Seth Andrews: Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @lilykep
    @lilykep 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3682

    I grew up in an EXTREMELY religious family. When I was a teen I decided it wasn't for me. I've been a happy unbeliever for years. Recently I ran into a childhood friend and we started talking. The conversation moved to religion and I mentioned that I was an unbeliever cause things just didn't factually add up to me. She started *crying* over the fact that I didn't believe in god. Now I like this person, she is a very sweet lady, so I tried to reassure her that it was ok. I told her that I'd done a lot of research on a lot of different religions before I came to this conclusion and it was a highly thought out process that lead me to my conclusion that god didn't exist. She legit *said* to me "That's why my mom taught us not to read all those different things, cause you open yourself up the the spirit of doubt and disbelief". I just kinda smiled and ended the conversation. If your belief in god can't handle a little *research* then something is *wrong* with it!

    • @michaelhixson6939
      @michaelhixson6939 5 ปีที่แล้ว +104

      most christians I've met can't hold an argument because they are still children in their faith. They still run around with the roman road and other such trivialities. Honestly, if ya did more than 'a little' research you might come to find a deeper faith then all the little kids running around these days.

    • @lilykep
      @lilykep 5 ปีที่แล้ว +334

      @@michaelhixson6939 I didn't do a little research before I left Christianity and religion in general. I did a LOT of research, which I stated at the top of my comment. Everything from talking to my pastor, assistant pastor, and church elders when I was still in church, reading my bible cover to cover while in prayer, to reading "informational" christian books. I even spoke to the pastors of other churches in other religions. I did a tour of other non-christian religions and even a brief stint in paganism. None of it added up to a whole picture or helped answer the fundamental issues I had with religion. I am no longer questioning. I have already decided religion isn't for me. Your smug assertions about my lack of faith, based your assumption of my supposed poor research methodology, is definitely not changing my mind.

    • @michaelhixson6939
      @michaelhixson6939 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      @@lilykep smug, I ain't smug. Sorry that I sounded smug.
      I like to think of myself as sarcastic.
      Leave me a question or two, I am curious to know what your hang up was.

    • @CharlesSeipke
      @CharlesSeipke 5 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Its unfortunate that us happened and I am displeased with your beliefs and hope you come back to the light. Jesus will come back and that's a fact. Besides should you rather spend your entire life believing in God and the finding out that their isn't, or not believing and finding out their is one? The choice is yours and evil is easy to fall into but stick with it and come to good.

    • @CharlesSeipke
      @CharlesSeipke 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @Michael Stocker Mark Twain is quite odd, you would think that someone like that would would know about preachers who have read the bible multiple times and believe more then anyone else. Come up with your own conclusions and quit being a sheep. Mark Twain is not your Dad so quit listening to his religious opinions.

  • @cbrashsorensen
    @cbrashsorensen ปีที่แล้ว +116

    What is curious to me is how many of us who were raised in strict "Christian" homes knew deep within us at very early ages that what we were being told and taught were not TRUE? I was forced to attend Church but by the age of 6 it was just a weekly "duty" that I had to perform. My siblings continue to be "true believers" and have shunned me. What an amazing thing to be related to those who expound on love and yet have no earthly idea what "love" is?

    • @charliepershall5956
      @charliepershall5956 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Am I an atheist?
      For Those Who Call Themselves Christians.
      Only the Honest in Spirit Understands and accepts the Truth.
      The Enlightenment of Our Time
      Science Lacks Understanding The Spirit Energy Source.
      Spirit Is The Highest Energy Source.
      Knowledge, Understanding and Intelligence is of the Spirit Energy Source. Knowledge has always existed as Matter has always existed.
      Knowledge is not created in the Human Brain. The Human Brain was only Designed to receive Knowledge.
      The Great Designer and Creator, Matter, Knowledge, Energy, Time and Space Has Always Existed. All are Without Beginning or end. Beginning and End only reveals an absence.
      Creation is only the rearrangement of matter as Matter does not evolve from nothing.
      Though Science Lacks The Understanding of The Spirit Energy Source. Science has been using The Spirit Energy Source for Many years. As that is where knowledge is found.
      Truth is All That Truly Exists
      Other Than Truth there is Just The understood Concept of An Absence. Lies with intent to deceive or not is fantasy. Lies remain in the nonexistent realm.
      The Great Creator is far more Massive and complex than the God worshipers realize and understand.
      The Great Creator is not a being somewhere in space.
      The Great Creator is a huge mass of spirits in perfect unity. And with the same care and respect for each another.
      Truth is not free. Truth has absolute boundaries'. Justice comes only by the truth.
      Free has absolutely no boundaries', free is chaos.
      Gods Are Imaginary Personages Of Worship
      Gods are not creators. There are Hundreds of Gods that the human has worshipped.
      Fathers are not creators. It takes both father and Mother to create a child and the mother has more to do with the creation than does the father. The child is attached to the mother for nine months receiving nutriments for the creation.
      Religion has refused to give Honest respect to the female. And they have exalted the male, with the Lie that the Father is the creator of the child.
      Spirit Is The Highest Energy Source.
      Spirit is an Energy similar to Electricity. unseen with the eye. We only see what it produces.
      The basic principles of Christianity is corrupt and promotes Injustice. sentencing and Executing an innocent man for the crimes of all humanity. Would you let your friend and neighbor be executed for the crime that you committed? If so you are a typical Christian.
      This Is All In the Book You Cristian's Worship
      "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages. is a biblical statement. In fact, it is more than a biblical statement, it is a command from the man Himself that you worship.
      How is it that you successfully deceive those in other nations to worship your Gods and then go to war for the nation you worship and kill those members of your own churches.
      And you promote Cannibalism by a ritual that you pretend you are eating Jesse's flesh and drinking his blood.
      The Great Creator performs Justice. You all will face your own consequences for your corruption and crimes. You will not pin them on an innocent man.
      Words to the honest and wise: honesty and understanding is the only true belief. Without honesty and understanding we do not know what to believe.
      To accept other’s opinion of the truth without proving it to yourself; it is being deceived it is not believing.
      We must understand to believe.
      Until Next time: Sweet Dreams: Truth will solve all our problems before we create them; and ignore or reject the truth; problems will multiply all by themselves; those problems will need no help.
      Have a great and a meaningful life if it is at all possible.
      Just whispers, of the Ghost of Reality.

    • @Ekam-Sat
      @Ekam-Sat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What is not true? Ask me. Maybe I can answer.

    • @Mehki227
      @Mehki227 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      ​@@charliepershall5956Why do you people always write these long nonsensical wall of text screeds? Always sound hysterical, like you're trying to convince yourselves of something.

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Relatable. This video got me thinking and reflecting on my youth/family. Didn’t consider us especially religious, but prayer before every meal and before bed and before every long car trip doesn’t seem so normal now. I never really believed in god, but still happily continued through and beyond college because I saw it as like a metaphor and a valuable positive way of thinking. Was always uncomfortable though praying or addressing god because I just didn’t believe like others. Finally realized there are other activities I could replace church with on sunday that are more fulfilling and valuable to my life. Like I was also in it for the social aspect as it’s just harder to connect and socialize at any church I’ve been to as compared to like a group run for example. It’s been hard to cut those ties though. My siblings now are just as religious if not more than my parents and I just can’t relate with them as easily anymore. They don’t even know. I moved to a new city and last they heard I found a new church and immediately got involved with volunteering and everything. I just kinda dodge questions on my rare visit back home. I think they assume I still attend. And I’ll still join them for church back home, but zero interest now going back.

    • @benjones7634
      @benjones7634 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow, that sounds so hard. Like being forced to attend school or karate or some other thing.

  • @chuckhunter77
    @chuckhunter77 ปีที่แล้ว +441

    My favorite meme is Jesus standing behind the surgeon saying, "What are you doing?! I put that tumor there for a reason!"

    • @RickaramaTrama-lc1ys
      @RickaramaTrama-lc1ys ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Some Funny Stuff~!!!

    • @johno9507
      @johno9507 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

      Ah yes the old 'God has a plan for your life"
      Well I'm 46 and dying of lung disease...He needs a new bloody plan! 🇦🇺

    • @skfineshriber
      @skfineshriber 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I’m sorry. ✌️❤️

    • @TheBermudaMan
      @TheBermudaMan 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Heaven forbid the possibility that the patient was just a raging dipstick who smoked thirty cigarettes a day.

    • @billkgeorge
      @billkgeorge 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      When lightning rods were being built & put up in the 19th century, social conservatives opposed it with the argument: If God wanted to hit a building with lightning, then it wasn't right for man to stop him from doing so.

  • @essenceoneessence
    @essenceoneessence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +213

    I have carried guilt with me for over 13 years because the last words I said to my boyfriend was “I love you” instead of praying for him before he entered the procedure room that he died in. Even though I’ve deconstructed and deconverted from Christianity over the last 6 months it’s not until this very moment, watching this video that I’m freed from that guilt. I truly am free. Thank you 🥰

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Kinda dumb.
      Ya know, you coulda said "I love you" AND prayed too.

    • @grandeau3802
      @grandeau3802 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jennifersmith4864your comment is kinda dumb. You missed the point totally.

    • @richardvass1462
      @richardvass1462 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      I'm a Christian and I believe God and trust him for everything and I would rather my wife say I love you is that would make me feel better than to hear a prayer before I go through something something like that

    • @essenceoneessence
      @essenceoneessence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +40

      @@jennifersmith4864 yeah. Those kinds of sentiments are what led to my deconstruction and deconversion. So thanks

    • @essenceoneessence
      @essenceoneessence 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      @@richardvass1462 yeah. That’s what I held onto and what made/makes it easier, considering the relationship between us, that he felt loved near the end. As a trauma nurse I’ve witness death regardless of prayer but my outlook as to why is much different now. I just thought it was something that I hadn’t processed this important moment until seeing this video.

  • @alessandrobanovich6847
    @alessandrobanovich6847 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    Hello everyone! I'm a fellow Atheist/Agnostic right from the heartland of Catholicism 🇮🇹. I've been a Catholic Christian until the age of 14, when I got out of my local church slamming its door with a loud bang. I've done both Communion and Confirmation, but after the latter I decided to leave Christianity for good. The thing that made me an non-believer was the day when my cousin came out as gay, and the horrendous treatment he received from all those people who pretend to "love thy neighbour". And I never understood the very Christian obsession for family and don't get married in the name of Jesus, you do it because you really want to. Pretty basic and simple, right? I'm 34 now, and been an Atheist for 20 years.
    And by the way, I love this guy. So direct and simple, yet very smart.
    Greetings from Italy!

    • @RuthlovesJesusChrist
      @RuthlovesJesusChrist 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He is stupid

    • @drivinsouth651
      @drivinsouth651 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It amazes me that their God, Jesus commanded His followers not to judge and love your enemies, Mathew 5;44 and Luke 6:27 And don`t be a hypocrite! The nerve of these "christian sinners" baffle me with their evil, BS! I wonder if it is Jesus` ritual blood sacrifice that allows them to ignore everything Jesus said? It really is crazy as hell not to do what your god commands you to do, imho! I don't know; I never believed in God; I only fell for Santa Claus. Cheers and salute from Lake Wales, Floriduh, U.S.A. Peace & love!

    • @dedeeprice6560
      @dedeeprice6560 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah the homeland. You know what I found out
      Yeah turn irish catholic into an atheist
      Make him go to A catholic high school
      It makes them read the bible covered cover
      I'm glad that people in the homeland are starting to get away from the catholic church.
      I'm a faminer We came home for during the potato famine
      I actually have a funny story because they're still some fighting going on
      There's a zillion that's said some shit make up running his mouth about gotten
      And of course, i'm on twitter and this pushing comes up and says, are you irish?
      But yes I am i'm Of irish lineage hearing the united states
      And he was running his mouth about guns
      In irritating certain republic Per military whatever you wanna call it
      They consider them to be terrorist
      But anyways, he's starting talking about. He's gone and she starts talking about playing with her gun and then she shut her up picture. And we both got remove dolph twitter because of well
      She was IRA

    • @madamecurious
      @madamecurious 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I’m glad you found your way out! I was born into a cult - the Jehovah’s Witnesses - but after doing research, I left this awful religion for good!! Why are they awful? They practice SHUNNING!

  • @geneseeco5265
    @geneseeco5265 ปีที่แล้ว +221

    In about 1977 when I was a medical student at Yale, I attended a presentation with a visiting professor who was to be challenged to make a particularly difficult diagnosis before the faculty and students. The visiting professor asked that the doors to the auditorium be locked because he was about to tell a story that might offend the lay staff at the hospital. He began by noting that many in the hospital were wearing badges stating that doctors only treat patients while God heals them. He noted that these badges reminded him of a story from long ago in Jerusalem. A man was on his hands and knees tending to his small garden inside a low wall when a religious man riding a donkey spoke to him from outside the wall. The religious man said, "You and the Lord have created quite a beautiful garden." The man working in his garden looked up and said, "Me and the Lord hell. You should have seen it when the Lord had it all to himself!"

    • @scotte4765
      @scotte4765 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      There's a similar theme at the end of the book of Job. After Job caves in to God's bullying rant, God "blesses" Job with, among other things, ten new children to replace the ones God allowed to be slaughtered. That passage always made me wonder whether Job's wife might deserve at least a little of the credit for that "reward".

    • @AW-uv3cb
      @AW-uv3cb 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      @@scotte4765 Yeah, that plus for me that passage always sounded creepy because it's like: oh who cares about the children you already had. Here, have some new ones. After all, what's the difference - it's not like they're actual human beings, am I right?

    • @scotte4765
      @scotte4765 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

      @@AW-uv3cb Quite so. The passage is callous on multiple levels. In addition to Job's wife doing all the work and not getting any credit, and children being talked about as replaceable commodities, we're further told that Job's new daughters were prettier than anyone else's. The writer could have given them any admirable trait to stress how good a reward this was, such as saying that the new children were as righteous as Job, but instead made the girls physically attractive.
      As a Bronze Age morality tale that reflects the values and issues of that time and place, the story makes a lot of sense. As a depiction of an actual good God in charge of the universe, it's horrific nonsense.

    • @Ekam-Sat
      @Ekam-Sat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I don't get your story. What is it you are trying to say?

    • @scotte4765
      @scotte4765 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

      @@Ekam-Sat That religious people often give credit to God for things that were entirely the effort of regular human beings.

  • @muttleycrew
    @muttleycrew 4 ปีที่แล้ว +526

    I dated a Christian who could not only say stupid shit, she was sometimes cruel and inconsiderate, using her faith as a pretext to judge others. In the end I couldn’t bear her lack of real empathy, the startling absence of human kindness, the braindead apologetics for casual bigotry and smug, conceited nastiness. She was more impressed with an invisible skyman than real human beings.

    • @ThinkingMarion
      @ThinkingMarion ปีที่แล้ว +39

      You nailed it. Grew up in this type of family and your description is spot on. It's subtle if you are not around it much, but overwhelmingly obvious if you have regular, repeated interactions with them.

    • @muttleycrew
      @muttleycrew ปีที่แล้ว +30

      @@ThinkingMarion I'm saddened to hear that you have this inside of your own family. It must have been a tough thing to identify as unusual or unhealthy if it's already there when you're born into it.
      It was hard enough for me to really acknowledge it even as I was seeing it because deep down you want to love who you want to love and that can make it hard to accept that someone you want to love cannot ever really love you back without this other, very odd relationship with God always getting between you. Who can measure up to someone who loves an invisible perfect being more than they could ever love anyone else?
      I found it heartbreaking, just three years with that person left me feeling unworthy, unloveable, unimportant and worse, I only had myself to blame for sticking around. I kept trying to mend her, to show her another way to be but she despised me for it and it took a long time to see that dynamic for what it was and to admit to myself that she truly wasn't able to care about anyone.
      I don't believe all Christians are like that, not at all, but many are and she was one of them. Wishing you happiness, strength and many sunny, great days ahead.
      Best wishes.

    • @undrwatropium3724
      @undrwatropium3724 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can't blame the her for her lack of empathy. They live their lives according to.....
      Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10)
      Kill all witches (Ex 22:18)
      Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)
      Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)
      Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27)
      Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4)
      Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20)
      Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32)
      Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17)
      Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21)
      Kill non-believers (2 Chron 15:12-13)
      Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)
      Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15)
      Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20)
      Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)
      Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)
      Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51)
      Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13)
      Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)
      Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13)
      Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21)
      Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9)
      Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14)
      Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-16)
      And most importantly: Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17).

    • @paulread7113
      @paulread7113 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      ​​@@muttleycrewI feel for you as I have recently had a very similar experience myself. It's tough.

    • @percubit10
      @percubit10 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @thomasgodfrey5766
    @thomasgodfrey5766 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    When I was 11 years old and starting to think for myself, I asked our priest,who had just heard my confession and gave me 5 “Hail Marys’ and 3 “Our Fathers’ to recite as a penance, why was talking to god and Jesus’s mother considered punishment? He told me to go away, and that I was in danger of being cast into eternal damnation, I did go away, and I stayed away. Thank you Father Doyle.

    • @Semety
      @Semety 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Huh I'm not Catholic, but that's an interesting question. I wasn't sure if it was actually done like the movies. Maybe the penance is the repetition and it's also supposed to get it into your mind, like writing lines? Instead of putting the sin by repeating I shall not do whatever sin?

    • @BlackPill-pu4vi
      @BlackPill-pu4vi 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      As I recall, the penance is simply apologizing to God for falling short; especially when you knew you could've done better. Penance in the modern Catholic church is less than a bad joke.
      Many centuries ago, penance was a real act of contrition that required a lot of self-abasement and discomfort. All the hard stuff you had to do for penance had the side effect of deterring future mischief and making you try harder. Vatican II has utterly ruined the Church and the reasons are legion.

    • @drivinsouth651
      @drivinsouth651 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Beautiful, story! Did you see what happened to the Bishop on Father Ted? This is what happened to me when I was the Bishop!

    • @drahg8794
      @drahg8794 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@BlackPill-pu4vi when you say legion wdym? like the spirit, we are many?

  • @daredevil1956
    @daredevil1956 3 ปีที่แล้ว +940

    I got slapped by a nun when I asked "Where are the dinosaurs in the Bible?"
    I became an Atheist at 8 years old. Nuff said!

    • @richrichy3015
      @richrichy3015 3 ปีที่แล้ว +65

      You can see how man lived alongside dinosaurs at the Ark theme park. Really compelling and convincing stuff. 😆

    • @daredevil1956
      @daredevil1956 3 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      @@richrichy3015 LMAO!!!! Good one

    • @ingebygstad9667
      @ingebygstad9667 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      literally slapped? :D

    • @daredevil1956
      @daredevil1956 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      @@ingebygstad9667 Yes literally !

