you are kind of wrong, the administrative and the people that payed for Athos are from the current part of Moldova in Romania. There was no capital or power in the Moldova over the Prut River.
Bro i can asure you that that vodka is great. I know sombody who was doing this and it was about 90% water so in the winter it was getting frozen easier than the beer.
That map is crazy wrong. Moldova got Bessarabia for some reason, Armenia got Nakhchivan, 50% of Turkey has just literally turned into an ocean. Oh, and Kazakhstan is an ocean too.
@@dacialogan6605 Yea and this is the reason why I dont believe this guy. Like if he can mess up something so simple as a map, how cannot he mess up other things?
Moldovian here, Thank you so much for visiting our Country ! It's always a great pleasure to meet new people from around the world, you're always welcomed back! :)
@Vieru-yx9bq Dialect of Romanianian language (which is spoken also in Moldova region of Romania, but with less Russian influence). Damn USSR and anti Romanian propaganda. I wish to win in 11 july PAS party parlament election, without Russian interference (like as socialist).
@@ogdan1173 Ce limbă vorbeau moldovenii mai mult de 5 veacuri dacă: 1.Despre limba moldovenească şi limba valahă de I.H.Zucker, 1831; traducere din germană de N.Iorga. 2.«Expresia «limba românească» apare în Valahia în 1838» (V.Arvinte. Român, românesc, România. Bucureşti, 1983. P. 38). Abia în prima jumătate a veacului al XIX-lea! 3. Moldava lingua, linguae moldavicae, vocabula moldavorum, moldavorum lingua, moldavis lingua, vocabula moldavis, moldavicussermo, moldavus sermonem, moldavorum litterae, moldavica lingua, moldavorum historicus la D.Cantemir. Descriptio Moldaviae. Berlin, 1716; 4. Lingua moldavorum, în Catalogus recenset linguas..., I. Alschtedt. Germania, 1628; 5. Alphabetum Moldavorum... la Edward Bernard, Catalogi librorum... Oxania (Anglia), 1697; 6. Lingua moldavorum, la J.-A.Thuanus, Histoires..., Franţa, 1591 7. Moldauische Sprasche, documentele lui P.Şchiopu, Tirol, 1591 г.; 8. L’idiome moldave în Livre historique..., 1741, Franţa; 9. Idioma moldavorum la Onufrie, misionar (Lvov,1745) 10. Moldauische Sprache la Goethe, Călătorie în Italia; 1787 11. La langue moldave la d’Hauterive. Tableau de Moldavie. Paris, 1824; 12. Moldauische Sprasche la F.Schneidawind. Nurnberg, 1832 13.Moldauischen Sprache în D.Cantemir Descriptio Moldaviae. Berlin, 1771; 14. Despre limba noastră moldoveneascăde Gr.Ureche, 1635 15. De lingua moldavorum de D.Cantemir, 1716 16. De litteris moldavorum de D.Cantemir, 1716, Dicţionare ale limbii moldoveneşti: 17. Vocabulario italiano-moldavo de Silvestro Amelio, 1719. 18. Греко-славяно-молдавско-латинский словарь de N.Milescu-Spataru, 1672; 19. Lexicon moldovenesc (Catastiful mănăstirii Galata), 1588 20. Regulamentul organic al Moldovei 1831 Ediții Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 2, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, La Cantora Foaiei Satesti, Iași, 1845 Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 3, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, La Cantora Foaiei Satesti, Iași, 1846 Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 1, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, la Cantora Foiei Satesti si Institutul Albinei Romanesti, Iași, 1852 Letopisetul Terei Moldovei: 1662-1729): de la domniea lui Istrati Dabija V.V. pîna la a treia domnie a lui Mihai Racovita V.V., Nicolai Muste, Imprimeria Natională, C. N. Rãdulescu, Bucuresci, 1874 Chronique de Moldavie depuis le mileu de XIV siècle jusqu'a l'an 1594, Gregoire Urechi, Emile Picot, Libraire de la Societe Asiatique, Paris, 1878 Noui contribuțiuni la studiul cronicilor moldovene: letopisețul lui Eustratie Logofatul și letopisețul latinesc, cronicile lui Grigore Ureche, Simion Dascălul și Misail Călugarul, Constantin Giurescu, Institutul de Arte Grafice "Carol Göbl", București, 1908 Chronique de Gligorie Ureache, I.N. Popovici, București, 1911; Mironis Costini Chronicon Terrae Moldavicae ab Aarone Principe, Miron Costin, Eugenius Barwinski, Editura Socec, Bucurestiis, 1912; Letopisetul Țării Moldovei: de la Istratie Dabija pana la domnia a doua a lui Antioh Cantemir, 1661-1705, Constantin C. Giurescu, Editura Socec, 1913 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, Giorge Pascu, Iași, 1921; Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Ion Pillat, Editura Cartea Românească, București, 1933. Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă: (1359-1595), Miron Costin, Constantin C. Giurescu, Editura Scrisul Românesc, Craiova, ediția I, 1934, ediția a II-a, 1939; ediția a III-a 1942, ediția a IV-a, 1943. Carte ce se chiama letopiset: ce într'însa spune cursul anilor și descălecarea Țării Moldovei și viața Domnilor, Grigore Ureche Vornicul și Simion Dascalul, D. Ciurezu, Fundatia Culturala Regala Principele Carol, București, 1939 Letopisețul Țării Moldovei de la Aron Vodă încoace, Miron Costin, P.P. Panaitescu, București, Fundația Regală pentru Literatură și Artă, 1944. Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Cartea pentru descălecatul dintâi, Miron Costin, Ion Pillat, Editura Cartea Românească, București, 1944. Letopisetul Tarii Moldovei dela Aron Voda încoace, Miron Costin, Mitu Grosu, Editura pentru Literatura si Arta a Uniunii Scriitorilor din R. P. R., București, 1950 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, ESPLA, București, 1955 Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, ESPLA, București, ESPLA, ediția I, 1955; ediția a II-a, 1958. Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, Biblioteca Școlarului, Editura Tineretului, București, 1958 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Editura de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, București, 1959 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, Editura Tineretului, București, 1960 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Biblioteca Școlarului, Editura Tineretului, București, 1961 Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă: (1359-1595), Miron Costin, Constantin C. Giurescu, 1961 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, P.P. Panaitescu, Editura pentru Literatură, București, 1961; Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Miron Costin, P. P. Panaitescu, Gheorghe Popp, Editura Tineretului, București, 1963 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce,Iorgu Iordan, Editura pentru Literatură, București, 1963; Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Liviu Onu, Editura Științifică, București, 1967 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, Liviu Onu, Editura Științifică, București, 1967 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, Gheorghe Popp, Colecția Lyceum, Editura Tineretului, București, 1967 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, George Muntean, Editura Tineretului, București, 1968 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, George Muntean, Editura Tineretului, București, 1972 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Miron Costin, Magdalena Popescu, Editura Minerva, 1975 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Mircea Scarlat, Editura Minerva, 1978 Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei: De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, P. P. Panaitescu, Editura Minerva, București, 1979 Letopisețul Țării Moldovei ; precedat de, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Ion Dianu, Editura Albatros, București, 1984 Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Ion Neculce, Editura Minerva, București, 1986; Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă, Simion Dascălul, Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza", Iași, 1989 Scrieri: Letopisețul Moldovei de la zidirea lumii și pînă la 1601. Letopisețul Țării Moldovei 1709-1711, Nicolae Costin, Svetlana Korolevschi, Editura Hyperion, Craiova, 1990 Băăăă, arată aici statalitatea, drapelul de luptă, stema, moneta, armata, limba, istoria, literatura, cultura Oltului, Munteniei, Ardealului, Maramureșului, Banatului si Dobrogei pînă în sec.20 Nimeni nu a avut nimic, toți au fost cosmos, vid, și colonii ale turcilor, ungurilor, bulgarilor, sîrbilor și tătarilor. Au avut doar moldovenii și voi ați furat toți de la ei cît ați putut, unde ați rupt teritoriu, unde istorie, unde limba, poezii și cîntece, și acum o faceți, cică pe fruncea Europei, cu datorii de 180 mlrd, care vor fi întoarse doar cu rinichii copiilor voștri, mai mergi la liceu, dragă...
@@ogdan1173 Actul din 1481-1504, iscălit de Petru Clănău, vel spătar sub Ștefan Vodă, prin care se atestă limba vorbită în Moldova la acea vreme.Acest document este cunoscut sub numele de "Pohtii al scripției pe Moldovenie". Actul a fost emis în perioada domniei lui Ștefan cel Mare (1457-1504) și a fost semnat de Petru Clănău, care a ocupat funcția de vel spătar în acea perioadă. În acest document, se menționează că limba moldovenească este "limba cea de obște" sau "limba ce se vorbește în țara Moldovei".Actul "Pohtii al scripției pe Moldovenie" este considerat unul dintre cele mai importante documente istorice care atestă existența și utilizarea limbii moldovenești în perioada medievală timpurie. Where is this USSR and anti Rominian propaganda dear??? Go to school and study more, boy!!!
