We Misunderstood Count Dooku


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  • @GenerationTech
    @GenerationTech  ปีที่แล้ว +152

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    • @RamblingRodeo
      @RamblingRodeo ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I always wondered if Dooku was so indifferent to the Jedi and its direction why he didn't separate himself from the order and create his own?

    • @zorkwhouse8125
      @zorkwhouse8125 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      a dehumidifier might be able to help with that manly condensation.. 🙂 great video again man - always appreciate the insight. I usually don't have the channels etc that these shows are broadcast over (i.e. disney produced content) and so my only points of reference to and/or understanding of these shows comes through watching content produced by just a handful of folks like you. So again, the thought you put into your videos is very welcome, and in particular that pertaining to your relating in universe material/lessons etc to the real world. As always, keep up the good work and hang in there.

    • @edwarddorsey8609
      @edwarddorsey8609 ปีที่แล้ว

      its called comfort viewing

    • @tonywebb1403
      @tonywebb1403 ปีที่แล้ว

      Its California

    • @annawhite1591
      @annawhite1591 ปีที่แล้ว

      no no WE DID NOT, he is still a lying back stabbing two face pure evil prick, yes this show shows him how they should always has, but do not change his dumb story in clone wars

  • @flaviusgerhardt9354
    @flaviusgerhardt9354 ปีที่แล้ว +434

    Ironically Dooku‘s stench-related comment eventually applied to himself. He lived alongside Sheev‘s corruption for so long that he became part of it.

    • @jeffreycarman2185
      @jeffreycarman2185 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      From corruption to corruption.

    • @solarsailor1534
      @solarsailor1534 ปีที่แล้ว +104

      Dooku’s downfall was believing that an authoritarian society would root out the corruption and decadence of the Republic. The Empire Dooku helped create had all the flaws of the Republic, only now without the democracy, free speech, or accountable leadership to limit it.
      In the end Palpatine didn’t care about Dooku’s idealism beyond lip service and only wanted the Empire as a means to empower himself. I think Dooku only came to realize that in the last seconds of his life.

    • @NWOWCW4Life1
      @NWOWCW4Life1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@solarsailor1534Yep..and it’s a shame.
      Just another pawn

    • @krel3358
      @krel3358 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@solarsailor1534 I'm not sure if the Empire was corrupt and just more spiritually bankrupt from the rule of the sith, ie everything is supposed to benefit palpatine. I mean quite frankly from the looks of it the Republic got what it deserved and Palpatine did at least put a better system in place in certain aspects.

    • @davechongle
      @davechongle 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@krel3358there is always that one guy who unironically defends the fascist bad guys. no, the empire was objectively worse for almost everyone. it has been shown countless times that however terrible the republic was, the empire was infinitely worse. he did not make any changes to the system that would benefit anyone besides himself. he visibly liked watching people suffer and grovel, he had no cares about the common folk, in fact he detested people in general. he oversaw multiple genocides, he legalized slavery, he invaded countless planets for no reason other than for his benefit. you can say the republic didnt help slaves, but it didnt directly enslave people or encourage it. you could say living in the republic was not the best for everyone, you cannot say it wrung every planet, system, person dry for any benefit. you could say the republic was a fake democracy, you couldnt say it was openly fascistic and a dictatorship. at least the senate under the republic was used to benefit some people who needed it, while still putting corporations and the rich above everybody else. under the emperor it only benefitted the senators and of course the emperor.

  • @HolyknightVader999
    @HolyknightVader999 ปีที่แล้ว +1279

    I never misunderstood Dooku. The new Tales of the Jedi shorts perfectly line up with my view of him being an idealistic rebel who wasn't a full Sith. There was still hope for him, there was always hope for him. If he was born in a different age, like say, the SWTOR era with Satele Shan, Dooku would've stayed with the Order, especially since Satele's Jedi Order tolerates even dark-siders in their midst, so long as they remain loyal to the Republic. The worst thing Satele does to Dark-sided Jedi in her midst was not promote them, but she still tolerates them and lets them do their job. Dooku would've fit in as one of those Jedi who sometimes goes dark, but they either turn a blind eye or even approve of his actions.

    • @brendangrimshaw1628
      @brendangrimshaw1628 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Chill dude

    • @DOMINNIMOD198
      @DOMINNIMOD198 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Dooku really disliked the order tho, that's why he went to the dark side on the first place

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 ปีที่แล้ว +64

      @@DOMINNIMOD198 He disliked the Order under Yoda's time.

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      IN war, you can't always do things good guys would do. How do fight a war, with out killing. Isn't that what Andor is suppose to be about. He killed a friend just to keep the Rebel secrets alive. Dooku believed he had to do some unsavory things as well, so he can do the greater good later.

    • @OtherL
      @OtherL ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Staying Loyal to the Republic seemed to me to be the issue Dooku was having. He wanted things to be different but felt any means was necessary until one day he didn't care about the lie cause he never expected there to be one.

  • @tba113
    @tba113 ปีที่แล้ว +1832

    The best description of Dooku's situation was "struggling to control a Faustian bargain". The CIS of course was no friend, but the grievances Dooku laid out against the Republic were well founded.
    If Dooku hadn't left the Jedi Order, he would have been one of the bare handful of Masters who could have handled Anakin as a padawan.

    • @GenerationTech
      @GenerationTech  ปีที่แล้ว +211

      Well said

    • @omegon2540
      @omegon2540 ปีที่แล้ว +77

      That would be cool
      Too bad star wsrs doesn’t do alternate timelines to see it

    • @terik3312
      @terik3312 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      @@omegon2540 they used to in the Parallels comics

    • @ness7435
      @ness7435 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      I think that anakin himself would have kept dooku from turning. After all it was qui gons last request for anakin to be trained I think that dooku would have done this to honor qui gon, and in the end not only be the perfect master for anakin but also remain a part of the light side because of it.

    • @QrazyQuarian
      @QrazyQuarian ปีที่แล้ว +37

      Sorry, but the CIS was his brainchild. He believed in a complete revolution. He was the one who started it, propagandized against the feckless and corrupt Republic, and ultimately led the charge headfirst into a revolutionary war against a stale and stagnant 2,000 year old system. He hated the Republic, and he resented the Jedi for sitting on their hands and doing nothing. You literally cannot on one hand say that the CIS was no friend, but then accept his overwhelming involvement in its creation. It wasn't the Trade Federation, Banking Guilds, or Techno Union that started it; Dooku was the one who brought them all together. Dooku not only led this charge (and possibly authored a lot of this in Sideous' overall plan that he inherited from Darth Plagueis), but likely believed that the CIS would be the victor in the war, which plotted out a pathway to righteously govern the galaxy.
      It was the Sith who was no friend to him. He wanted to destroy the Sith, and he was truthful in his conversation with Obi-Wan. This scene was ingenious, and I frankly hate it when people said that he was just sweet-talking Obi-Wan--such insights are false, and only serve to undermine the mastery of this scene. He and his padawan, Qui Gon, are two sides of the same coin caught between a rock and a hard place. Neither of them like the Jedi and see them as immovable in the Order's dogmatic and narrow convictions. Qui-Gon is the anti-establishment on the light side of the Force, and Dooku is the same on the dark side. Dooku doesn't like the Sith--in fact, he warned the Jedi many times against its return, even as a child when he had visions of it. He saw Sifo Dias as a friend he could trust, but ultimately understood that his death was necessary to topple the Republic. He saw Palpatine as a necessary evil, and like the Sith's Rule of Two, he was constantly plotting avenues to dsestroy him--including his offer to Kenobi to help him overthrow the Sith Lord.

