SoulRippster Agreed! Bernie is special and a true gift to the American people. His voice is resonating with citizens in both the major parties and of course, Independents. We haven't had this opportunity in my lifetime and I'm 62. We've had some good presidents, but Bernie IS here to help us take back our country from the elite; who currently own it. If we don't act now, we can kiss it goodbye.
@@bpg5591. Very weak comment, try to understand the difference between a corporation and a person. Corporations by the R-party are considered an entity themselves but are not a humans, humans are backed by the D-Party. 7 years too late as well for a comment.
I just want to remind people on the left hand side of the aisle how much of a lying and deceptive Fraud Bernie Sanders is: 1) He constantly misrepresents certain demographics in our country not paying "their fair share" EVEN THOUGH the wealthy remain Uncle Sam's biggest breadwinner and coffers filler. He targets a few billionaires who have certain tax exemptions/legal advantages (in the way they have LEGALLY SET UP THEIR BUSINESSES) and makes these blanket statements that corporations/the affluent aren't paying their fair share. 2) In his past, he has attacked and placed more blame than what is justifiable on George W. Bush for causing the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Does he share some blame? Absolutely.. it happened on his watch. Does he deserve all blame? Absolutely NOT -The Glass Steagall Act of 1933 was repealed under the Clinton Administration. That law that Bill Clinton signed for approval of its repeal could have prevented the devastating effects on mainstream working class America. -What employees did at Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Moody's, AIG also fed the severity of the housing bubble and economic collapse. 3) He has registered, claims to be, and continues to win re-election as an "Independent". Take a look at his voting record. He is not an Independent. Independents are the best of both parties and usually split their votes aligning with more than one set of beliefs. His voting record regularly (well over 80%) aligns with the Democratic party. Quick Newsflash for the EXTREMELY misinformed/divisive/ignorant Senator from Vermont: 72% of the Voting Demographic within the state of West Virginia wanted Joe Manchin to vote "No" on build back better (on the social spending and climate package). Joe Manchin will go down as one of the most effective Bipartisan members of Congress/Executive Branch in our country's history. He is up there with other members of Congress like John McCain, Bob Dole, John Boehner, Everett Dirksen, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Thaddeus Stevens, and Tip O'Neill. Instead of blaming Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Bernie... maybe you should work with both of them to roll back the trump corporate tax cuts of 2017 to reduce deficit spending? That is something Joe has said he will vote for. The fact that he has the audacity to blame two moderates within his own party is hilarious. Joe Biden and the Democratic party CURRENTLY have a majority in both houses. There is no reason compromise and meaningful/incremental laws can't be passed. He wonders why he lost the Democratic nomination in both 2016 and 2020. Instead of looking to blame others... maybe you should look inside yourself and ask some questions: 1) Is the price tag for this package too much? Is it too radical and bold? 2) Will it keep working people (employed and underemployed) independent of or dependent on government welfare? 3) Is it TRULY A FAIR COMPROMISE? @Steven Bardo
Brian Jones Yes, Bernie really excites me. Most politicians we see are all rhetoric and no honesty or action. I think he could really inspire change. By the way its "a lot" not "a lot"
Same here. He's the only politician I've ever seen stand up for the common people. I only just found out about him 2 days ago but after doing some research I've found my candidate.
Angela Chan Not "alot" I know it is hard to do it because the computer program will auto correct If you miss write it . Have to go back and make it ONE word after the computer corrected you . I have no Idea how Brian made an impossible mistake maybe the way the computer is set up .
I never had much trust in any politician especially after the last 16 years but... He gives me hope ,something there doesn't seem to be much of these days. When I found out he was running I immediately checked my voting status and looked in to how I can help. If he can inspire me a self proclaimed slacker , then hell maybe we have a shot at this. If you feel something anything at all , spread the word , donate , post videos to your Facebook wall....even your friends fb pages.
He lost, and hillary was made the DNC nomination Hillary inevitably lost to Trump, people voted for trump out of , hatred, despair, and fear. We are fucked.
Joe Corbett It's not that they ignore him, they probably don't even know he exists. Why would the corporate media want ideas and rationality like this to spread? It hurts their bottom line. That's why it's up to us, the grassroots movement, to spread the word any way we can until we're loud enough that Bernie can't be ignored. As soon as he hits a televised debate or gets national media attention, he'll take off stronger than Obama did. This man represents the beginning of the end for the Plutocrats' reign. Bernie Sanders transcends the Mainstream Media and goes right for the real issues facing this country (and the world), which is exactly why he will be a contender in the 2016 election. You in? It's as simple as telling others and telling them to spread the love as well.