@@ogdan1173 Lingvistul romînesc Vasile Arvinte în vestita sa monografie Romîn, romînesc, Romînia (Bucureşti, 1983. P. 38) a demonstrat: «Expresia «лимба ромыняскэ» apare în Valahia în 1838». În prima jumătate a veacului XIX!… Nici nu se putea mai devreme, pentru că nu exista cuvîntul «ромын»! Următoarele mărturii şi concluzii sînt demult, tare demult cunoscute. Primul adevăr din care decurg celelalte: «În 1812 Romînia nu exista!… Şi nu se gîndea nimeni că o «romînie» ar fi cu putinţă…» (N.Iorga, 1912). Acest adevăr încă de două ori a fost adusla cunoştinţa romînilor, comunităţii lor academiceşti şi clasei lor politice. Cel mai cunoscut şi apreciat în Europa istoric romîn Lucian Boia în 2002 amintea romînimii: «La 1800 nu exista încă nici cuvîntul «romînia»!»(Romînia ţară de frontieră a Europei).
Moldova has so much more to experience! The traditions are rich, the wine is the best, the music is incredible, you will definitely start dancing when you hear it 😂 Love Moldova!
Moldova is so underrated the weather is unbelievable, has all the seasons, the food is amazing and the nature is beautiful. We all know about the ratio of beautiful women there too.
Thank you so much for this video! I’m watching from Prague, and it was incredibly interesting and informative. I discovered so many new places and helpful travel tips thanks to you. You’ve truly inspired me for future adventures! Can’t wait for your next uploads❤❤
Latvian here! Came from a tv show called “četri uz koferiem” where 4 people tour countries and all 4 get a day to plan something fun. At the end whoever has the most point (funnest day) wins! Super cool to see you in it 😆 I’m sure they were surprised to see you there
Moldova has been one of the most interesting places i have visited. Very kind people, Good food and many places to explore. I would recommend to go in the spring or autumn season because the summer gets incredibly hot, 43' celcius when i was there.
My mom is from Moldova, amazing good hearted people with AMAZING real food with little no processed ingredients in it. I love visiting Moldova and I love the people there. Only issue if you visit is that you kinda need an SUV because roads are a bit sketchy other than that everything is amazing!
“The word placenta comes from the Latin word for a type of cake, from Greek πλακόεντα/πλακοῦντα plakóenta/plakoúnta, accusative of πλακόεις/πλακούς plakóeis/plakoús, "flat, slab-like", with reference to its round, flat appearance in humans.”
8:57- Kvass is made from fermented bread. It’s a bread drink invented by Russian Orthodox Monks in their monasteries. It’s a popular summer beverage all over the former USSR and is often sold in bright yellow tanker trailers on the roadside. Look for the Russian word КВАС (Kvass) in bright red letters!
The next time you are in Bellingham, Washington, stop in a coffee shop for an espresso drink. We Bellinghamsters sit, talk, and enjoy our coffee every bit as much as most Europeans do. ☕️
Americans are the most smallbrained people , he got everything Wrong ,Plăcinte are healthy ,at least healthier than your shitty McDonald's, and Transnistria is a boring place nothing to do there compared to Rest of Moldova
I got a 'what if' situation, about a past country What if Serbia and Montenegro won the 2006 FIFA World Cup? Who would've claimed the right to be the World Cup winner? Serbia or Montenegro?
As an American of Romanian descent who has visited Romania three times, the video was good, but I wish you would have shown clips of inside the churches. As an Orthodox Christian, icons are beautiful. ☦️
There were no immigrants more precisely no blacks in the entire video. That plays a factor in why he kept saying "It feels so safe here" Reality is real.