    • @ingebygstad9667
      @ingebygstad9667 3 ปีที่แล้ว +68

      @@daredevil1956 I really don't get my head around how this "make-believe" works, as I'm a natural skeptical, being rational, and love _knowledge._
      How can someone believe in something they _know_ is a wrong? Why do a nun _want to_ devote her life to something there's no evidence _for,_ but tons _against?_
      She slapped you, because you hit her hard somewhere, and she felt it. An 8 year old kiddo....

  • @onkelwaldo39
    @onkelwaldo39 4 ปีที่แล้ว +224

    Many, many years ago - I think I was around twelve at the time, I asked a very kind, very affectionate and very religious lady a question about God or Jesus - I forget which, and I’ve also forgotten the question. She looked at me with big, shocked and fearful eyes, then asked: - You are not a FREETHINKER, are you? I didn’t have an answer for her at the time, but I pondered for a looooooooong time, then came to the conclusion: Yes! - that’s what I am! (Fortunately, she was not around to hear it!) 😁 Today, almost seventy years later, that is still my answer!

    • @onkelwaldo39
      @onkelwaldo39 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      PrettyGirl111 You are free to have YOUR beliefs and convictions, I am free to have mine. I am in addition tolerant enough to NOT call people with another conviction «dumbo». You just MAY get there, too - but it will take some time - and a lot of REALLY free thinking! 😁

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@onkelwaldo39 What a terrible freedom. Free will. That's what got Adam and Eve in this mess that we are now in. A Sinful mess. Thank God there is a way out of this mess. Jesus is the only way. Romans 14:11
      It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’”

    • @thuscomeguerriero
      @thuscomeguerriero 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There's a great story in the gospels Jesus tells. Its about someone who, like you, was something of a free thinking individual.
      Its the story of the Prodigal Son.
      But you bring to mind another story that, though albeit not directly applicable to yourself, nevertheless traverses the same worldview.
      Its the story of the Rich Fool who thought himself secure in the worldly sense having all he needed for years to come only to be called from this life leaving behind all he had thought his own.
      In my opinion when a persons sense of self sufficiency, autonomy is shone for the hubris that it is it
      allows space for God in their heart where otherwise there hadn't been.

    • @nowimhigh
      @nowimhigh 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@thuscomeguerriero You come off as articulate, smart, and educated. I'm sure you've had your doubts or test of faith? Yet you'll justify you faith due to the cognitive dissonance you possess. We all are technically born Atheists. We have no concept of a higher power. When we become more impressionable and can begin to wrap our minds around the concept of religion. That's when a child is indoctrinated and grows up to believe in whatever their family believes in. Now once you become a teenager and have developed critical thinking skills. You have more reading comprehension in return. You can now begin to read the Bible for what it is.
      If they haven't been fully indicated and had some doubt in them. Something they've been skeptical about because things just didn't add up. Those ppl usually look at things with an open mind. Usually those who think critically use facts, via through research, personal experiences, unbiased sources, etc. They use that evidence to produce an answer. No difference than the scientific method used when makes an experiment. Expect this is life and therefore your experience.
      You're either a skeptical person by nature or you follow whatever narrative you've been told all of your life. Faith is your crutch and the reason why you could never let go of your religion. You'll never be open to the possibility that you were lied to this whole time. When you spent your whole life believing in a God. You may of even experienced things you connect directly to as a message or conduit it God. The mins is a complex organ and religion can bring about some odd occurrences. That would be your rebuttle, that your felt God's presence. You were experiencing mild delusional perceptions. You'd swear up and down that it was real. Cognitive dissonance and mental illness go hand in hand. Religion aides this phenomenon and that's really as close to God you'll get is your own self. You'd have to have a basic understanding of psychology to really grasp what I'm trying to convey. I'm the end your entitle to your beliefs as much as the next man. If it's not harming anyone than I see nothing wrong. Except with monotheism they seem to develop this us vs. them mentality. It's hard to talk any sense to them, so I gave up entirely. I realize they don't know any better,

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @hatter00For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • @hoopsmom68
    @hoopsmom68 5 ปีที่แล้ว +167

    As an ex-JW, everything you experienced is exactly what I went through. Thank you for your work and activism.

    • @JohnDoe-ov9ib
      @JohnDoe-ov9ib 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      So happy for you. Congrats on leaving the Jehovah's Witness cult. You're one of the lucky ones to have made it out.

    • @phinehas55
      @phinehas55 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I like you woke up years ago 🌴

    • @black_jackledemon6298
      @black_jackledemon6298 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      🙋‍♂️ freedom from Jdub here as well.

    • @violet11000
      @violet11000 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I’m a freed JW too!!!

    • @martylawrence5532
      @martylawrence5532 ปีที่แล้ว

      Today on January 22nd, 2022 there is a news article of "Scientists Have Successfully Reversed Signs of Aging in Mice for the First Time". How did they do it? It was by restoring the youthful epigenetics of the old mice. They call this epigenetics coming from all life's epigenome a software program. What is the other huge aspect of this? Here it is below.
      It is this epigenetic biological system made of methyl tags giving ADAPTATIONS in earth's creatures and us to changed environments, changed diets, or new threats. This is without any evolving DNA mutations being involved. This was found materially factual in 2014 by scientist Dr. Michael Skinner in all of observed organisms and in Darwin Finches in their beak-to-diet adaptations.
      This takes out the cornerstone of the theory of evolution. These epigenetic-derived adaptations...including for bacterial antibiotic resistance...are logistically from intelligent design, not by the spinned Godless self-creation of evolution. These observed adaptations for all these decades have had ASSUMED evolving DNA mutations and were called 'microevolution'. Then effects from genome degeneration were equivocated to be the same. It was a non-sequitur. The assertions by evolutionists of genome degeneration causing evolutionary generation is laid out here as absurd comic book science.
      New finches transported from the mainland onto new islands pass beak adaptation to the offspring in just two generations or seventeen years. Evolutionary 'biologist' have wrongly theorized the Darwin Finches took 2.3 million years.
      The theory of evolution is the biggest scam ever foisted on humanity. The correct alternative? We are a creation by Jesus Christ beyond doubt. The theory of evolution has been beloved by the Left for its political science benefits, not for its science. It has been scientism instead.
      Many of people have gone to their death beds or laying fatally injured in their crashed vehicles thinking an eternal void was awaiting them because of this theory of evolution. It gives the 'dots of the picture' of a Godless existence. To which spiritual existence of the two did these deceived people go to?

  • @johnsperry9494
    @johnsperry9494 ปีที่แล้ว +184

    One of my Christian friends told me I should read the Bible. I told him I have read the Bible, cover to cover, twice, and it’s the main reason I’m an Atheist.

    • @charlesfortescue8631
      @charlesfortescue8631 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      I've read it too. But to be honest, you only have to read Genesis and see that it's all nonsense. The creation story, and the flood etc, simply makes no logical sense whatsoever.

    • @hesuskristo5642
      @hesuskristo5642 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I read the bible since im a kid. Im an athiest...and have a perfect life.

    • @hesuskristo5642
      @hesuskristo5642 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I read the bible since im a kid. Im an athiest...and have a perfect life.

    • @neclark08
      @neclark08 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ...and how did he respond..?

    • @Doku71
      @Doku71 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I read the Bible over a decade ago in college. I also read about other religions and the various pantheons. I'm Agnostic and don't concern myself with it beyond my readings, as it doesn't change my day to day in that it is ultimately my personal being that I am me. The amount of times I've had these Abrahamic religion pushers pester me or even appear in comments and push it annoys me to no end.
      I prefer reading about philosophy than religious scriptures, Marcus Aurelius philosophical writings of stoicism, the quote that has sat with me that made me start getting out of a depressed funk I had was, “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

  • @Chris-hx3om
    @Chris-hx3om 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +158

    A story I heard told by one of the soldiers who liberated a concentration camp during WW2. He found, carved into the wall in one of the bunk houses, a quote that read "If there is a god he will have to beg my forgiveness when I meet him." Sums up how I feel pretty well.

    • @richardlawson6787
      @richardlawson6787 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      True..if god is real it doesn't care about human suffering...its interesting that every christian ive met admits if they were all powerful they would not sit idly by watching children starve to death...

    • @benjaminnielsen4288
      @benjaminnielsen4288 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      That's pretty powerful. I've always wondered (if there is God) up there watching, why does he let terrible things happen to good people. And the assholes seem to live forever 😢

    • @richardlawson6787
      @richardlawson6787 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@benjaminnielsen4288 gets worse says god is a mass killer and commands believers to kill unbelievers

    • @KindredKunoichi
      @KindredKunoichi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@benjaminnielsen4288 "Freewill", supposedly. It's not God doing all these awful things. It's us humans. We do this to each other. We've literally been left here to get on with it & love one another but we can't even manage that! You can't get mad at God if you don't believe in him though. This is the Devil's playground, why doesn't he ever get the blame?!?!

    • @JT-yl9yt
      @JT-yl9yt 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      @@KindredKunoichi Because if I was God who was all powerful I would step in and help people in need and make the world more prosperous instead of letting war criminals, rapists, pedohphiles, bombers, etc get away with so much crap and never get punished. Oh yeah and I wouldn't stand for forgiveness for those people on their death bed who lived and entire life of evil simply because he believes I exist while someone who did nothing or nearly nothing wrong gets punished because he doesn't know who I am. Maybe people should take some critical thinking classes and realize the religion class is really only there to make sure you obey the rich who guilt you into following them.
      Also the Bible promotes slavery and owning your wife rather than being a real partner. Its literally a giant scam

  • @msoda8516
    @msoda8516 5 ปีที่แล้ว +560

    As a brain tumor survivor I’m glad I went with science and because of that I’m able to raise me kids to day.

    • @tedl7538
      @tedl7538 5 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      @Ryan Plethra
      Ah, so we have confirmation from Ryan once again that religion often goes hand in hand with cruelty and arrogance.

    • @adamplentl5588
      @adamplentl5588 5 ปีที่แล้ว +54

      @Ryan Plethra
      >*claims totally plausible story is b.s.*
      >*believes a shitty old book of obvious mythology*

    • @robertrosskopf4641
      @robertrosskopf4641 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Both science and religion are sources of truth. It isn't an either/or proposition. There is nothing in science that supports an atheist point of view, except half-baked theories.

    • @msoda8516
      @msoda8516 5 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      Ryan Plethra
      What about my story is bs? That I had a intraventricular meningioma and that modern medicine allowed me to survive? You sir can kiss my ass. I know what I went through and some little troll like you isn’t going to try tell me it was a lie.

    • @robertrosskopf4641
      @robertrosskopf4641 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Ryan Plethra Noone can prove the earth is flat. And noone can prove that there are no gods. Atheists tell us that we can't trust eyewitness testimony, but half baked theories are even more unreliable.

  • @timelston4260
    @timelston4260 3 ปีที่แล้ว +920

    Don't feel bad: after being raised in a pastor's home, getting a masters degree in biblical studies, teaching biblical Greek to seminarians, and being a minister myself for seventeen years, it wasn't until the month of my fortieth birthday that it hit me like a ton of bricks that it wasn't true. Paul said he wasn't ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He should have been.

    • @ericwilliams626
      @ericwilliams626 3 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      You learned nothing.

    • @terrellsmith6715
      @terrellsmith6715 3 ปีที่แล้ว +97

      He learned in the end

    • @timelston4260
      @timelston4260 3 ปีที่แล้ว +242

      @@terrellsmith6715 Thanks for saying that. I was in a PhD program in New Testament when I realized. I had started the program to solve biblical problems, but the more problems I tried to solve, the more problems I found. Finally it hit me that the solution that made it all fit together was that it wasn't the "Word of God", but the ideas of different people, at different times, in different cultures, all whose projections of themselves they mistook to be "God". "Holy men of God" wrote not as they were moved by the "Holy Spirit", but from their own culturally bound, prejudiced, power-seeking perspectives. It all fell into place once I realized that, and even though I gradually lost my life-long friends and have become increasingly alienated from my own family over it, at least I no longer live under the burden of having to make sense of, defend, and proclaim the ridiculous.

    • @terrellsmith6715
      @terrellsmith6715 3 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      @@timelston4260 👍🏻

    • @ingebygstad9667
      @ingebygstad9667 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Where does Paul say that Tim? Just a question of interest.
      It's interesting to read peoples stories. Most Atheists leave faith because of inaccuracies or problems with scripture. Since there are so many different stories, I'd like to here more about yours. :)
      Considering you've been a minster and done bible studies for seventeen years, how come you missed this part out, or was unaware of this, for this long? Did you somehow neglect, or refuse to think about it? How does it work?

  • @donaldbingham8990
    @donaldbingham8990 ปีที่แล้ว +149

    You were not alone. There are hordes of people talking like idiots. My parents made me go to church but even as a 6 year old I was not able to accept what they tried to convince me of at the church. It did not make sense and it still doesn't.

    • @velikovskysghost
      @velikovskysghost ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @Donald Bingham I have an old friend in Texas who said the very same thing. When he was a child he pointed out to his mother that there were contradictions within the bible and his mom said I know I saw that too but don't tell the preacher. He became an atheist too. The thing that will be the most important for humanity is to find out where religion/s came from in the first place! There is an answer that will shock most people at first but after taking a closer look it becomes easy to understand see (Symbols of an Alien Sky 1) and (Remembering the End of the World) both documentaries are excellent and make it easy to understand where religions, all religions came from.

    • @mlayton1904
      @mlayton1904 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here are two videos that will explain why you were confused.
      One about what Jesus actually taught versus what you were taught he was teaching. The confusion will begin to be gone.
      1. What Jesus actually taught.
      2. The gospel of the Kingdom vs. the gospel of Christ. The confusion will now be gone.
      3. An excellent overview of what is going on in the bible.
      It all can be confirmed with a KJV bible.

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Paul Kinley awe poor you. Wanna band aid?

    • @jonstone9741
      @jonstone9741 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Fortunately, my parents were not religious at all. But when we visited relatives, I got dragged to Catholic Church a few times. As a young child, the rituals performed by priests during Sunday mass seemed bizarre and boring. The chanting in Latin, the smoke coming out of the incense burner as the priest swung it back and forth like a pendulum, the genuflecting, the praying, the standing then kneeling, then sitting, then kneeling. But I must admit, Catholics have built some beautiful churches and cathedrals.

    • @darcymurphy1769
      @darcymurphy1769 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I to often queried my parents at a young age about religion and in my opinion never got satisfactory answers, as a consequence I am now a non believer in any god shape or form.
      I saw the true light in my forties thanks to books and deeper thought!

  • @maureenperez9999
    @maureenperez9999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +209

    At 14 yrs old, I was kicked out of my "Open Bible" Pentecostal church for questioning their BS and it was one of the highlights of my life. Spirituality is so much cleaner than organized religion with hate mongering.

    • @koppite9600
      @koppite9600 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Were you there because of the people or because of Jesus?
      Because you are an idiot if you left your faith because of the bs those people taught

    • @mutualink
      @mutualink ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Yes,we can be religious without religion.Glad that you found your spirituality.😊

    • @neilroy4406
      @neilroy4406 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@mutualink Even jesus said the kingdom of heaven i within. Christianity religion is a insult to jesus as well

    • @pauldurand4780
      @pauldurand4780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@neilroy4406 most 'c'hristian "religion" is as bad if not worse than other religions as it has the truth but besmirch it with "theological" and " interpretationing" garbage. I particularly cant stand "the one verse" churches that build everything around one verse.

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pauldurand4780 science is a religion conducted and organized by the same people who ran the church’s before. They just replaced the word “God” with “science”and dumb a zzes like you will still eat it up. Enjoy living in a pod and eating bugs while politicians use your taxes to buy their McMansions.

  • @tommytomtom5531
    @tommytomtom5531 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1385

    all their lives, sheep fear the wolf..... in the end it is the shepherd who eats them.....

    • @siboleketiyabantu1309
      @siboleketiyabantu1309 5 ปีที่แล้ว +144

      Damn... Dude that's deep
      People don't think.
      Salute Man

    •  5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      But their lives would have been much harder and shorter without the shepherd to protect them- and their deaths would have been by terrifying chase, clawing and throat ripping; not a simple quick quiet slitting. We ALLgotta die somehow..
      Either way, they are food. At least the shepherd keeps them around a few seasons to make use of their wool.
      So much for the zen wolf

    • @cristinafultz4572
      @cristinafultz4572 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Only if the wolf doesn't get there first.

    • @jdanielcramer
      @jdanielcramer 5 ปีที่แล้ว +48

      Ah...but at least they’ll have a chance with the wolf👽

    • @MrElionor
      @MrElionor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      So that gives the shepherd the right to eat them?

  • @HerkRants
    @HerkRants 7 ปีที่แล้ว +950

    If God's counting the hairs on my head, his job gets easier every day.

    • @trapdoormajesty
      @trapdoormajesty 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      *Luke 12:7*
      _"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."_
      Before you were born God knew all the hair strands you would ever have :) it's when you stop growing hair, when your body stops working that we should all know what comes after this life. God bless neighbor :)

    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 7 ปีที่แล้ว +109

      In every "bless you" is a hidden, tiny "fuck you"

    • @napillnik
      @napillnik 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      well that's evidence that he's cheating. Therefore god.

    • @emilyfrugalsworthkiang2324
      @emilyfrugalsworthkiang2324 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      HerkRants HA!

    • @karensmith3565
      @karensmith3565 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      HerkRants ha ha ha! Love it

  • @cultfan5227
    @cultfan5227 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    As a retired R.N. I can tell you it used to kill me when a patient got better and the family thanked god. Not the doctors, not the nurses with all their education and hard work, not the numerous scientists that created the drugs and procedures , but their pretend god.

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So, what;s yer point, there is no god?

    • @cultfan5227
      @cultfan5227 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't believe there is. @@jennifersmith4864

    • @TheXIIWizard
      @TheXIIWizard หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jennifersmith4864 that it's disgusting that "god" would hoard all credit and merit of the relentless suffering of people who gave their time, their life, their sanity to study, develop, and advance fields, all hanging off a hope that their work could one day help people or at the very least advance their own disciplines even if by a meager step. Why must the oh so self righteous god take the praise when it was never his to begin with? Who you are never justifies your actions, and thus, little sparrow, your god is a bitch.

  • @michaeljarchibald7417
    @michaeljarchibald7417 5 ปีที่แล้ว +430

    “Religion is like a pair of shoes… Find one that fits you, but don’t make me wear your shoes. “
    -George Carlin

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      George carlin needs an exorcist priest role.

    • @divided_we_fall6628
      @divided_we_fall6628 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That's why I walk barefoot

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Irresponsiblemilo The exorcist priest role is cool I walk with socks and shoes.

