It sounds good at first, but it kinda falls flat. As long as you believe in a single God/Deity, you're not an Atheist. Atheist means "Without Gods". Just believing in one contradicts the term.
Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and slaughters visible nature.... without realizing that this nature he slaughters is the invisible God he worships. _(Hubert Reeves)_
KJCrush The point of the quote is not the definition of atheism; it's the fact that monotheistic followers of one faith fail to apply to their own ideology the skepticism that they direct against other faiths. Essentially, the quote accuses monotheists of hypocricy.
ghettofreeze There's overwhelming evidence of a higher power being specifically manifested to humanity exactly according to Biblical narratives. Both the Old Testament and current events in our generation attest of a higher power accompanying Christ's anointed with others being slain under the powers of the Holy Spirit via laying on of hands as observed at Benny Hinn's services around the world support the actual existence of the divine Almighty of Christianity as no other religion in world history.
Not really. There are plenty of Intelligent Christians, that contribute to society and science. Times and times again it's been shown that Religious beliefs or lack there off are not related to person's intelligence. It's easier to indoctrinate stupid people, but when you are Indoctrinated from a child and live in a society that supports your delusion, it will stick with you even if you might question it. Many Christians compromise and try to make sense of their beliefs in a way that makes it compatible with scientific discoveries.
Toveri Juri I agree that you can be intelligent and suffer from delusions at the same time however most of the faithful are uneducated and weak minded.
whitepowderbob It's a possibility if you take the whole world into consideration, but I don't really buy it. Certainly not about western society where the level of education is quite high. At least I won't believe it unless is see some statics supporting your claim. If there are, I admit I'm wrong. Same goes for weak mindedness. Sounds rather bitter and to be based more on your gut feeling than reason and scientific evidence.
"Don't be arrogant" 27:00 How come atheists are considered arrogant for thinking that they are a small, ephemeral, insignificant part of the universe while Christians are considered humble for thinking that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE WAS MADE FOR THEM??
Here I am referring to the fundamentalist who do not believe in evolution. I won't get into the modern Christians who have to contend with science not suggesting virgin births or after lifes, and especially no human being the son of a God
LittleMiss :o you literally sound so ridiculous I never thought there is a person in this world as dumb as you are but here I have found you a buthurt “feminist” 🤦🏻♂️
"Dont be arrogant" said a guy who believes in the almighty god who not only chosed humans among other life forms ,but also made us some kind of projection of himself. Wow, that's a whole new level of hypocricy.
Isn't a human being made in the image of god Kuba? Perfect in every way? I'm still having a hard time understanding why we balls up at every turn even though we're perfect. Probably down to free will. Then again; if we are perfect, wouldn't we always choose the right thing to do. Puzzling... Of course we're the special ones. Did you think it was the dolphins? Those suckers can't even start a good war, neither do they have the good sense to be miserable like us.
+ Kuba, True,but I do think Richard Dawkins can come over as being quite preachy,too.Not all religious people are arrogant and push their viiews and some atheists can be just as pushy with theirs.I believe in God but don't push my views on others.
Brilliant program, I think this should be shown in all schools all over the world to young children and let them make their own mind up!! Before the religions of the world corrupt their minds
I find him annoying, I like Hitchens and Carlin so I don't get what it is I don't like about Dawkins. I still like his theories, but there is something about him I just can't stand.
Atheist lelfComment I am fascinated by something too type this in you tube 5 scariest cases of demonic possession ever the video last 12:00 the channel is world 5 list
I didn't say he was stupid, I just said he doesn't know anything about philosophy and religion, it's a subject he fundamentally doesn't understand, but he arrogantly thinks he does. He's so dismissive of anything that isn't natural science, as if philosophy is useless. I mean, Ted Haggard sucks just as much, but for entirely different reasons.
For one thing, he has dismissed essentially all of philosophy as a waste of time due to it not being science, but with religion specifically he thinks that the natural sciences can be applied to a religious discussion, which they can't. Religion doesn't treat itself scientifically, in the way that modern science is defined. All of these Evangelicals that try to use modern science to prove their religion, are guilty of the same thing. Basically, he thinks that every argument has to be a scientific argument, when it's just not the case. If he had a debate with William Lane Craig for example, he would get his ass handed to him.
2:20 - "religious faith discourages independent thought". When I was younger, I questioned God. I asked my mom, "if God made us, then where does God come from? Who made him?" She immediately dismissed this, and said 'we don't ask those kinds of questions. We just know it's a miracle". Looking back, I am angry at this. Religion really does limit knowledge. Had I had the freedom to ask questions, & think about things, I could have been a lot farther than I am today. Now I am 26 & I am finally learning about all the things "we" were told NOT to learn about, or to "not believe", because it "went against God". It's disgusting. And to think how much further society as a while would be, if they were more open-minded & didn't limit themselves due to a religion. So much more could have been learned, taught, advanced, etc. Instead of people saying "God won't allow this".
Ton of Proof the Bible is True Proof Jesus is God from sources outside of the Bible While I'd need a time machine to physically prove His miracles (curing the sick, giving sight to the blind, making the deaf able to hear, and raising people from the dead), the written record is what we have just like any historical matter. You should look into a subject called "historicity." It's the historical verification of the authenticity of literature of every type. Historicity proves the scriptures to be the most accurate documents in the world. Anyhow, here are three proofs of God's existence (who cannot lie). The same logic falls to Lord Jesus with everything God says about Him. (1) There's the case of the blood of Jesus itself. After Jesus was brutally murdered on the cross for you personally (though you have to accept what He did for you) and me, it seeped down into a cave beneath the hill that He was on. Jesus's blood was found, at first it was just suspicion, and it was taken to a testing lab to see what it really was. The men performing the blood tests were Jews (not the biggest fans of Jesus). They concluded that this blood only had 23 chromosomes (autosomes) while the rest of us have 46 chromosomes. This proves the Bible true (yet again) that Jesus was born of the Spirit of God and carried in the womb of a virgin. Additionally, there's the fact that white blood cells can only live for about 2 weeks which proves Jesus is God and that through Him we have eternal life, because His blood is still living! (2) Then there's the fact that there have been numerous crazy people throughout history all claiming to be God and they all died. The difference with Jesus is that He died after having claimed to be God several times, BUT Jesus ALSO rose back to life from the dead! No one else has ever risen back to life that has ever claimed to be God. That alone is worth putting your faith in Lord Jesus for. Are you familiar with psychology? It states that delusions are deeply personal matters and cannot be shared by multiple people. Did you know hundreds of people saw Jesus alive (resurrected and in perfect health) after He was murdered for us so that we could have life through Him? Did you know that at least a dozen people saw Him ascend up into heaven where He said He goes to prepare a place for us and that He will return for us so that we can be with Him for eternity in joy and life? That's called eyewitness testimony and it holds up in courts around the world. (3) Have you ever heard of somatids? Somatids are microscopic energy particles. They are found in all things including humans, animals, fruit, veg, and the sap of plants and also in lifeless organic matter like rocks and ashes. They are apparently indestructible. This is important due to the fact that the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another. The point of bringing up the first law of thermodynamics is that God (who walked with men on two separate occasions) taught us that He is literally all of existence. Absolutely everything that exists does so due to Him and through Him (somatids prove this). --- Proof the Bible is True Question: Did you know a 2,000 year old Bible prophecy was just fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017? This is a 2,000 year old Bible prophecy (called the Revelation 12 sign) that was fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017. We saw it coming in the sky using modern sky mapping software programs such as Stellarium. Those who were in Israel could see the sign with their very own eyes without the use of optical enhancements. This proves that the Bible is true due to the fact that no man 2,000 years ago could have known this once in forever (forever, not a lifetime) sign would appear. The research has been done and the conclusion is that in all of history this sign has never appeared before and will never appear again. The Revelation 12 sign in Three Minutes: --- Modern Mark of the Beast Technology Proves The Bible True Revelation 13:16-17 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 14:9-11 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. These 2,000 year old scriptures are today's technology: the Quantum Dot Tattoo that goes in the forehead, the RFID chip that goes in the hand, and the fake vaccine that only changes your DNA. --- First Law of Thermodynamics Literally everything in existence proves God's existence. Just take a quick look at the First Law of Thermodynamics as an example. It states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, yet here it is. Then we have almighty God, who has walked among men twice now, stating that He literally created everything Himself and that nothing exists except through His sustaining will. --- Pure science and logic proving God's existence in this book: Book: "On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision" by William Lane Craig gives dozens of proofs of God's existence. I'll even buy the book for you if you'd like. This book was a major factor in me realizing my stupid atheist beliefs were totally wrong. There is nothing but proof for God's existence. --- Also, I have a playlist titled "Kent Hovind Creation Seminar" which absolutely tears the theory of evolution (theory means it's not proven) to shreds and shows you why and how God's creation account (created heaven and earth in 6 days and the planet is only 6,000 years old now) is accurate and to be trusted.
Hebrew school teaches kids to question authority and ask questions always. That's once religion that does exparte independent thought. I grew up in a church that wanted everyone to read the bible and do our own research instead of taking our minister's word for anything. Some of the statements Dawkins make are a broad sweeping remarks that sound condescending.
We laugh at people who believe the Earth is Flat or that the moon is made out of Cheese. But how is it any more ridiculous in believing that there is an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do and you must worship him to please him . Worship of such things is really a Delusion. Believing something you can't see or have no evidence of is foolishness.
+Tamera Lewis Mankind has tried to understand God ever since their beginning, thousands of years and no one has come one with the correct way. No religion can claim truth they are just biased viewpoints made long ago. Gravity, love, and life they exist we experience their effects and the impacts they make are clear. But what of God, God is not well defined, there is not one universal view or understanding of who or what God is. Those who claim to know it and say that is it true or either fools or completely mad.
+Tamera Lewis No its not, how come there exists thousands of religions with people having different experiences? Everyone who has had vision or miracles have had very difference experiences of what they saw and heard, which proves that there is no single truth, your religion is not the only truth, you do not have monopoly on god and morals. You are just being pretentious by claiming that you know what god wants and what you think you know is the one and only truth. Its either every religion is right or every religion is wrong. You can't prove that Islam, Buddhism, Judaism are false. Their beliefs are just as real or false as yours.
+Tamera Lewis there is a evidence of gravity, it surrounds us. we can feel it and we can describe it, if we jump we fall down. but there is no such feel for a god. its not like we dont see it.
thezekroman you obviously went to a very evangelical church full on cunts, But mate most Christians are not like that man, it’s sad that you think that
I get what I think about God and his ways not from people, I get it from the Bible. Start with Proverbs ch1, ... ch9. And if you don't think the Bible is sure about God enough in the first place, look at 1cor15 and psalm22 and Voddie Baucham give the talk about the reliability of authenticity of the writings.
@@isaacleillhikar4566 oh really? Well your still getting your belief from people and man because the bible has been rewritten / re translated 1000s of times over thousands of years the bible is no longer the original bible theres not one original left of the first bible.... therefore the current bible is 100% the word of man
@@isolochickeens so what if it was translated many times? Are you supposing My English Standard Vertion is a translation of the King James? Or things like that? Every next translation is a translation of the original documents we have. Not previous translations.
