Can Jordan Peterson Escape The Matrix? - On Our Crisis of Meaning

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 239

  • @juliojap6470
    @juliojap6470 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    JARED IS LIVE, NOW come say hi and ask anything on twitch. Link in the description

    • @royalbroman9467
      @royalbroman9467 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please listen to the understanding from the god of Numbers and Percentages. Help come up with the proper words to spread this information and point out the obviousness of when a tradition that was established from the beginning of time in every civilization around the world left the western understanding. We can see the dream of fredom of what used to be the greatest country on earth get brought down to what it is now, and is spreading to country's around the world. We are at this point because feminism (a.k.a "Satanism" re-branded for the masses) has fully infiltrated a place in justice through the family court and recently turned themselves into an enterprise dedicated to particularly targeting males to remove from childrens lives and society as a whole if we become too influential that is a part of a network that can criss borders. Creating a level of organized crime on the mass level that if nothing is done will grow to big for the population to handle that can be seen happening to Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate now. It is our duty to shed light on how deep the feminist idea's and thought patterns have entered the government and the justice system that can only be legally possible do to a loop hole in family level of the justice system being ran off judges "opinion" and not actually legality. Giving judges (as a percentage seems to be female) the ability to specifically target males to remove in there childrens lives and society as a whole and sending thousands of males to False imprisonment that they have been capable of dressing up as "legal". Even though females are capable to kill the childrens life energy (after life conception aka 3-6 weeks), males are forced by whatever decition the female makes and is forced through false imprisonment not just to pay for the child but the female as well while they target the male to remove his rights and stance with his children and society. That is falling into extortion and entrapment on the level of real racketeering through sexual discrimination incrimination and gender hate crimes against humanity showing a legitimate criminal organization being ran by feminist thought patterns through the justice system on a mass scale. I am part of a society through the God of Numbers and Percentages thats dedicated to stopping the feminist confusion from taking over through the confusion of feeling instead of the responsibility of logic. Everyone even female is starting to see the universal deception of the feminist "face" that you are in the perfect position to explain to a mass people at the perfect time. It has been discussed in many different ways though many previous civilizations most notable Sodom and Gomorrah, seen in history through Cleopatra and other feminine rulers. We see this feminine idea taking part in the final days of rome. Showing that if the feminine idea gains the top position of society it will constantly collapse on itself and is an unsustainable idea to the population, this is what we are seeing in America's infrastructure and politics right now. The feminist idea is infecting the population stopping people at even high positions of power (particularly judges and politics) from doing there jobs correctly if not at all. Infact the idea itself is stopping responsibility all over the infrastructure, destroying the justice system from within getting away from logical arguments to magical words. This entrapment will get much worse if nothing is done do to organization growth that citizen's will not be able to go against. This feminist level of control in the justice system is turning from an organization to a enterprise and turning on its male population even across borders. The war spoke about throughout previous civilization "Ragnarok", the Christian "revelations" the friction of the ying and yang ect. is not a physical war but a mental one. The female was always going to get the "top position" eventually, when understanding male and female in population is more or less 50/50 thats better explained through Percentages. This is not because they "earned" anything or "progressed" anything this is understood as an eventuality through percentages which is a language in Numbers from the beginning of time known as the "word of God". This is why you can only find a handful of females who "qualify" as progressors of humanity and males literally have millions if not billions, or why the female has not universally invented for humanity, or why female has not brought knowledge on the level of Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Nihal Tyson, Stephen Hawking ect. even after they have been out of their so called "oppression" for more than 100 years now. This is because female itself seem to only be capable of seeing through feelings and is mimicking or copying what's been taught this can also be seen on the biological level through the gender itself. This has been mentioned for thousands of years going back to the understanding of duality of energy through the Ying and yang ☯️ or "Jesus's" responsibility and the "anti-christ" opinion. Its a slight difference on the individual scale but on the mass scale it's the biggest problem in the world. Wich is why female as a percentage more specifically the feminist idea must be properly vetted through all genders in the justice system through judgment itself for responsibility to stand a chance. The feminine is so diluted what they called "oppression" was getting into bad marriages and not voting while men worked and provided for them. A social contract astablished sence the beginning of human civilization across the world in every civilization. Hell the governmental oppression of male has never happened to the female on this organized level before. We are coming to a point soon where we might not be capable of going back, if that's the case we will need to point this out for the future of responsibility to understand where the problem is coming from. If you are truly on a superior level you are in the perfect position at the best time to truly do something about this actual EVIL through confusion in the world and help the population understand the real problem of the feminist agenda. They are offering confusion in opinion in the world where it will be a fashion show in the justice system were it won't just be whether you did the crime, but if you look a type of way, act a type of way and talk a type of way. We are seeing this in American politics right now. We demand equality with our children and judgment with males with the males and female with the female's. Marriage is being used to oppress the male and must be completely removed from society, With a slight separation between genders through judgment and the growth of children. This is our only hope and your in the perfect position at the best time to explain this. If this is explained correctly this will universally collapse the basic ignorant confusion with the mass sheep that can already be seen by all genders in all levels in every country around the world. It will only take someone with a mass folowing explaining this correctly for them to understand it and snap them out of the delusion of the veils confusion in opinion of the feminine. To prove my point look around you and find something the feminine has invented, the look around you and find something the feminine has built. If there is one, which percentages tell us there has to be something. Know that it doesn't compare to the millions if not billions of male energy thought patterns that have created throughout time that we can see today within this last 100 years alone. The thought patterns of feminism will have the population only thinking of themselves and trade responsibility for opinion making the feminist thought pattern a satanic idea that can spread to the rest of the country's and eventually eat itself causing the end of responsibility in the world

