MAC round sized explosions fixated on point you designate with the look button that has a desired distance to take effect. They could have it as a strategem of its own on the orbiting planet as a target desgnator. Point, scan, obliterate so long as you're far enough away, just warn your squad first.
Yeah and you can choose between a regular bombardment or… an all at once big explosion volley that can nuke the entire field. And your automatically sent a special shield generator that can tank the blast that shuts off when it finishes
I prefer to play my games myself, not have the game play itself for me. And every single mission the strafing runs kill me. Not as bad as the bombardment, but still annoying and quite boring. Visually looks quite cool, but not fun gameplay wise.
I like that post from twinbeard. Not that I’m the first to say this but while I am disappointed with the DSS it’s not because I’m not glad for new content but because of how long it took to get it, leading to overhyping from the community mixed with lack of explanation from AH. I think maybe in a month- a few months the DSS will be more in line (somewhat) to all the hype that was built around it. Again, we just thought it would have more from the get go because of how long the process was to get it online
but isnt that a problem of most PVE ord shooters games, like deeprockgalactic, space marine 2, Darktide. they all drop content pretty slow, Helldivers 2 is the one that most content drop of the mencioned early. i think new generations are to mind fried white think like fornite and call of duty that drop content all month be god or bad, but players endure it because they are PVP. so dont think this is a fornite, it while get its content, no reason to overhype leaks that are not even confirmed by the devs or rush things.
Squad was going to take out a jammer so we could take out the damn detector tower, got within 20m of the jammer and the eagles just took it rght out for is. Definitely helped in a pinch.
I know eagles can take out the factories but I didnt know they had enough firepower to hit jammers and eyes never worked when i threw an eagle at it at least
Yep, haven’t watched vid but know exactly what you are going to say, the dss had a rocky start but this is FUCKING AWESOME, the eagles in the skybox are also peak
With the way these effects are so far, it's basically just spamming stratagem all over the map This is good, because it should mean that the turnaround for Arrowhead to add new ones fairly quickly before looking into adding more complex ones. Which would then benefit from the 7 days cooldown. Sure it's annoying when you have 2 choices, but if you have 7? or even 14? then it can really be fun
I can imagine the bombardment being replaced by eagle airsyrikes, done in a similar manner i.e directed at groups of enemies who are more than say 30 meters from you. The strafing run works, i recon bombs doing the same thing woild also work
I'd say rocket pods would be more in line. My reasoning is as such: Rail Cannon requires direct line of sight, which the DSS cannot maintain since it can only be at one point at any given time as it needs to support multiple helldiver teams. The only way this could happen is if there was a long cooldown that occurs because you are in its blind spot (ie the other side of the planet). The regular strikes can be arced because they aren't concerned with accuracy but that is exactly the problem people have with it is how inaccurate it is. If they still don't want to give us extra stratagems, I'd just give it the same targeting parameters as the Eagle Storm as you stated. But otherwise, the rocket pods would be far more accurate and give the explosive side of things. The Eagle Storm likely has the same 150 M effective range centered on the helldiver that the Planetary Bombardment has but it has different targeting parameters where it locks onto the closest enemy and initiates the Strafing run in relation to the helldiver it is originating from (so yes it is possible to get killed by the Eagle storm if you are playing with another diver but it's not likely since you'd need to be in a conga line of death or have melee enemies on you for that to happen)
Imagine the dss drops down seafs footpatrols or even seafs in vehicles... the map would look insane with a company or battalion of soldiers on the map vs bots/bugs.
Bombardment should happen only when encountering heavy post or dropships or when being swarmed within a large area that can be seen on the map. Or Rather a walking barrage covering the trail or protecting the front Or Just blatanly be a death star or Godzilla minus one breath attack and shoot a giant energy blast that you can hear the charge up,flash a warning before firing it down. Just double the size of the hellbomb explosion asset as the radius/impact and damage
I definitely think the Orbital Bombardment should be confined to a specific area of the map that is highlighted on the mini map. Could be interesting if it moved across the map in a way that players had to decide if they wanted to wait it out, hike around it, or risk going through it. Gives players more of a choice and tactics to interact with the bombardment as they see fit.