@@isaacleillhikar4566 are you that illogical that you dont understand that everytime it was changed it was litterally altered to fit in things man wanted at the time to control the people with? Alot of the bible stories arnt from the original but were made by man to instill a belief into the current population for political control? Theres a reason theres so many contradictions in the bible making it extremely hard to believe in Edit: ok ok to make it more understandable for you.... IT IS NO LONGER THE WORD OF GOD
+Chaosmagican I'm with you 100 percent...I don't this guy ever stood a chance of normalcy...he was fucked from fact, just like most religious hard liners...they would hold to their faith in the light of total truth of no's called faith..or madness take your pic...
+Chaosmagican he was later outed as having a gay relationship with a call boy... and he's a bit of a meth junkie... i think his name is haggard... there's another docu about him after the scandal, and the way he's optimistcally dealing with being more or less shunned... but jeeezus and his family are helping him along... oh, and he isn't gay, it was the drugs and the devil n' stuff apparently.
When I was a believer I hated him I despised him , my religious comrades and me used to laugh about him being stupid deluded Atheist ........well I am an atheist myself and I think he is one of the most intelligent people in the world , it took me too long to come to this understandings . lol I guess better late then never . My advise to believers : have an open mind, search deeply not just on the surface coz most believers think they know something about science and logic but they know very little .
Nathan El Jesus loves humans. Satan is not human. All can be saved if they love God but those who hate God are going to get it when Daddy comes home...
Thank you! That’s exactly what I came to see! It’s probably my fave part. Direct debate face to face between two men who wholeheartedly stand firm in the things they believe
+joydivisiongirl He's blind to spiritual matter, and leading you into the ditch. Repent from your rebellion against God Yehveh, believe in Yehveh and His only begotten Son, Jesus Yeshua the Messiah, be born again by the Spirit of God, and let Him open your eyes to the truth. We are living in dangerous times, the end of this age of grace, receive Him while you still can.
Religion, preys on the young minds and the minds of people that are vulnerable, it hijacks the mind and stops human ability for critical thinking. The world will remain in chaos until Religion is fully exposed for its evil and moronic ways.
That was Ted love's meth and Male hookers. I always thought he was a liar and he finally admitted it. Mega churches usually have gold digger ministers who don't pay their taxes.
6:00 Crazy lady says. "I got a lot out of it. I got faith. I got trust. And a belief that there is a person up there stronger than any medical person." - Richard's reply. "Right. What about a cure then." Hahaha.
In millons of years into the future, history will state: That early religious humans each believed in the supremacy of their particular gods of worship. Today though as we all clearly understand how our universe formed, back then virtually all of these 4,200 religions and their followers all believed that the universe was the creation of their particular god. Today whilst we enjoy inter planetary communications with other varied forms of intelligent life, we can still joke about the primitive and superstitious beliefs of our ancestors.
Listen Paul DG. MY religion will still be around in a million year's time. Bringing common sense and logic into an argument is really ungentlemanly of you and I can guarantee that my god will be around to 'sort you out.' I suggest you switch off your analytical brain and stop resorting to logical arguments. Let's have a level playing field here.
Keith Williams hahaha no, (your)religion will be shorted to 10% of where it is now, in the 150 years to come. Religion has already shrinked atleast 15% in the last 80 years. Can you realise how fast that is? 80 years out of 10.000 years existence of humans. Why? Thanks to science, we found out what really happens/happened around us. We have internet/tv wich influences people with facts. While in history, everyone was just influenced by religious nonsense around them. Sorry, religion will be mostly gone in next 50 years. I promise you this 'harsh' truth.
No idea which end you're coming from here Joe. I'm a bloody atheist and don't need convincing. You're quite right (I hope,) religion will be gone by then. It could even be sooner...
Keith Williams I think that he probably took your previous reply as verbatim, without realizing that you were actually mocking religion. As you say, lets's ignore critical thinking and place our trust in unfounded superstition. Lol.
Since the beginning of the creation of the earth, God sent messengers and with them wrote his massages from God to be a pilgrimage to humans that God is the Creator .. The family of the Prophet Abraham and his descendants chose the children of Israel, all prophets of Isaac and Ishmael to Jacob and the Abbas and Moses and David and Solomon and Jesus Peace be upon him and finally Muhammad peace be upon them .. And every messenger prophet with the book of Zuburr and the Torah the Bible and the Koran and the tablets Moses peace be upon him .. And the Quran that came down on Muhammad peace be upon him .. and prophet after him .. All of them are for one message .. God is the creator of everything ..
His name is Ted Haggard. I kind of feel sorry for him, he was sexually abused by his father's employee as a child and wet the bed until 6th grade. He was a homosexual but suppressed his tendencies due to religion. Watch this video and you will get what I mean:
No he isn't, he can't be by definition he speaks Devine truth, only those with opposed views can be arrogant!!! That is how it works there. Only truth the pastor revealed was in regards to the land ownership when he said get off my property claiming the land as his own,what a fraud!!!
@@cperera910 Really. Walking into a congegration to talk with the leader, and immediatrly associating them with the "Nuremburg Rallies" and Goebbels?! Like, seriously?
@@fundhund62Goebbels followed his leader instruction's to the letter so as some christen pastors who pass on gods promises of never ending good times in haven, the same god who created the original sin and the devil as the creator of all things and destroyed most living things leaving Noah and his family to repopulate the humans with incest. Rally around people believe this . Well before Hitler, Stalin. Poll Pott , Mao ordered mass murderer's The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12) 4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21) 5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15). "seriously"
I'm a recent atheist inside of a Christian family. I wouldn't say I was ever a solid believer but a skeptic but now as of the past 2 years I am a true atheist. No one in my family knows, it kind of feels like I'm hiding behind enemy lines, but one day when the time is right I will let them all know, I can already hear my mother telling me to return to Jesus
23:04 lol. I can only imagine what is running through his head. And "He called my children animals." Don't Christians call themselves the sheep (all too appropriate) of God?
" whatever his next abode may be "?? You primitive dick 🧠 . You do understand that your veiled threats of divine retribution are laughable to an atheist, don't you? You may as well threaten us with Santa . Can you not see that this jerk ( the preacher), is a con man ? He has relieved you of your money , you stoopid sap .
"no true scotsman" There are religious nuts all over the world and they can be extremely dangerous. Moderate people are not dangerous. It's the ones who are so certain about their BS you have to watch out for.
I'm more worried that these kinds of people can be involved in politics, schools, and is the one manipulation doctrine that is legal. Not that I'm saying everyone who believes in some religion doesn't have good intentions, just that their "faith" is irrational and not necessary to have good intentions. Religion is basically making people think they can only be good by having "faith," but we all know scientists, inventors, and critical thinkers are the actual one's pushing man forward, not these myths.
nothing is more dangerous, than a person who clears their concious of their actions by asking for forgiveness from imaginary being. if not regilions turned into cults. What i see is lot of religions turned into cults just to profit received from the followers, whenever money, influence or power.
"You'll find yourself wrong on somethings, and right on somethings. But please in the process don't be arrogant." Ohhhh Ted you sweet, sweet walking sack of contradiction.
When this happens, and it will, but, we will not be the ones with the nukes, it will be because it was prophesied to be. The book of Revelation is a great documentary to give a little insight from for such a time as this. Praying for souls! ❤
27:23 lol The God guy actually insulted Richard Dawkins by injecting the idea of Richards' grandchildren laughing at his life's work! lol He insulted Richard first lol Now that's irrational.
24:40 "A book written over 1,500 years, by different authors, on one subject, and it doesn't contradict itself." *Thou shalt not kill.....* 1 Samuel 15:2-3 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. Deuteronomy 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: *War or peace?* EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen. *Who was Joseph's father?* MAT 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. LUK 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. *Listen to a fool....or not?* PRO 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. PRO 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. *How did Judas die?* MAT 27:5 And he (Judas) cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests...bought with them the potter's field." ACT 1:18 Now this man (Judas) purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out." *Which came first, Man or beast?* GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. *The three different last words of Christ.* MAT 27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost." LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." JOH 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." *AND SOOOO MANY MORE!*
L1Games the bible contradicts itself every which way. And then you have the New Testament, which cherry picks from the Old Testament and demands that you believe it is the word of god. Go away
God used israel to judge the wicked nations and make himself a people Deuteronomy 9:5 Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; moses was singing praise to God for delivering them from eygpt Exodus 15:1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him. The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea. God bring peace in Jesus christ being born again Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith here a answer from gotquestions dot org on who is josephs father One explanation, held by the church historian Eusebius, is that Matthew is tracing the primary, or biological, lineage while Luke is taking into account an occurrence of “levirate marriage.” If a man died without having any sons, it was tradition for the man’s brother to marry the widow and have a son who would carry on the deceased man’s name. According to Eusebius’s theory, Melchi (Luke 3:24) and Matthan (Matthew 1:15) were married at different times to the same woman (tradition names her Estha). This would make Heli (Luke 3:23) and Jacob (Matthew 1:15) half-brothers. Heli then died without a son, and so his (half-)brother Jacob married Heil’s widow, who gave birth to Joseph. This would make Joseph the “son of Heli” legally and the “son of Jacob” biologically. Thus, Matthew and Luke are both recording the same genealogy (Joseph’s), but Luke follows the legal lineage while Matthew follows the biological. Most conservative Bible scholars today take a different view, namely, that Luke is recording Mary’s genealogy and Matthew is recording Joseph’s. Matthew is following the line of Joseph (Jesus’ legal father), through David’s son Solomon, while Luke is following the line of Mary (Jesus’ blood relative), through David’s son Nathan. Since there was no Greek word for “son-in-law,” Joseph was called the “son of Heli” by marriage to Mary, Heli’s daughter. Through either Mary’s or Joseph’s line, Jesus is a descendant of David and therefore eligible to be the Messiah. Tracing a genealogy through the mother’s side is unusual, but so was the virgin birth. Luke’s explanation is that Jesus was the son of Joseph, “so it was thought” (Luke 3:23). another answer from got questions about fools Answer: Proverbs has much to say about fools. They despise wisdom (Proverbs 1:7, 22, 10:21, 23:9); they are right in their own eyes (Proverbs 12:15); they are deceitful (Proverbs 14:8) and scornful (Proverbs 10:23, 14:9). The wise are also given instruction on how to deal with fools in Proverbs. Instructing a fool is pointless because his speech is full of foolishness (Proverbs 15:2, 14) and he does not want wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 18:2). The futility of trying to impart wisdom to a fool is the basis of Proverbs 26:4-5, which tell us how to answer a fool. These seemingly contradictory verses are actually a common form of parallelism found in the Old Testament, where one idea builds upon another. Verse 4 warns against arguing with a fool on his own terms, lest we stoop to his level and become as foolish as he is. Because he despises wisdom and correction, the fool will not listen to wise reason and will try to draw us into his type of argument, whether it is by using deceit, scoffing at our wisdom, or becoming angry and abusive. If we allow him to draw us into this type of discourse, we are answering him “according to his folly” in the sense of becoming like him. The phrase “according to his folly” in verse 5, on the other hand, tells us that there are times when a fool has to be addressed so that his foolishness will not go unchallenged. In this sense answering him according to his folly means to expose the foolishness of his words, rebuking him on the basis of his folly so he will see the idiocy of his words and reasoning. Our “answer” in this case is to be one of reproof, showing him the truth so he might see the foolishness of his words in the light of reason. Even though he will most likely despise and reject the wisdom offered to him, we are to make the attempt, both for the sake of the truth which is always to be declared, and for the sake of those listening, that they may see the difference between wisdom and folly and be instructed. Whether we use the principle of verse 4 and deal with a fool by ignoring him, or obey verse 5 and reprove a fool depends on the situation. In matters of insignificance, it’s probably better to disregard him. In more important areas, such as when a fool denies the existence of God (Psalm 14:1), verse 5 tells us to respond to his foolishness with words of rebuke and instruction. To let a fool speak his nonsense without reproof encourages him to remain wise in his own eyes and possibly gives credibility to his folly in the eyes of others. In short, in negligible issues we should just ignore fools, but in issues that matter, they must be dealt with so that credence will not be given to what they say judus hanged himself and his bloated corpse busted open due to tree or rope break God created the animals then later God created the animals in front of adam instantly for him to name and have the right help but none of the would do so God made woman Genesis 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. about the last words on the cross From an apologetics site dedicated to showing possible resolutions to Bible discrepancies: contenderministries. First, John was nearer to the cross and probably heard things the others didn't. John is referred to in scripture as the disciple that Jesus loved (John 13:23). Notice he is mentioned as being near the cross of Jesus. John 19:25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home." Notice, in the verse above, Jesus is speaking only to Mary and John who are directly below the cross. When John recounts the events at the cross, he's focusing on what was said privately to him at the foot of the cross and what's said to those standing close by - the plea of thirst, the statement of completion, and the turning over of responsibility for Jesus' mother to John. Matthew focused on the words Jesus said "in a loud voice" to all that were there (the crowd). The Last thing Matthew heard was "My god, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Then a loud cry before giving up the ghost. Luke hears the same loud cry that Matthew mentions, but also hears after that, probably because he's closer, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit". It makes sense that he would say "My God, My God..." in a louder voice than he would say his last words commending his spirit into the father's hands. When Jesus asked for something to drink, he was speaking to those below the cross where John was standing. John heard what the others farther back heard, but also heard the dialogue about asking the people near the cross for water and his quieter statement, "It is finished". Here are the three accounts put together: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?' that is to say, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'....Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice said , 'Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:' (notice the cry with a loud voice is separated from Jesus commending His spirit, probably quieter), then he said softly, 'It is finished:' and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
I'll never forget the time when I was only 27...and my grandfather was dying....never seen a family member die before...and it was slow. He was an ex navy man from WW2, he was one of those old guys who was a hard drinking, hard working, real tough old guy, and he had this horrid thing on his back that was killing him and he never sought out medical advice just put up with the pain right until he got the death rattle...towards the end a priest came around to the house and started to pray out loud, granddad sat up and told him in some very colorful language to get the fuck out of my house etc etc...I guess he had seen enough shit to realise that no god would allow things like that to happen and call it part of some grand plan...
