As a gay individual if it's one thing I've hated is token characters. And these new woke characters are the prime definition of that. They do have potential if written well but they made identity of gender, race and orientation front and center than actual character development, growth etc.etc.
I only know of one character that showed any kind of journey to discovering their sexuality and that was Jon Kent, Unfortunately they have since made him a walking stereotype. Every other character has gone from straight to gay or bi like flipping a coin and then immediately becoming a horrible stereotype.
What? You mean you don't introduce yourself as gay and remind everyone around you of that every 5 minutes? What about race? You don't use that as punctuation in conversations? To me this is condescending, I just don't get it.
This Escapade character has potential though. She has a cool power. At least she is a real trans and not a knock off, unlike the lame Flash character, and they are playing with the idea she is between identities. It makes sense to have a trans in X-Men.
@@Moultdog They should have made him real gay. That would have been respectable. The bi thing is cringe. I don't think it's clear if bs are a real group that is biologically different from the norm or gs and ls. Also, bs, if real, can conceal their orientation much easier. Bisexuality maybe requires all humans to be bisexual to some degree. Real gay people should go back to just "gay and lesbian" since the GLBT thing has been corrupted by narcissistic straight tourists. It has been made a circus by covert bigots.
One point of contention: As far as I recall, Stan Lee made the X-Men to circumvent his heroes getting superpower through accidents as he was either getting tired of it or it was becoming more and more difficult to think of those events for him. The whole allegorical thing was more of a by-product, although its still vastly more preferable than what counts as "writibg" at Marvel today.
Interesting, I was always told that it was an allegory for racism and stuff but this makes more sense. I saw him say people hated rich guys in the 60’s so he said I’mma take a rich guy and make you like him and we got Tony Stark/Iron Man. Simple
Yep. He stated muliple times he was sick of coming up with origin stories so being born with it solved the problem. The allegorical stuff came much later.
I wish they would do something with street level, everyday mutants like criminals. If I was a Marvel writer, I would make Miles Morales Scarlet Spider and have him defend areas outside Manhatten which is for rich people. Maybe I would move him to Chicago. They should tweak him so he isn't reliant on web swinging and roof jumping/running. (They didn't do enough of this with Ben Reilly.) He would need a Spider-Cycle and a different costume, maybe one which looks like street clothes. (They did this with his costume, but it doesn't look good. He's borderline Scarlet Spider already. They could give him Reillly's distance attack gadgets.) If he is going to be in the regular universe, this is the angle they need to take. Basically, I would rip off Static, who had an ingenious set up, more. Morales has several advantages over Parker and should be Ultimate Spider-Man, but they continually botch him. He had an awesome start. (His extra powers are great additions, I like the version of the cop father from the movie, and he is connected to groups who are strongly impacted by crime and social problems. Also, maybe Spider-Man should have been black from the beginning.)
Pride "month" (we all know it's far longer thana month now) is one of the death knells of the comic book industry. It's choking the creativity out of everything.
I hope David Zaslav puts an end to this quickly. Just patiently waiting for the mass firings of talentless hacks at DC Comics and for DC Comics to get back to its core.
All this about pronouns is just very lame people using pronouns to make themselves feel special. Just look at the character designs they come up with, they’re beyond lame, because the people creating them are lame.
@@theprincipalofficer_1 I got that a while ago, I have them all preordered so they’re sent as soon as they’re released. I haven’t read it yet, I’m going to wait until I have 3 volumes and read them together.
Pronouns is a stupid Instagram and Twitter thing and I don't want it in my books. Also, it would be nice if they could make a good character that just so happens to be gay but instead we get characters defined by their sexuality which is stupid and makes for a boring comic.
How did the LGBTQ take over everything? It's everywhere. I couldn't even believe it found it's way into my Sonic comics. It's cartoons and movie. How did they do this?
WHY THE HELL IS PRIDE MONTH IN ASGARD?! Loki Stated Sexuality is not important to his kind/culture as they have sex with anyone regardless of gender, there is no sexual taboo So what would be special about celebrating it there?
“Ah, let’s take established characters and tweak them to spread “the message” and when they are negatively received by the fans, we can say it’s ok, it’s earth 11.” - DC writers Maybe create *new* characters DC, there’s an idea. Create characters that aren’t just ticking all the diversity and inclusivity boxes. It’s depressing how many good writers are in the fan community that can’t get a shot at writing for a major comics company because those companies are filled with writers tasked to spread “THE MESSAGE”.
One step closer to SJW speak like Trigger Warnings, referring to violent acts as abbreviations like SA and DV, or non words like “un-alived”. I read comics for a good escapist adventure and this is unnecessarily ruining it.
How does a alternate universe work for the propagation of a species when the majority are homosexual? Seriously confusing concept. Not to mention the amount of heroes is a small small minority of any population. So now we have a universe where the majority are gay and still full of heroes equal to the canonical dc universe? Weird
As a gay guy and DC superhero fan since elementary school, this level of pandering is really really insulting. I can relate to great DC characters n story since I was a kid without having to see my gender, skin color or sexuality represented.
Captain Marvel lost her Binary powers so now I'm guessing she is NON Binary. I sure hope Bree Larson spends half of Captian Marvel 2 explaining pronouns.
In the real-and not the comic book world-where I live, I haven't heard one person on the street go on about their pronouns, of any kind. People are more concerned with earning a living, getting places, and socializing.