    • @seanm4095
      @seanm4095 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lightbeing8174 Ok just so long as you definitely don't make me wear your socks those things can wreak at times lolz!!!

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sean M I got brand new clean socks that I have never worn you can wear those.

  • @deepwoodtickles
    @deepwoodtickles 6 ปีที่แล้ว +585

    What is the difference between the blessed and unblessed food?One is colder because you delayed eating it!

    • @paolaeli850
      @paolaeli850 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10


    • @exzelcic
      @exzelcic 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      deepwoodtickles yes

    • @ianp3112
      @ianp3112 6 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      deepwoodtickles unless its ice cream, then its a puddle of milk. Good comment mate, cheers

    • @MartTLS
      @MartTLS 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I have a born again hamburger.

    • @EmilyRose900
      @EmilyRose900 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Hey Daniel, if what you can't explain is the work of God, then explain how that theory stands up against scientific evidence when we figure out what could not be explained years ago? Your God only exists if your ignorant to scientific fact. What do you sound like?

  • @dreamzofhorses
    @dreamzofhorses 4 ปีที่แล้ว +374

    “Everything happens for a reason.” Right. After my daughter was murdered, I tossed that Bible and several Christian “friends”. God is supposedly omniscient, all powerful and everywhere. But he doesn’t do a damn thing to stop murder, sexual assault, child molestation, starvation, drought..all the “evil” acts and events that plague this world. Even you and I would try to stop someone from doing these things if we had the power to do so, but the only one with the power to see all, do all, does nothing. Takes a lot of “faith” to ignore these facts.

    • @sidnew2739
      @sidnew2739 4 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      My condolences.

    • @randomuser6306
      @randomuser6306 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      It's called the problem of evil, and yes, there are answers that resolve it from A Christian perspective.
      What can't be resolved is that from an atheist perspective, all of us have no inherent value and thus murder isn't even a thing, just one meat bag ending the blip in time far the other was alive, not that there's any value in being alive anyways.

    • @dreamzofhorses
      @dreamzofhorses 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Leonardo's Truth I’m not an athiest

    • @richrichy3015
      @richrichy3015 4 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      @Leonardo's Truth Was that supposed to be some compelling argument there? Those things you talk of going "unpunished" would be exactly that if this made up god really forgives, based on his ego, and whether you ask for forgiveness....which is exactly the case in your religion. Doesn't matter what someone long as they say "sorry" and bow their head. In reality, there is no such thing as "evil". Evil, like the god you worship, is just another man made concept. People just do shit we consider bad....or they don't. Shit happens, or it don't.

    • @Ray89135
      @Ray89135 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      He could stop bad happenings, but doesn't because....(you figure it out)

  • @maddyboombaddybaddy6532
    @maddyboombaddybaddy6532 ปีที่แล้ว +235

    I was adopted by a mormon family at 8 years old and I've struggled with it horribly for decades. I'm very relieved and at ease after learning about Christopher Hitchens and reading his book.

    • @STGFilmmakers
      @STGFilmmakers ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @TheBinaryWolf
      @TheBinaryWolf ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Satan is very clever: he infuses ungodly religions to dissuade people from coming to the real Christ. Finding a genuinely Christian church among the cults is like trying to find a diamond in a bucket of zircons.
      Don't let the old serpent deprive you of eternal life because of failed parenting. Nobody knows when it is your time to cross to the other side of the grave, where all the clever arguments for atheism will count for nothing.

    • @pauldurand4780
      @pauldurand4780 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah.. mormonism , JWs, most "ism"s, especially catholoscism have turned more people from God and especially Christ than just about anything.and are as bad as a bad acid trip.
      Thats why its important to read the NT to discern whether the place you go to worship and seek God is in agreement with The Word.
      Even then, watch out for places that build on the premise of just a couple of verses like Pentecostals or snake handlers etc. It must be all with nothing above the other in import. Most people don't read it and end up in shitshows. As Paul said- praphrase- if I do this or that but dont have Christs love Im just someone with a stick and a garbage can lid banging away to no ones benefit, not even my own.

    • @TheBinaryWolf
      @TheBinaryWolf ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@pauldurand4780 Well said.

    • @STGFilmmakers
      @STGFilmmakers ปีที่แล้ว +36

      @@TheBinaryWolf Not trying to be rude sir, but has it ever crossed your mind that they are all cults? The same reasons you provide for whatever following you were indoctrinated into being "the one true faith" is the exact same reasons all the others are "the one true faith." Thousands of branches with millions of people all saying the same exact thing about their branch. "We follow the real Christ."

  • @DimaRakesah
    @DimaRakesah 4 ปีที่แล้ว +381

    God is straight up abusive. "You must love me, worship me, accredit all good things to me, sacrifice what you want for me, change yourself for me and have blind faith in me or suffer for all eternity" ok this seems like a healthy relationship....?

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Somewhat unbalanced at least, when put that way, yes. Not like for sure infallible either, per existing text.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      But Satan can ONLY do what God allows him, or retain the powers YHWH wanted him to have, yes?
      And why was Satan owed anything?

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And for the blood libel on Jews, and the Inquisition, how did that come to be...
      Did Matthew 27:25 already do much damage? And of Leviticus 25:46... (potentially misread)

    • @lastdays3148
      @lastdays3148 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      God is not abusive. Satan is abusive that Devil has been using the Pimp Preachers to con the weak Humans. Even God cannot enter into those Pimp Preaching fleecing the flock Churches. For Centuries Humans have been vile & evil towards God. Well God is letting Humans do whatever they want now. God doesn't forced us to worship the Savior. If anyone wants the Savior well they have free will to read John Chapter 3 KJV for Salvation🙏🏾🙋🏾‍♀️

    • @lastdays3148
      @lastdays3148 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@chrissonofpear1384 ,for Centuries Humans have been saying that they don't won't God. Well God gives us free will to do what ever we want. Maybe God is saying okay you want a World without me okay your choice. God is allowing Satan to ruled the World,because some of the Humans wants Satan instead of God. God doesn't forced the Savior on us. The Pimping Preachers, Religious Judging Church people and the Devil worship people are to blame for all of this hellish chaos on this toxic Planet Earth🌎🌍🌏🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @thorpenator9148
    @thorpenator9148 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    At my family I give Thanks to my mother for working 50 years to provide for us. She is our saint...and gave us all we needed...and went to work while ill..through horrible weather to ensure we had food and shelter.

  • @mysunnybird
    @mysunnybird 5 ปีที่แล้ว +125

    There should be just one Commandment for everybody to follow: DON'T DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DONE TO YOU.

    • @redleg56
      @redleg56 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Which is something Jesus knew because Hillel said it already. He took it a bit further after quoting him, and -- believe it or not, Aleister Crowley explained it a great length,

    • @annk.8750
      @annk.8750 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      It doesn't take great lengths. It's pretty self-explanatory.

    • @laurasomebody
      @laurasomebody 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You mean the golden rule? Lol pretty sure I learned "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" in church 😉

    • @ktmal1681
      @ktmal1681 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      But then the sex fetishists will run rampant....

    • @wetyewruyrtsutrdhjfg
      @wetyewruyrtsutrdhjfg 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Eh, what if I want to have sex with a beautiful woman and she says no?
      I want that woman to have sex with me,, so according to that principle, it'll be fine if I have sex with her, right?

  • @NonaStrohs
    @NonaStrohs 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    When my parents divorced, I was ten years old and had been raised Catholic until this point. Within a year my mother had stopped taking us to Catholic Church and we started to attend a born again Christian Church.
    That was the biggest....... SHOCK I had ever experienced. Completely opened my eyes.... yep, idiots defines it well

  • @spiderfan1974
    @spiderfan1974 7 ปีที่แล้ว +562

    Christianity in a nutshell "that's a nice soul, be a shame if anything happened to it".

      @MOSMASTERING 7 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Now pay!

    • @pondartinc4002
      @pondartinc4002 7 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      With a New Jersey accent...........

    • @ericsbuds
      @ericsbuds 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @joyclark7530
      @joyclark7530 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Tythe and I can have my own jet, yacht and mansion.

    • @mackhomie6
      @mackhomie6 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      That isn't original, is it?

  • @Dr.J-e9t
    @Dr.J-e9t 5 ปีที่แล้ว +180

    Talking about the dinner "blessing", in Japan we say "Itadakimasu" (I accept) which is a recognition in gratitude for the growers, farmers, distributors, grocers... all those people who made your meal possible. Much better than thanking a fictional cosmic father figure. You don't have to follow a superstition to say thanks in appreciation.

    • @noeenricodomanais2517
      @noeenricodomanais2517 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Gagan Singh indeed. Both of these are philosophies not religion

    • @adamplentl5588
      @adamplentl5588 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@noeenricodomanais2517 no, they're definitely religions.

    • @axisofego1112
      @axisofego1112 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      What's wrong with making a profit? can i have your money ?

    • @stryker1195
      @stryker1195 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I believe Seth Andrews IS an idiot. He seems to believe that saying a blessing over a meal is senseless since no measurable or detectable changes occur in the food. Seth seems to have expectations about saying a blessing over a meal that Christians don’t have. He seems to believe that saying a blessing over a meal is pointless unless the food is supplemented by a supernatural aura or divine glow. Again, Seth continues to have expectations about saying a blessing that Christians do not have. He seems to believe that blessed food should be different than unblessed food. Seth continues to have expectations about “blessings” that Christians do not have. He seems to believe Christians don’t know which God or which spirit they are praying to when they give thanks for a meal. Well, if Seth ever wins any kind of award he should not be a hypocrite and “give thanks” to anyone or anything because he probably won't know who he is giving thanks to, right?

    • @Rx7man
      @Rx7man 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@stryker1195 Nah, Seth will give thanks to all the people that helped him, his teachers, his peers, his supporters, etc

  • @RandyFricke
    @RandyFricke 4 ปีที่แล้ว +522

    I always liked the bullet-proof Pope Mobile. There's faith in action.

    • @levinwhitfield3398
      @levinwhitfield3398 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      They don't really believe all the bs they preach. I was an aspiring christian until I read the bible. I was cured.

    • @MsWill813
      @MsWill813 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's why I appreciate the current pope.

    • @historicalbiblicalresearch8440
      @historicalbiblicalresearch8440 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      When you visit a Church look for the Lightning Conductor on the Church Spire that's Science > Faith

    • @cryptohunt2552
      @cryptohunt2552 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      What makes more sense? A man who believes in a God he cannot see, or a man who rages against a God he doesn't believe in?

    • @cryptohunt2552
      @cryptohunt2552 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wow, I'm impressed. you know every Christian that goes to church!

  • @xavierbreath2227
    @xavierbreath2227 ปีที่แล้ว +75

    In the 1970s my Mother took us to church. I will never forget the moment I became an atheist. I was 7 years old and in the pews with my Mom and brother. The preacher started going off on the sins of divorce and especially divorced woman and single Mothers. My single and twice divorced Mother stood up, grabbed my brother and I and walked out of church in protest. We never went back. This taught me that a persons moral center has nothing to do with God or The Bible. If my Mother could pick add choose her faith, then anyone including me could do so as well. Right then and there I knew it was all BS.

    • @normanleach5427
      @normanleach5427 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Have you ever revisted your conclusion? Your mother's action could be that the pastor was a condescending jack-ass. The inflated ego of smug sanctimony is a pathology...but such poor theology isn't the whole picture of your personal perspective. There's love involved here and those who understand such subtlety have tried to get others on board...while contending with the arrogance of incredibly poor theology.

    • @JustineDodd
      @JustineDodd 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I love that your mum used the new information and made a change.... unlike, well, so many other ..............s.

    • @xavierbreath2227
      @xavierbreath2227 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@normanleach5427 I have revisited the issue 1000 times over, every time Christians or Muslim or whatever religion oversteps their bounds, makes a ridiculous claim, attempts to influence foreign or domestic policy, and whenever they attempt to shove their archaic and backward way of thinking down me or my kids throat.

    • @ThomasCranmer1959
      @ThomasCranmer1959 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yah, fatherless homes are a blessing. LOL

    • @xavierbreath2227
      @xavierbreath2227 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@ThomasCranmer1959 compared to every dual parent household in my neighborhood at the time, I did feel blessed.

  • @skfineshriber
    @skfineshriber 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    “Everything happens for a reason.” One of the most thoughtless phrases ever. Does it mean that everything is predetermined? If so, what good is prayer? What is the reason a woman I loved, a woman who was universally loved, with two small children, who just finished a master’s degree in social justice, was killed by a drunk driver? There is no benevolent, omniscient, omnipotent deity.

    • @Plethorality
      @Plethorality 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I am so sorry that happened to you and to her and her family.
      And i am sorry that idiots said that stupid bloody phrase to you. You did not deserve that crap.

    • @wintergray1221
      @wintergray1221 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Plethorality It also contradicts the free will thing they throw around all the time. If everything is predetermined, so are each of our actions, like meaningless choices in a visual novel that lead to the same outcome.

  • @SabrinaFaith
    @SabrinaFaith 4 ปีที่แล้ว +106

    Whoever uploaded this, thank you! I really mean that.

    • @eugenegrewing2587
      @eugenegrewing2587 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Seth Andrews uploaded it. It’s his channel.

    • @JaegerLeMaserati
      @JaegerLeMaserati 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You'll always have Faith ... literally.

    • @fatturbo7680
      @fatturbo7680 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      No problem 😉

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Behold the power of the *Holy Dopamine Ghost* !
      "The second system, known as the mesolimbic system, has its cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area, which is medial to the substantia nigra. It projects to several parts of the limbic system, including the nucleus accumbens and ventral portions of the striatum, amygdala, and hippocampus, as well as prefrontal cortex. *This system has been linked to reward-related behavior (Berridge and Kringelbach, 2015). Dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens increase in response to both natural reinforcers (such as food, drink, and sex) and drugs of abuse (such as amphetamine and cocaine). Additionally, in humans, activity in this region increases in response to more abstract rewards, such as money.* "
      Marie T. Banich/Rebecca J. Compton, Cognitive Neuroscience, Section: Subsystems, pp. 2/3
      "Dopamine, in fact, is critical in association learning and the reward system of the brain that Skinner discovered through his process of operant conditioning, whereby any behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated. *A reinforcement is, by definition, something that is rewarding to the organism; that is to say, it makes the brain direct the body to repeat the behavior in order to get another positive reward.* ..The connection between dopamine and belief was established by experiments conducted by Peter Brugger and his colleague Christine Mohr at the University of Bristol in England. *Exploring the neurochemistry of superstition, magical thinking, and belief in the paranormal, Brugger and Mohr found that people with high levels of dopamine are more likely to find significance in coincidences and pick out meaning and patterns where there are none.* "
      Michael Shermer, The Believing Brain, Section: 6 The Believing Neuron pp. 8-10/29
      "Genetic and behavioral factors influencing religiously motivated behavior appear related to dopamine metabolism and signaling. *Inclination toward religious behavior and motivation has been associated with a polymorphism on the dopamine receptor gene DRD4 (Comings, Gonzales, Saucier, Johnson, & MacMurray, 2000;Sasaki et al., 2013). Acquired disorders of dopamine physiology also show links to religious behaviors.* "
      " *Religious and spiritual experiences activate the brain reward circuits in much the same way as love, sex, gambling, drugs and music,* report researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine. The findings will be published Nov. 29 in the journalSocial Neuroscience."
      "Dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline are neurotransmitters that belong to the catecholamine family. Dopamine is produced in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental regions of the brain, and dopamine alterations are related to schizophrenia (1, 2). Dopaminergic projections are divided into the nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and mesocortical systems. Impairments in the dopamine system result from dopamine dysfunctions in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental region, striatum, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus (3-5). *The “original dopamine hypothesis” states that hyperactive dopamine transmission results in schizophrenic symptoms.* "
      "Dopamine In schizophrenia (SCZ), there is evidence that *very high levels of dopamine in the limbic system play a major role in emergence of hallucinations and delusions.* Antipsychotic medications, which block central dopamine activity, alleviate the hallucinations of psychosis. Drugs with strong dopaminergic effect, such as L-dopa, methylphenidate, bromocriptine, pramipexole and piribedil, may induce hallucinations. D-amphetamine, a direct dopamine agonist, may also induce psychosis and hallucinations."
      "Here, we show that administration of a drug that enhances dopaminergic function (dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine; L-DOPA) increases an optimism bias. *This effect is due to L-DOPA impairing the ability to update belief in response to undesirable information about the future.* "
      "Tibetan mystics have long practiced a method to create sentient beings (Tulpas) from the power of concentrated thought."
      Note: These (Tulpas) are not sentient beings, but a manifestation of the subconscious mind through neural plasticity via neurochemical imbalancing inducing meditation. In other words it's having a dream state while awake, and interacting with a character that's made up of one's own preformed thoughts (building blocks of ideas/concepts that are below conscious awareness) which gives the illusion of sentience. In simpler words *it's self induced schizophrenia due to stresses (psychological/physical/environmental) where neurochemical traffic gets rerouted causing hallucinations* to any of the five senses, and can include involuntary movement (not mystical experiences).
      *Imagine the euphoria experienced by the average person for believing they won a million dollars on a scratch off ticket (it could be a joke ticket yet as long as they believe). Now imagine someone having the same sensations, but being convinced it's a paranormal contact for believing John **3:16**.* The ticket can be confirmed soon enough as reality, or not. But the other results in confirmation, and cognitive biases.
      We evolved to seek pleasure (eating/reproduction), and avoid getting killed (tiger in the grass/competing neighbor/harsh enviroment). With our increased cognitive abilities we made up other reasons for pleasure, and survival. On a neurological level chemical addiction (drugs/alcohol) and thought addiction (gambling/believing outlandish conspiracy theories) are closely related. *The Dopamine Reward System over time reinforces neurochemical pathways in order to form habits to repeat behaviors, and or thoughts.* The often cited testimony of getting off an addiction thanks to a God is just a placebo replacement due to the power of the mind (an AA participant I heard of chose to worship the radiator in his room instead of an higher power, and became sober).
      Ancient people did not know the neurosciences, and some thought that joy came from the divine on high (no pun intended). The hellenized Jew Philo of Alexandria (a contemporary of Paul the Apostle) believed that *God's firstborn son an annointed archangel the Divine Word (Logos)/Right Reason/Wisdom (a character derived from OT scripture, and hellenistic philosophy) poured down spiritual nourishment as a reward for righteous thoughts about God* .
      "XXXVII ...And *who can pour over the happy soul which proffers its own reason as the most sacred cup, the holy goblets of true joy, except the cup-bearer of God, the master of the feast, the Word* ?"
      "LX ... *the soul very often, when it is delighted, is yet unable to explain what it is that has delighted it; but it is taught by the hierophant and prophet Moses, who tells it, “This is the bread, the food which God has given for the Soul, (Exo. **16:15**)” explaining that God has brought it, his own Word and his own Reason; for this bread which he has given us to eat is this Word of his* ."
      Then He Appeared to Over 500 Brethren at Once!
      Mark's Use of Paul's Epistles
      Why Did Mark Invent an Empty Tomb?
      What Did Paul Mean in Romans 1:3?
      How Historians Try to Rescue Jesus
      Desperately Searching the Epistles
      Josephus on Jesus?
      NT Narrative as OT Midrash
      The Idea of the Sanctity of the Biblical Text
      Three Things to Know about NT Manuscripts
      That Christian Nation Nonsense
      Dying & Rising Gods: It's Pagan
      The Dark Ages
      The Holy Dopamine Ghost (Thoughts are as addictive as drugs)
      "Of all this, and other detail of Jesus’ life, miraculous or mundane, there is not a single secular, contemporary, eyewitness account. Perhaps this is why Robert Funk, noted Biblical scholar and co-founder of the Jesus Seminar, admitted the following:
      'As an historian, I do not know for certain that Jesus really existed, that he is anything more than the figment of some overactive imaginations… In my view, there is nothing about Jesus of Nazareth that we can know beyond any possible doubt. In the mortal life we have there are only probabilities. And the Jesus that scholars have isolated in the ancient gospels, gospels that are bloated with the will to believe, may turn out to be only another image that merely reflects our deepest longings.'
      While issues with the gospels are certainly not enough to rule out the possibility that there was a historical Jesus behind the gospel story, it also cannot be said with certainty that there must have been one. The lack of primary sources and the problems with the Gospel stories alone, would seemingly justify having some doubt."
      Raphael Lataster, Jesus Did Not Exist, Section: Sources: We All Know They're Rubbish - pp. 35/73

    • @jimgallagher5902
      @jimgallagher5902 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      lilykep: Good for you. I too am not a believer, but what I AM, and most non-believers aren't, is a believer in treating other human beings who believe differently than I with dignity and love.