Brian Anderson Contender? He's gonna win.... I have yet to see a candidate I could get excited to vote for.... Bernie gets me excited, and I know I am not alone.... This is TRULY a groundswell movement in America... He is gonna win.
Timothy Mason American are so brainwashed by the "programming" they receive it will be an uphill battle for an rational thinking normal person to make a stand.
I've seen a couple of old debates with Bernie and some Republican or another... and it is clear how much respect they have for Bernie, even if they disagree with him, he is a man that sticks to his convictions not matter what the others say or think.
This is an awesome speech! As an example of the changes in life for a working person over the past 50 years, here is a story about my life's changes over that time span: In 1963 my young husband and I, on one income of around $3.75 per hour were able to save enough to have a down payment on an older house on 5 acres and pay in advance for the cost of doctor & hospital for the birth of our 1st child. We worked hard, didn't buy new furniture and expensive clothes, but we got a start on having the American Dream of home ownership. Later, In the early 1980s, on my own I was able to buy a small home on a large lot and keep it up myself. Since the 1990s I have not been able to afford to purchase any kind of home. My wages declined and I was barely able to get a job at age 60 a few years back. Even then, because the organization was grandfathered into not paying social security, I lost 4 years of service and my SS payment was reduced as punishment for working there. I needed a job and didn't have other choices so, not fully understanding the future impact took this job. I worked hard all my life. My children all have been responsible adults with good educations. My daughter is a teacher - the currently scapegoat for everything wrong with children. My sons each each do exception work in their jobs. I have given back to those less fortunate in the small ways I can. I have not broken laws, nor cheated on my taxes. I've never had a driving ticket of any kind. I love my family and we help each other out when there is a need. So, for this hard working life, as an older person now, Republicans and a few others want to take away what income I do have so that the ultra wealthy can have more. My mother just died a few days ago. I know her medical bills in the past two months would be more than she had in assets and without the good insurance she had as a retirement benefit several years back along with Medicare she would have been bankrupt or maybe not able to get care at all. Would those ultra wealthy people ever have become wealthy without the work done by people like me, like construction workers and line workers in factories, and service workers - always underpaid - and clerks in stores? So do they ever consider the people who supported them in gaining this huge wealth? Some of these people actually attend churches - do they listen to what the church is about? Love your neighbor? The Golden Rule? How can they live with themselves? They must be mentally ill to be able to push forward their agenda of taking it all away from people who helped them on their way up. Wouldn't that be considered a crime if it were a regular, out of work and desperate person taking things we have because that person was cold and hungry? Only that lower class person who is robbing to survive may not have any other way to survive. The wealthy have so much more than they need to survive in luxury that they don't need to do this unless they are mentally ill. This time in our country's history is a very sad time - the wealthy are waging war against the very people who made their wealthy possible - at least in the beginning. Why did we let this happen? Or what can we do now to bring things into some level of balance so that we all have a chance to live a reasonable life?
I'm am truly at a loss for words to describe just how accurate Bernard sanders is on every aspect. WELL DONE B.SANDERS WELL DONE!!! ........WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!! WAKE UPPPPPOPPOOOPPPP!!!!!!!
Fast forward to 2022 And Absolutely Nothing has changed or been done about the massive corruption in the financial world !! The crime and corruption continues to destroy everything.
I have been registered as an independent voter for 30 years... I am seriously thinking about changing my status solely to be able to vote for this man in the primaries. . We need many more voices like this in Washington !
God bless you! Thank you for standing up and having the courage to speak about the real issues facing our nation. Gives me some hope about our future as a nation.
I'm a student at University of Vermont and truly idolize Bernie Sanders as a political science major. He's done more to defend the poor, sick, elderly and hungry than anybody else in congress. Sanders stands for diversity, equality, fairness and tolerance. A true hero.
jon ward Campaign for him. Start right now. If you love your family, share this video with them. Get them on the bandwagon, have debates. *GET INVOLVED* *VOTE* *Encourage everyone else you know to vote and do the above as well*
Thank you so much Mr. Sanders for voicing the truth so very eloquently. You are a true patriot and you've earned my highest respect. I wish everyone in Washington would get behind you and solve issues instead of playing ideological politics. If you ever run for the presidency, I'll volunteer my time and energy to campaign for you. It would be a privilege to serve on behalf of such an honorable man as you. God bless you sir!