As a slighty autistic kid growing up i found the x-men and saw people like me now nothing in comics is like me and it sucks. I took a long time to release i was not like the other kids and i wasn't wrong.
I'm Bi-sexual. I haven't told too many people yet but that's what I am. I bring this up because when it comes to the entertainment industry, there is this need to pander to people like me like if I have been infront of their buildings with a sign protesting for more inclusiveness. I don't lose sleep over not seeing people like me on the screen. The only people I identify with are people who don't need to please anybody or be anything but themselves. I don't need to see them kiss other guys or wave a flag around just to beat into people's head that they are "proud". To me a good character doesn't say it, his action speaks it. Now there are gay characters and gay films that I do like but those films are about story first and I believe the power of plot and story telling will win people over at the end. These forced characters are not interesting to me and still fill in the "gay" tropes box to the point of annoyance. I just want a character were his sexuality is an afterthought. "Oh he's gay? What else does he do?" That's when we will actually win, when it doesn't even matter.
"Why the f*ck would they have pride month in Asgard?" - exactly what popped into my head when I saw it on CBR (why the hell do I still go to that site?).
I don't hate representation. I hate how corporations are using it as a product and not out of goodwill. It's like"Hey! We are finally representing you, now give us money." The only thing I've seen representation done right is a video game called Celeste. The main character is a transgender, but the story wants you to focus on her character development and her struggles, as the game progresses. Her identity isn't the selling point of the game, her journey is.
as a bisexual this makes me sick..its just a gimmick and fan fiction' I want fun stories, not this filth that is just pandering to people who need attention, cause mommy n daddy didn't pay attention to them enough and they need everyone to know they gay..nothing else
The sad thing is their designs aren’t that bad. Throw them in a good story and let them shine. Why focus on surface traits? Edit: ok, not all the designs are that bad Donald Troy and Escapade not withstanding.
Troy has decent colors and that's it Robin I'm back and forth on, I think I like it Escapade sucks Klarion actually I really like Kid Quick is uninspired Aqualad is quite nice, the white hair is always nice Supergirl is uninspired Raven... Just no
Okay DC & Marvel you have a bunch of gay and non binary characters now. So do something with them already! Let them fight s big evil threat, let them solve a mystery, let face some kind of a struggle and grow as a person. Just do something with them other than talk about how not straight they are!
Marvel and DC desperately need a Twitter right now. Some rich guy who knows what to do to buy them and fix the problems. Firing these pronoun police is a good start.
Imagine being the architect of 40+ brand new and creative earths/universes with ideas and fun little twists on pre-existing ideas that keeps it respectful, only for other writers to go out of their way to make it as boring as possible and reduce to LGBT Pride promotion. Can't wait for this universe to never be talked about after the mini is done until the next Pride Month.
Escapade looks like when my sister went thru her “I’m going to be a fashion designer when I grow up” phase when she was 13 and just got a colored pencil set for Christmas.
Typical comic industry hypocrisy they care about diversity and inclusion yet they barely use their characters they just swap the characters out with worse versions how exciting
I still don't get the pronoun thing. I will respect a person that asks me in person to refer to them a certain way. But this is just gotten completely out of control. They need to put the hero back into superhero comics.
Also if there’s no confusion involved in a characters gender, why say what it is? If the character is non-binary you should probably say that because people aren’t just going to know, but why are you announcing that aquagirl is a she?
Guys, i got an idea for a new character. First off they are trans, and half black, a quarter aborigines, a quarter marginalized, they are 2 spirited, non-binary, furry, non-conforming, transmasculine, neurodivergent, chronically ill, disabled, greydemibisexual, in mental health recovery. That's what makes them unique. Oh, and their powers are, ah, i don't know. Part of ancient super power civilization like over a millions years ago, hibernating under the earths mantle till evil threatens. But that's not important. Let me tell you about their pronouns !
I want to read about gay heroes and gay relationships but their HAS to be a story behind it!!! But no instead all their going to do is talk about how gay they are and everyone will worship and their relationship even if their terrible people. Why the hell is it so hard to write a good compelling story that just happens to feature a gay lead character?!
It's strange that Comic book companies like Marvel and DC support " The Cause " but " The Cause " DOESN'T SUPPORT THEM !!!! ... Think about that comic book companies!!!.. pandering to people that DON'T even READ COMIC BOOKS !!!!
This is all the reasons why I’ve stopped reading modern comics (outside of some IDW comics like TMNT) cause of the constant reminder of the real world that detaches from their universe. It pisses me off every time they shill over their comics to push their agendas and then get mad at the fans when it doesn’t get over. And, now they are putting it in the MCU which destroys all hope of the future of the comics and movies unless something drastic comes along to shift the power back into the fans’ favor. Always will love my characters of Marvel and DC but Ill only read past issues cause this product is DOA.
I’m not interested in any of these characters. All these characters are nothing more than tokenized characters that I don’t care about. These modern writers have no creativity whatsoever. I have no interest in reading anything that they write. What drew me to the X-Men is that they were outcasts from society and were discriminated against because they were different. It was their struggle to try to coexist with humanity that made the X-Men so interesting. Unfortunately, you don’t see that anymore. Comic books aren’t fun and exciting to read anymore. They have become boring. Writers nowadays just preach. It’s that constant preaching that is driving away readers.
man for a long time you and perch were turning a blind eye to all of the woke nonsense marvel and dc were putting into their books. i honestly don't know what happen to you guys to get you to finally take off the blinders and publicly call out all of this crazyness. but i like it,. keep up the good work and remember all of the comic creators the were black balled in the beginning of this wokeness for calling it out. never stopped creating real comics. we just all went to the indie market. so back indie comics. we're still creating real comics!