  • @allanmcinnes4765
    @allanmcinnes4765 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    The one that still gets me are all those dead billions who never heard the word of Jesus and would they be condemned to hell?
    Missionaries response to an Eskimo in this predicament -
    "Well if nobody told you about the gospel you are exempt from everlasting torture"
    ESKIMO - "So why the hell are you telling me this?"

  • @trichinosis333
    @trichinosis333 ปีที่แล้ว +119

    "Prayer is a fancy term for talking to yourself"
    - Me

    • @WilbertLek
      @WilbertLek ปีที่แล้ว +16

      "prayer" Is pretending to do something useful while not doing anything.

    • @newlooksbeauty9291
      @newlooksbeauty9291 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Also the equivalent of saying, I'll try to help you. Also have you tried wishing on a star? There's rumors....

    • @jtnachos
      @jtnachos ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ha! That is priceless.

    • @undrwatropium3724
      @undrwatropium3724 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      If prayers worked we wouldn't need doctors and we'd all be rich and beautiful

    • @Bravo-Too-Much
      @Bravo-Too-Much ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Unless you’re Christopher Hitchens, that’s not your quote.

  • @pammer12345
    @pammer12345 ปีที่แล้ว +95

    oh wow wow wow. I think I am in love!!!! I don't think my husband would even mind because Seth is so wonderful lol. I too grew up in a fundy evangelical home. My parents worshipped at the alter of that horrible human James Dobson who was responsible for the horrific abuse of a generation of christian children. I was thoroughly indoctrinated, went to church, sunday school, prayer meetings, youth group, choir practice....I was told that every word of the bible is true. I had NIGHTMARES about being "left behind" in the rapture (the Tim LaHaye thing was big when I was growing up). In fact, from the time I started school I had such bad night terrors that I would go to school with ZERO sleep. Then I got in trouble for falling asleep in class. This also led to a lifetime of insomnia and bipolar disorder. Like Seth, I was in my 30s when I first started to question, where I got the courage to question. Because I was raised to believe that if you do not have faith, even for 10 minutes, if you die in that ten minutes you will go to hell. Lack of faith was the only unforgiveable sin. I started to research. I read EVERYTHING about the truth of the bible so I could get my questions answered. If I asked an uncomfortable question to my parents, I would likely get hit for "blasphemy". So I wanted biblical answers to my questions. It took about 5 years of obsessive reading and research and this led, very unexpectedly, to atheism. In fact, it was a shock that i will always remember. I was reading Dawkins very late at night and it suddenly hit me that CHRISTIANITY WASN'T TRUE, IT WAS THE GREATEST HOAX EVER PERPETRATED ON MANKIND. My life opened up after that. I left an abusive husband (who was violent and jealous, just like god), became an environmentalist, and made me care for people's welfare in THIS world. I was able to develop empathy because I was finally able to access my conscience after years of terror that I was relying too much "on my own wisdom". I didn't expect to give my life story here, but this video really ripped the bandaid off for me, the trauma of religion, and I am so grateful for Seth because the best way for me to heal from that trauma is through LAUGHTER. Thanks for reading :)

    • @leelee-ss8yl
      @leelee-ss8yl ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It spoke to me. Thank you for writing it ♥️

    • @alienonion4636
      @alienonion4636 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm glad I took the time to read through your entire comment. I came from two abusive families one of which outwardly used church and so-called christian values. Everyone saw right through them. About half the neighborhood were catholic and none of the boys I knew that became altar boys did for very long as they hated it from the first day.

    • @arriuscalpurniuspiso
      @arriuscalpurniuspiso ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Great post. We here in the real world love you.

    • @jonstone9741
      @jonstone9741 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I'm an atheist, but I usually keep it to myself, except in online comments. I have a neighbor who is a Christian. For 10 years, we were pretty good friends and avoided talking about religion. After revealing that I'm an atheist, our friendship seems to have cooled a bit. Now I'm more cautious about offending Christians. Before saying anything that a Christian might not like, I usually ask: "Are you a Christian?" One of my most valued friends (who is fighting cancer) answered that question with "No, I'm a realist."

    • @doogan8129
      @doogan8129 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@jonstone9741I hope you asked him what that meant because without an explanation, 'realist' sort of stops at just words.
      Im a realist, yet cannot fathom the faith required to be an aethiest.
      The word fits....where ever you put it.

  • @ssdsd5394
    @ssdsd5394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +280

    ITADAKEMASU /いただけます。
    Japanese say this before eating. It means..."I receive this"
    It's not a prayer but an acknowledgement of everyone involved from the farmer to the one who lovingly prepares and serves the food.
    Makes more sense to me than giving credit to an imaginary diety that has nothing to do with anything.
    So that's what we say in our house before we eat. 🙄

    • @1MegArbo
      @1MegArbo 5 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      I really like that. Thank you for sharing. :-)

    • @kullerva5738
      @kullerva5738 5 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      @@1MegArbo 頂きます、actually, in kanji. That's いただきます。Itadakimasu, in English letters. Close, but itadakemasu is the potential form of the verb ("I can receive," not "I receive.")

    • @ReiMiiz
      @ReiMiiz 5 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      In Thailand, we also have this but unfortunately, people these days don't say it anymore. roughly it says "Every dish, every food is valuable, do not waste it. People are starving.....". It's really really long.
      I think Buddhism countries don't have/believe that kind of "god". Instead, we have some kind of lucky charm to pray to( not that we really believe in it lol).

    • @ssdsd5394
      @ssdsd5394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@kullerva5738 Yeah that's correct 😊👍 I live in Texas now. Without anyone to practice Japanese with its difficult to maintain and progress.
      I don't give up easily though. 🤓

    • @ssdsd5394
      @ssdsd5394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ReiMiiz 😎Cool

  • @globalman2
    @globalman2 5 ปีที่แล้ว +206

    Religion was born out of the fear of the unknown by Bronze Age people. They didnt love God. They feared “him”. Today is the same. People believe out of fear not love.

    • @alanthompson8515
      @alanthompson8515 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      GlobalMan So true. You reminded me of this from the Irish comedian Dave Allen:

    • @WayneLynch69
      @WayneLynch69 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'll use some caps to slow down to your level:
      Einstein said, "Thermodynamics is the ONE universal theory which will never be overthrown".
      THIS universe
      1st LAW-could not originate ex nihilo
      2nd LAW-cannot be eternal
      3rd LAW-could not restore from heat death
      THAT may be 'born out of fear' for you, not the religious
      Darwin said:
      "The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble"
      YOUR GOD, Richard Dawkins, SAT MUTE while atheists/Nobel laureates in biology Sydney Altman &
      Leland Hartwell said humans knowing the origin of first life was "IMPOSSIBLE". Recipient of the
      President's "Medal of Freedom Award" for co-chairing "human genome mapping"/atheist Craig Venter,
      also used the word "IMPOSSIBLE!!"
      THAT'S the CREDAL atheist BELIEF; 'life occurred by natural etiiology'.
      YET DAWKINS SAT MUTE, contesting NOTHING re THE contention of "New Atheism":

    • @WienArtist
      @WienArtist 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      "Religion" perhaps, but certainly not Christianity. There was no fear at all before I became a Christian, and when I read in John 3:16 that "...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." Or when I read in 1 John 4:19 that "We love Him because He first loved us." And when I read of the many examples of God's love throughout His Word, or when I read in John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.", and all the many, many expressions of God's love for a fallen world - it was God's love for me personally that caused me to become a Christian - not fear; for He did not give me the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. God never coerces us to draw us to Him, but out of His love for us. Christianity is not a religion, but a restoration of the relationship with God that He had intended from the beginning. I never came to believe in God because I feared what would happen if I did not. I came to believe in God because of his signature I recognized in all of His creation. Fear was never a factor in my decision to have a close relationship with God through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. On the contrary! It was actually gratitude and reverence, and the awareness that God loved me at my worst, and gave me a better life through Him.

    • @WienArtist
      @WienArtist 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Justin Credible Your comment illustrates just how little you know of the character and nature of God. You obviously are biased in your opinion based upon such ignorance. But I would not make any attempts to convince you otherwise because I have learned that it is futile to show someone the error of their ways when they refuse to acknowledge it. And as one of my late relatives once said, "He that complies against his will
      is of his own opinion still, which he may adhere to, yet disown, for reasons to himself best known." - Samuel Butler

    • @bobertospearza8800
      @bobertospearza8800 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Fear For Repecting Other's ... something Atheist's Don't Do very well either ....Hypocrite sounds familar...Why Do You Need To Tear Down a Cross ...Sounds Violent to me and Disrespectful...

  • @kathleendinsmore7588
    @kathleendinsmore7588 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I desperately searched for something to believe in until I finally found the courage to believe in my own capacity for kindness and reason.

  • @jamesniagu274
    @jamesniagu274 2 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    I remember hearing on a recent podcast of his that he thought this was a throw away speech sir you are wrong this is a life changing speech . Thank you for this speech

    • @kirielbranson4843
      @kirielbranson4843 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      This is a speech I search for occasionally. One of my favorites.

  • @dismantlingdoctrine
    @dismantlingdoctrine 5 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Christianese is what Robert Lifton refers to as “loaded language” or “thought-terminating cliches.” Seth does a great job unpacking and deconstructing many of these.

  • @j.j.1064
    @j.j.1064 6 ปีที่แล้ว +178

    Joseph Stalin said "If you can control what people believe, you can control how they act". Unquote.
    This does not exclude religion.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      perhaps a tad bit scary when someone quotes Joseph Stalin who killed over 20 million people mostly Christians. People like Mr. Andrews encourage animosity towards Christians...animosity is the seed of hate, which then sprouts and becomes the tree of genocide.
      J.J. I hope you don't wanna kill me. ...Joseph Stalin certainly would have. ...what a sad world we have today...

    • @YouTubehatesconservativespeech
      @YouTubehatesconservativespeech 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      J. J. Evolution fits that theory perfectly.

    • @AM-nn8lo
      @AM-nn8lo 6 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
      A great and true statement made by a Roman historian and philosopher.

    • @candaceskeen7522
      @candaceskeen7522 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      J. J. Awe! A trump worthy attitude as he basically said the same- only a bit skewed... ya know he had to throw his spin on it...

    • @speedy7040
      @speedy7040 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      standswithfist806, you did not understand the quote and you really don't know anything about stalin.
      Stalin woud not want to kill you just because you are religious. The communists divided the religious bunch in 2 groups
      - the stupid sheeps , who would be left alone, just not promoted because...well, they were stupid..
      - the prozelites , the preachers . They belived thoose are seeking power thgrought endocrination of the sheeps (! yeah, the communists were not stupid ...) And they didn't like the competition.
      they actually didn't care what ideology you try to use against them, either religion or philosophy , you would be crushed just the same.
      But you should reflect on the quote.. it actually reveals that religion works just like communist propaganda did...with the same methods, and the same results.

  • @Novalunosis90
    @Novalunosis90 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    I’m so glad I never fell for all the religious insanity. I’m so glad I questioned everything in church as a child and was never criticized or condemned for it by my parents. I’m so glad I educated myself and continue to do so; and have been free from religion’s grasp for nearly 18 years.
    And I’m so very, very glad that my family has removed themselves from any specific religion (yet are still spiritual) and respect my atheistic opinions.

  • @DimaRakesah
    @DimaRakesah 4 ปีที่แล้ว +154

    The way our country has so many people tying religion into politics and patriotism is terrifying. Somehow when a person in the US does it, it's wholesome and good and patriotic. But if you ask them about religion mixing with politics in the middle east well....

    • @dreamzofhorses
      @dreamzofhorses 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      DimaRakesah We must insist on separation of church and state and uphold the constitution. No national religion and no religious tests. Republican Christians are trying to rewrite history and claim America was founded on Christian ideals.. no it was not! Correct them when they try to spread this fake news around!

    • @AndrewFosterSheff69
      @AndrewFosterSheff69 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@dreamzofhorses Your double think is frankly astounding... "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."
      * all men are CREATED equal *
      * endowed by their CREATOR *
      I urge anyone hearing a claim that the American Constitution was NOT founded on Judeo-Christian morals, to tell them to actually READ the constitution and stop listening to these godless marxists who are famous for spreading fake news and millions of deaths!

    • @wd3185
      @wd3185 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      John Adams, a devout Christian, in the Treaty of Tripoli, 1796, Article 11: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;" This document was ratified unanimously by the 23 members of Senate present, out of 32.
      The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, ratified by Congress and all the states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
      The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Articles of Confederation all avoid the specific mention of Christ or Christianity.
      George Washington, the first American President under the Constitution, avoided references to God when possible in regards to political affairs.
      Thomas Paine, a devout Deist, vehemently opposed any connection between church and state.
      America was, in no sense, founded on any particular religion, not Christianity, not Deism, not Judaism.

    • @RonLarhz
      @RonLarhz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hate these american missionaries invading other countries with this bs.

    • @rs72098
      @rs72098 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@wd3185 Correct John Adams and the majority of founding fathers were Christian. You're denying reality if you don't think the founding of the U.S. was NOT influenced at all by Christianity. It was HEAVILY influenced by Protestant Christianity and the manifest destiny philosophy.

  • @sethamule
    @sethamule 5 ปีที่แล้ว +292

    The “blessed” potato’s are colder.

    • @armyshope
      @armyshope 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Eat while it's still hot!

    • @davemwangi05
      @davemwangi05 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Blessed potatoes have Jesus' cum

    • @xeroaishintu5777
      @xeroaishintu5777 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@davemwangi05 'OOF' size large.

    • @user-qh6nf2ev9s
      @user-qh6nf2ev9s 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      😂 😂 😂

    • @cryptohunt2552
      @cryptohunt2552 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The blessed potatoes might also be safer to eat.

  • @pam1574
    @pam1574 4 ปีที่แล้ว +105

    Parent: Be like John or Paul
    Me: What about George or Ringo???

    • @richardkranium2944
      @richardkranium2944 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Be the fifth beatle.

    • @michaeljarchibald7417
      @michaeljarchibald7417 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      And no religion too, ... That John?

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Funny to a point. Bare in mind that this Dusty might have been a religious idiot in the past but now he makes himself a bigger idiot & fool than anyone could ever be.He doesn't really bother me personally. Just another wilfully blind full of hatred,met a few like him(though not as eloquent)

    • @jimgallagher5902
      @jimgallagher5902 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Too bad your parents produced a moron.

    • @pam1574
      @pam1574 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jim Gallagher
      Too funny!!! Hope u have a great day funny boy😆

  • @markporter2642
    @markporter2642 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    They tried indoctrinating me in my youth. It never stuck. A few years back I was taking a training course and my instructor (very religious guy), who had quickly become my friend, was shocked to learn that I am a non-believer. I told him that "I hoped he didn't think any less of me." I also hope that he learned that you don't have to be religious to be a good person with moral values and character.

  • @tmeservey2723
    @tmeservey2723 4 ปีที่แล้ว +345

    I’ve been an atheist my entire life and have always thought most people sound stupid AF and crazy. Glad to see more people are escaping the nonsense!

    • @DrCatdeJong
      @DrCatdeJong 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Me too, i did went to a catholic elementary and middle school but they didn't teach much about it. I just remember in elementary school having to lipdub the "our father" every day but that's it. In middle school we didn't do that. My kids go to the same school i went to when i was young, and even though it's still a catholic school i don't mind because of the lack of religious teachings.

    • @richrichy3015
      @richrichy3015 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Such a good sight. I have been going back and forth with this one particular Christian....that happens to believe the world is flat. 🤦‍♂️The things he types made me think of this video. I had to come watch again. Kinda sad what it does to people's minds, though.

    • @MadebyJimbob
      @MadebyJimbob 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      T Meservey well, I have some bad news, that’s all ad hominem and so is the title of this talk. It’s literally nonsense, logically invalid, and includes zero reasoning

    • @richrichy3015
      @richrichy3015 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@MadebyJimbob So, he ad hominem-ed himself with the title of the video. Oh, ok! 🤦‍♂️🤣The whole topic is about CHRISTIANITY and what it does to people....not the people. Learn what ad hominem is, instead of just throwing around a term you think makes you sound smart. Very flat earther-ish.