  • @juliojap6470
    @juliojap6470 ปีที่แล้ว +137

    Guys, Jared is clearly ramping up quality. please show him some love and support so we can continue to get better and better.

    • @johndoe1646
      @johndoe1646 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Is there an NFT collection with a gated group chat that could help build a community and to help fund Jared?

    • @brockventure2833
      @brockventure2833 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @juliojap6470
      @juliojap6470 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brockventure2833 he has a Ko-fi page

    • @SamAsMe
      @SamAsMe ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Not to be rude but its kinda weird that Jared doesn't show up in the comments for his own videos, I mean, no disrespect to you, whoever you are, but its not like it's a 500k channel with 2000 comment threads needing a mod and a channel hypeman. Its also might be a good idea to create patreon tier so he can start getting support regularly from those who can and wish to give it, in addition to the Kofi thing, it'll be much more efficient for him. On both of those points, I understand the Discord is where the community gets built at the moment but Patreon and being around for comments here on youtube are important avenues of community relations, they will expand it, make it stronger, give a financial boost to Jared and will make the channel stronger too.
      I realise Jared built Wisecrack so he knows the business but, and I say this just cause I like Jared and have been following since the mid wisecrack days and want to see him create more and succeding, he comes off of as distant (on this platform at least), and to me he seems unwilling for some reason to use his know-how of the business to make this channel grow bigger and stronger so it can bring in the funds to create even more content. Because this defragmented hands off approach doesn't really work here on YT as he must know.
      I hope this wont offend anyone or something, its just my two cents wanting to see Jared succeed and reach more people. Maybe Jared has his own strategy towards this that I'm not even considering. Idk, thought id say something, again, sorry if its a bit of an overstep, its good inentionesd though..
      In any case, as always, great video, good luck and thanks. Peace!

    • @tomfrasiko4056
      @tomfrasiko4056 ปีที่แล้ว

      Stay away from the false escape the matrix teachings it embraces the lgbtq all satan followers swing both ways and like little kids and animals the wrong way The demonic escape the matrix teachings with teaching the false light of satan meditation practices and deep breathing teachings or self help teachings that lead to inner darkness madness and demon possession and schizophrenia where people sell their souls to satan just like third eye meditation pineal gland meditation and yoga and buddhism and any guru self help self awareness growth programs or zen or jedi meditation or mystical ascension meditation or new age practices and teachings are all connected to every witch group and organization and to every secret society and to the church of satan and their teachings and to millions of false gods and goddesses of every country and ancient culture of this world because this world powerful people and rich and famous has always followed satan

  • @duckmasterflex
    @duckmasterflex ปีที่แล้ว +130

    I like how Jared doesn't immediately dismiss Peterson with the usual moral posturing, this allows jared to not just get inspired by Jordans theories but also criticize his logic properly without any ad homonym

    • @RobGradyVO
      @RobGradyVO ปีที่แล้ว +12

      This. A thousand times this. You can criticize people without our right JUDGING them

    • @X_TheHuntsman_X
      @X_TheHuntsman_X ปีที่แล้ว +26

      I find this to be a retread of what has already been pointed out during Zizek's debate with Peterson. That should have been all anyone needed to see that Peterson's ideology is firmly rooted in the same thing we all know, mostly, "Modern life lacks meaning." His words ring hollow when he resorts to reactionary hand wringing to feel better about it instead of blaming actual established power that actually put us here. Chief amongst those powers, capitalism and its insatiable hunger for ever higher profit. No, Peterson says, it is the woke mob, who are literally just a tool of profit seeking, not the root cause. It's hard not to call him an absolute, complete idiot when it's so incredibly easy to ask a few whys and get to a root cause. Personally, I don't think Peterson is an idiot, but he knows where his bread is buttered. So I actually think he is much worse than stupid. He is just another profit seeker taking people down the rabbit hole to newer depths of oppression.