"I don't communicate an air of superiority over the people because I know so much more.... and if you (did the things I'd done) then you would be great like me" Um. Shall you tell him or shall I?
true, but that Muslim guy is scary too. As always, it is directed against women in short skirts (thus freed from male dominion and what males forbid and do not forbid and keep women in check), and that the entire world will fall to Allah. According to Jews, it will fall to them; and according to the Christians, to the Christians. God must be pretty stupid or evil to spread such confusion. Except that it isn't God talking but people.
yes, but Jesus had a deep message - he was not American! at the same time I feel much compassion for Americans (not for the American gangsters who plunder and molest the world and kill children - see Iona Craig), but the VULNERABLE (America hates the vulnerable) because they live in the most empty voided existence, a circus society and in the corruption and criminality of Big Business, in the mechanical programming, they are lonely, abandoned, cheated of life, dispossessed, unloved. Every one here is unloved! Only pretending. It is horrible not to be loved. I even cry for the ones I know who have gone to people like this preacher. It is a wound in me. They are helpless, hopeless - where can they go? there is no one to turn to. No one you can respect.
+Ralf Heinz ..pfft..Dawkins couldnt punch anybodys teeth out..dude is an arrogant little weasel of a man..Dawkins is lucky the creepy preacher didnt sock him in that arrogant mouth of his w/ his Nuremberg rally and Dr Goebbels would've been proud..insult..
Shortly after that, I find it hilarious where he said "When you age, you'll find that you're right on some things, wrong on other things." This is so obviously rote drivel that Haggard uses when he's "counseling" teenage boys, he loses sight of the fact that he's talking to a man who is probably 20 years his senior (not to mention 120 IQ points higher). I'm a little surprised his next move was not trying to remove Dawkin's jacket and massage his shoulders.
I know the UK is going to be out of the EU (which i as a Dutch person don't like it. UK should be part of the brotherhood!!) but that's great they do these kind of philosophy. Philosophy is sooo important to think for yourself.
Herman Willems I totally agree, and think that my education is my most prized possesion as it allows me to rationally make descisions and form opinions for myself.
When I was a kid, I prayed to God for years with no luck. Then I prayed to Santa one time and got my bike that Xmas. I knew Santa wasn't real, so that was a turning point for me...true story LOL
It really shows why people work so hard to indoctrinate kids. They need to instill a *DEEP* love and/or fear of their deity. Because it only takes one little thing for a kid to see things for how they really are, and then it all comes crashing down.
I grew up wanting to be a scientist, I was the kid that saw Jurassic Park and wanted to be a paleontologist. I watched the Discovery Channel documentaries about dinosaurs, and Stone Age people, and I marveled at how far we’ve come, how ancient the earth is, and I wanted to learn more. I always accepted evolution as being true, it was never a question for me. I didn’t really get into religion until I was fifteen, after my grandma died. After a little study I realized I didn’t like Christianity, so became a Wiccan instead, and I knew I didn’t seriously believe it, it just looked “cool” and “different” and I was in a punk phase. I didn’t take religion seriously until I was raped. After I was raped I had a mental breakdown and ended up in the psych ward, I lost my job and insurance, I needed some kind of counseling so my sister set me up to talk to her pastor who would only see me if I became a member of his church (independent Baptist). I ended up getting baptized. I was in a very vulnerable state and I got pressured into joining a religion. It ended up taking over my life, I was giving them a lot of my money and my time, I was very afraid of hell. After about a year I decided to leave the church and the pastor called me and said he was “afraid for my soul” 😂 It’s been 10 years now, and I’m only now back to a place where religion doesn’t bring me anxiety. After reading the early history of god, and misquoting Jesus, I remembered that the claims christians make aren’t founded in any sort of reality. Jesus and Yahweh are just one more god among many and aren’t worth taking seriously
After breaking free of religion I can’t fathom how anyone can still believe. Then I remember how hard it was for myself and I feel sorry for those without the resolve and fortitude to criticize not the beliefs others, but themselves. Being honest with oneself is an uphill climb where one foot wishes the comfort at the base.
That pastor looks textbook evil. I get that he is totally pissed off and triggered that Awesome Dawkings attacking his beliefs...but he really looks evil.
God: Creates humans and gives them "free will" God: Damns you to suffer in hell for all of eternity because you don't do exactly what he wants you to do.
@ge st And why did He harden the Pharoah's heart? Because he WANTED his heart to be hardened. After God had repeatedly told him to let the Israelities go, Pharoah stubbonely refuses. So God said "ok fine. Have it YOUR way." The Bible says that theres a way that seems right to men but that way leads to destruction. So God harderned Pharaoh's heart, because the Pharaoh WANTED a hardened heart. He became a reprobate. And it happens even today, when God constitenly warns people to change their ways, yet people don't want to. They want to live their own way. So God hardens their heart only because they WANTED their hearts to be hardened.
That's just one example of how you can see that the Bible was not written by God but by people looking to control the masses, because god was never real
"and if you only read the books I know, and if you only know the scientists I know, than you would be great like me...... well..... Sir" lol.. can't stop laughing :D
Back then I used to show hate and emotional conflict to these sort of things, but now, I have never laughed so much in all my life at how people argue over silly things! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And the music in this just makes me roll to the floor with laughter!!!!!
I love how Pastor Horrid, or whatever his name is, is like "don't be arrogant." Interesting, Pastor. What is it you think you're acting like? ARROGANT. He's also a gigantic walking hypocrite.
Charles Siong you nailed it. both of those wackos were ready to explode. i guess when you're unsure of who you really are, when other people question the lies that you believe that make you feel better about yourself, it makes you raging mad. gotta love how the ex jew is now a radicalized muslim that was blaming the atheist for his former religion's occupation of palestine. the guy's a hot mess. but he sure did look the part. you can tell he spends as much time in front of the mirror getting down his jihad look, as he does in prayer. if he prays at all. i don't know how he'd ever find the time as much as he's blaming people for the actions of others. "Look how you dress your women?" "I don't dress our women! Our women dress our women." LOL!
More like a psychopath. Psychopaths: Lack of guilt/remorse Lack of empathy Lack of deep emotional attachments Narcissism Superficial charm Dishonesty Manipulativeness Reckless risk-taking Sociopaths: Repeated violations of the law Pervasive lying and deception Physical aggressiveness Reckless disregard for safety of self or others Consistent irresponsibility in work and family environments Lack of remorse There is also no emotion in his eyes when he is speaking about what is supposed to be his passion. Psychopaths are known to have dead eyes and stare at you without looking away.
"What do you hope to get out of this?" "I've got a lot out of this, I've got faith, ive got trust, I've got belief that there's a person up there stronger than any medical person." "Right. What about a cure though?" Bahaha savage.
Unfortunenatly the people who should watch this program will never watch it. Maybe one or two. The majority of religious people are stubborn. I gave up hope.
Indeed. It's very frustrating to know that the people who hate Richard Dawkins the most are people who have never heard or read a single word that he has ever said or written.
Zsuzsanna Circleedge because man wants control. so religion is formed with truth and lies working in tandem with the luciferin nwo. God is not religion he is alone the great I AM, there is no one like him. This world is set up at birth for souls to go to hell. True believers know God and his coming is soon.
Not religious people. Religious fundamentalists. They are the ones who bring their beliefs to the extreme and keep their minds closed to other possibilities.