I Love Bernie Sanders. If he ran for President, I'd vote for him hands Down! He's one of the most honest, sincere, caring, and hardworking senators in Congress. We need another 200 people in Congress just like Bernie!
It's official, for those watching ~ Bernie is running!! His announcement was made public on Vermont Public Radio and confirmed by the Huffington Post. The campaign will be launched Thursday, April 30th.
From a former VT resident, I feel that Bernie Sanders is truly for the people. If it ever came to be that he would run for the top spot, he would have my vote.
Bernie Sanders has been around for a long time, it's just now that we the people are finally waking up and seeing him. Bernie in 2016 would be a huge blessing and a good start to fixing our messed up nation. Enough is enough! Bernie Sanders for President!!!
Please run for President Bernie. Those nay sayers who say you won't win are the same people who will jump on the bandwagon the moment you beat Hillary like a red headed step child.
hackersgalley Tell everyone you know. Tell your family, friends, TH-cam followers. Just get the message out -- because you and I both know that the corporate media will try to play this man off as a gadfly. This man is the real deal!
Bernie Sanders, you are fucking AWESOME. We need people like you. We need people to be inspired by people like you. You are what is going to make america great again!!
Tell that to the idiots that are voting for the corrupt Hillary! Why people would want someone with such dirty and bloody hands in the Whitehouse (again) is beyond me! I sure as hell don't want her running this country. Even if she were the LAST woman on earth I would NOT vote for her!! Right from the start of the running for POTUS the voting has been rigged, geared toward Hillary! From the DNC to Bill Clinton, to the Media's bias to so much more! America, the Land Of The Free", this country has been going down hill as well as a laughing stock for 8 years an now if she becomes the POTUS plan on America being called "The Land Of The PATHETIC!!"
Bernie speaks to the anger that most Americans are feeling and has a platform to address it. He's the only candidate currently with such a platform and a history of working for that platform. As far as I'm concerned, there aren't any other candidates running in this race and that's the way we all need to act who support him. Hillary who? Bernie Sanders, 2016!!!
I agree, Bernie is a voice for the majority of us... he has come from humble roots and knows what it's like... He's got my vote. Too many Clintons and Bush's forgetaboutit...The greed in this country in like an Amtrak Train Reck...
He is honestly my hero I just regret never knowing about this wonderful senator any earlier. But I know now and I hope your goals and effort come to fruition.
Bernie always looks like he's going to jump over the podium and punch someone in the face. I'm so glad to finally see a politician with some passion. Sanders 2016!!!
Thank God there is a Senator out there who has the voice, heart and mind of reason. He truly is an American Hero, to stand up and pour his Soul out to all in the name of our blessed United States of America!! He needs to be our next President!!!!! Sincerely - Anna Justina
Bernie is a hero for the people! We need many more voices like his!
anael55 Bernie vs rand paul would be the first decent choice in presidents we had in decades
anael55 These chances don't come very often if ever... don't screw this up America.
SoulRippster Agreed! Bernie is special and a true gift to the American people. His voice is resonating with citizens in both the major parties and of course, Independents. We haven't had this opportunity in my lifetime and I'm 62. We've had some good presidents, but Bernie IS here to help us take back our country from the elite; who currently own it. If we don't act now, we can kiss it goodbye.
@@anael55 except trump and Bernie makes promises we can't afford
@@anael55 also bernie is a millionaire he owns 3 houses that was bought by the elite for him to kiss up to them
83 representatives of the Koch brothers disliked this video
Ross Miller The cheap bastards only bought three more in two weeks
Well said Ross!
Wall Street caused the hell that has been the last 7 years from reckless greed!
+Ross Miller I would have said 83 koch suckers :-)
+Ross Miller ~~~ Who gives a crap...........
+Ross Miller 95 now
PROTECT THIS MANS LIFE PEOPLE! Please for the love of your country and its people. PROTECT THIS MANS LIFE!
I would pray to a God I dont believe in that he doesnt go like the Kennedys.
+dnbjedi Pray and he will listen..
If they pull a Kennedy on will only go to show that Bernie Sanders speaks the TRUTH. But, he does he protection very much so.