I'm pretty sure more TH-camrs buy the Pride issues to make fun of them than anyone does to actually read them. Edit: Brah, it's a Danny Lore comic. No one is going to buy or read it. It doesn't matter what they do with it.
How about they just write a character and make that character have common sense, agency, and heroics, and if the character is queer, that fact is not the goddamn totality of the character or the story, not even for a pride comic, sheesh.
So, if you're from a differing religion, from your neighbor, while they celebrate Christmas, you may be content to wave, from across the way, tell them to enjoy, maybe keep the noise down, while you sleep. I have a similar feeling about Pride Month. Even as a DC fan for nearly 40 years, I won't even preview these books for free, but that's beside the point. Pride, I don't have a horse in that race. Me jumping on that bandwagon would look strange, as it's not something I'm involved in. Black History Month. I'm black, but I wasn't shouting from the rooftops, then, either. The pandering, the tokenization, the emphasis on identity rather than explaining to a potential customer what makes this character cool, dynamic, heroic, scary, villainous, dangers, anything important, it's legitimately ruined comics, and TV has been a joke, for years. But no, let's keep on. Let's double down. Back to my back issues, I guess.
i'm reading/collecting Dazzler from the 80s. i love the fact that she doesn't want to be a hero, she wants to be a rock singer. super adventures just sorta happen to her. i find that fun
What Marvel and DC fans seem to forget is that the era where comics really empowered women was the 1930s to 1950s. It was a Golden Age for women in comics. The men had gone off to war and comics helped (re)define women as being as capable as men with a whole host of strong women characters with rich histories and compelling personalities such as the first super heroine, the first woman with super powers, ‘Invisible Scarlett O’Neil’; she was followed by Miss Fury, Black Cat, Pat Patriot, Miss Victory, Mary Marvel, Liberty Belle, Phantom Lady, Blonde Phantom, Moon Girl, Sun Girl, Namora, Venus, Black Canary and of course Wonder Woman. Compare this incredible list of great female characters to someone like Mandy Anders (daughter of Starfire) by Mariko Tamaki.
Great quip from a customer ... Some of these comic books should come with a tongue depressor and a funnel --- so that they could more easily pour "the message" down your throat.
I wasn’t familiar with Earth 11. The idea of an alternate history where the Amazons took the lead sounds interesting. Just gender and sexuality flipping everyone sounds lazy and indicative of a lack of creativity.
These characters especially, Teen Justice, feel like one time characters invented exclusively for the occassion of pride month. They're not really characters, they're tokens. Why are DC and Marvel so interested anyway in who is boinking who? In real life i dont introduce myself by meeting a complete stranger for the first time (be it at work or in my personal life) and say hi my name is x and my pronouns are, and im straight or gay or bi etc. No one cares! Allow these characters to develop organically and become real as opposed to saying the most important thing about this character, what defines them, is that they boink people of this or that gender. I know gay people and most of them just live their life, they don't go around every minute of the day proclaiming they're gay. It's just so shallow and one dimensional. It's horrible writing. Summer used to be the time for the giant X-Men crossover event in Marvel or the latest giant earth threatening event in DC. Now it's about tokenism and pandering for dollars by having a pride month event that actually lasts all summer long within the comics sphere.
As I commented on in another vid, these writers think its perfectly fine running these franchises into the dirt for "THE MESSAGE" and if they fail then they see themselves as martyrs. They'll convince themselves "it was a small price to pay for progress" meanwhile the people at the top have to deal with a sinking ship which I don't feel bad for but there are some writers that are trying to leave this stuff out of their stories but their books aren't selling cause these "martyrs" have driven away the customers.
Too bad "Sucks" isn't a pronoun. It should be and all of these "writers" could use it. They have no idea how to write an actual story or what made comics so great for so long. Hope Discovery cleans house and shows them all where the unemployment line is.
That's it. This is boring. DC and Marvel had gotten boring and preachy. I will wait for the pendulum swing and for the changes from the Discovery Warner merge to happen. I'll stick to Manga and Webtoons thank you very much.
In this issue of Team Justice, the team sit around at shop and debate what offends them most. As they take their coffee orders, the team jumps into action on their phones to cancel anyone who disagrees with them or misgenders them on Twitter. This is...REEEEE Justice.
What exactly is "the cause" that we need to support so much? It's not equality, because we have that. It seems to me that "pride" is aligning your views and opinions EXACTLY as ours and if you oppose, you're against us.
@@DragonLandlord Exactly. Gotta love how the group of people who demanded there be no labels, invented 1000 more to the point where a normal, straight guy is now "cis." So fucking stupid.
It's not "equality" and never has been. It's "equity" - which means statistical equality among arbitrarily-determined groups. So, theoretically, unless half the characters portrayed have some form of disordered sexuality or gender confusion - comic book readers are being exposed to cis- heteronormativity (the woke brigade's equivalent of "evil"). It's an arid, joyless, tedious worldview and it's everywhere.