Why not? Almost all moldovians know it. So if he knows Russian better than Moldovan he can speak Russian without problems. He's just a tourist and doesn't have a duty to speak government language of Moldova
Hi I am visiting Moldova soon but to get my online visa I just need any citizen who can fill out a letter , they call it invitation letter, I only someone who can fill it out and send it back to me, I paid everything and I only have this left while I don't know anyone from there! Will anyone be able to help me out please, thanks in advance
I am Moldovan and I speak 3 languages: Moldovan , Romanian , English . I dont know Russian, I cant stand speaking Russian because Russia is the biggest country and needs teritory for no reason
"coffee isn't social in the US" it is if you go for coffee with a friend... Most people drink it cause they need energy for work, or drink it throughout the work day.. what a stupid comment
As a Serbian i like and admire Moldova, our orthodox brothers who financed many monasteries on Athos in a difficult times ❤
you are kind of wrong, the administrative and the people that payed for Athos are from the current part of Moldova in Romania. There was no capital or power in the Moldova over the Prut River.
The fact that you got a bottle of vodka for $1.30 is incredible.
and i have to pay 10 USD minimum here in sweden. and everything else is ten times more expensive as well. impossible to survive!
He got everything wrong! Plăcinte are the most healthy dish , our national drink of Choice is Wine not Vodka ,and Transnistria is booooring😅
why it would be more?
it costs 5 cents to produce
Yeah it's cheap asf to make@@danieleverywhere132
Bro i can asure you that that vodka is great. I know sombody who was doing this and it was about 90% water so in the winter it was getting frozen easier than the beer.
Latvian 🇱🇻 here I know who you are but I discovered this video from the Latvian tourists that were actually a film crew for a show
3:14 Bro I dont know where you got this map from, but There is no Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia anymore. :D
That map is crazy wrong. Moldova got Bessarabia for some reason, Armenia got Nakhchivan, 50% of Turkey has just literally turned into an ocean. Oh, and Kazakhstan is an ocean too.
bro had to specifically search for an old map too
@@dacialogan6605 Yea and this is the reason why I dont believe this guy. Like if he can mess up something so simple as a map, how cannot he mess up other things?
bro gave caucasus countries back to russia with that map
Thank God for no Kaliningrad.
Finally, there is a full video of visiting Moldova, since for now I saw only the video from 2015 with not much into it. So glad you enjoyed it.
Moldovian here, Thank you so much for visiting our Country ! It's always a great pleasure to meet new people from around the world, you're always welcomed back! :)
The official language in the Republic of Moldova is Romanian language, not Russian. You also can visit Iași city- the historical capital of Moldova.
The official language in the Republic of Moldova is MOLDAVIAN language, nothing rominian!!!
@Vieru-yx9bq Dialect of Romanianian language (which is spoken also in Moldova region of Romania, but with less Russian influence). Damn USSR and anti Romanian propaganda. I wish to win in 11 july PAS party parlament election, without Russian interference (like as socialist).
Ce limbă vorbeau moldovenii mai mult de 5 veacuri dacă:
1.Despre limba moldovenească şi limba valahă de I.H.Zucker, 1831; traducere din germană de N.Iorga.
2.«Expresia «limba românească» apare în Valahia în 1838» (V.Arvinte. Român, românesc, România. Bucureşti, 1983. P. 38). Abia în prima jumătate a veacului al XIX-lea!
3. Moldava lingua, linguae moldavicae, vocabula moldavorum, moldavorum lingua, moldavis lingua, vocabula moldavis, moldavicussermo, moldavus sermonem, moldavorum litterae, moldavica lingua, moldavorum historicus la D.Cantemir. Descriptio Moldaviae. Berlin, 1716;
4. Lingua moldavorum, în Catalogus recenset linguas..., I. Alschtedt. Germania, 1628;
5. Alphabetum Moldavorum... la Edward Bernard, Catalogi librorum... Oxania (Anglia), 1697;
6. Lingua moldavorum, la J.-A.Thuanus, Histoires..., Franţa, 1591
7. Moldauische Sprasche, documentele lui P.Şchiopu, Tirol, 1591 г.;
8. L’idiome moldave în Livre historique..., 1741, Franţa;
9. Idioma moldavorum la Onufrie, misionar (Lvov,1745)
10. Moldauische Sprache la Goethe, Călătorie în Italia; 1787
11. La langue moldave la d’Hauterive. Tableau de Moldavie. Paris, 1824;
12. Moldauische Sprasche la F.Schneidawind. Nurnberg, 1832
13.Moldauischen Sprache în D.Cantemir Descriptio Moldaviae. Berlin, 1771;
14. Despre limba noastră moldoveneascăde Gr.Ureche, 1635
15. De lingua moldavorum de D.Cantemir, 1716
16. De litteris moldavorum de D.Cantemir, 1716,
Dicţionare ale limbii moldoveneşti:
17. Vocabulario italiano-moldavo de Silvestro Amelio, 1719.
18. Греко-славяно-молдавско-латинский словарь de N.Milescu-Spataru, 1672;
19. Lexicon moldovenesc (Catastiful mănăstirii Galata), 1588
20. Regulamentul organic al Moldovei 1831
Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 2, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, La Cantora Foaiei Satesti, Iași, 1845
Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 3, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, La Cantora Foaiei Satesti, Iași, 1846
Letopisitile Tarii Moldovii, tom 1, Grigore Ureche, Mihail Kogălniceanu, la Cantora Foiei Satesti si Institutul Albinei Romanesti, Iași, 1852
Letopisetul Terei Moldovei: 1662-1729): de la domniea lui Istrati Dabija V.V. pîna la a treia domnie a lui Mihai Racovita V.V., Nicolai Muste, Imprimeria Natională, C. N. Rãdulescu, Bucuresci, 1874
Chronique de Moldavie depuis le mileu de XIV siècle jusqu'a l'an 1594, Gregoire Urechi, Emile Picot, Libraire de la Societe Asiatique, Paris, 1878
Noui contribuțiuni la studiul cronicilor moldovene: letopisețul lui Eustratie Logofatul și letopisețul latinesc, cronicile lui Grigore Ureche, Simion Dascălul și Misail Călugarul, Constantin Giurescu, Institutul de Arte Grafice "Carol Göbl", București, 1908
Chronique de Gligorie Ureache, I.N. Popovici, București, 1911;
Mironis Costini Chronicon Terrae Moldavicae ab Aarone Principe, Miron Costin, Eugenius Barwinski, Editura Socec, Bucurestiis, 1912;
Letopisetul Țării Moldovei: de la Istratie Dabija pana la domnia a doua a lui Antioh Cantemir, 1661-1705, Constantin C. Giurescu, Editura Socec, 1913
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, Giorge Pascu, Iași, 1921;
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Ion Pillat, Editura Cartea Românească, București, 1933.
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă: (1359-1595), Miron Costin, Constantin C. Giurescu, Editura Scrisul Românesc, Craiova, ediția I, 1934, ediția a II-a, 1939; ediția a III-a 1942, ediția a IV-a, 1943.
Carte ce se chiama letopiset: ce într'însa spune cursul anilor și descălecarea Țării Moldovei și viața Domnilor, Grigore Ureche Vornicul și Simion Dascalul, D. Ciurezu, Fundatia Culturala Regala Principele Carol, București, 1939
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei de la Aron Vodă încoace, Miron Costin, P.P. Panaitescu, București, Fundația Regală pentru Literatură și Artă, 1944.
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Cartea pentru descălecatul dintâi, Miron Costin, Ion Pillat, Editura Cartea Românească, București, 1944.
Letopisetul Tarii Moldovei dela Aron Voda încoace, Miron Costin, Mitu Grosu, Editura pentru Literatura si Arta a Uniunii Scriitorilor din R. P. R., București, 1950
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, ESPLA, București, 1955
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, ESPLA, București, ESPLA, ediția I, 1955; ediția a II-a, 1958.