    • @caliph20
      @caliph20 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@X_TheHuntsman_X blaming the human condition in a situation wherein we are trying to deal with the human condition is counter productive. Arguement is fatalistic and therefore counterproductive to bettering society or oursleves. Greed is part of the human brain. its hardwired, we see it in the animal kingdom. We know why, why is obvious. We are greedy, often lazy, somewhat fearful animals.

    • @DaleMallows
      @DaleMallows ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@X_TheHuntsman_X I agree, I don't think Peterson started out as a shill for his fans, but he has certainly driven off the cliff with them.

    • @greenearth975
      @greenearth975 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@X_TheHuntsman_X If you are searching for life in material conditions you are already looking in the wrong place.

  • @fell9654
    @fell9654 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    "There is a real nausea that comes from eating a diet of only red pills on an empty stomach" is going to be my thought for the day

  • @drtfx7
    @drtfx7 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    To me, movies do what you are describing this idealogical juggle does. I know movies aren't real but, I still wholeheartedly "believe" them when I am watching them. The ideas they are trying to convey make more impact then when those ideas are presented plainly. They let me entertain new opinions or values I don't subscribe to without adopting them as my own. Watching a movie is like an act of prayer to me, I submit myself to something beyond me and let myself be taken along a ride rather then "think" myself a new one like in real life.

    • @Puerco-Potter
      @Puerco-Potter ปีที่แล้ว

      Imagine what virtual reality could do in the future

  • @michaelmaage
    @michaelmaage ปีที่แล้ว +4

    A new video? What a treat!
    Here is a comment for the algorithm. Looking forward watching this.

  • @IdealBen
    @IdealBen ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love, love, love this video essay! Thank you Jared !

  • @dannyrussell8920
    @dannyrussell8920 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I thought you were gone forever jared! I stopped watching wisecrack when you left. Just happened to search for your old wisecrack videos and found that you were still making video.
    I have so much to catch up on, this is awesome.

  • @jacknicastro585
    @jacknicastro585 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks for making these philosophical debates and concepts so comprehensible and fun to engage with. Keep up the good work!

  • @anemac9
    @anemac9 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    11:18 'nausea that comes from eating a diet of only red pills on an empty stomach' yep, very on point. The struggle for meaning in a meaningless existence is the closest thing we have to a universal truth. So I choose kindness, even if rarely is given back.

    • @cristianproust
      @cristianproust ปีที่แล้ว

      And that is the Joker right there " I choose kindness, even if rarely is given back", until that day in which you give back what it has been given. The ending is predictable

  • @somethingisverywrong
    @somethingisverywrong ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m very happy you’re keeping this up. Thanks!

  • @Puerco-Potter
    @Puerco-Potter ปีที่แล้ว +7

    As a 30 years old that go through the whole path from believing to skepticism to accepting that some level of mysticism can actually be good for mental health. This video is so on point. I now the limitations of my brain, my pattern seeking behavior and that I have inherited and innate biases. But let me believe that I can catch a pokemon faster pressing A+B in my Gameboy, it makes me happy.

  • @ChrisGuerra31
    @ChrisGuerra31 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I finally got to watch! This is enlightening! "Skeptical even of skepticism itself" is such a great way to put it!
    Also, don't forget to bring a towel! 😃

  • @clootism
    @clootism ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I really appreciate you constantly reiterating metamodernism as if it was something you've very recently stumbled upon as to make it accessible and unpretentious. The few spaces where you can find discourse relating to metamodernism feel sooo gatekeepy and condescending, a game of "I understand this better than you; I'm more metamodern." I think it's a beautiful realm of thought and you being an ambassador of it in such a way, really shows a passion for it. :))

  • @TheNutzak
    @TheNutzak ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you. These are things I've been thinking about for a few years but haven't been able to articulate them.

  • @ChrisGuerra31
    @ChrisGuerra31 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My favorite quote of his, which I understand is out of context is: "I'm not going to get all sad and lose, I'm going to get all cruel and win!"