Here is a question…since that this new mutant is transgender. What will happen when they get killed? When they get brought back to life will they be the gender they were born as or would they come back as the gender they transition to? I mean if Karma, who lost her leg years ago recently was resurrected without the leg that was cut off and she still has her artificial leg. Plus Wolverine and X-23 still gets to keep their metal skeleton and claws.
Show of hands,who else is tired of Black characters with “electric powers”. How about telekinesis? Or telepathy? What about a Hulk type character looking for a cure? In DC’s case,how about a Black character that likes the OPPOSITE sex? Escapade sounds like a lamer version of Prodigy.🤷🏾♂️
I’ve been hearing for the past 10 years since Marvel started all this fan hating woke crap that don’t worry it’s not going to last, but here we are and now it DC trying to out woke Marvel. I started not buying anything new from Marvel and DC since February, the last thing I got from DC was some of the Future (woke) State and Detective comics that had Miracle (agenda driven) Molly. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. I can be very entertained and find my escapism in back issues and trade paperbacks that reprint older fun stuff. They hate us and they stick in every issue of these new comics and I don’t care who’s in charge nothing is going to be different.
If Instagram and Twitter never existed we wouldn't even be getting all this crap writing from these new writers at DC and Marvel. This is just getting lazy and tokenized at this point.
First off, I support LGBT rights. A person should be able to marry, be able to adopt, get health care , insurance and other stuff no matter who they are, no matter if a religeon has a problem with it. The problem with the pride books are that they feel like it just something coperate America needs to check a box to say we are doing good. Every year both Marvel and DC put out the books that support, Pride month, Black History month, Native American, ect. Do they sell. They feel like throw away books. I don't mind introducing a trans X-men but why not put the character in the main book and have a story revolve around them. Have it occur Naturally like Gail Simone did for her Trans character in Batgirl. Instead of being a bit of shining light the characters in these books feel like they are throw away characters. It not just Marvel and DC but Archie is doing it with a new BI character. Sadly coperate America just see pride month as making money.
I don't care what the characters are, just make them good for God's sake. That is what is lacking in comics today: good, well written characters and stories. Stop trying to fill a quota with Token characters, leave the pronoun shit on Twitter, and do your damn job. smh
Who is the guy that think: "Its a good idea!! its gonna be a hit sales" .... I bet that comic its not gonna stay for to long, before they cancel for sales reason
As a gay individual if it's one thing I've hated is token characters. And these new woke characters are the prime definition of that. They do have potential if written well but they made identity of gender, race and orientation front and center than actual character development, growth etc.etc.
As a gay guy I agree
I only know of one character that showed any kind of journey to discovering their sexuality and that was Jon Kent, Unfortunately they have since made him a walking stereotype. Every other character has gone from straight to gay or bi like flipping a coin and then immediately becoming a horrible stereotype.
What? You mean you don't introduce yourself as gay and remind everyone around you of that every 5 minutes? What about race? You don't use that as punctuation in conversations? To me this is condescending, I just don't get it.
This Escapade character has potential though. She has a cool power. At least she is a real trans and not a knock off, unlike the lame Flash character, and they are playing with the idea she is between identities. It makes sense to have a trans in X-Men.
@@Moultdog They should have made him real gay. That would have been respectable. The bi thing is cringe. I don't think it's clear if bs are a real group that is biologically different from the norm or gs and ls. Also, bs, if real, can conceal their orientation much easier.
Bisexuality maybe requires all humans to be bisexual to some degree. Real gay people should go back to just "gay and lesbian" since the GLBT thing has been corrupted by narcissistic straight tourists. It has been made a circus by covert bigots.
It's never a good sign when you're nostalgic for the creativity of the Star Wars holiday special
Lumpy Bacca is the key to all this
Jar Jar wishes us all a happy Life Day.
Thanks Matthew Jenkins, I just spat out my tea laughing. 😂😂😂
*spits up blue milk laughing*
It says a lot when you make Films worse than what George Lucas would call 'Personally ashamed of'
Real writers should be able write characters without their own feelings or beliefs written into all their stories.
I mean some can but must be able to make sense but also remain in the background or sideline and not front and center. The completely in your face.
One point of contention: As far as I recall, Stan Lee made the X-Men to circumvent his heroes getting superpower through accidents as he was either getting tired of it or it was becoming more and more difficult to think of those events for him. The whole allegorical thing was more of a by-product, although its still vastly more preferable than what counts as "writibg" at Marvel today.
Interesting, I was always told that it was an allegory for racism and stuff but this makes more sense. I saw him say people hated rich guys in the 60’s so he said I’mma take a rich guy and make you like him and we got Tony Stark/Iron Man. Simple
The concept for the characters was to circumvent origins but the stories he told surrounding them was allegorical
Yep. He stated muliple times he was sick of coming up with origin stories so being born with it solved the problem. The allegorical stuff came much later.
I wish they would do something with street level, everyday mutants like criminals. If I was a Marvel writer, I would make Miles Morales Scarlet Spider and have him defend areas outside Manhatten which is for rich people. Maybe I would move him to Chicago.
They should tweak him so he isn't reliant on web swinging and roof jumping/running. (They didn't do enough of this with Ben Reilly.) He would need a Spider-Cycle and a different costume, maybe one which looks like street clothes. (They did this with his costume, but it doesn't look good. He's borderline Scarlet Spider already. They could give him Reillly's distance attack gadgets.)