  • @jasonsaddison
    @jasonsaddison ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Soulful, deep take there, brother. I've put some reading into volitionist philosophy and Dooku...despite his unforgivable war crimes... Is a great example how important understanding and empathy are. Had he been brought to justice his tale could have informed society or could have changed the Order for the better. That's if and only if the galactic republic took the time to listen and learn how it failed the Count and had long failed the Rim.

  • @naomishelton1960
    @naomishelton1960 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not done the video yet but I love the intro. Great job!

  • @WorthlessDeadEnd
    @WorthlessDeadEnd ปีที่แล้ว

    *9:43* - The complete opposite was Queen Amidala, who got on her knees before Boss Nass to enlist the help of the Gungan people to fight against the hostile Separatist invasion.

  • @tyleremery7088
    @tyleremery7088 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm stealing the phrase "manly condensation" lol.

    @ARVETDEG 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not for something Dooku never fully fell to the Dark Side as he never got the Sith eyes. Always maintained his normal eyes because at the end of the day, even filled the corruption, he believed in his cause and wanted to do good, but blinded and consumed, he failed to see his corruption.

  • @flemit35
    @flemit35 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Always thought it would have been better if Dooku was against the Emperor once realised the Jedi switch allegiance however Skywalker remain loyal

  • @thomasdaywalt7735
    @thomasdaywalt7735 ปีที่แล้ว

    Evil isn't born it's corruption

  • @davidsavage5630
    @davidsavage5630 ปีที่แล้ว

    So...Kylo Ren becomes Dooku in some Terminator-esque time loop lol? Because that's who young Dooku looks like to me. With maybe just a dash of (extremely ironically) 50s era Peter Cushing..

  • @TheRealAlpha2
    @TheRealAlpha2 ปีที่แล้ว

    We misunderstood Dooku, such a tragic story... _(2 months later)_ Bad Batch: Here's all the money Dooku stole from his people. It's a very sad story, but holy crap did he turn into a scumbag.

  • @aidenfinney3106
    @aidenfinney3106 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why did Dooku sound and look like a mix snipe and kylo ren

    • @GenerationTech
      @GenerationTech  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah totally got Alan Rickman vibes he sounds like the guy who plays that imperial logistics droid form rebels

  • @FoxhoundAK74
    @FoxhoundAK74 ปีที่แล้ว

    CIS forever! Yes the CIS was under the control of a Sith Lord but so was the republic so it cancels out

  • @michaelinterbartolo3
    @michaelinterbartolo3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really liked the dooku arc it fleshed out how he fell to the dark side and separatists cause. The ahsoka arc was okay with the training for order 66 but the rest didn't really add much for her.

  • @Kamina.D.Fierce
    @Kamina.D.Fierce ปีที่แล้ว +726

    Dooku was just as much a victim of Sidious as the rest. He was always a tool for Sidious just like the rest. Only in his final moment did he finally realize that truth... Same as the rest.

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 ปีที่แล้ว +53

      Dooku and Vader both understood. With Dooku, he thought he can outsmart Palpatine. Vader, might as well. Dooku, didn't really believe in the Sith. I think he believed in a balance of the forces, and so it was ok to use the Dark side.

    • @gundampeacekeeper
      @gundampeacekeeper ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@slewone4905 Dooku believed in the Sith. He wanted to overthrow Palpatine and be the knew Sith Lord. That was why he brought of Savage and maul again

    • @Godzilla00X
      @Godzilla00X ปีที่แล้ว +37

      Sidious told Vader in the comics he saw Dooku as a Torpedo, he had a specific purpose and when it was completed, dooku was simply to be disposed of

    • @Kamina.D.Fierce
      @Kamina.D.Fierce ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@Godzilla00X Just like the rest...

    • @Aacezay
      @Aacezay ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@slewone4905 nah he eventually goes full sith

  • @HolyknightVader999
    @HolyknightVader999 ปีที่แล้ว +739

    It's a sad thing that Dooku and Anakin wound up on opposite sides. In another time, in another life, the two of them would've been good friends. Imagine if Qui-Gon survived the duel on Naboo with Darth Maul, but the Jedi Council still refused to train Anakin, since in the normal timeline, they only trained him out of pity for the dead Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon then joins Dooku as the two of them desert the Jedi ranks, and Qui-Gon has Dooku train Anakin, and the two of them become good friends, as they come to agree with each other on how broken and weak the Republic truly was.

    • @jeffreycarman2185
      @jeffreycarman2185 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      This episode proved that there was no hope for Anakin, the tendrils of the Sith were tightening around the necks of the Jedi well before the discovery and training of Anakin.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 ปีที่แล้ว +90

      @@jeffreycarman2185 False. If Anakin was just treated better, or if he left the Jedi Order with Ahsoka, he may have been able to save his soul.

    • @slim420MM
      @slim420MM ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Seems like Dooku was created to be Anakin's father.

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      Palpatine had to get rid of Qui Gon. Dooku needed him to understand what's going on. I think Dooku and Qui Gon both knew that the Dark side is not the problem, but rather it needs balance with the light. The problem is when your in the middle, you can't see where you are.

    • @loremaster8475
      @loremaster8475 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      theres a what if video on dooku training anakin and obi won. another what if video is Qui Gon traning Anakin as a grey jedi.

  • @randybarner6483
    @randybarner6483 ปีที่แล้ว +238

    I didn't really have an idea what kind of man Dooku was, but Qui-Gonn pretty much said it; "To be a Jedi is not an easy challenge, and even if you succeed, its a hard life". Dooku was no different.

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Qui Gon would not be himself, it wasn't for Dooku. THe Librarian said Dooku was one of the brightest. Dooku understood something that the other Jedi's failed, and unluckily he isn't the man who could fix it, but did teach these lessons to Qui Gon, who understood it better. I think the problem is , Star wars has gotten too big, but even when it was first made, there are conflicting ideas of where it should go. The problem is Disney have the movie people run amuck, with out understanding the philosophy that is behind the force. The goal according to Qui gon is to bring balance to the force. THis is base on Taoism. It is'n't for the light side to win, or destroy the dark.