  • @stephaniewestfall41
    @stephaniewestfall41 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just found you! This is fantastic. Exactly my current situation after deconstructing 10yrs ago. Well said.

  • @kokoaguilar4251
    @kokoaguilar4251 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'll get the photo frames that Jared has with one extra with his face in it. Thank you for the wisdom brother we're the same tribe. Greeting from Bolivia btw !!.. loved your content on wisecrack love it now too.

  • @dredayalldayerday
    @dredayalldayerday ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When I was a kid/teenager, I was so religious I was taking steps to becoming a youth minister in my church. When I got older and started living, I had time to sit by myself and thought there is no God, only the universe. Now that I'm getting much older, I can still enjoy my gospel music and hold onto my Christian values and know that the story of Christ was a metaphor and not to be argued if he actually/physically existed.

  • @themasstermwahahahah
    @themasstermwahahahah ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "Is prayer powerful because an omnipotent Being is listening and granting wishes by their whim, no but prayer is powerful because it is a meditation on gratitude, an exercise of humbling yourself before the grand mysteries of the universe." -Jared Bauer

  • @pietromarilac
    @pietromarilac ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This truly hits home for me Jared. As someone who recently got back in touch with the notion of personal belief and a certain amount of palpable order in chaos; after taking the red pills of irony, nihilism and critical thinking trough science, art and philosophy for a long time, I can safely say that my life has improved drastically as I got in terms with my long-time neglected spirituality. Personal faith for me is definitely idealistic and hopeful for the future, though I'm not part of any specific religion, it is quite fulfilling to be able to feel grateful more often for the things I have and for being able to resist inner darkness for most of my life. The notion of understanding the perils and manipulations of religions (and also being able to learn from the good in them) simply made my relation with my own personal faith (although it also encapsulates a great sense of collectiveness) much stronger and meaningful. Anyway, thanks a lot for your work and unshakable ethics through the years. Im a long-time fan and I'm very enthusiastic and curious about what's coming for you in the future. Your content never disappoints. ♥️

  • @beetledjuice3062
    @beetledjuice3062 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude, your content recently has been absolutely amazing.

  • @nagamata
    @nagamata ปีที่แล้ว +5

    As someone who grew up in church, moved to LA for college (ostensibly leaving the church), got married to a women whose friends are almost all left leaning liberals in the LGBTQ community, and come on my own to the realization that both sides of the sociopolitical spectrum are fucked-this was uncannily on point.

    • @superbherb7947
      @superbherb7947 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Imagine imagining something other than two poles along a political *spectrum.* The real whirled is much more complex, fluid, and dynamic than whatever pro-wrestling match you’re watching and believing you’ve arrived at a cogent analysis of how power is expressed in the USA (or this moment in human history).

  • @ratonsito2836
    @ratonsito2836 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very balanced and precise diagnosis of our need for meaning and the current crisis on how to get it. Thanks

  • @Pop_Culture_Podcast
    @Pop_Culture_Podcast ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This made me think of an analysis done on the show The Leftovers. Ultimately, whatever stories/narratives we tell ourselves in order to cope with tragedy/reality can have just as much meaning as value as the truth (whatever that may be).

  • @lupo3694
    @lupo3694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really love this video. It is attempting to answer a question I am thinking about a lot. For my own sake. Thank you Jared.

  • @ThatFuzz
    @ThatFuzz ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This makes me think about David Foster Wallace's take on the evolution of art. There was a period where irony and meta humor was king, but more recently it has been replaced by a more grounded and sentimental counterpart, while still keeping that self awareness.

  • @mikemccarthy6719
    @mikemccarthy6719 ปีที่แล้ว

    I came back to meaning through Aristotle's metaphysics as adapted by Thomists like Edward Feser. His take on philosophy of mind is great too.

  • @lightsout630
    @lightsout630 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this is what i always felt but can't coherently put into words thank you for this

  • @Ravuun
    @Ravuun ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am so glad to have seen this. It really nails down something I have felt for many years now.

  • @diogonleitao
    @diogonleitao ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great video, as always! Do you think that Bo Burnham's "Make Happy" comedy special, and specifically the analysis you guys did at Wisecrack on it, is akin to this metamordernist approach? Similar to the views David Foster Wallace had on irony and cynicism, in that it only takes you so far and at some point it becomes pointless and nihilistic, the path forward from there is to find new meaning in the nihilism by embracing the spiritual side of things and recognizing the value they bring to us.