If he is going to be in the regular universe, this is the angle they need to take. Basically, I would rip off Static, who had an ingenious set up, more. Morales has several advantages over Parker and should be Ultimate Spider-Man, but they continually botch him. He had an awesome start.
(His extra powers are great additions, I like the version of the cop father from the movie, and he is connected to groups who are strongly impacted by crime and social problems. Also, maybe Spider-Man should have been black from the beginning.)
@@chrischreative2245 Rippa has a video about where he explains better this
Pride "month" (we all know it's far longer thana month now) is one of the death knells of the comic book industry. It's choking the creativity out of everything.
I hope David Zaslav puts an end to this quickly. Just patiently waiting for the mass firings of talentless hacks at DC Comics and for DC Comics to get back to its core.
Sir, I would like to point you to Generation Drag and Book of Queer, coming some from Discovery+. In other words, that's not happening.
@@mietha37 That show is disgusting.
I miss when character profiles came with things like...'Blood Type', 'Favorite Food', or even friggin 'Zodiac Sign' over 'Pronouns'.
All this about pronouns is just very lame people using pronouns to make themselves feel special.
Just look at the character designs they come up with, they’re beyond lame, because the people creating them are lame.
Just got my next part of Fist of the North Star ready to consume it.
@@theprincipalofficer_1 I got that a while ago, I have them all preordered so they’re sent as soon as they’re released. I haven’t read it yet, I’m going to wait until I have 3 volumes and read them together.
Pronouns is a stupid Instagram and Twitter thing and I don't want it in my books. Also, it would be nice if they could make a good character that just so happens to be gay but instead we get characters defined by their sexuality which is stupid and makes for a boring comic.
Pronouns is the giant red flag signaling "You encountered a narcissist that is all about themselves and you should avoid interacting with them".
All they do is say what gender they are it is not that bad like you people make it out to be
@@kingj9664 and that's all that they are. Their gender
@@djinsanity3575 No I'm pretty sure there's more to them
@@kingj9664 sadly most comics are just gender and activism. Have you seen the new Superman he sucks
How did the LGBTQ take over everything? It's everywhere. I couldn't even believe it found it's way into my Sonic comics. It's cartoons and movie. How did they do this?
Glad to see the big two still have their priorities straight. That way I save a lot of money!
Their priorities are anything but straight but I understand what you meant.
I bet upcoming X-Men animated series will have similar opening with characters' introduction, but also including their pronouns.
Lately then been feminizing all the a lot of black characters. Some of us still like females.
That sad excuse for a "Harley Quinn" sickens me.
Totally agreed.
WHY THE HELL IS PRIDE MONTH IN ASGARD?! Loki Stated Sexuality is not important to his kind/culture as they have sex with anyone regardless of gender, there is no sexual taboo So what would be special about celebrating it there?
Mystique was the original gender fluid character from marvel comic books. Of course they did gut her character in years recent years.
So they are gender swapping (tokenizing) already tokenized characters like Jackson Hyde (gay, black "Aquaman.")
“Ah, let’s take established characters and tweak them to spread “the message” and when they are negatively received by the fans, we can say it’s ok, it’s earth 11.”
- DC writers
Maybe create *new* characters DC, there’s an idea. Create characters that aren’t just ticking all the diversity and inclusivity boxes.
It’s depressing how many good writers are in the fan community that can’t get a shot at writing for a major comics company because those companies are filled with writers tasked to spread “THE MESSAGE”.
Facts 💯
These are new characters
To be fair, all the good writers disbanded from DC and Marvel years ago
@@moshpit1012 They're offshoots of existing characters using the same names. They're just gender-bent.
Writers these days often forget to ask themselves the simple question of "Will anyone like this?"
One step closer to SJW speak like Trigger Warnings, referring to violent acts as abbreviations like SA and DV, or non words like “un-alived”. I read comics for a good escapist adventure and this is unnecessarily ruining it.
You have to abbreviate it around here at least, that's for sire
How does a alternate universe work for the propagation of a species when the majority are homosexual? Seriously confusing concept. Not to mention the amount of heroes is a small small minority of any population. So now we have a universe where the majority are gay and still full of heroes equal to the canonical dc universe? Weird
Gods piss
Haven't you heard? Birthing persons can be female _or_ male.
Crisis from Infinite Pride!! Coming soon from DC
As a gay guy and DC superhero fan since elementary school, this level of pandering is really really insulting. I can relate to great DC characters n story since I was a kid without having to see my gender, skin color or sexuality represented.
Captain Marvel lost her Binary powers so now I'm guessing she is NON Binary. I sure hope Bree Larson spends half of Captian Marvel 2 explaining pronouns.
In the real-and not the comic book world-where I live, I haven't heard one person on the street go on about their pronouns, of any kind. People are more concerned with earning a living, getting places, and socializing.
The one thing that can save comics.....PRONOUNS! Yes, that'll fix everything.
As a slighty autistic kid growing up i found the x-men and saw people like me now nothing in comics is like me and it sucks. I took a long time to release i was not like the other kids and i wasn't wrong.
This marvel pride month sounds so boring and a complete waste of time.
@warwik Xio That's all of the marvel ^comics. Fixed it for you.