Bernie Sanders is a president for the people not the corporations
Except that corporations are made up of people. People run corporations.
@@bpg5591. Very weak comment, try to understand the difference between a corporation and a person. Corporations by the R-party are considered an entity themselves but are not a humans, humans are backed by the D-Party. 7 years too late as well for a comment.
@@StevenBardo you want a strong comment… here ya go: next comment
I just want to remind people on the left hand side of the aisle how much of a lying and deceptive Fraud Bernie Sanders is:
1) He constantly misrepresents certain demographics in our country not paying "their fair share" EVEN THOUGH the wealthy remain Uncle Sam's biggest breadwinner and coffers filler. He targets a few billionaires who have certain tax exemptions/legal advantages (in the way they have LEGALLY SET UP THEIR BUSINESSES) and makes these blanket statements that corporations/the affluent aren't paying their fair share.
2) In his past, he has attacked and placed more blame than what is justifiable on George W. Bush for causing the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Does he share some blame? Absolutely.. it happened on his watch. Does he deserve all blame? Absolutely NOT
-The Glass Steagall Act of 1933 was repealed under the Clinton Administration. That law that Bill Clinton signed for approval of its repeal could have prevented the devastating effects on mainstream working class America.
-What employees did at Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Moody's, AIG also fed the severity of the housing bubble and economic collapse.
3) He has registered, claims to be, and continues to win re-election as an "Independent". Take a look at his voting record. He is not an Independent. Independents are the best of both parties and usually split their votes aligning with more than one set of beliefs. His voting record regularly (well over 80%) aligns with the Democratic party.
Quick Newsflash for the EXTREMELY misinformed/divisive/ignorant Senator from Vermont:
72% of the Voting Demographic within the state of West Virginia wanted Joe Manchin to vote "No" on build back better (on the social spending and climate package). Joe Manchin will go down as one of the most effective Bipartisan members of Congress/Executive Branch in our country's history. He is up there with other members of Congress like John McCain, Bob Dole, John Boehner, Everett Dirksen, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Thaddeus Stevens, and Tip O'Neill.
Instead of blaming Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Bernie... maybe you should work with both of them to roll back the trump corporate tax cuts of 2017 to reduce deficit spending? That is something Joe has said he will vote for.
The fact that he has the audacity to blame two moderates within his own party is hilarious. Joe Biden and the Democratic party CURRENTLY have a majority in both houses. There is no reason compromise and meaningful/incremental laws can't be passed. He wonders why he lost the Democratic nomination in both 2016 and 2020. Instead of looking to blame others... maybe you should look inside yourself and ask some questions:
1) Is the price tag for this package too much? Is it too radical and bold?
2) Will it keep working people (employed and underemployed) independent of or dependent on government welfare?
@Steven Bardo
@@bpg5591 The reply is data dump of useless Maga accusations and unrelated🤣 BS Have a nice day.
Thumbs up if you watch Bernie Sanders videos on a daily basis because we're that desperate for him to run.
Sage Mantis I am addicted.
I watch him everyday because I want him to be our president and I admire him lol
Sage Mantis I'm from Chile and I feel so desperate for him to become chilean and run for president here...
I became addicted of him from the moment I've heard one of his speeches. And guess what? I'm not even American.
***** I just discovered him 2 days ago and have watched countless of his videos. This man gives me hope
I'm Canadian and practically broke, even I want to donate to this guy's campaign!
I see your comments on alot of Bernie Sanders videos
Brian Jones Yes, Bernie really excites me. Most politicians we see are all rhetoric and no honesty or action. I think he could really inspire change. By the way its "a lot" not "a lot"
Same here. He's the only politician I've ever seen stand up for the common people. I only just found out about him 2 days ago but after doing some research I've found my candidate.
Angela Chan Not "alot" I know it is hard to do it because the computer program will auto correct If you miss write it . Have to go back and make it ONE word after the computer corrected you . I have no Idea how Brian made an impossible mistake maybe the way the computer is set up .
+Angela Chan yay canada :)
Bernie Sanders 2016!!!!!!!
This is probably the most honest speech given by an American politician in at least the last century.
We have been living in a corporate welfare state since Ronald Reagan.
👏👏👏❤️Bernie❤️ Make America SANE again! 😍
A lot of people have not heard of Bernie Sanders! Spread the word! All we need to do is share his message and he will win!