They should make DSS orbital strikes just be an instant all at once explosion volley but give the helldivers a very powerful shield generator to cover from the blast. Imagine going in a heavy fortress and calling it in while your squad stands aside, the whole place just gets instantly nuked by 20 380 orbital strikes at the same time
The reason why your extractions are so calm around 9:10 is because all fabricators have been blown up, and new patrols can only spawn in from the edge of the map, but need to be at least 50m away from the Helldivers. If the Extraction Zone is close to the Edge, they cant spawn all together in that case.
@aziouss2863 i mean, don't get me wrong, there were times it was annoying. I just thought overall it was a chaotic experience that players will talk about for a long time haha
@aziouss2863 Also, I didn't say unfair brother. I said fair. Because even the games I played that resulted in me dying a ton from the bombardment, it was also destroying fabricators and patrols. I would argue that for every friendly death, there were at least 5 enemy deaths.
@@del343434 Oh yeh I called unfair on purpose cus is how I see it. I have always been... NOT on board with RNG. That is why I dislike playing card games and hate critical chance in mobas etc... I like to have certitude in games. IN coop for fun games like hell divers i dont mind it at all and it does introduce some level of fun randomness but ... Bing blow up from orbit from an attack you did no call is my limit for that! I hear the devs are working on it. The eagle storm after the fix IS AMAZING!
@aziouss2863 oh man I love the eagle storm! But that's understandable! And it makes sense because I love games with rng like destiny, mtg, etc. But one thing we can agree on is that the eagle storm is a great step in the right direction for the DSS
I think it was originally a mix of Eagle Air Strikes and Eagle Strafing Runs but someone form AH sprinted to the studio and disabled the Airstrikes so it will only have the Strafing Runs so as to not repeat the Mastia Massacre.
Eagle storm has been quite good. I've been killed by the DSS strafing once, it blew up an explosive barrel or something near me lol. Sometimes I get a lot of extraction spawns, sometimes I don't. The orbital bombardment is silly and amusing lol but it has been ruining my death count as a really stealthy player
I think the eagles are great, but they should add more things like orbital layers with indicators the red beacons or other things like getting bras or static field that would be nice and much much better not to run into a random explosion. And imagine we have to donate everything again
Saw some eagles solo a near max health factory strider. It was crazy. I was playing an operation on helldive as host and averaged 700 kills(with the help of sam site per mission).
I reckon that with the dss orbital bombaddments and eagle storm we could easily do the spread demcoracy missions(when enemy numbers were massive) and that defence mission from the early days that was near impossible with ease
Just wanna say, that sky box with ship to ship combat is bad ass! I also wanna say, for the previous 380 barrage thing... Fortify/Fortify/Fortufy. Makes all the difference, especially anything with heavy armor. You may take some damage but allot of times it will clear a horde around you. Me and my palls were actually enjoying it and wondering didferent Barrage appications. Imagine orbital bombardment for Gas, Flame, or even EMS barrageconstantly raining down. Or a rainbow variant with all the SEAF Artillery Shells we have. Having the bombardment have different elements would also make different resistance armors that don't see much use be more viable for those specifics drops 😊
@weir-t7y you have the entire roster of the map to play how YOU want with whatever loadout you'd like. This is a section to make a different addition to the day to day gameplay of Helldivers while giving us more leniency with the war and giving us limited control on how to deal with invasions. It's also a foundation to build from and improve. You don't HAVE TO fight on the DSS active planet if whatever Orbital stratagem is online for the day. Capturing other planets crucial for the war effort can be just as important.
In their defence, weapons and strategies first need proper testing in the field before being approved and they always do ask for our feedback. The planetary bombardment just had an issue on how it works not the idea of it providing support fire
Yeah, plus its AH. They listen the community and dont ignore it like others do. I still think the DSS could be more of a stratagem as well or a power up for stratagems. Or even work off camera, like giving you a boost of defense/attack when it defend/attack a planet. The power ups would just increase the stats
I think selecting the kind of barrages or eagles that come in during a mission would be a good idea For bugs you could have the napalm and walking barrage For bots you could have the strafing run and rocket pods
I can only guess that maybe we were supposed to lose the first DSS before completion to give them more time to actually polish it. That aside, I think the eagles broke the dropship call ins. Had lots of runs yesterday before the eagle storm was actually active where we would see the bot drop detected message stuck at the top of the screen for maybe 4-5 minutes and afterwards we would get no bot drops for the longest time
I just thought of a genius idea. Keep the orbital bombardment exactly the same. But swap it's passive effect for the eagle storms passive effect. That way it forces players to do gambits.