    • @andrewhigdon8346
      @andrewhigdon8346 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Richie Rich I’ve never spoken to anyone who is seriously a flat earther. I can understand some real morons believe whatever they are told, especially when it fits their agenda. Sometimes people just need to be a part of something bigger, but out of defiance, not because the subject is virtuous or even true. It’s enough to be inflammatory and against the grain of the norm, but if the subject seemingly reinforces their agenda, well then by god it is the gospel. I have an argument for people who believe in and swear and live by tenants of belief systems with little or no adherence to reality. I explain that the earth is flat. I produce the very biggest straightedge I can find, be it a ruler or the edge of a dumpster, or a building or a truck or hallway. The longer the better. I argue that the straightedge is straighter than straight straight, and it is the very thing we use to square up our building, the very foundations of our civilizations. These things are reference points drawn in stone, literally, and we can’t refute their straightness, nor do we need to. But keep extending that edge, as far as you can see, and it will eventually reach the edge of the earth and hang off the edge. Next tell them that if they have good aim and just keep adding to the edge, it will eventually poke them in the ass. Mind blown. The argument is like playing the ultimate devil’s advocate, and I implore him to prove to me one way or the other whether the earth is round or flat. I challenge them, or anyone, to prove the roundness of the earth without using modern tech tools, or another person’s words or ideas, within 24 hrs. It can’t be done. It takes at least a day to prove it. But any mere mortals can simply observe the straightedge and with no argument or doubt, decree that the world is indeed flat. Just look before you fellow people. How could anyone think that it is any other shape than flat? But it’s not. We use faith to agree that it is round. We can use the repetitive placement of heavenly bodies to prove its roundness. So it’s faith until it is not, and it is proven. The flow of a river is no longer the tears or piss streams of the gods. The wind isn’t divinely blown. We figured it out. Sometimes we are wrong. But sometimes we need to believe a truth only by faith. Besides having read it in a book, how could any normal person prove that the earth is round on demand? Yet as non God believers and decriers of faith, we use just that, faith, to expect a certain result, to know what is good and bad. So even those with no mercy for religion are forced to cling to its teachings every day. If we are going to give the church a good ribbing, let’s check ourselves and try to stave off hypocrisy.

  • @dbeaulieu9730
    @dbeaulieu9730 4 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    I grew up in Northern Ontario in the 60's and went to a catholic school. Everyday the brothers would goad us into giving our dimes and nickels for the poor in the Phillipines. One day I had to go to their rectory. Most of us at that school lived very poor lives. When I stepped in their rectory I was flabergasted to find a grand piano in the living room along with a library and fine furnishings. It was the last day I believed.

    • @wallihaley5194
      @wallihaley5194 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      D Beaulieu, how do you know the grand piano and fine furnishings weren’t donated to them?

    • @peteralleyman1945
      @peteralleyman1945 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Like all of the outrageous wealth of the vatican was donated. By the poor, ignorant and gullible believers.
      Christianity is sick. Give your money tho the poor, their holy godman told his followers, not to the pope.

    • @JFrazer4303
      @JFrazer4303 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      They should liquidate the value and help the poor.

    • @wangson
      @wangson 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@peteralleyman1945 I agree. The Vatican should absolutely liquidate all it's artworks and its gold and crowns and all that shit and turn it into prosperous possibilities! Good call dude!

    • @peteralleyman1945
      @peteralleyman1945 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's not enough. That criminal organisation has to be liquidated it self.

  • @user-tz5uq2bt1s
    @user-tz5uq2bt1s 5 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    It took me until I was 27 to shake my indoctrination. I'm still rather ashamed of how slow I was.

    • @alext7074
      @alext7074 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      It took me until I was 32 to finally be able to admit that I'm atheist. Don't be ashamed, indoctrination is a hard thing to shake off. But you did it and I bet it feels good to stop living in fear.

    • @steve5123456789
      @steve5123456789 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Gagan Singh I wouldn't be fooled to think they don't exist in this world anymore. Epstein and his clients would make you think about that again and reconsider, or at least doubt your original assessment.

    • @smandin1
      @smandin1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Good. I've been secretly an atheist since my 20s, but it took me until 40 to admit it openly.

    • @jfphotography69
      @jfphotography69 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Gagan Singh religions are a cancer on this planet and a mind virus, they are all cults and they all exhibit cultist behavior, science is the foundation of critical thinking, reason and evidence, no cultist behavior is needed. The mental gymnastics by the religious is just astounding to say the least.

    • @UTU49
      @UTU49 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      "I'm still rather ashamed of how slow I was."
      You don't have to be ashamed of that.
      You had clarity and courage that millions of other believers lack.
      You can be proud of that.

  • @lindabolique72
    @lindabolique72 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    In High School, a friend took me to her church and begged me to take Jesus Christ into my heart in front of everyone. There was a line of people gathered in the front of the church waiting to get saved. I told her no and she said "Do you want to go to hell" I said if god can see into my heart, he'd see that I was faking it so what would be the point? She had no answer.

  • @jacquiorhena-tule4446
    @jacquiorhena-tule4446 4 ปีที่แล้ว +127

    I was 37 and lived in the 3rd World, I thought living in the 3rd world was the reason🤦‍♀️thank you mehn. I really regret that I didn't get this therapy atleast 20 years ago. I lost out on a whole different, progressive and more intelligent way of life. My sentiments exactly

    • @ambulocetusnatans
      @ambulocetusnatans 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      A long long time ago, religion served a purpose and made the world a better place. That time is gone and now religion is making the world a worse place. In some places it is dangerous to ask too many questions, but if it is safe where you are, consider learning Street Epistemology.

    • @kimchikoalaa714
      @kimchikoalaa714 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ambulocetus religion has always been used as an excuse to wage war, oppress people, and to impose the pope’s agenda on others. Fuck the “religion served a purpose” shit. It never did.
      Maybe for a small fraction of religious people, the found peace in religion and become better people, that is good, I recognise that. But the evil and destruction and suffer that come from powerful religious leaders far outweighs the claim that religion made the world a better place

    • @AndrewFosterSheff69
      @AndrewFosterSheff69 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ambulocetusnatans Those same rules would fix a lot of problems we have today, such as people now being confused about obvious things like what is between their legs!

    • @ambulocetusnatans
      @ambulocetusnatans 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@AndrewFosterSheff69 I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean.

    • @M.J.212
      @M.J.212 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndrewFosterSheff69 That's the bigotry speaking from ignorance, additional evidence that God's perfect plan is a fallacy. Not everything is black white, there's a whole lot of gray. FYI: you're not cute or funny, for many of those unfortunate enough to be born in the gray areas, it can often be a living hell. Try to grow and learn, develop some semblance of empathy for your fellow humans.

  • @deluxeassortment
    @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว +151

    As a devout Christian (edit: of 38 years), I spent 15 years looking for proof of God to validate my beliefs and to use as an apologetic argument. I am now an Atheist.

    • @jeffmojave3851
      @jeffmojave3851 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Thats so sad that you need proof of God's existence. 15 years wasted looking and wanting for all the wrong things. Now, you're an atheist. Sheeeewww! Now you get to believe in nothing! Sooooo easy. You can just sit back and relax, not have to worry about the good life now, eh?
      A life spent devoted to Christ might be the hardest thing to do in this world. Too bad you didn't have what it takes. Now you get to be with all the other quitters making fun of something that was once the most beautiful thing in your life. Good luck dealing with that....

    • @deluxeassortment
      @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@jeffmojave3851 Funny how you seem to know so much about how easy it is to be an Atheist and how hard it is to be a Christian. lol. Becoming an Atheist was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Can you imagine what it's like to have your worldview completely shattered and all of the things you based your life on are quickly dissolved? All of your morals and ethics begin to break down. You realize just how much of your beliefs were based on ignorance. the world seems pointless, life has no meaning, we're nothing but meat sacks trying to reproduce and survive.
      Some people get lost here. They spend life sad and alone. Some people go back to religion because they can't see any other way.
      But some people, after a complete teardown of their reasoning, suddenly realize they have the capacity to write their own rules, create their own ethos. Create their own purpose. Learn to live without exerting your will on others, develop a desire to minimalize suffering in yourself and others. They learn reasoning skills and critical thinking.
      Personally, just as I was thinking life was meaningless and there was no inherent purpose in life, I had a baby. She completely changed the way I see "meaning" and "purpose" and "reproduction" and "survival". They all took on new connotations and I realized that I do have something to live for.
      I tell you, a skeptic's conclusion to atheism is not just a rejection of God. It is a tragic and uncontrollable loss of purpose and control. It's like watching a tidal wave rolling in to shore while everyone says it's safe and nothing will happen. You realize they're wrong, so you get in a boat and let it wash you away. But when you land, you have to decide what to do next.

    • @jeffmojave3851
      @jeffmojave3851 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@deluxeassortment Not sure what's so hard about being an atheist. All you have to do is believe what they taught you in public school. I would imagine that walking away from Christ would be the hardest thing you've ever done. If your conviction to God was strong, then abandoning it because your life wasn't going your way sounds like you never really understood what this life is for in Christ. Sounds like you've got some new age thinking going on as well can create your own future, you can be your own god, etc...You're one step away from "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
      I'm not trying to come across mean. I know religious organizations can be hard to grow up in. I found that they are that way by design. Jesus Christ said, "I have built my laws in the hearts of men, and will not dwell in any temple built by the hands of man." Christ knew the church was corrupt. He knew that the evils of this world had already taken control of it back then 2000 years ago...imagine what stranglehold those principalities and dark powers have over it now. But Christ told us that we dont need the church to find Him. We have in us the ability to connect with Him on an intimate level away from all that nonsense.
      I guess my point is, dont abandon Christ completely. Use what you're going through as a stepping stone to regain your footing. Even if you need to walk away from your Faith for a moment, dont lose your bearings on what this world really is. I hope that in your journey through logic and reasoning, you'll come to see the flawed paradigm that cosmology and astronomy present to you. And please, please, never forget that your new baby girl, is a miracle from God.

    • @deluxeassortment
      @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@jeffmojave3851 I get that you're not being mean. I am not easily offended. Just humor me for a moment and try to put yourself in my shoes. Try hard to imagine if you suddenly realized that everything you've been told your whole life about God, Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, salvation, and your soul were all a lie. I don't want you to think about all the reasons you don't believe it's a lie, I want you to really think for a moment, really put yourself in my shoes and try to imagine how it would feel to come to that world shattering realization. No heaven, no God there to ask for help, no more fellowship, no more comfort in knowing that there's a plan for your life, no more seeing suffering as temporary because this life is just a stepping stone to eternal peace, no more rationalizing the things that are happening to you as the hand of God. None of it.
      It's all gone, and you're all alone with your thoughts because everyone you know will shun you because you're now "doing the devil's work", an evil, godless, lazy sinner. You have to be careful because if your boss finds out, you'll probably get fired. Your family won't talk to you for fear of you influencing them. You're nothing but a dying pile of bones with little time left to figure out what you can to do make life with living. You can't just go back to living a lie, you hurt people. You brainwashed people. You know the "truth" now, and the rest of your life you'll be explaining to people that you don't pray or read the Bible or go to church because you've escaped the slavery of religion. They will think you're just lazy, immoral, and just want to do whatever you want and don't want anyone telling you what to do. They make assumptions about you, about your morality, about your life, your kids can't play with their kids. They can't possibly imagine what it would be like, because they've never tried to think outside of what they've been told their entire life.
      Does that really sound easy?

    • @jeffmojave3851
      @jeffmojave3851 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@deluxeassortment No, it doesnt. And I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. I am sorry you had to go through that.
      But in the end, you should want that. You dont want your kids playing with other kids that might influence them to believing God exists. You want kids around, and friends around that know God is a cosmic joke. You want to be in a circle of friends that know that you control your own destiny. And that feeling happy, and getting all you want out of life is more important than laboring in prayers that never get answered. Time should be spent on obtaining material things, and indulging your carnal desires, and fulfilling your wanton needs.
      I am so glad that you found a better way! I wish you happiness prosperity and riches beyond belief!

  • @ericephemetherson3964
    @ericephemetherson3964 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I was thrown out of a class because I said that I did not believe in talking snakes.

  • @ArmandaV-s4b
    @ArmandaV-s4b 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I am a secular humanist and I get sick of people selling God, instead of helping people use their own strength to solve problems. My sister was so dependent on believing and expecting help her, she became a very weak person.

    • @michaelkochanewycz972
      @michaelkochanewycz972 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      As my mother said, "if you have time to pray you have time to be doing something constructive".

    • @BrenB125
      @BrenB125 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Christians, in my opinion, need to stop asking God to move. Christ dying on the cross did it all. God has given us all we need. Once I was taught this, I've been walking in peace and joy and divine health.

  • @brianvance1178
    @brianvance1178 5 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I just have one question for the Norwegians: what the hell did those reindeer do to piss off Thor?

    • @bretzajac7986
      @bretzajac7986 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      to equate Christianity with Thor shows your ignorance not the ignorance of Christianity.

    • @ForOdinAndAsgard
      @ForOdinAndAsgard 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thor? Plz keep your mouth shut if you know nothing of our faith.

    • @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz
      @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Loki took the form of a deer. Thor figured that was the quickest way to find him. The deer that survived was Loki. Foolproof plan.
      That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

    • @mailill
      @mailill 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Valentine Erindros De var nok jotner og troll som lot som om de var reinsdyr. Takket være Tor er trollene utrydningstruet. (Som man spør, får man svar :-) ).

  • @wayneturner5801
    @wayneturner5801 7 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    Have the same story. Dad was a preacher. Finally free at age 41.

    • @johnny50424
      @johnny50424 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ATHEISM = SLAVERY.. YOU ARE JUST GIVING MORE EVIDENCE THAT ATHEIST ARE TOTAL morons. atheism does not make you free you lying fool. atheism turns you into an easily controlled slave.,

    • @napillnik
      @napillnik 7 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      I'm still amazed at how people free themselves so late. I expected that by 30-ish people would be set in their ways. Or did doubt appear earlier?

    • @pigfighter6274
      @pigfighter6274 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      johnelee2k93 Amen. The bible is evil!

    • @joyclark7530
      @joyclark7530 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      CatsEvolutionsFinest Creation
      Amen!... Sorry

    • @joyclark7530
      @joyclark7530 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      johnelee2k93 delude much?

  • @Will-tm5bj
    @Will-tm5bj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +332

    "You're going to hell unless you believe this.."
    "Who's in hell?"
    "People like you"
    "Whos in heaven?
    "People like me"
    "You really need to work on your threats"

    • @undeniablySomeGuy
      @undeniablySomeGuy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      Haha, almost every cool person I've met is going to hell. Hell, Satan seems more morally upstanding than god at times.

    • @Will-tm5bj
      @Will-tm5bj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @ lol ok

    •  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Will-tm5bj like I said, you wont be laughing and you wont be "ok". But youve been duly served. And I bet the first thing out of your lol hole will be "I dont believe it"; therein lies the joke...

    • @Will-tm5bj
      @Will-tm5bj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Lol.... OK

    • @vaiyt
      @vaiyt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Hell's got all the best people in art, science and humanitarianism. Who goes to Heaven, Mormons? Nah, lake of fire for me it is.

  • @Rain-Dirt
    @Rain-Dirt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I was taught that everything non-christian or to the likes of the parent as bad. The false feeling of superiority towards the world. The false shame and guilttrippings. The sheltering to distance oneself from the world. How wrong it was. How traumatizing it was. It truly IS an abusive prison!
    I 100% understand Seth's desire to vent. I too was in my thirties before walking the path Seth is walking now: one of honesty and within reality.

  • @toni4729
    @toni4729 5 ปีที่แล้ว +155

    I became an atheist at the age of eight I think I was. I remember deciding that God was about as believable as santa clause. I've never changed my mind since that day. Logic took over my entire life from that day forward.

    • @toni4729
      @toni4729 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@lightbeing8174 No thanks, I'm perfectly happy.

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Antoinette Parry okay I will leave you be.

    • @tenaciouspoetry
      @tenaciouspoetry 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @CharlieNoodles
      @CharlieNoodles 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Light Being if you’re going to pray for anything you should pray for the gift of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

    • @CharlieNoodles
      @CharlieNoodles 5 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Binguh Bungah knowing that Santa Claus is based on a real person and believing that he flies around the entire world on Christmas Eve, shimmying down chimneys to deliver presents to all the good little boys and girls, are two very different things.

  • @zhangyaxing2101
    @zhangyaxing2101 4 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I was scrolling through the library and stumbled across this book "Has Christianity failed you?". Even Christians realize in this day and age of modern tech and medicine, less and less people are falling for it.

    • @martzjertz5975
      @martzjertz5975 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      A lot of people will come to a point where it will occur to them that Christianity/God has failed/disappointed them.

    • @JesusChristisLORD1020
      @JesusChristisLORD1020 ปีที่แล้ว

      Atheists deny reality and reason in their blind belief. They just REALLY hope to be right ;)
      Imagine wasting your life on something you CLAIM you don't believe in and you hate. One day some of you will realize this after much regret and shame.
      The empty, horrible, depressed, p--n-addicted, alcohol and antidepressant filled, degenerate lives that atheists live is also proof that God is saying the Truth about sin. They all check at least 2 or 3 of these things. And if you're a teenager living with your parents, you will become that way in the future, UNLESS you repent and give your life to Christ.
      I used to be an antitheist too. I was deceived by atheist lies, strawmans, fake studies, fake experts and frauds for many years so I know all the atheist "arguments" very well. I despised all religions and saw them as plagues upon humanity but then Jesus showed me the Truth like He also did for many other agnostics and atheists too.
      He'll do the same for you, if you seek the truth in a humble and sincere manner. I know at least some of you are able to do that if you truly want it. NO EXCUSE.
      All those who are SINCERE in their seeking and actually want the truth will find God. Those that are not, should expect to receive nothing but deception(of any kind), misery and great confusion.
      Degenerate atheists will find any excuse to deny FACTS and reality, including the Knowledge and Experience of billions of people(trough all history, I'm not talking all professing Christians, of course), as Christianity is a LIVING relationship with the Creator, not a dead religion of works and rituals, nor a blind, irrational belief like atheism is.
      And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me WITH ALL YOUR HEART. Jeremiah 29:13 KJV

    • @zhangyaxing2101
      @zhangyaxing2101 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JesusChristisLORD1020 And I was a former Christian, who realized that it was all "lies, straw-mans, fake studies, fake experts and frauds". Although I'm sure you'll say I wasn't a "real" Christian.
      But if it's really as you say it is, then why worry? You already believe we're going to hell, and we'll get what we deserve in the end. Why this desperate appeal to emotion, with no logic whatsoever attempt to convince us? Just pray to God that we'll all find him and that should solve the problem

    • @JesusChristisLORD1020
      @JesusChristisLORD1020 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zhangyaxing2101 You are deceived. And only the Truth can set you free, that's why I speak the truth.

    • @zhangyaxing2101
      @zhangyaxing2101 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@JesusChristisLORD1020 Nope. Two words: prove it

  • @BradyBHull
    @BradyBHull 3 ปีที่แล้ว +203

    I spent so much of my life outwardly practicing this nonsense. Thanks to logic and courage I was finally able to admit that I'd been duped.