Jason r there has been sightings of the moth man in Chicago this is not good it gives me a bad feeling maybe the moth man is a messenger from God or maybe the devil
Jason R why do I have this very strong felling if I would watch the exorcism of annelise michel first hand that would really challenge what you say watch annelise michel part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 listen to the recordings and listen to the 6 voices of annelise michel further more you can read the exorcism book the author is felicitas d goodman you can the book at amazon this event inspired the making of the movie emily rose just picture if you were ann and that would happen to you you would be own
Robert Deffenbaugh I just think religion should remain whether it's superstition or not because it gives many people hope. Some depressed people look to religion and become more uplifted so
Mouful's Second Channel if religion would be disappeared, people will search for other things that give them hope. Connecting to familiy/friends or get help from psychologists. All we need is alot of love and nobody will miss religion
Here are some of my personal favorite highlights of this documentary! _______________________ Deluded Ted Haggard 22:15 Deluded Yousef Al-Khattab 40:10 _______________________ Within these scenes/parts, you will find the juicy bits somewhere. Just keep watching from the time stamps I have marked on this video! 👍
There are plenty of irreligious people who do not think "reasonably". People who have murdered/harmed others out of pure rage or jealously. Do not so foolishly think that without religion, the world would be magically better.
yep money and power worshipping is the key to all evil atrocities that occur. they just pretend to the public they are doing it for God when in fact they are trying to avoid prison time
It's been many years since I've seen this documentary for the first time. Yet today I just came to realize how intelligent and foreseeingly Prof. Dawkins asked the question on 42:16
man, that scene with haggar is like something straight out of a superhero movie. when the villain is brazenly monologuing before the final showdown. the hero tentatively tries to reason with him but the villain remains unshaken and emboldened due to him feeling indestructible .only to be taken down in the end (by meth and a transexual sex worker)
Meaning what? Is secularism based on a fundamental set of principles? If so it's no different than any other ideology, philosophy, or religion in many ways.
Science is immortal, Science is the language of the universe and it is to stay with the universe itself. we humans may fail, we may prevail, but science is always here to stay- the scripture of the universe written in the stars, the atoms and everything between. sometime, somewhere sentient life will master Science and enlighten everyone else. we are one potential species in the universe, what an incredible pioneering opportunity. what an opportunity...
it's not hard's pretty easy making a career out of trashing Christianity..... the hard work would be telling us what atheism has ever done for the betterment of humanity.
I lived there for 23 years so I'm happy to share my perspective. It really depends where You're from and what You like. The Springs is an interesting hybrid blend of hippies, hipsters, homeschooling families, and conservatives, with different pockets having very different feels. If You like the outdoors, Colorado is GREAT. We were rated the healthiest place in America to live, loads of bike lanes everywhere, we have the Olympic training center and just about every other physical sport association headquartered out of here. And being right on the mountains, there is hiking, camping, and skiing all within a few minutes or hours drive away. The arts and culture scene isn't great but Denver is only an hour drive away. There isn't a good live music scene if You like that. However, we are having a real surge of unique and artisan coffeeshops, bars, breweries, and restaurants. The city isn't laid out well. Downtown and the old parts of town that are built by the mountains are beautiful, artsy, and easy to get around. Most of the Springs is a sprawling behemoth of poorly designed housing complexes all built upon one another without much planning. Infrastructure isn't great and public transit is nonexistent. The people are what make it for me though. I think it's one of the genuinely friendliest parts of the country. People talk to one another in the store, neighbors know each other, most people have a laid back, friendly attitude. If You have any specific questions about the place, let me know. I can probably answer them!
Oh, and in case the video didn't make it obvious, Colorado Springs is a VERY religious place. I'd like to think that most of the younger crowd are more on the openminded, nonjudgmental side of Christianity like myself, but if You're looking for a secular city, places like Boulder would be more along Your lines.
While I fully agree with Richard Dawkins, I think he's wasting his time trying to re-educate thick-headed religious people who refuse to open their minds.
I don't think his mission is to re-educate anyone, it's to put his information out there and challenging ideas that are "set in stone" - he's a true scientist. Science never claims to know everything, and sets to challenge itself and adapt. He's just on a mission to understand and challenge why people think what they think. The frustrating thing about religion is there is absolutely no evidence, and no repeatable or provable evidence other than "faith" and belief. People are so frustrating.
We should never give up this fight, always put out scientific information so thick-headed religious tards can read it and over time change their minds. This is coming from an ex-religious tard which is hopefully a bit less thick-headed today.
I'll simply repeat what Richard said about his unpleasant interview with stubborn Wendy Wright : it's not that much about trying to convince the person you're facing, but convincing the audience that that person is not right, or can be argued against. It's offering the Audience a debate, and encouraging their own critical thinking
No. It's not. Please continue to try to educate Christians. I was a Christian too. The more information available in a easily digestable manner. For example explaining evolution in a very ellegant way is extremely helpfull. I was a Christian before and im glad of all the information that was easily digestable for non scientific people. To understand how nature really works.
I go to a catholic school. I'm an atheist. I'd say at least 90% of the people in my grade don't agree or believe in religion. We just piss off the religion teachers by asking them questions they can't answer.
peej squid. You do not seem too sure of yourself. Why go to a catholic school in the first place ?. You must review your ethics as to how to get along with people. If you do not approve of what your teachers believe, then one would expect you to leave the school and float somewhere else or is it for you like a " marriage of convenience where in that school your overall gains are more than you losses!
Carmel Pule' the problem is that children in those schools have no say. The parents send them there and it's their decision whether or not their child stays there.
*"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in, some of us just go one god further"*
My new favorite quote.
It sounds good at first, but it kinda falls flat. As long as you believe in a single God/Deity, you're not an Atheist. Atheist means "Without Gods". Just believing in one contradicts the term.
It also stands true for "without god". It doesn't say who's
Man is the most insane species.
He worships an invisible God and slaughters visible nature....
without realizing that this nature he slaughters is the invisible God he worships.
_(Hubert Reeves)_
KJCrush The point of the quote is not the definition of atheism; it's the fact that monotheistic followers of one faith fail to apply to their own ideology the skepticism that they direct against other faiths. Essentially, the quote accuses monotheists of hypocricy.
ghettofreeze There's overwhelming evidence of a higher power being specifically manifested to humanity exactly according to Biblical narratives. Both the Old Testament and current events in our generation attest of a higher power accompanying Christ's anointed with others being slain under the powers of the Holy Spirit via laying on of hands as observed at Benny Hinn's services around the world support the actual existence of the divine Almighty of Christianity as no other religion in world history.
dawkins sitting in the church thinking "im surrounded by idiots" lol
Sorry but that's close to the truth.
that's not close to the is the truth
Not really. There are plenty of Intelligent Christians, that contribute to society and science. Times and times again it's been shown that Religious beliefs or lack there off are not related to person's intelligence.
It's easier to indoctrinate stupid people, but when you are Indoctrinated from a child and live in a society that supports your delusion, it will stick with you even if you might question it. Many Christians compromise and try to make sense of their beliefs in a way that makes it compatible with scientific discoveries.
Toveri Juri I agree that you can be intelligent and suffer from delusions at the same time however most of the faithful are uneducated and weak minded.
It's a possibility if you take the whole world into consideration, but I don't really buy it. Certainly not about western society where the level of education is quite high. At least I won't believe it unless is see some statics supporting your claim. If there are, I admit I'm wrong.
Same goes for weak mindedness. Sounds rather bitter and to be based more on your gut feeling than reason and scientific evidence.
"Don't be arrogant" 27:00
How come atheists are considered arrogant for thinking that they are a small, ephemeral, insignificant part of the universe while Christians are considered humble for thinking that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE WAS MADE FOR THEM??
It's really the extreme Christians who are arrogant enough to think they can deny all facts to make their illusion work in their head
Here I am referring to the fundamentalist who do not believe in evolution. I won't get into the modern Christians who have to contend with science not suggesting virgin births or after lifes, and especially no human being the son of a God
Religion is a disease
+Sydney Jones Psychological projection.
Christians are the arrogant ones. Atheist are just considered smart
The thing I really love about Richard is his ability to listen and not react emtionally to much of the nonsense.
you dress your women half naked..." "I do not dress women! they dress themselves!" lol, priceless.
That guy is insane, I feel sorry for all women in his society
LittleMiss :o you literally sound so ridiculous I never thought there is a person in this world as dumb as you are but here I have found you a buthurt “feminist” 🤦🏻♂️
Wtf is wrong with him why cant they just live n let live
Has nothing to do with feminism. It's called ethics.
@@kai_plays_khomus nice reply mate your 9 months late I have no idea what your on about
"Don't be arrogant" said an arrogant preacher.
You saw his fucking grin? Shit's unsettling.
In the next 30 or 40 years that haggard guys gonna be the leader of an American taliban or isis
"Dont be arrogant" said a guy who believes in the almighty god who not only chosed humans among other life forms ,but also made us some kind of projection of himself. Wow, that's a whole new level of hypocricy.
Isn't a human being made in the image of god Kuba? Perfect in every way? I'm still having a hard time understanding why we balls up at every turn even though we're perfect. Probably down to free will. Then again; if we are perfect, wouldn't we always choose the right thing to do. Puzzling...
Of course we're the special ones. Did you think it was the dolphins? Those suckers can't even start a good war, neither do they have the good sense to be miserable like us.
I was talking to Kuba Gawlas.
+ Kuba, True,but I do think Richard Dawkins can come over as being quite preachy,too.Not all religious people are arrogant and push their viiews and some atheists can be just as pushy with theirs.I believe in God but don't push my views on others.
Joanne Nugent Then are you not defying your God?
His face annoys me as well
Brilliant program, I think this should be shown in all schools all over the world to young children and let them make their own mind up!! Before the religions of the world corrupt their minds
I am fascinated with Richard Dawkins, his rational thinking, common sense, how eloquently he speaks, what a brilliant man.
Check out Christopher Hitchens too mate, if you haven't already. Or any of the "four horsemen" lol
TheSausden You kidding Me? Hitch is my hero. I have tattoo that says " In Hitch We Trust".
And the people that believe in God aren't? I say fight fire with fire, plus he only gets aggressive when stupidity is being thrown at him.
I find him annoying, I like Hitchens and Carlin so I don't get what it is I don't like about Dawkins. I still like his theories, but there is something about him I just can't stand.
Atheist lelfComment I am fascinated by something too type this in you tube 5 scariest cases of demonic possession ever the video last 12:00 the channel is world 5 list
"Mr. Dawkins, please don't be arrogant....."
I'm sorry Mr. Haggard, but you are the very personification of the word arrogant.
Haggard is a worse person, but Dawkins is way more arrogant, especially considering Dawkins' piss poor understanding of philosophy and religion.
Talio Divino you're an idiot. The man is incredibly intelligent
I didn't say he was stupid, I just said he doesn't know anything about philosophy and religion, it's a subject he fundamentally doesn't understand, but he arrogantly thinks he does. He's so dismissive of anything that isn't natural science, as if philosophy is useless. I mean, Ted Haggard sucks just as much, but for entirely different reasons.
Talio Divino, please tell me, what subjects of religion Dawkins doesn’t understand?
For one thing, he has dismissed essentially all of philosophy as a waste of time due to it not being science, but with religion specifically he thinks that the natural sciences can be applied to a religious discussion, which they can't. Religion doesn't treat itself scientifically, in the way that modern science is defined. All of these Evangelicals that try to use modern science to prove their religion, are guilty of the same thing. Basically, he thinks that every argument has to be a scientific argument, when it's just not the case. If he had a debate with William Lane Craig for example, he would get his ass handed to him.
Science creates the weapons, religions creates the will to use them. What a beautiful partnership.
Like the video ❤️
2:20 - "religious faith discourages independent thought".
When I was younger, I questioned God. I asked my mom, "if God made us, then where does God come from? Who made him?" She immediately dismissed this, and said 'we don't ask those kinds of questions. We just know it's a miracle".