    • @rockyroads8802
      @rockyroads8802 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@slewone4905 Exactly!

    • @sentinal_entity
      @sentinal_entity ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Except when you go meta and look at what george Lucas believes, the goal essentially IS for the "light side" to win.
      Thing is, the whole "equally balanced in the force" thing you bring up is exactly what Disney got wrong about the force. It's not a literal equilibrium of 1 bad guy and 1 good guy that compliments one another. In the force, George has explained time and time again that the dark side consumes you and festers into something undesirable. Things like over extended pleasure, selfishness, these are what he says dooms an individual without true peace that comes without discipline.
      The sith must be eradicated because they bring nothing but perversion to the galaxy and the force. The "light side" that we know it as is just the force. We only call it the light side to distinguish it from the dark.

    • @imaloser5689
      @imaloser5689 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@slewone4905 The light side is the balance of the force. the dark side is perversion of that balance.

  • @krjokar
    @krjokar ปีที่แล้ว +581

    Honestly this really gives a lot of layers to his character and really gives context to how Palpatine used manipulated good people

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      well, notice what Darth Vader said. It's how Dooku feels. They all know Palpatine is evil, but he is too powerful. Palpatine dangle the hope that the other will take over to fix the evil he created, while keeping them in check. I think he even did that to Tarken.

    • @Solaxe
      @Solaxe 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Oh I got so manipulated, I wanted to be good so I joined a fucking sith lord, that will help"

  • @WR288
    @WR288 ปีที่แล้ว +384

    It's been said that each of the 3 main prequel villains represents an aspect of Vader. Dooku is a metaphor for Anakin's nobility which would lead him to save his son at the cost of his own life.

    • @arw1985
      @arw1985 ปีที่แล้ว +83

      I can see that completely. I'd guess that Maul represents the sheer fear factor Vader uses with the Force, and Grievous represents another cyborg who is proficient even when dependent on machinery.

    • @Philipp3022
      @Philipp3022 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      All driven by the hate for the Jedi order

    • @TheFirstCurse1
      @TheFirstCurse1 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      @@arw1985 No. Maul mirrors the hatred, anger, and rage of Vader. Dooku mirrors Vader in that they both were amazing individuals with bright futures who were corrupted and brought to the Dark Side by Sidious.
      You're right about Grevious though. He mirrors what Vader would become physically.

    • @Burn-nf3fo
      @Burn-nf3fo ปีที่แล้ว +32

      Maul was a slave taken as a child and trained to be a killer
      Dooku was a fallen Jedi
      Grievous was a cyborg
      Vader is all 3

    • @flaviomonteiro1414
      @flaviomonteiro1414 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also Pride.

  • @shariqhasan6220
    @shariqhasan6220 ปีที่แล้ว +262

    I also noticed how Yaddle in her fight with Dooku seemed sad and filled with regret when she learns about Dooku's turn. It can be seen that she really does care about him when she gave him a chance to come back. But at this point Dooku had already made up his mind and Yaddle's admittance of the Jedi council's failings just solidified his view of the Jedi Order.

    • @theblueraven764
      @theblueraven764 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Indeed, in fact most jedi were upset and surprised by his turn - as indicated by the deleted scene in AOTC with Jocasta and Obi, and the meeting where they discuss the attempted assassination on Padmé's life.
      He was a great man.

  • @hunterkiller1440
    @hunterkiller1440 ปีที่แล้ว +107

    Movies: Dooku is a bad guy. Anakin and Obi Wan, go hit bad guy.
    Expanded lore: Dooku is a rogue Jedi that sees all the problems with the Jedi Order and the corruption within the republic.

    • @ismarsarajlic7643
      @ismarsarajlic7643 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Is still a bad guy. Also he wasn't a Jedi anymore, he was Sith.

    • @SimonPetrikov12
      @SimonPetrikov12 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Not even in the movies. His scene with Kenobi as prisoner in episode 2 go against him being a typical bad guy

    • @barkasz6066
      @barkasz6066 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dooku sees it and then gets even more corrupt.

    • @icefarrow7959
      @icefarrow7959 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@SimonPetrikov12 You mean the scene where he tries to get Obi-Wan to become his Sith apprentice? Lol.

  • @BerserkerX
    @BerserkerX ปีที่แล้ว +572

    I found myself relating to Dooku more than I thought. Hopefully we can get another season of Tales giving us a deeper look into Alek squinquargesimus (Darth Malak).

    • @nomsi4263
      @nomsi4263 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I wouldn't mind a full-on series. I have always liked Dooku and his novel. But this did add some more layers to him, which is great. Love to see more of his relationship with gin.

    • @HuyLe-bi6dk
      @HuyLe-bi6dk ปีที่แล้ว

      Well yes and no i guess... He was a fcking racist haha so actully no but the corruption of the republic yeah sure

    • @aaronlopez5163
      @aaronlopez5163 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Everyone no matter which government rules them will relate to dooku in some way. The only difference between the star wars universe and ours is that the our reality hasn’t gotten to that point.. YET

    • @BerserkerX
      @BerserkerX ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@priyapepsi I know, I'm not proud of it either but he's my favorite Star Wars character and a deep one at that.

    • @AbsoluteAbsurd
      @AbsoluteAbsurd ปีที่แล้ว

      excuse me who 🤨

  • @spectreshadow
    @spectreshadow ปีที่แล้ว +2298

    I honestly agree with Dooku and I likely would have taken the same path as he did.

    • @GenerationTech
      @GenerationTech  ปีที่แล้ว +507

      I think many would, but he ends up choosing the greater evil as a result

    • @pyeitme508
      @pyeitme508 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@GenerationTech RAD

    • @jetblast190
      @jetblast190 ปีที่แล้ว +87

      @@GenerationTech I think because he wanted to believe in something that was built upon a lie…not all that far-fetched actually. Sidious was the puppet master.

    • @casey339
      @casey339 ปีที่แล้ว +94

      I think Dooku was right about a lot of things but ended up taking foolish and destructive actions because of it. Would really have loved to see what Yaddle would have done had she survived.

    • @TheLostArchangel666
      @TheLostArchangel666 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      I'd have followed a similar, but at the same time radically different path, and would have probably created something more akin to the Rebel Alliance in place of the CIS, drawing upon the same ideals, but without the corporate influences, and without embracing the Sith: Freedom can never come through tyranny.

  • @taitano12
    @taitano12 ปีที่แล้ว +201

    His lack of Sith Eyes makes this series plot unsurprising, and yet, all the more satisfying.