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, Biblioteca Școlarului, Editura Tineretului, București, 1958
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Editura de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, București, 1959
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, Editura Tineretului, București, 1960
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Biblioteca Școlarului, Editura Tineretului, București, 1961
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă: (1359-1595), Miron Costin, Constantin C. Giurescu, 1961
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, P.P. Panaitescu, Editura pentru Literatură, București, 1961;
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Miron Costin, P. P. Panaitescu, Gheorghe Popp, Editura Tineretului, București, 1963
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce,Iorgu Iordan, Editura pentru Literatură, București, 1963;
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Liviu Onu, Editura Științifică, București, 1967
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, Liviu Onu, Editura Științifică, București, 1967
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, P.P. Panaitescu, Gheorghe Popp, Colecția Lyceum, Editura Tineretului, București, 1967
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, George Muntean, Editura Tineretului, București, 1968
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Iorgu Iordan, George Muntean, Editura Tineretului, București, 1972
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Miron Costin, Magdalena Popescu, Editura Minerva, 1975
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei, Grigore Ureche, Mircea Scarlat, Editura Minerva, 1978
Letopisețul Țărîi Moldovei: De neamul moldovenilor, Miron Costin, P. P. Panaitescu, Editura Minerva, București, 1979
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei ; precedat de, O samă de cuvinte, Ion Neculce, Ion Dianu, Editura Albatros, București, 1984
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei, Ion Neculce, Editura Minerva, București, 1986;
Letopisețul Țării Moldovei până la Aron Vodă, Simion Dascălul, Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza", Iași, 1989
Scrieri: Letopisețul Moldovei de la zidirea lumii și pînă la 1601. Letopisețul Țării Moldovei 1709-1711, Nicolae Costin, Svetlana Korolevschi, Editura Hyperion, Craiova, 1990
Băăăă, arată aici statalitatea, drapelul de luptă, stema, moneta, armata, limba, istoria, literatura, cultura Oltului, Munteniei, Ardealului, Maramureșului, Banatului si Dobrogei pînă în sec.20
Nimeni nu a avut nimic, toți au fost cosmos, vid, și colonii ale turcilor, ungurilor, bulgarilor, sîrbilor și tătarilor.
Au avut doar moldovenii și voi ați furat toți de la ei cît ați putut, unde ați rupt teritoriu, unde istorie, unde limba, poezii și cîntece, și acum o faceți, cică pe fruncea Europei, cu datorii de 180 mlrd, care vor fi întoarse doar cu rinichii copiilor voștri, mai mergi la liceu, dragă...
Actul din 1481-1504, iscălit de Petru Clănău, vel spătar sub Ștefan Vodă, prin care se atestă limba vorbită în Moldova la acea vreme.Acest document este cunoscut sub numele de "Pohtii al scripției pe Moldovenie". Actul a fost emis în perioada domniei lui Ștefan cel Mare (1457-1504) și a fost semnat de Petru Clănău, care a ocupat funcția de vel spătar în acea perioadă. În acest document, se menționează că limba moldovenească este "limba cea de obște" sau "limba ce se vorbește în țara Moldovei".Actul "Pohtii al scripției pe Moldovenie" este considerat unul dintre cele mai importante documente istorice care atestă existența și utilizarea limbii moldovenești în perioada medievală timpurie.
Where is this USSR and anti Rominian propaganda dear???
Go to school and study more, boy!!!
Lingvistul romînesc Vasile Arvinte în vestita sa monografie Romîn, romînesc, Romînia (Bucureşti, 1983. P. 38) a demonstrat: «Expresia «лимба ромыняскэ» apare în Valahia în 1838». În prima jumătate a veacului XIX!… Nici nu se putea mai devreme, pentru că nu exista cuvîntul «ромын»!
Următoarele mărturii şi concluzii sînt demult, tare demult cunoscute. Primul adevăr din care decurg celelalte: «În 1812 Romînia nu exista!… Şi nu se gîndea nimeni că o «romînie» ar fi cu putinţă…» (N.Iorga, 1912). Acest adevăr încă de două ori a fost adusla cunoştinţa romînilor, comunităţii lor academiceşti şi clasei lor politice. Cel mai cunoscut şi apreciat în Europa istoric romîn Lucian Boia în 2002 amintea romînimii: «La 1800 nu exista încă nici cuvîntul «romînia»!»(Romînia ţară de frontieră a Europei).
Moldova has so much more to experience! The traditions are rich, the wine is the best, the music is incredible, you will definitely start dancing when you hear it 😂 Love Moldova!
Moldova is so underrated the weather is unbelievable, has all the seasons, the food is amazing and the nature is beautiful. We all know about the ratio of beautiful women there too.
Just came back from moldova/transnistria too. Such an amazing underrated place. Not too much touristy stuff but veryyy interesting stuff
And now they want to look like Brussels
I love that you posted this video the same week the President of 🇲🇩 got re-elected. Great timing!
Re-elected by Moldovans who left their country a long time ago. Moldovans in Moldova have chosen an another candidate
@@pwzone3132No, Maia Sandu would have won either way if there wasn't massive fraud
But I like Donald Trump 🎉.
Greate time starts😊
Thank you so much for this video! I’m watching from Prague, and it was incredibly interesting and informative. I discovered so many new places and helpful travel tips thanks to you. You’ve truly inspired me for future adventures! Can’t wait for your next uploads❤❤
Latvian here! Came from a tv show called “četri uz koferiem” where 4 people tour countries and all 4 get a day to plan something fun. At the end whoever has the most point (funnest day) wins! Super cool to see you in it 😆 I’m sure they were surprised to see you there
Great video, and very happy to see your wife play a greater part in front of the camera too.