Hopefully with the 380 Barrage... If they want to make it more friendly towards players, might just have to make it like the Volcano kind of things. Where the ground lights up, or there be lasers from the DSS itself, to say 'Hey Diver, a 380 will land here in 5 seconds. Run away.'
The eagle runs should have been what the bombardment was, the cannon shots hitting enemies near the divers, not the area around the divers at random getting friendly fire
Lets just hope they change the bombardment. It would be cool if it was around the map like how the info says, and not around one helldiver that the game chooses to be the center of the barrage. Also a way of alert about where every explosive is going to land would be really good. Just stick a strat laser to the head of every shell and thats it xD Or they could just change the barrage and replace it with 3 or 4 orbital lasers going rampant around the map. At least you can sort of predict where the laser is going
They probably changed it to eagle strafing runs because unlike eagle airstrikes, eagle strafing runs directly target enemy troops as they home in. Eagle Airstrikes would probably create the hilarious effect we had with the orbital bombardment that everyone would be getting eagle striked to the next life 😂😂
i think the borbardment should auto target enemys medium / large targets and structures , also target squads of enemys. ouf of a certain range of the players. to avoid problems
We were not wrong, it's just that devs didn't fuck up this ability of the DSS. If they don't fix the orbital when it's used next, it's going to muck up things again.
Eagle storm is great, but Instead of the bombardment I would like to see that while the ability is active, all stratagems get 50% off on their cool down and call in times, that would make more sense, and less the Helldivers ourselves bring the heat rather than a random bombardment that we can't even see where it will hit...
I was saying we should at least try the other stuff yeah the barrage sucked but like there’s no harm in the cutting supply line feature we could have tested if it autowins gambits or something stupid like that
This DSS feature did not result in piles of unnecessary player kills and frustration, but it is basically the game playing for you. The system seemed to favor targets that were designated? If true at least allows for some player interaction on the ground. Otherwise it is basically the game deleting challenges for the player.
And people called me a noob for taking the strafing run, gatlin cannon, rocket pods and napalm strike. I don't need big booms, I just need something for every situation. And I can spam it :)
Instead of having overt orbital bombardments.The upgrades should give more uses of preexisting stratagems. Laser beams last twice as long multiple uses of orbital railcannon, precision strike, etc. Dont just vomit ordanance over the map, give us more scalpel like abiltiies with orbital stratagems and reserve the hammer techniques for the eagles
DSS is classic Helldivers... unmitigated power that kills friend and foe... we are the divers, we are expendable power that delivers democracy at the end of the sword! Vida, Victa, Vinca,.
Must be nice.. i played a match with the bombardment, got nuked constantly. Played a match with eagle storm, and literally nothing happened. Seen planes flying in the distance but never got fire support.
It will be insanely passive. I think it will Shine once people understand how gambits work and how to abuse it when we have gambits that allow us to take over multiple planets. For now I predict a "While it's nice to have a 5th booster, the fact that it doesn't do much else leaves much to be desired" or some such.
I've been digging the DSS. The bombardment creates so much chaos and fun, it reminds me of the days following release. Yeah, being seconds away form extract with super samples and getting killed by it sucks, but just laugh it off. All the chaos and indiscriminate "effectiveness" of the bombardment fits very well with the thematic universe. And if you load out properly for it (shield pack, heavy armour, explosive dmg reduction, etc). Excited to see what Arrowhead's final plan is, but the constant whining by players that refuse to adapt to the environment/game gets real old.
Well at least they admit it. We held their feet to the fire and it worked, now nobody is holding them to the fire and LO AND BEHOLD the updates immediately after the 60 day plan were as weak as before Don't stop constructive criticism in the comment sections ever, this stuff ACTUALLY WORKS
The Eagle storm have killed me every single mission and I hate feeling lack of agency. It makes the game play itself for me. No, this is not good and does not excuse anything.
Not worth it until the community gets better. Fifth time this week that people kill me to take my mech after I called it in. Rather deal with LoL throwers and quitters than this
"wouldn't it be funny if the DSS would be destroyed" I'd be laughing my Vera Libertas ass off if that happened! I'd hate it for AH because they clearly wanted this to be a massive W, but I'd absolutely laugh my ass off!