    • @raysalmon6566
      @raysalmon6566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      12, , I spent so much of my life outwardly practicing this nonsense. Thanks to logic and courage I was finally able to admit that I'd been duped.
      just remember the bible is a history book and you are held accountable to it
      So is SA and all his misrepresenting what it says...

    • @keenmortimer7918
      @keenmortimer7918 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ​@@raysalmon6566 a heavily exaggerated and nonsensical history book.

    • @raysalmon6566
      @raysalmon6566 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@keenmortimer7918 explain how Israel came into existence

    • @raysalmon6566
      @raysalmon6566 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Melody Smith well you probably never became a child of God. A forgiven person.
      j27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

    • @Marko-pg8ms
      @Marko-pg8ms ปีที่แล้ว

      @@raysalmon6566 israel existing is not proof of god

  • @stevenhogenson4880
    @stevenhogenson4880 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    I was indoctrinated just like you Seth, and didn't de-convert until I was about 50. You talked about some of the Bible passages, particularly the one about ask anything in Jesus' name and the Father will do it to bring glory to the Son. I have a grandson who was born with a congenital heart deformity. Lacking some of the chambers, there was no way he would survive more than briefly at birth. They knew about it the womb. I prayed for him to be healed so that the doctors and nurses would see the miracle and recognize that only God could do that. He wasn't healed. He underwent surgery nearly immediately to have his heart modified by the doctors to allow his very survival. He's had several surgeries since then and currently sits at the Mayo medical center in MN awaiting a heart transplant. My wife says "how do you know God didn't use the doctors to save him?" My reply is that if God really existed, we wouldn't have needed the doctors in the first place and he wouldn't be in the fix he is right now. That situation with my grandson was the straw that broke the camel's back, the wind that blew down the house of cards called Christianity. For many reasons to numerous to relate here, I had already begun to harbor serious doubts. The failure of prayer, even doing just as the Bible said, was the nail in the coffin of my faith. Videos like yours and those from many other TH-cam contributors have reassured me I made the right decision.

    • @Rain-Dirt
      @Rain-Dirt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yes, while reading this I was going to say that one most likely would say what your wife said. It's a typical thing, but indeed, why would God offer the hard way with plenty of suffering, insecurities and payments to be done, while it would have been no effort at all for an omnipotent poewrful god to give the person a normal functioning heart. That is just the act of a cruel god.
      But again christian could refer to the book of Job, to have us know that we have no say in the matter and have to accept whatever this god throws at us and at the same time keep praising his greatness and love that god (allegedly) has for his creation...
      If something like that would happen between two people, we would speak of a toxic and abusive relationship.
      I feel the Bible is a tool for a kingdom to control it's people and manifest ultimate authority.
      I'm glad you made it out, to embrace freedom.

    • @videoettaceo8900
      @videoettaceo8900 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very immature and lacks understanding.

    • @Stacky31
      @Stacky31 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      “The cornerstone of interpreting this verse is the qualifier Jesus provides: that requests must be made "in my name." This implies someone who is acting according to the will and authority of someone else. A cliché from old movies involves police officers shouting "Stop, in the name of the law!" The implication is they are speaking with the approval of a greater power. When a foreign ambassador says, "I agree to these terms in the name of the king," it means his ruler has given him the authority to make such a bargain.
      On the other hand, people would probably laugh if a police officer said, "buy me coffee, in the name of the law!" Merely using that phrase does not guarantee the person to get whatever they want. They can only use that authority-and expect results-when they act according to the will of the law. And the law does not demand that random people purchase food for the officer. Anyone who says differently is either sadly mistaken, or an abusive fraud.
      In exactly that sense, Jesus does not say, "I will give you anything you ask for." Nor does He say, "as long as you include the magic words 'in Jesus' name,' I will grant your request." Christ promises He will do anything that is asked "in my name." That implies that the person is asking something consistent with the will and nature of Christ. This, in turn, means such a request is consistent with the will and nature of God (John 14:10).”
      I am truly sorry for your sorrows and loss.

    • @Rain-Dirt
      @Rain-Dirt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@videoettaceo8900 "Very immature and lacks understanding."

    • @Rain-Dirt
      @Rain-Dirt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Stacky31 It's a nice addition of insight on how things are alegedly supposed to work (which I already knew), but regarding the christian religion, everything points into the direction it is not real. It's more using "hope" to keep people from taking another step towards something that has given nothing back but more false hope.
      Praying will not provide help from a higher being since this higher being has not presented himself yet, how can we believe the word(s) of a few who claimed to have spoken with a higher deity. In this particular deity's almighty power, it would know we would require more than just words of a few and this sentence blessed he who believes without seeing is just BS to keep the pot being stirred.
      The bottom line is, a just fair god can not exist with how nature and religion presents itself (discrimination) and that logically the best way to make things better is through honest empathy and effort to turn situations into better situations without discrimination.

  • @zemc77
    @zemc77 6 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Despite not being "a scientist or a great thinker", Seth is actually one of my favorite Atheists spokesmen out there.

    • @aughalough1
      @aughalough1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      One of my favorite Atheists ...

  • @beckyenglish4783
    @beckyenglish4783 5 ปีที่แล้ว +141

    “The Goat-Herder’s Guide to the Universe” it!

    • @motleydude73
      @motleydude73 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pretty smart goat herder! Scholars and scientists are still trying to decode and decipher it thousands of years later.

    • @TheAndnor
      @TheAndnor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@motleydude73 Cant that point more to really dumb goat herders?
      the fact that it is so poorly written and full of contradictions that people cant figure out what it means

    • @TheAndnor
      @TheAndnor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @UCW5uX4y2NQguHdF3bhluxXg well, prophecies are not very difficult to make come true. I can make several prophecies and then make sure it happens. And lots of them are extremely vague, so they are worthless. And several stories in the bible are just stolen from older story books. Can nobody really have the imagination to write those bad stories? Jrr tolkien was a far more creative author than any of the bible authors, was he inspired by god? And some archeological findings, sure. The same kind of evidence that proves that spiderman is real... new york is a real place, spiderman lives in new york and the city is well described in the comics (that by the way are far more creative and imaginative than the bible stories).

    • @thebigjul
      @thebigjul 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @motleydude73, you are a funny guy, the bible is just a vast pile aof badly written shit, there is work to do on it Indeed just to get a sense out this mess. Only morons are still believing in what's written in it.

    • @seanm4095
      @seanm4095 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You know this all reminds me of a science program I came across recently and there was a guy who was fascinated by the fact that when you send radio messages they never stop they exist forever in the universe even long after we find our way to the pine box. He is also fascinated by the possibility of alien life. And before you call me a nut let's not forget there is a scientific program and yes actual money is being spent on SETI. The program called S.E.T.I. Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence somehow I doubt they are using monopoly money. And he wanted everyone to have the opportunity so he set up a very simple way to send radio messages and for a modest fee anything you could send online you can now send among the stars. And I forget his name but he has a website a quick dig through my history and I can probably find the website. Anyway to get an idea of what kind of message he should send he got together a group of linguist and crytographers, and other skilled professionals. He was concerned that whatever message he sent that Aliens may not have the necessary skills to interpret his message so he gave the professionals a real message (that was sent by NASA back when they still were a thing to also to make contact) but randomized he wanted to see if they would spend a lot of time on it believing it was a real message or would they realize it was just not a message but randomized pixels made to look like a message. That what the bible often reminds me of.

  • @w.ellynkathryngaleckipolk2451
    @w.ellynkathryngaleckipolk2451 4 ปีที่แล้ว +161

    I grew up in a household with a fervently religious grandmother, an on-again off-again religious mother and an almost atheist father. His summation of God was, "If there is a God, he does a damned good job of messing things up!"

    • @natemorgan1996
      @natemorgan1996 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Your father seems like a smart man for saying that

    • @stacyrodriguez128
      @stacyrodriguez128 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      People mess up things.

    • @miaomiaochan
      @miaomiaochan ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@stacyrodriguez128 okay, then - if God is a wise, loving, protective father figure as so many Christians claim, he sure as heck isn't doing a good job of preventing millions of us from perishing or suffering from man-made catastrophes.
      So either he can't, which proves that he isn't all-powerful, or he won't, which means he's indifferent at best or cruel and sadistic at worst (in the real world, it's called being a neglectful or abusive parent).

    • @stacyrodriguez128
      @stacyrodriguez128 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@miaomiaochan He will not force Himself on you, it wouldn't be love if He forced us to follow Him. He gave us free will, whatever sin we commit against each other has nothing to do with God. That was our decision. But the good news is that He's near to the broken-hearted and will listen to your cry. All you have to do is seek Him (Jesus) sincerely and I promise you, He'll answer.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@stacyrodriguez128 And is that how Jehu experienced things, in 2 Kings 10, then?
      How about King David, forced into a Hobson's choice, with other's lives - in 2 Samuel 24?
      And why did Romans 1:18 not work well, with one third of all angels, in heaven - to begin with? Before they rebelled, I mean, almost spontaneously.
      Yet got to keep many powers too - hmm. Curious version of being 'spiritually dead', post sin.
      And How did He feel, and act, about the Inquisition, or slave trade (in Christendom) also?

  • @paulgrieger8182
    @paulgrieger8182 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    You had me at, "The Goat Herder's Guide to the Universe."

  • @dawnpham8394
    @dawnpham8394 2 ปีที่แล้ว +120

    I too wasted my 40 years believed the nonsense. I happily walked away from Christianity and have been enlightened. Thanks Seth for the amazing work you do.

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re enlightened about what, shit coming out of your ass? 😅

    • @theboombody
      @theboombody ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Believe in the divine inspired me to study special relativity at one point. I don't consider that a waste.

    • @SweetTodd
      @SweetTodd ปีที่แล้ว +7

      If it wern't for Gaileo, Irish kids would had been taught the earth is flat.

    • @SilverSurfer5150
      @SilverSurfer5150 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You have become endarkened, not enlightened. That’s what happens when you walk away from God. So now you believe something came from nothing?

    • @SweetTodd
      @SweetTodd ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@SilverSurfer5150"Endarkened" 💀💀💀

  • @LaughingFeenix
    @LaughingFeenix 5 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    I love this. I can't count the number of people who claim they're protected by god, blessed, they don't worry about death. But yet, they look both ways before crossing the street.

    • @devilmonkey427
      @devilmonkey427 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Don't forget they go to the hospital when they get sick.....Rather than just going home and praying the demons away.

    • @Doceli-dg3cn
      @Doceli-dg3cn 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@devilmonkey427 if someone don't pray to christ if someone u know is at hospital and very possible to die will possibility cause someone to die more automatically then surviving to something that's common to kill people

    • @devilmonkey427
      @devilmonkey427 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @RetroMan Just a fairy tale.

    • @allentremper8243
      @allentremper8243 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      RetroMan well said, God bless you for your Testimony, may it plant seeds of the Love of Christ.

    • @allentremper8243
      @allentremper8243 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Devilm onkey This whole world is a fairy tail. What is more real than this"reality" is the one you can not see, the one that is controlling all that happens in politics, entertainment industry, most Churches nowadays, everything is being taken over by the demonic.
      If you have never experienced the Divine, you can't understand it.
      If you don't notice the Divine in nature, you are blinded.
      Hate for people who do believe, the name calling, the put downs, just show what a lost little child you are Spirituality.
      I sincerely hope that you don't sear this into your mind, I hope that you have not done that to yourself, I hope someday soon God works in your life to the point of not being able to deny your Maker anymore.
      Please understand that this world is the Battle Ground for the Spiritual War, and if you don't know that you are in a war, you will be captured or killed, I want none of that for you or any other people who just got programmed by Secularism, Materialism, and all isms, they are all from the Enemy of man, and God.
      I don't know if you have children, but if you do, how can you look at those precious blessings and think for a minute that they just happened. That they are not made in the image to God Almighty.
      Please don't attack me because I believe something you don't, I am not attacking you, I am just bearing my Testimony that God Lives and that His Son Messiah Jesus Christ is the Saviour of this fallen world.
      I testify to you that you are a Son or the Living God Almighty. That makes you very very important, not an insignificant piece of random chemical reactions, you are not on a insignificant rock that is just one out of billions, you are the center of God's attention, He's not far away, He's very close and personal.
      I hope that you humble yourself and repent of all pain you have caused yourself others and God Almighty. After that you will know God is God.

  • @beansbaxter224
    @beansbaxter224 5 ปีที่แล้ว +116

    I'm a recovering Catholic since the age of thirteen.

    • @devilmonkey427
      @devilmonkey427 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Congratulations, I wish you the best.

    • @GrammeStudio
      @GrammeStudio 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      ah, a born-again atheist.

    • @firefox5926
      @firefox5926 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      just remember you not alone... you're never alone... but in like a none creepy way supportive like yaknow ?

    • @bazingaburg8264
      @bazingaburg8264 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Project AcuHope How sad that a doctor of the mind points to dogma, when you're in distress. Pretty disgusting shit, actually

    • @7deadlysloths
      @7deadlysloths 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Catholic? Heh, well you were never a Christian to begin with, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  • @iainfrost4990
    @iainfrost4990 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    the blessed potato is colder...

  • @whiskeyfur
    @whiskeyfur 7 ปีที่แล้ว +275

    17:22 prayer requests before school... I got suspended for asking this one:"can we pray that you'll stop with these prayers? not all of us believe in your fantasy."
    The looks on their faces... wow. It's like I kicked each of them in the balls or something.

    • @yyyyyyyyyroto
      @yyyyyyyyyroto 7 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      I would be the worst student to ever exist in a religious school. I would make them kick me out. I can't handle religious bullshit and even less when we're forced to do it and kept from being rational.

    • @nataliagonzalez1698
      @nataliagonzalez1698 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      John Walker II Makes me glad that my school is secular

    • @aristotelian3098
      @aristotelian3098 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      +John _your insanity is showing thinking people are looking to support you_
      Actually, thinking people *do* support him. Therefore, it is not insanity (which is not a category accepted by the mental health professionals, only used by old literature and street-level Thoughtlessnesses). But I can see why you would believe it to be: you are quite a man of faith.

    • @kerrib4670
      @kerrib4670 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nathan Gonzalez by law religion is protected but another lie by atheist

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I told a muslim that allah was a gangsta rapper (it occurred to me while reading the quran) and *that* was a look you had to see. The guy was Nigerian and his eyes almost popped out of his face!

  • @karlrschneider
    @karlrschneider 5 ปีที่แล้ว +120

    Faith: A piss poor substitute for thinking.

    • @terrancel1786
      @terrancel1786 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You have a piss poor substitution of thinking.

    • @JazzyBabe56
      @JazzyBabe56 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@terrancel1786 - I don't know, therefore God....thats kind of how priests want you to think....coz they do.

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Karl Schneider I can introduce you to a cursed right now it's titled the hands resist him if you gazed upon it the cursed will attack you're healthy stomach the match up will be faith versus the cursed because the cursed can put you in a scenerario where medicine has 0 effect on the cursed.
      The hands resist him cursed painting can make you vomit you're lunch it can make you're stomach weak it can give you aches and pains in you're stomach permanently until the right prayer is introduced if you pray to jehovah God and jesus christ have strong faith and deep faith in them and have 0 doubt that the healing will come and you will get well I did this 3 things to get un cursed and in addition I had my God book with me and I remembering jesus christ sacrifice on the cross all this defeated the cursed.
      Truthfully the hands resist him should never be seen it makes the top list of the most cursed objects in he world once the cursed is defeated never look at it again the cursed painting should be banned from the internet and the panting should be burn there are countless victims.

    • @jerryknuckles736
      @jerryknuckles736 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Such arrogant fools! Atheists are the most privileged little twats! I pray God softens your hearts. Without God, you are less human and incapable of love.

    • @bazingaburg8264
      @bazingaburg8264 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@jerryknuckles736 The idea we wouldn't love our chilldren, families or friends without some boss telling us to is as laughable as the rest of the strawmen you got. Ideologies teaching that human dignity is conditional are beneath people that earn their selfrespect.

  • @aaronthomas3168
    @aaronthomas3168 7 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    the level of self-realization he went through is amazing. Most people will never get there. I love it

    • @lightbeing8174
      @lightbeing8174 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Seek an exorcist priest role?

    • @SupervisorMartinez
      @SupervisorMartinez 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aaron Thomas and now just because he was embarrassed Or fooled by it , now he is trying to make fun of it to enlighten his soul

    • @AndrewFosterSheff69
      @AndrewFosterSheff69 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I wouldn't worry, you'll all end up in the same place anyway.

    • @natsinthebelfry
      @natsinthebelfry 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndrewFosterSheff69 Hail Satan and have a wonderful day!

    • @MrHendu214
      @MrHendu214 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@AndrewFosterSheff69 in the ground? So what? Life ends, enjoy it while you can.

  • @peggyunderhill601
    @peggyunderhill601 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    When I was 5 I thought religion was ridiculous. I’m 83 now and still feel the same.

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That doesn't mea the thing called god doesn't exist.....right?

    • @xykeem4805
      @xykeem4805 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Proof of what?

    • @xykeem4805
      @xykeem4805 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jennifersmith4864 responded to the wrong person, my apologies.

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No prob

  • @dx1450
    @dx1450 6 ปีที่แล้ว +342

    What always irritates me about Christians & someone having surgery is the way they always give God the credit and not the highly trained medical staff. If God healed your loved one, why did God make it necessary for them to need surgery in the first place?

    • @bimbobello8067
      @bimbobello8067 6 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      Joe Mama and blame the doctor when it doesn’t go well !

    • @ADerpyReality
      @ADerpyReality 5 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      It's when your kids thank santa for those awesome presents you bought. That's how doctors feel when you thank god for their medical care, it's how musicians feel when you call 10 years of practice as god given talent and there are probably more examples.

    • @Lordpeyre
      @Lordpeyre 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@bimbobello8067 We do. That's why we have malpractice lawsuits instead of angry patients picketing churches.

    • @vaquero3578
      @vaquero3578 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      jo mamma -doctors do not heal anyone. they just cut pieces out and give you dangerous drugs with horrible and life threatening side effects. most cancer surgery does nothing but speed the persons death because cutting the tumor releases the cancer throughout the body. the body was designed by God to heal on its own if the person will give it a chance rather than causing their own problems by using drugs, eating garbage, inhaling/absorbing toxins, drinking alcohol, illicit sex etc. some of modern medicine has a place, such as setting a broken bone or stitching up wounds etc. but 'doctors' know absolutely NOTHING about NATURAL cures and PREVENTION by LIFESTYLE choices...and the medical establishment doesnt want anyone to know because theres no money in it. natural cures cost PENNIES compared to so called "modern medicine". the medical establishment push drugs and unneeded surgeries etc because thats where the money is. it's all about money. about how the 'doc' can make his next boat payment or go on vacation in maui. its big business. its not about healing anyone.