    • @joshuawalters7520
      @joshuawalters7520 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      He does have sith eyes in certain situations in clone wars show. Not all sith show or even have their eyes 100% of the time.

    • @taitano12
      @taitano12 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@joshuawalters7520 Well, he did need to immerse himself fully to accomplish certain things - like defeating Jedi or pushing his own agenda. Even Palpatine lacks Sith eyes when he's not being overtly Sith. If Anakin hadn't killed him, I'm sure he'd go all Sith eyes publicly before too long.

  • @xsteelfeverx8004
    @xsteelfeverx8004 ปีที่แล้ว +90

    Purely Facts: We got more character development out of Dooku in three 15 minutes shorts than Rey in three 2 and half hour movies.

    • @NWOWCW4Life1
      @NWOWCW4Life1 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      They mishandled everyone I am afraid.
      If an actual plan was set for Rey, Kylo and Finn, I would imagine they would be seen in a much better light today.

  • @knightingale9833
    @knightingale9833 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    I liked the way Dooku was portrayed as sort of an honorable villain in Attack of the Clones

    • @theblueraven764
      @theblueraven764 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Chris Lee just is Dooku for me. He was the perfect actor for him

    • @ZayecValentine
      @ZayecValentine 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@theblueraven764 definitely, I couldn’t think of a better actor for the role

  • @ryankwon8785
    @ryankwon8785 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    1. It should be noted that Dooku does not agree with Sidious and planned to betray him. But he did not realize Sidious would turn on him much earlier.
    2. We never even got personal moments for Dooku during the Clone Wars but only scenes of Dooku working with Sidious and Grievous.
    3. Dooku betrayed Ventress because he was forced to by Sidious and antagonized her so she will no longer be on Sidious' radar. He knows she cannot easily die.
    4. Dooku even gave Ventress a heads up on hologram rather than just ordering the droids to quietly murder her (Order 66 style betrayal).
    5. Dooku only acted evil in front of actual villains to keep up appearances and maintain Sidious' trust in him. Dooku was playing the Game of Thrones (Win or Die).

    • @conordarken1778
      @conordarken1778 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Well, Darth Tyranus lost what’s game he was playing. The Galactic Empire and Order 66 are his legacy.

    • @ryankwon8785
      @ryankwon8785 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@conordarken1778 Yeah. They are his legacy and his failure. He thought he can use the dark side but the dark side used him.

    • @abdulansari3666
      @abdulansari3666 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Well his training of Savage was preety well... Savage lol. Although Savage at that point was corrupted af. Still Dooku is now one of my Top 5 Star wars characters.

  • @badman3000
    @badman3000 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    The dark side corrupts idealist. You can start off wanting to do the right thing but ultimately you'll wind up compromising everything you believe in.

    • @dustinjones7458
      @dustinjones7458 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Power as a means to an end can very easily become the pursuit of power as the end, full stop.

  • @bigmanbarrett6943
    @bigmanbarrett6943 ปีที่แล้ว +167

    Count duko was always one of my favourite villains, he had Justification but also had problems.

    • @siegel947
      @siegel947 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Forever be from his ideology to grasp opportunities...Ki mundi was right about dooku in SW EP-III REVENGE OF THE SITH

    • @julianrosado1592
      @julianrosado1592 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @bankerduck4925
    @bankerduck4925 ปีที่แล้ว +79

    Never been a doubt in my mind that Count Dooku is a character that is not simply good or evil. He is elegant and fascinating...
    I wish to thank the late and very great Sir Christopher Lee for his portrayal.
    Count Dooku is amazing and Tales Of The Jedi truly finally certified his nature and a bit of his history.
    Count Dooku: A great Jedi master, A man of honour, A man misunderstood..

    • @davidm4566
      @davidm4566 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      He seemed like a good man who fell deeper and deeper into evil.
      He was evil though he didn't seem to want to be.

    • @andrewshaughnessy5828
      @andrewshaughnessy5828 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@davidm4566 Like Macbeth? Definitely a tragic Shakespearean character.

    • @coolguy54life99
      @coolguy54life99 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also a man who murdered millions of innocent people. I felt for DOOKU too but don't let your hero worship ruin your common sense

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      While all those (rebels, the film trilogy, mandalorian, ahsoka, solo, obi wan, etc...) are trash done by Disney, hate rogue one because of bitch Jyn Erso, I found Tale of the Jedi the best one I can see.

  • @erob9446
    @erob9446 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    I have been a fan of Dooku ever since I heard about Christopher Lee's fencing career.
    I have learned many lore about him because of it. The show made him more of a kinder person

    • @chrisnyasia7
      @chrisnyasia7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wow! Talk about fanboy syndrome! You guys do realize this is Darth Tyranus we're talking about here? This guy is an absolute TERROR!!! The teacher & mentor of General Grievous!!!
      There is one thing I'm willing to admit -- Obi-Wan, arguably the greatest warrior in the history of the galaxy, could not figure out Dooku...

    • @erob9446
      @erob9446 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@chrisnyasia7 No shame in liking a villain

    • @chrisnyasia7
      @chrisnyasia7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@erob9446 well, now, see, that's where you're wrong-- there is a shame involved.
      I believe the term is called "Opprobrium"..
      If you're deriving any pleasure, guilty or otherwise, from Dooku's personal ethos, or his many nefarious exploits, then perhaps there is more going on there than what's been revealed...
      You need to seek the guidance of the council for clarification...

    • @erob9446
      @erob9446 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@chrisnyasia7 bro shut up, I would not even hurt a fly. I like him, I am not turning in to him.
      Go out more, touch some grass, you'll learn there are other people who likes villains worst than Dooku.
      Dooku is also fiction, the logic you said works if it's a real person, like Jeffreh Dahmer

    • @Philipp3022
      @Philipp3022 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@chrisnyasia7 Count Dooku is just a well written relateable villain which was driven by a noble cause - the corrupt goverment and mega corpos robbing the ordinary people while the supposed watchers the Jedi lost their cause and aligned with the wrong side of history - and he’s as correct as Qui Gon on this matter - and through his wrong methods to solve the problem he turned into the monster he believed to fight till the point there was no way back. He isn’t just a evil dude doing bad things - he is a character with interesting grey shades doing bad things and a paradoxical story.
      Only because I can relate to the 3 prequel villains and like them as fictional characters for different reasons it doesn’t mean I copy any of their evil side to real life or would cheer on it if it happens in the real world.

  • @lanesmith1465
    @lanesmith1465 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Even as a kid watching the movie in theaters I thought Dooku was a good guy when he first met Obi-Wan and since then I've always seen him as a tragic hero. I'm glad to see him presented in this light for everyone else to see.