Sh*t like this is why Arrowhead will continue adding nothing, broken content and having to fix it later because the community will just "take it back" when all is said and done.
I'm far from disappointed in the DSS. It could be better, but also getting the snot blown out of us is just peak Helldivers to me. I hope that it becomes a platform for the devs to build off of. My question is, why was the development rushed? What have they been working on that's not the DSS?
Arrowhead just be giving the most disappointing things. Liberty day was trash, the dss is trash, they fixed the nerfs but they shouldn't have been there in the first place. Disappointment of a game company and we need to stop gassing them up
@gamerbeast3616 liberty day was gassed up to hell and back making people think the warbond was gonna come out on the day, get good weapons, and have a bunch of cool things added that we have been waiting MONTHS for, and the DSS kills you more than the bots. All you did was saying "nuh uh keep crying" without giving any real reasons and you didn't even acknowledge the nerfs I talked about. Quit glazing companies
Doesn’t change the fact AH massively botched the DSS’ deployment, let alone the Planetary Bombardment. Yes, the Eagle Storm is good, but it doesn’t change the chaos that has been the DSS so far
@@Hadfield15 I think you guys got your hopes way up and the devs if you’ve been playing since the beginning like me always make up for their screw ups so it will be ok just give them time.
The Eagle just finish the mission without me. 10/10
I think they should use the rail cannon strike for the DSS instead of the bombardment. Tactical precision instead of carpet bombing the planet.
Or the Laser Beams. 4-5 Lasers all the time activ all over the map would be hilarious.
maybe the orbital laser XD
MAC round sized explosions fixated on point you designate with the look button that has a desired distance to take effect. They could have it as a strategem of its own on the orbiting planet as a target desgnator. Point, scan, obliterate so long as you're far enough away, just warn your squad first.
Whatever they do, something to limit allowed collateral is needed. I like that beam idea
Thats actually a pretty good idea
The orbital bombardment should be a concentrated barrage directed by the divers. A simple strat beacon would work.
Yeah, we should have agency.
The devs disagree, it should be aimed at the helldivers at all times
Yeah and you can choose between a regular bombardment or… an all at once big explosion volley that can nuke the entire field. And your automatically sent a special shield generator that can tank the blast that shuts off when it finishes
I still dont know why they didnt made it a proper A-10 like BRRRRRT. Missed opportunity imho.
Just download a mod for it
@@Joseph-sg3jz theres a sound mod??
they are it is just going to take time
i am using the mod its amazing
@@justasimplegamer129 aye there's one to turn em into an A-10. Both audio and visually
smiling helmet on your thumbnail is nighmare fuel
it was so unnecessary 😭
It wants to eat you when you go to sleep.
you too huh
Such a fast switchup damn
A day or smth later
The DSS so far had 30% that was bad but everyone said its entirely bad
I prefer to play my games myself, not have the game play itself for me. And every single mission the strafing runs kill me. Not as bad as the bombardment, but still annoying and quite boring. Visually looks quite cool, but not fun gameplay wise.
2/3 is good People: "This sucks"
Fr everyone immediately jumped on a hate train before even checking out the other two options
Feels like your in a clone wars movie with all the eagles in the air
I like that post from twinbeard. Not that I’m the first to say this but while I am disappointed with the DSS it’s not because I’m not glad for new content but because of how long it took to get it, leading to overhyping from the community mixed with lack of explanation from AH. I think maybe in a month- a few months the DSS will be more in line (somewhat) to all the hype that was built around it. Again, we just thought it would have more from the get go because of how long the process was to get it online
Sure, if you gloss over the fact that orbital bombardments are tantamount to a massive griefing attempt
but isnt that a problem of most PVE ord shooters games, like deeprockgalactic, space marine 2, Darktide. they all drop content pretty slow, Helldivers 2 is the one that most content drop of the mencioned early. i think new generations are to mind fried white think like fornite and call of duty that drop content all month be god or bad, but players endure it because they are PVP. so dont think this is a fornite, it while get its content, no reason to overhype leaks that are not even confirmed by the devs or rush things.
@@weir-t7y they're not that bad I literally got through 4 missions without getting hit once lol
you overhyped yuourself
@@fermen6648100% agree. It seems like all these hyping people have never played a life-service PVE-shooter before
Squad was going to take out a jammer so we could take out the damn detector tower, got within 20m of the jammer and the eagles just took it rght out for is. Definitely helped in a pinch.