  • @takkun169
    @takkun169 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is, by far, the MOST charitable take on Jordy that I have ever seen. More notable for what is not talked about than what it actually says.

  • @montenegroafro4454
    @montenegroafro4454 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Balance. I believe that’s the best way to navigate life and enjoy both the skeptic and naive moments without falling prey to either side.

  • @owennorcross4407
    @owennorcross4407 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is a nice companion piece to the wisecracking video that came out last week.

  • @austincole8863
    @austincole8863 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dang, this video is awesome. I don’t know too much about Metamodernism, but what Jared is describing sounds an awful lot like the wisdom of the Mystics and the Dessert Fathers. Could Metamodernism be bringing some of the mystical tradition to the forefront of culture? I’m here for it.

  • @poli.f.0nia
    @poli.f.0nia ปีที่แล้ว

    It's that tension in between that makes one authentic. Understanding that not everything has a "meaning" but there are things that just are, but not abandoning oneself to a void of nothing meaning anything. Understand that not everything needs a cause, but we can always make a cause for something that needs it.

  • @alexandreschelbauer4594
    @alexandreschelbauer4594 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This video finally put to words how my worldview changed over the years. I always had what i thought was a "healthy skepticism" that over the years developed into cinism and niilistic worldviews, but felt a constant underlying need for meaning. This struggle led to some mental health issues that I'm finally getting on the path of overcoming through attributing my own meaning and "belief", coupled with a tolerance for others world views. I still struggle with the concert of faith and spirituality but allowing myself the suspension of disbelief has actually brought me some form of happiness. There are failings into Peterson's method, and it's not a one size fits all but I guess that's how it should be, everyone should develop their own philosophy to lead a happy and healthy relation with the world around them.

  • @brandonflinchum12
    @brandonflinchum12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Reminds me a bit of a theme that I was thinking about when reading "Siddhartha. To me it seemed that enlightenment comes not from living the correctest "mindset/philosophy of life" but rather from the sincere approach of living and adaptation of different mindsets. Kinda it's the journey, not the destination type thing.

  • @ArenaDestroyer
    @ArenaDestroyer ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Всегда приятно послушать умного человека. Спасибо Джаред!

    • @djoecav
      @djoecav ปีที่แล้ว


    • @apreviousseagle836
      @apreviousseagle836 ปีที่แล้ว

      Δεν έχω ιδέα τι λες αδερφέ;

    • @stefansavic4799
      @stefansavic4799 ปีที่แล้ว

      Казао је како је вазда пријатно послушати умнога човека, а потом се захвалио Џереду.
      Надам се да ти је сада јасније.
      Свако добро!

  • @daveSoupy
    @daveSoupy ปีที่แล้ว

    Man I’ve missed your approach to things. I don’t leave wisecrack videos feeling better, actually feeling worse, but these videos help.

  • @RILEYismyname
    @RILEYismyname ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yaaaaay good video. This is pretty much exactly where I'm at. Though I wish Peterson hadn't completely gone off his rocker in the last couple years. I miss when he talked about the dangers of radicalism on both the left and right

    • @JaredBauer
      @JaredBauer  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks Riley. My buddy is a huge fan and never missed a single episode of QuickBits!

  • @keen96
    @keen96 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've had trouble explaining to others the way I engage with religion since I started to feel the way I currently do about 5 years ago and this video finally made it clear to me with concrete terms and definitions. If youtube surveys me about this video in the future I'll check the "it was helpful" box lol.

  • @Amuihe
    @Amuihe ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey Jared, long time fan since early Wisecrack. Now that Everything Everywhere All At Once has swept the Oscars, can we get a video on it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, thanks! 🙏🏾

  • @SuperLocrian
    @SuperLocrian ปีที่แล้ว

    Red Pill Stage - forsaking all belief, treading water in the void is indeed exhausting... It almost Destroyed me...

  • @dr.germandelagarza6400
    @dr.germandelagarza6400 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video, Petersons lectures on religion actually take a “metamodernist” aproach most of the time thats why i started believing in god again after 20 years of skepticism

  • @logex621
    @logex621 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My solution if you can even call it that is accepting that reality does not have to make sense, there is a provable hole at the bottom of math for example. so I try to live life best I can and when a hole appears, accept it for what it is something to test the boundaries of but something that can never be filled. I hope this approach works out for me over the next few years.

  • @DaleMallows
    @DaleMallows ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top.

  • @aaronknittel8327
    @aaronknittel8327 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    yo jared, amazing Video :)

  • @atrocitasinterfector
    @atrocitasinterfector ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm just glad there are other human beings out there putting sincere cognitive effort towards these ideas and issues.