  • @Kubinda12345
    @Kubinda12345 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Dooku's Legends quote about Yoda describes him perfectly. Yes, Yoda was very powerul, wise and intelligent. But his old age which led him to see many friends and apprentices see grow old and die combined with him being in power for centuries led him to become detached and unable to change. And what's worse no Jedi ever challenged him. In fact since all the Jedi basically worshipped him, they never even thought about challenging him.
    This led to the Jedi becoming stagnant while the galaxy was changing around them.
    If Yoda were to die and he was replaced by let's say Mace Windu it would've been better. Yes, Mace wasn't ideal but he was a different generation with a different outlook.
    But to be fair to Yoda, he was at least partially self aware since e.g. he wanted a maverick Qui-Gon in the Jedi Council but he refused.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wise? Hah, Yoda is dogmatic, unyielding and do things by the book.

  • @hunterackerman1697
    @hunterackerman1697 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I was a Separatist sympathizer before this series. To see Dooku given the honor he deserved was amazing.

  • @theascendunt9960
    @theascendunt9960 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I really loved how Dooku was mourning the death of Qui-Gon and confronted Sidious about letting Maul kill him.

  • @likeluptid
    @likeluptid ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I never misunderstood Count Dooku. I don't know anything about him besides what's on screen, but after seeing how much the Senate was deadlocked in making a no-brainer decision regarding the seige over Naboo, because of beurocracy in The Phantom Menace, it made sense to me that a so many planetary systems would leave from the Republic to form a Senate that would resolve issues quickly. I was very impressed with the fact that Count Dooku cared enough about the welfare of the people enough to lead this mass secession. And it's always noticeable that Dooku is not seen using the dark side of the Force very often.

  • @Tridentboy1998
    @Tridentboy1998 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    In the Expanded Universe, Dooku actually has plenty of Dark Jedi followers aside from Ventress. Two other most prominent members who are no less capable than Ventress are Skorr and Sora Bulq, the latter one actually appearing in AOTC, also the one who killed Oppo Rancisis in the Republic comic series.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 ปีที่แล้ว

      @H4XE7 REAC7 Attack of the Clones.

    • @Nopquar
      @Nopquar ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dude was a teacher for sure

    • @Folfah
      @Folfah ปีที่แล้ว

      @H4XE7 REAC7 cmon you really couldn’t figure that out?

    • @lordvader1993ger
      @lordvader1993ger ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Also Sev'Rance Tann and Trenox.

    • @darkironyoshi
      @darkironyoshi ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Folfah considering how silly names of characters in star wars gets atoc being confused for one is a real possibility

  • @bunk_foss
    @bunk_foss ปีที่แล้ว +16

    When my dad and I watched it, we both agreed that we would like to see more from Padawan Qui-Gon and younger Dooku.

  • @vladdrakul7851
    @vladdrakul7851 ปีที่แล้ว +130

    Dooku was a good man broken by injustice who lost his way. Qui Gon was the perfect Jedi. Like Dooku he saw what was wrong and understood how his master was correct about taking responsibility as an individual rather than hiding behind blind obediance or doctrine. Unlike his master he retained his moral balance. Dooku's praise was not merely sincere it was correct. Qui Gon was always my favorite Jedi, while Mace Windu was the most blind if powerful. He and to a lesser extent Yoda got it wrong and thus played their part in helping destroy the very things they hoped to preserve. Anakin needed LOVE not cold distain as a wounded little boy who had suffered terribly!

    • @dontmindme6995
      @dontmindme6995 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Though you could make a point that if Anakin needed love he just wasn't suited to be a jedi. The jedi, especially Windu and yoda, failed the galaxy on a moral level, not on an emotional one. That was never their field to begin with

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @skepticalsmurf
      @skepticalsmurf หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      the Order’s treatment of Anakin(especially their refusal to purchase his mother’s freedom)during his formative years pushed him towards the Dark Side,what he needed was love compassion and support 😤

    • @vladdrakul7851
      @vladdrakul7851 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dontmindme6995 Well done getting it precisely wrong. The point Luke and Obi Wan learned was that LOVE is NOT the problem. It is the solution. Luke was not needy BECAUSE he WAS loved. This is what Obi Wan learned but you still have not. The Jedi were blind because of their lack of love, it was exactly what Luke changed later as Grand Master. What was lacking was a lack of clarity in what was going on. The Republic itself became immoral and the Jedi by becoming a mere tool of this lost out on love (caring or giving a damn) and corrupt. I am NOT saying the Jedi are the same as the Sith.

    • @dontmindme6995
      @dontmindme6995 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@vladdrakul7851 the jedi never were loving. They were going strong without love for 25 thousand years. It's not the problem. The jedi arent supposed to be 'the good ones' seeing as they're stealing children and forcing their beliefs and power onto the people. They are just a little bit better than the alternative since they're not trying to conquer the galaxy for personal gains.
      Star Wars is great because both powerful sides need to be what the average person cannot or does not want to be. It's a trade off you see, either deform your mind to wield the power, or live a normal happy life and be 'noone'

  • @fuge74
    @fuge74 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Yeah, these do a lot of help add to episode 1-3. it really puts duku into perspective without destroying the movie. this is what they jedi were before they became the flashy generals of the clone and galactic civil wars. I wish they would make some "middle republic" stories just like this.

  • @testingmyaudioaddiction3452
    @testingmyaudioaddiction3452 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Dooku is, arguably, the smartest character in all of Star Wars. He was strong enough as a person to never fall completely to the dark side.
    He was a loving and caring person who wanted the best for everyone, even if he was a vicious villain in the prequels.
    It is the perfect example of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

  • @anakinawesome2aa505
    @anakinawesome2aa505 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    It's really unfortunate how he's a character who does bad things for good reasons. My gripe with the clone wars is how dooku isn't just a cartoon bad guy. He's a tragic character being taken advantage of

  • @TheAtomicCross
    @TheAtomicCross ปีที่แล้ว +21

    It is an odd and powerful feeling to hear the words Master Dooku said on screen. We never got that before, it's an earned title, not an inheritance.

  • @rexlumontad5644
    @rexlumontad5644 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Squidward: "Don't panic! Imagine Dooku without a beard!"
    Dooku: *becomes young and has no beard*
    Squidward: "Oh no! He's hot!"

  • @elmaz46
    @elmaz46 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Count Dooku needs his own series
    With details and longer scenes.

  • @brianrunyon266
    @brianrunyon266 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Fan of Dooku. Jedi Lost, and other novels and the like made him a complex character, who believed what he was doing was noble.