As a person that was born in Moldova (but grew up in Portugal) I'm really happy to see this video!
Cheers from Moldova! We are welcoming you to visit us!
Who else has been to Moldova? Or interested to go? Let me hear from you in the comments here!
I have not gone there but seems great. Can you do a vide9 on Italy?
Di italy
Do Italy
Been there this June and loved it! Nice people, great food and very cheap. But Transnistria was the best, especially the Soviet style restaurants! :-)
It's pretty boring and dilapidated. Food was pretty good, especially the fruit. Signature dish is mamaliga (delicious).
Bro I was here 2 days ago loved it!
Adding moldova and transnistria to my bucket list
Ohh man liking the new content now a days!
The latvians that were recorded are popular figures from Latvia and NOT just some tourists!🇱🇻
Traiasca fratii moldoveni! Fa Doamne reintoarcerea lor acasa cat mai lina si mai curanda!!
Moldova has been one of the most interesting places i have visited. Very kind people, Good food and many places to explore.
I would recommend to go in the spring or autumn season because the summer gets incredibly hot, 43' celcius when i was there.
I'm from Latvia. The sewing machine at the place where you met the Latvian guys is exactly like the one my grandma had at home
My mom is from Moldova, amazing good hearted people with AMAZING real food with little no processed ingredients in it. I love visiting Moldova and I love the people there. Only issue if you visit is that you kinda need an SUV because roads are a bit sketchy other than that everything is amazing!
Ooohhhh mann! Where was I on the day when you were here!!?? I would love to meet you!
"I had 2 coffees, one PLACENTA..."
I was like WTF
“The word placenta comes from the Latin word for a type of cake, from Greek πλακόεντα/πλακοῦντα plakóenta/plakoúnta, accusative of πλακόεις/πλακούς plakóeis/plakoús, "flat, slab-like", with reference to its round, flat appearance in humans.”
Excellent man
8:57- Kvass is made from fermented bread. It’s a bread drink invented by Russian Orthodox Monks in their monasteries. It’s a popular summer beverage all over the former USSR and is often sold in bright yellow tanker trailers on the roadside. Look for the Russian word КВАС (Kvass) in bright red letters!
Cvas Its Fermented from Black or Gray Bread and dried plums
Huge mistake at 0:28 the map that pops up shows Czechoslovakia still existing
And Yugoslavia
American moment
Good thing this video is about Moldova
Nice shows, a family member has been to Transnistria
10:00 the slav squat 😂😂😂
Finally Made it to Malldova❤
At first,I thought Eminem was travel vlogging.Nice content!🎉
Just today I ate a placinta from davidan and drank latte from there too)))
I was literally just in Moldova about 20 days ago! Then I went to Ukraine where I am now :)
Ahhhh Drew, when did you come here?! Shame I missed you.
Come back to my beautiful Moldova 😊
Drew’s hanging out with Moldovian Dana White 😂
Crazy timing on posting this, im writing my research paper for Political Science class on Moldova and its politicial situation!
2:33 the wording looks eerily similar to placenta...
Drew there is another country that doesnt exist in moldova. Its called Gagauzia and they have completely différent culture and they speack turkish.
Would love to visit somebody but I'm from a country where I'd need a visa before entering
Love you drew
I visited Chisinau in January, I loved it!
Hello from Romania!! ❤
Hello Drew am watching from Cameroon
Great video, but an American living in a breakaway republic for 16 years? I have so many questions.
2:11 ah yes, davidan, my classmates said davidan instead of david when talking to me
Hi from moldova btw :D
My friend,come to România!
Lmao I love that you and the wife swigged the vodka, haha
I live just outside Liverpool. My town is rather affluent so there are only 2-3 bar fights per week 🤣
So i guess i'm moving to Moldova then. I can't afford anything in Sweden
In a way I feel good that tourists visit our country. but I feel pretty bad that we don't have more enjoyable experiences to offer.
5:55 Just a little difference : it's borș, or soup. They are different things. The borș is more like bitter.
Are going to be at outernet?.❤
You guys drinking vodka straight out of the bottle. Not every Slav can do this. You're so cool 😎
Now India has recognised Moldova officialy with warm heart.