I'm Bi-sexual. I haven't told too many people yet but that's what I am. I bring this up because when it comes to the entertainment industry, there is this need to pander to people like me like if I have been infront of their buildings with a sign protesting for more inclusiveness. I don't lose sleep over not seeing people like me on the screen. The only people I identify with are people who don't need to please anybody or be anything but themselves. I don't need to see them kiss other guys or wave a flag around just to beat into people's head that they are "proud". To me a good character doesn't say it, his action speaks it. Now there are gay characters and gay films that I do like but those films are about story first and I believe the power of plot and story telling will win people over at the end. These forced characters are not interesting to me and still fill in the "gay" tropes box to the point of annoyance. I just want a character were his sexuality is an afterthought. "Oh he's gay? What else does he do?" That's when we will actually win, when it doesn't even matter.
These comics are for Twitter or Reddit forums. But hey I guess they got addicted to losing money.
If most of the people are lgbt in earth 11. Where do the bables come from
Turkey basters and test tubes.
This has got the Kibblesmith New Warriors vibes just slapping me upside the head.
Escapade looks like she works at a Build-a-Bear workshop in a rarely visited mall.
"Why the f*ck would they have pride month in Asgard?" - exactly what popped into my head when I saw it on CBR (why the hell do I still go to that site?).
I'm only buying spawn, and image and after shock. I'll quit them to if they make spawn gay
Unfortunately the "target audience" pronouns are DOESN'T/BUY.
I don't hate representation. I hate how corporations are using it as a product and not out of goodwill.
It's like"Hey! We are finally representing you, now give us money."
The only thing I've seen representation done right is a video game called Celeste. The main character is a transgender, but the story wants you to focus on her character development and her struggles, as the game progresses. Her identity isn't the selling point of the game, her journey is.
as a bisexual
this makes me sick..its just a gimmick and fan fiction'
I want fun stories, not this filth that is just pandering to people who need attention, cause mommy n daddy didn't pay attention to them enough and they need everyone to know they gay..nothing else
The sad thing is their designs aren’t that bad. Throw them in a good story and let them shine. Why focus on surface traits?
Edit: ok, not all the designs are that bad Donald Troy and Escapade not withstanding.
Troy has decent colors and that's it
Robin I'm back and forth on, I think I like it
Escapade sucks
Klarion actually I really like
Kid Quick is uninspired
Aqualad is quite nice, the white hair is always nice
Supergirl is uninspired
Raven... Just no
Did anyone even noticed what missing here? What’s the story about to pull us in? 😂
I miss the old Comics. They wrotes stories for us all. Now they writes just for the prestige.😒
Okay DC & Marvel you have a bunch of gay and non binary characters now. So do something with them already! Let them fight s big evil threat, let them solve a mystery, let face some kind of a struggle and grow as a person. Just do something with them other than talk about how not straight they are!
Marvel and DC desperately need a Twitter right now. Some rich guy who knows what to do to buy them and fix the problems. Firing these pronoun police is a good start.
Imagine being the architect of 40+ brand new and creative earths/universes with ideas and fun little twists on pre-existing ideas that keeps it respectful, only for other writers to go out of their way to make it as boring as possible and reduce to LGBT Pride promotion.
Can't wait for this universe to never be talked about after the mini is done until the next Pride Month.
Escapade looks like when my sister went thru her “I’m going to be a fashion designer when I grow up” phase when she was 13 and just got a colored pencil set for Christmas.
Typical comic industry hypocrisy they care about diversity and inclusion yet they barely use their characters they just swap the characters out with worse versions how exciting
I still don't get the pronoun thing. I will respect a person that asks me in person to refer to them a certain way. But this is just gotten completely out of control.
They need to put the hero back into superhero comics.
Also if there’s no confusion involved in a characters gender, why say what it is? If the character is non-binary you should probably say that because people aren’t just going to know, but why are you announcing that aquagirl is a she?
Guys, i got an idea for a new character. First off they are trans, and half black, a quarter aborigines, a quarter marginalized, they are 2 spirited, non-binary, furry, non-conforming, transmasculine, neurodivergent, chronically ill, disabled, greydemibisexual, in mental health recovery. That's what makes them unique.
Oh, and their powers are, ah, i don't know. Part of ancient super power civilization like over a millions years ago, hibernating under the earths mantle till evil threatens. But that's not important. Let me tell you about their pronouns !
I'm straight, white male, and I have autism. Right now, I've never felt like such a freak.
This is a great rant. Thanks
I want to read about gay heroes and gay relationships but their HAS to be a story behind it!!! But no instead all their going to do is talk about how gay they are and everyone will worship and their relationship even if their terrible people. Why the hell is it so hard to write a good compelling story that just happens to feature a gay lead character?!
It's strange that Comic book companies like Marvel and DC support " The Cause " but " The Cause " DOESN'T SUPPORT THEM !!!! ... Think about that comic book companies!!!.. pandering to people that DON'T even READ COMIC BOOKS !!!!
This is all the reasons why I’ve stopped reading modern comics (outside of some IDW comics like TMNT) cause of the constant reminder of the real world that detaches from their universe. It pisses me off every time they shill over their comics to push their agendas and then get mad at the fans when it doesn’t get over. And, now they are putting it in the MCU which destroys all hope of the future of the comics and movies unless something drastic comes along to shift the power back into the fans’ favor. Always will love my characters of Marvel and DC but Ill only read past issues cause this product is DOA.