I know eagles can take out the factories but I didnt know they had enough firepower to hit jammers and eyes
never worked when i threw an eagle at it at least
@shoulderpyro yeah I thought so too but the eagle storm did. We never even got into the jammer base, no hellbomb was called in.
There must've been a fabricator next to the jammer and the eagle took that out. That will take out the jammer.
Yep, haven’t watched vid but know exactly what you are going to say, the dss had a rocky start but this is FUCKING AWESOME, the eagles in the skybox are also peak
With the way these effects are so far, it's basically just spamming stratagem all over the map
This is good, because it should mean that the turnaround for Arrowhead to add new ones fairly quickly before looking into adding more complex ones.
Which would then benefit from the 7 days cooldown. Sure it's annoying when you have 2 choices, but if you have 7? or even 14? then it can really be fun
Just wanna say, that sky box with ship to ship combat is bad ass
The dss just came out. I am pretty sure we will get more weapons for the dss.
I can imagine the bombardment being replaced by eagle airsyrikes, done in a similar manner i.e directed at groups of enemies who are more than say 30 meters from you. The strafing run works, i recon bombs doing the same thing woild also work
I'd say rocket pods would be more in line. My reasoning is as such:
Rail Cannon requires direct line of sight, which the DSS cannot maintain since it can only be at one point at any given time as it needs to support multiple helldiver teams. The only way this could happen is if there was a long cooldown that occurs because you are in its blind spot (ie the other side of the planet). The regular strikes can be arced because they aren't concerned with accuracy but that is exactly the problem people have with it is how inaccurate it is. If they still don't want to give us extra stratagems, I'd just give it the same targeting parameters as the Eagle Storm as you stated. But otherwise, the rocket pods would be far more accurate and give the explosive side of things.
The Eagle Storm likely has the same 150 M effective range centered on the helldiver that the Planetary Bombardment has but it has different targeting parameters where it locks onto the closest enemy and initiates the Strafing run in relation to the helldiver it is originating from (so yes it is possible to get killed by the Eagle storm if you are playing with another diver but it's not likely since you'd need to be in a conga line of death or have melee enemies on you for that to happen)
Imagine the dss drops down seafs footpatrols or even seafs in vehicles... the map would look insane with a company or battalion of soldiers on the map vs bots/bugs.
Bombardment should happen only when encountering heavy post or dropships or when being swarmed within a large area that can be seen on the map.
Rather a walking barrage covering the trail or protecting the front
Just blatanly be a death star or Godzilla minus one breath attack and shoot a giant energy blast that you can hear the charge up,flash a warning before firing it down. Just double the size of the hellbomb explosion asset as the radius/impact and damage
I definitely think the Orbital Bombardment should be confined to a specific area of the map that is highlighted on the mini map. Could be interesting if it moved across the map in a way that players had to decide if they wanted to wait it out, hike around it, or risk going through it. Gives players more of a choice and tactics to interact with the bombardment as they see fit.
They should make DSS orbital strikes just be an instant all at once explosion volley but give the helldivers a very powerful shield generator to cover from the blast. Imagine going in a heavy fortress and calling it in while your squad stands aside, the whole place just gets instantly nuked by 20 380 orbital strikes at the same time
I remember playing the game again for once in a few months, what an immersive battlefield the eagle storm was.
The reason why your extractions are so calm around 9:10 is because all fabricators have been blown up, and new patrols can only spawn in from the edge of the map, but need to be at least 50m away from the Helldivers.
If the Extraction Zone is close to the Edge, they cant spawn all together in that case.
I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed the orbital bombardment 😂
It added an intensity and chaos that was unbridled and fair.
From your profile picture I think I understand why you are okay with intense random unfair situations...
Not all of us have that experience bro XD
@aziouss2863 i mean, don't get me wrong, there were times it was annoying.
I just thought overall it was a chaotic experience that players will talk about for a long time haha
@aziouss2863 Also, I didn't say unfair brother. I said fair. Because even the games I played that resulted in me dying a ton from the bombardment, it was also destroying fabricators and patrols. I would argue that for every friendly death, there were at least 5 enemy deaths.