New Moldovian embassy in New Delhi.
Just cause kvass may look and taste a little bit like beer doesn't mean it's beer, it's kvass.
I have drunk kvas and it is not bad at all. To me, it tastes like a non-carbonated cream soda.
The next time you are in Bellingham, Washington, stop in a coffee shop for an espresso drink. We Bellinghamsters sit, talk, and enjoy our coffee every bit as much as most Europeans do. ☕️
I agree coffee culture in US sucks compared to Europe. Sit down and talk to people, not just grab and go or drive thru.
Americans are the most smallbrained people , he got everything Wrong ,Plăcinte are healthy ,at least healthier than your shitty McDonald's, and Transnistria is a boring place nothing to do there compared to Rest of Moldova
Americans stopped socialising in "80s"..
Same problem since von Lenau's times
yea like 5 min video only in moldova ??? @moretravelswithdrewbinsky you haven't seen anything man!!! wth ?....
This has to be from October or September because the weather was awful all November.
I heard placenta at first and had to go back lol
I got a 'what if' situation, about a past country
What if Serbia and Montenegro won the 2006 FIFA World Cup? Who would've claimed the right to be the World Cup winner? Serbia or Montenegro?
Te așteptăm în Romania tara formata din 3 ducate cu caracteristici diferite ✌️
Not much there, btw it's Leu, like leo with a u at the end, not lew. lol
1:51 здесь цыганки продают паспорт 😅
Yoo wild that u came in Moldova, shocking
2.40 looks like burek
bro how you still haven’t made a video on Armenia?
What's the name of the restaurant?
Came here after watching latvian travelling show
As an American of Romanian descent who has visited Romania three times, the video was good, but I wish you would have shown clips of inside the churches. As an Orthodox Christian, icons are beautiful. ☦️
There were no immigrants more precisely no blacks in the entire video. That plays a factor in why he kept saying "It feels so safe here" Reality is real.
Yes. Those west africans living in tents in most European countries ruins everything. They scam and rob.
Why do you insist on speaking Russian in Chișinău? Moldovans speak Romanian. Russian is the language of the Soviet occupiers
So it means when you speak english, english is the occupiers language because British Empire had occupied many countries.
Your a dummy
Why not? Almost all moldovians know it. So if he knows Russian better than Moldovan he can speak Russian without problems. He's just a tourist and doesn't have a duty to speak government language of Moldova
Moldovan here , what you said is very true , thank you so much , our language is romanian
Drinking cold vodka out of the bottle like a soda is the most Russian thing I have seen in some time.
2:06 That's it, I am going. Did you get her number?
Mulțumesc or Merci it’s Thank you. Stop saying shitty spasiba. Bruuuh
Dude did you just featured oranges “growing” in Moldova 💀 4:05
probably a stock video
I am visiting Moldova soon but to get my online visa I just need any citizen who can fill out a letter , they call it invitation letter, I only someone who can fill it out and send it back to me, I paid everything and I only have this left while I don't know anyone from there!
Will anyone be able to help me out please, thanks in advance
Why are you using the European map from 1990 for the video?
Very nice. Fun name you have! I have never been to Moldova but would like to.😄
Bro,, im From Bangladesh i want to go but how to process
Transnistria is not a country. U should be respectfull with the moldovans. If transnistria is a country, then NY is a continent.
This is awesome Moldova 🇲🇩 and Transnistria are awesome
When I was in chisinău I went here 2:25
Do Italy please
as a moldovian i apreciate your kindness and complements about my country but pls don't rip the placinta/pie like that it kinda hurths my heart😭
Welcome Americans to our Beloved Country of Moldova ,please before coming here or anywhere else ,document yourself😂
Drew can be fully instructed in the Beci with bunicu si un kil de jin ) si neaparat sa guste moarea o simtit nimic mujicu ))
@planetarium1159 Drew doesn't have a clue about sticla de Om sau Gura Cainarului cu Jin rosu sec sau de Baban
I am Moldovan and I speak 3 languages: Moldovan , Romanian , English . I dont know Russian, I cant stand speaking Russian because Russia is the biggest country and needs teritory for no reason
Moldoveneasca nu există:)
1$ is ~20 lei ,don't forget
Is Kombucha
"coffee isn't social in the US" it is if you go for coffee with a friend... Most people drink it cause they need energy for work, or drink it throughout the work day.. what a stupid comment