I’m not interested in any of these characters. All these characters are nothing more than tokenized characters that I don’t care about. These modern writers have no creativity whatsoever. I have no interest in reading anything that they write.
What drew me to the X-Men is that they were outcasts from society and were discriminated against because they were different. It was their struggle to try to coexist with humanity that made the X-Men so interesting. Unfortunately, you don’t see that anymore.
Comic books aren’t fun and exciting to read anymore. They have become boring. Writers nowadays just preach. It’s that constant preaching that is driving away readers.
man for a long time you and perch were turning a blind eye to all of the woke nonsense marvel and dc were putting into their books. i honestly don't know what happen to you guys to get you to finally take off the blinders and publicly call out all of this crazyness. but i like it,. keep up the good work and remember all of the comic creators the were black balled in the beginning of this wokeness for calling it out. never stopped creating real comics. we just all went to the indie market. so back indie comics. we're still creating real comics!
I have to laugh so I don't cry. Someone needs to fix DC Comics before it becomes a past tense comic book printer.
I'm pretty sure more TH-camrs buy the Pride issues to make fun of them than anyone does to actually read them.
Edit: Brah, it's a Danny Lore comic. No one is going to buy or read it. It doesn't matter what they do with it.
I speculate these books will be in the dollar bin at the end of the year.
Things have to be ordered in the first place to find the dollar bins. The orders on these issues are abysmal.
The pride ( g h e y) books from last year are still sitting on shelves. I feel sorry for the shelves having to endure more of this for another year.
How about they just write a character and make that character have common sense, agency, and heroics, and if the character is queer, that fact is not the goddamn totality of the character or the story, not even for a pride comic, sheesh.
"Dying is the easy part" is beginning to make A LOT of sense now🤣🤣🤣
So, if you're from a differing religion, from your neighbor, while they celebrate Christmas, you may be content to wave, from across the way, tell them to enjoy, maybe keep the noise down, while you sleep. I have a similar feeling about Pride Month. Even as a DC fan for nearly 40 years, I won't even preview these books for free, but that's beside the point. Pride, I don't have a horse in that race. Me jumping on that bandwagon would look strange, as it's not something I'm involved in. Black History Month. I'm black, but I wasn't shouting from the rooftops, then, either. The pandering, the tokenization, the emphasis on identity rather than explaining to a potential customer what makes this character cool, dynamic, heroic, scary, villainous, dangers, anything important, it's legitimately ruined comics, and TV has been a joke, for years. But no, let's keep on. Let's double down. Back to my back issues, I guess.
So true. It's pretty sad.
BRAH she got a Janet Jackson jacket on 😂
Remember when comics use to care more about stories and had characters written around them without mentioning pronouns out the gate?
Soulstar 'members
When I first heard “trans mutant,” I thought for a moment the character was inspired by Olli London.
can everyone take a min and give thanks to Wes for the thumbnails.?
his expressions are priceless.
I'm just soo tired of this crap.
i'm reading/collecting Dazzler from the 80s. i love the fact that she doesn't want to be a hero, she wants to be a rock singer. super adventures just sorta happen to her. i find that fun
What Marvel and DC fans seem to forget is that the era where comics really empowered women was the 1930s to 1950s. It was a Golden Age for women in comics. The men had gone off to war and comics helped (re)define women as being as capable as men with a whole host of strong women characters with rich histories and compelling personalities such as the first super heroine, the first woman with super powers, ‘Invisible Scarlett O’Neil’; she was followed by Miss Fury, Black Cat, Pat Patriot, Miss Victory, Mary Marvel, Liberty Belle, Phantom Lady, Blonde Phantom, Moon Girl, Sun Girl, Namora, Venus, Black Canary and of course Wonder Woman. Compare this incredible list of great female characters to someone like Mandy Anders (daughter of Starfire) by Mariko Tamaki.
Probably not going to be spending a lot of money on DC or Marvel this month.
Today's comic creators bringing the "meh" each and everyday!
Great quip from a customer ...
Some of these comic books should come with a tongue depressor and a funnel --- so that they could more easily pour "the message" down your throat.
I wasn’t familiar with Earth 11. The idea of an alternate history where the Amazons took the lead sounds interesting. Just gender and sexuality flipping everyone sounds lazy and indicative of a lack of creativity.
These characters especially, Teen Justice, feel like one time characters invented exclusively for the occassion of pride month. They're not really characters, they're tokens. Why are DC and Marvel so interested anyway in who is boinking who? In real life i dont introduce myself by meeting a complete stranger for the first time (be it at work or in my personal life) and say hi my name is x and my pronouns are, and im straight or gay or bi etc. No one cares! Allow these characters to develop organically and become real as opposed to saying the most important thing about this character, what defines them, is that they boink people of this or that gender. I know gay people and most of them just live their life, they don't go around every minute of the day proclaiming they're gay. It's just so shallow and one dimensional. It's horrible writing. Summer used to be the time for the giant X-Men crossover event in Marvel or the latest giant earth threatening event in DC. Now it's about tokenism and pandering for dollars by having a pride month event that actually lasts all summer long within the comics sphere.
Comics are going OTT with all the boxticking and boring tropes now. It's no wonder sales are nosediving!