    • @Stokedhavok
      @Stokedhavok 5 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Vanquero 357
      Where did you get your medical degree and for how long have you been practicing successfully?

  • @kennethleoganda9805
    @kennethleoganda9805 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Having had religion shoved down my throat for 40 years, i agree.

  • @WeirdWonderful
    @WeirdWonderful 6 ปีที่แล้ว +106

    It's obvious why the deer were struck down.
    It's part of the ongoing christmas turf war between Jesus and Santa.

    • @merikijiya13
      @merikijiya13 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      TheApachacha greatest Christmas narrative ever.

    • @stephaniecuellar3192
      @stephaniecuellar3192 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Raven R
      Stupid exsists. As it will continue to do so, these conversations won't stop.

    • @marymacdonald1651
      @marymacdonald1651 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Stephanie Cuellar No, it is a good possibility these conversations have increased it.

    • @happyhaze1526
      @happyhaze1526 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bless yur heart.

    • @happyhaze1526
      @happyhaze1526 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe in Peter Pan. I challenge you to a public debate as to which belief is more valid!

  • @judythompson8227
    @judythompson8227 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I knew a woman online in a chat room who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took the twigs and berries route, and prayed fervently to her Jesus to heal her. She didn't want her child to see her throwing up in the toilet, or reacting to the meds. Her daughter who was 15 got to bury her mother a year later.

    • @billpetersen298
      @billpetersen298 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That is so sad, and irresponsible.

    • @oakmaiden2133
      @oakmaiden2133 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ikr, my mom prayed for my dad to live. He didn’t. But there is a christian out there who will say it was gods choice. Not the kidney infection he didn’t go see a doctor for until it was too late.

    • @BrenB125
      @BrenB125 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Many Christians don't believe scripture. They don't know God. By his stripes we were healed. Jesus did it all. It's up to us to believe.

  • @notyourname4425
    @notyourname4425 6 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I am named Thomas and, yet, was always told not to act like Thomas. I was embarrassed that, like my namesake, I wanted just a sliver of proof. This is just one of the many reasons I do not believe the idiocy of religion anymore.

    • @snate56
      @snate56 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Never you mind, Thomas! Always ask for TANGIBLE proof. If God or Jesus or an angel shows up, great! Go ahead and believe! I know I will. But until that time......

    • @valeriefinnigan7614
      @valeriefinnigan7614 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thomas may have at first doubted the resurrection, but that didn't disqualify him from being a disciple. What some people neglect to remember is that Bible also shows Thomas being the first to profess a formal creed. He also obviously remained an apostle, was declared a saint, and according to later, extrabiblical tradition, he went further east than any of the other apostles and preached in India.
      Besides, all the saints, barring Mary, committed some sin or another, and doubt is by far not even the worst of them. Should everyone named Nicholas be embarrassed that their patron got in trouble for punching a heretic?
      Problems arise when people reject a religion without fully knowing what it teaches.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      N/Y/NAME----Some of the greatest minds in history were deaply religious. They believed that life had meaning and we were here for a purpose.

  • @united270
    @united270 5 ปีที่แล้ว +379

    Doctor: Does surgery and saves person
    Person: Thanks God
    Doctor: *AM I A JOKE TO YOU?*

    • @jameskassolos4652
      @jameskassolos4652 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      In my case my surgeon thanked God

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Christian America is 100% total bullshit. This sums it up -

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The endless Lies that fake Jimmy and Fake America Li (v) es -

    • @silgassaway1985
      @silgassaway1985 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      God Made You and he's the one who hold your breath in his hands right now you could do nothing without him your argument is illogical

    • @silgassaway1985
      @silgassaway1985 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@simionenaclably9280 you don't like being controlled but you're trying to control Christians contradict yourself you don't like being controlled cuz you know you are a sinner repent and have faith in Jesus be born again

  • @SilentPlayer1999
    @SilentPlayer1999 6 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    People say that ‘the lord’ has blessed with the qualities of their children yet its raises the question as to why he doesn’t do that for children with down syndrome or autism.

    • @sabserab
      @sabserab 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      yup, or any other genetic disorders. I´-m disabled and they target me specifically on the streets. Guess with a walker I can´t run away? Preying on the vunerable to missioneer. I stoped arguing and just tell them I´m the second comming of the antichrist. They are so stupid, the believe it and get scared!!! LOL I highly recommend!! Works with Jehovas witnesses, too when they ring lmao

    • @JB52520
      @JB52520 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's one of the many reasons I don't believe. If any God would create me, it's a fucking sadist.

    • @LiLi-or2gm
      @LiLi-or2gm 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      My deeply devout amputee aunt is still an amputee after every one of my deeply devout cousins prayed for her. No one has ever regrown a missing limb, regardless of how hard they prayed. But hey, it's all about testing ones faith and mysterious ways. IOW, it is what we call a "tautology"- as in, "heads I win; tails you lose" or more to the point, "All questions have the same answer for the religious."

    • @newmove4378
      @newmove4378 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I don't see myself as disabled even though I only have one leg. During my mid 20's I was offered a religious pamphlet by a F-witt in a shopping center, I politely said no thank you. He retorted, you of all people need it pointing to my non existent leg and proclaiming I was a sinner. I asked what sin could an 11 month old possibly have done to deserve that and what I've endured since. I wont bore you with the rest suffice to say I loathe thumpers with a passion.

    • @GrahamChapman
      @GrahamChapman 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying (your grammars leave something to be desired) but as someone on the autism spectrum, I cannot help but feel that your argument is more hostile towards people who aren't neurotypical than it is hostile towards theists and/or their god/s...

  • @jbinkly
    @jbinkly 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Brilliant. Always great to hear a rational speaker. I lost my religion, thankfully, at the age of 12.

    • @Ekam-Sat
      @Ekam-Sat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Who knows. Maybe you will return one day. Usually we don't understand until something happens. Then it all clicks. Right now. Enjoy life.

  • @SandyRiverBlue
    @SandyRiverBlue 5 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    I had a friend growing up who became a chaplain at a hospital network in a major city. As part of his work he ministered to the sick and the dying. Also part of his work was documenting ministerial care and integrating this documentation into the data they collected, for what they called at their hospital a 'holistic care plan'. He lost his faith when he found that his believers were dying at the same relative rates as those people who did not access his services. He went on to check if they were receiving 'other ministerial care' and found that the numbers stayed about the same.
    I heard this story while I was still a Christian and it did not shake my faith at the time but I had some questions. I spoke to my pastor who has a masters degrees in Philosophy and Theology and a masters degree in psychology.
    My pastor was remarkably candid. He said that he would not expect that the numbers would be different, since if god showed himself in statistics when it came to dying and getting sick it would be obvious that a god exists and my friend would not need to check the stats it would be all that people would talk about. And if god showed up in the statistics for everything else as well, including praying for grades or for your sports team to win then of course it would prove that god exists. God apparently wants us to come to him by faith. I asked him, then what is the point of praying for something...
    I had to stop short because I was expanding out and would have probably written my whole life story. Sufficed to say, the conversation that I had with my pastor was long and well thought out, he wasn't one of these fly by night strip mall preachers so he was able to answer most of my questions, letting me know about the great minds; philosophers, mathematicians, scientists and so on had been asking these questions for millennia and that there are no perfect answers. He was also truthful in letting me know when he didn't know something, not throwing it solely on the mysterious nature of god. "Sandy" he said, "we just don't know".
    Much later I told him that I no longer believed and he let me know that this was fine, there were many in our church that felt the same and that his doors were always open. We are still friends. I know that he probably thinks that I will be going to hell when I die, but he has enough respect for me, himself, his church and his god not to try and "westboro" me. Our church was like that though. We were there for the community not to try and grow our congregation and increase our take for the offering basket. Dammit I meant to make this short and sweet and instead made it long and painful...sorry about that

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      SandyRiverBlue watch getzel/rabbi Greg hershberg

    • @jetseason4603
      @jetseason4603 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is the most honest thing you could ever say! I respect your opinion here.

    • @charlitoadams777
      @charlitoadams777 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pastor speaks about hell
      Hell is just a grave.
      Sheol [N] [E]
      Old Testament. The Hebrew word seol [l/a.v], "Sheol, " refers to the grave or the abode of the dead ( Psalms 88:3 Psalms 88:5 ). Through much of the Old Testament period, it was believed that all went one place, whether human or animal ( Psalms 49:12 Psalms 49:14 Psalms 49:20 ), whether righteous or wicked ( Eccl 9:2-3 ). No one could avoid Sheol ( Psalm 49:9 ; 89:48 ), which was thought to be down in the lowest parts of the earth ( Deut 32:22 ; 1 Sam 28:11-15 ; Job 26:5 ;Psalm 86:13 ; Isa 7:11 ; Ezekiel 31:14-16Ezekiel 31:18 ).
      When the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek in ancient Alexandria around 200 BC, the word "Hades" (the Greek underworld) was substituted for Sheol, and this is reflected in the New Testament where Hades is both the underworld of the dead and the personification of the evil it represents.
      Jesus doesn't know Hell is just a grave.
      Matthew 16:18-19 English Standard Version (ESV)
      18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of (b)hell shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven.”
      b. 16:18 Greek the gates of HADES

    • @jfphotography69
      @jfphotography69 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Ryan Plethra the mental gymnastics by the religious fanatics is astounding to say the least.

    • @jfphotography69
      @jfphotography69 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Ryan Plethra I stand corrected, religion is a cancer on this planet and a mind virus. You consider yourself above me in every way, good for you, I could care less what your consider, someone here has the Napoleon disease.

  • @nirazarazara7634
    @nirazarazara7634 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    The one thing I remember is the superiority I felt being a Christian. A feeling like look at me I'm saved I see the light these other poor people don't see it. God must have chosen me out off all these people to make me see the light..... now looking back I felt better then other and I felt good. Very scary thank God ik religion free!!!

    • @emo516
      @emo516 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Yeah, there's that... but there's also that piece that looks at all the 'unsaved' people and presumes they are all 'going to hell'... like telling a mother that her non-verbal autistic son is going to hell because he can't communicate Christ as his savior, like wtf? Or telling fellow Christians, they're not 'christian' enough, because he or she does not spend enough time in prayer, or reading his or her bible etc, and then condemns them to hell or suggests they will live a miserable life in hell because of it... just terrible.

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@emo516​​⁠​⁠​⁠Gonna sound like a wack job, but I started living barefoot for my own health following some injuries. It just kinda happened and I can’t go back. And Christians can be pretty judgmental. Like dressing your sunday best is a real thing and I got a lot of disgust and pushback from family for compromising with flop flops. And I don’t feel like I fit in when going to church anymore. I also lost all my faith in science too because I’ve drastically improved my quality of life by cutting support (like shoes and a bed) from my life and basically doing the opposite of what any doctor has ever recommended. Like humans evolved for millions of years to use their feet so let’s all agree that we’re now useless without shoes to aid and we need them to function. I know that’s kinda random, but i agree that christians can be judgmental and use questionable logic. Same as anyone tbf but they have an entire lore to strengthen their flawed thinking.

    • @emo516
      @emo516 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MrNoName7474 It was the opposite for me. I sort of did the 'new age' thing before deciding to become a Christian. Apparently I did not conform and acclimate quick enough and felt the pressures of that. Having said that, I'm not an aggressive atheist who bows at the alter of science either. My daughter's raging fits from hell, that lasted for 4 1/2 yrs was due to an undiagnosed celiacs disorder. This was what prompted me to go to school for Integrative Nutrition. To this day most of psychiatry refuses to accept the link between metabolic disorders and mental health, yet diets like carnivore and keto are clearing up neurological disorders everyday. My unvaccinated child has also been kicked out of school after our state changed the laws requiring all kids to be fully vaxxed. There's all kinds of 'cult' like mentality that alienates some, while embracing others. This idea of 'inclusivity' exists no where, and anyone preaching it is full of shit. The woke methodology is a joke. My daughter knows she needs to an independent critical thinker in order to survive in today's cult like mentality. We still talk about God, but it hums to a different tune.

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@emo516 Amen. I often feel lost with my diet, but think it’s getting better. May just be a result of growing older (aged 25) but there’s certain foods I just can’t do anymore. All the foods I always knew were bad for my health now make me feel just bad enough afterwards that I am slowly weening off of it all. Got a box of poptarts on my shelf that I used to devour and they’ve been sitting there for like 4 months only being touched when I’m at my lowest lol. Same has been happening with a lot of other junk I used to love and won’t touch now. I think part of it has to do with my exercise. I run a lot and that stuff just doesn’t fuel me like before. And on the topic of vaccines, I obviously don’t really believe in them or rather the dictatorship like mandatory need for them. I wonder what I would do now if things went back to the way they were and work reinstated the mandatory masks and vaccines. I think I might quit just to make a statement. Not scared of getting the vaccines again just don’t really believe in that solution. That is a big step to take though with the security of income on the line. I know people here quit last time it happened, but idk. Like I’ll still put on shoes at the office for fear of repercussion, but I hate it and take off my socks and shoes for like 95% of the day at my cubicle. Took awhile to reach that level of bravery and I appreciate the opportunity that desk jobs give and don’t want to give that up.

    • @lVideoWatcherl
      @lVideoWatcherl 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @emo516 Do not keep vaccination from your kids, that is an insane thing to do. Do you not realize how bad polio and measles are?

  • @mitlandir5761
    @mitlandir5761 4 ปีที่แล้ว +129

    I feel his frustration... Having spent 13 years being held back in life by Christianity...

    • @strawberryfields9762
      @strawberryfields9762 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      15 for me😂

    • @jakesnake165
      @jakesnake165 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I ran away from home because of religion but there's one thing that gets me is the statement of Satan biggest trick was to make you think GOD doesn't exist

    • @yourhuckleberry6757
      @yourhuckleberry6757 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You'll be held back for the rest of your life.. Years of science and history being fought..wars for god..places isn't open on Sunday.. They're still winning

    •  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ezeeckiel if he can get in billions of peoples heads all at the same time, he's more powerful than Jesus, who can't say a word..all those atheists curing/treating/ child cancer, where's Jesus when he's actually needed?

    • @mothercoconuts6765
      @mothercoconuts6765 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why does the fact you were religious bother you? Just put it behind you.

  • @dsef6548
    @dsef6548 7 ปีที่แล้ว +255

    Seth, don't put yourself down when you discuss how late you got to to the "party". the journey out of indoctrination requires courageous efforts against long years of conditioning and overturns your cognitive biases. you have to rework and rewire yourself. it is a great effort and definitely nontrivial.

    • @sheila0405
      @sheila0405 7 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      dSef I was 60 when I broke free. There's always hope.

    • @kaixakusaka658
      @kaixakusaka658 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      The point is that we all woke up and made things happen. He gave us a beautiful speech.

    • @Siberius-
      @Siberius- 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Well there is no reason for someone in an indoctrinated bubble to pop that bubble... until some outside information comes along.. but if that doesn't really happen for the first 40 years of your life.. then the average person isn't going to test their bubble... that was just their situation.. once they did get the info though, they did look into it and tested and broke out of the bubble.

    • @coyote1849
      @coyote1849 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I was in my mid-fifties

    • @geezer805
      @geezer805 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Better still, replace faith with knowledge and rational thought. Don't be afraid to demand evidence. Faith is a pretty useless thing to have.

  • @candychewning
    @candychewning 7 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    So glad there are more who "came to the party late". It's almost embarrassing to say it took so long.

    • @inertiaforce7846
      @inertiaforce7846 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At least you're not alone. So don't be embarassed. There are plenty of others like you. The late comers have your back. Even the early comers like me have your back. We are all on the same team and we will all fight religion together.

    • @mimmar3891
      @mimmar3891 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      RR Girl13 I came to the party late too. I don't have a precise day when I officially became an atheist, but it was somewhere in my twenties. People who never grew up with fundamentalist religion will never understand what it's like to be taught it from day one.

  • @Sky-ee1bf
    @Sky-ee1bf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    'My wife's cooking is so bad, we pray AFTER we eat!!' Rodney Dangerfield

    • @kimnabi3988
      @kimnabi3988 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Another smart one

    • @tennbones
      @tennbones 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love Dangerfield lol

  • @lanepalmer
    @lanepalmer 7 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    I love your videos, they're one of the reasons why I became an atheist. I almost started crying when you said you became one so late in life. I identified as an a atheist at the age of 20 and thought about all the time and money I had wasted.

    • @sadboipotato3382
      @sadboipotato3382 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 7 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Lucky you. I paid for 4 years of Private Christian college before I realized it was BS - couldn't even get the worthless degree cuz I was unwilling to lie and say I believed. That's $50k down the drain.

    • @mitrimind1027
      @mitrimind1027 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Russian robot, another loony who makes absolutely no sense.

    • @joshuagermano1352
      @joshuagermano1352 7 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @joshuagermano1352
      @joshuagermano1352 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      AdvisorOfDark Gaming if that's what he is then YAHSHUA HAH MESSIAH BLESS RUSSIAN ROBOTS.

  • @mephistounderwood4917
    @mephistounderwood4917 5 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Thank the reasoning man! We have someone, who like myself, figured out the truth in spite of the constant indoctrination (brainwashing,) hate peddling and fear mongering. When I was young, I am ashamed to admit, on one particular day that still haunts decades later, felt the greatest fear of my life. My parents and sister were not home. I could reach no one on the phone from our church. After an hour of trying to get someone to answer who I knew was not a sinner, I started crying and was so afraid it traumatized me. The level of fear I felt still haunts me, even though I now know just how silly it was. My fear: I thought "The Rapture" had come and all the Christians had been taken to heaven, but I was judged not worthy and would therefore burn forever in hell. After about 4 hours of this fear, huddling in a corner, behind the couch and under an end table I had moved into the corner, trying to hide form the demons that were surely coming to punish me and drag me to hell, I heard the front door open. At that point, I went into even greater panic. I didn't even dare to breath. I thought for sure that I was about to be torn to shreds and dragged to hell right then, while the demons feasted upon my still living flesh that would never die or cease suffering, even though it is continuously consumed by voracious demons and hellfire. It was my parents. They had gone Christmas shopping with their friends from church. They never understood just how scared I was. That is religion! That is the power of religion. It is control and manipulation through fear.
    When I was older and my intelligence, combined with teenage angst (the rebellious streak,) kicked in, I started to see all the holes in what was being preached. I started researching the history of Christianity and other religions (and it's surprising how many religions have the same basic roots, which is a smattering of all the older, now dead religions, with the same stories using new names and places.) When I started to learn a little Latin some things kind of popped and a new truth emerged in a eureka moment. Over a period of about 6 months, I went from being literally "God fearing" to understanding that we are actually all godless. That man made "God" in man's image and not the other way around. If there is a god, it is the universe as a whole. There are those who speak of the universe as though it's an intelligent collective entity. I don't believe that, either. And now I know the truth as much as any man can, but that truth contains a certainty that there is no religion other than science (if you want to call science a religion,) that has gotten much of anything correct. I have also learned that the most devout of any religion, are the most evil of anyone, for they will commit heinous in the of a god that does not exist and hide behind or justify their actions with their religion. These people have other names like, fanatic, extremist, religious activist and some other terms. They are all saying the same thing: "You do not conform to my view of how you should be, therefore you are not to be tolerated!" Sometimes this means a lot of hate speech. some times it means a severe beating. Sometimes it means a killing. Some times it means they blow up building with people in them or suicide bomb a crowd.
    So, yes, I believe in evil and it's name is God, Jehova, Jesus, Allah or whatever other name they wish to assign to their mythical overlord. Religion is dangerous. Religion is Fear. Religion is hate. Religion is intolerance. Religion is evil. But in spite of all of this, in spite of the child raping priests, in spite of a church protecting those priests, in spite of preaching false morals that cost lives and in spite of the turmoil it causes, religion is your right. What God wants, God gets! God help us all.....