  • @vullord666
    @vullord666 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I actually think Dooku’s character was shown very well in the prequels and tales just added depth to that. In Episode two he made it clear that working with Palpatine was a means to an end. He didn’t like Palps methods or trust him and knew his own actions had become irredeemable, but thought there was no other path to improving the galaxy for the people. He even went as far as to reveal his agenda to Obi-Wan (Qui-Gon’s apprentice) and expressed grief over Qui-Gon’s passing believing that if he were still alive there might be hope for the Jedi Order. In Episode 3 when Palps ordered Anakin to execute Dooku we see the face of a man completely broken. Someone who sacrificed everything they stood for in the name of improving the galaxy only to he betrayed (not that Dooku trusted Palps to begin with) and realize he was nothing more than a pawn in Sidious Master plan (I think Dooku thought Palpatine was using him but didn’t realize how much and that he had already been replaced with Anakin). In his last moments Dooku still can’t bring himself to out the sith mastermind, knowing that would undo all the work he’s thus far done and could further harm the future of a peaceful galaxy that would protect the people.
    And I never really disagreed with Dooku. As we saw how far the republic and the Jedi Order (which had become far too intertwined with the senate) had fallen throughout the Clone Wars. I truly don’t think there was another path. It was a damned if you do; damned if you don’t. The Jedi had lost connection to the people and become blind and the republic had become far too corrupt. Palpatine just took advantage of the situation to play everyone.

  • @ivanquiles4903
    @ivanquiles4903 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I never misunderstood Dooku but I'm so glad they finally showed what he really as doing. He wanted Anakin to join him against Palpatine. I love that they finally show this side. I also love that they've shown who deleted the map database

  • @Chinesetakeout382
    @Chinesetakeout382 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    That second and forth episode feels like works of art and It’s so humanizing for dooku. Especially that standoff in the second episode. Few words, all is communicated masterfully because I do feel dooku was right to get upset, he probably even would have been right to strike down the senator. He probably would have even been a great hero if he wasn’t a sith.

  • @sniffsniffmmm8873
    @sniffsniffmmm8873 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I love how they made Dooku look like Christopher Lee's Dracula

  • @darwinskeeper421
    @darwinskeeper421 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I had just watched Tales of the Jedi last night and the thing that most impressed me was the background stories on Count Dooku, which showed why he left the Jedi order. While his decision to join Darth Sidious' plan led to a situation far worse for the average person than it was under the Republic (see Andor for details), I can't fault him for making it. The Jedi had lost its way, had been focusing on the will of the Senate over the will of the Force. I think that is why they did not recognize Sidious' plan until it was too late. I've never felt this much sympathy for the former Jedi Master and Sith Lord before.

  • @starwarsfiction
    @starwarsfiction ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I really connect with him and feel for him. This was like watching Anakin fall to the dark side

  • @naomishelton1960
    @naomishelton1960 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    When I watched his first episode I instantly knew who he was even though his light saber wasn't shown until later.

      @ROGALLYWORLD ปีที่แล้ว +1

      it wasn’t a secret who he was…

    • @naomishelton1960
      @naomishelton1960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ROGALLYWORLD yeah well I made sure to stay away from the trailers so when I watched the episode I had no idea he would be in it

  • @brandonking2679
    @brandonking2679 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am more a Star Wars film fan than animation but I have to say the count duku tales of the Jedi added so much to the prequels for me.

  • @waynestarkey756
    @waynestarkey756 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Great video, love the mature content. The prequels are amazing, I have spent years trying to understand them and reflect on the different themes they have. Every line and scene has tremendous weight and meaning. Unless you are willing and interested to understand the greater Star Wars Universe they will just come across as ordinary or boring movies but they're not

  • @LimitBreakZero
    @LimitBreakZero ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It'd be interesting to see a Dooku who led the CIS without falling to the darkside, even as a sort of elseworld thing.

  • @DesocupadoXtremo
    @DesocupadoXtremo ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've always supported Dooku, honestly the Clone Wars version tried really hard to paint him as a villian, cause everyone saw him as a the real hero of the prequels, i've never thoght how he would responde to qui gon's death, and Tales nailed it, that was the last straw for him to fully comit the dismantle the Republic

  • @mapleee18
    @mapleee18 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This is such an excellent video. Couldn't have said any of it better myself! Also, the Sith Lord episode does not necessarily contradict Dooku: Jedi Lost; it can be inferred from Dooku's chat with Jocasta Nu that at this time, he was only visiting the temple and had already resigned from the Jedi Order.

  • @red_light_3937
    @red_light_3937 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The nugget that’s missing from your ending statement is that when we understand what drives people to darkness we can hopefully learn to stop the things that drive people to ever feeling the need to go down that path.
    The Jedi, instead of being just farmers & monks could be teachers to anyone who’d like to learn.

  • @d45h69
    @d45h69 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Both Dooku and Anakin have the same fate, they become darksiders when they lose someone precious which means they valued life very much as that of an ideal Jedi imo

  • @viktubeproductions3314
    @viktubeproductions3314 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I loved this Dooku arc. I would rather that they left out the Ahsoka episodes and given us 6 Dooku episodes.

  • @jaystapes3086
    @jaystapes3086 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dooku HAS been my favorite Star Wars character ever since episode 2...I am so happy to see others loving this character that I have loved for almost 2 decades.

  • @anonymusug727
    @anonymusug727 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I really liked how they made their point clear about Dooku and i can understand him way better now

  • @robertbemis9800
    @robertbemis9800 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The horror of the dark side is it offer what we most want, and think you can never have any other way
    But takes away what was offered and takes a overwhelming price

  • @jeremy1860
    @jeremy1860 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's the age-old rule of fiction. If you want to change people's view on a character, show them the backstory 😊

  • @Golden-Monarch-One
    @Golden-Monarch-One ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If Dooku was in charge of the Empire instead of Palpatine, I think Dooku would have firmly assessed whether constructing a Death Star was the correct thing to do as far as addressing unity and order. I never saw Dooku as an annihilist so no I don’t believe Dooku would have approved the Death Star in the long run. Even in Episode 2, Dooku only knew the Death Star as simply designs. He didn’t know the true terror Sidious would unleash in the decades following! FeelsbadforDooku.jpg

  • @MandalorV7
    @MandalorV7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That story with Dooku and Mace really was nice. You can understand Dooku’s resentment. Dooku bust open the other Jedi Master’s murder but it’s Mace that gets put on the council just because he plays to their tune.
    Something I have really wanted to see since Attack of the Clones came out is a fight between Dooku and Mace.

  • @brianschlicher59
    @brianschlicher59 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Really enjoyed the early days of Dooku and Qui-Gon. Really wish they had made more episodes like this.instead of showing us Dooku leaving even as the events of episode 1 were transpiring. Pretty good show.

  • @infinity2x0
    @infinity2x0 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My only issue with this is what happens to Master Yaddle. Without spoilers, I feel like this could have been done better. Of course, in Legends, it's an entirely different story but I appreciate Tales of the Jedi for what it's trying to do. It helps with Ahsoka's history and tries with Dooku too, but I feel like it fails with regard to Yaddle.