I never had much trust in any politician especially after the last 16 years but... He gives me hope ,something there doesn't seem to be much of these days. When I found out he was running I immediately checked my voting status and looked in to how I can help. If he can inspire me a self proclaimed slacker , then hell maybe we have a shot at this. If you feel something anything at all , spread the word , donate , post videos to your Facebook wall....even your friends fb pages.
Exact same response here. Lets put Bernie in office - no more excuse of not having a better choice - he is the people's champion!
Bernie should be president, would love to see it.
+Edwin Gramba he running for president for 2016.
He lost, and hillary was made the DNC nomination
Hillary inevitably lost to Trump, people voted for trump out of , hatred, despair, and fear.
We are fucked.
I would strongly consider voting for this guy...... Anyone else?
Hear hear!!! :D
We love you Bernie 👍
People lost their homes, their futures, their jobs, and their dignity, yet they keep voting against their own best interest and ignore Bernie Sanders.
Joe Corbett It's not that they ignore him, they probably don't even know he exists.
Why would the corporate media want ideas and rationality like this to spread? It hurts their bottom line.
That's why it's up to us, the grassroots movement, to spread the word any way we can until we're loud enough that Bernie can't be ignored.
As soon as he hits a televised debate or gets national media attention, he'll take off stronger than Obama did.
This man represents the beginning of the end for the Plutocrats' reign.
Bernie Sanders transcends the Mainstream Media and goes right for the real issues facing this country (and the world), which is exactly why he will be a contender in the 2016 election.
You in? It's as simple as telling others and telling them to spread the love as well.
Brian Anderson
Contender? He's gonna win....
I have yet to see a candidate I could get excited to vote for....
Bernie gets me excited, and I know I am not alone....
This is TRULY a groundswell movement in America...
He is gonna win.
Timothy Mason American are so brainwashed by the "programming" they receive it will be an uphill battle for an rational thinking normal person to make a stand.
Joe Corbett And use labels like Socialist.
TheGramJam the same people that lable it Socialism take government subsidies and bailouts.
I've seen a couple of old debates with Bernie and some Republican or another... and it is clear how much respect they have for Bernie, even if they disagree with him, he is a man that sticks to his convictions not matter what the others say or think.
That's a responsible and well moral individual!
This is the man we need leading our country. You've got my vote sir.
How is it that America still isn’t listening to truth
This is an awesome speech! As an example of the changes in life for a working person over the past 50 years, here is a story about my life's changes over that time span: In 1963 my young husband and I, on one income of around $3.75 per hour were able to save enough to have a down payment on an older house on 5 acres and pay in advance for the cost of doctor & hospital for the birth of our 1st child. We worked hard, didn't buy new furniture and expensive clothes, but we got a start on having the American Dream of home ownership. Later, In the early 1980s, on my own I was able to buy a small home on a large lot and keep it up myself. Since the 1990s I have not been able to afford to purchase any kind of home. My wages declined and I was barely able to get a job at age 60 a few years back. Even then, because the organization was grandfathered into not paying social security, I lost 4 years of service and my SS payment was reduced as punishment for working there. I needed a job and didn't have other choices so, not fully understanding the future impact took this job. I worked hard all my life. My children all have been responsible adults with good educations. My daughter is a teacher - the currently scapegoat for everything wrong with children. My sons each each do exception work in their jobs. I have given back to those less fortunate in the small ways I can. I have not broken laws, nor cheated on my taxes. I've never had a driving ticket of any kind. I love my family and we help each other out when there is a need. So, for this hard working life, as an older person now, Republicans and a few others want to take away what income I do have so that the ultra wealthy can have more. My mother just died a few days ago. I know her medical bills in the past two months would be more than she had in assets and without the good insurance she had as a retirement benefit several years back along with Medicare she would have been bankrupt or maybe not able to get care at all.
Would those ultra wealthy people ever have become wealthy without the work done by people like me, like construction workers and line workers in factories, and service workers - always underpaid - and clerks in stores? So do they ever consider the people who supported them in gaining this huge wealth? Some of these people actually attend churches - do they listen to what the church is about? Love your neighbor? The Golden Rule? How can they live with themselves? They must be mentally ill to be able to push forward their agenda of taking it all away from people who helped them on their way up. Wouldn't that be considered a crime if it were a regular, out of work and desperate person taking things we have because that person was cold and hungry? Only that lower class person who is robbing to survive may not have any other way to survive. The wealthy have so much more than they need to survive in luxury that they don't need to do this unless they are mentally ill. This time in our country's history is a very sad time - the wealthy are waging war against the very people who made their wealthy possible - at least in the beginning. Why did we let this happen? Or what can we do now to bring things into some level of balance so that we all have a chance to live a reasonable life?