  • @omletecrayola
    @omletecrayola ปีที่แล้ว +1

    wonderful. Wonderful explanation, of this understanding

  • @empanadanguwak
    @empanadanguwak ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would find myself hard at thought, trying to piece together and articulate my take on belief, trying to decide where I stand on balancing faith and skepticism (if at all possible) as a 35 year old agnostic raised on Catholic values. Jared, sir, you nailed it. You broke these concepts down and made it digestable for this humble idiot. Thank you. Always looking forward to your content!

  • @appreciationtime
    @appreciationtime ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for the metamodern perspective on the latest Matrix movie. I liked the first half and hated the second. You’re making me want to rewatch it now. I initially thought it was just a shameless cash grab

  • @ronaldderosa
    @ronaldderosa 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    “We put our mind in a state of deep belief and healthy skepticism at the same time.” As a practicing Catholic, this is something I have always attempted to follow.

  • @jotagabe
    @jotagabe ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks jared. I will listen it again when i am not drunk.

  • @spabiantun26
    @spabiantun26 ปีที่แล้ว

    You nailed it. It's more about being romantic about things. Maybe not all the time or in every circumstance, but for sure for those that we think that enhance our time here because of how true we feel to our ideal of ourselves and how positively it impacts on others. It's a constant juggling ndr reevaluation of our ideals and actions according to what we learn over time. Loved it!

  • @Catholictomherbert
    @Catholictomherbert 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My criticism of Jared is Two things he needs more coffee in his system like very strong coffee and more sitting back with his shoulders up and needs to have a slower intonation.

  • @FelipeSilva-mm5hy
    @FelipeSilva-mm5hy ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This video was made for me, it perfectly discribes something that i felt for sometime.
    Knowing that something is not true but enjoying regardless, is what I've been doing for quite awhile but could never describe in a way that made sense.
    Great video, keep up the good work!

    • @wakeupwitnesses1954
      @wakeupwitnesses1954 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nice comment. I feel this way as well. However, for me, being a Christian, I would have to ask myself "What is not true about Christianity"? Is there no creator? If there is, is that creator intelligent? Does it care about its creation? Etc.

  • @PrimerCinePodcast
    @PrimerCinePodcast ปีที่แล้ว

    Love this subject! Thanks Jared

  • @Jorge-hn1ye
    @Jorge-hn1ye ปีที่แล้ว

    This video feel like old school wisecrack , love it.

  • @appreciationtime
    @appreciationtime ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How accessible is that metamodernism book? Is it written in everyday English or tough academic speak?

  • @maxmustermann2197
    @maxmustermann2197 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I heard the term Metamodernism before, wasn't Shia LaBeoufs weird stunts an expression of that? I heard about it on a video on Wisecrack when it was still good because Jared was still running it

  • @TripleDane
    @TripleDane 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You need scepticism and critique to survive as an autonomous, thinking person. But even as a thinking person, you need belief to live any good life. (Radical scepticism is pragmatically inconnsistent anyway.)

  • @riffking2651
    @riffking2651 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great to see a video that references Hanzi

  • @HeckleJeckle87
    @HeckleJeckle87 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Love him or hate him, Petersen has identified an illness in our society"...
    Part of the problem with Petersen is that he often has a nugget of truth and sometimes some genuine wisdom. But it is all buried in layers of toxic madness.

  • @caliph20
    @caliph20 ปีที่แล้ว

    I enjoyed this content. I'll think about ko-fi. Very well reasoned.

  • @DobesVandermeer
    @DobesVandermeer ปีที่แล้ว

    It reminds me of Zen. Collapsing dualities. I think a secular Zen practice will provide the desired escape from nihilism and existential dread.

  • @CitizensCommunity
    @CitizensCommunity ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Make sure you send this to wisecrack as an example of how it's done.

  • @mohithrai5696
    @mohithrai5696 ปีที่แล้ว

    you're onto something here Jared, more power to you!

  • @alexandernovikov32
    @alexandernovikov32 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looking forward to drawing more parallels between your progression explanation of metamodernism - but can't help bringing it back and trying to see this through the Baudrillard's 4 orders of simulacra. In this framework, it's it like Peterson represents a reactionary neo-2nd-Order simulacrum interpretation of religion in antithesis to the cynical 3-rd-Order simulacrum interpretation of the "mainsteam"?

  • @ddmlxr
    @ddmlxr ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hanzi x Supreme collab, when?