Looking back, I am angry at this. Religion really does limit knowledge. Had I had the freedom to ask questions, & think about things, I could have been a lot farther than I am today. Now I am 26 & I am finally learning about all the things "we" were told NOT to learn about, or to "not believe", because it "went against God". It's disgusting. And to think how much further society as a while would be, if they were more open-minded & didn't limit themselves due to a religion. So much more could have been learned, taught, advanced, etc. Instead of people saying "God won't allow this".
I got hit with a stick for asking that!
At school!
Ton of Proof the Bible is True
Proof Jesus is God from sources outside of the Bible
While I'd need a time machine to physically prove His miracles (curing the sick, giving sight to the blind, making the deaf able to hear, and raising people from the dead), the written record is what we have just like any historical matter. You should look into a subject called "historicity." It's the historical verification of the authenticity of literature of every type. Historicity proves the scriptures to be the most accurate documents in the world.
Anyhow, here are three proofs of God's existence (who cannot lie). The same logic falls to Lord Jesus with everything God says about Him.
(1) There's the case of the blood of Jesus itself. After Jesus was brutally murdered on the cross for you personally (though you have to accept what He did for you) and me, it seeped down into a cave beneath the hill that He was on. Jesus's blood was found, at first it was just suspicion, and it was taken to a testing lab to see what it really was. The men performing the blood tests were Jews (not the biggest fans of Jesus). They concluded that this blood only had 23 chromosomes (autosomes) while the rest of us have 46 chromosomes. This proves the Bible true (yet again) that Jesus was born of the Spirit of God and carried in the womb of a virgin. Additionally, there's the fact that white blood cells can only live for about 2 weeks which proves Jesus is God and that through Him we have eternal life, because His blood is still living!
(2) Then there's the fact that there have been numerous crazy people throughout history all claiming to be God and they all died. The difference with Jesus is that He died after having claimed to be God several times, BUT Jesus ALSO rose back to life from the dead! No one else has ever risen back to life that has ever claimed to be God. That alone is worth putting your faith in Lord Jesus for.
Are you familiar with psychology? It states that delusions are deeply personal matters and cannot be shared by multiple people.
Did you know hundreds of people saw Jesus alive (resurrected and in perfect health) after He was murdered for us so that we could have life through Him? Did you know that at least a dozen people saw Him ascend up into heaven where He said He goes to prepare a place for us and that He will return for us so that we can be with Him for eternity in joy and life?
That's called eyewitness testimony and it holds up in courts around the world.
(3) Have you ever heard of somatids? Somatids are microscopic energy particles. They are found in all things including humans, animals, fruit, veg, and the sap of plants and also in lifeless organic matter like rocks and ashes. They are apparently indestructible.
This is important due to the fact that the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another.
The point of bringing up the first law of thermodynamics is that God (who walked with men on two separate occasions) taught us that He is literally all of existence. Absolutely everything that exists does so due to Him and through Him (somatids prove this).
Proof the Bible is True
Question: Did you know a 2,000 year old Bible prophecy was just fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017?
This is a 2,000 year old Bible prophecy (called the Revelation 12 sign) that was fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017. We saw it coming in the sky using modern sky mapping software programs such as Stellarium. Those who were in Israel could see the sign with their very own eyes without the use of optical enhancements.
This proves that the Bible is true due to the fact that no man 2,000 years ago could have known this once in forever (forever, not a lifetime) sign would appear. The research has been done and the conclusion is that in all of history this sign has never appeared before and will never appear again.
The Revelation 12 sign in Three Minutes:
Modern Mark of the Beast Technology Proves The Bible True
Revelation 13:16-17
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9-11
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
These 2,000 year old scriptures are today's technology: the Quantum Dot Tattoo that goes in the forehead, the RFID chip that goes in the hand, and the fake vaccine that only changes your DNA.
First Law of Thermodynamics
Literally everything in existence proves God's existence. Just take a quick look at the First Law of Thermodynamics as an example. It states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, yet here it is. Then we have almighty God, who has walked among men twice now, stating that He literally created everything Himself and that nothing exists except through His sustaining will.
Pure science and logic proving God's existence in this book:
Book: "On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision" by William Lane Craig gives dozens of proofs of God's existence. I'll even buy the book for you if you'd like. This book was a major factor in me realizing my stupid atheist beliefs were totally wrong.
There is nothing but proof for God's existence.
Also, I have a playlist titled "Kent Hovind Creation Seminar" which absolutely tears the theory of evolution (theory means it's not proven) to shreds and shows you why and how God's creation account (created heaven and earth in 6 days and the planet is only 6,000 years old now) is accurate and to be trusted.
Hebrew school teaches kids to question authority and ask questions always. That's once religion that does exparte independent thought. I grew up in a church that wanted everyone to read the bible and do our own research instead of taking our minister's word for anything. Some of the statements Dawkins make are a broad sweeping remarks that sound condescending.
This man is amazing! This world needs more intellectuals like him.
আপনি বাজ্ঞালি?
"Don't be arrogant," he says in the most arrogant way possible.
I'll assume by your statement you have never worked as a diplomat?
Peter Lancaster He would probably enjoy it !
Exactly that haha
That's why you aren't Richard.
We laugh at people who believe the Earth is Flat or that the moon is made out of Cheese.
But how is it any more ridiculous in believing that there is an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do and you must worship him to please him .
Worship of such things is really a Delusion.
Believing something you can't see or have no evidence of is foolishness.
+Crisis7 and ever worse: worship what men invented for their convenience...
+Tamera Lewis Mankind has tried to understand God ever since their beginning, thousands of years and no one has come one with the correct way. No religion can claim truth they are just biased viewpoints made long ago.
Gravity, love, and life they exist we experience their effects and the impacts they make are clear.
But what of God, God is not well defined, there is not one universal view or understanding of who or what God is. Those who claim to know it and say that is it true or either fools or completely mad.
+Tamera Lewis No its not, how come there exists thousands of religions with people having different experiences?
Everyone who has had vision or miracles have had very difference experiences of what they saw and heard, which proves that there is no single truth, your religion is not the only truth, you do not have monopoly on god and morals.
You are just being pretentious by claiming that you know what god wants and what you think you know is the one and only truth.
Its either every religion is right or every religion is wrong.
You can't prove that Islam, Buddhism, Judaism are false.
Their beliefs are just as real or false as yours.
+Tamera Lewis there is a evidence of gravity, it surrounds us.
we can feel it and we can describe it, if we jump we fall down.
but there is no such feel for a god.
its not like we dont see it.
+Crisis7 The world is flat
27:05 "Don't be arrogant and you can be great like me"
And that ladies and gentlemen is why I left the church
thezekroman you obviously went to a very evangelical church full on cunts,
But mate most Christians are not like that man, it’s sad that you think that
I get what I think about God and his ways not from people, I get it from the Bible. Start with Proverbs ch1, ... ch9. And if you don't think the Bible is sure about God enough in the first place, look at 1cor15 and psalm22 and Voddie Baucham give the talk about the reliability of authenticity of the writings.
@@isaacleillhikar4566 oh really? Well your still getting your belief from people and man because the bible has been rewritten / re translated 1000s of times over thousands of years the bible is no longer the original bible theres not one original left of the first bible.... therefore the current bible is 100% the word of man
@@isolochickeens so what if it was translated many times? Are you supposing My English Standard Vertion is a translation of the King James? Or things like that? Every next translation is a translation of the original documents we have. Not previous translations.
@@isaacleillhikar4566 are you that illogical that you dont understand that everytime it was changed it was litterally altered to fit in things man wanted at the time to control the people with? Alot of the bible stories arnt from the original but were made by man to instill a belief into the current population for political control? Theres a reason theres so many contradictions in the bible making it extremely hard to believe in
Edit: ok ok to make it more understandable for you.... IT IS NO LONGER THE WORD OF GOD
I don't know if it is the mouth or the eyes or both but this pastor looks lunatic when he speaks or is it just me?
I say he is a lunatic.
+Chaosmagican I'm with you 100 percent...I don't this guy ever stood a chance of normalcy...he was fucked from fact, just like most religious hard liners...they would hold to their faith in the light of total truth of no's called faith..or madness take your pic...
+Chaosmagican he was later outed as having a gay relationship with a call boy... and he's a bit of a meth junkie...
i think his name is haggard... there's another docu about him after the scandal, and the way he's optimistcally dealing with being more or less shunned... but jeeezus and his family are helping him along... oh, and he isn't gay, it was the drugs and the devil n' stuff apparently.
He looks like he took a stool hardener and a laxative at the same time, and they're battling it out in his stomach
He reminds me of Doofy from 'Scary Movie'
When he said don’t be arrogant.., he meant, don’t hurt my feelings with the TRUTH
When I was a believer I hated him I despised him , my religious comrades and me used to laugh about him being stupid deluded Atheist ........well I am an atheist myself and I think he is one of the most intelligent people in the world , it took me too long to come to this understandings . lol I guess better late then never . My advise to believers : have an open mind, search deeply not just on the surface coz most believers think they know something about science and logic but they know very little .
I agree if u want to message me id love to hear your story
Another mind freed! Welcome to reason
Well done you!! Welcome to the club lol
Jesus loves you...
Nathan El
Jesus loves humans. Satan is not human.
All can be saved if they love God but those who hate God are going to get it when Daddy comes home...
Richard Dawkins saying “you want to bet? “Is one of the most savage things I’ve ever seen 26:15
He would lose
@@joejale9528 im ashamed of havin tha same name as you
Thank you! That’s exactly what I came to see! It’s probably my fave part. Direct debate face to face between two men who wholeheartedly stand firm in the things they believe
I have such a deep respect for Richard Dawkins...
+joydivisiongirl moi aussi ...
+joydivisiongirl He's blind to spiritual matter, and leading you into the ditch. Repent from your rebellion against God Yehveh, believe in Yehveh and His only begotten Son, Jesus Yeshua the Messiah, be born again by the Spirit of God, and let Him open your eyes to the truth. We are living in dangerous times, the end of this age of grace, receive Him while you still can.
RUReady ToGo PLEASE do NOT write to me about how i need to be saved and only GOD can do it. My eyes are wide open.
I'm only required to let you know the truth; it's up to you to receive or refuse the truth. Have a good day!
+RUReady ToGo LOL - required??? You may want to put down the bible and pick up a dictionary ...
Richard Dawkins is my hero. What a brilliant man. I like how he said " process of not thinking called faith".
Religion, preys on the young minds and the minds of people that are vulnerable, it hijacks the mind and stops human ability for critical thinking. The world will remain in chaos until Religion is fully exposed for its evil and moronic ways.
That American evangelist sure looked scary.
+Hubert Van Calenbergh What's even more scary is how many followers he has.... We live in an F'd up world full of delusional maniacs...
What's so scary about him? His duck face?
@@JohnSmith-lt1ck The look on his face is just complete lunacy
@@NickyHonings It’s something I’d pity, not fear.
That was Ted love's meth and Male hookers. I always thought he was a liar and he finally admitted it. Mega churches usually have gold digger ministers who don't pay their taxes.
6:00 Crazy lady says. "I got a lot out of it. I got faith. I got trust. And a belief that there is a person up there stronger than any medical person." - Richard's reply. "Right. What about a cure then." Hahaha.