Love you Bernie! You will make America great again.
I'm am truly at a loss for words to describe just how accurate Bernard sanders is on every aspect. WELL DONE B.SANDERS WELL DONE!!! ........WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!! WAKE UPPPPPOPPOOOPPPP!!!!!!!
This is one of most truthful, blunt and to the point speeches I've heard in quite awhile. Bravo Mr. Sanders.
Please run for President!!
Vote for Bernie Sanders for president he is for the people not his self.
Bernie, I respect you and love your direct, no nonsense approach to these issues. Keep it up and you've got my vote.
Fast forward to 2022
And Absolutely Nothing has changed or been done about the massive corruption in the financial world !!
The crime and corruption continues to destroy everything.
I use to come home from work and watch battle rap. Now I come home and watch Bernie sanders videos. I'm Canadian by the way
Thank you Senator Sanders. Just want you to know that if you run for president, you'll have my vote.
You know the saddest part about this is that despite this being a great speech, there is no one in the room....................
Bernie Sanders for President 2016!!!
We must elect Bernie Sanders!!!
America is doomed unless we elect Bernie!!!
I have been registered as an independent voter for 30 years... I am seriously thinking about changing my status solely to be able to vote for this man in the primaries. . We need many more voices like this in Washington !
Great speech, everyone needs to hear this.
This is the situation brought to a point! Thanks for fighting for the PEOPLE!
I always come back to this speech for inspiration, wonderful human being!
God bless you! Thank you for standing up and having the courage to speak about the real issues facing our nation. Gives me some hope about our future as a nation.
I'll be voting for progressive ideas!
I'm a student at University of Vermont and truly idolize Bernie Sanders as a political science major. He's done more to defend the poor, sick, elderly and hungry than anybody else in congress. Sanders stands for diversity, equality, fairness and tolerance. A true hero.
jon ward Campaign for him. Start right now.
If you love your family, share this video with them. Get them on the bandwagon, have debates.
*GET INVOLVED* *VOTE* *Encourage everyone else you know to vote and do the above as well*
Thank you so much Mr. Sanders for voicing the truth so very eloquently. You are a true patriot and you've earned my highest respect. I wish everyone in Washington would get behind you and solve issues instead of playing ideological politics. If you ever run for the presidency, I'll volunteer my time and energy to campaign for you. It would be a privilege to serve on behalf of such an honorable man as you. God bless you sir!
So real. 99% rise up!
They should put this on every tv and radio station God bless and thank you, please never give up informing people.
The world is with you Sanders, I just beg that America is smart enough to vote for you
I Love Bernie Sanders. If he ran for President, I'd vote for him hands Down! He's one of the most honest, sincere, caring, and hardworking senators in Congress. We need another 200 people in Congress just like Bernie!
I love his anger. We need more politicians who are angry over corruption and injustice instead of receiving bribes from corporate finance.
same here
May God Bless this man in everything he does. One of the few politicians that care about the common people. Thanks for your service.
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that makes any sense
Wow. This man is amazing. I'd love to see someone like this in power.
thank you sen Sanders for putting forward the word, And thank you vermonters for giving the nation Bernie Sanders.
Best speech ever .. brought to you by the most honest man I know.
It's official, for those watching ~ Bernie is running!! His announcement was made public on Vermont Public Radio and confirmed by the Huffington Post. The campaign will be launched Thursday, April 30th.
From a former VT resident, I feel that Bernie Sanders is truly for the people. If it ever came to be that he would run for the top spot, he would have my vote.
Love this man, who speaks the truth.
An eloquent hero in a den of vipers. Thank you Mr. Sanders, from someone in Canada who hopes your message serves as a message to people everywhere.
Bernie Sanders for President please
Bernie Sanders has been around for a long time, it's just now that we the people are finally waking up and seeing him. Bernie in 2016 would be a huge blessing and a good start to fixing our messed up nation. Enough is enough! Bernie Sanders for President!!!
wow, this speech is incredible.
8 years later, we-left, right, and center-are still pissed off because wealthiest among us and the corporations still own the government.