As I commented on in another vid, these writers think its perfectly fine running these franchises into the dirt for "THE MESSAGE" and if they fail then they see themselves as martyrs. They'll convince themselves "it was a small price to pay for progress" meanwhile the people at the top have to deal with a sinking ship which I don't feel bad for but there are some writers that are trying to leave this stuff out of their stories but their books aren't selling cause these "martyrs" have driven away the customers.
this character is a super hero? She looks like an Electrician who buys her clothes from the Home Depot lol.
Hey, I stopped reading Thor once I realized the rainbow bridge didn't include all the correct colors.
Too bad "Sucks" isn't a pronoun. It should be and all of these "writers" could use it. They have no idea how to write an actual story or what made comics so great for so long. Hope Discovery cleans house and shows them all where the unemployment line is.
These characters lack substance. Talk about an insult to the groups they're pandering to.
That's it. This is boring. DC and Marvel had gotten boring and preachy. I will wait for the pendulum swing and for the changes from the Discovery Warner merge to happen. I'll stick to Manga and Webtoons thank you very much.
In this issue of Team Justice, the team sit around at shop and debate what offends them most. As they take their coffee orders, the team jumps into action on their phones to cancel anyone who disagrees with them or misgenders them on Twitter. This is...REEEEE Justice.
Hopefully we look back on the pronoun people like we do guys in Ed Hardy shorts today.
Pronouns+ mental illness = Marvel and DC writers.
I loved Multiversity so much. I was really looking forward to the possibilities Grant Morrison set up. What an absolute waste.
What exactly is "the cause" that we need to support so much? It's not equality, because we have that. It seems to me that "pride" is aligning your views and opinions EXACTLY as ours and if you oppose, you're against us.
It sounds like "the cause" is segregation. They're so eager to label everyone for everything and if you don't take yours you're a yatzee.
@@DragonLandlord Exactly. Gotta love how the group of people who demanded there be no labels, invented 1000 more to the point where a normal, straight guy is now "cis." So fucking stupid.
It's not "equality" and never has been. It's "equity" - which means statistical equality among arbitrarily-determined groups. So, theoretically, unless half the characters portrayed have some form of disordered sexuality or gender confusion - comic book readers are being exposed to cis- heteronormativity (the woke brigade's equivalent of "evil"). It's an arid, joyless, tedious worldview and it's everywhere.
Intersectional Neo-Marxist ideology.
@@libertyprime9307 Exactly. this ideology is not only inappropriate for comics - it's genuinely evil.
Here is a question…since that this new mutant is transgender. What will happen when they get killed? When they get brought back to life will they be the gender they were born as or would they come back as the gender they transition to? I mean if Karma, who lost her leg years ago recently was resurrected without the leg that was cut off and she still has her artificial leg. Plus Wolverine and X-23 still gets to keep their metal skeleton and claws.
Show of hands,who else is tired of Black characters with “electric powers”. How about telekinesis? Or telepathy? What about a Hulk type character looking for a cure? In DC’s case,how about a Black character that likes the OPPOSITE sex? Escapade sounds like a lamer version of Prodigy.🤷🏾♂️
If they are all gay on Earth 11, at least we won't have to suffer through a Earth 12.
I’ve been hearing for the past 10 years since Marvel started all this fan hating woke crap that don’t worry it’s not going to last, but here we are and now it DC trying to out woke Marvel. I started not buying anything new from Marvel and DC since February, the last thing I got from DC was some of the Future (woke) State and Detective comics that had Miracle (agenda driven) Molly. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. I can be very entertained and find my escapism in back issues and trade paperbacks that reprint older fun stuff. They hate us and they stick in every issue of these new comics and I don’t care who’s in charge nothing is going to be different.
Wait life day made sense? I’ve watched the Star Wars holiday special multiple times and still don’t get it.
If Instagram and Twitter never existed we wouldn't even be getting all this crap writing from these new writers at DC and Marvel. This is just getting lazy and tokenized at this point.
Right this is getting ridiculous
DC is dead. I was a lifelong DC fan until 2019. I just don't see how they'll ever be able to recover from this.
More comic books that not many people will buy
First off, I support LGBT rights. A person should be able to marry, be able to adopt, get health care , insurance and other stuff no matter who they are, no matter if a religeon has a problem with it. The problem with the pride books are that they feel like it just something coperate America needs to check a box to say we are doing good. Every year both Marvel and DC put out the books that support, Pride month, Black History month, Native American, ect. Do they sell. They feel like throw away books. I don't mind introducing a trans X-men but why not put the character in the main book and have a story revolve around them. Have it occur Naturally like Gail Simone did for her Trans character in Batgirl. Instead of being a bit of shining light the characters in these books feel like they are throw away characters. It not just Marvel and DC but Archie is doing it with a new BI character. Sadly coperate America just see pride month as making money.
Good luck kicking anyone in those Hammer pants, Donald.
I don't care what the characters are, just make them good for God's sake. That is what is lacking in comics today: good, well written characters and stories. Stop trying to fill a quota with Token characters, leave the pronoun shit on Twitter, and do your damn job. smh
Who is the guy that think: "Its a good idea!! its gonna be a hit sales" .... I bet that comic its not gonna stay for to long, before they cancel for sales reason
viz media must be quaking in fear at the thought of these comics hitting the shelves, how will demon slayer and one piece survive?
Did the Black history pander books EVER come out??