your Base chance plus you have some shells that will connect when there is 0% firechance because of existing fires and DCP.
Obviously that was still an unlucky game in terms of fires, but its not as unlucky as one might think, assuming daring actually had 8% fire chance.
On that note i´d also encourage everyone trying to understand flooding chance and why "liquidator" that pushes your flooding chance to like 400+% on some ships, is an actual super banger captain skill for 1 point.
I’m pretty sure fire chance is one of primary parameters to rig. I have 59% WR and almost never meet fire rate corresponds to target value. Worst I’ve seen was when I got 2 fires on 350 hits playing Khabarovsk, which makes less than 1% chance
Yep, the line scales well with DD proficiency too. Good for beginners, but good DD captains will be able to use and abuse the strengths of it. Micro smokes, decent health pool + heal, nearly 4 minute hydro, potent AP plus napalm dripping HE shells. And the torps are decent enough for dropping on lonely BB's, it's nimble enough, etc etc. Really shines in ranked.
Absolutely my favorite DD in the game. It deserves all the videos it gets.
Love the Daring, just got it. Reliable, flexible, hits hard, capable of surviving well. No wonder it was spammed in KotS.
the other bonus to Daring is that it has possibly the strongest Depth Charges of all DDs for dealing with Submarines, and that personal hydro helps in finding them.
Really enjoy your commentaries of your thought processes - don't think enough content producers do that kind of thing... I try to take it in, knowing it will help my gameplay, but often, in the heat of battle, I forget the good advice :P
Jervis has been collecting dust in my port for months but you've convinced me to resume leveling the line again. Don't know why I ever stopped, because already Lightning is one of my favourite ships.
Jervis is also awesome in T7 ranked, though it suffers in randoms due to being uptiered so much. Honestly the whole line is just a blast, have fun going up it! It’s the only line where there isn’t really a bad ship at all.
@@DevilWarshipper every t7 dd suffers in t9 mm
There is no exception
This DD is hands down my most favourite dd if not ship in the entire game... You've got a heal and a hydro to sustain survivability, a decent detection range, quite usable torps even without being the best in class and boy the guns... This AP melts people. But Im not done yet, I believe this kind of smoke is the best as you can either get undetected quickly or smoke up and do a quick burst onto the enemy. Compared to the 2 min USN smoke I feel that this smoke suits me better, not that big of a sacrifice if you're getting pushed out of your smoke by hydro or radar and my subconscious almost always forces me to get the max out of my smokes so with those short smokes I dont limit my spotting capabilities as hard as I'd for example do with USN DDs... really awesome to see this Swiss pocket knife of a ship in a One Take
100% in agreement- honestly the value in US smoke is only really in smoking up something else which is hit and miss (mostly miss) in randoms if you aren’t in a div. Sitting in a 2 min smoke farming as a DD feels like a waste of spotting and is just begging to be torped, especially without a hydro. Daring smoke is awesome because it’s cheap to throw one to run away, but it’s long enough to farm and get some fires lit without risking torps as you need to be gone anyway before they arrive. Just a brilliant all-rounder, and by far my favourite ship!
I play the Daring with RPF, which is superstrong in ranked. Overall this is such a good DD. I prefer the Daring over any fully gunfocused DD, simply because your torps can hurt a lot and you can simply rush a t10 BB. This thing is an absolute beast.
i dont have Daring, but i did grab Vamp 2, and i love it, granted yes it plays a little different, but it is just a modified daring after all
The best DD hunting DD in game imo! Got her the second she was released and she continues to be my #1 ship in game!
At the benson just excited about how close the daring feels just excited about the fletcher
I like the Daring a lot but I can't help but appreciate the Jutland for it's much better concealment.
Im with ya there. Its only .3k, but I make the most of it! Jutland was my fav DD in game for years, now the vampire is my fav ship in game!😊 if you like the jutland(or daring) you will LOVE the vampire! o7
@@capthappy8884 I need to have a proper look at the vampire. Is it's concealment better? What's it's pros/cons compared to the Daring? If it's no trouble
@@tarkadal5563 np at all! I have a fun montage and a more descriptive vid here on yt(tho I havnt made a vid in months).
But quickly, she has 5.8k conceal so slightly better than daring. Only 5 torps instead of 10, but they single launch and 12km range instead of 10. If you watch the vids, you'll see how functional that extra 2k can be!
Guns are exactly the same. So farming or APing a DD are equally effective.
2 biggest differences/advantages are the crawling smoke and 5k hydro combo! Have to consider CV spotting, and where the radar cruisers are, but if adept at that(or get lucky with MM) you OWN caps/early pushing DDs!!! Simply push in early, BUT slow to 1/2 or 1/4 speed before you think you'll make contact with enemy DD. The second youre spotted, pop smoke and hydro and drop to 1/4 speed. If the enemy DD is nose in, they are screwed!
Only threats other than cvs n radar cruisers, are well played smalands, REALLY well played 6k hydro DDs(rare), and a rushing kleb can get to 2k away quick enough, and has the dpm and dmg saturation to win a 1v1.