  • @DeejMeej
    @DeejMeej ปีที่แล้ว

    Some call it the Integral stage of development

  • @loganvlogs5259
    @loganvlogs5259 ปีที่แล้ว

    Interesting. I had learned about Albert Camus (thanks to you) and I think I was trying to be like Sisyphus. Suicide not an option, philosophical suicide no thanks. But this new concept of metamodernism has me really intrigued. Diego Ruzzarin also talks about it, and when two great thinkinkers of my era, from my point of view, present great idea it's worth doing research. Thank you!

  • @PanthroSamah
    @PanthroSamah ปีที่แล้ว

    Dude, those three pills are the three metamorphosis from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, from Nietzsche: The blue pill is the camel, the red pill is the lion and the metapill is the children. It has more than a century.

  • @aruntomsan
    @aruntomsan ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Meta-modernism is awesome. I didn't have a word for what I am all these days. Now I do.
    It is true that there are existential gems in religious philosophy... Along with sexism, classism, etc... Having a mind that can discern what is good is the key.

  • @MaikeruX989
    @MaikeruX989 ปีที่แล้ว

    A fantastic video. Well done dude.

  • @marksalmoneussorcerersupreme
    @marksalmoneussorcerersupreme ปีที่แล้ว

    Jared is absolutely right. Ironically until I was 15, I believed in God without really being Christian, until I was told that "you can't go to heaven if your just "good" you have to accept Jesus in your heart. And that's when I did my research and did a lot of reading and learning.
    I would have undoubtedly been at least a flimsy theist if not for the existence of the violent, aggressive, totalitarian, vengeful, and dictatorial aspects of Monotheistic religion that permits and validates human cruelty while calling oneself virtuous. Which is what humans do without or without religion, but that's proof enough that the existence of moral codes fail to actually defeat Human cruelty.
    Jared's Videos about South Park are still relevant when talking about religion. If religion honestly brainwashed the people in it, into tolerant all loving flower children, the debate of having or not having religion wouldn't be an issue.

  • @Golden2962
    @Golden2962 ปีที่แล้ว

    Didn't realize there was a word for what he described as metamodernism

  • @amonynous9041
    @amonynous9041 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'd recommend you try reading something from Linji Yixuan.

  • @nabrzhunter
    @nabrzhunter ปีที่แล้ว

    This is, to a certain degree, where I have come to, but my motives are less for my own comfort and more because I know that my own experience has impact and the values and morals for which I am a proponent play a role in the lives of others. They deserve neither the pain and emptiness of my cynical, nihilistic skepticism, nor the blind faith of my past religion. I find math almost always provides effective analogies. It’s kind of like an imaginary number - it’s beyond the observable range of our dimension, but being theoretically possible, is worth taking into consideration, and worth behaving as if it was real.

  • @leronbridges3223
    @leronbridges3223 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is the content I love, practical takes on complex topics. Looking at all schools of thought and taking the good while disregarding the bad has been my philosophy for a while now. It's cool to see someone pursuing it as metra modernism. Great video!

  • @mongolica548
    @mongolica548 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Jared

  • @Vasiliosx2
    @Vasiliosx2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Edit: posted this by accident before I was done, it's done now.
    I very much disagree to what seems to be the methodology of metamodernism. If we applied this thought process towards the flat earth issue, then it would be trying to convince us that the world is a dome while everyone else is fighting between flat earth and sphere.
    I do appreciate how metamodernism appears pragmatic. Unlike the flat earth issue, there is a massive lack of information for us to act on with ethics and existentialism, and to act carelessly with assertions and assumptions will only lead us to worse places.
    That being said the portion of being pragmatic, of being skeptical of skepticism, just seems to be the logical progression of disillusionment and all the aspects that come with taking the red pill. This is less a choice of taking the red or blue pill, rather it is asking what do we choose to do when we do take the red pill. The question to those of us contemplating Christianity shouldn't be whether Jesus exists, but rather would/should we act any differently if he does/doesn't exist. Ultimately no one alive today actually knows if Jesus lived, and it's wrong for people of faith to claim they know because the concept of faith relies on not knowing.
    Ultimately we need to do the best with what we're given, and that involves a long list of attributes that are beyond metamodernism.