  • @davideluciano7761
    @davideluciano7761 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Actually feel sad for the count he seen the true ways the universe and wanted to change things but his anger and frustration of things made him true to the darkside and can seen him in our world him probably been the same way

  • @vladdrakul7851
    @vladdrakul7851 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    While I don't know your name I want to congratulate you on this video. I often find your opinions a little harsh or cynical but here you are spot on. I have NO TIME for the heresy of the pointless, irrelevant and just PLAIN WRONG 'Sequals' which are about as close to real Star Wars as that recent abortion 'The Rings of Power' by Amazon are real Tolkein but with the return of Obi wan and Anakin/Vader and now this we finally have someting RELEVANT and properly Star Wars. The struggle within ALL OF US, with the internal moral struggle, of our own inner light or darkness. Very good!

  • @AndalusianPhilosopher
    @AndalusianPhilosopher ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I never saw Dooku as a villain. He wanted what was best and lead down the wrong path. But his heart was always in the right place.

  • @ThereAre2TypesOfPeople
    @ThereAre2TypesOfPeople ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I always thought Dooku's character was never fleshed out enough, he just kind of... appeared as a straight up villain in Ep 2. Having read the books and watched TOTJ I'm glad he's been more humanised.

  • @Dally-_
    @Dally-_ ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’ve had friends that didn’t like dooku till after they watched the shorts about him. Totally makes us feel for him when we see fall to the dark side. Dooku got face to face with corruption too many times.

  • @Gandalf914
    @Gandalf914 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ki-Adi Mundi described Dooku the best with such a simple line: “He is a political idealist. Not a murderer.” Nailed it.

  • @Visqo1
    @Visqo1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I already asked my wife for one of these lightsabers for christmas

    • @pizaster2058
      @pizaster2058 ปีที่แล้ว

      You need to get another one to duel

  • @Yabuturtle
    @Yabuturtle ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is why I wish they added Dooku in episode 1, instead of just shoving him in episode 2. We could have seen him and Qui Gon have meaningful discussions about the republic, which they both thought was corrupt, but Dooku would prefer a more direct and ruthless approach, while Qui Gon would be more passive and wanting to resolve things peacefully. Kind of like Xavier and Magneto. Both have their reasons and while Dooku had good intentions, he was going about it the wrong way. The senate clearly was corrupt, but this was not the way to solve the problem.

  • @pazuzu7779
    @pazuzu7779 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great video. Dooku is one of my favorite characters. It was Christopher Lee's charismatic portrayal that started my love for the character but the handling of his backstory through books and now TOTJ, have been awesome.

  • @ironfist7789
    @ironfist7789 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dooku: sides with Sidious.
    Also Dooku: surprised when Maul kills Qui Gonn
    He saw corruption in the Republic but took actions that countered his own supposed fears and views. Leaving the order I would understand, but siding with Sidious shows he never embraced Jedi ideals. He preferred to burn things to the ground instead of fixing them because it was easy and convenient for him.

    • @elpopman2055
      @elpopman2055 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same could be applied to Anakin... I feel the main thing count to collect is what Anakin lacked.. A Father Figuire/Stable Family.
      Well it's true that Yoda is a good Teacher.. He was unable to be the parental figure Count Dooku Needed..
      Is a parental concept was again addressed in Star Wars Rebels where the stated that the only reason why Ezra Did not for the dark side is because he had a Strong and Stable Family Unit That will Support.. that what Ezra Had What Anakin Lacked.

  • @Stuftrash
    @Stuftrash ปีที่แล้ว +5

    'Lets hope all that training pays off' is what got me, that scene in that context, changed dramaticly.

  • @geography_guy335
    @geography_guy335 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    He was not redeemed. If he wanted to make a difference he could have left the and ran for Senate himself. Countless people died because of his actions.

  • @TheFirstCurse1
    @TheFirstCurse1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm glad everyone is finally realizing how good of a character Count Dooku is. He was so underrated before.

  • @sarahpreston4558
    @sarahpreston4558 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dooku was an idiot for being surprised when Sidious ordered his death. He should've known that he was never going to be a powerful Sith; he draws power more from his own sense of superiority than from his anger and hatred.

    • @GenerationTech
      @GenerationTech  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The situation had gotten out of hands

    • @Uacher
      @Uacher ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@GenerationTech And then Dooku's hands got out of him.

  • @blackdragon6
    @blackdragon6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dooku was right, but the sad part was that Yaddle KNEW he was right too.

  • @deathsquad8891
    @deathsquad8891 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I knew Dooku was a good man on the inside, and even as a Sith, he probably had the "cleanest" goals out of all of them. I wish to see more of Jedi Dooku in the future though, we also need a few seasons CW style of the ten years between TPM and AOTC

    • @decepticonxhunter4850
      @decepticonxhunter4850 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dooku didn't have "clean" goals. Novels reveal that his real problem with the Jedi was that they weren't authoritarian enough. Had he lived to see the Galactic Empire, it would have been far more brutal and repressive than it was. He wanted non-humans stripped of their property and given to humans, and he also wanted aliens to be expelled from all sectors of government.

  • @JADub87
    @JADub87 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was never really a fan of Count Dooku. I always felt like "why they kill off a cool character like Darth Maul in the first movie and replace him with a old dude" as a kid. I don't read SW comics & I have stopped reading the books. I started liking him more in The Clone Wars...TOTJ BLEW ME AWAY! I rock with him heavy now. Hate he did Yaddle like that though.

  • @jonkeuviuhc1641
    @jonkeuviuhc1641 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's very interesting because just like Anankin, Dooku fell to the dark side due to his attachments. But unlike Anakine where his attachment was to his mother, then Padme, in the case of Dooku it was to his people and the people of rhime more broadly.
    In the end, even though both had good intentions (Dooku more so actually) both were exploited by Palpatine into commiting great evils.

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Starkiller was my favourite who started as a dark jedi and later became a grey jedi

  • @wahn10
    @wahn10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This portrayal of Dooku is complex and beautifully rendered. Ferocious, brilliant, intimidating, passionate, protective of those he loved, flawed and fascinating.

  • @Operatorerror11
    @Operatorerror11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dooku and Obi Wan have always been my favorite canons characters. Dooku being elegant and seeming to know exactly what he wanted out of life and unwilling to allow corruption of the senate control the Jedi. TOTJ just added more intrigue to the character.