In millons of years into the future, history will state: That early religious humans each believed in the supremacy of their particular gods of worship. Today though as we all clearly understand how our universe formed, back then virtually all of these 4,200 religions and their followers all believed that the universe was the creation of their particular god. Today whilst we enjoy inter planetary communications with other varied forms of intelligent life, we can still joke about the primitive and superstitious beliefs of our ancestors.
Listen Paul DG. MY religion will still be around in a million year's time. Bringing common sense and logic into an argument is really ungentlemanly of you and I can guarantee that my god will be around to 'sort you out.' I suggest you switch off your analytical brain and stop resorting to logical arguments. Let's have a level playing field here.
Keith Williams hahaha no, (your)religion will be shorted to 10% of where it is now, in the 150 years to come. Religion has already shrinked atleast 15% in the last 80 years. Can you realise how fast that is? 80 years out of 10.000 years existence of humans. Why? Thanks to science, we found out what really happens/happened around us. We have internet/tv wich influences people with facts. While in history, everyone was just influenced by religious nonsense around them. Sorry, religion will be mostly gone in next 50 years. I promise you this 'harsh' truth.
No idea which end you're coming from here Joe. I'm a bloody atheist and don't need convincing. You're quite right (I hope,) religion will be gone by then. It could even be sooner...
Keith Williams I think that he probably took your previous reply as verbatim, without realizing that you were actually mocking religion. As you say, lets's ignore critical thinking and place our trust in unfounded superstition. Lol.
Right on.
" We have been chosen for obedience " Haha I'm out.
Camelworks Praise Talos !
Lord Friedrich Filthy Stormcloack!
Lord Friedrich I'm more of an Armadyl guy myself.
Since the beginning of the creation of the earth, God sent messengers and with them wrote his massages from God to be a pilgrimage to humans that God is the Creator .. The family of the Prophet Abraham and his descendants chose the children of Israel, all prophets of Isaac and Ishmael to Jacob and the Abbas and Moses and David and Solomon and Jesus Peace be upon him and finally Muhammad peace be upon them .. And every messenger prophet with the book of Zuburr and the Torah the Bible and the Koran and the tablets Moses peace be upon him .. And the Quran that came down on Muhammad peace be upon him .. and prophet after him ..
All of them are for one message .. God is the creator of everything ..
Teddy boy was caught in a motel with a homosexual prostitute having homosexual sex. Well is that being a hypocrite or what?
The preacher is the epitome of arrogance, lol.
He genuinely looks evil
His name is Ted Haggard. I kind of feel sorry for him, he was sexually abused by his father's employee as a child and wet the bed until 6th grade. He was a homosexual but suppressed his tendencies due to religion. Watch this video and you will get what I mean:
No he isn't, he can't be by definition he speaks Devine truth, only those with opposed views can be arrogant!!! That is how it works there. Only truth the pastor revealed was in regards to the land ownership when he said get off my property claiming the land as his own,what a fraud!!!
Yet the drivel he comes out with is arrogance at it's finest.
FroggieTheR0gue why’s that? You fail to give examples
I think that "wikipedia" should use a picture of Ted haggard in its definition of "hypocrite".
Or Dumb Buttfuck.
He actually comes across better than Dawkins in that discussion, I have to say.
@@fundhund62 Really ?
@@cperera910 Really. Walking into a congegration to talk with the leader, and immediatrly associating them with the "Nuremburg Rallies" and Goebbels?! Like, seriously?
@@fundhund62Goebbels followed his leader instruction's to the letter so as some christen pastors who pass on gods promises of never ending good times in haven, the same god who created the original sin and the devil as the creator of all things and destroyed most living things leaving Noah and his family to repopulate the humans with incest. Rally around people believe this . Well before Hitler, Stalin. Poll Pott , Mao ordered mass murderer's The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)
4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)
5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15). "seriously"
When was Dawkins even arrogant? Arrogant is not defined as smiling when you're right... it's smiling when you're wrong whilst believing you are right.
shaming tactic, low tier shit. some fucking losers fall for it though cause theyre WEAKKKK
You are so right.
That is a stereotype about atheists portrayed in PureFlix films.
maybe not arrogant, but closed minded!
if five billion people do a stupid thing, it's still a stupid thing.
Richard Dawkins is probably at the top of my list of people I'd like to have dinner with. I know it would be a fascinating evening.
I'm a recent atheist inside of a Christian family. I wouldn't say I was ever a solid believer but a skeptic but now as of the past 2 years I am a true atheist. No one in my family knows, it kind of feels like I'm hiding behind enemy lines, but one day when the time is right I will let them all know, I can already hear my mother telling me to return to Jesus
23:04 lol. I can only imagine what is running through his head. And "He called my children animals." Don't Christians call themselves the sheep (all too appropriate) of God?
You are willingly ignorant of the truth.
saintDJ What evidence do you have that the op is willingly ignorant, and about which truth?
World's Biggest Booty Hoes Shear or consume. Either way the sheep get a raw deal. Nothing more than a resource for more intelligent beings.
I once saw a typo in a math book that said 2+2=5. to this day I still believe it was correct. after was in a book!!
'Winston, how many fingers am I holding up?'
R u dumb.?
..p.s I got you so don't bother...
Wait hold on, make sure it's old and it says it's the truth first. Okay NOW it's valid.
qik maf
sirius dogstar lol Dawkins could literally say that exact thing and you would believe it
I have the utmost respect for Richard Dawkins.
Would you like to be with him in the next life:whatever his abode will be?
" whatever his next abode may be "?? You primitive dick 🧠 . You do understand that your veiled threats of divine retribution are laughable to an atheist, don't you? You may as well threaten us with Santa . Can you not see that this jerk ( the preacher),
is a con man ? He has relieved you of your money , you stoopid sap .
Richard Dawkins is the second coming of our lord and savior Charles Darwin
I agree.
Plus your pic and name is fucking brilliant😂 Bob Ross is supremacy!
Darwin regretted making his theories public due to the rise of atheism. He was religious, at least on his deathbed.
@@rubberbandman3rd Lies that christians tell themselves and attempt to tell others.
@@kseke25 what's the lie?
You know that Darwin still believed in a god even after he discover evolution right?
That lunatic preacher was scary if he represents religion count me out freaky
The Equaliser He doesn't, don't worry
He does. Worry.
"no true scotsman"
There are religious nuts all over the world and they can be extremely dangerous.
Moderate people are not dangerous. It's the ones who are so certain about their BS you have to watch out for.
The Equalizer That preacher.....looks like Lucifer brother.....
I'm more worried that these kinds of people can be involved in politics, schools, and is the one manipulation doctrine that is legal. Not that I'm saying everyone who believes in some religion doesn't have good intentions, just that their "faith" is irrational and not necessary to have good intentions. Religion is basically making people think they can only be good by having "faith," but we all know scientists, inventors, and critical thinkers are the actual one's pushing man forward, not these myths.
nothing is more dangerous, than a person who clears their concious of their actions by asking for forgiveness from imaginary being.
if not regilions turned into cults. What i see is lot of religions turned into cults just to profit received from the followers, whenever money, influence or power.
"You'll find yourself wrong on somethings, and right on somethings. But please in the process don't be arrogant." Ohhhh Ted you sweet, sweet walking sack of contradiction.
EzBayt I think you mean sack of shit.
That pastor got some sort of evil-villain feel to him.
"If you only read the books i've read"
*cough* book* *cough*
Somebody please put sinister music behind the clip of Ted Haggard telling Dawkins not to be arrogant: 26:32
Someone has to make a gif of 20:23 - 20:26. Fucking priceless.
HUUUH =))))))))
coffeefrog Ted Haggard is the arrogant one. And he had homosexual all over his face. My late mom had him figured out long before he got exposed.
+Daniel Kingsbury here you go:
+coffeefrog here you go: watch?v=uQeVE4iks4k
I love the way Ray Comfort tried to debunk this with "The Atheist Delusion" - and failed horrendously, unless his aim was to discredit himself
I will never forget Ted's lips.
+David N hahahahaha
They look like two McDonald's meat patties flapping around waiting for Jesus to stick his man-Gina into it.
he was got being gay remember? it was a joke...
Reminds me of Donald duck
“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” - Ellen Ripley
When this happens, and it will, but, we will not be the ones with the nukes, it will be because it was prophesied to be. The book of Revelation is a great documentary to give a little insight from for such a time as this. Praying for souls! ❤
27:23 lol The God guy actually insulted Richard Dawkins by injecting the idea of Richards' grandchildren laughing at his life's work! lol He insulted Richard first lol Now that's irrational.
24:40 "A book written over 1,500 years, by different authors, on one subject, and it doesn't contradict itself."
*Thou shalt not kill.....*
1 Samuel 15:2-3 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
Deuteronomy 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:
*War or peace?*
EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
*Who was Joseph's father?*
MAT 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
LUK 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.
*Listen to a fool....or not?*
PRO 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
PRO 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
*How did Judas die?*
MAT 27:5 And he (Judas) cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests...bought with them the potter's field."
ACT 1:18 Now this man (Judas) purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out."
*Which came first, Man or beast?*
GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
*The three different last words of Christ.*
MAT 27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."
LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."
JOH 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
You picked a good quote from the Bible, and quite a good commandment to live by
L1Games the bible contradicts itself every which way. And then you have the New Testament, which cherry picks from the Old Testament and demands that you believe it is the word of god. Go away
God used israel to judge the wicked nations and make himself a people
Deuteronomy 9:5
Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death;
moses was singing praise to God for delivering them from eygpt
Exodus 15:1
Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him. The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name
Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.
God bring peace in Jesus christ being born again
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith
here a answer from gotquestions dot org on who is josephs father
One explanation, held by the church historian Eusebius, is that Matthew is tracing the primary, or biological, lineage while Luke is taking into account an occurrence of “levirate marriage.” If a man died without having any sons, it was tradition for the man’s brother to marry the widow and have a son who would carry on the deceased man’s name. According to Eusebius’s theory, Melchi (Luke 3:24) and Matthan (Matthew 1:15) were married at different times to the same woman (tradition names her Estha). This would make Heli (Luke 3:23) and Jacob (Matthew 1:15) half-brothers. Heli then died without a son, and so his (half-)brother Jacob married Heil’s widow, who gave birth to Joseph. This would make Joseph the “son of Heli” legally and the “son of Jacob” biologically. Thus, Matthew and Luke are both recording the same genealogy (Joseph’s), but Luke follows the legal lineage while Matthew follows the biological.
Most conservative Bible scholars today take a different view, namely, that Luke is recording Mary’s genealogy and Matthew is recording Joseph’s. Matthew is following the line of Joseph (Jesus’ legal father), through David’s son Solomon, while Luke is following the line of Mary (Jesus’ blood relative), through David’s son Nathan. Since there was no Greek word for “son-in-law,” Joseph was called the “son of Heli” by marriage to Mary, Heli’s daughter. Through either Mary’s or Joseph’s line, Jesus is a descendant of David and therefore eligible to be the Messiah. Tracing a genealogy through the mother’s side is unusual, but so was the virgin birth. Luke’s explanation is that Jesus was the son of Joseph, “so it was thought” (Luke 3:23).
another answer from got questions about fools
Answer: Proverbs has much to say about fools. They despise wisdom (Proverbs 1:7, 22, 10:21, 23:9); they are right in their own eyes (Proverbs 12:15); they are deceitful (Proverbs 14:8) and scornful (Proverbs 10:23, 14:9). The wise are also given instruction on how to deal with fools in Proverbs. Instructing a fool is pointless because his speech is full of foolishness (Proverbs 15:2, 14) and he does not want wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 18:2).