  • @davidcauley9400
    @davidcauley9400 ปีที่แล้ว

    Robert Anton Wilson had a less "Doublethink" and therefore healthier version of this general idea decades ago IMHO (following likes of Aleister Crowley, Korzybski's General Semantics and Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation). His "Model-Agnosticism" is the honest and non-dichotomous way that would be completely obvious to a theoretically super-intelligent AI or evolved human. It doesn't need to presuppose some nonsense that EVERYONE needs the kind of meaning from bible stories or whatever, whilst making "spiritual"practices completely valid and predicated on a more scientific mindset. It is quite literally a logic that leads to NO BELIEF, and being completely at home with it, and enabling filling your life with meaning. Bob exemplified this in all he did and wrote. Please look at RAW Jared!

  • @sonofawil
    @sonofawil ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s all well and good to endorse religiosity and reason simultaneously, with all the rationalization effort that requires, but any representative from the religion side, trying to marginalized someone else can F right off.
    The reason I would promote more skepticism (not less), is that there’s still too many people using religion to justify discrimination.

  • @tonyb6485
    @tonyb6485 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Instead of a reset, we need a restitution.

  • @petergriffin9128
    @petergriffin9128 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This describes my journey perfectly lol

  • @Eliel20117
    @Eliel20117 ปีที่แล้ว

    you can start reading pre-socratic philosophy, i recommend this book: The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists edited by Robin Waterfield

  • @sirloin869
    @sirloin869 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah,through a vary distant mirror; like,love craft I an distances...

  • @digitalsailor1785
    @digitalsailor1785 ปีที่แล้ว

    reminds me of kierkegaard's leap of faith

  • @theLetterDoubleYou
    @theLetterDoubleYou ปีที่แล้ว

    It can only be Jared!🎶

  • @Anatolij86
    @Anatolij86 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Metamodernism is probably a placeholder for a more coherent notion to come. It's too much like having your cake and eat it too. This coming from a guy who prays everynight to a god he's not sure exists nor what he wants. It helps me somewhat, but it's too wishy-washy to give me any real relief or hope when it matters.
    A higher meaning only has real power if you're profoundly convinced it is true. Metamodernism sounds like a description of the survival mechanism many might adopt to keep themselves sane, rather than an actual philosophical recipe for a healthier society.
    EDIT: On second thought, "a survival mechanism many might adtop to keep themselves sane" might be a fair definition of any philosophy XD

  • @WizardClass6638
    @WizardClass6638 ปีที่แล้ว

    Whats Hilarious is that the Pill 💊 scene is a metaphor for Estrogen.

  • @metaphortheg7248
    @metaphortheg7248 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And people will chastise for sitting on the fence and seeing good in two seemly contradictory arguments.

  • @thelostpawn
    @thelostpawn 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Makes me think of Pascal’s wager

  • @Gabykk
    @Gabykk ปีที่แล้ว

    This eases my mind

  • @benjaminduval6054
    @benjaminduval6054 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel sad anytime I see Jared’s microphone suspended by rubber bands.

  • @breakfastenjoyer
    @breakfastenjoyer ปีที่แล้ว +1

    weird that i’ve been living metamodernistically for the past 7 years. although more in line with movements of new sincerity. will be picking up this book asap!

  • @djoecav
    @djoecav ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm sorry you don't get the recognition you deserve, for your level of effort alone

  • @marcospisanis739
    @marcospisanis739 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well Jared, I don't know if I'm fully sold on Metamodernism. I don't even know where I stand other than I am an Atheist but I feel you're missing out on other philosophers you could mention. A good example is John Gray and his book 7 Types of Atheism where he discusses 7 philosophies certain Atheists have from Dawkins, The Marquis de Sade and Ayn Rand to Giaccomo Leopardi and Llewellyn Powyrs. Or maybe you could try looking at the world from Isaiah Berlin's lens? You never discussed him at all with any of your videos on wisecrack or even here. Or Alisdair MacIntyre, who I also need to look at more. Back to metamodernism, I feel metamodernism feels just a return to what Nietzsche noticed with those who wouldn't be able to handle the death of God. They just revert to religion or deny his death. But another criticism one of my friends noted about this is how metamodernism feel shallow in the attempt of the history of philosophy with as he says "Postmodernism, as a response to modernism, doesn't not lend itself to the idea that modernism can be used against postmo dernism, because modernism was a response to the Reformation, not postmodernism." Also, on a final note, I admit I'm a big critic on Jordan Peterson, and I find his Philosophical endeavors lacking though asking needed questions. To retool a quote by Sir Isaiah Berlin, I feel Jordan is an intellectual Hedgehog trying too hard to be a fox. It ends up being a little laughable, intellectually frustrating but mainly pitiable.

  • @MichaelFaber-q5s
    @MichaelFaber-q5s 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your mind is incredible.