@@del343434 Oh yeh I called unfair on purpose cus is how I see it.
I have always been... NOT on board with RNG. That is why I dislike playing card games and hate critical chance in mobas etc...
I like to have certitude in games.
IN coop for fun games like hell divers i dont mind it at all and it does introduce some level of fun randomness but ... Bing blow up from orbit from an attack you did no call is my limit for that!
I hear the devs are working on it. The eagle storm after the fix IS AMAZING!
@aziouss2863 oh man I love the eagle storm!
But that's understandable! And it makes sense because I love games with rng like destiny, mtg, etc.
But one thing we can agree on is that the eagle storm is a great step in the right direction for the DSS
I think it was originally a mix of Eagle Air Strikes and Eagle Strafing Runs but someone form AH sprinted to the studio and disabled the Airstrikes so it will only have the Strafing Runs so as to not repeat the Mastia Massacre.
Eagle storm has been quite good.
I've been killed by the DSS strafing once, it blew up an explosive barrel or something near me lol.
Sometimes I get a lot of extraction spawns, sometimes I don't.
The orbital bombardment is silly and amusing lol but it has been ruining my death count as a really stealthy player
I think the eagles are great, but they should add more things like orbital layers with indicators the red beacons or other things like getting bras or static field that would be nice and much much better not to run into a random explosion. And imagine we have to donate everything again
Saw some eagles solo a near max health factory strider. It was crazy. I was playing an operation on helldive as host and averaged 700 kills(with the help of sam site per mission).
I reckon that with the dss orbital bombaddments and eagle storm we could easily do the spread demcoracy missions(when enemy numbers were massive) and that defence mission from the early days that was near impossible with ease
Just wanna say, that sky box with ship to ship combat is bad ass!
I also wanna say, for the previous 380 barrage thing... Fortify/Fortify/Fortufy. Makes all the difference, especially anything with heavy armor. You may take some damage but allot of times it will clear a horde around you. Me and my palls were actually enjoying it and wondering didferent Barrage appications.
Imagine orbital bombardment for Gas, Flame, or even EMS barrageconstantly raining down. Or a rainbow variant with all the SEAF Artillery Shells we have.
Having the bombardment have different elements would also make different resistance armors that don't see much use be more viable for those specifics drops 😊
Sorry but no, forcing divers to take only one type of armor and waste a strat slot on the shield emplacement does not a good mechanic make
@weir-t7y you have the entire roster of the map to play how YOU want with whatever loadout you'd like. This is a section to make a different addition to the day to day gameplay of Helldivers while giving us more leniency with the war and giving us limited control on how to deal with invasions. It's also a foundation to build from and improve.
You don't HAVE TO fight on the DSS active planet if whatever Orbital stratagem is online for the day. Capturing other planets crucial for the war effort can be just as important.
In their defence, weapons and strategies first need proper testing in the field before being approved and they always do ask for our feedback.
The planetary bombardment just had an issue on how it works not the idea of it providing support fire
Yeah, plus its AH.
They listen the community and dont ignore it like others do.
I still think the DSS could be more of a stratagem as well or a power up for stratagems.
Or even work off camera, like giving you a boost of defense/attack when it defend/attack a planet.
The power ups would just increase the stats
I think selecting the kind of barrages or eagles that come in during a mission would be a good idea
For bugs you could have the napalm and walking barrage
For bots you could have the strafing run and rocket pods
The Eagle Storm just proved once & for all why we love Our Lady In The Sky.
The Eagle storm is awesome, it killed many bots around us while we were surrounded
I can only guess that maybe we were supposed to lose the first DSS before completion to give them more time to actually polish it. That aside, I think the eagles broke the dropship call ins. Had lots of runs yesterday before the eagle storm was actually active where we would see the bot drop detected message stuck at the top of the screen for maybe 4-5 minutes and afterwards we would get no bot drops for the longest time
You should be able to change your location vote on the fly also. The game changes too quickly for that slow voting cycle to work.
I just thought of a genius idea. Keep the orbital bombardment exactly the same. But swap it's passive effect for the eagle storms passive effect. That way it forces players to do gambits.
Hopefully with the 380 Barrage... If they want to make it more friendly towards players, might just have to make it like the Volcano kind of things. Where the ground lights up, or there be lasers from the DSS itself, to say 'Hey Diver, a 380 will land here in 5 seconds. Run away.'