Bernie sanders is the second Franklin Roosevelt
Wonderful speech ! This world needs more politicians like him.
Sanders/Warren 2016
I am down!
Welp this is awkward now
This is why I am voting for Rocky Anderson. Republicans and Democrats got us into this mess.
Bernie IDGAF Sanders with the type of truth telling that everyone should listen to but so few actually hear.
Great speech, we need some one like him here in the UK.
Please run for President Bernie. Those nay sayers who say you won't win are the same people who will jump on the bandwagon the moment you beat Hillary like a red headed step child.
hackersgalley Tell everyone you know. Tell your family, friends, TH-cam followers.
Just get the message out -- because you and I both know that the corporate media will try to play this man off as a gadfly.
This man is the real deal!
This hasn't aged well.
I'm a hardcore conservative, and Mr. Sanders gets two thumbs up for that speech! I hope he walks his talk.
Bernie Sanders, you are fucking AWESOME. We need people like you. We need people to be inspired by people like you. You are what is going to make america great again!!
Tell that to the idiots that are voting for the corrupt Hillary!
Why people would want someone with such dirty and bloody hands in the Whitehouse (again) is beyond me!
I sure as hell don't want her running this country. Even if she were the LAST woman on earth I would NOT vote for her!!
Right from the start of the running for POTUS the voting has been rigged, geared toward Hillary! From the DNC to Bill Clinton, to the Media's bias to so much more!
America, the Land Of The Free", this country has been going down hill as well as a laughing stock for 8 years an now if she becomes the POTUS plan on America being called "The Land Of The PATHETIC!!"
Yes Bernie you are awesome and we are mad 😡 so do what you got to do we are voting for you and we like you you are awesome guy 😘
Bernie speaks to the anger that most Americans are feeling and has a platform to address it. He's the only candidate currently with such a platform and a history of working for that platform. As far as I'm concerned, there aren't any other candidates running in this race and that's the way we all need to act who support him. Hillary who? Bernie Sanders, 2016!!!
An old saying: money is like drinking seawater, the more you take, the thirstier you get.
love this dude
Senator Sanders speaks for American families!!! HERO ALERT
Bernie Sanders is "The Man and Congress is in need of more American's like B. Sanders (I) of Vermont!
Bernie is the best ever
I work 10 hr days and make less than 15000 a year
This man needs to be president!
This man is amazing, people need to listen to him and realize the scary truth.
This video needs to go viral...
And this man needs to run for President.
standing with you, Bernie!
Bernie Sanders makes the most cogent, informative, and accurate explanation of why “The American People Are Angry” that I have ever seen.
I agree, Bernie is a voice for the majority of us... he has come from humble roots and knows what it's like... He's got my vote. Too many Clintons and Bush's forgetaboutit...The greed in this country in like an Amtrak Train Reck...
***Applause** what a great speech!
You tell 'em Bernie!
This is MY representative! Not technically, but morally and politically! RIGHT ON, Mr. Sanders!
Mr. Sanders really cares about people (or at least says so), I hope he wins the election, even though I don't live in the USA.
+KuroNoTenno Well just look at his record for decades! Hes AWESOME!
jon ward Yeah, I can see that much.
He is honestly my hero I just regret never knowing about this wonderful senator any earlier. But I know now and I hope your goals and effort come to fruition.
He is so inspiring! #Bernie2016
+thejuliajune THE REAL DEAL!
One of the few congressmen that authentically cares about the American people.
Bernie always looks like he's going to jump over the podium and punch someone in the face. I'm so glad to finally see a politician with some passion.
Sanders 2016!!!
What a great, intelligent speaker this man is.
Briton needs a Bernie Sanders.
This man is so on the case!
who is that guy always seated behind Bernie?
Power to Sen. Bernie Sanders. A true People's Senator who has not been co-opted by corporate fascism.
What's the date of this video?
+Matt Orfalea 'The American People Are Angry’ speech was given on the Senate floor on Wednesday, June 27, 2012.
Thank God there is a Senator out there who has the voice, heart and mind of reason. He truly is an American Hero, to stand up and pour his Soul out to all in the name of our
blessed United States of America!!
He needs to be our next President!!!!!
Sincerely - Anna Justina
The American citizens are Fed Up!
+jetpowered1 Europeans too.
This was totally worth listening to. Let's hope that "Madam President" was listening as well.
Bernie 2016 #FeelTheBern
The first step in TRUE CHANGE!