    • @dustymaxwell8305
      @dustymaxwell8305 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      While I disagree with you on Jesus being evil (because God and Jesus were two different beings), I relate to your story quite a bit. There’s been many moments that I thought the rapture had taken place( Admittedly I still have those moments). Just proves that Christianity (or any religion worshipping the Abrahamic God) uses indoctrination as it’s main weapon. It mostly effects people who are born into it (like I was and you may have been). For the longest time I believed that it was a loving God, but now I just don’t see how a “loving” God can send it’s creation to Hell to be tortured for all eternity. Sounds more like a maniacal God than anything.

    • @Blueknight1960
      @Blueknight1960 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You said it yourself, it's religion that is evil, not the belief in God. You can believe in God and not be religious. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to believe in God, that's your decision. I'm 58 and I am an agnostic, not sure either way. There are only 2 possible outcomes when you die.
      1) Absolutely nothing happens, you're just dead.
      2) God actually is real and now you get to spend eternity in hell for not believing.

    • @lancecarter100
      @lancecarter100 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Your on to something. The Bible has a invoking and provocative power. It was meant to destroy, to build and to preserve or sustain. There is more to it than what you mentioned. But yes it does destroy by the power of self conviction, fear and consequence as the lever. But it is what follows that matters in the eye of the storm. Most people bail out on account of fear.
      Fear is like a wall. People dont want to face it less it destroys them or they dont have the courage to face up.
      Its just the nature and instinct of man to want to avoid fear. As well as It should be.

    • @eddyj3862
      @eddyj3862 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dustymaxwell8305 God or the all Loving energy force of light does not send anybody to a place called Hell/Lower astral plane you send yourself there by your actions on earth.

    • @armyshope
      @armyshope 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@eddyj3862 It's not that normal...

  • @soulbeatzmajor
    @soulbeatzmajor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    This is possibly the best preaching I ever heard. Thank you for this message. I tried so hard to be a Christian and I wanted to belive that there is a God that would save us all and keep us safe. But blind faith can only go so far.. My family rely on me to make everything happen and I have to rely on myself to be reliable. Everything that we own came from the long hours at work. Santa claus did not buy my children the Nitendo switch they asked for. Jesus did not turn my cold water hot when I hit a bump and cold not pay my gas bill. I have more to say but. I grow tired after working 12 hours earlier

    • @balachandrank4981
      @balachandrank4981 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Soulbeatz Major please find time to read indian UPANISHADS

    • @j0hncon5tantine
      @j0hncon5tantine 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you ever ask God for help? What do you think faith is? How do you define it?

    • @richrichy3015
      @richrichy3015 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @ I'm always reminded of that and all of the children dying of starvation, or complications that arise from starvation, when I hear someone claim that they are blessed. Yea, this so called "god" decided to bless some people, others he just let's starve to death. Makes complete sense.....

    • @matthewguzda4075
      @matthewguzda4075 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What's funny is they'd say you're ungrateful ! U must give glory and praise to god , who the hell you think you are working 12 hrs a day and paying for everything for your family? What gall after putting in all that work and sacrificing your time and effort not to give praise to jesus for giving you all the things you have aside from the money that bought all the stuff. I mean without prayers and praise how could we have anything in this life (aside from money) all provided by jesus... well jesus and factories distributors drivers and stores. All that incidental stuff.

    • @matthewguzda4075
      @matthewguzda4075 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ it's not atheist science. Science is science weather you do it as a believer or non belie:er. And there are scientists who are believers. That's the beauty of science. Doesnt matter what u believe because science is the most effective method to discern good info from crap. To see things that are otherwise invisible to us. It's TRUE indiscriminate of your beliefs because its stronger then belief. Cheers

  • @jahrasta4907
    @jahrasta4907 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I tried so hard to be Christian, but the more I tried, the bigger the jerk I became. Now, I love everyone without judgment, and the bliss is awesome.

    • @raymondhall2039
      @raymondhall2039 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Total understand as well. I believe what he says about religion. I also was one of them. We get this PTL aditude and look down on people.
      The only thing for me I just can’t go the atheist route. When you see the stars, the ocean, the mountains, the babies born, the universe around us. People who are kind and loving despite what you think. I totally still believe in God. Yes. The church and religion has its major problems which paints bad reflections on God.

    • @BrenB125
      @BrenB125 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't try to be a Christian. I am one and have walked in divine peace, joy, health and prosperity for years.

  • @mysunnybird
    @mysunnybird 5 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Thank You !!! This was a breath of fresh air. I was raised exactly like Seth Andrews, but catholic. I lived my life in constant fear about going to hell. I am so glad I am an atheist with no fear to die. The only thing that I could talk to my parents about, was "religion" . I recommend to anybody Richard Dawkins's books. He is my hero. It is hard to find people who thinks like me...... most people are religious, and if you tell them that you are an atheist, they put you in the "black list", so many times you just keep your thoughts to yourself. RELIGION IS A VIRUS THAT INFECTS YOUR BRAIN.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sharon, you are still locked in on the lies of religion, not Spirituality. They are complete opposites, at the end of this post I will detail how opposite they really are. And lets get this one thing clear, it ALL comes from Shamanism, not anywhere else. India just adopted Shamanism to first write about it in the Rig Veda, as the Rig Veda is Loaded with sacred power plant references that activate all 7 divine chakras within us for Spiritual ascension. Shamanism was written about for thousands of years before the rig veda, but governments confiscated the artifacts to control the masses, as governments would not exist if humans knew the truth. The native peoples of south america and america knew about these Spiritual truths, and didnt need India or anything from europe, as they used the sacred plants to activate all 7 divine chakras.. As it all comes from Shamanism. As only the Shaman knows the Truth, everyone else is in the prison of culture, and only the shaman knows that culture is nothing more than a game. By the way, have you looked up the ten Indian Commandments ( I am talking about the native indians, not the indians from india). Again, that comes from Shamanism, and its far more beautiful than christianitys ten commandments. Sharon, again, your still locked in on the lies of religion programming your ego mind. When it is all about the sacred power plants that activate all 7 divine chakras within. Look up " Psychedelics buddhism", and see the roots of Buddhism comes from sacred power plants that takes us deep within milliions of times deeper than the Ego thinking mind wants to go, which is again, Shamanism.. So what is the difference between Religion ( man made) and Spirituality ( Shamanism, Nature).
      Religion is just the mere belief in someone else's Spiritual Experiences. But Spirituality is all about having "Your own" Direct Spiritual Experiences. Religion and Spirituality are nothing alike and could not possibly be more different. Here is a small list:
      Churches and Religion = what a group of people decide what God is (and it's ALWAYS outwardly, and it's always in the past/future of Ego of the blind thinking mind). What happened thousands of years ago, and judgment in the future. If anyone doesn't fully agree with the mental concepts of the religion, those people are ridiculed, labeled, and excluded from the group. No Spiritual experiences whatsoever. No Soul awareness whatsoever.
      Spirituality = Everyone is invited. And if one is willing to go "INwardly" within themselves all the way, activating all that is Within you, nobody shall be denied. Eternal NOW (far beyond time of past/future), Many Direct Spiritual Experiences. And be free from the Prison of believing and into the infinite freedom of knowing and be-coming. Full Soul awareness !! Infinite Spiritual Experiences of infinite Magic, infinite Love, infinite heavenly realms of infinite beauty , BLISS and Joy !! ONENESS !!

    • @ChrisSmith-xh9wb
      @ChrisSmith-xh9wb 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      LIstening to channels like this and reading comments like yours has opened my eyes to how much people are being damaged by oppressive cultural backgrounds in various places. I have lived my life predominately among atheists and with atheist friends and have experienced nothing like the upbringing Seth Andrews describes. LIkewise, the fear that Catholics like yourself apparently have of eternal damnation is completely at odds with the Protestant approach to Christianity that I personally adhere to, and seems to me incompatible with the teaching of the New testament (see Romans 8 vv 1, 33-34, 38-39, John 3:17 , Hebrews 10:17 etc.).
      As a Christian iiving in a predominately atheist culture I also have learned to keep my thoughts t myself, so channels like this are for me also a breath of fresh air.
      Regarding Richard Dawkins, I respect him as a fellow scientist. I have read "the selfish Gene" and agree with him on many things, particularly his defence of the scientific method in the face of postmodernism . However, I part with him regarding the aggressive atheist stance he has more recently taken. he is a good scientist, but a poor philosopher/theologian.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      We have the best FREEDOM and fellowship hat you have no clue exists. "You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional worlds, and comnune with Angels, devas, Nature Spirit, Star beings, and Ascended Masters"--

    • @mysunnybird
      @mysunnybird 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ChrisSmith-xh9wb I respect what you believe, but all through my life I came to the realization that Protestant believers don't really follow the teachings of Jesus. Most people go for money, greed and corruption, (this is not what Jesus teaches). Religion is good for socialization, but most religions are just businesses.

    • @ChrisSmith-xh9wb
      @ChrisSmith-xh9wb 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@mysunnybird What you have said about Protestants is a broad generalisation, but sadly has a lot of truth in it. particularly in the US. Most of us Christians in the UK ,of whatever denomination, look with horror upon the televangelists with their wealthy "ministries" and the false promises of the "Prosperity gospel". This certainly is not what Jesus teaches, and I would never worship in a church that operated like a money-making business. It should be about helping the poor, not taking their money away from them.

  • @unity6906
    @unity6906 6 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    I heard a televangelist say, "It doesn't make good sense. It makes God sense."

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bumper stickers like that, may be the only valid reason for atheists to hate us. lol....just kiddin' with ya....

    • @ProSto7343
      @ProSto7343 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I heard someone say that The Beaver Dam was a God damn.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ProSto7343 ...I like Adam

    • @daniel666ns
      @daniel666ns 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I dont give a f. About religions but it sounds just perfecto to me. It just give it a more subtel sense.

  • @tomchapman9119
    @tomchapman9119 6 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    I love the point “I used to talk like an idiot” it is so accurate and sums up many of the Christians I have met and known. When I said things like this to them they would complain that I did not give them the respect they believe they deserve !

    • @dawnbroker5156
      @dawnbroker5156 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Tom Chapman, true. They stupidly and arrogantly think they can tell you who to respect and who not to respect.

    • @e.m.medrano7976
      @e.m.medrano7976 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Christianity is the enemy of logic and reason. Attempting to present a Christian with logical facts is received like throwing holy water on a vampire. It’s insane the way these entitled self righteous pricks think the world owes them respect for believing in an insane delusion.

    • @mansavagemark
      @mansavagemark 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are wrong I am a follower of Jesus and you do exactly what I expect you to. You close your eyes and plug your ears because the truth is to painful for you. Then you call Christians arrogant when they are just trying to help you. The Bible is full of logic and reason and you would not have either with out God. Laugh all you wan't that is exactly what I would expect from you . Gue3ss what the Bible said there would be mockers and scoffers like you.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      hmmm I'm a followere of Christ and NO WHERE in my big ol' bible am I instructed to try to convince atheists that God exists. My God also instructs me to NOT be a respecter of men, nor to seek the respect of men.
      You guys who are bad mouthing Christians are as logical as me badmouthing the spectators of a football game because they can't run and throw like the star quarterback of the game. Us Christians are like fat ugly folks in a gym, We aren't "fit" and "pretty". We are fat, sick, mean and ugly. That is WHY we are seeking Jesus. (bible 101) We are the broken, who are trying to get better. YOU are the broken that DON"T yet know you are dis-functional and broken..

    • @msjanegrey
      @msjanegrey 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You do not have to respect anybody but to talk with maners insteed like an idiot, is recomendable.

  • @erstwhile3793
    @erstwhile3793 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    These analytical assessments of fundamental christian practices are what I went through on my own, inside my head, in the middle of my religious community, while still fully practicing everything and believing the core truth claims of my religion. One by one, e each of these ideas about blessings, prayer, obedience leading to blessed outcomes, etc., etc., fell victim to the pressure of real, lived experience. I couldn’t help seeing that faithful, praying people were literally no better off in terms of actual effects and outcomes in life, than any one else. I also couldn’t help seeing that my community doubled down very tightly on the times when the outcome was what they wanted, while assiduously ignoring the times when it was not (those are the “testing” times, apparently). None of it made any sense, the longer I lived it and practiced it. So I left. I’m much healthier mentally and emotionally now, as I’m “allowed” to learn from actual experience about what is real and what is not.

    • @velikovskysghost
      @velikovskysghost ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Erstwhile3 I understand exactly how you feel as I went through this kind of experience on my own at age 45 and actually went to the holy land to get Baptized. Now I go by empirical law (observation and experience) and trust my judgement.

    • @emo516
      @emo516 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      "praying people were literally no better off" exactly. I think you articulated that pretty well... I saw my group pray intensely for members of their own church and community, but often wondered why we weren't praying for real life battles and larger issues like the human and child trafficking that still plagues our world, or drug addiction etc... When one of our church members daughter died he lost faith and lost hope and stopped going to church. Rather than pray for him as an individual to find strength again they prayed for him to return to the church.... like what?

  • @onixxfilth
    @onixxfilth 7 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Mine is that lack of choice when you're raised in a fundie family; you MUST be Christian or you'll be practically kicked out.

    • @alucarderipmavtube
      @alucarderipmavtube 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I was almost kicked out for having a shitty girlfriend. And I haven't even begun to speak about their fundie beliefs.

    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yup, when I came out to my family, they told me I needed to find somewhere else to live. They were at least nice enough to wait until I could find an apartment. It took my mother 6 months to tell me she loved me again. We're mostly good now - we just avoid talking about religion. But I was forbidden from telling anyone else in the family: Mom thought my atheism reflected on her parenting skills and was embarrassed, I agreed because I didn't want the harassing phone calls and visits trying to convert me back from well-meaning, but annoying relatives.

    • @alucarderipmavtube
      @alucarderipmavtube 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      built4speed101 hahaha, you just might be the epitome of what theists(especially creationists) think what atheism is all about, Slappy.
      This is the best representation of a walking strawman I've ever seen any atheist has attempted to do.
      👏👏👏👏👏 claps for days

    • @kill.all.liberals6865
      @kill.all.liberals6865 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Your mother is a piece of human garbage that thinks people who don't believe in her deity justly merit eternal torture, the fact that you still keep in touch with her reflects negatively upon your sense of morality and your rationality, such people should be shunned at best.

    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Russian Robot "YOU chose your family for many reasons, mostly to have certain experiences and resolve past karmas."
      I take it you aren't a Christian. Are you Hindu? Buddhist? Jain? Something else? Cuz Buddhism and Jainism certainly don't require a belief in any deities to belong to their religions. Sorry, I'm trying to think of religions that share your view of karma and rebirth - cuz Christianity doesn't have either of those things. Christians believe in 2 lives: the one here on Earth and the afterlife. And by extension, they don't believe in karma or the idea that one "chooses" who their parents are.
      Therefore, I have to ask what is this "TRUTH" that you keep going on about - cuz you've been more than a little unclear on the topic and what little you have said has indicated that you definitely aren't Christian.

  • @rickjohnson9558
    @rickjohnson9558 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    About 20 years ago I began to hear the phrase "you have a blessed day". Not once have I heard that said with sincerity.

    • @UTU49
      @UTU49 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Have you heard it said with sincere SARCASM?
      Can sarcasm be sincere?

      @AZTLANSOLDIER13 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's as annoying as somebody saying "bless you" when you sneeze. I hate that

    • @abomination2theLord
      @abomination2theLord 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Actually, this is how it should be said: May it be GOD's Will to Bless You! We don't control what GOD does and can not say "GOD Bless You!" It is like me telling you to kiss my ass and if you don't like me then you will not!
      GOD only Blesses those that have come to HIM through the Finished work on the Cross, then GOD will Bless you in many ways. GOD sure Blessed me in ways I would have not imagined and all positive ways too! GOD has also helped turn from my evil ways.
      I am not pushing anything on you my friend; rather, I am telling you what GOD did to me and for me when I got saved!
      Love 4Truth!

    • @abomination2theLord
      @abomination2theLord 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ezeeckiel The evidence is all around you my friend and in your mirror!
      I am not attached to any of satan's religions nor earthly brick and mortar buildings called churches either. I am connected to GOD through the Holy Spirit and Sealed to GOD forever.
      I always felt empty growing up and I looked to parties, drugs, sex and alcohol to fill that void and yet still empty. I picked up a King James Bible one day and said I sure hope this book has some answers. Sure enough it did, I got saved one day ten years ago in my office sitting in my chair as i just told GOD the Father in Heaven I now put all my Faith from all my Heart in the Death, Shed Blood, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ to pay for all my sin past, present, and future. GOD heard me, saw my Heart (all of me) was all IN on the Finished Work on The Cross of Jesus (GOD in the Flesh) and Sealed me by the Holy Spirit to Him forever.
      I would not trade my life now full and complete with the Love of Jesus in me for anything. I came out the dark and now live in the Light!
      If you had tried to get me saved prior, I would have scoffed at you!
      I can only share what happened to me as a testimony of taking that giant leap of Faith.
      What is cool about GOD is that he gives us time and free choice to choose life or death.
      Love 4Truth!

    • @abomination2theLord
      @abomination2theLord 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ezeeckiel I was very hot headed and quick to use foul language as I would put down people. After getting saved it took GOD in me to keep telling me that was not the way to live and it was actually killing me and hurting others. Now, I am very humble, loving, kind, listen more than I talk etc... I would hear GOD in my Conscious telling me to do a 180 (Repent) on how I treated others. Since just that change alone has made life fun and enjoyable. Love 4Truth!