Just my opinion, but its my fav ship in game. Has the most utility/game impact as a single ship. And is def the best at hunting DDs!😊 o7
@@capthappy8884 Thanks for breaking this down for me! Will definitely have to take a look at it. Much appreciated
yeah, regarding the Daring, the HE is disgusting when it comes to farming out BB. Also a quick note, the AP, the AP on the Daring is improved in terms of angles (DM angles) and has a short fuze (0.010 seconds), meaning that AP farming is a thing and also crushing DD with 25 mm plating is a thing, especially Elbing that you can crush with that DPM and the healing.
A good example, I was in clan wars and there was this poor sod running his GK, I just farmed him out with the HE and once I have a fire in his superstructure, because it's CW, everyone runs FP on their BB) so I swapped to the AP and simply crushed him down before he could ram my Kremlin, because the AP armed extremely well on that giant tumor on top of this battleship.
There's also a feature that is funny but hard to pull off, the conga line. It's extremely busted, extremely hard to pull off by stacking all the torpedoes on a single point. I remember, during convoy, there was a Napoli sitting nose-in on an island and I was looking at him, he was below my 10 km of range and couldn't spot me. So I dropped all of my torps on the poor guy and he just blew up. I tried later to pull the same on a Petropavlosk, but being much narrower (25 meters vs 28), couldn't hit him.
I would conclude with a small question. Some people say that, when mounting Cunningham on Daring, Superintendant isn't necessary. I personally think it's shooting oneself in the foot with it, but thoughts ?
I gave up Superintendent for Fearless Brawler to give the advantage when knife fighting. It give you a higher chance of winning that first engagement but over the course of the game you need those 2 kills otherwise you'll ultimately lose out.
Yeah the fires are really nuts. A normal game is going to have a lot more fires and damage from fires than that one.
ah, one correction:
most dds have the 0.01s fuze time (kleber, elbing, ragnar, marceau 0.03/0.025 and druid 0.005 :0).
however, daring has such low caliber guns that the fuze activates on dd hulls (19mm) which makes it usable in knife fights.
same with haru guns btw.
@@cemborembo yes but none have the improved pen angles that Daring has, which, couple with the short fuze, allow you to take knife fights with AP on pretty much any DD, if they can't damacon you fires
@@maudrysilvain5905 yup👍
Daring AP is great. On Chonky DDs it tears them up. These days the teams are SO bad.. last 22 days 281 battles I am like 46% WR yet a 1500+ PR… feels so bad.
I think Im around 80% on 150 games ^^ ... my daring is also solid though. although I do think those fire chances a bugged sometimes. had a daring game once with 600 HE shell hits without 1 single fire.
Finally got this today after much procrastination. It is downright filthy of a ship. I really don't see why gearing can't get a heal when ships like daring exist
Honestly I spew dragonbreath each time I get a chance to farm BBs. Times I got double/triple fires after BBs use damcon, pure bliss.
Your unluckiness hurt hard.
Fun to see that your enemy DDs allways run in a straight line instead of trying to dodge some bullets lol. i dont face that that often :(
Great vid PQ. Big fan of your content. Keep it up.
Daring is great but I've had the most success in lightning. That little thing just smashes.
Maybe a vid about the current iteration of subs? I don't recall one since they added oil slicks and visible pings. I find them to be nowhere near as annoying now, since they can't setup an ambush from 2km while pinging and torping, they have to spend the entire game sneaking basically to set it up, and well... that's not a good play. Destroyers are actually a good deterrent too now, since there are more (
What so you think about Dazzle on Daring?
I can attest that Daring usually has a much better fire chance. I average anywhere from 8-12 fires easily with mine and my aim is trash. That being said, you should really trust British AP more in the Daring, the burst is off worth the trade off of potential fires.
So 9% fire chance, going against Tier 10 should have had something like a 4% fire chance so that would have been ~ 12 fires. I think pyro makes sense with your last 2 points as it will increase your fire chance by about 10%.
can we get a druid one take? i got the ship and im still figuring out the kinks and the playstyle to use since its similar minus no HE and No torps and only bow guns.
My two cents: as you showed, Daring is an excellent cap contester and, in order to maximize his potential, Cunningham is extremely recommended (mandatory for a main dd player). The bonuses this captain gives are too good and too easy to get to give them up for a normal captain. He can increase the speed, the number of consumables by 1 (wich means till to 4 repair party) and reduce the reload time of every armament by 10%. That's the main combo who makes Daring so tough to deal with for almost every other dd, no matter the kind (gunboat or hybrid). Even a Ragnar, the perfect hunter-killer, should pay attention to the combo Cunningham-Daring when the bonuses are active. Last but not least, never underestimate the AP potential of the Daring and the skill Radio Location, these two perks can really change the outcome of a fight.
British dds are so fun to play with! Cossack is my favorite
Its not only the Daring: The jervis starts the hype, the lightning and the jutland are equally good dd at their tier. T
I always take rpf on all of my DDs. It is good against subs and sneaky DDs. RPF is good defensively, and offensively (I killed countless ships by using RPF - predictive torping).
stupid me decided to grind the british dd line as my first dd line and my god i suffered with the acasta. currently at the icarus, on a temporary hiatus from british dd
Life gets much better at Jervis. Lightning above is great.