The futility of trying to impart wisdom to a fool is the basis of Proverbs 26:4-5, which tell us how to answer a fool. These seemingly contradictory verses are actually a common form of parallelism found in the Old Testament, where one idea builds upon another. Verse 4 warns against arguing with a fool on his own terms, lest we stoop to his level and become as foolish as he is. Because he despises wisdom and correction, the fool will not listen to wise reason and will try to draw us into his type of argument, whether it is by using deceit, scoffing at our wisdom, or becoming angry and abusive. If we allow him to draw us into this type of discourse, we are answering him “according to his folly” in the sense of becoming like him.
The phrase “according to his folly” in verse 5, on the other hand, tells us that there are times when a fool has to be addressed so that his foolishness will not go unchallenged. In this sense answering him according to his folly means to expose the foolishness of his words, rebuking him on the basis of his folly so he will see the idiocy of his words and reasoning. Our “answer” in this case is to be one of reproof, showing him the truth so he might see the foolishness of his words in the light of reason. Even though he will most likely despise and reject the wisdom offered to him, we are to make the attempt, both for the sake of the truth which is always to be declared, and for the sake of those listening, that they may see the difference between wisdom and folly and be instructed.
Whether we use the principle of verse 4 and deal with a fool by ignoring him, or obey verse 5 and reprove a fool depends on the situation. In matters of insignificance, it’s probably better to disregard him. In more important areas, such as when a fool denies the existence of God (Psalm 14:1), verse 5 tells us to respond to his foolishness with words of rebuke and instruction. To let a fool speak his nonsense without reproof encourages him to remain wise in his own eyes and possibly gives credibility to his folly in the eyes of others.
In short, in negligible issues we should just ignore fools, but in issues that matter, they must be dealt with so that credence will not be given to what they say
judus hanged himself and his bloated corpse busted open due to tree or rope break
God created the animals then later
God created the animals in front of adam instantly for him to name and have the right help but none of the would do so God made woman
Genesis 2:20
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
about the last words on the cross
From an apologetics site dedicated to showing possible resolutions to Bible discrepancies:
First, John was nearer to the cross and probably heard things the others didn't. John is referred to in scripture as the disciple that Jesus loved (John 13:23). Notice he is mentioned as being near the cross of Jesus.
John 19:25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home."
Notice, in the verse above, Jesus is speaking only to Mary and John who are directly below the cross.
When John recounts the events at the cross, he's focusing on what was said privately to him at the foot of the cross and what's said to those standing close by - the plea of thirst, the statement of completion, and the turning over of responsibility for Jesus' mother to John.
Matthew focused on the words Jesus said "in a loud voice" to all that were there (the crowd).
The Last thing Matthew heard was "My god, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Then a loud cry before giving up the ghost.
Luke hears the same loud cry that Matthew mentions, but also hears after that, probably because he's closer, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit". It makes sense that he would say "My God, My God..." in a louder voice than he would say his last words commending his spirit into the father's hands.
When Jesus asked for something to drink, he was speaking to those below the cross where John was standing. John heard what the others farther back heard, but also heard the dialogue about asking the people near the cross for water and his quieter statement, "It is finished".
Here are the three accounts put together:
"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?' that is to say, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'....Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice said , 'Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:' (notice the cry with a loud voice is separated from Jesus commending His spirit, probably quieter), then he said softly, 'It is finished:' and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
"Please don't be arrogant", the irony!
I'll never forget the time when I was only 27...and my grandfather was dying....never seen a family member die before...and it was slow. He was an ex navy man from WW2, he was one of those old guys who was a hard drinking, hard working, real tough old guy, and he had this horrid thing on his back that was killing him and he never sought out medical advice just put up with the pain right until he got the death rattle...towards the end a priest came around to the house and started to pray out loud, granddad sat up and told him in some very colorful language to get the fuck out of my house etc etc...I guess he had seen enough shit to realise that no god would allow things like that to happen and call it part of some grand plan...
Fabulous informative documentary, I loved it!
"I don't communicate an air of superiority over the people because I know so much more.... and if you (did the things I'd done) then you would be great like me"
Um. Shall you tell him or shall I?
Okay, okay, I'll tell him - Pastor, you are as great as the Penis Monument in Changchun City, China. Great enough...?
That thumbnail picture lol.
CE53 It's the evil
CE53 I was going to say, the thumbnail is perfect. What a freaking wack job.
CE53 what is it?
CE53 I thought it was a human egg
CE53 isnt the guy who was found having sex with transvestites on motel?
TaNdT thank you so much for uploading this documentary.🥇
*bearing teeth* DON'T BE ARROGANT" 21:10
true, but that Muslim guy is scary too. As always, it is directed against women in short skirts (thus freed from male dominion and what males forbid and do not forbid and keep women in check), and that the entire world will fall to Allah. According to Jews, it will fall to them; and according to the Christians, to the Christians. God must be pretty stupid or evil to spread such confusion. Except that it isn't God talking but people.
yes, but Jesus had a deep message - he was not American! at the same time I feel much compassion for Americans (not for the American gangsters who plunder and molest the world and kill children - see Iona Craig), but the VULNERABLE (America hates the vulnerable) because they live in the most empty voided existence, a circus society and in the corruption and criminality of Big Business, in the mechanical programming, they are lonely, abandoned, cheated of life, dispossessed, unloved. Every one here is unloved! Only pretending. It is horrible not to be loved. I even cry for the ones I know who have gone to people like this preacher. It is a wound in me. They are helpless, hopeless - where can they go? there is no one to turn to. No one you can respect.
I admire Dawkins for not punching his teeth out 26:57
+Ralf Heinz This guy is a total doushebag, isn't he?
+Ralf Heinz It might be hard to get past the lips.
+Ralf Heinz ..pfft..Dawkins couldnt punch anybodys teeth out..dude is an arrogant little weasel of a man..Dawkins is lucky the creepy preacher didnt sock him in that arrogant mouth of his w/ his Nuremberg rally and Dr Goebbels would've been proud..insult..
Shortly after that, I find it hilarious where he said "When you age, you'll find that you're right on some things, wrong on other things." This is so obviously rote drivel that Haggard uses when he's "counseling" teenage boys, he loses sight of the fact that he's talking to a man who is probably 20 years his senior (not to mention 120 IQ points higher).
I'm a little surprised his next move was not trying to remove Dawkin's jacket and massage his shoulders.
Lmao we watched this in school today😂😂
AppleSpace64 Z where??? Witch country???
Nikola Jovic the UK. We watched it in philosophy to give perspective and debate on peoples views on religion and science and their coexistence.
I know the UK is going to be out of the EU (which i as a Dutch person don't like it. UK should be part of the brotherhood!!) but that's great they do these kind of philosophy. Philosophy is sooo important to think for yourself.
Herman Willems I totally agree, and think that my education is my most prized possesion as it allows me to rationally make descisions and form opinions for myself.
minha iqbal same
Hero of our time is Dawkins.
what a closed minded hero
@@joejale9528 closed minded. Oh the irony.
man.... im only 5 minutes in and what an amazing documentary. dawkins words it so well. i cant believe in 2017 people have faith in these things.
When I was a kid, I prayed to God for years with no luck. Then I prayed to Santa one time and got my bike that Xmas. I knew Santa wasn't real, so that was a turning point for me...true story LOL
It really shows why people work so hard to indoctrinate kids. They need to instill a *DEEP* love and/or fear of their deity. Because it only takes one little thing for a kid to see things for how they really are, and then it all comes crashing down.
Funny how that guy tells Dawkins to not be arrogant and then continues to say he knows so much more and be an arrogant pastor himself.
I grew up wanting to be a scientist, I was the kid that saw Jurassic Park and wanted to be a paleontologist. I watched the Discovery Channel documentaries about dinosaurs, and Stone Age people, and I marveled at how far we’ve come, how ancient the earth is, and I wanted to learn more.
I always accepted evolution as being true, it was never a question for me. I didn’t really get into religion until I was fifteen, after my grandma died. After a little study I realized I didn’t like Christianity, so became a Wiccan instead, and I knew I didn’t seriously believe it, it just looked “cool” and “different” and I was in a punk phase. I didn’t take religion seriously until I was raped. After I was raped I had a mental breakdown and ended up in the psych ward, I lost my job and insurance, I needed some kind of counseling so my sister set me up to talk to her pastor who would only see me if I became a member of his church (independent Baptist). I ended up getting baptized. I was in a very vulnerable state and I got pressured into joining a religion. It ended up taking over my life, I was giving them a lot of my money and my time, I was very afraid of hell. After about a year I decided to leave the church and the pastor called me and said he was “afraid for my soul” 😂
It’s been 10 years now, and I’m only now back to a place where religion doesn’t bring me anxiety. After reading the early history of god, and misquoting Jesus, I remembered that the claims christians make aren’t founded in any sort of reality. Jesus and Yahweh are just one more god among many and aren’t worth taking seriously
After breaking free of religion I can’t fathom how anyone can still believe. Then I remember how hard it was for myself and I feel sorry for those without the resolve and fortitude to criticize not the beliefs others, but themselves.
Being honest with oneself is an uphill climb where one foot wishes the comfort at the base.
24:50 "The bible doesn't contradict it's self"
HA! I wanted to die laughing, i swear !
That pastor looks textbook evil. I get that he is totally pissed off and triggered that Awesome Dawkings attacking his beliefs...but he really looks evil.
L.A. Walker He'll morph like an Emperor Palpatine soon....
He was a closeted homosexual. As per the norm.
L.A. Walker He was caught having sex with men... hypocrite of the highest!!
God: Creates humans and gives them "free will"
God: Damns you to suffer in hell for all of eternity because you don't do exactly what he wants you to do.
Melancholia some of that isn't even free will, he makes gay people but then forces them into hell because he made them that way like wtf?
But he loves and he needs money.
@@Prosyy Um, God didn't make homosexuals as homosexuals.
@ge st And why did He harden the Pharoah's heart? Because he WANTED his heart to be hardened. After God had repeatedly told him to let the Israelities go, Pharoah stubbonely refuses. So God said "ok fine. Have it YOUR way." The Bible says that theres a way that seems right to men but that way leads to destruction. So God harderned Pharaoh's heart, because the Pharaoh WANTED a hardened heart. He became a reprobate. And it happens even today, when God constitenly warns people to change their ways, yet people don't want to. They want to live their own way. So God hardens their heart only because they WANTED their hearts to be hardened.
That's just one example of how you can see that the Bible was not written by God but by people looking to control the masses, because god was never real
"and if you only read the books I know, and if you only know the scientists I know, than you would be great like me...... well..... Sir"
lol.. can't stop laughing :D
Love that line "the elegant reality of the universe", praise God, good job.
Dawkins and Hitchens, two big heroes of mine.