  • @king-347
    @king-347 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It kind of makes you more sadder about his death now

  • @tk-6967
    @tk-6967 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    See this is my problem; Dooku was *never* that dislikeable or really evil in the PT, the only reason he was dislikeable was *because* of Dave Filoni's portrayal of him in TCW, which was god awful despite the VA's excellent performance. The fact that he could screw up Dooku so badly with a VA who Sir Christopher Lee thought did a good job says everything. I don't care that TofJ got him right, I mean it took him long enough, and even then Yaddle's death was really unnecessary, even in the Episode she steps down from the Council, so there was no need to kill her off, let alone in such a forced way where she confronts Dooku and Sidious and doesn't leave when she has the opportunity too.

  • @lexalford358
    @lexalford358 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It is so amazing how the fiction resembles real life is it just the writers drawing from their own life and applying it to their story about the fiction that they are creating. I gain so much better perspective about the events going on around me by relaxing with a fictional story were I know that the good guys win the day in the end I can separate myself from my troubles and see what others are doing and what motives they have for what they are doing. And trust me the politics Star Wars is a lot closer to the United States than most would believe it is not a direct one for one comparison but it is the same flow of poetry that I recognize

    • @GeneralGrievousCIS
      @GeneralGrievousCIS ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a pertinent comment. I had heard the US = Republic falling into Empire thing was an intention creative decision by Lucas. It was something he actively wanted to get across given the events occurring at the time.
      I think, in that context, it's interesting too that the CIS are portrayed, in a sense, as the US's rivals (almost as if to subconsciously make American viewers dislike and suspect them more, rallying around the Republic only to be confused when it becomes the Empire). Dooku and the CIS Parliament represent Europe and the Commonwealth countries... the CIS Parliament is an obvious UK Westminster style legislature and Dooku carries perceived nobility and history. They are the "political rivals" or threat... as the US left often cites EU and Commonwealth countries as examples of what the US should be like instead of what it is.
      Gunray (with his hilarious over-stereotyped accent) leads the CIS Council and represents East Asia (Japan and later China), the economic rival or threat to the US position.
      Grievous, supreme commander of the CIS armed forces, has a pronounced Russia accent, and represents the greatest military threat or rival to the US (as Russia was seen then).
      All of these are distractions... the Republic hates them and the Jedi focus their attention on combating them, but the true threat (as with the US) is within. A Republic weighed down by corruption gradually falling to bad actors within its establishment. Bashing the other three and making them the center of American ire ("Eurotrash", "Russian Commies", "Chinese ripoffs" etc) is just a convenient way to make people more nationalistic and distract from domestic issues.
      Star Wars is deep.

  • @Lonewolf0840
    @Lonewolf0840 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If only real-world politicians cared about more than their own gains

    • @TheLatiosnlatias02
      @TheLatiosnlatias02 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Here are the followings -
      Hitler will be stunned if he saw killings and destruction that has happened to the Palestinians.
      Putin is doing what it takes to protect Russia and to liberate Ukraine from the puppet regime, NATO and the biggest cause of this Ukrainian war - Israel.
      Xí Jìnpíng is the best example since his poverty alleviation helped the people in rural parts and minorities including Tibet and Xīnjiāng.
      Kim Jong-Un is standing against US and Israel. North Korea is somewhat similar to Yemen. Both countries do not enjoy luxury, but they are spiritually and physically strong against oppressors. North Korea acts as a buffer zone for China and Russia against Israel and US military. It must be protected at all costs against the wishful thinking of Israel and US regarding uniting and taking over the North, as was done with East and West Germany.
      Thaksin & Yingluck Shinawatra were Thailand's only hope before the junta undermined them and took over.
      Jacinda Ardern also helped Kiwi and not to mention earthquake and 2019 mass shooting in Christchurch.
      Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is Brazil's version of Hugo Chávez. Lula is telling the truth and not afraid of those Americans, British terrorists and the Aussies with the Talmudic ZionNazi shit heads of israel.
      Robert Fico in Slovakia have similar principles as Putin.
      Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was part of an organisation called Pink Tide. This group included, among others, Néstor and Cristina, Hugo Chávez (RIP), Nicolás Maduro, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa. Xiomara Castro and Gustavo Petro should also join in.
      Michael D. Higgins stands for Ireland and has a reputation of standing up for Palestine. Ireland must adapt the stand of Palestinian combatants of occupied state of Palestine. It’s decades since British empire still occupying Ireland. No talks are possible that can end the occupation. Once those wiggy-wiggly British-Israeli shit heads occupy a country they don’t let go that easily. After all, they learnt their lesson since Cromwell in 1649.
      Ebrahim Raeisi was a classic example of how president should behave... Spiritual, faithful, determined, humble, unafraid, outspoken, caring, Lazer Focused to solve problems for his nation and the Muslim countries. Ayatollah Raeisi is an icon and a revolutionary role model for all Muslims. We must always have revolutionary presidents... he wasted no time... this is correct. He was very serious about his job and responsibilities. He is exemplary Islamic revolutionary role model, inspiration...
      May his legacy live on and his mission be fulfilled. RIP
      Overall, they are not a slave of genocide criminals and gangsters led by a pseudo-nation of Ashkenazi chabad Talmudic ZionNazi shit heads who advocate slaughters of Palestinians and spark Ukrainian war. Nobody should have friendly and diplomatic relations with Talmudic ZionNazi-possessed nations. All heart-less people around the world, who are now cheering on the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in Gaza; will soon experience MISERY and HEARTBREAK, within their own lives.

  • @nathonso_edits
    @nathonso_edits ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I always thought there was more to Dooku ever since watching AotC way back, he never seemed like a straight 'bad guy', Christopher Lee played him amazingly with a lot of nuance that really pays off watching the movie back after Tales of the Jedi.
    I wish we saw more of him across the whole of the prequels

  • @manuelalopez9638
    @manuelalopez9638 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why is Dooku doing all this?! He was Yoda's finest student and threw away everything he taught him! Not to mention he refused to be there when Anakin lost his surrogate father to Darth Maul to worsen him at make him eventually believe Padme and his surrogate brother will leave him forever with no one to care about him.

    • @dondahighhh12
      @dondahighhh12 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      he knew Qui Gon for like a week

  • @rootintootin6492
    @rootintootin6492 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Such a great take. Duku to me has always been a tragedy. An idealist willing to lay his life on the line to defend the people who are essential to his morality, but abused, manipulated, and cast aside to create a system far worse than the one he wanted nothing more than to tear down.

  • @Rico34
    @Rico34 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    👀 Much like Bariss Ofee, Dooku doesn’t get a full pass for his actions-in the name of “self-righteousness”. Dooku was more ruthless than Bariss-at least she was remorseful for her actions against the Jedi.
    However, I do respect Dooku MORE THAN Bariss. Dooku kept his faithfulness to his wicked ways. He was a “gentleman villain”-I actually love that about him.

  • @mannofdober873
    @mannofdober873 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I agree. Nothing changed with Dooku. He stuck to his ideals.
    The world just went to crap around him. By the time someone who agreed with him came along, it was too late.