Love the videos PQ, could you do a video on the mods that you use ?
In my vampire should I use ap on dds or he?
Question for you PQ: In a DD, AP shells shot from a distance will most always hit the ships "deck"! So """at range""" what difference does it make whether he is broadside or bow tanking?
Personally, I use HE 99% of the time!
I think you have the same model Daring as I do.... I hardly ever get fires
A good Daring is a menace.
Closest comparison the Vamp 2(3x the grind, should've been a coal ship)I have also, even though its a great ship and it just doesn't outplay a Daring.
can you do z23 one take please? i love it so much
They need to cut down on the segments in the bureau projects maybe to 10 instead of 12
I get these kind of games every time with Daring like your 1st match, doing my damnest to win, but still losing every freaking time. got 36 % win percentage on daring in 41 matches.. my PR is 1556. which isn't great but ain't bad either..
If you’re still taking suggestions. Then can you show the Dutch cruisers with airs strike build
One of my favorite ships!
Can we get a one take on the Groningen please ❤️ love the content!
How do you farm battleships with DD? I’m guessing with torps? Or do you use HE rounds
Usually smoke firing, but the idea is you want to force the bb to use dcp and then immediately target it to get perma fires or floods for max damage in that engagement
he for farming (preferably in smoke), when the bb rushes, torp them
@@jgcrypto5485 how do you target a damage control party?
@@danielyork3406 usually after getting 2 consecutive fires the bb or cruiser will dcp, that's when you go for the perma fires.
Watch the ship closely and see if its burning or not also if you are the one that lights first fires watch your damage count and if it stops ticking you know it used dcp
0.44 do you really outgun kita?
its about 1% Firechance (2 in 200 = 1 in 100. Math. Not statisticly) :D As far as i can tell it's not possible to reach the firechance it says in the Port. Any Shell that hits a Part already on fire lowers that percentage. Than, it's WG. And i believe its not all RNG what they want you to make think of RNG. MM for example. On this one it was them who said: we don't wanna change MM so people have these exciting matches (and the enemies grind/pay even harder). What i can tell from my own view is that most of the Replays you'll see are a one or two Tier difference Match.
I don't have Daring yet, still at Jutland. I just love my Shima too much. I love to play with that Concealement xD But imho Daring is the best DD in doing DD things.
That KungFu Barbie Guy dances with that thing... always impressed
do u do reviews?
Tons, check out his channel.
0:45 wait daring can outgun kitakaze???
Wow daring !
Could you make a top 10 ships to farm credits?
No.1 Missouri
No.2 Any Premium ship you do well in
No.3 Any tech line ship with bonus pack
No.4 Superships
@@derrickstorm6976 top 10 not tier 10
@@wilhelmt.muller170 Ty
id really appreciate a video with a explanation on how to exploit teammates. like the playerbase skill level is so heavily decreasing, im unable to adapt to random matches. they are just so poorly played, no idea what to do. gold rank 1, hurricane league cb player btw - even though that means not alot, but id say im a okayish player.
This DD is good. Compared to Gearing this DD is just miles better.
Demolition expert is Great for UK DDs. not only does it start fires better (enhancing UK DDs strengths), but the depth charges are also "brutal" with demolition expert.
Yes UK DDs light fires quite well. RNG sucks sometimes too lol. 300+ hits and 2 fires? that's less than 1% and it's supposed to be 9% WTF RNG? That shouldn't ever happen!
That minimap icon size is making my eyes bleed.
Then again I do need glasses so maybe it's just me
Yeah, he's playing in 4K, probably on a big'ish monitor or TV so...
Just played a T6 game. Both teams had 2 CVs and 3 subs. This game is hot garbage.
Immelmann was useless. He had connection issues and he said that his planes kept spinning around. When this happens it means he had high ping strikes. So you didn’t have a cv basically 80% of the battle. And he is on the bottom. I know personally a guy that had internet problems but he kept playing regardless. Which was bad, constant lags, disconnects. Awful. Fix the internet after such battle and before playing another one.
They need to put the dispersion back into the camo... That way the camo will be relevant again, and dispersion will be where it needs to be.
I have the research done for the Daring, but have yet paid for it.... Been that way for about 8 months, now. Mainly due to me not playing T10. I keep thinking about all the ship XP I'm missing out on, so tend to stay away from T10, because of that single reason; as well as all elite ships I have.... and any premiums I've unlocked (I don't buy anything with real money with this game, just play to unlock shit). About the only times I play T10 consistently is for Ranked (which doesn't happen, often)... And goto premium is the Musashi for Silver, since I missed out on the Missouri.
The number of videos featuring Shimas dying in spectacularly stupid ways is both hilarious and depressing.
I suppose that goes for DDs generally, but Shimas seem particularly bad.
Do whaT?
THIS GAME IS A RIP OFF!!!!! Don't waist your hard earn money on this ,Your feeding the Russian war machine!!!!