The thumbnail??😂
What they can do for the orbital is attack map pinned locations.
The eagle runs should have been what the bombardment was, the cannon shots hitting enemies near the divers, not the area around the divers at random getting friendly fire
Barrages definitely need work but the eagle storm was a nice change of pace, this is how it should be
Happy to see something Postive about the DSS, true it could have been way better but its still New so ill give it time
Lets just hope they change the bombardment. It would be cool if it was around the map like how the info says, and not around one helldiver that the game chooses to be the center of the barrage. Also a way of alert about where every explosive is going to land would be really good. Just stick a strat laser to the head of every shell and thats it xD
Or they could just change the barrage and replace it with 3 or 4 orbital lasers going rampant around the map. At least you can sort of predict where the laser is going
I think the orbital bombardment should instead be precision strikes. Much easier to deal with
They probably changed it to eagle strafing runs because unlike eagle airstrikes, eagle strafing runs directly target enemy troops as they home in. Eagle Airstrikes would probably create the hilarious effect we had with the orbital bombardment that everyone would be getting eagle striked to the next life 😂😂
i think the borbardment should auto target enemys medium / large targets and structures , also target squads of enemys. ouf of a certain range of the players. to avoid problems
Hope they consider adding Pelican close air support as another DSS tactical action
We were not wrong, it's just that devs didn't fuck up this ability of the DSS.
If they don't fix the orbital when it's used next, it's going to muck up things again.
this is why you never judge a book by its cover early
Eagle storm is great, but Instead of the bombardment I would like to see that while the ability is active, all stratagems get 50% off on their cool down and call in times, that would make more sense, and less the Helldivers ourselves bring the heat rather than a random bombardment that we can't even see where it will hit...
I was saying we should at least try the other stuff yeah the barrage sucked but like there’s no harm in the cutting supply line feature we could have tested if it autowins gambits or something stupid like that
This DSS feature did not result in piles of unnecessary player kills and frustration, but it is basically the game playing for you. The system seemed to favor targets that were designated? If true at least allows for some player interaction on the ground. Otherwise it is basically the game deleting challenges for the player.
And people called me a noob for taking the strafing run, gatlin cannon, rocket pods and napalm strike. I don't need big booms, I just need something for every situation. And I can spam it :)
DSS Eagle storms, The payment for loving managed democracy!
Probably need to upgrade the DSS as a community to make it better.
Now they need to fix the bombardment to rail gun shots.
Instead of having overt orbital bombardments.The upgrades should give more uses of preexisting stratagems.
Laser beams last twice as long
multiple uses of orbital railcannon, precision strike, etc.
Dont just vomit ordanance over the map, give us more scalpel like abiltiies with orbital stratagems and reserve the hammer techniques for the eagles
I missed the orbital bombardment i feel like i missed out on all the friendly fire lol 😂
DSS is classic Helldivers... unmitigated power that kills friend and foe... we are the divers, we are expendable power that delivers democracy at the end of the sword! Vida, Victa, Vinca,.
I dont fully understand it but does the third one mean that attacks cant be launched from the planet the dss is on?
I wonder what kind of upgrade we will get for super samples?...
So, from what I can gather the Planetary Bombardment is broken, but the Eagle Storm is fine?
Eagle storm is legit --king AWESOME!
I felt orbital bombardment should be walking barrage. Less friendly kills.
Must be nice.. i played a match with the bombardment, got nuked constantly. Played a match with eagle storm, and literally nothing happened. Seen planes flying in the distance but never got fire support.
I'm curious what people and creators will think of the last active action that we have to test
It will be insanely passive. I think it will Shine once people understand how gambits work and how to abuse it when we have gambits that allow us to take over multiple planets. For now I predict a "While it's nice to have a 5th booster, the fact that it doesn't do much else leaves much to be desired" or some such.
They must have tweaked it because I seen the game play as soon as it started and all it was, was a bunch of eagle planes flying with no interaction
I've been digging the DSS. The bombardment creates so much chaos and fun, it reminds me of the days following release. Yeah, being seconds away form extract with super samples and getting killed by it sucks, but just laugh it off. All the chaos and indiscriminate "effectiveness" of the bombardment fits very well with the thematic universe. And if you load out properly for it (shield pack, heavy armour, explosive dmg reduction, etc).