One is going to hell the other one is already there .
Patrick Parker how very “loving”
And very true .
Patrick Parker prove it
Because God cannot lie .
Back then I used to show hate and emotional conflict to these sort of things, but now, I have never laughed so much in all my life at how people argue over silly things! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And the music in this just makes me roll to the floor with laughter!!!!!
I love how Pastor Horrid, or whatever his name is, is like "don't be arrogant." Interesting, Pastor. What is it you think you're acting like? ARROGANT. He's also a gigantic walking hypocrite.
Also, Yousef Al-Khattab can go fuck himself.
I personally would like to see the Pastor in a debate with Yousef. 100% will end up in a fight... They're talking like those people in WWE.
you should really look that guy up. it gets even better. wayyyyyy better.
Charles Siong you nailed it. both of those wackos were ready to explode. i guess when you're unsure of who you really are, when other people question the lies that you believe that make you feel better about yourself, it makes you raging mad. gotta love how the ex jew is now a radicalized muslim that was blaming the atheist for his former religion's occupation of palestine. the guy's a hot mess. but he sure did look the part. you can tell he spends as much time in front of the mirror getting down his jihad look, as he does in prayer. if he prays at all. i don't know how he'd ever find the time as much as he's blaming people for the actions of others. "Look how you dress your women?" "I don't dress our women! Our women dress our women." LOL!
Nailed it like Ted did to that guy in the basement...
LOL at the clip of Haggard with his arm around Dawkins. We all know what Teddy's thinking...
that pastor seems like a sociopath
seems like?
More like a psychopath.
Lack of guilt/remorse
Lack of empathy
Lack of deep emotional attachments
Superficial charm
Reckless risk-taking
Repeated violations of the law
Pervasive lying and deception
Physical aggressiveness
Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
Consistent irresponsibility in work and family environments
Lack of remorse
There is also no emotion in his eyes when he is speaking about what is supposed to be his passion. Psychopaths are known to have dead eyes and stare at you without looking away.
"What do you hope to get out of this?"
"I've got a lot out of this, I've got faith, ive got trust, I've got belief that there's a person up there stronger than any medical person."
"Right. What about a cure though?"
Bahaha savage.
Unfortunenatly the people who should watch this program will never watch it. Maybe one or two. The majority of religious people are stubborn. I gave up hope.
Indeed. It's very frustrating to know that the people who hate Richard Dawkins the most are people who have never heard or read a single word that he has ever said or written.
Zsuzsanna Circleedge because man wants control. so religion is formed with truth and lies working in tandem with the luciferin nwo. God is not religion he is alone the great I AM, there is no one like him. This world is set up at birth for souls to go to hell. True believers know God and his coming is soon.
What God are you talking about?
Not religious people. Religious fundamentalists. They are the ones who bring their beliefs to the extreme and keep their minds closed to other possibilities.
Why the distinction surely just semantics, they are both holding irrational beliefs based on some book of disprovable nonsense?
I hate the fact death is the end, but it's true people.
Not necessarily what about the people that get possessed there might be something after death place you're chips on that
Moth Man what?
Jason r there has been sightings of the moth man in Chicago this is not good it gives me a bad feeling maybe the moth man is a messenger from God or maybe the devil
Moth Man gods not real nether us the devil
Jason R why do I have this very strong felling if I would watch the exorcism of annelise michel first hand that would really challenge what you say watch annelise michel part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 listen to the recordings and listen to the 6 voices of annelise michel further more you can read the exorcism book the author is felicitas d goodman you can the book at amazon this event inspired the making of the movie emily rose just picture if you were ann and that would happen to you you would be own
Haggard sneers when he talks he can't even contain his contempt. I bet the guy is a borderline personality or a straight up sociopath.
BenjaminSteber He was a closeted, drug using, self loathing homosexual. He was a john pursuing gay prostitutes by night and a pastor by day.
"How the suspension of disbelief can lead to more dangerous ideas later." Scientific gold.
Its time to stop calling it religion and instead call it what it is... SUPERSTITION!!!
Robert Deffenbaugh I just think religion should remain whether it's superstition or not because it gives many people hope. Some depressed people look to religion and become more uplifted so
Mouful's Second Channel if religion would be disappeared, people will search for other things that give them hope. Connecting to familiy/friends or get help from psychologists. All we need is alot of love and nobody will miss religion
Joe Felony
ha! that's what *you* think.
Joe Felony either way, we shouldn't just try and force people to stop believing in their faith just because "They're stupid"
i dont believe but atleast christianity gives to homeless an stuff ive never seen the other religions give to homeless.
God damn, that Pastor was just scaring me the entire time. Gave me chills.
That was really interesting. Thank you for your hard work Richard Dawkins and yes it is the root of all evil
Really all evil.
I've heard it said that, "god made man in his own image; and man returned the favor". Enjoying Mr. Dawkins' insights very much.
Here are some of my personal favorite highlights of this documentary!
Ted Haggard
Yousef Al-Khattab
Within these scenes/parts, you will find the juicy bits somewhere. Just keep watching from the time stamps I have marked on this video! 👍
In a perfect world religion wouldn't exist, and we would all think reasonably
+Paul Hojda could you please tell me your definition of a perfect world.
Paul Hojda Isn't that the kind of world Stalin, Mao, Kim Joong Un, PolPot wanted? Seems they had it in for those of faith.
There are plenty of irreligious people who do not think "reasonably". People who have murdered/harmed others out of pure rage or jealously. Do not so foolishly think that without religion, the world would be magically better.
yep money and power worshipping is the key to all evil atrocities that occur. they just pretend to the public they are doing it for God when in fact they are trying to avoid prison time
Paul Hojda the possessed would be screwed to Hell not a good idea
It's been many years since I've seen this documentary for the first time. Yet today I just came to realize how intelligent and foreseeingly Prof. Dawkins asked the question on 42:16
man, that scene with haggar is like something straight out of a superhero movie. when the villain is brazenly monologuing before the final showdown. the hero tentatively tries to reason with him but the villain remains unshaken and emboldened due to him feeling indestructible .only to be taken down in the end (by meth and a transexual sex worker)
secularism are the pillars of a peaceful society
Meaning what? Is secularism based on a fundamental set of principles? If so it's no different than any other ideology, philosophy, or religion in many ways.
The JuanTrueKaiser you mad bro?
MrSammersELsoho No, I'm just asking a question.
The JuanTrueKaiser its more like a statement.
MrSammersELsoho No, it's a question. I asked you if secularism is defined by a set of principles and beliefs.
Science is immortal, Science is the language of the universe and it is to stay with the universe itself. we humans may fail, we may prevail, but science is always here to stay- the scripture of the universe written in the stars, the atoms and everything between. sometime, somewhere sentient life will master Science and enlighten everyone else. we are one potential species in the universe, what an incredible pioneering opportunity. what an opportunity...
26:08 “Youre children will listen to a tape of you saying that and then laugh at you!” “YOU WANT TO BET!?”
Thank you Richard for your hard work...
it's not hard's pretty easy making a career out of trashing Christianity.....
the hard work would be telling us what atheism has ever done for the betterment of humanity.
Well for a start Atheism doesn't degrade women. That's like a half of the worlds population. It that enough for you???
haggard looks like he's duckfacing when he talks.
His mouth is swollen from all the gay prostitutes face fucking him.
Quack quack
On a side note, Colorado Springs is a beautiful place.
I lived there for 23 years so I'm happy to share my perspective. It really depends where You're from and what You like. The Springs is an interesting hybrid blend of hippies, hipsters, homeschooling families, and conservatives, with different pockets having very different feels.
If You like the outdoors, Colorado is GREAT. We were rated the healthiest place in America to live, loads of bike lanes everywhere, we have the Olympic training center and just about every other physical sport association headquartered out of here. And being right on the mountains, there is hiking, camping, and skiing all within a few minutes or hours drive away.
The arts and culture scene isn't great but Denver is only an hour drive away. There isn't a good live music scene if You like that. However, we are having a real surge of unique and artisan coffeeshops, bars, breweries, and restaurants.
The city isn't laid out well. Downtown and the old parts of town that are built by the mountains are beautiful, artsy, and easy to get around. Most of the Springs is a sprawling behemoth of poorly designed housing complexes all built upon one another without much planning. Infrastructure isn't great and public transit is nonexistent.
The people are what make it for me though. I think it's one of the genuinely friendliest parts of the country. People talk to one another in the store, neighbors know each other, most people have a laid back, friendly attitude.
If You have any specific questions about the place, let me know. I can probably answer them!
Oh, and in case the video didn't make it obvious, Colorado Springs is a VERY religious place. I'd like to think that most of the younger crowd are more on the openminded, nonjudgmental side of Christianity like myself, but if You're looking for a secular city, places like Boulder would be more along Your lines.
We are all Atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in, some of us just go one god further.
Atheism is to religion as abstinence is to sex positions.
What an amazing shot!: 5:33
A solitary Dawkins looking down at all the
sheep who were poisoned by the religion.
This documentary was amazing 😉
I got a Mormon ad for this lol
41:00 I think the bearded guy is afraid that one day the women over there will be free like in the west and he will have to do his own housekeeping.
While I fully agree with Richard Dawkins, I think he's wasting his time trying to re-educate thick-headed religious people who refuse to open their minds.
I don't think his mission is to re-educate anyone, it's to put his information out there and challenging ideas that are "set in stone" - he's a true scientist. Science never claims to know everything, and sets to challenge itself and adapt. He's just on a mission to understand and challenge why people think what they think.
The frustrating thing about religion is there is absolutely no evidence, and no repeatable or provable evidence other than "faith" and belief. People are so frustrating.
Seems legit - might as well put my bets on that than actual physical and coherent evidence!
We should never give up this fight, always put out scientific information so thick-headed religious tards can read it and over time change their minds. This is coming from an ex-religious tard which is hopefully a bit less thick-headed today.
I'll simply repeat what Richard said about his unpleasant interview with stubborn Wendy Wright : it's not that much about trying to convince the person you're facing, but convincing the audience that that person is not right, or can be argued against. It's offering the Audience a debate, and encouraging their own critical thinking
No. It's not. Please continue to try to educate Christians. I was a Christian too. The more information available in a easily digestable manner. For example explaining evolution in a very ellegant way is extremely helpfull. I was a Christian before and im glad of all the information that was easily digestable for non scientific people. To understand how nature really works.
I feel sorry for everyone that has to suffer in the indoctrination camps (Religion schools)
I go to a catholic school. I'm an atheist. I'd say at least 90% of the people in my grade don't agree or believe in religion. We just piss off the religion teachers by asking them questions they can't answer.
peej squid if I could be a fly on the wall to see that.
keep up the good work.😄
peej squid. You do not seem too sure of yourself. Why go to a catholic school in the first place ?. You must review your ethics as to how to get along with people. If you do not approve of what your teachers believe, then one would expect you to leave the school and float somewhere else or is it for you like a " marriage of convenience where in that school your overall gains are more than you losses!
Carmel Pule' the problem is that children in those schools have no say. The parents send them there and it's their decision whether or not their child stays there.
I love this Man.
and many years later, nothing has changed
Look into the devil's foot prints in devon england in 1855.
That pastor looks absolutely insane