Excited to see what Arrowhead's final plan is, but the constant whining by players that refuse to adapt to the environment/game gets real old.
Well at least they admit it. We held their feet to the fire and it worked, now nobody is holding them to the fire and LO AND BEHOLD the updates immediately after the 60 day plan were as weak as before
Don't stop constructive criticism in the comment sections ever, this stuff ACTUALLY WORKS
I think the dss should give a free stratagem to us every day to change up the gameplay.
Just donated my spare 50k I had lying around to the orbital blockade. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!
why can the eagles actually target enemies but the orbitals cant
Instead of a 380 it should be the laser orbital
ima need to slip in eagle 1 pilot dms after this
DSS guns are being manned by Chaosdivers
Never doubt the DSS
the people who hate the orbital bombardment jus't cant enjoy some Krieg time
i just want a pelican fire support stratagem or pelican swarm lol
Idk why anyone would use the 380 from the beginning. That shit’s been a liability for the beginning smh lol
It wasn't working yesterday right after activation, so I quit after 2 test matches. Better invest my time improving that sweet Neo-Volkite Pistol.
It’s just an over glorified laser point it ain’t worth it with bolter meta lol
Finally, War.
The Eagle storm have killed me every single mission and I hate feeling lack of agency. It makes the game play itself for me. No, this is not good and does not excuse anything.
We still have no control of it.
Bro we are not supposed to, it’s really good and it completely destroye
I would just make the eagle storm a Stratagem.
That’s what you call premature opinions.
Idk if this completely redeemed arrowhead lol
this looks waay better then the constant boombomboom!
and the straving run is one of my favorite strategems to have with you, just suuper versatile!
It's not insane. It's just good. I can do the same thing with a walking garage and a grenade launcher
Yeah no. Destroying the DSS would be incredibly lame. Took us months of MO's to build it. Not again...
Not worth it until the community gets better. Fifth time this week that people kill me to take my mech after I called it in.
Rather deal with LoL throwers and quitters than this
??? I’ve never had that happen and I’ve got 300 hours
@ I’m fucking sick of it
With DSS game plays for you its not good decision
"wouldn't it be funny if the DSS would be destroyed"
I'd be laughing my Vera Libertas ass off if that happened!
I'd hate it for AH because they clearly wanted this to be a massive W, but I'd absolutely laugh my ass off!
Sh*t like this is why Arrowhead will continue adding nothing, broken content and having to fix it later because the community will just "take it back" when all is said and done.
I'm far from disappointed in the DSS. It could be better, but also getting the snot blown out of us is just peak Helldivers to me. I hope that it becomes a platform for the devs to build off of. My question is, why was the development rushed? What have they been working on that's not the DSS?
I will come back to the game when I customize my armor and guns with colors etcetera and we have AI controlled teammates see you
this is why people need to stop crydiving and listening to crydiving content creators... dss sucks this is great.. ah sucks oh its great again.
Arrowhead just be giving the most disappointing things. Liberty day was trash, the dss is trash, they fixed the nerfs but they shouldn't have been there in the first place. Disappointment of a game company and we need to stop gassing them up
libertyday was okay ofc i have no idea what you were expecting from it and the DSS is not trash so umm keep crying
@gamerbeast3616 liberty day was gassed up to hell and back making people think the warbond was gonna come out on the day, get good weapons, and have a bunch of cool things added that we have been waiting MONTHS for, and the DSS kills you more than the bots. All you did was saying "nuh uh keep crying" without giving any real reasons and you didn't even acknowledge the nerfs I talked about. Quit glazing companies
Everyone overreacted
If you're wondering, I'm the one controlling the strafing runs because you know I'm THE ONLY TRUE GOD
Told y’all overreacting after day 1
Eagle strikes saved the dss
Doesn’t change the fact AH massively botched the DSS’ deployment, let alone the Planetary Bombardment. Yes, the Eagle Storm is good, but it doesn’t change the chaos that has been the DSS so far
@@Hadfield15 dindt botch it at all
@@Hadfield15 I think you guys got your hopes way up and the devs if you’ve been playing since the beginning like me always make up for their screw ups so it will be ok just give them time.
This game blows, Overwatch is where it’s at. Now and Forever ♾️
@chipmunk1227 please never comment anything ever again for the rest of eternity.
No. Shut up.